F302e Hazard Elimination and Residual Risk Register (HERRR) Designer’S Hazard Checklist
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F302e Hazard elimination and residual risk register (HERRR) Designer’s Hazard Checklist Notes: 1. The following example hazard checklist identifies a number of potential hazards that may be present in a generic Highways setting. Each discipline is required to develop and maintain a hazard checklist that that reflects potential hazards likely to be encountered in the industries or setting in which they work. 2. The list of potential hazards is not exhaustive. For each new project the entire checklist should be reviewed by competent staff as part of a mini workshop or brainstorming exercise to help prompt the identification of hazards in addition to those listed or already considered during an earlier review. 3 An individual hazard or an entire section (by ticking the heading) may be marked as not applicable. This records that the hazard area has been considered and judged it to be not applicable. 4. All hazards that may result in a medium to high risk rating must be thoroughly assessed and recorded in the Hazard Elimination and Residual Risk Register (HERRR). 5 Low risk hazards are those that should they occur/be realised may result in at worst first aid treatment only or no damage to assets. Potential Hazards Arising From: Comments Regulation 12(2) - Work involving particular risks (schedule 3 CDM 2015 / schedule 4 CDM (NI) 2016) 1. Work which puts workers at risk of burial under earthfalls, engulfment in swampland or falling from a height, where the risk is particularly aggravated by the nature of the work or processes used or by the environment at the place of work or site. 2. Work which puts workers at risk from chemical or biological substances constituting a particular danger to the health or safety of workers or involving a legal requirement for health monitoring. 3. Work with ionising radiation requiring the designation of controlled or supervised areas under regulation 16 of the Ionising Radiations Regulations . 4. Work near high voltage power lines. 5. Work exposing workers to the risk of drowning. 6. Work on wells, underground earthworks and tunnels. 7. Work carried out by divers having a system of air supply. 8. Work carried out by workers in caissons with a compressed air atmosphere. 9. Work involving the use of explosives. 10. Work involving the assembly or dismantling of heavy prefabricated components. Risk Potential Hazards Arising From: (without designer’s elimination / management measures) Ref: N / A Low- explain in Med/High - Comments comments. transfer to HERRR 1 Existing Environment 1.1 Existing buildings / adjacent walls / structures x Risk managed through Traffic Management, refer to Section 8. Various businesses present adjacent to works area, city centre scheme. Proposed works carried out in footway and carriageway along scheme 1.2 Adjacent Land uses / property types x extents. Overhanging trees present on Section C and D, refer to General Arrangement DWG's (732408-LCC-CX-DF3-DR-01_01 to 03 & 732408-LCC-DX- 1.3 Verges / hedges / ditches / overhanging trees x DF3-DR-01 to 02). 1.4 Adjacent roads / junctions / rdbts etc. x Risk managed through Traffic Management, refer to Section 8. Scheme located within City Centre environment, street lighting present throughout scheme. Contractor to ensure/provide adequate lighting for works 1.5 Levels of illumination (street lighting) x area. Visibility adequate along mainline carriageway for Section C (Wellington St) and D (Queen St, St Pauls St & Park Square East). As per Chapter 8 1.6 Impaired visibility (geometry / furniture etc.) x Traffic signs manual, adjacent roads and junctions to have advance signage warning road users of works. 1.7 Cellars / basements / subways etc. x Present along scheme length, proposed works should not affect existing structures. 1.8 Traffic x Contractor to provide Traffic Management in accordance with Chapter 8, refer to Section 8 of this table. Volume (tidal / shift orientated) x Scheme located in Leeds City Centre, traffic volume tidal am/pm peak flows. Section C located on a main bus route for Leeds City Centre. Deliveries to businesses carried out from Wellington St, Queen St, St Pauls St and Type (buses / HGVs etc.) x Park Square East. Speeds x City centre works, speed limit 30mph. Wellington St used as a route for abnormal and/or wide loads, Contractor to provide Traffic Management in accordance with Chapter 8, refer to Bus Route / wide load route / EDR x Section 8 of this table. Accident ‘hot-spots’ x 1.9 Pedestrians Contractor to provide Traffic Management in accordance with Chapter 8, refer to Section 8 of this table. City centre scheme, controlled and non-controlled pedestrian crossings present on Section C (Wellington St) and D (Queen St, St Pauls St & Park Crossing points (type of crossing) x Square East). School crossing patrol x Scheme includes proposed footway works, pedestrian accesses to be maintained. Contractor to provide Traffic Management in accordance with Footway availability x Chapter 8, refer to Section 8 of this table. Disabled facilities / access arrangements x See above. 