MOTHER HOME EDITION HER Day. Tomorrow is TWO CENTS PEE COPY Remember HER. 3inana Jlailu aTintfa VOL. XXXV. INDIANAPOLIS, SATURDAY, MAY 13, 1922. NO. 2. Along Comes CAR DRIVER Killed by Reckless Driving NEW RECORD 0 Tempora and G. 0. P. FRAUD CRACK FIELD James and— 0 Mores! Gas ON EDGE FOR Well, Lookit! IS ACCUSED FOR BUILDING Going Higher CHARGEDIN An old store box sat on the sidewalk at WASHINGTON, May I&—Further in- Georgia Illinois Hundreds creases in gasoline prices will be made and street. effective soon in all parts of the coun- of persons passed it a glance. DURING TURF CLASSIC without BY WITNESS APRIL try, it was learned at the Interior De- VOTE COUNT Then came James Crane, 959 North Ox- partment today. ford street. He lifted the led of the box These increases may total 4 or 5 cents per gallon by middle of Juno, it was ard took therefrom two half-pint Killing Department Busy the Crowds Throng bottles Third Within Too stated. Two Petitions Filed Great of liquid placed one In each hip pocket. Police Sergeant Sheehan saw him. This Is in addition to Increases made Month From to Check Up during by Defeated HistoricDowns for "One hundred dollars and costs,” re- the last six weeks, ranging from Candi- marked Judge Delbert O. Wlimeth. Totals. 4 to 6 cents on the gallon. Race. Booze. y dates. GENIAL WEATHER TWO BANDITS MRS. NORRIS DIES HOMES NUMEROUS FAST TRAIN HEARING JUNE 1 Only Word Injuries Sustained Permits and Values Judge W. W. Thornton Heard Among ARE KILLED From Casserly’s Both Soar in WRECKFATAL and Henry Cochrane Touts. Truck. Month. Plaintiffs.

DAVIS WALSH. The third killing within the last month April was a record-breaking month TO 5 PERSONS investigation irregularities and By J. IN CHICAGO An of by alleged in LOUISVILL, May 13.—W!rh the happy, drunken drivers of automo- number of building permits issued on the part of Republican precinct * fraud army, biles was on In Indianapolis, city building care-free abandon of an advancing the police reports of to- tho de- election boards in the recent primary to partment Four or Five Others ~n.> of the greatest :uil most olorful ‘Shoot Kill’ Order day. announced today. The depart- election may result, it xvas predicted to- Mrs. E. thrones ever known to the American turf Leonora Norris. 19, 2123 Wen- tneut has been so busy issuing permits day, from the filing of two petitions xvith extended reaches Results Crime dell avenue, was the third victim. I May Die From Was flowing over the in Hot She since May 1 was until Leo K. Fesler, county auditor, asking t unlay, here night it not today lit hist hurebill Downs died last at the city hospital from for a ballots cast in the injuries time could found to complete the recount of the to the running of tie- one ami Crusade. sustained when she was struck be Injuries. primary. witness Apri] only . Between fifty and by an automobile driven by Timothy report. The April figures mirror petition states the the Casserly, the building Each that contestor sixty thousand souls Inundated 30. a farmer, who lives near tremendous home program believes there was fraud committed in the rail of the Lebanon. Casserly was held being carried out in the city. stands, the paddock and WOUNDED by the po- GO the counting of the votes, that ballots 2 ARE lice under a SIO,OOO Ihe permits issued in April COACHES OVER trn k itself. bond, charged with numbered favoring the petition were cast out as Looking over seething, mill- operating 1.092 which is several the out that manslaughter, a motor car ahead of pre- BATAVIA, N. Y„ May 13.—Five per- mutilated or defaced, and that ballots trolley CHICAGO, May 13.—Chicago’s war on vious valuation of buildings ing crowd, the old saw about a j while under the influence of liquor and record. The sons are dead and four or five of the on which a candidate for the office which lawlessness continued today with, for which permits were issued, car, a woman’s heart and the proverbial the l anti battery. Tile bond was re- xvas $2,- injured are in such a critical condition they sought had not been marked were for killing of two alleged bandits by police- ! duced SI,OOO. 1560,389, which comes to equaling tact that there is always room one to The case ugainst Cas- close it is said they will die, as a result of marked with an X after the name of the seem apply lu this case. men and