News from across the sponsored by: , Cross Roads & Parish Council June—July 2017 Sheila's World of Wellness

Come do Yoga at: West Lane Baptist Church, Haworth: Tuesday @ 9.30 & 11 am Farfield House, North Street, Thursday @ 11.00am & 5.30pm ~~~~~~~ Coming soon: Ayurveda (Perfect Health) Programme Relaxation Training Programme

For more information call Sheila today on 01535 648761 or 07799 437174 or visit www.worldofwellness.co.uk Chairman’s Piece YOUR PARISH COUNCILLORS I was pleased to be elected to serve a further year as Chair Haworth Ward Cross Roads Ward of the Parish Council at our recent Parish Council Gary Swallow (Chair) Tito Arana Meeting. The Parish Council faces a tough year ahead 01535 647066 0781 1263830 with some difficult decisions to be made in response to [email protected] [email protected] Council’s ongoing cuts to services in our Trudy Mahon (Vice Chair) Peter Clarke villages. However, I feel confident that we are now in a 01535 648067 01535 647465 [email protected] strong position with a full complement of Parish [email protected]

Councillors with a wide range of skills and experience, Alan Watts Stanbury Ward who can guide us through this process. 01535 645168 Sarah Cotton We have already begun work on assessing all options in terms of the future of the [email protected] [email protected] two toilet blocks in Haworth, once Bradford Council remove financial support in Alan Woodward

April 2018. I personally believe that these facilities are imperative to maintaining 07531 988390 Clerk/RFO to the Council Haworth’s tourism industry, which in turn employs and supports individuals [email protected] Lisa Balderstone across the three villages. However, we will seek the public's opinion on this issue. David Mahon Worth Valley Contact Point, If we are to increase the precept and ask the public to contribute financially to the 01535 648067 28 Changegate, Haworth toilet, we must be confident that the people of the Parish see this as a priority. We [email protected] BD22 8DY have already begun an online consultation which can be accessed via the Parish Angel Kershaw 07944 298124 Council’s Facebook page. We will also be undertaking further research during the 07765 555104 01535 644001 course of this year but please do get in touch with the Clerk if you have any [email protected] [email protected] strong views regarding this matter, or indeed any expertise in this area which may David Senior

01535 642057 assist us. Assistant Clerk [email protected] Margaret Smith On 30th April, I was delighted to be asked to take part in the unveiling of Craig Sarah Garner 01535 644001 07734802018 Dyson’s new sculpture in the ‘Memorial Garden’ within Haworth Central Park. 07505 142 383 The sculpture was commissioned by the Friends of Haworth Park group, and [email protected] [email protected] made possible thanks to a grant from Haworth, Cross Roads & Stanbury Parish Andy Longden Council's participatory budgeting scheme. 07751 841929 The sculpture is over three metres tall and has been designed so engraved [email protected] The Parish Council does not endorse products padlocks can be fitted to its lower levels in memory of loved ones. or services advertised within this newsletter. As the wing becomes full, it is planned for the padlocks to be removed and joined Bradford Councillors for the together to create smaller artworks within the garden, to make space for future Published at memories. Worth Valley District Worth Valley Contact Point At the unveiling Gill Hill on behalf of the Friends of the Park explained that Contact Details 28 Changegate, Haworth BD22 8DY environmentalists had been concerned that members of the public had placed Cllr Glen Miller seats and inappropriate planting on the moors above Haworth in remembrance of Tel: 01535 644001 01535 600344 loved ones. So the Friends of Haworth Park, with Bradford Council's Parks & [email protected] Landscapes Department, decided to create a memory garden in the park, to Cllr Rebecca Poulsen include a way for people to leave a small memorial to remember loved ones. 01535 647756 Open Tuesday—Friday Cllr Russell Brown 12 noon—4pm 01535 646074

19 2

The wish became a reality, following a grant from the Parish C o u n c i l ' s Participatory Budget Fund, enabling the F r i e n d s t o Christine Harker commission international sculptor Foot Health Practitioner Craig Dyson to create an artwork as FOOT HEALTH CARE CLINIC the centrepiece for the Memory Garden 33 Sun Street, Haworth BD22 8BS Project." L-R: Gill Hill, Craig Dyson, Cllr Gary Swallow & Jill Buchanan Revealing the thinking 07504 714072 behind his sculpture, Craig Dyson said, the name 'The Meet' suggests a collection of memories and moments coming together to create a communal artwork. The sculpture took over one year to create and it represents a wing, both angelic and bird like. It suggests hope, freedom and remembrance in its raw form but is yet NATURAL REMEDIES unfinished. It requires the public’s involvement and attachment of padlocks to represent an individual memory or moment. Made for all types of problems It has been fabricated from half a ton of marine-grade stainless steel. This Healing—Free of Charge sculpture is built to last, to provide a facility to meet and share moments for Est.1997 Haworth generations to come." The Memory Garden is still being developed, with the first seats now in place

