
Ahsanullah et al. Journal of Statistical Distributions and Applications (2015) 2:15 DOI 10.1186/s40488-015-0037-5

RESEARCH Open Access Characterizations of folded student’s t distribution M. Ahsanullah1, M. Shakil2* and B. M. Golam Kibria3

*Correspondence:[email protected] 2Miami Dade College, Hialeah, FL Abstract 33012, USA Full list of author information is A distribution can be characterized through various methods. In this available at the end of the article paper, we have established some new characterizations of folded Student’s t distribution by truncated first , order and upper record values. It is hoped that the results will be quite useful in the fields of probability, statistics, and other applied sciences. Keywords: Characterization, Folded student’s t distribution, Order statistics, Reverse hazard rate, Truncated first moment, Upper record values 2010 Subject Classifications: 60E05, 62E10, 62E15, 62G30

1. Introduction Characterization of a plays an important role in probability and statistics. Before a particular probability distribution model is applied to fit the real world , it is necessary to confirm whether the given continuous probability distri- bution satisfies the underlying requirements by its characterization. A probability dis- tribution can be characterized through various methods (see, for example, Ahsanullah et al. (2014), among others). Since the characterizations of probability distributions play an important part in the determination of distributions by using certain properties in the given data, there has been a great interest, in recent years, in the characteriza- tions of probability distributions by truncated moments. For example, the development of the general theory of the characterizations of probability distributions by truncated moment began with the work of Galambos and Kotz (1978). Further development con- tinued with the contributions of many authors and researchers, among them Kotz and Shanbhag (1980), Glänzel et al. (1984), and Glänzel (1987) are notable. Most of these characterizations are based on a simple relationship between two different moments truncated from the left at the same point. As pointed out by Glänzel (1987), these characterizations may serve as a for estimation. The characterizations by truncated moments may also be useful in developing some goodness-of-fit tests of distributions by using data whether they satisfy certain properties given in the cha- racterizations of distributions. For example, as pointed out by Kim and Jeon (2013), in , the credibility theory proposed by Bühlmann (1967) allows actuaries to estimate the conditional loss for a given to establish an adequate pre- mium to cover the insured’s loss. In their paper, Kim and Jeon (2013) have proposed a credibility theory based on of the loss data, or the trimmed mean, which

© 2015 Ahsanullah et al. Open Access This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the Creative Commons license, and indicate if changes were made. Ahsanullah et al. Journal of Statistical Distributions and Applications (2015) 2:15 Page 2 of 11

also contains the classical credibility theory of Bühlmann (1967) as a special case. It appears from the literature that not much attention has been paid to the characterization of the folded Student’s t distribution with n degrees of freedom. For the folded Student’s t distribution with n = 2 degrees of freedom, the interested readers are referred to Ahsanullah et al. (2014). In this paper, motivated by the im- portance of the Student’s t distribution in many practical problems when only the magnitudes of deviations are recorded and the signs of the deviations are ignored, we have established some new characterizations of folded Student’s t distribution by truncated first moment, order statistics and upper record values, which, we hope, will be useful for practitioners and researchers in the fields of probability, statistics, and other applied sciences, such as, actuarial science, economics, finance, among others. The organization of this paper is as follows. Section 2 discusses briefly the folded Student’s t distribution and some of its properties. The characterizations of the folded Student’s t distribution are presented in section 3. The concluding remarks are pro- vided in Section 4. We have provided two lemmas in Appendix A (as Lemma A.1 and Lemma A.2) to prove the main results of the paper.

2. Folded student’s t distribution and its distributional properties In this section, we briefly discuss the folded Student’s t distribution and some of its dis- tributional properties.

2.1 Folded student’s t distribution An important class of probability distributions, known as the folded distributions, arises in many practical problems when only the magnitudes of deviations are re- corded, and the signs of the deviations are ignored. The folded Student’s t distribu- tion is one such probability distribution which belongs to this class. It is related to the Student’s t distribution in the sense that if Y is a distributed having Student’s t distribution, then the random variable X =|Y|issaidtohavea folded Student’s t distribution. The distribution is called folded because the prob- ability mass (that is, area) to the left of the point x = 0 is folded over by taking the absolute value. As pointed out above, such a case may be encountered if only the magnitude of some random variable is recorded, without taking into consideration its sign (that is, its direction). Further, this distribution is used when the - ment system produces only positive measurements, from a normally distributed process. The folded Student’s t distribution was developed by Psarakis and Panaretoes (1990). For details on the folded Student’s t distribution, see Johnson et al. (1994). For some bivariate extension of the folded Student’s t distribution, the interested readers are referred to Psarakis and Panaretos (2001). Recently, many researchers have studied the statistical methods dealing with the properties and applications of the folded Student’s t distribution, among them Brazauskas and Kleefeld (2011, 2014), and Scollnik (2014), are notable. Definition: Let Y be a random variable having the Student’s t distribution with n degrees of freedom. Let X =|Y|. Then X has a folded Student’s t distribution with n