the wounding or *wo others ! serly in the record for monthly more didn’t to was continued city court this valuation. The the wreck of the Lehigh Valley Rail- contestee. weather greeted the many visi- wno tried to escape arrest. Each shoot-: morning May high mark was $2,601,497, August, Genial until 24, awaiting the in 1919. road’s fast Buffalo-New York train, the The petitions were filed by Judge Wil- old Southern town on Ing cauie as a climax to a robbery. completion of investiga- Os the 19592 permits issued in April, tors to this fair the coroner's Express, at the Lake Thornton, who was by sun down Caught robbing a grocery store, John tion being 251 for dwellings, $L,062,- Black Diamond liam W. defeated this da;, of days. A hot smiled conducted by Dr. Paul F. were valued at crossing, Leroy, at 11 and the air Brlesla, 19, was shot dead by Patrol- Robinson. 150. Rond west of Jame3 M. Leathers for the nomination from the cloudless heavens LEONORA E. o'clock today. for judgeship of room 1, Superior Court, had just enough spice it to make life man Kearney Driscoll. His companion, M hen asked why the bond was re- MRS. NORRIS. Bio down in town The dead thirty-three votes, by Henry M. Theodore I’ladowski, surrendered. duced, Judge are: by and look good after all. Delbert O. Wlimeth said, BUILDING PROJECT. THOMAS It. BRODY, 70, a prominent Cochrane against John L. Duvall. Morvich, and Morvich only, now, for- An unidentified bandit was shot and he knew nothing of the Casserly case. He A number of big downtown building farmer of North Leroy. Cochrane was defeated for the nomina- and always, was the word on every killed in a gun battle with investigated found the had ever Policeman and bond projects, such as Roosevelt and AN MAN. treasurer Marion County by field ready to face after robbery set at in the manslaughter BOOZE TRAGEDIES FRANCE the UNIDENTIFIED tion for of tongue as the made Patrick O’Connell the of been TURNS Guaranty buildings to a man who was visiting four young charge, and and hundreds of THREE UNIDENTIFIED WOMEN. 870 votes. the barrier. The Block colt, hear S2OO In each of the other two The follow! ii fatal accident* in man women. officer charges. small construction Jobs, such as garages, The body of the unidentified is A hearing on the petitions will be held them tell was going to have the race The suffered a flesh Tite court said it was probable which booze Is said to have had * it. neighborhood business blocks, schools crushed between a window casing of before the county commissioners court at his mercy, and as a natural sequence wound in the shoulder. The women were , Prosecutor J. Burdett Little had set the part have occurred in IndUuiapoll* In DOWN FORMAL held by and churches helped swell tho total an overturned coach and the embank- June 1, Mr. Fesler announced. on this prohibitive police. bonds after he had consulted the officers !*•* than three week*: of events, the odds j above the two nud a dollar ment down which the three coaches THREE OTHER Coarles Thaxton Is expected to die : when the case was The April Mrs. Carrie Hanley half million favorite shrunk like a cotton necktie. continued. case was mark. rolled. It cannot be removed until a PETITIONS PILED. Morvich was to start at odds of 3 to 3, tr< m the bullet of a policeman. Thax- had not been called to the attention of the killed when a car driven by her hue- RUSS PROGRAM More homes are under construction, or wrecking crane reach'-s the scene. Three other petitions contesting the end they are the shortest that ever were ton’s wife is in a serious condition from Judge when the date of trial was set. bund, Thomas Hanley, turned over. have just been completed in Indianapolis engineer of the express was E. J. official vote hare been filed in Circuit quoted Derby In 1914. a slit throat received in a struggle with Oilie Hanlon of Lebanon, tnotorman of Hanley I* awaiting trial on charges Lloyd George Makes Definite The on a favorite. this spring than ever before, the building of Buffalo. Court. A hearing xvill be had on these Oid Rosebud went to the post at 17 to her mate. the interurban car. was slated on the of mansiaagliter, blind tiger anil driv- Mosier record* show. Added to the million dol- early next week. Included in tho list stood as the record until Charles Davis, alleged 17-yenr-old rob- charge of