GeoScienceWorld Lithosphere Volume 2021, Article ID 3321949, 13 pages

Research Article (U-Th)/He Thermochronology of the Indus Group, , Northwest : Is Neogene Cooling a Continental-Scale Thermal Event in the India-Asia Collision Zone?

G. Bhattacharya ,1 D. M. Robinson ,1 and D. A. Orme 2

1Department of Geological Sciences and the Center for Sedimentary Basin Studies, The University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, AL 35487, USA 2Department of Earth Sciences, Montana State University, Bozeman Montana 59717, USA

Correspondence should be addressed to G. Bhattacharya; [email protected]

Received 27 January 2021; Accepted 23 April 2021; Published 28 May 2021

Academic Editor: Andreas Wöfler

Copyright © 2021 G. Bhattacharya et al. Exclusive Licensee GeoScienceWorld. Distributed under a Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY 4.0).

The India-Asia continental collision zone archives a sedimentary record of the tectonic, geodynamic, and erosional processes that control the thermal history of the Himalayan orogenic interior since the onset of collision in early Paleogene time. In this paper, we present new (U-Th)/He thermochronometric cooling age data from 18 detrital zircons (ZHe) and 19 detrital apatites (AHe) of the early Eocene–early Miocene (ca. 50–23 Ma) continental facies of the Indus Group along the India-Asia collision zone in Ladakh, northwest (NW) India. This along-strike regional-scale low-temperature thermochronometric data set from the Indus basin is the first report of ZHe and AHe cooling ages from western and eastern Ladakh. Thermal modeling of our ZHe and AHe cooling ages indicates a postdepositional Neogene cooling signal in the Indus Group. Cooling initiated at ca. 21–19 Ma, was operational along the ~300 km strike of the collision zone in NW India by ca. 11 Ma, and continued until ca. 3 Ma. The Miocene cooling signal, also present along the India-Asia collision zone in south Tibet, is a continental-scale cooling event likely linked to increased erosional efficiency by the Indus and Yarlung Rivers across an elevated region resulting from the subduction dynamics of the underthrusting Indian plate.

1. Introduction Indus suture after the onset of India-Asia collision and is cur- rently at elevations of >4-5 km along with rest of the Indus The India-Asia collision zone records the largest interconti- basin sedimentary rocks [4–11]. Knowing the timing of nental collision of Earth’s Cenozoic history and continues burial, exhumation, and uplift of the Indus Group is critical to provide new geological and geophysical data that improve in determining the tectonothermal, geodynamic, and ero- our understanding of evolution of the Himalayan orogenic sional processes that governed regional exhumation and system. Drained by the Indus and Yarlung Rivers and con- uplift of the India-Asia collision zone in NW India after the taining the Indus-Yarlung suture, the >2000 km long India- onset of collision. Asia collision zone is a natural laboratory for studying early Previous low-temperature thermochronometric studies orogenic and subsequent tectonothermal processes that in the Indus Group as well as the overall Indus basin are ensued in the orogen interior (e.g., [1–3]). Within the restricted mostly to central Ladakh. Low-temperature ther- India-Asia collision zone in Ladakh, NW India, the Indus mochronometry in the central part of the Indus basin, using Group (also called the Indus Molasse) represents the conti- zircon fission-track (ZFT), apatite fission-track (AFT), zircon nental sequence of a larger suite of sedimentary rocks parallel (U-Th/He) (ZHe), and apatite (U-Th)/He (AHe) data, ° to the Indus suture called the Indus basin sedimentary rocks indicates burial to >200 C and unveils a postdepositional (Figures 1(a)–1(c)). The early Eocene–early Miocene Indus Miocene–Pliocene cooling signal from ca. 22 to 4 Ma [6, 12]. Group was deposited in an intermontane basin along the AFT ages from two samples in central Ladakh and one sample

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Indus suture 76° Indus 35° river 77° Ladakh batholith Indus basin Sedimentary rocks Lehdo (containing Indus Group) complex 1 DZASKR16 Ladakh batholith Melangé associated with Dras complex 2 DZTSKG02 Lamayuru complex A Nidar ophiolite Lamayuru complex Tso Morari complex Spongtang Spongtang ophiolite klippe Choksti thrust Trust fault Nimu thrust Normal fault 34° Great Counter DZ sample DZAR2HMS- 3 77 A′ thrust Karakoram KF Tarim basin Qaidam basinAsia river terrane Lehdo Kunlun suture suture Leh Songpan-Ganzi terrane South Tibetan Detachment Jinsa N suture BangongQiangtang terrane 34° Indus Tethyan Himalaya suture suture Ribil-Zildat fault DZT2- MH78 Kailas Lhasa terrane 4 Greater Himalaya Tso Morari Himalaya Yarlung suture complex New Delhi Xigaze Zedang MFT 33°

India 24° 77° 50 km 78°

Bay (a) Arabian 80° of Bengal 100° Sea S N India Indus basin Asia A′ Study area sedimentary rocks A Spongtang Trans-Himalayan plutonic belt klippe 2 (Ladakh-Gangdese batholiths) Continental Indus Group1 4 3 Ladakh Ophiolites Tethyan GCT Nimu batholith Himalaya Main Frontal thrust Dras thrust thrust 10 km MFT Lamayuru Choksti (b) (c)

