Brampton Bierlow Christ Church in the Mission Partnership of Wath, Wombwell and Brampton Bierlow
Brampton Bierlow Christ Church In the Mission Partnership of Wath, Wombwell and Brampton Bierlow Releasing the Whole People of God for the Whole Mission of God If you have a passion for Setting God’s People Free, then perhaps the Lord is calling you to be the interim priest in charge at Christ Church, Brampton Bierlow. Here in the Diocese of Sheffield, we are currently re-configuring stipendiary incumbency, as the priestly ministry of enabling every member of the people of God to enter the full dignity of their baptism, by playing a full part in the service of God in the whole of life. This ministry is therefore one of nurturing, developing and fostering the gifts and especially the leadership potential of others — it is a ministry of experimentation and risk-taking, of pioneering, and of sharing in the responsibility of the Bishop for the oversight of the body of Christ ‘delighting in its beauty and rejoicing in its wellbeing’. In the Dearne Valley we have a once in a generation opportunity, through a successful Strategic Development Funding bid, to invest in the future of the church as we seek to ‘transform our society and God’s world’. The post of priest of Christ Church, Brampton Bierlow is integral to this challenge and opportunity. We are, therefore, seeking to appoint an able and resourceful priest whose heart will lift at the invitation to support this congregation, and the Mission Partnership generally, through a transition to a greater degree of every-member confidence and competence, so that the whole people of God are released (in the name of Jesus Christ and in the power of the Holy Spirit) for the whole mission of God in that locality.
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