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R. W. ASHLEY & F. OBEBKIRCH. WIRE WHEEL. APPLICATION FILED AUG-1.19M. Patented‘ Apr. 13, 1915. 3 SHEETS-SHEET 1. IIIImIAIIIé”. 1/4 A,‘h an.‘ EF 11...’? 00 “151% 1514200 on : I or“ ‘ R. W. ASHLEY 8; F. OBERKIRCH. WIRE WHEEL. - APPLICATION FILED AUG. 1, 1913 P a .% d A p PM 1 om, l 9 1 Rd. 3 s H. E E T 8 ..° H E E T am win/l Av - R. W. ASHLEY & F. OBERKIRCH. WIRE WHEEL. APPLICATION FILED AUG. 1, 1913. 1L 9 131%m Patented Apr. 13, 1915. 3 SHEET8~SHEET 3. WITNESSES .' - \ “FILQEERT W. ASHLEE? AND FRANK OZBERKIRCH, OF YORK, N. Y., ASSIGNOR-‘S TQ GENERAL IRXM COMPANY, A CORPORATION OF NEW’ YORK. ‘WIRE WHEEL. Speci?cation of Letters Patent. Patented Apr. 13}, i915. Application ?led August 1, 1913. Serial No. 782,336. To all whom it may] concern .' opposed in their diagonally inclined planes, Bed-t known that We, Roiirnr ll/hillsHLnY and the fourth or lesser acute series of and linens. 'OBERKIRCH, citizens of the spokes tulres cure of a substantial portiomoi United States, and residents of New York hearing, outward and inward transverse 5 city, in the county of New York and State thrust, us well usnssisting in all the other not New York, have ini'ented certain new and positions the first, second and third series useful improvements in Wire Wheels, oi’ of spokes. By setting" up a wheel of this which the following is a speci?cation. type under tension a satisfactory, reliable, The invention relates .to improvements in light ,aud durable suspension wheel is had, Wire wheels and has particular reference to the result being the reduction to form and 65 :1 wire .wheel of the type provided with a se; practice of a true and correct four point ries of interloced Wire spokes under tension, suspension Wheel.
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