A. T. STIL-,, Au·Robl(Xjr~PHY of Andrewt
A. T. STIL-,, Au·roBl(XjR~PHY OF AndrewT. Still -WITH A- HISTORY OF THE DISCOVERY AND DEVELOP MENT OF THE SCIENCE OF OSTEOPATHY : : : T ogether w ith on account of the founding of the , , , , , , , Amer ican Sc hoo l of Osteopathy; and lectu res de li vered before that , , , , , Ins ti tution from time to ti me dur ing the progress of the discovery , , , , , , , ILL US TRAT E D Pul>tlsl\edby KIRKSVILLE, MO. the Aulf\or 1897 • Copyr liht. 1 897, by A. T. STILL DEFINITIONS. Os-te-op-li.-thy, s. [Gr. lxrreov (osteon) =a bone, and 'l!"a8oJ (pathos) = suffering.] Legal: "A system, method, or RCience of healing." (See statutes of the State of Missouri.) Historical: Osteopathy was discovered by Dr. A. T. St ill, of Baldwi n, Kan., 1874. Dr. Still reasoned that "a natural flow of blood is health ; and disease is the effect of local or genera l disturbance of blood-that to excite the nerves caw,es muscles to contract and compress venous flow of blood to the heart ; and the bones could he used as levers to relieve pressure on nerves, veins, and arteries. ( A. T. Still.) . Technical : Osteopathy is that ~cience which consists of such exact, exhau st ive, and verifiable knowledge of the structure and functions of the human mechanism, ana tomical, physio logica l, and psychological, including the chen1istry and physics of its known elements, as hRS made discoverable certain organic laws and remedial resour ces, with in the body itsel f, by which nature unde r the scien tific treatment peculiar to osteopathic pract ice, apart from all ordinary methods of extraneous, artificial, or med i cinal stimulation, and in harmonious accord with its own mechanical principles, molecular activities; and 1netabolio processes, may recover from displacements, disorganiza tions, derangements, and consequent disease, and regain its norn1al equilib rium of form and functi on in health and strength.
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