manslaughter. He was re- ing a motor vehicle while under the Suggestions for Mixed 20, and that ls dwelling record of April there was an Is a petition filed by Thomas Dexter, today. Rosebud was a Kentucky- ber, was shot in the thigh wha he ran leased without giving bond. The wheels Influence of liquor. Old I Commission. even greater total for dwellings In negro candidate for nomination to the was a heap of old from a policeman. Davis was dragging ; "f tile interurban car inflicted the injuries May 11—Mrs. tieorge Morgan was March. bred horse and there In March 1,218 permits were issued for State legislature. behind those odds. a drink-stupefied man along the street. 1 'hat acused Mrs. Norris's death after the killed when her husband drove his DEMANDS STEEL Southern sentiment GENOA, May George, at the construction to cost $2,0(55,051. these The time for the filing of petitions ex- The campaign against crime is in ! automobile sfruek her and knocked her automobile In front of a train on 13.—Lloyd Os There was nothing of the kind in follow- hero meeting of the political subcommissioa 272 were for a total of $1,250,490 values pires this evening. Thus far no Demo- today. accordance with of | in front of the interurban. Madison avenue. Morgan Is await- ing the betting on Morvich Chief Police Fitz- today, formally proposed a mixed com- in dwellings, making the total for houses cratic candidates have contested the out- a of morris’ orders to "shoot to lull” According to witnesses. Casserly was ing trial on charges of manslaughter, GROUP DISCLOSE He was the lone outsider in field all sus mission In the two 523 permits come of the primary. bred pected wrongdoers. j driving north along Northwestern ave- blind tiger and operating a motor be named to takeup the finan- last months and eleven. The others were born and cial and other problems of Russia and $2,312,646 in investment. The petition filed by Mr. Cochrane, them in Kentucky nue. keeping a few feet abend of the vehicle while under the influence of in the Sou*h. most of liquor. the allies. He also proposed a truce The rush of applicants for permits has MERGER PLANS after setting out the fact that the con- on Northwestern interurbnn car. The ln- itself. The sentimental betting to in in the 1-order kept up steadily leading testor is a member of Republican . terurban was making between twenty- May J2—Mrs f.enora E. Norris was remain effect Russian ali this month, the Morvich, therefore, was about as com- states until an agreinont. Is officials to believe the two party and h9B been affiliated with it for flve and thirty miles an hour, onlook- killed when she was knocked beneath reached. Louis million dol- Commission plicated as a private secretary’s wrist SUCCESSOR TO of the French delega- lar Federal Trade years Is qualified to act as ers told the police. an Interurban car by an automobile. Bartbou, ohltf valuation mark will be surpassed fifteen and watch. tion, opposed both suggestion*. The com- again. Companies the nominee for treasurer, sets forth a Mrs Norris had been to a neighbor- Tlrn ('assart v. rural route No. ;i, Leba- Asks Eight Only two were given the chance then adjourned until 5 p. m. specifications as why starters hood store and was walking homeward non, Is awaiting trial on a charge of mission indianApolis number of to the a white man in against the un- LYONS PICKED; object the Explain. of Mexico manslaughter and operating The French principally to to petition a recount be granted. They were She started across Northwestern avenue a motor LEADING CITIES. for should beaten two-year-otd of 1921. vehicle preg'-nee of Russians on the proposed They follow: and suddenly discovered herself la the while under the Influence of For many months Indianapolis mixed commlsison. it been suggested has WASHINGTON, May 13.