The Constitution of the Associated Students of the

















The Constitution of the Associated Students of the University of California Santa Barbara


We, the undergraduate students of the University of California, Santa Barbara, in order to provide for the promotion, regulation, and maintenance of the general and educational welfare, do ordain and establish this Constitution.


The name of the organization shall be "The Associated Students of the University of California, Santa Barbara," herein referred to as the "Associated Students" or the "ASUCSB."


A) All students shall have the right to an affordable education. !!

B) All students shall have the right to affordable housing. !!

C) All registered undergraduate students shall have the right to be active participants of ASUCSB.

1) All students have the right to a vote in all ASUCSB Elections.

2) Any student can hold an appointed position in A.S. and be employed by A.S. concurrently. !!

D) All students shall have the right to be free from violence on this campus and in Isla Vista. !!

1) All students shall have the right to Safe Spaces on campus. !!

E) All students shall have the right to the freedom of speech and expression. !!

1) All students shall have the right to peacefully protest the UC Santa Barbara Associated Students, the UC Santa Barbara Administration, the UC Regents, the County of Santa Barbara, the State of California, the United States Federal Government, and all other entities as they so choose on the UCSB campus. !!

2) Students shall have the right to be free of unwarranted aggression during protests. !!

F) All students shall have the right to the status of innocent in all grievances with the University of California, Santa Barbara until proven guilty. !!

1) All students shall have the right to due process with any grievance with the University of California, Santa Barbara. If the University accuses any student of misconduct, they have the right to be represented at any stage of the proceedings. Students may be represented by anyone of their choosing. Students have the right to see their disciplinary file before responding to the accusation, and students have the right to refuse to answer any questions posed to them at any time. Students also have the right to a hearing (closed or open to the public, as they choose) and a right to appeal. The students’ representatives have the right to cross-examine witnesses testifying against them, and to call witnesses and present evidence on their behalf. Students’ choice to exercise their rights may not be used against them. !!


G) All students shall have the right to be free from discrimination and harassment on the basis of race, gender, sex, ethnicity, religion, national origin, disability, sexual orientation, status within or outside the university, or political belief in all activities sponsored or conducted by the University, its affiliates, ASUCSB, or campus student groups.

1) ASUCSB shall not pass any Bill or Resolution that discriminates against students nor support any entity that discriminates against students.

H) Students shall have the right to receive fair and equitable treatment in academics. This includes college and departmental admissions, enrollment, and access to assistance and other services. Students have the right to have their work graded fairly and without regard to non-academic criteria. If students believe that their work was graded unfairly, or if their academic rights have been infringed in any way, students have the right to pursue recourse, such as grievance or an appeal. Students have the right to be advised on their options and be represented when they pursue such recourse. !!

I) All students shall have the right to free access of all University information, including the operating budget, with the exception of information that infringes on the privacy of any individual or group of individuals. !!

J) All students shall have the right to a voice on all Administrative Advisory Committees and Academic Senate Committees. !!

K) All students shall have the right to adequate study spaces on campus. !!

L) All students shall have the right to have their input heard in the selection of establishments and businesses in our community. !!

M) All students shall have the right to easily accessible services on campus. !!

N) All students shall have the right to responsible allocation of student fees by Associated Students. !!

O) All students shall have the right to have their input heard in the selection of non-student Regents. !!

P) All AS student employees shall have the right to bargain for a higher wage at least once per year of employment. !!

Q) Student Initiated Fees shall not be retroactively taxed by any campus or system wide entity. !!

R) ASUCSB acknowledges that there are other rights not withstanding this Bill of Rights.


The official documents of the Associated Students shall be the A.S. Constitution, A.S. By-Laws, and A.S. Standing Policies. They shall be compiled together and collectively be known as the ASUCSB Legal Code. Distribution of power and authority among these documents shall be allotted in the following order: A.S. CONSTITUTION, A.S. BY-LAWS, and A.S. STANDING POLICIES. With reference to this order, any contradiction which arises between these documents and the work contained therein, shall be decided in favor of the document higher in rank order. The wording of the lesser document involved shall automatically be void and struck from the document.


All regularly registered undergraduate students carrying a study load of six (6) or more units shall pay the Associated Students Membership Fee at the time of fee payment to University officials for Fall, Winter, Spring and Summer quarters. Associated Students Members shall be entitled to vote in all ASUCSB Elections, seek an elective ASUCSB office, participate in all


ASUCSB activities, and benefit from all ASUCSB services and programs. Associated Students Members shall neither seek more than one (1) elective office concurrently nor hold more than one (1) elective office concurrently.



Associated Students shall have the authority and responsibility to oversee the use of existing fees, as well as monitoring the proliferation of fees.


All new Associated Students fees must be submitted as a ballot measure to be voted on by the Associated Students in a general or special election, with at least twenty percent (20%) of the Associated Students’ Membership voting. If a fee is put on the ballot by petition, a vote of fifty percent plus one (50% + 1) shall be necessary for the adoption of the fee. If a fee is put on the ballot by a vote of the Senate a vote of sixty percent (60%) shall be necessary for the adoption of the fee.


Existing lock-in fees must be placed on the ballot for reaffirmation every two (2) years following the adoption of the fee. Such fees can only be cancelled with a sixty percent (60%) vote in opposition to the continuation of the fee, with a least twenty (20%) of the Associated Students’ Membership voting.



The Legislative Authority shall be vested in the Senate, which shall be the supreme policy- making body of the Associated Students and shall promote the welfare and interests of the Members of the Associated Students, subject to the limitations herein enumerated.


A) The voting members of the Senate shall be defined as the total number of the elected Representatives of the Associated Students. Each Senator shall be elected by a plurality of their respective constituencies.

B) The Presiding Officer of the Senate may vote only to break a tie vote.

C) A First Presiding Senator Pro-Tempore and Second Presiding Senator Pro-Tempore shall be nominated by the Internal Vice President and approved by a two-thirds (2/3) majority of the voting membership of the Senate by the second (2nd) regular meeting following the installation of officers and may vote in all matters.

D) The line of succession for the Presiding Office of the Senate shall be the First Presiding Senator Pro-Tempore followed by the Second Presiding Senator Pro-Tempore.


A) Residential Senators


1) The distribution of the residential senators shall be based upon a fixed number of senators representing each constituency.

2) Five (5) On-Campus Senators shall represent undergraduate students residing in university residence halls.

3) Twelve (12) Off-Campus Senators shall represent undergraduate students residing off- campus.

4) One (1) University Owned Housing Senator shall represent undergraduate students residing in university owned housing.

B) Collegiate Senators

1) The distribution of Collegiate Senators shall be based upon a fixed number of senators representing each of the university’s colleges.

2) A Senator must study within the college he/she represents, and will be responsible for representing the academic interests of their constituents.

3) Four (4) College of Letters and Sciences Senators shall represent the College of Letters and Sciences.

4) One (1) College of Engineering Senator shall represent the College of Engineering, and serve as the Chair of the CoE Student Council.

5) One (1) College of Creative Studies Senator shall represent the College of Creative Studies, and serve as the Chair of the CCS Student Council.

C) Transfer Senators

1) One (1) Transfer Senator shall represent undergraduate students who have transferred to the university from another collegiate institution.


The Senate shall:

A) Supervise and maintain the policies, properties and conduct of the Associated Students.

B) Have authority over the responsibility for all Associated Students' revenues and expenditures.

C) Approve by majority vote (50% + 1) the annual budget.

D) Approve and publish the annual audit by a Certified Public Accountant chosen by the Executive Director and subject to the majority approval (50% +1) of the Senate members present.

E) Keep minutes of all proceedings.

F) Ratify all appointments of the President, Presiding Officer, and the Judicial Council by a majority vote (50% + 1) of the Senate members present, unless otherwise provided herein.

G) Be empowered to authorize all boards, commissions, Committees, and other agencies of the Associated Students, which shall:

1) Aid in the execution of the policies and programs of the Associated Students.


2) Have the power of legislative initiative.

3) Report regularly to the Senate.

4) Keep records of all proceedings.

5) Maintain regular contact with said AS Entity as outlined in Article VI, Section 1 F.

H) Be empowered to establish and disband sub Judicial Council(s) as provided herein.

I) Be empowered to investigate all matters pertaining to their legislative function.

J) Be empowered to override a Presidential veto by a two-thirds (2/3) majority approval of the voting membership.

1) Have the power to enact a phone vote if the vetoed legislation is deemed urgent in nature.

K) Be empowered to authorize the expenditure of investment reserve funds by a three-fourths (3/4) majority approval of the voting membership.

L) Be empowered to dismiss appointees of the President, the Presiding Officer, and the Judicial Council by a two-thirds (2/3) majority approval of the voting membership, unless otherwise provided herein.


A) Sessions: Each session of the Senate shall commence with the last regular meeting of Spring quarter.

B) Meetings: The Senate shall regularly meet at least once a week during periods of regular instruction, herein referred to as "school weeks." Special meetings may be called by the Presiding Officer of the Senate, by petition of at least one-sixth (1/6) of the voting membership of the Senate, or by petition signed by two percent (2%) of the Associated Students' membership.

C) Quorum: A quorum shall consist of a majority (50% + 1) of the voting membership of the Senate.



The Executive Authority shall be vested in one (1) President, one (1) Internal Vice President, one (1) External Vice President for Local Affairs, and one (1) External Vice President for Statewide Affairs, (1) Student Advocate General together with such boards, commissions, Committees, and other agencies authorized by the Senate to execute the policies and programs of the Associated Students therein established.


The Executive Officers of the Associated Students shall be elected annually by a majority vote (50% + 1) of the Associated Students' Membership.

A) The President shall:

1) Be the Chief Executive Officer of the Associated Students and shall coordinate and be responsible for the functioning of the A.S. Executive Director.


2) Serve as official representative of the Associated Students in all campus, system wide, local, state and federal matters, unless otherwise provided herein.

3) Deal with all student affairs.

4) Appoint the Chair people of all boards, commissions, Committees, and other agencies of the Executive Department from the membership of the Associated Students.

5) Name the Chairperson of the Judicial Council from its membership subject to a two- thirds (2/3) majority approval of the voting membership of the Senate.

6) Appoint the membership of Judicial Council, subject to a two-thirds (2/3) majority approval of the voting membership of the Senate, from the membership of the Associated Students in the event that a seat on Judicial Council becomes vacant.

7) Appoint all student representatives to University administration, faculty, staff, or other advisory bodies.

8) Formulate an annual budget to be submitted to the Senate for approval by the fifth (5th) regular meeting of Spring quarter.

9) Be a non-voting ex-officio member of all boards, commissions, Committees, and other agencies of the Executive Department.

10) Be empowered to veto main motions of the Senate within two (2) days of its adoption.

11) Be empowered to appoint a Cabinet of Advisors not subject to Senate ratification.

B) The Internal Vice President Affairs shall:

1) Serve as the Presiding Officer of the Senate except when the office of the President becomes vacant.

2) Serve as the representative of Associated Students in all internal affairs.

3) Advise and inform the President and the Senate on all campus matters.

4) Be responsible for facilitating the monitoring of the proliferation of student fees throughout the university.

5) Serve as the official liaison between Associated Students, the Office of Student Life, and Registered Campus Organizations.

6) Serve as the official overseer and reference for all interactions between the Senate Liaisons and their BCU’s. They must also train the Senators in how to be liaisons.

7) In the event that the office of the President becomes vacant, serve as President until a new President is duly elected.

C) The External Vice President for Local Affairs shall:

1) Serve as the official representative of the Associated Students on all Isla Vista and Santa Barbara County affairs.

2) Coordinate all Isla Vista and County of Santa Barbara issues that indirectly or directly affect UCSB students.

3) Advise and inform the President and Senate on all local external matters and affairs.


4) In the event that both the offices of the President and the Vice President for Internal Affairs become vacant, serve as President until a new President or Vice President for Internal Affairs is duly elected.

D) The External Vice President for Statewide Affairs shall:

1) Serve as the official representative of the Associated Students on the University of California Students' Association (UCSA) Board of Directors as well as the United States Students’ Association (USSA).

2) Serve as the representative of Associated Students in all state, federal and UC system wide matters.

3) Advise and inform the President and Senate on all state, federal and UC system wide matters.

4) In the event that the offices of the President, the Vice President for Internal Affairs and the External Vice President for Local Affairs should become vacant, serve as President until a new President or Vice President for Internal Affairs or External Vice President for Local Affairs is duly elected.

E) The Student Advocate General Shall:

1) Provide oversight and direction to the Office of the Student Advocate.

2) Educate the student body about students’ rights, University and Associated Students policies, laws, regulations, procedures, and promote awareness of the availability of advice and representation services offered by the Office of the Student Advocate.

3) Be available to provide assistance and support to any undergraduate student and student group involved in disciplinary actions with the University of California, Santa Barbara and be empowered to challenge University policies on their behalf.

4) Present the position of the Associated Students to the University's administration concerning student rights, campus rules, and other areas of student conduct.

5) Be a non-partisan representative of all undergraduate students at the University of California, Santa Barbara.

6) In the event that the offices of the President, the Vice President for Internal Affairs, External Vice President for Local Affairs and the External Vice President for Statewide Affairs should become vacant, serve as President until a new President or Vice President for Internal Affairs, External Vice President for Local Affairs or External Vice President for Statewide Affairs is duly elected.

7) Oversee the adherence to the Student Bill of Rights.

F) Succession:

1) The order of succession to the office of President shall be: Internal Vice President, External Vice President for Local Affairs, External Vice President for Statewide Affairs, Student Advocate General, First Senator Pro-Tempore, Second Senator Pro-Tempore.

2) The Executive Offices shall be considered vacant until a duly elected officer is sworn into office.




The Judicial Authority shall be vested in one (1) Judicial Council and any other sub and lower Judicial Council(s) established by provisions herein enumerated.


A) The voting members of the Judicial Council shall be:

1) Four (4) Members-At-Large and one (1) Chairperson

B) Each voting member shall be appointed by the President from the membership of the Associated Students and ratified by a two-thirds (2/3) majority of the voting membership of the Senate and may be removed by unanimous consent of Senate and/or by recall election.

C) No Judicial Department member shall concurrently hold an elective office of the Associated Students.

D) Non-voting advisory members may be selected by a majority (50% + 1) of the voting membership of the Judicial Council.


The members of the Judicial Department shall sit as long as they are in continual regular undergraduate attendance at the University of California, Santa Barbara campus.


Three (3) members of Judicial Council shall constitute a quorum.


A) The Chairperson of Judicial Council shall:

1) Be responsible for all administrative duties of the Judicial Department.

2) Be empowered to preside at all meetings within the Judicial Department as a non-voting member unless otherwise stated herein.

3) Be empowered to delegate the presiding power to any member of the Judicial Council.

B) The Judicial Council shall:

1) Hear all cases in original jurisdiction which it deems are necessary.

2) Act as an appellate body for the lower and sub Judicial Council(s).

3) Coordinate and be responsible for the activities of sub Judicial Council(s).

4) Be empowered to render advisory opinions upon the request of a three-fourths (3/4ths) majority of the voting membership of the Senate.



A) Sub Judicial Council(s) shall be established by majority approval (50% + 1) of the voting membership of the Judicial Council and may be disbanded by a two-thirds (2/3) majority of the voting membership of the Judicial Council.

B) Three (3) members shall sit on each sub Judicial Council and two (2) shall constitute a quorum.



The selection and job description of the Executive Director of the Associated Students shall be the responsibility of the Senate. The Executive Director's term shall be indefinite, and shall be terminated by written notice of either the Executive Director or the Senate in accordance with current UCSB personnel policies and procedures. The Senate shall require a three-fourths (3/4ths) majority approval of the voting membership in order to (1) ask for the Executive Director's resignation, and/or (2) make a written, formal request to the UCSB Personnel Department asking for the termination of the Executive Director.


The Executive Director shall:

A) Be the official representative of the Associated Students in all of its business and financial dealings.

B) Keep a suitable system of accounts, records, and books of the Associated Students and its various activities. All of the accounts shall be kept in standard form so that a true statement of the Associated Students' financial status may be prepared at any time.

C) Be responsible to provide, at reasonable notice, any information pertaining to the functioning of the Executive Director upon the request of the Senate.

D) Supervise collection and expenditure of all monies of the Associated Students.

E) Have the authority to borrow money in the name of the Associated Students with the prior approval of the Senate.

F) Be responsible for the appointment and termination of all Associated Students' employees. At the request of the Senate, the Executive Director shall provide information pertaining to any personnel action and shall report all actions taken in this regard to the Associated Students' President on a frequent and regular consultative basis.

1) Before deciding to hire a vacant staff position or create a new position, the Executive Director must receive a 3/4 affirmative vote of the Senate.

G) Act as trustee for the Associated Students in maintaining trustee accounts for various university organizations.


All contracts and other obligations shall be executed in the name of the Associated Students. The Executive Director shall sign all contracts subject to prior approval of the Associated Students President. The Executive Director shall report to Senate Finance and Business Committee, the Associated Students President, and the Senate on all contracts from the prior year during the Associated Students Budget Process in Winter and Spring Quarters.



The monies of the Associated Students shall be kept on deposit in a federally insured bank, savings and loan, or credit union, and drawn out only by checks signed by the Executive Director. One (1) University career employee may be authorized by the Senate to sign checks in the case of an emergency created by the prolonged absence of the Executive Director.



The term of office of all elected officers of the Associated Students shall begin at the last regular meeting of the Senate of Spring quarter, approximately four (4) weeks following the completion of the General Election. The interim period between the election and installation of Senatorial officers will be designed as an orientation and training period. The term of office shall be approximately one (1) year.


General Elections shall be completed by the fifth (5th) week of the Spring quarter.


A) All Elections shall be by secret ballot.

B) All additional Election procedures and regulations shall be stated in The By-Laws.


A) Candidates for Senatorial positions who are not elected become official runners-up for the position for which they ran.

1) To be an official runner-up, the Candidate must receive a total number of votes that is at least six percent (6%) of the number used for the apportionment of his/her respective Senatorial position.

B) The runners-up are prioritized in order of the number of votes they received with the highest vote getter who did not win being the first (1st) runner-up. In the case of a vacancy, the first (1st) runner-up may choose to fulfill that vacancy. If the first (1st) runner-up declines the Senate position, then the second (2nd) runner-up may decide to fulfill the council position and so on down the line.

C) In the case of no official runners-up, a Senatorial Ad Hoc Committee, chaired by the First Pro- Tempore, shall be formed to interview possible replacements and submit their recommendation for approval by a required two-thirds (2/3) approval by the full Senate. The quorum for this Ad Hoc Committee, including the chair, shall be no less than 1/5 of the membership of the full Senate. The President, Internal Vice President, and Committee on Committees chairperson shall be considered non-voting, ex-officio members of the Committee. Motions offered by ex-officio members shall not be in order.




A) The “Spring General Election” which shall occur on the fourth week of Spring Quarter, must consist of Associated Students Executive Officer and Senator Elections. In addition, the following categories may be included:

1) Constitutional Amendments and/or Reaffirmations 2) Initiatives 3) Referenda 4) Plebiscites 5) Recall Election 6) Any other categories deemed necessary by the Elections Committee with the approval of the Senate.

B) All ballot measures must be approved by a two-thirds (2/3) majority of the voting membership of the Senate, or the Senate must ratify any petitions submitted, no later than the first week of Spring quarter.


A) “Special Elections” procedures shall be adhered to and used in the following circumstances: Constitutional Amendments, Recalls, Initiatives and Referenda.

1) A Special Election shall be held if a petition is presented to the Senate with the required number of signatures as stated in Article X, Sections 3 or 4, or Article XI, Section 1.

a) If a “Special Election” petition is presented to the Senate by their fifth (5th) meeting of either the Fall or Winter quarters, an election must be held before the end of that quarter. If the petition is presented after the fifth (5th) meeting, an election must be held by the fourth (4th) week of the following quarter, or during the “Spring General Election,” whichever comes first.

2) Upon approval of a two-thirds (2/3) majority of the voting membership of the Senate, a Special Election may be called.

3) Upon the vacancy of an Executive Officer position, a Special Election may be called.

a) If an Executive Officer position becomes vacant before the fifth (5th) meeting of the Senate of Fall Quarter, an election must be held before the end of the quarter. If an executive officer position should become vacant after the fifth (5th) meeting of Fall Quarter an election must be held by the fourth (4th) week of Winter quarter. If an executive position should become vacant after the last Senate meeting of Fall Quarter, the position will be filled during the “Spring General Election.”

4) A Special Election shall be held no more than one (1) time per quarter, at a date determined by the Elections Committee and the Executive Director, with final approval by the Senate.


A) The Associated Students shall have the power to initiate legislation by means of a petition signed by its members in a number equal to fifty percent plus one (50%+1) of the total number of its members who voted for the office of Associated Students President in the immediately preceding Associated Students’ General Election, and presented to the Senate.

B) Any legislation adopted by the Senate may be subjected to a referendum vote of the Associated Students upon presentation of a petition to the Senate signed by students in a number equal to fifty percent plus one (50%+1) of the total number of its members who voted for the office of Associated Students President in the immediately preceding Associated Students' General


Election. The Senate shall repeal such legislation or submit it to a vote of the Associated Students in the next General or Special Election.

C) A majority (50%+1) vote with at least twenty percent (20%) of the Associated Students’ Membership voting shall be necessary for adoption of an initiative or repeal of legislation.

D) Initiatives not adopted or legislation repealed in the above manner shall not be introduced again for at least one (1) year.


A) Elected Officers of the Associated Students shall be subject to a “Recall Election” upon presentation to the Senate of a petition signed by its constituent members in a number equal to fifty percent plus one (50%+1) of its membership, except Executive Officers which will be in a number equal to ten percent (10%) of the total membership, of its members who voted for the said office in the immediately preceding Associated Students’ General Election. Members of the Judicial Council are subject to recall by presentation of a petition, signed by ten percent (10%) of the Associated Students' membership, to the Senate.

B) Recall shall be effective immediately upon a two-thirds (2/3) majority vote of the appropriate constituency, with at least twenty percent (20%) of the constituency voting.



A) Upon approval of a two-thirds (2/3) majority of the voting membership of the Senate.

B) By a petition signed by members of Associated Students in a number equal to fifty percent (50%) of the total number of its members who voted for the office of Associated Students President in the immediately preceding Associated Students General Election.

C) Upon fulfillment of either (A) or (B) above, the Senate shall submit the amendments to a vote of the Associated Students in the next General or Special Election as appropriate.


A) Regular Election procedures shall be followed.


A) The Senate shall arrange for proper publicity, which may include, but is not limited to, the publication and broadcast of the text of the amendment during the school week prior to the Election. Full texts shall also be made available at the polls, and at other regular distribution locations.


A) A two-thirds (2/3) majority of the votes cast with a least twenty percent (20%) of the Associated Students voting shall be necessary for adoption.




A) The By-Laws of the Associated Students shall be established by a three-fourths (3/4ths) majority of the voting membership of the Senate. To enact a new By-Law, a Bill proposal must have at least a two-thirds (2/3) majority vote of an A.S. Senate quorum.

B) Amendments to The By-Laws shall be proposed and automatically tabled one (1) school week prior to a vote by the Senate.





A) The official documents of the Associated Students shall be the A.S. Constitution, A.S. By-Laws, and A.S. Standing Policies. They shall be compiled together and collectively be known as the ASUCSB Legal Code.

B) Distribution of power and authority among these documents shall be allotted in the following order: A.S. CONSTITUTION, A.S. BY-LAWS, and A.S. STANDING POLICIES. With reference to this order, any contradiction that arises between these documents and the work contained therein, shall be decided in favor of the document higher in rank order. The wording of the lesser document involved shall automatically be void and struck from the document.

C) All appointed Chairpersons and Elected Officers of the Associated Students and their Secretaries shall have copies of the ASUCSB Legal Code.

D) The Chairperson of the Constitution and By-Laws Committee shall be responsible for the organization, maintenance, and distribution of the ASUCSB Legal Code, along with the coordination of Constitution & By-Law Committee members.

E) The Associated Students Legal Code shall be approved and revised when necessary by a two- thirds (2/3) vote of Senate. Any revision of an Associated Students Legal Code shall be presented one (1) week prior to consideration by the Senate and referred to the individual group concerned for comment.


The following definitions are provided to clarify the terminology of these By-Laws:

A) Elected Officers: Elected Officers shall be defined as the Senators and five Executive Officers.

B) Membership of the Senate: Membership of the Senate shall consist of the elected Senators.

C) Chair: The Chair shall be defined as the Chair of the Senate meeting at a particular instant, unless otherwise specified in the By-Laws.

D) Vote of the Senate: A vote of the Senate is a vote that requires a majority of the Senators present and voting (abstentions not counting) to pass the given Motion, unless otherwise specified in the By-Laws.

E) Two-thirds vote of the Entire Senate: A two-thirds (2/3) vote of the Entire Senate is a vote that requires at least two-thirds (2/3) of the Membership of the Senate to pass a given motion. This definition shall not be construed to grant the Executive Vice President the ability to vote in these votes.

F) Simple Majority: A vote in which the aye votes outnumber the nay votes, with quorum.

G) Unanimous Consent: Consent given to an action or request either by active or passive means. Failure to object to an action is considered consent, as is active agreement to an action.

H) A.S. Entity: Any A.S. organization including but not limited to the Senate, Executive Officers and their offices, Board and Commissions, Legislative Committees, and Units.


I) Student Employee: A person employed in an hourly wage position receives a specific wage for each hour of work performed. Examples include minute takers at ASUCSB Senate meetings and students employed by ASUCSB Units to carry out the Unit’s mission.

J) Independent Contractor positions: A person engaged as an Independent Contractor is not an employee and the provisions of this policy or of Staff Personnel Policy do not apply. This includes all appointed and elected officers of ASUCSB. A monetary stipend is provided for some positions to partially compensate a person for effort spent in the service of an activity. It is assumed that persons who occupy stipend positions receive personal and/or educational benefits from their work.



Upon payment of the Associated Students membership fee of two hundred dollars twenty-two cents ($200.22) (Fall, Winter and Spring), one hundred sixty four dollars and forty-five cents ($164.45) (summer beginning summer of 2016) as defined by Article III of the Associated Students Constitution, an undergraduate shall be entitled to regular membership in the Associated Students. The full benefits of a regular Associated Students' membership shall be as follows:

A) Free or reduced admission to all assemblies, rallies, dramas, forensics, musical and social events sponsored by the Associated Students.

B) A copy of each edition of the UCSB , free of charge.

C) Participation in all activities sponsored by the Associated Students upon payment of any fees levied for specific activities.

D) Service of the Cashier's and Ticket Office.

E) Use of the Associated Students' Legal Resource Center, Associated Students' Bike Shop, Associated Students Publications, as well as the following services:

1) ASUCSB Map & Directory 2) A.S. Ticket Office 3) A.S. CAB Senior Citizens Cards 4) A.S. CAB UCSB Student Blood Account 5) KCSB- FM & KJUC-FM Cable 6) Emergency Student Loans

F) Awards under the conditions prescribed by the A.S. Legal Code and the Senate.

G) All other gifts and privileges as may be prescribed by the Senate.


Upon payment of the Associated Students membership fee of two hundred dollars twenty-two cents ($200.22) (Fall, Winter and Spring), one hundred sixty four dollars and forty-five cents ($164.45) (summer beginning summer of 2016) all students carrying less than six (6) units, on limited status, or in graduate division courses, shall be entitled to associate membership in the Associated Students. The benefits of the associate Associated Students' membership shall be those of regular membership with the exclusion of the right to vote and the privilege of running for and/or holding an Associated Students' office.


Refunds on Associated Students' fees may be made to students withdrawing from the University of California, Santa Barbara, on a pro-rated basis up to and including the fourth (4th) week of the


quarter. The pro-rata basis shall be as follows:

A) Eighty percent (80%) for the first (1st) week; B) Sixty percent (60%) for the second (2nd) week; C) Forty percent (40%) for the third (3rd) week; D) Twenty percent (20%) for the fourth (4th) week.


The Associated Students shall offer to all Santa Barbara area Senior Citizen residents (shall be defined as any person fifty-five (55) years of age or older) an honorary membership in the Associated Students. The card will be issued by the Associated Students' Community Affairs Board Office, and the University Arts & Lectures Office, and will offer the following benefits:

A) Free or reduced admission to all assemblies, rallies, drama, forensics, music, and social events sponsored by the Associated Students.

B) A copy of each edition of the UCSB Daily Nexus, free of charge.

C) Participation in all activities sponsored by the Associated Students upon payment of any fees levied for specific activities and designated by the Senate.



A) Executive Officers:

1) In order to be eligible to run for an executive office, a person must have completed at least sixty (60) units accredited at UC Santa Barbara (this includes transfer units) by the end of the Winter quarter immediately prior to the Spring General Election.

2) The Executive Officers shall have completed at least one (1) quarter in residency at UC Santa Barbara prior to the Spring general election within the academic year.

3) In order to be eligible to run for office, transfer students must have been enrolled at the UCSB campus for a minimum of two (2) academic quarters prior to the Spring election in which they wish to participate, and must have completed at least twenty-four (24) academic units at the UCSB campus.

4) During the Spring quarter of the election and their term of office, the Executive Officers shall be required to complete at least six (6) units per quarter (excluding summer) and maintain at least a two point zero (2.0) overall grade point average.

5) In the event that these requirements are challenged or not met, the Executive Officers shall have two (2) school weeks to appeal any error in recording units or any extenuating circumstances to the Elections Committee.

B) Senators:

1) In order to be eligible to run for Senate offices, a person must have completed at least twelve (12) units by the end of the Winter quarter immediately prior to the Spring General Election.

2) The Senate Representatives shall have completed at least one (1) quarter in residency at UC Santa Barbara prior to the Spring General Election.


3) During the Spring quarter of the election and their term of office the Senate Representatives shall be required to complete at least six (6) units per quarter (excluding summer) and maintain at least a two point zero (2.0) overall grade point average.

4) The Senate Representatives must live among their constituents during Fall, Winter, and Spring quarters of their year of elective service. Any Senators appointed by an ad hoc Committee and approved by the Senate during Fall, Winter, or Spring quarters must live among their constituents.

5) In the event a Senate member chooses to study abroad, they may not be abroad for more than one (1) quarter and must provide a proxy for that quarter.

6) In the event that these requirements are challenged or not met, the Senators shall have two (2) school weeks to appeal any error in recording units or any extenuating circumstances to the Elections Committee.

C) Verification of the eligibility of all Candidates, as provided for in the Election Code shall occur through the Office of the Registrar in the following manner:

1) The Elections Committee Chairperson and/or Administrative Advisor will deliver the Candidate eligibility petitions and applications to an Associated Students Staff Member or their designee.

2) An Associated Students Staff Member will notify the Administrative Advisor of the results of the Candidate eligibility check, as outlined in the Elections Code.

3) The Administrative Advisor will notify the Elections Committee Chairperson of the results of the Candidate eligibility check.

4) A list of eligible Candidates will be posted in the Associated Students Main Office by 4pm on Friday, week ten (10) of Winter quarter.


The term of office of all elected officers of the Associated Students shall begin at the last regular meeting of Spring quarter, approximately four (4) weeks following the completion of the General Election. The interim period between the election and installation of officers will be designed as an orientation and training period, the term of office shall be approximately one (1) year.


An office shall be declared vacant upon formal announcement, during the Action Items portion of the Senate meetings, to the Senate of the removal or resignation of an officer.


A) The appointed officers of the Associated Students are the Associated Students' Board, Commission and Committee Chairpersons.

B) Representation reflective of the racial and sexual composition of the campus shall be considered by the A.S. President in appointing members to all Boards, Commissions and Committees.



A) Beginning in 2012 a Cost of Living Allowance (COLA) adjustment for inflation will be calculated and assessed to increase the A.S. fee every 5 years based on a five-year average.


B) Operating monies are those monies that are collected from A.S. fees during each fiscal year, and those monies in A.S. General Accounts.

C) All Operating Account monies not spent by June 30th will be transferred into the A. S. Suspense account and retained for the fiscal year two (2) years hence unless otherwise provided herein.

1) Final approval of all trustee accounts must be completed by the eighth (8th) week of the Spring quarter. If an account is not approved, funds remaining in the account at the end of the fiscal year will go back to the Capital Project Reserve Account. The Executive Director shall submit to the Senate, the request, which shall approve the request as an action item.

a) If a rollover request is denied by the Senate, and the account is a lock in fee, the remaining funds will rollover into a category in Finance and Business’ budget to be allocated to any OSL or AS entity requesting funds for a project or program relevant to the specified language of the lock in.

i) Exceptions listed below: All the Operating account monies not spent by June 30th will be transferred to their trustee accounts.

aa) EOP bb) KCSB cc) Program Board dd) Communications Personnel ee) Recycling ff) IV Improvements gg) IV Tenants Union hh) Coastal Fund ii) Community Affairs Board

2) A request must be submitted by the sixth (6th) week of Spring quarter to the AS Finance and Business via an online form, to request that a trustee account be set up or, in the case of an existing account, maintained. The request should include an explanation of how and when the monies are going to be spent, why monies were not spent during the fiscal year, as well as a valid reason why a trustee account is being requested. Some valid reasons would be staffing considerations, long-range purchases, technical support, and on-going projects.

a) All requests shall be made available to the public. b) The Executive Director shall make an initial decision to be approved by the Senate.

D) All A.S. Businesses, plus the following entities, are exempt from this process and can maintain trustee accounts up to $5,000 without special consideration: Administration, Main Office, Staff Salaries Account, Staff Development Account, Tech Support, Legal Services, and Childcare Grant.

1) Exceptions listed below: All the Operating account monies not spent by June 30th will be transferred to their trustee accounts.

a) EOP b) KCSB c) Program Board d) Communications Personnel e) Recycling f) IV Improvements g) IV Tenants Union h) Coastal Fund i) Community Affairs Board


E) All funds derived from any activity budgeted by A.S. allocations shall be deposited promptly into the proper A.S. account.

F) Approval of funds for expenditure from the A.S. membership fee:

1) All funding must be approved by the Senate prior to expenditure, encumbrance or request for payment. All other requests are considered retroactive and are not allowed by policy.

2) Senate approval of financial expenditures in Unit, Board, Commission and Committee minutes shall constitute encumbrance of said funds.

G) No Associated Students funds may be spent on gifts, parties, entertainment, or any other personal expenditure unless the budget category specifically stating expenses has already been approved by the Senate. These expenditures must be in compliance with the guidelines established in the A. S. Financial Policies and Procedures. Associated Student entities may spend up to $50.00 per year on leadership recognition.

H) A.S. funds should be spent in accordance with University and Campus Regulations.

I) No monies allocated to organizations, departments, student groups, etc. (including Lock-ins) shall be used for the purpose of loans to individual members of that group.

J) Upon recommendation from the A.S. Investments Advisory Committee, Senate, at its discretion, may approve loans guaranteed by a promissory note to campus organizations.

1) Terms & Conditions:

a) The interest rate levied on loans must be no less than the current rate of return being earned on its Capital Reserves.

b) If the organization is late sixty (60) days or more on a payment, Associated Students reserves the right to demand repayment of the loan in full within thirty (30) days.

c) The A.S. Executive Director is responsible for the other terms and conditions contained in the promissory note, as outlined in Article VIII, Section 3 of the ASUCSB Constitution.

K) Upon initial approval by Senate Finance and Business Committee and final approval of minutes by the Senate, loans guaranteed by a promissory note may be granted to registered campus organizations from un-allocated funds of the A.S. membership fee.

1) Terms and Conditions

a) If the organization is late thirty (30) days or more on a payment, Associated Students reserves the right to charge the BARC account of the officers of the organization in question, as specified by a signed contract.

b) No organization will be granted a loan while it has outstanding financial obligations with Associated Students.

c) The organization meets all of the criteria stated in Article IV, Section 5 of the Associated Students By-Laws.

L) Review of Funds Expended from the A.S. Membership Fee:

1) All AS Executive Office and Presidential Cabinet financial expenditures and quarterly summary of activities shall be submitted to the Senate for review as an ‘Action Item’ during Week 8 of each quarter.


2) The Senate may place a particular office in the Executive Branch on financial probation with a two-thirds vote if the Senate determines that student fees were expended inappropriately.

3) Executive Branch financial probation is effective for the length of one quarter (Week 8 to Week 8). Executive Branch financial probation means that all funding must be approved by the Senate prior to expenditure, encumbrance, or request for payment. (See Article IV, Section 1, Subsection F).


A) The A.S. President, Executive Director, A.S. Controller, and the Chief Financial Officer shall prepare discretional goals and priorities for the next two fiscal years and present them to Senate Finance and Business Committee and the Senate on or before the 15th of February.

B) Priority for funding shall be determined by the following criteria:

1) Mandatory spending as established by Lock-ins consisting of:

a) Forty two dollars and nine cents ($42.09) per ASUCSB membership per quarter for the Fall, Winter, and Spring quarters, and thirty-nine dollars and four cents ($39.04) per ASUCSB membership for the Summer quarter will be collected as the Associated Students base fee.

b) Ten dollars and seven cents ($10.07) per ASUCSB Membership per quarter for the Fall, Winter and Spring quarters, and six dollars and thirty nine cents ($6.39) per ASUCSB membership for Summer quarter will be collected and allocated to the campus media. These funds will be allocated as follows:

i) Three dollars and ten cents ($3.10) for the Fall, Winter and Spring quarters, and eighty-nine cents ($.89) Summer for the Daily Nexus.

ii) Two dollars and fifty-two cents ($2.52) Fall, Winter and Spring for KCSB- FM/KJUC-FM Cable and two dollars and twelve cents ($2.12) Summer.

iii) Four dollars and forty-five cents ($4.45) Fall, Winter, Spring and three dollars and seventy cents ($3.70) Summer for the A.S. Communications Personnel.

c) Fifteen dollars and fifty cents ($15.50) per ASUCSB Membership per quarter for the Fall, Winter, Spring and ten dollars and forty-five center ($10.45) for Summer quarters will be collected for A.S. Program Board.

d) Two dollars and fifty-five cents ($2.55) per ASUCSB Membership per quarter for the Fall, Winter and Spring quarters and two dollars and forty-three cents ($2.43) per ASUCSB membership for the Summer quarter will be collected for the UC Student Association.

e) Five dollars and seventy-five cents ($5.75) per ASUCSB Membership per quarter for the Fall, Winter and Spring quarters and four dollars and seventy-five cents ($4.75) per ASUCSB membership for the Summer quarter will be collected for the University Children's Center.

f) One dollar and twenty-five cents ($1.25) per ASUCSB Membership per quarter for the Fall, Winter and Spring quarters and eighty-three cents ($0.83) per ASUCSB membership for the Summer quarter will be collected for the Educational Opportunity Program (E.O.P.).

-26- g) Fifty three cents ($0.53) per ASUCSB Membership per quarter for the Fall, Winter and Spring quarters, and forty-four cents ($0.44) per ASUCSB membership for the Summer quarter will be collected for the A.S. Student Commission On Racial Equality (S.C.O.R.E.). h) Five dollars and fifteen cents ($5.15) per ASUCSB Membership per quarter for the Fall, Winter and Spring quarters, and Four dollars and ninety cents ($4.90) per ASUCSB membership for the Summer quarter will be collected for the A.S. Bike Shop. i) Twenty-one dollars and ninety cents ($21.90) per ASUCSB Membership per quarter for the Fall, Winter and Spring quarters, and seventeen dollars and ninety cents ($17.90) per ASUCSB membership for the Summer quarter will be collected for the Student Health Center. j) Three dollars and sixty-seven cents ($3.67) per ASUCSB Membership per quarter for the Fall, Winter and Spring quarters and three dollars and nine cents ($3.09) per ASUCSB membership for the Summer quarter will be collected for the Disabled Students Program. k) Five dollars and twenty-five cents ($5.25) per ASUCSB Membership per quarter for the Fall, Winter and Spring quarters, four dollars and forty two cents ($4.42) per ASUCSB membership for the Summer quarter will be collected for the Intramural Sports Programs. l) Two dollars and thirty-six cents ($2.36) per ASUCSB Membership per quarter for the Fall, Winter and Spring quarters, and one dollar and ninety eight cents ($1.98) per ASUCSB membership for the Summer quarter will be collected for the Community Affairs Board. m) One dollar and fifty-seven cents ($1.57) per ASUCSB Membership per quarter for the Fall, Winter and Spring quarters and one dollar and thirty two cents ($1.32) per ASUCSB membership for the Summer quarter will be collected for the A.S. Recycling Program. n) Three dollars and fifty cents ($3.50) per ASUCSB Membership per quarter for the Fall, Winter and Spring quarters, and Three dollars and twenty five cents ($3.25) per ASUCSB membership for the Summer quarter will be collected for the MultiCultural Center student salaries, services, and programming. o) Two dollars and ninety-six cents ($2.96) per ASUCSB Membership per quarter for the Fall, Winter and Spring quarters and two dollars and fifty cents ($2.50) per ASUCSB membership for the Summer quarter will be collected for the improvement and maintenance of the UCSB bicycle pathway and bicycle- parking system. One dollar and sixty-five cents ($1.65) per ASUCSB Membership per quarter for the Fall, Winter, Spring and Summer quarters from Fall 2014 for 12 quarters ending Summer of 2017 to implement a roundabout that will expand the intersection at the northwest corner of the SAASB (Student Affairs Administrative Services Building) building. This project will also widen bike lanes leading up to the roundabout and will add physical barriers so students can more effectively navigate traffic. p) Two dollars and sixty cents ($2.60) per ASUCSB Membership per quarter for the Fall, Winter and Spring quarters, and two dollars and ten cents ($2.10) per ASUCSB membership for the Summer quarter will be collected for Isla Vista Improvements to be administered under the auspices of the A.S. Vice President for Local Affairs, in consultation with the A.S. Isla Vista Community Relations Committee and other advisors.

-27- q) Two dollars and ten cents ($2.10) per ASUCSB Membership per quarter for the Fall, Winter and Spring quarters and one dollar and seventy-seven cents ($1.77) per ASUCSB membership for the Summer quarter will be collected for the Isla Vista Tenants Union. r) Fifty-two cents ($0.52) per ASUCSB Membership per quarter for the Fall, Winter and Spring quarters, and forty-four cents ($0.44) per ASUCSB membership for the Summer quarter will be collected for A.S. Student Childcare Grants to be administered by the Community Affairs Board. s) Fifty-two cents ($0.52) per ASUCSB Membership per quarter for the Fall, Winter and Spring quarters and forty-four cents ($0.44) per ASUCSB membership for the Summer quarter will be collected to support the Environmental Affairs Board (EAB). t) One dollar and eighty-three cents ($1.83) per ASUCSB Membership per quarter for the Fall, Winter and Spring quarters and one dollar and thirty-three cents ($1.33) per ASUCSB membership for the Summer quarter will be collected for the Legal Resource Center. u) Forty-two cents ($0.42) per ASUCSB Membership per quarter for the Fall, Winter and Spring and Summer quarters will be collected to support Associated Students Womyn’s Commission. v) Forty-two cents ($.42) per ASUCSB Membership per quarter for the Fall, Winter, Spring and Summer will be collected to support Associated Students Take Back the Night. w) Three dollars and thirty-three cents ($3.33) per ASUCSB Membership per quarter for the Fall, Winter, Spring, and Summer quarters will be collected to guarantee that all undergraduates will be provided with access to on-campus night and weekend parking the same as that provided to all other permit-holders. x) One dollar and sixty-five cents ($1.65) per ASUCSB Membership per quarter for the Fall, Winter, Spring and Summer will be collected to support the Office of Student Life. y) Two dollars and twenty cents ($2.20) per ASUCSB Membership per quarter for the Fall, Winter, Spring and Summer will be collected to support Arts and Lectures. z) Twelve dollars and ten cents ($12.10) per ASUCSB Membership per quarter for the Fall, Winter, Spring and Summer will be collected to support Recreational Sports. aa) Three dollars and thirty cents ($3.30) per ASUCSB Membership per quarter for the Fall, Winter, Spring and Summer will be collected to support the Events Center. bb) Six dollars and sixty cents ($6.60) per ASUCSB Membership per quarter for the Fall, Winter, Spring and Summer will be collected to support CLAS. cc) Two dollars and seventy-five cents ($2.75) per ASUCSB Membership per quarter for the Fall, Winter, Spring and Summer will be collected to support Coastal Fund (Coastal Fund receives an additional $3.00 per student/ per quarter excluding Summer through campus-wide elections passed in 1999-2000). dd) Six dollars and sixty cents ($6.60) per ASUCSB Membership per quarter for the Fall, Winter, Spring and Summer will be collected to support the University Center.


ee) One dollar and forty eight cents ($1.48), Isla Vista Arts (IV Arts) for the Fall, Winter, Spring and forty-nine center ($.49) for Summer will help support a variety of free and low cost events including films, theatrical performances, and other arts programs for students and members of the Isla Vista community. The fee will be used to advertise events, art showings, or performances relevant to students in the Isla Vista community. IV Arts will advertise its own events on its website, and will also advertise events to take place in Isla Vista, run by other university or community groups or organizations on the website, at no cost to the group or organization. The fee will be used for but not limited to the program costs of WORD: Isla Vista Arts & Culture Magazine, IV Live, Magic Lantern Theater, Shakespeare in the Park and Nuestra Voz. It will also be used to maintain staff positions. ff) Two dollars and twelve cents ($2.12) per ASUCSB Membership per quarter for the Fall, Winter, Spring and Summer will be collected for the AS UCSB Community Financial Fund program to assist students by providing more access to grants and low interest student loans year-round. It will help supplement the current Associated Students emergency loans, currently funded out of the Associated Students membership fee. Once the new Community Financial Fund Fee is collected, all interest generated by the Fund itself shall be directed back into the program. Besides providing an expansion on the current Associated Students emergency loan, this Fund shall establish a credit builder program, regular financial literacy workshops, and personalized money management counseling through the creation of a professional and licensed staff position. The fund will also provide financial guidance for students looking to invest in green, sustainable enterprises, and other financial services. gg) Seven dollars and seven cents ($7.07) per student per quarter for the Fall, Winter, Spring and Summer will be collected for the Senate Finance and Business Committee/Student Organization Program Funding Lock-In. hh) Three dollars and forty eight cents ($3.48) quarter for the Fall, Winter, Spring per ASUCSB Membership per quarter, and one dollar and twenty-six cents ($1.26) for Summer will be collected to support the Associated Students Food Bank. The fee shall directly sustain stock of food and toiletries, support operational costs such as rent, transportation, and staff costs, and to allow for possible expansion of the existing on campus Food Bank in the future. Additionally, this fee will provide for financial, medical, and housing referrals, including off-campus resources, and education concerning hunger and homelessness. ii) One dollar and nineteen cents ($1.19) per ASUCSB Membership per quarter for the Fall, Winter and Spring will be collected to support The Bottom Line newspapers. jj) Seventy-two cents ($.72) per ASUCSB Membership per quarter for the Fall, Winter and Spring will be collected to support the Commission on Student Well Being. kk) Ninety-one cents ($.91) per ASUCSB Membership per quarter for the Fall, Winter, Spring, and Summer will be collected to support the Associated Students Department of Public Worms (DPW) composting program, which began in 2004 and partners with A.S. Recycling on the UCSB Waste Management Plan. ll) One dollar and forty nine cents ($1.49) per ASUCSB Membership per quarter for the Fall, Winter, Spring, and Summer will be collected to support The Associated Students Queer Commission’s (QComm) commitment to promoting the well- being of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Queer (LGBTQ) students at UC Santa Barbara (UCSB). QComm is dedicated to collaborating with other LGBTQ and non-LGBTQ organizations that address matters relevant to the


larger queer community, including issues surrounding race and gender. QComm will use the fee to provide funding for LGBTQ related events and programs. These include, but are not limited to, sending student delegations to existing and emerging conferences, such as the annual Western Regional Conference and the Queer People of Color Conference; funding events at the annual UCSB Pride, such as drag shows and educational workshops; supporting QComm projects, such as the "Ask a Queer" local high school outreach program; supporting the events of the many LGBTQ student organizations on campus, such as the Queer Student Union; and maintaining QComm’s relationship with the local Pacific Pride Foundation, such as involvement in the annual AIDS Walk and Santa Barbara Pride.

mm) Three dollars and fifty-fours cents per ASUCSB Membership per quarter for the Fall, Winter, Spring to maintain AS presence in IV. These funds are used to continue the lease on the Pardall center and to support additional student and professional staffing to maintain and accommodate increased levels of service.

nn) Two dollars and fifty three cents per ASUCSB Membership per quarter for the Fall, Winter, Spring and sixty-nine cents ($.69) in Summer (beginning summer 2017) for USSA to promote campus student advocacy efforts and continued membership at the basic level to the USSA

2) Mandatory spending as established by By-Law internal Lock-ins.

3) All Departments as follows:

a) Department of Administration b) Staff Salaries c) Central Telephone Account d) External Audit e) Main Office f) University Recharges g) Mary K. Hunt Copy Machine h) Mail Services i) Honoraria

4) Enterprises as follows:

a) Bike Shop b) Cashiers/Ticket Office c) Map and Directory d) KCSB e) Notetaking f) Program Board

5) All other A.S. entities and organizations.

6) All Student Groups.

C) All A.S. entities that do not go through the standard A.S. Budget Process shall receive, if funding is available, a set minimum amount of funding of one hundred dollars ($100.00). This amount shall be placed in the operating account and left there until the end of the Winter quarter. The money shall only become available for appropriation once the position of Chair has been filled by a confirmation of Senate. If no such person has been nominated and confirmed by the end of the Winter quarter, then the money shall be transferred to the Unallocated Account for distribution by the Senate Finance and Business Committee.

D) All student groups that meet the following criteria must be given consideration for funding in the annual budget process, as follows:


1) Organizations that meet the priorities for funding as defined by A.S. Financial Policies and Procedures shall be eligible to receive an operating budget of two hundred and fifty dollars ($250.00) and shall seek any further funding from the Senate Finance and Business Committee in the following academic year. All organizations seeking the two hundred fifty dollar ($250) operating budget must submit a request no later than the fifth (5th) week of Spring quarter.

2) Any group that can demonstrate that the operating expenses of the organization exceed two hundred and fifty dollars ($250.00) and that the failure to allocate an increased operating budget would severely hamper the operation of their organization will be considered for an increased operating budget allocation.

E) Consideration for funding of groups, both for annual allocations and before the Senate Finance and Business Committee, shall be based on the following priorities:

1) Goals and Objectives: Funding for the fiscal year will be based, in part, on the degree to which the Board/Committee/Group/Organization has attained its goals and objectives.

a) Diversity: Does the group advance the accessibility of the University to historically under represented communities?

b) Campus Service: How well the Board/Committee/Group/Organization reflects students' needs and interests.

c) Community Service: Does the group provide community service? How does the community respond to this service? What is the success level of the program?

d) Uniqueness: Avoidance of duplication of efforts and services.

e) Members: The number of active participants in the group's activities. Group membership growth rate. f) Income/Alternate Funding: Willingness of the group to help raise alternate funding (e.g., fundraising, donations, grants, department funding).

g) Cooperation: How well does the group cooperate with and support Associated Students? How well do they follow policies and procedures including A.S. Financial Policies and Procedures and Senate Finance and Business Committee Workshops? What are their fiscal responsibilities (i.e., current accounts)?

h) Consideration should be given to currently funded Boards, Committees, Groups, and Organizations.


A) Any modifications of Article V Section 2(B)(2) and Article V Section 3 requires a 3/4 affirmative vote.

B) Point of Order: It shall not be in order for any clauses of Article V Section 2(B)(2) and Article IV Section 3 to be suspended.

C) Eligibility:

1) Programs and services proposed in the Students’ Initiative campaign:

a) Student Group Culture Weeks and Graduations b) Student Initiated Outreach c) Educational Research Grants d) Academic Professional Conference Travel Grants


e) United States Students Association Funding f) Club Sports Championship Travel Grants g) Special Interest Nexus Insert Publication Grants.

2) A.S. Boards, Commissions, and Committees that advance the accessibility and diversity of the University that do not have ballot initiative lock-ins.

3) All Internal Lock-In Funding shall be allocated under the same policies and procedures governing Associated Students entities regardless of non-A.S. status.

D) Creation:

1) A three-fourths (3/4) affirmative vote is required to create a By-Law Internal Lock-In.

E) Modification and/or Removal:

1) A three-fourths (3/4) affirmative vote is required to modify and/or remove a By-Law Internal Lock-In.

F) Six percent (6%) or no less than forty-five thousand dollars ($45,000.00) of the total A.S. unallocated fund shall be allocated to Student Initiated Outreach programs.

G) Two point seventeen percent (2.17%) or no more than twenty thousand dollars ($20,000.00) of the total A.S. unallocated fund shall be allocated to the United States Students Association.

H) Six percent (6%) or no less than forty-five thousand dollars ($45,000.00) of the total A.S. unallocated fund shall be allocated to Senate Finance and Business Committee to allocate to cultural weeks/months and graduations such as Black History Month and Lavender Graduation.

I) Five percent (5%) of the total A.S. unallocated fund or no more than thirty-thousand dollars ($30,000.00) shall be allocated to Senate Finance and Business Committee to distribute to Sports Clubs’ championship/invitational type competitions’ travel costs and board costs with a cap of three-thousand dollars ($3,000.00) per team per year.

J) Four percent (4%) of the total A.S. unallocated fund or no more than twenty-thousand dollars ($20,000.00) shall be allocated to Senate Finance and Business Committee to distribute to Academic Teams’ championship/invitational competitions’ travel costs with a cap of five- thousand dollars ($5,000.00) to any one team per quarter.

K) No more than ten-thousand dollars ($10,000.00) of the total Senate Finance and Business Committee/Student Organization Program Fund shall be allocated to Senate Finance and Business Committee to distribute to the Science, Technology, Aerospace, Research and Kapital (STARK) fund in order to distribute to student groups that are inclined to the sciences and engineering realm. It will be used to fund student projects that would be donated to the university. There will be a cap of five-thousand dollars ($5,000) per group.


A) Before the budget process may begin, the Chief Financial Officer shall review the previous year's budget packets, and update the same. In addition, the CFO shall prepare a budgetary timetable for completing the budget process in consultation with the President and Executive Director. The prepared packets shall be transmitted by the appropriate Advisors to every Board, Committee, Council, and Commission.

B) Notification of the budget packets availability to Student Groups through electronic mail, flyers, and the campus media, must include the location of the budget packets and all appropriate requirements.

C) Notification of the budget packets availability to A.S. entities shall be made by their Advisor and it shall be the Advisor's duty to meet with their respective groups on budget requests.


D) A budgetary process presentation by the Chief Financial Officer shall be made to Senate and Senate Finance and Business Committee no later than the 15th of February. This report shall include the projections for the next year's budget. These projections should include the projected enrollment for the next year, the size of the budget, the percentage and dollar amounts that must be allocated to lock-in funded groups, and the amount of monies available to non-locked-in groups and any other information necessary for the establishment of the budget.

E) After budget packets have been submitted by the pre-specified deadline, as stated in the budgetary timetable, the budget hearings may convene.

F) Active participation at the budget hearings shall be defined as follows:

1) The A.S. President and/or their designee shall attend all budget hearings.

2) The Chief Financial Officer and/or their designee shall attend all budget hearings.

3) The Senate Finance and Business Committee members shall attend all budget hearings, unless excused by the Chief Financial Officer.

4) The Senate members shall attend a minimum of forty percent (40%) of the budget hearings, unless excused by the A.S. Internal Vice President.

a) Senate members may make line item amendments to the year’s budget agenda by fifty percent plus one (50% + 1).

G) When Senate Finance and Business Committee convenes hearings on the proposed budget, the following shall present their budget requests for the following fiscal year:

1) Student Groups requesting over two hundred and fifty dollars ($250.00). 2) Administrative Departments. 3) All A.S. Units 4) All A.S. Legislative Boards, Committees, Councils or Commissions. 5) A.S. Executive Offices. 6) All other A.S. entities. 7) All groups with an A.S. Lock-In have guaranteed funding through their lock-in, but must have the distribution of those funds approved by Senate.

H) Every presenter at the budget hearings shall be able in these hearings to justify their reasoning for receiving an annual budget by demonstrating their compliance with the criteria for annual funding stipulated in Section 2(E)(1) of this Article.

I) No recommended allocations shall be discussed at the budget hearings. After the final budget hearings, the Senate Finance and Business Committee shall meet in closed session to formulate a recommended budget to the A.S. President.

J) The Budget timeline shall be as follows:

1) Within one (1) week following its closed session deliberations, Senate Finance and Business Committee will report its recommended budget to the A.S. President.

2) The A.S. President shall formulate a preliminary budget, and present it to Senate Finance and Business Committee by the second (2nd) week of Spring quarter, during their regularly scheduled meeting for final discussion and recommendation. This preliminary budget is subject to change, based on the results of the Spring quarter election.

3) The preliminary budget will be forwarded to the Senate the third (3rd) week of Spring quarter.


4) The A.S. President will forward his or her final budget to the Senate the fourth (4th) week of Spring quarter.

5) The Senate shall turn to the consideration of, and take some action on, the budget by the fifth (5th) week of Spring quarter.

6) If Senate does not approve the budget by the sixth (6th) week of Spring quarter, then it will be assumed that the A.S. President's budget will be the approved budget for the fiscal year starting July 1st.

K) The present Senate shall have the responsibility of final approval of the budget for the fiscal year starting July 1st of that year by a majority vote.


A) Any entity not an official part of Associated Students wishing to place a mandatory fee initiative on an ASUCSB ballot or currently receiving funding from an ASUCSB initiative must meet the following criteria at all times.

1) The organization must fund the entire cost of the election if a Special Election is requested and approved that calls for a vote on an initiative; the cost shall be established by the A.S. Elections Committee.

2) Agree to abide by all established guidelines regarding the use of A.S. Funds.

3) Pay to ASUCSB the sum of three thousand dollars ($3,000) within five (5) working days of the approval of the ballot wording by the Senate for each initiative it wishes to place on a regular election ballot.

4) With the exception of the fees required, the group must be able to demonstrate, with ten (10) days notice, that the entire amount of the fee collected is being used as stated in the ballot measure and defined in Article V Section 6.

5) Be responsible for paying all costs incurred if the fee is administered by Associated Students. The amount of the costs shall be determined by the A.S. Executive Director in consultation with the A.S. Administration Office.

B) If any entity is found to be in violation, the A.S. Executive Director or any person operating in that capacity shall take such actions as are necessary to freeze the flow of any further A.S. funding to the entity in question. The issue shall then be brought before the Senate at its regular meeting in order to determine any necessary sanctions. Sanctions may include but are not limited to:

1) Transferring administrative control of the A.S. fee in question to the A.S. Administration Office.

2) Fine the entity a portion of its A.S. fee as a penalty.

3) Hold a portion of future fees in the normal A.S. reserve account as a deposit on potential future violations.


A) Expenditures shall not exceed revenues in any fiscal year. This provision may be waived by the affirmative vote of three-fifths (3/5) of the Members of the Senate duly chosen and sworn.

B) All gifts and rebates received by the Associated Students must be approved in advance by the Senate Finance and Business Committee.


C) All of A.S. and A.S. groups are required to buy and use at least thirty-five percent (35%) post consumer copy paper for duplication.

1) All use of A.S. copy machines, laser printers. 2) A.S. Publications when using white paper. 3) All A.S. entities are required, when applicable, to double side.

D) Guidelines for Fundraising Activities:

1) Net funds earned by student groups using A.S. budget allocations may be transferred into Trustee Accounts in their name, starting in May. These funds may be spent in the next fiscal year.

2) Net income earned by student groups using fundraisers may request that their funds be transferred into their OSL account upon a majority approval of Senate Finance and Business Committee and the Senate.

3) Net income earned by RHA groups using fundraisers may request that their net income monies be deposited into the RHA Trustee Accounts upon a majority approval of Senate Finance and Business Committee and the Senate.

E) Guidelines for Transfer of Funds:

1) Senate Finance and Business Committee shall not accept any after-the-fact transfers.

2) All transfers of five hundred dollars ($500.00) or less between existing categories may be approved solely by the A.S. Executive Director in consultation with the Senate Finance and Business Committee Chair and the Senate Finance and Business Committee Advisor.

F) Purchase Guidelines:

1) For purchases over $1,500 made from Associated Students funds to off-campus vendors, the following requirements shall be met prior to making said purchase or entering into an agreement (verbal or written) to make said purchase:

a) Three (3) quotes shall be obtained, each from different vendors, for identical or similar products. All quotes shall include shipping, handling, tax, and any additional expenses.

b) The person(s) making said purchase shall justify the uniqueness of the product if it is more expensive than another, yet only slightly different than a similar item.

2) The person(s) making said purchase must provide written proof in the form of a purchase estimate form attached to a requisition to A.S. Administration.

a) The purchase estimate form shall include a reminder that resources are available which index businesses owned or staffed by women and minorities.

b) The purchase estimate form shall also be attached to budget requests for Senate Finance and Business Committee, when the funds being requested are to be applied to a purchase over $1,500.

G) Boycott of R&P Printing:

1) No Associated Students funds shall in any way be used to purchase, order, or promote products that are from R&P Printing.

2) This boycott shall remain effective until such time as the Senate determines an end by appropriate legislation.


H) Consequences of breaching a boycott:

1) If the organization is an Associated Students entity, they will be charged one-third (1/3) the amount of funds used in the breach. Senate Finance and Business Committee will have full discretion of the funds withdrawn from said account.

2) If an outside organization uses money received from Associated Students to breach a boycott they shall be restricted from receiving any additional funding for the remainder of the academic quarter.

3) If a group is found to be guilty of breaching a boycott they retain the right to appeal to the Senate. The Council must approve the appeal by a two-thirds (2/3) majority vote in order for the aforementioned group to be exonerated of charges.

I) The Associated Students disclaim any and all responsibility for debts incurred by any person or organization whatsoever that is not contracted under the authorization of the Senate and directed and managed by appointees of the Senate.

J) Short-Term, Emergency Student Loans:

1) The Associated Students may, through the A.S. Cashiers or other A.S. entities designated by the Executive Director, issue interest-free, emergency loans that will be processed through the A.S. Cashiers Office and applied to the University BARC account, to registered undergraduate students. The loan may not exceed six hundred dollars ($600.00) per student per quarter. Any defaulted loans will be dealt with according to the procedures followed by the BARC office, which processes and will determine the uncollectible funds.

2) The total amount of loans given out shall not exceed eight hundred thousand dollars ($800,000) per academic year (including Summer Sessions).

3) Policies and procedures governing the issuing of loans and further student eligibility for them, as well as handling or processing fees, and penalties for defaulted loans, shall be determined by the A.S. Cashiers or other designated entities upon approval of the Executive Director, in accordance with the effective policies under the university BARC office, in an effort to collect upon any defaulted loans. These policies shall be included in the A.S. Financial Policies and Procedures upon their approval by the A.S. Senate.

4) These loans are not grants and represent one of many loan options available to undergraduate students on campus. They are not to be confused with any federal, university, or campus-organized grant, or the AS/EOP grant, and disbursements thereof.

5) The UCSB Community Financial Fund lock-in shall expand AS membership services by providing more access to grants and low interest student loans year-round. It will help supplement the current Associated Students emergency loans, currently funded out of the Associated Students membership fee. This fund shall establish a credit builder program, regular financial literacy workshops, and personalized money management counseling through the creation of a professional and licensed staff position. The fund will also provide financial guidance for students looking to invest in green, sustainable enterprises, and other financial services.


A) The following policies shall be adhered to when looking at funding for any group coming before Senate Finance and Business Committee:


1) A Performance Contract must be filled out two (2) weeks ahead of time if a speaker or performer wants to be paid before the event. If a contract is not filled out two (2) weeks in advance, signed and turned in, the speaker or performer will be paid after the event.

2) All publicity must say "Funded By Associated Students" and include the A.S. logo.

3) Only A.S. Boards and Commissions, Committees, Legislative Branch, Executive Offices, and Units may travel using A.S. money (see Associated Students Senate Finance and Business Committee Policies and Procedures for more clarification).

4) Student Groups will be allocated five hundred dollars ($500.00) for food to use throughout the year.

5) One-time exceptions may be used for any purposes governed by the A.S. financial policies and procedures by any student group once during the year. In addition on time exceptions may be used for:

a) Retroactive reimbursements. b) Extensions to the five hundred dollar ($500.00) food budget.

6) Conference Travel

a) Students that commit to go to an A.S. funded conference are responsible to share what they learned to the student body.

b) Students who do not fulfill their funded travel commitment without good reason shall bear full financial responsibility for the amount allocated by A.S.

c) A Student who had previously committed but fails to attend may appeal their fine to Judicial Council and inform the Chair of the specific conference of their appeal.

d) It is the responsibility of the respective chair of the conference to make the delegation aware of this policy.


A) Disabled Students Program (DSP):

1) Appropriation and Use of Funds:

a) The amount received from the lock-in shall be allocated annually in order to assist the Disabled Students Program (DSP). The DSP funds shall be used to maintain regular student staff support during the academic year in order to provide services to increase the retention and graduation rates of students with disabilities and to help foster student independence.

b) The Director of DSP is responsible for determining how the funds are to be allocated and for preparing the annual budget packet for Associated Students funds. Each year, the DSP Director shall be required to submit a budget proposal to A.S. Senate Finance and Business Committee in the Winter quarter for the following fiscal year detailing the allocation of funds for the student staff support.

c) The Associated Students Executive Director is responsible for the forwarding of funds for DSP to the proper account. The funds being used to maintain regular student staff support during the academic year will be placed in a “Sub-2,


Student Wages/General Assistance” account in DSP’s budget account administered through Cheadle Hall.

2) The Director of the Disabled Students Program shall submit a monthly report (a copy of DSP’s GLO 60) and annual report on September 1 to the Associated Students Executive Director at the end of the fiscal year summarizing the expenditure of funds of the prior fiscal year.

B) Educational Opportunity Program (EOP):

1) Eligibility Requirements:

a) The amount received from the lock-in shall be allocated annually in order to assist the Educational Opportunity Program.

b) The AS/EOP funds shall be used to meet unusual educationally-related expenses that are incurred by regularly enrolled student members of the Educational Opportunity Program (EOP) during the fiscal year for which their grant is requested.

c) AS/EOP Grants are available to EOP students eligible to receive need-based financial aid through the UCSB Office of Financial Aid in accordance with nationally approved need analysis standards and UCSB deadlines and awarding procedures.

2) Allocations:

a) The maximum of all grants shall not exceed seven hundred dollars ($700.00) per student per year, with the exception of:

i) Fifteen (15) grants of one thousand five hundred dollars ($1,500.00) each, set aside for serious medical emergency situations.

ii) A maximum of five (5) grants of one thousand dollars ($1,000.00) each for dire situations, as determined and approved by the EOP Director, can be allocated for situations that are beyond the scope of these guidelines.

iii) The EOP grants are to be used in the case of an emergency as described below in Section 8(B)(3) – Types of Grants Available.

b) The Executive Director is responsible for determining how the funds are to be allocated and for preparing the budget breakdown of Associated Student funds.

c) Each year, the Executive Director shall be required to submit a budget proposal to Senate Finance and Business Committee in Winter quarter for the following fiscal year detailing the allocation of funds between grants and other student support services (e.g., supplies).

3) Types of Grants Available:

a) Medical/Dental Grants (e.g., eye glasses, medically necessary contact lenses, and other expenses not covered under the student health insurance plan). However, only those costs that are in excess of the financial aid allowance for medical and dental expenses will be met by the AS/EOP Grant.

b) Emergency Grants to meet transportation expenses incurred due to the death or severe illness of an immediate family member and/or for Off-Campus rental costs in the event of a financial emergency resulting from an eviction notice, or evidence of other unusual and/or extenuating circumstances when rental costs have exceeded the financial aid allowances for any given quarter; $6558.00 per


academic year (9 months) or $2186.00 per quarter for 2016-17. The necessary documentation required in order to receive the grant is a copy of a notice of eviction from the student grantee’s present residence and/or a current lease- rental agreement along with receipts showing that rental expenses have exceeded $6558.00 for the nine-month period or $2186.00 for any given quarter (based on estimated figures from Financial Aid Office for the year 2016-17 and does not necessarily represent the current amount issued) beginning with the start of the academic year.

c) Grants for Graduate Program Testing Fees (e.g., CBEST, GRE, GMAT, MCAT & LSAT) only after documentation has been submitted which indicates that a waiver of such a fee is not possible.

d) Grants to Offset Graduate/Professional Program Application Fees (with a maximum of five applications) will be granted only if the student can provide documentation that indicates that a waiver of such a fee is not possible or that it has been denied.

e) Grants to fund campus sponsored Graduate Preparatory Exam (e.g., CBEST, GRE, GMAT, MCAT & LSAT) workshops and programs during the academic year.

f) Grants for textbooks and/or supplies related to the student’s attendance at UCSB are permitted in the event of lost, damaged or stolen books. In all instances, proof (e.g. police report) and course syllabi must be submitted. Students whose expenses for textbooks exceed the financial aid budgeted allowance ($1431.00 per year or $477.00 per quarter for 2016-17) will be referred to the Office of Financial Aid for additional aid consideration and submission of the “Student Request for Budget Increase.”

4) Approval and Authorization Process for the Distribution of EOP Grants:

a) The amount of each grant shall be first recommended by the EOP counselor.

i) Student applicants must provide the EOP counselor with original, Itemized bills or receipts detailing their expenses prior to the disbursement of the grant award.

ii) In the absence of original, itemized bills or receipts, students may submit a grant application with a written estimate, and if the grand is awarded, a charge of the same amount will be placed on the student’s BARC account until such a time when the student turns in the original, itemized bills or receipts to the EOP counselor, who will forward the receipts to the A.S. Administration Office.

b) The recommendation shall then be reviewed by the EOP Business Officer and EOP Counselor.

c) The recommendations shall be submitted to the EOP Director for approval and be additionally approved by the Office of the Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs.

d) Prior to the disbursement of the grant, the EOP recommendation shall be reviewed by the A.S. Record Keeping Specialist, the A.S. Assistant Director for Finance and Business, and approved by the A.S. Executive Director.

e) The EOP grant shall be disbursed through the A.S. Ticket Office.

5) Annual Reporting and Account Management


a) The A.S. Executive Director is responsible for preparing an annual report of fund balances and fund usage (e.g., dollar amounts, types of grants and support services) that preserves the confidentiality of the grant recipients.

b) All funds remaining in this account at the end of the fiscal year are designated to be placed in the AS/EOP Trustee Account.

C) Intramural Sports Program (ISP):

1) Appropriation and use of funds:

a) The amount received from the lock-in shall be allocated annually in order to assist the Intramural Sports Program (ISP). The ISP funds shall be used to maintain general support needs during the academic year in order to support the expenses of ISP.

b) The Director of ISP is responsible for determining how the funds are to be allocated and for preparing the annual budget packet for Associated Students funds. Each year, the ISP Director shall be required to submit a budget proposal to A.S. Senate Finance and Business Committee during Winter quarter for the following fiscal year detailing the allocation of funds for student staff, support, supplies, and expenses.

c) The Associated Students Executive Director is responsible for the forwarding of funds for ISP to the proper accounts. The funds being used to maintain regular student staff support during the academic year will be placed in a "sub-2 student wages/general assistance" account. The funds for supplies and expenses shall be subject to the limitations provided in the A.S. Financial Policies and Procedures of Associated Students, prohibiting any use of funds for awards, trophies, gifts, personal items, etc. and will be placed in a "sub-3, supplies/expenses" account in ISP's #680325-20000 budget account.

2) The Director of ISP shall submit a monthly report (a copy of ISP's GLO 60) and an annual report by September 1st to the Associated Students Executive Director at the end of the fiscal year summarizing the expenditure of funds.

D) Student Health Service (SHS):

1) Appropriation and Use of Funds:

a) The amount received from the lock-in shall be allocated annually in order to assist Student Health Service (SHS). The SHS funds shall be used to maintain general support needs during the academic year in order to help support the expenses of SHS. Funds from the fee increase approved in Fall 2006 will be used to hire two additional mental health professionals, increase access and convenience by adding Thursday evening appointment hours, answer more informal medical questions without charge and without the need of a formal appointment, reduce the wait times for an appointment and for walk-in patients, provide stress reduction services, and help keep medical care affordable.

b) The Director of SHS is responsible for determining how the funds are to be allocated and for preparing the annual budget packet for Associated Students funds. Each year, the Director of SHS shall be required to submit a budget proposal to A.S. Senate Finance and Business Committee in Winter quarter for the following fiscal year detailing the allocation of funds for supplies and materials support.

c) The Associated Students Executive Director is responsible for the forwarding of funds for SHS budget accounts (i.e., Administration, Outpatient, Health Education, Laboratory, X-Ray, and Pharmacy).


2) The Director of SHS shall submit a monthly report (a copy of CCC’s GLO60) and an annual report by September 1st to the Associated Students Executive Director summarizing the expenditure of funds from the prior fiscal year.

E) Child Care Center (CCC):

1) Appropriation and Use of Funds:

a) The amount received from the lock-in shall be allocated annually in order to assist the Child Care Center (CCC). The CCC funds shall be used to maintain regular student staff support and to purchase educational supplies and materials during the academic year in order to provide quality childcare services to the university community. In addition, the Children’s Center will increase the professional development opportunities for its student staff through a peer mentor program, enhance student teacher assistant education and training, enhanced student wages, and subsidize student parent childcare tuition.

b) The Director of the CCC is responsible for determining how the funds are to be allocated and for preparing the annual budget packet for Associated Students funds. Each year, CCC Director shall be required to submit a budget proposal to A.S. Senate Finance and Business Committee in Winter quarter for the following fiscal year detailing the allocation of funds for student staff support. The Associated Students Executive Director is responsible for the forwarding of funds for CCC to the proper accounts.

c) The funds being used to maintain regular student staff support during the academic year will be placed in a “Sub-2, Student Wages/General Assistance” account and in a “Sub-3, Supplies” account in CCC’s #8-768400-42263 budget account.

2) The Director of the Child Care Center shall submit a monthly report (a copy of CCC’s GLO60) and an annual report by September 1st to the Associated Students Executive Director at the end of the fiscal year summarizing the expenditure of funds.

F) MultiCultural Center (MCC):

1) Appropriation and Use of Funds:

a) The amount received from the lock-in shall be allocated annually in order to assist the MultiCultural Center (MCC). The MCC funds shall be used to maintain regular student staff support and programming during the academic year in order to provide quality services to the University community. In addition, the MCC will provide programming in Isla Vista, provide funding for student organizations to present programs on race, cultural and social justice, and provide publicity for MCC affiliated student organizations.

b) The Director of the MCC is responsible for determining how the funds are to be allocated and for preparing the annual budget packet for Associated Students funds. Each year, the MCC Director shall be required to submit a budget proposal to A.S. Senate Finance and Business Committee in Winter quarter for the following fiscal year detailing the allocation of funds for student staff support and programming. The Associated Students Executive Director is responsible for the forwarding of funds for the MCC to the proper accounts.

c) The funds being used to maintain regular student staff support and programming during the academic year will be placed in a “Sub-2, Student Wages/General Assistance” account and in a “Sub-3” account in MCC’s budget account.


2) The Director of the Multicultural Center shall submit a monthly report (a copy of MCC’s GLO60) and an annual report by September 1st to the Associated Students Executive Director at the end of the fiscal year summarizing the expenditure of funds.

G) Office of Student Life (OSL):

1) Appropriation and Use of Funds:

a) The amount received from the lock-in shall be allocated annually in order to assist the Office of Student Life (OSL). The OSL funds shall be used to expand services to students in the leadership and first-year programs. These services could include: invitations to a wider range of students to the annual student leader retreat, more intensive leadership training, create a statewide leadership conference, enhance the current leadership conference and enhance the quarterly leadership series, and security for student–initiated programming. The fee will provide funding for programmatic costs.

b) The Director of OSL is responsible for determining how the funds are to be allocated and for preparing the annual budget packet for Associated Students funds. Each year, the OSL Director shall be required to submit a budget proposal to A.S. Senate Finance and Business Committee in the Winter quarter for the following fiscal year detailing the allocation of funds.

c) The Associated Students Executive Director is responsible for the forwarding of funds for OSL to the proper account.

2) The Director of OSL shall submit a monthly report (a copy of the GLO 60) and annual report by September 1st to the Associated Students Executive Director at the end of the fiscal year summarizing the expenditure of funds of the prior fiscal year.

H) Arts & Lectures:

1) Appropriation and Use of Funds:

a) The amount received from the lock-in shall be allocated annually in order to provide discounted ticket prices to Arts and Lectures events for students. This fee will help subsidize affordable student ticket prices.

b) The Director of Arts & Lecture is responsible for preparing the annual budget packet for Associated Students funds. Each year, the Director shall be required to submit a budget proposal to A.S. Senate Finance and Business Committee in the Winter quarter for the following fiscal year detailing the allocation of funds.

c) The Associated Students Executive Director is responsible for the forwarding of funds for Arts & Lectures to the proper account.

2) The Director of Arts and Lectures shall submit a monthly report (a copy of the GLO 60) and annual report by September 1st to the Associated Students Executive Director at the end of the fiscal year summarizing the expenditure of funds of the prior fiscal year.

I) Recreational Sports:

1) Appropriation and Use of Funds:

a) The amount received from the lock-in shall be allocated annually in order to assist Recreational Sports fulfill their mission of creating a program based on interest rather the skill or an ability to pay. The funds will be used to subsidize sport club teams and athletic training, the adventure programs, intramural sports and overall programmatic support for Recreational Sports.


b) The Director of Recreational Sports is responsible for preparing the annual budget packet for Associated Students funds. Each year, the Director shall be required to submit a budget proposal to A.S. Senate Finance and Business Committee in the Winter quarter for the following fiscal year detailing the allocation of funds.

c) The Associated Students Executive Director is responsible for the forwarding of funds for Recreational Sports to the proper account.

2) The Director of the Recreation Department shall submit a monthly report (a copy of the GLO 60) and annual report by September 1st to the Associated Students Executive Director at the end of the fiscal year summarizing the expenditure of funds of the prior fiscal year.

J) Events Center:

1) Appropriation and Use of Funds:

a) The amount received from the lock-in shall be allocated annually in order provide deferred maintenance and upgrade of the facilities including: a new air conditioning system, new theater style seating, new sound system, expanded restrooms and acoustic treatment to improve the sound quality for concerts. The funds are designed to convert the Events Center to a multi-use facility.

b) The Director of the Events Center is responsible for preparing the annual budget packet for Associated Students funds. Each year, the Director shall be required to submit a budget proposal to A.S. Senate Finance and Business Committee in the Winter quarter for the following fiscal year detailing the allocation of funds.

c) The Associated Students Executive Director is responsible for the forwarding of funds for the Events Center to the proper account.

2) The Director of the Events Center shall submit a monthly report (a copy of the GLO 60) and annual report by September 1st to the Associated Students Executive Director at the end of the fiscal year summarizing the expenditure of funds of the prior fiscal year.

K) Campus Learning Assistance Program (CLAS):

1) Appropriation and Use of Funds:

a) The amount received from the lock-in shall be allocated annually in order to assist CLAS in maintaining its current level of services without charge to students including: group tutorials for math, physics, biology, chemistry, economics and statistics; drop-in labs; develop the study skills program; develop on-line services; maintain evening hours of operation, hire additional full-time staff, maintain individual tutoring of students enrolled in the Disabled Students Program, and maintain consistent staffing throughout all summer sessions.

b) The Director of CLAS is responsible for preparing the annual budget packet for Associated Students funds. Each year, the Director shall be required to submit a budget proposal to A.S. Senate Finance and Business Committee in the Winter quarter for the following fiscal year detailing the allocation of funds.

c) The Associated Students Executive Director is responsible for the forwarding of funds for CLAS to the proper account.

2) The Director of CLAS shall submit a monthly report (a copy of the GLO 60) and annual report by September 1st to the Associated Students Executive Director at the end of the fiscal year summarizing the expenditure of funds of the prior fiscal year.


L) University Center:

1) Appropriation and Use of Funds:

a) The amount received from the lock-in shall be allocated annually in order to assist the University Center cover the costs of the increase in minimum wage for its student employees and provide an outstanding late night venue in The Hub.

b) The Director of the University Center is responsible for preparing the annual budget packet for Associated Students funds. Each year, the Director shall be required to submit a budget proposal to A.S. Senate Finance and Business Committee in the Winter quarter for the following fiscal year detailing the allocation of funds.

2) The Director of the University Center shall submit a monthly report (a copy of the GLO 60) and annual report by September 1st to the Associated Students Executive Director at the end of the fiscal year summarizing the expenditure of funds of the prior fiscal year.

M) Isla Vista Arts:

1) Isla Vista Arts (IV Arts) will help support a variety of free and low cost events including films, theatrical performances, and other arts programs for students and members of the Isla Vista community. The fee will be used to advertise events, art showings, or performances relevant to students in the Isla Vista community. IV Arts will advertise its own events on its website, and will also advertise events to take place in Isla Vista, run by other university or community groups or organizations on the website, at no cost to the group or organization. The fee will be used for but not limited to the program costs of WORD: Isla Vista Arts & Culture Magazine, IV Live, Magic Lantern Theater, Shakespeare in the Park and Nuestra Voz. It will also be used to maintain staff positions.

2) Associated Students will administer these funds.


Reserves are those monies that have accumulated from prior years. By delegation of authority, the Regents have made the Chancellor responsible for the fiscal solvency of the Associated Students and thereby ensure that any activity under control of the student government is operated in accordance with sound business practices consonant with University policies and procedures (see System wide University Policies Applying to Campus Activities, Organizations and Students). The Chancellor has, in turn, delegated the normal daily activity of the Associated Students to the Senate, who in turn, has delegated it to the A.S. Executive Director, in keeping with the A.S. Legal Code and the job description of the A.S. Executive Director.

A) Reserves Policies and Guidelines:

1) Monies shall be kept on deposit in a federally insured bank, savings & loan, credit union, UCSB Short Term Interest Program (STIP) or brokerage firm, which provides casualty insurance to depositors at least equal to that of a federally insured institution.

2) Funds kept on deposit in a brokerage firm must be managed by a Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) Registered Investment Advisor (RIA) who is registered with the International Board of Standards and Practices for Certified Financial Planners (IBCFP).