and further landscaping planned. This project was of course funded by the Parish Council’s Participatory Budget Scheme, following on the success of last’s year fund, the Participatory Budget Creams and Teas Scheme has been rebranded the ‘Community Chest’ fund and £22,000 has been Free local delivery allocated to be shared across the three villages for 2017/2018. We have been delighted at the response to this year’s fund, we have received 11 applications (Wholesale Prices available) from Haworth, 2 from Cross Roads and 2 from Stanbury. This means that Psychic Reading/Palmistry Public Voting Sessions will be held in each of the three villages, in June One hour reading £30 at Haworth [please see page 12/13 for full details]. Projects have been brought forward from a variety of groups and organisations including, Haworth and Stanbury Parties by arrangement Primary Schools, the Friends of Cross Roads and Haworth Parks, Haworth 1960’s Committee and the Old School Rooms. Please come along to the voting Tel 01535 644833 / 07807998537 sessions to support these groups and ensure that we have a good voting session. [email protected] See the Parish Council’s annual report on pages 14/15

18 3 There are lots of ways to contact the Police. As well as 999 (in an emergency) and 101 for non urgent incidents, why not go to: www.westyorkshire.police.uk/contactus Where you will see the icons displayed below. You can find more information and help yourself with lots of issues.

4 17 Copy dates for the next editions Deadline for Aug/Sept .....21st July Oct/Nov.....22nd Sept Free What’s On entries for all community groups Adverts for businesses Full A5 page- £40 1/2 A5 page- £20, 1/4 A5 page- £10 Community Groups– half price HELP! New distributors wanted If you can deliver even just a few in your street please contact 28 Changegate, Haworth BD22 8DY (01535) 644001 [email protected]

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www.free-myself.com 07775 616696 01535 642815 16 5 significantly in order to secure their Village Hall, Library, Toilets, Parks and Green Spaces. We were keen to hear how this has been managed and were very impressed by what we saw. It is clear that if we want to secure the future of our three villages we must take responsibility for doing so ourselves, sadly the days of Bradford Council providing these services for us are now gone. I would be very keen to hear public views on this matter, please get in touch with any comments. The one project which has taken place this year, which I am particularly proud of is the Participatory Budget Scheme, which saw £20,000 made available for local groups and organisations to bid for. The schemes brought forward are then put to the public vote at an Open Meeting, meaning that the decision making on Council spending really is placed back in the public’s hand. We were unsure of how the scheme might be received and had always viewed 2016/2017 as a pilot year for this. However, the scheme was a great success with a wide diversity of groups receiving funding from us. The Friends of Haworth and Cross Roads Parks were awarded a significant amount of funding to continue their work, the Village Hall Committee were provided with a laptop and were supported to improve the access to the Village Hall. In Stanbury we were able to continue the fortnightly Lengthsman service and Cross Roads Brownies were assisted with a sleepover at the Deep in Hull. It was great to see so many groups getting involved in the scheme. Due to this success, the scheme has been extended to provide £22,000 across the Parish for 2017/2018 and has been rebranded the ‘Community Chest’ in the hope of appealing to as a wider cross section of the Community as possible. The formation of our Neighbourhood Development Plan continues to progress under the lead of Councillor Tito Arana, who has kindly taken on the Chair of the Neighbourhood Development Plan Steering Group, following John Huxley’s departure. A Housing Needs Survey has recently been circulated to every household in the Parish as part of this work, as it is imperative that we factor the needs and wishes of our community into the plan. We are hopeful that the Neighbourhood Development Plan will reach its conclusion towards the end of the year. As Bradford Council moves to approve the Community Infrastructure Levy, it is imperative that we have a Neighbourhood Development Plan in place to ensure that a percentage of funding received from developers is passed to the Parish Council to help us fund the type of projects highlighted earlier in my report. In April 2016, the Parish Council agreed to take Haworth Community Centre on a tenancy at will arrangement from Bradford Council. The Community Centre, which has now been rebranded as ‘Haworth Village Hall’ has since been operated on our behalf by a Management Committee, who are working hard to secure the buildings future. The Committee are currently in the process of applying for Charitable Status, which will provide them with access to further funding streams to hopefully allow a full redevelopment of the building. Councillor Angel Kershaw serves as our representative on the Management Committee and we are working closely with the group to assess the viability of the building and its future. We also continue to run the Worth Valley Police and Community Contact Point and I would like to thank the Contact Point’s Co-ordinator Mrs Margaret Smith for her excellent work. I would like to thank Councillor Trudy Mahon for her support as my deputy during the year and all the councillors for their diligence and support. Last but not least I would like to sincerely thank our Clerk, Lisa Balderstone whose help and support has been invaluable. As I mentioned earlier it has not been an easy year for the Council but I believe we have emerged from adversity ready to move forward and serve the community at an even higher level.