degrees of freedom and its pdf fX(x) is given by Ahsanullah et al. Journal of Statistical Distributions and Applications (2015) 2:15 Page 3 of 11

−ðÞn þ 1 2 x2 2 f ðÞx ¼ pffiffiffiffi ÀÁ1 þ ; x > 0; ð1Þ X n ; 1 n B 2 2 n

where B (., .) denotes the beta ; see, for example, Gradshteyn and Ryzhik (1980), among others. To describe the shapes of the folded Student’s t distribution, the plots of the pdf (1) for some values of the parameter n are provided in Fig. 1.The effects of the parameter can easily be seen from these graphs. Similar plots can be drawn for others values of the .

2.2 Moment of folded student’s t distribution For n =1,E (X) and E (X2) do not exist for the folded Student’s t distribution having the pdf (1). When n >1,themean,E (X), the second moment, E (X2), and the , Var (X), for the folded Student’s t distribution having the pdf (1), are respectively given as follows (see, for example, Psarakis & Panaretoes (1990)):

8  þ > n 1 <> rffiffiffi Γ n 2 ðÞ¼ 2 ; n > 1; EX > π n > ðÞn − 1 Γ : 2 ∞; n ¼ 1 ð2Þ

ÀÁ n EX2 ¼ ; n > 2 n − 2


Fig. 1 Plots of the folded student’s t distribution pdf Ahsanullah et al. Journal of Statistical Distributions and Applications (2015) 2:15 Page 4 of 11

8 2 3 > þ 2 > Γ n 1 <> 6 7 n 4n 6 2 7 ðÞ¼ − 4  5 ; n > 2; ð Þ Var X > n − 2 πðÞ− 2 Γ n 3 > n 1 :> 2 ∞; n ≤ 2

where Γ(.) denotes the gamma function. Now, noting the following well-known asymp- totic relation  ΓðÞx þ α lim →∞ ¼ 1 x xα ΓðÞx

for real α and x, see, for example, Wendel (1948), and Abramowitz and Stegun (1970), page 257, 6.1.46, among others, and using this in the above expressions (2)and(3)forE (X) and Var (X) respectively, it can easily be seen that, in the limit, we have the following: "#rffiffiffi ÀÁ rffiffiffi Γ nþ1 n 2 ÀÁ 2 limn→∞EXðÞ¼limn→∞ 2 ¼ ≈0:79789; π ðÞn − 1 Γ n π and 2 ()"# ÀÁ2 Γ nþ1 n 4n 2 2 lim →∞VarðÞ¼ X lim →∞ − ÀÁ ¼ 1− n n − πðÞ− 2 Γ n π n 2 n 1 2 ¼ π−2≈ : : π 0 36338

For more distributional properties of folded Student’s t distribution, the interested readers are referred to Psarakis and Panaretoes (1990), and Johnson et al. (1994), among others.

3. Characterization of folded student’s t distribution In this section, we present some new characterizations of folded Student’s t distribution by truncated first moment, order statistics and upper record values, as given below.

3.1 Characterization by truncated first moment The characterizations of folded Student’s t distribution by truncated first moment are provided below. Assumption 3.1: Suppose the random variable X is absolutely continuous with the cumulative distribution function F(x) and the probability density function f(x). We as- sume that γ = inf { x | F (x) > 0} , and δ = sup { x | F (x) < 1} . We also assume that E(X) exists. Theorem 3.1.1: If the random variable X satisfies the Assumption 3.1 with γ = 0 and

δ ∞ ≤ τ τ ðÞ ¼ fxðÞ ðÞ ¼ n = , then E (X|X x)=g (x) (x), where x FxðÞ and gx n − 1  n þ 1  þ x2 2 − þ x2 ; ’ 1 n 1 n if and only if X has the folded Student s t distribution with the pdf as given in Eq. (1).

