The London Gazette. Auttjontp
28314. 9217 The London Gazette. auttjontp. This Gazette has now Item registered at the General Post Office for transmission by Inland Pott at a newspaper. As regards copies sent by post within the United Kingdom, unless despatched in proper course from a Metropolitan Government Office, or from the Publishing Office of the Gazette, the pottage should in. future be prepaid at the rate of a halfpenny for each copy. Copies sent abroad should be prepaid at the rate-. of a halfpenny for every 2 ounces, except in the case of copies sent to Canada, which tmtt be transmissible ojj, the Canadian Magazine Post at the rate of a penny for every pound or fraction of a pound. For Table of Contents, see last page. * * FRIDAY, DECEMBER 3, 1909. By The KING. named, to declare and notify the Royal Assent to A PEOCLAMATION. the said Acts, was read accordingly, and the Royal Assent given to EDWARD R. & I. Housing, Town Planning, &c., Act, 1909. Whereas by an Act of Parliament passed in Asylum Officers' Superannuation Act, 1909* the ninth year of Our Reign, intituled " AP Act Irish Land Act, 1909. to constitute the Union of South Africa," it is Revenue Act, 1909. enacted that it shall be lawful for the King, with Development and Road Improvement Funds the advice of the Privy Council, to declare by Act, 1909. Proclamation that, on and after a day therein Isle of Man (Customs) Act, 1909. appointed, not being later than one year after Expiring Laws Continuance Act, 1909. the passing of the Act, the Colonies of the Cape Assurance Companies Act, 1909.
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