3) Funds not kept in a federally insured bank, savings & loan, or credit union must be reviewed quarterly by the Investments Advisory Committee and the Executive Director. The Chairperson of the Investment Advisory Committee or their delegate must report to the Senate at least quarterly, and must include in their report:


a) The total value, in U. S. dollars, of all funds in the reserves account which are not on deposit in a federally insured bank, savings and loan, or credit union.

b) A complete explanation for any gains or losses incurred.

c) A total of all brokerage fees incurred in the current quarter including commissions paid, front or end load amounts, and other broker related expenses.

d) An overview stating whether or not expected return levels have been accomplished, and what are future estimated rate of returns, based on a ninety percent (90%) confidence level.

4) All expenses relating to funds not kept in a federally insured bank, savings and loan, or credit union must be fully disclosed in quarterly reports of that firm and reviewed by the Investments Advisory Committee and the A.S. Executive Director.

5) All investments and deposits must be socially responsible. The Senate shall ensure that investments and deposits are socially responsible by approving all investments and deposits with a two-thirds (2/3) vote.

6) Reserves may be placed into other socially responsible investment projects with a two- thirds (2/3) vote of the Investments Advisory Committee and the Senate.

7) Capital Reserves will be seventeen percent (17%) of the annual amount of A.S. membership fees received by Associated Students. This amount would not include those funds transferred directly to departments (Article IV, Section 2 funds) or funds for Daily Nexus, La Cumbre Yearbook, Parking, or UCSA. (Note: Outside and campus auditors were consulted regarding the amount Associated Students should set aside for Capital Reserves and it is recommended that the auditors be consulted annually).

8) At the discretion of the A.S. Executive Director, the Associated Students Investments Advisory Committee is allowed up to ten percent (10%) of the Reserves amount to invest in short term investments during that fiscal year.

9) When Capital Reserves doubles the minimum amount necessary as defined in paragraph 7, the following policy shall go into effect regarding the distribution of funds:

a) Take the total amount of Capital Reserves as of December 31st of the current year, minus the dividends and interest.

b) Double the minimum required in Capital Reserves after adjustment in paragraph 7 above.

c) Subtract the difference in (a) from (b) arriving at the grand total.

d) Twenty-five percent (25%) of the Grand Total shall be available for use in the operating budget for the next fiscal year.

10) Funds which exceed those that are needed for the above-mentioned collateral may be spent on the following:

a) Major equipment purchases b) Equipment renovation c) Facility renovation d) Start up costs for new programs and business services.

11) Approval of expenditures of such funds shall be accomplished by a three-fourths (3/4) vote of the Senate. The recommendation of the Investments Advisory Committee should be sought before any Reserve withdrawals are voted on by the Senate.


B) Trustee Reserves:

1) The Trustee Reserves must equal the account balances in the trustee accounts. Any transfers to ensure this amount will be done at year-end.

C) Suspense Account Policy:

1) The remaining balance for the previous fiscal year's Suspense Account after closing is to be placed in the operating budget two (2) fiscal years hence (Example: Year end 6/30/02 balance placed in budget for 03/04).

a) Unallocated can be funded as a line item for purposes of forming and preparing the budget for the next fiscal year.

b) Capital Reserves can be funded as a line item for purpose of forming and preparing the budget for the next fiscal year.

D) Reserves Interest Policy:

1) A three (3) year average (based on current year plus last two (2) fiscal years) of the interest and dividends from Capital Reserves shall be placed in the operating fund in the budget income for the fiscal year two (2) years hence. (Example: year-end 6/30/04 balance placed in budget for 2005-2006).

2) However, if the Capital Reserves amount does not meet the mandatory seventeen percent (17%) rule as of June 30th of the prior fiscal year, the amount needed will be retained for the fiscal year two (2) years hence budget under the Capital Reserves budget line item not to exceed ten percent (10%) up to $10,000. (Example: June 30, 2004 short in Capital Reserve will start payback on the 2005-2006 budget).

3) Capital Reserves can be funded as a line item for the purpose of forming and preparing the budget for the next fiscal year.

4) All of the interest from Trustee Reserves shall be placed in the operating fund in the budget for the fiscal year two (2) years hence. (Example: year-end 6/30/04 balance placed in budget for 2005-2006).

E) Capital Improvements Policy:

1) Capital Improvements shall be spent according to the following guideline:

a) Equipment purchases under $5,000.00. b) Start up costs for programs, and new business services under $5,000.00. c) One-time expenses to improve an existing program or service under $5,000.00. d) Facility renovation or improvements under $5,000.00

2) Money not spent or appropriated at the end of the fiscal year shall be put into the Suspense Account to be used in the budget for the next fiscal year.

3) Capital Improvements shall be funded as a line item for the purpose of forming the budget for the next fiscal year.

4) The University Center is responsible for Associated Students building maintenance. Associated Students is responsible for contents only.

5) Money not spent or appropriated at the end of the fiscal year shall be put into the Suspense Account to be used in the budget for the fiscal year two (2) years hence. (Example: year-end 6/30/02 balance placed in budget for 03/04).

F) Program Board Capital Reserves Policy:


1) Program Board Capital Reserves are funded by those monies remaining in the Program Board Operating Account at the end of each fiscal year and which protect the operating solvency of the Program Board.

2) Funds may be spent on the following:

a) To replace and purchase equipment b) To promote "in house" events c) To cover Program Board deficits d) To cover one time unexpected/unbudgeted needs e) To cover facility/minor office renovations.

3) Program Board Capital Reserves monies shall never Fall below a base of fifty thousand dollars ($50,000) without a two-thirds (2/3) vote of Program Board, and the Senate.

4) Approval of the expenditures of the Program Board Reserve funds shall be accomplished as follows:

a) Expenditures of up to fifteen thousand dollars ($15,000) require a two-thirds (2/3) vote of Program Board.

b) Expenditures of fifteen thousand dollars ($15,000) or more requires a two-thirds (2/3) vote of Program Board and the Senate.

5) Upper Reserve Limit:

a) The Program Board Capital Reserves Account shall not exceed the amount of two hundred fifty thousand dollars ($250,000). All monies over two hundred fifty thousand dollars ($250,000) on June 30th (end of fiscal year) shall be spent in the following fiscal year or shall be transferred to the Program Board Operating Account.

G) KCSB Capital Reserves Policy:

1) The KCSB Capital Reserves are funded by those monies which are remaining in the KCSB Operating Account at the end of each fiscal year and which protect the operating solvency of KCSB.

a) If KCSB as a whole shows a positive balance in the KCSB Operating Account, then that amount will be automatically carried forward to the KCSB Capital Reserves Account.

2) The funds may be spent on the following:

a) To replace and purchase equipment b) To promote “in house” events c) To cover KCSB deficits d) To cover one time unexpected/unbudgeted needs e) To cover facility/minor office renovations

3) KCSB Capital Reserves monies shall never Fall below a base of fifty thousand dollars ($50,000) without a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the KCSB Executive Committee and the Senate.

4) Approval of the expenditures of the KCSB Capital Reserves Funds shall be accomplished as follows:

a) Expenditures of up to fifteen thousand dollars ($15,000) require a two-thirds vote of the KCSB Executive Committee.


b) Expenditures of over fifteen thousand dollars ($15,000) require a two-thirds (2/3) vote of KCSB Executive Committee and the Senate.

5) Upper Reserve Limit:

a) The KCSB Capital Reserves Account shall not exceed the amount of two hundred fifty thousand dollars ($250,000). All monies over two hundred fifty thousand dollars ($250,000) on June 30th (end of fiscal year) shall be spent in the following fiscal year or shall be transferred to the Communications Personnel Account.


A) It shall be the responsibility of the AS Director of Alumni Affairs and the AS Chief Financial Officer to assist in the stewardship of the Associated Students Endowment (AS Innovation Fund).

B) Any expenditure from the Associated Students Endowment shall be recommended by the AS President, in consultation with the Donor Oversight Committee, and be approved with a two- thirds (2/3rds) vote of the AS Senate.

C) Any expenditure from the Fund shall be in alignment with the Innovation Fund’s intention and description:

“Associated Students’ Innovation Fund contributes to student initiatives that directly serve student needs. Contributing to this fund will provide the needed funding and support for campus-wide programs, services, events and operations to enhance student life without raising student fees.

Our goal is to move towards a model of self-sustainability and become less reliant on student fee increases. The financial burden on students is at an all-time high and we believe the Associated Students’ Innovation Fund will contribute to the solution.”



SECTION 1. DUTIES AND POWERS OF ALL A.S. EXECUTIVE OFFICERS (See also Article IV of the A.S. Constitution)

A) Provide leadership to Senate members.

B) Act as official A.S. Representative(s) to the UCSB Administration and Academic Senate on all policy, personnel, and financial matters.

C) Meet weekly with the Executive Director to discuss current business.

D) Coordinate policy and issues amongst the Associated Students.

E) Attend at least one (1) staff meeting per quarter.

1) The first meeting of every month shall include the complete A.S. Staff, the A.S. President, and the A.S. Executive Director.

2) Other staff meetings should be instigated by the A.S. President on a regular basis to ensure constant, open communication.

F) Submit an expenditure report of all spending from their respective office once a month to the Senate.


1) These expenditure reports are due at the Associated Students Senate’s first meeting of the month.

2) The reports must be submitted through email to the Senate.

G) Shall report to Senate a minimum of five (5) times per quarter regarding their actions and those of their office.

H) All Executive Officers shall be required to annually participate in an Executive Officer training session the Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday following the Swearing In Ceremony, which will be coordinated by the Assistant Director for Governmental Affairs. This training will consist of meetings with top University officials and staff of ASUCSB as well as training by experts in the areas of leadership and student governance.

1) The newly elected ASUCSB Executive officers and former ASUCSB Executive officers shall coordinate a meeting/training in which several things may be discussed/taught:

a) Current Office Structure !

! b) Tips on running an office staff !

! c) Passing over any essential documents, procedures, or formats that may have created efficiency within ASUCSB.

! d) Contact information for current office staff for questions that may rise in the future

! e) General advice and information that is not already present in the ASUCSB- Bylaws.


A) By consensus of their membership, the A.S. Executive Officers (or proxy) shall attend all meetings of the following A.S. or University Committees and affiliate groups:

1) Graduate Students' Association (One Executive Officer) 2) Major Events Committee (One Executive Officer) 3) President’s Cabinet (All Executive Officers)


A) Supervises the Executive Director and conducts necessary or required personnel evaluations.

B) The A.S. President shall sit as the undergraduate representative and attend all meetings of the following A.S. or University Committees and affiliated groups:

1) Alumni Association 2) Senate Finance and Business Committee 3) Campus Planning Committee 4) Chancellor’s Coordinating Committee on Budget and Strategy 5) Events Center Governance Board (Ex-Officio Member) 6) Faculty Legislature 7) Getman and Villa Selection Awards Committee 8) Intercollegiate Athletics Policy Board 9) UCEN Governance Board (Ex-Officio Member) 10) UCSB Foundation 11) Recreation Center Governance Board (Ex-Officio Member) 12) Student Fee Advisory Committee (Advisor)


13) Should the A.S. President wish to sit on any additional university administration, faculty, staff, or other advisory bodies for the year, she/he must nominate her/himself and be approved by a majority vote (50% + 1) of the Senate.

C) The A.S. President shall sit as an advisor on the following A.S. Senate Standing Committees: Finance and Budget, University Affairs, External Affairs.

D) Attend at least three ASUCSB Workgroups as well as the quarterly A.S. Assembly.

E) The A.S. President shall be responsible for, with thorough consultation with all of Associated Students, setting the vision for the Association every academic year.

1) The A.S. President shall facilitate the annual update to the A.S. Strategic Plan and, in years applicable, champion the creation of a new A.S. Strategic Plan.

F) The President is empowered to veto legislation of the Senate within two (2) business days of its adoption. The President is then responsible for submitting a statement explaining the reason(s) for the veto within three (3) business days of the passed legislation.

1) Distribution of the statement shall be as follows:

a) One (1) copy to each member of the Senate, twenty-four (24) copies total.

b) One (1) copy to each Executive Officer and the Executive Director, six (6) copies total.

c) One (1) copy to the Daily Nexus.

d) One (1) copy to be placed in the minutes of the next Senate meeting.

e) The President shall have the option of charging the secretary(ies) to inform all of the aforementioned persons via e-mail regarding the availability of the hardcopy that states the reason(s) for the veto.

2) The vetoed legislation shall automatically be placed on the next Senate agenda, under Old Business.

3) Senate may override a veto by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the voting membership.

G) Appoint the chair people of all Associated Students Boards and Commissions, Senate Ad-Hoc Committees, and ASUCSB Units, as well as all representatives to university administration, faculty, staff, or other advisory bodies.

H) Shall Attend the Safe Zone/Queer 101 training by the sixth (6) week of Fall Quarter.

I) Shall attend a sexual harassment training by the sixth (6) week of Fall Quarter facilitated by a representative from the Office of Equal Opportunity, Sexual Harassment/Title IX Compliance.

J) Shall attend a sexual violence training by the sixth (6) week of Fall Quarter facilitated by a representative from the Department of Women, Gender, and Sexual Equity.

K) Shall attend a training on understanding unconscious bias and the roots of anti-Semitism by the sixth (6) week of Fall Quarter facilitated by a representative from the Anti-Defamation League.

L) Shall hold a minimum of eight (8) office hours per week.


A) The A.S. Internal Vice President shall sit as the undergraduate representative and attend all meetings of the following A.S. or University Committees and affiliated groups:


1) Senate Finance and Business Committee 2) Calendar Committee 3) Campus Elections Committee 4) UCEN Governance Board (Advisor) 5) A.S. Commission on Public Safety 6) Parking Ratepayers Board 7) Transportation Alternatives Board 8) Student Fee Advisory Committee (advisor)

B) Coordinates Committee applications and screening process in conjunction with the President.

C) Serves as the supervisor of the Committee on Committees Chair and Vice Chair.

D) Serves as the supervisor of the Tech and Media Services Committee.

E) Shall hold a minimum of six (6) office hours per week.

F) Coordinate and facilitate the completion of Senate Group Projects.

G) Shall preside as the Chair of the Senate Ad-Hoc Committee on Honoraria.

H) Shall nominate a First and Second presiding Representative Pro-Tempore after an application and interview process has been duly conducted under the following outlined responsibilities:

1) Shall inform the Senate-Elect of the duties, powers, and application/interview process of the First and Second Pro-Tempores by the eighth (8) week of Spring quarter, (the Inaugural Senate Meeting).

2) Shall determine the logistics of the application/interview process in consensus with the A.S. President.

3) Shall initiate an application and interview process for the First and Second Pro-Tempore positions in accordance with the A.S. Constitution.

4) Shall consider the Candidate’s familiarity with the A.S. Legal Code and Roberts’s Rules of Order.

5) Shall consider the Candidate’s dedication, enthusiasm, and time commitment.

6) Shall keep and update a file of the application and interview process for future Internal Vice Presidents to review for transition purposes.

I) Shall nominate a parliamentarian after an application and interview process has been duly conducted under the following outlined responsibilities:

1) Shall initiate an application and interview process for the Parliamentarian by the second (2nd) regular meeting following the installation of officers.

2) Shall select a Parliamentarian by the fourth (4) regular meeting following the installation of officers.

3) Shall strongly consider the Candidate's familiarity with the A. S. Legal Code and Robert's Rules of Order.

4) Shall consider the Candidate's dedication, enthusiasm, and time commitment.

5) Shall keep and update a file of the application and interview process for future Internal Vice Presidents to review for transition purposes.


J) The Internal Vice President shall make themselves available following every Senate meeting for the purposes of clarification and discussion of the minutes and actions of the Senate with any media in attendance.

K) Shall coordinate the orientation of incoming and outgoing Senate members. Re-elected representatives continuing in their positions shall take the place of outgoing members when they are not available to meet with newly elected members.

L) Shall plan and attend the Safe Zone/Queer 101 training by the sixth (6) week of Fall Quarter.

M) Shall attend a sexual harassment training by the sixth (6) week of Fall Quarter facilitated by a representative from the Office of Equal Opportunity, Sexual Harassment/Title IX Compliance.

N) Shall attend a sexual violence training by the sixth (6) week of Fall Quarter facilitated by a representative from the Department of Women, Gender, and Sexual Equity.

O) Shall coordinate and attend a training on understanding unconscious bias and the roots of anti- Semitism by the sixth (6) week of Fall Quarter facilitated by a representative from the Anti- Defamation League.

1) Shall schedule the aforementioned training by contacting the regional director of the Santa Barbara chapter of the Anti-Defamation League.

P) Provide oversight for Senate Liaisons and be a reference and for any training issues or questions regarding the position.


A) The External Vice President for Local Affairs acts as liaison and official Associated Students' representative to Isla Vista governmental agencies and the Santa Barbara County Board of Supervisors.

B) Meet a minimum of once (1) a quarter with the following entities:

1) A.S. Isla Vista Community Relations Committee Chairperson 2) A.S. Community Affairs Board Chairperson 3) A.S. Environmental Affairs Board Chairperson 4) Third District Supervisor and/or Aide 5) Isla Vista Tenants Union (IVTU)

C) Shall hold a minimum of six (6) office hours per week to be distributed between the A.S. and the A.S. Pardall Center.

D) Shall attend the Safe Zone/Queer 101 training by the sixth (6) week of Fall Quarter.

E) Shall attend a sexual harassment training by the sixth (6) week of Fall Quarter facilitated by a representative from the Office of Equal Opportunity, Sexual Harassment/Title IX Compliance.

F) Shall attend a training on understanding unconscious bias and the roots of anti-Semitism by the sixth (6) week of Fall Quarter facilitated by a representative from the Anti-Defamation League.

G) Shall attend (or designate a proxy to attend) the following meetings regularly:

1) Isla Vista Recreation and Park District 2) Isla Vista Property Owners Association 3) Santa Barbara County Board of Supervisors (when issues affect students) 4) Isla Vista Community Network


5) Goleta Water District (when issues affect students) 6) UCSB Major Events Committee when needed 7) Environmental Affairs Board 8) Isla Vista Community Relations Committee 9) Isla Vista Tenants Union 10) Senate External Affairs Committee

H) Shall work with the OSL Voter Registration Intern and the External Vice President for Statewide Affairs to coordinate voter registration on campus and in Isla Vista.

I) Shall be a liaison to AS Entities and the community regarding space.

J) Shall serve on the Isla Vista Food Cooperative board until 2018.


A) The External Vice President for Statewide Affairs acts as liaison and official Associated Students' representative to the Federal Government, State Government, UC Regents, System-wide Administration, the UC Student Association, US Students Association, and state and national student coalitions.

B) Take into consideration the actions of UCSA and USSA along with the recommendations of their staff to advocate for UCSB undergraduates on a statewide and national level.

C) Shall attend the Safe Zone/Queer 101 training by the sixth (6) week of Fall Quarter.

D) Shall attend a sexual harassment training by the sixth (6) week of Fall Quarter facilitated by a representative from the Office of Equal Opportunity, Sexual Harassment/Title IX Compliance.

E) Shall attend a sexual violence training by the sixth (6) week of Fall Quarter facilitated by a representative from the Department of Women, Gender, and Sexual Equity.

F) Shall attend a training on understanding unconscious bias and the roots of anti-Semitism by the sixth (6) week of Fall Quarter facilitated by a representative from the Anti-Defamation League.

G) Hold a minimum of five (5) office hours per week.

H) Meet a minimum of once per quarter with the:

1) A.S. Lobby Corps 2) A.S. Student Initiated Retention and Recruitment Committee Chair(s) 3) A.S. Student Commission on Racial Equality Chair(s) 4) A.S. Commission on Disability Access Chair(s) 5) A.S. Women’s Commission Chair(s) 6) A.S. Queer Commission Chair (s)

I) Make a reasonable effort to attend all UCSA and UC Regents meetings as funds permit.

J) Manage the activities of the EVPSA office for the express purposes of providing support and fostering leadership development.

K) Work in coordination with the Senators to formulate resolutions in response to state and national issues.

L) Direct all EVPSA office staff.

M) Attend all meetings of the Senate External Affairs Committee



A) Provide oversight and direction to the Office of the Student Advocate.

B) Hold the main fiscal responsibility and monetary oversight of the OSA.

C) Educate the student body about student’s rights, University and Associated Students policies, laws, regulations, procedures, and promote awareness of the availability of support and assistance services offered both by the OSA, Associated Students, and the University at large.

D) Be available to provide assistance and support to any student, student group or student organization involved in disciplinary actions with the University of California, Santa Barbara and be empowered to challenge University policies on their behalf.

E) Present the position of the Associated Students to the University’s administration concerning student’s rights, campus rules, and other areas of student conduct.

F) Shall be trained in conflict resolution or mediation by UCSB Office of the Ombuds.

G) Shall attend a training on understanding unconscious bias and the roots of anti-Semitism by the sixth (6) week of Fall Quarter facilitated by a representative from the Anti-Defamation League.

H) Be a non-partisan representative of all undergraduate students at the University.

I) Act as the official liaison between the OSA and all other entities.

J) Shall direct all OSA publicity and outreach efforts.

K) Shall create, conduct, and implement specialized projects relating to the agenda of the OSA for the given year.

L) Shall be responsible for conducting weekly office meetings and sending meeting agendas.

M) Must hold a minimum of eight (8) office hours per week.

N) Attend all meetings of the Senate Campus Affairs Committee.

O) Shall draft the Advocacy Agenda.

1) The Advocacy Agenda shall:

a) Be developed at the beginning of the academic year and completed no later than week fall (5) of Fall quarter.

b) Consist of a series of student concerns to be advocated for by the OSA for the remainder of the year.

c) Include an item or items for each division to work for or towards.

d) Include a series of short, medium, and long-term goals, as well as potential strategies employed.




A) The ASUCSB Executive Office is responsible in working in concert with the A.S. President to ensure the proper functioning and execution of the Associated Students.


A) Executive Officers

1) A.S. President 2) Internal Vice President 3) External Vice President of Local Affairs 4) External Vice President of Statewide Affairs 5) Student Advocate General

B) President’s Chief of Staff

C) Facilities Commissioner

D) Academic Affairs Commissioner

E) A.S. Controller

F) A.S. Attorney General

G) A.S. Chief Financial Officer

H) A.S. Committee on Committees Chair

I) A.S. Chief Investments Officer

J) A.S. Chief Marketing Officer

K) A.S. Director of Alumni Affairs

L) A.S. Chief Technology Officer

M) A.S. Chief Operations Officer


A) The Associated Students Office of the President Staff is empowered to assist the A.S. President in the execution of their presidential duties.

B) The Office of the President staff shall consist of:

1) Chief of Staff 2) Deputy Chief of Staff 3) Assistant to the President 4) Director of Public Engagement 5) Legislative Director 6) Commissioner of Budget and Resources 7) Commissioner of Public Mental Health 8) Environmental Sustainability Coordinator 9) Director of Alumni Affairs

C) The staff shall be appointed by the A.S. President without approval from the Senate, pursuant to the A.S. Constitution Article VI Section 2 A. 11.

D) All members referred to above (Article VII, Section 3 H) shall be required to attend the weekly staff meetings, as well as the quarterly retreats.


E) The Chief of Staff is responsible for organizing and operating the Office of the President.

1) Direct the Office of the President staff, under the guidance of the President, to work on campus wide-issues.

2) Organize and facilitate weekly staff meetings and quarterly retreats.

3) In concert with the President, conduct bi-quarterly one-on-one meetings with each staff member.

4) Assume or delegate the responsibilities of any vacant positions within the Office of the President staff, until such position is filled.

5) Attend commitments on the Presidents behalf when the President is unable to attend.

6) Serve at least five (5) office hours a week dedicated to fulfilling all responsibility of the chief of staff position.

7) Serve a term of one (1) academic year.

8) Represent the Office of the President to Media Outlets if requested by the President.

9) Shall sit on the President’s cabinet.

F) The Deputy Chief of Staff is responsible for organizing and operating the Associated Students Executive Fellowship alongside the Deputy Chief of Staff of the Office of the Internal Vice President.

1) Organize and manage the Associated Students Executive Fellowship as outlined in Article XVI of the A.S. By-laws with the Deputy Chief of Staff of the Office of the Internal Vice President.

2) Assist the Chief of Staff in the execution of their duties.

3) Be responsible for the function of the Office of the President fellows.

4) Serve a minimum of four (4) office hours per week dedicated to fulfilling all responsibilities of the position.

5) Serve a term of one (1) academic year.

G) Assistant to the President is responsible for the general administrative and clerical functions of the Office of the President.

1) Be knowledgeable on Senate matters to report to the President and staff.

2) Schedule the President to attend campus events, meetings with clubs and organizations, and meetings with administration.

3) Complete all office requisitions and maintain a record of the office budget.

4) Collect and keep file of updated reports from all office staff.

5) Serve at least four (4) office hours a week dedicated to organizing and maintaining the Office of the President.

6) Serve a term of one (1) academic year.


H) Director of Public Engagement will engage the student body vis-à-vis the Office of the President’s presence on campus and coordinate outreach efforts with identified campus entities.

1) Keep abreast of all A.S., Student Organization, Department, Campus, and Community events and coordinate the President’s presence.

2) Maintain a transparent Office of the President office by actively advertising major campaigns, actions, and lobby efforts through all available sources of media.

3) Aid the Chief of Staff in publicizing internship and/or volunteer opportunities available in the Office of the President.

4) Be responsible for maintaining a good public image for the Office of the President and the Office of the President’s staff.

5) Organize quarterly forums and regular, targeted town halls.

6) Hold a weekly one-on-one meeting with the President to strategize weekly appearances.

7) Serve a minimum of four (4) office hours per week dedicated to fulfilling all responsibilities of the position.

8) Serve a term of one (1) academic year.

I) The Legislative Director shall be the President’s chief liaison to the AS Senate and it’s committees.

1) Draft all legislation as requested by the AS President.

2) Stay up to date of all actions and affairs of the AS Senate and inform the AS President of business that is of importance to the Office of the President.

3) Advocate for the passage of legislation supported by the Office of the President and Executive Office.

4) Advise the President on all legislation at the local, statewide, and national level.

5) Attend four (4) AS Senate meetings per quarter.

6) Serve three (3) office hours per week.

7) Attend all staff meetings of the Office of the President.

8) Serve a term of one (1) academic year.

J) Commissioner of Environmental Sustainability will provide student input to administrative bodies, create policy proposals to improve campus environmental quality, and monitor and promote sustainability efforts both on and off campus.

1) Act as a liaison to A.S. Environmental Affairs Board, A.S. Coastal Fund, A.S. Recycling, A.S. Public Worms, A.S. Zero Waste Committee and the A.S. Food Bank.

2) Work in coordination with these A.S. boards, commissions, and units and the Office of the President to identify areas of needed improvement in the quality and availability of campus facilities, and create policy proposals and resolutions that will promote those improvements.

3) It is strongly recommended that this position serve as the official Associated Students representative to the following Academic Senate and Administrative Advisory


Committees: Campus Sustainability Committee, Biosafety Committee, Chemical Safety Committee, Natural Reserve System Committee, and the Radiation Safety Committee.

4) Stay informed on all actions, legislations, and pending business of the Academic Senate and Administrative Advisory Committees that (s)he oversees and, to the best of their ability, advocate on behalf of students when issues that affect students are discussed.

5) Serve four (4) office hours per week dedicated to fulfilling all responsibilities of the commissioner position.

6) Serve a term of one (1) academic year.

K) Commissioner of Mental Health will provide student input to administrative bodies, create policy proposals regarding the quality of student mental health and wellness services, and monitor major student mental health concerns

1) Act as a liaison to A.S. Commission on Student Well Being.

2) Work in coordination with the A.S. COSWB and the Office of the President to identify areas of needed improvement in the quality and availability of campus facilities, and create policy proposals and resolutions that will promote those improvements.

3) Help put on quarterly programs to get feedback and opinions from the undergraduate student body in regards to the condition, use, and quality of campus mental health facilities.

4) It is strongly recommended that this position serve as the official Associated Students representative to the following Academic Senate and Administrative Advisory Committees: Alcohol and Other Drug Work Group, Student Health Advisory Committee, UCEN Health and Safety Committee, and the Gaucho Health Insurance Committee (GHI).

5) Stay informed on all actions, legislations, and pending business of the Academic Senate and Administrative Advisory Committees that (s)he oversees and, to the best of their ability, advocate on behalf of students when issues that affect students are discussed.

6) Serve four (4) office hours per week dedicated to fulfilling all responsibilities of the commissioner position.

7) Serve a term of one (1) academic year.

L) Commissioner of Budget and Resources will provide input to administrative bodies, create policy proposals to improve the transparency and management of the Associated Students budget and campus budget, and monitor spending, investments, proposed cuts, and sources of funding to the Association and campus.

1) Complete all office requisitions and maintain a record of the office budget.

2) Work in coordination with the Student Fee Advisory Committee and the Office of the President to identify areas of needed improvement in the transparency and management of the campus budget, and create policy proposals and resolutions that will promote those improvements.

3) It is strongly recommended that this position serve as the official Associated Students Representative to the following Academic Senate and Administrative Advisory Committees: the Coordinating Committee on Budget Strategy, and the Committee on Capital and Space Planning.

4) Stay informed on all actions, legislations, and pending business of the Academic Senate and Administrative Advisory Committees that (s)he oversees and, to the best of their


ability, advocate on behalf of students when issues that affect students are discussed.

5) Serve four (4) office hours per week dedicated to fulfilling all responsibilities of the commissioner position.

6) Serve a term of one (1) academic year.

M) Director of Alumni Affairs

1) The Director of Alumni Affairs shall be appointed by the President and approved by simple majority (50% + 1) of Senate.

2) The Director of Alumni Affairs shall serve a term of office of one (1) academic year beginning with the installation of the President-Elect and ending with the President’s term of office. 3) Works with the President to facilitate and maintain communication between the students and alumni, duties include but are not limited to;

a) Attend Alumni Association and Foundation events upon the request of the President. b) Shall be the proxy for the President at Alumni Association or Foundation events if the President cannot attend.

c) Participate on subcommittees of the Alumni Association and Foundation upon request (ex. Alumni Association All Gaucho Reunion Committee).

4) Coordinate student participation in alumni events, Committees, etc.

5) Works with Associated Students career staff to maintain the A.S. Alumni database.

6) Coordinates events with alumni that include but are not limited to:

a) Associated Students Reunion b) Quarterly Past President’s Council Calls

7) Shall be a member of the President’s cabinet.

8) Shall hold at least two (2) office hours per week.

9) Shall report to the Senate at least once a quarter.

10) Assists in the stewardship of the Associated Students Endowment.

11) Assists in the facilitation of the Senior Class Gift


A) The Associated Students Office of Facilities and Governance is a coordinating body regarding the use of student facilities on campus in concert with the A.S. President vis-à-vis their role as the Campus Planning Committee representative and role as an ex-officio member on facility governance boards.

B) The Office of Facilities and Governance shall consist of:

1) Facilities Commissioner 2) Four (4) Representatives to the University Center Governance Board 3) Two (2) Representatives to the Recreation Center Governance Board 4) One (1) Representative to the Student Resource Building Governance Board 5) One (1) Representative to the Events Center Governance Board 6) A.S. President


7) Internal Vice President

C) Duties of the Associated Students Facilities Commissioner:

1) Work to identify areas of needed improvement in the quality and use of campus facilities, and create policy proposals and resolutions that will promote those improvements.

2) Help put on quarterly programs to get feedback and opinions from the undergraduate student body in regards to the condition, use, and quality of campus facilities.

3) It is strongly recommended that this position serve as the official Associated Students representative to the following Academic Senate and Administrative Advisory Committees: the Committee on Development and Community Relations, the Design and Review Committee, the Classroom Design and Renovation Committee.

4) Complete at least one project by the end of the academic year that improves facilities on campus.

5) Stay informed on all actions, legislations, and pending business of the Academic Senate and Administrative Advisory Committees that (s)he oversees and, to the best of their ability, advocate on behalf of students when issues that affect students are discussed.

6) Write detailed reports on the progress of the issues they are working on and present all updates at the weekly staff meetings.

7) Serve a minimum of four (4) office hours per week dedicated to fulfilling all responsibilities of the commissioner position.

8) Serve a term of one (1) academic year.

9) Shall sit on the President’s Cabinet.

B) Function of the Commission:

1) Ensure that all student-fee funded facilities on campus are accountable to the student body through their budgets, staff, programming, etc.

2) Meet at least three times per quarter to coordinate policy across the facilities.

3) Work towards increased sustainability in all campus facilities.


A) The Director of Alumni Affairs shall be appointed by the President and approved by simple majority (50% + 1) of Senate.

B) The Director of Alumni Affairs shall serve a term of office of one (1) academic year beginning with the installation of the President-Elect and ending with the President’s term of office.

C) Works with the President to facilitate and maintain communication between the students and alumni, duties include but are not limited to;

1) Attend Alumni Association and Foundation events upon the request of the President.

2) Shall be the proxy for the President at Alumni Association or Foundation events if the President cannot attend.


3) Participate on subcommittees of the Alumni Association and Foundation upon request (ex. Alumni Association All Gaucho Reunion Committee).

4) Coordinate student participation in alumni events, Committees, etc.

D) Works with Associated Students career staff to maintain the A.S. Alumni database.

E) Coordinates events with alumni that include but are not limited to:

1) Associated Students Reunion 2) Quarterly Past President’s Council Calls

F) Shall be a member of the President’s cabinet.

G) Shall hold at least two (2) office hours per week.

H) Shall report to the Senate at least once a quarter.

I) Assists in the stewardship of the Associated Students Endowment.


A) Charge of the Office:

The Office of the Internal Vice President will provide student input to administrative bodies and create policy proposals to improve educational policies, campus academic plans, teaching quality, and other areas that become apparent. Furthermore, the office works to identify areas of needed improvement in undergraduate educational quality, and creates policy proposals and resolutions that will promote those improvements.

B) The Associated Students Office of the Internal Vice President is empowered to assist the IVP in the execution of their duties.

C) The office shall be selected by the IVP, recommended by the President, and approved by 50% +1 of the Senate.

D) The Office of the Internal Vice President shall consist of:

1) Deputy Chief of Staff 2) Student Fee Advisory Commissioner 3) Director of Accountability 4) First Pro-Tempore 5) Second Pro-Tempore 6) External Chair of Committee on Committees 7) SIDE Coordinator 8) Programming Coordinator 9) Gaucho Books Lead Officer

E) All members referred to above shall be required to attend the weekly staff meetings, as well as the quarterly retreats.

F) Chief of Staff is responsible for organizing and running the Internal Vice President’s Office.

1) Attend all meetings on the IVP’s behalf when the IVP cannot attend.

2) Be responsible for the general administrative and clerical functions of the IVP office.

3) Shall be responsible for maintaining a binder with copies of all requisitions for the IVP office.


4) Organize and facilitate weekly staff meetings and quarterly retreats.

5) Check in with office staff at least three (3) times per quarter to provide support and guidance in their work.

6) Serve as the official Associated Students representative to the following Academic Senate and Administrative Advisory Committees: Council on Planning and Budget.

7) Stay informed on all actions, legislations, and pending business of the Academic Senate and, to the best of their ability, advocate on behalf of students when issues that affect students are discussed.

8) Serve a minimum of four (4) office hours per week dedicated to fulfilling all responsibilities of the position.

9) Shall communicate extensively with the Academic Affairs component at each University of California student government.

10) Attends all interviews involving Committee on Committees appointments pertaining to Academic Senate (Sub) Committees and Academic Planning and Review Panel student representatives.

G) The Deputy Chief of Staff is responsible for organizing and operating the Associated Students Executive Fellowship alongside the Deputy Chief of Staff of the Office of the President.

1) Organize and manage the Associated Students Executive Fellowship as outlined in Article XVI of the A.S. By-laws with the Deputy Chief of Staff of the Office of the President.

2) Assist the Chief of Staff in the execution of their duties.

3) Be responsible for the function of the Office of the Internal Vice President fellows.

4) Serve a minimum of four (4) office hours per week dedicated to fulfilling all responsibilities of the position.

5) Serve a term of one (1) academic year.

H) The Student Fee Advisory Commissioner:

1) Attend all Student Fee Advisory Committee (SFAC) meetings and provide brief written reports of the meetings to both the IVP and the Committee on Committee’s Administrative Advisory liaison.

2) Be familiar with the A.S. By-Laws concerning the University Support Lock-in Fees (Article V, Section 8) as well as the Ballot Language

3) Contact all groups supplemented by an A.S-Administered University Support Lock-in Fee before the second (2nd) week of Spring Quarter and construct a report of the actual appropriation of each fee checked against the voted appropriation of each fee.

a) Provide the report to A.S. President, Executive Director, and the Vice Chancellor of Student Affairs should a misappropriation of funds be discovered.

4) Attend both Senate Finance and Business Committee and Senate at least once (1) per quarter and report on any relevant issues regarding A.S.- Administered Student Lock-In Fees.


5) Meet with the A.S. Controllers at least once (1) per quarter to discuss the expenditures of the student fees that fall under A.S. and report back to the IVP.

6) Serve at least two (2) office hours per week.

I) The Director of Accountability:

1) Work with the IVP to ensure that Senate Representatives fulfill their job descriptions.

2) Read the minutes of A.S. Committees, and the reports of the Academic Senate or Advisory Committees to determine attendance at meetings.

3) Distribute and collect Senate Representative Evaluation Forms at the first A.S. Committee Chair Council meeting of every quarter and provide the forms to the IVP.

4) Distribute and collect the Accountability Forms to Senate members to determine if members attended the various committees, meetings, and events that are not part of Associated Students.

5) Work with the Advisory and Academic Senate Committee Liaisons to contact all Advisory Committees and Academic Senate Committees to obtain information on every student representative’s attendance and performance at their appointed committees.

6) Report to the Honoraria Committee with all relevant forms and information to aid in the assessment of member’s job description fulfillment.

7) Serve as an Ex-Officio Member of Committee on Committees and Honoraria Committee.

8) Serve at least two (2) office hours per week.

J) Duties and Powers of the SIDE Coordinator:

1) Shall facilitate all administrative aspects associated with the SIDE Program.

2) Shall manage and/or create methods to gain feedback from the students and faculty involved with SIDE.

3) Shall coordinate the program review as directed in the SIDE Program Proposal.

4) Shall facilitate a minimum of one (1) “How to Teach a SIDE Seminar” informational workshop that will cover the logistics and process for developing a seminar and becoming a student facilitator.

5) Shall be the primary point person responsible for addressing any questions/concerns that may arise in the University.

K) Duties and Powers of the Programming Coordinator:

1) Shall facilitate the nomination and selection of one (1) professor every Fall quarter to put on their “Last Lecture” during Winter quarter.

2) Put on quarterly programs to get feedback and opinions from the undergraduate student body in regards to the quality of their educational experience.

3) Hold one (1) forum per academic year to address textbook affordability and classroom availability.

4) Lobby at the University level on all pertinent aspects that affect the student body at least once (1) per year.


L) Duties and Powers of the GauchoBooks Lead Officer:

1) Attend Web Standards Committee meetings to address website quality and function.

2) Address general operating maintenance and troubleshooting with web development and tech administrators.

3) Address report/flag issues and take necessary action (example: user suspension) for users involved on a case-by-case basis.

4) Oversee all marketing and advertising strategies for GauchoBooks website.

5) Provide quarterly reports on user listings, posts, and information gathered from GauchoBooks’ Feedback Survey.

6) Update department search list quarterly.

7) Obtain feedback from student users on the overall development of the website.

M) Selection process for the External Committee on Committees Chair:

1) The External Committee on Committees chair shall be recommended by the Internal Vice President through an interview process that includes the respective outgoing Committee on Committees chairs, the respective Internal Vice President and respective member(s) of the outgoing Committee on Committees then forwarded to the A.S. President for appointment. It shall be confirmed by a simple majority (50%+1) vote of the Senate. The appointments shall be for a term of one academic year.


A) The Associated Students Office of the External Vice-President for Local Affairs is empowered to assist the EVPLA in the execution of their duties.

B) The office staff shall be selected by the EVPLA, recommended to the President, and approved by 50% + 1 of Senate.

C) The office of the External Vice President of Local Affairs shall consist of:

1) Chief of Staff 2) Isla Vista Community Liaison 3) Community Safety Coordinator 4) County Liaison 5) Resident and Housing Coordinator 6) Environmental Affairs Coordinator 7) Community Events Coordinator 8) Public Relations Coordinator 9) Special Assistant

D) All members referred to above shall be required to attend the weekly staff meetings, as well as the quarterly retreats.

E) Chief of Staff is responsible for organizing and running the External Vice-President of Local Affairs Office.

1) Work with the External Vice-President of Local Affairs (EVPLA) and other office staff on local issues.


2) Be responsible for the general administrative and clerical functions of the EVPLA office.

3) Organize and facilitate weekly staff meetings and quarterly retreats.

4) Publicize, outreach, and recruit interns/volunteers to work on local campaigns with which the EVPLA office is involved.

5) Check in regularly with office staff (coordinators) to provide support and guidance in their work. This time will be used to direct the staff with their projects, advise specifically about goals, and prioritize staff work.

6) Meet with each office member regularly for thirty (30) minutes. This time will be used to direct the staff with their projects, advise specifically about goals, and prioritize staff work.

7) Serve a minimum of four (4) office hours per week.

8) In the absence of the EVPLA, accept all time sensitive duties of EVPLA.

F) The Isla Vista Community Liaison will focus on projects in Isla Vista and general welfare of the Isla Vista Community.

1) Act as a liaison to the A.S. Community Affairs Board.

2) Act as liaison to the Isla Vista Teen Center and attend regular meetings of the Isla Vista Community Network.

3) Work to nurture the relationship between long-term and short-term residents in Isla Vista, which may entail the creation of public forums and/or special events/projects in Isla Vista.

4) Act as a co-coordinator of Chilla Vista with the Community Events Coordinator.

7) Act as a liaison to the Isla Vista Recreation and Parks District and attend one (1) IVPRD meeting per quarter.

8) Meet with each of the four (4) AS Entities in the Isla Vista Food Cooperative contract and oversee and address problems.

9) Coordinate an annual “Lighting Walk” through Isla Vista, along with the Community Safety Coordinator, utilizing EVPLA staff and other volunteers to check on street lighting and report to Southern California Edison.

10) Act as a liaison to the A.S. Isla Vista Community Relations Committee.

11) Serve a minimum of three (3) office hours per week.

G) The Community Safety Coordinator will focus on the physical and social safety and well-being of people on campus and in Isla Vista:

1) Act as a liaison to A.S. Queer Commission, A.S. Take Back the Night, A.S. Student Commission on Racial Equality, and A.S. Commission on Disability Equality. Attend at least two (2) meetings of each of the above Boards and Commissions per quarter and stay in constant communication with their chairs.

2) Shall sit on AS Public Safety Commission and attend regular meetings.

3) Meet regularly with Isla Vista Foot Patrol and the University of California Police Department.


4) Serve a minimum of three (3) office hours per week.

5) Complete at least two additional projects/campaigns that addresses community safety issues per quarter, such as a “Know Your Rights” campaign and a project addressing social climate issues on campus and in Isla Vista.

6) Facilitate the safety keeping efforts of all projects coming out of this office.

7) Coordinate Hate/Bias Prevention training for the EVPLA staff by week six (6) of fall quarter.

8) Maintain the Taxi Cab project.

9) Coordinate an annual “Lighting Walk” through Isla Vista, along with the Isla Vista Community Liaison, utilizing EVPLA staff and other volunteers to check on street lighting and report to Southern California Edison.

H) The Resident and Housing Coordinator will focus on local residents’ issues and rights.

1) Act as liaison to A.S. Isla Vista Tenants’ Union meetings through regular attendance of meetings and active support of the Committee’s campaigns.

2) Act as a liaison between Associated Students and the Isla Vista Community Network.

3) Act as a liaison to the Community Housing Office.

4) Serve a minimum of three (3) office hours per week.

5) Shall complete at least one (1) additional project/campaign that addresses housing, non- student resident, or tenant issues in the community.

6) Attend at least two (2) LRC meetings per quarter.

I) The Environmental Affairs Coordinator shall work on environmental issues.

1) Act as a liaison to the waste management services of Isla Vista.

2) Act as liaison to A.S. Coastal Fund, AS WORMS and Recycling, and I.V. Surfrider.

3) Be recommended as one of the Associated Students Representatives for the Campus Sustainability Committee and attend regular meetings.

4) Attend the A.S. Environmental Affairs Board meetings as the EAB Local Affairs Chair. The incoming EVPLA and incoming EAB co-chairs will select this person through an interview process.

5) Serve three (3) office hours per week, one of which will be held in the EAB office.

6) Shall complete at least one (1) additional project/campaign that addresses environmental issues in the community.

J) The County Liaison:

1) Serve as a legislative liaison to the External Vice President for Local Affairs office as well as to the County Board of Supervisors.

2) Work closely with Student Organizations on campus who currently work on political and/or education issues on a local level.


3) Stay informed of the actions and pending business of the Goleta Water District, Goleta City Council, Santa Barbara City Council, and the Santa Barbara County Board of Supervisors, and attend when they are discussing issues that affect students.

4) Shall play an active role in voter registration and voter turnout campaigns on campus and in Isla Vista.

5) To the best of their ability, build a rapport and working relationship with the office of public officials in our district through regular meetings.

6) Serve a minimum of three (3) office hours per week.

7) Shall attend at least two (2) A.S. Lobby Corps meetings per quarter.

8) When needed, report to Senate on county matters.

9) Meet with the office of the 3rd District at least once (1) per quarter.

10) Research any policies, ordinances, measures and legislation surfacing throughout Santa Barbara County.

11) Serve as a legislative liaison to the County Board of Supervisors.

K) The Community Events Coordinator:

1) Coordinate Halloween efforts between Associated Students, the Office of Student Life, and the County of Santa Barbara.

2) Work with Transportation and Parking Services, Isla Vista Commission, Santa Barbara Sheriff’s Department, Housing and Residential Services, Major Events Committee and any relevant A.S. entities for events.

3) Conduct a post-Halloween evaluation during fall quarter.

4) Work during winter and spring quarter to improve the previous year’s Halloween based on data found in the survey from that fall.

5) Begin planning for the fall Halloween during the spring quarter they are appointed.

6) Host a Halloween town forum in IV the week before Halloween.

7) Co-Coordinate Chilla Vista during the Spring quarter with the IV Community Liaison.

8) Organize special events that impact the community. This includes grassroots types of events, non-AS events, etc.

9) Coordinate efforts between Associated Students, the Office of Student Life, and the County of Santa Barbara.

10) Serve a minimum of three (3) office hours per week.

L) Public Relations Coordinator:

1) Be responsible for maintaining a good public image for the External Vice President of Local Affairs and the EVPLA’s staff.

2) Act as a liaison to the campus media:

a) The Daily Nexus b) A.S. The Bottom Line


c) KCSB d) University Announcements e) Any and all other media outlets.

3) Attend regular A.S. Communications Committee meetings.

4) Be responsible for producing state of the community updates on at least a quarterly basis.

5) Will advertise for any and all EVPLA related events, projects and campaigns.

6) Serve a minimum of two (2) office hours per week.

7) Have an active role in all EVPLA projects, as needed, including but not limited to writing press releases, logistical coordination, legislation and advertising.

M) The Special Assistant is responsible for the general maintenance and organization of the Office of the EVPLA and coordinating constituent services.

1) Be responsible for the general administration and clerical functions of the office of the EVPLA.

2) Schedule the EVPLA to attend club and organizations meetings, campus events, and meetings with Isla Vista and Santa Barbara County entities.

3) Keep a file of all reports submitted by the EVPLA Coordinators and Liaisons.

4) Complete all office requisitions and maintain a record of the EVPLA budget.

5) Serve a minimum of three (3) office hours per week, devoted to organizing and maintaining the EVPLA office.

6) Take minutes of all proceedings at all Office of the EVPLA staff meetings

7) Assist the Chief of Staff in management of the office staff and resources.

8) Coordinates constituent services for the Office of the EVPLA including but not limited to: responding to email from constituents, scheduling meetings for constituents with the appropriate office staff member, helping constituents get meetings with local officials or agencies, directing constituents to the A.S. or Santa Barbara County service/agency they need to reach, tracking SeeClickFix reports, etc. etc.

N) Isla Vista Food Cooperative Student Representative

1) Act as a liaison between the association and the Isla Vista Food Cooperative (IVFC) by communicating and participating in the integration of any new collaborations between both organizations.

2) Prepare and attend all monthly Isla Vista Food Cooperative meetings (minimum of one (1) monthly Board of Directors meeting and possibly one (1) Executive Session and/or committee meeting).

3) Work with the IVFC Outreach Coordinator to attend a minimum of one (1) outreach event per quarter, including Sunflower Kids Club, an Isla Vista community meeting, or other Isla Vista related tabling event that the Co-op is attending.

4) Act as liaison to the Food Bank Board.

5) Serve a minimum of three (3) office hours per week.


6) Complete at least one (1) project or campaign that promotes cooperative principles and food justice and safety each quarter.

7) Meet with the four (4) Boards, Commissions, and Units in the Isla Vista Food Cooperative contract and oversee and address any problems. These four (4) Boards, Commissions, and Units include:

a) Community Affairs Board b) Isla Vista Community Relations Committee c) Isla Vista Tenants Union d) Environmental Affairs Board


A) The Associated Students Office of the External Vice-President for Statewide Affairs is empowered to assist the EVPLA in the execution of their duties.

B) The office staff shall be selected by the EVPSA, recommended to the President, and approved by 50% + 1 of Senate.

C) The office of the External Vice President of Statewide Affairs shall consist of:

1) Chief of Staff 2) Policy Analyst – Federal 3) Policy Analyst – State 4) National Organizing Director 5) Statewide Organizing Director 6) Campus Organizing Director 7) Voter Registration Coordinator 8) Special Projects Coordinator 9) Legislative Liaison 10) Statewide Fellows

D) All members referred to above shall be required to attend the weekly staff meetings, as well as the quarterly retreats.

E) The Chief of Staff is responsible for organizing and running the External Vice President of Statewide Affairs Office.

1) Shall attend all meetings on behalf of the EVPSA when he/she cannot attend.

2) Work with the EVPSA and other staff on statewide and national issues.

3) Organize and facilitate weekly staff meetings, monthly all-staff meetings, quarterly retreats, and quarterly staff evaluations

4) Work with the Press and Outreach Director to publicize fellowship and conference opportunities in the EVPSA Office, as well as be responsible for the selection and organization of delegations to said conferences.

5) Work with the EVPSA to interview and appoint fellows.

6) Check in regularly with office staff to provide support and guidance in their work.

7) Serve four (4) office hours per week, devoted to management of a productive and effective EVPSA office.

8) Report to Senate a minimum of two (2) times per quarter.


9) Serve a term of one (1) academic year

F) The Federal Policy Analyst runs the EVPSA Office think tank for Federal legislation, researches policy, and provides guidance around policy issues to the EVPSA office.

1) Remain thoroughly informed on all relevant proceedings, legislation, and policy related to the work of the EVPSA office. This includes but is not limited to:

2) Be responsible for producing a weekly policy update to the EVPSA and office staff in the form of both press clips as well as a brief.

3) Work in partnership with the EVPSA and Senate to pass resolutions related to national issues.

4) Be responsible for at any fellows, and conduct a weekly National Policy Advising staff meeting.

5) Respond to staff inquiries in a timely manner.

6) Report to Senate a minimum of two (2) times per quarter.

7) Serve three (3) office hours per week devoted to research.

8) Attend all EVPSA staff meetings and quarterly retreats.

9) Serve a term of one (1) academic year.

G) The Statewide Policy Analyst runs the EVPSA Office think tank for Federal and state legislation, researches policy, and provides guidance around policy issues to the EVPSA office.

1) Remain thoroughly informed on all relevant proceedings, legislation, and policy related to the work of the EVPSA office. This includes but is not limited to:

a) California State Senate and Assembly b) UC Regents c) UC Office of the President

2) Be responsible for producing a weekly policy update to the EVPSA and office staff in the form of both press clips as well as a brief.

3) Work in partnership with the EVPSA and Senate to pass resolutions related to national and statewide issues.

4) Be responsible for at any fellows, and conduct a weekly National Policy Advising staff meeting.

5) Respond to staff inquiries in a timely manner.

6) Report to Senate a minimum of two (2) times per quarter.

7) Serve three (3) office hours per week devoted to research.

8) Attend all EVPSA staff meetings and quarterly retreats.

9) Serve a term of one (1) academic year.

H) The National Organizing Director will implement and oversee all actions concerning national issues.


1) Act as the primary organizer of Associated Students for lobby activities, campaigns, and anything else related to national affairs.

2) Attend two (2) Lobby Corps meetings per quarter.

3) Attend all USSA Board of Directors meetings as funds and scheduling permit.

4) Be the primary student organizer for USSA campaigns.

5) Be responsible for fellows and conduct a weekly National Organizing staff meeting.

6) Co-chair Organizing Director Meetings with the Statewide Organizing Director.

7) Attend all EVPSA staff meetings and quarterly retreats.

8) Serve three (3) office hours per week.

9) Report to Senate a minimum of two (2) times per quarter.

10) Serve a term of one (1) academic year.

I) The Statewide Organizing Director will implement and oversee all actions concerning statewide issues.

1) Act as the primary organizer of Associated Students for lobby activities, campaigns, and anything else related to statewide affairs.

2) Attend two (2) Lobby Corps meetings per quarter.

3) Attend all UCSA board meetings.

4) Shall be the primary student organizer for UCSA campaigns.

5) Coordinate the logistics for UCSA Board meetings on campus.

6) Co-chair Organizing Director Meetings with the National Organizing Director.

7) Attend all EVPSA staff meetings and quarterly retreats.

8) Be responsible for any fellows and conduct a weekly Statewide Organizing staff meeting.

9) Serve three (3) office hours per week.

10) Report to Senate a minimum of two (2) times per quarter.

11) Serve a term of one (1) academic year.

J) The Campus Organizing Director will implement and oversee all actions concerning statewide issues.

1) Act as the primary organizers of Associated Students for lobby activities, campaigns, and any other actions related to national, statewide, and UC system wide issues.

2) Be a voting members of A.S. Lobby Corps and attend all Lobby Corps meetings.

3) Serve as a liaison to A.S. Student Commission on Racial Equality, A.S. Womyns Commission, A.S. Queer Commission, A.S. Student Initiated Recruitment and Retention Committee, A.S. Environmental Affairs Board.

4) Attend all EVPSA staff meetings and quarterly retreats.


5) Be responsible for any statewide fellows and conduct a weekly Campus Organizing staff meeting.

6) Write weekly detailed reports on the progress of the issues they are working on and present all updates at the weekly staff meetings.

7) Serve three (3) office hours per week.

8) Report to Senate a minimum of two (2) times per quarter.

9) Serve a term of one (1) academic year.

K) The Voter Registration Director will implement and oversee all actions concerning voter registration.

1) Act as the official organizer of activities related to voter registration.

2) Attend all A.S. Voter Registration Volunteer Coalition meetings and work with the VRVC to recruit volunteers.

3) Coordinate voter registration efforts directed at all facets of the campus community including, but not limited to residence halls, greeks, student groups, and athletics.

4) Serve as a liaison to Campus Democrats, College Republicans, and any additional political organizations through the Office of Student Life,

5) Attend all EVPSA staff meetings and quarterly retreats.

6) Be responsible for any statewide fellows and conduct weekly meetings focusing on voter registration efforts.

7) Write weekly detailed reports on the progress of voter registration efforts and present all updates at the weekly staff meetings.

8) Serve (3) office hours per week.

9) Serve a term of (1) academic year.

L) The Legislative Liaison will focus on lobbying and shall be the bridge between the EVPSA and Lobby Corps.

1) Serve as the Chair of Lobby Corps.

a) Refer to Section 31 part E.

2) Attend all EVPSA Staff meetings.

3) Attend all UCSA Board Meetings as funding permits.

4) Be responsible for at least one (1) Statewide Fellow(s).

M) The Statewide Fellows shall:

1) Work with a staff member assigned to them by the EVPSA office’s chief of staff.

2) Work on projects to be determined by their assigned staff member, as well as engage in self-initiated work.

3) Serve at least three (3) office hours per week.


4) Serve a term of one (1) academic year.


A) The Office of the Student Advocate (OSA) shall facilitate open and honest communication between students and the University by providing free and confidential peer support advice and assistance to any student, student organization, or student group involved in a dispute with the University or any other entity within the University community. All staff members of the OSA shall advocate for any student requesting the services of the OSA. It is the responsibility of the OSA to give students the tools and information necessary to assist and aid them to either address their situation individually, or to be assisted by an OSA staff member. In addition, the OSA shall promote students’ rights as well as work to change and challenge policies of the University on behalf of the students of UCSB.

B) The office staff shall be selected by the Student Advocate General, recommended to the President, and approved by 50% + 1 of Senate.

C) Shall consist of:

1) Chief of Staff 2) Deputy Chief of Staff 3) Director of Public Relations 4) Housing Division Caseworkers (2) 5) Academic Division Caseworkers (2) 6) Social Conduct Division Caseworkers (2) 7) Public Interest Division Caseworkers (2) 8) Community Organizers (5)

D) The Chief of Staff shall:

1) Specialize in internal office affairs maintaining the day to day operations of the OSA including the assignment and follow up of case work in coordination with the Division Directors.

2) Assist in all duties performed by the Student Advocate General as requested.

3) Be responsible for planning and implementing all staff training sessions

4) Be proficiently knowledgeable of University and system wide policies, rules, and regulations.

5) Track and oversee the progress of the Advocacy Agenda and quarterly projects of the office staff

6) Schedule office staff to attend campus events, meetings with clubs and organizations, and meetings with administration.

7) Hold a minimum of six (6) office hours per week.

8) In the event that the Office of the Student Advocate becomes vacant, the chief shall lead the office staff and ensure the office operates until a new SAG is duly elected.

E) The Deputy Chief of Staff shall:

1) Be responsible for organizing and operating the Associated Students Executive Fellowship alongside the Chief of Staff.

2) Be responsible for the administrative tasks of the office (taking minutes, scheduling meeting times, organizing files, etc).


3) Assist the Chief of Staff in the execution of their duties.

a) Will be responsible for conducting meetings if SAG and Chief of Staff are not available.

4) Serve as a liaison with the other AS entities to make sure there is a clear communication between all AS offices with the OSA office.

5) Serve a minimum of four (4) office hours per week dedicated to fulfilling all responsibilities of the position.

6) Serve a term of one (1) academic year.

F) The Housing Division Caseworkers shall:

1) Assist in all matters requested by the Student Advocate General and/or the Chief of Staff regarding cases pertaining to University Residential Life.

2) Collaborate with the Chief of Staff in conducting casework pertaining University Residential Life.

3) Conduct casework pertaining to University Residential Life.

4) Collaborate with The Student Advocate General and Chief of Staff in devising policy changes and special projects pertaining to University Residential Life.

5) Be acquainted with judicial officers in Housing Judicial Affairs.

6) Be proficiently knowledgeable of University Residential Life policies, rules, and regulations.

7) Analyze and track casework to plan and coordinate quarterly community projects pertaining to University Residential Life.

8) Hold a minimum of four (4) office hours per week.

G) The Academic Division Caseworkers shall:

1) Assist in all matters requested by the Student Advocate General and/or the Chief of Staff regarding cases pertaining to Academic Judicial Affairs.

2) Collaborate with The Student Advocate General and Chief of Staff in devising policy changes and special projects pertaining to Academic Judicial Affairs.

3) Conduct casework pertaining Academic Judicial Affairs.

4) Be acquainted with judicial officers in University Judicial Affairs.

5) Shall attend four (5) meetings of the Academic Affairs Board per quarter.

6) Analyze and track casework to plan and coordinate quarterly community projects pertaining to Academic Affairs.

7) Hold a minimum of four (4) office hours per week.

H) The Student Conduct Division Caseworkers shall:

1) Assist in all matters requested by the Student Advocate General and/or the Chief of Staff regarding Social Conduct


2) Collaborate with the Chief of Staff in conducting casework pertaining to Social Conduct.

3) Collaborate with The Student Advocate General and Chief of Staff in devising policy changes and special projects pertaining to Social Conduct.

4) Shall attend at least one (2) meeting of each social conduct Board and Commission such as; Take Back The Night, Public Safety Commission, and Commission on Student Well- Being per quarter

5) Be proficiently knowledgeable of Student Conduct policies, rules, and regulations.

6) Analyze and track casework to plan and coordinate quarterly community projects pertaining to Student Conduct.

7) Hold a minimum of four (4) office hours per week.

I) The Public Interest Division Caseworkers shall:

1) Assist in all matters requested by the Student Advocate General and/or the Chief of Staff regarding social justice.

2) Collaborate with the Chief of Staff in conducting casework pertaining to social justice

3) Collaborate with The Student Advocate General and Chief of Staff in devising policy changes and special projects pertaining to social justice.

4) Shall attend at least one (1) meeting of each social justice Board and Commission such as: Human Rights Board, Queer Commission, Commission on Disability Equality, Student Commission On Racial Equality, and Womyn’s Commission during the academic year.

5) Analyze and track casework to plan and coordinate quarterly community projects pertaining to social justice.

6) Hold a minimum of four (4) office hours per week.

J) The Director of Public Relations shall:

1) Assist in all matters requested by the Student Advocate General and/or the Chief of Staff pertaining to the public relations of the OSA, including outreach, advertising, and recruitment.

2) Act as the supervisor of all OSA outreach, advertising, and recruitment.

3) Maintain visibility of the OSA via: t-shirts, banners, posters, etc.

4) Be knowledgeable of local and campus resources relevant to publicity of the OSA (e.g. A.S. Publications, A.S. Graphic Design, and A.S. Media Relations).

5) Hold a minimum of four (4) office hours per week.

J) The Community Organizers shall:

1) Be responsible for projects and outreach that focus on advocacy and upholding student rights.

2) Serve as liaison to AS entities and other student organizations involved in advocacy efforts, including but not limited to:

a) SCORE, SIRRC, Take Back the Night


b) El Congreso, IDEAS

3) Assist the caseworkers in executing their duties and aiding other entities within the office.

4) Serve a term of one (1) academic year.

5) Serve a minimum of four (4) office hours per week dedicated to fulfilling all responsibilities of the position.


A) The Associated Students Chief Operations Officer is a position tasked with overseeing the operations and initiatives of the Association, as it pertains to progress towards completion of goals outlined in A.S. strategic plans, including; Vision 2020, also known as The A.S. Strategic Plan, A.S. Staff Strategic Plan, BCU Strategic Plans, IV Strategic Plan, and A.S. Space Survey.

B) Duties and Powers of the Chief Operations Officer:

1) Keep progress of the goals and initiatives outlined in the various A.S. strategic plans.

2) Advise and evaluate on legislations and initiatives as it pertains to financial policies and procedures, as well as identify potential avenues for growth, particularly in relation to various A.S. strategic plans.

3) Oversees all A.S. Units, Boards, and Commissions that are meant to generate a positive net income. This includes but is not limited to: A.S. Notetaking, Publishing, Bike Shop, Cashiers, and Ticket office.

4) Work with the Internal Operations Coordinator and Internal Oversight Coordinator in the A.S. Office of the Controller to offer insight into the health and direction of the Unit, Board or Commission, in the form of a three year forecast or strategic plan.

5) Shall facilitate annual updates to the various A.S. strategic plans and, in years applicable, champion the creation of new A.S. strategic plans.

6) Present at least one (1) report per quarter on the progress towards completion of A.S. strategic plans to the A.S. Senate.

7) Hold at least three (3) office hours per week.

8) Serve a term of one (1) academic year, and is appointed by the A.S. President.

9) Shall sit on the President’s Cabinet.

10) Shall be a non-voting member of the A.S. Office of the Controller, A.S. Senate Finance and Business Committee, A.S. Technology and Media Services Committee, and A.S. Investments Advisory Committee

11) Shall report on progress of projects through regular updates on the A.S. Strategic Plan website,

12) Shall publicize the A.S. strategic plans, and serve as its representative to local press.




A) The President’s cabinet shall consist of the following members:

1) Academic Affairs Commissioner (See Article V, Section 5(C)) 2) A.S. Attorney General (See Article VIII) 3) A.S. Controller (See Article IX) 4) A.S. Director of Alumni Affairs (See Article V, Section 6) 5) Committee on Committees (See Article X) 6) Chief Marketing Officer (Article XII, Section 2(C)) 7) Chief Financial Officer (See Article VI, Section 12(G)) 8) Chief Investment Officer (See Article VI, Section 18(D)(1)) 9) Chief Technology Officer (See Article VI, Section 16(E)) 10) Facilities Commissioner (See Article V, Section 4(C))




Senate Members shall:

A) Agree to the condition that Associated Students' responsibilities take precedence over any other extracurricular activity.

1) In order to fully commit themselves to their duties, may not be staff-members in any executive office, and must limit their participation in AS entities to their duties as either Senate liaisons or general members.

B) Attend all regularly scheduled Senate meetings.

C) Agree to hold a minimum of three (3) regularly scheduled office hours per week:

1) All representatives shall hold at least two (2) of these office hours every week in any of the following locations:

• Associated Students Main Office • Arbor • Campbell Hall area • Chem Lawn • SRB Lawn • UCen • AS Annex

2) Off-Campus Senators are required to hold one (1) office hour in the A.S. Pardall Center every week.

3) On-Campus Senators are required to hold one (1) office hour in the San Nicolas, Santa Catalina, or De Anza RHA office every week.

4) The University Owned Housing Senators are required to hold one (1) office hour in Santa Ynez Jameson Center, or any suitable university-owned housing location with heavy pedestrian traffic every week.


5) Collegiate Senators are required to hold one (1) office hour in any of the aforementioned places every week.

6) Any Senator may sign in at the AS Front Desk and check out the Senate sign and banner and serve one of their AS Main Office or AS Pardall Center office hours outside by tabling in front of the building should they choose.

D) All Senators shall sit on one (1) Senate Standing Committee, one (1) Academic Senate or Administrative Advisory Committee, and do one (1) of the following:

1) Sit on a Senate Ad-Hoc Committee: Committee on Honoraria one (1) Senator, Investments Advisory Committee one (1) Senator, Elections Committee two (2) Senators, Technology and Media Services Committees one (1) Senator, Committee on Committees one (1) Senator.

2) Act as a liaison to one of the following groups:

a) Greek Councils: One (1) Senator for Inter-Fraternity Council, Collegiate Pan- Hellenic Council, Multicultural Greek Council, National Pan-Hellenic Council, and Professional Fraternity Council. b) Residence Halls Association: one (1) On Campus Senator c) Single Apartment Community Council: one (1) University-Owned Housing Senator d) College of Engineering Student Council: one (1) Engineering Senator; Also serves as Chair. e) College of Creative Studies Student Council: one (1) CCS Senator; Also serves as Chair. f) Associated Students Boards and Commissions: nine (9) Senators

3) Serve as the First Representative Pro Tempore: one (1) Senator

4) Serve as the Second Representative Pro Tempore: one (1) Senator

5) Chair a Senate Standing Committee: three (3)

6) Each Senator has the responsibility within the first two (2) weeks of an academic quarter to obtain the information pertaining to their appointed meeting time and place, and to be in attendance at the aforementioned meetings. Hence, any unexcused absences that happen during this two-week grace period will not affect the total number of unexcused absences that a Senate representative may acquire.

7) A Senator may submit a request to be removed and reassigned to an alternative board, Committee, or commission to the Internal Vice President if either of the following criteria occurs:

a) If the appointed groups of a Senator conflict with Article V, Section 1, I-J of The By-Laws of the Associated Students of UCSB.

b) A valid academic reason that must be pre-approved by the Internal Vice President.

8) Any excused absence from groups must be approved by the head of that board, Committee, or commission, as well as the Internal Vice President of Associated Students.

9) The academic or administrative advisory Committee requirement may be substituted for any year round university or community planning commission at the discretion of the Internal Vice President. Associated Students entities as well as Office of Student Life student groups are not eligible substitutes.


E) Unit Adoption: Each ASUCSB Unit must be adopted by at least one (1) Senator, but not more than three (3) Senators. Senators must adopt at least two (2) Units.

1) The Internal Vice President shall inform all Senators whenever there is an unadopted unit, and shall provide Senators with the corresponding unit director’s contact information.

2) Senators shall list at least three (3) units, one (1) unadopted units and units that have fewer two (2) Senators, of interest to them and follow the procedures outlined below for each of these units.

3) Internal Vice President shall collect all applications for a specific unit and submit them to the unit director.

4) The unit director shall select from among the applications and/or conduct interviews from among the applicants at the discretion of the unit director.

5) After the application process has concluded, the unit director shall select from among the applicants but have no more than three (3) Senators. The unit director shall notify the Internal Vice President of their decision.

6) In the event an unadopted unit remains, the Senate President Pro Tempore shall assign the unit to a Senator(s) which have not adopted two (2) units

7) The Internal Vice President shall ensure all units are adopted.

8) Unit Tours: It is the responsibility of a given unit’s adoptive senator(s) to schedule and organize tours for their unit.

a) An adoptive senator shall contact their unit’s director and schedule a unit tour.

b) Upon confirmation of the tour the senator shall extend invitations to all voting members of the ASUCSB Senate as well as to the Executive Officers and Controller.

c) Each unit must be toured at least once per fiscal year.

d) The tour shall include, but is not limited to, an explanation of the units’ daily and long term operations, business practices, current deficiencies, and long-term goals.

9) The adoptive Senator(s) shall serve as a resource in navigating ASUCSB for the Unit as well as introduce needed legislation on behalf of the Unit.

F) Hold the position of Senate Liaison for the boards, commissions, and units that they are assigned to. Senators thus have the power and obligations to:

1) Have the power of legislative initiative with the consent and cooperation of the Chair of the BCU. 2) Report events and actions conducted by that BCU to the Senate during Senator Reports

3) Attend at least 50% of the meetings held by these BCUs each quarter. (This excludes dead week and finals week). In these meetings it is the Senator’s duty to:

a) Report all legislation that Senate is either voting on, has passed, or is in committee

b) Receive information from the BCU about important events and issues that pertain to the BCU


4) Maintain regular contact with the Chair of said BCU once a week, regarding legislation in the Senate that affects the BCU and receive information from the Chair regarding important events that the BCU is conducting. Contact can be by means of:

a) Facebook b) In person meeting c) Texting or calling d) Emailing

G) Serve as an active member of Senate Temporary Committees as needed.

H) Shall complete the following requirements:

1) Attend the Safe Zone/Queer 101 Training by the end of Fall Quarter.

2) Shall attend a sexual harassment training by the end of Fall Quarter facilitated by a representative from the Office of Equal Opportunity, Sexual Harassment/Title IX Compliance.

3) Shall attend a sexual violence training by end of Fall Quarter facilitated by a representative from the Department of Women, Gender, and Sexual Equity.

4) Shall attend a training on understanding unconscious bias and the roots of anti-Semitism by the end of Fall Quarter facilitated by a representative from the Anti-Defamation League.

I) Senators must participate in the selection process of their adopted Unit each Spring Quarter.

J) Residential Senators shall attend meetings specific to their position.

1) Off-Campus Senators:

a) Shall attend at least three (3) community meetings per quarter from the list below, no more than two (2) of which may be from the same category.

aa) Isla Vista Town Hall meetings bb) Isla Vista General Cooperative Board cc) County Board of Supervisors, Goleta City Council, Santa Barbara City Council, Isla Vista Recreation and Parks District dd) All other community meetings approved by the Internal Vice President.

2) On-Campus Senators:

a) Shall attend at least three (3) Composite Hall meetings per quarter with the strong encouragement by the end of the quarter, at least one of which is in each area (Channel Islands Five, Farside, Santa Catalina).

3) University Owned Housing Senators:

a) Shall attend all Single Student Apartment Community Council (SSACC) meetings.

K) Collegiate Senators shall attend meetings relevant to the colleges they represent.

1) Letters and Sciences (L&S) Senators:

a) Shall each have their own division of the college to represent, and shall meet with the Dean of their division at least twice per quarter.


aa) Humanities and Fine Arts Dean bb) Social Sciences Dean cc) Mathematical and Life Science Dean dd) Undergraduate Education Dean

b) Shall sit on one of the following Academic Senate Committees:

aa) L&S Faculty Executive Committee bb) Committee on Courses and General Education cc) Faculty Legislature dd) Committee on Admissions, Enrollment, and Relations with Other Schools (CAERS)

c) Serve on the Senate Campus Affairs Committee.

2) The College of Creative Studies (CCS) Senator:

a) Shall report to the CCS Faculty Executive Committee

b) Shall serve as the Chair of the CCS Student Council, assist in its maintenance, and delegate duties to Vice-Chairs. Will report to ASUCSB Senate as the Liaison of the CCS Student Council.

c) Serve on the Senate Campus Affairs Committee.

3) The College of Engineering (CoE) Senator:

a) Shall report to the CoE Faculty Executive Committee

b) Shall serve as the Chair of the CoE Student Council, assist in its maintenance, and delegate duties to Vice-Chairs as well as serve as the main representative for each engineering discipline. Will report to ASUCSB Senate as the Liaison of the CoE Student Council.

c) Serve on the Senate Campus Affairs Committee.

L) Transfer Senators shall attend meetings specific to their position.

1) Transfer Senator: a) Shall attend at least three SACC/RHA meetings within each quarter. b) Shall attend all the Transfer Student Alliance Organization meetings.

M) Undertake four (4) or five (5) Group Projects as an entire Senate during their term of office.

1) Each Senate member shall participate in at least one (1) group project.

2) This project is intended to be long-term in nature and should either leave a lasting impression and/or be of great importance to ASUCSB.

3) Weekly reports shall be made to Senate on the group project's progress during Temporary Committee Reports.

4) All group project temporary committees must be passed by the Senate through an organizational resolution. The resolution shall include a list of who is working on the project and their specific duties, the goals of the project, the actions that will be taken to complete the project, and what has already been done to accomplish the project.

5) Members of each group shall be responsible for all phases of their specific group project and must meet frequently throughout the quarter.


6) At the end of each quarter, each group shall be responsible for evaluating the progress of their project and the groups' overall performance through an evaluation created by the Internal Vice President and the First Pro-Tempore.

7) By the end of the term, each group project shall be responsible for a write-up of a draft. Included in this draft shall be a description of what has been accomplished and the steps taken to complete the project. If a group project is not completed, the draft shall include the people to contact and the proposed action to take to accomplish the project in full. This draft shall be presented to the newly elected Senate and be put on file permanently.

N) Shall attend at least one (1) meeting and three (3) events per quarter of any Office of Student Life Registered Campus Organization with which they do not associate.

O) Be present at 40% of Budget Hearings as outlined in Article IV, Section 4 of the Associated Students By-Laws.

P) Shall remember that they are elected to the ASUCSB Senate for the sole purpose of serving students and shall during Senate meetings, show the highest degree of respect, regard, and decency to their fellow students.

Q) Be highly encouraged to participate in a community service event at least once a quarter.

R) Shall serve as Student-Sponsored Bill Liaisons.

1) Senate members shall provide adequate visual and literary information to students in order to promote student participation in this program.

2) Senate members shall be responsible for either authoring or finding a consenting author for all student-sponsored bills (that have met the requirements as Per Section A of the A.S. Standing Policy #3 on Student-Sponsored Legislation) within one (1) week of that bill’s submittal.

3) The author shall conference with the Student Sponsor and Student Co-Sponsor(s).

4) The author shall insure that each Student-Sponsored Bill is submitted in correct A.S. Bill Format to the Internal Vice President, as per the Standing Policy on Student-Sponsored Legislation.

5) The author shall insure that parliamentary procedure is explained to each Student Sponsor.

S) Attend the mandatory A.S. Senate Training.

T) Serve as temporary mentors of the same position for incoming Senators, and shall sign off on at least one (1) contract hour per week beginning directly after elections up until the oath of office. (This time can be used to answer questions, give advice, show around the office, delineate job description, go over parliamentary procedures, current issues, recurrent issues, philosophies of being a Senator, etc.).

U) Outgoing members shall be required to type up an easy to read, transition report on what they learned, and tips for the future. This report is to be printed out and kept in a binder in the A.S. Main Office. This binder shall be a point of reference for any Senator in the future.

V) All Senators shall hold one (1) forum per quarter.

1) On-Campus Senators shall collectively hold their forums in the Residence Halls.

2) Off-Campus Senators shall collectively hold their forums in Isla Vista.


3) The University-Owned Housing Senators shall hold their forums in the University Owned Apartments.

4) Letters and Science Collegiate Senators shall hold their forums and invite all L&S students.

5) The Engineering Collegiate Senator (CoE Student Council Chair) shall hold CoE Student Council Open Forums at least once a quarter and invite all CoE students to attend. All students are welcome to attend.

6) The CCS Collegiate Senator (CCS Student Council Chair) shall hold CCS Student Council Open Forums at least once a quarter and invite all CCS students to attend. All students are welcome to attend.

7) The Collegiate Senators shall hold their forums in any on-campus facility.

8) The Transfer Senators shall hold their forum and invite all transfer students in any on- campus facility.

9) Once (1) per year, Senators may choose to hold one (1) of their forums in a location other than that which is designated according to the constituency.

W) All representatives shall be required to attend at least one (1) Conference sponsored by any Office of Student Life (OSL) Member Organization, University of California Student Association Conference, United States Student Association Conference, or a University of California regents meeting per term in office.

1) The quarter in which the conference or University of California Regents meeting is attended shall exempt said representative from two (2) office hours or from attending two (2) OSL events that quarter. Conferences held over the summer are applicable only towards the Fall Quarter.

X) Submit by the start of Week 8 of each quarter an Accountability Form, detailing the completion of all Senate duties listed in Article V, Section 1, A through W with appropriate documentation to the Director of Accountability.


A) The Duties of the First Senate President Pro-Tempore are as follows:

1) Shall chair all Senate Ad Hoc Committees concerning internal affairs.

2) Shall follow up on all Action Items passed by the A.S. Senate and insure that business is properly completed.

3) Shall assist the Internal Vice President in reviewing the honoraria requests of Senate, Board, Committee, and Commission members. Additionally, shall preside as Vice Chair of the A.S. Committee on Honoraria.

4) Meet at least twice a quarter with each member of the Senate to help facilitate the completion of all duties delineated in Article V, Section 1 of the A.S. Bylaws.

5) In the event that the office of the Internal Vice President becomes vacant; the first Pro- Tempore shall serve as Vice President of Internal Affairs until a new Internal Vice President is duly elected.

6) In the event that the First Pro-Tempore cannot attend or has a proxy for a scheduled Associated Student’s Senate meeting, the Second Pro-Tempore shall assume their responsibilities.


7) Shall be responsible for attending all meetings of the Office of the Internal Vice President.

8) Shall assist the Internal Vice President in helping Senate members on their group projects, as seen fit by the Internal Vice President.

B) The Duties of the Second Senate President Pro-Tempore are as follows:

1) The Second Pro-Tempore shall assume all the responsibilities of the First Pro-Tempore in the absence of the First Representative Pro-Tempore. 2) Assist the First Pro-Tempore with their Pro-Tempore Responsibilities if he/she should request it.

3) Shall aid the Internal Vice President in reviewing the honoraria requests of Senate, Board, Committee, and Commission members.

4) Be responsible for formulating the budget package of the Senate and presenting it at the Finance and Business Committee budget allocation hearings.

5) Shall make an annual report at the first regular Senate meeting during Winter quarter. This report shall consist of an overview of current A.S. boycotts, including the dates and bill numbers under which said boycotts were enacted, and those bills' stated reasons for the enactment of said boycotts.

6) In the event that the First Pro-Tempore and Second Pro-Tempore cannot attend or has a proxy for an Associated Student’s Senate meeting, the position and its responsibilities shall be temporarily filled by an elected member of the Senate chosen by the chair, with two thirds (2/3) approval of Senate.

7) Shall be responsible for attending all meetings of the Office of the Internal Vice President.

8) Shall assist the Internal Vice President in helping Senate members on their group projects, as seen fit by the IVP.


A) First-term Senators and Executive Officers are required to attend all Senate Training Sessions as established by the Internal Vice President. These sessions shall include a session prior to the end of the Spring Quarter, immediately following elections, to be facilitated by the outgoing Internal Vice-President and the incoming Internal Vice-President-elect. After elections, the Senator-elects are required to attend at least one standing committee meeting to its entirety and one weekly Senate meeting of the outgoing Senate class prior to the completion of the Spring Quarter. Also, a second training session shall occur prior to the 2nd week of the Fall Quarter and may be held as frequently as each month during the Academic Year.

B) Senators who attend less than two-thirds of the Training Sessions shall be counted as missing three standing committee and Senate meetings for attendance purposes. Further, the Internal Vice President shall prominently post a list of Senators who have not attended all sessions. Exceptions shall be made for valid medical excuses and valid family emergencies, explaining the reason(s) for nonattendance.

C) The second Senate Training shall be conducted before 2nd week of instruction of the Fall Quarter.

D) All candidates running for office the preceding Spring Quarter shall be notified at the candidates’ meeting about the dates of Senate Training for the upcoming term by the Elections Committee Chair and Attorney General.

E) The purpose of the Senate Training is to introduce new Senators to the structure and operation of ASUCSB, educate Senators on the communities affiliated to senators-elect through community workshops, provide senators with a workshop focusing on the University budget, provide


senators with a workshop regarding sustainability, introduce Senators to the Constitution, By- Laws, and Rules of Order, provide training on issues of diversity, and protect the institutional memory of ASUCSB. Therefore, it is incumbent upon the outgoing Senate class to contribute to the transitioning of the incoming Senate class by participating in the Senate Training and actively engaging with the subsequent and incoming ASUCSB student leaders.

F) The Senate Training shall include, but not be limited to, the following:

1) How to write legislation

2) University budget and structure

3) University Center and other student fee facilities

4) ASUCSB Finances, Budget, and Financial Policies

5) ASUC Constitution, By-Laws, Policies and Procedures, and Rules of Order

6) The Structure and Functions of ASUCSB

7) ASUCSB Enterprise Activities

8) ASUCSB History and Non-Profit Status

9) Safe Zone/Queer 101 Training

10) Senate Liaison position for the BCUs


A) All Senators are required to submit transitional reports to document their accomplishments for the past year. These transitional reports shall serve as supplementary tools to the Senate Leadership Network Training outlined in Article V Section 3.

B) The incumbent Internal Vice President shall be responsible for compiling the project reports and making these documents accessible online to all newly elected Executive Officers and Senators prior to the start of Executive Officer Training Session, or by Memorial Day Holiday.

C) Each Senator shall include an email address for contact purposes, a section providing general advice to senators, and a list of committees/liaison positions that the senator has held during his or her term.

D) Each Senator shall be responsible for writing one report for every initiated project. Each report shall clearly indicate the name(s) of the author(s) of the report. In the case where multiple Senators are involved, only one report needs to be submitted per project.

