VOL. 4 — N&. stSi HAMILTON, , SUNDAY, OCTOBER 21, 1951 PRICE 6D HON. W.W. DAVIDSON Sees More Ships As FINED £4.10.0 FOR Only Solution For TRAFFIC__OFFENCES Convicted On 3 Charges, Plight Of Old Town Fourth Is Dismissed DAYS OF BIG

By BETTY SMITH (Sunday Royal Gazette reporter) BOOM ARE The Hon. WHJiam W. Davidson, M.C.P., of Paget, on Saturday morning was convicted on three out of four traffic RECALLED charges involving his private car. He was fined a total of £4. 10. 0. His licence was endorsed for careless driving by The financial plight of St. the Wor. L. M. Minty, who gave judgment in Hamilton magis­ George's is directly attribut­ trates court. way on this particular night he able to the decline in shipping On the first charge, that of went to the gas station in Rich­ there and Hie remedy is more driving at night without lights, mond Road and then went to his the defendant was fined 10/-. He home, which I understand is in shipping, according to the as­ was fined £1 for falling to stop Middle Road, Paget. In cross- sistant Collector of Customs, ] when called on to do so by a police examination he did not seriously officer in uniform. contest, after hearing the evi­ Mr. Frederick G. Roberts, who A charge of failing to stop after dence df toe prosecution wit­ has been with the service since an accident in vrhich damage was nesses, that he was driving the done was dismissed by the magis car which was involved in the 1938 and who keeps a log of trate, who said that the defendant I incident. I therefore have not the all shipping coming into the might have been unaware that the slightest doubt that the defendant accident occurred, as it was slight. was in fact driving P-5678 at the port. The fourth charge, that of care­ time mentioned in Wesley Street Mr. Roberts, who reviewed the less driving, brought a fine of £3 in the vicinity of the Island history of shipping at St. George's •with licence endorsement. Theatre. P-5678 was the car in­ for a Sunday Royal Gazette re­ volved in the incident." porter, said; "I know that I am Slight Accident voicing the opinion of every - ATS the charges arose out of a Not Serious member of the Corporation of St. slight accident en the night of j George's in stating that we are With reference to the charge of grateful to Furness Withy and to September 29 when tiie car driven driviig without lights, Mr. Minty Watlington and Conyers for using Toy the defendant knocked the hub said that he had no doubt that Mr. the facilities of the port for the cap off a taxi being driven by Davidson believed that according Ocean Monarch. Wesley Hilgrove Robinson ea to the best of his recollection he "nevertheless, the Corporation Wesley Street near the Island had put lights on upon leaving the Theatre. Mr. Davidson denied all | cannot possibly recover from its Dinghy Club. The magistrate present financial difficulties un­ charges. said thai the area in whieh the less more shipping is diverted to Giving judgment, Mr. Minty accident occurred was well- this port—either cruise or freight. said, in ?,sirfc: lighted and- that the matter was "I feel that tt is most unfair Mr. Frederick G. Roberts, assistant Collector of Customs at "It will' be better, first of all, I not a very serious one, and he and unjust to burden the resi­ St. George's, is holding a shipping record of 1822, bound in to consider the question whether j fined Mr. Davidson lo - on the j dents of St. George's with any the prosecution bave proved be- charge. further increase tn taxation which leather and written in flourishing script. On his desk is a vond a reasonable doubt that the With regard to the charge of in ftae_ would Uo tittle to later vo!ume,,of shipping reports. defendant was about 8.10 p.m. on failing to stop when called on to The deputy mayor of Hamilton, Mr. ChSesley E. White, officially opened the tag day I alleviate the situation. Why are • Following the rum-running and Saturday, September 29th, driy-. do so, Mr. Minty commented: ""I for the Bermuda Sailors' Home on Saturday by buying a button. Susan Ingham pins the we to expect so much from so Rum-Running Boom ing the car which was involved in few in a community whose cruise-ship periods, came the an accident with taxi T-1259 in Continued on Page 5 button on Mr. White's coat, while Shirley Zuill collects the money. amenities are enjoyed by every- construction of the United States "Fortunately the plan never bases. Business in St. George's the vicinity of the Island cinema." | one in these Islands as well as all materialised," said Mr. Roberts, the visitors to Bermuda?" was greater than ever, brought Evidence of "and construction of jetties at | about by the employment of Penno's Wharf commenced. That thousands of men for the con­ Identification was during the time of prohibi­ struction of Kindley airfield. UNITY NECESSARY FOR WORLD'There is onl^•-V*y one solution, and tion in the United States, when | However, the Corporation did not Mr. Minty ruled that there was let it be known that St. George's ample evidence of identification, St. George's had a booming rum- I fare so well. Vessels bringing is not seeking charity as the running business. Small, fast, base materials ' were exempted and continued: "Four witnesses solution. Bermuda without —three of them policemen—have PEACE, SAYS NOTED LECTURER motor vessels called here regu­ from all port duties. historical background is doomed. sworn the car involved was The town, the Corporation, and larly, loading whisky, rum, and Revenue for "the Corporation other alcoholic beverages to be from port dues and wharfage P-5678 and one has positively whose was the next hundred all that is St. George's must be sworn that the defendant was the preserved. Make use of the port smuggled into the United States. has been negligible since 1939. years, Miss Forbes' declared that St. George's boomed. The Biggest ships coming to St. driver and entered up a descrip­ Rosita Forbes On the possession of the century to and you will see St. George's tion at the time in his notebook come to life. That is the solution." Corporation derived substantial I George's, although they anchored come would belong to that com­ revenue from wharfage on out in the harbour, were the which is a clear- description of the bination of nations which could During the present session of defendant," the House of Assembly, which liquors, port dues and warehouse | Bremen and the Hie de France. Visit To Bermuda establish a-permanent unity. The Bremen, with more than a Referring to the defendant's reconvened on Wednesday, one or rental for the storage of liquors WHAT WORLD NEEDS more solutions may be presented. during prohibition. thousand persons aboard, came in testimony, Mr. Minty said: "He In all the plans for world peace, nothing is so important 1935 and 1937 for Christmas says, 'About 8.10 I left the Dinghy as the need to establish unity, an illustration of which exists "What the world needs most at IA select committee was appointed "When prohibition was cruises. The llle de France came Club and drove in my car to the in Bermuda where Anglo-American relations are cordially and this thne," she said, "is unity. It during the last session to investi­ repealed, St. George's lost this in the spring of 1938. gas station in Richmond Road. I does not matter how much we gate the financial difficulties of trade. Nevertheless, prosperity do not remember driving through firmly cemented, according to the internationally - known may quarrel, tf we can unite the ' the Corporation of St. George's for St. George's continued with Wesley Street at any time. lecturer and authoress, Rosita Forbes, who reached the Colony next hundred years will belong and will present a report on its the introduction of cruise ships. Biggest To Dock Neither to my knowledge did I early on Saturday morning by B.O.A.C. plane from Lisbon. to us." findings. ' That was when the construction In 1935 the Reliance began touch any other car. I am quite Miss Forbes has returned from Mr. Roberts said the St. of Jetties at Penno's Wharf in the making trips to Bermuda, docking sure I had my lights on. I nearly Interviewed at the Castle Har­ she would be able henceforth to Georgians of the late 20's and at St. George's, and Mr. Roberts bour Hotel, soon after her arrival, a trip abroad with the firm belief late 20's really paid dividends. always drive in town with my add material about Bermuda to that Spain is the most important early 30s had far greater said she was the biggest ship ever parking lights.'" Miss Forbes declared that she had her extensive repertoire for foresight than at present. He was I to dock in Bermuda. The number always wanted to visit Bermuda country in Europe today. "It hi Peak Period lecturing and her notes for one of the few," she remarked, referring to the construction of j of trips made by ships into the The magistrate went on: "I because of its reputed beauty and have. no reason to doubt the ex­ articles and books. "with a completely stable govern­ the jetties at Penno's Wharf. Business at St. George's was at port rose from two in 1933 to 58 important sea defence position. "Whose is the next hundred ment." There was plenty of opposition its peak from 1935 to 1938. During in 1940. Nearly all the 1940 trips planation given by the defendant to the project, and a counter | however, were made by the Santa that filling up with gas is a LECTURE MATERIAL years?" is at present one of Miss this period, business establish­ Forbes's principal lectures. Asked She continued that the proposition to provide docks from ments as well as the Corporation Paula and the Santa Rosa, sister routine operation, and he would Miss Forbes explained that, as Spaniards were a "fighting race." ROSITA FORBES a result of her stay in the Colony, by The Sunday Royal Gazette Darrell and Pugh's Wharf east­ fared better than at any time in ships. Immediately at the end of not take particular notice which "They are," she declared, wards tying up with Ordnance the history of the town. War 1940 shipping began to decline "violently anti-Communistic and Island and possibly as far as came and the cruise business soon and it has never regained its they definitely will defend their Convi.ct Bay. ' ended. importance. independence.*' Miss* Forbes referred to the offer made to Spain by the united Bermuda Grave Of Soldier States for bases.' She said that Spain was "thinking in terms" of asking $400,000,000 for them. After her visit here Miss Forbes will proceed to the United States for an extensive lecture tour. She Who Served With Napoleon is scheduled to speak at Columbia University in New York on October 29. One of her principal lectures will be in the American Mid-West, Where she will speak HE PLANTED THE RUBBER to some ten thousand teachers attending the Mid-Western Edu­ cational Congress. TREE AT PAR-LA-VILLE Miss Forbes is accompanied by her husband, Colonel Arthur i A Bermuda immigrant with an unusual background- is McGrath. commemorated in the memorial stone over his grave in the churchyard of St. Mark's, Smith's Parish. • The inscription states that it is in memory of Franciscus CANADA BACKS Decock, who was born at Hoegaarde, Antwerp, on October 8, 1191. He. served under Napoleon at the siege of Moscow and BRITAIN ON W at the Battle of Waterloo, but he died in Bermuda on June 13, 1876. The stone also cemmomorates his wife, Dorcas, who SUEZ CANAL A picture of the port of St. George's in the busy days of the '30s. >•! died on October 10, 1885, at fhe age of 85. Decock had been in Bermuda OTTAWA, Oct 19 (Reuter). — for about 60 years when he died. He had three children and 12 Mr. Lester Pearson, External Af­ Before coming here he had seen grandchildren. He worked in fairs Ministers, told the Canadian Smiles Sell Tags For Sailors a great deal of service with the various capacities, one of bis em­ Parliament yesterday that Canada French forces. At Waterloo he ployers being Mr. Perot, the cele­ had informed the British Govern­ was a bugler who sounded the call brated postmaster. ment that Canada considered it of Visitors and residents were unable to resist the appcali ng smiles of about 75 children I to arms, and he recalled the j ubi- It was DeeockV hand that major importance for the security wbo on Saturday walked the streets of Hamil ton selling tags and buttons on the annual tag ; lation in the French camp Sf the planted the famous rubber tree in of the tree world, and indeed for day for the Bermuda Sailors' Home. approach of Blucher, whose forces the maintenance of peace itself, the grounds of tiie Perot house, that no action should be taken to Headquarters for tile distribu- j outside Watlington & Conyers. At Monday to determine the amount the French mistook for tiieir own "Par-la-Ville," xaow tiie Public tion of tags, buttons and money fhe stall under tiie Book Store of money collected from the sale. reinforcements. After the battle, Library. alter by force the present regime tins was at the office of Watting- | verandah on Reid Street of responsibility of tile United were In addition to 'the sale in Hamil­ he assisted in removing the dead ton & Conyers, where Mrs. Mra. B. S. Geikie-Cobb and Miss and wounded from the field. He seems to have been popular Kingdom for the defence of tbe ton, buttons and tags were being Suez Canal zone. George Ingham, a committee Mary Colquhoun, while the booth At the conclusion of the war, with bis contemporaries. His member of the Ladies' Guild of in front of A. S. Cooper & Sons sold in all the parishes in the he and one of his comrades de­ obituary in The Royal Gazette Mr. Pearson added that Canada the Sailors' Home and chairman on Front Street was managed by Colony. emed to travel and see the world. I of June 20, 1876, says: "All who welcomed assurances, which had of the tag day, was kept busy Mrs. Herman Walker and Mrs. L. This memorial stone in St. Mark's churchyard. Smith's Parish^ What happened to the friend is have employed him speak in the been' received from the. U.K. supplying the youngsters. Gibbons. "We hope to reach our target not known, bu t Decock eventually highest terms of hit moral Government, that they would con- During the day Mrs. B. C. C. Mrs. Ingham told The Sunday of £,5%%" Mrs. Ingham said. "Wo marks the tomb of one of Napoleon's soldiers who settled in found himself in Bermuda, liked I character, industry and kindness I tinue to do their best to avoid inci- Outerbridge and Mrs. Peter Wood Bermuda after the Battle of Waterloo, Boyal Gazette that it would be have done it before and I hope it here, married and settled down, of heart," i dents and violence. took turns manning the booth impossible until some time on we will reach it again." Page 2 THE SUNDAY ROYAL GAZETTE, OCTOBER 21, 1951 Gateway To More, Speedier Satisfaction: Gazette Want Ads IN HELP WANTED FOR SALE FOR SALE A RELIABLE KAN to sell feed and Q. What occurs* once in a fertilizers.—Apply to J. C. Cooper minute, twice in a moment & Co.. Ltd. and not at all in a thousand Household Equipment Boats, Motors 10CAL ACTORS GENERAL MAID: Half days. Refer­ years? Around The Churches Jf ence required.—Phone 7420. EXCELSIOR AUTOBYKE, as new, 600 INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER RE­ miles; pillion, saddlebags; licensed, A. The letter M . . . FRIGERATOR, capacity 7 cubic feet. insured—J. E. Pearman, 1264. IH COMEDY AT FRONT DESK CLERK/TYPIST. — But something that occurs Used only two months. Ferfect condi­ (The following list is In accordance 11.00 ajn. Morning Prayer and Confessions, Saturday, 6.30 to Apply Eagle's Nest Hotel. tion. £85. — Telephone Mrs. Stet- with the latest information supplied Holy Communion 7.30 p.m., and before Mass all the time is splendid re­ tinius, 7801. by the churches at the time of GENERAL MAID, able to cook; refer­ sults through Sunday Royal Builders' Supplies BERMUDIANA printing.) 7.30 p.m. Evensong Base Chapel N.O.B. *&£-. „4 ences required. — Apply L. JP. OS FOR RENT — Two Used Babv Rev. D. J. McPherson Gutteridge, Harrington Sound Road. Gazette Classified ads. St. Michael's Chapel Grand PIANOS. Apply The Little CORK TIL£: Most modern, most prac­ ANGLICAN 8.15 am. 11.00 ajn. Mass French Shop. tical, most beautiful.—Jeffrey and The Man Who Came to 9.15 ajn. Morning Prayer SALESMAN—Apply to Archie Brown, Want-ads help you dispose Sons Dundonald St. tel 2971 The Cathedral, Church Street St. Mark's, South Shore, smith's Queen Street. of un-needed belongings, fill DINING-ROOM SET; Tappan Gas Dinner/*, one of the funniest Stove, etc.—Phone 8263 after 4 p.m. comedies ever written, will have Canon A. L. Burrell Rev. L. H. Gunner, M.A. WESLEYAN METHODIST SALESLADY — Apply to Archie vacant rental units, find de­ Sporting Goods several local" members in its cast 8.00 ajn. Holy Communion 9.15 ajn. Sung Eucharist and Wesley Church, Chureh Street, Brown, Queen Street. pendable workers and land VENETIAN BLINDS: Made in Ber- Sermon a good job. Phone 1053 for . muda by Globe Venetian Blind Co.— NEW: FOOTBALL BOOTS for Hoys when it Is presented at the Ber­ 11.00 a.m. Matins and Sermon Hamilton MESSENGER BOY — Apply at The a helpful ad-writer. Telephone 2971 (or prompt service and men. Footballs and Bladders. mudiana Theatre, starting on 7.30 p.m. Evensong and Sermon 11.00 a.m. Matins and Sermon 11.00 a.m. and 7.30 pjn. Public Archie Brown Shop, Hamilton. W. J. Boyle & Son. Monday. ;: 'PANkLYTE": Modern plastic table St. John's, Pembroke Holy Trinity, Bailey's Bay Worship with Sermons EXPERIENCED BEAUTICIAN to and counter covering; many beauti­ Rev. David Evans, B.A. 8.00 a.m. Holy Communion 9.45 ajn. and 3 p.m. Sunday manage and operate Modern Beauty ful colours.—Jeffrey & Sons, tel. 2971 Garden. Supplies Local actors appearing in the 11.00 ajn. Matins and Sermon Schools Shop. Mrs. Sherwood 3180. | show are Toni Farnsworth, Anne Rev. W. J. Manning FOR RENT TOMATO SEEDLINGS, Earliana and 8.00 a.m. Holy Communion St. Anne's South Shore, Ebenezer Methodist Church, YOUNG LADY, under 40, with execu­ Wearing Apparel Break O'Day; Cabbage, Broccoli, ' Cdwie, Captain Cowie, Don Han- Southampton St George's tive and educational qualifications; MODERN APARTMENT, unfurnished, Lettuce. Verdmont Florists, Queen nant, Geraldine Shepherd, Dick 11.00 a.m. Matins and Sermon. remuneration above average. — Apply three rooms; in Warwick East. — Rev. J. W. Howes FULL RANGE OF KEN'S SPORT Street. ' Butterfield, Carl Johnson and 7.30 p.m. Evensong and Sermon Rev. R. O. Walker, M.A. Palmer & Company. Herbert King, "Kirkdale," Warwick. 11.00 aJBE and 7.30 pm. Divine SHIRTS, long and short sleeves; In SEEDS, fertilisers, tools. . etc. — Dick Koenig. A wheel chair bor­ St. Paul's, Middle Road, Paget 10.00 a.m. Sunday School FURNISHED ROOMS for rent.—Phone cotton, rayon, nylon and gabardine.— 11.00 ajn. Sung Eucharist and Worship Patterson's Dry Goods Store, Somerset. Wadsons. rowed from the King Edward Rev. Frank Ross POSITION WANTED 7512. Hospital wfll play a mute part in 8.00 a.m. Holy Communion Sermon 3.00 p.m. Church School TOOK FASHION FROCKS DEALER the performance. St David's Pets 10.00 a.m. Children's Service St. Andrew's Mission STENOGRAPHER (English). 14 years' is now here: latest Styles In dresses 11.00 a.m. Matins and Sermon i.W p.m. Divine Worship WANTED TO RENT —By appointment phone 3492. COCKER SPANIEL PUPPIES, A.K.C. 3.30 p.m. Sunday School experience; desires secretarial or Choir boys, convicts, actresses, 7.30 p.m. Evensong Sor erset Wesleyan Methodist receptionistrsecretary position. — Box Elite Fine British SHIRTS, 20/- and registered. Champion stock blood playwrights, penguins, bewildered 8.00 pjn. Evensong 5646, Bermuda Press. Furnished 2-Bedroom APARTMENT 22/6. Shirt Shop, Paget. lines.—Phone 4737. Preacher at 11 a.m.—The Lord St. Peter's, York Street Church - or COTTAGE, preferably -dear husbands, an axe murderess and Bishop 3.30 p.m. Divine Worship Fully qualified MALE CASHIER- Hamilton.—Phone J. D. Haley, 3173, PEDIGREE COCKER SPANIEL an Egyptian mummy enliven the St. George's CHECKER (with or without crew) ex. 6252. Jewellery PUPPIES, 6 weeks obi—Phone 8138. Special collection for Medical Kev. W. S. Loring requires position where honesty, play, but tme centre,of attraction Archdeacon John Stow, M.A. throughout is the part of Shiridan Missions 7.30 a.m. Holy Communion Ireland Island Wesleyan Metho­ integrity and capability are appre­ V, CARAT DIAMOND, in plain gold St. Monica's Mission, Nortn dist Church ciated. Available October. — Box STAMP COLLECTING setting. Jewellers value £80.. Any Whiteside, played by Gerry Sarri­ 11.00 a.m. Matins and Sermon Number 5783, Bermuda Press. reasonable offer considered. — Write ANNOUNCEMENTS cini. This part is supposed to be Village. 7.30 p.m. I'vensong and Sermon No Service Box 6168, Bermuda Press. Emmanuel Church, Evans Bay EXPERIENCED SECRETARY with BERMUDA AND BRITISH WEST YOUR AUTOCYCLE must be insured, a portrayal of the late Alexander 9.30 a.m. Sunday School Chapel et Ease, St David's knowledge of business machines; INDIAN variety packets: Seta and examined and licensed before 1st Woolcott, radio commentator, lec- 11.00 a.m. Matins and Sermon 5.00 pjn. Evensong and Sermon 7.30 pjn. Divine Worship willing to learn -business,—Phone 3756 single rareties. — Stamp Shop, Reid Handicraft January. Arrange it now. 1 7.30 p.m. Evensong and Sermon Kev. W. S. Loring between 11.00 a ja. and 1.00 pjn. 311'luM turer and author, and is the story Oratory, Dockyard GIFTS—Hand tooled from finest Ber­ ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUo — En­ of his confinement in a private St Augustine's Mission, Smith's Rev. D. Bennett Cobb's Hill Chapel muda Cedar, in aB varieties. John quiries treated confidentially. Write home as a result of an accident Hill No Service 11.00 ajn. Divine Worship Fror| WANTED TO BUY INSURANCE Davis Cedar Shop, Somerset. Hamilton Group, P.O. Box 130. during which: he slipped on the 11.00 ajn. Matins and Sermon Base Chapel, Kindley Field Rev. W. S. Loring, B.A. Grace Church. North oh ore Below: WHY RISK LOSS BY FIRE? Insurance ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS: Head­ ice while on a lecture torn*. Forced 7.30 p.m. Evensong and' Sermon. VAN er STATION WAGON, must be Hardware quarters Central Group, E.S.U, Chaplain Wilcher 11.00 a.m. Divine* Serviee , A> in good condition.—Phone 1709. is your protection. — Consult Ber­ to remain for several weeks' con­ Christ Church, Middle Road, muda Fire Marine Insurance Co. Building. — Phone 4866 or call any 10.00 ajn. Service and Sunday evening except Tuesday. valescence, the wasp-tongued Devonshire Centenary Church, Harris Bay BERMUDA AND WEST INDIAN *ETAL MOULDINGS: Stainless steel celebrity makes life interesting School Rev. A. H. Long STAMPS purchased for highest cash and aluminium tor counter, sink, Rev. Keith Harman Base Chapel, N.O.B. table.—Jeffrey and Sons, tel. 2971. BOX LUNCHES a speciality. — Eliza- for the household and the No Service 11.00 a.m. Service prices.—Stamp Shop, Reid Street. beth's Tea Cosy, Front Street. Phone 9.13 ajn. Divine Service Central Church EDUCATIONAL 3874. Closed at 6.08 p.m. audience. Devonshire Old Church PIANO, in good condition.—The Little Miscellaneous 8 a.m. Holy Communion '7.3© pan. Service Trench Shop. * ROMAN CATHOLIC Marsden Memorial Church, CAMP COFFEE: Add boiling water, 10.00 a.m. Sunday School INTERNATIONAL CORRE­ TRADE SERVICES St. Theresa's, Cedar Avenue, Tucker's Town little or no sugar needed, in 4'/2 oz. (Advertisement) 11.00 a.m. Matins and Sermon SPONDENCE SCHOOL now offers and 8'-'2 oz. bottles.—Sunshine Supply Hamilton 3.00 pan. Service LOST AND FOUND you complete and thorough training in Company, Reid Street. ENGRAVING. Trophies. Jewellery, etc. 7.30 p.m. Evensong and Sermon Pastor: automobile mechanics, engineering, Kempecraft, Darrell's Wharf. Shop Garrison Church, Prospect PRESBYTERIAN Diesel engine refrigeration, etc. More STROHMENGER PIANOS 3253. home 2543. Monsignor J. N. Theriault St Andrew's, Church Street, LOST—A TOPAZ BROOCH, Wednes. Diplomas awarded.—A M. Vokes, Evangelist Speaks No Service 7.00 and 9.00 am. Mass day, vicinity Hamilton or road to North Street, Hamilton. arrived.—Apply The Little French Hamilton Shop. For a good Rug and Upholstery Clean­ Spanish Point. Reward.—Phone 3198. ing Job, also Mothproofing, try DURA- St. Mary's, Middle Road, 11.00 a.m. High Mass Rev. Victor E. Ford LI.B. BERMUDA - MADE GIFTS : Linen, CLEAN SERVICE. Phone 4562. on Atomic Power Warwick 5.15 p.m. Evening Devotions 11.00 ajn. and 7.30 p.m. Divine cedar, water-colours, knitted goods. CAB SPRAYING to protect your car, Rev. Gilbert Ritter, B.D. (Confessions: Saturday, 4 to Service; with Sermon Bermuda Work Exchange, Darrell's at competitive prices; prompt atten­ 8.00 a.m. Holy Communion 6 DJB. and 8 to 9 pjn.) by the Minister Wharf. Phone 3253. tion and delivery. No colour problems. Stella Maris Chapel. Striping and lettering by experts.—For' Evangelist CEMER, of New 11.00 sun. Sung Eucharist and 3.00 pjn. Sunday School and 1 AA* GRAMCO Dairy, Poultry and Horse Contract Prices call Ten Thirteen, Tne Clarence Street, St. George's Adult Bible Class Feeds. Compare our prices with Paint & Decorating Company, Serpen­ York, will speak this Sunday Sermon Priest in Charge: A Trial Buy Will competition. Call 5001, Sandys Bro­ tine Road, next to the BAA. Field, 4.00 p.m. Evensong and Sermon Rev. Robert E. Lauder Christ Church, (Church of kerage Company. Pembroke. Night, on the world's No. 1 Scotland), Warwick Convince You fear, Atomic Power, and will it. James's, Sandys 10.00 am. Mass. answer the question as to now Canon A. V. Sullivan, L.Th 8.00 p.m. Evening Devotions Rev. Eric M. Rule, M.A., B.D. That Confessions before 10.00 ajn. Sunday School that both sides have these Mass 11.00 ajn. Morning Worship Atomic Weapons whether Thank You St. Anthony's Chapel, 7.30 pjn. Evening Worship Youth For Christ tbey can and will be osed to Middle Road, Warwick West Rose —X bring our present Civilisation Rev. J. McCarthy, THE SALVATION ARMY to an end. Mr. Cemer will Mr. and Mrs. Administrator The Citadel, Hamilton is tiie best Sunday §J October 21 — 9.00 a.m. Mass 11.00 a.m. Holiness Meeting ROSE—X BLEACH again be dealing with one of HARRY TUCKER Confessions before Mass and 3.08 pjn. Sunday School AMMONIA 9 p.m. the Bible's outstanding Friday evening 8.00 p.m. Gospel Service prophecies to answer this St Patrick's Chapel PLASTIC STARCH would like to thank all kind Collectors Hill st South Shore The Citadel, St George's LIQUID STARCH COLONIAL OPERA HOUSE question. The Sermon wiD Road, Smith's 11.00 a.m. Holiness Meeting be preceded by a programme Relatives and Friends for 3.00 p.m. Sunday School Priest in Charge: 8.00 pjn. Gospel Service ARE OUTSTANDING — * DUETS of Music under the direction the Gifts received on the Rev R. E. Lauder 8.00 ajn. Mass The Citadel, Somerset Try Them Today!" * MALE QUARTET of Harold Lindsay and occasion of their Wedding. 11.00 a ift. Holiness Meeting featuring Cqria Corner, chalk Confessions before Mass 3.00 pirn. Sunday School * SOLOS St Michael the Archangel, J, C. COOPER tffS:0 „LTD. r artist, drawing one of her 2»28t«un. Paget East 8.00 pjn. Gospel Service *"BffiLE QUIZ — _*T. B. Q. White Hill, Southampton *M . Representative. beautiful pictures, with Priest in Charge: 11.00 ajn. Holiness Meeting * BEUCE PARKER — Speaker musical background. Robert D. Walsh 9.00 and 10.30 am. Mass 3.00 p.m. Sunday School EVERYONE WELCOME NOTICE Confession before Mass 8.00 p.m. Gospel Service There will be 7.30 pjn. Devotions. PORTUGUESE EVANGELICAL CHURCH, Facet West AUGUST REGO, Director Castle Harbour Two Sessions The monthly meeting of 11.00 a.m. Mass. Rev. Joan P. Santos 2

