In accordance with Article 57, relating to Article 32. of the Public Procurement Law (“Official Gazette of Republic of ”, nos. 124/12, 14/15 and 68/15)

CITY ADMINISTRATION OF Secretariat for social welfare Belgrade, 27. marta street no. 43-45


INVITATION FOR SUBMISSION OF BIDS Services – Preparation and distribution of meals for materially endangered users on the territory of City of Belgrade (Public procurement no. 1/17)

Contracting authority: City of Belgrade, City Administration of the City of Belgrade, Secretariat for social welfare

Address of Contracting authority: 27. marta street no. 43-45, Belgrade

Contracting authority Website:

Type of Contracting authority: local self-government unit

Type of public procurement procedure: Open procedure, in order to conclude framework agreement with one bidder, for the period of two years. Contracting authority shall conclude individual agreements.

Subject type: services

Description of public procurement subject: Mentioned service shall envisage daily preparation and distribution up till 9.607.100 meals, for time period of two years. In accordance with menu from Form 2 from tender documents – Price structure form with instructions how to fill the same, user is entitled to a warm meal every work day in a week, whereas on Saturdays and Sundays, as well as on religious and state holidays, the elected bidder shall deliver dry meals. Warm meals include cooked meals and dry meals include lunch packages. Service shall be provided for two years, via network points on 17 municipalities of city of Belgrade, including means and work force. The number of meals which are required to be prepared and distributed to points, in total and on daily basis, shall be deliver by the Contracting authority to the supplier twice a month – after fifteen days, based on Decisions on right to a free meal issued by City center for social work in Belgrade Number of points and locations – meal delivery addresses of end users, shall be determined by the Contracting authority depending on number and needs of users. Issuance of the meals to the users shall be done once per day via network points, determined by the Contracting authority, from 07:00 to 12:00 hours or working hours of each point respectively. Distribution of warm meals shall be done using thermoses, and distribution of dry meals in PVC bags. On 28.02.2017, meals are distributed at following points and in quantities in accordance with issued decisions on right to free meals:


Working Number of No. Municipality Point address hours meals 1. Savski venac Lomina no.17 08:00-09:00 89 2. Rakovica Miška Kranjca no.12 08:00-09:30 381 3. Rakovica 13. oktobra bb, Resnik 08:00-09:00 227 4. Voždovac Isidore Sekulić no.9 08:00-09:30 336 5. Voždovac Rade Končara no.1A 08:00-09:00 97 6. Voždovac Milorada Umljenovića no. 18 08:00-09:00 204 7. Zvezdara T. Stamenkovića no.15 08:00-10:00 512 8. Zvezdara Nikole Grulovića no.14 08:00-09:00 139 9. Zvezdara B. Kralja Aleksandra no.532 08:00-10:00 293 10. Zvezdara Jula Brinera 12a, Orlovsko naselje 08:00-09:30 475 11. Palilula Sime Šolaje no.43 08:00-11:00 924 12. Palilula Ivana Milutinovića no.12 g, Borča 08:00-09:00 514 13. Stari grad Solunska no.14 10:00-11:00 107 14. Čukarica Mihaila Valtovića no.36 07:00-10:00 782 15. Čukarica Darinke Radović no.35, Železnik 08:00-11:00 564 16. Barajevo 20. oktobra no.2a, naselje Gaj 08:00-09:00 128 17. Barajevo Čedomira Rankovića no.2, Manić 10:00-11:00 95 18. Barajevo Maršala Tita no. 5v, Meljak 08:00-09:00 56 19. Obrenovac Cara Lazara no. 1 08:00-09:30 378 20. Obrenovac Grabovac 178 08:20-09:20 39 21. Obrenovac Valjevski put 480, Stubline 09:45-10:45 48 22. Lazarevac Kolubarski trg bb 09:30-10:30 231 23. Novi Beograd Dr. Ivana Ribara no.91,blok 61 08:30-09:30 374 24. Novi Beograd Obrenovačka bb, Ledine 08:00-10:30 641 25. Novi Beograd Aleksinačkih rudara no.37 08:30-09:30 159 26. Novi Beograd Jurija Gargarina no.81, blok 70 08:30-09:30 98 27. Novi Beograd Z. Vujoševića no.74 08:30-09:30 199 28. Zemun Prvomajska no. 9 09:00-11:00 742 29. Zemun Stanka Tišme no.40, Batajnica 10:00-11:30 235 Dušana Mađarčića Korčagina no.133, 09:00-11:00 30. Zemun 879 Zemun polje 31. Surčin Vrtlarska bb 08:00-10:00 664 32. Surčin Maršala Tita no.2, Dobanovci 09:30-10:00 42 33. Mladenovac Mila Perića no.1 08:15-11:00 616 34. Mladenovac Senaja 07:00-08:00 11 35. Sopot Kosmajski trg 13 10:00-11:00 51 36. Sopot 08:45-09:45 142 37. Bulevar oslobođenja no. 39 09:45-10:45 74 38. Grocka Boleč, 7. jula 1 08:00-09:00 92 39. Grocka 29. novembra no.25, Vrčin 08:00-09:00 18 40. Vračar Prote Mateje no. 36 08:00-09:30 294