E) Information provided in project reports is recommended to include, but not be limited to, the following: 1) Project Name 2) Project Timeframe 3) Type of Project (New or Old) 4) Personnel Requirements a) Names of Elected Officials Involved: b) Number of Student Staff Involved: c) Number of Participants: d) Number of People-hours Spent Organizing: e) Number of People-hours Spent Participating: f) Key Administrators Involved aa) Name bb) Position


cc) Contact Information (if available) dd) Describe the collaboration 5) General Description 6) Purpose and Relationship to the Missions of the ASUCSB 7) In conjunction with another Office/Student Organization? 8) If so, please state: 9) Costs 10) Special Problems 11) Overall Evaluation/Suggestions for Improvement 12) Attachments

F) Each Transitional Report is not to exceed TWO (2) pages per Senator.

G) The Internal Vice President shall direct the Webmaster to make these documents available online, in a database format similar to that of Senate Bills.

H) The following disclaimer shall be added to this Transitional Report before becoming a public document:

DISCLAIMER: The information contained in this document has not been fact-checked or verified by ASUCSB in any way. The source of information contained in this document comes entirely from the listed author(s).


A) Charge of the Parliamentarian:

The parliamentarian shall be knowledgeable and an interpreter concerning parliamentary law, procedure, practice, and organization related to the internal functioning of the Senate. The Parliamentarian, at the discretion of the Internal Vice President and Senators, shall help maintain order and decency of the Senate meetings.

B) Selection and Term of Office:

1) The Parliamentarian shall be appointed by the Internal Vice President as charged under Article VI, Section 4 (I).

2) The Parliamentarian must be in continual regular undergraduate attendance at UCSB.

3) The Parliamentarian shall not concurrently hold an elected office in Associated Students.

4) The Parliamentarian must be a student in good standing (GPA of 2.0 or above).

C) Duties of the Parliamentarian:

1) Shall be familiar with the policies and procedures of the Senate.

2) Shall be familiar with Robert’s Rules of Order.

3) Shall be familiar with ASUCSB Legal Code.

4) Shall attend all Senate meetings for their full duration and be subjected to the attendance policy of the Senate under Article XI, Section 5.

5) In the case that the Attorney General is not present, shall read relevant excerpts from The Legal Code aloud when requested by a Senator or the Internal Vice President during Senate meeting without adhering to the speakers list.

6) Shall give direction when the Internal Vice President or Senators have any questions on the procedures of the Senate.


7) Shall give a presentation during the Fall Quarter Senate retreat regarding policies and procedures of the Senate.

8) Be as neutral as possible with regards to the pending business and discussions of the Senate during the Senate meetings and other public Associated Students forums.

9) Shall hold at least one (1) office hour per week, which shall be primarily devoted to assist Senators who have parliamentary questions or concerns.



A) Senate Standing Committees shall be:

1) Finance and Business Committee 2) Internal Affairs Committee 3) External Affairs Committee

B) Senate Standing Committees are the primary bodies charged with reviewing all Senate legislation.

C) Senate Standing Committees shall also, from time to time, hear specialized reports regarding their purview.

D) Senate Standing Committees shall be empowered to investigate all matters falling under their purview and draft necessary legislation.


A) Temporary Committees may be established by a majority vote of the Senate through organizational resolutions. These Committees shall dissolve upon completion of their designated task and shall include a complete Senate membership list.

B) Every two (2) unexcused temporary committee absences will count as one (1) standing committee absence. If a Senator is to belong to more than one (1) standing committee, then the absence will be recorded to the standing committee with the least number of absences.

C) Executive Officers sitting on temporary committees will be removed from those committee(s) upon four (4) temporary committee absences.


A) Senate Administrative Committees shall be:

1) Committee on Honoraria 2) Technology and Media Services Committee 3) Investments Advisory Committee 4) Elections Committee 5) Committee on Committees (See Article XI)

B) Administrative Committees may be established by a vote of the Senate. These permanent committees shall meet regularly to provide oversight over a specific task or function of the association.

C) Every two (2) unexcused Administrative Committee absences will count as one (1) standing committee absence.


D) Each Administrative Committee shall have at least three (3) members, with the maximum number of members determined by the Senate.

E) Executive Officers sitting on Administrative Committees will be removed from those committee(s) upon four (4) Administrative Committee absences.


A) The Internal Vice President shall nominate and the Senate shall confirm, by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the entire Senate, the membership of all standing and administrative committees (excluding Student-at-Large Members), unless otherwise specified in the Constitution and/or By- Laws.

B) The appointment of Senators to Standing Committees shall be for the duration of the academic year. Any two Senators may choose to switch seats on Standing Committees at the first meeting of the next quarter with two-thirds (2/3) consent of the Senate.

C) Any Student at Large member of a Senate Committee can be removed by a two-thirds (2/3) Vote of the Senators duly chosen and sworn in.

D) Any visiting Senator shall have the right of a non-voting ex-officio member on any standing committee.


A) Regular Committee Meetings

1) Each Committee shall establish by unanimous consent, and announce for the minutes, a regular meeting time and place at its first meeting of a Senate Session. Subsequent changes must be reported to the Senate.

B) Special Committee Meetings

1) Special Committee meetings must be called at least forty-eight (48) hours before the meeting time (unless called during a Senate meeting); and must be called by two-thirds (2/3) of the voting membership of the Committee, unless otherwise provided for in these By-Laws or in the Constitution.

2) Special Committee meetings may be held during a Senate meeting at the call of the Chair of the Senate.

3) Notification of the time and place of a special meeting shall be posted at the Main Front desk, and each member notified by voice and by electronic mail.

C) Committee meetings, whether standing or Administrative, cannot be conducted behind closed or locked doors.

D) Committee Meeting Procedures:

1) Unless otherwise noted in this article, Senate Standing and Administrative Committees shall be conducted according to the guidelines set forth for Senate Meetings, in Policy 5 of Policies and Procedures.


A) The Internal Vice President shall nominate the Chairs and Vie chairs for each committee through an application process facilitated by the Office of the Internal Vice President.


B) The Committee Chair and Vice-Chair shall serve for the duration of the Session, unless removed from their positions by the election of a new Chair or Vice-Chair. These positions shall not rotate amongst the members of the Committee.

C) The Committee Chair shall be responsible for:

1) Presiding at Committee meetings;

2) Creating an agenda for the meetings;

3) Informing Committee members of the meeting times and places;

4) Reporting the Committee’s activities, proposals, amendments, attendance, and recommendations to the Senate;

5) The effective functioning of the Committee;

6) Carrying out any other duties as set forth in the By-Laws and/or assigned by the Senate or the Committee.

D) The Vice-Chair shall be responsible for:

1) Assuming the duties of the Chair if the Chair is not present at the Senate or Committee meeting -- or is temporarily or permanently unable to perform his/her duties. In the event that neither the Chair nor the Vice-Chair is present at the Senate or Committee meeting, then the Committee may select a temporary Chair for that meeting.

2) Tracking and reporting the actions taken on Bills and Resolutions, no later than twenty- four (24) hours after a meeting is adjourned.

E) The Internal Vice President shall arrange, by unanimous consent of all Chairs and Vice-Chairs of each standing committee of the Senate, a special orientation session by the third Senate meeting of Fall Quarter. This orientation session shall instruct the Chairs and Vice-Chairs how to conduct a committee meeting properly. Attendance at this meeting is mandatory and will result in a committee absence for anyone not in attendance.


A) Attendance at a regular committee meeting shall be defined as presence for both of the attendance roll calls taken by the committee Chair during the meeting. Attendance roll calls shall be taken twenty (20) minutes after the regularly scheduled commencement of each meeting and immediately prior to the meeting’s adjournment. A meeting will count for attendance purposes if one-third (1/3) of the voting members are present and the meeting did not take place during a Senate meeting. Absences for which a committee member can show to the Internal Vice President a valid Medical Excuse shall not count for purposes of this section.

B) If any committee member is absent from five (5) regular committee meetings (of the same committee) in any given quarter, that committee member shall be removed from the Committee and the Senate.


A) When a Bill is referred to a committee, that Committee shall have until the third Regular Meeting thereafter to make amendments and recommendations concerning the Bill and report it out of Committee. After this time period a Committee may still hold a Bill in Committee; however, the Bill may come to the floor by a one-third (1/3) vote of the Senate.

B) A Bill may not be reviewed by more than one committee at a time. If a Bill is referred to multiple committees, then the Internal Vice President determines the order in which the Bill travels through committees; however, Constitution and By-Laws Committee always receives the Bill last.


1) If a Bill ‘fails’ in the first committee it is assigned to, the bill is still forwarded to the next committee with the committee’s recommendation that the Bill fail.

C) The Senate may, by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the entire Senate, specify a shorter than normal response period of no less than one week.

D) Late items referred to a Committee must be reported out of the Committee by the end of the meeting for which the items were submitted, unless otherwise specified by the Senate.

E) Any Bill may be re-committed by the Senate for a specified period of time.

F) All Bills are automatically reported out of Committee at the beginning of the last Regular Meeting of the Session.


A) Amendments to a Bill that are proposed by a Committee shall automatically be accepted by the Senate.

B) Committee amendments shall be subject to reconsideration by a majority vote of the Senate.


A) Committees have the right to ‘fail’ any Bill referred to it by the Senate, in which case the Bill shall not be reported out and may not be considered by the Senate.

B) The Committee Chair must inform the Chair of the Senate and the Senate Aide(s) of Bills which have failed in Committee.

C) Failed Bills may be considered on the Senate floor by a majority vote of the Senate.


A) Charge of the Committee:

The Senate Finance and Business Committee is the financial arm of the association. It is responsible for all budget allocations of Associated Students monies and implementation (education and enforcement of A.S. Financial Policies and Procedures). In addition, Finance and Business Committee will be responsible for approving all travel and entertainment of all entities unless otherwise noted. Senate, via the approval of weekly budget bills must approve all motions made by this Standing Committee. This committee is also responsible for having oversight over the implementation of long-term plans for Units.

B) Voting Membership:

1) Chair (1 Senator) 2) Vice-Chair (1 Senator) 3) Four (4) Senators 4) Seven (7) Finance Officers 5) A.S. Chief Financial Officer 6) A.S. Internal Vice President (only in the case of a tie)

C) Non-Voting Ex-Officio Membership:

1) President 2) Executive Director 3) Assistant Director for Budget and Finance (advisor) 4) Controller 5) Attorney General


D) Selection and Term of Office:

1) The Chief Financial Officer and eight (8) Finance Officers shall be recommended by the Committee on Committees, then nominated by the President and approved by the Senate for a term of one (1) academic year. The outgoing CFO shall be closely involved in the process.

E) Attendance:

1) A Finance Officer who acquires two (2) unexcused absences in an academic quarter shall be subject to removal by the Finance and Business Committee Chair, and two-thirds (2/3) vote by Senate, pending review by Finance and Budget Committee of mitigating circumstances.

2) A Finance Officer is allowed an excused absence only if the Finance and Budget Committee Chair has received prior notification by twelve noon (12:00 PM) on the day of the Finance and Business Committee meeting.

3) When a voting member is to be represented by a proxy, the member must present this fact to the Finance and Business Committee Chair before twelve noon (12:00 PM) on the day of the Finance and Business Committee meeting. A voting member may not represent another voting member by proxy and a proxy does not necessarily mean that the absence was excused.

F) Duties and Powers of the Committee:

1) Oversee the yearly Association wide audit process through regular reports by Staff.

2) After budget hearings, draft a proposal budget for the President.

3) Allocate and oversee all funds as delegated by the Senate, Legal Code, and student referenda.

4) Approve all travel and entertainment in the association (with the exception of Executive Officer travel and provisions in Lobby Corps’s by-laws).

5) Maintain a publicly-accessible archive of submitted Fee Proposal Forms, Annual Reports, and Rollover Requests.

G) Duties of the Chief Financial Officer:

1) Be responsible for implementing the budget hearings. In preparation, the Chief Financial Officer must advertise, schedule, prepare budget binders, and outline the budget process for Finance and Business Committee members. The CFO must contact:

a) Legislative Committees b) Boards and Commissions c) Executive Officers d) Units e) Office of Student Life groups

2) Hold at least five (5) office hours per week, excluding the committee meeting.

3) Attend five (5) Senate meetings per quarter to report on the state of the Budget and fiscal activity within the Association.

4) Act as liaison for all entities and be responsible for educating (conducting workshops) on the Financial Policies and Procedures.


5) Obtain an association electronic mail address and to check it daily.

6) Review all bills affecting the Financial Policies and Procedures from the year prior to their term of office, and make updates accordingly during the summer to be approved by the Senate with a two-thirds (2/3) majority.

7) Be responsible for meeting with the newly appointed Chief Financial Officer and informing them of the duties of the position as well as any long term project that needs to be continued.

8) The Chief Financial Officer shall have the power to impound funds and return them to the unallocated account from all student groups, as well as entities, he/she deems dormant, provided protections for these funds do not otherwise exist.

a) The Chief Financial Officer shall issue a report to Finance and Business Committee and Senate of all dormant groups and the amounts proposed to be impounded, two weeks prior to any action on these account.

b) The Finance and Business Committee shall approve or deny the Controller's action by a majority (50%+1) vote on the following meeting subsequent to said report under the Action Items portion of their meeting.

c) Following Finance and Business Committee's approval the Senate shall approve or deny the Controller's action by a majority (50% + 1) vote on the following meeting subsequent to said report under the action items portion of their meeting.

9) Shall work closely with the President, Controller, and Executive Office to maintain the financial well-being, transparency, and stability of Associated Students.

10) Assisting the Senate with their accounts.

11) Analyzing proposed capital expenditures.

12) Shall sit on the President’s Cabinet.

13) Shall assist in the stewardship of the Associated Students Endowment.

H) Additional duties of the Chairperson:

1) Be responsible for making the weekly agenda and giving it to the Secretary. If the amount of the money requested for a week exceeds the amount of money in unallocated account for the quarter, the agenda shall be prioritized based on the funding goals and objectives listed in Article IV, Section 2(E) of the By-Laws.

2) Be responsible for assigning Finance and Business Committee members (including him/herself) to student groups as liaisons and assisting them when needed, with the education (workshops) of the Financial Policies and Procedures to student groups. The Vice Chairperson will also not assign more than six (6) student groups to Senators.

I) Additional duties of the Vice Chairperson:

1) Assume the duties of the Chairperson when they are absent or as designated.

5) Maintain an accurate spreadsheet of all Finance and Business Committee member's email addresses, office hours, and student groups.

6) Be responsible for knowing, and reading aloud the amount of money remaining in the unallocated account after every appropriation has been passed through Finance and Business Committee.


7) Obtain an association email account and check it daily.

8) In the event that the Vice Chairperson cannot attend a regularly scheduled Finance and Business Committee meeting, a current member of the Associated Student’s Finance and Business Committee by discretion of the chair may fulfill the position and its responsibilities.

J) Duties of Finance Officers:

1) Review the Financial Policies and Procedures as needed.

2) Hold at least three (3) office hours per week excluding Finance and Business Committee meetings.

3) Be responsible for educating (conducting workshops) their assigned student groups on A.S. Financial Polices and Procedures, and completing the authorized signers sheet, before their student group requests money from Finance and Business Committee.

4) Be responsible for assisting student groups in seeking out sources of funding within and outside of the University, and helping prepare budget breakdowns before the student groups presents before Finance and Busines Committee .

5) Be responsible for emailing student groups. If needed, the Finance and Business Committee members should schedule a meeting to help students with requisition procedures for requesting purchase orders, checks and transfers.

6) Maintain an electronic mail address and check it bi-weekly at a minimum.

K) Finance and Business Committee Meeting Procedures:

1) Unless otherwise noted in this section, Finance and Business Committee shall be conducted according to the guidelines set forth for Senate Meetings, in Policy 1 of the Policies and Procedures.

2) When hearing a request for funds, the student group will first be allowed to present uninterrupted. The Chairperson will then move to a question and answer session.

3) Finance and Business Committee shall hear all petitions for allocations before any debate is allowed. Such petitions shall be heard in no particular order.

4) Once all petitions are heard and all questions and answer sessions have been completed, Finance and Business Committee shall debate any allocations.

5) When an amendment is made to a motion, the author of the motion shall have the privilege of accepting it as friendly, or not accepting it as unfriendly. If friendly, the amendment automatically becomes the main motion of the floor. If unfriendly, the amendment will require two-thirds (2/3) majority vote to become the main motion on the floor. If unfriendly, the author of the current motion may state as to why the amendment is unfriendly before the vote takes place. When the amendment becomes the main motion, the author of the amendment will become the author of the motion on the floor.


A) Charge of the Committee:

Shall oversee all Associated Students activities regarding internal matters (Such as, Bills, Internal Resolutions, and Student Fees, Student Services & Student Facilities.) Furthermore, shall study


and review the legal code and make recommendations on needed legislation, as well as review and give recommendations regarding Constitutional and By-Laws legislation proposed by the Senate. It will also oversee all matters regarding procedure in regards to appointments, selection processes, and discussion rules for legislation.

B) Voting Membership:

1) Chair (Senator) 2) Vice-Chair (Senator) 3) Two (2) Letters and Science Senators 4) One (1) College of Creative Studies Senator 5) One (1) College of Engineering Senator 6) Two (2) Residential Senators 7) Three (3) Students-at-Large 8) A.S. Internal Vice President (only in the case of a tie)

C) Non-Voting Membership:

1) Student Fee and Services Commissioner 2) Facilities Commissioner 3) A.S. Committee on Committees Chair 4) A.S. President 5) A.S. Executive Director 6) A.S. Assistant Director for Government Affairs 7) All Student Representatives on University Governance Boards

D) Duties and Powers of the Committee:

1) To review all main motions introduced in the Senate related to the following matters, to monitor the developments of these matters, and to propose main motions as necessary related to these matters:

a) Changes to the Constitution, Bylaws, or Policies of the Association. b) The governance of the Association or any entities therefore of. c) The Association’s legal relationship with the University, including memorandum of understandings with the University and recognition of the Association as the official undergraduate student body. d) Legislative oversight of the Elections Board and Elections process. e) Make formal recommendations on the A.S. President’s participation on the Campus Planning Committee and Coordinating Committee on Budget Strategy. f) Review and hear reports from student representatives from University Governance Boards and draft necessary legislation in response.


A) Charge of the Committee:

Shall oversee all Associated Students activities regarding external matters (Such as External Resolutions, University, Local, UC system, state, and federal government affairs).

B) Voting Membership:

1) Chair (Senator) 5) Vice-Chair (Senator) 1) Six (6) Senators 5) Two (2) Students-at-Large 7) A.S. Internal Vice President (only in the case of a tie)

C) Non-Voting Membership


2) External Vice President of Local Affairs 3) External Vice President of Statewide Affairs 4) A.S. President 3) A.S. Executive Director 4) A.S. Assistant Director for Government Affairs 5) A.S. Assistant Director for Government Affairs 6) Academic Affairs Commissioner 7) All Students Representatives to Academic Senate and Administrative Advisory Committees 8) University Shared Governance Coordinator

D) Duties and Powers of the Committee:

1) To review all main motions introduced in the Senate related to the following matters, to monitor the developments of these matters, and to propose main motions as necessary related to these matters:

a) To consider and recommend positions to the Senate on all matters of a political nature. b) To research and initiate action to improve University housing and academics. c) Review and hear reports from student representatives to Academic Senate and Administrative Advisory Committees and draft necessary legislation in response. d) Deal with all matters involving University actions and policies both academic and nonacademic. e) Deal with all issues regarding Isla Vista, Santa Barbara County, UC System, State of California, and Federal Government. f) Hear recommendations on position papers from the External Vice Presidents and A.S. Lobby Corps regarding UC Regent/UCOP Policy, legislation, and other government actions. g) Hear reports from the External Vice President of Local Affairs regarding the state of the Isla Vista and Surrounding Community. h) Hear reports from the External Vice President of Statewide Affairs regarding the state of the UC Students Association and United States Students Association. i) If time permits, acts on legislation presented at UCSA Board of Directors meetings

E) Specific Duties of the External Affairs Committee Chair

1) In the event that the Office of the External Vice President for Local Affairs or the Office of External Vice President for Statewide Affairs becomes vacant; the chair shall serve as Acting External Vice President for Local Affairs or Acting External Vice President for Statewide Affairs until a new External Vice President for Local Affairs or External Vice President of Statewide affairs is duly elected.

a) They shall also be responsible for retaining the respective office staff and ensure the continuation of work from staff.


A) Charge of the Committee:

The Committee on Honoraria shall oversee the allocation of all money towards honoraria. The Committee shall be responsible for reviewing all honoraria requests through examination of written requests as well as through discussions with chairpersons and members of Committees affected. The Committee shall make a recommendation on its findings, and shall make all reporting available for Senate review. The Honoraria Committee shall also be in charge of creating and distributing forms for honoraria.


B) Voting Membership:

1) Senate First Pro-Tempore (Vice Chair) 2) Senate Second Pro-Tempore 3) One (1) Senator 4) Three (3) Student Representatives at Large

C) Non-Voting Membership:

1) Internal Vice President (the Chair; votes only in the event of a tie) 2) Executive Director 3) Committee on Committees Internal Liasons 4) Controller 5) Attorney General 6) Director of Accountability 7) President 8) The Office of the Internal Vice President Chief of Staff

D) Selection and Term of Office of all Voting Members:

1) The one (1) Senator will be appointed by the Internal Vice President with the final approval being given by the Senate for a term of one (1) academic year.

2) The Three (3) Student Representatives-at-Large shall be recommended by the Committee on Committees, appointed by the President and approved with a majority (50%+1) vote of the Senate.

E) Duties and Powers of the Committee:

1) Oversee approval of all honoraria requests.

2) Review and investigate all honoraria requests.

3) Make recommendations to the Senate by the ninth (9th) week of the quarter, based on a review of the honoraria requests.

4) The Internal Vice President shall preside as the Chair.

5) The First Pro-Tempore shall preside as the Vice Chair.

6) Review the levels of honoraria throughout the entire Association in the Winter quarter of every even numbered year.

F) Duties and Responsibilities of the Chairperson:

1) Chair regular and special meetings of the Honoraria Committee.

2) Ensure all Committee members receive a proper Committee orientation, which shall include, but will not be limited too: their job description, Committee expectations, the conditions for receiving honoraria and the guidelines for allocating honorarium.

3) Distribute honoraria forms no later than the Monday of week seven (7).

4) Determine the acceptability and completeness of honoraria forms.

5) Ensure all members of the Committee are consistent with their recommendations.

6) Assume chief responsibility for the completion of the Committee’s duties and charge.

7) Be responsible for the implementation of the biennial review of the awarded honoraria.


8) Vote in the event of a tie.

G) Duties and Responsibilities of the Vice Chairperson:

1) Assume the duties of the Chairperson when they are absent or as designated.

2) Take minutes of meetings of the honoraria Committee.

3) Create an accurate spreadsheet detailing the Committee’s recommendations to be sent to all appropriate list-serves as determined by the chair and to be posted in the A.S. Main Office.

4) Be responsible for informing officers when their honoraria requests have been denied, in writing.

5) Update the honoraria spreadsheet when honoraria allocations are changed.

6) Attend all meetings of the Honoraria Committee.

7) In the event that the Vice Chairperson cannot attend a meeting of the Honoraria Committee, the position and it responsibilities shall be fulfilled by the Senate Second Pro-Tempore.

H) Duties of the Second Pro-Tempore:

1) Assist the Chair and Vice Chair with the completion of their duties.

2) Be responsible for the maintenance and upkeep of the Committee’s website.

3) Oversee the completion of the duties of the Student Representatives-at-Large.

I) Duties of the Committee on Committees Chair:

1) Ensure that all non-elected officials requesting honoraria have been appointed by the President and ratified by the Senate.

2) Assist the Committee’s Chair with coordinating the recording of office hours.

3) Work with the Chair to ensure that vacancies on the Committee are filled in a timely fashion.

4) In the event that the Committee on Committees Chair cannot attend a meeting of the Honoraria Committee, the position and its responsibilities shall be fulfilled by the Committee on Committees’ Executive Vice Chair.

J) Duties of the Student Representatives-at-Large:

1) Attend at least three (3) Senate meetings per quarter.

2) Attend at least two (2) Finance and Business Committee meetings per quarter.

3) Attend at least one (1) meeting of each entity that qualifies for honoraria per quarter.

4) Assist the Director of Accountability in the creation of the accountability report and the completion of his or her duties.

5) Maintain active contact with the chairs (or equivalent) of all entities and student representatives in order to determine the extent to which all officers and representatives have fulfilled their job descriptions.



A) Charge of the Committee:

The Technology and Media Services Committee’s (TSC) purpose is to (1) provide recommendations on legislation relating to the purchase of technology and network related requests; (2) have the responsibility and authority to recommend the allocation of computer and network equipment within ASUCSB as seen necessary; (3) initiate research methods to reduce costs and of computer purchases; (4) review and oversee ASUCSB entities’ computer and network purchases; (5) setting and reviewing ASUCSB media policies and practices (6) oversee all expenditures of the A.S. Marketing budget.

B) Voting Membership:

1) A.S. Chief Technology Officer 2) A.S. Chief Marketing Officer 3) Any currently registered undergraduate UCSB student who, after attending two (2) consecutive meetings, demonstrates an interest is eligible for appointment by the President to a voting position on the Committee. 4) TSC Outreach Coordinator 5) One (1) Senator 6) A.S. Internal Vice President

C) Non-Voting Membership:

1) A.S. Assistant Director for Technology 2) A.S. Webmaster 3) A.S. President 4) A.S. Attorney General 5) A.S. Controller

D) Selection and Term of Office for the TSC Chairperson and Representative:

1) The Chief Technology Officer and TSC Outreach Coordinator shall be recommended by the A.S. Committee on Committees, then nominated by the A.S. President, approved by the Senate for a term of one (1) academic year. The Senator shall be nominated by the A.S. Internal Vice President, with final approval being given by the Senate for a term of one (1) academic year.

2) The AS Communications and Marketing Director shall be selected through the process outlined by the Internal Vice President’s Office.

E) Duties and Powers of the Chief Technology Officer:

1) Hold a minimum of three (3) regularly scheduled office hours.

2) Schedules and attends weekly meetings of TSC.

3) Reports to A.S. Senate at a minimum of twice a quarter.

4) Shall be responsible for assisting in the completion of the budget packet for the following year.

1) Shall attend all AS Assembly meetings.

2) Shall sit on the President’s Cabinet.

F) Duties and Powers of the TSC Outreach Coordinator:


1) Shall oversee the advertising and marketing strategies for all events and the Committee in general.

2) Shall be responsible for improving TSC’s visibility to the UCSB student body and all A.S. committees.

3) Shall keep an accurate record of attendance at all events to improve future planning efforts.

4) Shall be responsible for the safe and appropriate storage of all TSC equipment and supplies.

5) Shall hold a minimum of one (1) regularly scheduled office hour per week.


A) Charge of the Committee:

Elections Committee coordinates the mechanics of the A.S. Elections. The main functions of the Committee are to run the Spring General Election and any Special Election(s).

B) Elections Committee Composition:

1) The Election Committee shall consist of a composition of the following:

a) Voting Membership:

1) Five (5) At-Large Representatives

b) Non-Voting Membership:

1) Chairperson 2) A.S. Advisor 3) A.S. Controller(s) 4) A.S. Executive Director 5) Two (2) A.S. Senate Members 6) A.S. President 7) A.S. Attorney General

2) Selection and Term of Office of the Chairperson and Voting Members:

a) The Chairperson and the five (5) At-Large Representatives shall be recommended by the A.S. Committee on Committees, then nominated by the A.S. President and appointed by the Senate for a term of one (1) academic year. The two (2) Senators shall be nominated by the Internal Vice President and approved by the Senate for the term of one academic (1) year.

b) No voting member or Chairperson of the Committee may be holding any other elected office.

c) Once a student has committed to being part of Elections Committee, the student cannot declare candidacy for any position or be a representative for any party. By the sixth (6th) week of Winter quarter all Elections Committee members and non-voting members must submit signed forms committing themselves to Elections Committee in order to attend closed Elections Committee meetings.

C) Duties of the Chair:

1) Call and preside over meetings throughout the school year.


2) Report on the major activities of the Committee to the Senate.

3) Responsible for being an authorized signature on the A.S. Elections Account.

4) Involved in the recruitment of Committee members.

5) Represents the A.S. Elections Committee on the Campus Elections Commission.

6) Responsible for the creation of a timeline for elections.

7) Shall maintain absolute impartiality in the administration and conduct of all elections.

8) Shall have jurisdiction over all Associated Students election related processes during the academic school year.

9) Ensure that each sub-committee has a sub-committee chair and to appoint voting members in each respective sub-Committee.

10) Hold a minimum of three (3) office hours per week Winter quarter and three (3) office hours per week Spring quarter.

11) Shall attend all AS Assembly meetings.

D) Election Committee Duties and Responsibilities:

1) Responsible for attending weekly Committee meetings.

2) Shall actively participate on sub-committees.

3) May disband Elections sub-committees by a two-thirds (2/3) majority vote.

4) Determines processes for on-line voting in accordance with parameters defined by contracted agency.

5) Preside over the assessment of on-line results.

6) Shall be responsible for the implementation and interpretation of election policies.

7) Schedule, arrange, and moderate a Candidates' Forum and any other public activity to further aid the electorate in understanding ballot issues and Candidates' platforms.

8) Shall be the sole determiner of eligibility for those running for an A.S. office, and shall:

a) Enforce the A.S. Constitution and By-Laws in all aspects of eligibility for an Associated Students' position.

b) Declare the eligibility decision on all Candidates in writing to the Candidates on or before the first (1st) Friday of Spring quarter.

9) Shall administer Fee Proposal Forms, Annual Reports, and Rollover Requests.

10) Shall incorporate data from the Fee Proposal Forms, Annual Reports, and Rollover Requests into ballot supplements and language.

E) Duties of the sub-committees:

1) Advertising/Publicity sub-committee:

a) Shall arrange for all advertising to be in accordance with the Election Code.


b) Produce advertising campaigns to promote all election events.

c) Responsible for meeting with the Elections Committee Chair to request that the necessary funds for all advertising be included in the Elections Committee overall budget.

2) Candidate Liaison sub-committee:

a) Responsible for maintaining detailed files of all of the Candidates, including: the Declaration of Candidacy, Candidate check-off list, formal complaints and any other documents concerning Candidates.

b) Responsible for corresponding with all Candidates and ensuring that they have received written notification of the following items: eligibility, disqualification, any formal complaint forms filed and important events.

3) The Election Regulations Enforcement sub-committee:

a) Shall be in charge of ensuring that the elections regulations set forth in the Election Code are adhered to all times by the Candidates and others.

b) Responsible for maintaining a written log of all election violations committed by Candidates or by others, and at the conclusion of the election must turn the log over to Judicial Council for review.

c) Responsible for informing the Elections Chair and Elections advisor of any violations of the election regulations upon such violations becoming known.

d) There will be individuals appointed by the Elections Committee to serve as the Elections Enforcement Officers. It will be up to the Committee to appoint the people who they feel are the most unbiased individuals. Duties of Enforcement Officers are:

aa) To make daily rounds on campus and locate any illegally posted campaign signs.

bb) To remove these signs that are illegally posted.

cc) All removed signs are to be kept in the Elections Office until the end of elections.

dd) Must notify whomever the sign is endorsing that they had illegally posted signs and state to them the fines that can be sanctioned for continuing to post illegally.

ee) Serve as witness(es) to the Attorney General for any cases brought before Judicial Council concerning illegal posting.


A) Charge of the Committee:

To act as an advisory Committee to the Senate and the Associated Students for the investments of A.S. funds. The Senate will make final policy decisions and the Executive Director will make operating decisions on all investments.

B) Structure:

1) The ASIAC shall consist of an Executive Board, various sub-committees, and a general body known as the Town Hall.


2) The voting members of the ASIAC shall be the Executive Board of Directors. The non- voting members shall be the Committee’s general membership.

a) Voting Members:

1) A.S. Chief Investment Officer (only in case of a tie) 2) Vice Chairperson 3) Up to Three (3) Portfolio Managers 4) Senator

b) Ex-Officio Members (non-voting):

1) Portfolio Analyst 2) Economic Analyst 3) Technology Officer 4) Senior Analyst(s) 5) Junior Analyst(s) 6) A.S. Executive Director 7) A.S. Committee on Committees Chair 8) A.S. Controller(s) 9) A.S. Attorney General 10) A.S. Internal Vice President 11) A.S. President 12) Any current registered UCSB undergraduate student.

C) Selection and Term of Office:

1) The ASIAC Chairperson shall be the A.S. Chief Investment Officer. The A.S. Chief Investment Officer and Vice Chairperson shall be recommended by the outgoing Executive Board to the A.S. Committee on Committees, then nominated by the A.S. President and approved by a majority (50% + 1) of the Senate for a term of one (1) academic year.

2) The Portfolio Managers, Portfolio Analyst, Economic Analyst, Senior Analyst(s) and Technology Officer shall be recommended through a joint interview process with Committee on Committees and IAC executive board, with final discretion in the hands of IAC executive board, then nominated by the A.S. President and approved by a majority (50%+1) of the Senate for a term of one (1) academic year.

a) All interviews shall consist of the Chief Investment Officer and Vice Chairperson and a Committee on Committees liaison(s).

b) All interviews shall consist of the Chief Investment Officer and Vice- Chairperson. The Committee on Committees chairperson (or designee) shall have the option to participate in interviews if s/he wishes.

3) The Senate Representative shall be nominated by the Internal Vice President in consultation with the ASIAC Chair and Vice Chairpersons, and approved by a majority (50% + 1) of the Senate for a term of one (1) academic year.

4) The Junior Analysts shall be selected by an internal process created by the Executive Board.

a) If a Senior Analyst position becomes available after interviews by the Committee on Committees have been completed the vacancy may be filled by the same process, subject to the approval of the Committee on Committees Chairperson.

D) Duties and Powers of Executive Board Members:


1) A.S. Chief Investment Officer (CIO):

a) Presides over all Executive Board and Town Hall meetings.

b) Formulates the operating budget and presents it to A.S. Finance and Business Committee.

c) Formulates the agenda for each Executive Board and Town Hall meeting.

d) Attends at least two (2) non-consecutive Senate meetings per month to report on the Committee's action.

e) Shall attend all AS Assembly meetings.

f) Shall serve at least three (3) regular posted office hours per week.

g) Shall appoint the Chairpersons of each sub-committee.

h) Shall assign the sub-committee that each Portfolio Manager is responsible for.

i) Shall assign tasks to the sub-committee Chairs.

j) Shall sit on the President’s Cabinet.

2) The Vice Chairperson:

a) Fulfills the duties of the Chair if the Chair is unable to do so.

b) Attends all Executive Board and Town Hall meetings.

c) Shall be responsible for taking and submission of all minutes.

d) Shall serve two (2) regular posted office hours per week.

e) Publicizes events via radio, print, and Internet media.

f) Organizes at least one (1) event per quarter.

g) Maintains communication with his/her assigned sub-committees and gives feedback on their assignments regularly.

h) Reads all reports produced by the ASIAC sub-committees.

3) Portfolio Managers:

a) Oversees certain sub-committees and helps make investment decisions.

b) Attends weekly Executive Board and Town Hall meetings.

c) Maintains communication with his/her assigned sub-committees and gives feedback on their assignments regularly.

d) Reads all reports produced by ASIAC sub-committees.

e) Shall serve at least one (1) regularly posted office hour per week.

4) Senator:

a) Serves as a liaison between the Senate and ASIAC.


b) Shall advise ASIAC on Senate practices, regulations, and methodologies, and vice versa.

c) Updates and maintains the ASIAC Internal by-laws.

d) Responsible for drafting, editing, and submitting properly formatted bills to the Senate.

e) Shall serve at least one (1) regularly posted office hour per week.

f) Reads all reports produced by ASIAC sub-committees and shall be knowledgeable on all ASIAC investments in order to accurately answer any questions the Senate may have regarding the use of funds by the ASIAC.

g) Attends all Executive Board and Town Hall meetings.

h) Fulfills other duties as assigned by the Chief Investment Officer.

E) Duties and Powers of all other ASIAC Officers:

1) Portfolio Analyst:

a) Serve as the liaison between ASIAC and any Investment entity used.

b) Provide reports at every Executive Board meeting on ASIAC’s Investments performance.

c) Attends all Town Hall meetings and provides reports when necessary.

d) Write reports for each investment, outlining strengths and weaknesses of the investment.

e) Shall serve at least one (1) regular posted office hours per week.

2) Economic Analyst:

a) Shall chair the Macroeconomic sub-committee.

b) Provides weekly reports or presentations to the Executive Board on major macroeconomic events and its potential impact on the portfolio of ASIAC.

c) Attends all Town Hall meetings and provides reports or presentations when necessary.

d) Shall serve at least one (1) regularly posted office hours per week.

3) Tech Officer:

a) Maintains Website, calendar, email lists, design, maintaining and managing IAC Facebook group and Facebook events.

b) Uploads stock research reports to the ASIAC website weekly.

c) Attends weekly Town Hall meetings.

d) Shall serve at least two (2) regular posted office hours per week.

4) Senior Analysts:

a) Shall be responsible for delivering requested research reports on time.


b) Work with Junior Analysts to complete research reports, meeting with them for at least three (3) hours a week.

c) Attend all Town Hall meetings.

d) Shall prepare adequately for each Town Hall meeting by conducting all relevant and assigned research. If the analyst is consistently unprepared, they are subject to dismissal following the procedure outlined in E.4-a of this section.

5) Junior Analysts:

a) Shall be responsible for completing the tasks assigned to them by the Senior Analyst.

b) Shall meet with the Senior Analyst at least three (3) hours a week.

c) Attend all Town Hall meetings.

d) Shall prepare adequately for each Town Hall meeting by conducting all relevant and assigned research. If the analyst is consistently unprepared, they are subject to dismissal following the procedure outlined in E.4-a of this section.

F) Meetings:

1) The Executive Board:

a) The Executive Board shall hold weekly meetings which all Executive Board members must attend.

b) Meetings are open to all interested students during the regular school term.

c) The Executive Board is the Internal Committee where all expenditures and Investment decision are officially voted on. The Executive Board assists the CIO with the creation of the agenda for Town Hall meetings as well.

d) The Executive Board also deals with matters of ASIAC personnel. The Executive Board reserves the right to discuss and take action on all personnel issues in closed sessions.

2) Town Hall:

a) Town Hall meetings are weekly meetings held for the ASIAC general body.

b) All ASIAC members must attend every meeting.

c) At Town Hall meetings, projects will be assigned to the Committee members by the CIO and the portfolio will be discussed. Additionally, any other matters that are required for the Committee to function will be addressed.

d) Educational lectures (on markets, investments, sectors, etc.) will also take place during Town Hall meetings.

3) At all meetings, time will be provided for any interested students to express their opinions or suggestions regarding A.S. investments subject to reasonable time constraints.

4) Members with more than three (3) unexcused absences will be investigated by ASIAC Executive Board. If no legitimate reason for the absences can be determined, the member is subject to a dismissal.


a) All members of the ASIAC may be dismissed from their office by a two-thirds (2/3) majority vote of the Executive Board with the authorization of the Chair.

G) Voting:

1) A quorum of a three-fifths (3/5ths) of the appointed Executive Board members is needed for all ASIAC actions.

2) The Senate representative shall not count for the purposes of establishing quorum.

3) To constitute a formal Executive Committee recommendation to the Senate or the A.S. Executive Director, a two-thirds (2/3rds) majority of those present is needed. For all other matters (unless otherwise specified), a simple majority (50% +1) will suffice.

4) In the event of a tie vote, the CIO shall have the ability pass or fail the motion. Before casting the additional vote, the CIO will allow all members of the Executive Board and any interested undergraduate student to speak and provide an argument for or against the motion. After taking all of the arguments for and against the motion into account the CIO will decide whether to pass or fail the motion.

5) When action must be taken before the next regularly scheduled Executive Board meeting, the CIO shall conduct a phone or email vote with the process established by Policy 4 of the ASUCSB Policies and Procedures.

a) The result of the phone vote will be sent to all of the Executive Board members as “Rush Vote Minutes,” as well as to the Senate for approval.

b) The “Rush Vote Minutes” shall include all pro/con statements and the names and positions of each member who participated in the vote. Additionally the vote of each member (“yay” or “nay”) shall be included next to their position, as well as a note describing if the rush vote passed or not.

H) Sub-committees:

1) There shall be nine (9) standing sub-committees of the ASIAC, one (1) Macroeconomic sub-Committee, and eight (8) sub-committees which follow different sectors of the economy:

a) The Macroeconomic Sub-Committee will look at economic trends of the USA and provide a weekly report to the Executive Board and present during Town Hall Meetings. The sub-Committee will also complete tasks (such as reports on other countries or geographic areas) assigned by the CIO.

b) The Sector sub-committees shall be the Consumer Discretionary, Consumer Staples, Energy/Utilities, Financials, Healthcare, Industrials, Materials, Technology, and Telecommunications sub-committees. The sector sub- committees will provide weekly updates to the Executive Board of current IAC investments in that sector of the economy. They will meet at least three (3) hours a week. They will complete tasks (such as produce stock and industry reports) assigned by the CIO. All sub-committees will report directly to their assigned Portfolio manager or the ASIAC Vice Chairperson, and the CIO.

2) The CIO shall have the authority to appoint any member of the ASIAC as a sub- committee chairperson or vice chairperson.

3) The Executive Committee shall have the authority to create and disband sub-committees as necessary.

I) ASIAC Internal By-laws:


1) The ASIAC reserves the right to create internal guidelines and by-laws.

2) These by-laws shall not conflict with any Associated Students stated or implicit regulations and oversight. Senate retains the right to implement and enforce all A.S. rules and regulations.

3) The by-laws shall outline the missions, goals, and intentions of the ASIAC.

4) The by-laws shall be drafted exclusively by Committee members and are subject to a two-thirds (2/3) majority vote of the Executive Board in order to take effect.

5) The ASIAC Senator shall be charged with updating and maintaining the internal by-laws.

6) These internal by-laws shall be kept on file in the AS Main Office.



A) Charge of the Council

The Judicial Council shall be empowered to hear and decide any case under original jurisdiction as set forth in Article VII of the A.S. Constitution. Included in this provision is the responsibility to adjudicate completely and diligently questions pertaining to The A.S. Legal Code, and as such the By-Laws and policies of any A.S. entity including, but not limited to, all A.S. Boards and Committees, KCSB and all A.S. Business Services in order to render a just and equitable resolution. Accordingly, the Judicial Council may hear, under the auspices of just representation, cases on alleged violations by a Candidate of the Elections By-Laws. Fines for substantiated campaign violations may be imposed, including, but not limited to, illegal printing of literature, improper expenditure filing, improper leafleting, illegal use of A.S. email accounts, and failure to file endorsements. Moreover, the Judicial Council may hear cases regarding balloting issues including, but not limited to, review of ballot wording. In addition, the Judicial Council shall operate independently and with unabridged sovereignty from the Student/Faculty Commission on Student Conduct. Furthermore, the Sub-Judicial Council is to conduct preliminary hearings into cases referred to the Judicial Department (with the exception of Mandatory Fee Refund Applications, as mandated by Smith v. Regents, which shall only be heard by the Judicial Council and are, therefore, not open to appeal). The Judicial Council shall act as the final appellate body, to which all appeals are directed. Additional guidelines of Sub-Judicial Committees are addressed with some detail in Article VII, Section 6 of the A.S. Constitution.


A) Prior to release of information, all matters of a confidential nature will be handled by Judicial Council in accordance with University Policies and Regulations as well as in accordance with all applicable State and Federal laws.


A) Petition for Hearing:

1) Anyone wishing to bring a case concerning an A.S. Constitutional, By-Law, or policy matter must submit to the Judicial Council six (6) copies of a written petition which must include:


a) Petitioner name, phone number, and who s/he is representing b) Respondent name, phone number and who s/he is representing c) Charges and contentions d) Policy or By-Law at issue e) Statement of the case f) Evidence (including names and phone numbers of all persons involved, all written evidence and any documentation) g) Remedy sought

2) Upon receipt of petition, Judicial Council will date and number it. At this point the petition becomes a public document.

3) Judicial Council will notify the respondent, Attorney General, Public Defender, and Executive Director of a case submitted within two (2) days of receiving petition.

4) Anyone wishing to bring a case concerning an A.S. Constitutional, By-law or policy matter must ensure that the Respondent(s) have been served with their Petition for Hearing before the Judicial Council can take any action on the matter. Judicial Council is not responsible for serving the Petitioner and the Respondent with the petition.

B) Preliminary Hearing:

1) Judicial Council will decide whether or not to hear the case. This decision should be made at the next regularly scheduled mandatory meeting of Judicial Council.

a) The hearing will occur not less than one (1) week from the time of preliminary hearing unless circumstances dictate otherwise.

b) If any portion of the petition is unclear, Judicial Council may request clarification.

c) Judicial Council will notify both petitioner and respondent within two (2) days after the decision has been made on whether the case will be heard.

d) The concurrence of two (2) members of the Judicial Council shall be sufficient in making an affirmative decision on whether or not to hear a case.

e) The last day of the quarter to turning a complete petition is the Friday prior to dead week. Any petition received later than this date will only be heard at the insistence of two thirds (2/3) of the council.

2) If Judicial Council does not accept the case, it will be dropped.

3) If Judicial Council accepts the case, a hearing date will be set.

a) Both parties will be given at least three (3) days notice of scheduled hearing.

b) All hearing dates, times, and locations must be publicly posted in the A.S. Main Office for at least three (3) days.

c) In case of extenuating circumstances, the three (3) days of notice may be waived by a unanimous vote of Judicial Council, and the consent of the parties involved.

4) The Petitioner and Respondent both shall submit to Judicial Council seven (7) copies of a written brief outlining their case no later than one (1) day prior to the scheduled hearing, to be distributed as follows: Briefs shall not exceed ten (10) pages in length without special approval from the Judicial Council.

a) Judicial Council members (5)


b) Executive Director (1)

c) Judicial Council Office (1)

d) The Petitioner(s) and Respondent(s) shall serve each other with written copies of their briefs no later than one (1) full day prior to the scheduled meeting.

e) The Petitioner(s) and Respondent(s) will also include any written testimony with their briefs, signed by the author. Any turned in late will not be accepted.

f) If all conditions are not met, the case will be put on hold pending further decision by the Judicial Council.

5) Should the date of the hearing prove to allow insufficient preparation, a written Motion for Continuance must be submitted to Judicial Council no less than twenty-four (24) hours before the scheduled Hearing date.

a) All other motions are due, and will be considered by the Chair of Judicial Council at this time as well.

6) At this time the Judicial Council may issue a temporary restraining order and/or an injunction with a majority vote.

C) Formal Hearing Procedures:

1) Format:

a) Opening Statements b) Presentation of arguments, evidence, and cross-examination c) Rebuttals and Refutation d) Summation e) Courtroom returns to Executive Session

2) Judicial Council has the authority to impose time limits on proceedings.

3) Judicial Council has the authority to limit the number of witnesses and/or active participants.

4) Judicial Council will enter private deliberation and decide the issue(s) based on the arguments and evidence presented.

5) Judicial Council shall not hear or decide matters not originally raised by the Petitioner(s) in their Petition for Hearing.

6) The Chair shall decide all motions to dismiss, motions in lieu of either witnesses or other evidence, motions for summary judgments, motions for continuances, motions to substitute, demurrers, other administrative matters of the Council, and all objections. Such decisions shall be subject to appeal by the full Council upon the objection of either party. Judicial Council shall determine whether or not to allow debate on these matters.

D) Contempt of Council:

1) Contempt of Council is defined as actions meant to undermine the judicial process. It includes, but is not limited to:

a) Verbal abuse b) Failure to appear when reasonably summoned c) Deliberate lying during testimony d) Lack of adherence to hearing procedures


2) The Chairperson of Judicial Council shall whenever possible issue warning prior to declaring a respondent, petitioner, witness or participant in the hearing in contempt. A hard copy of Judicial Council’s formal hearing procedures, containing a cautionary warning, will be provided at the start of the hearing.

3) Judicial Council may find someone in contempt of council by a two-thirds (2/3) majority vote.

a) If found in contempt, all testimony by that participant may be stricken from the record and the witness shall be removed from the hearing.

b) If the participant holds a position within Associated Students, their position may be suspended for a specified length of time. If the participant holds an elected or appointed office, after a review of the facts of the situations, Senate may reinstate a suspended officer by a two-thirds (2/3) majority vote.

aa) Suspension shall be defined as removal from all positional Associated Students functions, including meetings, office hours, events and position obligations and any privileges of the position.

bb) Suspensions may not be given for longer than ten (10) weeks.

cc) A suspension shall not be construed as to prevent an elected officer or representative from fulfilling their constitutional obligations.

dd) Suspensions may not deprive members of the basic privileges of membership, some of which are outlined in Article II of the A.S. By-laws.

E) Release of Decision(s) and Opinion(s):

1) The opinion of the Court will be written by the appointee of the Chairperson or the senior member of the majority. The other members may either sign the opinion, write a concurring opinion, or write a dissenting opinion.

2) Opinion(s) will be released within one (1) week of the hearing.

3) Copies of the decision(s) and opinion(s) will be distributed as follows:

a) Judicial Council Members (5) b) Principals of the case c) A.S. Office (1) d) A.S. Executive Director (1) e) A.S. President (1) f) Campus Media (1) g) A.S. Attorney General (1) h) Public Defender/Constitution and By-Laws Chairperson (1)

F) Judicial Council has the authority to extend all time limits.

G) All members serving on the Judicial Council as well as the Lower (sub) Judicial Council shall attend a mandatory weekly meeting on a specified day at a specified time as set forth and prescribed by the Judicial Council Chairperson during the regular school session, unless otherwise provided herein.

1) Except during Dead Week and Finals Week of each quarter.

H) Any member missing two (2) "unexcused" meetings per quarter shall be permanently dismissed from their respective Council (Judicial or Sub-Judicial) position by the Judicial Council, with the unanimous approval of Senate.


1) The term "unexcused" shall be determined by a quorum vote of the Judicial Council.

2) In the absence of quorum, the President shall have the power to remove delinquent members with the unanimous approval of the Senate.

I) The Judicial Council may adopt its own additional rules for the administration of cases not subject to Senate approval, provided they are published and accessible to all, not adopted in ex post facto, and do not otherwise conflict with the Legal Code, or any other directive of the Senate.

J) Whenever applicable, Judicial Council should defer to relevant university, state, federal and constitutional protections, though it may in some cases have the authority to decide the extent to which protections are relevant for the situation.


A) The A.S. President shall appoint the Chairperson of Judicial Council within two (2) school weeks of vacancy, with two-thirds (2/3) approval of the Senate.


A) Charge of the Sub-Judicial Council:

1) The Sub-Judicial Council shall be empowered to hear and decide any case under original jurisdiction as set forth in Article VII of the A.S. Constitution. Additionally, Sub-Judicial Council is charged with the same responsibilities entrusted to Judicial Council as set forth in Article VIII, Section 1, subsection 1 of the A.S. Legal Code.

B) Sub-Judicial Council Operating Procedures:

1) The Sub-Judicial Council shall follow all of the operating procedures as written and enumerated for Judicial Council in Article VIII of the A.S. Legal Code.

C) Appointment of the Chairperson:

1) The Chairperson of the Sub-Judicial Council shall be appointed by the Judicial Council Chairperson, confirmed by a two-third (2/3) majority vote of the Judicial Council, and approved by a two-third (2/3) majority vote of the Senate.

2) The voting members of the Sub-Judicial Council besides the chairperson shall be nominated by the Chairperson of Judicial Council, appointed by a majority (50% + 1) of the Judicial Council and confirmed by a majority (50% + 1) vote of the Senate.

D) Terms of Office:

1) All Sub-Judicial Council members, including the Chairperson will serve a term of one (1) academic year.

E) Office Hours:

1) The Sub-Judicial Council Chairperson shall be required to hold a minimum of two (2) office hours each school week, per Quarter, per academic year.

a) Except during Dead Week and Finals.

F) Sub-Judicial Council Hearing Procedures:

1) All Sub-Judicial Council hearing procedures will be in accordance with Article VII, Section 3 of the A.S. Legal Code, unless otherwise provided for herein.



A) All material, including but not limited to, documents, recordings, evidence, Petitions for Hearing, and statements by the Council or Principals of the case shall be included in the case file.

B) All case files shall be kept in the Judicial Council office indefinitely to ensure adherence to judicial precedent and to serve as a knowledge base for future Judicial Councils.

1) When privacy issues arise, the Chairperson shall have the authority to seal a case file, making it only accessible to members of the Judicial Council and the Associated Students Executive Director.

2) Should issues of storage space arise, the Chairperson will designate an appropriate means of storage with majority (50% + 1) vote of the Senate.


A) Guidelines for appeals regarding Election Board complaint rulings:

1) An appeal can only be submitted to Judicial Council if the Petitioner or Respondent feels as though the Election Board’s decision was a violation of Legal Code

2) The appeal must be submitted no later than five (5) business days after the ruling is given by Election Board

3) The appeal will be reviewed by Judicial Council at their next regularly scheduled meeting, and a decision to accept or deny the appeal will be issued within five (5) business days after their meeting

a) If the Council denies the appeal, the decision of the Election Board stands, and the case is considered closed b) If it is deemed that a new hearing must be scheduled entirely, standard measures in accordance with the Legal Code must be adhered to and there will need to be a resubmission of case briefs, where revisions of evidence and witnesses will be allowed



The purpose of the Attorney General is to prosecute and conduct suits involving violations of the A.S. UCSB Legal Code and to give advice upon questions of the A.S. UCSB Legal Code when required by the President and Executive Officers, or when requested by any ASUCSB Appointed Officer. The Attorney General shall act as the investigator and prosecutor in those cases in which the Attorney General brings to Judicial Council and may also serve as an advisor to those who wish to bring a case themselves. The ultimate goal of the office is to ensure that the Association remains accountable to the students they represent by abiding by the constitution voted on by the student body as whole and all of its subsidiary documents.


The Attorney General shall be appointed by the President and shall be approved by a majority vote of the Senate. Judicial Council reserves the right to co-interview applicants with the President. The Attorney General in its place must be a student in good standing (GPA of 2.0 or above).



The Attorney General shall serve a term of office of one (1) academic school year.


A) Be empowered to investigate and prosecute any potential violations of the ASUCSB Legal Code.

1) The Attorney General and Solicitor General shall have the chief responsibility for litigation presented by the office.

B) Advise those who bring their own cases.

C) Hold a minimum of three (3) weekly office hours.

D) Be an Ex-Officio member of all A.S. Boards and Commissions, Senate Committees, and Units.

E) Attend all meetings of the Senate Standing Committee on Constitution and By-laws.

F) Maintain a working knowledge of the Constitution and By-Laws.

G) Maintain a strong knowledge of the A.S. Legal Code as well as the A.S. Financial Policies and Procedures.

H) Work with all Associated Students groups or officials to prevent violations of the A.S. UCSB Legal Code.

I) Represent the Associated Students in the prosecution of policy violations in which case the Attorney General will represent their office. This Clause, clause I, can only be changed by a three- fourths (3/4) vote of the Senate.

J) Attend at least five (5) meetings per quarter of the Associated Students Senate.

K) Attend at least three (3) meetings per quarter of the Senate Standing Committee on Finance and Business.

L) Attend at least one (1) meeting per quarter of all other Associated Students regular meetings as time permits.

M) Be knowledgeable on the actions of the A.S. Executives as well as their job duties as stated in the A.S. UCSB Legal Code.

N) Meet regularly with the following entities:

1) The Internal Vice President bi-monthly 2) The President bi-quarterly

O) Act as the Chief Legal Counsel to the A.S. Senate.

P) Ensure there is proper implementation of all directives made by the A.S. Senate.


A) The Attorney General shall be empowered to appoint and remove an officer within the following positions:

1) Solicitor General


2) OAG Caseworkers

3) All members referred to above (Article IX, Section 5. A) shall:

a) Be required to attend the weekly staff meetings.

b) Contribute to office projects and casework.

c) Be empowered to investigate and prosecute any potential violations of the A.S. UCSB Legal Code at the discretion of the Attorney General.

d) Serve a term of office that shall be concurrent with that of the Attorney General.

B) The Solicitor General is the chief litigation advisor to the Attorney General, and the OAG Chief of Staff, responsible for organizing and running the Attorney General’s Office.

1) The Solicitor General shall:

a) Maintain a strong knowledge of the A.S. UCSB Legal Code as well as the A.S. Financial Policies and Procedures.

b) In the absence of the Attorney General, assume the duties and powers of the Attorney General.

c) The Solicitor General shall be the primary spokesperson of the ASUCSB if it is a defendant in any case. Shall serve as the A.S. Public Defender.

d) Assist and advise the Attorney General with the prosecution of cases brought to Judicial Council.

e) Direct the OAG staff, under the guidance of the Attorney General, to work on cases involving violations of the A.S. UCSB Legal Code, including the assignment and follow-up of case-work.

f) Organize and co-facilitate weekly staff meetings.

g) Check in regularly with office staff to provide support in their work.

h) Assume or delegate the responsibilities of any vacant positions within the OAG until such position is filled.

i) Attend three (3) Senate meetings on behalf of, or in addition to, the Attorney General.

j) Hold a minimum of two (2) weekly office hours.

k) Attempt to attend at least one (1) meeting per quarter of all other Associated Students regular meetings as time permits.

l) Attend at least two (2) meetings per quarter of the Senate Standing Committee on Finance and Business.

m) Actively seek out violations of the elections code to be reported to the elections committee.

C) The OAG Caseworkers are responsible for doing research and managing cases for the OAG and supporting the Attorney General and Solicitor General in the completion of their responsibilities.


1) The OAG Caseworkers Shall:

a) Maintain a strong knowledge of the A.S. UCSB Legal Code and Financial Policies and Procedures.

b) Attend at least one (1) meeting of the Senate and A.S. Senate Standing Committee on Finance and Business per quarter, but shall be highly encouraged to attend more.

c) Shall attend at least two (2) meetings of assigned A.S. Entities.

d) Assist with casework as assigned.

e) Review the minutes of all A.S. Entities in order to ensure that all A.S. Entities are operating within the parameters provided in the A.S. UCSB Legal Code and the Financial Policies and Procedures.

f) Fulfill other duties as assigned.



The Office of the Controller will serve as a recommending body for all ASUCSB Units to the Senate, Executive Officers, and the A.S. Executive Director. In conjunction with the Business Managers, will make recommendations to the Senate Standing Committee on Finance and Budget regarding the yearly budget. It will review, evaluate, and ensure compliance with business policies and contracts. It will also serve as a liaison between A.S. Business Managers, student employees and Senate. The Office will seek proposals for other business enterprises or ventures and will serve as the recommending body to Senate for all proposals for future ASUCSB Units.


A) The Controller shall be appointed by the A.S. President and shall be approved by a majority (50% + l) vote of the Senate. He/she must be a student in good standing (GPA of 2.0 or above).

B) The Controller shall serve a term of office of one (1) academic year.


A) The Controller(s) shall be an Ex-Officio Member of all A.S. Legislative bodies and Units.

B) The ASUCSB Controller is authorized to request any information from any Unit pertaining to the maintenance of sound business practices. Units shall submit the requested information within ten (10) academic days. Exceptions are at the discretion of the ASUCSB Controller.

C) Hold weekly meetings with the Office of the Controller.

D) Shall be in the Executive Office as the liaison to A.S. Units.

E) Attend four (4) Senate meetings per quarter to report on the status of A.S. Units.

F) Hold at least three (3) weekly office hours.

G) Improve and maintain networking between A.S. Units and the rest of Associated Students.


H) Meet once a month with all Business Managers and Student Unit Directors of respective A.S. Units to discuss current business plans, profitability, areas for potential growth, and any other relevant business related topics.

I) Attend all business manager staff meetings.

J) Be highly involved in the development of each Unit’s long-term plan.

K) Advise Senate and President on all policies of the Associated Students' Sustainable Food Cart, Community Financial Fund, Notetaking, Publishing, Bike Shop, Cashiers, Ticket Office and any new services developed.

L) Assist the units in the formation of the annual budget. During the Winter quarter, the Controller will assist the units in presenting their respective budgets to the Senate Finance and Budget Committee during the annual Budget Hearings.

M) Serve as a formal recommending body to Senate for all business affairs.

N) Shall sit on the President’s Cabinet.


A) The Office of the Controller shall consist of:

1) Assistant Controller

3) Two (2) Business Officers

4) Internal Branch:

a) One (1) Internal Operations Coordinator b) One (1) Internal Oversight Coordinator

5) The Venture Branch: a) One (1) Venture Inception and Incubation Coordinator b) One (1) Venture Sustaining Coordinator

6) All members of the Internal and Venture Branches shall:

a) Be required to attend weekly all-hands-on-deck meetings.

b) Submit a bi-weekly checklist of assigned, achieved, and pending goals.

c) Attend a minimum of four (4) meetings per quarter for each Unit they are assigned as a liaison.

d) Serve a term of one (1) academic year.

B) The Office of the Controller shall:

1) Conduct a yearly evaluation of all A.S. units, Boards, and Commissions.

2) Implement new sustainable units across campus.

3) Serve as a fiscal authority within A.S., in collaboration with the Chief Financial Officer, to ensure the fair, safe, and most efficient use of all student fees employed throughout the association.

4) All members of the A.S. Office of the Controller shall attend weekly staff meetings.


C) The Assistant Controller shall:

1) Shall work with the Venture Sustaining Coordinator and Venture Incubation and Inception Coordinator to develop criteria for the creation of new A.S. ventures as well as oversee the implementation of such enterprises.

2) Shall evaluate and approve new venture proposals presented by the New Venture Coordinators

3) Shall attend all Office of the Controller meetings.

4) Shall run staff meetings in the absence of the Controller.

5) Hold at least two (2) weekly office hours.

A) Duties and Powers of the Internal Operations Coordinator:

1) Oversees all A.S. Units, Boards, and Commissions that are meant to generate a positive net income. This includes but is not limited to: A.S. Notetaking, Publishing, Bike Shop, Cashiers, and Ticket office.

2) Conduct a yearly evaluation of these units. This will culminate in three (3) separate deliverables by week eight (8) of Fall, Winter, and Spring quarters, each addressing a third of the aforementioned Units. These evaluations are to address operational discrepancies within and between A.S. Units as it pertains to financial policies and procedures, as well as identify potential avenues for growth, particularly in relation to the A.S. Strategic Plan. Criteria for these reports includes but is not limited to:

a) Identify Policies within A.S. Legal Code that hamper the successful, efficient, and profitable operation of that Unit, Board, or Commission.

b) Suggest changes to business practices and procedures in order to stimulate increased growth, profit, and sustainability.

c) Offer insight into the health and direction of the Unit, Board or Commission, in the form of a three year forecast or strategic plan.

3) Hold at least two (2) weekly office hours

B) Duties and Powers of the Internal Oversight Coordinator:

1) Conduct oversight over all A.S. Units whose main focus is not necessarily the generation of a profit, and determine the efficacy/necessity of current cash flows within, between, and out of those A.S. Units.

2) Manage and coordinate the creation of a tri-annual strategic plans for a specific subset of all A.S. Units, which will be determined by the Controller. These plans must be approved by the Finance and Business Committee by no later than week six (6) of Spring quarter.

3) Hold at least two (2) weekly office hours.

C) Duties and Powers of the Venture Inception and Incubation Coordinator: 1) Seek out and implement new sustainable units across campus.

2) Inception: Maintain contact with new-venture/entrepreneurial repositories on campus, including but not limited to the Technology Management Program, the New Venture Competition, the Entrepreneurial Association, and the Bren School Eco-Entrepreneurship Program, to identify potential new A.S. ventures or enterprises. Develop a proposal for new A.S. ventures and submit proposed concept to the Controller as well as the Assistant Controller for approval.


3) Incubation: Perform all duties necessary to implement the Unit within A.S including but is not limited to: Presenting the concept to A.S. Senate, drafting relevant policies, and maintaining contact with relevant A.S./University staff in order to get a Unit to the point of self-sustainability. 4) Work to transform new venture opportunities into actual, viable A.S. enterprises.

5) Hold at least two (2) weekly office hours

D) Duties and Powers of the Venture Sustaining Coordinator:

1) Evaluate and oversee the procedures and methodologies of all matters related to Venture Inception and Incubation.

2) Compile an updated list of criteria that characterizes the types of ventures that will succeed within the Association. This list of guidelines shall be presented to. AS Office of the Controller on a weekly basis, and shall culminate in the creation two final reports that are to be delivered by week eight (8) of winter quarter and week six (6) of spring quarter.

3) Locate policies within A.S. that hinder the successful, sustainable, and safe implementation of any new venture to A.S. and present suggestions for changes to these policies at weekly all-hands-on-deck meetings.

4) Hold at least two (2) weekly office hours.

E) Duties and Powers of the Historian: 1) The primary role of the historian is to document the activities of the A.S. Office of the Controller based on the pillars of Narrative, Data, and Analysis.

2) Shall submit bi-weekly (every other week) status reports to the A.S. Controller on the actions, decisions, motions, and overall functioning of the office.

3) Shall collect all reports/deliverables created by anyone within the Office. These reports are to be streamlined into an easy to comprehend briefs, with the main goal of showing how each of the respective parts fit together. From these analyses, the historian is to suggest ways in which collaboration and efficiency can be increased within the office.

4) Shall record minutes at all Office of the Controller staff meetings.

5) Deliver, by week six (6) of spring quarter, a final five (5) year strategic plan defining how the Office of the Controller should grow in the coming years. This final deliverable is to be based on the data, interviews, and personal relationships that were cultivated and fostered throughout the year with members of the Office. This report should highlight improvements that will increase the overall operational effectiveness of the office, as well as the strategies required to ensure proper execution of the office in coming years.

6) Hold at least two (2) weekly office hours .



The A.S. Committee on Committees shall be primarily responsible for advertising Associated Students to the student body at large and maintaining a positive climate within the Association. The Committee shall actively recruit new students to Associated Students and shall be responsible for the placement of students to sit on the Associated Students, Academic Senate and Administrative Advisory Committees. The Committee shall also be responsible for training new appointees through AS Retreat and an AS Orientation Process. The Committee shall strive to


promote collaboration and unity within the Association through Association wide social events and AS Assembly.


A) Voting

1) External Chair 2) Internal Chair 3) Vice Chair 4) Two (2) Internal Liaisons 5) University Shared Governance Coordinator 6) Two (2) A.S. Outreach and Recruitment Coordinators 7) One (1) Senator 8) A.S. Internal Vice-President 9) A.S. President

B) Non-voting

1) A.S. Assistant Director for Government Affairs 2) A.S. Executive Director 3) A.S. Controller 4) A.S. Attorney General 5) Two (2) A.S. Internal Climate Coordinators


A) The Internal and External Chairs shall be recommended by the Internal Vice President by week five (5) of Spring quarter, appointed by the President, and approved by a majority (50% +1) vote of the Senate by week eight (8) of Spring quarter. The Chair shall serve a term of office of one (1) academic year.

B) The Vice Chairperson, Internal Liaisons, University Shared Governance Coordinator, Internal Climate Coordinators, and Outreach and Recruitment Coordinators shall be recommended by the Committee on Committees and the newly selected Chair by week (6) of the quarter, appointed by the President, and approved by a majority (50% + 1) vote of the Senate. The Vice Chairperson, Internal Liaisons, University Shared Governance Coordinator, Internal Climate Coordinators, and Outreach and Recruitment Coordinators shall serve a term of office of one (1) academic year.

C) The incoming Committee on Committees officers appointed by week six (6) of Spring Quarter will help conduct the appointment process with the outgoing Committee on Committees officers during a transitional period until week eight (8).

D) The Senator to the Committee on Committees shall be appointed by the Internal Vice President and approved by a majority (50% + 1) vote of the Senate.


A) Assist in the application and interview process for A.S. entities as needed and submit all appointments to the Internal Vice President to be approved by Senate.

B) Design and implement programs, as necessary, to increase communication and collaboration among student representatives, and within A.S. and Senate.

C) Serve as the primary liaison between undergraduate representatives to Academic Senate and Administrative Advisory Committees, as well as Associated Students.


D) The Committee shall be responsible for recommending to the A.S. President and the Senate the removal of any student from an Academic Senate or Administrative Advisory Committee based on that student's lack of attendance to his or her appointed Committee meetings.

E) Hold quarterly recruitment drives in order to recruit students from all backgrounds and experiences.

F) Coordinate and advertise events on behalf of the Association during UCSB Week of Welcome.

K) Ensure that Boards, Commissions, Committees and Units follow through with their orientation meetings between in-coming and out-going Committee members as outlined in Article XI, Section 1, C of the By-laws of the Associated Students of UCSB.

L) Coordinate and Facilitate meetings of the A.S. Assembly.

M) Collaborate with Creative Media to publish an annual AS Brochure and quarterly AS Newsletters.

N) Coordinate an AS Leadership Orientation for all students appointed to AS positions.

O) Recruit for and maintain a Proxy Bank of students interested in proxying at Senate and Senate Standing Committee meetings.


A) Duties and responsibilities of the Committee Internal Chair:

1) Ensure that the responsibilities of the Vice Chair, Internal Liaisons, Shared Governance Coordinator, Internal Climate Coordinators and Outreach and Recruitment Coordinators are met.

2) Report at three (3) Senate meetings each quarter including the Senate meeting immediately following a meeting of the A.S. Assembly.

3) Work with the Committee to schedule, advertise, and attend interviews of applicants for A.S. Committee positions (when needed) and student representative positions on Academic Senate and Administrative Advisory Committees.

4) Plan AS Assembly including but not limited to coordinating location, programming and advertising.

5) Hold at least five (5) regular-posted office hours per week.

6) Must work with the A.S. Internal Vice President to put Committee appointments on the A.S. Senate agenda for ratification and submit relevant contact information for new appointees to the AS List Serves.

7) Report weekly to the Committee on Committees on which positions are open; track all resignations and removals from office.

8) Work with the chairs of A.S. entities to ensure necessary membership is met.

9) Ensure a positive climate is maintained in Associated Students through the direct oversight of internal climate projects and events that facilitate communication, teamwork, and leadership development.

10) Chair all of the Committee on Committees meetings with the External Chair.

11) Be an active member of the Office of the Internal Vice President.


12) Be a non-voting, Ex-officio member of all other A.S. entities.

13) Collaborates with the External chair to plan quarterly retreats for the Committee.

14) Be responsible for the fiscal management of the Committee and in conjunction with the External Chair, shall prepare the Committee’s budget for the following year.

15) Works in conjunction with the Committee on Committees Internal Liaison a to run the AS Proxy Bank and conduct any necessary trainings.

B) Duties and Responsibilities of the Committee External Chair:

1) Ensure that the responsibilities of the Vice Chair, Internal Liaison, Shared Governance Coordinator, Internal Climate Coordinators and Outreach and Recruitment Coordinators are met.

2) Report at the three Senate meetings each quarter including the Senate meeting immediately following a meeting of the A.S. Assembly.

3) Work with the Committee to schedule, advertise, and attend interviews of applicants for A.S. Committee positions (when needed) and student representative positions on Academic Senate and Administrative Advisory Committees.

4) Shall be responsible for coordinating an Association wide Week of Welcome recruitment effort and quarterly recruitment fairs.

5) Hold at least five (5) regular-posted office hours per week.

6) Shall plan and coordinate AS Leadership Orientation for all members of Associated Students.

7) Shall be responsible for the Committee’s Social Media presence in collaboration with the Outreach and Recruitment Coordinators.

8) Works with the chairs of A.S. entities to ensure necessary membership is met.

9) Chair all of the Committee on Committees meetings with the External Chair.

10) Be an active member of the Office of the Internal Vice President.

11) Be a non-voting, Ex-officio member of all other A.S. entities.

12) Collaborate with the Internal Chair to plan quarterly retreats for the Committee.

13) Be responsible for the fiscal management of the Committee and in conjunction with the Internal Chair, shall prepare the Committee’s budget for the following year.

C) Duties and responsibilities of the Committee Vice Chair:

1) Assume the duties of the Chairpeople when they are absent or as designated.

2) Assists the Chair with Committee oversight, including tracking office hours and meeting attendance for all committee members.

3) Keep an accurate and unbiased record of all meetings of the Committee on Committees, A.S. Assembly, and Candidate Deliberations.

4) Coordinate the scheduling of all interviews for the Committee on Committees.


5) Work with the Committee to schedule, advertise, and attend interviews of applicants for A.S. Committee positions (when needed) and student representative positions on Academic Senate and Administrative Advisory Committees.

6) Holds at least four (4) regular-posted office hours per week.

7) Ensure that all Candidates are informed of their acceptance or rejection, and maintain a record of who accepts and who declines.

8) Follow up on all items proposed by the A.S. Assembly and ensure that business is properly completed.

9) Maintain an accurate list of vacant positions on the Committee on Committees website.

10) Work with all the chairs of boards, Committees, and commissions to ensure necessary membership is met.

11) Creates an appropriate questions list and scoring rubric prior to interviews.

12) Attend all meetings of the Committee on Committees and A.S. Assembly.

13) Fulfill other duties and responsibilities as assigned by the Chair.

14) Ensure that all Committee members are adequately prepared for Candidate deliberations.

D) Duties and Responsibilities of the University Shared Governance Coordinator:

1) Responsible for maintaining a list of all Advisory Committees and Academic Senate Committees in collaboration with the Office of the President and the A.S Standing Committee on University Affairs.

2) Must work with the Office of the President and the A.S. Standing Committee on University Affairs to annually update all things in the A.S. Legal Code pertaining to the Advisory Committees and Academic Senate Committees.

3) Acts as a liaison between A.S. and the Advisory Committees and Academic Senate Committees.

4) Reports weekly to the Committee on Committees on which positions are open; tracks all resignations and removals of office.

5) Compiles quarterly reports from all the Campus Advisory and Academic Senate Committee members to be given to the A.S. Senate Standing Committee on University Affairs and Executive Officers.

6) Plans training for all representatives to Campus Advisory and Academic Senate Committees at the start of Fall Quarter.

7) Maintains an email list server for all Student Advisory and Academic Senate Committee members.

8) Attends Committees on Committees appointments to Advisory and Academic Senate Committees when possible.

9) Hold at least three (3) regular-posted office hours per week.

10) Shall sit on at least one (1) Advisory Committee or Academic Senate Committee.

11) Attend all meetings of the Committee on Committees and the A.S. Assembly.


12) Plan quarterly social events for the student representatives to Campus Advisory and Academic Senate Committees including at least (1) one event that is open to all students each year.

13) Ensure each student representative tables (2) two hours a quarter to publicize their committee.

14) Be a non-voting, Ex-officio member of the A.S Standing Committee on University Affairs and attend a minimum of three (3) meetings of the committee each quarter.

15) Fulfill other duties and responsibilities as assigned by the Chair.

E) Duties and Responsibilities of the A.S. Internal Liaison:

1) Maintains active contact with the Boards and Committees Chairs and Vice Chairs to update them on any relevant information from the Committee on Committees. Contact Committee Chairs with information about appointments processes, recruitment events, and open positions.

2) Coordinates a quarterly meeting of all A.S. Chairs outside of A.S. Assembly.

3) Helps publicize A.S. Assembly to all A.S. entities.

4) Holds at least three (3) regular posted office hours per week.

5) Collects each A.S. Entities meeting time and location at the start of each quarter to be displayed online and in A.S. Main.

6) Attends all meetings of the Committee on Committees and A.S. Assembly

7) Creates an annual A.S. Brochure that includes all A.S. Entities.

8) Coordinates with Creative Media to publish a quarterly newsletter of accomplishments of A.S. Entities and the Association as a whole.

9) Board, Commission, Committee, and Unit meetings as necessary.

10) Serves as an active member of the Committee on Honoraria.

11) Develops curriculum for and coordinates AS Orientation for all Associated Students Officers.

12) Fulfill other duties and responsibilities as assigned by the Chair.

F) Duties and Responsibilities of the Outreach and Recruitment Director and Coordinators:

1) Be responsible for planning and organizing at least one (1) major recruitment fair per quarter. This recruitment fair shall be considered an A.S.-wide event.

2) Collaborates with the External Chair to coordinate Associated Students Week of Welcome events and tabling.

3) Table for a minimum of five (5) hour per quarter in a public place. These hours must be spent actively recruiting students to A.S. entities and Administrative Advisory Committees or Academic Senate Committees.

4) Publicize Associated Students and Committee on Committees through social media.


5) Develop new and innovative ideas for targeted recruitment.

6) Hold a minimum of two (2) office hours per week.

7) Attend all meetings of the Committee on Committees.

8) Coordinate tabling for events at UCSB and in Isla Vista including but not limited to Week of Welcome, Pardall Carnival, Chilla Vista, OSL Organization Fairs and Spring Insight.

9) Publicize the AS Newsletter and AS Brochure developed by the Internal Liaisons.

10) The specific demographic designations of each Outreach and Recruitment Coordinator shall be as follows:

a) The On-campus Outreach and Recruitment Coordinator shall be responsible for creating innovative ways of recruiting students living in university owned facilities, specifically transfers and first year students.

b) The Off Campus Outreach and Recruitment Coordinator, who shall be responsible for creating innovative ways of outreaching to the students who live off campus.

c) The Outreach and Recruitment Coordinators shall be responsible for creating innovative ways of outreaching to all students, especially groups that currently are or have historically been underrepresented in A.S. This includes, but is not limited to, College of Creative Studies students, College of Engineering students, etc.

d) Each Coordinator shall be responsible for coordinating at least one (1) outreach or recruitment event per quarter that targets their demographic.

11) Fulfill other duties and responsibilities as assigned by the Chair.

G) Duties and Responsibilities of the Internal Climate Coordinators:

1) The Internal Climate Coordinators shall be a proponent of maintaining a comfortable and healthy climate within the Association and help better the skills and experiences of members of A.S. They shall use Restorative Justice to solve conflicts between any persons and groups within the Association in order to create a work place that is tension free and welcoming to all students. The Internal Climate Coordinators shall remain unbiased at all times in order to facilitate more effective discussions and to create no perception of clouded judgment. The ultimate goal for the ICC is to form an A.S Community.

2) The Internal Climate Coordinators shall serve a term of office of one (1) academic year.

3) The Internal Climate Coordinators shall be appointed by the A.S. President and shall be approved by a majority (50% + l) vote of the Senate. They must be a student in good standing (GPA of 2.0 or above) and cannot have held an elected position in the Association or have been affiliated with any political party.

4) The Internal Climate Coordinators cannot run and/or hold an elected position, and they may also not hold an elected office concurrently.

5) Attend three (3) non-consecutive Senate meetings per quarter and be familiar with the climate of the Senate.

6) Work with the Committee on Committees to build community in Associated Students.

7) Assist the IVP and Committee on Committees chairs in planning Senate and A.S. Wide retreats and AS Assembly.


8) Plan at least one (1) program per quarter, which will benefit individuals working within Associated Students and encourage their personal, academic, mental, and / or leadership development (i.e., Resume workshop, Grant-writing workshop, Wellness presentation, etc.).

9) Plan at least one (1) social program per quarter for Associated Students leaders to socialize and network with each other.

10) Meet quarterly with Amy Van Meter, the Restorative Justice Intern, discuss the implementation of Restorative Justice as a practice at UCSB and within A.S. once in fall quarter and throughout the year as needed. Organize Restorative Justice/peacekeeping circles for Associated Students should the climate deem it necessary.

11) Conduct surveys and gather research regarding the climate of the Association and take into consideration the ideas and suggestions of students.

12) Encourage healthy communication and working skills within the Association by providing members of A.S. with tools and resources for understanding working styles and communicating effectively.

13) Remain neutral in all Associated Students issues and Associated Students elections. The Internal Climate Coordinator will not be permitted to run for an elected position nor support any party/parties/individual running for a position.

14) Arrange, schedule, and facilitate a Team Building Event/Retreat for all candidates to attend.

a) This retreat shall be geared towards creating positive internal relationships between candidates and parties to alleviate tensions during the Elections process.

b) Allow candidates the opportunity to meet each other as individuals, not as parties.

c) Facilitate team building and bonding activities for the duration of the retreat when the majority of candidates can attend.

d) This retreat shall be held after the Declaration of Candidacy meeting and before elections officially begin in Spring quarter.

15) Attend all regular meetings of the Committee on Committees.

16) Serve two (2) office hours per week.

17) Attend all Committee on Committees Deliberations to ensure appointments are as fair and unbiased as possible. Ensure Committee on Committees members do not vote in appointments where they have a conflict of interest.

18) Fulfill other duties as assigned by the Chair.



A) The selection of commission members shall be determined by the A.S. President with the aid of the Committee on Committees under the following timeline.

1) Advertisement for applications to the Units will begin the seventh (7th) week of Winter quarter.


a) In order to insure full consideration for Spring appointments, applications shall be received by Monday of the fifth (5th) week of Spring quarter.

b) All Boards and Commissions, regardless of process, must comply with the determined advertisement.

2) Interviews will begin the Wednesday of the fifth (5th) week of Spring Quarter and end in the seventh (7th) week of Spring Quarter. The interview process must consist of members of the Committees-on-Committees, A.S. President-Elect, and if necessary, with guidance from the currently acting A.S. President.

3) The President-Elect shall submit the appointments to the Senate-Elect by the Monday of the eighth (8th) week of Spring Quarter.

4) Notification of placement will be sent out by the ninth (9th) week of Spring Quarter.

B) All interviews shall be conducted by a minimum of three (3) members of the Committee on Committees. All information gathered during said interviews shall be compiled by the Committees Coordinator and forwarded to the President-Elect by Monday of the eighth (8th) week of Spring quarter for their consideration.

C) Each Board or Commission may create its own interview structure, separate from the present Committee on Committees format, and its recommendations shall be forwarded to the A.S. President for ratification by Senate. Furthermore, each year during Spring quarter if a Board or Commission has not initiated an internal recruitment process by the sixth (6th) week of Spring quarter to fill positions for the following year, then the Committee on Committees will recruit to fill these positions.

1) If a Board or Commission chooses this option, the Director must have the A.S. President- Elect (or designee) and one (1) Senator-Elect present at their selection process for their Chair (or equivalent) position.

2) The persons recommended for appointments must also complete the Committee on Committees appointment application, for the Executive Officers and Senate's own records.

3) If a Board or Commission chooses to undergo an internal election, both the Chair(s) and the Advisor must count the votes.