Service Gen* Geo. C. Marshall says: "The prospects for the future are terrifying — entire continents may ay School be annihilated in a matter of hours." 1ST CHURCH Ion Tomorrow's Sermon Today by Jrvice school lVVorship

I Collins Worship Ichool Hrvice trvice |ch,

Ihield JS?***" _sm*P^ lp.m. Dh^ne trie** lee 4.30 pjn. I Bay V^s****"" DYNAMIC PREACHER OF PROPHECY an Dr*-*** un. Divine -U* ^*ltm0.f^

(lly Bay SPECIAL FEATURE McMillan (Worship iService Corea Cemer jton Sound In mm. * £ CHALK ARTIST Worship \h Shore D son "pjn. Divine 1 A louthampton ***** i AR^ W reu Oi-O ft « forship S Forship nampton West •njddeo SUNRISE TOMORROW Uey, Pastor ^d** Forship WITH Stars BEAUTIFUL MUSICAL BACKGROUND ISchool . »V,at IS **& for** Forship loVeUoess Cte°te nerset • fctVit**-*6*^ r. Sing With HAROLD LINDSAY pjn. Divine indispe^ of thhe screen s«es stars- JRCH AftCtOlOUS •broke East most D Sun. Oct. 21 »mas ' Mtf^fy [Service School 8.30 gnd 9.45 p.m. | Worship k tlo. 7 SHED, HAMILTON JANIS CARTER •Pan-Cak. iTrad.mai k) means Ma* CHURCH COLUMBIA Factor Hollywood Cak. Make-Up lamilton Join in lice Brctadcast from tobertson Ber vice BETTY'S BEAUTY SALON ISchool Auditorium at the 9.45 Session leal Service And all leading Drug Stores 261>tsun 2»l'6t$un. 9. Page *r THE SUNDAY ROYAL GAZETTE, OCTOBER 21, 1951

ttiy KENNETO TYNAN 5o GbW /or Me Kiddies James Mason | Rommel will r Insist on Love does its best »L CINDEREUA "Cmderella" Raisins I 1 fan the fires but this thriller -5 RAISINS Always I hove seen a sensational film in London. ROMMEL k. . . - r __ DESERT FOX is its name. It is brilliantly made, fiendishly in th e Pest-Proof Foil Packages well acted, tremendously exciting—but there were moments Bi to thrill in it when I wanted to'stand up and throw hand-grenades THI FILM: Valley of Eagles at the screen. Et made me that angry. TNE STARS: Jack Wamer, Nadia Gray, John McCallum. i Weldon Company What I feel about It is probably OPINION: Tho frozen limit. Victoria and Park Streets — Phone 4044 best summed up by a British gen­ eral who, saw it, in company with PREVIEW This is a portmaneau movie-- three films rolled into one. Agents Field-Marshals Slim and Auchin- leck, in the same private theatre by LEONARD It comes to pieces in your hands. . '•SAVE THE LABELS" in London. The first layer is simple British melodrama: fj_"***«tist awretsun . I "It's a Jezebel -Of a film," he MOSLEY loses invention and bored wife to unscrupulous ossifStorrt, ond, said. "You loathe it one moment, love it the neat." plenty of time to retreat. Mont­ together with staunch policeman, hounds the fugitive pair to Rommel is, of course, Holly­ gomery is a deliberate fellow. He death. ___%"_ wood's film biography of that wouldn't think of leaping after The second is wild-life Arctic d among the best half-dozen young portray the minstrel eating and o^ at ^g average concert, scripted, lethargically acted : sleeping, being applauded and Another impression is of tite actors in the world; Anne Vernon thriller hs the same anywhere, is daisy-bright as his wife; and making love, and involved in all enormous trouble taken by these even in Madagascar. sorts of intrigues and adventures, people to maintain tiieir standards from Jean Galland (unknown to John McCallum tackles the me) comes a study of the affected If he does by any chance ba*e to and get the best possible results, enormous task of making stilted Opening Performance perform, he generally does it in uncle which no English-speaking and of the fabulous degree of lines live by merely wrinkling his player could rival. a way that verges on the miracu­ technical proficiency to which forehead; and Jack Warner, | lous—as when in one film a com­ With savagely petulant shrugs, tbey attain in so doing. The brutally cast as a Swedish convulsive effusions of intended poser casually pulled a battered section devoted to Heifetz is most detective, behaves with the heavy scrap of music manuscript with a wit, and a very armoury of Jje- new "work" scribbled on it from instructive, and so is the rehearsal roguishness of a comic uncle in a vices to suggest intimacy with scene of Mitropoulos and the New museum. the great. Galland runs off' a his pocket and threw it on to a York Philharmonic Symphony. music stand before a band of 12 ONE GREAT MOMENT caricature of snobbism which will or so, who thereupon gave a STUDY IN stand for a very long time. Now wonderful performance from it SELF-DISCIPLINE Less dicouragingly, there is Elina Labourdette makes a at "sight," though most of them Mary Laura Wood, as the faith­ notable debut as the wife of a couldn't even see it. Heifetz, who unlike many less wife. Her charm, bleak as wealthy American. She looks, musicians, does not keep himself I it is, occasionally thawed me. , la^iincently, thirty-three, the FOR POSTERITY in regular practice all the time, is I age at which every good French­ shown preparing for a concert I must add, in fairness, that woman is born and dies. William MONDAY, October 22nd There is none of that nonsense tour, from tile preliminary "lim­ there is one moment of excep­ Tubbs plays ber husband with about "Of Men and Music;" which bering up" exercises in the tional mystery and exhilara­ great authority: how charming is a factual account of music- seclusion of his own studio to the tion; something like a miracle, to find an American millionaire making as practised by some of its tense concentration of the concert a barbaric cinematic miracle in conceived as a man of culture, *** ALSO most distinguished contemporary platform—a fascinating study hi the tradition of the charge in instead of the-customary dyspeptic exponents. One of its objects, as self-discipline as well as in violin Henry V. ape! stated by a minor character playing. There is an object-lesson This is the sudden sight, on But • touches like that are appearing in it, is to provide for in all this for many others besides the rim of a hill, of the rescuing characteristic of Becker, whose Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday posterity a record of some of the musicians. Lapp tribesmen, plodding grimly name of a film always means that leading figures of the present, One small criticism. It is rather and ritualistically to destroy the its message, however muted, will of next week such as we ourselves would like a pity ^^ ^th the exception of wolves; and bearing, on perches be a reiteration of Lord Chester­ to have of some of the giants of some Chopin works played by over their heads, monstrously field's cry: "The graces! Remem­ the past. Rubinstein and a short excerpt flapping eagles, tine heraldic allies ber the graces!" Whether it is likely to achieve from Bach played by Heifetz, of ancient chivalry. It is finely that ambition is a matter of music of rather greater signifi­ done, and for a moment the film opinion, but at any rate it has for cance was not chosen in view of draws breath. the most part been carried out in the declared object of the picture. Edward and Caroline. that spirit. It would, -too, have been a THE FILM: don'* DQ thai I MATINEE THURSDAY 2.30 p.m. It is true there are small cameos generous gesture to include some THE STARS Daniel Gelin, Anne from the domestic lives of Artur modern music—or are we to con­ Vernon. clude that the modern composer Rubinstein and Heifetz, and a 1 OPINION: My love to both. music-loving watchman provides is on a lower plane than the an "excuse** for the singing of Jan modern performer? That apart, At last, a masterpiece; and a Peerce and Nadine Connor, but however, "Qf Men and Music" is small one, by which r mean that these are minor matters and the an exciting and in some ways a emphasis is heavily on the musical memorable achievement. We regret the inconvenience caused all ticket holders by the many aspect—on the musical personali­ The spoken introductions and ties of the performers concerned, commentary by Deems Taylor, POCKET CARTOON who is a well-known visitor to their outlook, methods and l» OSBERT. LANCASTER postponements, but to avoid any further inconvenience or confusion, results. Bermuda, add appreciably to the Of the actual achievements of film's effectiveness. iiiiiPlil pn $_*$®gm'' will they kindly once again take in ALL tickets for night perform­ the artists mentioned and of The Opera House is to show Mitropoulos and the New York "House on Telegraph Hill" and ances as soon as possible for exchange or refund'if so desired. Philharmonic Symphony, who "Ornoo, Omoo, Shark.*** The Island with them make up the "cast," it Theatre has "The Thing from is hardly necessary to write here Another World," "Cinderella" and Note—Tickets for the matinee performance scheduled for Thursday, —they are, of course, at the top of "Sealed Cargo." their profession and the height of o October 18th, will be honoured at matinee performance Thursday their powers. GOLD REPORT October 25th. We repeat night tickets MUST be exchanged. THE DIFFERENCE One becomes vividly aware of SINGAPORE, (AP)—The Chi­ the* difference between great nese newspaper Sin Chew Jit artists and the lesser people. Poh reported there is gold in Music at the hands of the former North Borneo. takes on-a power and an intensity, It said a miner just returned a gripping and penetrating from there declared: "The gold quality, that make it abundantly mines are rich." VACATION ETIQUETTE... The Bermuda Trade Development Board clear why it has cast such a spell The paper added that since tin direr 'mankind since the beginning. production is falling off in North Most resort hotels frown on It is possible, of course, that these Malaya Kinta valley miners new guests who enter the din­ effects were heightened in the are turning their attention to ing room In. shorts. Don't 6633t<. film by the art of the recordist and North Borneo. take « chance of rebuff. . T&E. SUNDAY ROYAL GAZETTE,. OCTOBER'?..?!, 1951