1.10 Access restrictions One way / Prohibited movements x One-way streets and prohibited movements present. Risk managed through Traffic Management, refer to Section 8. Weight / width / height x Lane provision shall be maintained as peak or off-peak to the hours identified in Appendix 1/17. The Contractor shall make due allowance to ensure Geometry / Layout restrictions x that the lane requirements and times are adhered to. Contractor to provide Traffic Management in accordance with Chapter 8, refer to Section 8 of this table. On-street Parking / driveways x On-street parking to be suspended during works. Access to residences and businesses to be maintained. Deliveries x Deliveries to business adjacent to and or within extent of works area. Contractor to arrange access/times with affected business/residents. 1.11 Railways (level crossings / bridges etc.) x Section A only: Dukes St Viaduct, new road construction on existing alignment under the viaduct. 1.12 Bridleways / Public Rights of way x Existing piped watercourses present along route of proposed works. Leeds as-built data show these to be at a sufficient depth not to be affected by 1.13 Lakes, Rivers and Streams etc. x the proposed works. 1.14 Ground conditions: Proposed works on existing carriageway, potential for presence of tar within carriageway materials. Design team to arrange core samples and Contamination x testing, results provided to Contractor in Appendix 1/70 of the Contract. Ground water x Proposed works in existing footway and carriageway within existing road construction, ground water unlikely to affect proposed works. Not known to be an existing issue over scheme extents. Section C ONLY: S278 works on Northern St planned, structural support works being Instability x carried out on existing service tunnel. Tunnel runs underneath Northern St and Queens St. Proposed scheme works unlikely to affect existing asset. Section A ONLY- Geological survey to be carried out by the Designer, results to be forwarded on to Contractor once completed. Archaeology / SSSI / reserve x City centre works on existing roads. Mineral / mine workings x Section A ONLY - Historic mining in the local area, considered unlikely to affect works. Existing roads, in parts, have been constructed on past residential areas, in filled cellars and brick foundations may be present. Unlikely to affect Previous land uses x proposed works. To be managed by the Contractor, refer to Appendix 1/7 of the Contract for site limitations and constraints. Contractor to ensure all site operatives 1.15 Working with others (i.e. sharing site) x and sub-contractors have suitable method statements, permits, PPE and protection plan as and when necessary. 1.16 Hazardous / Fragile materials x See 1.14 contamination. 1.17 Restricted working hours (nights etc.) x City Centre works restrictions likely to require night time working, ALL Sections. Business/residential properties adjacent to scheme. Interaction to be managed through Traffic management in accordance with Chapter 8 Traffic 1.18 Occupied Properties x signs Manual, see section 8. 1.19 Topography x Pedestrian routes to be maintained. Cycle routes to be maintained along route. Businesses to maintain any loading/customer access. Other 1.20 Interface with the public x potential risks include confrontation with members of the public. To be managed by Contractor, suitable method statement and protection plan to be produced as and when necessary. ALL Sections. Section C ONLY - Sharps and needles recorded by the Private developer of the Yorkshire Post development site. Site to be checked and cleared 1.21 Sharp items / hypodermic needles /sharp glass x prior to works commencing on site. 2 Existing Services Risk Potential Hazards Arising From: (without designer’s elimination / management measures) Ref: N / A Low- explain in Med/High - Comments comments. transfer to HERRR Existing services present throughout scheme extents, ALL Sections. Statutory Undertaker plans/responses to be provided to the Contractor within 2.1 Underground x the Contract. Electrical (Eon & private) Gas (low and medium pressure) Fuel Pipelines / High pressure Gas Mains Water Telecommunications Other 2.2 Overhead Services x See above, section 2.1. Electrical Telecommunications 3 Excavations 3.1 Deep excavations x To be managed by Contractor, suitable method statement and protection plan to be produced as and when necessary. ALL Sections. 3.2 Interface with services / drainage x Refer to sections 2. Existing Services and 6. Drainage and Ducting Works. 3.3 Slope / ground stability x 3.4 Ground water / water courses x 3.5 Plant movements x To be managed by the Contractor, safe method of work. To be managed by Contractor, suitable method statement and protection plan to be produced as and when necessary. ALL Sections. For details on 3.6 Storage / disposal of material x site restrictions for storage and disposal of materials refer to Appendix 1/7 and 6/2.