4) All information gathered during said interviews shall be compiled by the Committees Coordinator and forwarded to the President-Elect by Monday of the eighth (8th) week of Spring quarter for their consideration. There must be detailed notes taken during the deliberation process.

5) Once a Board or Commission’s process is completed, the outgoing leadership shall forward to the Committee on Committees and President-Elect the statement of intent from the newly selected chair(s) and all information gathered during interviews.

D) All candidates for Chair(s) must complete a statement of intent before their interview or the internal process of a unit.

E) Term of Office of Board or Commission membership members shall be one (1) academic year, unless otherwise specified.

F) In accordance with the University of California Nondiscrimination Statement, the President shall outreach to all students, including those of historically underrepresented groups, during the recruitment process. Their selection of these applicants to Boards, Committees, Commissions, and open offices on the Senate and Senate Finance and Business Committee shall be considered based on enthusiasm, dedication, and time commitment.



A) Recommendations for By-Law changes that may affect any Board, Committee, or Commission must have written or oral consultation with all parties involved.

1) All parties involved shall be determined by the following:

a) The Board, Committee or Commission’s leadership/chairperson. b) The members of that Board, Committee or Commission. c) The Senators who sit on that Board, Committee or Commission. d) Any interested undergraduate that has attended at least two-thirds (2/3) of the meetings of the said Board, Committee or Commission, who is not identified by the above.

B) All A.S. Boards, Committees, and Commissions that receive an operating budget through Associated Students must submit minutes to A.S. Senate for each official meeting of the group. These minutes must enumerate all expenses over fifty ($50.00) dollars. Failure to do so will result in the immediate suspension and freezing of the account in question; all requisitions/reimbursements will be denied. Suspended accounts can be re-activated pending Senate approval of back minutes. The chairs and advisors of all Committees targeted for suspension will be given a directive to comply with this policy via their Senators, and each Committee will have one (1) week to submit back minutes before accounts are suspended. In the event that extenuating circumstances or accidental oversight prevent approval of minutes, appeals can be made directly to Senate. The Council can override this policy on a case by case basis by two-thirds (2/3) majority vote.

1) All minutes submitted to Senate must include:

a) A list of which members were present and, when available, which members were absent.

b) Any information related to the passage of any motion, including:

aa) The motion that was made. bb) The name of the member who made/seconded the motion. cc) The number of members who voted for/voted against/abstained. dd) When available, the names of members who voted for/voted against/abstained.

c) Any information related to any expense/allocation over fifty ($50.00) dollars, including:

aa) The amount of the expense/allocation. bb) What the funds will be used for. cc) The reason for the expense/allocation. dd) If an external allocation, the name of the group requesting the allocation.

C) Recommendations for By-Law changes/revisions for inactive or non-functional Boards, Committees or Commissions shall be allowed without any consultation, if there are no members/chairperson to do so otherwise.

D) Any and all honoraria changes or revisions must have direct consultation with the respective Board, Committee, and Commission, before being forwarded to Senate for approval.

E) All BCU Chairs must fill out an evaluation sheet of their Senator Liaison at the end of each quarter.

F) All the Chairs of each BCU must read the minutes from each Senate meeting.



A) The Committee Chair or Co-Chairs shall have the responsibility for informing Senate in writing within one (1) week after a “safe space” portion of a meeting occurs. The Chair or Co-Chairs shall be responsible for determining which information they deem relevant, but must specify, at a minimum, the following to Senate:

1) The date of the meeting

2) The time when the meeting became closed

3) The time when the meeting became open again

B) A “safe space” portion of a meeting shall be defined as a closed session with conditions agreed upon by a Board and Commission internally. These conditions should be decided upon early in the year. A “safe space” interrupts a public and open meeting so that the meeting space may be used to discuss issues that require privacy.

C) If a meeting transitions into a “safe space” environment, official minutes are not required but no student funds or resources may be used until the meeting becomes open again. Student resources include any supplies which the student body as a whole funds.

D) It shall be the responsibility of the Chair or Co-Chairs to decide whether or not a meeting should transition into a “safe space,” provided that the decision meets the requirements established within that particular Board, Committee, and Commission.


A) All Boards and Commissions are responsible for ensuring the Senate and Executive Officers are adequately advised and informed on the issues facing their constituency.

B) The direction, goals and agenda of each Board and Commission shall be determined by the respective parties, with respect to the campus community, student needs and the constituency represented at board meetings.


A) Charge of the Commission:

The Commission on Disability Equality (CODE) is dedicated to improving the status of students with temporary or permanent disabilities on campus and in the community. CODE shall outreach, network, and explore ways to increase retention and graduation rates, and promote social, educational, and academic programs regarding the disabled student community. CODE is committed to advocating for disabled students and educating the campus community on the importance of equal access by raising disability issues, interests, and awareness on a local, state, and national level.

B) Voting Membership:

1) Two (2) Commissioners 2) One (1) Recording/Historian Officer 3) One (1) Public Relations Officer 4) Two (2) Programming Officers 5) One (1) Senator 6) One (1) Graduate Students Association Representative 7) A.S. External Vice President of Local Affairs 8) A.S. External Vice President for Statewide Affairs 9) A.S. Student Advocate General


10) All undergraduate and graduate students who are enrolled in the Disabled Students Program. 11) Any student who attends two (2) meetings

C) Non-voting Membership:

1) A.S. President 2) A.S. Attorney General 3) A.S. Controller (s)

D) Selection and Term of Office:

1) The Commissioner shall be first selected and approved by the Commission by a two- thirds (2/3) vote, then nominated by the A.S. President and confirmed by Senate for a term of one (1) academic year. In the event that the Commission fails to meet for one (1) entire quarter, the commission on Commissions shall hold an interview process and appoint a new Commissioner for the following quarter.

2) The following officers shall be selected and approved by the commission by a vote of fifty percent plus one (50% +1) for a term of one (1) academic year:

a) Recording Officer b) Public Relations Officer c) Two (2) Programming Officers

3) The Senator shall be nominated by the Internal Vice President and confirmed by the Senate for a term of one (1) academic year.

E) Duties and Responsibilities of Officers:

1) The Commissioner shall:

a) Serve as the official representatives and spokespersons of the Commission.

b) Facilitate all weekly Commission meetings.

c) Have the primary responsibility for fiscal management.

d) Prepare the Commission's budget for the following year.

e) Meet with administrators and students from the office of the Disabled Students Program at least five (5) times per quarter.

f) Present at least two (2) reports to the Senate per quarter regarding the activities of the Commission.

g) Hold a minimum of four (4) regularly scheduled office hours per week as follows:

aa) Three (3) regularly scheduled office hours per week in the A.S. CODE office.

h) Shall attend all meetings of the A.S. Assembly and at least one (1) ASUCSB Workgroup

2) The Recording/Historian Officer shall:

a) Record minutes of all meetings and distribute them to all members of the Commission and Senate.


b) Organize and keep an update contact list of Commission members and those interested in the Commission.

c) Present a report of public relations developments bi-weekly to the Commission.

d) Take pictures of events and meetings.

e) Update the webpage as seen necessary.

3) The Public Relations Officer shall:

a) Be responsible for informing and educating the campus community about meetings, programs, and projects of the Commission.

b) Maintain and update the A.S. CODE website and other publicity sources regularly.

c) Work with A.S. External Vice President of Statewide Affairs and A.S. State Affairs Organizing Director to promote public awareness of the issues addressed in the Commission through legislation.

d) Present a report of public relations developments bi-weekly to the Commission.

4) The two (2) Programming Officers shall:

a) Be responsible for overseeing the coordination of all the Commission programs and activities.

b) Organize the involvement of Commission members in planning and facilitating all programs and activities.

c) Present a report of public relations developments bi-weekly to the Commission.

F) Duties and Responsibilities of the Commission:

1) Meet regularly once (1) per week.

2) Organize at least one (1) disability awareness week program each year, which shall be open to all students.

3) Organize at least one (1) joint social event per quarter for members of the Commission and members of the Disabled Students Program.

4) Address all accessibility issues for disabled students on campus and in the community to the Committee on Campus Planning, the Student Fee Advisory Committee, and any other relevant campus entities at least once (1) per year.

5) Organize a campus-wide program that addresses specific accessibility issues for disabled students at least once (1) per year.


A) Charge of the Committee:

The A.S. Public Safety Commission will work to increase the level of safety throughout the Isla Vista and the UCSB campus. The commission will focus on all safety issues concerning the student body as well as increasing student relations and communications with Isla Vista Foot Patrol, California Highway Patrol, UC Police Department, and the Office of Student Life in a positive manner. To help accomplish such improvement of relations and communications the commission shall organize projects and campaigns pertaining to public safety.


B) Structure:

1) A.S. Public Safety Commission shall consist of:

a) Voting Members: Two (2) Co-Chairpersons One (1) Vice Chair One (1) Senator One (1) Isla Vista Safety Liaison One (1) University-Affiliated Safety Liaison One (1) Recruitment and Outreach Coordinator External Vice President of Local Affairs or the EVPLA Community Safety Coordinator One (1) UCIV Liaison

b) Ex-Officio Members (Non-Voting): A.S. President A.S. Internal Vice President A.S. Advisor A.S. Isla Vista Community Relations Committee representative(s) A.S. Womyn’s Commission representative(s) A.S. Attorney General

C) Selection and Terms of Office:

1) The Co-Chairpersons and Vice Chair (not Senators) shall be recommended by the A.S. Committee on Committees in close consultation with the outgoing Co-Chairpersons, appointed by the President and approved with a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the Senate.

2) The one (1) Senator shall be appointed by the Internal-Vice President and approved with a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the Senate.

3) The Isla Vista Safety Liaison, University-Affiliated Safety Liaison, and Recruitment and Outreach Coordinator shall be recommended to the A.S. Committee on Committees by an internal process, as dictated by the incoming Co-Chairpersons, and subject to the approval of the A.S. Committee on Committees Chair, then nominated by the President for approval with a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the Senate.

D) Duties and Powers:

1) Co-Chairpersons:

a) Presides over all Public Safety Commission meetings.

b) Responsible for formulation of the agenda for each A.S. Public Safety Commission meeting.

c) Responsible for attending at least two (2) Senate meetings per quarter to report on the Committee’s actions.

d) Appoints commission officers.

e) Hold a minimum of three (3) office hours per week.

f) Shall attend the quarterly A.S Assembly.

g) Shall attend two (2) meetings per quarter for the following BCUs: Queer Commission, Take Back the Night, Bike Committee, Commission on Student Wellbeing, Committee on Disability Equality.


h) Shall meet with the EVPLA Safety Coordinator at least twice per quarter, as well as maintain regular communication.

i) Creates and maintains the Public Safety Commission budget.

j) Shall attend all meetings of the A.S. Assembly and at least one (1) ASUCSB Workgroup.

2) Vice Chairperson:

a) Fulfills duties of the Chair, if Chairperson is unable to do so.

b) Responsible for attending at least one (1) Senate meeting per quarter to report on the Committee’s actions.

c) Hold a minimum of three (3) office hours per week.

d) Shall oversee administrative detail and project work within Public Safety Commission.

e) Attend at least one (1) Isla Vista Community Network meeting per quarter.

f) Shall act as the Public Safety Commission Historian by maintaining a binder containing meeting minutes and project documents.

3) The Isla Vista Safety Liaison shall:

a) Work with Public Safety Commission in discussing, implementing, and evaluating any specific matters of safety in Isla Vista.

b) Act as a liaison to Isla Vista Foot Patrol, Isla Vista Recreation and Parks District, and any other safety-relevant Isla Vista entities (groups or individuals).

4) The University-Affiliated Public Safety Commission Liaison shall:

a) Work with Public Safety Commission in discussing, implementing, and evaluating any specific matters of safety concerning the University.

b) Act as a liaison to the Office of Student Life, UCSB Police Department, and Career and Counseling Services.

b) Collaborate with the Public Safety Commission IV Liaison and EVPLA Safety Coordinator in holding at least one town hall meeting a year to create and encourage discussion about safety issues on campus and in Isla Vista.

5) The Recruitment and Outreach Coordinator shall:

a) Work to promote Public Safety Commission within the community through web presence (including, but not limited to, Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram), signage, peer outreach, and events.

b) Act to increase awareness of and involvement with Public Safety Commission in the UCSB and Isla Vista communities.

c) Hold a minimum of one (1) office hour per week.

6) UCIV Liaison :

a) Presides over UCIV Collaborative Board meetings.


b) Responsible formulation of the agenda for UCIV Collaborative Board meeting.

c) Responsible for formulating report of the meeting to be forwarded to Safety Commission.

d) Acts as one of the head supervisors for UCIV.

e) Assists in formulating and maintaining the inventory of UCIV items.


A) Charge of the Committee:

The A.S. Commission on Student Well Being is a body concerned with the holistic well being of UCSB undergraduate students. Its purpose is to increase awareness, educate, advocate and serve as a reference point for student social services on campus and locally. Additionally, the commission will create and promote programs focused on providing a positive, comfortable and educational learning experience for all on campus.

B) Membership:

1) Mandatory Membership: a) Two (2) Chairs b) One (1) Vice Chair c) One (1) Internal Coordinator d) One (1) Financial Coordinator e) Two (2) Publicity Coordinators f) One (1) Senate Members g) Three (3) Fitness Coordinators h) One (1) Outreach Coordinators i) One (1) Mental Health Coordinator j) One (1) External Coordinator k) One (1) Nutrition Coordinator

2) Voting Membership: a) All mandatory membership. b) Any student upon attending three (3) or more meetings in a year.

C) Selection and Term of Office of the Mandatory Membership:

1) The two (2) Chairs and all Coordinators shall be recommended by the previous voting membership, to the A.S. Committee on Committees, then nominated by the A.S. President with final approval given by the Senate for a term of one (1) academic year.

a) The recommendation process of the Commission On Student Well Being for the two (2) Chairs and all of the Coordinators requires a vote by all those considered in the category of “Voting Membership”. The individuals pursuing those aforementioned positions must acquire a majority of votes. The vote reflects the formal selection of the Commission to the A.S. President.

2) The Senator can first be recommended by the Commission and then selected and nominated by the. Internal Vice President, with final approval given to the Senate for a term of one (1) year. If a Senator is not recommended by the Commission in the ninth (9th) week of Spring quarter, the. Internal Vice President can appoint a Senator without any recommendation by the Commission.

D) Duties and Powers of the Commission:


1) Act as a reference point for student social services related to mental or physical health and student well being at UCSB.

2) Work to educate the campus on issues pertaining to student mental or physical health.

3) Create viable and effective communication between UCSB students and various campus departments focused on student social services at UCSB and the UC system.

4) Advocate for improving and protecting counseling services at UCSB and the UC system.

5) Coordinate speakers, lectures, entertainment, and other events to educate and make UCSB or the community aware of issues.

E) Duties and Powers of the Chair:

1) Schedule and facilitate weekly meetings of the Commission.

2) Be aware of issues related to mental or physical health locally, nationally, and in the University of California system.

3) Handle public relations for the Commission and be the official spokesperson for the Commission.

4) Set a minimum of two (2) regularly scheduled office hours per week.

5) Be responsible for all fiscal transactions in the Commission.

6) Prepare the Commission’s budget for the following year in conjunction with the Financial Coordinator of the Commission.

7) At least one (1) Chair shall attend the quarterly A.S Assembly.

8) Organize, with assistance from other members of the Commission, at least one (1) major event per quarter, which is open to all students and related to either physical, mental, or social well being.

9) Serve as an available aid to other Coordinators in their event planning.

10) Shall attend all meetings of the A.S. Assembly and at least one (1) of the hosted Workgroups.

11) Meet with COSWB advisor every 2 weeks to discuss progress, updates, and to work on ways to deal with issues that are related to mental or physical health locally and in the University of California system.

F) Duties of Vice- Chair:

1) Shall serve as proxy for the chair(s) if in any event they are unable to fulfill the duties of being a chair.

2) Shall ensure that other member of the committee are fluffing their duties to the full extent of what is required of them.

3) Give at least one (1) report to the Senate per quarter regarding the activities of the Commission.

4) Organize one (1) COSWB officer retreat per quarter.

5) Serve as an available aid to the chairs and other Coordinators in their event planning.


G) Duties of the Internal Coordinator:

1) Record the minutes at each meeting.

2) Be responsible for the distribution of minutes.

3) Organize and keep track of supplies in the Pardall Center, including promotional items, event supplies, and fitness supplies.

4) Report to COSWB advisor at least four (4) times a quarter to discuss progress and upcoming events..

5) Serve as an available aid to other Coordinators in their event planning.

H) Duties of the External Coordinator:

1) Serves as liaison between other Boards, Commissions and Units within Associated Students that are associated with Mental Health.

2) Serves as liaison between Student Health, Career & Counseling Services, the Psychology Department and Student Organizations.

3) Be responsible for emailing and outreaching the student body about upcoming events.

4) Compile and maintain contact lists for the Commission.

5) Serve as a proxy for the Chair in the occasion that the Chair is unable to attend an outside meeting or make a report to the Senate.

6) Be responsible for representing the Commission at the meetings of other organizations.

7) Attend at least six (6) outside meetings of a Boards, Commissions, and Units or student organization that are related to improving mental health on campus per quarter.

8) Serve as an available aid to other Coordinators in their event planning.

I) Duties of the Financial Coordinator:

1) Responsible for fiscal management of the Commission.

2) In conjunction with Commissioners, shall prepare the Commission budget for the following year.

3) Give a financial report to the Committee every other week, starting with week two (2).

a) Reports include: unallocated funds, motions, expenditures, and any other financial matters that pertain to the Committee.

4) Serve as an available aid to other Coordinators in their event planning.

J) Publicity Coordinator:

1) Works closely with chairs and coordinators during planning of events to determine advertising and publicity needs, strategies, budgets, deadlines, etc.

2) Works closely with the Media Relations Committee to help promote events.

3) Maintain a working relationship with the Daily Nexus, Bottom Line, and other media outlets.


4) Maintain and update the e-mail subscriber list and send out weekly newsletters.

5) Send out two (2) university announcements of upcoming events per month.

6) Serve as an available aid to other Coordinators in their event planning.

K) Duties of the Fitness Coordinator:

1) Organize a weekly fitness event for weeks 1-9 of each quarter (Fall, Winter, Spring).

2) Be responsible for securing a location, contacting instructors and making sure instructors are paid.

3) Be responsible for supervising, or delegating another member of the Commission to supervise, the weekly fitness event.

4) Be responsible for fitness preparation and materials including, but not limited to: waivers, iHome or another mode of audio, merchandise, snacks, etc.

5) Serve as an available aid to other Coordinators in their event planning.

L) Duties of the Outreach Coordinator:

1) Organize at least two (2) events per quarter.

2) Be responsible for creating and organizing promotion materials.

3) Organize at least two (2) mixers in the residence halls per quarter as an informational program about the Commission as well as the resources and services available to students on campus.

4) Serve as an available aid to other Coordinators in their event planning.

M) Duties of the Mental Health Coordinator:

1) Shall plan, organize, and coordinate at least one (1) Mental Health First Aid Training per quarter.

2) Be responsible to lead the student panel advising Counseling And Psychological Services on their hiring of new counselors.

3) Shall plan two (2) mental health related events and/or educational workshops per quarter

4) Serve as an available aid to other Coordinators in their event planning.

N) Duties of the Senator:

1) Give weekly reports on the Senate to the Commission.

2) Provide Senate with a weekly report of the Commission.

3) Attend at least one (1) COSWB event, and attend other COSWB events to the best of their ability.

4) Serve as an available aid to other Coordinators in their event planning.


O) Duties of the Nutrition Coordinator:

1) Organize at least two (2) events per quarter including one (1) collaboration with an nutrition-related organization.

2) Organize at least one (1) educational food demonstration.

3) Attend at least one (1) Commission event, and attend other Commission events to the best of their ability.

4) Serve as an available aid to other Coordinators in their event planning.


A) Charge of the Environmental Affairs Board:

The charge of the Environmental Affairs Board is to protect, preserve and enhance the natural environment, principally at UCSB and its surrounding communities, but also broadly. The Board will accomplish these tasks by focusing on sustainability within ecology, agriculture, energy, climate change, health, the economy, and environmental justice and racism, as such issues have a direct relation to the environment. The Board will coordinate with other groups to promote environmental awareness throughout the University and the surrounding communities, as well as the state, national and global level.

B) Voting Membership:

1) Two (2) Chairs 2) Two (2) Publicity Chairs 3) Two (2) Earth Day Coordinators 4) Two (2) Social Chairs 5) One (1) Statewide Affairs Coordinator and Campaign Coordinator 6) Two (2) Sustainable Foods Chairs 7) One (1) Sustainable Business Chair and Campaign Coordinator 8) One (1) Volunteer Chair 9) One (1) Campus Affairs Coordinator 10) One (1) Environmental Justice Chair and Campaign Coordinator 11) One (1) Historian 12) One (1) Clean Energy Chair and Campaign Coordinator 13) One (1) Student Affairs Coordinator

C) Non Voting Membership:

1) A.S. President 2) A.S. External Vice President for Local Affairs 3) A.S. Controller(s) 4) A.S. Committee on Committees Chair 5) A.S. Executive Director 6) A.S. Attorney General 7) State Affairs Organizing Director 8) Local Affairs Organizing Director 9) Any and all interested undergraduate students 10) A.S. Environmental Programs Advisor

D) Selection and Term of Office:

1) All voting members shall be democratically elected by the entire membership of the Environmental Affairs Board and approved by the Senate for a term of one (1) academic year.


2) Chairs should be retuning members of EAB, either voting or non-voting.

3) For all voting membership positions, Environmental Affairs Board shall provide the A.S. President and Senate with a recommendation.

4) The one (1) Senator shall be nominated by the Internal Vice President and approved by the Senate for the term of one (1) academic year.

E) Duties and Responsibilities on the Environmental Affairs Board:

1) Outreach to student groups on environmental issues relevant to UCSB, the local community, and beyond. Provide opportunities to experience the local environment through activities, including outdoor recreational programs, such as hiking, field trips, etc. Organize informational campaigns, educational outreach and/or petition drives on pertinent environmental issues such as:

a) Pollution, including issues such as oil spills from offshore platforms and passing tankers, lagoon pollution.

b) Climate change and energy issues.

c) Campus and community development projects (such as Green Buildings, Isla Vista Community Development and the UCSB Long Range Development Plan).

d) Energy and water conservation, as well as recycling issues.

e) Environmental justice and environmental racism issues.

f) Sustainable businesses and products.

g) Issues related to sustainable food.

h) Broad-based sustainability issues.

2) Organize an Earth Day celebration in April.

3) Seek the involvement of students, in groups or individually, in fulfilling the charge of EAB.

4) Engage in weekly IV Recreation and Parks Dept. Adopt-a-Block program, including maintenance of ash urns purchased by EAB and SB Redevelopment Agency. This participation is a year-round obligation with the exception of study weeks (Week 10) and finals weeks.

F) Duties and Responsibilities of the EAB Chairs:

1) Coordinate the activities of the voting and non-voting members of EAB.

2) Serve as an official representative and spokesperson of the Environmental Affairs Board and chair the weekly meetings.

3) Organize and chair weekly officer and general meetings.

4) Attend at least one (1) Senate meeting per quarter to report on the activity of the Board.

5) Hold a minimum of four (4) office hours per week.

6) Act in the capacity of any EAB Officer, EAB Coordinator or Liaison in the event of that person’s absence.


7) Work with all voting members to maintain and organize the EAB office.

8) Organize a leadership retreat for the beginning of the academic year, winter quarter and spring quarter.

9) Serve as main organizers for the first meeting of the year.

10) Train successor Chairs.

11) Attend all AS Assemblies.

G) Duties and Responsibilities of all other voting members:

1) Attend weekly Officer and general meetings.

2) Hold a minimum of one (1) office hour per week. Office hours should function in a way such that the EAB office is open Monday through Friday.

3) Work with Publicity Chairs to engage in two (2) hours of outreach efforts per quarter.

4) Work with Chairs to help office organization efforts at least once per quarter.

5) At least twice per quarter, work with Sustainable food Chairs to help clean up after weekly meetings.

6) Train successor officers.

7) Create and maintain an outline journal of any and all efforts, events, campaigns, and other experiences that occurred throughout the year.

H) Duties and Responsibilities of EAB Publicity Chairs:

1) Serve as an official representative on outreach activities.

2) Inform UCSB students and community members of EAB activities and other relevant environmental issues and events. Shall utilize campus, community, national and online media outlets.

3) Coordinate with all other chairs regarding events and activities that need publicity.

4) Develop outreach materials.

5) Encourage recruitment of new members by holding one (1) “new interest” meeting at the beginning of the Winter and Spring quarters.

6) Maintain all social media accounts affiliated with EAB.

7) Develop the website and update it with current EAB events, news, and media.

8) Order and maintain Publicity materials (i.e. pamphlets fliers, shirts, water bottles, pens, etc.)

I) Duties and Responsibilities of the Earth Day Coordinators:

1) Beginning in Fall Quarter, organize an Earth Day Festival in Isla Vista around the time of Earth Day (April 22).

2) Organize “Earth Week,” the week leading up to the festival. Throughout this week, organize events and/or activities hosted by EAB relating to Earth Day and the festival.


3) Check in with all Earth Day participants (volunteers, vendors, musicians, etc.) and thank participants on behalf of EAB.

J) Duties and Responsibilities of the Social Chairs:

1) Plan at least two (2) social activities per quarter. Activities include picnics, barbecues, potlucks, film screeningsand/or parties.

2) Organize at least one (1) quarterly camping trip during either the Winter or Spring quarter.

3) Organize at least one (1) weekly activity. Activities include hikes, bike rides to farmer’s markets, etc.

K) Duties and Responsibilities of the Statewide Affairs Coordinator and Campaign Coordinator:

1) Serve as one of the two Council Representatives for the California Student Sustainability Coalition (CSSC).

2) Serve as lead organizers for UCSB's participation in CSSC Convergences.

3) Update UCSB on CSSC’s efforts, and CSSC on UCSB’s efforts.

4) Attend each of the biweekly CSSC Council calls (or find a substitute). Attend each biannual CSSC leadership retreat (or find a substitute).

5) Help organize statewide and national efforts involving environmental and sustainability issues.

6) Collaborate with the other campaign coordinators on quarterly, yearly, or multi year campaigns.

L) Duties and Responsibilities of the Sustainable Foods Chairs:

1) Acquire food and other necessities for weekly meetings.

2) Organize clean up efforts for weekly meetings.

3) Serve as main liaisons between EAB and other food-oriented campus groups, such as the Isla Vista Food Co-Op.

4) Work with administration and UCSB Dining Services to encourage sustainable food policies in campus dining establishments.

5) Plan events and campaigns to raise awareness about the connections between food and the environment.

M) Duties and Responsibilities of the Sustainable Business Chair and Campaign Coordinator:

1) Serve as main liaisons between EAB and business-related campus groups and businesses on campus and surrounding communities.

2) Work with administration to encourage sustainable commercial and purchasing policies on campus.

3) Work with local businesses to help implement sustainable commercial policies.

4) Plan events and campaigns to raise awareness about the connections between business/enterprise and the environment.


5) Collaborate with the other campaign coordinators on quarterly, yearly, or multi year campaigns.

N) Duties and Responsibilities of the Volunteer Chair:

1) Organize three (3) volunteer activities per quarter that include either campus or community efforts. Activities include tree planting, restoration projects, and beach cleanups.

2) Organize weekly Adopt-A-Block clean-ups with IV Recreation and Parks District.

3) Explore the possibilities for restoration projects on campus and in the community.

4) For all beach cleanups, work with the Coastal Fund's Coastal Service Program to earn funds for the group to donate to worthy causes.

O) Duties and Responsibilities of the Campus Affairs Coordinator:

1) Work with campus administration on environmental and sustainability issues.

2) Work with the UCSB sustainability coordinator (university staff) to keep EAB members informed on campus sustainability and environmental issues.

3) Attend Chancellor’s Sustainability Committee meetings.

4) Develop five (5) environmental announcements to be presented at EAB general meetings each quarter.

5) Provide a campus sustainability fact for the EAB newsletter each week.

6) Join a UCSB Sustainability Change agent group.

P) Duties and Responsibilities of the Environmental Justice Chair and Campaign Coordinator:

1) Act as a liaison to social justice groups on campus, including working with the Humyn Rights Board.

2) Plan at least one (1) educational and/or action campaign each quarter.

3) Work with administration to encourage equitable environmental practices on campus.

4) Work with Senate and A.S. Executive offices to encourage equitable environmental practices and policies within Associated Students.

5) Collaborate with the other campaign coordinators on quarterly, yearly, or multi year campaigns.

Q) Duties and Responsibilities of the Historian:

1) Maintain records of EAB activities, news, events, and campaigns.

2) Develop an annual scrapbook that compiles the group's activities.

3) Look into the history of EAB and note key facts from the past.

4) Compile EAB photos in a slideshow for the quarterly Week 10 potluck.

5) Maintain EAB Alumni Network.


R) Duties and Responsibilities of the Clean Energy Chair and Campaign Coordinator.

1) Lead UCSB Fossil Free (working to get the UC’s to divest from the top 200 fossil fuel companies).

2) Lead renewable energy projects and initiatives on campus

3) Encourage other organizations to run on clean energy when holding events

4) Hold board position on Chancellor’s Sustainability Committee (CSC) Alternative Energy subcommittee.

5) Collaborate with the other campaign coordinators on quarterly, yearly, or multi year campaigns.

S) Duties and Responsibilities of the Student Affairs Coordinator:

1) Outreach to five (5) student groups per quarter seeking a partnership on events, projects, campaigns, that align the mission of both groups.

2) Attend all ECOalition meetings as the representative of EAB, acting as the liaison between ECOalition and EAB.

3) Serve as an undergraduate student voting member representing EAB within TGIF

4) Maintain strong connections with groups with similar missions. Update EAB on efforts from these groups and updates those groups on EAB’s efforts.

5) Inspire and promote environmental awareness and sustainability throughout Associated Students.

6) Educate student groups on the legalities of the Green Bill, and assist them to have more sustainable practices regularly and for special meetings/events.


A) Charge of the Human Rights Board:

The Human Rights Board of Associated Students serves as a forum centered on facilitating and amplifying the interaction of student groups-both within UCSB and our greater community. The Board recognizes their mission of inclusivity by creating forum that encourages, advocates and promotes respectful and honest communication regarding the education and awareness of basic human rights principles. This includes, but is not limited to age, class, disability, ethnicity, gender, gender identity, nationality, religion, race, size, sex and sexuality. The main charge of the board is to promote open education and awareness through event forums and educational campaigns. The driving force behind this initiative is twofold: ignorance is the primary root of human rights abuses, and when collaborating together as opposed to separately we are capable of making a much stronger impact.

B) Voting Membership:

1) Two (2) Co-Chairs 2) One (1) Vice Chair 3) One (1) Events Coordinator 4) One (1) Outreach Coordinator 5) One (1) Publicity Coordinator 6) One (1) Treasurer 7) One (1) Senator


8) Any liaison from various campus and community organizations who, after attending five (5) consecutive meetings, demonstrates an interest, and is eligible for appointment by the President to a voting position on the Board. 9) Any current registered undergraduate UCSB student who, after attending five (5) consecutive meetings, demonstrates an interest, and is eligible for appointment by the President to a voting position on the Board.

C) Non-Voting Membership:

1) A.S. President 2) A.S. External Vice President of Statewide Affairs 3) A.S. Controller(s) 4) A.S. Executive Director

D) Selection and Term of Office:

1) The Co-Chairs, Vice Chair, Treasurer, Events Coordinator, Outreach Coordinator, and Publicity Coordinator shall be internally elected, recommended by Committees on Committees, nominated by the President and approved by Senate for a term of one (1) academic year.

2) The Organization Liaisons consist of members who represent campus or community organizations that show an interest in the Board and/or wish to become voting members.

a) Organization applications are accepted anytime throughout the year from any recognized OSL or AS campus organizations wishing to become part of the voting Board.

b) Organizations wishing to obtain voting privileges must send a liaison who actively participates and attends five (5) consecutive meetings before becoming a voting member. The Organization Liaisons are then recommended by the Board, nominated by the President and approved by the Senate for a term of one (1) academic year.

c) Once an organization has been through the process of obtaining voting privileges, membership carries over to the following year. The new Organization Liaison must then be recommended by the Board, nominated by the President and approved by the Senate for a term of one (1) academic year.

3) The one (1) Senator shall be nominated by the Internal Vice President and approved by the Senate for the term of one (1) academic year.

E) Attendance:

1) Board members are expected to attend all meetings. In the case a voting member must miss a meeting they must send a proxy that is approved by the Board through a majority vote (50% +1).

2) If a voting member misses three (3) consecutive meetings and fails to appoint a proxy, the member forfeits all voting privileges.

a) Once privileges are lost, the member must restart the process to become a voting member.

F) Full Autonomy of Member Organizations:

1) The Human Rights Board shall acknowledge member organization’s respective autonomies. Therefore, no AS and/or OSL group shall be bound to a HRB directive without the full consent of its constituency. Individual organizations may or may not


arrive with separate agendas to the Board, as the rights of the Board do not supersede the agenda of respective member organizations.

G) Duties and Powers of the Co-Chairs:

1) Shall be the general manager of this Organization and have, subject to the control of the Board, general supervision and direction of the affairs and officers of this Board.

2) Shall preside at all meetings of the Board.

3) Shall assist in the completion of the budget package for the following year.

4) Shall be required to attend at least one (1) Senate meeting per quarter to report on the activity of the Board.

5) Shall be required to have at least five (5) hours of tabling per quarter.

6) Shall attend all meetings of the A.S. Assembly and at least one (1) ASUCSB Workgroup.

H) Duties and Powers of the Vice Chair:

1) In the absence or disability of both Co-Chairs, the Vice Chair shall perform all the duties of the Co-Chairs, and shall have all the powers of, and be subject to all the restrictions upon, the Co-Chairs.

2) Shall perform such other duties that may be prescribed for them respectively by the Board.

3) Shall record and distribute the minutes for the weekly Human Rights Board meetings.

4) Shall be required to have at least five (5) hours of tabling per quarter.

I) Duties of the Events Coordinator:

1) Shall be responsible for coordinating and collaborating with the Organization Liaisons for at least one large scale event per academic quarter, one (1) of which must be a Human Rights Week.

2) Shall be empowered to create a Committee or staff to assist them in that process.

3) Shall assist the Publicity Coordinator in advertising for the events.

4) Shall be required to hold at least five (5) hours of tabling per quarter.

J) Duties of the Outreach Coordinator:

1) Shall be responsible for coordinating outreach efforts for the Human Rights Board.

2) Shall coordinate outreach efforts including tabling and reaching out to RHA and students in the residence halls.

3) Shall be required to attend at least five (5) OSL or AS organizations a quarter to try and recruit new members and advertise for the Human Rights Board.

a) The organizations must be in line with the Human Rights Board’s mission.

4) Shall be required hold at least five (5) hours of tabling per quarter.

K) Duties of the Publicity Coordinator:


1) Shall be responsible for advertising and publicity for all Human Rights Board events.

2) Shall act as a liaison for the Human Rights Board to campus and local media.

3) Shall report all Human Rights Board events to the Daily Nexus and the Bottom Line.

4) Shall coordinate any press releases or articles for the Human Rights Board.

5) Shall keep in communication with the Communications Committee Chair for any assistance in publicity for the Human Rights Board.

6) Shall be responsible for maintaining the Human Rights Board’s website and all social networking sites the Board may use.

7) Shall be required to hold at least five (5) hours of tabling per quarter.

L) Duties of the Treasurer:

1) Shall keep and maintain, or cause to be kept and maintained, adequate and correct books and records of accounts of the properties and business transactions of this Organization.

2) Shall prepare the Board’s budget for the following year in conjunction with the Co- Chairs.

3) Shall give a weekly fiscal report to the Board.

4) Shall be responsible for collecting all requisitions and returning them to the Co-Chairs.

5) The Treasurer is required to hold at least five (5) hours of tabling per quarter.

M) Duties and Powers of the Organization Liaisons:

1) Shall report back to their perspective organizations weekly regarding the actions and plans of the Human Rights Board.

2) Shall assist the Event Coordinator in the creation of quarterly events and Human Rights Week themes.

3) Shall give reports from their organization to the Human Rights Board during weekly meetings.


A) Charge of the Commission:

The A.S. Queer Commission shall serve as an educational and advocacy forum for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender (LGBT), Queer, Intersex, and Asexual (LGBTQI) students’ rights, with a commitment to representing and improving the status of LGBTQI students on campus and in the community. The A.S. Queer Commission a diverse group of members that provides education, funding, and advocacy for the queer community at UCSB and also the Tri-County areas. The Commission will also work together with other campus and community groups to overcome problems such as homophobia, heterosexism, transphobia, biphobia, hate incidents/crimes and other forms of oppression.

B) Membership:

1) Voting Membership:

a) Two (2) Co-Chairs


b) One (1) Internal Coordinator c) One (1) External Coordinator d) One (1) Outreach Coordinator e) One (1) Publicity Coordinator f) One (1) Queerstorian g) One (1) Senate Member h) Two (2) New Leader Interns i) Special Project Coordinator(s) j) Two (2) Pride Co-Chairs k) Any members having attended two (2) meetings or more per quarter.

2) Non-voting Members:

a) A.S. President b) A.S. Attorney General c) A.S. Controller(s)

C) Selection and Term of Office of the Elected Membership:

1) Two (2) outgoing members of the elected membership who are not running for re- election will facilitate an election process for the following year’s two (2) Co-Chairs, four (4) Coordinators, and one (1) Queerstorian by the 7th week of Spring quarter. All of the commission’s voting members during Spring Quarter are allowed to participate in this election. The internally elected Commission will then be recommended to the A.S. President for nomination and sent to Senate for approval of a term lasting one (1) academic year.

2) The Senator shall be first recommended by the Commission, then selected and nominated by the A.S. Internal Vice President, with final approval being given by the Senate for a term of one (1) year.

3) The elected membership will use the first two (2) weeks of Fall quarter to outreach to possible New Leader Interns. The Co-Chairs will create an application process that will be distributed electronically and at outreach events such as Queer-A-Palooza, RHA mixers, and other recruitment efforts made by Associated Students or other Queer organizations. The voting membership will then use a blind selection process to recommend the interns to the A.S. President for nomination and then sent to the Senate for approval of a term ending during Spring elections.

4) Pride Co-Chairs will be elected and recruited by the Co-Chairs after Pride Week by the Pride Steering Committee. The elected Co-Chairs will then be recommended for approval for a term lasting one (1) academic year.

5) In the event of a vacant position during the year, the first step will be to see if any of the already elected membership feels more comfortable moving into the vacated position. Anyone that ran for a position during the previous Spring elections and was not elected will then be contacted and invited to run for vacant positions at the next meeting, where the voting membership will vote on approval. Once all the people from the previous Spring elections have been contacted and either declined or not been approved an application process similar to the process for intern positions will be used to select the vacant position.

D) Duties and Powers of the Commission:

1) Be an advocacy group aimed at improving the status of queer students both on campus and in the community.

2) Be aware of and work to support the projects of other queer student organizations on campus and in the community.


3) Act as a referral source for students on any matter concerning LGBTQI issues.

4) Work to educate the campus on issues pertaining to the LGBTQI community.

5) Advise the Senate on issues pertaining to LGBTQI students.

6) Provide student representation for Associated Students on ad hoc administrative Committees concerning LGBTQI issues.

7) Work on advocating for the rights of all LGBTQI students on campus.

8) Maintain a working relationship with the Resource Center for Sexual and Gender Diversity staff.

E) Duties and Powers of the Co-Chairs of the A.S. Queer Commission:

1) Stay abreast of the political environment in the community.

2) Facilitate all Commission meetings or, if unable, delegate said responsibility to another officer.

3) Handle public relations for the Commission and serve as the official spokesperson(s) for the Commission.

4) Coordinate the operations of all special projects and attempt to be of help in any problem or issue that may arise.

5) Hold a minimum of three (3) regularly scheduled office hours per week.

6) Be responsible for the fiscal management of the Commission and for checking and maintaining the Queer Commission email in collaboration with the Queerstorian.

7) Prepare the Commission's budget for the following year.

8) Present at least two (2) reports to the Senate per quarter regarding the activities of the Commission.

9) AS Assembly each quarter.

10) Be available for reference with respect to questions and inquiries on Commission’s past.

11) Have a working relationship with all of the A.S. Executive Officers, and keep the A.S. Executive Offices accountable to issues pertaining to the queer community.

12) Coordinate a quarterly retreat for all of the Commission’s membership in order to create strategy charts for the Commission’s special projects, as well as create a schedule of deadlines and events for the quarter.

13) Compile a report of each of the retreats containing debriefs from the previous quarter, strategy charts for the projects being worked on, and a calendar with deadlines of the current quarter. This report shall be released by week four (4) of Fall quarter and week three (3) of Winter and Spring. Two (2) copies of the report will be distributed as follows: One (1) for the A.S. Queer Commission office to be kept as institutional memory and one (1) to the Resource Center for Sexual and Gender Diversity.

14) Meet with each Commission officer at the beginning of each quarter (and follow up with an additional meeting if necessary) to keep officers accountable and aware of their position’s responsibilities, expectations, and project(s).

15) Recruit Pride Co-Chairs if not selected during Spring Elections.


F) Duties and Powers of the Internal Coordinator:

1) Stay abreast of the political environment on the campus community.

2) Serve as a liaison to other campus organizations whose mission statement seeks to improve the status of students with queer sexualities and genders and their allies such as Queer Student Union, Friendly Undergraduate Queers in it Together (FUQIT), EUCALYPTUS, De Colores, Black Quare, Queer Asian Pacific Islanders (QAPI), Society for Accessible and Safe Spaces (S.A.S.S) Keshet, out in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (oSTEM).

3) Serve as a liaison to other political/non-queer specific organizations on campus.

4) Serve as a liaison to campus and university resources to the queer community such as the Department for Women, Gender, and Sexual Equity, as well as the Resource Center for Sexual and Gender Diversity and associated departments, the Internal Coordinator shall also be involved with the planning and facilitation of Queer Leadership Council meetings.

5) The Internal Coordinator shall also be involved with the planning and facilitation of Queer Leadership Council meetings.

6) Collaborate with the above mentioned organizations to form a curriculum around fundraising, publicity, outreach, and other organizing skills pertaining to the queer community.

7) Work with the External Coordinator to make sure that Associated Students Policy 17 is being adhered to at all blood drives.

8) Hold a minimum of two (2) regularly scheduled office hours per week.

9) Actively be working on a project which will bring positive change to the queer community. Create a strategy chart and give themselves a set of deadlines that will lead to the end of the quarter or the completion of the project, and turn it in to the Co-Chairs. Revise deadlines as the project advances. At the end of the quarter turn in a debrief of the progress made in the quarter and any changes the project may need.

G) Duties and Powers of the External Coordinator:

1) Stay abreast of the political environment and issues pertaining to the queer community on a State-wide and National level.

2) Serve as a liaison to state and union wide organizations such as University of California Student Association (UCSA), United States Student Association (USSA), and the University of California LGBTQI Steering Committee (SCOM/UCQC).

3) Attend or stay updated on the meetings and pertaining campaigns of the above specified organization.

4) Attend or stay updated on as many of the UC LGBTQIA Steering Committee (SCOM/UCQC) meetings as possible during the one (1) academic year term of office.

5) Bring queer visibility to the state-wide/national forefront by maintaining a working relationship with the External Vice President of Statewide Affairs.

6) Work with Internal Coordinator to make sure that Associated Students Policy 17 is adhered to at all blood drives.

7) Hold a minimum of two (2) regularly scheduled office hours per week.


8) Actively be working on a project which will bring positive change to the queer community. Create a strategy chart and give themselves a set of deadlines that will lead to the end of the quarter or the completion of the project. Revise deadlines as the project advances. At the end of the quarter turn in a debrief of the progress made in the quarter and any changes the project may need.

H) Duties and Powers of the Outreach Coordinator:

1) Work to outreach to the queer community by gaining and building membership.

2) Work on outreach to the surrounding Tri-County queer high school/youth, and/or alumni communities.

3) Organize events, programs, and/or spaces that are geared to outreach to the campus queer community and/or the surrounding Tri-County queer high school/youth and/or alumni communities.

4) Organize an event, conference, institute, and/or program that is specifically designed for the surrounding Tri-County queer high school/youth and/or alumni communities, such as the Queer Youth Leadership Conference (QYLC) or Ask a Queer.

5) Manage social media and the Queer Alumni Network (QAN) website.

6) Host at least two (2) events during the All Gaucho Alumni Reunion Weekend in collaboration with the Resource Center for Sexual and Gender Diversity, begin the discussion about these events with the Alumni Association early in the academic year to guarantee its inclusion in the official All Gaucho Alumni Reunion Weekend schedule.

7) Hold a minimum of two (2) regularly scheduled office hours per week.

8) Actively be working on a project which will bring positive change to the queer community. Create a strategy chart and give themselves a set of deadlines that will lead to the end of the quarter or the completion of the project. Revise deadlines as the project advances. At the end of the quarter turn in a debrief of the progress made in the quarter and any changes the project may need.

I) Duties and Powers of the Publicity Coordinator:

1) Maintain the website and Facebook/Twitter/Instagram groups, pages, and accounts and update them regularly with events Qcomm organizes and sponsors and with articles and news stories relevant to the queer community at UCSB and beyond.

2) Create flyers for QComm events, programming and board member projects.

3) Oversee the overall aesthetic of QComm and maintain a professional and clean image for the organization (this includes updating websites, graphics, logos, banners, etc. at any time when deemed necessary).

4) Actively be working on a project that will bring positive change to the queer community. Create a strategy chart and give themselves a set of deadlines that will lead to the end of the quarter or the completion of the project. Revise deadlines as the project advances. At the end of each quarter, turn in a progress report and indicate potential changes or improvements.

J) Duties and Powers of the Queerstorian:

1) Record and be responsible for distribution of minutes to members, officers, and Senate.


2) Keep an excel sheet with the commission’s budget to be updated weekly and either kept on the A.S. Queer Commission office computer, or distributed to all of the elected members.

3) Maintain an updated record of the budget and all expenditures of the commission and distribute to all officers on a regular basis.

4) Maintain the website and Facebook/Twitter group and update when necessary.

5) Oversee an A.S. Queer Commission archive.

6) Hold two (2) regularly scheduled office hours per week.

7) Maintain an updated record of the history of stipulations given by QComm to organizations we have funded.

8) Follow up with funding requests by emailing/contacting organizations who request funds and notifying them of any stipulations such as including Queer Commission’s and Associated Student’s logos on any promotional material for events/projects funded by the commission.

9) Work with Co-Chairs to address all emails in a timely fashion.

10) Actively work on a project which will bring positive change to the queer community. Create a strategy chart and including a set of deadlines that will lead to the end of the quarter or the completion of the project. Revise deadlines as the project advances. At the end of the quarter turn in a debrief of the progress made in the quarter and any changes the project may need.

K) Duties and Powers of the Senate Member:

1) Serve as liaison between the Commission and Senate.

2) Maintain critical lens of legislation/proposed projects/events brought before the Senate that would potentially affect the commission/queer community.

3) Be responsible for updating Commission’s section in the legal code to ensure it reflects goals/mission of the Commission.

4) Serve as informational resource to Commission of procedures (financial or otherwise) of Associated Students.

5) Provide visibility for the queer community by speaking up during Senate meetings.

6) Maintain communication with the Commission on any special projects being worked on in Senate in which the commission can be a part of, and create debrief reports to turn in to the commission accordingly.

L) Duties and Powers of New Leader Interns:

1) New Leader interns are first-year or transfer students who are experiencing their first year with the UCSB LGBTQI community. A non-first year student who is an emerging leader in the UCSB LGBTQI community can be appointed to this position with a two- thirds (2/3) majority approval by the voting membership.

2) Work in collaboration with the rest of the elected membership in order to cultivate knowledge of the climate and the needs of the queer community.

3) Assist with projects and events initiated by the commission, and when comfortable initiate their own project, and create a strategy chart and give themselves a set of


deadlines that will lead to the end of the quarter or the completion of the project. Revise deadlines as the project advances. At the end of the quarter turn in a debrief of the progress made in the quarter and any changes the project may need.

4) Serve one (1) regularly scheduled office hour per week.

M) Duties and Powers of Special Project Coordinator(s):

1) Special Project interns will actively work on special projects that will benefit the status of LGBTQI students at UCSB.

2) Create a strategy chart and give themselves a set of deadlines that will lead to completion of the project. Revise deadlines as the project advances. At the end of the quarter turn in a debrief of the progress made in the quarter and any changes the project may need.

3) Keep an updated list of current ongoing projects.

4) Attend all meetings.

5) Shall actively seek advice/meet with the Co-Chairs to learn and develop new skills and to review project goals when projects progress or change.

N) Duties and Powers of Pride Co-Chairs:

1) Pride Co-Chairs will be in charge of constructing and facilitating the Pride Steering Committee and planning UCSB/Isla Vista Pride.

2) Report progress of Pride Committee to the rest of Associated Students Queer Commission weekly.

3) Attend all meetings.

4) Begin brainstorming Fall quarter, build a Pride Committee, and assist other board members with their projects. By Winter Quarter, begin actively organizing Pride.

5) Responsible for outreaching to find Pride Co-Chairs and establish a Pride Committee in a timely manner if not elected during Spring Elections.


A) Charge of the Committee:

The A.S. Student Commission on Racial Equality is a body funded by the UCSB undergraduates concerned with providing a positive and comfortable learning environment for persons from diverse and underrepresented ethnic and racial backgrounds (i.e., Latin@s/Chican@s, Blacks, African-American, Asian American, Pacific Islander, South Asian, Southwest Asian/North African/Middle Eastern, First Nation, Native American, etc.). Its purpose is to confront and pro-actively resolve issues of ethnicity- related concerns and create and promote programs to educate the student body on issues concerning the campus and community that affect students of UCSB. This Commission shall implement and support rules and regulations that will help provide a more safe atmosphere for students of color on this campus, and network with other groups campus departments or other universities to help combat racism at UCSB or other educational institutions. The Commission shall form sub-committees as deemed necessary.

B) Voting Membership:

1) Two (2) Co-Chairs 2) One (1) Student representative that works with EOP


3) One (1) Senator 4) One (1) Residence Halls Liaison 5) One (1) Outreach Coordinator 6) One (1) Financial Coordinator 7) One (1) Ourstorian 8) One (1) Diversity Educator

C) Non-voting Membership:

1) A.S. Advisor 2) A.S. Executive Director 3) A.S. Committee on Committees Chair 4) A.S. Controller(s) 5) A.S. Attorney General 6) A.S. President

D) Selection and Term of Office:

1) The Co-Chairs for the following academic year, shall be recommended by the Commission during the sixth (6th) and seventh (7th) weeks of Spring quarter through an internal election. These recommendations will be forwarded to the Committee on Committees, appointed by the A.S. President, and approved by Senate for a term of one (1) academic year.

2) The EOP student representatives shall be selected by the respective EOP staff.

3) The residence hall liaison shall be selected by the Residence Hall Association.

4) The Senators shall be nominated by the Internal Vice President and approved by the Senate for the term of one (1) academic year.

5) The Outreach Coordinator, Financial Coordinator, Ourstorian, and Diversity Educator shall be selected from the active group membership at the end of an academic year through an internal election.

E) Duties and Powers of the Commission:

1) Advise Senate on all issues affecting students of color on the UCSB campus and in the community.

2) Coordinate all members of the Campus Advisory, Academic Senate, and statewide organizations concerned with ethnicity issues.

3) Act as a referral source to all students seeking resources and/or programs dealing with ethnicity or minority advocacy and support.

4) Advocate measures and programs designed to combat racism and ethnocentricity on campus, and help students and groups towards achieving their goals on campus.

5) Collect and disseminate information regarding the needs of students of color to the student body and to campus organizations, departments, faculty and Committees.

6) Coordinate speakers, lectures, entertainment, and other events in which to educate and make the campus and/or community aware of issues.

7) Strive to achieve cohesion and positive relations among the different racial groups on campus.

F) Duties and Powers of the Co-Chairs:


1) Schedule and facilitate weekly meetings of the Commission.

2) Set a minimum of five (5) regularly scheduled office hours per week.

3) Handle public relations for the Commission and be the official spokespersons for the Commission.

4) Have ultimate responsibility for the fiscal management of the entire Commission.

5) Present quarterly reports to the Senate concerning the financial and programming activities of the Commission.

6) Be aware of the operations of all Committees and attempt to be of help to students or student groups in any problems or issues which may arise.

7) Shall attend AS Assembly each quarter.

G) Duties and Powers of the EOP Student Representatives:

1) Serve as a liaison between the Commission and the students of their respective EOP components.

H) Role of Resident Hall Liaison:

1) Shall serve as a liaison between the Commission and the staff Residence Hall Association.

I) Duties of the Outreach Coordinator:

1) Be responsible for emailing and outreaching to Committees and the student body about upcoming events.

2) Attend meetings that the Co-Chairs are unable to attend and represent the Commission.

3) Responsible for planning and organizing events for the active members to build relationships amongst them.

4) Responsible for organizing and planning events with other campus organizations to build community and collaboration.

5) Shall plan a minimum of two (2) officer retreats a year.

6) Hold two (2) regularly scheduled office hours per week.

J) Duties of the Finance Coordinator:

1) Has responsibility for fiscal management of the Committee.

2) In conjunction with the Chairs, shall prepare Committee's budget for the following year.

3) Give a weekly financial report to the Committee.

4) Receive all funding requests and present them to the Commission in their weekly meetings.

5) Inform groups and individuals requesting funds of the process to apply for funding as well as the Commission’s decision on their request.

6) Hold two (2) regularly scheduled office hours per week.

K) Duties of the Ourstorian:


1) Create a yearly binder with information about the Commission including pictures, articles, fliers, minutes etc.

2) Available as historical reference with respect to questions on the commission's past.

3) Record minutes for every meeting and distribute them accordingly.

4) Hold two (2) regularly scheduled office hours per week.

L) Duties of the Diversity Educator:

1) Manage the scheduling of the diversity education workshop with various organizations.

a) The primary mission of A.S. SCORE’s Diversity Education Program at UC Santa Barbara is to create a safer, more welcoming & inclusive campus environment for students of color, underrepresented and marginalized communities, as well as to raise cultural awareness amongst our community.

2) Outreach and publicize the program to campus organizations, residence halls, apartment living, Greek life, OSL’s and other community organizations.

3) Maintain and update the curriculum of the program, which includes consistently expanding and editing the presentation to include different identities and issues affecting communities, and programming around relevant issues pertaining to the campus climate.

4) Coordinate a minimum of three (3) Diversity Education Workshops per quarter.

5) Hold a minimum of three (3) office hours per week.


A) Charge of the Committee:

The charge of the Take Back the Night Committee is to raise awareness about issues surrounding sexual violence through activism, advocacy and survivor empowerment. It aids survivors in finding and demonstrating their empowerment, provides a forum for survivors and allies alike to make their voices heard, and creates an environment in which survivors of sexual violence can begin to heal.

B) Voting Membership:

1) One (1) External Chair 2) One (1) Internal Chair 3) One (1) Ourstorian 4) One (1) Senate Member 5) Any members having attended two (2) or more meetings a quarter. 6) One (1) Finance Coordinator 7) One (1) Publicity Coordinator 8) One (1) On-Campus Outreach Coordinator 9) One (1) Off-Campus Outreach Coordinator 10) One (1) Intersectionality Liaison Coordinator 11) One (1) Greek Liaison Coordinator

C) Non-Voting Membership:

1) A.S. Advisor 2) A.S. Committees Chair 3) A.S. Executive Director


4) A.S. Attorney General 5) A.S. State Affairs Organizing Director 6) A.S. President 7) A.S. Controller(s)

D) Selection and Term of Office:

1) The two (2) Take Back the Night Co-Chairs shall first be recommended to the A.S. Committee on Committees by the Take Back of the Night Committee, then nominated by the A.S. President with final approval being given by the Senate with a two-thirds (2/3) vote for a term of one (1) academic year.

2) The Senator shall be nominated by the A.S. Internal Vice President, with final approval being given by the Senate with a two-thirds (2/3) vote for a term of one (1) academic year.

3) All Coordinator positions shall apply to the Take Back the Night Committee and be interviewed and recommended to the Committee on Committees by the Co-Chairs for appointment, which is then nominated by the A.S. President with the final approval being given by the Senate with a two-thirds (2/3) vote for a term of one (1) academic year.

E) Duties and Powers of the Committee:

1) To organize Take Back the Night events, annual Sexual Assault Awareness Month events, Halloween campaign (including organizing a safe space), and other events, programs, or campaigns that address issues of sexual violence in our community.

2) Be aware of and work to support the projects of other women’s organizations both on campus and in the community.

3) Provide funding for other student organizations that address issues regarding safety, harassment or sexual violence.

F) Duties and Powers of the Co-Chairs:

1) At least one (1) chair shall attend at least one (1) Senate meeting a quarter and give a report on the current status of the Committee.

2) At least one (1) Take Back the Night Co-Chair shall attend AS Assembly each quarter.

3) Shall build coalitions to ensure statewide actions, campaigns, and projects are enacted on UC Santa Barbara campus.

4) Shall hold two (2) regularly scheduled office hours per week.

G) Duties and Powers of the External Chair:

1) Shall handle public relations for the committee and shall be the official spokesperson for the committee.

2) Shall facilitate collaboration between the committee, administrators and Office of Student Life (OSL) organizations.

3) Shall work with the Publicity Coordinator to advertise and publicize events and membership within the committee.

H) Duties and Powers of the Internal Chair:

1) Shall facilitate and chair all Take Back the Night meetings.


2) Shall have ultimate responsibility for the fiscal management of the entire committee.

3) Shall facilitate collaboration between the committee and other Associated Students organizations.

I) Duties and Powers of the Ourstorian:

1) Shall record meeting minutes and send to all relevant entities.

2) Shall delegate at least one (1) committee member to attend all Take Back the Night- funded programs and events, in order to evaluate them.

3) Shall be in charge of graphic design and all relevant tasks for the committee.

4) Shall hold two (2) regularly scheduled office hours per week.

J) Duties and Powers of the Senator:

1) Shall serve as the official liaison between the Committee and Senate.

2) Shall attend all Take Back the Night meetings or be excused at the discretion of the committee.

K) Duties and Powers of the Finance Coordinator:

1) Shall maintain all fiscal management of the Committee in conjunction with the Internal Chair.

2) Shall collaborate and discuss with the Co-Chairs and prepare an annual budget for the Committee.

3) Shall give a weekly financial report to the Committee.

4) Shall prepare allocation requests and requisition forms for all financial matters.

5) Shall hold two (2) regularly scheduled office hours per week.

L) Duties and Powers of the Publicity Coordinator:

1) Shall prepare and manage all publicity efforts of the Committee.

2) Shall give a weekly report to the Committee regarding publicity efforts.

3) Shall work in conjunction with the Outreach Coordinators to publicize Committee recruitment and events.

4) Shall hold two (2) regularly scheduled office hours per week.

M) Duties and Powers of the On-Campus Outreach Coordinator:

1) Shall work to outreach to the on campus community, specifically targeting the residence halls and other on campus housing to gain and build membership.

2) Shall attend at least one (1) Residence Hall Association and one (1) Student Apartment Community Council meeting a quarter to announce upcoming events and meeting times.

3) Shall work with the Publicity Coordinator.


4) Shall collaborate with the Off-campus Coordinator to organize an outreach effort at least once (1) a quarter.

5) Shall hold two (2) regularly scheduled office hours per week.

N) Duties and Powers of the Off-Campus Coordinator:

1) Shall plan and conduct outreach to the community at large, specifically towards the off- campus population, other UCSB campus organizations, and the Greek community to gain and build membership.

2) Shall coordinate with the Publicity Coordinator.

3) Shall collaborate with the On-Campus Coordinator to organize an outreach effort at least once (1) a quarter.

5) Shall hold two (2) regularly scheduled office hours per week.

O) Duties and Powers of the Intersectionality Liaison Coordinator

1) Shall be the point person for organizations on campus focusing on various identities (such as SCORE, HRB, WomCom, and Queer Commission).

2) Shall work with On-Campus Coordinator and Off-Campus Coordinator as well as Co- Chairs.

3) Shall hold two (2) regularly scheduled office hours per week.

P) Duties and Power of the Greek Liaison Coordinator

1) Shall outreach to members of the Greek community and non-IV organizations.

2) Shall work with Off-Campus Coordinator to organize an outreach effort at least once (1) a quarter.

3) Shall hold two (2) regularly scheduled office hours per week.


A) Charge of the Commission:

The A.S. Womyn’s Commission is an educator about and an advocate for womyn’s rights, with a commitment to representing and improving the status of womyn on campus and in the community. The A.S. Womyn’s Commission is working toward becoming a diverse group of members reflecting the different voices of the campus and community. The replacement of the letter "e" for "y" in womyn is meant to maintain gender neutrality, and to signify expression of female independence and a repudiation of traditions that define females by reference to the male norm.

The A.S. Womyn’s Commission must constantly redefine itself if it is going to actively try to recognize how womyn’s issues function within the intersections of race, class, age, sexual orientation, religion, culture and physical and mental ability. Recognizing this means that we acknowledge that one group can never represent the voices of all womyn across these intersections. Therefore, we must look beyond the Womyn’s Commission and into the campus and community. Lastly, as a Board and as a Commission, to carry on the events of the Annual Womyn Unite Banquet and the I Am Beautiful Runway Show.

B) Membership:


1) Mandatory Membership:

a) Two (2) Co-Chairs b) Two (2) Supporting Coordinators c) One (1) Herstory Coordinator d) One (1) Senator

2) Voting Membership:

a) All mandatory membership b) Any student who has attended two (2) meetings throughout the year.

3) Non-voting Members:

a) A.S. Advisor b) A.S. Controller(s) c) A.S. Committee on Committees Chair d) A.S. Executive Director e) A.S. Attorney General f) Statewide Organizing Director g) A.S. President

C) Selection and Term of Office of the Mandatory Membership:

1) The two (2) A.S. Womyn’s Commission Co-Chairs shall first be recommended to the A.S. Committee on Committees by the Womyn’s Commission, then nominated by the A.S. President, with final approval being given by the Senate for a term of one (1) academic year.

2) Each Coordinator shall be first be recommended to the A.S. Committee on Committees by the Womyn’s Commission, then nominated by the A.S. President, with final approval being given by the Senate for a term of one (1) academic year.

3) The Senator shall be nominated by the A.S. Internal Vice President through consultation with the co-chairs, with final approval being given by the Senate for a term of one (1) academic year.

D) Duties and Powers of the Commission:

1) Be an advocacy group aimed at improving the status of womyn both on campus and in the community.

2) Be aware of and work to support the projects of other womyn’s organizations on campus and in the community.

3) Act as a referral source for students on any matter concerning womyn.

4) Work to educate the campus on issues pertaining to womyn.

5) Advise the Senate on issues pertaining to womyn.

6) Provide student representation for Associated Students on ad hoc committees concerning womyn's issues.

7) Attend meetings when relevant of cross-cultural and various other womyn’s groups (e.g. MUJER, AKANKE, Take Back the Night) on campus to serve as a liaison between those groups and Associated Students. Additionally, Womyn’s Commission shall provide financial support to these organizations when possible.

8) Shall be a liaison to Human Rights Board.


E) Duties and Powers of the Co-Chairs:

1) Stay abreast of the political environment on campus and in the community.

2) Facilitate all Commission meetings.

3) Handle public relations for the Commission and shall be the official spokespersons for the Commission.

4) Have ultimate responsibility for the fiscal management of the entire Commission, including the preparation of the budget for the following year with the Fiscal Supporting Coordinator.

5) Present at least two (2) reports to the Senate per quarter regarding the activities of the Commission.

6) Coordinate the operations of all Committees and attempt to be of help in any problems or issues which may arise.

7) Plan yearly retreat with new incoming Board.

8) Attempt to establish and maintain communication among womyn’s organizations throughout the UC system.

9) Hold a minimum of three (3) regularly scheduled office hours per week.

10) Shall attend all meetings of the A.S. Assembly and at least one (1) ASUCSB Workgroup.

F) Duties of the two (2) Supporting Coordinators:

1) Work toward building communication among campus and community groups.

2) Attend meetings of various cross-cultural and other womyn’s interest groups on campus when relevant.

3) Be responsible for the coordination of education efforts regarding womyn’s issues (e.g. forums, magazines, guest speakers, conferences, round tables, and artistic displays).

4) Give weekly reports of their individual projects at Womyn’s Commission meetings.

5) Attempt to establish and maintain communication among women’s organizations throughout the UC system.

6) Plan and organize group supported special projects (e.g. Women’s History Month, Sexual Assault Awareness Month and days in celebration of Women’s Achievements).

7) Each Supporting Coordinator shall hold at least two (2) regularly scheduled office hours.

8) The two (2) Supporting Coordinators shall be divided according to specific duties:

a) Secretarial Supporting Coordinator:

i) Record the minutes of each meeting and be responsible for the distribution of minutes via email.

ii) Shall be responsible in giving an end of the year summary to AS Administration.


iii) Shall keep all documentation from Womyn’s Commission events and campaigns.

b) Fiscal Supporting Coordinator:

i) Assist the Co-Chairs in preparation of the next year’s budget.

ii) Attend Senate Finance and Business Committee budget hearings with co-chairs.

iii) Have current balance report prepared if co-chairs should request it.

iv) Shall be responsible for preparing the requisition forms for the allocation of funding of groups and organizations that have been approved by the commission.

G) Duties of the Herstory Coordinator:

1) Shall be responsible for the recruitment of Committee staff of two to four (2-4) people.

2) Have ultimate responsibility for the fiscal management of the Women’s Journal (e.g. fundraising, sponsorship, and donations).

3) Oversee the production and distribution of Herstory.

4) Explore the controversial and complicated issues of identity anthologies, the politics of publication, and artistic/political expression.

6) Shall hold at least three (3) regularly scheduled office hours each week.



A) The selection of Units shall be determined by the A.S. President with the aid of the Committee on Committees under the following timeline.

1) Advertisement for applications to the Units will begin the seventh (7th) week of Winter quarter.

a) In order to ensure full consideration for Spring appointments, applications shall be received by Monday of the fifth (5th) week of Spring quarter.

b) All Units, regardless of process, must comply with the determined advertisement.

2) Interviews will begin the Wednesday of the fifth (5th) week of Spring Quarter and end in the seventh (7th) week of Spring Quarter. The interview process must consist of members of the Committees-on-Committees, A.S. President-Elect, and if necessary, with guidance from the currently acting A.S. President.

3) The President-Elect shall submit the appointments to the Senate-Elect by the Monday of the eighth (8th) week of Spring Quarter.

4) Notification of placement will be sent out by the ninth (9th) week of Spring Quarter.

B) All interviews shall be conducted by a minimum of three (3) members of the Committee on Committees. All information gathered during said interviews shall be compiled by the Committees Coordinator and forwarded to the President-Elect by Monday of the eighth (8th) week of Spring quarter for their consideration.


C) Each Unit may create its own interview structure, separate from the present Committee on Committees format, and their recommendations shall be forwarded to the A.S. President for ratification by Senate. Furthermore, each year during Spring quarter if a Unit has not initiated an internal recruitment process by the sixth (6th) week of Spring quarter to fill positions for the following year, then the Committee on Committees will recruit to fill these positions.

1) If a Unit chooses this option, the Director must have the A.S. President-Elect (or designee) and one (1) Senator-Elect present at their selection process for their Director (or equivalent) position.

2) The persons recommended for appointments must also complete the Committee on Committees appointment application, for the Associated Students Administration Office’s own records.

3) If a unit chooses to undergo an internal election, both the Unit Director(s) and the Advisor must count the votes.

4) All information gathered during said interviews shall be compiled by the Committee on Committees Chair and forwarded to the President-Elect by Monday of the eighth (8th) week of Spring quarter for their consideration. There must be detailed notes taken during the deliberation process.

5) Once a Unit’s process is completed, the outgoing leadership shall forward to the Committee on Committees and President-Elect the statement of intent from the newly selected director(s) and all information gathered during interviews.

D) All candidates for Unit Directorships must complete a statement of intent before their interview or the internal process of a unit.

E) Term of Office of Unit membership members shall be one (1) academic year, unless otherwise specified. Executive Officers and Senators' Board, Committee and Commissions’ membership shall go from Week 8 of Spring Quarter until the following Week 8 of Spring Quarter.

F) In accordance with the University of California Nondiscrimination Statement, the President shall outreach to all students, including those of historically underrepresented groups, during the recruitment process. Their selection of these applicants to Boards, Committees, Commissions, and open offices on the Senate and Senate Finance and Business Committee shall be considered based on enthusiasm, dedication, and time commitment.


A) Recommendations for By-Law changes that may affect any Unit must have written or oral consultation with all parties involved.

1) All parties involved shall be determined by the following:

a) The Unit’s leadership/chairperson. b) The members or employees of that Unit. c) The Senators who are liaisons to that Unit.

B) All A.S. Units that receive an operating budget through Associated Students must submit minutes to A.S. Senate for each official meeting of the group. These minutes must enumerate all expenses over fifty ($50.00) dollars. Failure to do so will result in the immediate suspension and freezing of the account in question; all requisitions/reimbursements will be denied. Suspended accounts can be re-activated pending Senate approval of back minutes. The chairs and advisors of all Units targeted for suspension will be given a directive to comply with this policy via their Senators, and each Unit will have one (1) week to submit back minutes before accounts are suspended. In the event that extenuating circumstances or accidental oversight prevent approval


of minutes, appeals can be made directly to Senate. The Senate can override this policy on a case- by-case basis by two-thirds (2/3) majority vote.

1) All minutes submitted to Senate must include:

a) A list of which members were present and, when available, which members were absent.

b) Any information related to the passage of any motion, including:

aa) The motion that was made. bb) The name of the member who made/seconded the motion. cc) The number of members who voted for/voted against/abstained. dd) When available, the names of members who voted for/voted against/abstained.

c) Any information related to any expense/allocation over fifty ($50.00) dollars, including:

aa) The amount of the expense/allocation. bb) What the funds will be used for. cc) The reason for the expense/allocation. dd) If an external allocation, the name of the group requesting the allocation.

C) Recommendations for By-Law changes/revisions for inactive or non-functional Units shall be allowed without any consultation, if there are no members/chairperson to do so otherwise.

D) Any and all honoraria changes or revisions must have direct consultation with the respective Unit, before being forwarded to Senate for approval.


A) All student Unit Directors (or equivalent) must meet twice a quarter with the A.S. President (or designee), Internal Vice President, and A.S. Controller (or designee) to discuss financial standing, current programming and activities, and unit performance with the following exceptions:

1) KCSB and The Bottom Line will not need to meet this requirement. 2) Isla Vista Tenants Union shall meet with External Vice President of Local Affairs in place of the Internal Vice President. 3) Lobby Corps shall meet with External Vice President of Local Affairs and External Vice President of Statewide Affairs in place of the Internal Vice President. 4) The Student Advocate General shall only meet with the A.S. President. 5) Coastal Fund shall meet with External Vice President of Local Affairs in place of the Internal Vice President. 6) Isla Vista Community Relations Committee shall meet with External Vice President of Local Affairs in place of the Internal Vice President. 7) Enterprise Units must meet at a rate of once a month to discuss current business plans, profitability, areas for potential growth, and any other relevant business related topics.

B) All Units shall work with the A.S. Business Controller (or designee) in the creation of their annual budget.

C) All Unit Directors shall report to the A.S. Senate on their activities at least once per quarter by the fifth (5th) week.

D) All Units are required to create a tri-annual long-term plan (the procedure for which is found in the Associated Students Policies and Procedures).



A) Enterprise - An A.S. Enterprise is one that is defined as an enterprise that offers a well-defined service to the student body of UCSB as well as the surrounding community. Any A.S. "enterprise" which employs personnel, and operates in full or in part on earned revenue shall be deemed an A.S. Business Enterprise and be subject to the policies and rules governing such.

B) Events and Media - There are several units within ASUCSB that inform and entertain the student population while simultaneously giving students experience within various forms of media.

C) Advocacy - These units lobby on behalf of the student body on student issues at various levels of authority.

D) Philanthropic - These units give back to the community through active volunteerism, donations, or a mix of both.



A) Charge of the Bike Shop:


A) Charge of the AS Cashier’s and Ticket Office:


A) Charge of the Unit:

The primary purpose of this service shall be to offer legal advice and education on any matters of concern to UCSB undergraduates that are not prohibited by its contract. It shall be administered by a Student Unit Director, who will determine the direction, outreach, financial wellbeing, and structure of this service.

B) Selection and Term of Office:

1) The Student Unit Director shall be recommended by the A.S. Committee on Committees, then nominated by the A.S. President and approved by the Senate for a term of one (1) academic year.

2) The ASLRC Attorney shall be hired to facilitate this service. He or she will be hired as an independent contractor, and not a University employee, and shall be fully hirable and accountable to the student body, via the Senate. The contract will be subject to Senate approval, and shall state that any action pursued will not be directed by one UCSB student against another, nor against any student group on campus. The lawyer shall be contracted on a yearly basis.

a) The bidding process for the Legal Services contract will be overseen by a bidding Committee consisting of: the Student Unit Director of the Legal Resource Center, no more than two (2) A.S. Senators, the A.S. Controller, and the A.S. President. The A.S. President may designate another Executive Officer to serve on the bidding Committee in his or her place. The A.S. Executive Director may serve as an ex-officio member of the bidding Committee. The Committee will make a recommendation in the name of Associated Students as to who should receive a contract bid. The recommendation will be provided to the Associated Student’s President and the Executive Director.

C) Internship Program:


1) The ASLRC Attorney shall be responsible for the selection of interns, and may delegate interviews of applicant interns to the Caseworker.

2) Duties and Powers of Interns:

a) Shall sign the LRC intern agreement.

b) Shall perform client intake to extract critical information to better articulate the circumstances to the Attorney or Caseworker.

c) Shall utilize and maintain the client intake database to identify growing trends and issues of concern to better serve future clients.

d) Shall assist the Attorney or Caseworker in conducting legal research including case studies, law studies, case precedence, and different laws to further aid the clients.

e) Shall perform secretarial tasks including, but not limited to: confirming appointments, responding to E-mails and phone calls, performing follow-up surveys.

f) Shall work a minimum of 3 hours per week.

D) Duties and Power of the Student Unit Director:

1) Shall provide oversight and direction to the Legal Resource Center.

2) Shall promote awareness of the availability of the legal services offered by the Legal Resource Center.

3) Shall hold the main fiscal responsibility and monetary oversight of the Legal Resource Center.

4) Shall consult with the LRC advisory Board, comprised of the Attorney, Caseworker, and Interns, on an as-needed basis for decisions regarding the following:

a) Expenditures of the Legal Resource Funds in excess of $250;

b) Co-sponsorship or collaborative event with another organization;

c) Appointment of subcommittee members; and

d) Changes to the Legal Resource Center Legal Code, execution of any contracts on behalf of the Legal Resource enter, or any other major changes to the service.

5) May serve as a member of the Isla Vista Tenants Union Board of Directors, unless a conflict of interest has been established.

6) Shall promote the awareness of the availability of the legal services offered by the Legal Resource Center.

7) Shall stay up-to-date with all issues concerning the operation of the Legal Resource Center.

8) Shall direct all Legal Resource Center publicity and outreach efforts, including website updates and maintenance.

9) Shall create, conduct, or be in the process of implementing at least one (1) specialized project each year relating to the Charge of the Unit.


10) Shall attend all meetings of the A.S. Assembly and at least one (1) ASUCSB Workgroup.

16) Shall act as the official liaison between the Legal Resource Center, other A.S. entities, and the Legal Resource Center Attorney and Caseworker.


A) Charge of the Unit:


A) Charge of the A.S. Zero Waste Committee:

To aid UCSB in reaching its goal of Zero Waste by 2020 through a variety of measures that both directly and indirectly involve the UCSB campus and its surrounding community. To implement projects on campus aimed at promoting on-campus recycling and composting efforts as a means of maximizing the University’s waste diversion rates. To educate the UCSB campus and the surrounding community about sustainable waste management practices. To promote the purchasing of compostable and recycled products on the UCSB campus and in the surrounding community. To promote reduction, reuse, recycling and composting of all materials used on the UCSB campus and the surrounding community. To work closely with other Environmental Groups throughout the community in efforts to reduce the overall ecological footprint humans have on their local ecosystems and on the UCSB campus and surrounding communities specifically. The Zero Waste Committee is responsible for overseeing and approving the A.S. Recycling Program and A.S. Department of Public Worms’ expenditures.

B) Voting Membership:

1) ASZWC Chairpersons (2) 2) ASZWC Secretary 3) ASZWC Public Outreach Coordinator 4) ASZWC Social Media Coordinator 5) ASZWC Treasurer 6) Any student present at 3 (three) or more meetings

C) Non Voting Membership

1) A.S. Advisor 2) A.S. Executive Director 3) One (1) Senator 4) A.S. President 5) A.S. Attorney General 6) A.S. Controller(s)

D) Selection and Term of Office:

1) A.S. Zero Waste Committee Chairperson, Vice Chairperson, Public Outreach Coordinator, Social Media Coordinator, Secretary, and Treasurer shall be internally elected by ASZWC’s voting members during the 6th week of Spring quarter, then nominated by the A.S. President, with final approval by the Senate for a term of one (1) academic year.

2) The one (1) Senator shall be nominated by the Internal Vice President and approved by the Senate for the term of one (1) academic year.

E) Duties and Powers of the A.S. Zero Waste Committee:


1) Serve as a formal recommending body to the Senate regarding issues relating to recycling, composting, reducing waste on and outside of campus, and the purchase of post-consumer recycled products and compostable products.

2) To coordinate the education and execution of waste education projects in order to support recycling, composting, and other waste diversion practices and efforts on campus in order to aid UCSB in reaching its goal of Zero Waste by 2020.

3) Develop and implement educational projects designed to raise awareness regarding recycling and compost related issues for the campus and surrounding communities.

4) Outreach to student, faculty and staff on waste reduction issues. Promote waste reduction, reuse, recycling, and composting by providing relevant information to all students, faculty and staff.

5) Work towards a sustainable purchasing policy on campus.

6) Advise and inform the A.S. Recycling Business Services Committee on how to better service the UCSB students and community regarding waste production.

F) Duties and Powers of the ASZWC Chairpersons (2):

1) Plan, schedule and facilitate at all ASZWC meetings.

2) Attend every meeting unless an excused absence is obtained.

3) Coordinate the activities of the Committee members, subcommittees and volunteers.

4) Serve as the official representative and spokesperson of the ASZWC .

5) Attend at least one (1) Senate meeting per quarter to report on the activity of the Committee.

6) Hold a minimum of four (4) office hours per week.

7) Attend AS Assembly each quarter.

8) Attend all ECOalition meetings.

9) Attend UCSB Waste Management and Chancellor Sustainability workgroup meetings with the A.S. Recycling Coordinator.

G) Duties and Powers of the ASZWC Treasurer:

1) Oversees the fiscal management of the committee.

2) Attend every meeting unless an excused absence is obtained.

3) Prepare the committee’s budget request for the following year in conjunction with the Co-Chairs.

4) Manage all requisition forms.

5) Knows the current standing of the Zero Waste Committee’s budget and expenditures at all times.

6) Available at the chairs’ request to aid in any money-related inquiries.

7) Manage the invoices from the sale of Zero Waste Committee’s compostable products.


H) Duties and Powers of the ASZWC Secretary:

1) Attend every meeting unless an excused absence is obtained.

2) Takes minutes at every meeting unless an excused absence is obtained.

3) Attend an official A.S. Agenda & Minute Taking Template Workshop prior to starting the position in the Fall, unless they previously held the position and already attended and completed the workshop.

4) Compose and send out via email, the Zero Waste Committee’s weekly newsletter after ever meeting.

5) Send weekly minutes to all necessary email accounts in order to obtain Senate approval.

I) Duties and Powers of the ASZWC Social Media Coordinator:

1) Manage and update the Zero Waste Committee’s Facebook Page.

2) Attend every meeting unless an excused absence is obtained.

3) Manage the Zero Waste Committee’s Twitter account and tweet a minimum of twice a week.

4) Make a Facebook status on the Zero Waste Committee’s page announcing the time and place of the meeting on the night prior to each weekly meeting.

5) Publicize each Zero Waste Committee event via social media.

J) Duties and powers of the ASZWC Public Outreach Coordinator:

1) Serve as a liaison between the Zero Waste Committee and other campus organizations or other entities (both on and off campus).

2) Attend every meeting unless an excused absence is obtained

3) Organize volunteers and participate at all relevant tabling opportunities.

K) Voting:

1) A quorum of five (5) voting members is required for a meeting to be held to make any decision regarding ASZWC.

2) A (50%+1) approval of voting members present is required for any ASZWC decisions.

3) A two-thirds (2/3) approval by voting members present is required for constitutional changes.

4) To hold a closed session meeting, a two-thirds (2/3) majority vote of members present is required in accordance with the Brown Act.


A) Charge of the Unit:

The Associated Students Food Bank is a student-run service that is available to all UCSB students, both graduate and undergraduate. We aim to eliminate the experience of hunger from our campus community by providing basic food supplies, toiletries, and information about additional resources to students in need. In order to promote the comfort and moral support of


students, the AS Food Bank will be accessible during regular school hours and will respect the confidentiality of its users.

B) Charge of the Advisory Committee:

C) Membership of the Advisory Committee:

1) Voting Membership:

a) One (1) Chairperson b) Vice Chair c) Internal Affairs Coordinator d) External Affairs Coordinator e) Publicity Coordinator f) A.S. Senator g) Undergraduate representative to the A.S. Student Initiated Recruitment and Retention Committee h) Undergraduate representative to the A.S. Business Services Committee i) Graduate representative to the Graduate Student Association j) Any students currently employed by the A.S. Food Bank k) Any current registered undergraduate UCSB student who after attending two (2) consecutive meetings and/or events and demonstrates an interest is eligible for a voting position to the board.

2) Non-Voting Membership:

a) Representative of the University Center Governance Board b) Representative of the Educational Opportunity Program c) Representative of the Office of Student Life d) Representatives of Student Health e) Representatives of Financial Aid f) Representatives of Counseling and Career Services g) Representative of Dining Services h) Representative of Environmental Health and Safety i) Representative of Parking Services j) Associated Students Executive Director k) A.S. President l) A.S. Attorney General m) A.S. Controller(s) n) A.S. Food Bank Unit Director

D) Selection and Term of Office of all Voting Members:

1) The one (1) Senator shall be nominated by the Internal Vice President and approved by the Senate for the term of one (1) academic year.