Freeze will help club's 2nd XV SATURDAY'S BRITISH BJLA. Play Rugby AFTERGUARD OF SANDYS BOAT CLU FOOTBALL RESULTS With Sheffield Sunday Cup entries were ' reduced, but IVOR PREECE, England's former rugby captain, & ^fetinifely complaints from non - League The rugby team of toe Bermu­ sticking to tnis decision to retire at the end of the season, clubs still asked to play in tiie (By REUTER) da Athletic Association will be early qualifying rounds against INTERNATIONAL MATCH playing Sheffield on Sunday at the though at 29 he is playing gs brjIRtjritly as eyer for Coveij|hry. junior amateur clubs indicate that Typical of ^ihe mun who has so ] -*> Wales 1, England 1 Boaz Island field. The game is the system is not working too to start at 3.15 p.m. A boat will deservedly earned a reputation of — | 9 w\* well. ENGLISH LEAGUE unselfishness through his superb | OBO!*! SIWO/l S JJiOrY be leaving the Old Yacht Club One club to complain was Firs* Division steps at 1.45 pjn. for transporta­ knack of ^nursing" otter players' * Tonbridge FC, of the Southern Bolton Wand. 2, Huddersfield 1 tion to Boaz. i, 3 -.; Preece is seeking no high position League. Yesterday their, mana­ Burnley 0, Manchester City 0 Playing for the B.A.A. will be: in tiie administration side of the hut was top tired to compete after ger, Mr. Harry Curtis, said small Charlton 1, Arsenal 2 Vallis; Paley, Anderson, Mar­ game. sjjf races. "I could have Won that amateur clubs should te banned H Fulham 1, Blackpool 2 shall and Jones; Giltrap and Wil­ He told me today that he is to 220 if I had concentrated on it. from the FA Cup. Too many Manchester Un. 0, Sunderland 1 liams; Evans, Easton, Powell, aet in an advisors ..capacity to he reflects now. professional clubs had lost too Middlesbrough 3, Liverpool 3 Barritt, Bunn, Bower, Rosser Coventry's second XV. Born at Barrow, Askew is now much money. Newcastle 1, Chelsea 1 (captain) and Skinner. Reserve: Select Company teaching economics ahd geogra­ Curtis Criticised Preston 0, Derby County 1 Lewis. phy at the Royal Liberty School, Stoke 1, Wolverhampton 0 o Preece had a hard task to Romford. Today Mr. Curtis is criticised Tottenham 2, Aston Villa 0 St. Georce's Juniors To break into international football. by Mr. Norman Rae, chairman W. Bromwich 5, - 0 Before he eventually gained his Information Expert of Bexhiti FC. first cap he had twfcie been JJfr. Pain was a pnnninent , Mr. Rae told me: "It appears Second Division May Panthers Sunday selected. Once the match was cross-country runner 81 the that Mr. Curtis's eye is entirely Birmingham 2, West Ham 1 The junior soccer team of the abandoned; the other time an 'twenties. He was a member of on profit. In the amateur clubs Brentford 4, Bury 0 injury kept him out. St. .George's Dinghy and Sports the South London Harriers team We think more of sportsmanship. Doncaster 1; Luton TOwta 1 Club have selected the following But in the end he won 11 cans that Won' tiie Southern Counties We hope we will be able to give Everton 1, Notts County 5 team to play the Pembroke Pan­ and is one of the select company cross-country championship in Tonbridge enough from our gate United 2, Hull 0 thers' Juniors in a practice match of 60 players who have gained 10 1928. to cover all .their expenses, but Leicester 3, Coventry 1 at the Cox's Hill field on Sunday or more caps for England. He has been responsible more more than, that we hope to give Nottingham F. 2, Swansea 2 Tonbridge a good game. afternoon, starting at 3 o'clock. He was one of our best captains than anyone for the many im­ Rotherham 4, Barnsley 0 MZ2 Hayward; A. Smith and J. and the first time he led England provements that have been made "It would be a great pity were Sheffield W. 2, Blackburn 0 Amos; T. - Eatherley, A. Tucker his team broke a string of defeats. in the methods to keep the public small clubs ever denied the hopes Southampton 1, Queen's P.5. 1 informed of progress at athletics of becoming 'giant killers.' and J. Outerbridge; D. Dempster, Third Division (South) W. Boyle, B. Hayward, H. Hay- Two More meetings. "Playing for a small cluh. with Ward and R. Oatley (captain). Mr. Pain, 47, has been on the the opportunity of opposing Aldershot 1, Bournemouth 3 Preece will not bit the only AAA executive committe for teams like Tonbridge and even • Bristol- Rovers 1, Newport Co. 1 leading figure who will be missed about IS years. Now his business the Arsenal or Blackpool means Colchester Utd. 4, Bristol City 1 from British sport. —he is a bank executive—will more than cash." Crystal Palace 3, Ipswich T. 1 HON. W. W° DAVIDSON Two prominent men slipped not give him the time to carry Exeter City 3, Port Vale 0 quietly away from Ike athletics on. What A Game Leyton Orient 0, Gillingham 0 FINED £4.10s. scene after the floodlit London Cup "Hammer" For a moment in the Graves- Norwich C. 2, Northampton T. I Continued from Page 1 V-. Gothenburg meeting at the end-Dartford match the crowd's Plymouth Argyle 3, Reading 2 should take 8 serious view if I White City. They were Harry The idea of an PA Intermediate sympathy went out to fhe referee. Shrewsbury Town 0, Millwall 1 was satisfied that tne defendant Askew 1990 AAA long-jump Cup for non-league clubs has not He was gasping and choking, and Swindon Town 2, Torquay U. 1 knew he had been involved in an THE FLAG OFFICERS of rhe Sandys Boat Club are pictured wfth the club sailing trophies! champion, and Don Pain who was teen forgotten. This season's FA they thought he had swallowed Walsall 1, Brighton & Hove A. 1 accident and -'that when the just before the presentation on Thursday nighf. The officers are left to rtjjjht: Allen J.ackJ arena manager at the Olympic Cup . competition may decide the whistle. It turned out to te an Watford vs. Southend police constable stepped into the Games at Wembley. They, too, are whether the new tournament insect. road and Shouted at him the de­ treasurer; James Siddle, vice-commodore; Ed Castle, commodore; J. Oliver Spurling, reaj retiring. should be introduced. Tftird Division (North) commodore; and J. M. Mackey, secretary. During the evening fffiie commodore When a white ball was kicked Accrington S. 0, City 1 fendant had ignored the signal Askew finds, his studies for a Former Scottish international into the stand, a wag exploded and.hfld stepped on. the gas and enthusiastically about the club's dinghy, Galatea, and expressed fie hope that next yeajl Jimmy Cringan, secretary-man­ Barrow 2, Gateshead 1 had driven away in the manner of B.Sc. (Econ.) axe too great a a firework. The referee thought Bradford 2, Scunthorpe Utd. 2 a Sandys Boat Club skipper would be taking some of the bounty home wjtfi him] strain at the same time as ger of Birmingham Combination the ball had burst and finished a hit and run speeder. 1 am far athletics. He reached his best in side Banbury Spencer, ia one of Carlisle U. 2, Hartlepools U. 1 from, satisfied, however, .that th^ the game with an ordinary leather Chesterfield 1, Tranmere R. 1 1949 at the age of 31. Then he did the leaders in the move tb estab­ ball. ' defendant was aware of having his best jump ever—23ft. llin. lish this competition. Grimsby T. 0, Crewe Alex. I collided in any way. with taxi rULANE MEETS BOWL TEAMS As I3st. 71b. referee Albert Halifax Town 1, Lincoln City 3 Mrs. J. A. Blais Wins Fish Supports Alibis "Since then I have gradually He tells me he has heard from Farmer left the ground for duty 1259 or was aware that his lights Rochdale 0, York City 2 were off. There was a bustling NEW ORLEANS (JP).—Tulane's slipped, down the scale," he says. Sir Stanley Rous that the as a transport foreman, four Co. 0, Oldham Ath. 0 Riddell's Bay Tourney WEYBUBN, Sask. (JP)— They'\ "hammer" system applied in the players, Lewis (Dartford) and crowd outside the cinema. It is Green Wave gridders meet two In 1936 in the Junior AAA Workington 2, Darlington 1 of last season's bowl teams in got the fish toat got away at led championships, Askew finished FA Cup this season is being Edwards, Brewster and Cham­ the duty of a driver, however, to 16 times. A big jackfish, washe bers (Gravesend) were on tiieir Wrexham 3, Southport 0 watch for signals made by a Mrs. J. A. Blais, with a 21, Tulane's stadium wnich, incident­ second in the 100 and 220 yards. closely studied. Many clubs were was the winner of the hidden ashore dead at Carlyle Lake, wj He was also in the high jump, given the Tammer** when FA way to hospital. policeman. I find the offence ally, is where the Sugar Bowl is SCOTTISH LEAGUE proved and in respect of that hole competition held at the played. Ihe Green Wave faces found to have 16 fish books i . Division A there wiH be a fine of £1. Riddell's Bay Golf and Country Miami of the Orange Bowl on its jaws. Apparently it had bee Alrdrieonians 3, Queen of the With regard to the third Club links on Friday. September 29 arid Kentucky of Weakened by hunger and washe South 0 offence, that of failing to stop Mrs. A. E. Wilkie with a 22 the Sugar Bowl on November lb. ashore. Dundee 2, Celtic 1 after an accident, the magistrate was second. East Fife 3, St. Mirren. 3 dismissed the charge, saying that There were 20 entries. Relieve Hibernian S, Partick.. Thistle 0 he felt that the impact was' so There is Health in Morton 1, Raith Rovers 4 slight triat the defendant did not Bangers l, Hearts x notice it. •HYING NORSEMEN ALLthese Stirling Alb. 2, Motherwell 1 Mr. Minty said: "The defend­ Third Lanark 2, Aberdeen 0 ant's ear was seen on the Sunday GET TO RACES miseries of Division B by P.C. Ferguson and then, as WINOX Ayr Utd. 2, Dundee Utd. 0 now, there was not the slightest Take the worry out Clyde 2, Arbroath 1 sign of any collision or even a NEW YORK Oct 20—Flying Hie Gold Medal Colds Cowdenbeath 2, Alloa Ath. 2 scratch anywhere upon its horseman are no novelty on Dumbarton 0, Dunfermline 0 polished surface. . In my opinion, harness racing's Grand Circuit Tonic Wine Forfar Ath. 1, Kilmarnock 0 what happened is that the hub cap this season. A number of top Hamilton Acads. 0, Falkirk 1 of Robinson's taxi came Into con­ notch reinsmen, most of them of Monday!! St. Johnstone 1, Queen's Park 1 tact with the centre of the wheel racing tinder the arcs in the East, Stenhousemuir 3, Albion B.'3*** at the defendant's car." have made weekly aerial pilgrim­ ;- On the fourth charge, that of ages to the mid-west to race in careless driving, Mr. Minty said: major colt stakes. Buy a WINOX contaiiis Malt and "I find that charge is fully proved. One of the leading airline pat­ ROYALTY MUST BE SERVED Having found that, in fact, the rons is Johnny Simpson, 31-year- other extracts in pre-digested form defendant did collide with the old South Carolina driver, who UNIVERSAL «• STUFFY NGSE taxi, that speaks for Itself. The has the biggest stable in the with added Glycerophosphates, all MONTREAL (JP) Oct. 20—Pro­ speed was not in excess of tbe country. Simpson is racing a scientifically blended into a choice « SORE THROAT fessional hockey will bow to speed limit, but in the circum­ trip of Grand Circuit stars and WASHING ^ TIGHT CHEST royalty this season. One dato In stances of a crowded thorough­ flies out each week to drive them. Rich Red Matured Wi*ae made the National Hockey League has fare of people hastening to get They include the season's top « COUGH been changed in order for their into a cinema, it was in my two-year-old trotter, Duke of MACHINE with the juice of the finest Wine Royal Highnesses, Princess Eliza­ opinion an excessive speed. There Lull water; Kim ber ley Mine, Grapes. beth and Prince Philip, to see the was only a slight accident and another good juvenile trotter; and Detroit Bed Wings play the Mon­ the damage to the taxi was neg­ Silent Waters, a two-year-old It will wash ...with ONE simple treatment! treal Canadiens here Monday, ligible and none done to the pacing filly. Oct. 22. That will be the only defendant's car and nobody, was Another of the airlift brigade It's wonderful how much relief in any way injured, but there yttur wash-day your child gets when you rub Monday game on the Canadiens is little Joe O'Brien who com­ There'is no better Vicks VapoRub on throat, schedule. They, usually play on might have been a more serious mutes regularly to handle Golden troubles away! chest and back at bedtime. Saturdays and Thursdays. accident." Broom and Vonian Chief. Stuffy nose clears, throat ir- TONIC WINE iftatk— is soothed, coughing Special Features stops as he inhales die healing i£/6 bottle vapours given off by VapoRub. Throat and chest lose that feeling of tightness as VapoRub works on the skin • Washes 9 lh. at One Washing! Obtainable from like a warming pfjrfy*fr. While yout patient sleeps, • Has an All Steel Porcelain Tub! VapoRub goes on working, LILLY RAG APPLE SEGIS FRITHS LIQUORS, LTD. breaks upmost colds overnight. Cf*) 580344 • Sell Emptying Pump! St. George's - Hamilton Somerset Grand Champion Holstein Fe-' WICKS male, Lachute Spring Fair. • Super-Safe Six Position Wringer! 202l3t«>n- WAPORUB 1950. Owned by J. A. Meyer, Lachute, Que. Household Department i MASTERS LTD Grow Better Herd Replacements Main Store

with FUL-O-PEP! And to Iron those Lachute, Quebec You can build extra size and capacity into Wrinkles Away! DINNER DANCING Gentlemen! your herd by following the lead of successful dairymen like J. A. Meyer! A We have found from experience that we get Ful-O-Pep Calf Meal Pellets and Ful-O-Pep _S bigger, healthier heifer calves with Ful-O-Pep Thursdays and Saturdays Fitting Ration help calves grow faster, with UlSftVERSAL PORTABLE Calf Meal Pellets and Ful-O-Pep Fitting stronger, straighter tops and legs, and a from 7.30 p.m. IRONER Ration. greater depth of ribs... grow them into cows