—The Federal "On account irregularity, illegality, NAME HELD UP path of the onrushlrig interurban. liquor. has been nmong the leading cities in number of that two or three separate commissions trade commission today called upon the mistakes and malconduct of the election She attempted to step bnek out of the of building permits and valuation of Corporation seven might be created to go to Russia and Bethlehem Steel and officers at each and all precincts in way and easterly's automobile struck construction, at times surpassing from campanies Highway Commission Take study the situation. other large steel and iron Marlon County, the legal votes east Facts on Derby to her, hurling her against the Interurban, ten to fifteen cities larger than this in for If the allies get together and agree on to furnish it with specific Information precincts About seventy-five feet fnrthc-r on. population. Frequently Indianapolis has merger the contest or In said were not Formal Action Next some form of a mixed commission, its regarding their proposed before counted. while Motorman Roy Jlix was attempt- Our Old Friend, teen places as Cincin- OFtTCIAI. ENTRY LIST. probably in ahead of such any transfers are consummated. The de- COtH RANK CHARGES Tuesday. ing stop Casserly's auto sessions will be held Mos- nati, Baltimore, Buffalo, Milwaukee Min- commission was made in Position Jockey. to his ear. and cow. mand of the VOTES IVERE’M COUNTED. Horse course, The City Directory neapolis. City, St. and . was veering la an uncertain the Kansas Louis with the LaFollette resolu- (126) . accordance 1—John Finn .E. Fool Lawrence Lyons, of the According to reports ho.':, certain '•Legal votes for the contester (Mr. 2 (121) director the State automobile wobbled into the path of San Krnnefs o on permits, valuation or adopted by the yesterday. Startl- I>. Connelly prominent A met leans, close to the Ad- tion Senate Cochrane) were not counted for the con- 3My Flay (126) C. Robinson highway newly Interurban and was knocked up on the Joke, Makes Bow both. This is shown by the monthly of commission commission and elected ministration are urging that the United Chairman Gaskill the testor for any office. 4Morvich (126) A. Johnson State chairman of the Republican State lawn and brought to a stop. reports on building activity all over the forwarded a telegram demanding infor- 5'Busy American (126> N. Barrett KHNDAT.LVILLE. Ind., May 13 Ken Stat.-s be represented on the body so that "Legal votes cast were uncounted but committee, has forwarded ids resigna- Casserly leaped out, according to wit- country, issued by the American Con- mation on the merger to the Midvale (s—Deadlock (128) .J. I). Mooney dallvllie has a population of 5,(0S no an American “superintend" the allotment considered and treated as marked, de- tion as director to Chairman Zelglrr of nesses, and went running north tip the tractor, building trade Journal. Steel and Ordnance Company, the Repub- 7—'Set Mosi© (128) H. Burk© cording to the figures of the new city di- of concessions and tho granting of A permit today faced and mutilated ballots." Seoble the commissionfl it became known today. avenue, waving his arms, ft was some xvas issued to Catholic lic Iron and Steel Company, the Lacka- Surf Rider (128) E. rectory issued today. credit*. It is believed Russia is ready It Is pointed out that the ballots have ft—“Backer Brown (126) selected The resignation to be at the time before the police, investigating the church authorities for the erection of wanna Steel Company, the Inland Steel ....Not is effective The Millers K 8 of them head the list to conclude separate agreements with been preserved lft—Letterman (12C) T. Rice pleasure ot the board. accident, found him. Then he made con- the St. Catherine of Sienna School build- Company, the Youngstown Sheet and and asserted that a re- for repeaters, Smith is next with 79. the nilirs if It is Impossible to get all count a plurality the 11—'By Gosh (126) E. Barnes A successor to Lyons flicting statements as to what had oc- ing at Shelby and Tabor streets. The Tube Company, the Steel and Tube Com- would show for •Bradley entry. will be chosen In this city resides Jack Frost and his of them to agree to the proposed mixed contestor. wl.en the commission members curred. He was taken to the city prison structure will cost aproximately $55,060. pany of America and the Brier Hill Steel Dtetaneo—One and one-fourth mile. meet here ■ fwo daughters. Icy Snow. Other deni- c -tnmission. is further charged petition: Tuesday. has been considerable and on charges. One of them, It will be two stories high, of brick Company. It in tho Flat*—Churchill Downs track, Louis- There slated two zens are Stumd.timers, Firestones, Corns, The French delegation will return to after Mrs. Norris died, was changed construction, with ground di- It was announced