Figure 1: (a) Regional geologic map of the India-Asia collision zone in Ladakh, NW India, modified after Buchs and Epard [65]. Primary tectonostratigraphic units and major faults are shown here. Samples are indicated with a number and a DZ-prefix at their corresponding locations. (b) Location of the study area (red hollow box) with respect to the overall length of the India-Asia collision zone along the Indus and Yarlung sutures of south Asia. KF: Karakoram fault. (c) Schematic simplified cross-section AA’ through the India-Asia collision zone in NW India showing the Indus Group sample locations. GCT: Great Counter thrust.

in eastern Ladakh also record postdepositional Miocene cool- Miocene cooling between 21 and 6 Ma is well documented ing in the Indus Group [6, 13]. However, Tripathy-Lang et al. along the strike of the collision zone in south Tibet across [10] obtained ca. 52–28 Ma predepositional unreset ZHe ages multiple tectonic units, including the Gangdese batholith, from the late Oligocene Basgo Formation of the Indus Group Kailas basin, Xigaze forearc, and the northern Tethyan in central Ladakh. This finding raises a possibility that the Himalaya [17–26]. Miocene cooling in south Tibet occurred cooling ages from the Indus basin may vary locally along- as the subducting Indian plate switched from rollback to strike. Along the India-Asia collision zone in NW India underthrusting in early Miocene time and is attributed to (Figure 1), cooling ages from the Ladakh batholith vary regional dynamic uplift linked to Greater Indian slab break- along-strike: the western parts of the Ladakh batholith reveal off [24, 27], movement on the GCT and/or Yarlung River ca. 46–41 Ma ZFT cooling ages [14], but ZHe, AFT, and incision (e.g., [21, 23]). AHe ages from the central part of the Ladakh batholith show Therefore, to determine whether the Miocene cooling discontinuous Eocene–Miocene cooling pulses from ca. 35 to signal is also present along the strike of the collision zone 12 Ma [15, 16]. in NW India, we analyzed and thermally modeled a total of Low-temperature thermochronometric analyses using 37 new single-grain detrital ZHe and AHe ages from four ZHe, AFT, and AHe age data reveal a Miocene cooling signal samples of the Indus Group in western, central, and eastern at multiple locations along the India-Asia collision zone in Ladakh (Figures 2–4). In addition, we compile 244 published south Tibet between Kailas and Zedang (Figure 1(b)). AHe, AFT, and ZHe mean cooling ages (Figures 5(a)–5(c))

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Late Miocene deposition ZHe-AHe thermochronology results Depositional or maximum ZHe age (Ma) AHe age (Ma) depositional age (Ma) 1 DZASKR16 1 14.98 ± 0.19 – 6.81 ± 0.10 – 26.81 ± 0.1 9.37 ± 0.12 4.59 ± 0.10 [YC2� (3+) age] 4500 m (n = 5) (n = 4) Fm. Temesgam early Mioceneearly Late Oligocene to Late 2 DZTSKG02 Fm. 19.65 ± 0.25 – 7.13 ± 0.16 – ~28-26

Basgo 2 15.67 ± 0.20 3.88 ± 0.09 (ostracod fossil age) (n = 5) (n = 4) 3500 m Nimu Fm.

3 DZAR2HMS77 3 19.45 ± 0.24 – 9.57 ± 0.11 – 37.8 ± 0.2 13.55 ± 0.17 5.57 ± 0.10 [YC2� (3+) age] (n = 4) (n = 6) Indus Group Indus Hemis Fm. Hemis 1500 m

4 DZT2MH78 4 18.03 ± 0.22 – 4.42 ± 0.07 – 50.7 ± 0.3 11.00 ± 0.19 3.23 ± 0.11 [YC2� (3+) age] (n = 4) (n = 5) 500 m Fm.Nurla Choksti Fm. Early EoceneEarly Eocene late to Middle Oligocene Early

Marine m vc p ~50 strata f cg (foraminifera fossil age)




Figure 2: Regional Indus Group stratigraphy in Ladakh, NW India (modified after Sinclair and Jaffey [50]), showing sampled formations, and ZHe-AHe thermochronology results reported in this study. Biostratigraphic ages of the marine strata and the Basgo Formation are from Green et al. [35] and Bajpai et al. [4]. U-Pb detrital zircon maximum depositional ages, calculated using YC2σ(3+) method, are from Bhattacharya et al. [5]. n is the number of zircon or apatite grains dated from a specific formation. Fm: formation.

and compare these to regional geologic observations to deter- containing the continental slope facies of the northern Indian mine if Miocene cooling was a continental-scale thermal passive margin [31]. South of the Indus suture lies the event along >1600 km of the India-Asia collision zone Tethyan Himalaya, which is composed of a metasedimentary between Lehdo, western Ladakh, and Zedang, southeast Neoproterozoic–early Cenozoic continental shelf succession Tibet (Figure 1(b)). of the northern Indian passive margin [32]. A klippe pre- serves the Mesozoic Spongtang oceanic arc within the 2. Geologic Background Tethyan Himalaya (Figure 1; [33]). In the southeast, the subducted-extruded margin of the Indian continental plate A critical element of the India-Asia collision zone in Ladakh, is preserved in the Tso Morari Complex, which is an ultra- NW India, is the Indus Group that is a part of the Indus basin high-pressure metamorphic unit [34]. A series of strike- sedimentary rocks. These sedimentary rocks unconformably parallel north-verging thrusts, linked to the Great Counter overlie the Cretaceous–Paleogene Ladakh batholith to the thrust (GCT) system, deformed the collision zone between north and truncate against a complex assemblage of Indus ca. 23 and 20 Ma causing inversion of the Indus basin suture units to the south (Figure 1(a)). The Indus suture units (Figure 1; [6, 9]). consist of the Cretaceous Dras-Nidar Complexes, containing The Indus basin sedimentary rocks consist of two rocks ophiolitic mélange, volcanic and volcano-sedimentary rocks groups: the marine Tar Group, deposited in a forearc setting [28–30], and the Triassic–Cretaceous Lamayuru Complex, between Late Cretaceous and early Eocene time (Figure 2(a))