Proof: Suppose that E (X|X ≤ x)=g (x) τ (x). Then, since E ðXXj ≤ xÞ¼ Z Z x x ufðÞ u du ufðÞ u du 0 ; τ ðÞ ¼ fxðÞ; ðÞ ¼ 0 : FxðÞ and x FxðÞ we have gx fxðÞ Now, if the random Ahsanullah et al. Journal of Statistical Distributions and Applications (2015) 2:15 Page 5 of 11

variable X satisfies the Assumption 3.1 and has the folded Student’s t distribution as given in Eq. (1), then, after simplification, we have Z x ufðÞ u du n þ 1 Z −n þ 1 x2 2 x u2 2 gxðÞ ¼ 0 ¼ 1 þ u 1 þ du fxðÞ n n "#0 n þ 1  n x2 2 x2 ¼ 1 þ − 1 þ : n − 1 n n  n þ 1  ðÞ ¼ n þ x2 2 − þ x2 : Conversely, suppose that gx n − 1 1 n 1 n Then, after differentiation, we have () n − 1 2 2 = n n þ 1 x 2x g ðÞx ¼ x 1 þ − : n − 1 n n n Using the above expressions for g (x) and g/(x), after simplification, we obtain

− x − g=ðÞx ðÞn þ 1 x2 1 ¼ − x 1 þ : gxðÞ n n

Consequently, by using Lemma A.1, we obtain

= − f ðÞx ðÞn þ 1 x2 1 ¼ − x 1 þ : fxðÞ n n

On integrating the above equation with respect to x, we obtain −n þ 1 ðÞ ¼ þ x2 2 ; fx c 1 n where c is a constant to be determined. On integrating the above equation with respect to x from x =0tox = ∞, and using Z ∞ the condition fxðÞdx ¼ 1; and noting the representation of beta function, 0 Z∞ tu − 1 that is, BuðÞ¼; v þ dt; u > 0; v > 0; (see, Gradshteyn and Ryzhik ðÞ1 þ t u v 0

¼ pffiffi 2 ; ðÞ ¼pffiffiffi 2 (1980), Eq. 8.380.3, Page 948), we obtain c ðÞn; 1 and thus f X x ðÞn; 1 n B 2 2 n B 2 2 −ðÞn þ 1 þ x2 2 ; > ; ’ 1 n x 0 which is the pdf of folded Student s t distribution with n degrees of freedom. This completes the proof. Special Case: By taking n = 3 in 3.1.1, it is easy to see that, for an abso- lutely continuous (with respect to Lebesgue measure) non-negative random variable X ≤ τ ðÞ ¼ x2 ðÞx2þ3 ; with cdf F (x) and pdf f (x), we have E (X|X x)=g (x) (x), where gx 6 τ τðÞ ¼ fxðÞ; and (x) is the reversed hazard rate function given by x FxðÞ if and only if X has  −2 the folded Student’s t distribution with the pdf fxðÞ ¼ p2 ffiffi 1 þ x2 ; x > 0: 3 π 3 3 Theorem 3.1.2: γ If the random variable X satisfies the Assumption 3.1 with= 0 and δ ∞ ð j ≥ Þ¼~ðÞðÞ; ðÞ¼ fxðÞ ~ðÞ¼ n þ x2 ; = , then EXX x gxrx where rx 1 − FxðÞand gx n − 1 1 n if and only if X has the folded Student’s t distribution with the pdf as given in Eq. (1). Ahsanullah et al. Journal of Statistical Distributions and Applications (2015) 2:15 Page 6 of 11

Proof: Suppose that EXXð jÞ¼≥ x gx~ðÞrxðÞ: Then, since E ðXXjÞ¼≥ x Z ∞ Z ∞ ufðÞ u du ufðÞ u du x ðÞ ¼ fxðÞ ; ~ ðÞ ¼ x : 1 − FxðÞ and rx 1 − FxðÞ we have gx fxðÞ Now, if the random variable X satisfies the Assumption 3.1 and has the folded Student’s t distribu- tion as given in Eq. (1), then, after simplification, we have Z ∞ ðÞ n þ 1 Z −n þ 1 uf u du 2 2 ∞ 2 2 ~ ðÞ ¼ x ¼ þ x þ u gx ðÞ 1 u 1 du fxn x n n x2 ¼ 1 þ : n − 1 n  ~ðÞ ¼ n þ x2 : Conversely, suppose that gx n − 1 1 n Then, after differentiation, we have