15 6 Annual Report 2016/2017 from Haworth, Cross Roads and Stanbury Parish Council

This year has seen a period of significant change for the Parish Council. In July, we said goodbye to two of our most long serving and key members of Council, Councillors John Huxley and Peter Hill. John and Peter had served on the Parish Council for a significant number of years both serving as Chair for an 8 year term. This was a huge loss to the Parish Council, their knowledge and expertise cannot be easily replaced. I would like to publically thank John and Peter for their considerable efforts and commitment to the Parish. We also said goodbye to Councillors Connor Hughes, James Hutton and Ashna Yates during the year, who all resigned from Council due to their own personal circumstances. This left us with five vacancies at one point and this has impacted on the amount of work we have been able to undertake. I was elected Chair of the Council in the Autumn and my first priority was to rebuild the Council back to a full complement of twelve members. I am very pleased to report that we have been successful in doing so and have been able to recruit five very experienced and talented new members in Councillors Sarah Cotton, Sarah Garner, Andy Longden, David Mahon and David Senior. All are very active in the community and will already be known by many in the Community. Once we had a full Council back in place, I was keen that we met for a detailed Action Planning Session to decide what our priorities for the Parish are to be both in the long and short term. We acknowledged that the landscape is changing dramatically for Parish Councils and we must be prepared and able to take on the challenges which lie ahead. Following this session an Action Plan was produced, with all members being given key areas of responsibility and projects to progress. The document will become our working plan which will be reviewed and evaluated over the year and includes some very exciting projects, such as the formation of a Youth Council. We are very aware of Bradford Council’s intention to continue to withdraw from services in our area due to their ongoing financial constraints. As such we are working closely with Bradford Council to look at how we can work in partnership to ensure that residents receive as high a level of service as possible. An example of these new ways of working, is the flowerbeds in Haworth Central Park. Bradford Council can no longer continue to fund the level of planting which we had seen previously and had indicated an intention to grass over the beds. However, through negotiation we have agreed to fund the plants, which will be obtained at cost price, through Bradford Council and will be planted and maintained by the Friends of the Park Group and Haworth Primary School Gardening Club. Bradford Council has stated its intention to withdraw funding support for the two toilet blocks in Haworth from 1st April 2018. We recognise the importance of these facilities to Haworth’s tourist industry and the potential impact on the local economy. Therefore, we are about to commission a feasibility study to consider the possibility of coordinating the running of these facilities more locally. The future of Haworth Visitor Information Centre is also in doubt, we have engaged fully with the recent consultation regarding the future of this facilities and will continue to represent the Parish in ongoing discussions. All of these projects do of course cost money and whilst we have been very keen to ensure that our Precept request should not rise significantly to date, we may be in a position going forward where we may be forced to implement a significant rise to ensure that our villages continue to thrive. Myself and the Clerk, have recently visited Burley in Parish Council, who have increased their Precept 7 14 NEIL YOUNG Lock & Safe Company Local Locksmith available 24 hours Insurance approved “snapsafe” cylinders fitted.