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0 0

20 20

40 40

60 60

80 80

100 100

120 120

140 140

160 Temperature (°C) Temperature (°C) 160

180 180

200 200

220 220

240 240

50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 Time (Ma) Time (Ma) (a) (b)

0 0 20 20

40 40

60 60

80 80

100 100

120 120

140 140

Temperature (°C) 160 Temperature (°C) 160

180 180

200 200

220 220

240 240

25 20 15 10 5 0 25 20 15 10 5 0 Time (Ma) Time (Ma) (c) (d)

Figure 3: Time-temperature modeling of the ZHe and AHe cooling ages from the Indus Group using the thermal modeling program HeFTy [45]. (a) Nurla Formation (DZT2MH78), (b) Hemis Formation (DZAR2HMS77), (c) Basgo Formation (DZTSKG02), and (d) Temesgam Formation (DZASKR16). t-T constraints are indicated along hollow square boxes. The green t-T paths indicate acceptable-fit paths and the pink t-T paths indicate good-fit paths. Bold black t-T path is the best-fit t-T path.

[7, 35]; and the continental Indus Group, deposited after the Discrepancies exist concerning the timing of sedimentary onset of India-Asia collision in an intermontane basin rock exhumation among the few previous low-temperature between early Eocene and early Miocene time (ca. 50– detrital thermochronometric studies from the Indus basin 23 Ma; Figure 2(b); [4–8, 11]). Stratigraphically, the Indus in NW India that are limited mostly to central Ladakh. The Group consists of six regional-scale siliciclastic forma- cooling age data from the same rock group or formations tions—the oldest Nurla Formation, the Choksti, Hemis, using the same low-temperature thermochronometric tech- Nimu, and Basgo Formations, and the youngest Temesgam niques are significantly different. Tripathy-Lang et al. [10] Formation (Figure 2). Deposition of continental sedimentary determined ca. 52–28 Ma unreset predepositional ZHe ages rocks also occurred locally in the Ladakh region in Pliocene from the late Oligocene Basgo Formation in central Ladakh time [7, 36]. and suggest that the ages reflect cooling of Indian plate

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30 Miocene–Pliocene ZHe-AHe Key geological processes occurring in the India-Asia cooling ages in NW India collision zone in NW India and south Tibet (this study) during Miocene time

25 GCT, STD, Greater India slab-breakof NW India Dynamic uplif and Slip along 20 NW India

(1) (5) (8) subsidence, south Tibet Normal faulting along (9) Intensification of Asian monsoon incision (3) (4) Indian plate Slip along GCT, south Tibet 15 underthrusting of

(2) Initiation of northward (6) Age (Ma)


5 Orogen-parallel E-W extension


0 Nurla Basgo Hemis Formation Formation Formation Formation Temesgam

Figure 4: Plot showing the Miocene–Pliocene ZHe-AHe cooling ages from the Indus Group determined in this study and the timing of key geological processes that were occurring in the India-Asia collision zone in NW India and south Tibet in Miocene time. Solid circles and solid squares indicate ZHe and AHe cooling ages of the corresponding formation. Shaded area (light grey) indicates Miocene time. References: (1) Clift et al. [6], (2) Zhang et al. [66], (3) Sinclair and Jaffey [50], (4) Clift et al. [57], (5) Replumaz et al. [67], (6) DeCelles et al. [27], (7) Laskowski et al. [18], (8) Dèzes et al. [61], and (9) Shen et al. [24].

source regions. However, a recent study by Bhattacharya reset zircon fission-track (ZFT) ages from the Indus Group et al. [12], across four sections through the different Indus in central Ladakh suggest that peak basin temperatures basin sedimentary rocks of the India-Asia collision zone exceeded the lower partial annealing zone temperatures of ° (including the Basgo Formation) in central Ladakh, reveals 185–200 C [12]. Basin temperature estimates from additional postdepositional Miocene ZHe cooling ages from ca. 19 to thermal proxies differ by tens of degrees. Vitrinite reflectance 8 Ma and Miocene–Pliocene AHe cooling ages from ca. 7 to and illite crystallinity techniques yield a maximum basin tem- ° 4 Ma. These ZHe and AHe ages are interpreted to reflect Mio- perature of 155 C for the deepest Nurla Formation of the cene exhumation along the Indus suture in response to Indus Indus Group in central Ladakh [37]. Illite crystallinity maxi- River erosion. Clift et al. [6] determined two AFT central ages mum basin temperature estimates of Clift et al. [6] from cen- ° of ca. 14–12 Ma from the early Eocene Nurla Formation in tral Ladakh are between 175 and 200 C. Using the illite central Ladakh and associated them with postdepositional crystallinity index-temperature equation of Zhu et al. [38], cooling following Indus basin inversion caused by the over- the illite crystallinity analyses of Clift et al. [39] from eastern thrusting GCT between ca. 23 and 20 Ma. In eastern Ladakh, Ladakh yields a maximum basin temperature estimate of ° Schlup et al. [13] report a single AFT central age of ca. 7 Ma ~239 C. Overall, there is limited evidence that suggests from the Indus Group that is also interpreted to reflect postde- Miocene cooling along the India-Asia collision zone in NW positional cooling. In addition, the central part of the neigh- India might have been regional in scale. Alternatively, it is pos- boring Ladakh batholith yields ca. 26–18 Ma ZFT, ZHe, and sible that the Indus Group experienced different burial and AFT ages, which indicate rapid cooling in late Oligocene– exhumation histories along-strike as demonstrated by the early Miocene time along the collision zone [16]. Partially Paleogene unreset ZHe cooling ages of Tripathy-Lang et al. [10].