Mobile points: 41. Lazarevac villages* Village Number of meals *Remark 1. Cibutkovica 22 At mentioned locations there are not points, 2. Barosevac 5 delivery shall be done directly from 3. Lukavica 15 transportation vehicles, between 07:00 until


4. Rudovci 15 12:00 at locations which will be delivered to 5. Sokolovo 131 the Supplier at a later stage.

6. Sopici 89 7. Stepojevac 46 8. Veliki Crnjeni 123 9. Zupanjac 20 10. Zeoke 8 TOTAL 474

Name and designation from the Common procurement vocabulary: Services of meal preparation – 55321000-6, Services of prepared meal delivery – 55520000-1.

Contract award of framework agreement: The supplier shall evaluate bids using the “lowest price offered” criteria. Total price excluding WAT stated in Bid form shall be the relevant price in evaluation of bids.

In case two or more bids have the same lowest offered price, Contracting party shall award the contract to the bidder using the lot. Contracting party shall inform in writing all the bidders about the date of casting lots. Casting lots shall be public, in presence of bidders having the same lowest price, by writing their names on separate papers, which are same size and color. These papers shall be placed in a transparent box, from which they will be drawn, and the bidder whose paper is first drawn will be awarded with contract. Casting lot records shall be made.

Manner of taking over the tender documents, namely website where the tender documents is available:

- from Contracting party, address: City of Belgrade – City Administration of City of Belgrade – Secretariat for social welfare, Belgrade, 27. marta no. 43-45, room no. 13, every work day from 10:00 to 14:00 hours, with submission of permission to take tender documents; - at webpage of City of Belgrade: - at Public Procurement Portal: - at Public Procurement Portal of City of Belgrade:

Manner of bid submission and the deadline: Bids are submitted by post or directly to the address: City of Belgrade, City Administration of City of Belgrade, Secretariat for social welfare, Belgrade, 27. marta no. 43-45, room no. 8, with the mark: ,,Bid for public procurement of services – Preparation and distribution of meals for materially endangered users on the territory of City of Belgrade, PP no. 1/17 – DO NOT OPEN“. The bidder submits the bid in sealed envelope or box, sealed in such manner so it can be established with certainty that it is opened for the first time at the time of bid opening. At the back of the envelope or the box it is necessary to state name and the address of the bidder, telephone and the contact person. In case of group of bidders, it is necessary to state at the envelope or the box that the group of bidders is submitting, as well as names and addresses of all participants in the group bid, telephone and the contact person.

Submission deadline is 18.04.2017. until 08:30 hours.

Place, time and manner of bid opening: Public opening of bids shall be conducted on 18.04.2017. at 09:00 hours, Hall 2, Secretariat for social welfare, 27 marta no. 43-45.


Conditions for representatives of bidders to participate in procedure of bids opening: All interested persons can attend bid opening procedure, but only authorized representatives of bidders can actively participate in procedure. Authorization for participation in bid opening procedure must be issued by the bidder, with the filling number, date of issuance, stamp and signature of the authorized representative, and shall be given to the president of the Public procurement commission before the beginning of the opening of bids.

Decision deadline: Decision with elaboration and information from the report on expert evaluation of bids shall be issued within 40 (forty) days as from bid opening.

Contact: Biljana Božidarević, [email protected]