Goldthorpe, Thurnscoe, Bolton Upon Dearne Goldthorpe, Thurnscoe

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Goldthorpe, Thurnscoe, Bolton Upon Dearne Goldthorpe, Thurnscoe Brier 96 to Crigglestone 97 to Wakefield 59 to Wakefield 193 Lane 28.28c to Pontefract to Wakefield Lane and Wakefield A B d CDE29.37.38 to Hemsworth H a u o George d R Well Str 36 to Hemsworth d South e rs y eet e and South Elmsall fi l Church High e s l Haigh Lane Woodhouse Lane Hiendley d n 193 Lane r ee obin R e Str t 36 R L o a h ane d n Hig a a B Main d W a ate La. o L e Kirkg R F oolle 59 n e 36 St. S a 59 n L t a y 96 y Edge Lane r a k B w e t L c le e r i i a s Junction 38 o l i d V m l Felkirk e n l S r r a h n i l m a g e o i S u H y B R a R S d Rabbit Ings a 28.28c.29 h o 59 n R n u o Haigh e a . L e l d d a 1 d 57 R Country Park 1 b n p y 37.38 H d a p d P b b L n u a a e r e A H l i ig d d d n i r X28 J e h n F s S M k g r s d e r tr a B ic -Pa r e e e ri k By g L d a e g l H rth emswo V r n t e e s W y 57 L a i 59 36 Shafton L fi r e s G 57 a a C s w e M n he d 193 . h o e l 1 T a r d e W u st S Green d r C Woolley t M a c d a e R 97 57 e . h o k M iv a k r o t ic D Hawthorne o o e D a r w o R Grange d fi g d w s a Street C a e e Barnsley e h r y o n Churc K l a h H u o . R ill H 93 97 d Golf L Royston r o d c i 27 e l Hawthorne h m 96 R R e l L 26 h Course o 57 Way d S t y S a a o 26.27 t 30 30a u r t R r o a 1 d e 93 i 59 H y e S i 1 97 n 36 le e l c 97 B i s 28.28c l r g n t 95a o B o h r A o s 193 r u a s id l B C S 29.37.38 6 d C g t 3 97 o R e e r y r C 7 e m e B n N o L e e o e m y t l l a w a m l o L o s o n n Shafton t m o m h R d o e o o ou o n se La. a y n eetshaw La R d ro . W ne 26.27 oa W e L d d v K e o a i d Staincross A n ersfie n i o 28.28c Hudd ld g 97 e R s s o R 1 w T n W y B o Darton a p y o a w e st 29.30 a d u e o n r T l k g n l Carlton a i e 30a.37 fi c te G p e an R C e a s an L o d e S w l S O L h a a a 38 d lle d 95 Darton y rton Athersley t h o R l u S oa r R L e h d e r rc n e c a H p t n u D e t a L l h . d 37 h e r B c a M l . e t i North t C r o a e n l l d a 95a t h n a l e o r 26 S o R y a 11 C c f L w R o k a U e e o p r p r d t 27.28 28 r e 1 W r R a n F 93a T i o e 93a e 11 n o E ld Kexbrough 96 Darton a 193 28c B t 28c.29 L d o 2 P n 2 L 97 e t r a s 95a e l a n Lind g R i e n Park 93a n hurst r e a Ro n 95 w ad a 29 i o L a 1 30.30a r n e C a l e d L e e el Grimethorpe d Fi N 30 y 93 F 36.37 rch k r i L hu B C s Stacey a L ane A628 a a L h 30a a 93a p ithes 38 n r e Crescent 193 In n S d s 11 u D 37 B 95 d e l s C e K t a n a r ce S a. y e i L m 38 y e o 29 r s m 95a t e n La New k ith R R ne a a d s e a L h 12 R d . 57 n t t t a 12 L o a 96 o d r L e R d l l D a a d Lodge l o e r l h e r d l a w y e n 59 a o i R w e S R fi R l d n e w S n H l d s d t r y a ll g l i . t a . 26.27.37 l H d ow h o a n Cudworth e C a n i o a h r a w r h t a R o R r e e W w w C R 38.208.216 a o D s oad C . fi S t 12 e n o A n l n y o d h 26.27.29a.37 M t o d ig S h t H t t . l a e s r 1 W r R e sl r y l a e e y d P a M R a d . C . W e k an L e 193 R fi d 26.27 26.27.29a.37 1 e e e n . l Athersley . l r ne d a d Nancy Crescent a d o L 11 a 28.28c v o 29a h R 36 R g t h R South S y 28c C d e n w g l 30a. 208 o . a l d t. a ns i u e C a a R n H o r r r y n a R a 32 d o L p a c lt el n B 216 208 GRIMETHORPE l r b o S B i a m Well L W Barugh ff C La e rt D R a n u 216 INTERCHANGE e Smithies Barnsley y ’s B a o 26 r R t West fi 92 to Cawthorne Green d N h Bowl e 92 . e 208 216 e 27 l Monk a r d 12 w oad h . Green R h Services calling: d Lane H Wilthorpe a 28 R ea ead Road m Bretton o H i d e e l Lan n . a l a t a d L 28c S o ad s 1 R 193 Grimethorpe Ro D e R h R d 92 y e e i ig 29.29a.30 t W rp v 3 i o 95 h o H . e lth o it 29 l e 92. 11 a n Nature 3 n C 93.93a m W g 95a o 96 e D S d S s r t r 30a.37.38 n r h t o 95.95a. a r 29a 26 Reserve H H t i v i r u k e o 96 r e s i S e e o e s B n g L R e 32 d e . fi 30 h t 27 a d r s G 12 b e L a Gawber . t Lundwood r D C e l r m o d r 12 d 30a o r H o e u w 28 P d R Lon n . r 92 d Av s L 92 g d a e e k L o r R i C n a r L s t a n n k C 32 o Lawrence R fi o e o t o a 28c 93 o 36 n f e a l a e a m n e R o l o S M d u e Close d d t w u 57 r e o p u s 37 m 93a 193 B o r P 59 e t 30a Q r in ar R w t o th g k 96 d c 38 n 12 a B L S .
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