OB these two excellent feeds our heifers with the extra capacity that pays off in in­ Pressure and Roll Movement creased milk production! FREDDIE MATTHEWS AND HIS ORCHESTRA develop into real milk producers. We recom­ Controlled by Lever!

mend Ful-O-Pep to all dairymen. DAIRY Automatic Thermostat formal dress requested REDS p Signed: J. A. Meyer. AVAILABLE Fingertip Control at the Castle Harbour Rendezvous IN Weighs only 30 lb. 18% For Information and orders, contact: 24% 1 J. C. COOPER & CO., Ltd. ENABLES YOU TO Sit DOWN < CASTLE HARBOUR HOTEL P. O. lex 37 Hamilton AND IRON WITH EASE! Radio Broadcast Monday, October 22nd 1015 to 10.45 p.m. Growing! Why? Because u)e give Service! UL-O-PEP DAIRY FEEDS fl£S8t«*pn. wist*tmi Fage '6 THE SUNDAY ROYAL GAZETTE, OCTOBER 21, 1951

Sty* fttttiag Vagal IS ROYAL GAZETTE (Estab. 18») mat COLONIST AND DAILY NEWS (B»tab. MM) VJB. and Canada Representatives: British defence 8. S. Koppe ft Company, Inc. 630 Fifth Avenue THE WALL New York City. tP/Mide United Kingdom Representatives: scientists still "":' . * sf ' African & Colonial Press Agency, Ltd. 8 Red Lion Square, *3fe'r London, W.C.I, England. *work frantically Proprietors: THE BERMUDA PRESS, LTD. for results • • SILENCE Beld Street, Hamilton Editor-in-Chief: E. T. SAYER By CONNIE BINNIE Editor: MARTIN DIER g*P ON THE OTHER- (Parliamentary Reporter) Manager: FORD BAXTER On the stroke of two o'clock on Wednesday af tfcrnoon the Subscriptions: £1.5.0 per year House ef Assembly was once more filled witff BfJCJ^s. who gazed around with satisfied expressions at the renovations to SUNDAY. OCTOBER 21. 1951 Americans have locked up the answers the chamber. Looking dapper in morning clothes and with their glossy Two British secret weapon experts called at two different American The feelings- towards Britain top-hats beside them, members greeted each other with harm- VITAL ISSUES of the thousands of officials in shakes and smiles all round . Despite the torrential rain Two paramount probtentts that call for the attention of defence research stations recently. Though both are top men in their fields, the Pentagon — Washington's huge five - sided "House of which lashed against the windows, there was an air of cheer­ nembers of the Colonial Parliament in the session just started the welcome they received could hardly have been in sharper contrast. |£ Brass" — fluctuate as different fulness within. :oncern the growth of population and illegitimacy and eon- Expert No. 1 was Dr. David Henderson, jovial, burly boss of Britain's men are appointed to posts there. The only woman member pre­ time. Assemblymen were almost litions in the civil serviee. Tiie manner in which they are Now the feeling among the sent was Mrs. Edna Watson, garrulous in their efforts to re­ iecided will have a vital bearing on Bermuda's future. giant germ-warfare Station at Porton, on Salisbury Plain. He checked in at U.S. Air Force officials seems to smartly dressed in a neat black lieve themselves of opinions on 1 be strongly pro-British. But suit. She viewed* the opening of the growth of illegitimacy and Commissions of inqip*fy have made reports and recom- Portoh's sprawling American counterpart — Camp Detrick, in Maryland. among the Navy men there is tiie heavens with more dismay population in the Colony. nendations on both problems. They should be of great help Every secret laboratory was reluctance to co-operate with than her male colleagues. Mr. Jim Pearman, probably tbe - ,o the legislators charged with the task of reaching decisions unlocked for him to inspect. He CHAPMAN PINCHER cables:- the Admiralty on secret work. * * * * most able debater in the House, hat do not sow seeds of trouble for generations to come. was shown the latest experi­ This is serious for both sides. startled his colleagues when he mental germ bombs. Secret files There should, for instance, be. When Sir John Cox, the pot forward the suggestion of The problem of increasing population is not confined to were opened. Here in Washington you realise why the wall the fullest partnership to defeat Speaker of the House, called the legalised abortion. It was evident 3ermuda. It is world-wide. JCn the West Indies it over­ Expert No. 2 was Sir John tite Russian mines which have Assemblymen to order, he noted that his words made a deep Cockcroft, famous chief of the proved far more effective in use there was a quorum present, al­ impression on members. shadows all planning for the future. There, it is reliably gets higher as the secrets grow more vital off Korea than the Americans though many seats were empty. Harwell atom research station. This deep impression became Etimated that if tbe present reproduction rates are main- When he arrived at Harwell's expected. Some of these were later filled as lamed the population will in the next ten years increase by And their suspicions nave un­ "If I hand a secret document unpunctual members came into even more apparent when counterpart, the magnificent fortunately received sensational to a British representative, and succeeding speakers made men­ fiearly 25 per cent and may be double in a little more than lArgonne laboratory sited in a Results the chamber and bowed for the tion of his ' unconventional support from the treachery of information from it eventually first time this session to tiie 50 years. forest clearing near Chicago, he Klaus Fuchs and Bruno Ponte­ leaks, 1 may one day be labelled The only certain way to re­ suggestion, usually in terms In Bermuda, too, although she is no part of the "West was rigidly excluded from every eorvo. as a Communist by Senator establish full working partnership Speaker. detrimental to Mr. Pearman. department working on secret Under the American system McCarthy," he said. with America on defence research One seat, however, Will remain Noteworthy was the percration Indies, the population problem is of tiie gravest importance. weapons. unfilled until a by-election has any official, from the topmost "If I fail to pass it on all I risk is to pay the way with hard delivered by Mr. F. C. Misick, one •The rate of increase may not be so rapid as in tiie West Indies, atom chief to the youngest army results. Britain .must make the produced an occupant. This is of the most respected and cul­ is a mild rebuke from my chief, the seat occupied by Mr. George put if tiie present excess of births over deaths—now between Policy subaltern, can Toe called to who then automatically takes partnership such a sound business tured speakers in the House. In ! Official reasoning behind this account lor his actions before a proposition that no senator can Williams, who has been appoin­ a speech which delved deep into 700 and 800 a year—continues, a conservative estimate would responsibility if anything goes ted to serve on tiie Legislative discrimination was simple. Senate committee. wrong. So I play safe and sit on safely criticise it. the problem facing the Colony, pearly double tiie population in 50 years. And Bermuda The British are doing so well There are hopeful signs that Council. Mr. Williams, always Mr. Misick declared that tiie next Whether he is guilty or not, he the documents." one of the most immaculately Would be totally unable to support such a population. in germ-warfare research that can be so badly branded by It is just at these medium levels this may be achieved. Washing­ step—after birth control, steri­ It can readily be seen, therefore, that politicians and they have plenty to offer ia return accusations, against which he has that liaison should be perfect. ton experts have been greatly dressed of the Assemblymen, wild lisation and abortibn had failed for U.S. secrete. In atomic energy impressed by the latest results of be missed in the Sessions House. to produce the desired results- (administrators must give the problem their most urgent and no redress, that Ids career may The most promising decision He had many years of Parlia­ earnest consideration. they are so hopelessly behind that be ruined. The result is that at made by top men can be com­ the British guided missile experi­ was the lethal chamber. This any interchange would be almost every level everybody plays safe. pletely nullified if subordinates ments. Britain's new jet planes mentary experience behind him, ominous prophecy caused some The House of Assembly has already started to debate the entirely one way. do nothing. That is exactly what are so good that the Americans but the House of Assembly's loss members to look uneasy. is the Legislative Council's gain. matter. For nearly three hours on Friday members discussed Almost all the defence-research Betrayal is happening now In the vital field are giving her the latest findings Although in a far from [tire commission of inquiry's report. The debate unfortunately experts I have met here in of guided missiles. from tiieir experimental flights af The new member for South­ humorous mood, lb. Misick jwas not marked throughout by cahn and reasoned argument Washington are strongly opposed Nothing can be done to restart 1,500 miles an hour. ampton parish, whoever he or facetiously inquired if a special to this policy. tbe Angle* - American atom Partnership Mr. George Edwards, designer she is, wiU enter into legislative Birth Control Sunday would be —and that is what is needed if the problem is ever to be They think it is crazy to force partnership until Congress has of the new Vickers' four-jet work during a session of import­ instituted at which members of satisfactorily solved. Passion engenders passion and in the Britain to duplicate work which amended the U.S. atom law. And Britain and America started a Valiant bomber, was. given a ant and controversial issues. If the clergy would extoll its welter of heated words sight is lost of the main purpose. the Americans did five years ago nobody is willing to risk being full working partnership in cocktail party by the chief of he or she is a newcomer to beauties of birth control and hand when other projects for the associated with an amendment rocket research after the war. the U.S. Air Force, General Hoyt Parliament it will prove an out tracts. Controversial issues have to be dtetkrmined. Logical COM-. common defence are held up for that may be thrown out by Con­ The Americans abruptly ended it Vandenberg, in Washington arduous task becoming familiar 'tentions, coolly put forward, and wisdom and understanding lack of scientific manpower. But in 1947, following Britain's de­ recently. with the procedure. The burden Mr. S. S. Toddings found much gress because it is bad security. to incur his displeasure during are needed. they feel they can do nothing An amendment was scheduled cision to join with tiie Australians General Vandenberg was will not be made less easy by the about tt for two reasons. in building a £50,000,000 rocket tremendously impressed by the the debate. In his flambuoyant } When tiie Governor (Lieut-General Sir Alexander Hood) to be put to Congress early last fact that the life Of the present but effective style he attacked the The first reason is surprising, year. The discovery that Fuchs range. Valiant when he saw it in flight Parliament is now entering its convened Parliament for the new session, he emphasised the Some of the most influential U.S. in Britain three months ago. recommendations of the commis­ had given bomb secrets to Russia Why? Because 'American fourth year. sion, dramatically waving his need for a speedy solution of the population problem, as well military chiefs feel tint Britain wrecked it. defence chiefs fear there is too * * • is too vulnerable to invasion to copy of the report to emphasise as that of the civil service. When Britain's American well- much Communist activity in Hope Humour was injected into his comments. . be used as a storehouse for wishers were ready to broach the Australia.. Wednesday's preliminary pro­ Salaries and conditions in the civil service are well below atomic "know-how" which an subject again, Ponteeorvo dis­ The partnership was restarted Even in the floundering atomic As he thumbed his way through those obtainable in private employment Discontent and invader could take over and use. ceedings. As Sir John announced the report seeking points upon appeared. Then, just when they 18 months later on condition project there is a glimmer of the names of the two members which to elaborate, he grumbled: frustration, resentment and resignations, have been the It was this reasoning which felt that public resentment of this that Britain should net pass any hope. delegated, to carry tbe message to made the Americans end the "This is not in alphabetical result, and some departments, tiie Governor revealed, have security breach had subsided, the U.S. information to the "We are satisfied tnat Britain the Governor informing him that order." As bis agitation grew wartime atom partnership ia two diplomats Burgess and. Australians. now has some atomic information tiie House .ei Assembly had met, reached the verge of collapse. 1946 — long before any serious Maclean vanished. ja Then, early last year, a special wh ich would help. us," said Mr. his voice became louder. atom security leaks had been the remaining Assemblymen At one instance Mr. Jim Pear­ This is a deplorable state of affairs. The business of 'It. almost, seems a__ j^'JJf^Jtaission beaded by General Sir Gordon Dean, chief of America's chuckled — with relief. The government calls for loyal, devoted arid efficient civil servants. discovered. " Russians' deliberately organised "Tierald Tempter, brought off a atom project, as we talked in his man, who had crossed the floor There has been virtually no reason: rain was skidding off the of the House to take a seat on T The civil service has' long been nqted for those traits. the disappearance of Ponteeorvo brilliant diplomatic coup j in palatial headquarters here. roads is a tropical downpour. exchange of information since. and the diplomats to wreck the Washington. They got , the Dazzling results tram the the side opposite to Mr. Toddings, That Bermuda's civil service should have been allowed Britain has' been told no details The appointed delegates—Mr. quietly interjected: "Speak a chances of Anglo - American Americans to sign an agreement defence laboratories will not be B. C. C. Outerbridge and Mr. to reach its present morbid state is a sad reflection on the of the atomic •» powered sub­ co-operation," a U.S. security which permitted information to enough to dispel the exaggerated little louder." marine, the tactical "baby" 1 Gilbert Cooper—approached the Mr. TOddings did not oblige. political meanderings that have made it possible. man told me. be passed to Australia. fear of Britain's vulnerability. Speaker's chair te receive the bombs, or the super bombs now That agreement is still in Britain must also strengthen In fact, it was doubtful if he There can be no doubt there is need for a revision of in production. force. But it is not working. her operational defences. message. .In a sympathetic tone, could. i salaries in the civil service to bring them more into line with Safety first Ur John told them: "You will * » • Acting on the safety - first Brilliant aircraft research will find an umbrella in the lobby." those paid in other fields. The sooner the matter is dealt Fear How deep this fear of Congress principle, U.S. officials are fail­ impress the U.S. scientists. But Criticising the Imperial with, the sooner can the efficiency and self-respect of the civil The second reason is wide­ penetrates was vividly brought ing to hand over information to only the presence of new airplanes * * • authorities tm declining to sell to spread fear of censure by Con- out by a talk. I had with a U.S. British representatives in Wash­ in strength on the R.A.F .'s air­ Friday's session of the House the Bermuda Government the teervice be restored. There are several noisy naval commander who is involved ington when they are told it will fields will» satisfy the doubting produced one of tiie most realistic housing units on Boaz and Ire­ Prompt and wise action on these outstanding problems senators who do not trust Britain. in a guided missiles project. be passed to Australia. U.S. Service chiefs and senators. and stimulating debates for some land islands, Mr. Toddings i before Parliament is imperative for the sake of the future wondered, if the situation might welfare of the Colony. improve after the general Presentation was made to 16 election in Britain on Wednesday recipients of honours and medals "when my friend Mr. Churchill by the Governor, Lieutenant- is back in office." General Sir Alexander Hood,, at A voice interrupted: "A an investiture at Government friend?*** Highlights Of The Weeks News House. Heading the awards was "Yes!" retorted the member for the presentation of letters patent St. George's, "when I say friend SHADES tion of Mr. Williams from the of knighthood to Sir John Cox, The House of Assembly con­ spector Fergus Ferguson, who fell Richard Symonds-Tayler, left the I mean personal friend." vened in a rainstorm which overboard from the Reina del Colony for Britain. House of Assembly, where he sits Speaker of the House of as one of the four representatives Assembly. necessitated the cancellation of Pacifico on her way to the Colony. • • • It was good to hear Mr. some of the ceremony. The guard Burial was at sea. The opening of the Bermuda of Southampton 'Parish, wfll cause • • • OF THE of honour from Prospect Garrison a by-election in tbe Parish. From mid-day on Tuesday to Edmund Gibbons, tiie chairman pageant at St. George's was of the commission, pay tribute to an— tiie band of tile 1st. Battalion postponed because of inclement midnight on Wednesday 7.25 of the Royal Welch Fusiliers were Vice-Admiral Sir William inches of rain fell on the Colony. the work of Mrs. Fired Clipper, weather until Monday. who acted as secretary during dispensed with. There was no Andrewes, tne new Commander- • • • Treasury reports were pre­ This is more than an inch in ceremony in front of the Public in-Chief of the America and West sented to the House of Assembly excess of the average rainfall far the commission's investigations. Mr. G. A. Williams, M.CP., was "We were fortunate in securing PAST Buildings. Indies Squadron, arrived to take appointed to fill the vacancy on which showed a net operating the month of October, but does e • • over his duties at Admiralty surplus for tiie first' nine months not constitute a record. the services of Mrs. Clipper, a the Legislative Council caused by highly intelligent and extremely Excerpts from the files of The Royal Gazette Word was received of the loss House. The former Commander- the death of the Hon. W. E. S. of this year of £250,070, despite • • • at sea of Bermuda Police In­ in-Chief, Vice - Admiral Sir Cooper in August. - The resigna­ increased expenditures. The police made a fourth arrest efficient young woman who did in connection with the shooting of a tremendous amount of work. Brooklyn of Halifax, and, on Mr. Stuart Peniston at the Lili The commission and I are deeply 122 Years Ago comparing chronometers found Perfume Factory in Bailey's Bay grateful to her," declared Mr. For Sale tiie following articles they agreed in thne. and showed "It never rains but it pours!" on Wednesday. A 15-year-old Gibbons. of neat and fashionable furniture, tiie Golden Rule's distance to the boy was charged in Hamilton just imported from London: One westward of tbe Island to be as / // / magistrates' court on Friday with large library or drawing room above stated. attempting to kill Mr. Peniston If Friday's debate is any cri­ liable of solid mahogany, French and was remanded in custody for terion stormy sessions Its ahead polished, one large mahogany 50 Years Ago 14 days at tbe 'Junior Training before the House has made up its armchair, with cane back and A cowardly and murderous School. The charge was made mind whether er net it is going to bottom, and hair cushions, assault was committed on Cor­ *CD52_E23H9p^ 'in camera before the Wor. H. accept the recommendations of covered with morocco, one ebony poral Hudson, of the Warwick­ Martin Godet. tiie eht - member commission ditto with ditto, two spindle- shire Regiment, on Darrell's • • • which sat On so many occasions back chairs, imitation rosewood, Island on Monday last at about Four traffic charges were last winter. with hair cushions, in purple midnight. In the regular dis­ brought against the Colonial The members of the commission I morocco, one mahogany toilet charge of his duty, tiie man was Treasurer, the Hon. William W. were Mr. Gibbons, Mr. Hereward ;table and wash-stand, entirely going his rounds about the Boer Davidson, M.C.P., of Paget. The Watlington, M.C.P., Mr. E. T. fitted up with utensils, etc., for encampment—which at this hour charges were driving without Richards, M.C.P., Sir Stanley 'dressing, one brass sofa bedstead, is practically silent, most of the lights at night, failing to stop Spurling, Mrs. Lawrence Smart fwtth bed, cushions, mosquito net, prisoners being asleep and those when called on to do so by a and Mrs. Louis Corbin. etc., etc., two large rosewood wakeful having at all events police officer, being involved in cheffonieres, .one .beautiful been a considerable time in an accident in which damage was f Brussels carpet four painted quarters for the night, save oc­ caused and failing to stop after­ wards, and careless driving. A at Holy Trinity Church, Bailey's ; transparent window blinds, two casionally a prisoner who may Bay. [sets of beautiful cottage paper, with permission be for awhile written judgment was delivered 'a handsome plated tea service, by the Wor. L. M. Minty, who • * • astir—when suddenly, and pre­ Funeral services were held at [with large embossed silver edges, sumably without warning, there heard the case in Hamilton one pair of plated candlesticks magistrates' court. Mr. David­ St. Peter's Church, St. George's, being no noise heard in the for Mrs. Louis L. (Hilda) with silver edges, one plated, vicinity to denote an attack or son pleaded not guilty to all j chamber candlestick with ditto, charges, but was convicted on Mowbray. Her husband, two sons, scuffle, he was struck down hy a four sisters, and a brother one pair of plated snuffers and blew of great violence on the three of the four counts, fined tray, with ditto, eight very hand­ £4. 10. 0, and had his licence survive. Mrs. Mowbray's husband head from an unseen hand. was curator of tiie Bermuda Gov­ some chairs of solid rosewood. The corporal lay where he fell endorsed. m m m ernment Aquarium at Flatts for All of which are London made in a state of unconsciousness and many years and their son, Louis, and will be sold at cost and in this condition was found by Bermuda Milestones jr., succeeded his father as charges, if early application be some of the men who were Miss Inez Gibbons, daughter of curator. made to Thos. A. Darrell, junr. engaged on similar duty to him­ Mrs. Richard Lovell, of Warwick • • • self. Every available means was and the late Mr. Perch—1 Mr. Joseph Watson Gibbons, of 100 Years Ago at once resorted to by his Gibbons, became the bride of Mr. Devonshire, died after a long ill— comrades for tile purposes of re­ Henry Bernard Woolridge, son of ness^surviving him are three sons, The brigantine Golden Rule, storing him to consciousness, and Mr. and Mrs. George Woolridge two daughters, four grandsoas Captain Wellington, arrived on in tills they were happily success­ of Flatts Hill. "The wedding was and three granddaughters. Wednesday last from London in a ful, and he was conveyed to very good run, having left Deal Watford Hospital where he at on the 14th ultimo. The passage present lies. . was prolonged two days by the Corporal Hudson, we are glad dense haze which enveloped the to say, is rapidly recovering, but *%tttm <$t Sljinujbt | land on Sunday week last. On the attack upon him beyond tbe that morning they had run up natural inference that it was The fruit of the Spirit is lave, joy, peace, long-$ufterm& tiieir longitude per chronometer, made by some Boer thirsting for gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, temperance; against such- and being but three miles south revenge is wrapped in. mystery. of the land, which they could The blow was delivered with there is no law. Galatians not see, the impression was that much violence from tbe sur­ the chronometer was out; they rounding darkness, and even the Go not into the w&yjStl the unchristly, but wheresover consequently pushed on the west­ appearance of the wound on the ward; after running about 130 man's head fails to indicate the (The Colonial Parliament convened in drenching rain during the week, after the summer recess. Members have many you recognise' a clear expression of God's likeness, there abide miles they fell in with the brig weapon used in the assault. Pli legislatflee. problems to determine "in the session ahead.). iwtg,. in confidence and hope. --Mary Baker EfMy THE SUNDAY ROYAL GAZETTE, OCTOBER 21, 1951 Page-7 THE STORY OF BERMUDA'S! A glimpse of RHODES SCHOLARS it v™ mffi—P~| this world Many Are Now Leaders e a c h % The Community By a Special Correspondent Bermuda's Rhodes scholars have made an THE King is bored and fretful, and his doctors are feeling more important contribution to the community. They are cheerful. jpfl to be found as leaders in law, medicine, education While they commend his courage and fortitude in the face and the civil service, as well as in the business life of the grave operation he has undergone, no doctor wlio has treated of the Colony. ' ijgj|; the King would regard him as the ideal post-operative patient. He Sine*' 1*504, when the first Rhodes scholar was appointed wants to be up and doing far too soon. from Bermuda.;fe study in England, 41 young men have been Recovering from past illnesses he has soon become irritable with the selected for the 48 scholarships available, -as not every year palaver of the sick-room. It is a good sign of returning strength. was there found to be a candidate to conform fo the rigid But the King is still weak and thin. Long before his operation he ; entrance requirements. was far from well; then the operation itself undermined his health A SPRING picture ot the King witb hh . The Rhodes scholarship is for favourite Corgi "Crackers." three years at the University of completely. Oxford and local selections are The days of crisis are over now, and unless there is any un­ tea at 4 p.m. and dinner at eight It Is hoped to resume this time- FATHER AND SON made by a committee, whose recommendation is subject to re­ expected development, his dictors wfll no longer fear a relapse. table soon. Queen felt that it should be can- view Sal confirmation by tiie Now he is having nourishment Rhodes trustees in England. HIS PULSE IS GOOD six tones a day. These light meals railed. are nearly always selected from Permanent chairman of the Although he has lost a stone in weight since he left Balmoral, menus ordered by his doctors. . A GRUMBLE /. local selection committee is the and although his temperature was above normal before his operation, Governor. The Colonial Secre­ He has a lot of soup and milk The King's convalescene has tary always serves as secretary tm SOME RHODES SCHOLARSHIP WINNERS: Mr. Allan C. the King's temperature is normal now. And his pulse is good. drinks which he dislikes and says the committee. At least three Until recently everyone who has been in the so frankly. not been discussed by the Queen C. Smith, Chief Justice of Sierra Leone (top left); the Wor. and the doctors yet. But it is felt- former Rhodes scholars must be royal sick-room has been wearing a muslin mouth But chicken and young grouse members of tile committee, and H. Martin Godet, Bermuda's senior magistrate (top right); mask. The Queen, who has visited him nearly are now appearing at meal times that there is no question of his each year tiie non-permanent every hour^ every day, wore a mask, just like the and are making him happier. going abroad for quite a time. members may be subject to Mr. Dudley Spurling, M.CP. (bottom left); and Mr. William doctors and nurses. So did Sir Alan Lascelles, his change. Sir John Weir, the King's The doctors would like to get Milner Cox, son of Sir John Cox, Speaker of the House of Majesty's/private secretary, who often saw his doctor, knows the value of master. him away before the damp and QUALITY OF LEADERSHIP Assembly. laughter in fighting boredom and fogs of November, but neither Many, many flowers — expensive and beautiful nagging pain. Each day at the What are the requirements for — have arrived at the Palace, but fear of pollen bedside he has a stock of stories. Sandringham nor Windsor, low- Rhodes scholarship? In addition irritation has made the doctors ban them from the And the King appreciates them. lying and chilly, is regarded as to literary - and scholastic stan­ sick-room. Sitting up in bed, propped by suitable. dards, a candidate must exhibit The King is still. extremely susceptible to THE yUEKN pillows and a back rest, the King The King is still too weak to moral force of character and the infection in his present state. quality at leadership. To make for Reads, tr. h m. greets his visitors. talk much, but he has managed to a rounded personality be must grumble to his doctors that he excel in outdoor sports. He must WHEELED TO WINDOW A few intimate servants have be unmarried and between 19 and often spoken of the devotion of has missed all the best shooting the royal couple. Now many are this year. 25 years of age and be the holder The flowers are going to the Queen instead. She loves them. seeing the love their Majesties of senior-status Oxford or Cam­ And each morning she arranges them in her sitting-room, the large have for each other, and are bridge school certificates. bow-window apartment right over the garden entrance to the Palace. deeply moved. Mr. H. D. ButttirfMd, M.CP. Who are some of the outstand­ .. ^hile f*? *» alone arranging the flowers the doctors are with After her greeting of "Hello, (above) manager of the Bank ing Rhodes scholars of Bermuda? darling," the Queen often sits The list was headed in 1904 by the the King. When they have finished they come to her and the daily bulletin is drawn up and handed to a secretary to be issued. and, in her soft, clear voice, reads of N. T. Butterfield and Son, late Mr. Henry C. Cox. wbo after­ to him just as she used to read to DOG INHERITS Ltd., won the Rhodes scholar­ wards became headmaster at Meanwhile, the King is having his bed made. her daughters. Saltus. The 1951 selection, Mr. He is daily lifted out of his bed into the wheel ship in 1917. Mis son, Mr. William Milner Cox, son of Sir chair which was brought to Buckingham Palace BLIND MAN'S Harry Chester Butterfield John Cox, Speaker of the House after he developed trouble with his leg. \L00KING-1N ef Assembly, goes up this year. below), now at the Middle • Well wrapped in blankets he is wheeled to a Meanwhile, the King* is under­ ESTATE The muse of the 1952 scholar window so that he can overlook the gardens while going physiotherapy.' The treat­ Temple, was the Bermuda has not yet been, announced. his bed is being remade. He quietly, wordlessly, ment is given by middle-aged PERTH (JP).—A 78-year- Rhodes scholar for 1949. enjoys this change of scene, but is too weak to he old blind man, whose dog NOTED LAWYERS kept up long. Miss Linton, once head of that de­ bad led him about for tiie partment at Brompton Hospital, greater part of his life, has , The Hon. J. T. Gilbert, C.B.E., Supported by his nurses, the King has been left ills estate for the up­ Attorney-General of Bermuda, BROTHERS WON IT: The Hon. J. TrounseU Gilbert (left), standing on bis feet a little each day. and now in charge at Harefield, aw JOHN Middlesex, Sanatorium. keep of the animal until he who has been appointed the next Because of his leg complaint, this, his doctors dies. ' Chief Justice following the retire­ Bermuda's Attorney-General and future Chief Justice, and WEIB - The feel, is important, though he is assailed by giddi­ He has a television set in his "For many years I have ment of Sir Brooke Francis, K.C., his brother, Mr. C. G. G. Gilbert, Director of Education, both ness and unsteadiness. won the Rhodes scholarship in raconteur. room and his page, in the blue been totaly blind and Toby won the Rhodes Scholarship. informal uniform of the Palace— has been a faithful compan­ 1907. Mr. Gilbert became Ber­ He is still enduring a certain amount of pain, bat it does not ion to me," Howard Hope muda's Attorney - General on trouble him unduly, for he is sleeping well— a great factor in his not unlike a battledress—is there returned to the Gold. Coast as J. L. Dickinson. In the admini­ Hills wrote in his will. January 1,1938, after long service puisne judge and acted as Chief fight for increased strength. to attend to it if the King wants with the Colonial administration strative field is Mr. Charles H. V. Ten-year-old Toby has Justice on several occasions. Last Talbot, manager of fhe King Ed­ it switched on. enough money per week for in other territories, including 21 year he received the appointment SIX LIGHT MEALS A DAY years' service in Zanzibar. He ward Hospital. Other admini­ It was the King on his sickbed his expensive tastes in rump as Chief Justice of Sierra Leone. strative and civil service posts are steak, crayfish, pies and returned to Bermuda in 1933. The King — known as a stickler for having his meals at fixed who decided that the Canadian those of Colonial auditor, held by tour of Princess Elizabeth and cakes. Another noted Rhodes scholar A Bermuda Rhodes scholar of Mr. Harold G. L. Trimingham, times — bas always demanded breakfast at 8.15, lunch at 1 pan., Prince Philip must go on. The of Bermuda whose chosen field 1918 is the Wor. H. Martin Godet, and the post of clerk of the House was law and later tile administra­ of Assembly beld by Mr. Samuel tion of justice is Mr. Allan C. who has had a long career in the G. C. Tatem. Smith, present Chief Justice of Colony as senior magistrate. Bar­ Sierra T