that the proposed "That the election officials failed to re- ville. speculation as to Lyons' successor, but to Bunyaws and and tile Shinns. Paris after the economic and technical & investiga- cord correct and true re- Value Winner—M7.ooO; second, i* : manslaughter. He attempted later to mensions of 58x73 feet. Cornier Cul- steel merger had been the vote, but to it bell-wed the choice has now been questions have boon disposed of and under 96,00s third, 000; *I,OOO. will bertson tion by since Dee. 27, a larger vote for contestee S3 fourth, definitely decided, although the appoint- : convince the police that his car had been are contractors named in tho the commission corded the Derby Record —2:03 3-5, established by not participate further in discussions (Mr. Duvall). ment will be formally made shortly before the accident, hut permit. 1921. in 1911. not until the stolen, Accuse Firebug's with regard to Russia, it was semi- commission meets. ' failed to make his stur.. stick with the “That the official returns from several officially enounced today. precincts did not correspond with the Much pressure brought to police, who obtained identification of Cas- has teen of Starting Blaze votes appointment political, as serly as th* driver of the car from first cast.” Bob Shannon's Deadlock and H. H. make the it several That when to X has been the persons who saw the accident. bug" THROAT REFLECTION ON voters failed mark Hewitt’s Startle. The latter Is a filly and in pa-t. Several prominent A "fire started fra nt the home CUTS after the name of any candidate Fred 11. Norris, husband of the slain Will Continue Work for in consequence is rather depreciated Republican politicians have been men- of Mrs. Florence Depuy. 1307 Massa- treasurer as X was marked after the for woman, reached the seene of the accident chusetts nvenue, nt 2 o’clock this morn- among the wise men of the West. Startle, tioned the Job. of Special name of Duvall. soon after the police arrived. He be- ing. Harris, roomer, Committee WITH CUP IN CONGRESS, SAYS course, might repeat Daniel a saw two ILLEGAL of the notable came hysterical and was taken home by BALLOTS victory of , but, ordinarily, it i3 men run from near the window where So gratifying were the results ob- friends. the lire The ALSO CHARGED. cot in the cards. Romance of Butler was discovered. damage tained during postal Improvement week, SEN.POMERENE That illegal votes were cast and if been to said CITY PRISON was thought to real The Norrises had married Just amounted about sls. Firemen the which was by the Indianapolis illegal votes were not Deadlock be the months. is in blaze started under observed these counted contender. He has shown speed enough Probst Concluded fourteen Norris foreman was tite window postoffice last week, that th-' special com- Cochrane would have been nominated. tlie Ilercu ■ Electric Company plant. and from outside the house. Ohio Urges Action to keep with Morvich through the early mittee of employes which had charge of Victor Anderson, 22, Believed Democrat The petition prays that the correct NEW YORK, May 13.—August Prohst, Mrs. Norris’ mother, Mrs Hate Wright, stages of the race and may come along the activities of the week, will be made vote be ascertained and established and former butler at the Rolling lives in Bloomington Four brothers live to Have Been Insane, 6n Corrupt Practices In the last two furlongs with sufficient fashionable permanent, according to Robert H. asks that Cochrane be declared the duly Rock Club, near Pitshurgh. xvill be de- in Bloomington. She is survived also by reserve to push ihs nose in front. He Report Finding of Bryson, postmaster. Edgar F. Brown Is Legislation. elected nominee of the Republican ported on the first ship that can take four One of them Is Mrs. Kills Self. was the only legitimate long shot in the sisters. Elsie chairman and Arthur D. Grow secretary party for the position of county treas- him, according to a decision of th° Im ( lark, of Indianapolis. of the special raee. S’artle and Deadlock were quoted 13-Foot Coal Vein committee. Using n piece of drinking cup, WASHINGTON, May 13.—Charging urer. migration authorities today. Trobst re- tin at 8 to 1. Judge Thornton's petition also alleges cently attracted attention RAPIDS, lowa, May 13.