SHORT HILLS Founded 1888 Volume 99, ¥ Thursday, February 12,1987 Fo R 99 Years Member, Audit Bureau of Circulations 35 Cents Per Copy

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SHORT HILLS Founded 1888 Volume 99, ¥ Thursday, February 12,1987 Fo R 99 Years Member, Audit Bureau of Circulations 35 Cents Per Copy SHORT HILLS Founded 1888 Volume 99, ¥ Thursday, February 12,1987 fo r 99 years Member, Audit Bureau of Circulations 35 Cents per Copy. $15 per Year by Mail to Your Door u " lu ,1'» gams A tentative 1987-88 school budget. Addition of $56,943 for debt service Barach, the school system stands to A greater use of surplus was ad- including current expense, capital attributable to construction costs of lose a total of $72,000 in state aid this vocated by Donald L. Campbell of 5 outlay and debt service, with ‘a the new high school library increased year. Cambridge Drive, a former chair- decrease or less than one-half a per total debt service from $276,476 to He also said the board has ap- man of the Citizens Budget Advisory cent from that originally presented $333,419. propriated approximately $1.4 Committee. on December 22 was unanimously There is also a $45,000 increase in million from surplus since the 1985-86 “The board should make use of a adopted Monday by the Board of tuition costs for students sent out of scool year to lessen the burden of pro- much greater portion of its surplus to Education. the district, $15,000 additional for ex- pg^y lax jncreases in support of the decrease taxes,” he said. “We should The $17,063,693 proposed total terior painting of Glenwood School school budget not make the present day taxpayer budget is $76,027 less than the and $14,405 additional for non-public <3 pay for projects from which he will $17 139 720 tab presented to board school transportation in the current The total budget surplus stood at not gain the major benefit. Under the members by school business ad- expense portion of the budget. its highest level in recent years on law the township must provide funds ministrator Ronald T. Brennan in Based on Gov. Thomas Kean’s pro- June 30, 1985 when it was $4,464,000. to the schools if they are faced with December. It represents an increase posed state budget, according to it is now approximately $3,040,000, an unforeseen emergency and major in the property tax rate for school board finance chairman Steven according to Mr. Brennan. capital improvements can be bond- purposes of 6 per cent over the rate in _ _ b ■m-’W 7 1 '' A ed. Therefore, there is no need to hold the 1986-87 budget. I jl'lllS lil A I A p t c j onto such a large surplus. We should If the budget finally is adopted as it I B B H y V l V V 1 3 let those who will benefit from pro- currently stands the tax rate for jects in the future pay for them when school purposes will increase from 84 -w- -* ” 1 £ " V - 1 1 they will benefit from them.” to 89 cents per $100 of assessed valua- | A U / I * P T 1 ^ P § 1 € 1 I I I I "It is the recommendation of the tion. This is, one cent less than M J 4TL J J M. V 'B M V 'V ' -B JJ • L / TV t t U finance committee that the board originally projected and it will mean steadily decrease the surplus,” said taxes on the average township home How the United Way helps Mr Barach “We should leave FbR DEDICATED SERVICE — Mayor Frank W. Long, left, assessed at $205,000 will increase $123 v * township residents will be emphasiz- enough surplus to meet unforeseen p re se n ts fo rm e r P lanning B oard c h a irm a n W illard A. B urns to support the schools. , 4 M b ed during the coming year, according problems. If we relinQuish our a aaupl a t last w ppk's h oard m eetin a in recognition Of his 14 The board’s original proposal had M U J ’B k to new president La^ence E. Swabb surplus we could see a big jump in a gavel at last week S DOara meenng in recuynuiuii ut h i s i<t . f th . “ . jncrease to m Jr. 0f92 Addison Drive. next year’s taxes. Would you rather years Of service to the board. Looking on IS board mem ber go centj5 for an increase of $143 50 in - " M L Dr. Swabb was elected last Thurs- have us use it only to hold down this sheila Williamson. taxes on’the average home in support , 'W day at the organization's annual year’s tax bill?" of schools g f l J W i meeting to succeed Thomas Welch. Board member Steven Weisbart According to Mr Brennan