2) All voting members shall be democratically elected by the entire membership of the A.S. Food Bank Committee, nominated by the A.S. President, and approved by the Senate for a term of one (1) academic year.

3) All terms shall begin at the beginning of Summer Session and end at the termination of the Spring quarter. E) Voting:

1) A quorum of 50% + 1 of the voting members is needed for all Executive Committee actions. 2) A quorum of two-thirds (2/3) of the voting members is needed to make any financial decisions, and constitutional or legal code change.


F) Duties and Powers of the Advisory Committee:

1) Responsible for working with A.S. advisors to manage the operations of the Committee office.

2) Promote and expand the services of the A.S. Food Bank.

3) Coordinate on-going donations campaigns such as food-drives, bin-collecting, door- knocking in Isla Vista and Santa Barbara, monetary donations via paypal, etc.

4) Create and sustain long-term relationships with on-campus service departments and administrators, local businesses, donors, and community agencies, and food bank services at universities across the state and nation.

5) Be aware of issues related to food and financial need on campus, locally, nationally and in the University of California system.

6) Act as a reference point for student social services related to food and financial need at UCSB and in the greater Santa Barbara community.

7) Work to educate the campus on issues pertaining to student food and financial need.

G) Duties of the Chairperson:

1) Hold a minimum of two (2) weekly office hours.

2) Schedules and chairs weekly office meetings of the AS Food Bank.

3) Reports to the A.S. President, Vice Presidents, and the Senate. The Chairperson shall be responsible for attending at least two (2) non-consecutive Senate meetings per quarter to report on the Board’s actions.

4) Prepare the A.S. Food Bank’s budget with the Treasurer and the AS Food Bank advisor/staff for the following year.

5) Be responsible for overseeing the coordination of all the cooperative’s programs and activities of the members, subCommittees, workers and volunteers.

6) Serve as the official representative and spokesperson of the A.S. Food Bank.

7) Stay abreast to the conditions of food and financial need on campus and in the community.

8) Attend AS Assembly each quarter.

9) Maintain working relationships with AS Food Bank Business Services in order for both organizations to work towards a common goal.

10) Meet with each Committees voting members individually at least once a quarter.

11) Serve as a liaison and attend the AS Assembly each quarter.

H) Duties for Vice Chair:

1) Meet with each committee member individually at least once a quarter.

2) Organize and keep an updated contact list of the A.S. Food Bank’s members, volunteers, and those interested in the cooperative.

3) Proactively recruit and retain volunteers.


4) Organize volunteers to participate in tabling, donation drives, presentations, and any other A.S. Food Bank activities.

5) Create or attend three (3) outreach event/activities a quarter such as tabling, socials, student organization events, residential hall events, etc.

6) Shall assume the duties of the Chair in their absence, or as designated.

7) Shall be responsible for minute taking during meetings and sending out the minutes via e-mail to A.S. Administration, Senate and the AS Food Bank Listserv.

8) Shall be responsible of answering the AS Food Bank emails and responding accordingly.

9) Shall help oversee the successful record keeping of the Committee reports from the representatives that sit on The Food Bank.

I) Duties of the Treasurer:

1) Has responsibility for fiscal management of the Committee.

2) In conjunction with the Chair, shall prepare the Committee's budget for the following year.

3) Give a weekly report to the Committee.

4) Shall be responsible for collecting all requisitions and returning them to the Chair.

5) Maintain historical financial records of the Food Bank.

6) Shall contact funding requestors within two (2) days after the meeting to inform them of the Committee’s decision.

7) Be a liaison to the A.S. Business Services Committee.

J) Duties for Internal Affairs Coordinator:

1) Outreach to at least three (3) student organizations per quarter via informational and or educational workshops such as RHA, AS Groups, OSL Groups, EOP interns, etc.

2) Serve as liaison to other campus-based departments and administrators such as the Alumni Association, Associated Students staff, etc.

3) Be aware of issues related to food and financial need at a campus-wide level.

4) Attend on campus conferences and conventions.

5) Collaborate with on-campus student organizations to create and implement at least 2 donation drives a quarter.

K) Duties for External Affairs Coordinator:

1) Serve as the liaison to the Santa Barbara Food Bank, local food growers, local businesses, community members in the greater Santa Barbara area, and other food bank services in the University of California System and at universities across the nation.

2) Be aware of issues related to food and financial need at a local, statewide, and national level external to the UCSB campus.


3) Coordinate at least two (2) donations walks per quarter in IV and the surrounding Goleta and Santa Barbara Area

4) Coordinate with the Santa Barbara Food Bank on creating at least one (1) Education Workshop a quarter on food nutrition and hunger issues.

5) Work with AS Food Bank Staff and assist with any external fundraising efforts.

L) Duties for Publicity Coordinator:

1) Be responsible for maintaining and updating the A.S. Food Bank website, social networking sites, and other publicity sources weekly.

2) Be responsible for emailing and outreaching the student body about upcoming events.

3) Take and compile the pictures, articles and other accomplishments of the Committee in Food Bank Media Archive.

4) Develop outreach materials such as flyers, posters, banners, email-blurbs, etc.

5) Report all A.S. Food bank events and activities to the Daily Nexus, the Bottom Line, and any other local media sources.

6) Collaborate with the external affairs coordinator to publicize through local media sources.

7) Compile the electronic materials to be sent to the A.S. Annual Report.

M) Duties of Voting Members:

1) All voting members shall regularly attend A.S. Food Bank meetings.


A) Charge of the Unit: The Associated Students Alternative Transportation Unit is a student-run service to provide a transportation service to undergraduate students with eligible temporary or permanent disabilities. The A.S. Alternative Transportation Unit shall create, maintain, and develop a plan for the implementation, and long-term management of an A.S. Alternative Transportation Program.

B) Structure: 1) Voting Membership: a) One (1) Student Director b) Deputy Director c) Internal Affairs Coordinator d) External Affairs Coordinator e) Treasurer f) Publicity Coordinator g) A.S. Senator - CODE Liason h) Undergraduate representative to the A.S. Business Services Committee i) Any students currently employed by the A.S. Alternative Transportation Unit.

2) Non-Voting Membership: a) Representative of the Disabled Students Program b) Representatives of Student Health c) Representative of Parking Services j) Associated Students Executive Director


k) A.S. President l) A.S. Attorney General m) A.S. Controller(s) n) A.S. Chief Operating Officer

D) Selection and Term of Office of all Voting Members:

1) The one (1) Senator shall be nominated by the Internal Vice President and approved by the Senate for the term of one (1) academic year.

2) All voting members shall be democratically elected by the entire membership of the A.S. Alternative Transportation Unit, nominated by the A.S. President, and approved by the Senate for a term of one (1) academic year.

3) All terms shall begin at the beginning of Summer Session and end at the termination of the Spring quarter.

E) Voting:

1) A quorum of 50% + 1 of the voting members is needed for all Executive Committee actions.

2) A quorum of two-thirds (2/3) of the voting members is needed to make any financial decisions, and constitutional or legal code change.

F) Duties and Powers of the Unit:

1) Responsible for working with A.S. advisors to manage the operations of the Unit office.

2) Promote and expand the services of the A.S. Alternative Transportation Program.

3) Maintain relationships with on-campus partners, including the Office of the Vice Chancellor for Administrative Services, Disabled Students Program (DSP), Student Health, and Transportation and Parking Services.

4) Explore funding models, including a ballot intiaive, and donations. Upon completion of a long-term program strategy, the Unit shall conduct a campaign for a petition or approval of a ballot measure.

5) Be aware of issues related to mobility issues, locally, nationally and in the University of California system.

6) Maintain a list of referrals from the Disabled Students Program, and communicate them the ride-share partner.

7) Create and maintain rideshare and pedicab pick-up and drop-off stations, and transit routes.

G) Duties of the Student Director:

1) Hold a minimum of two (3) weekly office hours.

2) Schedules and chairs weekly office meetings of the AS Alternative Transportation Unit.

3) Reports to the A.S. President, Vice Presidents, and the Senate. The Chairperson shall be responsible for attending at least two (2) non-consecutive Senate meetings per quarter to


report on the Board’s actions.

4) Prepare and manage the A.S. Alternative Transportation Unit lock-in proposal and subsequent annual budgets with the Treasurer and the advisor/staff, including the ATP fund from the Parking and Transportation lock-in recharge.

5) Be responsible for overseeing the coordination of all the cooperative’s programs and activities of the members, Sub-Committees, workers and volunteers.

6) Serve as the official representative and spokesperson of the A.S. Alternative Transportation Unit.

7) Stay abreast to the conditions of mobility needs on campus and in the community.

8) Attend AS Assembly each quarter.

9) Maintain working relationships with Office of the Vice Chancellor for Administrative Services, Disabled Students Program (DSP), Student Health, and Transportation and Parking Services in order for all organizations to work towards a common goal of providing an alternative transportation program for students with mobility needs.

10) Meet with each Committees voting members individually at least once a quarter.

H) Duties for Deputy Student Director:

1) Hold a minimum of two (2) weekly office hours.

2) Schedule and lead general meetings in the absence of the Student Director.

3) Meet with each committee member individually at least once a quarter.

4) Organize and keep an updated contact list of the A.S. Alternative Transportation Unit’s members, volunteers, and users.

5) Maintain a list of eligible users, as determined by the Disabled Students Program and the Student Health office.

6) Organize volunteers to participate in tabling, donation drives, presentations, and any other A.S. Alternative Transportation Unit activities.

7) Shall assume the duties of the Chair in their absence, or as designated.

8) Shall be responsible for minute taking during meetings and sending out the minutes via e- mail to A.S. Administration, Senate and the AS Alternative Transportation Listserv.

9) Shall be responsible of answering the AS Alternative Transportation Unit emails and responding accordingly.

10) Shall help oversee the successful record keeping of the Committee reports from the representatives that sit on the Unit.

I) Duties of the Treasurer:

1) Hold a minimum of two (2) weekly office hours.

2) Has responsibility for fiscal management of the Unit.


3) In conjunction with the Chair, shall prepare the Committee's budget for the following year. 4) Give a weekly report to the Committee.

5) Shall be responsible for collecting all requisitions and returning them to the Chair.

6) Maintain historical financial records of the Alternative Transportation Unit.

7) Coordinate contracts with AS Administration and University Staff

8) Take charge of all applications, follow-ups, and updates regarding ballot initiatives for the Alternative Transportation Unit.

9) Sustain a fund for future capital improvements and emergency repairs.

I) Duties for Internal Affairs Coordinator:

1) Hold a minimum of two (2) weekly office hours.

2) Shall maintain a professional relationship with all business and on-campus partners, especially the Office of the Vice Chancellor for Administrative Services, Disabled Students Program (DSP), Student Health, and Transportation and Parking Services.

3) Coordinate all communications with Associated Students Staff and Entities.

4) Be informed of rules and regulations pertaining to the Unit at a campus-wide level. This includes, but not exclusively, policies regarding disability equality, parking and transportation, infastructure, and campus construction.

5) Attend on campus conferences and conventions.

6) Maintain a list of eligible students, as determined by the Disabled Students Program and Student Health.

7) Update and coordinate routes, drop-off points, and address any issues that may impede with the operation of the service.

J) Duties for External Affairs Coordinator:

1) Hold a minimum of two (2) weekly office hours.

2) Serve as the liaison to external agencies, including MTD, ride-share partners, government agencies, and other disability transportation services in the University of California System and at universities across the nation.

3) Be aware of issues related to mobility needs need at a local, statewide, and national level external to the UCSB campus.

4) Work with AS Alternative Transportation Unit Staff and assist with any external fundraising efforts.

K) Duties for Publicity Coordinator:

1) Hold a minimum of two (2) weekly office hours.

2) Be responsible for maintaining and updating the A.S. Alternative Transportation Unit website, social networking sites, and other publicity sources weekly.


3) Be responsible for emailing and outreaching the student body about upcoming events.

4) Take and compile the pictures, articles and other accomplishments of the Alternative Transportation Unit Media Archive.

5) Develop outreach materials such as flyers, posters, banners, email-blurbs, etc.

6) Report all A.S. Alternative Transportation Unit events and activities to the Daily Nexus, the Bottom Line, and any other media sources.

7) Collaborate with the external affairs coordinator to publicize through local media sources.



A) Governance of The Bottom Line newspaper and KCSB Fm are delegated to the Campus Press Council the KCSB Executive Committee, respectively.


A) Charge of the Units:

The Creative Media Unit is comprised of the A.S. Media Center, the Web Development Team, the Graphics Team, and the Student Marketing Committee. The Associated Students Media Center provides a variety of free or low-cost tools to students pertaining to the realm of media and communications. Such resources may include, but are not limited to, equipment rentals as well as informational and educational programming. The Creative Media Team serves to provide an opportunity for undergraduate students to hone and advance their multimedia skills, particularly pertaining to the fields of graphic and web design as well as videography. The mission of the Creative Media team is to market and promote the work of Associated Students as a whole on a campus-wide level.

B) Voting Membership:

1) A.S. Chief Marketing Officer 2) A.S. Chief Technology Officer 3) Two (2) Marketing Directors 4) One (1) Office of the Gaucho Photography 5) Any interested student is eligible after attending two (2) consecutive meetings

C) Non-voting Membership 1) A.S. Graphic Designer 2) Graphic design student-intern 3) Videographer student-intern 4) Web designer student-intern 5) A.S. President 6) A.S. Controller 7) A.S. Attorney General 8) A.S. Assistant Director for Technology 9) A.S. Webmaster

D) Duties and Powers of the Chief Marketing Officer

1) Hold a minimum of three (3) regularly scheduled office hours.

2) Presides over all media and marketing matters pertaining to the entire Association.


3) Serve as director of the Creative Media Team.

4) Create an annual A.S. Brochure that includes, but is not limited to, information regarding the structure, budget, mission, and programs of Associated Students as a whole.

5) Develop and maintain the A.S. bi-monthly Newsletter.

6) Maintain and monitor all Associated Students social media accounts, including Facebook, Twitter, and Instragram.

7) Shall sit on the President’s Cabinet.

8) Shall sit on the A.S. Technology and Media Services Committee.

E) Duties and Powers of the Two (2) Marketing Directors

1) Hold a minimum of one (1) regularly scheduled office hour.

2) Work to develop and enact at least two (2) A.S. wide promotional or marketing campaigns for the academic year.

3) Serve as a resource to assist in the promotion of events or programs hosted by individual A.S. entities.

F) Duties and Powers of Gaucho Photography Officer

1) The officer shall attend the meetings of the marketing committee or send a delegate.

2) The officer will facilitate photography for at least two (2) A.S. events per quarter.

3) The officer will facilitate obtaining photo releases as requested.


A) Charge of the Board:

The Associated Students Program Board (ASPB) is a student-funded, student-run campus organization dedicated to producing and supporting entertaining and culturally diverse events for the UCSB campus and surrounding community. The Board also provides an opportunity for students to gain a wide range of experience in planning and producing university activities and entertainment.

B) Voting Membership:

1) Deputy Commissioner 2) Concerts Coordinator 3) Special Events Coordinator 4) Lectures & Cultural Arts Coordinator 5) Film Coordinator 6) Graphics Coordinator 7) Event Safety Coordinator 8) Production 9) Two (2) Publicity Coordinators 10) Ticket Coordinator 11) Digital Media Coordinator 12) Volunteer Coordinator 13) Two (2) Senators 14) Production Assistant


15) Two (2) Programming Assistants 16) Graphics Assistant 17) RHA Liaison, after attending three consecutive meetings 18) Event Safety Assistant

C) Non-voting membership:

1) Program Board Commissioner (except to break a tie) 2) Associate Director for Student Programming 3) Executive Director 4) Attorney General 5) Controller(s) 6) Local Affairs Organizing Director 7) A.S. President

D) Selection and Term of Office:

1) The Program Board Commissioner, the Deputy Commissioner, and each voting member shall be selected and recommended to the Committee on Committees by a Committee of out-going Program Board members, nominated by the President, and final approval being given by the Senate for a term of one (1) academic year.

2) The two (2) Senators shall be nominated by the Internal Vice President and approved by the Senate for the term of one (1) academic year.

E) Duties and Responsibilities of Program Board:

1) Hold regularly scheduled public meetings with public agenda approximately every week during periods of regular school instruction, excluding Study Week.

2) Plan and produce a diverse schedule of entertaining and cultural events.

3) Encourage and foster creativity and diversity in programming.

4) Maximize student input into the programming area.

5) Continually improve the quality of student activities.

6) Encourage student growth and development of new skills and expertise in the area of program planning and production.

7) Solicit student input for all programming areas, recruit Committee and Board members, provide avenues for student participation at the Committee and Board level, and delegate authority to Committee members for completion of specific tasks.

8) Establish and constantly update a set of operating policies and codes which are subject to Senate approval.

9) Prepare and present to Senate Finance and Business Committee, in conjunction with the Commissioner, the annual Program Board budget.

10) Select and nominate new Board members (with the exception of Senate Representatives) to the incoming President and Senate for approval.

11) Report weekly to Senate (by way of Program Board minutes and Senators), and twice per quarter by a report from the Commissioner.

12) Each Coordinator must hold at least five (5) regularly scheduled office hours per week so as to be available for clients, students, and staff.


13) Each assistant shall hold three (3) office hours per week.

14) Act as primary board of approval for all Program Board events and expenditures.

15) All Program Board Members, excluding Production and Event Staff, shall attend four (4) Tuesday night movies. Production and Event Staff shall be required to attend two (2) Tuesday night movies.

16) All Program Board members shall attend at least one (1) noontime show per quarter.

17) Each board member must attend one (1) half board event each quarter.

F) Policies of Program Board:

1) Abide by Robert’s Rules of Order in order to facilitate orderly meetings; however, informal meeting procedures may be used at the discretion of the Chair.

2) A quorum shall consist of a majority (50%+1) of the voting membership of Program Board.

3) All proxies for Program Board must be approved by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of Program Board.

4) All Program Board meetings shall be facilitated by the Program Board Commissioner, or in their absence, by the Deputy Commissioner. In the event that the Deputy Commissioner is not able to chair the meeting, the Commissioner shall appoint a qualified replacement as chair.

5) Program Board Selection Committee may give preference, if it chooses, to Candidates with previous or present Program Board or other association for the position of Program Board Commissioner.

6) All financial expenditures must be approved by a majority (50%+1) of the voting membership of Program Board.

7) No group shall use the name of Program Board for sponsorship or other purpose without the express approval of a majority (50%+1) of Program Board.

G) Duties and Powers of the Program Board Commissioner:

1) Serve as official representative of A.S. Program Board in all campus, system wide, local, state, and federal matters, unless otherwise provided herein; shall be the official spokesperson for the Board.

2) Facilitate all Program Board meetings.

3) Hold at least five (5) regularly scheduled office hours per week.

4) Be responsible for the fiscal management of the entire Board.

5) Prepare and present to Senate Finance and Business Committee, in conjunction with Program Board, the yearly Program Board budget.

6) Coordinate the operations of all Program Board Coordinators and assist in solving any programming problems or issues which may arise.

7) Conduct Program Board phone votes when the action in question must be taken before the next regularly scheduled Board meeting. The Commissioner must provide pro and con statements to each voting member when conducting a phone vote.


8) Attend, or send a designate to, at least two (2) Senate meeting per quarter to report on Program Board's activities.

9) Coordinate all Program Board office activities including, but not limited to, hiring/dismissing of office staff, staff supervision, and staff payroll.

10) The Commissioner or their designate shall be responsible for coordinating the Program Board office during the Summer session, including supervising any paid office staff, and shall coordinate, with the advisor, planning for the upcoming academic year.

11) Shall meet with each Coordinator at least twice per quarter and shall meet with the Associate Director and the Deputy Commissioner regularly.

12) Write an in-depth report at the end of each quarter to describe the job-related experiences that he or she faced during that quarter to serve as a guide for future individuals holding the position.

13) Shall attend A.S. Assembly each quarter.

14) Shall attend all campus Major Events Meetings.

15) Shall organize the interview process for selecting next years’ board.

H) Duties and Powers of the Deputy Commissioner:

1) Hold at least five (5) regularly scheduled office hours per week.

2) Attend all Program Board meetings as a voting member, and chair meetings in the absence of the Commissioner. Assist the Commissioner as necessary.

3) Serve as primary liaison for Program Board to all campus agencies, groups, and services; maintain an ongoing dialogue with all campus agencies relevant to the functioning of Program Board; and coordinate and obtain approval for necessary campus services.

4) Seek funding/support from both large corporations and local businesses in order to finance the annual Extravaganza and other Program Board events.

5) Make regular reports to Program Board on status of all funding related co-sponsorships.

6) Upon the vacancy of the position of Commissioner, shall assume all duties of the Commissioner and act as interim Commissioner until such time as a new Commissioner can be appointed and approved.

7) Write an in-depth report at the end of each quarter to describe the job-related experiences that he or she faced during that quarter to serve as a guide for future individuals holding the position.

8) Coordinate A.S. Program Board presence at campus events, including UCen fair and Campus Activities Fair.

I) Duties and Powers of all Program Board Coordinators:

1) Hold at least five (5) regularly scheduled office hours per week in order to be available for agents, promoters, musicians/bands, lecturers, interested students, staff, etc., as appropriate.

2) Attend all Program Board meetings, or send a qualified proxy.

3) Have ultimate fiscal responsibility to Program Board for each event they produced.


4) Responsible for communicating and working with all relevant campus agencies, in conjunction with the Deputy Commissioner, before, during, and after any event.

5) Responsible for each event produced by each Committee from primary negotiations to final settlement. *

6) Work closely with other "programming" Coordinators when events may involve more than one programming Committee (i.e., Cultural w/Concerts, Concerts w/Special Events, etc.).

7) Ensure that Program Board maintains a positive reputation within the entertainment community and with other college campuses.

8) Write an in-depth report at the end of each quarter to describe the job-related experiences that he or she faced during that quarter to serve as a guide for future individuals holding the position.

9) Draft or maintain a training manual to be used in consequential years for training purposes.

Note: * Applies only to Coordinators whose Committees plan and produce Program Board events/programming and activities (i.e. Concerts, Film, Lectures). More detailed job descriptions of Program Board Coordinators may be found in the Program Board Operations Manual.

J) Duties and Powers of the Special Events Coordinator:

1) Coordinate the planning and production of ECEN Concerts for UCSB and the surrounding community.

2) Shall be responsible for the planning and coordination of Storke Plaza shows.

3) Serves as Representative to ECen Governance Board.

4) Responsible for annual production and planning for annual Extravaganza.

5) Work closely with the Programming Assistant for upcoming events.

K) Duties and Powers of the Concerts Coordinator:

1) Coordinate the planning and production of a variety of UCen and Campbell Hall events and concerts.

2) Work closely with the Programming Assistant for upcoming events.

3) Maintain an ongoing relationship with talent agents.

4) Keep up on current entertainment trends.

L) Duties and Powers of the Programming Assistant:

1) To assist Special Events or Concert Coordinators in any duties they feel necessary.

2) To attend all regularly scheduled meetings.

3) To hold three (3) regularly scheduled weekly office hours.

4) Shall be required to attend concerts and special events.


5) Write an in-depth report at the end of each quarter to describe the job-related experiences that he or she faced during that quarter to serve as a guide for future individuals holding the position.

M) Duties and Powers of the Lectures and Cultural Arts Coordinator:

1) Coordinate the planning and production of a wide variety of lectures, as well as cultural and fine arts events for UCSB and the surrounding community.

2) Coordinate events to co-sponsor with various campus organizations and student groups, such as Cultural Weeks, and work with the chairs of different cultural boards to keep the board informed about different of Cultural Weeks and special dates.

3) Work with the MCC, EOP, and other campus departments including academic units, for co-sponsorships.

N) Duties and Powers of the Publicity Coordinator:

1) Coordinate the design and implementation, with each coordinator, of advertising and publicity for all Program Board events.

2) Act as liaison for Program Board to campus and local media, including television, radio, and newspaper agencies, as well as on and off campus graphics and printing services.

3) Works closely with the Programming Coordinators during planning of events to determine advertising and publicity needs, strategies, budgets, deadlines, etc.

4) Work closely with all Programming Coordinators and the Deputy Commissioner to research possible co-sponsorships, promotional tie-ins, etc. for Program Board events.

5) Maintain a working relationship with the Daily Nexus.

6) Coordinate the research and writing of all public service announcements, press releases, and reviews for all upcoming Program Board events.

7) Coordinate and attend bi-monthly marketing meetings. These meetings are meant for developing and executing the marekting strategy for upcoming Program Board events, as well as innovating past strategies.

O) Duties and Powers of the Program Board Graphics Coordinator:

1) Shall work with the Publicity coordinator to coordinate the design and implementation of advertising and publicity for all Program Board events.

2) Design the Program Board Thursday Page.

3) Maintain a working relationship with the Daily Nexus.

4) Shall create and/or commission all artwork necessary for ads, posters, flyers and other promotional material for Program Board events.

5) Attend bi-monthly marketing meetings.

P) Duties and Powers of the Program Board Film Coordinator:

1) Shall maintain a working relationship with the staff at IV Theater and Campbell Hall.

2) Shall be responsible for the regular screening of IV Theater movies and with maintaining relationships with theatrical distributors.


3) Coordinate special screening (i.e. Lagoon screenings, sneak peeks, etc.).

Q) Duties and Powers of the Production Coordinator:

1) Assemble, train, and supervise a paid production crew, to perform production duties for all Program Board events; and shall be responsible for preparing payroll of all production employees and submitting to the Associate Director.

2) Coordinate production (sound, stage, and lighting) for all program Board events, including arranging for the use of Program Board production equipment and crewmembers, and, if necessary, contracting for production services from off-campus companies.

3) Shall be responsible for the upkeep of Program Board production equipment; shall research sound, stage, and lighting requirements for capital improvements of Program Board production equipment; and shall oversee loaning and rental of Program Board equipment.

R) Duties and Powers of the Production Assistant (s):

1) To assist the Production Coordinator in any duties they deem necessary.

2) To be available for pre-and post-show meetings in the absence of the Production Coordinator.

3) To hold three (3) scheduled weekly office hours.

4) Shall attend all regularly scheduled Program Board meetings.

5) Write an in-depth report at the end of each quarter to describe the job-related experiences that he or she faced during that quarter to serve as a guide for future individuals holding the position.

S) Duties and Powers of the Event Safety Coordinator:

1) Assemble, train, and supervise a paid security/usher crew to perform ushering duties for all Program Board events.

2) Shall be responsible for preparing payroll of all security employees and submitting to the Associate Director.

3) Coordinate security for all Program Board events, including arranging for the use of CSO’s and UCSB Police and, if necessary, contracting for professional security services from off-campus companies.

4) Shall be responsible for the upkeep of Program Board security equipment including barricade, staff T-shirts, placement of all event banners and flashlights. Shall research barricade and security requirements for capital improvements of Program Board when necessary.

T) Duties and Powers of the Event Safety Assistant:

1) To assist the Event Safety Coordinator in scheduling and managing staff at events.

2) To attend all regularly scheduled meetings.

3) To hold three (3) regularly scheduled weekly office hours.

4) Shall be required to attend concerts and special events.


5) Write an in-depth report at the end of each quarter to describe the job-related experiences that he or she faced during that quarter to serve as a guide for future individuals holding the position.

U) Duties and Powers of the Volunteer Coordinator:

1) Shall assemble and maintain an active membership of both volunteers and programmers in Training (PITs) to assist in Program Board events, and maintain a database of all current volunteers.

a) The team of PITs shall consist of five (5) individuals, who will attend additional Program Board events, compared to volunteers, and will learn to plan small- scaled events on their own. PITs will also assit in other areas of the board, such as marketing.

2) Coordinate flyering at all Program Board events.

3) Coordinate volunteers to work at Program Board events, including ticket takers, hospitality, etc.

4) Coordinate weekly flyering of Isla Vista, in front of the UCen and the Arbor.

5) Work with RHA to increase the Program Board’s outreach to incoming freshman.

6) Hold monthly volunteer meetings to maintain a close relationship with volunteers and maintain a bi-monthly newsletter to the volunteers to brief them on upcoming events.

7) Work closely with the Publicity Coordinator to develop a publicity plan for volunteer flyering.

8) Write an in-depth report at the end of each quarter to describe the job-related experiences that he or she faced during that quarter to serve as a guide for future individuals holding the position.

V) Duties and Powers of the Digital Media Coordinator:

1) Shall assemble and maintain Program Board’s internet presence throughout the academic school year.

2) Write an in-depth report at the end of each quarter to describe the job-related experiences that he or she faced during that quarter to serve as a guide for future individuals holding the position.

3) Attend bi-weekly marketing meetings.

W) Duties and Powers of the Ticket Coordinator:

1) Shall be responsible for handling tickets for all Program Board events.

2) Prepare a ticket summary for each event with copies to be distributed to: Event Coordinator, master file, and Administration Office.

3) Shall be responsible for all aspects of ASPB ticket sales, including dealing with Ticket Office Managers and Sellers and daily ticket counts, at all ticket outlets utilized by ASPB.

4) Shall be responsible for all aspects of ASPB tickets on day of show:


a) Compile a complimentary ticket list in conjunction with the Event Coordinator, and monitor the list at the event.

b) Pick up all unsold tickets at all outlets and prepare tickets for sale at the door.

5) Ensure the availability of complimentary tickets per area.

6) Write an in-depth report at the end of each quarter to describe the job-related experiences that he or she faced during that quarter to serve as a guide for future individuals holding the position.

X) Duties and Powers of the Graphics Assistant:

1) Shall assist the Graphics Coordinator to coordinate the design and implementation of advertising and publicity for all Program Board events.

2) Shall assist the Graphics Coordinator to design the Program Board Thursday Page and Monday Box.

3) Shall assist the Graphics Coordinator to maintain a working relationship with the Daily Nexus.

4) Shall assist the Graphics Coordinator to create and/or commission all artwork necessary for ads, posters, flyers and other promotional material for Program Board events.

5) Shall serve three (3) office hours per week.

6) Attend bi-weekly marketing meetings.

Y) Duties and Powers of Senator:

1) Attend all Program Board meetings as a voting member, or send a proxy.

2) Work closely with all Program Board Coordinators and Assistants to assist in any duties they feels necessary.

3) Responsible for the communication of upcoming events to the Senate at all meetings.

4) Shall be required to attend concerts and special events.

5) Write an in-depth report at the end of each quarter to describe the job-related experiences that he or she faced during that quarter to serve as a guide for future individuals holding the position.

Z) Program Board Complimentary Ticket Policy: tickets for "In House" events:

a) An "In House" event is defined as an event in which Program Board assumes all financial responsibility.

b) KCSB shall receive three (3) complimentary tickets for each Program Board concert.

c) Distribution of Tickets:

aa) Distribution will follow a first-come, first-served process, and will be overseen by the Ticket Coordinator. [One (1) complimentary ticket per person.]


bb) Only Designates may use the complimentary tickets. No complimentary ticket may be exchanged or sold. One (1) complimentary ticket per person.

d) Supplementary Tickets:

aa) The Program Board, at its discretion, may make available additional tickets at the time of, or before, the show. bb) These tickets shall be for non-sold-out events only. cc) The Programmer shall not discriminate between members when issuing additional tickets. dd) Members shall sign off for the ticket when it is received. 1. Associated Student Staff members may request up to one complimentary ticket, to be considered on an event-by-event basis.

2) Cash on Delivery (C.O.D.) Tickets for Promoter Events:

a) A "Promoter Event" is defined as an event in which the A.S. Program Board shares financial responsibility for the event with an off-campus promoter.

b) The Programmer shall follow the guidelines as outlined in Area 1 (above) for distribution and availability of tickets. Members, upon receiving tickets, shall supply payment for the ticket (C.O.D.) to the Ticket Coordinator.

3) Complimentary Tickets for Program Board Members:

a) The Associate Director, Commissioner, Deputy Commissioner, shall receive a complimentary ticket (for themselves) for all Hub and Campbell Hall shows or any other venue of comparable size.

b) The Associate Director, Commissioner, Deputy Commissioner, and the voting members of ASPB shall receive a complimentary ticket (for themselves) for all Events Center and Robertson Gym shows or any other venue of comparable size. They are also entitled to the option of purchasing the seat adjacent to theirs.


A) Charge of the Unit:

The Associated Students Rally Committee is a student-funded, student-run campus organization dedicated to supporting UCSB’s athletic community. The Committee will work to increase Gaucho pride and foster an increased sense of community throughout the UC Santa Barbara student population. The Committee will work to honor the achievements of organizations and teams across the University.

B) Voting Membership:

1) Vice Chairperson 2) Recruitment Coordinator 3) Spirit Coordinator 4) Two (2) Publicity Coordinators 5) Gaucho Locos Liaison 6) One (1) Senator 7) Publicity Coordinator of Santa Barbara, and Isla Vista relation and Greek Relations

C) Non-voting membership:

1) Rally Committee Chair (except to break a tie) 2) A.S. Advisor


3) A.S. Executive Director 4) A.S. Attorney General 5) A.S. Controller(s)

D) Selection and Term of Office:

1) All staff shall be internally elected through a majority rule process, and recommended to the Committee on Committee chair, after which shall be appointed by the President, and approved by the Senate.

2) Internal elections shall be held during the last three (3) weeks of Spring Quarter or the first three (3) weeks of Fall Quarter of the following year.

3) The one (1) Senator shall be nominated by the Internal Vice President and approved by Senate for the term of one (1) academic year.

E) Duties and Responsibilities of Rally Committee:

1) Hold weekly public meetings with a public agenda during periods of regular school instruction, excluding Dead Week.

2) Plan and produce a diverse schedule of events that provide and inspire spirit within the student body.

3) Encourage student growth and development of new skills and expertise in the area of spirit and marketing, planning and programming.

4) Establish and constantly update a set of operating policies and codes which are subject to Senate approval.

5) Prepare and present to Senate Finance and Business Committee, in conjunction with the Chair, the annual Rally Committee budget.

6) Report weekly to the Senate (by way of Rally Committee minutes and the Senators) and twice per month by report from the Chair or Vice Chair.

7) Work in conjunction with Intercollegiate Athletics.

F) Policies of Rally Committee:

1) Abide by Robert’s Rules of Order to facilitate orderly meetings; however, informal meeting procedures may be used at the discretion of the Chair.

2) A quorum shall consist of a majority (50%+1) of the voting membership of the Rally Committee.

3) All proxies for Rally Committee must be approved by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of Rally Committee.

4) All Rally Committee meetings shall be facilitated by the Rally Committee Chair or in their absence, by the Vice Chair.

a) In the event that the Vice Chair is not able to chair the meeting, the Chair shall appoint a qualified replacement as Chair.

5) All financial expenditures must be approved by a majority (50%+1) of the voting membership of Rally Committee.

6) No group shall use the name of Rally Committee for sponsorship or other purpose without the express approval of a majority (50%+1) of Rally Committee.


G) Duties and Powers of the Rally Committee Chair:

1) Serve as official representatives of A.S. Rally Committee in all campus, system-wide, local, state, and federal matters, unless otherwise provided herein; shall be the official spokesperson for the board.

2) Facilitate all Rally Committee meetings.

3) Hold at least three (3) regularly scheduled office hours per week.

4) Be responsible for the fiscal management of the entire board.

5) Prepare and present to Senate Finance and Business Committee, in conjunction with the Rally Committee, the yearly Rally Committee budget.

6) Attend at least two (2) Senate meetings per quarter to report on Rally Committee activities.

7) Coordinate the operations of all Rally Committee Coordinators and assist in solving any problems or issues that may arise.

8) Shall meet with each coordinator at least three (3) times per quarter and shall meet with the Vice Chair regularly.

9) Shall attend AS Assembly each quarter. If the chair cannot attend, the Vice Chair shall proxy. If the Vice Chair cannot attend, the chair shall appoint a qualified proxy.

H) Duties and Powers of the Rally Committee Vice Chair:

1) Hold at least three (3) regularly scheduled office hours per week.

2) Attend all Rally Committee meetings as a voting member and chair meetings in the absence of the Chair. Assist the chair as necessary.

3) Serve as a primary liaison to all of UC Santa Barbara’s competition teams.

a) Maintain an ongoing dialogue with all team coaches and managers.

b) Coordinate and obtain approval for all necessary campus services.

4) Responsible for establishing corporate support in the form of operating funds, sponsorships and giveaways for events while working closely with local businesses as well.

5) Upon the vacancy of the position of Chair, shall assume all duties of the Chair and act as interim Commissioner until such time as a new Chair can be appointed and approved.

I) Duties and Powers of ALL Rally Committee Coordinators:

1) Hold at least two (2) regularly scheduled office hours per week.

2) Attend all Rally Committee Meetings or send a qualified proxy.

3) Responsible for communicating and working with all relevant campus agencies, in conjunction with the Vice Chair, before, during and after any event.

4) Responsible for each event produced by their personal Committee.


5) Ensure that the Rally Committee maintains a positive reputation within the UC Santa Barbara and Isla Vista community.

J) Duties and Powers of the Recruitment Coordinator:

1) Coordinate the planning and production of Rally Committee outreach and recruitment to UC Santa Barbara students.

a) Work with Publicity Coordinators and Committee members to outreach to all campus groups, communities and people in all living areas.

2) Maintain an updated list of members’ names and email addresses.

3) Keep in continual contact with members of the Rally Committee through weekly reminders of upcoming events.

4) Works closely with the Spirit Coordinator and Publicity Coordinators to inform members and get them excited about upcoming Rally Committee events.

5) Holds at least two (2) recruitment events in the resident halls each year.

K) Duties and Powers of the Spirit Coordinator:

1) Hold two (2) regularly scheduled weekly office hours.

2) Coordinate the planning and production of all Rally Committee events.

a) Coordinate the planning and production of all Rally Committee events, cheers, props, etc.

aa) Work closely with cheerleaders, dance team, pep band, coaches and team managers to collaborate on interesting and entertaining half-time and time-out events for the spirited fans.

b) Coordinate the planning and production of all Rally Committee events prior and/or after competitive events.

c) Coordinate the planning and production of all Rally Committee sponsored trips to UCSB away games.

d) Shall be responsible for the planning and coordination of a minimum of one (1) rally per quarter each for a UCSB team or event.

L) Duties and Powers of the two (2) Publicity Coordinators:

1) Coordinate the design and implementation, with each coordinator and director, all advertising and publicity for Rally Committee events.

2) Act as a liaison for Rally Committee to campus and local media, including television, radio and newspaper agencies, as well as on and off campus graphics and printing services.

3) Works closely with coordinators and directors during planning of events to determine advertising and publicity needs, strategies, budgets, deadlines, etc.

4) Works closely with the Media Relations Committee to help promote events.

5) Maintain a working relationship with The Daily Nexus, and The Bottom Line.


6) Maintain a quarterly newsletter that briefs UCSB students on upcoming games and Rally Committee events.

M) Duties and Powers of the Publicity Coordinator of Student Organization and Residential Hall relations:

1) Act as a liaison for the Rally Committee to the rest of Associated Students.

2) Coordinate distribution of quarterly newsletter to the chairs of each Associated Students Committee.

3) Work closely with the Publicity Coordinators to advertise events to student organizations.

4) Work closely with student organizations interested in co-sponsoring events with the Rally Committee.

5) Act as a liaison for Rally Committee to the Resident Halls Association.

6) Works closely with the Publicity Coordinators to advertise events in the residential halls.

7) Work closely with the Recruitment Coordinator to put on quarterly recruitment events located in and targeted at those living in the residential halls.

N) Duties and Powers of the Publicity Coordinator of Santa Barbara, Isla Vista relations and Greek Relations:

1) Act as a liaison for Rally Committee to the Santa Barbara and Isla Vista community.

2) Coordinate distribution of quarterly newsletter to Isla Vista residents, as well as Isla Vista and Santa Barbara businesses.

3) Work closely with other Publicity Coordinators, IVCRC Chair and EVPLA to advertise events to residents of Isla Vista.

4) Works closely with the Vice Chair and Publicity Coordinators to find sponsors for giveaways.

5) Coordinate volunteers and flyering of Isla Vista for special athletic events.

6) Act as a liaison for Rally Committee to the Greek community.

7) Works closely with the Publicity Coordinators and A.S. Greek Liaison to advertise events to members of the Greek system.

8) Work closely with the Recruitment Coordinator to put on yearly recruitment events targeted at the Greek community.

9) Works with Pan-Hellenic Council, Inter-fraternity Council, Collegiate Pan-Hellenic Council and United Fraternity Sorority Council to co-sponsor events with the Rally Committee.

O) Duties and Powers of the Gaucho Loco Liaison:

1) Works closely with the Gaucho Loco president and organization to bring more students, staff, faculty and families to UCSB events.

2) Helps the organization advertise and promote UCSB events.

3) Works to keep open communication between both parties.


4) Hold two (2) regularly scheduled weekly office hours.

5) Coordinate with Athletics when needed for events.

P) Duties and Powers of the Webmaster:

1) Shall assemble and maintain Rally Committee’s webpage throughout the academic school year which shall consist of the following:

a) Information on how to get involved in Rally Committee. b) Contact Information for all the Coordinators and Directors. c) Information and history about Rally Committee. d) Upcoming events hosted by Rally Committee. e) Schedules of all UCSB home and away sporting games. f) A PDF File or Word document of the quarterly newsletter.

Q) Duties and Powers of Senator:

1) Attend all Rally Committee meetings as a voting member, or send a proxy.

2) Work closely with any Rally Committee Coordinator or director to assist in any duties he/she feels necessary.

3) Responsible for the communication of upcoming events to the Senate at all meetings.

4) Shall be required to attend one-third (1/3) of all Rally Committee events.



A) Charge of the Board:

Community Affairs Board (CAB) is dedicated to enhancing both the educational and personal experiences of all UCSB students by providing easy access to community service opportunities. CAB accomplishes this mission by promoting the ethics of public service, maintaining information on community and campus volunteer opportunities, and by creating and sponsoring community service projects. Participation in volunteer activities is open to all UCSB students.

B) Voting Membership:

1) Two (2) Co-Chairs 2) Two (2) Public Relations Coordinator 3) One (1) Community Outreach Coordinator 4) Two (2) Family Literacy Coordinators 5) One (1) Social Coordinator 6) One (1) Treasurer 7) One (1) Historian 8) One (1) Childcare Coordinator 9) One (1) Youth Outreach Coordinator 10) One (1) Special Projects Coordinator 11) Two (2) Alternative Break Coordinator 12) Two (2) Hunger Houseless Coordinators 13) One (1) Senior Citizen Coordinator 14) One (1) Environmental Coordinator 15) One (1) Animal Coordinator 16) One (1) Secretary


17) Two (2) Senators

C) Non-Voting Membership:

1) A.S. Advisor 2) A.S. Controller(s) 3) A.S. Committees Chair 4) A.S. Executive Director 5) One (1) Residence Hall Liaison 6) A.S. Attorney General 7) Local Affairs Organizing Director 8) A.S. President

D) Selection and Term of Office of the Chair, Committee Chairpersons and Coordinators:

1) The Co-Chairs (2), Public Relations Coordinator, Community Outreach Coordinator, Family Literacy Coordinators, Social Coordinator, Historian, Childcare Coordinator, Youth Outreach Coordinator, Special Projects Coordinator, Alternative Break Coordinator, Hunger Houseless Coordinator, Senior Citizen Coordinator, Environmental Coordinator, Animal Coordinator, Human Rights Coordinator, and Treasurer shall be recommended to the A.S. Committee on Committees by an internal process subject to the approval of the Chair, then nominated by the President for Senate approval. The term of office is one (1) academic year.

2) Two (2) Senators shall be nominated by the Internal Vice President and approved by the Senate for the term of one (1) year.

E) Duties of all voting members:

1) Participate in two (2) or more volunteer activities each quarter.

2) Table a minimum of two (2) hours per quarter.

3) Attend weekly CAB General and Leader meetings.

4) Keep an updated hard copy binder as a means of keeping records organized for future leaders in this position.

5) Log all volunteer hours, both personal and general member hours at CAB events.

6) Outgoing members shall be required to write a transition report.

F) Duties and Powers of the Co-Chairs:

Act as liaisons between the community and the UCSB campus and establish student volunteer programs to work with various community service organizations and projects. This position will be run by two (2) coordinators who will share the following duties:

1) Compile the weekly agenda for the CAB leader and general meetings.

2) Responsible for running the CAB’s Business meetings.

3) Responsible for maintaining the CAB’s Project record.

4) Implement effective student volunteer projects.

5) Proactively recruit and retain volunteers.

6) Responsible for overseeing all funding proposals that come to the CAB and the CAB Foundation.


7) Work with the Secretary to finalize and send out the minutes from the CAB meeting, Leader meeting and Care-Mail.

8) Responsible for writing and editing the A.S. Annual report in coordination with the CAB advisor.

9) Responsible for attending at least two (2) non-consecutive Senate meetings per quarter to report on the Board's action.

10) Must hold a minimum of five (5) office hours per week, exclusive to CAB related meetings and fieldwork.

11) Shall attend AS Assembly each quarter.

12) Hold at least two (2) quarterly meetings with each coordinator to oversee and support volunteer projects and ideas. Two (2) one-on-one personal check-ins.

13) Actively assist and facilitate the organizing process for CAB’s annual Volunteer Week as well as participate in the week’s events.

G) Duties of the Public Relations Coordinator:

The Public Relations Coordinator and the Community Outreach Coordinator hold similar positions. While there are many opportunities for collaboration amongst these two roles the main difference is as follows: The Public Relations Coordinators are primarily responsible for promoting CAB to the greater public and Santa Barbara area (through means of newspaper, radio, websites, etc.) and connecting with other similar organizations. Whereas the Community Outreach Coordinator’s main role is to connect with students and our direct community to connect them with CAB.

1) Serve as the primary liaison between the Greek community and Resident Assistants, informing them of upcoming volunteer opportunities on campus and the surrounding community.

2) Coordinate publicity needs of all key volunteer members.

3) Compose and send out Public Service Announcements and articles to local news sources (Daily Nexus, The Bottom Line, SB Independent, KCSB Radio, Facebook, etc) to help the community reach greater awareness about CAB’s presence and activities.

4) Shall assume the responsibilities of the Co-Chairs in their absence.

5) Organize monthly campus tabling at the UCEN or Arbor for recruiting CAB members and volunteers for projects and events.

6) Hold a minimum of three (3) office hours per week, exclusive to CAB related meetings and fieldwork.

7) Responsible for coordinating all public relations activities with the campus community regarding volunteer programs, projects and events sponsored by CAB, campus organizations, and local, national and international non-profits.

8) Connect with ALL organizations on campus who share a similar mission as CAB so that we may collaborate and work together.

9) Reach out to greater organizations in the Santa Barbara Area who share similar mission as CAB so that we may collaborate and work together.


10) Keep the CAB website and Facebook page updated with current events and announcements on Care-Mail on a weekly basis.

11) Organize and/or facilitate a minimum of seven monthly campus tabling events at the UCEN, Annex or Arbor for recruiting CAB members and volunteers for projects and events.

12) Actively participate in the planning process for CAB’s annual Volunteer Week and provide assistance during the week’s events.

H) Duties of the Community Outreach Coordinator:

The Public Relations Coordinator and the Community Outreach Coordinator hold similar positions. While there are many opportunities for collaboration amongst these two roles the main difference is as follows: The Public Relations Coordinators are primarily responsible for promoting CAB to the greater public and Santa Barbara area (through means of newspaper, radio, websites, etc.) and connecting with other similar organizations. Whereas the Community Outreach Coordinator’s main role is to connect with students and our direct community to connect them with CAB.

1) Coordinate all public outreach efforts to provide information about the Community Affairs Board to local nonprofits and businesses in our community.

2) Coordinate outreach presentations for all the CAB programs and events with the CAB Public Relations Coordinator and the necessary media resources.

3) Hold a minimum of one (1) office hour per week. Hold a minimum of two (2) office hours per week, exclusive to CAB and CAB Foundation related meetings, CAB Foundation office hours, and fieldwork.

4) Coordinate and execute the Care-Expo event.

5) Organize at least one tabling event per month at the UCEN, Annex, or Arbor for recruiting CAB members and volunteers for projects and events.

6) Actively participate in the planning process for CAB’s annual Volunteer Week and provide assistance during the week’s events.

I) Duties of the Family Literacy Program Coordinators:

The CAB Family Literacy Program matches UCSB students with children in the local community to read together in an effort to increase the love of reading. Tutors will spend at least one hour a week with a child, reading together and helping with homework. This position will be run by two (2) coordinators (bilingual preferred) who will share the following duties:

1) Promote the Family Literacy Program through advertisements, flyers, phone calls, radio spots, and any other means possible to recruit new tutors and families.

2) Coordinate the application and matching process with the UCSB students and children in the community.

3) Keep in contact with the families participating to ensure that the program is meeting their needs.

4) Keep in close contact with the participating student tutors to ensure that the program is providing sufficient resource for them in their service, and to contact prospective tutors and train those interested.

5) Provide a minimum of two (2) activities per quarter in which the tutors can interact with their children outside of the home environment.


6) Maintain an adequate inventory of books, games puzzles, markers, stickers, etc. for the tutors to use with their children.

7) Hold three (3) office hours per week, each, exclusive to the CAB related meetings and fieldwork.

8) Actively participate in the planning process for CAB’s annual Volunteer Week and provide assistance during the week’s events.

J) Duties of the Social Coordinator:

1) In charge of coordinating a minimum of three (3) events per quarter that will help build community amongst CAB Leaders. Plan events such as, but not limited to, barbecues, social gatherings, and outings.

2) In charge of coordinating a minimum of two (2) events per quarter that will help build community amongst all of CAB (open to everyone). Plan events such as, but not limited to, barbecues, social gatherings, and outings.

3) Hold a minimum of two (2) minor social events on campus. These could be an activity where CAB partners up with an organization event that is already on campus. (i.e.: “Let’s all go to the Improvability tonight!”) These minor events could include projects that you do not specifically plan and organize.

4) Hold a minimum of three (3) office hours per week, exclusive to CAB related meetings and fieldwork.

5) Help coordinate icebreakers, activities and mini-volunteer projects for weekly CAB meetings.

6) Actively participate in the planning process for CAB’s annual Volunteer Week and provide assistance during the week’s events.

K) Duties of the Treasurer:

Responsible for fiscal management of the Board. This includes but is not limited to:

1) Prepare the board’s budget for the following year in conjunction with the Co-Chairs.

2) Responsible for collecting and returning all requisitions.

3) Maintain historical financial records of the CAB.

4) Shall contact funding request liaisons within two (2) days after the Leader meeting to inform them of the board’s decision.

5) Attend one (1) A.S. Senate Finance and Business Committee meeting per year.

6) Hold three (3) office hours per week, exclusive to CAB related meetings and fieldwork.

7) Keep a very detailed account of the CAB budget (online, as well as in a hard-copy binder), bring this binder to every leader meeting and be prepared to share with the board where we currently stand in our budget and always be looking for ways in which we can save money (this may mean doing research for funding requests to find more similar and inexpensive options).

8) Actively participate in the planning process for CAB’s annual Volunteer Week and provide assistance during the week’s events.


L) Duties of the Historian:

1) Responsible for collecting and compiling documentation about CAB projects and events. Photograph ALL CAB events and programs personally (or have a proxy document for you if you cannot attend personally), keeping them organized and accessible throughout the year (download all files on CAB computers).

2) Upload photos on CAB website as well as Facebook.

3) Prepare the annual CAB Slideshow.

4) Hold two (2) office hours per week, exclusive to CAB related meetings and fieldwork.

5) Actively participate in the planning process for CAB’s annual Volunteer Week and provide assistance during the week’s events.

M) Duties of the Youth Outreach Coordinator:

1) Collaborate with the Childcare Coordinator to enhance community involvement.

2) Serve as liaison between various youth programs based in the community.

3) Hold a minimum of three (3) office hours per week, exclusive to CAB related meetings and fieldwork.

4) Responsible for coordinating necessary community volunteer opportunities regarding youth.

5) Coordinate at least three (3) events per quarter benefitting youth.

6) Actively participate in the planning process for CAB’s annual Volunteer Week and provide assistance during the week’s events.

N) Duties of the Special Projects Coordinator:

The Special Projects Coordinator is responsible for both organizing special events (YOU MATTER!) and also special projects that are beneficial to CAB (ex: creating a suggestion box). This position requires both creativity and constant reflection and observation to see how we can better use our time and energy.

1) Plan and organize reoccurring CAB special Events (YOU MATTER! And Relay for Life, etc.)

2) Create new sustainable events directed towards the UCSB student body.

3) Hold at least three (3) office hours per week, exclusive to CAB related meetings and fieldwork.

4) Responsible for looking for strategies and creating and/or finding tools that CAB can use to reach it’s mission with greater ease and efficiency.

5) Actively participate in the planning process for CAB’s annual Volunteer Week in collaboration with all other leaders.

O) Duties of the Alternative Break Coordinators:

This position will be run by two (2) coordinators who will share the following duties:

1) Be a liaison between the organization and the students attending the trip.


2) Make sure that all forms, funding, liabilities etc. are complete for each trip.

3) Recruit volunteers for the trips.

4) Maintain a relationship and connection with other Alternative Break organizations.

5) Attend and lead the trips, or if unable, inform and prepare a substitution.

6) Be responsible for coordinating at least three (3) CAB volunteer trips or programs throughout the year, one (1) being during Spring recess. These planned trips must foster community service.

7) Hold at least two (2) office hours per week, exclusive to CAB related meetings and fieldwork.

8) Actively participate in the planning process for CAB’s annual Volunteer Week and provide assistance during the week’s events.

P) Duties of the Hunger/Houseless Coordinators: !

Plan and implement programs that will have a sustainable impact on the houseless community in Isla Vista.

1) Coordinate at least three (3) events each quarter benefiting hunger or houseless issues.

2) Connect with local organizations (churches, Street Health Outreach, etc.) who share a similar mission to serve the houseless in our community.

3) Hold two (2) office hours per week, exclusive to CAB related meetings and fieldwork.

4) Organize and lead at least one meal a week serving the houseless (i.e.: Breakfast Club).

5) Look for more substantial ways to help solve the issue of houseless or hunger.

6) Responsible for selecting one (1) speaker who can talk about the issue of houseless/hunger per quarter for the weekly meetings.

7) Actively participate in the planning process for CAB’s annual Volunteer Week and provide assistance during the week’s events.

Q) Duties of the Senior Citizen Coordinator:

Act as a liaison between the CAB and senior citizen population in and around Isla Vista.

1) Coordinate at least three (3) events per quarter benefiting the senior citizen community.

2) Continue and improve the Adopt a Grandparent program (with Friendship Manor) and the Community Friends program (with Devereux).

3) Responsible for selecting one (1) speaker who can share the needs of senior-citizens per quarter for the weekly meetings.

4) Hold two (2) office hours per week, exclusive to CAB related meetings and fieldwork.

5) Actively participate in the planning process for CAB’s annual Volunteer Week and provide assistance during the week’s events.

R) Duties of the Environmental Coordinator:

Act as a liaison between the CAB and other UCSB environmental organizations.


1) Coordinate at least three (3) events per quarter benefiting the environment.

2) Responsible for selecting one (1) environmental speaker per quarter for the weekly meetings.

3) Hold two (2) office hours per week, exclusive to CAB related meetings and fieldwork.

4) Act as a liaison between CAB and the Environmental Affairs Board (EAB).

5) Inform the community about environmental opportunities and related events.

6) Actively participate in the planning process for CAB’s annual Volunteer Week and provide assistance during the week’s events.

S) Duties of the Animal Coordinator:

Inform the student population about volunteer opportunities at the local animal shelters.

1) Coordinate carpool transportation when there is an orientation at the shelters, and if any interested student needs a ride to the events.

2) Inform the public about any important animal related events, and participate in them.

3) Hold two (2) office hours per week, exclusive to CAB related meetings and fieldwork.

4) Coordinate at least three (3) events each quarter benefiting animals.

5) Responsible for selecting one (1) animal speaker per quarter for the weekly meetings.

6) Connect with local organizations who share a similar mission to serve the animals in our community.

7) Actively participate in the planning process for CAB’s annual Volunteer Week and provide assistance during the week’s events.

T) Duties of the Secretary:

The Secretary will work closely with the Co-Chairs to manage all technological aspects of CAB including Care-Mail, the CAB Website and meeting minutes.

1) Create and maintain Care-Mail, preparing it to be sent by the day of the General meeting.

2) Work with Co-Chairs on finalizing and sending out the minutes from the CAB meeting, Leader meeting and Care-Mail.

3) Update, manage and maintain the CAB Website.

4) Act as minute-taker at both Leader and General meetings.

5) Hold two (2) office hours a week, exclusive to CAB related meetings and fieldwork.

U) Charge of the Childcare Director: !

1) Collaborate with the CAB Youth Outreach Coordinator.

2) Hold three (3) office hours per week, exclusive to CAB related meetings and fieldwork.

3) Hold a bi-quarterly free babysitting event for undergraduate parents (Parent’s Night Out Event).


4) Develop programs/projects and events for undergraduate students with dependent children.

5) Actively participate in the planning process for CAB’s annual Volunteer Week and provide assistance during the week’s events.

6) Administrative/Advisory Membership:

a) Childcare Director b) Director of Women’s Center or liaison c) Campus Childcare Advisory Committee (CCAC) liaison d) CAB Senators e) Community Volunteer Coordinator f) Any other student, faculty, or staff member interested in childcare issues.

7) Granting Committee Membership:

a) Childcare Director b) Director of Women’s Center or liaison c) Community Volunteer Coordinator

8) Duties and responsibilities of the granting Committee: a) With the help of the Administrative/Advisory Committee, set up application deadlines.

b) Review and award grants.

c) Monies from this account will be distributed in the amount of up to, and not to exceed one hundred twenty-five dollars ($125.00) plus twenty-five ($25.00) for each additional child per student/family per quarter, with the maximum of $200.00 per student/family twice per quarter.

d) Track and provide reports on all grants to ensure individual awards do not exceed one hundred twenty-five dollars ($125.00) plus twenty-five $25.00 for each additional child per student/family per quarter, with the maximum of two hundred dollars ($200.00) per student/family per quarter.


A) Charge of the CoVo Foundation:

CoVo Foundation seeks to enhance the educational experience of UCSB students by issuing grants for ongoing service-based programs or projects that foster greater awareness regarding social, educational, economic, and environmental issues. These programs must engage UCSB undergraduate students as volunteers or leaders as well as strive to have meaningful and lasting impact on the greater Santa Barbara community.

e) Voting Membership:

1) One (1) Chair 2) One (1) Treasurer 3) One (1) Secretary 4) One (1) Community Affairs Board Community Outreach Coordinator 5) Five (5) At-Large Undergraduate Students

C) Appointment, Nomination, Election, and Terms of Office:

1) All members of the existing Board vote in new members upon vacancy (by majority vote of members present). Potential Board Members (including those nominated by their


respective organizations) must submit to a formal application and interview process. Prospective Board Members must be able to commit to at least one term (from the beginning of Fall quarter to the end of Spring quarter).

The selection Committee is comprised of existing Board Members. The selection Committee makes a formal recommendation to the existing Board, who then must authorize the selection Committee to make such appointments. Elections may occur upon vacancies due to a Board Member graduating, resigning, or removal of a member by a two-thirds (2/3) majority vote.

2) Board member Candidates for Chairperson may nominate himself/herself or be nominated by another board member upon their agreement. Selection will be made by majority vote (50% + 1) for the Chair. If there is less than a majority vote for all nominees, the top two vote receivers will be subjected to a second round of voting. Only active Board Members attending the noticed meeting will have a vote. The Chair can serve no more than two (2) consecutive terms (from the beginning of Fall quarter to the end of Spring quarter).

If the Chairperson resigns or is unable to perform their function on the Board, a new Chair is selected in the same election process, as close to the time of resignation as possible.

3) While there is no term limit for a Member, one term shall be defined as the academic school year from the beginning of Fall quarter to the end of Spring quarter. Each member may hold office until he/she is no longer a registered undergraduate student at UCSB, resigns, or is removed.

4) The CAB Community Outreach Coordinator is ineligible to be selected for an additional position on the CoVo Foundation Board. Application and selection of Community Outreach Coordinator position is the responsibility of A.S. CAB.

5) A maximum of two (2) additional voting members of A.S. CAB can be selected for positions on the CoVo Foundation Board.

D) General Duties of All Board Members:

It shall be the duty of all members to:

1) Perform any and all duties imposed on them collectively or individually by the Mission Statement and/or these bylaws.

2) Review project applications to consider funding of those found consistent with the Mission Statement.

3) Supervise grant recipients to assure that their activities and spending are performed properly, legally, and ethically.

4) Attend all CoVo Foundation meetings.

5) Represent the Foundation on matters pertinent to their jurisdiction and the Foundation Mission Statement, delivering talks before professional, civil, student and lay groups and participating in conferences.

E) Specific Duties of Chair:

1) Act as mediator and facilitator during the Board meetings and be responsible for holding meetings to the agenda in a timely fashion.

2) Meet regularly with AS staff to discuss concerns and important issues.


3) Foster the growth of the Foundation through leadership on new ideas, projects, and programs.

4) When possible, attend outreach events with the AS CAB Community Outreach Coordinator.

5) Hold three (3) office hours per week.

6) Oversee the creation of the annual report.

7) Maintain records of CoVo Foundation.

F) Specific Duties of the AS CAB Community Outreach Coordinator:

1) Advertise grant cycles to the student body and the general population through frequently viewed mediums.

2) Attend at least one (1) event every quarter put on by a local fund or support center. This includes active attempts at networking and spreading awareness of the Foundation at these events, and a report back to the Board about the event during the following meeting.

3) Hold one (1) CoVo Foundation office hour per week, excluding AS CAB office hours.

G) Specific Duties of the At-Large Undergraduate Students:

1) Serve in a support role to the Chair of the Foundation. This includes, but is not limited to:

a) Research and interview applicants as well as make sure their proposed finances are in order.

b) Follow up with grant recipients to check on their progress and adherence to Foundation guidelines.

c) Take an active role in preparing meetings and presentations.

d) Create and provide a list of possible alternative grant opportunities for applicants denied full funding.

H) Specific Duties of the Treasurer:

1) Perform all At-Large Undergraduate Student duties.

2) Hold three (3) Foundation office hours per week.

3) Manage the finances of the Foundation, which entails keeping a detailed and accurate assessment of funds given out and remaining.

4) Create a quarterly and annual report under the supervision of the Chair.

I) Specific Duties of the Secretary:

1) Perform all At-Large Undergraduate Student duties.

2) Hold one (1) office hour per week.

3) Take minutes at meetings.

4) Manage changes to the CoVo application.


5) Update and maintain the website, including an advertising section for funded events.

6) Correspond with past funding recipients regarding publication of their photos/ general follow-up.


A) Charge of the Coastal Fund:

The Coastal Fund (CF) shall provide funds to conserve, protect and promote awareness of the terrestrial and marine environments associated with the University of California, Santa Barbara through preservation, education, open access, research, and restoration. The following five (5) principles shall guide and govern the funding of projects by the Coastal Fund:

1) Preservation: The biodiversity, and the ecological integrity of the coast are vital and irreplaceable. The Coastal Fund is committed to preserving and enhancing these aspects of the local coastline.

2) Education: Environmental education is fundamental to the future health and well being of the UCSB community. The Coastal Fund seeks to develop educational materials and opportunities that are dynamic, proactive, and informative.

3) Access: Finding a balance between open public access to the coast and respecting sensitive habitat is essential. The Coastal Fund support the protection of sensitive habitats while providing public access that is open, safe, and has minimal environmental impact.

4) Research: Research is fundamental to the understanding of coastal resources, natural processes and human influences that act upon them. The Coastal Fund encourages studies that have direct application and relevance for the coastline associated with UCSB.

5) Restoration: Coastal development and past human activity have negatively affected the coastal environment. The Coastal Fund promotes the restoration of shoreline and watershed habitats that are critical to maintain natural and healthy ecosystems linked to the coast.

B) Voting Membership:

The Coastal Fund shall have no more than seven (7) student board members and collectively they shall be known as the Coastal Fund Board of Directors. The Board of Directors shall consist of the following:

1) Environmental Affairs Board Representative (Graduate or Undergraduate) 2) Isla Vista Surfrider Representative (Graduate or Undergraduate) 3) Department-wide Graduate Student Representative (2) 4) Department-wide Undergraduate Student Representative (3)

C) Ex-Officio membership:

1) A.S. Senate Liaison 2) A.S. President 3) A.S. Attorney General 4) A.S. Controller(s) 5) A.S. External Vice President for Local Affairs Liaison

D) Non Voting Membership (Coastal Fund Staff)

1) A.S. Staff Advisor 2) Student Administrative Assistant 3) Up to two (2) student Education and Outreach Coordinators


4) Student Coastal Service Program Coordinator

E) Selection and Term of Office:

1) The Coastal Fund Board of Directors shall be interviewed by Coastal Fund’s staff, Board of Directors and voting members. The nominated prospective Board Director(s) will be approved by a majority vote by Coastal Fund’s voting members then recommended to the A.S. Committee on Committees, then nominated by the A.S. President, with final approval by the Senate for a term of, but not limited to, one (1) academic quarter.

2) Up to three (3) Environmental Affairs Board and Isla Vista Surfrider Representatives shall be nominated by the chair of the respective Committee. From those the Coastal Fund voting members will nominate one (1) Environmental Affairs Board and one (1) Isla Vista Surfrider Representative. Then nominated by the Committee on Committees, then nominated by the A.S. President, with final approval by the Senate for a term of one (1) academic year.

3) The A.S. Senator shall be a representative appointed by the Internal Vice President, approved by the Senate with final approval by the Coastal Fund Board of Directors, for a term of one (1) academic year.

4) The Chair and Vice Chair shall be elected by Coastal Fund’s voting members during the last meeting of each academic quarter for the following quarter. Chair and Vice Chairs may nominate himself/herself or be nominated by another Board Member upon their agreement. Appointments will be made by majority vote. Only active Board Members attending the noticed meeting will have a vote. Chair and Vice Chair can serve no more than two (2) consecutive quarters, or two (2) total quarters per academic school year.

5) Any officer may be removed, by the Board of Directors, by majority vote of the Board of Directors, with final approval by the Senate. Any officer may resign at any time by giving written notice to the Board of Directors and Grant Advisor. Any such resignation shall take effect at the date of receipt of such notice or at any later date specified therein, and, unless otherwise specified therein, the acceptance of such resignation shall not be necessary to make it effective.

F) Attendance:

1) In the event a member of the Board of Directors cannot attend a regularly scheduled meeting, that member may appoint a proxy. A proxy must be approved by the Board of Directors through majority vote. The proxy shall be given temporary authority of a Director for the duration of that meeting. Appointment of a proxy does not constitute a board director’s attendance at a meeting.

2) Any member of the Board of Directors forfeits fifty dollars ($50.00) of honoraria for each missed (regularly schedule) meeting. If a member of the Board of Directors missed two (2) consecutive meetings (regardless of proxy), no honoraria shall be awarded and a re- evaluation of that director by the Board of Directors shall be required. Attendance is defined as being present more that fifty percent (50%) of the total meeting time.

G) Duties and Responsibilities of all Coastal Fund Board Members:

1) Attend all regularly scheduled meetings.

2) Review project applications and consider funding of the projects that are found to be consistent with the Charge of Coastal Fund.

3) Attend at least one (1) regularly scheduled office hour per week.


4) Present to board and follow-up on previously on funded projects as necessary.

5) Fill board member and student staff vacancies as soon as positions become available.

6) Provide feedback regarding progress of staff projects and new ideas.

7) Join at least one (1) Coastal Fund Board of Directors Sub-Committee, attend meetings, and perform duties pertaining to that Sub-Committee. Time spent in Sub-Committee meetings will be measured as office hour time.

8) Represent the Coastal Fund on matters pertinent to their jurisdiction and the Charge of the Coastal Fund.

9) Attend quarterly retreat, if able.

10) Board of Director Representatives to Isla Vista Surfrider and Environmental Affairs Board are required to give a weekly report to the Board of Directors during the regular scheduled meetings.

H) Duties and Responsibilities of the Coastal Fund Chair:

1) Fulfill all duties and responsibilities of the board members.

2) Shall preside at all meetings of the Board of Directors.

3) Shall coordinate and approve meeting agendas with the A.S. Grant Advisor and Administrative Assistant.

4) Shall act as mediator and facilitator during the Board meetings, and will be responsible for holding meetings to the agenda in a timely fashion.

5) Shall hold two (2) regularly scheduled office hours per week.

6) The Chairperson is the sole representative and the primary communicator with the media and community unless the Chairperson delegates to another Board Member.

7) Fosters the growth of the Coastal Fund through leadership on new ideas, projects and programs.

8) Shall partner with the Vice Chair on oversight of funded project reports.

9) Shall partner with the Vice Chair on special projects.

10) Shall be responsible with the Vice Chair for the accountability of the board members and staff.

11) Shall attend AS Assembly each quarter.

12) Shall report one (1) time per quarter to the AS Senate about Coastal Fund’s progress.

13) Shall create and structure agenda for, and preside over, the quarterly Coastal Fund retreat.

14) Shall Update the “Board of Directors To-Do List” after every scheduled meeting with reminders and preparation for next meeting.

I) Duties and Responsibilities of the Coastal Fund Vice Chair:

1) Fulfill all duties and responsibilities of board members.


2) In the absence of the Chair, or in the event of his or her inability or refusal to act, the Vice Chair shall perform all the duties of the Chair, and when so acting shall have all the powers of, and be subject to all the restrictions on, the Chair.

3) The Vice-Chair shall also assist the Chair in his/her responsibilities when needed.

4) Shall hold two (2) regularly scheduled office hours per week.

5) Shall partner with the Chair on oversight of funded project reports.

6) Shall partner with the Chair on special projects.

7) Shall be responsible with the Chair for the accountability of the board members and staff.

8) Shall attend all AS Assembly with the Chair, or proxy for the chair if he or she is unable to attend.

J) Duties and Responsibilities of the A.S. Senate Liaison:

1) Shall be required to attend the majority of Coastal Fund meetings.

2) Meet with Directors of the Board of Directors on a weekly basis in order to present a detailed report to the Senate concerning the activities of Coastal Fund.

a) Such a report will consist of the Liaison presenting an oral summary of the activities of Coastal Fund, followed by a question and answer session in which the liaison shall be prepared to answer any questions the Senate may have concerning Coastal Fund. If a question is asked that the liaison cannot answer accurately, the Council shall table the question and address it again when the liaison has an answer, preferably the next immediate session of the Senate.

3) The Liaison shall have access to all Coastal Fund records and documents needed to develop his or her report.


A) Charge of the Unit:

The Associated Students Community Financial Fund is responsible for expanding Financial Literacy, assisting students by providing more access to grants, and helping supplement the current Associated Students emergency loans. This Unit shall establish a credit builder program, regular financial literacy workshops, and help students learn financial resources and services available on the UCSB campus and within Santa Barbara County.

B) Voting Members:

1) One (1) Student Unit Director 2) Six (6) Financial Literacy Mentors

C) Non-Voting Members:

1) Two (2) Senate Appointed Liaisons 2) One (1) Community Financial Fund Coordinator

D) Selection:

1) The Student Unit Director of the Community Financial Fund shall be appointed by the Chair of Committee on Committees and the presiding Community Financial Fund Coordinator.


2) The Six (6) Financial Literacy Mentors shall be appointed by the Student Unit Director, the Senate Appointed Liaison(s) and the Community Financial Fund Coordinator

E) Term of Office:

1) The Student Unit Director shall serve a term of one (1) year.

2) The Six (6) Financial Literacy Mentors shall serve each serve a term of one (1) year.

F) Duties and Responsibilities of Community Financial Fund Coordinator:

1) Attend all meetings.

2) Review grant applications.

3) Shall preside over Mentors’ training (for the four weekly workshops), including program, workshop, and workbook.

4) Appoint and direct Mentors in conjunction with the Student Unit Director.

4) Communicate closely with the CFF Student Unit Director.

5) Communicate and collaborate with Financial Aid Office.

6) Facilitate weekly Financial Literacy Workshops.

7) Oversee the opening and closing of the grant application.

8) Oversee the Mentor/Mentee program.

9) Collaborate with educator and/or personally instruct any Special Topics Course.

G) Duties and Responsibilities of Community Financial Fund Student Unit Director:

1) Shall attend all meetings.

2) Review grant applications.

3) Shall preside over Mentors’ training (for the four weekly workshops), including program, workshop, and workbook.

4) Appoint and direct Mentors in conjunction with the CFF Coordinator.

5) Communicate closely with the CFF Coordinator.

6) Oversee the Unit and work closely with peers to make sure that they are well trained.

7) Shall attend the Mentors’ training.

8) Oversee the Mentor/Mentee program alongside the CFF Coordinator and promote interest in the program.

9) Serve as a teaching Assistant or provide other assistance in any Special Topics Course under instruction of the CFF coordinator or course educator.

H) Duties and Responsibilities of all Community Financial Fund Financial Literacy Mentors:

1) Assist with Financial Literacy Month Events.


2) Facilitate one of four weekly financial literacy workshops.

3) Attend the weekly meetings.

4) Guide students as a part of the Mentor/Mentee program through the provision of financial literacy resources.

5) Serve as Teaching Assistant or provide other assistance in any Special Topics Course under instruction of the CFF Coordinator other course educator.

I) Application Criteria for The Community Financial Fund Grant:

1) Complete the Grant Supplemental Questionnaire.

2) Attend one (1) CFF Financial Literacy Workshop.

3) Complete the Financial Literacy Quiz with a passing grade of 70% or better.

4) Submit a one-page essay (single spaced, 12 Times New Roman Font, with one-inch margin).

5) Business Services members and CFF workgroup members do not have access to grants due to potential conflict of interest and will be required to sign a waiver prior to their appointment.

J) Grant Distribution:

1) Grants are distributed at the Cashier’s Office and through the A.S. Financial Literacy Project Coordinator.

2) The CFF workgroup headed by the CFF Coordinator will update the CFF guidelines and criteria according to the needs of the program.


A) Charge of the Committee:

Isla Vista Community Relations Committee is responsible for the education of the UCSB and Isla Vista communities regarding issues within the Isla Vista Community as a whole and Santa Barbara County, and shall serve as a funding and planning source for projects promoting community in Isla Vista. Such issues may include but are not limited to: safety, housing, infrastructure, and relations between campus and local agencies. The committee shall serve as a funding and planning source for projects promoting community in Isla Vista. IVCRC shall collaborate with the Office of the External Vice President for Local Affairs (EVPLA).

Administration of the A.S. Isla Vista community Improvements Lock-In:

It is the charge of IVCRC to oversee the distribution of the Isla Vista Improvements Lock-In funds. This fund has been established in order to facilitate community programs that seek to better the living environment of the students, families and residents of Isla Vista by providing financial, technical and administrative support for student initiated and/or non-profit community improvement services and projects.

B) Committee Membership:

1) Voting Membership:

a) External Vice President for Local Affairs b) Isla Vista Community Relations Committee Co-Chairs


aa) One (1) IVCRC Internal Chair bb) One (1) IVCRC External Chair c) Vice Chair d) Treasurer e) One (1) Events Coordinator f) One (1) Community Outreach Coordinator g) One (1) Greek Liaison h) One (1) Publicity Coordinator i) One (1) Recruitment Coordinator j) One (1) Special Projects Coordinator k) One (1) Historian l) One (1) Arts & Culture Commissioner m) One (1) Senate Liaison n) One (1) Isla Vista Tenants Union member o) Any student at large who has attended a minimum of three (3) consecutive IVCRC meetings during the current academic quarter, or held a position within the past two academic quarters.

2) Non-voting Membership:

a) A.S. President b) A.S. Attorney General c) A.S. Controller (s)

C) Selection and Term of Office:

1) The External Chair, Internal Chair and Vice Chair, shall be nominated to the A.S. President by means of an election of all IVCRC voting members.

2) The one (1) Senate Liaison shall be nominated by the Internal Vice President and approved by the Senate for the term of one (1) academic year.

3) The Isla Vista Tenants Union member shall be selected within their respective organizations, and then approved by an internal process subject to the approval of the Chair, Vice Chair and President.

4) The Treasurer, Outreach Coordinator, Special Projects Coordinator, Greek Liaison, Publicity, Recruitment Coordinator, Events Coordinator, Historian, and Arts & Culture Commissioner shall be appointed by Committee on Committees internally by the outgoing and incoming chairs and nominated to the A.S. President to serve for a term of one (1) academic year.

D) Duties and Powers of the Committee:

1) Advise the Associated Students President, External Vice President for Local Affairs, and the Associated Students Senate on all matters pertaining to student life in Isla Vista.

2) Responsible for serving as a liaison between Associated Students and the following groups or organizations when in effect:

a) Isla Vista Recreation and Park District b) Isla Vista Property Owners Association c) Santa Barbara County Board of Supervisors d) Isla Vista Tenants Union e) UCSB/Isla Vista Community Services Center f) UCSB Isla Vista Youth Projects g) Goleta Water District h) IV Teen Center i) IV Community Network


3) Hold weekly meetings at an announced time and location.

4) Hold or co-sponsor at least one (1) event or project per academic quarter.

5) Encourage attendance and participation from students and community members at all meetings and forums.

6) The voting membership shall oversee the administration of the A.S. Isla Vista Community Improvements Lock-In fund.

E) Duties and Powers of the Internal Chairperson:

1) Schedule, prepare the agenda, and co-chair the weekly committee meetings at an announced time and location.

2) Hold a minimum of three (3) regularly scheduled office hours per week, to be held in the AS Main office, AS Annex, University Center, or a visible location in Isla Vista.

3) Attend at least two (2) non-consecutive Senate meetings per quarter to report on the Committee’s actions with the External Chair.

4) Make verbal or written recommendations from IVCRC to Senate on all Associated Students’ bills relating to the Isla Vista Community.

5) Schedule the IVCRC quarterly event and/or project in conjunction with the External Chair or Events Coordinator.

6) Shall conduct one-on-one once a quarter with all other IVCRC officers.

7) Shall schedule the quarterly retreat.

8) Promote IVCRC involvement through weekly recognition.

9) In conjunction with the External Chair and Treasurer, shall prepare Committee's budget for the following year.

F) Duties and Powers of the External Chairperson:

1) Shall act as a liaison to the External Vice President for Local Affairs and to the Community Affairs Board.

2) As needed, meet with and advise the Associated Students President, External Vice President for Local Affairs and the Associated Students Senate on all matters pertaining to student life in the Isla Vista community at-large.

3) Shall hold a minimum of three (3) regularly scheduled office hours per week: two (2) to be held in the AS Main Office, AS Annex, or University Center, and one (1) in Isla Vista

4) Attend regular meetings of the Isla Vista Community Network.

5) Work to nurture the relationship between long-term and short-term residents in Isla Vista, which may entail the creation of public forums and/or special events/projects in Isla Vista.

6) Shall oversee and facilitate the planning of Pardall Carnival Carnival in collaboration with the Office of the External Vice-President of Local Affairs and the Events Coordinator.


7) Shall oversee and facilitate the planning of Chilla Vista in collaboration with the Office of the EVPLA and the Events Coordinator.

8) Shall attend all meetings of the Isla Vista Redevelopment Agency Oversight Board.

9) Shall act as a liaison to the Isla Vista Recreation and Parks District, and attend at least two (2) IVRPD meeting per quarter, assuming that at least two are held.

10) Shall attend at least one (1) IV Tenants Union meeting per month.

11) In conjunction with the Internal Chair and Treasurer, shall prepare the Committee's budget for the following year.

12) Attend at least two (2) non-consecutive Senate meetings per quarter to report on the committee’s action, with the Internal Chair.

G) Duties and Powers of the Vice Chair:

1) Shall assume the responsibilities of the Internal Chair in his/her absence.

2) Assist the Chairs in the oversight of all IVCRC projects.

3) Shall actively recruit general members to participate in IVCRC projects.

4) Shall hold a minimum of three (3) regularly scheduled office hours per week to be held in the AS Main Office, AS Annex, University Center or a visible location in Isla Vista.

5) Shall record minutes at meetings and send out to A.S. Administration, IVCRC, and Senate via email.

6) Shall update the IVCRC calendar and website with funding information, IVCRC meeting times, sponsored projects and events, office hours, and other relevant matters.

7) Assists Internal Chair in planning quarterly retreats and end of the year banquet.

8) Shall record and ensure completion of duties and responsibilities allocated during meetings.

H) Duties of the Treasurer:

1) Shall be ultimately responsible for fiscal management of the Committee.

2) In conjunction with the Chair, shall prepare the Committee's budget for the following year.

3) Give a weekly report to the Committee of the current balance.

4) Populate the Funding Request Overview weekly after funding requests have been approved.

5) Check agenda before meetings, research past allocations, and have information ready for the upcoming meeting.

6) Hold two (2) office hours per week to be held in the AS Main, AS Annex, UCen, or a visible location in Isla Vista.

7) Shall be responsible for collecting all requisitions, submitting them for processing and creating electronic copies.


8) Shall contact funding requestors within two (2) days after the meeting to inform them of the Committee’s decision.

I) Duties of the Events Coordinator:

1) Shall plan Pardall Carnival and Chilla Vista under the oversight of the External Chair, including, this includes but is not limited to:

a) Securing permits; b) Contacting relevant local agencies; c) Alerting AS Entities; d) Meeting with IVFP, the Fire Department, and UCPD; e) Ordering ride/sound equipment.

2) Shall plan or assist with any other events IVCRC decides to implement or take part in.

3) Hold two (2) office hours per week to be held in the AS Main Office, AS Annex, University Center or a visible location in Isla Vista.

J) Duties of the Community Outreach Coordinator:

1) Shall act as a liaison between IVCRC and underrepresented communities, including, but not limited to those with: sexual orientation, race/ethnicity, socio-economic status, ideology, religion, physical/mental ability.

2) Shall assist any community group in developing a funding source with the university or with IVCRC projects/initiatives.

3) Shall ensure the Committee’s participation in all events in Isla Vista.

4) Shall act as a liaison to the Isla Vista Teen Center and Isla Vista Youth Projects.

5) Shall hold a minimum of (2) two office hours per week to be held in the AS Main, AS Annex, University Center or a visible location in Isla Vista.

6) Shall coordinate tabling at events where IVCRC has committed to make a presence.

7) Ensure that at least one (1) member of the committee attends every event funded by IVCRC.

