18741 – Vodafone – Police


GRAPHICAL TEXT: South Yorkshire Police, Realising £6,000,000 in efficiency savings with BlackBerry solution

GRAPHICAL TEXT: The Challenge, “Officers were not out and about being visible to members of the public”

TITLE BAR: Sergeant Simon Davies, Mobile Information Project Manager, South Yorkshire Police


South Yorkshire police covers the towns of; , , and . We serve just over two million people.


The challenges we faced before the BlackBerry solution is most police systems now are on Databases and to get to those databases, you have to be in a police station.

TITLE BAR: Andy Holt, Assistant Chief , South Yorkshire Police


My officers were not out and about being visible to members of the public, they were going backwards and forwards to police stations so there was the cost of travel, the amount of time that they spent, massively in-efficient.

GRAPHICAL TEXT: The BlackBerry Solution, “Police officers think its brilliant”


Currently we’ve deployed BlackBerry Smartphone’s to 1,000 officers with plans to move that to 3,000. We get particular advantage from photography, Police officers are taking photos of evidence which would perhaps disappear, footprints in the snow, would’ve melted and gone. We’ve written two major applications, one called “Identify a person” and the other one is called “Identify a vehicle” Both the services, they look at multiple databases in South Yorkshire and nationally to pull information back for us. It’s been a major success, police officers think its brilliant, it’s more information than we’d ever get from a control room over the radio and they love it.

GRAPHICAL TEXT: The Benefits of using the BlackBerry Solution, “More effective and more efficient” 01.31

One of the reasons we chose the BlackBerry Smartphone solution is its enhanced security levels. Security is key to us.


The key business benefit will be a greater visibility of our police officers out on patrol and allied to that will be the fact that they will become more effective and more efficient so potentially if we need 30 officers to do the job at the moment we might be able to do that with 28 officers and we will be able to re-deploy those officers to elsewhere in policing.


Senior managers are measured on their performance of their staff using the device because we know if we use them we get about half an hour a day back minimum in efficiency savings.

TITLE BAR: Sam Clifford, Police Officer (Motorcycle wing), South Yorkshire Police


The Blackberry Smartphone has freed up a lot of time, but more importantly for me it helps me establish who I’m talking to at the roadside. It proved invaluable when I stopped a gentleman in Sheffield and he gave me his name and address and everything checked out on him; but when I inputted it into the actual device it fetched it up with a photograph and the photograph quite clearly wasn’t him he admitted then he’s given me his brothers details he was actually a disqualified driver and had been banned for drink driving so that allowed me to arrest him,. If I’d not have had my BlackBerry Smartphone then there is every possibility he would’ve been on his way and got away with it.

GRAPHICAL TEXT: Moving forward with the BlackBerry Solution, “The force is now looking to mobilise more business processes to frontline officers”


It is extremely likely that South Yorkshire Police’s budget along with every other police service in the country is going to have a significant reduction imposed upon it. What we’re looking at doing is continuing the spend that we’ve got on our project because we really do believe that the business benefits that will accrue from it will actually help us make some of our savings.

GRAPHICAL TEXT – Expected efficiency savings of over £6 million per year. Improved crime fighting. Reduced paperwork. Increased police presence in communities.