—Ad- Victor Anderson, 22, cut his throat in a that ”It would be a reflection upon Con- Os wild chances there wer° many. because ot CEDAR numerous irregularities and expresses charges that his arrpsf was a vices received nt the Rock island gress and the Senate to adjourn without There was for example, Mr*. Pnyne due to $7,000 in Express Hail- Drug cell in the city prison today. He died the belief on the part of the petitioner conspiracy to break a road office In this city are to Shaler Store Whitnej's Te-tterman, which stepped out up “love match” the effect almost immediately. taking action on the corrupt practice that fraud has been committed. of a 1-ox car to run the full Derby with a Pittsburgh heiress. Shipment that a thirteen-foot vein of coal be- by law" Senator Pomerone, Democrat, Ohio, As in the other petition, it Is asked Stolen lieved of an quality Visited Burglar Anderson xvas picked up by the police distance in 2 918 on Thar* lav. Letter- excellent bus been pleaded that teeth be put Into their that Judge Harry O. Chamberlain of Cir- Ind., May nt a depth of 375 feet because they believed him to be insane. man a possibility, no more, no less. Let- j TERRE lIAT’TE. 13. Kliks struck five miles A burglar early today broke into El- statute to prevent huge expenditures Id cuit Csurt appoint three commissioners of Decorah. Geologists are now en- He xvas confined in the cell awaiting terman was t" start at the 15 to 1. Girl and other merchandise valued at $7,000 east mer Shaior’s drug street the coming congressional campaign. to conduct tho recount. odds. Killed as Auto survey store. Thirteenth to tlie E. R. Bradley, whose horses Behave were stolen from American Railway Kx gaged in making a to anil Sherman drive, by removing a board transfer county Jail. “Surely there can be some regulation Dexter, the negro asking a recount, pros* Company car on Pennsylvania the extent of the vein. When a police officer went to the cell Yourself and Black Servant—ran "one- Dashes in over n window that was being repaired. of campaign expenditures. The Senate was the twelfth candidate in the race for ■ train No. ft? Columbus. Ohio, to take hi mto pail he found the body two" last year, has advanced with four between and The Ihlef carried away 10,000 cigarettes, ought not to adjourn without regulating the nomination to the State Legislature. CHICAGO, May A letter addressed to August entries In an attempt to stop 13.—Wild dash of an here. The theft wa discovered on the son cigars, flashlights, five fountain Anderson. a practice which has grown upon the xvere Morvich. four 111., Eleven nominated. Bradley, whom common rumor has suffer- antombelle through a building resulted arrival of the train this morning. the InvestigatingDeath pens, nine Ever-harp pencils and three 11307 Normal ax-enue. Chicago, was country and which we must all regret,” in the death of one person and serious been found in the pocket. ing the loss of SBO,OOO, should Morvich car had broken open in transit and watches. The value of the loot was ?!10. suicide's he said- win. hr 1 a very good thing in Busy injuries to six others here early today. ISO pack aces were found looted. The >-ar of Mrs. Della Ash Anderson xvas sent to (he city prison American, but the latter bowed a tendon Miss June Twesnel. Is, daughter of a was loaded at Jersey City, N. J., and from a restariinct nt 320 East Washing- Special Judges Get in a careles-. shin and was a doubtful prominent real estate dealer, was killed. . consigned to Peoria, ill. No clews were The earner today is investigating the Burglar ton streot. Body of Coffman Day, •tarter. The auto dashed through a building after found. accident that resulted in the death of Alleged Is $5 a Not a Case consequence Bradley colliding w th a j Mrs. Della Ash, 28, of in responded by taxi. Bridgeport, who Grand Jury by Special Judges serving in city courts •atering not oniv American died at the St. Vincent s Hospital. Mrs. Bound to Found Friend liusv but Prince of Wales are entitled to $5 a day for their serv- By Gosh, I’et Mosio anil Banker Brown FUXTINGTON Ash’s death was caused by burns suffered GRADUATE* 32. Brazier Dyer, 1032 Talbott avenue, was Fred Coffman. 52. xx-as foomd dead in ices and not $5 for each case tried, ac- as Brown, a sprintar Believe Man Held when her clothing caught fire when a wcil. Banker first HUNTINGTON. Ind.. May 13.