K) Duties of the Greek Liaison:

1) Shall act as a liaison between the Greek community in Isla Vista and IVCRC, and facilitate collaboration for Greek events and projects.

2) Shall assist with any projects by UCSB affiliated Greek organizations that are funded by IVCRC.

3) Shall hold a minimum of two (2) office hours per week to be held in the AS Main office, AS Annex, University Center or a visible location in IV.

4) Shall work with Recruitment Coordinator to ensure Greek participation in all IVCRC events.

5) Inform IVCRC of major Greek affairs.

6) Shall provide IVCRC with weekly updates and information for the Greek Office.

7) Shall attend at least one (1) meeting per quarter of the Pan- Hellenic Council and other relevant entities.


L) Duties of the Publicity Coordinator:

1) Shall advertise for any event hosted or sponsored by IVCRC, including, but not limited to: ordering posters, creating DigiKnows, contacting the press.

2) Survey and assess the effectiveness of publicity initiatives on behalf of both IVCRC and organizations IVCRC has funded. Report back to IVCRC.

3) Shall coordinate recruitment and information distribution efforts for IVCRC.

4) Shall be in charge of ordering and maintaining promotional items for the committee.

5) Hold two (2) office hours per week to be held in the AS Main office, AS Annex, University Center or a visible location in IV.

6) Facilitate tabling prior to any IVCRC events in order to promote the event.

M) Duties of the Recruitment Coordinators

1) Recruit new members at all IVCRC events, recruitment fairs and all events at which IVCRC is tabling.

2) Be in contact with the Residence Halls Association and the Committee on Committees to find out about their recruitment fairs.

3) Create and maintain a list of potential members and contact them with information about the Committee.

4) Hold two (2) office hours per week to be held in the AS Main office, AS Annex, University Center, or a visible location in Isla Vista.

N) Duties of the Special Projects Coordinator:

1) Shall coordinate special projects and activities for the Isla Vista community.

2) Shall organize and maintain the Native Talent page, in accordance with the posting guidelines found on the page, to ensure a professional image.

3) Shall fix any arising issues due to app updates in a prompt manner so as to maintain a professional image.

4) Shall market Native Talent by:

a) Posting as Native Talent twice a month on the page itself, including posting winners’ names and pictures at the beginning of the month, publicly.

b) Marketing Native Talent through means other than on the page itself at least twice a quarter. This includes but is not limited to putting up posters/stickers and tabling.

c) Ensuring a presence for Native Talent at Pardall Carnival and Chilla Vista.

5) Shall acquire and distribute gift cards for Native Talent winners within the first half of the month or as soon as possible after contacting winners, should complications arise.

6) Shall hold a minimum of two (2) scheduled office hours per week to be held in the AS Main office, AS Annex, University Center or a visible location in IV.


7) Shall assist with Chilla Vista and Pardall Carnival.

O) Duties of the Historian:

1) Shall be responsible for ensuring the documentation of all IVCRC events through photographs and written evaluations.

2) Shall compile, organize and electronically file historic archives, documents, meeting minutes, agendas, newspaper articles, etc., with the Vice Chair.

3) Shall hold a minimum of (2) two office hours per week to be held in the AS Main Office, AS Annex, University Center or a visible location in IV.

4) Shall be responsible for assigning an IVCRC member to attend every IVCRC-funded event and ensure completion of an Event Evaluation Form.

5) Check agenda before meetings, gather past Event Evaluation Forms from events previously funded, and have information ready for the upcoming meeting.

P) Duties of the Arts & Culture Commissioner:

1) Promote Isla Vista culture and inform community members of Isla Vista history.

2) Plan an art/culture project/event or ensure that an art/culture element is present at another IVCRC-sponsored event, at least one (1) time per quarter.

3) Ensure that there is an art/culture element at all IVCRC sponsored events/projects.

4) Implement beautification projects in Isla Vista.

5) Hold two (2) office hours per week to be held in the AS Main office, AS Annex, UCen or a visible location in IV.


A) Charge of A.S. Student Initiated Recruitment and Retention Committee:

The Student Initiated Recruitment and Retention Committee is a collective effort of students catering to the needs of local and academic communities. The Committee will assist historically underrepresented, low-income, and under resourced students and organizations in establishing the fundamental interaction needed to create a long-term recruitment and retention program within our UCSB community. The Committee will be comprised of members and organizations of all ethnic groups, providing a culturally diverse environment while working towards increasing diversity at our campus. It will provide a unified space for all organizations to maintain and create recruitment and retention programs, as well as offer resources to facilitate interaction amongst students, faculty, and administration. Furthermore, the Committee will provide multilateral support, stemming from various associations to promote student leadership, empowerment and coalition building. By developing common goals, securing resources and garnering long term support from the various campus organizations. The Student Initiated Recruitment and Retention Committee will foster guidance and support for underrepresented communities in the pursuit of higher education.

B) Membership:

1) Elected Membership:

a) Two (2) Co-Presidents b) Two (2) Retention Co-Chairs c) Two (2) Outreach Co-Chairs d) One (1) Treasurer


e) One (1) Community Builder f) One (1) Secretary g) Two (2) Publicity/Ourstorian Coordinators h) Two (2) Book Bank Coordinators

2) Voting Members:

a) All elected membership b) Any student who attends four (4) or more meetings a year

3) One (1) non-voting representative from each of the following organizations:

a) Congreso b) MUJER c) Black Student Union d) Hermanos Unidos e) Hermanas Unidas f) Kapatirang Pilipino g) American Indian Student Association h) Attorney General i) Committee on Committees Chair

aa) In the case that the representatives listed above are unable to attend meetings or send a proxy, the Committee, with a two-thirds (2/3) vote, may excuse their absence.

4) Non-voting membership: One (1) liaison from each of the following entities:

a) AS President b) UCSB Student Initiated Outreach (SIO) Committee c) AS External Vice President of Statewide Affairs Office d) AS External Vice President of Local Affairs Office e) AS Student Commission On Racial Equality f) AS Senate Finance and Business Committee g) AS Senate h) AS Advisor i) AS Executive Director

C) Selection and Term of Office:

1) All Committee officers shall be internally elected through a majority rule process, and recommended to the Committee on Committee Chair, after which shall be appointed by the President, and approved by Senate for a one academic year term.

2) Internal elections shall be held towards the last four (4) weeks of Spring quarter. However, if the internal elections process is unable to occur during the Spring quarter, then it will be done the first three (3) weeks of Fall quarter of the following year. The rules for the internal elections procedure will essentially remain the same if done during the first three (3) weeks of Fall quarter of the following year. Please refer to the selection process outlined below.

3) The internal elections process shall proceed as follows:

4) Nominations for elected positions will be around week five (5) of Spring quarter and elections will follow around week six (6) of Spring Quarter. If the internal elections process cannot occur in the Spring, then it can be done by the first three (3) weeks of Fall quarter though a similar process.

5) The individual running can be either nominated by another individual or self-nominate.


6) The person nominating an individual for a position needs not to be a voting member.

7) The student running must be willing to give a two (2) to four (4) minute speech about why they are qualified for the position that they are running for.

8) For positions where there are more Candidates running than the available/open positions, each individual will give a two (2) to four (4) minute speech, plus they will have an individual questions and answer portion with the Committee following their two (2) to four (4) minute individual speech.

9) In order for a person to be nominated and to run for a position they must be an official voting member.

10) Current officers holding a position cannot nominate someone for a position.

11) Only official voting members can vote in the Committee elections.

12) The seven (7) representatives from the seven (7) founding mother organizations shall be selected by their respective organization. Each representative shall be recommended for appointment by the leaders of their respective organization, followed by approval from S.I.R.R.C. (Student Initiated Recruitment and Retention Committee). The recommended and approved representative shall serve for a one (1) academic year term, and they shall be present and engaged in all weekly Committee meetings.

13) The Senator shall be nominated by the A.S. Internal Vice President in consultation with SIRRC and appointed by the IVP, following approval from the Senate.

14) Entities of the non-voting members shall select their liaisons and have them approved by a majority rule (50% + 1) process by S.I.R.R.C. (Student Initiated Recruitment and Retention Committee). The recommended and approved liaison shall serve for a one (1) academic year term, and they shall be present and engaged in all weekly Committee meetings, or send a proxy.

D) Duties and Powers of Committee:

1) Be responsible for working with A.S. advisors to manage the operations of the Committee office.

2) Provide services for recruitment and retention programs.

3) Provide funding for recruitment and retention programs.

a) Procedures for external funding should be in compliance with S.I.R.R.C.’s (Student Initiated Recruitment and Retention Committee’s) funding request policies.

4) Create and sustain long-term relationships with the local community through community projects.

a) Shall create and maintain a book bank to be located in the Associated Students building in Isla Vista. If no Isla Vista location exists, the book bank will be housed in the Annex.

5) Develop retention programs.

a) The Committee shall host two (2) Study Jams per quarter, preferably around week five (5) and week nine (9) of each quarter. The Committee will decide through a majority rule (50% + 1) process where the locations of the Study Jams will take place. Locations for Study Jams are not limited to any specific place.


b) The Committee shall maintain a book bank for students to check out and rent books or readers for free. The Committee shall also arrange book drives at least twice (2) every year to increase the size of the book bank.

c) The Committee shall run a GUIDES Mentorship program (Guiding Undergraduates in Developing Educational Success). The GUIDES Mentorship program is retention-based, and aims to promote student leadership and academic success in first-year students through mentorship. Mentor responsibilities and guidelines will be outlined in the application process. Mentors and Mentees will participate in retention and community building activities.

d) The Committee shall initiate the GUIDES Summer Orientation Program (GSO) which is an introductory program that will ease the transition for incoming first- year students by providing supplementary resources designed to better prepare them for their first-year at UC Santa Barbara. GUIDES Summer Orientation (GSO) will help offer a pathway to success for its participants by promoting academic achievement, leadership involvement, and community service.

e) The Committee shall foster and develop a collaborative and supportive relationship with the A.S. Food Bank Committee. S.I.R.R.C. (Student Initiated Recruitment and Retention Committee) shall assist the A.S. Food Bank with their donation drives as well as promote the services of the A.S. Food Bank to students in need.

f) The Committee shall develop academic workshops, or host CLAS academic workshops, when possible, throughout the year.

6) Develop recruitment programs.

a) The Committee shall run a GUIDES Mentorship program (Guiding Underrepresented Individuals in Developing Educational Success), which includes undergraduate mentors for local high schools. Mentor responsibilities and guidelines will be outlined in the application process. Mentors and Mentees will participate in community building activities.

b) The Committee shall work in collaboration with Upward Bound, College Bound, and M.E.N.T.E. when possible.

7) Work closely with the Statewide Coalition and EVPSA office on issues regarding the recruitment and retention of underrepresented, low-income, and under resourced communities in the pursuit of higher education.

8) Attempt to stay updated with other campus organizations that are doing recruitment, retention, and outreach programs in order to maintain collaborative relationships.

9) Compile annual evaluations of projects with Committee Officers as well as create financial reports with the Committee Treasurer.

10) Advocate for diversity at campus, local, UC, state, and national levels.

11) Elected Committee members are responsible for collectively creating S.I.R.R.C.’s (Student Initiated Recruitment and Retention Committee’s) funding request policies by the third (3) week of Fall quarter through a majority rule (50% + 1) process.

E) Duties and Powers of Executive Co-Chairs:

1) Schedule, attend, and facilitate all weekly meetings of the Committee, or send a proxy when unable to attend.


2) Be the official spokespersons for the Committee.

3) Have ultimate responsibility for the fiscal management of the entire Committee.

4) Oversee the entire Committee.

5) Present quarterly reports to the Senate.

a) Reports may vary depending on the current work of the Committee.

6) Actively work with other organizations who are either providing or are looking to provide retention and recruitment programs/activities.

7) Set a minimum of four (4) office hours per week in a regularly scheduled location.

8) Shall schedule, attend, and facilitate all weekly officer meetings to discuss updates, concerns, and current or future projects. Officer meetings will be held if deemed necessary.

F) Duties and Power of Retention Co-Chairs:

1) Create and develop educational materials about retention programs including the Book Bank and the Guiding Undergraduates in Developing Educational Success (G.U.I.D.E.S.) program.

2) Work to develop student initiated retention programs.

3) Serve as Liaison to organizations doing student initiated retention programs.

4) Develop and sustain relationships with community organizations and statewide school retention programs.

5) Are required to be able to be physically present over the summer break in order to carry out said responsibilities. In the event that they are not able to be physically present over the summer break, they are required to recommend a temporary Retention Co-Chair for the committee to vote on internally.

6) Provide recruitment ideas and programs for the Committee to carry on with.

7) Attend all Committee meetings or send a proxy.

8) Set a minimum of three (3) office hours per week.

G) Duties and Power of Outreach Co-Chairs:

1) Create and develop educational materials about recruitment programs.

2) Work to develop student initiated outreach programs.

3) Serve as Liaison to organizations doing student initiated recruitment programs.

4) Develop and sustain relationships with local community and statewide school recruitment programs.

5) Provide recruitment ideas and programs for the Committee to carry on with.

6) Attend all Committee meetings or send a proxy.

7) Set a minimum of three (3) office hours per week.


H) Duties and Power of Treasurer:

1) Has responsibility for fiscal management of the Committee.

2) In conjunction with the Chairs, shall prepare Committee's budget for the following year.

3) Give a weekly financial report to the Committee.

4) Assist the Committee in doing financial evaluations for an annual report.

5) Attend all Committee meetings or send a proxy.

6) Set a minimum of two (2) office hours per week.

I) Duties and Power of Community Builder:

1) Act as the lead person to initiate community building activities such as: retreats, socials and ice-breakers.

2) Set a minimum of one (1) office hour per week.

3) Attend all Committee meetings or send a proxy.

J) Duties and Powers of Secretary:

1) Be responsible for taking minutes for the Committee at all meetings and retreats.

2) Send out all weekly meeting minutes to the EXOLC listserve, the A.S. mailer, and the S.I.R.R.C. (Student Initiated Recruitment and Retention Committee) community listserve.

3) Be responsible for emailing and outreaching to Committees and the student body about upcoming events as well as maintaining an organized funding request agenda for S.I.R.R.C. (Student Initiated Recruitment and Retention Committee) meetings.

4) Attend all Committee meetings or send a proxy.

5) Set a minimum of one (1) office hours per week.

6) Assist the Co-Presidents in developing and organizing the weekly agenda for general S.I.R.R.C. (Student Initiated Recruitment and Retention Committee) meetings.

K) Duties and Powers of Publicity/Ourstorian Coordinators:

1) Assist in compiling a yearbook for the year, including pictures, articles, etc. as a living history project which should be stored in the A.S. Annex.

2) Be available as historical reference with respect to questions on the Committee’s past.

3) Attempt to communicate with previous year’s Media/Publicity/Ourstorian Coordinators.

4) Provide advertisement for all events put on by the Committee.

5) Be responsible for all media & publicity related actions.

6) Attend all Committee meetings or send a proxy.

7) Set a minimum of two (2) office hours per week.


L) Duties and Powers of the two (2) Book Bank Coordinators

1) Manage and maintain the AS SIRRC Book Bank.

a) Catalog any and all books obtained. b) If possible, purchase new textbooks. c) Supervise book check in and check out according to protocol.

2) Hold an Open House by Week 3 of every Quarter.

3) Hold a book drive by Week 9 of every quarter.

4) Hold a Book Bank training for AS SIRRC officers and volunteers.

5) Attend all AS SIRRC committee meetings or send a proxy.

6) Hold a minimum of two (2) office hours per week.

M) Duties and Power of the seven (7) Non-Voting representatives:

1) Provide S.I.R.R.C. (Student Initiated Recruitment and Retention Committee) with weekly updates on the recruitment and retention programs of their respective organizations as well as update their respective organization on the work that S.I.R.R.C. (Student Initiated Recruitment and Retention Committee) does as well.

2) Representatives should be present and engaged at all Committee meetings, and they must send a proxy when they are unable to attend.

N) Duties and Powers of SIO Committee Representative:

1) Provide bi-monthly report of the funding allocations of the SIO Committee to student organization.

2) Communicate the needs of student organizations and A.S. Student Initiated Recruitment and Retention Committee to the SIO Committee.

3) Advise Student Initiated Recruitment and Retention Committee of funding matters concerning the SIO Committee.

4) Provide the Committee with quarterly updates on recruitment and retention programs.

O) Duties and Powers of A.S. External Vice President of Local Affairs Representative:

1) Reports on the status of education issues and the climate of Isla Vista, Goleta, and the greater Santa Barbara community.

2) Works with the Local Coordinator to help develop outreach and retention programs in the local community through the office of the EVPLA.

3) Report on the campaigns and work of the EVPLA office and report to EVPLA office about the work of SIRRC.

4) Provide the Committee with quarterly updates on recruitment and retention programs.

P) Duties and Powers of A.S. External Vice President of Statewide Affairs Representative:

1) Serve on the Statewide Student Initiated Outreach Coalition.

2) Report on Statewide funding for Academic Preparation and Student Initiated Outreach.


3) Assist the voting membership with the Student Academic Preparation and Educational Partnerships.

4) Report on the campaigns and work of the EVPSA office and report to the EVPSA office about the work of S.I.R.R.C..

Q) Duties and Powers of A.S. Student Commission on Racial Equality Representative:

1) Advise and educate members on student of color issues.

2) Collaborate with the Committee to outreach to local students to provide guidance to achieve a higher education.

3) Serve as the liaison between S.C.O.R.E. and S.I.R.R.C. in regards to both Committees campaigns and work.

R) Duties and Powers of A.S. Senate Finance and Business Committee Representative:

1) Update and advise the Committee on the financial policy and procedure of Associated Students.

2) Assist with the Committee annual budget.

3) Report back on the activities of Senate Finance and Business Committee concerning Student Initiated Recruitment and Retention Projects.

S) Duties and Powers of A.S. Senator:

1) Assist the Committee with any necessary resolution or bill writing that is needed.

2) Advise Senate members on issues concerning or relating to Student Initiated Recruitment and Retention programs.

3) Provide weekly updates to the Senate about S.I.R.R.C. programs, events, activities, special projects, questions, concerns, issues, and more, as well as provide S.I.R.R.C. updates about current issues, resolutions, bills, events, programs, activities, special projects, or more going on within the Senate.

4) Provide office hours information to the Committee at the beginning of each quarter, and provide the Committee with any assistance when requested and/or needed.

5) Attend all of the Committee’s weekly general meetings, and, if necessary, attend all of the Committee’s weekly officer meetings.

T) Duties and Powers of A.S. Advisor:

1) Work with the Voting Membership to create an annual report for Student Initiated Recruitment and Retention Programs.

2) Work with the Voting Membership to develop and implement an annual evaluation of the Committee.

3) Attend all Committee meetings when possible or submit a written update.

4) Update the Committee on administratively run campus recruitment and retention programs and campus climate.

5) Establish and maintain relationships with community members and organizations to assist the Committee to develop programs.


6) Provide assistance to student organizations when needed.

7) Maintain office hours for consultation, and provide this information to the Committee.

U) Meetings:

1) General meetings shall be held weekly during the academic year.

2) In the case that no meeting shall be held, the Co-Presidents will advise S.I.R.R.C. members in an appropriate manner ahead of time.

3) All meetings shall be open to all interested students, staff, and faculty members.

4) Officer meetings will be held only if necessary, this is up to the discretion of the elected members of S.I.R.R.C.. Officer meetings are to discuss Committee updates, officer updates, any questions, concerns, issues, and current or future projects.

V) Voting:

1) It is required that the Committee must have quorum in order to vote for any and all allocations of money, and decisions concerning changes within the Committee. Quorum means having fifty percent plus one (50%+1) of the Committee’s elected members present.

2) To hold a closed session meeting, a two-thirds (2/3) majority vote of members present is required in accordance with the Brown Act.

3) Out of courtesy, a presenter from a group that is requesting funding from S.I.R.R.C. should be asked to move out of the room for the vote concerning their funding request. Refer to the Committee’s funding request policy procedures for more information.


A) Charge of the Unit:


A) Charge of the Committee:

The A.S. Bike Committee shall prioritize expenditures of funds collected from the A.S. and Graduate Students Association Bicycle lock-in fees. The Committee shall be responsive to student input related to bicycle paths and bicycle parking at UCSB. Finally, the Committee shall be an active bicycle system advocate, and shall take all reasonable steps to increase student, staff, faculty, and administration awareness of bicycle system issues. The Board of Directors of AS Bike Committee shall consist of the following: Chair, Vice Chair, Project Manager, Finance Manager, Administrative Coordinator, Media Coordinator, and Associate Officer(s).

B) Voting Membership:

1) Chair 2) Vice Chair 3) Project Manager 4) Finance Manager 5) Administrative Coordinator 6) Media Coordinator 7) Associate Officer(s) 8) Education Officer 9) Undergraduate Representative to the Public Safety Committee 10) Two (2) undergraduate Representatives to the Parking and Transportation Committee 11) Associated Students Senator


12) Graduate Students Association Representative 13) Representative of the UCSB Cycling Team 14) Any currently enrolled undergraduate or graduate UCSB student who demonstrates an interest by attending at least two (2) consecutive meetings.

a) The count of the number of students The count of the number of students under this category must be less than half of the present officers. This means that the number of general members who vote cannot exceed more than half of the vote of attending committee officers.

C) Non-Voting Membership:

1) Representative of the Office of Budget and Planning 2) Representative of Physical Facilities 3) Representative of Environmental Health and Safety 4) Representative of Parking Services 5) Associated Students Executive Director 6) Associated Students President 7) Associated Students Attorney General 8) Associated Students Controller(s) 9) UCPD Bike Patrol Coordinator 10) CSO Bike Assistant Coordinator 11) Outreach and Education Coordinator 12) Community Bike Advocates 13) Any and all interested undergraduate students.

D) Selection and Term of Office of all Voting Members:

1) The Associated Students Senator shall be nominated by the A.S. Internal Vice President and approved by a majority (50%+1) vote of the Senate.

2) The Chair, Vice Chair, Finance Manager, Administrative Coordinator, Project Manager, and Media Coordinator, who can be either an undergraduate or graduate student, shall be nominated to the Committee on Committees by an internal application process overseen by the current Associated Students Bike Committee voting members and Associated Students staff advisors by week seven (7) of Spring Quarter.

3) The Associate Officer(s), who can be either an undergraduate or graduate student, shall be nominated to the Committee on Committees by an internal application process overseen by the current Associated Students Bike Committee voting members and Associated Students staff advisors at any time during the academic year.

4) All members, with the exception of the Associate Officer(s), shall serve a term of one academic year. The Associate Officer(s) shall serve a term of one academic quarter.

E) Duties of Voting Members:

1) All voting members shall regularly attend A.S. Bike Committee meetings.

2) Train incoming replacement officers by week eight (8) of Spring quarter.

F) Duties of the Chair (1):

1) Organize and chair meetings.

2) Hold a minimum of (1) weekly office hour in the Bike Committee office.

3) Manage committee members by assigning tasks to appropriate officers.


4) Schedule meetings and events.

5) Oversee all Bike Committee projects, events, and activities.

6) Lead discussions with all organizations affiliated with Bike Committee.

7) Create the annual budget.

8) Oversee Honoraria each quarter.

9) Provide help, support, and advice to other officers when needed.

10) Attend AS Assembly each quarter.

11) Check and respond to emails frequently, throughout every weekday during weeks in which Bike Committee holds a meeting.

G) Duties of the Vice Chair (1):

1) Hold a minimum of one (1) weekly office hour in the Bike Committee office.

3) Maintain the history of Bike Committee files, voting and non-voting membership and actively use these to ensure meeting attendance.

4) Attend at least one Senate meeting per quarter to report on the activities of Bike Committee.

5) Assume the duties of the Chair when the Chair is absent or unable.

6) Directly assist the Chair in all decision-making.

7) Complete tasks allocated by the Chair.

8) Assist the Senate in writing legislation pertaining to Bike Committee.

9) Speak on behalf of The Committee in communications with the press.

10) Recruit new membership and assist in the training of newly hired members for the positions.

11) Check and respond to emails frequently, throughout every weekday during weeks in which Bike Committee holds a meeting.

H) Duties of the Administrative Coordinator (1):

1) Hold a minimum of one (1) weekly office hour in the Bike Committee office.

2) Sends and receives committee emails.

3) Responds to general bike committee requests.

4) Creates agenda for each meeting.

5) Writes minutes for each meeting.

6) Makes bike system surveys for Bike Safety Week.

7) Collects data from surveys.

8) Corresponds with the Senate, sends minutes each week.


9) Compiles all Bike Committee documents for fast and convenient sharing.

10) Completes tasks to assist the Chair positions.

11) Check and respond to emails frequently, throughout every weekday during weeks in which Bike Committee holds a meeting.

I) Duties of the Project Manager (1):

1) Hold a minimum of one (1) weekly office hour in the Bike Committee office.

2) Maintain a list of currently active projects, including location, proposed project, estimated budget and key University and vendor contacts on the project.

3) Ensure that current projects stay on schedule and are completed during the scheduled University breaks.

4) Photograph each project before and after completion.

5) Upon project completion, coordinate the final budget, project specs, and time to completion to be placed in the historical project costs in conjunction with the treasurer.

6) Conducts general field work:

a) Rack counts

b) Air pump inspection

7) Works with CSOs on bike abatement and quarterly bike auctions

8) Check and respond to emails frequently, throughout every weekday during weeks in which Bike Committee holds a meeting

J) Duties of the Finance Manager (1):

1) Hold a minimum of one (1) weekly office hour in the Bike Committee office.

2) Assumes all previous treasurer duties.

3) Maintains accurate and current balance sheets for AS-Funded and State-Funded A.S. Bike Committee accounts at both AS Main and Facilities Management.

4) Maintains historical project costs, both estimated and actual.

5) Develops annual budget with the Chair to submit each year.

6) Conducts product research (for things such as new bike lights, t-shirts, bike pump maintenance items).

7) Places all orders.

8) Creates funding requests.

9) Meets with representatives from finance to understand budget.

10) Check and respond to emails frequently, throughout every weekday during weeks in which Bike Committee holds a meeting.

K) Duties of Media Coordinator (1):


1) Hold a minimum of one (1) weekly office hour in the Bike Committee office.

3) Administers Facebook and Twitter accounts.

4) Creates flyers and posters.

5) Sends university announcements / campus-wide emails.

6) Manages the website.

7) Check and respond to emails frequently, throughout every weekday during weeks in which Bike Committee holds a meeting.

L) Education Officer

1) Shall receive $300 per quarter if all duties have been met.

2) Hold a minimum of (1) one weekly office hour in the Bike Committee office.

3) Maintain bike safety information on the Committee website (

4) Lead quarterly discussions with representatives from UCSB's Division of Student Affairs, UCPD, CSOs, Housing, the UCSB Cycling Team, and the AS Bike Shop about steps to increase bike safety on campus.

5) Work to improve the University’s ranking on the scale established by the League of American Bicyclists.

6) Manage the Bike Forward Program:

a) The Bike Forward Program is an alliance of universities committed to improving their campus bike infrastructure.

b) Work with other universities to form this coalition, first seeking membership of UCs, CSUs, then other California universities, then regional universities, and finally national universities 7) Work with the Media Officer to create at least two education bike safety advertisements per quarter.

8) Lead efforts to educate incoming freshmen on proper bike practices such as signaling, ! passing, maintenance, locking, etc.

M) Duties of the Associate Officer (up to 6):

1) Helps the committee officers: posts flyers and posters, volunteers for tabling events, tags bikes for bike abatement.

2) May shadow another officer position.

3) Check and respond to emails frequently, throughout every weekday during weeks in which Bike Committee holds a meeting.

N) Frequency of meetings:

1) The A.S. Bike Committee shall meet at least six (6) times per quarter during the Fall, Winter and Spring quarters and as deemed necessary by the Chair. The date and times of the meeting shall be set by the A.S. Bike Committee voting members.

2) The first meeting shall be held prior to the fourth (4th) week of each quarter.


3) The Associated Students Bike Committee may choose to hold General Meetings (with all voting and non-voting members) and Officer Meetings (with all officers and any undergraduate or graduate students) alternatively throughout the quarter.

O) Authorized Expenditure of Associated Students Bicycle System Improvement Funds:

1) Public awareness activities (including but not limited to, advertising, event planning, lobbying, and promotions, retreats, and office supplies) shall be limited to no more that $7,500.00 per year.

a) Educational and outreach items, such as non-branded bike lights or helmets, are not included in this cap.

2) All funds, excluding public awareness activities and honoraria, shall be allocated exclusively to capital improvements to the bicycle system, excluding routine maintenance. Capital Improvements are defined as: upgrades or additions to bicycle paths, upgrades or additions to bicycle parking, and improved pedestrian crossings.

3) Projects must be planned in coordination with the Office of Budget and Planning, Physical Facilities, Environmental Health and Safety, and other relevant campus bodies.

4) Funds for Capital Improvement projects shall be released to the appropriate campus bodies after Senate Approval.

5) At the end of the year, non-appropriated funds shall transfer into the Capital Improvement Account.

P) University matching funds:

1) The university shall allocate to the Committee an amount equal to or greater than the annual revenue of the Associate Students and Graduate Students Association Bicycle lock-in fees.


A) Charge of the Unit:


A) Charge of the Unit:

The Associated Students Isla Vista Arts Board seeks to empower student-initiated performing and visual arts organizations that enable positive social change in Isla Vista. Isla Vista Arts is committed to building a habit of cultural attendance among all Isla Vistans and is dedicated to sponsoring programs that transform the community into a compelling cultural scene that reflects the vibrancy and sophistication of its nearest neighbor, UCSB. Isla Vista Arts will support free and low cost events including films, theatrical performances, and other arts programs for both students and Isla Vista community members. The Board will fund Isla Vista arts and culture programs including, but not limited to: WORD: Isla Vista Arts & Culture Magazine, IV Live, Magic Lantern Theater, The BOX, Shakespeare in the Park, and Nuestra Voz.

B) Voting Membership:

1) Isla Vista Arts Board Chair 2) Isla Vista Arts Board Treasurer 3) Isla Vista Arts Board Outreach Coordinator 2) Two (2) At-Large Undergraduate Student Representatives


C) Non Voting (Ex-Officio) Membership:

1) One (1) Magic Lantern Films Representative 2) One (1) IV Live Representative 3) One (1) Word: Isla Vista Arts and Culture Magazine Representative 4) One (1) The BOX Representative 5) Student Assistant to IV Arts 6) External Vice President for Local Affairs 7) Senate Liaison 8) Advisor (Director of Isla Vista Arts)

D) Selection and Term of Office:

1) The Isla Vista Arts Board Chair, Treasurer, Outreach Coordinator, and two (2) At-Large Undergraduate Student Representatives shall be recommended by the A.S. Committee on Committees, then nominated by the A.S. President and approved by the Senate for a term of one (1) academic year.

2) The Magic Lantern Films Representative, IV Live Representative, Word: Isla Vista Arts and Culture Magazine Representative, and The BOX Representative shall be recommended by the Director of Isla Vista Arts, then nominated by the A.S. President and approved by the Senate for a term of one (1) academic year.

E) Duties and Powers of the Committee:

1) Allocate Isla Vista Arts funds to Magic Lantern Films, IV Live, Word: Isla Vista Arts and Culture Magazine, and The BOX.

2) Review and approve the expenditures of organizations granted line item funding in Isla Vista Arts Board’s budget.

3) Aid in the advertisement of any arts or culture event in Isla Vista.

4) Allocate funds to other arts and culture events in Isla Vista that fit within the mission and charge of Isla Vista Arts.

F) Duties of All Voting Members:

1) Review funding requests submitted to the Board for Isla Vista arts and culture programs.

2) Hold a minimum of one (1) Isla Vista Arts Board office hour per week.

3) Attend a minimum of three (3) Isla Vista Arts events per quarter, including but not limited to, Magic Lantern Film viewings, Improvability Shows, Shakespeare in the Park, editorial meetings of Word Magazine, or the BOX opening receptions.

4) Attend all Isla Vista Arts Board meetings.

G) Duties of the Isla Vista Arts Board Chair:

1) Act as a mediator and facilitator during the Board meetings. 2) Meet regularly with AS staff to discuss concerns and important issues. 3) Foster the growth of the Board through leadership on new ideas, projects, and programs.

H) Duties of the Isla Vista Arts Board Treasurer:

1) Manage the finances of the Board, which entails keeping a detailed and accurate assessment of funds given out and funds remaining.


2) Record and submit accurate minutes and funding allocations from Board meetings to the Internal Vice President in the absence of a designated note-taker.

I) Duties of the Isla Vista Arts Board Outreach Coordinator:

1) Advertise the availability of Isla Vista Arts funding to the student body and campus or local arts organizations.

2) Aid various Isla Vista arts and culture organizations in advertising their events to the university and local communities.

J) Duties of the Magic Lantern Films, IV Live, Word, and The BOX Ex-Officio Representatives:

1) Attend all events related to their respective programs.

2) Provide at least one (1) detailed report on their program’s use of Isla Vista Arts funding per quarter.

3) Attend Isla Vista Arts Board meetings as requested.



A) Charge of the Board:

Associated Students Lobby Corps is an organization that strives to unite activism, professionalism, and strategic action planning while implementing local, state-wide, and national campaigns. We initiate, develop, and implement campaigns that alter the relations of power that adversely affect students on the UCSB campus. Lobby Corps strives to instigate change within our current political reality, focusing on protecting the rights of students and fighting against the declining accessibility and quality of higher education. To this end, Lobby Corps will work on issues affecting all students especially those of underrepresented communities. As a means to promote this goal, we will seek to empower any AS or OSL group that wishes to participate in a lobby training workshop so they can more effectively advocate for general student interests. Lobby Corps is an ASUCSB unit that researches and analyzes pending local, state, and national legislation and government programs. The goal of Lobby Corps is to influence legislators and government officials in order to promote students’ views on issues that affect students as well as giving students real-world political and organizing experience.

B) Membership:

1) Voting:

a) Co-Director for State and National Affairs b) Co-Director for Local Affairs c) Internal Director d) External Director e) Field Director f) Labor Director g) Communications Director h) Legislative Director i) Any general member who attends three consecutive meetings shall also be allowed voting privileges. i) These privileges shall be revoked if the general member misses three meetings consecutively.

2) Non-Voting:

a) A.S. Advisor


b) A.S. Executive Director c) External Vice President for Statewide Affairs d) External Vice President of Local Affairs e) A.S. President f) A.S. Attorney General g) Committee on Committees Chair h) A.S. Controller(s)

C) Selection Process and Term of Office:

1) Internal Director, External Director, Assistant External Director, Field Director, Labor Director, Communications Director, and Legislative Director shall be recommended to the A.S. Committee on Committees, then forwarded to the A.S. President and confirmed by the Senate. The appointments shall be for a term of one (1) academic year.

2) The Co-Directors shall be recommended to the A.S. Committee on Committees by the External Vice Presidents through an A.S. Committee on Committee interview process that includes the respective outgoing Co-Director of A.S.U.C.S.B Lobby Corps, the respective EVP, and the member(s) of the Committee on Committees, then forwarded to the A.S. President. It should be confirmed by a simple majority (50% +1) vote of the Senate. The appointments shall be for a term of one (1) academic year.

3) The Co-Directors shall have the authority to recommend the appointment, approval, and removal of all AS Lobby Corps officers to the A.S. Committee on Committees.

D) Operating Procedures:

1) Lobby Meetings:

a) Will be held on a regular basis with no more than two (2) weeks in between meetings.

b) Will be publicly announced in advance and open to the general public.

c) Meetings will be facilitated by the Co-Directors.

d) All meetings must include updates from each appointed position with Lobby Corps.

2) Lobby Corps Internal Director must take minutes at every official meeting. Senate must then approve these minutes, even if Lobby Corps did not allocate funds during its meeting.

3) The Co-Directors have the authority on all expenditures under the amount of five hundred dollars ($500.00).

a) Any such expenditure must be placed into the minutes of the next general meeting.

4) If an expenditure of over five hundred dollars ($500.00) needs approval that could not wait until the next general meeting:

a) Any two officers may call any emergency phone vote.

b) Those officers calling the emergency phone vote must give detailed information regarding the expenditure at hand.

c) A simple majority (50% + 1) of the officers must be contacted to validate the emergency phone vote.


d) The expenditure request passes with the approval of two-thirds (2/3) of the contacted Lobby Corps officers.

5) Lobby Corps may only lobby after the Associated Students Senate approves an official stance on behalf of the Associated Students regarding any issue. Lobby Corps should actively draft and introduce position papers to the AS Senate for approval.

E) Duties and Powers of the Co-Director for State and National Affairs

1) Shall serve as the representatives of A.S. Lobby Corps in all Statewide and National affairs.

2) Shall oversee all operations, projects, campaigns and activities of Lobby Corps members and affiliates pertaining to statewide and national affairs.

3) Must work closely with OSL registered student organizations who currently work on political and/or education issues on a statewide or national level.

4) Shall work on recruiting students to attend statewide and national conferences and activities.

5) Shall be responsible for attending at least two (2) non-consecutive Senate meetings per quarter to report on the unit’s actions.

6) Shall become familiar with the materials and information provided by the Midwest Academy and/or GROW (Grassroots Organizing Weekend) by the United States Student Association.

7) Shall play an active role in voter registration and voter turnout campaigns on campus and in UC Santa Barbara community.

8) Shall be responsible for attending all staff meetings of the Office of the External Vice President for Statewide Affairs.

9) Shall serve a term of one (1) academic year.

10) Shall serve at least four (4) office hours per week, at least one (1) in each office.

11) Shall attend all UCSA Board of Directors meetings as an ex-officio member of the Board, as funds permit.

12) Shall attend all AS Assembly Meetings.

13) Shall plan all Lobby Corps meetings and quarterly retreats.

14) Shall work in coordination with the Senators to formulate resolutions in response to all state and national legislation.

F) Duties and Powers of the Co-Director for Local Affairs:

1) Shall attend all Lobby Corps meetings and serve as the representative of A.S. Lobby Corps in all local affairs.

2) Shall oversee all operations, projects, campaigns and activities of Lobby Corps members and affiliates pertaining to local affairs.

3) Must work closely with OSL registered student organizations who currently work on political and/or education issues on a local level.


4) Shall serve as County Director for the External Vice President of Local Affairs and be responsible for informing the members of Lobby Corps, the EVPLA, and the AS Senate of all county legislation affecting the Isla Vista Community.

5) Shall be responsible for attending at least two (2) non-consecutive Senate meetings per quarter to report on the board’s actions with the Lobby Corps Legislative Liaison.

6) Shall play an active role in voter registration and voter turnout campaigns on campus and in Isla Vista.

7) Shall work in coordination with the Senators to formulate resolutions in response to all local legislation.

8) Shall coordinate all lobby appointments with local, statewide, and federal public officials regarding local issues.

9) Shall, to the best of their ability, build a rapport and working relationship with the office of public officials in our district through regular meetings.

10) Shall hold a minimum of four (4) office hours per week at least one (1) in each office.

11) Shall attend all AS Assembly Meetings.

12) Shall plan all Lobby Corps meetings and quarterly retreats.

G) Duties and Powers of the Internal Director:

1) Shall take minutes of the Lobby Corps meetings and distribute to the proper list serves.

2) Shall create a weekly officer report and distribute it to the rest of Lobby Corps.

3) Give a weekly financial report to the Committee.

4) Shall be responsible for the assisting in the completion of the budget package for the following year.

5) Attend all Lobby Corps meetings and quarterly retreats.

6) Hold two (2) regularly scheduled office hours per week.

7) Shall attend all Lobby Corps meetings and quarterly retreats.

H) Duties of the Scheduling Director:

1) Shall actively recruit students into participating in Lobby efforts and issues.

2) Shall schedule all lobby visits on behalf of the Lobby Corps, as directed by the Co- Directors and External Vice Presidents.

3) Shall maintain an updated list of all contacts in elected official’s offices, including information but not limited to: number of terms, party affiliation, and committees that the legislature sits on.

4) Shall be responsible for following up on any current Lobby Corps business as it pertains to relevant agenda of the unit.

5) Shall hold a minimum of two (2) office hours per week.

6) Shall attend all Lobby Corps meetings and quarterly retreats.


I) Duties of the Labor Director:

1) Shall be responsible for informing the members of Lobby Corps, the EVPSA, the EVPLA, and AS Senate on all labor issues dealing with or affecting the University of California.

2) Shall be responsible for maintaining communication and coordinating labor efforts with the United Students Against Sweatshops (USAS) organization.

3) Shall maintain communication with the USSA Student Labor Action Project (SLAP) Director in coordinating statewide and national labor days of action and running labor oriented campaigns.

4) Shall work with and maintain communication with the Institute for Labor and Employment within the University of California.

5) Shall maintain communication with the Workers Rights Consortium (WRC) and inform Lobby Corps members of their actions.

6) Shall coordinate labor oriented campaigns in conjunction with registered student organizations on campus.

7) Shall maintain communication with local union chapters and chapter leaders.

8) Shall hold a minimum of two (2) office hours per week.

9) Shall attend all Lobby Corps meetings and quarterly retreats.

J) Duties of the Communications Director:

1) Shall be responsible for the collection and maintenance of all major campus wide, local, statewide, and national media contacts.

2) Shall work with the other officers to promote and advertise the activities of Lobby Corps.

3) Shall be responsible for all outreach activities including but not limited to the following:

a) Class presentations b) Tabling c) Welcome Week activities d) Open house e) Student Organizations presentations. f) Creating flyers, posters, and signs

4) Shall prepare and distribute all media press releases and media advisories as designated by the Co-Directors.

5) Shall maintain the social media and online presence of the Lobby Corps.

6) Shall plan and organize the annual Legislator of the Year award as suggested by the Co- Directors.

7) Shall hold a minimum of two (2) office hours per week.

8) Shall attend all Lobby Corps meetings and quarterly retreats.

K) Duties of the Lobby Trainer:

1) Shall be responsible for instigating and maintaining communication with community organizations, the non-profit sector, as well as statewide and national networks, coalitions, and grassroots entities.


2) Shall be responsible for presenting and/or recruiting members of the Board for potential conferences, training sessions, job-opportunities, and information provided by the Midwest Academy and/or GROW (Grassroots Organizing Weekend) by the United States Students Association.

3) Shall coordinate at least two (2) training sessions on grassroots campaign skills throughout the year.

4) Shall be responsible for training any interested student group in grassroots organizing.

5) Shall serve two (2) office hours per week.

6) Shall attend all Lobby Corps meetings and quarterly retreats.

L) Duties of the Legislative Director:

1) Shall be responsible for informing Lobby Corps on all necessary information that involves any issues brought upon by the Issues Coordinator by the next meeting

2) Shall work in conjunction with any entity that may provide assistance or information that will better the understanding of issues for Lobby Corps.

3) Remain thoroughly informed on all relevant proceedings, legislation, and policy related to the work of the Lobby Corps. This includes but is not limited to:

a) United States Congress b) California State Senate and Assembly c) UC Regents d) UC Office of the President e) County of Santa Barbara f) Goleta City Council g) Santa Barbara City Council h) Isla Vista Recreation and Parks District

4) Be responsible for producing a weekly policy update to the EVPSA and EVPLA office staff in the form of both press clips as well as a brief.

5) Work in partnership with the AS Senate and Lobby Corp’s adoptive senator to pass resolutions related to local, state, and national issues.

6) Attend all Lobby Corps meetings and quarterly retreats.

7) Hold three (3) regularly scheduled office hours per week.

8) Shall present all relevant Position Papers passed by Senate to the Lobby Corps within two (2) weeks of the Position Papers passage.

M) General Member:

1) Shall come to at least three (3) consecutive meetings before general member status is given.

2) Status shall be removed at the end of the Academic Year and if three (3) meetings are missed without prior notification of either of the Co-Directors or of the Internal Director.


A) Charge of the Unit:


The Isla Vista Tenants Union (IVTU) is a group of concerned residents interested in providing services to UCSB students who are tenants in Isla Vista, along with other tenants in the Isla Vista community. We aim to educate tenants on their rights and responsibilities, and to act as a resource when problems do arise. We believe people should be able to live without suffering discrimination, retaliation, or living with fear of eviction. We recognize the diversity of our community and we strive to meet the different needs of our members while uniting our common interests as tenants. In providing service to tenants in Isla Vista, we hope to build a sense of community in Isla Vista; one that is educated, proactive and united.

B) During financial transactions only the following individuals of the Advisory Board may be considered voting members:

1) IVTU Chairperson 2) IVTU Vice Chairperson 3) The A.S. External Vice President for Local Affairs or the EVPLA Housing Coordinator 4) One (1) member of the Isla Vista Community Relations Committee 5) One (1) Senate Off-Campus Representative

6) Seven (7) Co-Coordinators of the IVTU

a) Community Outreach Coordinator b) Two (2) Case Managers c) Events/ Special Projects Coordinator d) Recruitment Coordinator e) Student Outreach Coordinator f) Communications Committee Coordinator g) Historian h) Director of SBCC Relations i) Community Resident Director

C) Non-voting Membership during financial transactions, but shall be considered voting members in all other business matters of the IVTU:

1) A.S. Advisor(s) 2) A.S. Executive Director 3) A.S. President 4) Community Members 5) Graduate Students 6) A.S. Attorney General 7) A.S. Controller(s) 8) Santa Barbara Student Housing Cooperative

D) Selection and Term of Office:

1) The IVTU Chairperson and Vice-Chairperson must first be recommended by IVTU members, then nominated by the A.S. President and approved by Senate for a term of one (1) academic year. The five (5) IVTU Directors shall be selected and approved by IVTU’s voting members, then nominated by the A.S. President, with final approval by the Senate for a term of one (1) academic year.

2) The one (1) IVCRC voting member shall be nominated by the IVCRC Chair, then nominated by the A.S. President, with final approval by the Senate for a term of one (1) academic year.

3) The one (1) A.S. Senator shall be appointed by the Internal Vice President in consensus with the External Vice President for Local Affairs, approved by the IVTU voting members, with final approval by the Senate for a term of one (1) academic year.


4) The three (3) undergraduate representatives-at-large shall be approved by the IVTU’s voting members, then nominated by the A.S. President, with final approval by the Senate for a term of (1) academic year.

E) Attendance:

1) Attendance shall be recorded in the minutes.

2) Quorum shall constitute the presence of (50% + 1) of Board members that can vote on financial transactions.

3) In the event a member cannot attend a regularly scheduled meeting, that member may appoint a proxy. A proxy must be approved by the IVTU through majority vote. The proxy shall be given temporary authority for the duration of that meeting.

4) Absence & late arrival can be excused only if the President or Vice-President is notified before the meeting. F) Duties of the IVTU Chairperson:

1) Attends, facilitates, and sets the agenda for weekly IVTU Committee meetings.

2) Attends at least two (2) IVTU-sponsored events.

3) Spends a minimum of three (3) regularly scheduled hours per week at the IVTU office working on IVTU-related business.

4) Attends IVPAC meetings or appoints a Committee member to attend IVPAC meetings.

5) Ensures that IVTU Committee projects progress efficiently and successfully.

6) Assists in the completion of the budget package for the following year.

7) Facilitates the nomination and election of the officers for the following year.

8) Ensures that University and Associated Students policies and procedures are followed.

9) Determines, with guidance from the IVTU advisor, the eligibility of IVTU officers applying for honoraria.

10) Submits a minimum of two (2) articles per quarter to the IVTU website.

11) Table at least one (1) hour per quarter.

G) Duties of the IVTU Vice Chairperson:

1) Records and distributes the minutes for weekly IVTU Committee meetings.

2) Attends at least two (2) IVTU sponsored events.

3) Spends a minimum of two (2) regularly scheduled hours per week at the IVTU office working on IVTU-related business.

4) Assists with the Committee’s special projects, including, but not limited to, Rental Housing Roundtable.

5) Assists the IVTU Chairperson in ensuring that IVTU Committee projects progress efficiently and successfully.


6) Resumes the Chairperson’s responsibilities in leading meetings and all other important IVTU business affairs due to Chairperson’s absence.

7) Assists in the completion of the budget packet for the following year.

8) Assists the IVTU Chairperson as directed.

9) Serve as a liaison between IVTU and other student organizations.

10) Table at least one (1) hour per quarter.

H) Duties of the Community Outreach Coordinator:

1) Attends weekly IVTU Committee meetings.

2) Attends at least two (2) IVTU-sponsored events to the best of their ability.

3) Spends a minimum of two (2) regularly scheduled hours per week at the IVTU office working on IVTU-related business.

4) Coordinates a minimum of two (2) outreach presentations to promote IVTU within the University and local community.

5) Maintains contacts with student and non-student community, including the Spanish- speaking community, and act as an information source for IVTU’s activities.

6) Coordinates local outreach efforts of the IVTU.

7) Represents IVTU at community meetings.

9) Attend at least three (3) community meetings such as IV Community Network, IVPAC, Isla Vista elementary school PTA meetings, per quarter to represent IVTU.

10) Table at least one (1) hour per week.

I) Duties of Case Managers:

1) Attends weekly IVTU Committee meetings.

2) Attends at least two (2) IVTU events.

3) Spends a minimum of four (4) regularly scheduled hours per week at the IVTU office working on IVTU-related business.

4) Advocates at least one (1) tenant issue per quarter, arising from specific needs of Isla Vista tenants. This includes but is not limited to:

a) Performance of on-site unit inspections and necessary documentation of violations. Will work with Community Housing Office for cases involving UCSB students. b) Advising tenants on their rights and possible courses of action; actively seeks legal expertise on behalf of tenants when appropriate.


c) Facilitating mediation between the affected tenant(s) and landlord by using available mediation resources.

d) Presenting at weekly meetings any issues or projects he/she is working on to the Committee.

5) Attends a minimum of one (1) meeting per quarter with the Isla Vista Property Association group or chairperson, or another property management group/representative.

6) Conducts one (1) activity per quarter to solicit tenant feedback via the IVTU tenant survey

7) Promotes the distribution of tenants’ rights handouts among property managers and other appropriate organizations. Revises and supplements handout when necessary.

J) Duties of the Events/Special Projects Coordinator:

1) Attends weekly IVTU Committee meetings.

2) Attends at least two (2) IVTU events.

3) Spends a minimum of two (2) regularly scheduled hour per week at the IVTU office working on IVTU-related business.

4) Coordinates at least one (1) event per quarter.

5) Works with IVTU professional and student staff to coordinate Homegrown Revolution.

6) Updates A.S. and IVTU website with current information on IVTU events.

8) Collaborates with other UCSB student groups on events that are relevant to the IVTU mission statement.

9) Heads Special Projects and delegate responsibilities amongst the Committee as necessary .

10) Tables at least one (1) hour per quarter.

K) Duties of the Recruitment Coordinator:

1) Attends weekly IVTU Committee meetings.

2) Attends at least two (2) IVTU events.

3) Spends a minimum of two (2) regularly scheduled hours per week at the IVTU office working on IVTU-related business.

4) Submits a minimum of one (1) article regarding recruitment to the IVTU website.

5) Coordinates a minimum of one (1) recruitment or membership appreciation event per quarter.

6) Coordinates recruitment for IVTU at campus activities fairs and town hall meetings.

7) Maintains the [email protected] list serve, and any other list serves as deemed appropriate.


8) Maintains a database of members to also include a record of each member’s attendance at IVTU meetings and events.

9) Table at least four (4) hours per quarter.

L) Duties of the A.S. Senate Off-Campus Representative:

1) Attends weekly IVTU Committee meetings.

2) Attends IVTU events to the best of their ability.

3) Serves as a liaison between the A.S. Senate and IVTU.

4) Informs IVTU on relevant issues being presented in the Senate.

5) Fosters relationships between other A.S. Representatives and organizations beneficial to the IVTU.

M) Duties of the I.V. Community Relations Committee Representative:

1) Attends weekly IVTU Committee meetings.

2) Attends IVTU events to the best of their ability.

3) Serves as a liaison between IVCRC and IVTU.

4) Informs IVTU on relevant issues being presented at IVCRC meetings.

5) Fosters relationship between the IVCRC and IVTU and work on joint issues between the two (2) organizations.

N) Duties of the Student Outreach Coordinator:

1) Attends weekly IVTU Committee meetings. Attends at least two (2) IVTU –sponsored events

2) Spends a minimum of two (2) regularly scheduled hours per week at the IVTU office working on IVTU related business.

3) Coordinates a minimum of two (2) outreach presentations to promote IVTU within the University .

4) Represents IVTU at community meetings.

5) Maintains contacts with student community, UCSB affiliated and non-affiliated and acts as an information source for IVTU activities.

6) Promotes the distribution of tenants’ rights handouts among property managers and other appropriate organizations. Revises and supplements handout when necessary.

7) Helps with special projects as needed.

8) Attend three (3) university meetings, i.e. relevant BCC’s or OSL groups affiliated with UCSB

9) Acts as a liaison between IVTU and the Rental Housing Roundtable.

O) Duties of the Communications Committee Coordinator:


1) Attends weekly IVTU Committee meetings.

2) Spends a minimum of two (2) regularly scheduled hours per week at the IVTU office working on IVTU-related business.

3) Attends at least two (2) IVTU-sponsored events.

4) Produces press releases for IVTU as needed.

5) Updates the IVTU website regularly, along with social media, i.e. Facebook and Twitter pages.

6) Operates and maintains a bi-quarterly newsletter to update and inform about IVTU events.

7) Tables for at least one (1) hour per quarter.

P) Duties of the IVTU Historian:

1) Attends weekly IVTU Committee meetings.

2) Spends a minimum of one (1) regularly scheduled hour per week at the IVTU office working on IVTU-related business.

3) Attends most IVTU-sponsored events.

4) Archives ITU events and projects as well as maintains a database of pictures of the Committee’s work.

5) Maintains the [email protected].

6) Coordinates with the Communications Committee coordinator to produce the bi- quarterly newsletter.

7) Maintains the documentation and photography of IVTU events and projects.

8) Tables for at least one (1) hour per quarter.

Q) Director of SBCC Relations:

1) Direct SBCC students to resources available to them in Isla Vista.

2) Serves as a liaison between IVTU and SBCC Housing organizations.

3) Execute housing campaigns relevant to SBCC students living in Isla Vista.

4) Work to identify and report issues specific to SBCC students and create solutions to address these issues.

5) Establish and maintain relations between UCSB, IV, and SBCC organization pertaining to housing.

R) Community Resident Director:

1) Identify issues faced by community members and create solutions to address the problems.


2) Ensure that broader IV community is represented in IVTU decision making.

3) Consistently hold office hours in open community space and provide resources to community members.

4) Make sure that all IVTU events are all inclusive - making sure that translation services are available.

5) Receive training from IVTU caseworker and provide basic services to broader community in non-legal matter.

S) Operating Procedures of the IVTU:

1) IV Tenants Union Meetings:

a) Will be held weekly. ! b) Will be announced and publicized to the community. !

2) All official decisions concerning IV Tenants Union actions, decisions, Manual, and agendas shall be made with the approval of the majority (50% + 1) of the IVTU voting members. !

3) In the event that the IVTU does not have the membership required to elect the next year's members, the selection procedure shall revert to the selection process as prescribed in the A.S. Legal Code.

T) Summer Internship Selection:

1) All voting members not applying for a Summer internship with IVTU may be on the selection Committee.

2) The Summer internship selection process is an internal process.

3) Those interested in Summer internships will be chosen for specific IVTU positions and/or projects.

4) No more than seven (7) interns will be allowed at any given time.




A) Membership

1) A.S. President 2) Internal Vice President 3) External Vice President of Local Affairs 4) External Vice President Statewide Affairs 5) Student Advocate General 6) All Boards and Commissions Chairs 7) All Administrative Committee Chairs 8) All Executive Office Staff 9) All Unit Directors 10) All Senators 11) All appointed officers of the Associated Students. 12) A.S. Executive Director


13) A.S. Attorney General 14) A.S. Controller 15) All A.S. Career Staff


A) There shall be one A.S. Assembly per quarter no later than the fifth (5th) week.


A) All of Associated Students must be contacted for input for agenda items that shall be due before the Committee on Committees meeting preceding the A.S. Assembly.

B) The Associated Students President and Executive Director shall be the facilitators of the A.S. Assembly.


A) Discuss topics and issues that affect the entire Association and university through collaboration and actions on such issues as the council sees fit.

B) Act as a forum for communication among the Association.

C) Increase collaboration in Associated Students between the various entities.

D) The first A.S. Assembly of each Academic Year shall act as an A.S.-Wide Retreat and shall consist of:

1) Vision setting for the entire Association for the year. 2) Setting of Association community agreements.


A) Leading up to A.S. Assembly, the following Workgroups shall be facilitated by the respective officer:

1) Campus Affairs – A.S. President 2) Internal Affairs – Internal Vice President 3) Local Affairs – External Vice President of Local Affairs 4) State and National Affairs - External Vice President of Statewide Affairs 5) Business Affairs – A.S. Controller

B) Workgroups are considered to be collaborative spaces for all ASUCSB participants and other students or community members can partake in.

C) It is recommended the facilitator briefly goes over the major current issues relating to the workgroup at the beginning of the session.

D) Workgroups are encouraged to meet more than once a quarter if so desired.

E) Workgroup meetings must be widely advertised in order to yield a diverse participatory base.

F) Facilitators shall take note of the major topics discussed to report during the A.S. Assembly.




The Associated Students at the University of California, Santa Barbara commit to supporting and advocating for student interests on the Santa Barbra campus, in Isla Vista, the State of California and nationwide. Through this extensive fellowship program, we expose fellows to a plethora of issues as well as teach them a variety of ways to address these issues. The A.S. Fellowship Program is designed to allow interested and highly motivated UCSB students a well organized and efficient introduction to the association, its structure, administrative staff as well as any other pertinent information surrounding Associated Students and the UCSB community. The A.S. Fellowship Program develops students’ leadership skills through tangible projects that showcase their hard work and achievements. In many cases these skills do not result from a typical academic classroom experience and resources to cultivate these skills are often not readily accessible. It also serves as an excellent preparation for students who want to continue working in Associated Students. The A.S. Fellowship Program places fellows in an office that reflects their passions (as determined through their application). From there, they will work with the Chief’s of Staff and committee members of that office to create and execute projects that reflect the goals of the office and of the association.


A The A.S. Fellowship Program Coordinating Committee shall consist of the following voting membership: 1) Office of the President Deputy Chief of Staff (Co-Chair) 2) Office of the Internal Vice President Deputy Chief of Staff (Co-Chair)

B) The A.S. Fellowship Program Coordinating Committee Co-Chairs shall have the ability to recruit any other members and provide them with voting privileges as they deem necessary.

C) Duties of the A.S. Fellowship Program Coordinating Committee include, but are not limited to:

1) Constructing an A.S. fellowship program guide by the end of the spring quarter in which the committee members were appointed. It must include, but is not limited to:

a) A flyer summarizing each Associated Students executive office that is to be written by the executive officer, b) A visual breakdown of the Associated Students structure. c) A copy of the Associated Students long-range vision. d) A checklist of all of the requirements needed in order to be eligible for an A.S. fellowship appointment.

2) Creating a minimum of two (2) summer meetings for the Committee, in order to:

a) Schedule the A.S. fellowship program session dates and times that should not exceed three (3) hours and are to be held on weekends. b) Arrange the availabilities of all interested A.S. entity presenters to their preferred session dates and times. c) Provide presenters with ample time to impart their respective duties and responsibilities to the fellows.

3) Reserving a recurring location for the A.S. fellowship program before the quarter in which it is being held begins.

a) Must host at least one (1) Informational Session here before the start of the A.S. fellowship program applications open.

4) A full faith effort to publicize the A.S. fellowship prior to Week 2 of the quarter in which it is being held, through: a) Freshmen Summer Start Program (FSSP) b) University Announcements c) Social media d) Digi-Knows e) A.S. Tours


f) OSL groups list-serve g) The Flush (RHA) h) Freshman Orientation i) Week of Welcome j) Freshmen welcome packets

3) Creating and distributing the A.S. fellowship program interest application in all aforementioned publications that shall be made available no later than the of week one (1).

a) They must include the days and times of all of the sessions held throughout the quarter in which the A.S. fellowship program takes place, the deadline to submit the application as well as a 4) follow-up notification on the status of their own application no later than two (2) days before the first fellowship program is held.

4) Providing Incentives to fellows through their continued learning of the association as determined by weekly quizzes, that are crafted by either the presenters or the A.S. Fellowship Program Coordinating Committee after each A.S. fellowship program session

5) Creating networking opportunities for fellows after each A.S. fellowship program session. a) At least one (1) A.S. fellowship social must be with their respective session presenters. b) At least one (1) A.S. fellowship social must be for the fellows alone.

6) Planning weekly debriefs and delegations with the A.S. Fellowship Program Coordinating Committee.

7) Coordinating and affirming the requirements of the fellows as they near the A.S. fellowship appointment process.

8) Emailing out an application for all interested A.S. entities that would like to take part of the A.S. fellowship program selection committee no later than one (1) week before the last fellowship program session takes place.

9) Organizing interviews:

a) The A.S. Fellowship Program Coordinating Committee must email a detailed description of the appointed A.S. fellowship position within each A.S. entity that is interested in taking in fellows, as provided by each respective A.S. office, that is to be readily available to the fellows no later than a week before interviews take place. b) Applications for the A.S. fellowship appointed position shall be made available no later than two (2) days after the last fellowship program session. C Hold and Transcribe proxy interviews with predetermined questions for any office that is unable to do their own but is still interested in having fellows.

10) Create a fellow request form for interested A.S. entities to submit their preferences.

11) Schedule and Organize the A.S. Fellowship Assembly.

12) Notify the fellows of their placement no later than the beginning of week 7 of that same quarter.

13) Email out a follow-up survey by the end of week 9 to all of the A.S. appointed fellows in order to get an idea of both the A.S. fellowship program’s effectiveness as well as of the progress of the individual fellows.

14) Plan an A.S. fellowship program reunion social later in Spring Quarter.



A) Applications shall be submitted to the A.S. Fellowship Coordinating Committee no later than one (1) week before the last fellowship program session takes place.

B) The A.S. Fellowship Selection Committee shall:

1) Convene in the A.S. fellowship assembly by the end of week 6 of the quarter in which the A.S. fellowship program took place in order to determine the final A.S. fellowship program appointments.

2) Be Co-Chaired by the non-voting membership of the A.S. fellowship coordinating committee. 3) Consist of one (1) Representative from each A.S. entity that is accepting fellows.

4) Review both the rankings of the various A.S. entities by each fellow as well as the preferences given by each A.S. entity towards each fellow they interviewed.

5) Select the amount of fellows they wish to welcome into their respective A.S. entity.

C) The A.S. Fellowship Selection Committee must vote to pass the official placement of the fellows with a two-thirds (2/3rds) majority.

D) The official Placement of the fellows must be approved by the Associated Students Senate by a vote of fifty percent plus one (50%+1).


A) There shall be a fall quarter fellowship program as well as a winter quarter fellowship program.

1) Both A.S. fellowship programs shall follow the same schedule and framework as determined by the A.S. fellowship program coordinating committee.

B) There shall be a minimum of three (3) sessions each quarter that the A.S. fellowship program is being held.

C) The sessions shall begin no later than week two (2) and conclude no later than week four (4) of each Fall quarter that the A.S. fellowship program is being held.

D) The A.S. Fellowship Program curriculum shall contain, but is not limited to, the following subjects: 1) Description of all ASUCSB Executive Offices 2) Description of the ASUCSB Senate. 3) Description of all ASUCSB Boards, Commissions and Units. 4) Description of the ASUCSB long-range vision 5) Description of the requirements of the A.S. fellowship appointment.

E) At the discretion of the A.S. Fellowship Coordinating Committee, only two (2) absences are allowed for missing sessions and make-ups shall waive any absences so long as fellows:

1) Attend the respective officer meetings of the A.S. entities that presented during the missed session and take note of the functions of that A.S. entity. 2) Meet with at least one member of the A.S. entity that presented in their absence during their office hours and acquire a signed form indicating the meeting took place.


A) Detailed descriptions of each A.S. fellowship appointed position become visible no later than Week 4 of the quarter in which the A.S. fellowship program is taking place.


B) Applications for the A.S. Fellowship appointed positions shall be made readily available no later than two (2) days after the last fellowship program session in which fellows will have the opportunity to rank their top choices based on the aforementioned descriptions and interview for their top three A.S. entities by the end of week 6 so long as they submit their application no later than the end of Week 7 5 of Fall the quarter in which they are applying.

C) A.S. Fellowship Appointment Interviews :

1) Interviews should be conducted between Weeks 8 5-6 of the quarter for which the A.S. fellowship program is taking place.

2) Each interview must have a minimum of two (2) members from the A.S. entity in which the fellow is applying for or have the A.S. fellowship program coordinating committee do the interview on their behalf.

3) Each interview must be transcribed with an indication of the fellows projects for the A.S. entity as well as for the A.S. long-range vision plan.

4) Each A.S. entity will have the option of creating their own interview questions as well as the option of hosting each interview through their office or allowing the A.S. Fellowship Program Coordinating Committee to interview on their behalf with the entities predetermined questions,

5) Each interested A.S. Entity that interviewed Fellows shall submit their preferences for A.S. fellowship appointments to the A.S. Fellowship Selection Committee’s fellow request form no later than Week 9 6 of the quarter for which the fellows are applying.

a) The A.S. Fellowship Selection Committee shall determine the final fellowship appointments no later than Week 6 of the quarter for which the fellowship is taking place and then proceeding to send it to the Internal Vice President for Senate to approve by Week 7. b) Week 7-9: Following Senate approval, fellows would be officially part of an A.S. entity.


A) Must have attended three (3) fellowship program sessions workshops no later than Week 4 of the quarter for which they completed the A.S. fellowship program.

1) A maximum of two (2) make-ups are permitted when accurate documentation is given to clear any absence.

B) Must have attended a minimum of one (1)A.S. Fellowship no later than Week 4 of the quarter for which they completed the A.S. fellowship program.

C) Must have attended a minimum of one (1) executive office staff meeting no later than Week 4 of the quarter for which they completed the A.S. fellowship program.

D) Must have attended a minimum of one (1) Board, Commission or Unit general meeting no later than Week 4 of the quarter for which they completed the A.S. fellowship program.

E) Must have attended a minimum of one (1) Office Hour with a member of the A.S. Fellowship Coordinating Committee in order to understand the long-range vision of the association no later than Week 4 of the quarter for which they completed the A.S. fellowship program.

F) Must have attended a minimum of one (1) Senate no later than Week 4 of the quarter for which they completed the A.S. fellowship program.


G) Must have submitted their application for the Fellowship appointed positions no later than week 7 4 of the quarter for which they completed the A.S. fellowship program.

H) Must have at least a two point zero (2.0) grade point average going into the quarter of appointment and shall be in good standing with the University for as long as they remain in the A.S. Fellowship.

I) After the official appointment into an A.S. Entity, each fellow must:

1) Attend at least one (1) officer meeting as part of the office by the end of Week 8 of the quarter for which they completed the A.S. fellowship program.

2) Attend at least one (1) of the Office Hours of one of the officers by the end of Week 8 of the quarter for which they completed the A.S. fellowship program.

3) If appointed to a Board, Commission or Unit, the fellow will be considered an officer of that A.S. entity in order to distinguish between general membership but will also act as liaison for other campus organizations as a means of fostering collaboration. Similarly, each fellow will have the choice of working on a long-range vision project that can better the Board, Commission or Unit.



A) One (1) Student or Senator shall be appointed to each active Academic Senate or Administrative Advisory Committee as specified in Appendix A of the ASUCSB Legal Code. The Committee appointment shall be recommended by the A.S. Committee on Committees, nominated by the A.S. President, and approved by the A.S. Senate for the term specified in Appendix A.

1) Advertisement for applications to the Committees will begin the first (1st) week of Spring quarter.

a) In order to ensure full consideration for Spring appointments, applications shall be received by Tuesday of the sixth (6th) week of Spring quarter. Senate-Elect must submit a list of the top five (5) Committees that they are requesting into the Associated Students President-Elect at this time.

2) Interviews will begin the fifth (5th) week of Spring Quarter and end in the seventh (7th) week of Spring Quarter. The interview process must consist of members of the Committees-on-Committees, A.S. President-Elect, and if necessary, with guidance from the currently acting A.S. President.

a) Preference shall be given to students at large except where otherwise designated in Appendix A or Article 18, Section 2 of the ASUCSB Legal Code.

3) The President-Elect shall submit the appointments to the Senate-Elect by the Monday of the eighth (8th) week of Spring quarter.

4) The Shared Governance Coordinator shall send notification of placement by the ninth (9th) week of Spring Quarter.

B) By week nine (9) of Spring Quarter, the Shared Governance Coordinator shall organize an orientation meeting between in-coming and out-going Committee members.

C) In accordance with the University of California Nondiscrimination Statement, the President shall outreach to all students, including those of historically underrepresented groups, during the recruitment process. Their selection of these applicants shall be considered based on enthusiasm, dedication, and time commitment.


D) Duties of each undergraduate representative:

1) Report a minimum of once per quarter to the Senate Campus Affairs Committee regarding the actions of the Academic Senate or Administrative Advisory Committee.

2) Maintain a record of the Academic Senate or Administrative Advisory meetings and actions by submitting regular online reports, which shall be codified by the Shared Governance Coordinator and University Affairs Committee Chair and be passed on to the subsequent representatives.

3) All students that sit on Academic Senate or Administrative Advisory Committees shall submit a report to the Shared Governance Coordinator and University Affairs Committee after every Committee meeting.

4) All students that sit on Academic Senate or Administrative Advisory Committees shall hold one (1) office hour during Week 4 of each quarter. These office hours shall be widely publicized to the campus community.

5) All students that sit on Academic Senate or Administrative Advisory Committees shall attend a Shared Governance Banquet during Winter Quarter to outreach with the campus community and to present briefly on their committee’s activities.


A) Any appointment to a committee not recommended in this section shall be filled with a general student representative through the Committee on Committees appointment process.

B) The recommended representative appointments to Academic Senate Standing Committees follow:

1) The Chief Financial Officer shall fill one (1) Council on Planning and Budget position.

2) The AS President, two (2) AS Vice Presidents, and one (1) College of Letters & Sciences Senator shall fill four (4) Faculty Legislature positions.

3) A College of Letters & Sciences Senator shall fill one (1) College of Letters & Sciences Executive Committee position.

4) The College of Creative Studies Senator shall fill one (1) College of Creative Studies Executive Committee position.

5) The College of Engineering Senator shall fill one (1) College of Engineering Executive Committee position.

6) The Academic Affairs Commissioner shall fill one (1) Undergraduate Council position.

7) A College of Letters & Sciences Senator shall fill one (1) Committee on Admissions, Enrollment, and Relations with Schools position.

8) A College of Letters & Sciences Senator shall fill one (1) Committee on Courses and General Education position.

C) The recommended representative appointments to Administrative Advisory Committees follow:

1) An Off-Campus Senator and the External Vice President for Local Affairs shall fill two (2) Alcohol and Other Drug Work Group positions.

2) A Senator shall fill one (1) Academic Program Review Panel position.


3) The Commission on Disability Equality Co-Chairs shall fill two (2) Advisory Committee to Campus Access positions.

4) The AS President shall fill one (1) Alumni Association position.

5) Two (2) Senators and one (1) general student representative shall fill three (3) Arts and Lectures Student Advisory Committee positions.

6) A Senator shall fill one (1) Calendar Committee position.

7) The Internal Vice President, a Senator, and the Elections Committee Chair shall fill three (3) Campus Elections Committee positions.

8) The AS President shall fill one (1) Campus Planning Committee position.

9) A Senator shall fill one (1) Chancellor’s Advisory Committee on Undergrad Student Housing position.

10) The Student Initiated Recruitment and Retention Chair shall fill one (1) Chancellor’s Outreach Advisory Board position.

11) The Womyn’s Commission Chair shall fill one (1) Chancellor’s Advisory Committee on the Status of Women position.

12) The Student Commission on Racial Equality Chair shall fill one (1) Chancellor’s Committee on Campus Climate, Culture, and Inclusion position.

13) The AS President shall fill one (1) Chancellor’s Coordinating Committee on Budget and Strategy position.

14) The Environmental Affairs Board Chair shall fill one (1) Chancellor’s Sustainability Committee position.

15) The AS Chief Technology Officer shall fill one (1) Collaborate Advisory Committee position.

16) The Director of Alumni Affairs shall fill one (1) Commencement Committee position.

17) The Community Affairs Board Childcare Coordinator and a Senator shall fill two (2) Campus Childcare Advisory Committee positions.

18) The Commission on Student Well-Being Chair and a Senator shall fill two (2) Counseling Services Advisory Committee positions.

19) A Senator shall fill one (1) Career Services Advisory Committee position.

20) Two (2) Senators and two (2) general student representatives shall fill four (4) Financial Aid Advisory Committee positions.

21) The AS President shall fill one (1) Getman and Villa Awards Committee position.

22) The AS Chief Technology Officer shall fill one (1) Information Technologies Board position.

23) A Senator and the AS President shall fill two (2) Intercollegiate Athletics Policy Board positions. 24) The External Vice President for Local Affairs and the AS President shall fill two (2) Major Events Committee positions.

25) A Senator shall fill one (1) Multicultural Center Governance Board position.


26) The Costal Fund Chair shall fill one (1) Natural Reserve System Committee position.

27) The Goodspeed Intern shall fill one (1) Ombuds Advisory Committee position.

28) The Internal Vice President shall fill one (1) Parking Ratepayers Board position.

29) A Senator shall fill one (1) Press Council position.

30) The Environmental Affairs Board Chair shall fill one (1) Renewable Energy Initiative Governance Board position.

31) The Student Advocate General shall fill one (1) Restorative Justice Advisory Committee position.

32) The Chief of Staff to the Internal Vice President shall fill one (1) Student Email Governance Committee position.

33) All the AS Executive Officers shall serve as advisors to the Student Fee Advisory Committee.

34) The Commission on Student Well-Being Chair, a Senator, and a general student representative shall fill three (3) Student Health Advisory Committee positions.

35) A Senator shall fill one (1) Student-Initiated Outreach Application Review Committee position.

36) The Zero Waste Committee Chair shall fill one (1) The Green Initiative Fund position.

37) The Internal Vice President shall fill one (1) Transportation Alternative Board position.

38) A Senator shall fill one (1) Gaucho Health Insurance Advisory Committee position.

39) The AS President shall fill one (1) UCSB Foundation position.

D) The recommended representative appointments to Building Governance Boards follow:

1) The AS President and the Internal Vice President, and four (4) general student representatives shall fill six (6) University Center Governance Board positions.

2) Two (2) Senators and four (4) general student representatives shall fill six (6) Recreation Center Governance Board positions.

3) The AS President and the AS Program Board Special Projects Coordinator shall fill two (2) Events Center Governance Board positions.



A) Appointed Official Student Activities (Title Code 4329)

Appointed Officials, Student Activities, exercise administrative authority in carrying out the duties of the positions for which they are selected. They are accountable to the appointing authority for the successful operation of the function assigned. Assignments may be short term or intermittent in nature or operational for the academic years. Incumbents must be a registered student and possess knowledge and abilities essential to the successful performance of the duties assigned to the position.


B) Each entity within Associated Students that utilizes stipend positions will be allocated a pool of money every budget cycle for stipends. These funds are requested during the annual budget cycle.

C) Each position paid via a stipend shall be supervised by a career staff member and a student leader.

D) Each position will follow normal HR procedures and do a student staff orientation, have a written job description on file, and be set up in the University payroll system as a “By agreement” (BYA) employee; using the title code assigned by the University (4329).

E) Each supervisor in consultation with the student leadership in that area, will approve the dollar amount of stipend for that quarter. A total amount allocated (and not individual stipends) will be noted in the minutes of the entity approving stipends.

F) The amount approved by the supervisor and student leadership will be ratified by the Senate to coincide with the bi-weekly payroll cycle no later than their last meeting of the quarter.


A) Every appointed and elected member of Associated Students shall be honoraria earning so long as they meet the following criteria:

1) Are not directly supervised by and do not directly report to a staff member;

2) Manage and control their own time and resources;

3) Payment for work is not based on hourly compensation, unlike student employees; and

1) Must be in good standing akin to the AS eligibility and membership requirements.

B) All appointed and elected members of Associated Students who do not meet these criteria are subject to evaluation from both student and staff oversight.


A) Each Executive Officer must receive three thousand ($3000.00) towards their university-assessed undergraduate fees, excluding non-resident tuition and health insurance for each of Fall, Winter and Spring quarters for their term. This will be reassessed every even numbered year and any modifications require a 3/4th vote of Senators duly chosen and sworn.


A) Each Board, Commission, Unit, Senate, Senate’s Standing Committee, offices within the Executive Branch, and Judicial Council will be allocated a pool of money every budget cycle for honoraria.

B) The highest ranking official(s) of each Board, Commission, Unit, Senate, Senate’s Standing Committee’s, offices within the Executive Branch, and Judicial Council, will submit a recommendation for honoraria based on their honoraria line item to Honoraria Committee by week 7 of each quarter on behalf of that respective entity.

C) Appointed and Elected Officers honoraria shall be caped at the following amounts listed below, however, this does not imply that every recipient is entitled to the capped amount. Any requested honoraria or recommendations that exceed the amounts listed below will not be awarded by the Honoraria Committee or approved by the Senate. These capped values listed below will be reassessed every even numbered year and any modifications require a 3/4th vote of Senators duly chosen and sworn.


1) General appointed officials shall not receive a honoraria or a recommendation higher than $200 per quarter.

2) Appointed officials who act in the capacity of a chair or vice chair, or their respective counterparts, of any Board, Commission, Unit, office within the Executive Branch, and Judicial Council, shall not receive a honoraria or recommendation higher than $350 per quarter.

3) Senators shall not receive an honoraria higher than $400 per quarter.

D) The Honoraria Committee will meet to assess the recommendations and make a final recommendation to the Senate.

E) The Senate will approve the final recommendation for honoraria by the eighth week (8) with a 50% + 1 majority.


A) In order to receive an honorarium, each Elected and Appointed Officer must fulfill the job description of their position as delineated in the Constitution, By-Laws, and any specific assignments made by the Senate. Appointed and Elected Officers shall be required to complete a minimum of six (6) units per quarter and maintain at least a two point zero (2.0) cumulative grade point average during the term of office.

B) Guidelines for allocating Senate’s honorarium are as follows:

1) Twenty percent (20%) of honoraria for that quarter for attendance at Senate Meetings.

2) Fifteen percent (15%) of honoraria for that quarter for holding sufficient office hours, as designated in the By-Laws.

a) It will be the responsibility of the Internal Vice President and/or First senator Pro-Tempore to record and follow the amount of office hours held.

3) Twenty percent (20%) of honoraria for that quarter for involvement and attendance at each member’s respective meetings.

4) Fifteen percent (15%) of honoraria for that quarter for participating in one of the Senate’s group projects.

5) Twenty percent (20%) of honoraria for that quarter for conducting the remaining duties and responsibilities as delineated in the Constitution or A.S. By-Laws.

C) Guidelines for allocating an Appointed Officer’s honorarium are as follows:

1) Twenty percent (20%) of honoraria for that quarter for holding regularly scheduled meetings.

2) Twenty percent (20%) of honoraria for that quarter for holding the respective amount of office hours on a regularly scheduled weekly basis, as designated in the A.S. By-Laws.

3) Sixty percent (60%) of honoraria for that quarter for conducting the duties and responsibilities as delineated in the Constitution or By-Laws to a satisfactory degree.

D) All requests for honoraria need to be submitted via a form created by the Internal Vice President by the end of week (7). Chairs or co-chairs shall also submit to the Internal Vice President their percentage of required office hours attended as designated in the By-Laws. They shall also submit their duties and responsibilities as delineated in the Constitution or By-Laws that have been completed and not completed.


E) The chair or co-chairs of the respective entity shall review amounts requested r and then submit their detailed recommendations, including the requested information below, to the Honoraria Committee by the end of week eight (8). Failure to submit recommendations to the Honoraria Committee will result in 20% deduction of the cap listed in section 4.C. Because these recommendations cover matters of personnel and are meant only to guide the Honoraria Committee, they shall be considered private documents and reviewable only by members of the Honoraria Committee.

1) Chairs or co-chairs shall include in their recommendations of officers the percentage of required office hours attended as designated in the By-Laws.

2) Chairs or co-chairs shall include in their recommendations of officers the duties and responsibilities as delineated in the Constitution or By-Laws that have been completed and not completed.

F) The career staff advisor of each respective entity shall fill out a recommendation form, as deemed appropriate by the Internal Vice President, for all appointed officers they directly advise as deemed.

G) The Honoraria Committee will then review all requests for honoraria along with their respective recommendations and submit their own recommendations to Senate in the form of a final amount per individual by Tuesday of week nine (9). . H) Amendments to the recommendations made by the Honoraria Committee regarding Senate member’s honoraria require a majority (50% + 1) approval of Senate.

H) It is the responsibility of the Honoraria Committee to approve or deny honoraria based on the amount of work put into the job, responsibility taken in the position, conditions cited in Section 4, A above, and any other non-political and non-personal reasons.

I) Upon recommendation of the Honoraria Committee, as appropriate, and approval of Senate, the Internal Vice President will submit a list of approved honoraria, to the Honoraria Committee advisor for processing of payments. In addition, the Internal Vice President President and First Senator Pro Tempore must sign a honoraria requisitions in order to authorize all honoraria.


A) Honoraria shall cover the period from Wednesday of week eight (8) of each quarter until Friday of week seven (7) of the following quarter. This means that the first (1st) payment period starts on the day that newly elected members are sworn in (week eight (8) of Spring quarter) and covers until when honorarium requests are due (week seven (7) of Fall quarter). The second (2nd) payment period shall cover the period between Wednesday of week eight (8) of Fall quarter until Friday of week seven (7) of Winter quarter. The final payment period will be fromWednesday of week eight (8) of Winter quarter until Friday of week seven (7) of Spring quarter.

1) In the case of extenuating circumstances, a portion of honorarium, pro-rated to the current week of the quarter may be paid prior to the above deadline, with a two-thirds (2/3) approval of Senate.

2) Approvals for honoraria of future quarters may not be obtained. Senate may approve, at its discretion, honoraria requisitions for past quarters during the current fiscal year.

B) In the case of an officer leaving office after week five (5) of the quarter, the officer shall be eligible for a 50% pro-rated amount of their quarterly honorarium for the time in office.



A) Any student or member of the general public may request that an officer be denied their honorarium, by submitting their reasons in writing to the Honoraria Committee Advisor no later than the end of the eighth (8th) week of a quarter.