at 8.00 o'clock 1 WM. BLUCK & CO. tsmf««*%**** - Estd. 1844. ON THE POOL TERRACE RINSO for all your wash! Hamilton St. George's (In the Lounge in the event of bad weather)

2021 ttun. 6606tf t (aa. f Page S THE SUNDAY ROYAL GAZETTE, OCTOBER 21, 1951

l Life has its moments . . . NUM.BER 431N A SERP FRgNCH f 00DI| The Wedding Anniversary |J Bermuda's Aristocrats Of ?The Animal World fun Every year this date calls for a special gift The junglefj K By BETTY SMITH ?*A . from her to him fireside this Pernod II, a 65-lb. black French poodle, is the biggest gay and coloi| from him to her 'tstf of his breed in Bermuda, according to h*jf mistress, Mrs. leisure shoes possibly a gift for the home S. J. Dicketts, of Pomander. Gate. He was born in '"Sleepy Hollow" in Warwick, but there is nothing sleepy about him. dowrtt the pikq We have a wonderful selection to suit all tastes. At the age of 10 weeks the many moons. puppy, who already showed signs pigeon at the intersection of Park I of being "unusual," left his Avenuejtrid Fifty-seventh Street, The anima original home with Mrs. H. J. one of the busiest points in a busy The Astwood-Dickinson Co. Fitzpatrick and went to live at city. What WS Pternod lor lie represented in the Princess Hotel with the "pointen" and refused to move, | of the lecpan Hamilton St. George's Dicketts. He has eight brothers much ! to the amusement of the and sisters here anot — now 15 hard-boiled policemen and taxi 'phony pony" j 2 1 :% mmhmgfSjs AGENTS For YOU a skirt NTER COOKSON & CO., Box 460. Hamilton. ?ji.$5t»OI**i tailored in Britain »*** P*SAil *<£&•* -1 Gor-Ray offer .you every-day skirts— with a future ! Beautifully cut, We have a few The new music is on the OncA and beautifully finished, in British-loomed pure woollens—they keep MOBYLBXTES By DAVID LEWIN good-looking through many years You can IVOR NOVELLO was flying from London to Jamoica foe of wear. When you shop—look for of any ot| her with his last holiday. He Waned back in his seat, high over the the Gor-Ray label—there's a elegant That have been rented during the Gor-Ray skirt in a cloth, a style and a Atlantic, and began to hum a tune. . . . Jhoose past season. From the seat flap be pulled took only ten- minutes to write. size to suit you. selection; out a sheet of the airline com­ I shall put them in my bank for pany's route map. Hurriedly he safe keeping. drew a bar or two of music and We are offering these for sale at "Now words have been written LOV Sited in the notes. for 'Pray for Mfe' by Christopher GOR-RAY Then he turned round to his Hassel, who worked with Ivor on with travelling companion Olive Gil­ shows like 'Dancing Years' and £hf*4y irn£, be/fes / Brau| bert—starring with him in his 'King's Rhapsody.'" >;• £40 |' |g show "King's Rhapsody" — and 3; said: "I've got a wonderful tune When . the flight last January Obtainable at all leading stores. I; was over Ivor hummed the time i; for you. Don't throw it away." GOR-RAY LIMITED, 107 NEW BOND STREET, LONDON, W.I. ENGLAND * There are a few of them available He added the title: "Pray for Me." to a party of friends at his Those last few bars which Ivor Jamaican home. Olive Gilbert at la-la'd and Ivor played the piano. Novello wrote are reproduced \ above. Bea Lillie was there, so were Phyllis Monkman and Alan 'I'LL TREASURE THEM' Melville. Queen ZOllt-un And a few better ones at £45 but Said Olive Gilbert recently: "I Within two months, Novello shall treasure them always. They died in London. Flowers the majority are priced at £40 $10! mnsxs^mt LIFE! cigarette This is the j These long overdue spares you are nc have arrived at last: make reguld that offers the Sun Lif J Flowers are that "plus" quality that 83* 60 y-m] FORKS sparks an occasion — whether a $100 a mon| birthday, anniversary, or simple you prefer fuller contentment RINGS oash—both Sudden hot spells—periods of sultry weather friendly call. Remember with Increased bl Light a CONNECTIONS came much unexpected distress. People sty flowers! And, remember our beauti­ at times like these that the heat " gets on CRAVEN 'A' and ful selections, too! By completij and their nerves." For upsets caused by hot* suited to you'll know that weather conditions 'ASPRO' is • sound, amounts of | soothing and simple remedy. It has a the ci ,;h o here is a cigarette CLUTCHES delightful calming and comforting MIXED BOUQUET 50-5-3-60 or of rare quality effect. Nerviness and discomfort, head­ • JP§PffWFPjFl| aches caused by hot, oppressive- weather Dewy fresh, artisti­ offering so much are relieved in a matter of minutes. 'ASPRO* cally arranged. mawmms" more in smoking Induces a feeling of peace and restfulness To: oa wakeful heat-wave nights—and tweet WA enjoyment. sleep comes swiftly. SUN LIF1 Distributors for Bermuda I BUTTERFIELD It COMPANY, LTD., I The largest-selling Cork-Tipped Cigarette im tk* World Tel. 1284 HAMILTON Name IMI>OHTi:i» FROM l,0\l>0\. ENGLAND WITHIN TNE REACH OF AU Bermuda Florist Fairy Isle Flower Shop Address BY GOSLING BROS. LTD- HAMILTON Hamilton Made in faghnd by 2071 3060 ASPRO LIMITED, Occupation 2020tsun. 2