= 2x ðÞgx~ðÞ ¼ : n − 1

= Using the above expressions for gx~ ðÞand ðÞgx~ðÞ ; after simplification, we obtain hi = − x þ ðÞgx~ðÞ ðÞþ ¼ − nÀÁ1 x : gx~ðÞ þ x2 n 1 n

Consequently, by using Lemma A.2, we have =ðÞ ðÞþ f x ¼ − nÀÁ1 x : fxðÞ þ x2 n 1 n

On integrating the above equation with respect to x, we obtain −n þ 1 ðÞ ¼ þ x2 2 ; fx c 1 n where c is a constant to be determined. On integrating the above equation with respect to x from x =0tox = ∞, and Z Z∞ ∞ u − 1 ðÞ ¼ ; ðÞ¼; t ; > ; > ; noting that fxdx 1 and Bu v u þ v dt u 0 v 0 0 ðÞ1 þ t 0 −ðÞn þ 1 2 we obtain c ¼ pffiffi 2 and thus f ðÞx ¼ pffiffiffi 2 1 þ x2 ; x > 0; ðÞn; 1 ; X ðÞn; 1 n n B 2 2 n B 2 2 which is the pdf of folded Student’s t distribution with n degrees of freedom. This com- pletes the proof. Note: It is interesting to point out here that there is connection between Theorem 3.1.1 and TheoremZ 3.1.2. For example, since,Z as in Theorem 3.1.1 and x ∞ ufðÞ u du ufðÞ u du ðÞ ¼ 0 ~ ðÞ ¼ x Theorem 3.1.2, gx fxðÞ and gx fxðÞ respectively, we Z ∞ ufðÞ u du ðÞ þ ~ ðÞ ¼ 0 ¼ EXðÞ: have gx gx fxðÞ fxðÞ that is,

EXðÞ EXðÞ gxðÞ ¼ − gx~ ðÞ; or gx~ ðÞ ¼ − gxðÞ; fxðÞ fxðÞ Ahsanullah et al. Journal of Statistical Distributions and Applications (2015) 2:15 Page 7 of 11

where E (X) denotes the mean, as given in Eq. (2), of folded Student’s t distribution with the pdf (1). Thus, using the expressions for f (x) as in Eq. (1), and for E (X)asinEq.(2), respectively, we can easily derive the formulas for g (x)orgx~ ðÞwhen X follows the folded Student’s t distribution.

3.2 Characterization by order statistics The characterizations of folded Student’s t distribution by order statistics are provided in Theorem 3.2.1 and Theorem 3.2.2 below. We will consider the pdf f (x) of the folded

Student’s t distribution as given in Eq. (1). Let X1, X2, … , Xn be n independent copies of the random variable X having absolutely continuous distribution function F(x) and

pdf f (x). Suppose that X1, n ≤ X2, n ≤ … ≤ Xn, n are the corresponding order statistics.

It is known that Xj, n|Xk, n = x, for 1 ≤ k < j ≤ n, is distributed as the (j − k) th order statistics from (n − k) independent observations from the random variable V having the ðÞ¼j fvðÞ ; ≤ < ; pdf fV (v|x) where f V v x 1 − FxðÞ 0 v x see, for example, Ahsanullah et al. (2013), Chapter 5, or Arnold et al. (2005), Chapter 2, among others. Further,

Xi.,n|Xk, n = x,1≤ i < k ≤ n, is distributed as ith order statistics from k independent obser- ðÞ vations from the random variable W having the pdf f (w|x) where f ðÞ¼wjx fw; ÀÁW W FxðÞ w < x: We assume that S − ¼ 1 X ; þ X ; þ … þ X − ; ; and T ; ¼ ÀÁk 1 k − 1 1 n 2 n k 1 n k n 1 þ ; þ þ ; þ … þ : : n − k Xk 1 n Xk 2 n Xn n Theorem 3.2.1: Suppose the random variable X satisfies the Assumption 3.1

γ δ ∞ τ ðÞ ¼ n with =0 and = ,thenE (Sk − 1|Xk, n = x)=g (x) (x), where gx n − 1  n þ 1  þ x2 2 − þ x2 τ ðÞ ¼ fxðÞ; 1 n 1 n and x FxðÞ if and only if X has the folded ’ Student s t distribution with the pdf as givenZ in Eq. (1). x ÀÁufðÞ u du Proof: − j ; ¼ ¼ 0 ¼ ð jÞ≤ ; Since ESk 1 Xk n x FxðÞ EXX x the proof of Theorem 3.2.1 follows from Theorem 3.1.1. Theorem 3.2.2: Suppose the random variable X satisfies the Assumption 3.1 with ÀÁ ~ fxðÞ γ =0 and δ = ∞,thenETk; njXk; n ¼ x ¼ gxðÞrxðÞ; where rxðÞ ¼ and  1 − FxðÞ ~ðÞ ¼ n þ x2 ; ’ gx n − 1 1 n if and only if X has the folded Students t distribution with the pdf as given in Eq. (1). Z ∞ ÀÁufðÞ u du Proof: ; j ; ¼ ¼ x ¼ ð j ≥ Þ; Since ETk n Xk n x 1 − FxðÞ EXX x the proof follows from Theorem 3.1.2.