B) The Officer in question shall be notified of these charges immediately and shall have one (1) week to answer the charges, in writing, to the President and Internal Vice President .

C) Based on the substance of the evidence presented, the Honoraria Committee, less any parties in question, shall decide whether to deny or approve payment of the honorarium or any portion thereof by the end of the ninth (9th) week of the quarter.

D) Payment of honoraria due between the receipt of the request for denial and the time at which the matter is cleared up shall be delayed until after the Honoraria Committee have announced their decision and Administration has been notified.


A) Any officer whose honorarium has been denied by the Senate or the Honoraria Committee, , with the exception of any members of the Judicial Council, may submit a formal appeal to the Judicial Council by the end of the ninth (9th) week of the corresponding quarter.

B) The appeal must be co-authored by any Senate member and must be seconded by any other Senate member.

C) It is the responsibility of the Judicial Council Chair to have scheduled an appropriate hearing and to have submitted a decision on any honoraria appeal by the end of the tenth (10th) week of the corresponding quarter. Judicial Council shall have the right to examine the Chair’s recommendations for the plaintiff only, but because these recommendations were made in confidence, the plaintiff will not. Judicial Council shall evaluate the minutes of Senate when the respective honoraria was approved in order to investigate violations of Legal Code in regards to the awarding of honoraria.


A) In order to request retroactive honoraria, the individual must a form created by the Internal Vice President. After the Honoraria Committee receives the form, the committee will be follow the guidelines, however not the timeline, within Section 4. of this Article.


A) After receiving honoraria, students may choose to donate to the Innovation Fund by submitting a donation it to the Assistant Director of Finance and Budget.

B) This shall be explained at the bottom of all honoraria forms and include a brief explanation of the Innovation Fund.



A) The name of this organization shall be the Associated Students of UCSB in Isla Vista Governance Board, hereafter known as the AS in IV Governance Board.



A) The AS in IV Governance Board shall include, but not be limited to, operations decisions, space allocations, budget, personnel, programming, satellite operations, investments, purpose and image, facilities, services, programs, activities, etc. It shall oversee the operations and development of the any Association space in Isla Vista with respect to any matters involving policy, including short and long term planning for the financial viability of said spaces. The Board shall be involved in all aspects of the budget process and shall approve the annual AS in IV Governance Board budget. The Board shall not be involved in daily management practices nor impair management's ability to implement timely decisions which are consonant with the fiduciary responsibilities outlined in this charge and reflected in the AS in IV Governance Board budget. The relationship with and jurisdiction of the AS Office of the President and the AS Executive Director shall include, but not be limited to, ensuring that sound fiscal policies are adhered to and that the decisions of the Board are in compliance with the Association mission, policies, and procedures. Decisions of the Board are subject to review and final approval of the AS Senate and AS Office of the President.

B) The AS in IV Governance Board shall also manage the distribution and approval of all current and anticipated spending of the Maintaining AS's Isla Vista Presence lock-in fee. It shall review and have full financial authority regarding the allocation of any Maintaining AS's Isla Vista Presence lock-in funding for all Isla Vista Space related project proposals made to the board. The purpose of the AS in IV Governance Board is to represent the needs and interests of all students in the Isla Vista community while working to advance the Association goals listed in A.S. space survey, A.S. Strategic Plan and A.S. in IV Strategic Plan. The Associated Students of UCSB staff shall be responsible for the implementation of all decisions and allocations made by the board. The role of the Associated Students of UCSB staff shall include, but not be limited to, ensuring that the decisions of the AS in IV Governance Board comply with “The Legal Code of the Associated Students.”


A) Chairperson

1) The AS in IV Governance Board shall have a chair to convene a meeting that shall consist of all sub-governance boards of Associated Students in Isla Vista.

2) Meetings shall be once a month for each quarter during the academic year.

3) The Chair shall attend the meeting of each sub-governance board once a quarter per academic year.

4) The chair shall actively oversee the expansion of Associated Students into other spaces in Isla Vista.

4) The Chair shall apply through Committee on Committees and be elected through a vote by all members of all sub-governance boards by week seven (7) of Spring quarter.

6) Shall attend and convene meetings pertaining to community space.

7) Shall hold one (1) office hour per week.

8) Shall work with the Chair and career staff of the Pardall Center Sub-Governance Board to determine any remaining monies from the Associated Students in Isla Vista lock-in fee that would apply to exploring options to purchase or lease properties in Isla Vista for use by Associated Students.


A) The name of this sub-governance board shall be the Pardall Center Sub-Governance Board, hereafter known as the Pardall Center Governance Board.


B) The board shall consist of permanent voting members, non-permanent voting members, and ex- officio members.

C) Permanent voting members shall serve the length of a one-year, shall reflect diverse community interests, and shall consist of:

1) One (1) Chairperson 2) One (1) Vice-chairperson 3) One (1) ASUCSB Off-Campus Senator Liaison 4) Two (2) Students Representatives-at-Large 5) One (1) External Vice President for Local Affairs Representative 6) One (1) Representative from each leasing tenant entity 7) One (1) Isla Vista Community Relations Committee Representative 8) One (1) Student Staff Representative

D) Non-permanent voting membership will be given to any student or community member who attends a meeting three consecutive times. Failure to attend three out of five consecutive meetings after granted voting powers results in a loss of said powers. Non-permanent voting members are not permitted to vote on any financial matter or allocation.

E) Ex-Officio members shall be non-voting members invited to all Board meetings and shall remain on the mailing list. These members shall inform the University and greater community of AS in IV Governance efforts and functions. Ex-Officio members shall consist of:

1) The Associated Students President 2) The Associated Students Internal Vice President 3) The Associated Students Executive Director 4) The Associated Students Isla Vista Community Advisor 5) The Associated Students Assistant Director for Community Affairs, Civic Engagement, and Advocacy

F) At the end of Spring Quarter, the new Board will select a Chair and Vice-Chair for the following academic year through a majority (50%+1) vote of the Board members, to be approved by Associated Students Senate by week eight (8) of Spring Quarter. It is preferred that the Chairperson has served at least one previous year on the Board.

G) Committee on Committees shall review all applications submitted for the positions of Student Reps-at-Large. Committee on Committees will present its recommendations before Senate by week eight (8) of Spring Quarter.

H) Representatives from each entity shall be selected by those respective entities.

I) The Internal Vice President shall select the Senator liaison. Acting as a liaison to the Pardall Center Governance Board shall be the equivalent of adopting a unit.


A) Chairperson

1) Shall serve as the chief officer of the Pardall Center Governance Board.

2) Shall be responsible for calling and conducting meetings of the Board.

3) Shall set agendas for the Board meetings with the assistance of the Administrative Coordinator.

4) Shall serve as the primary spokesperson for the Board.


5) Shall submit Pardall Center Governance Board minutes weekly to the Internal Vice President, to be approved by the Associated Student Senate.

6) Shall build and maintain effective communications with staff and students within the Isla Vista and University community.

7) Hold a minimum of one (1) regularly scheduled office hours per week.

8) Shall work with the Representatives-at-Large on organizing events at the Pardall Center.

9) Shall have full voting rights in all governance board matters.

10) Shall conduct one-on-one meetings with permanent voting members once a month to provide feedback on performance and assess progress.

11) Shall lead the completion of the budget package for the Associated Students in Isla Vista lock-in for the following year with ex-officio career staff. The Chair shall ensure that adequate money is set aside to meet the mandate of the lock-in fee.

12) If the Chair is unable to serve the duration of his/her term, or is removed by two-thirds (2/3) vote of the full Board, the Vice-Chairperson shall replaced them.

13) The Chair shall only vote in the case of a tie-vote.

B) Vice Chairperson

1) Shall serve as the chief officer of the Pardall Center Governance Board when Chairperson is absent.

2) Shall be responsible for minute taking during meetings of the Board or designate a voting member as a replacement in the absence of the chair.

3) Hold a minimum of one (1) regularly scheduled office hours per week.

4) Shall have full voting rights in all governance board matters.

5) Shall provide feedback on the performance of voting members as appropriate.

6) If the Vice-Chair is unable to serve the duration of his/her term, or is removed by two- thirds (2/3) vote of the full Board, the Board shall replaced them with two-thirds (2/3) vote.

C) Representatives at Large

1) Shall serve a one-year term and are eligible for re-appointment through their respective nominating agencies.

2) Shall attend Board meetings and maintain regular attendance at committee meetings and be prepared for discussions.

3) Shall promote the Pardall Center Governance Board’s function and efforts to the campus community.

4) This shall include, however not be limited to, organizing the following events: Pardall Center Study Jam(s), safe space(s), and other community events.

5) Hold a minimum of one (1) regularly scheduled office hours per week.


D) The aforementioned board members shall be subject to removal from the Board should he/she fail to fulfill the obligations listed above. A voting member may miss only two Board meetings in any given academic quarter unless the acting member has obtained an excused absence from the Chair/Vice-Chair. Failure to be in attendance at all but two meetings in a quarter shall constitute failure to fulfill Board membership requirements.


A) The Chairperson or by the Vice Chairperson shall call, with a minimum of twenty four (24) hours advance notice, official meetings. Five voting members of the Board may call a meeting, by written request to the Chairperson. All permanent, non-permanent, and ex-officio voting members shall be notified of meetings.

B) The Pardall Center Governance Board shall hold at least two standing meeting per month for each quarter during the academic year and shall make arrangements to meet as needed during the summer months.

C) For the purpose of conducting business, approving policies, and formulating recommendations or decisions, a quorum of the Pardall Center Governance Board shall consist of a majority (50%+1) of the permanent voting members. Quorum may be met via Conference Call.

D) The Pardall Center Governance Board is required to approve new projects and allocations of the board’s funds with a majority (50% +1) vote.

E) If a Board member is unable to serve the duration of his/her term, or is removed by two-thirds (2/3) vote of quorum of the board, the member shall be replaced with due speed by the process under which he/she was selected to serve. Failure to meet the member expectations shall constitute ground for removal from the board.

F) Proxy voting on the Board will only be granted for Board members who have presented a request to the Chair before the beginning of the meeting. The note must give the name of the proxy and by delegating a proxy; the representative will take responsibility for the proxy’s vote on any item. Other members of the Board cannot act as a proxy. It is the responsibility of the non-present Board member to update his/her proxy with the current discussion topics of the Board.

G) Conflict of interest

1) In individual situations that pose conflict of interest to a particular Board member, the member is expected to recuse himself/herself from the vote. If the member does not volunteer to recuse himself/herself, the Board may move to do so with a two-thirds (2/3) vote.

2) Conflict of interest shall be defined as pertaining to personal financial gain or financial gain of associates (friends and/or family members).


A) Permanent voting members of the Boards shall be eligible to receive honoraria. Denial of an honorarium can occur as stipulated in Legal Code. Just cause for denial must be shown specific to the stated duties and expectations of voting members.


A) Renting tenants shall have autonomy over decisions relating to the usage, hours of operation, and all other administrative functions for their space during the term of their lease.


1) These decisions shall be in accordance with the guidelines outlined in the standing policies and procedures of the space that the tenant occupies.



A) Unless otherwise specified in the Legal Code, the Associated Students Elections Board will have all jurisdiction in regards to election rules, policies, enforcement, and promotion at all times during the academic year.

B) These Bylaws are intended to adhere to a viewpoint neutral perspective and ensure an educational experience for all participants. All provisions of the Legal Code of the Associated Students at UCSB relating to elections shall be compiled annually as the ASUCSB Election Code and distributed to all Candidates for Associated Students elected office. The Election Code shall be published by the Elections Committee and approved by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the Senate no later than the ninth (9th) week of Fall quarter. Once passed, the Election Code shall not be changed until the conclusion of the following Spring general election. The Election Code shall include, but is not limited to:

1) Article X of the Constitution 2) Article XI of the Constitution 3) Article III, Section 1 of the By-Laws 4) Article VI, Section 17 of the By-Laws 5) Article XVII of the By-Laws


A) General Requirements:

1) For the purpose of this Election Code, the term "candidate" shall be defined as any member of ASUCSB who is eligible for candidacy if they meet the following requirements at the Declaration of Candidacy deadline:

a) Is currently a registered undergraduate student;

b) Acknowledgement that s/he, the candidate, has or will have at least a two point zero (2.0) cumulative grade point average by the end of Winter Quarter; and

c) Is currently enrolled in at least six (6) units.

2) No member of the Association shall run for an elected position that they are ineligible to hold for its full term.

3) No person shall be a candidate for more than one office.

B) Candidates for an elected office are required to file a signed Declaration of Candidacy form. The Declarations of Candidacy, may be submitted no later than four o’clock (4pm) – Friday, the ninth (9th) week of Winter Quarter, and are public documents upon presentation to the Elections Board, shall include:

1) Names of the Candidates, which must include full legal name, with nicknames given in quotes, Perm Numbers, Local Living Addresses, Mailing Addresses and Phone Numbers. All A.S. Candidates must use their legal first and last name on the ballot.

a) Candidates who filed a petition and are found eligible will be able to decide upon the exact appearance of their name as it will be displayed on the ballot. The


name chosen by the candidate for the ballot, as specified on the Application for Candidacy, is final upon approval of the ballot.

b) The final appearance of all names on the ballot shall be approved by the Elections Board.

2) The position for which the candidate is running.

3) The number of quarter units the candidate is currently carrying [six (6) units minimum] for Winter and Spring quarter of that academic year.

4) Acknowledgement that the candidate, has or will have at least a two point zero (2.0) cumulative grade point average by the end of Winter Quarter of that academic year.

a) If a two point zero (2.0) cumulative grade point average is not achieved by the end of Winter Quarter, the candidate will no longer be eligible to run for elected office. If ineligible, candidates will be notified by the Executive Director, by the end of the first (1) week of Spring Quarter.

b) Career staff will check grades every quarter thereafter to ensure the Candidate maintains the minimum of a two point zero (2.0) cumulative grade point average requirement.

5) The signature of each Candidate, acknowledging:

a) The submission of the petition.

b) Knowledge of the dates, locations, and times of the Mandatory Candidate Orientation Meeting.

c) Knowledge of the fact that a photograph for a campus media supplement will be taken during the Mandatory Candidate Orientation Meeting

d) Knowledge of the fact that if the Candidate or their representative does not attend the Mandatory Candidate Meeting, their name will not appear on the ballot.

e) Knowledge of the fact that each Candidate must sign a promissory agreement.

i) A promissory agreement permits the Elections Board to charge a candidate’s BARC account in the event of campaign violation(s) resulting in a fine.

f) Knowledge of the fact that each Candidate must sign a statement reaffirming the following:

“My participation in the forthcoming election will be undertaken in accordance with and will be governed by: All applicable University policies and campus regulations and the Associated Students Election Code, as interpreted and implemented by the Elections Committee and the Elections Committee Chairperson. I acknowledge that I may be disqualified from the election process upon severe infraction of the Election Code at the discretion of the Elections Committee."

g) Knowledge of the requirement to attend a meeting in its entirety for the respective position for which they are running before the commencement of active campaigning:

i) Executive Officer Candidates shall attend one (1) staff meeting of their respective Executive office in its entirety.


ii) Senatorial Candidates are required to attend a Senate meeting in its entirety.

iii) The candidacy of any Candidates unable to fulfill this requirement due to extenuating circumstances shall be subject to the approval of Elections Committee.

iv) Knowledge of the requirement to attend mandatory Senate Training Spring and Fall Quarters if elected.

v) If photo is missed during Mandatory Candidates meeting, Candidate will have one (1) week to take photo at a time to be specified by elections Committee.

vi) Elections Committee will be responsible for choosing backdrop of election pictures.

h) Knowledge of the requirement to attend the Internal Climate Mixer/Event/Retreat as planned by the A.S. Internal Climate Coordinator following the Declaration of Candidacy meeting during week eight (8) of Winter Quarter.

i) All candidates shall attend the planned Internal Climate Mixer/Event/Retreat in its entirety.

ii) The candidacy of any Candidates unable to fulfill this requirement due to extenuating circumstances shall be subject to the approval of Elections Committee.

6) Independent Candidates:

a) Are non-partisan.

i) This means a candidate cannot be affiliated, in any way, with any party that has officially registered with the ASUCSB Elections Board.

b) Students who register as independent candidates must renounce all former ties to any party that has ever officially registered with the ASUCSB Elections Board.

c) Cannot be endorsed by any other Candidates or Parties, who are currently running in the election.

d) Cannot be endorsed by anyone on a party’s support/member roster.

e) Can be endorsed by current elected Associated Students members who are not running for a position in the election.

f) Cannot accept any donations or gifts funded by registered parties.

7) Write-In Candidates

a) Definition: A write-in candidate is a candidate whose name does not appear on the ballot, but for whom voters may vote for by writing in the person's name.

b) All Write-In candidates shall be considered independent candidates.

c) Write-in candidates shall be counted. If any write-in candidate receives sufficient votes in a General Election, s/he shall be elected.


i) A write-in candidate may only be considered for one office.

ii) The one office that each write-in candidate receives the greatest percentage of votes for will be considered the office for which that candidate is running, and only those votes will be officially counted. Votes for that candidate for other offices will be disregarded.

iii) For the votes of a write-in candidate to be counted, they must meet all requirements for eligibility for candidacy for the office that they receive votes, except the requirement to submit a petition for candidacy.

d) Write-in candidates shall inform the Elections Committee Chairperson in writing of their candidacy for office and shall sign a promissory agreement to charge their BARC account upon violations of the Elections Code by 8pm on the first (1st) day of Active Campaigning. Failure to do so will mean that the Candidate cannot be elected.

e) The Elections Board shall be responsible for compiling a summary of Associated Students and Office of Student Life regulations and giving it to all write-in candidates. Elections Board shall be responsible for providing this document to any student upon request.

f) All write-in candidates shall adhere to the Election Code.


A) All Candidates (or a sufficient proxy) are required to attend the Mandatory Candidate Orientation Meeting, held during the ninth (9th) week of Winter quarter, which is the day following the last day of sign-ups in order for the Candidates’ name to appear on the Spring ballot.

B) A member of Elections Board will provide one hard copy of the Elections Code to:

1) Each independent candidate 2) Each party chair/liaison

C) A “sign-in” roster will verify attendance. Candidates are responsible for any and all information disseminated at the Candidate Orientation Meeting. Any Candidate or proxy not in attendance will be subject to disqualification.

a) The Candidate Orientation Meeting shall include a self-care portion that shall be administered by a professional staff member of the Health Educators within the Health & Wellness program.

B) The Candidate must sign a waiver accepting all responsibility for all information given to his or her proxy during both the Candidates’ Orientation meeting and the mental health workshop.

D) The Candidate must sign a waiver accepting all responsibility for all information given to his or her proxy during the Candidate Orientation Meeting.

E) One (1) proxy will be allowed per one (1) Candidate.

F) A proxy will only be accepted for class conflicts, severe illness, or extenuating circumstances subject to the approval of the Committee.

G) Any person who has expended money on campaign material or announcements, and who is not a Candidate on the ballot, will be considered a Write-In Candidate and must also sign a


promissory agreement to charge their BARC account for any fines incurred for violations of elections regulations.

1) If any member of a party or organization is found in major violation of the Legal Code, Campus Rules and Regulations, RHA, and other rules specified on the official A.S. Elections website, resulting in an infraction of the Elections code, the party liaison will be informed, and Elections Committee may investigate this case to determine the nature of the infraction. The Elections Committee will keep thorough records of all investigations and testimonies to be used as evidence for the Judicial Council. The evidence collected shall only be available for use by the members of the Elections Committee, and when necessary the Judicial Council.

H) Disqualification/withdrawal of Candidates:

1) If all Candidates for an office are disqualified or withdraw, new nominations shall be accepted for a period of five (5) school days immediately following the final election. A special election for the office shall be held within fifteen (15) school days of the final petition filing date for this office.

2) The dates, times, and campaigning procedures for the special election shall be designated by the Election Committee & Chairperson with The Senate’s approval by a majority (50% +1) vote.

3) Grounds for disqualification will be left up to the discretion of the Elections Committee due to the individual and unique nature of each case. Disqualification shall be used as the last and most severe punishment.

4) The decision to recommend disqualification must pass with a majority vote of the voting membership of the Elections Committee.

a) The Candidate in question shall be notified within twenty-three (23) hours of the Elections Committee’s decision.

b) If the Elections Committee decides to disqualify a Candidate, the process for removing the Candidate from the election shall be determined by the Elections Committee.

c) The decision of the Elections Committee may be appealed to Judicial Council.


A) An Endorsement is defined as any action that demonstrates preference or favor for a particular candidate or party. Endorsements include, but are not limited to:

1) Social media posts/likes; 2) Written or verbal statements; and 3) Donations

B) Office of Student Life Groups:

1) Each Candidate or Party seeking to use endorsements from OSL groups are required to obtain the A.S. Elections website consent from the respective student group, who will decide among themselves the process of consenting to endorse. The form will be provided online on A.S elections and must be signed by all group members.

D) ASUCSB Entities:

1) All ASUCSB entities will refrain from endorsing candidates and/or parties.


2) All ASUCSB Entities will advertise general voting dates in order to promote overall voter turnout.

3) A member of Associated Students cannot use Associated Students resources including material resources as well as means of access to students provided by their position in Associated Students to endorse a Candidate or party.

4) Only current elected Associated Students officers running for a position are allowed to use their position to endorse themselves and other Candidates.

a) With the exceptions outlined in Article XVII, Section 2, Subsection 6: Independent Candidates

5) Any students in violations will be ineligible for honoraria for the quarter of elections.

6) Executive Officers of A.S. in violation will be ineligible for honoraria, as well as have to pay back A.S. covered tuition for that quarter.

7) Titles can be used to endorse for identification purposes with a disclaimer stating, “this title is used only for identification purposes” and the party the endorsing Candidate ran with.


A) For the purpose of this Elections Code, a party is any group of two (2) or more candidates that have officially registered with the Elections Board. No candidate can register with more than one party.

B) Declaration of Parties:

1) Parties wishing to be on the ballot are required to submit:

a) A Party's mission statement (which clearly states the goals of the Party), which will be advertised in the Elections Supplement.

b) A Party Affiliation Form, which includes signatures of the running Candidates who will be on the “Party Slate”, name of a Party Liaison and their contact information.

c) A Party support/membership roster, with full names of all supporters/members.

d) A Party Liaison, who may or may not be a Candidate, is responsible for the following:

i) Making sure that the Mission Statement of the Party is turned in by the date set by the Elections Committee, along with Party members' signature.

ii) Coordinating with Elections Committee and the Party members the Liaison is representing dealing with fines and penalties charged to Candidates.

iii) Must sign promissory agreement along with all members of the Party.

iv) Meeting regularly with assigned Elections Liaison.

iv) Crafting a Support List, which will also be amended and updated to reflect the true of nature of Party supporters.


aa) Party supporters are students who have invested effort to their respective party or Candidate’s cause. This effort can include but is not limited to, consistent meeting attendance, consistent distribution of party/Candidate campaign material, or any other sort of active campaigning.

2) Declaration of Party Form must be turned in by Friday of week six (6) of Winter Quarter at 4 o’clock pm. The Form will be found online at the elections website.

C) Financial Statements:

1) All Executive Candidates and Candidates of the Senate must file a Financial Statement to be submitted no later than four o’clock pm (4pm) of the day immediately prior to the day

of the Declaration of Candidacy (The Thursday of the ninth (9th ) week), and are public documents upon presentation to the Elections Committee for their review, shall include:

a) Party affiliation, if any.

b) Name of campaign Treasurer.

c) Money already spent.

d) Money projected to be spent:

aa) This must include a break down of party dues per person, if any.

e) Projected Apparel/Clothing company to be used for campaign.

aa) Contact information of the company must be provided.

D) Student Conduct Policy

1) Party leadership shall, to the best of their ability, make certain that members comply with all applicable local, state and federal laws, University of California and University of California, Santa Barbara policies and regulations while participating in the election process.

a) Any violations of these policies shall be reported to the Elections Board.

b) The Elections Board shall be responsible for finding out if violations were individual or systemic incidents.

c) If the Elections Board finds that a systemic violations have been committed by a party or by individual party members, then that party shall be ineligible to run in the election of that year.

d) Individual party members who feel that they have not been responsible for the actions of the party may appeal to the Judicial Council and be allowed to continue running independently by a two-thirds majority vote of the Council. Party leadership shall ensure, to the best of their ability, that all party members are conducting themselves in a manner compatible with the educational function of the university.

2) Party leadership shall ensure, to the best of their ability, that all party members are abiding by regulations. This can be either on official forms or to University officials, Associated Students staff, The Attorney-General, and members of the Judicial Council acting in the performance of their duties.


3) Party leadership shall ensure, to the best of their ability, that party members are giving accurate information to the Attorney General, Judicial Council, and The Elections Board. This can be either on official forms or to University officials, Associated Students staff, The Attorney-General, The Elections Board, and members of the Judicial Council acting in the performance of their duties.

4) Party leadership shall ensure, to the best of their ability, that party members are not participating in any form of theft, damage, or destruction of university or private property.

E) Student Conduct Policy Enforcement:

1) The Elections Board shall be responsible for educating and informing all party members of the Elections Regulations.

2) Elections Board shall be responsible for enforcing all student conduct regulations within the Association.

3) The department of Judicial Affairs shall be responsible for adjudicating any violations of campus code of conduct as opposed to the Associated Students code of conduct as it pertains to the election.

4) All violations of student conduct shall be reported to the Elections Board.

5) Specifically in regards to the election, the Elections Board shall have the responsibility to decide whether the violation was an individual act or a systemic act.

a) If the Elections Board finds that the violation was an individual violation, then the individual or individuals responsible shall be reprimanded appropriately under the regulations outlined in XVII.5.E.5.

b) If the Elections Board finds that the violation was a systemic violation, then the party as well as the individual or individuals responsible shall be reprimanded appropriately under the regulations outlined in XVII.5.E.6.

c) For the purposes of the election, a systemic violation of the elections code shall be defined as a violation committed by two or more individuals. This shall include but not be limited to: hazing, coerced work hours, and incurring and disregard of physical, mental, and emotional stress.

d) These violations shall be investigated through the standard complaint procedure of the Elections Board and require the adequate evidence necessary in a standard complaint procedure.

6) Individuals found guilty of violating the student conduct policies within the elections code shall be disqualified from running in the spring election of that year.

a) The Elections Board has the right to ban the individual from participating in any future Associated Students elections.

b) The Elections Board has the right to enforce limited disciplinary measures on party members at large aimed at prevention and determent.

aa) The Elections Board may enforce measures including, but not limited to: workshops on physical, sexual, emotional, verbal, and/or mental abuse and staff-mediations between participants;

c) The Elections Board is responsible for reporting any violations of the campus code of conduct or of any local, state, and federal laws to the appropriate authorities.


7) Parties found guilty of violating the student conduct policies within the elections code shall be disqualified from running in the spring election of that year.

a) Candidates who were running with a disqualified party shall be disqualified from running in the spring election of that year.

b) Candidates who believe that they have been wrongly accused of actions they did not commit shall have the opportunity to appeal their candidacy to the Judicial Council.

i) The Judicial Council has the right to accept or deny the appeals of any candidate.

ii) The Judicial Council must reply to the candidate within 48 hours of an appeals request.

iii) The Judicial Council must grant the candidate a hearing within one (1) week of an appeals request.

iv) The Judicial Council may grant the candidate’s appeal solely if there is no evidence to corroborate the individual candidate to the violations committed by the party at large.

v) If the Judicial Council chose to grant a candidate’s appeal, then that candidate is permitted to run in the spring election of that year as an independent.

c) The Elections Board shall reserve the right to ban any party members from participating in any future elections.

d) The Elections Board shall not have the right to ban parties as a whole from participating in future elections besides the upcoming spring election.

e) The Elections Board shall be responsible for publishing a statement regarding their decision available to the public.

f) The Elections Board shall be responsible for sending this decision to at least one (1) form of campus media.

g) Members of a disqualified party cannot register a new party with the Elections Board in the same year that their party was disqualified.

8) The Elections Board shall ensure that a representative from the Office of the Ombuds is able to present at an individual party meeting for each party running and at an individual campaign meeting for each independent running.

a) The representative from the Office of the Ombuds shall be present to educate party members about the campus and student code of conduct, and what the possible resources are in the event of a violation.

b) The A.S. Executive Director shall be responsible for creating a relationship between the Association and the Office of the Ombuds prior to the spring election.


A) Reaffirmations:


1) According to Article X of the Constitution, Reaffirmations need to be reaffirmed every two (2) years. Entities being reaffirmed should receive a letter from Elections Committee by Week five (5) of Winter quarter.

2) Sponsors shall submit an Annual Fee Report each year the fee is in effect. Annual Reports shall be submitted to the AS Finance and Business Committee no later than September 1st. Failure to submit an Annual Fee Report will result in disqualification from reaffirmation. A completed Annual Fee Report shall include all of the following:

a) An executive summary of the sponsor group. b) Summary of per-student fees. c) Project updates, reports, and metrics. d) A summary of the fee referenda’s goal, and how the group has worked to meet these goals

B) Fee Initiatives/New Referendum:

1) Potential Ballot language will be sent to the Office of the President for approval (by week nine (9) of Winter quarter) while signatures are being collected.

2) Intent to put Initiative on Ballot is due by Friday at four o’clock pm (4:00 p.m.) Week one (1) of Winter quarter.

3) Following the 9th week of Winter Quarter, Senate will no longer be able to add Initiatives to the Ballot.

C) Pro/Con Statements:

1) Applies to both Reaffirmations and Fee Initiatives/New Referendum.

2) Any persons intending to submit a Pro/Con Statement on any of the Reaffirmations or Fee Initiatives/New Referendum should submit their statements by four o’ clock pm (4:00 p.m.) Wednesday of week one (1) of Spring quarter.

E) Fee Proposal Form:

1) The sponsor shall submit a Fee Proposal Form to the A.S. Finance and Business Committee no later than week one (1) of Winter Quarter. A completed Fee Proposal Form shall include all of the following:

a) A specification of the fee duration. b) Amount of fee per quarter. c) Expected increases during the existence of the fee.

2) Submitted Fee Proposal Forms shall be available to the AS Election Board.

3) Submitted Fee Proposal Forms shall be viewable to the public.

F) Elections Supplement:

1) The Elections Supplement for Fee Initiatives shall include the following:

a) The results of recent, defined as five (5) academic years prior to the current year, attempts in reaffirmations or new Fee Initiatives from the sponsor. b) Adequate visual information to indicate context of the proposed fee or reaffirmation with recent, defined as five (5) academic years prior to the current year, fee increases from the sponsor. c) Adequate visual information to indicate, if any, proposed increases within the duration of the proposed fee or reaffirmation.


d) Indicate recent, defined as three (3) academic years prior to the current year, attempts by the sponsor for a rollover request. e) Copies of the sponsor’s recent, defined as five (5) academic years prior to the current year, Annual Fee Reports. f) Copies of the sponsor’s recent, defined as five (5) academic years prior to the current year, Fee Proposal Forms. g) A copy of the sponsor’s projected budget and expenditures for the next academic year with the proposed fee initiative. G) Ballot:

1) The Elections Ballot for Fee Initiatives shall include the following: a) The results of recent, defined as five (5) academic years prior to the current year, attempts in reaffirmations or new Fee Initiatives from the sponsor. b) Adequate visual information to indicate context of the proposed fee or reaffirmation with recent, defined as five (5) academic years prior to the current year, fee increases from the sponsor. c) Adequate visual information to indicate, if any, proposed increases within the duration of the proposed fee or reaffirmation. d) Indicate recent, defined as three (3) academic years prior to the current year, attempts by the sponsor for a rollover request. e) A copy of the sponsor’s projected budget and expenditures for the next academic year with the proposed fee initiative.

H) Bonds:

1) A bond is a check made out to Associated Students on behalf of opponents or proponents of any ballot measure.

2) A thirty-five dollar ($35.00) bond must be posted by any person, group, or organization that wishes to campaign for or against any ballot measure, and/or plebiscite by four

o'clock PM (4:00PM) on Monday of the tenth (10th ) week of Winter quarter. Said signs or literature must comply with all procedures and guidelines established for the signs and Candidates in the Election Code.


A) Dates:

1) Submission of Declaration of Candidacy forms for the General Election shall begin on Friday of the seventh (7th) week of Winter quarter, and shall continue for two (2) weeks, until Thursday of the ninth (9th) week.

2) The first (1st) day of active campaigning shall begin at eight o’clock pm (8:00pm) the Sunday before the third (3rd) Monday of Spring Quarter.

a) Active campaigning during the first three days of active campaigning, the Sunday before the third (3rd) Monday of Spring Quarter to the third (3rd) Wednesday of Spring Quarter, shall be limited in the following ways:

i) All parties and candidates are restricted to:

aa) Online campaigning

bb) The placement of Ground Postings; as defined in section 7.C.2.G.

cc) Within the setting of forums held by Elections Committee, as defined in section 7.B.

dd) Endorsement interviews or presentations for student


groups and UCSB media outlets.

3) Active campaigning by means of the criteria defined in section 12.E.3, but not limited to, tangible and intangible items, is prohibited until the first day of campaigning, with the exception of Associated Students Elections Committee sponsored events (i.e. Candidate Forums).

4) The days of the General Election shall be conducted during week four (4) of Spring quarter. The exact dates must be submitted by the Elections Committee to the Senate no later than the fifth (5th) week of Winter quarter.

5) The Elections Committee will prepare a calendar of all deadlines to be included on the official A.S. website by week one (1) of Winter Quarter.

6) Recruitment Events shall begin the Sunday of Week six (6) of Winter Quarter at 8 o’clock pm and conclude the Sunday of week nine (9) of Winter Quarter by 8 o’clock pm.

a) Advertisement for recruitment events may begin week five (5) of Winter quarter and is limited to social media and verbal forms of publicity.

a) Recruitment Events are defined as but not limited to informationals, sign-ups, and class announcements.

b) Recruitment plans, materials, and timelines must be submitted to the Elections Committee by the Friday of the fifth (5th) week of Winter Quarter.

7) Midyear Party Fair

a) The Midyear Party Fair shall be held on the Week 5 of Winter Quarter.

b) All parties who wish to attend must register through the Elections Committee by Week 9 of Fall Quarter.

c) All advertising for the Midyear Party Fair shall be conducted by only the Elections Publicity Subcommittee.

i) No person, organization or entity, other than the Election Committee, are allowed to advertise any party’s involvement in the Mid Year Party Fair.

ii) Cases of any persons, parties organizations or entities in violation shall be reviewed by the Election Investigation Subcommittee.

d) All advertising of the Midyear Party Fair shall be impartial, shall not include any parties name in any way, and shall not include any pictures of party members or individuals.

e) Elections Committee must approve all literature present at the Midyear Party Fair.

f) All literature must be turned into the Elections Committee for approval by the end of Week 4 of Winter Quarter.

i) Any unapproved literature will be removed and the Elections Committee will consider sanctions on the party in question.

g) At the Midyear Party Fair, each party shall be allowed to advertise in the following ways:

i) Have a booth set up with any relevant information to the parties platforms, purpose or message


ii) Present to the entire Fair at their allotted time, as designated by the Elections committee

iii) Have literature at their booth that includes but is not limited to; brochures, banners, posters and flyers. h) Elections committee must have a table designated for educating individuals how to create a party and accessing all relevant forms or information.

i) Elections Committee shall provide all attendees the relevant forms necessary to organize, create and register a newly formed party.

8) Endorsement Night

a) Endorsement Night shall be held on the third (3rd) Wednesday of Spring Quarter at 8pm, the location will be at the discretion of the Elections Committee.

b) It shall be the night that all endorsements by student organizations and media outlets will be released.

i) Endorsements are not limited to this event, endorsements can be made after the event.

c) Representatives from student orgs will sign in with Elections Committee at the beginning of the event and turn in their endorsements for every candidate they wish to endorsement.

d) The elections committee will call on each student org in turn and allow them to announce their endorsement, with a brief explanation of their reason. The amount of time allotted to each presenter is up to the discretion of the Elections Committee Chair.

B) Publicity:

1) Announcements of sign-ups shall appear in a campus publication at the discretion of the Elections Committee.

2) An Elections Supplement shall come out by the Monday before the General Election. The Elections Committee shall ensure that no Candidate exceeds the space limit. All ballot propositions shall be included in this supplement.

3) A photographer designated by the Elections Committee shall take all pictures for this supplement. The Candidates cannot submit their own photo unless voted on and approved by the Elections Committee.

4) The Candidates' statements shall appear in campus media in a randomized order to be determined by the Committee. Statements from Write-In Candidates who have signed a promissory note shall appear in the order that their statements were submitted to the Elections Committee.

5) The Elections Committee may only give guidelines for copy procedures for the supplement statements. They may not do any editing.

6) Elections Committee publications and/or posting advertisements shall be designed to include the following:

a) How to access on-line voting.

b) The hours and the dates of the Election.


c) The statement addressing the failure to vote, as required and stated within Article XVII, Section 11, D “Interpretation of Election Results.”

7) At least one (1) Candidate Forum and one (1) Candidate Debate shall be sponsored for A.S. Presidential Candidates by the Elections Committee during the election campaign. At least three (3) reporters from the campus student media (including the Daily Nexus and KCSB) will be invited to question the Candidates. The various media outlets shall determine internally which reporters to send.

a) This forum and debate must occur within the first three (3) days of active campaigning, at the discretion of the Elections Committee.

b) Student organizations are invited to send representatives to the forum to evaluate the candidates and can decide to endorse any candidate on Endorsement Night.

8) The Candidate Forum for the Presidential and Internal Vice President Candidate shall be held on the third (3rd) Monday of Spring Quarter, at 8pm. At least three (3) reporters from the campus student media (including but not limited to the Daily Nexus, The Bottom Line, and KCSB) will be invited to question the Candidates.

9) At least one (1) event shall be sponsored by the Elections Committee the week before the first day of voting encouraging students to vote in each one of the three main residential areas of campus.

a) One (1) event shall be held the week before the first day of voting to encourage students living in Anacapa, Santa Cruz, Santa Rosa, San Nicolas, and San Miguel to vote in the upcoming election.

b) One (1) event shall be held the week before the first day of voting to encourage students living Manzanita Village and San Rafael to vote in the upcoming election.

c) One (1) event shall be held the week before the first day of voting to encourage students living in the Santa Catalina residence halls to vote in the upcoming election.

d) These events can include but are not limited to: Tabling, hosting informationals, etc.

e) These events must be in close proximity to the areas they are targeting.

10) At least (1) event shall be sponsored by the Elections Committee the week before the first day of voting to encourage off-campus residents of Isla Vista to vote in the upcoming election.

a) This event shall be held in a location accessibly to all students residing in Isla Vista.

11) A.S. Elections Committee shall determine the number, and form the parameters of all Forums and Debates including: chairs, microphones, informing Candidates of debate time and place, cleaning up, etc.

12) Candidates are permitted to advertise in all forms of campus media.

13) Outside of the periods of active recruitment and active campaigning, candidates and parties are strictly banned from publicly announcing any intention to run for any particular office.


a) Parties are permitted to express a general interest in running in the overall spring elections, but are banned from declaring which offices they intend to slate individuals for and who these individuals are.

b) Parties and independents alike are strictly banned from spending any money on campaign-related materials outside of the periods of active recruitment and active campaigning.

C) Campaign Literature and Materials:

1) All campaigning must bear the name or group responsible for said material. Materials not bearing this information may be seized by the Elections Committee and held in the Elections Committee Office. This Code does not supersede any other campus posting regulations including, but not limited to, the Campus Regulations Applying to Campus Activities, Organizations, and Students, RHA Coordinating Board Manual, and UCen regulations. All Candidates who distribute materials on campus are responsible for the discarding of such materials after their use.

2) Acceptable materials for Candidates, proponents and opponents of constitutional amendments, proponents and opponents of fee changes, referendums and plebiscites shall not contain any content that is deemed to be offensive, abusive or inappropriate by the Elections Committee.

a) Kiosks – Office of Student Life (OSL) controls the posting on all kiosks on campus (except in front of Campbell Hall, Snidecor Hall, and the Music building). Signs may be posted on these kiosks by submitting your piece of literature to the Office of Student Life. Office of Student Life will approve your sign, via an approval stamp, and OSL will post no more than one piece of literature per kiosk. All unapproved literature will be removed and subject to fine.

b) Classrooms – No literature may be posted in any classroom.

c) Departmental Bulletin Boards – Any literature on departmental bulletin boards must be approved by the said department.

d) Residence Halls – All literature must comply with the current Residence Halls Association Coordinating Board Manual. Residence Halls include the physical building and land surrounding it.

e) University-Owned Housing – All literature must comply with current University Housing Rules and Regulations.

f) Banners – No banner more than eight (8) feet in length and four (4) feet in width is permitted anywhere within campus. Storke Plaza railings, bike tunnels exteriors on Pardall Road and near Student Health Service and Robertson Gym are the only approved areas for posting. There is no posting allowed in the interior of any tunnel. Only one (1) banner per Candidate, per area is allowed (e.g. Only one (1) sign on each side of the bridge).

g) Ground Posting – Signs must be posted in either lawn or dirt areas. Signs must not be less than five (5) feet from any bike path and three (3) feet from any walkway. Signs are not allowed in any roundabouts. Signs are not allowed to be placed in any type of area which would damage any type of groundcover (i.e. flower beds, plants). Signs are not allowed to be placed in grass circulars in front of HSSB and on the grass area in the Arbor alongside the library. Signs will also be limited campus-wide to one (1) “party sign” per party, one (1) “Candidate sign” per Candidate, and two (2) signs per ballot measure. A “party sign” is any sign that displays a Party name that is not an individual Candidate’s sign. A “Candidate sign” may or may not display a Party name. Signs shall not be placed


vertically around any of the campus - designated roundabouts so that they do not impede bike path visibility, and therefore, safety.

h) Sandwich Boards – Sandwich boards are allowed as long as they do not impede the normal flow of traffic and comply with University Regulations. Sandwich boards may not be chained, anchored or leaning to any fixed object. Sandwich boards found in violation will be removed immediately.

i) Distribution of Literature – Campaign or related literature may be passed out on campus as though not to disrupt any class and/or impede the flow of traffic. Candidate is responsible for the material stated within the literature.

j) Illegal Posting on Current Material: posting on top of or removing announcements (campaign and non-campaign material) that are current, is a violation.

k) Illegal Posting Areas – Signs may not be affixed to, written on, taped on, chalked on, or leaned against (on university property) any of the following: buildings, windows, cars residing on university property, interior of bike tunnels, bike railing, the white railing across from HSSB, walkways and bike paths, trees, traffic signs, fixed poles, and/or lamp poles.

l) Damaged Literature – Literature that is found to be damaged or poses a safety hazard will be removed by Elections Committee.

m) Additional Regulations – The Elections Committee reserves the right to modify posting regulations on an as needed basis. If such action is taken, appropriate notification will be given to the Candidates.

n) Apparel and Clothing - The purchase of apparel and clothing for elections is allowed; however, clothing and apparel must be sweatshop-free.

3) No Associated Students e-mail account or any other Associated Students owned electronic medium may be used in any way to slander or promote, support, endorse, publicize or announce the campaign of any individual Candidate or slate of Candidates. Abuse of an Associated Students email account and/or electronic medium will be subjected to discipline as needed by the Elections Committee and if necessary referred to the appropriate authority. The Elections Committee shall also have the authority to disable the said source pending judicial action. Abuse of email and electronic mediums can result in substantial fines or possible disqualification.

4) Unsolicited usage of an electronic medium (also refer to as electronic mail spamming) to slander, promote, support, endorse, publicize or announce the campaign of any individual Candidate or slate of Candidates shall be prohibited.

5) Candidates must follow and obey all campus regulations in regard to signs and posting.

6) No campaign, including, but not limited to, flyers, blogs, signs, on-line posts, social media, and public announcements, can denounce or condemn other Candidates or slates of Candidates during the Associated Students election process.

D) Campaigning Restrictions:

1) Parties and independents are strictly banned from any activities that fall under the definition of active recruitment and active campaigning outside of those designated periods. Parties found in violation will be subject to disqualification pending a vote by Elections Board.

2) Parties are permitted to host public meetings throughout the year.


3) Parties are permitted to advertise to the general student body about the times and places of these meetings, but only through online forms such as social media. No form of physical or paper advertisement is permitted. Parties are permitted to discuss meetings if solicited by students.

4) Parties are not permitted to spend any money outside of the period of active recruitment and active campaigning. All party spending outside of those periods shall be documented and submitted to Elections board in the form of a financial statement.


A) No money allocated by the Associated Students to any special interest or registered group or appointed officers (either partially or totally funded by A.S.) may be used in any way to promote or support any slate or Candidate. A specified amount of money allocated by the Associated Students may be used to educate students about Constitutional amendments, referenda, and initiatives. These monies will be placed in a Constitutional Initiative Account. These funds may be allocated to one group supporting a Constitutional measure and one group opposing a Constitutional measures contingent on a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the Senate. No money from the Constitutional Initiative Account may be used for the Election bond. Upon breach of this clause, the Associated Students shall freeze the funding of the said group and refer to the Judicial Council for further action.

B) Spending Limits:

1) No party shall exceed a campaign budget of $6,000. This $6,000 includes but is not limited to all donations, fundraisers, and financial Candidate contributions.

2) No independent executive office Candidate shall exceed a campaign budget of six hundred dollars ($600.00). This six hundred dollars ($600.00) includes but is not limited to all donations, fundraisers, and financial Candidate contributions.

3) No independent Candidate for the Senate shall exceed a campaign budget of four hundred dollars ($400.00). This four hundred dollars ($400.00) includes but is not limited to all donations, fundraisers, and financial Candidate contributions.

4) Donation expenditures shall be clearly accounted for in their itemized Financial Statement, adhering to the reporting regulations and in accordance to Article XIX, Section 2, subsection J.

5) Candidate contributions for parties shall be defined as any direct contribution from the candidate or their immediate family for the express reason of fulfilling party dues for that specific candidate.

a) Party dues for one candidate cannot exceed party dues for another candidate running for the same position.

6) Political parties shall not participate in fundraising activities outside of the periods of active recruitment and active campaigning.

7) Political parties and candidates shall not accept any donations or financial contributions from individuals or groups on the university campus seeking to influence the outcome of the election. This includes but is not limited to: Office of Student Life groups, academic departments and colleges, staff/faculty members, students, etc.

8) Political parties and candidates shall not accept any donations or financial contributions from individuals, groups, parties, corporations or any external entities outside of the university.

9) Political parties and candidates shall not solicit any donations or financial contributions from individuals, groups, parties, corporations or any internal or external entities.


10) Political parties are permitted to fundraise. All fundraising plans must be submitted to the Elections Board for approval.

C) Campaign Treasurer

1) A Campaign Treasurer is to be appointed internally by party, and is responsible for keeping record of financial expenditures. If running as an independent the Candidate is their own Campaign Treasurer and is responsible for keeping record of financial expenditures.

2) The Campaign Treasurer must meet with the Elections Committee to go over financial statements and expenditure expectations, no later than week 8 of Winter Quarter.

3) Campaign Treasurer(s) must submit receipts and invoices before each weekly regularly scheduled Elections Committee meeting.

a) Receipts and invoices will then be posted on the Elections Website following the regularly scheduled elections meeting.

4) The Campaign Treasurer shall maintain an official Financial Statement to be submitted to Elections Committee which includes

a) Record of dues received by Candidates.

b) Donations of goods and services received including their name, organization, and UCSB perm number, when applicable.

c) Itemized list of all expenditures utilized in campaigning, including goods and services from subsection b).

i) Donations of all gifts and services donated or offered at discounted or sale rates not available to the public must be declared at their full, nondiscounted rate.

ii) The source must be included for each item.

d) Must submit updated itemized Financial Statements the first (1st) Monday of elections week to be made public by Elections Committee for the student body no later than the first (1st) Wednesday of elections week.

e) Must submit updated itemized Financial Statements the last Friday of elections week to be made public by Elections Committee no later than the Wednesday following elections week.

f) No campaign may falsify forms. This may include but is not limited to, false signatures, incomplete forms, and/or claiming purchases/donations used for campaign purposes. If the elections Committee finds that any campaign has falsified their expenditure form(s) they shall be assessed with a fine to be determined by the Elections Committee and upheld by Judicial Council, relative to the severity of the violation.

5) The Elections Committee at their sole discretion is able to demand additional receipts or invoices, which must be procured within 24 hours, if newly introduced/purchased goods, services, and/or discrepancies from the initial or directly preceding itemized Financial Statement are detected.

a) Said receipts and/or invoices must be produced to Elections Committee within 24 hours.


b) Said receipts and/or invoices will be made public within 12 hours of being received

6) Submit plans for elections week by end of week two (2) of Spring quarter.

7) Meet with the Elections Committee and a member of Finance & Business Committee, the week prior to elections, either week one (1) or week two (2), to present budget and take questions. Appointments will be scheduled. Only one delegate from each party/independent Candidate will be able to meet with Elections Committee per meeting.

a) The member of Finance & Business Committee shall be selected by the Elections Committee and shall sign a confidentiality agreement and a non-disclosure form.


A) The final ballot, including constitutional amendments, fee changes, referenda, and plebiscites must be approved by the Senate no later than the second (2nd) Senate meeting of Spring quarter. The content of the ballot may not be changed after it has been approved by the Senate.

B) All plebiscites must be approved by the Senate by the ballot approval deadline date. Within two (2) days following the Senate’s approval, plebiscite proponents must post a thirty-five dollar ($35.00) bond at the A.S. Administration Office. If the bond is not posted the plebiscite will not be allowed on the ballot.


A) Associated Students Elections shall be conducted using the Single Transferable Vote (STV) system.

B) For every executive office and for every senatorial constituency, voters will be able to rank their candidates in order of preference. The candidates that voters prefer the most they would rank one (1), the second most preferred they would rank two (2), etc.

C) For every executive office and for every senatorial constituency, elections committee will use the Droop Quota to calculate the minimum number of votes needed for a candidate to be elected.

+,-./&+0123&4,31 !"#$%&'$$($( = ( ) + 1 D) The Droop Quota is: 567829&0:&;2,13<=& / 1) Valid Votes shall be defined as ballots with at least one (1) choice picked for a candidate.

E) Seats will be distributed as follows:

1) The candidate who receives the most votes in the first round wins the first seat.

2) All the votes that candidate received above the minimum threshold will be distributed to the second choice candidate.

3) The second candidate to then reach the threshold wins the second seat.

4) This process will repeat until all the seats are filled.

5) In the case of no candidate reaching the minimum threshold, the candidate with the least amount of votes is eliminated. The eliminated candidates’ votes are then distributed amongst the second choices voters picked.

F) The Executive Director and Chair of Elections shall coordinate with the on-line company all procedures regarding tabulation of ballots.


1) The Elections Committee Chairperson shall bring the election results to all campus media and shall post the results in the Associated Students' Office immediately following the completion of the vote tabulation.

2) Results of the election shall be included in the Senate meeting following the Election, under the Elections Committee Report.


A) Voting Procedures:

1) For executive elections, the candidate receiving the most first (1st) choice votes exceeding the minimum threshold wins the election.

a) If no candidates reach the minimum threshold, then the candidate with the least amount of votes is eliminated, with their votes going to the second (2nd) choice candidates.

2) For senatorial elections, the candidate receiving the most first (1st) choice votes in a particular constituency wins the first seat.

a) All the votes above the minimum threshold are then distributed among the second (2nd) choice candidates

b) If no candidate is able to reach the minimum threshold, then the candidate with least number of votes is eliminated. The eliminated candidate’s votes are then distributed among their second (2nd) choice candidates.

c) This process shall repeat until all seats in the particular constituency are filled.

d) Students may not vote for the same candidate more than once.

B) Only Election Board members and A.S. staff members, as well as Campus Elections Committee advisor shall be allowed to view the election results prior to the publicly revealing of results to the campus body.

1) The Elections Board will establish guidelines for the individuals present and will expect them to adhere to this protocol.

2) All individuals present are expected not to disclose elections results prior to public announcement.

C) If any serious voting irregularities occur, as determined by the Elections Committee, a review will be conducted. If any student is caught practicing fraud, s/he will be brought before the Sub- Judicial Council and/or the Dean of Students for possible disciplinary action.


A) In order for candidates to be elected, twenty percent (20%) of all eligible undergraduate students must vote during the Spring General Election.

B) In order for any Constitutional or Fee-Related ballot measure to be valid, twenty percent (20%) of all registered, fee-paying undergraduate students must vote in the Election. The number of voters will be computed by counting the total number of ballots cast.

C) In order for an individual ballot measure to be valid, fifteen percent (15%) of all eligible students must vote on that particular ballot measure.


D) In order for a ballot measure to pass, students voting on that measure must vote YES in percentage as defined in the Constitution. (Blank ballots will not be computed in the final percentages.)

E) In order that a ballot measure be justifiable as a mandate, students must know in advance what their non-voting will mean. Therefore, a statement which reads as follows should be submitted to a campus media and should be included in all election publicity:

"If you choose not to vote on the measures in this Election, you are leaving the decision up to your peers. A blank ballot means that you trust their decision.”

F) The intent of this statement is to reduce the confusion experienced concerning the interpretation of blank ballots, thereby eliminating speculation about whether or not students understood a particular ballot measure.

G) In order for a ballot to be valid and count towards the Election, students must officially submit their ballot by clicking the submit button. Failure to submit ballot will result in no votes casted for that student.


A) The A.S. Executive Director shall instruct the contracted on-line company to maintain all records of ballots for three (3) weeks [twenty-one (21) days] following the election.

B) A recount shall be given whenever the difference between the Candidates is two percent (2%) or less of the votes cast for the office; or whenever evidence of an erroneous count is shown and called to the attention of the Elections Committee Chairperson or the Senate within one (1) week (seven (7) days) after the vote has been announced.

C) The actual changing of the Senates will take place during the second to last meeting (week 8) of Spring Quarter. When the present Senate has completed all Old Business for their Election term, the new Senate will take over with New Business halfway through the meeting.

D) The present AS Internal Vice President shall contact and congratulate the AS Internal Vice President-Elect and AS Senate member-elect by week six (6) of Spring Quarter. The present AS Internal Vice President shall be responsible for coordinating a mandatory formal training of the aforementioned newly elected members, which shall include a full walk through of Associated Students facilities and the resources available to them.

E) In the event that an Elected AS Executive Officer or Senator decides to step down from their position prior to being sworn in, the first (1st) official runner-up may choose to fulfill that vacancy for the position for which they ran.


A) Candidates might be billed for penalties on their BARC (Billing Accounts Receivable Collections) account. BARC accounts will not be billed until Elections Committee approves fines. It is the responsibility of the Elections Committee to inform all Candidates of the BARC process and judicial appeal. Individuals who are fined by the Elections Committee shall have the opportunity to appeal to the Elections Committee before they any fines are charged to their BARC account.

B) The Elections Committee has full discretion to charge BARC accounts for Election Code violations, however any ruling made by the Elections Committee can be appealed and overturned by the A.S. Judicial Council.

C) By the Friday of the sixth (6th) week of Spring quarter, the Elections Committee will forward to the AS Attorney General and the Chair of Judicial Council:

1) Any formal complaints filed regarding Candidates’ violations of Elections procedures.


2) Decisions of the Elections Committee regarding fines and penalties.

3) A list of Candidates names who have yet to remove campaign material from the campus, Isla Vista, or any public area.

4) Any evidence of violations of elections policies by formally accused Candidate(s).

D) The Judicial Council has complete autonomy in deciding which cases will be heard. The process by which cases are heard will be in accordance with the By-Laws under Judicial Council and Lower Judicial Council Hearing Procedures.

E) Candidates, Proponents and Opponents of Constitutional Amendments, Proponents and Opponents of Fee Changes, Referendums and Plebiscites may be assessed fines in accordance with the following guidelines:

1) Each Illegal sign posting:

a) 1st Offense: Warning b) 2nd Offense: $50 fine c) 3rd Offense: $100 fine d) 4th Offense: $150 fine e) 5th Offense: Disqualification

2) Each improper leafleting shall include such things as libelous or fraudulent information on literature or signs. These fines shall be assessed as follows:

a) 1st Offense: Warning and confiscation of fliers b) 2nd Offense: $20 fine and confiscation of fliers c) 3rd Offense: $40 fine and confiscation of fliers d) 4th Offense: $75 fine and confiscation of fliers e) 5th Offense: Disqualification

3) Each Social Media Infraction shall include, but is not limited to, the parameters outlined in the endorsements section. These fines shall be assessed as follows:

a) 1st Offense: Warning b) 2nd Offense: $50 fine c) 3rd Offense: $100 fine d) 4th Offense: $150 fine e) 5th Offense: Disqualification

4) All Other Infractions:

a) 1st Offense: Warning b) 2nd Offense: $50 fine c) 3rd Offense: $100 fine d) 4th Offense: $150 fine e) 5th Offense: Disqualification

5) Active campaigning is defined by but not limited to distribution of campaign materials (including but not limited to flyers and merchandise), door to door solicitation, putting up elections boards, in person solicitation announcements in any sort of public forum, and posting any campaign materials at any venue (including but not limited to campus walls and social media). Any individual or party caught active campaigning before the sanction will be subject to disqualification from running, the party liaison will also be reprimanded by the Elections Committee.

6) Examples of infractions and their resulting fines will be presented at the Mandatory Candidate’s meeting, any infraction not listed in the examples shall be subject to a penalty as determined by the Elections Committee.


7) Each Candidate will receive one (1) warning for any sign posting violation; this warning will be on record with the Candidate Liaison Subcommittee.

8) Non-removal of campaign material after five (5) days (one hundred twenty (120) hours) past the Election: Minimum ten dollars ($10.00) fine.

a) If the Candidate refuses to remove campaign material after being notified by the Elections Committee, the Candidate is subject to additional penalties determined by Elections Committee. This additional fine would apply beginning ten (10) days after the Election.

F) Money from fines shall be returned in full to the Associated Students unallocated suspense account.

G) Decisions from the Sub-Judicial Council may be appealed to the full Judicial Council. Notice of appeal must be filed with the Judicial Council Chairperson within two (2) days of the decision(s).

H) The campaigning hours in the residence halls shall conform to those provided in the RHA code. All Candidates shall be required to remove their campaign posters and materials from the residence halls within five days (120 hours) and abide by all other RHA provisions.

I) Any person may bring a complaint to the Elections Committee or report violations of posting regulations.

1) Candidates who have pending complaints will be notified by the Elections Committee within twenty-four (24) hours of receiving the complaint. In addition, the accused person or party may be allowed to submit a one-page response (in 12 point font) in defense of their charges that is to be given to the Elections Committee Chair within twenty-four (24) hours of their notification. This document will be presented during the Elections Committee deliberation of their charges. The individual charged has the right to request an audience with the Elections Committee prior to deliberation.

J) Illegal use of Associated Students e-mail accounts shall result in the termination of the offender's account and a minimum fine of twenty dollars ($20.00), the actual amount to be determined by the Elections Committee.

K) Elections Committee is to formulate and make public a list of fines and penalties not already stated and that do not contradict the current elections code, concerning the rules and regulations for the campaign. These rules shall address specific monetary and/or incremental punishments concerning:

1) Sign/poster infractions.

2) Budget, fundraising and party fee infractions.

3) Independent and party rules.

4) Campaigning habits and timelines.


A) Organized proponents and opponents of any and all Constitutional amendments, initiatives, referenda, campus-wide fee measures, or other issues or measures placed on a ballot for student vote, may apply for funding from Associated Students. Only one (1) group or organization in favor of and one (1) group or organization in opposition to each ballot issue may apply for, receive, and use Associated Students funding. For this purpose, eight hundred dollars ($800) shall be allocated annually by the Senate from A.S. fees to a Campaign Issues Account. Applications for a portion of these funds may be made, and any funds allocated may be used as follows:


1) A budget request must be submitted to and approved by Senate Finance and Business Committee. If the election is four (4) or fewer weeks away, application for funding may be made directly to the Senate. The request shall be divided into expense categories, but the total of the entire request must not exceed two hundred dollars ($200).

2) All allocations must receive final approval from the Senate, and an election bond of thirty-five dollars ($35) must be posted, before funds may be spent. No more than two hundred dollars ($200) may be approved for the proponents or opponents of any ballot measure.

3) Constitutional measures and A.S. ballot measures shall receive priority for funding over other election issues.

4) An Account Authorization, establishing signature authority of the organization receiving funds, must be submitted to the Senate Finance and Business Committee before funds may be spent. The names, addresses, and telephone numbers of a minimum of three (3) representatives of the organization must be disclosed, and their signatures must be on file on the Account Authorization form. All authorized signers must have attended a Senate Finance and Business Committee workshop during the current academic year before they may sign the Account Authorization.

5) Funds must be spent in accordance with A.S. Financial Policies and Procedures.

B) Administration of Campaign Issues Account

1) Subaccounts of the Campaign Issues Account shall be established for both the proponents and opponents of any ballot measure if A.S. funds from any account are allocated for use by such proponents or opponents in a campaign for or against a ballot measure, and if no such subaccounts have been previously established.

2) Any and all additional Associated Students funds that are to be used to promote or oppose a ballot measure must be transferred into an appropriate subaccount of the Campaign Issues Account. This transfer does not require approval of Senate Finance and Business Committee or the Senate. No expenditures for any campaign purposes may be made directly from any other Associated Students account.

3) No more than two hundred dollars ($200) may be spent from Associated Students funds on any campaign for or against a particular ballot measure. If funds are transferred from another A.S. account into a subaccount of the Campaign Issues Account, any amount allocated from the Campaign Issues account shall be lessened as needed, and funds transferred back to the Campaign Issues account, to bring the total amount of Associated Student funds allocated to the particular campaign to an amount not to exceed two hundred dollars ($200).

4) Any unspent funds after the election shall be transferred back to the Campaign Issues account for use as needed in subsequent campaigns, or to the originating Associated Students account if a requisition for such a transfer is submitted to A.S. Accounting within three weeks after the election.

C) Limitations on Campaigns Using Associated Students Funds

1) If funds are allocated from or transferred to the Associated Students Campaign Issues Account for the use of organized proponents or opponents of any ballot measure, these organizations are required to limit themselves to a total expenditure on their campaign for or against the measure to a maximum of four hundred dollars ($400). This limitation includes but is not limited to the maximum two hundred ($200) of funds drawn from any A.S. account; therefore, no more than four hundred dollars ($400) may be spent on any campaign that receives and uses Associated Students funds.


2) Organizations must declare all expenditures for literature, materials, or any other campaign expenses, by submitting receipts or other documentation to the Associated Students Administration Office within two (2) days of the expenditure, or remaining A.S. funds allocated to the organization will be withdrawn.

3) Organized proponents or opponents of any Constitutional amendments, initiatives, referenda, campus-wide fee measures, or other issues placed on a ballot for student vote, who will spend, expect to spend, or have spent more than four hundred dollars ($400.00) on their campaign may not receive or use any Associated Students funds for campaign or other purposes.

4) No A. S. funds may be spent on election bonds.




A) All elected officials, appointed officials, general members, and employees of the Associated Students:

1) Shall behave at all times in a manner that reflects creditably on the Associated Students, including but not limited to AS spaces, community spaces, and online.

2) Shall adhere to the Legal Code of the Associated Students and to the rules of duly constituted offices, committees, boards, commissions, and units thereof.

3) Shall pursue goals that reflect the values of their respective office, committee, board, commission, or unit and the Associated Students as a whole.

4) Shall treat each other and those in the community with behavior that fosters a safe, inclusive environment for everyone. This behavior includes but is not limited to: professionalism, compassion, courtesy, civility, and respect.

5) Shall encourage and be ready to participate in respectful, open communication that is conducive to constructive collaboration and dialogue within and between each respective AS entity.

B) In instances of serious violation, a case may be presented to Judicial Council. For procedures, refer to Article VII, Section 3 of the By-Laws.


I, ______, the undersigned student at the University of California Santa Barbara (UCSB) participating in Associated Students (AS) events and related travel, hereby agree that I will comply with the rules, standards, and instructions concerning behavior outlined by Regental, Campus, and Associated Students Policies while participating in

______on ______. Name of Event Date

I understand and agree that I will be subject to the UCSB Campus Policy Sanctions while traveling and participating in events anyway related to Associated Students and UCSB. Further, I acknowledge and agree that Associated Students may prohibit my participation in future activities and travel at any time for failure to comply with Regental, Campus, and Associated Students policies or for any action or conduct deemed to be detrimental to or incompatible with the interests, harmony, or welfare of the event and its attendees.

Further, I hereby understand and agree to the following,: (Please initial each one after you read)

______That I will obey all laws, rules, and regulations at any Associated Students related events.

______That my use, or possession, or transport of any controlled substance at Associated Students activities or related events at which I am a guest during my participation are grounds for my removal from the event, university sanctions, and financial liability.

______That sexual harassment is unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature, when submission to or rejection of this conduct explicitly or implicitly affects a person’s employment or education, unreasonably interferes with a person’s work or educational performance, or creates an intimidating, hostile, or offensive work


or learning environment. In the interest of preventing sexual harassment, the University will respond to reports of any such conduct.

______That full and coherent participation in the activities of this event is mandatory as representative of Associated Students at UCSB.

______That I will neither hold nor attend parties in hotel rooms, while participating in activities requiring lodging.

______That I will keep my door closed and locked for safety while in lodgings during my traveling on behalf of Associated Students and I will refrain from making noise that may disturb other guests.

______That I will respect the property of others and will not tamper with the property of others, including, but not limited to, the property of AS and/or UCSB, or any person, hotel, lodging, restaurants or sites visited during and after the event. If any damages to property occur, you must report it to the advisor-in-attendance immediately and I may be held responsible.

______That I will notify AS of any plans to depart on independent trips, including a number to be contacted in case of emergency. My failure to provide accurate and truthful information about my whereabouts at anytime during the term of a event will result in limitations of participation in future events.

______I agree that in the event of an emergency requiring my departure from the Activity at any point I am responsible for financing my own return. I agree that Associated Students, its officers, employees, and agents will not finance my departure prematurely.

______In the event, I violate Regental, Campus, and Associated Students Policies I must participate in a restorative justice process agreed upon between the Associated Students Executive Director and myself.

I understand that students participating in and traveling on University-sanctioned trips are representing Associated Students at University of California Santa Barbara and are expected to make responsible decisions regarding their behavior so that they maintain appropriate standards of conduct at all times. Students on such trips are under the jurisdiction of Regental, Campus, and Associated Students policies. Therefore, all provisions of Regental, Campus, and Associated Students policies apply during the entire University-sanctioned trip. This includes, but is not limited to, the prohibitions against the use of all illegal drugs and the illegal use of alcohol. Persons under whose auspices or direction the trip is conducted may state additional expectations and standards of conduct appropriate to the type and venue of a particular trip. When possible and in the University’s sole discretion, AS will attempt to provide such additional guidelines in writing to students prior to the beginning of the trip. The Associated Students Executive Director will handle violation of Regental, Campus, and Associated Students policies. Appeals can be made to Judicial Council.

I have read the terms and conditions set forth herein, agree to abide by them and understand that this Code of Conduct Agreement is effective upon my acceptance to participate in this AS event.

______Student’s Signature Date

______Printed Name


A) All regular and special meetings of the Senate shall be conducted according to Robert's Rules of Order as interpreted by the A.S. Internal Vice President and the A.S. Parliamentarian, subject to a majority vote of the Senate or procedural issues at the objection of two voting members.


1) Measure Voting Procedures:

a) There shall be three (3) votes toward a motion on the floor;

aa) Aye: affirmative vote for the measure. bb) Nay: opposition to the measure. cc) Abstention: neither for nor against the measure and does not take from quorum.

B) Closed meetings of the Senate (Executive Sessions) shall be held only upon a two-thirds (2/3) vote of present voting members. Proxies may be requested to leave by the Presiding Officer of the Senate. The Council may invite non-Council members to be present during these closed meetings by a two-thirds (2/3) majority vote of the Senate.

C) The Senate shall not pass any bill in ex post facto.

D) Senate members must be courteous to whoever controls the floor.

E) No A.S. Senate member shall secure the floor in order to speak on an issue, and then conclude their discussion by "moving the previous question."

F) The A.S. Recording Secretary shall not be allowed to proxy for any member of the Senate at Senate meetings.

G) Senate must appoint some member to take minutes after twelve midnight (12:00 a.m.) in the case that the A.S. Secretary elects to leave at that time. The A.S. Senate will pay the A.S. Secretary a shift differential after midnight that amounts to double the base pay at Senate meetings, with the money coming from the Senate budget.

H) The presiding chairperson shall determine the time of the legislation once adopted. The A.S. Recording Secretary shall then record the time of passage in the ASUCSB Senate minutes.

I) Senate shall hold their regular weekly meeting every Wednesday, at six-thirty in the afternoon (6:30pm), during their regular session as defined by Article V, Section 5 of the A.S. Constitution.

J) The Internal Vice President shall make themselves available following every Senate meeting for the purposes of clarification and discussion of the minutes and actions of the Senate with any media in attendance.

K) Guests:

1) Students who attend Senate meetings shall be given priority to speak over the orders of the day. The A.S. Internal Vice President must recognize any student in the audience who wishes to speak once before any Senate members on the speakers list have the chance to speak.


A) The Standard Agenda:

Call to Order

A) Meeting Business A-1) Roll Call A-2) Excused Absences A-3) Proxies B) External Reports C-1) Chancellor’s Representative C-2) UCPD Representative


C-3) GSA Representative C-4) University Center Governance Board Representative

C) New Business D) Public Forum E) Acceptance of Agenda F) Consent Calendar G) Action Items G-1) Immediate Consideration G-2) Old Business H) Recess I) ASUCSB Reports I-1) Administrative Committees Reports I-2) Boards and Commissions Reports I-3) Unit Reports I-4) President’s Cabinet Reports I-5) Executive Director’s Report I-6) Executive Officers’ Reports I-7) Senator Representative Reports I-8) Administrative Reports J) Committee Reports J-1) Standing Committee on Finance and Business J-2) Standing Committee on External Affairs J-3) Standing Committee on Campus Affairs J-4) Group Project and other Temporary Committee Reports K) Minutes and Allocations: K-1) Senate Minutes K-2) Administrative Committees Minutes K-3) Boards and Commissions Minutes K-4) Unit Minutes K-5) Standing Committee Minutes L) Appointments M) Discussion Items N) Remarks O) Adjournment

B) The Standard Senate Meeting Minutes:

Call to Order A) Meeting Business A-1) Roll Call A-2) Excused Absences A-3) Proxies B) External Reports B-1) Chancellor’s Representative B-2) UCPD Representative B-3) GSA Representative B-4) University Center Governance Board Representative C) New Business D) Public Forum E) Acceptance of Agenda F) Consent Calendar G) Action Items G-1) Immediate Consideration G-2) Old Business H) Recess I) ASUCSB Reports I-1) Administrative Committees Reports


I-2) Boards and Commissions Reports I-3) Unit Reports I-4) President’s Cabinet Reports I-5) Executive Director’s Report I-6) Executive Officers’ Reports I-7) Senator Representative Reports I-8) Administrative Reports J) Committee Reports J-1) Standing Committee on Finance and Business J-2) Standing Committee on External Affairs J-3) Standing Committee on Campus Affairs J-4) Group Project and other Temporary Committee Reports K) Minutes and Allocations: K-1) Senate Minutes K-2) Administrative Committees Minutes K-3) Boards and Commissions Minutes K-4) Unit Minutes K-5) Standing Committee Minutes L) Appointments M) Discussion Items N) Remarks O) Adjournment

A) External Representatives to ASUCSB Reports

1) Under Representatives to the ASUCSB Reports, Representatives to the ASUCSB may report their activities to the Senate.

2) No Representative to the ASUCSB Report shall exceed ten (10) minutes, unless extended for a definite period of time by the Senate.

3) Representative Reports shall not last more than 20 minutes unless extended by a 2/3 vote of the entire Senate.

4) University Center Governance Board Report

a) Under the University Center Governance Board Report, the Senate shall hear a report by all of its appointed undergraduate student representatives to the University Center Governance Board of the activities of the University Center Governance Board.

b) The University Center Governance Board undergraduate student representatives shall report at least at every Regular Senate Meeting the week before and the week following a University Center Governance Board meeting.

c) The University Center Governance Board Student Chair shall provide the Board agenda to the ASUCSB Senate within 24 hours of its release to the voting members of the University Center Governance Board. -258-

d) The University Center Governance Board Chair shall provide the minutes to the ASUCSB Senate within 24 hours of receiving the minutes from the previous meeting. B) New Business:

1) All proposals seeking official agenda placement must be submitted to the A.S. Internal Vice President by eleven o’clock (11:00 am) on the Tuesday preceding each Wednesday Senate meeting.


2) Under New Business, the Chair shall number each Bill submitted and refer it to one or more standing committees. The Senate must approve the recommendations with a 2/3 vote.

C) Public Forum

1) Any guest wishing to make an announcement may do so in this portion of the agenda.

2) Any guest wishing to make an announcement shall sign a list in the Senate Chambers, asking for the guest's name, year, major, and announcement subject. The Senate Chair shall refer to this form when calling for guest announcements.

3) Guest announcements shall not exceed two minutes individually, unless extended by a simple majority vote of the Senate.

4) No guest may consume more than one announcement.

D) Consent Calendar

1) Any Bill reported out of all Committees to which it was referred shall be placed on the Consent Calendar for the meeting that which it was reported out.

2) Any Senator may remove any Bill from the Consent Calendar.

3) If any Bill on the Consent Calendar requires a specific number of votes for passage, it shall be removed from the Consent Calendar if the Chair determines that there are not enough Senators present to approve it.

4) All Bills remaining on the Consent Calendar shall stand approved by Unanimous Consent of the Senate. No debate may be held on approval of the Consent Calendar. Approval of the Consent Calendar shall not be subject to a vote.

5) Once the Consent Calendar is approved, the decision may not be reconsidered, reversed, or otherwise overturned.

E) Action Items

1) Immediate Consideration

a) Under Immediate Consideration, the Senate shall consider Bills and other Main Motions in accordance with the rules of debate specified in these By-Laws.

b) All Bills removed from the Consent Calendar shall be placed under Immediate Consideration for that meeting.

2) Old Business

a) Any Bill or other main motion that the Senate does not finally dispose of under Immediate Consideration shall be considered under Old Business at each subsequent Regular Meeting, in accordance with the rules of debate specified in these By-Laws.

F) ASUCSB Reports

1) Administrative Committees Reports 2) Boards and Commissions Reports 3) Unit Reports 4) President’s Cabinet Reports 5) Executive Director’s Report 6) Executive Officer Reports


a) Executive Officers shall make a Report at every Regular Senate Meeting, and be required to yield unused time to questions from the Senate. b) No Report shall exceed ten (10) minutes unless extended for a definite period of time by the Senate. c) Reports shall not last more than 30 minutes unless extended by a 2/3 vote of the Senate. I) Acceptance of Agenda -259-

G) Committee Reports

1) Under Committee Reports each standing committee shall report its attendance and activities. Failure of a Committee Chair to do so shall count as a Committee absence for the Chair, under the provisions of Policy 5 of the AS Policies and Procedures.

2) For each bill that a Committee reports out, it shall present a written report including the vote on the Bill, amendments adopted by the Committee, and any additional items the Committee deems appropriate.

3) No Committee Report shall exceed ten (10) minutes, unless extended for a definite period of time by the Senate.

4) Committee Reports shall not last more than 30 minutes unless extended by a 2/3 vote of the entire Senate

H) Approval of Minutes

1) Under Approval of the Minutes, the Senate shall correct and approve the minutes from its previous meeting, Administrative Committee minutes, Boards and Commissions minutes, and Unit minutes.

I) Appointments

1) All main motions to approve appointments shall be considered at this time.

2) The Senate may not approve any appointment without verifying the completion of a form to be provided by the Committee on Committees Chair including, but not limited to the following information: full name, position, length of term, e-mail address, and telephone number of the person being considered. The Committee on Committees Chair shall be charged with verifying the completion of this form, and this information must be delivered to the ASUCSB Administration Office by 5 p.m. on the Friday immediately following approval of the appointment.

J) Discussion Items

1) Any Senator may submit a topic for discussion to the Internal Vice President at the same deadline as the submission of legislation.

2) No discussion item may last longer than ten (10) minutes unless extended by a 2/3 vote of the Senate for a definite period.

K) Senator Reports

1) In Senator Reports A.S. Senators shall report on their activities on campus committees, in Ad-Hoc committees, liaison groups, and any personal projects. Each Senator shall take no more than 2 minutes and no more than 30 minutes collectively.

2) The Administrative Assistant shall report on any administrative issues regarding the meeting.

3) This shall happen during ASUCSB reports


K) Recess 1) It’s recommended to be ten (10) minutes long; however, the Senate has the authority to determine the Recess’ length at the time of the Recess through its motion.

L) All Senate agendas must be posted in a public zone, by two o’ clock (2:00pm) one day (Tuesday, 2:00 pm) prior to the following meeting.

M) All Bills shall be posted for the public


A) The Standard Senate Standing Committee Agenda:

Call to Order A) Meeting Business A-1) Roll Call A-2) Excused Absences A-3) Proxies B) External Reports C) Public Forum D) ASUCSB Reports D-1) Administrative Committees Reports D-2) Boards and Commissions Reports D-3) Unit Reports D-4) Advisor’s Report D-5) Executive Officers’ Report D-6) Ex-Officio Members’ Report E) Acceptance of Agenda F) Minutes and Allocations: F-1) Minutes from: G) Action Items G-1) New Business G-2) Old Business H) Discussion Items I) Internal Reports I-1) Representative Reports I-2) Administrative Assistant Report J) Remarks K) Adjournment

B) The Standard Senate Standing Committee Meeting Minutes:

Call to Order A) Meeting Business A-1) Roll Call A-2) Excused Absences A-3) Proxies B) External Reports C) Public Forum D) ASUCSB Reports D-1) Administrative Committees Reports D-2) Boards and Commissions Reports D-3) Unit Reports


D-4) Advisor’s Report D-5) Executive Officers’ Report D-6) Ex-Officio Members’ Report E) Acceptance of Agenda F) Minutes and Allocations: F-1) Minutes from: G) Action Items G-1) New Business G-2) Old Business H) Discussion Items I) Internal Reports I-1) Representative Reports I-2) Administrative Assistant Report J) Remarks K) Adjournment

C) Public Forum

1) Any guest wishing to make an announcement may do so in this portion of the agenda.

2) Any guests wishing to make an announcement shall sign a list as identified by the chair asking for the guest’s name, year, major and announcement subject. The Chair shall refer to this form when calling for guest announcements.

3) Guest announcements shall not exceed two minutes individually and thirty minutes collectively, unless extended by a simple majority vote of the Committee.

4) No guest may consume more than one announcement.

D) Agendas must be posted in a public zone no later than twenty-four (24) hours prior to the following meeting.

E) Any actions taken on Bills or Resolutions shall be made public by the Vice-Chair no later than twenty-four (24) hours after the Committee meeting has been adjourned.


A) Bills:

1) All Associated Students affairs, except approval of appointments or override a Presidential Veto, shall be in the form of a bill.

2) All Bills shall include the Bill Title, Sessions in which the Bill is introduced, and the name of the sponsor(s).

3) Assignment of Bill Number:

a) The Bill number shall be assigned by the Internal Vice President.

b) The Bill number shall take the following form:

Date of Meeting - Number of Bill during Present Administration (e.g., the ninth Senate Bill for the meeting of January 8, 1998 would be assigned the number 010898-09).


4) Bills may include a preamble in the form of one or more “whereas” clauses. The Preamble is intended to explain the rationale for the bill and shall have no binding affect on the Association.

5) The enacting clauses of all bills shall be:

a) "Be it enacted by the Associated Students in the Senate assembled", and the resolving clauses of all resolutions shall be

b) "Resolved by the Senate", or just simply "Resolved" and no enacting or resolving words shall be used in any section of an Act or Resolution of the Senate except in the first.

6) Bills shall take affect immediately upon approval of the Senate unless otherwise specified in the Bill.

7) Bills to amend the Constitution, By-Laws, or Standing Policies and Procedures must include:

a) The title, article, and section number(s).

b) The existing language for such articles and sections. Language that is to be struck must be crossed out and language to be added must be boldfaced or italicized. Other conventions for added and deleted language may be used provided that it is so specified in the Bill.

8) All bills shall be officially submitted under the following guidelines:

a) Senators must submit a e-copy of their proposal to the Internal Vice President and rest of the Senate to be included on the agenda for the Senate.

b) Senators must also submit a copy of their bill to the A.S. Recording Secretary in accordance with the most current guidelines as set by the Internal Vice President and the A.S. Recording Secretary. These guidelines shall be readily determined and readily available by the A.S. retreat and posted in the A.S. Main Office.

9) Types of Bills:

a) Position Paper: A bill which endorses, sponsors, or supports a group's actions or events shall require a two-thirds (2/3) vote. Any position paper adopted by the ASUCSB Senate is binding on that Council for the term of that Council only. If specified by its author, each new council shall review it for re-adoption.

b) Organizational: Any action, event, addition or deletion to the internal structure of the Associated Students. This includes representative, organizational, and physical changes within Associated Students, its Boards, Commissions and Committees, including personnel changes in Boards, Commissions and Committees. It requires a majority (50% + 1) vote of Council.

c) Directional: Any Bill that directs members of A.S. Personnel, Boards, Committees, and/or the Senate to specific duties requires a majority vote (50% + 1).

d) Contractual: Any Bill that includes contract(s) with an agency, group, or business outside Associated Students requires a majority (50% + 1) vote. The A.S. Executive Director must review contractual bills at least two (2) weeks in advance.


e) Financial: Any Bill that needs an expenditure of A.S. monies to perform what is proposed in the Bill requires a majority (50% + 1) vote. However, special types of a Financial Bill are:

f) Capital Reserves: Any Bill which removes or changes any monies from the Capital Reserve fund requires a three-fourths (3/4s) majority vote.

g) Capital Improvements: Any Bill which removes or changes any monies from Capital Improvements requires a two-thirds (2/3) majority vote.

h) Constitutional: Any Bill that proposes a change or interpretation of the ASUCSB Constitution requires a two-thirds (2/3) vote of Senate and then subsequently requires a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the student body in order to be adopted.

i) By-Laws: Any Bill changing, adding, or interpreting the ASUCSB By-Laws requires a two-thirds (2/3) vote.

j) Standing Policies: Any Bill changing, adding, or interpreting the ASUCSB Standing Policies requires a two-thirds (2/3) vote.

k) The preliminary bill type shall be determined by the author. If left blank or filled incorrectly the A.S. Internal Vice President shall determine the bill type. This shall be completed before the Bill is placed on the agenda. If the A.S. Internal Vice President is absent, the Presiding Officer shall determine the Bill type.