If you want to prevent .mineral i of equal parts of vinegar and ' The essential otts in tea leaves !n Own* Backyard deposits from accumulating on water in the'kettle, cool, and let are not drawn out unless tiie water stand several hours. This treat­ that is poured over the leaves the inside of your teakettle, wash ment loosens the scale so it is is close to the boiling point. That's modox *C*rUDDERSFIELD, Ena. (fi*j— the inside of the kettle often. To usually possible to scrape it off why water should be boiling just A young reporter making a remove deposits, boil. a mixture with a wooden spoon. before it's poured into the teapot. ARC-ANGEL COIF ... routine check at the fire station hairdresser Robert Fiance was allowed to go along with tne iremen when they answered a suggests a new swirl hair -all. It turned out to be the re­ parting such es this for an porter's house that was on fire. Autocycle Spares autumn pick-me-up. ordinary coiffure. Curving the Just Arrived parting is not only flattering but makes the hair behave. A straight W parting is not very enchanting Twist Grips when viewed from the profile. I didn't realize This is particularly likely to be mayonnaise Clutch Compression the case if your head tends to go 1 higher in back, as is true With could be so mod! Throttle and Brake many women. If the parting is m curved it will correct this strange \ Levers profile line and make the bead appear flatter and more shapely." S« & Rubber Handle Grips EVAPORATED Not every woman is yearning HK*. to look flat-headed, but it is true Neither did For Twist and Dummy Bar ANIMAL KINGDOM . . . Zebra stripes CALL OF THE WILD . . . The leopard that autumn coiffures are based on miLK a flat-top look. The girl with a I'tiff tested make a gay note for fireside evenings. tamed for lounge shoes in gay fut fabric. cowlick will find that the flat-on- James Type Rear and top effect can be achieved if the KRAFT'S! parting is curved and swirled A Front Brake Cables around her unruly lock of hair. Hair bordering the entire length O In Kraft Mayonnaise you get Barnett Clutch Cables SOUVENIRS of tbe arc should respond easier to only fine salad oil and eggs, fro- When Buying Your combing, provided the curved grant vinegar and spices adroitly parting follows the .natural added—and pure lemon juice for Villiers and Excelsior Native Cedar Work contour of the head and em­ DRIED BEANS, PEARS, phasises the line where the hair Intriguing piquancy. Clutch Cables PLAYING CARDS has a natural tendency to fall, he When you see how Kraft Mayon­ RICE, SPICES, ETC. says. Excelsior Coils ty) Bermuda Scarves naise brings out the savory goodness A good hairdresser can solve of your salads and sandwiches, Dipper Switches 3£ insist on having and Handkerchiefs the problem of a bad forehead Une you'll always ask for It. Year grocer by giving fira tiie right hair Throttle — Cables the best . . . Cocktail Napkins parting. A slanted parting some­ has It—/rirehen-rresh. times will make a chubby face Gaskets — Bearings Full Cream Evaporated Milk POST CARDS look even chubbier, whereas a Seals Etc., Etc. straight down-the-centre parting Butterfat Content 7.9% Jewellery of Coral, Ivory, on some thin faces wfll give tiie Ehlers illusion of' width. Villiers Clutch Amber and Crystal The best way to experiment with a new hair parting is to use Corks KODAK FILM a three-way mirror so that sides J. C. COOPER & CO-, LTD. and back can be viewed. When Representatives you find a hair parting that looks CECIL E. HARRIS J. C. COOPER 6c CO. LTD, Yankee Store ideal for your type and which Autocycle and Sewing Machine ti REPRESENTATIVES does more for you than the one Sales and Service t«ua eitp. you are using, go to your hair­ dresser for a good haircut based Church Street on the hair parting you prefer. *0Z3tsun. am For ihe One You Love ky keep You can double the pleasure Does 4 jobs at once of any occasion, by presenting bef with an orchid . . . the elegant symbol of devotion. ad a Jhoose from our wide, fresh COOLS jj CLEANS selections. SEALS • OILS LOVELY ORCHIDS with lovely ribbons. Beautifully arranged

Verdmont Florist Only B.O.A.C offers you Queen Street Phone 4612—4712 2tMtn* flights to oil these places! Luxurious Speedbird service!

^^*^%=f— $100 A MONTH FOR BERMUDA to NEW YORK — luxury flights on lOHB9kT The BERMUDIAN. Only BOAC. flies pres­ LIFE FROM ACE 60 surize J Constellations exclusively! Fly over the weather. This is the plan* — suppose annual dividends. If you are you are not over 50, you over 50, benefits are avail- BERMUDA te LONDON — direct flights via make regular payments to ah'e at a later date. the Sun Life of Canada. At Lisbon. And, from New York and Montreal, t^m 60 you start receiving FOR YOUR FAMILY $100 a month for iife or, if Should you not live to the non-stop service to Glasgow and London. you prefer it, $17,149.00 in age of 60, $15,000 will be MIMH <~sh—both amounts can be paid to your family on your BERMUDA to NASSAU — MIAMI — CARIB­ increased by accumulating death. •Slightly 'varied for women. BEAN — B.O.A.C. covers the Caribbean, flies By completing the enquiry form below you can obtain detail" to all the fashionable West Indies resorts. suited to your personal requirements. The plan covers all amounts of premiums from as little as $5.00 per month and the cash or pension can in most cases commence at age • Golden Shell Motor Oil has balance—does four Important 50-55-60 or 65. things equally well. It does the job of cooling'your engine... of cleaning ... of sealing ... and of lubricating. HkSSM th To: Let us drain, flush and refill your crankcase, with Golden BOM SUN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANy OF. CANADA Shell Motor Oil... today! BRITISH OVERSEAS AIRWAYS CORPORATION

Reservations through your travel agent or coil B.O.A.C. Name —_w™™_ Bermuda—Airw«s House, Front St., Hamilton; Tel 3030 Address.... & »«•_... THE HILLMAN GARAGE New York—342 Madison Ave.; Tel. MU 7-8900 KIHGSTON Occupation _ HOLMES, WILLIAMS & PURVEY LTD. JAMAICA B.O.A.C. lakes good care of you Exact date of birth.. Serpentine Road, Hamilton Offices In: Boston, Washington, Chicago, Miami, London, San Francisco, Toronto, Montreal. 3 e/m HAND, ARNOLD LTD. H. J. ZUILL Telephone 4111 lS24ts_t». Agents Representative Page 10 Bffi SU-NDAY ROYAL GASEETTE, OCTOBER 21, 1961

ne extra-soapiness o/^H iDtiuuuuaQLJU3tiiiJUUt«uu ti I.) I j .r2 i. i aan aasaa v "* OftDB "a a a a .c SUNLIGHT SOAP iH'innSTi'in'inf nannnaitanaauTifaaoataGiaQnrraG naorjaBaciGacaDOBaaoafj washes every th ing so clean, so gently ! Tengu« Ttsfgrs •vocabulary bunder 65—Weird. 4i—«fja^ -—--of th,p Lord shall 52 "For • is the kingdom, and How many times cgn^ you say 66—Sly glance. return, and come to Zion with the power, and the glory, fc>r mum these lints aloiindwithout 67—Sajrtj^ens. spqgs and everlasting joy ever. Amen" (Mat.**ia3r***» trioping ypur tongup? i'yi QUIZ - CROSSWORD 69—Old maxims., iijjRn ttetr ^eads*^t|M. 35,38) §4_"Mourning as the ——- (Mi. I Sylvester's stew Susje is sew­ 70—ijwtees. #*—*fltt « **** !-fi*g}# *!elJrew BLOUSES WASHED ing silk siiirts fpr shipwrecked 71—Wjtp what was Paul beaten mohth? (1 Ki. C:38) 56—One Ume. WITH SUNLIGHT sailors. By Eugene Sheffer 22—One of the tithes of the Phari­ tj$rj.ce? (2por. 11-fjf) 58—Equipment. HORIZONTAL sees (Luke 11:42) i It's plain the .rajta in Sp^iiV 23—Blackbirds. 45—English painter, i Jfr—*Hence. 1—"Shuppim also, and Huppim, VERTICAL •47—"Nevertheless ampng the — keep lovely longer \ stays mainly ni the plains. .24—-WA living is better than P0 —Prevaricated. the cliildren qt- - Ir, and 1—Homeless street wantj^rer.' chief ——also pany believed §1—Soap-frame bar. Sunlight's extra-soapiness | glim, slicjt, slep4er sycampre Hushim, the sons of *s ri? a dead lion" (Eccl. 9:4) on him" (John 12:42) 26—Pleasant expressions. 2—"—— is the patience gnd the M—Title of Benedictine monks. means no hard rubbing. and cedar saplings. 'CtftA^ilf}: •''' faith of the saints" (Rev. 13: 49—Beverage. 68—"Hereby we know that he ,'t,—*Wta*-*'r> I will put my trust 28—Signified. 51—"They that wait upon the 33—Those in power. abideth in , by the Spirit in him" (Heb. 2:13) Lord shall their strength' which he hath given " (1 10—Upon what was the ark car­ 34—Street (abbr.). w (isa. 4fl':31) John 3:24) ried when it was brought to 3Q—"Which some professing havs 3—Slsoder fjnjals. WOW-SUPS GERRY'S Jerusalem? (2 Sam..6:3) • concerning the faith" (1 4—"Correct tjiv spn, and lie shall 14—"I came not to call the right­ Tint. 6:21) give thee'7——^ OPT. W-*V WASHED WITH eous, -but sinners to " 37—Fortification. 5—Ife^r. qidark 2:W> * 39—Hurry. 6—t%eiitorm matter. SUNLIGHT 16—Oil: comb. form. 40—"For when we were yet with­ rj—~^ , ftshcpl Sfld Mamie" out strength, in due time (Gep. i*t%6) !iP^ —we so clean! 17—**? -will and go to my 8 father" (Luke 15:18) Christ fjjr the ungodly" —A stroke (med.) —smell so fresh! 18—What son of Adam was born (Rom. 5:6) 9—What bpok of the Old Testa- to replace Abel, who was slain I 41—One pf the cities of the tribe mpnt conies between Ezra and of Benjamin (Josh. 18:25) Esther? by Cain? (Gen. 4:25) 10—Crab roes. 19—From what city did Claudius 42—Who was Balaam's father? 11—"To Mm who doeth great command all Jews to depart? | (Deut. 23:4) Freshly made daily wonSers: -for his mercy en- (Acts 18:2) 43—Scandinavian territorial divi­ dureth for ever" fJPs. i36:4) 20—Outmatched sion. 12—Pardons. POTATO CHIPS 44—Unit of weight for gems. 13—Pedal digits. KORN KRISPS tefL 45—Deflects. *|5-—"And not tljat ^ny should % 0 oU% S N 3 3 ai^SM I s 46—Note in the scale. testify qf man: for he knew CARMELCRISP POPCORN 4 ! 9iv "a fl o 9 N 3 iVrV* a 3 •\ If-!-?}!** ijrtll the way of thy what was in man" (John 2:25) nnaHB^nrana^Bcinca commandments, when thou 21—June bug. FRENCH TOAST POPCORN s -i a9 fl V % O H O Wi T a H o shalt enlarge my heart" (Ps. 25—Where did Isaac dwell? (Gen. SO KIND TO YOUR SKIN, TOO! SALTED PEANUTS WAV.1 1 3 s % s 3 n V X % iij-ap) 25:6) w3 '1 0 T n X a % N n % Y 1 48—Covered with bristles. 27—In what did Mary and Joseph The mildness and purity CHEEZ SNAPS S \I' d n X % X V t V 0 H ** 50—Most loyal. find ip room? (Luke 2:7) af Sunlight keeps t O 3 4 7/,* ? w V V %i a 1 0 53—An Indian weight (var.). 28—Commemorative piece of hands lovely and CASHEW NUTS H MH V Q 3 Q 11 54—A descendant of David (I metal. 3 * $ * *a a 29—From what place did Joseph smooth. 'Try a Handful — J. ' ft .1 3 11 3 X X V w Chr. 3:20) >%s VA,1 55—An exclamation. come to claim the body of you'll want a Bagful" % 5 3 i i w % 9 o a W__W& Jesus? (Mat. 27:57) 3 57—What spirits stood at the gates. S N 3 rf a a 1 s « in the vision of the new city?' 30—Allowance for waste. Wholesale Retail 3 NO V i? H JL a 13^ 3 s 1 D V (Bev. 21:12) 31—Spread for drying. O 0 3 N V X N 3 WE DELIVER 3 1 A a o a n 62—Decrease gradually. 32 —Who left Paul to go to Thessa- _: i v 0 %K 1 V 9 v*2* 3 H 7 63—"Thou wilt keep him in lonica? (2 Tim. 4:10) ' Phone 3630 35—Concise. £L±M L BOSS WOR O PUZZLE SOLUTl«M perfect peace, whose is A LEVER PRODUCT stayed on thee" (Isa. 26:3) 38—Specified times. 39—One of great courage.

• Savanna, Georgia, U.S.A.. and I ]- really wen t to town on Scquting. Visited no less than six troops and a Cub pack and TH€ SCOUT was greatly hpnpured by an Bermuda's Complete .' invitation tp attend a court of NAME THEIR WIVES honour. I was given a further Mr. Dpakes' fortune shrank away almost to nothing in honour of being delegated to CORNER present the "Life Scout^ award - his last years, due to taxes and had investments. When |je Sewing Machine Service to a couple oi Scouts, a fitting died there was just $1,000. He had directed in his will that conclusion to a jolly cruise. I j his- estate be divided among three relative's and their wiv.es, So far my inquiries regarding to you JliSt as written by him. hope and feel that I did carry j and so it was. The three wives together received $396. Jane WE SErJLL — BUX — HIRE AND REPAIR the possibility of H.M.S. Sheffield Here it is: out one of the jobs that I got $10 more than Catherine, and Mary received $10 more having a Deep Sea Rover crew "Our first port of call was Founder B-P set Deep Sea have drawn a blank. However, in Antigua. There, I am sorry Scouts to do. than Jane. John Smith was given just as much as his wife, 3 Makes All-British Sewing Machines i round-about way I learn that to say,' I did no Scouting, being "Now I am homeward bound Henry Samuels got half as much again as his wife, and Tom one of her officers is a member of kept too busy looking up old and 1 ahaU carry with me fond Carter received twice as much as his wife. the Scout movement of long friends. At' St. Lucia I did a mempries oi good Scouting in ] f|J NOW IN STOCK standing and wants to continue bit better ior I walked slap- .Bermuda. So then, goodbye, his Scouting activities during his 'and manv thanks for the grand Wh?t was the Christian name of each man's wife? bang into a -Scouters' training w tn a tour of duty with the squadron. course under tbe deputy Camp times I bave had ^ ^ °i Solution: It is conclusive that Catherine, Jane and Mary received From £i*. 10. 0 upwards Tnat is most encouraging and Chief from Trinidad who soon yon.—-Diochick" in order. $122, $132 and $142. making $396 for the three wives. So perhaps a Fleet Rover Scout if John Smit'p receives as much as .wife Catherine, $122,. Henry put me to work. I had a bit pi I FIRS'tgbASS • Samuels half as mtich again as his wife Jane,' $198, and Tom Carter crew can be formed under -ids. luck, ior my subject was Another three members oi St. twice as much as his wife Mary, then we have correctly paired the Trade-Ins Accepted and Easy Payment Plan guidance. pioneering, the one thing I IAlban' s Sea Scout troop have three couples aijd have accounted for the whole $1,000. K Sandys Crew has added one pride myself on, and was able c o m p 1 e t e d their first-class more member to fts~roll — a to .carry on with some degree | journey. In a short' thne I hope member sat H.M. Sparrow"s crew. oi success. Barbados was our to bear that Keith Seymour, CECIL E. HARRIS I have pot bis full background, next stop and here I'teamed up j David Burgess and Stanley Trim but know tnat he is a qualified with a Sea Scout troop. Gave have made that further step, up AUTOCYCLE AND SEWING MACHINE SALES AND SERVICE examiner for several proficiency them a yarn and, by the way, the ladder. The troop paid a For Delicious MEATS and CHEESES badges and is known as "Tug" if you happen down that way j surprise visit to the gang at Wilson. To nun I extend a hearty better "Be Prepared" for some­ Bethel in Shelly Bay last Friday Ast) for Church Street at Joell's Lane. Phone 4448. welcome to the Bermuda Scout thing in know big, fpr I had' and took along a quantify of eats. 20I4W family and at the same time warn them doing knots pne-handed. I They had a grand time with their him that he might be kept quite At Trinidad I met the D.C.C., brothers dewn there renewing, or busy while the good ship is in Mr. Carter, fpr the third time perhaps I should say continuing, DANEFIELD port. I understand, too, that he and bad a jolly run around a the friendship " made during the is a member of the Royal Life number of troops and was summer when the two pangs The Danefield Produce Company, Saving Society. That should be presented with an Indian head | camped at the same time on Ports. OF DENMARK good news to some oi our carved out of a cocoanut. This j Island. Such visits do a lot of good Scouters wbo have lads eager to I intend rigging up as a Totem ahd I hope to hear of many more. Puts on the Market the try the rescuer test. pole and will give it to fhe Cubs Rotary Sea Scout troop added Following Appetising Items at home for competition. two more to the ever growing FAREWELL *j«SIT Seout family on Friday night, i Ready to Eat Rotary had a surprise visit, a "At Grenada I met only the i Eagle's Nest Hotel extend a sincere Scout welcome TINNED HAMS .farewell one, 1 am sorry to say, Island Commissioner wno in­to the~ncwlv invested * Scputs, aft its meeting' last week from formed me that all the Scouts Howard Marirea and John Lima, TINNED PI[GN?C HAMS W. H. "Dipchick" Button, L(e,ep were on holiday. He took me I and wish them loads of Scout fun. The Sunday Night Candlelight Supper Sea Rover "Banjo" Bannister ana on a tour of the island and fed TINNED HAM ROLLS : The short ceremony of inyeglitu're Hugh Abbott of H M£. Snipe. me on native dishes which j with the solemn* promise by the SERVED FROM 7.40 to #40 p.m. Hugh is a former member of taxed my digestive powers to new Scputs never fails to impress CHEESE Rotary now serving in tha Roval the full but, fortunately, did j your Scribe, and at each I offer a GOUDA HABY SWISS Navy and never misses, a meeting not upset them. Must be I am silent prayer that I may be given of the qld gang if he can help it. a bit hardened with all the strength to keep it. Fs*\TOT!ET All thr,ee toqk pant in the camp cooking experiences. I [ BLLFE CAMEMBEET Chilled Curled Celery Staffed Green Olives Garden Radishes evening's work and both "Dip- .experienced the same thing a In the passing of Police # In­ spector Fergus Ferguson at least Scallion Foie Gras Devilled Eggs am Capet chick' and "Banjo" gave the b

