
Concepts of Biology Release Notes 2016

Publish Date:

March 30, 2016

Revision Number:


Page Count Difference:

In this edition of Concepts of Biology, there is a 19 page count variation. This is attributed to margin changes and updates to the Answer Key scheme.


Below is a table containing submitted errata, and the resolutions that OpenStax has provided for this latest text.

Issue Resolution Severity Chapter 13: Fungi: ", the Agree. Replace text so that it reads, Major main component of cell walls, is "Like plant cells, fungal cells are found rarely in fungi." I cannot find surrounded by a thick ; any support for the statement that however, the rigid layers contain the cellulose is rarely found in fungi. In complex polysaccharides and fact, from the book "Fungal Cell Wall: glucan and not cellulose that is used Structure Synthesis and Assembly", by ." Ruiz-Herrera clearly states that "It is important to recall that chitin is only present in , but not in plants; and that cellulose is absent in , Fungi included,..." Without any other evidence, the sentence should be removed. The previous sentence can be revised to state: "Like plant cells, fungal cells are surrounded by a thick cell wall; however, the rigid layers contain the complex polysaccharides chitin and glucan and not cellulose that is used by plants." Chapter 13: Fungi: "The traditional Agreed. Deuteromycota is outdated, Major divisions of Fungi are the but rather than remove it from the (chytrids), the text, revise the text to make it clear (conjugated fungi), the that this is an older category. Ascomycota (sac fungi), the (club fungi), and the Deuteromycota (imperfect fungi)." Please note that Deuteromycota is an old outdated grouping. Based on genetic analysis member of the group have been placed into Ascomycota and Basidiomycota. Any reference to Deuteromycota should be removed. It is good to see that the get a plug (the most recent grouping in Fungi) in the following sentence. I would also recommend removing all references to imperfect fungi throughout (example Fig 13.24 and page 319). Chapter 18: How Reproduce: Agreed. Rewrite the sentence so Minor "...mayflies, and mosquitoes also that it reads, "Frogs, corals, spawn..." is misleading. Both of molluscs, and sea cucumbers also these groups of mate spawn." (internal fertilization) and lay fertilized eggs. These two groups should not be included under the topic of external fertilization. Chapter 15: and Cnidarians: Agreed. Please change the answer to Minor Review Questions: In the iBooks . version, question 4 (of 16) in the Chapter 15 Review Questions is incorrect. The question reads: "Cnidocytes are found in ...... " Phylum Porifera (A) is revealed as the correct answer which is incorrect. It should be phylum Cnidaria (D). Chapter 4: : In Section Revise text to read: “Processes that Major 4.4 of Concepts Biology (as well as use an organic molecule to the corresponding section of the regenerate NAD+ from NADH are larger OpenStax Biology book), the collectively referred to as following statement is made about fermentation. In contrast, some fermentation and anaerobic living systems use an inorganic respiration: "Processes that use an molecule (other than oxygen) as a organic molecule to regenerate final electron acceptor to regenerate NAD+ from NADH are collectively NAD+; both methods are anaerobic referred to as fermentation. In (do not require oxygen) to achieve contrast, some living systems use an NAD+ regeneration and enable inorganic molecule as a final electron organisms to convert energy for acceptor; both methods are a type of their use in the absence of oxygen." anaerobic cellular respiration. Anaerobic respiration enables organisms to convert energy for their use in the absence of oxygen." This implies that both fermentation and the use of an inorganic electron acceptor (wouldn't that include O2?) are both methods of anaerobic cellular respiration. Fermentation is not a type of anaerobic respiration. Anaerobic respiration involves the action of the Electron Transport System with something other than O2 as the final electron acceptor (this can include inorganic compounds and also organic compounds). Fermentation does not involve the action of the Electron Transport System. The involvement/lack of involvement of the ETS is a much more fundamental characteristic to distinguish between anaerobic respiration and fermentation. If you want to talk about electron acceptors, then discussing extrinsic versus intrinsic factors (as found in Todar's Online Textbook of Bacteriology) would be preferable to inorganic versus organic (which doesn't really hold true). Chapter 2: Biological Molecules: Revise the structure of valine in Minor Figure 2.20, the structure of valine Figure 2.20 on amino acids. The shows a CH3 group off the central group off of the central carbon is CH carbon, with 2 more CH3 groups with 2 CH3 groups attached. attached to it. Should be a CH off the (Previously, the group off of the central carbon. central carbon was CH3) Chatper 6: The Cell Cycle: in the Art Revise Art Connection feature - Minor Connection section, it appears to me relocate images of Anaphase and that the photos at the bottom for (previously were anaphase and telophase need to be switched). switched. The photo that should be illustrating anaphase appears to better show telophase, and vice versa. From Jeremy: To take advantage of Restructured appendices. Typo the new Appendix naming functionality in the Biology and Concepts of Biology titles, our first preference is to split material into three Appendixes: Appendix A: The Periodic Table of Elements Appendix B: Geological Time (this would include both geological time figures) Appendix C: Measurements and the Metric System This applies to both titles. Currently everything is in a single appendix (titled Appendix), however the break spots are very clear with headers that very closely match the new titles provided.