3.3 Characterization by upper record values In this section, we will establish a theorem on the characterization of the folded

Student’s t distribution by upper record values. Suppose that X1, X2, … is a sequence of independent and identically distributed absolutely continuous random variables with

distribution function F (x) and pdf f(x). Let Yn =max(X1, X2, … , Xn) for n ≥ 1.

We say that Xj is an upper record value of {Xn, n ≥ 1} if Yj > Yj − 1, j > 1. The indices at which the upper records occur are given by the record times { U (n) > min(j | j > Ahsanullah et al. Journal of Statistical Distributions and Applications (2015) 2:15 Page 8 of 11

U(n − 1), Xj > XU(n − 1), n > 1) } and U(1) = 1. We will denote the nth upper record

value as X (n)=XU(n). The pdf of X (n) is given by

− ðÞRxðÞn 1 f ðÞx ¼ fxðÞ; −∞ < x < ∞; n ΓðÞn

where R (x)=− ln (1 − F(x)) denotes the cumulative hazard rate function. The joint

pdf fn , n +1(x , y)ofX (n) and X (n + 1) is given by (see Ahsanullah (1995), page 4)

− ðÞRxðÞn 1 f ; þ ðÞ¼x; y rxðÞfyðÞ; −∞ < x < y < ∞; n n 1 ΓðÞn

dRðÞ x fxðÞ where rxðÞ ¼ ¼ − ðÞdenotes the hazard rate function. Thus, the conditional dx 1 Fx ðÞ; ðÞ¼j f n ; n þ 1 x y ¼ pdf fn +1,n (y | x )ofX(n +1)|X(n)=x is f þ ; y x ðÞ n 1 n f n x fyðÞ : ’ 1 − FxðÞ Based on these results, we now have the characterization of folded Students t dis- tribution by upper record values, as provided in Theorem 3.3.1 below. We will consider the pdf f (x) of the folded Student’s t distribution as given in Eq. (1). Theorem 3.3.1: Suppose the random variable X satisfies the Assumption 3.1 with γ =0 and δ = ∞.ThenX has the folded Student’s t distribution with n degrees of freedom if and only if  ðÞ¼ðÞjþ ðÞ¼ ~ðÞðÞ; ðÞ¼ fxðÞ ~ðÞ ¼ n þ x2 : EXn 1 Xn x gxrx where rx 1 − FxðÞand gx n − 1 1 n Proof: ðÞ¼j fyðÞ ; Since, as shown above, f n þ 1 ; n y x 1 − FxðÞ it follows that

Z ∞ ufðÞ u du EXnðÞ¼ðÞjþ 1 XnðÞ¼x x ¼ EXXð j ≥ xÞ: 1 − FxðÞ

And, hence, the proof of Theorem 3.3.1 follows from Theorem 3.1.2.

4. Concluding remarks Characterization of a probability distribution plays an important role in probability and statistics, and other applied sciences. Before a particular probability distribution model is applied to fit the real world data, it is necessary to confirm whether the given probability distribution satisfies the underlying requirements by its characterization. A probability distribution can be characterized through various methods. Since the characterizations of probability distributions by truncated moments play an important part in the determin- ation of distributions by using certain properties in the given data, in this paper we have established some new characterizations of folded Student’s t distribution by truncated first moment, order statistics and upper record values. It is hoped that the findings of the paper will be useful for researchers in the fields of probability, statistics, and other applied sciences.