a major &%' In accepting his office the new presi- said the surplus is not being set aside T > 4 I l r A factor in the smalier increase in the » dent said he will work to organize a because the board is anticipating any t i l I M r | l P H I H I I V I W ( I tax rate is the fact that the total M L * J — “vigorous campaign to reach the specific future construction project, m ^ 1 T T V assessed value of property in the 1987 goal by “emPhaslzing how our but to use the entire amount could township is expected to be $25.5 member agencies serve the needs of mean a considerable increase in 1 . J . _ T _ o V / \ M million higher this year than it was residents here." futuretaxes. % I I 1 J i l I W I I I J I I I I I ag| 1 1 3 last year. The board originally had M aB B i# Also at the meeting 1986 campaign “We are aiming at the gradual ^ ^ 1 ^ w * ’*’ ^ projected an $8 million increase in chairman Thomas Hansbury an- return of our surplus to the taxpayers total assessed valuation. With a nounced that last year’s fund drive Continued bn Page 6 Concerns about drainage voiced by “I could not vote to grant a sub- larger tax base the tax load on the in- h B fell $45,000 short of its $195,000 goal both residents and township officials division that would take two lots and dividual property owner is not as but approximately $27,000 will be caused the Planning Board last week make three nonconforming lots,” great, he said. made up by theTri-State United m ^ I to reject subdivision applications in said board member Sandra H. At Monday’s meeting the board Way. 1 I I I I V two different neighborhoods. Haimoff. Mayor Frank W. Long said eliminated $200,000 from the capital Dr Swabb, a township resident *7 Frank Bosco of Essex Fells, who “an overwhelming factor” in his outlay budget by deferring a window since 1966, has served as a trustee of , has a contract to purchase properties decision to vote against the sub- replacement project at Wyoming the organization for the past four 4 - a I M | | w | at 374 and 382 Old Short Hills Road, division was the fact that it would School at least until the 1988-89 school years in the capacity of vice presi- fllltT I,I i f if turned down ln_hi» bid to convert mike JhragjgHiconformihg lot* put of year, Eliminated from cuirfent e * dent and chairman of the*budget * * ^ tWITTH *** I r * ♦" ™ - • - . ■■ penses was 17,375, |^iectui»‘f» d B C « r e v i e w committeeA retired senior p . -. for construction of a houseon the A second application, by Mr. and Honk invariotiS State aid programs. L aw rence Sw abb executive with the Exxon Corp, he is newly created parcel of land. Mrs. George £. Staetile for property a member of the National Academy I £ I I l l / ■ 1 I I “The increase in drainage caused they own at 83 Old Hollow Road, was _ # — _ s of Engineering, American Institute by the house being built would result rejected because of the plan’s effect I I I -m g--M * j A | y \ r t | M / f C ' of Chemical E ngineers and What was thought to be a 4 way in an additional 2 to 3 per cent drain- on drainage and the impact cutting | ' J | 1 1 ^ I J American Association for Advance- race for the Board of Education two age flowing past the front of the lot,” down trees on the property would *7 c 5 ment of Science. He obtained his doc- weeks ago apparently has turned into said township engineer Robert W. have on runoff. ..... ., . ....... torate from the University of Cincin- a walk-in, with three candidates run- Cunningham. The existing lot would have been Most town businesses and financial k or Washington s Birthday, Mon- nati ning for 3-year seats to be filled in Ihe “My purpose in coming here is to divided into “separate and indepen- institutions, the public library and day, most township businesses and Also e]ecte(j to office were Mr April 7 school election assure myself and other neighbors dent lots” of 25,508 and 39,359 sQuare post offices will remain open today, financial institutions, Town Hall the Hansbury and JacQueline D Ovaitt, Nominating petitions submitted to that the delicate water surface drain- feeL sa>d the applicants’ attorney Lincoln s Birthday. library and post offices will be clos- vjce presidents; Priscilla Costen- board secretary Ronald T. Brennan age will not be distrubted any fur- Lawrence Levitt. Herbert H.
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