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74°E Key tectonostratigraphic units Karakoram

36°N fault Lhasa terrane Tethyan Himalaya Linzizong volcanics Tethyan leucogranites Lehdo 250 km Ladakh-Gangdese batholith Unclassified gneiss

34°N 80°E Indus suture (containing Indus basin rocks) 72°E GCT Locations Xigaze forearc Yarlung suture AHe 76°E (containing Kailas basin rocks) Ophiolite AFT 32°N Kailas 84°E ZHe STDS 86°E 78°E 88°E 90°E 92°E Lhasa 30°N Greater Himalaya GCT Xigaze 82°E Zedang 94°E STDS (a) 30 Indus basin, Kailas basin, 17 and Xigaze basin 12 25 n 4 ( = 80)

20 0 1020304050 Age (Ma)

15 Age (Ma)



0 76 78 80 82 84 86 88 90 92 94 Longitude E (°) (b) 50 30 17 Indus-Kailas-Xigaze basins, 45 Ladakh-Gangdese batholiths, and Northern Tethyan Himalaya 40 15 (n = 236) 35

30 01020304050 Age (Ma) 25

20 Age (Ma) 15



0 76 78 80 82 84 86 88 90 92 94 Longitude E (°) (c)


Figure 5: (a) Map of the India-Asia collision zone showing AHe, AFT, and ZHe sample locations compiled from NW India and south Tibet including this study. Abbreviations: GCT: Great Counter thrust; STDS: South Tibetan Detachment System. (b) Longitudinal variation of AHe, AFT, and ZHe ages from the Indus Group in NW India and the Kailas-Xigaze basins in south Tibet along the India-Asia collision zone. (c) Longitudinal variation of AHe, AFT, and ZHe ages from the overall India-Asia collision zone (including Indus, Kailas and Xigaze basins, Ladakh-Gangdese batholiths, and Tethyan Himalaya with its leucogranite belt). Grey box in B and C indicates Miocene time. Insets in B and C show Kernel Density Estimation curves (pink) for compiled AHe, AFT, and ZHe ages on frequency histogram charts. Peak age (Ma) is displayed alongside (see Table S5 for sources of ages corresponding to GPS locations).