Appendix A Here, we establish the following two lemmas (Lemma A.1 and Lemma A.2) which have been useful in proving our main results in Section 3. Ahsanullah et al. Journal of Statistical Distributions and Applications (2015) 2:15 Page 9 of 11

Lemma A.1 ≤ τ τ ðÞ ¼ fxðÞ Under the Assumption 3.1, if E (X | X x)=g (x) (x), where x FxðÞand g (x) Z x u − g=ðÞu is a continuous differentiable function of x with the condition that du is guðÞ Z 0 x u − g=ðÞu ðÞ du finite for x > 0, then fxðÞ ¼ ce 0 gu ; where c is a constant determined Z ∞ by the condition fxðÞdx ¼ 1. 0

Proof: Suppose that E (X|X ≤ x)=g (x) τ (x). Then, since E ðXXj ≤ xÞ¼ Z Z x x ufðÞ u du ufðÞ u du 0 fxðÞ 0 ðÞ and τ ðÞx ¼ ðÞ; we have gxðÞ ¼ ðÞ ; that is, Z Fx Fx fx x ufðÞ u du ¼ fxðÞgxðÞ: 0 Differentiating both sides of the above equation with respect to x, we obtain

= = xfðÞ x ¼ f ðÞx gxðÞ þ fxðÞg ðÞx :

From the above equation, we obtain

= = f ðÞx ¼ x − g ðÞx : fxðÞ gxðÞ

On integrating the above equation with respect to x,wehave Z x u − g=ðÞu ðÞ du fxðÞ ¼ ce 0 gu ;

Z ∞ where c is obtained by the condition fxðÞdx ¼ 1: This completes the proof of Lemma A.1. 0

Lemma A.2 ðÞ¼j ≥ ~ ðÞ ðÞ; ðÞ ¼ fxðÞ Under the Assumption 3.1, if EX X x gxrx where rx 1 − FxðÞ and gx~ ðÞ is a continuous differentiable function of x with the condition that Z = x u þ ½Šgu~ ðÞ Z ∞ = − ; u þ ½Šgu~ ðÞ ~ ðÞ du ðÞ ¼ 0 gu ~ ðÞ du is finite for x > 0, then fx ce where x gu Z ∞ c is a constant determined by the condition fxðÞdx ¼ 1: 0 Proof: Suppose that EXXð j ≥ xÞ¼gx~ðÞrxðÞ: Then, since E ðXXj ≥ xÞ¼ Z ∞ Z ∞ ufðÞ u du ufðÞ u du x ðÞ ¼ fxðÞ ; ~ ðÞ ¼ x ; 1 − FxðÞ and rx 1 − FxðÞ we have gx fxðÞ that is, Z ∞ ufðÞ u du ¼ fxðÞgx~ ðÞ: x Differentiating the above equation with respect to respect to x, we obtain Ahsanullah et al. Journal of Statistical Distributions and Applications (2015) 2:15 Page 10 of 11

= = −xfðÞ x ¼ f ðÞx gx~ ðÞ þ fxðÞ½Šgx~ ðÞ :

From the above equation, we obtain

= = f ðÞx ¼ −x þ ½Šgx~ðÞ : fxðÞ gx~ ðÞ

On integrating the above equation with respect to x,wehave

Z = x u þ ½Šgu~ ðÞ − ; ~ ðÞ du fxðÞ ¼ ce 0 gu Z ∞ where c is obtained by the condition fxðÞdx ¼ 1: This completes the proof of Lemma A.2. 0

Competing interests The authors declare that they have no competing interests.

Authors’ contributions MA contributed to the properties and characterizations of folded student’s t distribution, and participated in the draft of the manuscript. MS contributed to the studies of properties, graph and characterizations of folded student’s distribution, drafted the manuscript, and participated in the sequence alignment. GK contributed to the properties and graph of folded student’s t distribution, and participated in the draft of the manuscript. All authors read and approved the final manuscript.

Acknowledgements The authors are thankful to the editor and the two anonymous reviewers whose constructive comments and suggestions have improved the quality and presentation of the paper. Further, part of the paper was completed while the second author, M. Shakil, visited Professor M. Ahsanullah, Rider University, NJ, USA, during the Summer of 2013, and took independent studies with him. He is also grateful to Miami Dade College for all the , including tuition grants. The third author, B. M. Golam Kibria, is grateful to his brother, B. M. Golam Kabir, and sister-in-law, Mrs. Tazia Kabir, for their love and constant inspirations throughout his career.

Declarations We confirm that we have read Springer Open’s guidance on competing interests and have included a statement indicating that none of the authors have any competing interests in the manuscript.

Author details 1Rider University, Lawrenceville, NJ 08648, USA. 2Miami Dade College, Hialeah, FL 33012, USA. 3Florida International University, Miami, FL 33199, USA.

Received: 25 June 2015 Accepted: 16 November 2015

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