—Tho over to the grand jury on charge Guest of Manilr his room. No. 6, nt 21kg Kentucky ave- cording to a decision of the Appellate laud- kerosene can exploded Thursday nt her bound and always, must be in there in a 3922 class n( Huntington College in- Is Wanted in State of burglary by Judge Delbert O. Wil- nue, today. Coffman and his eon, Albert Court in the case of the city of Columbus able effort to run the legs off homo. She Is survived by her husband, MANILA. May 13.—The Prince of street, Morvich cludes twenty-two members. They will moth in city court today, Dyer, it Coffman, 2702 Mlnkner nro the against John Rynerson. An appeal from at the outset. Bradley entries were ap- Bonnie Ash. a. 1 four small is Wales given an proprietors the American Paper receive their degrees May 26. The Rev. in the arrest of a man known various- children. alleged, the home of Albert was enthusiastic welcome of the Judgment of the Bartholomew coun- proximately S-to-1 shots. entered Market Edward D. Day of Minn., will ly as Sachs, Glllett and Truitt, at Nash- Lelber, 112.3 North street, n on his here today from Japan, on Stock Company, .340 West street. ty Circuit Court was tatken. The lower Tho rain yesterday did little beyond Renville. few arrivat be tlie orator the occasion. Term., on a charge of violating the nights ago, nothing. When Coffman failed to appear at the court held that Rynerson xvas entitled waking the track a bit faster by the of ville. but obtained Ilia route to England. He was greeted by narcotic officials of the Supposed office ns usual the son telephoned a to for each case, s'mple expedient of laying the dust. If j Federal laws, Dead Man bond Is SSOO. airplanes, far out tn the harbor, while $5 the court’s decision friend. Howard Muller, 28 Kentucky ave- being reversed. j local bureau of investigation of the ie- guns ashore boomed a salute. This after- is all the same to Morvich. however. In County nue, and went to room. panment of Justice believe Tennessee in Rush Jail noon was to play polo Muller Coffman's deed. S'-mc of the more venturesome are the Prince and nt When Coffman failed to answer the laving bets leading his .authorities have taken into custody a Morgan tend a banquet given by Leon- that he will be Dynamite Rt’SHViLLE. Ind.. May 13.-.Tames Sails for MaJ. Gen. knock on the door, the room was en- Stolen • man wanted in a number of Indiana Monday Negro Burglar Gets field by five lengths as they come past Towns, 28, believed to have killed him ard Wood. He will leave on tered through a transom. Dr. Paul F. fc.r having a trail of worthless; Conference the grandstand at the end of the first I'dtics self Apt II 23. lias reappeared in Rusu- Paris route to England via North Borneo and Robinson, coroner, said death was duo From City i cn'cks him. He said to have quarter. That would make it interesting Used behind is vllle, and jail issuing fraudu- the Suez Canal. 90 Days on Farm passed checks in Vincennes, Albany, is in for a NEW YORK. May IS.—J. V. Morgan, to natural cause. for the other contenders, if simh they 1 New ! lent check. his aufo- in Labor ! Auburn and Towns abandoned who recently accepted membership on a Blackman, prove to be. Many of them are to Terror Goshen Madison. Ben negro, SO9 Blake street, said mobile, near Curtilage, and was missing committer, appointed by reparations have an eye solely money HI( the charged xvith burglary and grand larceny, for second and ( AGO, May 13.—The nearly a month. Silvers, a garage dynamite Lee commission to consider conditions tinder Baffling Mystery was to serve ninety days on not without good reason. Os the $50,000 used by the alleged owner Arlington, is the sentenced labor terrorists by of complainant. which an international loan may be made FOILED! the State Farm. He stole a revolver purse, a matter of $6,000 goes for place, In their bombing activities xvas "fur- Commits Suicide to Germany, today sailed for Paris, where ABSECON, J., May 13.—Coming in Case of Nichols valued at $.39 from the home of $3,000 for show and SI,OOO to the horse nished'’ by tlie city of Chicago. It xvas N. Lincoln Leaping the committee will meet. to New Jersey for a few quiet Collins, 752 Center street. running fourth. disclosed today. From Window rounds Ind., 3-Year-Old Child of golf along the seashore, TERRE HAUTE. May 13.