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3. Sample Collection and Methods [44, 46]), the inverse algorithm extracted a family of t-T paths that a sample could have possibly experienced under the user The primary technique used is (U-Th)/He detrital ZHe and assigned t-T constraints. Based on the calculated statistical fit AHe thermochronology. Sampling the Indus Group for between the measured and predicted cooling ages, the t-T detrital ZHe and AHe dating is challenging. Multiple sections paths generated for a particular sample can be grouped into preserve the basal, middle, and top parts of the Indus Group two sets—the acceptable-fit paths that have a Kolmogorov- in Ladakh and a single section across the composite Indus Smirnov probability ≥0.05 and the good-fit paths, which have Group stratigraphy is not accessible. We collected 4 detrital a Kolmogorov-Smirnov probability ≥0.5. The t-T path with fi samples (DZ-pre x), one from each of the four key the highest goodness of fit is the best-fit path. The best-fit regional-scale Indus Group units: sample DZT2MH78 from path is sensitive to the number of paths tested but reasonably the Nurla Formation (base) in eastern Ladakh, sample approximates a meaningful thermal history experienced by a DZAR2HMS77 from the Hemis Formation (middle) in cen- particular sample when a sufficiently high number of paths tral Ladakh, and samples DZTSKG02 and DZASKR16 from are tested. the Basgo (middle) and Temesgam (top) Formations, respec- Applying the inverse algorithm of the thermal modeling tively, in western Ladakh (Figure 2). DZT2MH78 and program HeFTy, we modeled the t-T histories of the four sam- fi DZASKR16 are ne-grained sandstone samples, while ples using the ZHe and AHe cooling age data and published DZAR2HMS77 and DZTSKG02 are very coarse-grained regional geologic t-T constraints. We used depositional age sandstone samples that were interbedded with conglomerates. constraints as discussed in “Constraining Depositional Ages” ° and considered a surface depositional temperature of 0–25 C 3.1. (U-Th)/He Thermochronology. Zircons and apatites were for all samples. No evidence of cooling exists in the Indus separated using standard techniques of crushing, grinding, Group before 23 Ma, when overthrusting by the GCT inverted magnetic, and heavy liquid separation. Four to six dateable the Indus basin [6]. Recent ZFT age analyses from the quality sharp-faced euhedral zircon and apatite crystals with Indus Group suggest that basin temperatures exceeded the ° few or no inclusions were hand-picked from each sample and lower partial annealing zone temperatures of 185–200 C analyzed at the Arizona Radiogenic Helium Dating Labora- but stayed below higher partial annealing zone temperatures ° tory following the procedures of Reiners et al. [40]. A total of 280–300 C [5]. An illite crystallinity estimate by Clift et al. ° of 18 zircons and 19 apatites were dated. Selected zircon [39] also indicates a basin temperature of ~239 C from the and apatite grains were packed in Nb tubes and subjected Indus Group. Thus, based on regional geologic constraints, to standard procedures of He extraction analysis using a we allowed each model to explore the t-T space younger than ° ° quadrupole mass spectrometer. Th and U contents were 23 Ma and colder than 240 C. Considering a 240 C tempera- measured using ICP-MS following the methods in Reiners ture limit also permits the model to extract t-T histories from et al. [40]. Subsequently, raw ages were calculated by incor- temperatures greater than the closure temperature range of porating known analytical concentrations of U, Th, and He the warmest thermochronometer in the study, i.e., ZHe sys- in the combined decay-diffusion equation and corrected by tem, thereby relaxing the t-T space being investigated. We applying the alpha-ejection protocols [41, 42]. If resulting used mean ZHe and AHe ages in modeling the t-T histories ZHe or AHe cooling ages are older than the depositional of the samples using the diffusion models of Guenthner age of the formation, then these cooling ages are thermally et al. [44] and Farley [46]. Using the same t-T constraints, unreset after deposition and reflect predepositional cooling we also modeled the single-grain ZHe and AHe ages from in the source regions. In contrast, ZHe and AHe cooling each sample, as well as all the single-grain ZHe ages individ- ages that are younger than the depositional age of the for- ually, to test if the resultant models exhibit thermal histories mation suggest burial temperatures in the basin exceeded fi ff ° ° that are signi cantly di erent from those obtained by using 140–200 C and 40–90 C, respectively, and indicate that mean ZHe and AHe ages. We ran all models for >800,000 these ages are therefore thermally reset after deposition. paths and until at least 100 good-fit paths were obtained However, the (U-Th)/He system is sensitive to radiation and considered the best-fit path that resulted at the end of damage, crystal anisotropy, grain size, annealing mecha- each model run to reasonably approximate a robust t-T his- nism, and uncertainties in burial conditions, thereby tory under the applied geologic constraints. reducing the precision associated with inferred thermal histories from ZHe or AHe cooling ages [43, 44]. We ana- 3.3. Constraining Depositional Ages. Limited fossil data from lyzed the variation of ZHe and AHe grain ages with effec- the Indus Group formations make it difficult to precisely esti- tive uranium and grain size to identify if radiation damage mate their true depositional ages, which are critical initial and/or crystal size have a control on the observed distribu- constraints in thermal modeling. We use the depositional tion of cooling ages. ages of the studied Indus Group formations from published biostratigraphic ages [7, 35], detrital zircon U-Pb maximum 3.2. Thermal Modeling. Using the thermal modeling program depositional ages [5, 7, 11] and ages of tectonic events that HeFTy v.1.9.1 [45], the ZHe and AHe ages from each sample paused deposition [6]. The depositional age of the Nurla For- were inverse modeled to determine the time-temperature mation, from which sample DZT2MH78 is collected, is ca. (t-T) history of the corresponding sample. For a given input 50–41 Ma. The lower age limit of 50 Ma is constrained by data set that include uncorrected cooling ages, U-Th-Sm the ca. 50 Ma U-Pb detrital zircon maximum depositional concentrations, grain size, and a given diffusion model (e.g., age of the Nurla Formation as well as the fossils of same

