Research on Humanities and Social Sciences ISSN (Paper)2224-5766 ISSN (Online)2225-0484 (Online) Vol.5, No.6, 2015 The Critics’ Views on E.M. Forster’s Fiction Prof. Aziz Hamzah Majan Department of English Language and Literature, Faculty of Arts, Zarqa University - Jordan
[email protected] Abstract Forster has been exposed to an unfair attack of criticism. Critics Views on Forster are consistent. One group is pro-Forsrtersim, and the other is anti-Forsterism. Nevertheless, both groups agree that Forster has produced artistic work. Forster's art reached its climax in A Passage to India. His critics found Forster divided in his vision and inclined to be over – anxious in presenting it. Other critics accused Forster that his symbols are not meaningful. These critics went far in considering Forster a vague and boring writer. In fact, there are two schools of Forester’s critics: English and American. The British trend, headed by F.R. Leavis, regards Forster as a social writer. The American, headed by Lionel Trilling, looks upon Forster as a romantic writer. However, neither school has investigated the philosophy of Forster’s concern with human relationships. In fact, Forster has been really wronged by some critics. I admit that during his life Forster did not develop a social message. He did not get himself involved in the political, economical and social matters of his time. He belonged to the group that believed in art for art’s sake. If one discusses Forster from that angle, one might think of him as a quite remarkable writer.