—A Hundreds of pounds of dynamite Presi- | NEW YORK, May Harding baffling case xvas disclosed last night xvere from the city, according IS.—Mrs. Knot-lid dent found himself today stolen today by by xvhon an Interurban struck to to j Goldstein committed suicide Crushed Car Texan Kills Enemy squarely li the of a hectic east-bound admissions made Chief of Police midst body of Guy leaping from a third story primary campaign. the decaying F. Nichols of WEATHER Charles C Pitimorris today. It xvas window In ind May her Rrooklyn lionte. according to the LOGANSPORT. , 13.—William. From Upper Window The President left the "bonus” and Seelyville on tlie track near the east Pinchot Promises reported this a'ternoon. According .3, son of and Johnson, police. She was dead when an amt it Mr. Mrs. Samuel tariff atmosphere of Washington limits of that foxvn. The man has been to the information obtained by the dead from injuries when for lance arrived. is sustained FT. , Texas, May 13.—Firing a lie struck missing for some time. When found, Trouble if Counted Forecast for Indianapolis an i- icinity chief of police, sufficient dynamite crushed, rest, but from the time •- by a street car. The child was an upstairs for th“ tw ‘f four hours ending 7 xvas stolen "to blow up from window ,11. J. Henley. tlie Jersey shore yesterday he his throat had been cut. half the city preparing to board a truck in front of until p. m. , Sur . iy. .uny !4: of Chicago.” 68, shot Samuel Martin. 40, storekeeper, retired at the Seaview Golf Club Out by Gangsters Fair touight tnd the Johnson home when the accident oc- to death this morning ns Martin Sunday: not much The dynamite, according to the Must Stand Trial walked early this morning after an exceed- change in tempi rature. curred. up to his drygoods establishment, ac- PHILADELPHIA, .May ’ 13.—The statement of the police, was stolen ingly strenuous day, politics has Sent to Reformatory HOt BLV TEMPERATI RE. from a storehouse for Fatal Shooting cording to' police. Litigation caused apace Republican State organization in where construction TO stalked with him. The result t> a. :n do of a xvater tunnel is under way. The APPOINTED BOARD. trouble between the men, police said. vacation so far is for Stealing Pennsylvania xvas today given notice a. m of his that friends $lO Pi dynamite was being used to blast the STII.I.WATER Okla.. May 13.—Earle Dr. B. L. Kruekemeyer of Evansville of Senator Joseph S. Frellnghuysen by Gifford Pinchot, fighting candi- 5 a. m tiit tunnel through rock. | Gordon, 25, Miamia, must stand trial on was appointed a member of the State POOLROOM BURGLARIZED. are congratulating Jesse Martin, charged with burglary date for the Republican nomination 0 a. m t-S themselves that mrinbors charges of murder for the shooting to optometry board by McCray A burglar broke into the Kemp pool- Jersey larceny, xvas to serve attempts k W j. ra Picked of the detective 1 Governor the senior Senator from Nexv and petit sentenced for Governor, that if It to "■> bureau assigned death of Beckham Cobb, Birmingham, today to sorye term of four reformatory. f 11 a. m 72 xvere to the task of 1 23. a years. He room nt Sixteenth and Illinois streets is the first sitting Senator up for one year in the State He "Count him out” In Pittsburgh and 12 t non-i) 72 tra'ting the dynamite thieves this I Ala. He ordered held in jail wlth- sit eeds Dr. Charles A. Meigs of Ft last night.. A pay telephone and n sup- renomination this year to publVly re- s:ole $lO front the home of Edxvard Jones, Philadelphia In next Tuesday’s pri- 1 p. ra 7:t afternoon. ! out bail. The case will be tried next W . ne. Dr. Kruekemeyer Is a Repub- ply of cigarettes were carried away, the i ceive the "O. K.” of tlie White House. 144 Tacoma Terrace, on the night of April maries there will be trouble.

- p. m 71 | month, according to the county attorney, j lican. police were informed today. 13.

” l sos Hollywood’s Movie “Fast Set” as a Author of “The Brass Bowl,” “The Black- background for its theme of mystery and Bag,” etc. Mr. Vance says that the book “pre- thrilling adventure. This story, which no lover tends neither to expose nor to palliate. It la of fiction can afford to miss, was written by merely a plain presentment of conditions.” It “LINDA LEE, Inc Louis Joseph Vance starts Monday, May 15, in the Indiana Daily Times