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age from the marine sequence immediately underlying the AHe systems and requires burial of the Indus Group to at ° Nurla Formation [5, 35]. The upper age limit of 41 Ma is least >140-200 C after deposition [44]. imposed from the ca. 46–41 Ma U-Pb detrital zircon maxi- Within individual samples, correlations between grain mum depositional age of the overlying Choksti Formation size and ZHe or AHe ages are either very weak or nonexistent. [7, 11]. The 41 Ma upper age limit for the Nurla Formation However, considering the 18 ZHe ages together, a moderately also coincides with an unconformity confirming termination positive correlation between grain size and age accounts for of Nurla deposition [47]. The depositional age of the Hemis the ZHe age dispersion in the samples (Figure S3). Likewise, Formation, from which sample DZAR2HMS77 is collected, the 19 AHe ages together show a weak positive correlation is constrained to ca. 37–28 Ma. The lower age limit of with grain size, which possibly explains the intrasample AHe 37 Ma comes from the detrital zircon U-Pb maximum depo- age dispersion (Figure S3). No meaningful correlations sitional age of the Hemis Formation [5]. The upper age limit exists between effective uranium and grain ages in individual of 28 Ma comes from the late Oligocene biostratigraphic age samples or collectively for either thermochronometric system, of the Basgo Formation [4], which is younger than the Hemis suggesting radiation damage is not the primary control on Formation. It is possible that Hemis deposition terminated observed intrasample ZHe and AHe age variability. Tables S1 earlier; however, the lack of fossils in the Hemis Formation and S2 and Figure S3 contain all analytical data, and cooling or in the overlying Nimu Formation (ca. 32 Ma detrital zir- age versus grain size and effective uranium plots. con U-Pb maximum depositional age [7, 12] makes it chal- lenging to precisely constrain the upper depositional age 5. Thermal Modeling limit of the Hemis Formation. The depositional age of the Basgo Formation, which contains late Oligocene ostra- Modeling individual ZHe and AHe ages for a sample, i.e., cod fossils [4] and has a youngest single-grain detrital zir- 8-10 single-grain ages together in HeFTy resulted in no con U-Pb maximum depositional age of ca. 27 Ma [5], is acceptable or good-fit paths. That HeFTy fails to yield constrained to ca. 28–26 Ma. Stratigraphically, the Basgo meaningful thermal histories by simultaneously solving Formation is ~10–200 m thick [48] and is conformably all input data from multiple grain ages of the same sample overlain by the Temesgam Formation that has a detrital is known (e.g., [17]). The t-T modeling results using mean zircon U-Pb maximum depositional age of ca. 26 Ma [5]. ZHe and AHe ages are in Figures 3(a)–3(d), while the t-T The depositional age of the Temesgam Formation is there- modeling results from the 18 individual ZHe ages are in fore constrained to ca. 26–23 Ma, with the upper age limit Figure S4. Because these two sets of t-T modeling results of ca. 23 Ma from the estimated age of counterthrusting by do not differ significantly, we continue the discussion with the GCT that ended regional Indus Group deposition [6]. reference to the t-T models using mean ages from here on. Thermal modeling of ZHe and AHe ages confirms ther- 4. Results and Interpretation mal resetting of both thermochronometric systems and exhibits best-fit t-T paths that suggest initiation of postdepo- The ZHe and AHe cooling ages from the Indus Group are sitional cooling between ca. 21 and 11 Ma in all samples ca. <20 Ma (Figure 2; Tables S1 and S2). The ZHe ages are (Figures 3(a)–3(d)). Cooling begins in the Hemis and Basgo between 19:65 ± 0:25 and 9:37 ± 0:12 Ma with most of the Formations at ca. 21–19 Ma, while cooling begins later in ages between ca. 16 and 10 Ma. The AHe ages are between the Nurla and Temesgam Formations at ca. 15–11 Ma. As 9:57 ± 0:11 and 3:23 ± 0:11 Ma with majority of the ages shown by several acceptable and good-fit t-T paths in each between ca. 7 and 3 Ma. Sample DZT2MH78 from the model, cooling may have initiated earlier than the time indi- stratigraphically deepest Nurla Formation in eastern cated by the best-fit t-T path in the corresponding model. In Ladakh displays ZHe and AHe ages from 18:03 ± 0:22 to this study, we consider the timing of beginning of cooling 11:00 ± 0:19 Ma and from 4:42 ± 0:07 to 3:23 ± 0:11 Ma, indicated by the best-fit t-T path as the minimum time by respectively. Corresponding ZHe and AHe age ranges from which cooling began in each model. The best-fit t-T paths sample DZAR2HMS77 of the Hemis Formation in central in Nurla and Hemis Formations indicate cooling beginning ° Ladakh are 19:45 ± 0:24–13:55 ± 0:17 Ma and 9:57 ± 0:11 from peak basin temperatures of ~225 C (Figures 3(a) and –5:57 ± 0:10 Ma, respectively. In western Ladakh, sample 3(b)). The best-fit t-T paths in the shallower Basgo and DZTSKG02 from the Basgo Formation exhibits ZHe and Temesgam Formations indicate peak basin temperatures of ° AHe ages from 19:65 ± 0:25 to 15:67 ± 0:20 Ma and from ~150 and 180 C, respectively (Figures 3(c) and 3(d)). The 7:13 ± 0:16 to 3:88 ± 0: 09 Ma, respectively. Corresponding relatively low peak basin temperatures in the Basgo and ZHe and AHe ages from sample DZASKR16 of the Temesgam Formations are likely a consequence of modeling. stratigraphically shallowest Temesgam Formation in western Because the younger Temesgam Formation was at a higher from 14:98 ± 0:19 to 9:37 ± 0:12 Ma and from elevation than the older Basgo Formation, the Temesgam 6:81 ± 0:10 to 4:59 ± 0:10 Ma, respectively. Formation is expected to show cooler maximum basin tem- The ca. 20–3 Ma ZHe and AHe cooling ages from peratures. Nevertheless, modeling of the individual ZHe ages the Nurla, Hemis, Basgo, and Temesgam Formations from the Basgo and Temesgam Formations indicate peak ° are all younger than their corresponding ca. 50–41 Ma, ca. basin temperatures exceeding 180–200 C (Figure S4). 37–28 Ma, ca. 28–26 Ma, and ca. 26–23 Ma depositional ages, The acceptable and good-fit t-T paths appear to pass ° and the overall ca. 50–23 Ma depositional age of the Indus through either higher temperatures (>180–200 C) early or ° Group [5]. This implies thermal resetting of both ZHe and through lower temperatures (<180–200 C) later resulting in