10) Bills may only be submitted by an Elected Official, a Student at Large Member of an ASUCSB Standing Committee, or by presentation to the Senate of a petition signed by members of the ASUCSB numbering at least the most recent vote quota required for election to the Senate. Each copy of the petition must have the entire bill attached to the front, the printed name, signature, and UC Berkeley Registration number of every line verified by the Attorney General. The Attorney General must verify the petition is valid and submit it as New Business by the next Regular Senate Meeting.

11) Committee action or approval by the Executive Director must be recorded on the Bill form, and when possible, Committees should file with the Secretary reports with additional and minority views. All Bills are to be signed by the President and the Author of the Bill before it can be recorded by the Secretary and before the same can take effect, and all Resolutions shall bear the attestation of the Secretary of the Council.

B) All appointments made by the A.S. President are subject to the approval of the Senate and shall be tabled for one (1) week before they are voted upon, unless the appointments are recommendations that the President has accepted from the A.S. Committee on Committees.

C) Spontaneous financial items:

1) All financial proposals must be presented to Senate Finance and Business Committee (or Program Board) a minimum of one (1) week prior to the scheduled event and to the Senate as part of the Senate Finance and Business Committee minutes, prior to any publicity. Any proposal submitted for an event that occurs within ten (10) days (which is one (1) week plus the three (3) days it takes for Senate to approve its own minutes) may be first subject to a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the Senate Finance and Business Committee membership to hear the specific proposal. Otherwise, the proposal must be made to the Senate as a spontaneous financial item. If a group’s request is approved by Senate Finance and Business Committee at its Monday meeting, it may not spend its money until the next Thursday. However, any request which Falls before this Thursday will become a spontaneous financial item and shall be heard by either the Senate Finance and Business Committee or Senate under the requirements herein specified.


2) All matters not dealt with at Senate Finance and Business Committee shall be handled as a spontaneous motion and that motion may be passed only upon a two-thirds (2/3) approval vote of the Senate quorum. Such action by the Senate should only be used in emergency situations.

3) Senate will try to be consistent in sending back to Senate Finance and Business Committee, with a written recommendation, allocations with which the Senate does not agree. However, if an allocation need to be addressed prior to the next Senate Finance and Business Committee meeting, Senate may alter the allocation.

D) Procedures for a person desiring consideration of a spontaneous motion:

1) A written statement must be submitted to the Internal Vice President stating the following:

a) The urgency of the issue. b) The reason it was not placed on the agenda before the deadline.

2) A person asking for consideration will be given two (2) minutes for an oral presentation before the Senate. (This person must make him/herself available to answer any questions Senate members may have.)

3) For a spontaneous motion to be considered, it must meet at least one (1) of the following criteria:

a) Emergency Situation -- if the issue Falls within ten (10) days from the meeting at hand.

b) Deadline -- if the issue arose after the agenda deadline.

E) Author and Second must be listed on the Bill before it will be placed on the agenda. Thus, there is no need to move and second a bill at Senate meetings.


A) Phone votes may be used only if an action must be taken with regard to a presidential veto or matters which concern internal administrative Senate affairs.

B) Phone voting may be used if action must be taken before the next regularly scheduled meeting.

C) Business which directly involves student money, welfare, or business may be conducted via phone only if the student body and all Senate members are notified via email twenty-four (24) hours prior to the vote.

D) In the event that quorum is satisfied in a meeting, no means can be used to circumvent quorum in order to satisfy the use of a phone vote.

E) Only elected members of the Senate and A.S. Executive Branch shall have the authority to request a phone vote. Any topic for a phone vote requires an author and a second. The author or second must submit either a pro or con statement to the Internal Vice President.

F) The Internal Vice President shall solicit additional pro and con statements in writing, on the issue. No phone vote may be taken without both statements.

G) The A.S. Secretary and the Internal Vice President shall send out an e-mail at least twenty-four (24) hours prior to the initiation of the phone vote to all concerned parties, including but not limited to: all Senators and Executive Officers. The email shall include the issue(s) to be voted on and all pro and con statements. Before the phone vote, the Internal Vice President shall check


their email for any votes that may have been cast by Senate Members through email and incorporate those votes into the official tally. At reasonably varying times, the A.S. Secretary and the Internal Vice President shall call each voting member of the Senate to present the pro and con statements and record the votes cast. The same requirements for passage of measures in “live” session will apply for phone voting. Dialogue influencing a Senate member’s vote shall be prohibited, except for the solicitation of pro and con statements.


A) Members of A.S. Boards, Committees and Commissions may request a “rush” phone vote for the approval of minutes when extenuating circumstances exist or when early approval is necessary. Extenuating circumstances include but are not limited to: meeting cancellations caused by holidays or lack of quorum and errors in including minutes for approval on Senate meeting agendas.

B) An elected member of the Senate or A.S. Executive Branch shall have the authority to initiate a “rush” phone vote at the request of a board or Committee member.

C) The Senate member or Executive Officer who initiates the vote will be responsible for the preparation of the following:

1) A statement of the pertinent elements of the minutes which must include:

a) Date and time at which the meeting occurred.

b) Number of voting members in attendance out of total voting membership.

c) List of all monetary allocations of A.S. monies with breakdown of votes of each allocation.

2) Both a pro and a con statement which are factually accurate and include any foreseeable issues of concern.

D) A phone call will be made and an email sent by either the Internal Vice President or an A.S. Main Office secretary to each member of the Senate. Any member not available upon initial attempt to contact will be called at least one additional time and will have at least one full hour after the initial attempt to contact to respond and vote.

E) The “rush” phone vote will be determined final no earlier than one full hour following the last initial phone call made, and will last no longer than can be facilitated by the Internal Vice President or one of the A.S. Main Office assistants.

F) Minutes must be approved by the same number as would be required at a regular session of the Senate. This number is fifty percent plus one (50% + 1). If less than this amount of the council can be reached, or if the minimum number are reached but do not all vote in favor of passage, then the minutes may not be passed.

G) If the minutes are not passed they will still be put to a vote through the regular procedure during the next regularly scheduled Senate meeting.


A) After the removal or resignation of a Senator, the official runner-up shall be notified by the Internal Vice President, Student Government Advisor, or A.S. Secretary and sworn in no later than two (2) weeks after the removal or resignation is official.

B) After an official resignation or removal has taken place, the Internal Vice President, Student Government Advisor, or A.S. Secretary shall notify the official runner-up by e-mail and attempt to contact him/her by phone at least once a day for three days. The official runner up shall have


until 4:00 p.m. the day after the final phone call was made to notify the Internal Vice President, Student Government Advisor, or A.S, Secretary by phone or e-mail of their acceptance or declination of the position. If the official runner up has not notified the Internal Vice President, Student Government Advisor, or A.S. Secretary by 4:00 p.m. the day after the final phone call was made, he/she shall be considered to have declined the position and the Internal Vice President, Student Government Advisor, or A.S. Secretary shall move on to the next official runner up.

C) In the case of no official runners-up, the official Senate Ad Hoc Committee formed to interview possible replacements has five (5) weeks, after the official resignation or removal of the Senator, to submit its recommendation for approval by the full Senate.

D) In case of a tie between the official runners-up, a Senate Ad Hoc Committee, chaired by the First Pro-Tempore, shall be formed to interview the two (2) or more official runners-up and submit its recommendation for approval by a required two-thirds (2/3) approval by the Senate. The quorum for this Ad Hoc Committee, including the chair shall be no less than one fifth (1/5) of the membership of the full Senate. The President, Internal Vice President, and Committee on Committees Chair and Vice Chair shall be considered non-voting, ex-officio members of the Committee. Motions offered by ex-officio members shall not be in order.

E) Once a replacement is determined, the Internal Vice President shall swear the individual in after Proxies and Excused Absences using the following oath, then allow the new member to join the Senate: I, Your Name, hereby affirm that I will fulfill the duties of a(n) position Representative for the academic year Senate to the best of my ability. I will seek to facilitate the Associated Students and the University Community in a manner that is consistent with the ideals of an academic community.


A) The voting and non-voting members of the Senate shall attend regular and special meetings during periods of regular instruction, excluding the tenth (10th) week of instruction where attendance must be voluntary; thus any absence or proxy received during such a meeting will not be counted against the yearly and quarterly totals. Furthermore, no meetings called during finals week will be considered official and proxy is acceptable.

B) An excused absence from required meetings will be given for medical reasons or a death in the family, as well as extenuating academic circumstances, or non-recurring occupational related issues which must be pre-approved with the critical discretion of the Internal Vice President. In order for an absence to be considered excused, the absent Senator must submit a written Senator Report to be read by the Internal Vice President during the Senate meeting or have adequately informed their proxy of an update to give during the allotted time for Senator’s Reports. If the student withdraws from the University, even for medical reasons or a death in the family, the Internal Vice President shall recommend their removal from Senate with two-thirds (2/3) vote of the approval by the Senate.

C) Senate members may only have three (3) excused absences from Senate meetings per quarter. The only exceptions are for reoccurring academic circumstances as described below. After three (3) excused absences, an absence shall be considered as one (1) unexcused absence. Therefore, after a total of five (5) absences one is up for removal as per the procedures in Article VI, Section 5.

D) A Senator may only be considered for a reoccurring academic circumstance for one (1) quarter. If this academic circumstance exceeds one (1) quarter, the individual will be subject to removal. A quarter shall be defined as one (1) academic quarter at the University of California, Santa Barbara. A Senator must provide a proxy for the duration of their absence in order for the absence to be excused. All procedures for proxies and excused absences must be followed.

1) In the event a Senator chooses to study abroad, one (1) quarter and one (1) quarter only shall be considered a reoccurring academic circumstance.


2) In the event a Senator has a class conflict during a Senate meting, one (1) quarter and (1) quarter only shall be considered a reoccurring academic circumstance.

E) Of the three (3) permitted excused absences, only one (1) will be accepted without a proxy. When a Senator must send a proxy, the Senator must present a memorandum to the Internal Vice President before the meeting begins (via e-mail, written notification, and or verbal notification). The memorandum must give the name of the proxy, and by delegating a proxy, the Senator will take responsibility for the proxy’s vote on any item.

1) The following will not be accepted as a proxy for a Senator: another Senator, the Recording Secretary, any Executive Officer, the A.S. Elections Committee Chair, voting members of the A.S. Elections Committee, the A.S. Parliamentarian, any member of the Judicial Council, or any individual who has declared his or her candidacy to run in an ongoing election.

F) All excuses for absences, proxies, and tardies are subject to the approval of the Senate. As per the A. S. Constitution however, only elected Senators counts towards quorum.

G) Senator proxies must fall in their respective Senator’s constituency.

1) In the event that a CCS, Engineering, or University-Owned Senator has unsuccessfully exhausted all avenues of potential proxy recruitment from their constituency they shall be permitted to seek out a proxy from the general UCSB student body.

H) An unexcused absence from a Senate Meeting is defined as missing more than one (1) hour of a meeting.

I) Senate members may only have three (3) excused tardies from Senate meetings per quarter. An excused tardy will be granted if the Senator informs the Internal Vice President of their foreseen tardy prior to roll call. Tardy Senators may ask another present Senator to inform the Internal Vice President for them or directly inform the Internal Vice President themselves. Acceptance of excused tardies Falls under the discretion of the Internal Vice President.

2) A tardy from a Senate Meeting is defined as missing more than a combine time of thirty (30) minutes but less than one (1) hour at any time during the course of the meeting. This also includes any amount of time a Senator leaves the room after being marked present in roll call. Representatives are allowed three (3) excused tardies per quarter.

J) A Senator who acquires two (2) unexcused absences or three (3) unexcused tardies in an academic quarter shall be subject to removal by the Senate, pending review by the Senate of mitigating circumstances, which may take place in a closed session if requested by the Senator up for removal and passed with a majority vote, fifty percent plus one (50% + 1) of the Senate.

1) A majority vote, fifty percent plus one (50% + 1) will be required by the current membership of the Senate in order to remove the respective Senator from office.

2) If a Senator comes before the Senate and the Senate chooses not to remove the Senator by a two thirds (2/3) vote, then the Senator will be given one (1) additional unexcused absence or one (1) unexcused tardy. If that one (1) unexcused absence or one (1) unexcused tardy is then acquired by the Senator, that Senator will immediately be placed under the Action Items of the Senate’s Agenda for removal.

3) An unexcused absence shall include:

a) One (1) unexcused absence from a Senate meeting b) Three (3) unexcused absences from a board, Committee, or commission. c) Three (3) unexcused tardies from a Senate meeting.


d) Any excused absence or tardy from a Senate meeting after three (3) excused absences or three (3) excused tardies.

K) The Internal Vice President may recommend a Senator’s removal under the Action Items portion of the agenda within two weeks proceeding the Senator’s completion of an entire academic quarter.

1) The Internal Vice President shall only consider a Senator for removal if the Senator has failed to complete at least 50% of the duties listed in Article VI, Section 4 of the A.S. By- Laws.

2) Removal procedures shall be conducted in the following manner:

a) A majority vote, fifty percent plus one (50% + 1) will be required of the current membership of the Senate in order to remove the respective Senators from office.

aa) Once a member has been removed by the Senate, the decision shall be immediately appealed to the Judicial Council, who shall review the minutes of the Senate meeting and have the power to reverse the removal so long as there is sufficient reason to believe that the Senator at issue has in fact completed their duties as specified by the A.S. Legal Code.

bb) Any reversal of the decision must be announced by 4:00pm the Tuesday proceeding the Senate’s initial decision to remove the member.

cc) If the decision is reversed, then the Senator shall be reinstated as a member of the A.S. Senate.

b) If a Senator comes before the Senate and the Senate chooses not to remove the Senator by a two thirds (2/3) vote, then the Senator will be given one (1) additional quarter to improve their performance as an elected Senator of ASUCSB. After the additional quarter is over, if the Senator has yet to improve their performance as a member of the A.S Senate, then it will be at the discretion of the Internal Vice President to again place the member’s removal under Action Items within two weeks proceeding the additional quarter.


A) The Standard Agenda:

Call to Order A) Meeting Business A-1) Roll Call A-2) Acceptance of Excused Absences A-3) Acceptance of Proxies B) Public Forum C) External Reports C-1) Advisor’s Report C-2) Executive Officer’s Report(s) C-3) Group Project/Member Report(s) D) Acceptance of Agenda/Changes to Agenda E) Consent Items E-1) Approval of Our Marked Agenda/Minutes from [DATE] F) Action Items F-1) Old Business F-2) New Business G) Discussion Items H) Remarks



B) Minutes/Action Summary:

Call to Order A) Meeting Business A-1) Roll Call A-2) Acceptance of Excused Absences A-3) Acceptance of Proxies B) Public Forum C) External Reports C-1) Advisor’s Report C-2) Executive Officer’s Report(s) C-3) Group Project/Member Report(s) D) Acceptance of Agenda/Changes to Agenda E) Consent Items E-1) Approval of our Marked Agenda/Minutes from [DATE] F) Action Items F-1) Old Business F-2) New Business G) Discussion Items H) Remarks Adjournment


A) Senate may continue its normal operation into the Summer, if a quorum, as defined by the A.S. Constitution, is met at a meeting.

B) In the event that a majority (50% + 1) of the Senate cannot be assembled for a Summer meeting, at least one third (1/3) of Senate members may be empowered to conduct routine business, as well as matters pertaining to the allocation of A.S. space in the UCen.

C) One third (1/3) of Senate members shall not be necessary to approve Summer Council proxies.

D) Proxies and unexcused absences for the Senate members for the summer shall not be counted towards the annual totals allowed.

E) A maximum of one (1) proxy and no unexcused absences will be allowed and maintaining office hours will be necessary for Senate members to receive Summer honoraria.

F) A Summer pro-tem will be approved to oversee/ensure that office hours are maintained and shall be empowered to approve/deny honoraria requests according to the guidelines set for the Elected Officers in Article VIX, Section 2 of the By-Laws.

G) Definition of routine matters that can be handled during summer Senate:

1) Directional 2) Organizational 3) Financial--anything under three hundred dollars ($300.00).

H) Definition of non-routine matters that absolutely, positively have to be dealt with, will be decided by a phone vote in accordance with the A.S. By-Laws, if a majority (50%+ 1) of the Senate membership cannot be assembled.

1) Position Paper 2) Constitution and By-Laws 3) Contractual 4) Appointments 5) Travel 6) Standing Policies 7) Financial--anything over three hundred dollars ($300.00).


I) Copies of the minutes shall be mailed to absent Senators following the scheduled meeting. If no response from absent members of the Senate is heard up until the minutes are approved, the minutes will stand.


A) The Student-Sponsored Legislation Program is based on the “Write Your Own Bill” principle, that there is an inherent difference between the authorship of a bill and the sponsorship of a bill.

1) Any UCSB undergraduate student, Office of Student Life (OSL) organization, or Board, Committee, and Commissions (B.C.C) may sponsor their own bill.

B) All Student-Sponsored Bills can initially be written by their Student Sponsors.

C) The responsibility for official authorship of the legislation shall be taken up by a Senate member.

D) Both the Student Sponsor and the Student Co-Sponsor(s) should be present at the meeting which their Bill appears on the agenda. If unable to attend, they may submit a formal statement to the Senate via email on behalf of their sponsorship of the legislation.

E) At the appropriate time, the Author shall defer the floor to the Student-Sponsor so that the legislation and the intent of the legislation explained.


A) All elected and appointed individuals shall serve the number of hours required of their position during weeks 1-9 of the academic quarter.

B) All elected and appointed individuals shall submit the times when they will be serving office hours to their entity chair and relevant staff person.

C) All office hours must be scheduled and publicly posted by the end of the third (3rd) week of each quarter.

1) The Executive Director or designee shall be responsible for posting office hours on the respective door, the A.S. website, posting the respective office hours next to the photo portraits of the ASUCSB elected officials that are placed in the University Center, and for sending out a university-wide email to all students with the names of all elected and appointed ASUCSB officials and their respective office hours by the end of the (3rd) third week of each quarter.

D) All office hours should be done during their scheduled time, but if extenuating circumstances arise, then those office hours can be made up within one (1) week of when they were scheduled.

E) All appointed or elected individuals who are required to serve office hours must serve those hours in the office or their respective A.S. entity, unless provided otherwise herein.

F) Individuals without an assigned office shall serve any required office hours in the AS Main office.

G) It is the responsibility of the individual to sign in and sign out of office hours, and ensure that they are recorded.

H) The record of office hours shall be compiled each week and each A.S. entity’s chair shall be emailed a copy of the A.S. entity’s members office hours.



A) In any Committee or Board voting matter of any kind whatsoever, any and all voting members are personally charged with the responsibility of bringing any personal interests said member(s) may have in the outcome(s) of said vote(s) to the attention of the Committee or Board, as a whole. Where a conflict of interest is defined as:

1) Personal financial gain.

2) Personal gain of associates (friends or family members).

3) A conflict in the interests of ASUCSB with the interests of other Committees (clubs or other on-campus organizations) said Committee or Board member(s) may have, which cannot be resolved.

3) In the event that a conflict of interest is determined to exist, by the individual member(s) or the Committee or Board as a whole, the member(s) unable to objectively discharge their responsibility shall abstain from voting on said matter(s).

4) In order to acknowledge that there is a conflict of interest, the individual must complete the Conflict of Interest form found in the Attorney General’s office and turn it in to the Executive Director within one (1) week of being hired.

A.S. Conflict of Interest Form

Please Answer the Following Questions:

Are you on Senate Finance and Business Committee, IAC, or another group with the mission of investing or distributing funds?

If so, please declare any financial investments you have?

Do you hold any paying positions within or outside of AS (this includes: salaried, hourly, commissioned paying positions)?

What, if any, other positions do you hold within Associated Students, UCSB, or within non-University affiliated organizations?

Are there any other conflicts of interest you should declare?

This form (may) be stored in the Executive Director’s Office on the Second Floor of the MCC and will be publicly accessible.

This form must be filled out at the time office is assumed by: all members of any organization within AS in charge of allocating finances, all members in charge of appointment, all executives, all Senate members and all members of the judicial branch.

Additionally, anyone who desires to, or ought to, declare any conflicts of interest can do so.

Relevant individuals or organizations will be notified of the existence of, and their ability to have access to, this form.


ASUCSB and all of its Boards, Commissions, and Committees are prohibited from sponsoring or co-sponsoring any ASUCSB function affiliated with (i.e., advertisements, payment, etc.) tobacco/cigarette companies.



A) No Old Business items which have been included in previous agenda packet will be reproduced for inclusion in a subsequent week's agenda packet and all Senators will be responsible for bringing their copy of the previous week's Old Business items to the next Senate meeting.

B) Senate Agendas with Attachments:

A.S. Administration - 1 A.S. Advisor - 1 A.S. Executive Director - 1 A.S. Executive Officers - 1 each (4) Senate Members - 24 EAB/IVCRC/Bike Improvements – 1 (Share Office Copy) Student Relations/Elections - 1 (Share Office Copy) S.C.O.R.E./ Queer Commission/Lobby Corps - 1 (Share Office Copy) Judicial Council/Constitution & By-Laws/AAB - 1 (Share Office Copy) Program Board - 1 Attorney General - 1 Daily Nexus -1 KCSB - 1 A.S. Recording Secretary - 1 UCSA - 1 Senate Finance and Business Committee Chair - 1 Bottom Line - 1 Original w/attachments in Main Office file - 1 Office Copy - 1 Associate Director of Community Affairs - 1 Parliamentarian - 1 Womyn's Commission/Student Advocate-1 (Share Office Copy) RHA-1

C) Senate Agendas without Attachments:

Academic Senate-Committee on Student Affairs - 1 State Affairs Organizing Director -1 A.S. Controller(s) -1 A.S. Committees Chair -1 Community Affairs Board - 1 Dean of Students -1 Graduate Student Association -1 Program Board Advisor - 1 A.S. Staff Assistant to the Local County Supervisor-1 Chancellor - 1 Vice-Chancellor, Administrative Services - 1 Executive Vice Chancellor - 1 Vice-Chancellor, Student Affairs - 1 Extra Copies for Audience - 5

D) Senate Agenda with Attachment e-mailed directly to all recipients:

[email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

E) Senate Minutes with Attachments:


A.S. Administration - 1 A.S. Executive Director - 1 Judicial Council/Constitution and By-Laws A.S. President – 1 A.S. Attorney General -1 Associate Director of Community Affairs - 1 Original w/ attachment in Main Office file -1 Office Copy - 1

F) Senate Minutes without Attachments e-mailed directly to all recipients:

Senate Members - 24 Executive Officers - 4 Academic Affairs Board/Student Advocate/Womyn's' Commission - 1 Academic Senate-Committee on Student Affairs - 1 A.S. Staff - 1 Chancellor - 1 A.S. Communications Board/Elections/IVCRC-1 Community Affairs Board - 1 A.S. Controller(s) -1 Daily Nexus - 1 Dean of Students - 1 Senate Finance and Business Committee/ Board/Investments - 1 Attorney General/Business Services/Controller(s)/SCORE - 1 KCSB-FM - 1 A.S. Notetaking Service - 1 Program Board - 1 Lobby Corps/EAB - 1 Vice-Chancellor, Administrative Services - 1 Executive Vice-Chancellor - 1 Vice-Chancellor, Student Affairs - 1 Bottom Line-1

G) Senate Finance and Business Committee Agendas with Attachments:

A.S. Administration - 1 A.S. Executive Director - 1 A.S. Executive Officers - (4) A.S. Attorney General -1 Senate Finance and Business Committee Chair - 1 Senate Finance and Business Committee Members (Share remaining Copies) Original w/ attachments in file - 1

H) Senate Finance and Business Committee Agendas without Attachments (e-mailed to recipients when possible):

A.S. Staff - 1 Attorney General - 1 Controller(s) - 1 Committee on Committees Co-Coordinators - 1 Daily Nexus - 1 Office Copy - 1 Extra Copies for the audience - 5

I) Senate Finance and Business Committee Minutes with Attachments:

A.S. Administration - 1 A.S. Administrative Support, Main Office A.S. Executive Director - 1


Original w/attachments in Main Office file - 1 Office Copy - 1

J) Senate Finance and Business Committee Minutes without Attachments e-mailed to all recipients:

[email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Senate Finance and Business Committee Members KCSB-FM - 1 Daily Nexus - 1

K) Program Board Agendas w/Attachments & Minutes w/Attachments:

A.S. Administration - 1 A.S. Executive Director - 1 Senators - 2 Program Board Advisor - 1 Program Board Commissioner - 1 Program Board Deputy Commissioner-1 Program Board Office Copy - 1 Program Board Coordinators - 10 Office of Student Life - 1 Original w/attachments in Main Office file - 1 Office Copy - 1

L) Minutes from all A.S. Boards, Commissions, and Committees not previously mentioned e-mail directly to all recipients:

[email protected] [email protected] [email protected] A.S. Attorney General -1

M) When a new A.S. Constitution or By-Laws are written and voted in place of the last Constitution and By-Laws by the appropriate party, the Constitution-elect and By-Laws elect will be on record with the prior Constitution and By-Laws until such a time that another Constitution and By-Laws are written and voted in place of the most recent Constitution and By-Laws.

1) Beginning with the first meeting of the year of each new Senate, copies of all agendas and minutes of Senate and all agendas and minutes of Senate Finance and Business Committee shall be maintained in the A.S. Main Office. A copy of the ASUCSB Legal Code and all other A.S. Codes (such as the KCSB By-Laws) shall also be kept in the Office.

2) The Office Coordinator shall be responsible for ensuring that these documents are open to public access and are updated on a timely basis.

3) All copies of Senate agendas and minutes and Senate Finance and Business Committee agendas and minutes shall be kept for one (1) additional year following the last meeting of each Senate. After this period, the Office Coordinator will ensure that cd-rom copies of these documents are made and placed on file. The original copy files shall be cleared to make room for the documents of succeeding Senates and Senate Finance and Business Committees.

4) The minutes of the most recent Senate meeting will be available for Senate's approval by the following Wednesday.



The Associated Students is to be part of the selection process of Executive, MSP, & PSS staff positions at UCSB with students participating on the search Committees. The undergraduate students on these Committees shall be appointed by the A.S. President. If this policy is not abided by, A.S. will not accept the appointment and DEMAND the search process be redone.


A) A.S. allows and requests KCSB-FM or KJUC-FM Cable to broadcast A.S. Senate meeting either live or on a tape-delayed basis without charge following the first (1st) meeting of newly elected Council Members.

B) There shall be no broadcasting or taping of the Senate during an Executive Session. (All broadcast and tape equipment must be turned off.)


A) A.S. Main Office Operating Hours:

1) The A.S. Main Office shall maintain operating hours Monday through Friday, nine o’ clock to four o’ clock (9 a.m. to 4 p.m.), during the academic year (excluding holidays, dead week, finals week, and the summer school period).

2) The A.S. Main Office shall maintain operating hours from ten o’ clock to two o’ clock (10 a.m. to 2 p.m.) during dead week and finals week of each quarter.

3) The A.S. Main Office may maintain operating hours during the summer months, as needed.

4) The A.S. Secretaries shall not be required to work more than ten (10) hours per week during dead week and finals week.

5) The A.S. Secretaries shall not be required to work holidays or academic vacation periods.

B) A.S. Office Assignments:

1) Room 1519: Program Board 1519 A: Program Board 1519B: Program Board 1519C: Associate Director for Student Programs 1519D: Program Board 1519E: Program Board

2) Room 1523: A.S. Main Office 1523A: A.S. Senate Finance and Business Committee/AS Controllers/Investment Advisory Committee/Flacks Intern 1523B: Storage 1523C: A.S. President 1523D: A.S. Vice President for External Affairs 1523E: A.S. Internal Vice President 1523F: A.S. Vice President for External Affairs, Statewide Affairs 1523G: Computer Room 1523H: Senators/Committee on Committees 1523J: Student Advocate General 1523K: Student Government Advisor

3) Room 2519: Computer Technician/Senior Graphic Artist

4) Room 2521: Environmental Affairs Board/Coastal Fund/A.S. BIKES


5) Room 2523: Community Affairs Board 2523A: Community Volunteer Coordinator 2523B: Associate Director for Community Affairs 2523C: CAB Storage

6) Room 2525: The Nati Conference Room

7) Room 2527: Lobby Corps/SCORE/Queer Commission

8) Room 2531: Womyn’s Commission/Academic Affairs Board/Take Back the Night/Herstory

9) Room 2533: Web Development Team/Ticket Office Manager

10) Room 2535: Judicial Council/A.S. Attorney General/Sub Judicial Council

11) Room 2537: A.S. Administration 2537A: Publications Manager 2537B: Computer Room 2537C: A.S. Accounting Clerks 2537D: A.S. Administrative Analyst 2537E: Associate Director for Administration 2537F: Associate Director for Special Projects 2537G: A.S. Executive Director

C) There will be no smoking of tobacco or cloves in the Senate meeting rooms or A.S. Offices.

D) Computer Use and Access:

1) Keys to the Main Office Computer Room will be issued to the A.S. Secretaries, Senate Members, Committees Coordinator and the Executive Officers. After-hours use of the Computer Room will be restricted to Senate Members, the Executive Officers and the Committees Chair.

2) During normal A.S. Main Office hours, the following persons have priority in use of the A.S. computers:

a) A.S. Secretaries while typing minutes or agendas.

b) Senate Members, doing Senate business.

c) A.S. Secretaries doing other council work, and Senate Members using the computer for information and networking.

d) Boards, Commissions and Committee chairs, doing business for their boards, commissions or Committee.

e) Senate members and Chairs of Boards, Committees or Commissions may use the computers but not the laser printers for non-council business.

E) The Mary K Hunt Copy Machine is available for use by the A.S. Office Secretaries, the A.S. Office Coordinator, Senate members, A.S. Executive Officers, the A.S. Executive Director, any other A.S. officers and staff, and all A.S. Boards and Committees who fill out a purchase order with Notetaking, who go through a copy machine orientation with the A.S. Office Coordinator, and who are assigned a private user code. Those authorized to use the machine cannot and will not make exceptions for anyone. At the end of each month, all groups and persons possessing an account will be billed for all copies made on their account. Groups wishing to use colored paper which Notetaking does not carry may provide their own paper; however, they will be charged the standard rate regardless of the source of paper.


F) The A.S. Office supplies are costly; do not take advantage of them.

G) The Annex will be shared amongst the Student Initiated Outreach (SIO) Center, the Media Center Library, the Bottom Line, and CODE. This space shall be operated by staff, interns, board members, and volunteers associated with these entities.

H) Annex Operating Hours:

1) The SIO Center, the Media Center, the Bottom Line, and CODE shall maintain operating hours during at least Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., during the Academic Year (excluding holidays, dead week, finals week, and the summer school period).

2) The SIO Center, the Media Center, the Bottom Line, and CODE shall maintain operating hours during extra hours throughout the school year and summer months, to meet the needs of these groups.

3) The SIO Center, the Media Center, the Bottom Line, and CODE shall be accessed by the staff, interns, board members, and volunteers outside of normal operating hours.

I) Annex Office Assignments:

1) Entrance: Entrance area for SIOP/Media Center/ Bottom Line/ CODE

2) Room 141-A (Creative Media and Controllers): Creative Media Unit and Office of the Controllers

3) Room 145-A (Kitchen): Kitchen for SIOP/Media Center/ Bottom Line/ CODE

4) Room 141-F (a) (CODE): CODE

5) Room 141-F (b) (SIOP): SIOP Board Members Meeting Room

6) Section between 141-F and 141-E: Computer Lab for SIOP/Media Center/ Bottom Line/ CODA

7) Room 141-E (SIOP): SIOP Board Members Office

8) Room 141-D (SIOP): SIOP Interns Office

9) Room 141-C: The Bottom Line

10) Room 141-B (SIOP/KCSB): SIOP/Media Center Advisors

11) Room 141-A (KCSB): Media Center Technical Staff

J) Front Lawn Assignment: The lawn space in front of Building 434 shall be prioritized for events organized by SIO, the Media Center, the Bottom Line, and CODE. If these groups do not use the front lawn, the general public can schedule lawn area usage with the front desk secretary or staff for their events.

K) Computer Lab Use: Computer Lab usage shall be granted for staff, interns, board members, and volunteers associated with SIO, the Bottom Line, Creative Media Unit, Controllers, and the Media Center Library, and for the general public.

L) University Center

1) Room 3167A: Food Bank

2) Room 3167D: Environmental Affairs Board


3) Room 3167E: Environmental Affairs Board

4) Room 3167F: Environmental Affairs Board

M) A.S. Pardall Center


A) Only Senate Members, Executive Officers, Chairpersons of A.S. Boards, Commissions and Committees, and A.S. Staff/Personnel are allowed access to the A.S. phones for the purpose of making long-distance calls, and must use an authorized phone code.

B) No personal long-distance calls will be permitted to be made with the exception of credit card and collect calls. If you have an emergency, please get permission from one of the A.S. Secretaries, the A.S. President, or the Executive Director to make any personal long-distance calls.

C) No calls can be charged to the Associated Students via another telephone. No collect calls to the Associated Students phone lines will be accepted unless it's from Senate Members or Executive Officers and the purpose and conversation directly pertains to A.S. business.

D) All long-distance calls are to be recorded in the phone log, prior to making any calls. The phone log can be found on the Secretary's desk. Please faithfully record ALL long-distance calls--A.S. related and any emergency personal calls.

E) Individuals will be billed for all personal phone calls they make. You have ten (10) working days from the date of notice to submit payment without further penalty. If payment for personal calls is not received within thirty (30) days of notice, a lien will be placed on transcripts, pre- enrollment, and registration, until payment is received in full.

F) Please remember that the Associated Students is a business and a service to the students of UCSB; A.S. is not here for any one individual's convenience.

G) All long distance calls must be made on the x2567 or x3707 (fax) lines; no other lines are hooked up for long-distance dialing. Please be courteous and try to limit your local and long-distance calls to five (5) minutes maximum.

I) Failure to comply with these rules may result in disciplinary action.


A) The A.S. Public Address System shall only be checked out to student groups registered with either Associated Students or the Office of Student Life.

B) Upon checking out the A.S. Public Address System the student group will supply the A.S. Program Board Secretary with the following: proof of the student group's current registration with either Associated Students or the Office of Student Life, a current UCSB Registration Card.

C) Student groups who do not return any portion of the A.S. Public Address System, or return any portion damaged, will be billed for the missing or damaged parts. The student’s Registration Card will be held until all missing or damaged parts have been returned or paid for.

D) When a student group fails to return a portion of the P. A. system for the third time, they will have their access privileges to the P.A. system revoked for one (1) school year.


A) The Internal Vice President shall work in conjunction with the A.S. President and Executive Director to ensure all appropriate access to A.S. offices is granted.


B) The Executive Director shall submit a quarterly report to the Internal Vice President by the 8th week of each quarter comprised of the list of people who have access to all offices.


A) A.S. shall hold an annual staff development day.


A) The Associated Students does not recognize the right of Intercollegiate Athletic teams or community groups to use the Recreation Center facility at any time or under any conditions.

B) ASUCSB is opposed to and will not recognize any action by any person or body that negatively impacts the accessibility of the facility by students without the approval of the student populous gained through a campus wide election.

C) ASUCSB is opposed to and will not recognize any action by any person or body that calls for increases in the funding of the Recreation Center by students without the approval of the student populous gained through a campus wide election.


A) Associated Students recognizes the existence of both general and board meetings.

1) Board meetings are to be defined as closed meetings consisting solely of the voting membership.

2) General meetings are to be defined as open meetings where participation is shared between the voting membership along with members from the general public.

B) Associated Students shall not spend student fees to provide sustenance at board meetings.

C) It is permissible to serve sustenance at general meetings provided that:

1) An entity’s quarterly budget to spend on sustenance shall be determined based off of the average attendance of all general meetings held in the previous quarter multiplied by the total number of general meetings held in that quarter.

2) The amount of this allocation shall be reported in an entity’s minutes no later than the second (2nd) meeting of that quarter.

D) This policy shall not pertain to:

1) Programs, events, and tabling. 2) A limit of one (1) Retreat or Banquet for voting members per quarter.

E) Additional funds may be requested at the discretion of Senate Finance and Business Committee.

F) In the case that food is purchased at a meeting, that entity shall clearly state the expenditures and reason for food spending in their minutes to be reviewed and approved by Senate after the meeting.

G) Senate shall conduct a quarterly review of food spending of the entire association via an ad-hoc committee consisting of a minimum of five (5) Senators. This report shall be presented to Senate by week nine (9) of each quarter. If Senate determines that the entity has abused the exceptions or spent irresponsibly, they shall be empowered to freeze all sustenance spending for the following quarter.



A) The Tri-Counties Blood Bank must inform Queer Commission of any blood drive that may be held on campus.

B) Tri-Counties Blood Bank is responsible for sending an informational packet created by Queer Commission to any party sponsoring a blood drive on campus.

C) This information packet must include the flyer about the FDA's discriminatory policy, Queer Commission's contact information, and the FDA petition (endorsing a more non-discriminatory practice by the FDA) for those donating at the blood drive to sign only if they consent to do so.

D) Any party holding a blood drive on campus must be well informed of this issue and display the petition in full view of persons donating at the blood drive.

E) Any party holding an on-campus blood drive is responsible for returning the petition to Queer Commission upon the conclusion of the blood drive.

F) This policy shall remain effective until such a time when the blood drive questionnaire is no longer discriminatory.


Crisis Pregnancy Centers provide false information about abortion, sex and contraceptives to women, including women who are students at UCSB. ASUCSB and all of its Boards, Commissions, and Committees will not support or advertise for Network Medical or other Crisis Pregnancy Centers.


Associated Students should continually demonstrate its role as a campus leader in sustainability standards, and provide opportunities for students and staff within AS to reduce their environmental impact.

A) Sustainable practices to be utilized within AS Spaces and offices and at AS events:

1) Utilize natural lighting by using task lights and natural lighting (i.e., desk and floor lamps) rather than turning on lights in the middle of the day.

2) Unplug appliances such as coffee makers when not in use and turn off power strips at the end of each work day.

3) Turn off overhead lights when not in use.

4) Have increased signage in offices.

a) Put signage around light switches to remind people to turn off lights when leaving the room. b) Put signage around the offices outlining how to recycle and where.

5) Use the free green cleaning products from Custodial Services.

6) Create a policy around the separation of printers/copiers and computer areas where food is prepared/reheated/eaten.

7) When feasible, paperless practices should be maximized to minimize waste by the Association.


a) Web-based catalogs, directories, applications, and programs should be utilized over paper. b) Double-sided printing should be utilized at all time, unless single-sided required.

8) Implement clear signage around bins for recycling; promote better practices in offices.

9) Offices should provide and utilize bins of scratch paper to be re-used and printed on.

10) Utilize the recycling and composting bins in place, and expand where needed.

11) Any event that utilizes student fees must have composting and recycling bins available, with the goal as close to a zero waste event as possible.

B) Sustainable systems within AS:

1) Associated Students should continually maintain an office and work environment that encourages environmentally and socially sustainable practices by ensuring that all A.S. staff and students receive all necessary training and information, and are supported by an accessible sustainability-focused infrastructure.

2) In order to implement, maintain and improve sustainability within Associated Students, a standing Sustainability Working Group should be maintained. This group should be comprised of students and staff from diverse areas across Associated Students and meetings should be open to all interested participants and observers. The charge of the Working Group shall be:

a) Conduct regular surveys and inspections of A.S. spaces to ensure that the infrastructure outlined below is in place and students and staff have full access to sustainability resources and are able to follow the principles outlined in this document. b) Maintain and update ongoing resources such as the A.S. centralized supply cabinet, compostable product supply, and all A.S. Sustainability Guides. c) Seek out new opportunities to further develop the A.S. Green Bill and make recommendations to A.S. Senate.

3) Sustainable systems to be maintained in all A.S. spaces and offices and at A.S. events:

a) A.S. offices should use the most energy efficient lighting feasible and should upgrade to new fixtures as technology and finances allow. i) In offices with multiple occupants in a larger space, individual desks should be equipped with desk lamps and task lighting to reduce the need for overhead lights. ii) Task lights should be equipped with CFL or LED bulbs, incandescent bulbs should never be used. iii) All light switches should have signage reminding occupants to turn off lights when leaving the space. b) All A.S. offices should have recycling bins, and all A.S. buildings should have at least one compost bin available. Large A.S. spaces (A.S. main offices, Pardall Center, KCSB, etc) should have electronic waste bins available. i) Each bin should have signage clearly marking the type of waste accepted with picture and text examples. Signage can be downloaded from the A.S. Recycling website. ii) Recycling and compost bins in A.S. spaces should be emptied twice weekly by A.S. Recycling students. Electronic waste bins should be emptied weekly by A.S. Recycling students. A.S. students and staff should request additional pickups by contacting A.S. Recycling. c) All offices should have sufficient reusable cups, plates, mugs and utensils for typical daily and/or weekly use. Compostable products such as plates, utensils, cups, etc should be available for guests and larger events. Reusable items must be cleaned after use to reduce pest issues and ease the burden on custodial staff.


d) All offices should have access to a AAA/AA battery charger. e) Food storage and preparation areas (refrigerators, cupboards, coffee makers) should be kept separate from copier and printer areas in order to minimize the risk of ink vapor coming in contact with food. f) A.S. should maintain a supply cabinet of basic office materials such as pens, tape, notebooks, highlighters, et cetera that have been selected with sustainable principles in mind. These supplies should be made available to groups to ease the burden of researching sustainable supplies. g) A.S. Publications should retain any misprinted or extra scrap paper for distribution to A.S. offices for reuse as scratch paper. h) Resources should be made available to reduce the environmental impact of A.S. events. i) 5-gallon water jugs with a dispensing pump should be available to student groups for event hydration stations. ii) Groups must have compost, recycling, and landfill bins at events and should either be able to order bins and collection service from A.S. Recycling or check out and service bins themselves.

4) All A.S. staff and students should be made aware of the provisions of the A.S. Green Bill on a regular basis, and should be provided with clear resources on how to abide by all policies without compromising any group’s ability to meet its own goals.

5) The A.S. Fall Orientation and any quarterly meetings of A.S. leadership should include information on sustainability within A.S.

6) The Environmental Affairs Board, Recycling, and the Zero Waste Committee should act as informational resources on sustainability for A.S. groups.

7) The Green Bill and any associated resource guides should be prominently featured on the A.S. website. Printed versions should be available in all A.S. spaces.


A) Online & Social Media

1) Consistency

a) The public social media accounts of all Associated Students entities shall identify the entity as a part of the “ASUCSB” or the “Associated Students of UCSB” in either their page title or description.

a) All entities’ public social media page names shall follow the formula: “ASUCSB [Entity’s Formal Name].” For example, ASUCSB Office of the President, or ASUCSB Commission on Student Well-Being.

i) The Associated Students Events & Media Units are exempt from this requirement.

c) Any entity may use their abbreviated name for accounts requiring short usernames (E.g., Twitter, Instagram).

2) Procedures for the Creation and Maintenance of Online Media

a) The AS Assistant Director for Technology shall keep an updated database of all AS social media, websites, and other online accounts that includes the name and contact information of each account administrator.

b) The AS Assistant Director for Technology or an AS career staff member shall be an account administrator on all AS social media, websites, and other online accounts.


c) All account administrators shall be responsible for transferring and relinquishing admin authority to their successor during the transition process. Any account administrator who does not do this within two weeks of ending their term shall be docked honoraria and be removed as an account administrator by the AS Assistant Director for Technology Services or an AS career staff member.

d) Any new official website created for an AS Entity must be linked to the Associated Students main website and include ‘as.ucsb’ in its URL.

B) AS Branding Guidelines

1) All visual media for programs held by any Associated Students entity, including but not limited to apparel, brochures, books, flyers, and Facebook event pages, shall contain the Associated Students name and logo and/or the respective AS entity’s name and logo.

2) All visual media for programs funded by any Associated Students entity, including but not limited to apparel, brochures, books, flyers, and Facebook event pages, shall contain the Associated Students name and logo and/or the respective AS entity’s name and logo.

3) Any change to the official ASUCSB logo, symbol, or icon must be approved by the AS Creative Media Unit and a two-thirds (2/3rds) vote of the Senate.

4) Any AS Entity that wishes to create a new official logo or symbol shall work in collaboration with the AS Creative Media Unit in order to ensure synchronization in visual media across the Association.

C) Posting Criteria and Penalties

1) Content posted on the web, social media, or other online accounts by any AS Entity must comply with the Associated Students Code of Conduct (see Policy 1, Standing Policies & Procedures).

2) Any person or organization found using the name or symbols of ASUCSB inappropriately may be referred to Judicial Council at the discretion of the Attorney General. Any student may also file a complaint with these bodies concerning an inappropriate use.


A) Conference Leads shall be defined as leadership within a particular AS Entity charged with overseeing and ensuring UCSB representation at all United States Student Association (USSA) & University of California Student Association (UCSA) conferences.

1) If no particular AS Entity is designed as a Conference Lead for a conference, then that responsibility shall be entrusted to the EVPSA.

2) The Student Commission on Racial Equality (SCORE) shall be the designated Conference Lead for the Student of Color Conference (SOCC).

3) Lobby Corps shall be the designated Conference Lead for the Student Lobby Conference (SLC).

4) The EVPSA shall be automatically accepted to all University of California Student Association (UCSA) conferences in order to represent UCSB as a UCSA Board Member in accordance with UCSA By-Laws.

5) The EVPSA shall be invited to all Conference planning meetings by Conference Leads in order to coordinate and provide support in an ex-officio (non-voting) capacity.


B) All conferences funded in part or in full using student fees must abide the following guidelines:

1) Applications must be made available no later than two (2) weeks prior to the start date of the conference.

3) Applications must be made available on the Committee on Committees’ website to the entire undergraduate student body of UCSB and be sufficiently advertised to the campus community.

3) Applications must include, but are not limited to the following information and questions:

a) A detailed explanation outlining any criteria that may give an individual priority selection

b) Required Question 1: Are you an ASUCSB elected official? If yes, what is your position?

c) Required Question 2: Were you approved to host a workshop?

d) Required Question 3: What year are you? (freshman, sophomore, junior, senior)

4) Applications shall be reviewed and delegates shall be selected via a blind process: all names and other identifying application information, including but not limited to: email and phone number, shall be redacted.

5) All applicants shall be notified about conference selection decisions no more than three (3) days after the application deadline.

6) Conference leads are responsible for ensuring all members of the delegation are informed about and sign the ASUCSB Waiver of Liability Assumption of Risk and Indemnity Agreement, which must be submitted to the Executive Director no later than twenty-four (24) prior to the start of the event.

7) Conference leads are responsible for sharing the knowledge obtained at the conference with the UCSB student body who were unable to participate by providing a report about their conference experience to the ASUCSB Senate and incorporating this new knowledge into at least one (1) future event or program.

8) All members who have confirmed attendance and can no longer participate in the entirety of the conference must notify the conference lead(s) no later than forty-eight (48) hours prior to the start of the event; refer to Policy 7 for legitimate exemptions.

9) All members who violate Policy 31 (B)(7) will be required to pay seventy-five percent (75%) of their per-person variable costs for the conference. This amount will be charged to their BARC accounts.

a) A student who had previously committed but fails to attend may appeal their fine to judicial council and inform the lead of the specific conference of their appeal.

a) Monies received from a delegate’s BARC shall be transferred to the account of the AS Entity that provided the greatest total amount of funding for the Conference.

C) The chairs of the AS Entities hosting a retreat shall be in charge of overseeing the planning and the execution of the retreat.

D) All retreats funded in part or in full using student fees must abide the following guidelines:


1) Invitations must be made available no later than two (2) weeks prior to the start date of the retreat.

2) Invitations must be made available to the intended recipients and be sufficiently advertised to their respective communities.

3) The chairs are responsible for ensuring all retreat participants are informed about and sign the ASUCSB Waiver of Liability Assumption of Risk and Indemnity Agreement, which must be submitted to the Executive Director no later than twenty-four (24) prior to the start of the event.

4) All participants who have confirmed attendance and can no longer participate in the entirety of the retreat must notify the chairs no later than forty-eight (48) hours prior to the start of the event; refer to Policy 7 for legitimate exemptions.

5) All participants who violate Policy 31 (D)(4) will be required to pay seventy-five percent (75%) of their per-person variable costs for the retreat. This amount will be charged to their BARC accounts.

6) Monies received from a participant’s BARC shall be transferred to the account of the AS Entity that provided the greatest total amount of funding for the retreat.





A) The Associated Students Pardall Center is funded via student fees; however, all members of the community are welcome to use the space.

B) Emergency repairs as well as purchases including those of supplies, leasing, and staffing under an amount of five hundred (500) dollars are to be approved by the board on a yearly basis in order to allow for career staff to proceed with key expenditures.

1) The approval process shall take place each January, parallel to the annual Associated Students budget process.

C) Any other financial expenditure shall require the approval of the Pardall Center Sub-Governance Board.

D) Printing Policy: users shall use printing resources (e.g. toner, paper) responsibly.

1) Users shall keep prints to small printing jobs (no greater than twenty five pages in length).

2) No user will print more than 200 pages per quarter.

a) This policy may only be enforced using quantitative evidence, such as a computer program that tracks prints.

3) Printing shall be in black and white, unless a user requests color printing.

4) This printing policy shall not apply to the space of renting tenants.

E) Parking Policy


1) Users and staff members may utilize any of the four parking spaces on the East side of the Pardall Center while at the Pardall Center.

a) Users and staff must display a valid permit, which shall be obtained from the Pardall Center.

b) If an entity wishes to reserve a parking space while holding an event at the Pardall Center, the entity must indicate this request at the time of submitting a general request for space reservation at the Pardall Center.

2) Those deemed by a staff member to be, beyond a reasonable doubt, in violation of this policy will be subject to towing of their vehicle.

a) In any other case, a written warning including information about the Pardall Center’s parking policies will be placed on the windshield of the vehicle in question .

3) During normal business hours (9am-5pm), parking behind the building on the North side shall be reserved solely for Pardall Center staff.

F) Advertising Policy

1) Advertising may not be commercial.

2) Users may place non-commercial advertisements in the Pardall Center.

a) Career staff shall determine the acceptable location(s) for advertising in the Pardall Center. Non-commercial advertising includes but is not limited to non- profit, educational, and community based advertising.

3) This advertising policy shall not apply to the space of renting tenants.

G) Respect for Staff

1) Associated Students reserves the right to refuse service or regulate use to any users who violate any policy or procedure or engage in any verbal and/or physical abuse of staff or participants.

2) As one of the primary responsibilities of the students who work in the Pardall Center, is to maintain order and ensure a welcoming space for all members of the University and community, Pardall Center users must respect the directions of student staff. Failure to do so may result in a person not being permitted to visit the Pardall Center.

H) Users are expected to adhere to the following expectations:

1) Users shall be considerate of computer use.

a) Users shall be mindful of bandwidth usage.

b) If other users are waiting for use of the computers, the user shall restrict his/her use to thirty (30) minutes.

c) Users shall understand that computers shall not be used for inappropriate content including but not limited to sexual content or hateful, prejudiced, or violent content.

d) Users shall understand that content saved on computers shall be cleared by staff on a regular basis.

d) Users shall comply with University policies on responsible usage of computers


2) Pardall Center users must recognize and acknowledge that the Pardall Center is a shared, multi-purpose community space, and therefore respect the rights and privileges of others who are using the Pardall Center simultaneously. Conversations, discussions, and dialogue are welcome and encouraged, but should be kept at a level that is not distracting or disruptive to others.

3) Users may be asked to sign in on certain occasions, in order help Pardall Center staff track important information about usage of the space

I) Food and Drink

1) Food and drink are permitted in the Pardall Center. In order to maintain a clean and orderly environment, however, Pardall Center users must clean up any spills and dispose of their waste in the appropriate receptacles. Pardall Center users must be especially careful drinking and eating while using a computer, as a spill may cause damage, requiring the person to compensate Associated Students for the damage.

J) Lost Items

1) Pardall Center users are expected to use Pardall Center items and equipment responsibly. Users will be responsible for compensating the University for any equipment that is lost or damaged.

2) Pardall Center users are expected to watch their personal belongings. The Pardall Center is not responsible for any personal items or equipment.

K) Pardall Center Closures

1) Occasionally the Pardall Center may be closed for a special event. The Pardall Center reserves the right to close for such events or for unforeseen circumstances.

L) Users or entities may request to reserve the Pardall Center for an event such as a presentation, meeting, or workshop. Interested users or entities are required to submit a request to reserve the space at least twenty-four (24) hours in advance. Exceptions can be made at the discretion of staff. Request for use of space will be considered on a first-come, first served basis.

M) Legal Self Help Center

1) The Self Help Legal Center is a community-access, free legal resource program that was implemented and launched with the Isla Vista Tenants’ Union in Summer 2014. It is available for use by UCSB students who do not require legal advice, but need resources to assist them with the judicial process, drafting correspondence to address a conflict, or preparing documents for agreements. Its purpose is to provide individuals with tools to accomplish their legal needs. The Self Help Legal Center occupies space within the Pardall Center that results in overhead costs for rent, maintaining the library and computers and workspaces.

a) The two computers in the Self Help Legal Center are restricted for users of the Self Help Legal Center between the hours of 9am-5pm, Monday through Friday.

b) Reference materials in the reference library are available for use on the premises and may not be removed without permission from the Legal Resource Center.

N) Compliance with Policies and Procedures: all Pardall Center users are expected to comply with the standing policies and procedures. The Pardall Center reserves the right to disallow a person to continue using the space if he/she does not comply with the Pardall Center and/or University policies and procedures.





A) Selection Process, Term of Office of Representatives, and Number of Representatives:

1) One (1) At-Large Representative is appointed to each of the Academic Senate Committees. Each representative is nominated by the A. S. President after consultation with the Academic Affairs Board Chairperson and approved by the Senate for a term of one (1) year, except for any two (2) years or more appointments which will be specified in the texts of individual sections.

B) Duties of Undergraduate Student Academic Senate Representatives:

1) Report a minimum of once (1) per quarter to Senate regarding the actions of the Academic Senate Committee.

2) Report a minimum of once per quarter to Academic Affairs Board

3) Maintain a record of Academic Senate Committee meetings and actions in a folder which shall be collected by the Committees Coordinator to be passed on to subsequent representatives.


A) Purpose: To work towards attaining the campus goals of diversity and equity and actively pursue the goals of affirmative action.

B) Duties: The Committee promotes campus diversity and equity, ensuring the equal treatment of women, ethnic minorities, individuals of diverse sexual orientations, individuals with disabilities, and other members of the campus community. In meeting this charge, the committee may:

1) Initiate studies on campus diversity and equity, using data collected from all campus sources.

B) Formulate and disseminate recommendations on any matter influencing campus diversity and equity.

3) Address matters involving the hiring, employment, educational or social circumstances of faculty, staff and students.


A) Purpose: To oversee, advise on the administration of, and ensure the quality off-campus, non- regular session, and international curricular offerings.

B) Duties of the Committee:

1) Advises the Chancellor and the Division on any matters, referred to the committee or initiated by it, concerning Extended Learning Services, special summer programs, Off- campus Studies, the Washington Center, and international academic programming, budget and personnel and exchange.


2) Advises College and Divisional Deans/Provosts and the academic administrative control points for Extended Learning Services, special summer programs, Off-Campus Studies, the Washington Center, and Education Abroad with respect to:

a) courses that yield degree credit,

b) admissions requirements for such courses,

c) establishment and discontinuance of academic programming,

d) criteria for appointment and retention of academic personnel staff who fall within the jurisdiction of the Santa Barbara Division,

e) policies and procedures affecting the administration of their academic programs;

3) Acts for the Division with respect to the review of the administrative offices and the appointments of administrators of the various entities offering non-regular session and international curricula.

4) Reports to the Faculty Legislature on matters affecting the needs and concerns of students registered and enrolled in classes offered by Extension Learning Services, special summer programs, Off-Campus Studies, the Washington Center and the Education Abroad Program. (CC 23 Jul 80)

5) Advises the Chancellor and the Division about the quality of the curriculum and individual courses offered by Extended Learning Services, special summer programs, Off-Campus Studies, the Washington Center and Education Abroad Program; consults with the Undergraduate and Graduate Councils regarding establishing academic standards and maintaining the quality of programs offered by these administrative units; conducts periodic program and policy reviews as required to inform itself of the overall appropriateness and quality of such programs.

6) Advises the Council on Planning and Budget regarding budgetary matters within its authority.

7) Advises the Chancellor and the Division on all other aspects of international education and exchange.


A) Purpose: To initiate, coordinate and implement academic planning that promotes the quality and diversity of the academic experience; provide advice on the campus budget, capital planning and allocations of resources and space.

B) Duties: The Council:

1) In consultation with the Chancellor, initiates, coordinates and implements academic planning taking into consideration the results of programmatic reviews and maintaining liaison with the Undergraduate and Graduate Councils;

2) Confers with and advises the Chancellor and the Division on policy regarding physical planning, budget, and resource allocation, both on an annual and long range basis;

3) Advises the Chancellor and the Senate Chair on the budgetary process and annual resource allocations to the various campus units. In deliberations concerning academic resource allocation the Council has responsibility to ensure appropriate consideration of campus diversity policies and to ensure compliance with approved campus academic plans.


4) Acts for the Division in the reviews of administrative units at UCSB as directed by the Executive Council;

5) Articulates a Senate position on campus space-use, ensuring appropriate design for instructional purposes, and evaluates building projects at their proposal, planning, and building stages. Considers the impacts of administrative proposals and recommendations that may significantly affect the quality of the campus environment. Recommends a campus 5-year plan for capital projects;

6) Works with the administration to ensure that development procedures and policies address academic goals and needs. Provides advice on all acquisitions and expenditures of funds that have academic implications.

7) Articulates a Senate position regarding Development fundraising, with particular regard to the acquisition and expenditure of funds that have academic implications, either direct or indirect.

8) Advises the Chancellor and the Division on off-campus land-purchase/use and the planning thereof.


A) Purpose: The Faculty Legislature acts for the Division in all Senate matters; it is the only body that may vote on legislation.

B) Duties: Except as otherwise provided in these Bylaws, the Faculty Legislature acts finally for the Division on all matters requiring action by the Division. At its discretion, the Faculty Legislature may refer any such matters to a meeting of the Division for consideration. In carrying out its work, the Faculty Legislature may adopt such rules or procedures as deemed necessary and consonant with the Bylaws of the Senate and the Division.

C) Representatives as follows:

1) Seven (7) representatives from non-Senate academic appointees (with greater than 50% appointments) who have been elected at large.

2) The three (3) principal officers of the Graduate Students Association.

3) The President, two (2) Vice Presidents, and one (1) other designated member of the Associated Students Senate.


A) Purpose: To promote an optimal research and educational environment, to manage Senate resources and provide advice in a manner that fosters quality and diversity of research and instructional programs.

B) Membership: Members are selected to ensure appropriate representation of the diversity of research and instructional efforts at Santa Barbara, with representation based on the apportionment of the Faculty Legislature as much as possible. The Council consists of at least thirteen (13) Senate members. In addition, there is one (1) non-Senate academic representative appointed by the Committee on Committees from each group as follows: lecturers, professional researchers, and librarians. There is one (1) graduate and one (1) undergraduate student representative, appointed by the Graduate Student Association and Associated Students, respectively. Additional student representatives may be appointed to the standing committees. The Council Chair and Vice Chairs are appointed by the Committee on Committees. One (1) member is appointed each to the University-wide Committees on Research Policy, on


Information Technology and Telecommunications Policy, and on Library. The Chair is a member of the Executive Council.


A) Purpose: To set standards for and policy on undergraduate education and to provide advice and consent on all matters of policy, planning, programs, and practice that impact the quality and diversity of UCSB's undergraduates and their educational experiences at UCSB.

B) Duties of the Council:

1) In consultation with the Faculties or the Faculty Executive Committees, makes policy for undergraduate education at UCSB and advises the Chancellor and the Division on all matters pertaining to undergraduate education; consults with the Committees on International Education and Extended Learning regarding setting educational standards;

2) Recommends to the Faculty Legislature undergraduate programs leading to existing and new degrees and general education programs; exercises plenary power and issues policy rulings regarding undergraduate courses and may suspend or withdraw approval of undergraduate courses and curricula subject to appeal to the Faculty Legislature; authorizes, supervises and regulates all undergraduate courses and programs of instruction, promotes and encourages academic enrichment, including educational diversity and innovation; acts for the Division in the approval or discontinuation of undergraduate minors. In discharging these duties, the Undergraduate Council shall maintain liaison with the Graduate Council and the Faculty Executive Committees.

3) Promotes excellence in teaching and instruction and recommends policy on instructional resources to the Council on Research and Instructional Resources;

4) Periodically reviews and evaluates all undergraduate programs of study, including general education, in coordination with the Graduate Council and the Program Review Panel. Initiates programmatic reviews as deemed necessary. If the Council judges after a review of a program that it should be discontinued, it initiates proposals to that effect, according to established procedures;

5) Determines standards and criteria for undergraduate admissions in accordance with the provisions of SBL311C1; considers campus enrollment; and monitors campus procedures for recruitment, outreach, and informational services to schools;

6) Sets standards for honors, reviews campus honors programs, and recommends procedures for awards of undergraduate scholarships and unallocated prizes; recommends to the Chancellor the award of undergraduate scholarships and unallocated prizes according to the terms of donors and Senate policy; provides general supervision over the award of prizes;

7) Considers any student policy issue or relevant aspect of student affairs insofar as these have educational implications or may affect the academic quality of the institution. Council considers these with the purpose of advising student affairs officers and formulating recommendations to the Faculty Legislature or the Student Senate (the former if involving faculty, the latter if involving students).

8) Advises the Council on Planning and Budget on budgetary issues related to undergraduate education.

9) Consistent with Senate Bylaw 20 and Senate Bylaw 330 ©, the Undergraduate Council may delegate to Executive Committees and administrators routine administrative decisions related to the regulations and policies of the Undergraduate Council and other matters to its committees or executive officers (see Divisional Regulation 250A). The Undergraduate Council will monitor and review these delegated decisions on an annual basis, and revise its delegation guidelines accordingly.



A) Purpose: To study and make recommendations on any matter of interest and welfare of the campus community; and to reward excellence in research and teaching.

B) Duties: The Council

1) Advises the Division on matters concerned with faculty welfare, including economic, health and safety issues, matters that affect the conditions of employment, and changes to the retirement system. The Council consults administrative officers as appropriate;

2) Initiates studies or makes recommendations with respect to any conditions within or without the Division which may affect academic freedom;

3) Oversees maintenance of current, centralized demographic records of all emeriti/are members of the Division;

4) Maintains communication with emeriti/ae to ascertain and make known to the Division and the Administration their interests and needs, and facilitates continued contribution to the University by emeriti/ae;

5) Formulates for the Division a position on cultural and educational ties to the greater community; advises the Senate on matters relating to the intellectual links between the campus and the surrounding community; provides a Senate response to matters of campus community functions not otherwise in the purview of existing Senate committees;

6) Promotes research excellence and teaching effectiveness in coordination with the Council on Research and Instructional Resources. Determines major campus awards, such as the annual Research Lectureship and Distinguished Teaching awards, the latter as approved by the Faculty Legislature in April 1976 and amended in January 1999.




A) Charge of the Committees:

1) Provide student input into University decision-making.

B) Selection Process, Term of Office of Representatives, and Number of Representatives:

1) The number of A.S. Representatives appointed to each committee is specified within the text of each committee description. Representatives are nominated by the A. S. President and approved by the Senate for a term of one (1) year, except for any two (2) year or more appointments which will also be specified within the text of individual sections.

C) Duties of Undergraduate Student Campus Administrative Committee/Advisory Board Representatives:

1) Report a minimum of once (1) per quarter to Senate regarding the actions of the Committee/Advisory Board.

2) Maintain a record of Committee/Advisory Board meetings and actions in a folder that shall be collected by the Committees Coordinator to be passed on to subsequent representatives.


A) The Alcohol and Other Drug (AOD) Work Group is a broad-based committee that includes campus and community representatives. The AOD Work Group works in conjunction with the Alcohol and Other Drugs/Violence Prevention and Isla Vista Community Standards Task Force to coordinate and direct UCSB's comprehensive alcohol and other drug abuse prevention programs. These programs emphasize elimination of harmful alcohol and drug use by UCSB students, high-risk behavior on and off campus, and related violence. Using the Environmental Management Model, the AOD Work Group assesses and makes recommendations for campus policy and AOD prevention efforts in the areas of education, early intervention, environmental management, enforcement, and evaluation. Student representation is critical to the success of the program in order to accurately depict the experiences of UCSB students in on and off campus settings, particularly in the residence halls and in Isla Vista. The AOD Work Group meets two to three (2 to 3) times per quarter (2 hour meetings) during fall, winter, and spring.

A) Two (2) undergraduate students appointed by Associated Students serve on this committee. One (1) graduate student is appointed by the Graduate Students Association.


A) The Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA) Advisory Group provides oversight on all issues of disability at UCSB. We are committed to providing an environment in which faculty, staff, students and community members with disabilities can maximize their experience. We also want to enhance understanding and support within the campus community.

1) The advisory group is chaired by the campus compliance officer and meets approximately once (1) a quarter. A representative of the Associated Students is invited to join the group each year.



A) The A & L Student Advisory Committee (SAC) provides guidelines to the Director of Arts & Lectures regarding the allocation of money that is generated by the mandatory student fee. Areas of input include, but are not limited to: the programming of performances, films and lectures, in regards to students' interests.

B) Three (3) Undergraduates serve on the committee along with two (2) graduate students. Associated Students, Graduate Students and Arts & Lectures will nominate prospective student representatives. Academic Senate has allowed A & L to choose a faculty nominee who interacts regularly with Arts & Lectures. Vacancies can be filled by returning to the nominating body to identify replacements.


A) Recommends policies and procedures that provide for the safe conduct of work involving potentially biohazardous materials. Reviews and approves or disapproves all proposed projects involving potentially biohazardous materials as described in the UCSB "Policy on Biohazardous Materials." Advises Environmental Health and Safety with respect to the biological safety of instructional and research activities. Reviews and recommends the guidelines and procedures for transportation, storage, use, and disposal of hazardous microorganisms and infectious materials as new information governing such properties become available.

B) One (1) undergraduate student serves on the committee.


A) Develops the academic calendar for the UCSB campus in accordance with guidelines developed by the Office of the President. Develops calendars three (3) years in advance.

B) One (1) undergraduate student and one (1) graduate student serve on the committee.


A) Makes recommendations to the Chancellor on all issues related to campus-wide elections. This includes (but is not limited to) ballot wording, election timing, election operations, policies, practices, and violations. Centralizes, publicizes, coordinates and conducts all campus-wide student elections. Educates the voters about the scope, financial implications, pros and cons of each ballot measure being placed before the electorate. Assures that campus-wide elections are conducted in a fair and efficient manner.

B) One (1) Associated Students Internal Vice President or designee, two (2) undergraduate students, and one (1) Student Fee Advisory Committee member serve on the committee.


A) Advises the Chancellor on all matters relating to long range planning, major capital project development, and the physical environment of the campus, including:

1) Implementation of UCSB's Long Range Development Plan in a manner consistent with the academic goals of the Campus.

2) Area and master plans: landscape, graphics, sitting studies, parking and circulation.

3) Campus siting and design guidelines.


4) Proposals for major capital projects: academic impact, land use, budget, operating and maintenance costs, aesthetics, environment and impacts on other campus resources.

5) Priority setting for State and non-State funded major capital projects.

6) Amendments to the State and non-State capital improvement programs.

7) Selection process for executive architects and campus consulting architects.

8) Design and siting of new buildings, exterior alterations and site improvements.

9) Progress of capital projects to insure consistency with approved Campus objectives.

The Campus Planning Committee serves as the primary contact for the initiation of administration/senate consultation throughout the major capital planning process. Documents and materials relating to physical planning and major capital improvement projects will be provided to each member of the Committee. It is the responsibility of each member to distribute documents and materials to the group s/he is representing and to consult with and represent her/his constituents on the Campus Planning Committee. The timely completion of the committee tasks is critical to the success of the major capital planning process at UCSB.

B) One (1) undergraduate student (the President of Associated Students) serves on the committee.


A) The Chancellor’s Outreach Advisory Board (COAB) is the policy and governing body for all campus outreach programs. COAB provides overall guidance on policy, budget and evaluation issues regarding UC Santa Barbara’s K-12, community college and graduate academic preparation and educational partnership programs. COAB also advises the chancellor and other staff on these matters, and monitors outreach program progress via evaluation efforts. This group is comprised of faculty, staff and students who share a strong commitment to strengthening the campus’ academic preparation and educational partnership programs. The Board will provide consultation and direction to the campus in the development and oversight of campus initiatives supported by university outreach funds. In collaboration with the Academic Senate, the Gevirtz Graduate School of Education and Student Affairs, COAB and the Office of Outreach Initiatives also coordinates the Faculty Outreach Grant (FOG) Program. The Board meets at least once each quarter during the academic year.

B) One (1) undergraduate student serves on the board.


A) Provides advice on: the safe use and appropriate disposal of chemicals on campus; chemical safety policies; strategies for implementing regulatory requirements; the development of the most cost effective and efficient ways to accomplish all of the above; rates and recharges for chemical disposal; chemical program.

B) One (1) undergraduate student serves on the committee.


A) Identify and anticipate the childcare needs for the university community on a periodic basis. Communicate its findings to the University's Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs, Chancellor's Staff Advisory Council, Staff Assembly, Academic Senate, Associated Students, Graduate Student Association, Division of Institutional Advancement, and the Director of Governmental Relations. Advocate the fulfilling of identified need through the above-named bodies. Examples include: licensing and accreditation of university child care programs, distributing information about child care to students, staff, and faculty families, maintaining channel of communications


among the university's programs and programs in the Isla Vista community to promote the coordination of child care services. Facilitate the use of the University childcare programs by academic departments for research and observation, as appropriate. Review and respond to system-wide studies and recommendations regarding childcare needs as well as federal and state laws and regulations pertaining to the University's ability to provide quality childcare.

B) Two (2) undergraduate students serve on the committee.


A) Advises on policies and programs; serves as a liaison to representative constituencies; acts as an advocate for Counseling and Career Services, and gives input on student/staff/alumni and employer needs.

B) Three (3) undergraduate students serve on the committee.


A) Recommends to the Vice Chancellor, Administrative Services on changes in policy, and amendments to the campus Diving Safety Manual as the need arises. Establishes and/or approves training programs through which applicants for certification can satisfy the requirements of this Manual. Approves locations where diving may be conducted under University auspices. Recommends on new equipment or techniques for campus use. Establishes and/or approves facilities for the inspection and maintenance of scuba and associated equipment.

B) One (1) undergraduate student who is a University certified diver serves on the committee.


A) The Design Review Committee is responsible for assisting the campus in achieving design of the highest possible quality for UCSB. This includes the design of buildings, siting and arrangement of buildings and other physical features, circulation, landscape, and other environmental matters. Periodically the DRC will review campus design guidelines and master planning. The Committee will make its recommendations to the Chancellor, and will also advise the Committee on Capital Planning.

B) One (1) undergraduate student serves on the committee.


A) The Events Center Governance Board (hereafter referred to as the Board) shall address policies governing the Events Center’s purpose and image, facilities, services, programs, activities, scheduling, access, and user fees. It shall review and have full authority over the operation and development of the Events Center with respect to any matters involving policy and shall have authority for approval of the annual Events Center budget. In particular, the Board shall have approval authority for any expenditure of major maintenance funds which result from passage of a Student Fee Referendum. A comprehensive annual list of proposed capital expenditures for Facility Renewal or Deferred Maintenance should be prioritized and approved by the Board.

The Board shall be involved only in policy-making; implementation of policy will be a function of Events Center management. The Board shall not become involved in daily management matters. The Board shall be a University Committee within the University Committee structure. Therefore, any decisions made by the Board are ultimately subject to review and possible veto by the Chancellor or the Chancellor’s designate, the Associate Vice Chancellor for Administrative and Auxiliary Services.


B) One (1) undergraduate student representative nominated by Associated Students. Appointments are for two (2) year terms (minimum) and shall be staggered to maintain a balance between experienced and new members.


A) Provides a formal and regular channel of communication between the Office of Financial Aid and its many publics, including the students, faculty, staff, and administration of the University. Advises and makes recommendations on policy and procedural issues of the Office of Financial Aid which could have an impact to the University Community. Policies and procedures to be reviewed will normally include but are not limited to: the awarding or "packaging" of campus- based aid funds; the aid application process and deadline dates; aid processing policies and procedures; forms letters, and publication methods used to communicate with appropriate publics and other relevant operating policies and procedures of the unit.

B) Four (4) undergraduate students serve on the committee.


A) The Housing and Residential Services Advisory Committee is charged with making recommendations to the Director of Housing and Residential Services concerning the functional and programmatic aspects of UCSB's housing program, so as to protect and maintain the quality of the housing facilities and administrative structures as they were originally conceived. As part of that charge, the Committee is expected to: meet regularly to review issues related to the Committee's Charge; review policies and regulations related to student housing; review ongoing operations in Housing and Residential Services; review the budget parameters used to set room, board, and rental fees; explore and make recommendations that enhance the quality of life for resident students; review the campus plans for the development of student housing and ancillary support facilities; review and periodically evaluate the Standards for Housing and Residential Services and the Educational Equity Plan for the housing program; meet and confer on a regular basis with the Director of Housing and Residential Services and members of the Housing and Residential Services Senior management team.

B) One (1) undergraduate student serves on the committee.


A) Responsible for establishing and administering a policy on the protection of human subjects has been delegated by the Chancellor to the Human Subjects Committee. No activity involving human subjects is to be undertaken unless the HSC has reviewed and approved such activity. Even if the Committee approves an activity it may prescribe restrictions or conditions under which the activity must be conducted, particularly as it relates to children, prisoners, or other special population groups. The Committee will review the conduct of the activities at timely intervals. The nature and frequency of reviews will be determined on the basis of the risks involved to assure that the activity is being properly conducted and that the Committee's stipulations are fulfilled. Continuing activities must be reviewed at least annually. The Committee may order the suspension of any approved activity if, in its opinion, the relative risks outweigh the potential benefits.

B) One (1) undergraduate student serves on the committee.


A) The Income and Recharge Committee advises the Executive Vice Chancellor on all matters related to rate structures proposed by campus service units for their goods and/or services. The Income and Recharge Committee reviews all rates except those set up by regulatory bodies and


rates subject to control through other University policies. During this review the Committee considers rate decisions based on comparisons to organizations providing similar services or goods from within the community to avoid the appearance of unfair competition with local and private enterprise. The Committee insures that rates are set to consider full cost recovery. For self-sustaining activities, consideration shall be given to amortization of indebtedness and depreciation of equipment and facilities. In conjunction with the annual budget process, the committee reviews all requests for changes in rates, services and activities to insure that they reflect current needs and are consistent with University guidelines and policy.

B) One (1) undergraduate student from the Student Fee Advisory Committee serves on the committee.


A) Advises the Chancellor on all matters related to policies and procedures (excluding eligibility) in intercollegiate athletics programs. It is expected that this procedure will include research into athletic policy of national organizations (NCAA, etc.) and of other university campuses and consultation with the UCSB campus community. It is the responsibility of the committee to consider applicable state and federal legislation regulating intercollegiate athletics when recommending policies to the Chancellor.

B) Two (2) undergraduate students, (three (3) year terms), Associated Students President or his/her representative, the other nominated by Associated Students.


A) The La Cumbre Publications Board shall oversee the financial and administrative matters associated with the publications which comprise La Cumbre, including printed, digital, and all other forms. The Publications Board shall insure the continued quality and proper management of La Cumbre. The Publications Board shall assume the role of publisher of this publication.

B) Three (3) student representatives shall be recommended by the Editor-in-Chief following an application process. The recommendation shall be forwarded to the A.S. President, who shall appoint these nominees subject to confirmation by the A.S. Senate. At least one (1) of the student representatives shall be an upper-division student. All three (3) undergraduate student representatives shall not be members of the A.S. Executive or Senates and shall not be La Cumbre staff members.


A) Through the Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research, recommends to the Chancellor concerning management of sites administered by the campus; recommends to the Systemwide committee concerning management policies and potential reserve sites; reviews activities of the reserve advisory committees for those reserves assigned to this campus, and assumes any other responsibilities which may fall within its purview.

B) One (1) undergraduate student serves on this committee.


A) Assists the Ombuds in the duties of his office, including at the Ombuds' discretion, to hear complaints of students, faculty and staff regarding decisions by officers of instruction and other University officers and agencies in matters affecting the staff, faculty, and students; investigate complaints, but only with regard to the observance of due process where cases of student discipline are involved; to make recommendations to appropriate University agencies and officers.


B) Two (2) undergraduate students serve on the committee.


A) The Committee on Parking and Transportation Services shall review plans, policies, operations, rates, and budgets for the UCSB transportation and parking programs. The Committee shall provide advice to the Vice Chancellor, Administrative Services on matters pertaining to these services.

B) Two (2) undergraduate students serve on this committee.


A) Advises the Vice Chancellor, Administrative Services on all property and personal safety issues, including, but not limited to, bicycle/pedestrian safety; major events (in coordination with the Major Event Committee); and environment and capital planning (in coordination with CPC). Analyzes and recommends solutions to safety issues. Advises the Vice Chancellor by what process we encourage behavior that enhances a safe environment and discourages the contrary.

B) One (1) undergraduate student serves on this committee.


A) Provides advice to the Vice Chancellor, Administrative Services concerning: radiation safety; governmental regulations; policies and procedures relating to the use of ionizing radiation; purchase of sources using ionizing radiation; resolution of potential safety problems; program elements, costs, and funding; maintains a file with the State of California of names of the members of the Committee; and maintains the Radiation Safety Manual.

B One (1) undergraduate student serves on the committee.


A) The Recreation Center Governance Board shall address policies governing the Rec Center's purpose and image, facilities, services, programs, activities, scheduling, access and establish user fees. It shall review and have full authority over the operation and development of the Center with respect to any matters involving policy and shall have authority for approval of the annual Rec Center budget. The Board shall be involved only in policy making; implementation of policy will be a function of Rec Center management. The Board shall not become involved in daily management matters. Any decisions made by the Board are ultimately subject to review and possible veto by the Chancellor.

B) Five (5) undergraduate students serve on the committee. Appointments are made for two (2) year staggered terms. Two (2) of these students are nominated by Associated Students. Others are nominated by other campus entities. See the committee charge for details.


A) Researches and advises the Chancellor on issues relating to the status of women at UCSB and makes recommendations to the Chancellor concerning these issues. In so doing: analyzes data provided about the status of women by appropriate offices such as Budget and Planning, Graduate Division and Financial Aid (students); Human Resources and Affirmative Action


(staff); and Academic Personnel (faculty); meets with Senior Officers to understand their perceptions of the problems of attracting and retaining women scholars and employees; makes recommendations to the Chancellor on actions that could be taken which would improve the status of women on campus.

B) One (1) undergraduate student serves on the committee.


A) Reviews matters of student conduct and recommends sanctions, if appropriate, to the Chancellor or designee. When requested by a Department, reviews student discipline in academic matters and/or recommends appropriate sanctions. Reviews requests for re-admission of students who have been suspended for disciplinary reasons and recommends to the Chancellor. Registered campus organizations are required to comply with University policies and campus regulations enumerated in Chapters I-IV of the University of California Santa Barbara Campus Regulations Applying to Campus Activities, Organizations, and Students, or they will be subject to sanctions for violation of such policies and regulations. Furthermore, from time to time, there is a need for a representative body to interpret these regulations when disputes regarding their meaning arise. The Student/Faculty Committee on Student Conduct will manage these two functions (i.e., organizational discipline and regulation interpretation).

B) Three (3) undergraduate students serve on the committee and one alternate.


A) Advises on activities supported by income from student registration and education fee supported programs and recommends priorities for funding. The Committee will review registration fee supported programs and recommend priorities for funding. The Committee may also submit an analysis and evaluation of the funded programs to aid the Chancellor in the decision-making process. Programs which receive student registration fees are determined by the Regents per policies approved on April 19, 1968, and October 20, 1972. The Student Fee Advisory Committee will also be examining the education fee funded areas. There are certain areas that are funded through the education fee which are academic support areas central to campus administration. The Committee will be kept informed about these areas but will not review them in depth. Such areas would include but are not limited to: Vice Chancellor Student Affairs, Registrar, Graduate Division, Admissions, Relations with Schools, Dean of Students, Financial Aid, Public Events, International Students and Scholars. In recent years, several areas have been off loaded onto the education fee from the registration fee. The Committee will ask to be kept informed of the budget changes of the areas mentioned above. In the event there are any substantial increases in any of the budget requests of the above mentioned, the Committee will then assume the responsibility of submitting an analysis and evaluation of those areas to the Chancellor. The chairperson of SFAC will remain in close contact with the Vice Chancellor Student Affairs to maintain an open relationship between the administration and the Committee.

B) Two (2) sophomores, two (2) juniors, and two (2) senior undergraduate students serve on the committee. The Associated Student Executive Officers serve as advisors on this committee.


A) Has been established to allow students to examine, evaluate, and make specific recommendations to the Student Health Service (SHS) Director on issues relevant to the operation of the UCSB Student Health Service.

B) Three (3) undergraduate students serve on this committee.



A) The charge of the University Center Governance Board will include, but is not limited to, operations decisions, space allocations, budget, personnel, programming, satellite operations, investments, purpose and image, facilities, services, programs, activities, etc. It shall review and have full authority over the operations and development of the Center with respect to any matters involving policy, including short and long term planning for the financial viability of the UCen. The Board shall be involved in all aspects of the budget process and shall approve the annual UCen budget, business plan, and pricing structures. Implementation of policy will be a function of University Center management. The Board shall not be involved in daily management practices nor impair management's ability to implement timely business decisions which are consonant with the fiduciary responsibilities outlined in this charge and reflected in the UCen's budget and business plan. The relationship with and jurisdiction of the Office of the Chancellor and the designated Associate Vice Chancellor shall include, but not be limited to, ensuring that sound fiscal policies are adhered to and that the decisions of the Board are in compliance with the University's mission, policies, and procedures. Decisions of the Board are subject to review and final approval of the Chancellor or the appropriate Associate Vice Chancellor's Office.

B) One (1) Student Chairperson (Graduate Students Association or Associated Students). Five (5) undergraduate students serve on this committee. The student members shall be appointed to serve two (2) year terms when possible.