Horse Eye Bonita au Paprika Breaded Rockfish, Tartar Sauce Smoked Cod

Veripont Turkey, Cranberry Sauce f.ong Island Duckling. Orange Rind Virginia Ham, Candied Sweet Potatoes Prime Ribs of Beef, Mustard gance Jellied Ox Tongue Brisquet mt Beet Devonshire Pork, Apple Sauce FOR THEATRE Roast Spring Lamb, Mint Sauce Milk Fed Veal, Currant Jelly Roast Capon :|1 l»ATR(WJS Salami Bologna Liverwurst — Head Cheese — Oxford Brawn — Minced Bam Lo,af Curried Brown Rice Spaghetti Milanaise Weiners in Boston Baked Beau Dy-TYr PR tt >%Mpj|§ if Oven Macaroni and Cheese Table dUote md A La Carte from SM on.

SALADS */**_,***5 Chicken Salad Tomato Cucumber Beets au Harvard Asparagus Hearts of Lettuce Potato Salad Ring Onion Russian Bavarian Macedoine Vegetables String B*eans Carrots Cauliflower AFTEft COCKTAIL PARTIE§ Mexican Slaw Waldorf Victoria Empire French Russian, Vinaigrette, Cheese and Mayonnaise Dressing P-tU-olini'* serves Dinger wwtji f$M p.«i. 7mesm*4tU DESSERTS * -t^(f Toffee Sundae Vanilla Icecream Dakota Fig, Melba ittoka Square MEN RETURNING TO TNE U.S.A. Coconut Layer Cake Jam and Date Square ttMl Peach, Apple, Pear, Strawberry, Custard Pie We have added iC^qkea J&v»» frrrfrWkW * $£**M fm Qelebrate vour home-eont>- our elaborate menu. CHEESE incj wffh this fine old Edam, American, Swiss, Kraft, Gruyere vvhisky. A favourite *he world over. ^Zr_*#** Demi Tasse •otS*':>"^*•",,* ,- Complete cocktail and jjjj-pnr parties served in your own boine $12.50 ^!"*^*^WeS«_. served at an astonishing price. Followed by the per cast of 5 bottles HAYWARD and HAYWARD ENSEMSJ4 * Delicious Salads arid Sandwiches served aS day. < 1 -U.S. gallon) Refreshments in a quaint cocktail bar at their best! with their Spirituals and other Songs

Fer Reservations — Telephone 3866 WAt,ri.!IV!Ui CANADA '•'&& 12S9T»ti» For Reservations Please Call 3150 or 2916 2«lSt!uo in. OlST.I*l.|*;*^pf fINt f "SKItS FO« jgLWOjST A CiNTUIT •—1M^BgjmWWH.I^'A'" I'KlUlT • TIT id -*"•*• "''tl THE SUNDAY ROYAL GAZETTE, OCTOBER 21, 1951 Page 1. The perpetual theory of HENRY FXJRD 'I felt impelled tti tell my story' 1 There's always a li woman at the "For fine food in beautiful surroundings" For reservations Phone . . . 1211 > bottom of it' 5536tth «**•.