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two distinct clusters of t-T solutions in each model. From a ing ages like the deeper and older stratigraphic units. Local- strict modeling point of view, these two distinct clusters of ized Pliocene deposition [7], restricted to the Zanskar solutions indicate that either can satisfactorily explain the Gorge area of central Ladakh, is <1 km in stratigraphic thick- two input data points, i.e., a mean ZHe age and a mean ness and cannot explain the postdepositional cooling ages in AHe age, and constrain the timing of initiation of cooling the Temesgam Formation. Therefore, sedimentation alone at any time between ca. 23 and 5 Ma. The older higher tem- cannot account for postdepositional burial temperatures ° perature cluster predicts the mean ZHe age, while the youn- >180–200 C in the ~4.5 km thick Indus Group. We suggest ger lower temperature cluster predicts the mean AHe age. that the Indus basin sedimentary rocks, which contains the The two clusters are essentially part of a single cooling event Indus Group, were buried by the GCT hanging wall rocks ° that initiated from temperatures >180–200 C, which can be between ca. 23 and 20 Ma [6, 12, 50]. Although thermochro- independently verified from regional paleo-temperature nometric data do not directly constrain surface uplift, the estimates using illite crystallinity and ZFT analyses (e.g., timing of Miocene cooling in the Indus Group coincides with [12, 39]). The clusters are likely a consequence of averaging key geodynamic and erosional processes operating in the single-grain ZHe or AHe ages, and this problem may be India-Asia collision zone at that time that are linked to avoided if more ZHe and AHe individual grain ages from a regional surface uplift and denudation (Figure 4). The Indus single sample are available to analyze the distribution of ages basin was affected by a combination of contemporaneous and predict each age using the method of Fox et al. [49]. geodynamic (e.g., Indian slab dynamics), tectonic (e.g., slip However, acquiring good-quality dateable zircon or apatite along the GCT), and erosional processes (e.g., Indus River grains was challenging, and given the limited ZHe and/or incision) in Miocene time in NW India. We suggest that, fol- AHe ages in our individual samples, we use available data lowing Greater India slab rollback and breakoff, the return of from regional thermal proxies and thermochronometric northward underthrusting of the Indian plate in early Mio- studies to validate the results of our t-T modeling. cene time provided the mechanism for regional surface uplift of the overall India-Asia collision zone [24, 27, 51–53], 6. Discussion including the GCT-overthrusted Indus basin sedimentary rocks. This surface uplift was responsible for vertical eleva- The new ZHe and AHe cooling ages together with the ther- tion gains across the basin. The present-day elevations of mal modeling reveal a postdepositional Miocene–Pliocene >4–5 km of the Indus basin are therefore a direct conse- cooling phase initiated in the Indus Group by ca. 21–19 Ma quence of the northward underthrusting of the Indian plate and by 11 Ma was in operation along the ~300 km strike of that uplifted the collision zone and crustal shortening along the India-Asia collision zone from western to eastern Ladakh the GCT, although the relative contributions to elevation in NW India. The t-T models also confirm that maximum gains by these two processes in NW India are not yet deter- burial temperatures in the Indus Group were close to or mined. The Indus River flowed through the elevated region exceeded the upper limit of the ZHe partial retention temper- in Neogene time eroding the overthrusted Indus basin ° atures, i.e., 180–200 C. This temperature estimate is consis- rocks and producing the observed Miocene cooling signal. ° tent with the maximum burial temperature of ~239 C Considering cooling from a mean maximum burial tem- ° determined by Clift et al. [39] using illite crystallinity. Our perature of 200 C and assuming a geothermal gradient of ° study expands the limited regional low-temperature thermo- 20–30 C/km that is consistent with the regional Miocene chronometric data set and shows that the postdepositional geothermal gradients estimated from neighboring litho- Miocene cooling signal in the Indus basin is present from tectonic units [54–56], we infer a removal of ~7–10 km of western to eastern Ladakh. This implies that the basin did rock from the Indus Group since the onset of Miocene cool- not undergo differential burial and exhumation histories ing. Chemical weathering and alteration indices and sedi- along the length of the India-Asia collision zone in NW mentation rates determined from Indus fan sediments show India. The new ca. 20–3 Ma ZHe and AHe ages from western that erosion peaked in the Himalaya at ca. 15–10 Ma trans- to eastern Ladakh overlap with the published ca. 19–8Ma porting rocks from the orogenic front to the Indus fan [57]. ZHe, 14–12 Ma AFT, and 7–3 Ma AHe ages from the Indus Our rock erosional estimate suggests that, during Miocene Group that infer a postdepositional Miocene–Pliocene cool- time, the orogenic hinterland contributed a significant ing signal in central Ladakh [6, 12]. Our thermal models amount of rock material to the Indus fan as well. The caveat and the ca. 10–3 Ma AHe ages also indicate that the cooling here is that the Indus River might not have been the sole phase continued into Pliocene time at least until ca. 3 Ma. It driver of regional erosion. The Asian monsoon, which inten- is difficult to explain why the ZHe cooling ages from two dif- sified during Miocene time in the orogenic hinterland [57], ferent locations of the Basgo Formation in this study and in may have played a role in erosion and subsequent cooling the work by Bhattacharya et al. [12] differ from those deter- as well. However, more studies are required in the region to mined by Tripathy-Lang et al. [10] from the same formation. investigate the interplay of multiple drivers of erosion. Nevertheless, our ZHe cooling ages from the Basgo Forma- Compared to NW India, low-temperature thermochro- tion are compatible with the overall trend of the ZHe cooling nometric studies in the India-Asia collision zone of south ages determined from the Indus Group. Tibet are abundant and unveil the regional thermal history. Across Ladakh, the late Oligocene–early Miocene Temes- ZHe cooling ages from the late Oligocene–early Miocene gam Formation is the youngest Indus Group stratigraphy on Kailas Formation in south Tibet, which is contemporaneous a regional scale and has postdepositional ZHe and AHe cool- with the upper formations of the Indus Group in NW India,