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8 13 Computer Links

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- & Surrounding 07941 076321 Areas 07543 161881 Please contact me for a free quote: 07851284845 [email protected] 9 12 WHAT’S ON ACROSS THE WORTH VALLEY ONGOING WEEKLY EVENTS JUNE Thursday 22nd June 7.30pm Friday 14th July 7.30pm Antique & Collectors Soc. West Lane Baptist Church Every Saturday 1.00pm - 4.00pm Friday 2nd June 7.30pm Trip to Tennants Auctioneers Film: Hidden Figures (PG) Hall Green Book Point West Lane Baptist Church Spaces still available. Adults £4 Children & students £2 Christian book shop Tel: 649154 Film: La La Land 12A For info ring Jo on 01535 645275 Sunday 16th July 10.30am Adults £4, Children & students £2 Every Monday 1.00 - 3pm Friday 23rd June 7.30pm Hog Holes Brow 6 miles (9.7km) Saturday 3rd June 7.30pm Lees Methodist Church Craft & Chat West Lane Baptist Church Meet Barbara Walker at the junction of Parkside Social Club £3 on door Group £1 with refreshments. Haworth Sixties Weekend Halifax Road (A629) and Haworth Rd Groovy Happenings featuring: Box Jellys— Knitting, tatting, crocheting, The Beatles: Eight Days a Week (12A) (A6033) at Cross Roads & Lees. General James Blakk—Liam Newton—Blind Every Monday &Tuesday Sat/Sunday 24th/25th June Circumnavigate Catstones Hill in an area of Danny Lemon. Haworth Village & Central Park many farms & disused quarries—including a Hall Green Chapel 9-11am Saturday 3rd June 7.30pm Haworth 60s weekend. section of the Worth Way. Little Rainbows Baby & Toddler West Lane Methodist Church Saturday 24th June 7.30pm Sunday 16th July 2pm-4pm Group. Tel. Gill 01535 646344 Slaithwaite Brass Band Concert with St Michael’s & All Angels Church Haworth Central Park Every Wednesday 6.30pm- 7.30pm Conductor Rob Westacott. Gerry & The Hat Tricks GMC Jazz Band Haworth Park Bradford Run £2 per Doors open 6.30pm Entry £5 pay on door Big Band playing mainly 60s music Wednesday 26th July 7.30pm Tea & biscuits £1 in support of Sue Ryder run For more info contact Janet Tel: Admission £8More info: Ring Jens 01535 Haworth Cross Roads & Stanbury P. C. Manorlands Hospice. Everyone welcome. 07756560765 644444 Haworth Village Hall, Sunday 11th June 11am Every Wednesday & Friday Planning & Environment Meetings Railway Children walk 6 miles (9.7km) JULY Haworth Riding for the Disabled Thursday 27th July 7.30pm Meet Ken John Allen at Haworth Visitor Saturday 1st July 7.30pm After school club & holiday club for Oxenhope Antique & Collectors Soc. Information centre at 11am. Visiting various Parkside Social Club £3 on door Graham Alcock from disabled children & adults locations from the film. Groovy Happenings featuring: The Low Colour Vision talk Sponsored by Awards For All Monday 12th June 7.30pm River Band—Emily Falls—Ben Jordan— For info ring Jo on 01535 645275 Contact: [email protected] Haworth, Cross Roads & Stanbury PC Felka— Ben Blue Waters Friday 28th July 7.30pm 01535 649448 (charity: 1086421) , Stanbury Sunday 2nd July West Lane Baptist Church 1st Wednesday of the month Community Chest Voting meeting Oxenhope Straw Race in aid of Film: Moonlight (15) Monday 12th June 7.30pm Manorlands Worth Reading Book Group 7.30pm Sunday 30th July Stanbury & District W.I Monday 3rd July 7.00pm The Old White Lion. Do you enjoy Harness Racing West Lane Baptist Church Haworth Cross Roads & Stanbury PC reading? If so do come along. Fur- Haworth Road, How to make your life better Haworth Village Hall ther info: from Jo on 01535 645275 Www.bronte-vintage-gathering.co.uk Comp: A healthy recipe Full Parish Council Meeting New members always welcome. Wednesday 14th June 7.30pm Saturday 8th July Forthcoming event Every Thursday 8pm Haworth Cross Roads & Stanbury Pc Cross Roads Village & Park Haworth, Oxenhope, Lees and Cross Keighley Amateur Radio Society Haworth Village Hall Cross Roads Gala Roads Gardeners and Allotment Holders The Old Sun Inn, West Lane, Mem- Planning & Environment Committee Mtgs Sunday 9th July Association will hold their 99th annual bers new and old welcome. Saturday 17th June 10am-12 Sue Ryder Manorlands flower, vegetable and produce show on For more info: Haworth, Cross Roads & Stanbury P Council. Annual Garden Party in the hospice Sunday the 27th of August in the Community Chest Voting grounds Free parking and admission [email protected] Haworth Village Hall, Butt Lane. The Haworth Village Hall Haworth 1pm-3pm Monday 10th July 7.30pm Every Thursday 10am -12 noon subjects for the photography classes are Lees Methodist Church 10am-12noon Stanbury & District WI Hall Green Baptist Church, sunrise and sunset and any subject in Wednesday 21st June West Lane Baptist Church Coffee Morning. For information Black and White or sepia. Photos must Sue Ryder Manorlands Play & Sing Along with a Ukulele ring Gill on 01535 646344 not include borders or mountings. Solstice Saunter 5 mile run with the Comp: A musical instrument Dodgers Running Club Www.sueryder.org/solsticesaunter 11 10