HE always carried a gun. He This kind of help was seldom stocked up arms and tear welcome. In fact, Ford's stubborn gas to battle with the unions. efforts to get a nephew to go back He took former criminals on to his wife led him into actually his payroll. **$fk' persecuting the man. Yet HE&RY FORD, the little Superstitions AMERICAN TOURISTS man. who built up a £250 million car empire from a small garage, He was superstitious. If he put WINDSOR TAKE HOME A 5-BOTTLE PACKAGE OP was afraid of black ea,ts, would a sock on inside out ia the morn­ never walk under a ladder, and ing he would never change it. hated breaking *&? mirror. But he had a way of ration­ THE DUKE In fact, if he hurt people, he alising superstitions. He'd say: didn't want to know. "if a black cat crosses the road The speech he eould children to the States, Ford jibbed Ford, according then you'll drive at the idea.^jf.*? to Harry ' Bennett, more carefully, and who worked for that's a good thing "Do you really want to get rid €t% mMAX WHISKY \ him for 30 years, Anyone who walks af Hitler?" he asked. "I'll send not deliver % never gave a gift under a ladder de-' Harry (Bennett) over with six of without strings serves a pot of paint lis men. They 11 get rid of Skier The Duke of Windsor recently was obliged—"with the greatest regret"—to attached to it. on his head." for yon in' no time." In "We Never On •fWday, th* Ford was a dead shot. Bennett cancel a speech he was to deliver at a din er of the Book Publishers' Representa­ Called Him Kenry," 13th," you could lad a target box in his office and tives' Association in London. just published in hardly get Ford tc o met ime s Ford would get tired America by Faw­ move. of shooting at the target and aim The dinner coincided with the appearance in Britain of his important book, cett Publications, at a lamp In the ceiling. Bennett describes Ridiculed "A King's Story." how time after time A sales manager occupied tbe he saw Ford give He was strongly 'loot above and Ford thought it Mow that the King's health is no lo iger the cause of immediate anxiety, The things' away ' and anti-British. great fun to say: "Let's wake him Sunday Royal Gazette is privileged to pu dish the Duke's speech. .then, -if he became Bennett dates op." Hie would then start shooting -^ angry, take them this to a meeting at a metal ball attached to the This is an interesting occasion for me. it was a very successful book—1 cannot give you "back. Ford had with lamp, making it ring. Etast of all the Book Publishers' Repre tbe figures of- its circulation but I can tell you that Churchill. He the Pope of that time was so pleased with ft' that No total Churchill he Scared, the sales manager sentat*rVes' Association have invited me to be he conferred upon Henry the title of Defender of car thought most of would' leave the office until after their guest of honour at their annual dinner, the Faith. He once gave a Britain's problems the shooting. a courtesy which I greatly appreciate a^id for King Henry's daughter, Queen Elizabeth, new car to a man could be solved if which I thank them Sincerely*" changed the Faith but succeeding sovereigns have named Ash,> who farming were en- Threw them out stuck to the title' all the same. ?! ran the power Secondly, this is the first speech—if arty few American tourists can take home 5 FIFTHS per person ot couraged and Mrs. Ford used to darn her hus­ n station at the Ford Britain produced remarks' to you- this eveaing can be so classified—- Victoria Wrote Details of her works. When word band's socks, but he detested that I have made in Great Britain since I went this finest of all Canadian Whiskies—SEAGRAM'S V. Ch­ nearly all her own darned socks. Be claimed they came that Ford was food. away almost 15 years ago. Private Life i coming to the hurt bis feet. Many times wben And thirdly, my memoirs were published yes­ in bond and IT. S. Duty Free. Conveniently packed in attrac­ Churchill is said Ford was riding with Bennett he station Ash started to have ridiculed terday in London. To come down to more modern times, you will carefully polishing would stop the car ahd buy a new By a series Of circumstances "A King's Story" all remember that my great grandmother was also tive wicker baskets or wooden casep. Drop in today at Friths the idea and Ford pair. • the car. Henry For* never got over that. made its debut in America—some six months ago- a writer. Cave—and took back Then he would change them in —where it has been generously received by the Queen Victoria did not think it beneath her Liquors, Ltd. or J. E. Lightbourn & Co. and place your order I Ford noticed all He could not stand the car and toss the pair of Mrs. this and it made a slur on his in­ reading public oC that treat country. dignitv in what we regard as the extremely con­ for delivery to your plane or ship. him angry. "Take Ford's carefully darned socks out But I have, of course, been looking forward to ventional period in which she lived to write and telligence. of the window. it front hinfF* he ordered Bennett. He was pro-German. In the the day when my book would become.available to to publish details of her most private life. "He hasn't done a lick of work war an englishman tried to per­ the people of the United Kingdom, where I was "Leaves from the Journal of our Hie in the j FRITHS LIQUORS, LTD. J. |. LIGHTBOURN & CO. smce he got that car." suade him to help evacuate some Richard Jones born, where I w^us raised, where I worked and Highlands,*** as her book was entitled, ia still to be Ford had a deep sympathy with played, where I reigned, even if only briefly, and found on upper, if perhaps a trifle dusty shelves, Hamilton, SI. George's ami Somcrul Hamilton and Si. Gtorgt'i criminals, and used to dream of where so many of the episodes and incidents and that great Prime Minister and arch-flatterer the day when there would be no recorded in my story took place. Lend Beaconsfield never paid his Queen a compli­ gaols. ment that she liked better than when he said to That was Ford's theory of crime "The Project of Writing a Book" her quite casually, "We authors. Ma'am." —he always looked tor a woman at the bottom of the trouble. I have always found it hard to believe those "Could there be a Better Reason who claim that public speaking holds for them no Factory spies AUTHOR of the WEEK terrors. for Writing?" -By WA ROGERS. And I must confess that my limitations in this Buff Ryan, a Detroit gambler, field are not diminished this evening by the fact Now I think you will agree that I have listed was called to the works when he that I am addressing an audience of publishers, a a sufficient number of notable precedents for the was on parole. Ford hired him on Josephine Lawrence, I very critical audience. book I have written—not that I wrote "A King's the snot. • author of "The .Picture And nqr plight might be less alarming had I Story" in any spirit o? emulation of my illustrious Said Ryan: "Fve never worked not embarked 'ioon the project of writing a book. predecessors: I wrote it because I had something I in a factory, Mr. Ford, but I*H do Window," is one of those un­ It is inevitable that the attitude of a publisher wanted to say. my best." common authors who prefers towards an author must differ from ids attitude Can there be a better reason for writing? As Ford,said: "You don't have"to towards the rest of the world. For the rest of the a man wbo having lived a life of infinite variety work in the plant. Just keep your to work in the . busy city world consists of people to whom you are anxious and become involved in perhaps more than his <5fvs and ears open. We want rather than the quiet to' sell something, white the wretched author is share of controversy, I felt impelled to tell my own to know what's going on round someone who wants to sell something to you. story ia order that it remain in the final record. town." country. ' The world is. divided into masters and ser­ It took me close on four years to complete my vants; in this case publishers are the servants of memoirs, Which cover the period from my birth in Ford also wanted to know what She has always been a news­ 1894 to my abdication in 1936. was going on in his own works. paperwoman, and for the last five I the public but authors are the servants of the publishers. ' On the whole I enjoyed writing my book, a Factory police checked on the years she has been in the features difficult and exacting task though it was, and I men and even followed them to department of the Newark Evening My invitation to this gathering came to me from my own publisher,1 and grateful indeed I was now derive considerable satisfaction from seeing it the toilets. News. But her home is down-town displayed fo places where books are sold. Unknown to Bennett, arms and New York, and on the 19th floor fo receive it. But between ourselves I must con­ fess that although tbe invitation was coached in tiie I hope that many people will read my book. tear gas were stored in the plant she finds as much air and sunshine, I hope so not only because I do not want my at River Forge, for use in possible she tells her husband who advocates most courteous language imaginable, there lurked Within it a suppressed but subtle note of command. publishers to lose money, but because I want as labour conflicts. the country life, as she would get many people as possible to realise that there are Ford also gave Detroit's leading in their small country place. Needless to say I obeyed, I mean I accepted two sides fo every story. gangster a Ford agency. with pleasure. Ford was for ever trying to re­ Miss Lawrence has written 15 "It Cannot But Command Respect unite broken families. If there other novels, among them "Bow When a King writes, "the Crime was a divorce or separation he Down to Wood and Stone," "Let in our Hearts" tried to reunite the couple, never Us Consider One Another," and is Worse." mind what tney wanted. "The Way Things Are." Such criticism as my book has already received But now about this book of mine.- It seems in has, on the whole, been directed I am glad to say Car-Plate is a Wax —only wax the eyes of some that in writing it I have done more towards the principle of my writing it at all something very terrible. than towards' the material. gives lasting shine and protection it was Job, I think, who, in the depth of his On the other hand approval of my undertaking Thousands of motorists have proved that Car-Plata -JOHNSO** misery,-exclaimed that he wished his enemy had gives their cars a genuine wax finish, the brightest THE BOOK STORE has been gratifyingly generous. At the risk of shine, die most testing protection — in to minutes I written a bock. I used to find it difficult to being accused of self-glorification, I submit foe Just spread Car-Plate on a clean car, let dry — and understand why he wished such a peculiar thing. substance of one of the cherished tributes I have then wipe lightly! No rubbing with Car-Plate I alt* //i*?Acett/ei cf*e/rtHtt Wettti/ Now I know. Gentlemen, Job was dead right. received. Your money back if sot completely satisfied. H-Plai A few steps from the Fifth Avenue entrance The Oxford Book Shop He knew what he was talking about. • It comes from an old and trusted friend of my te CmutttsX Park, it is conveniently close to the If you've sot a grudge against anybody and f»muy who served my father for many years and JOHNSONS city's owl standing points of interest. Radio City, want to do him a bad turn, all you have to do is then me during my short reign to one of the Carnegie Hall, Theatres, and Art Galleries are bet a BOOKS to pers"ade him to write a book. distinguished key posts at Court This is what he 1 And it's the first one that gets you into trouble. wrote me:— short walk. Shopping en Fifth Avenue starts just around t by After a man has written two or more books people "Always outspoken in my relations with my CAR PLATE the center from HOTEL {FOURTEEN.AH accommodations A ROSITA FORBES get used to it They say, "Oh, he's written another Sovereign, I ant ted to say now. Sir, how glad I am SPREAD . . . LET DRY . . . WIPEI book bas he? Well, he's always doing it. It's tea hamm private baths, ) ' ——————"••——»——_. «r ymm have recorded your Kings Story for the peoples IJADI IV THI VSIIRS Of JOHRSOrl Vag complete hotel service. :::: ISLANDS IN/ THE late fo stop him," and they don't bother about tbat of this and other lands to learn at first hand. Both SUN, (15/-). In this man any more. for personal and historical reasons it had to be told, But with the first book it's different, "Why Vincent 3. Itolzen •^Fc-u^t^en book the islands of the West ahd &tere was little point in unduly delaying its Gen. Mgr. on earth should he write a book?" everyone asks. telling, for it is presented with surh variety, sincerity Eldorado 5-6000 Indies are the characters. "He of all people. I never thought he'd do that. and grariousness of style that it cannot but command "Home ef the Celebrated Each has its own individu­ How very unwise, how quite Unnecessary, bow respect in the hearts of all the fair Minded." ality, created by heritage indiscreet, how unfair, how wrong. What a bad Burgundy Room." book it must be. I certainly shan't read it." and circumstance, by the It might have ended— HOTEt Aad I suppose that it follows in the minds of STOP PAIN hopes and fears of its people who feel this way that when someone who "They lived Happily Ever After" people. Miss Forbes writes ban been a King writes a book it makes the crime FOURTEEN vividly of the beauty of the even worse. And now, one final thought in what I have to islands and with sympa­ say to you this evening. 14 EAST 60TH STREET >V Even Henry the Eighth wrote a book A QUICKLY thetic understanding she T A *%*}•* " J^**"* Story" is strictly non-fiction, I do believe tbat as far as its last chapters are NEW YORK 22 fe portrays their people. ~**y people, I believe, know that previous concerned, it is in a personal sense a romance occupants of the British throne have written books i J And—speaktog for the lovely and wonderful with Phensic... :::: SIR HENRY MORGAN, before me. lady to whom the book i**dedicated and for myself Pirate* and Pioneer, Even- if no monarch ever had, that would not —I only wish that 1 had thought to add the old (17/6). Sir Henry Morgan, have prevented me from writing one, for I cannot familiar ending of all romances: "And they lived think of a worse reason for' not doing something happily ever after." y Governor and General ia than the fact that no ancestor has done tt before. And, although we live abroad I alwavs Jamaica, Lord High Ad­ But in this matter, I cannot claim to be a oioneer. remember with pride that Great Britain is my miral of the Caribbean who, Those of you who are engaged in the praise­ native land—your land and mine-1 wish it well. by the incredible of worthy and profitable pursuit of publishing books Delicious for the instruction of the young will not need to be ("A King's Story" is published by Cassell. Panama, halted Spain's reminded that King Henry Vm wrote a book, and *>*ict> 25s.) New colonisation in the Americas and put an end to her trade Economical empire. This book is the story. 9 Everything "WNKEV :::: APPOINTMENT IM The Best Power Mower Made — THE SUN, (21/-). For The The famous threefold aetion of PHENFIC tablets RELIEVES BRAND Here the author tells of her Bicyele MM, SOOTHES NERVES, COUNTEFACTS DEPRESSION. remarkable travels and en­ THE SAVAGE FROM No matter how intense the pain, no matter how weary your nerves, SHERBERT MIX made in counters during the years how depressed you feel, PHENSIC tablets will bring you relief and which have made today's Yard Chief LNTHONT comfort, quickly and safely. Remember this — PHENSIC tablets Three Fruit Flavours history. A spiritual as well neither harm the heart nor upset the stomach. Don't accept IIP LEMON — ORANGE — RASPBERRY as a poltitical sfiid geo­ Full 21" Cut substitutes. Keep a supply of PHENSIC tablets by you 1 Add ONLY Milk or Water graphical adventure. FREEZING MIX for making 2tlV7f«m. (Powered hy 1.6 H.P. Briggs. & Stratton Motor) \ Delicious Ice Cream in VANILLA, CHOCOLATE, MAPLE, SIRAWBERRY It Pays To SOLD AND SERVICED BY — Pfl ettstc J. C. COOPER 6c CO. LTD. TWO TABLETS BRING QUICK RELIEF FROM RHEUMATIC PAINS, LUMBAGO, NERVE PAWS, REPT_CSENTAtrv*E_ WADSONS ^ HEADACHES, NEURALGIA, INFLUENZA, COLDS & CHILLS Advertise 202«tiun. Burnaby Hill Phone 31S7 \i * Jfege I? f THE SUNDAY ROYAL GAZETTE, OCTOBER 21, 1951 Hinson Island Becoming Harbour Beauty Spot SIX HOUSES ARE NOW s fi * - f\ COMPUTED; PLANS FOR COMMUNAL CENTRE By ROUNDABOUT An American visitor recently asked a Bermuda boatman to explain "dry squall" — his description of the weather a week ago. ''W&id' without rain" was the laconic reply. During the past few months (until this week) the six households at Hinson Island, one of the largest of the Bermuda islands, have watched the weather make up at all points of the . But it usual ly was pnJy a dry squall fbr Hinson Island. To most Bermudians, however, putting aside £225 from the pur­ the weather just about sums up chase price of each lot- On his their, reaction to living at side, Mr. Johnson is responsible Hinson's or any other island, tor for the provision of roads. that matte:.'- "What!" they ex­ No new building or structural claim, "live on an island? Not change ta existing buildings may me! Think oi the winter be made without tiie approval of weather!" The average American Mr. Johnson and, after the sale is somewhat more literal: as one of the fifteenth lot, lay the corn- visitor put it a few days ago mittee of the association. It hi "You live on an island? Hinson hoped thereby to regulate tiie Island? Why, I thoueht I was design and location of buildings v'siting the island of Bermuda!" I and other structures on the The Hinson islanders respect | island. the weather but they figure that, There is at present a restricted taking the year as a whole, they ferry service to the island fur have a more generous share of the nished by the Board of Trade, best of it than those on tiie main­ calls being regularly made in the land of Bermuda. What is more, morning and late afternoon. Since when it is good—and it is nearly its inception last spring over always good in Bermuda—they 2,000 tickets for tiie runs have claim it is better on Hins/>n Island. been sold. The service is provided in conjunction with other Board DEED OF 1759 of Trade duties. Once the big People have thought so for public dock is built, it will be a some 200 years because Hinson simple matter to make Hinson Island was one of the earliest of Island a port of call on the Lower the to be inhabitated. Ferry and Paget - Warwick- It was deeded under the services. Governorship of William Popple HARBOUR BEAUTY SPOT on August 6, 1759, Toy the Crown The six houses on Hinson Island. They are: Top (left to right), "Shorelace" (Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Zuill), "4-E" "(Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Johnson) to Samuel Spofferth who paid Tbe islanders have vigorously £625 for it. It was then known pursued horticultural and agri­ "Balla Mochree" (Mr. and Mrs. Ford Baxter). Bottom (left to right), 'Trade Winds" (Captain and Mrs. Ross Winter), "Windward" (Mr. and Mrs. as Brown's Island and the deed cultural activities with the result (which still exists) located it in tint a beauty spot in Hamilton G. Orrett Whitney, "Dew Drop \x\r\" (Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Johnson). Warwick Parish. But in the Harbour, visible to all incoming course of years its geography was ships, is fast to the making. altered by placing it in Paget Hundreds mt dead cedars have Parish. Before the island took beea removed and a variety of the name of Hinson, it was also new trees planted. Frank Owen called Godet Island and thus it Prominent in the Hinson BERMUDA is still shown on many maps in family is "Dolly," a very old spotlights tin shadows of defeat that add zest to the fight the Colony. horse which has been retired to a SPRING CLEAN life of pastureland ease. "Dolly" ff BOER PRISONERS has the run of tbe island and, tike PAINTING THE WERE THERE the other residents, may look with disdain upon the mainland's The island has been used for a motor vehicles. The mare had an FOR "QUEENS variety of purposes. It is believed equal disdain for the efforts hy I FEATURED to have been an embarkation residents to protect vegetables, point for certain "ventures" at sea banana trees and reforestation A painting by Florence Pitt in its early years. It was used with the result that the horse Richardson, "Bermuda Cottage," as a detention camp for Boer WOBBLY 100 Biggest And Fastest Ships 1 roams freely and tiie islanders are has been featured to a recent issue prisoners of war and the rone fenced to. of The Christian Science Monitor. walk made by the Boers is fairly However, as the residents feed The newspaper article, which well intact. Major Hal Kitchener was accompanied by a reproduc­ Their Fate May Decide General Election built a hangar there for corn- "Dolly" with tidbits over their fences,- they reflect that she tion of the picture, says: THE General Election will be Are Having Overhaul mercial flying and later operated presents a small traffic problem "The colours of Bermuda, the decided by the verdict of a a dairy farm on the island. to the one in most of Bermuda. coral, pink, the white and green The island was bousrht from Hundred Wobbling Constitu­ PLANS are being made for the "spring cleaning" of thtnee o——— of the Islands, are well por­ Major Kitchener by Mr. Albert trayed in the picture 'Bermuda encies. Most of the Wobbler world's fastest finer, the Queen Mary, and the world's largest Arthur Johnson who paid the Quit Cottage.' This painting ap­ — the Queen Elizabeth. Work will begin at Southampton rent due to the Crown and pro­ Seats are Socialist. A smaller peared in Bermuda's first art number of them are Tory. A next month. ceeded with the real estate SHIPPING NEWS exhibit to America, held at the development which is now fully Grand Central Art Galleries, ih few are Liberal. The Queen Mary is due to Other liners due for overhaul­ under way. Fourteen tots already The Reina del Pacifico arrived New York City in June, 1851. In the present mood of the arrive from New York on Novem­ ing at Southampton are the have been sold and there are at in Hamilton last Monday from This was said to be the first electorate, according to the polls ber 12 and will not sail again until Mauretania, due from New York present six completed houses on England time Bermuda had sent an ex­ which claim to analyse Public December 15. on December 15 and "off duty** till the island, all af which have The Canadian Observer came in hibit of art to any other Opinion, it seems tbat the flowing The Queen Elizabeth will be' out January 22, and the Samaria and Pat Hornsby-Smlth A G Bottomloy Scythia, both on tbe Canadian electricity and telephone service, from Jamaica on Tuesday with a country. The works were care­ tide is still in favour of the Tories. Huyton Lanes Chislehum, Kent Rochester and Chatham of service from January 3 till Feb­ carg0 of run, between December 20 and COMMUNAL BENEFITS "*£****. and toft on Wed- fully selected to display the The Tories' own opinion, Majority 167. Utlorily 477. ruary 12. A C a beauty of the Islands as well as ranging from the professionally More than 1,000 men are needed January 17 and March 28 and When the fifteenth lot is sold, "f^V ^f A. ° ™&™ April 26. certain communal benefits will11 *2?H__i___2 5__*5*Lc,arl° to afford recognition to mem­ optimistic Front Brench parlia­ Mr. E. G. Gooch, president of the j Prime Minister before Lloyd for the work. become effective. The 15 tot and eight transit passengers from bers of the Bermuda Art mentarians to the professionally National Union of Agricultural George. She has a straight fight, The Caronia will be overhauled • Montreal ami Halifax, on Thurs­ Association." prudent party election engineers, Workers; W. Fulham, where Dr. and is personally backed by Mr. Six Miles of Carpet at Liverpool. Her last Atlantic owners will form themselves into Edith Summerskill faces W. J. Winston Churchill. an association or club to he joined day. She toft here on Friday. varies between an estimated In the Queen- Elizabeth there voyage will begin from New York The article stressed the colour- House oi Commons majority as ("BUI") Brown, Independent, in Only one question Lady Violet are six miles of carpet to be on October 27 and she will be put Nl^don^t^rWeaneXy after fulness of the Bermuda scene—of high as 120 and as low as 40. a straight fight; and- S. Reading, has to find the right answer to in cleaned; 500,000 pieces of china, back into service again on Decem­ tiie remaining lots. Mr. Johnson a delay of a few days in dis­ sea, sand and flowers. Mention where Mr. Ian Mikardo, a fourth Colne Valley. How many Liberals glass and silver to be inspected; will then deed over to trustees was made of the richness of colour That is, the Tories, "high and ber 11. -^ charging her cement cargo caused low," are counting on winning or Bevan Boy, is at bay. can she persuade, at any rate, not 210,000 towels, 30,000 sheets and named by tbe association the by the bad weather. of the hibiscus, the oleander, There are a score of such con­ to vote Socialist? 150,000 other linen articles to be centre part of the island, freesia, poinsettia, Easter lily holding by far the most of those The Alcoa Partner is expected Hundred Wobbler Seats. stituencies. Last time almost all o examined and repaired, and fresh­ described already as a recreation on Monday from New York. The and night-blooming ccreus, and of them had a third, Liberal, can­ water tanks which hold 1.600,000 park which it is later expected to the fact that the houses are almost Let's look at all of them. Congo Pipeline Lady Rodney is due on Wednes­ On present showing (i.e., the didate, many of whom polled This Week's Tide Table gallons to be internally cleaned. be. The lot owners, however, day from the West Indies, and the as bright as the flowers, being several thousand votes. This time must erect a club-house within tinted pastel shades and topped Polls of Public Opinion) NO Electricians will test 30,000 Canadian Cruiser from Montreal Socialist majority of fewer than only two Liberals are so far inter­ lights and there are 1.300 electric BRUSSELS (/P, — A 220-mile two years after the trusteeship i.s and Halifax on Friday. The with white roofs. vening. High Low six-inch pipeline to carry all executed. 3,000 is safe. And root ail Tory Water Water San- Sun­ motors to be examined. Even the Durango is also expected about majorities below 1,500 are secure, Should the loose Liberal vote a.m. p.m. a.m. p.m. rise set inside of the rudder has to be types of fuel will be built next The club-house, a bathing beach Friday from London. here swing mainly to the Right, 6.26 5.41 year between Leopoldville and and a public ferry-boat wharf departs again on Wednesday. The either. 12.15 12.43 6.14 7.31 tested. The Queen of Bermuda arrives Ocean Monarch has gone into as expected, the effect would be 1.14 1.47 7.10 8.2!) 6.27 5 40 ' Outside the ship one of the tasks j Aneo-Ango in the Bel„N n Congo. will be provided and paid for by | from New York on Monday and drydock. decisively to unseat the wobbling 220 2.50 8.15 9.28 0.28 5.33 ' drawing upon a fund set up by This sad list 3.28 340 9.25 10.20 629 5.38 ; will be to examine every link in It will take 7,200 tons of steel Socialists. 4.25 4 43 10.27 11.00 6.30 5.36 I more than 900 feet of anchor and will run overland with one 5.13 5.30 um 11.46 6.30 5.35 I For a start there is one Socialist 5.55 6.13 — 12.00 6.31 5.34 cable. pumping station en route. seat (Blackley, Manchester) with Tory margins a bare majority ol 42. So, bye- bye Mr. Jack Diamond, M.P.! The Tories have their own—and There are ten other Socialist much nearer — "near-majorities" seats with fewer-than-500 majori­ to watch. ties. They are: S.W. Norfolk, But here, once again, they THE PLAQUE WITHOUT A HOME King's Lynn, Preston, Chorley, reckon on adding to their fully East Oldham, Wycombe, S. Bat- mobilised Tory poll most of the tersea, Rochester, Pembroke, and stray Liberals. Brighouse. Half a dozen Tory M.P.s barely In this sad list is Mr. A". G. struggled home last time with Bottomley, Secretary for Over­ fewer than 100 votes in Stroud, seas Trade. Spelthorne, York, Shipley, Pud- Next, there are nine more seats sey, and N. Dorset. witb fewer-than-1,000 majorities: Another eight mustered a Huyton, Lanes; Ashton-under- smaller majority than 500. They Lyne; Doncaster; Klrkdale, Liver­ include Miss Pat Hornsby-Smtth, pool; N. Reading; Sutton, Ply­ at Chistlehurst; Sir David Robert­ mouth; Conway; Rutherglen; and son, at Caithness; and Mr. Ken­ W. Dumbarton. neth Pickthorn. at Carlton, Notts. Among these are Mr. Harold Eight more have fewer than Wilson, the Bevan ite ex-President l.Ouu in hand, and another baker's of the Board of Trade; Mr. dozen have fewer than 2,000. R. W. G. Mackay, of United Though these Tory marginal seats Europe fame; and Mrs. Lucy appear at present to offer a fair Middleton, the gentlest woman-in enough prospect to their holders, the House of Commons. a sharp shift to the wind of poli­ tics might yet upset some of them. Casualties? Liberal fight Fourthly, come 21 seats with fewer than 2,000- votes to spare: The Liberals, who are putting Gateshead, Yarmouth, Rugby, into the field only 100 candidates Stalybridge, C. Nottingham, S. altogether, will have to fight hard Bedford, Buckingham, M aldon, to hold on in three of their present Hornchurch, Watford, Holborn, nine seats. These are in Rox­ Clapham, Dulwich; Test, South­ burgh, Eye and Anglesey. ampton; Falmouth, Barry, Cam- The Tories threaten Messrs. la ch ie, Berwick and Lothian, Stir­ Macdonald and Edgar Granville ling and Falkirk, Central Ayr, the in Roxburgh and Eye; the Western Isles. Socialists (via Tory inroads on the The casualties here may include Liberal vote) menace Lady Megan and John Freeman, in Anglesey (majority 1,929). This handsome bronze plaque, comrrretnorflrling the political enfranchisement of ex-Financial Secretary fpr War, Weil, there are nine-and-ninety Bermuda women, has failed to find a permanent resting place where it can be seen by two more trusty officers of of the Wobblers. And here is the the public. ; also bounding hundredth — and it is a seat a Geoffrey Bing, K.C., and earnest Liberal may capture. Donated by Mrs. H. St. George Butterfield, the original plan was to have it embeddlay . AERIAL VIEW of Hinson Island looking towards the Great Sound, with Warwick shore Aidan Crawley, Under-Secretary This is a Socialist stronghold, in stonei by a Bermuda cedacedarr whicwhich wawas planteplanted iin the grounds of the Sessions House in 19 for Air. last thne won with a 9,000 to mark the granting of the franchise to women in the immediate foreground. The photograph is believed to have been taken a few majority. It is Colne Valley, years after the first world war. "Trade Wjnds" in the centre of the picture had then been No safety whose MP. was Mr. Glenvil Hall, However, it was felt by many public-spirited women, including the Women's Civtc built, but since has been considerably renovated and extended. Financial Secretary to , the and Roliffcol Association, which was the outgrowth of the Bermuda Womon Suffrage Society, The larger building on the water is the aerodrome constructed by Major H. Kitchener, Finally come those Socialist Treasury. that the plaque deserved a place of honour on the walls of the House of Assembly itsejf. constituencies below the lowest The Liberal challenger is the Mrs. Hilda Aitken, M.G.P., brought the matter up in the House on more than one the remains of which still stand. Back of the aerodrome in those days and at the south­ safety tine of 3,000. sagacious and vivacious Lady east comer of the island, a great deal of land was under cultivation. Produce from the These include a fourth Norfolk Violet Bonham Carter, daughter occasion, but so far permission has been refused to hang the plaque there—even in the island, particularly tomatoes, won many prizes at Agricultural Exhibitions here, seat (N. Norfolk), now held by of Herbert Asquith, the Liberal hall. Carefully wrapped in corrugated paper, it now languishes in a file drawer.