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reveal basin exhumation between ca. 21 and 15 Ma [17]. AFT the dynamic topography hypothesis is applicable to NW and AHe cooling ages indicate that the Cenozoic Liuqu For- India, this suggests that Miocene cooling occurred regionally mation experienced cooling after ca. 12–10 Ma [22]. Thermal across the Indus and Yarlung sutures along the India-Asia modeling of ZHe and AHe ages, and AFT age data show collision zone in response to dynamic topographic uplift that the Cretaceous–early Eocene Xigaze forearc cooled associated with the lithospheric slab dynamics of the sub- in Miocene time from ca. 21–7 Ma [20, 23]. ZHe, AFT, ducting Indian plate. The onset of Miocene cooling in NW and AHe thermochronology of the adjacent southern India is also coeval with the ~22–19 Ma timing of normal Gangdese batholith and the northern Tethyan Himalaya faulting along the regional South Tibetan Detachment south in south Tibet also depict cooling between ca. 20 and of the study area (Figure 1(a); [61]) or immediately precedes 6 Ma [18, 19, 21, 26, 58]. The Miocene cooling signal regional orogen-parallel E-W extension, which initiated at along the India-Asia collision zone in south Tibet is attrib- ~16 Ma along the India-Asia collision zone in NW India uted to regional dynamic surface uplift that accompanied and south Tibet [18, 62, 63]. However, low-temperature ther- northward underthrusting of the Indian plate after Greater mochronometric data from NW India are limited, and addi- Indian slab rollback and breakoff [24, 27], Asian monsoon tional data are needed to test the dynamic topography (e.g., [17]), movement on the GCT and/or Yarlung River hypothesis, or any potential cause-effect relationship between incision (e.g., [17, 19, 20, 22, 23, 26, 58]). the onset of Miocene cooling and orogen-parallel extension Comparison of our thermochronometric data with a or normal faulting along the South Tibetan Detachment. compilation of 244 published mean ZHe, AFT, and AHe Nevertheless, the role of coeval lithospheric slab dynamics cooling ages from NW India and south Tibet reveals that in NW India in relation to the regional surface uplift and 75% of the ages are Miocene in age (Figures 5(a)–5(c)). The observed Miocene cooling signal cannot be ruled out, postdepositional ages of the sedimentary units along the although its exact nature remains poorly understood. There- India-Asia collision zone—the Indus, Kailas, Liuqu, and fore, we suggest that the Miocene cooling along the India- Xigaze basins—and the overall India-Asia collision zone Asia collision zone was exacerbated by downcutting erosion exhibit similar cooling age distribution trends with a peak by the Indus and Yarlung Rivers through an elevated region Miocene cooling age of ca. 17 Ma (Figures 5(b) and 5(c)). produced by the northward underthrusting of the Indian slab Although cooling ages may vary with grain size, radiation after Greater India slab breakoff. Basins along the India-Asia damage, presence of inclusions, and overall structural posi- collision zone were buried either through sedimentation tion, the ages in this compilation reflect erosional cooling and/or by the GCT system (e.g., [17, 19, 23]; this study) ° through closure temperatures of ZHe (140–200 C, [44]) depending on local structural relationships. Interestingly, ° and AHe (40–90 C, Farley et al., 2000) corresponding to this pronounced Neogene cooling event along the India- ° ~2–10 km depths, assuming 20–30 C/km geotherms. The Asia collision zone is contemporaneous with cooling to the combined data set of low-temperature thermochronometric south in Greater Himalayan rocks (e.g., [64]), and whether ages suggests a continental-scale Miocene erosional cooling these two signals might possibly be related to large-scale evo- event along >1600 km of the India-Asia collision zone lution of the orogenic wedge remains a topic for future between Lehdo and Zedang (Figure 1(b)). Cooling may have research. initiated in Paleogene time in the nonsedimentary units (e.g., Ladakh-Gangdese batholiths, Tethyan Himalaya); however, Neogene time is when all tectonic units of the India-Asia col- 7. Conclusions lision zone were exhuming (Figures 5(b) and 5(c)). Given the timing of key geodynamic, tectonic, and erosional processes Our new ZHe-AHe ages and thermal models from the Indus that coincide with the timing of Miocene cooling in NW Group indicate a regional-scale Miocene–Pliocene cooling India (Figure 4) and south Tibet, we hypothesize that a phase along the ~300 km strike of the India-Asia collision combination of these processes played a role in the observed zone in NW India. Cooling initiated in the Indus Group in Miocene cooling signal, i.e., the regional Miocene geology Miocene time at ca. 21–19 Ma following burial of the Indus ° supports the thermochronology. In other words, the set basin by the GCT to >180–200 C and continued at least until of processes controlling cooling in Paleogene time (e.g., ca. 3 Ma. The Miocene cooling signal in NW India is part of a [55, 59, 60]) was different from those controlling cooling continental-scale Miocene cooling signal observed along in Neogene time. The onset of Miocene cooling on a conti- >1600 km of the India-Asia collision zone from Lehdo, NW nental scale is coeval with the regional dynamic surface uplift India, to Zedang, south Tibet. Subduction dynamics, specifi- and a return of northward underthrusting of the Indian plate cally a return to northward underthrusting of the Indian following Greater India slab breakoff, and both these plate, coupled with erosion by the Indus and Yarlung Rivers processes are well documented in south Tibet [24, 27]. in NW India and south Tibet, likely drove Neogene cooling Using ZFT-AFT thermochronology and topography across the India-Asia collision zone. modeling, Shen et al. [24] interpret that the Miocene cooling signal along the Yarlung suture in the India- Asia collision zone of south Tibet is a consequence of Data Availability dynamic topography, by which a southerly migrating wave of topographic uplifts and subsidence reflect the surface (U-Th)/He thermochronometric data presented in this paper response to sublithospheric mantle flow perturbations. If are available in the supplementary file.

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