Level of the Basilica

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Level of the Basilica 1 Kings 9:3 Inscirbed in Old Polish around the corona of the dome. Window: Pope John Paul II Pavilion The Holy Spirit 1 Therose window in the pavilion 7 TheGrand Pulpit, carved from white 12 Above the west sacristy door is the 17 The painting above the west exit is highlights, clockwise from the top, St. Italian marble, contains the images of Miracle of the Vistula painting General Thaddeus Kosciuszko leading Kateri Tekakwitha, St. Frances Xavier Jesus the Good Shepherd and the four Main Level of commemorating the defeat of the Polish peasants into battle against Cabrini, St. Katharine Drexel, and St. evangelists: St. Matthew (man), St. Bolsheviks by the Poles on August 15, Russian invaders. Elizabeth Ann Seton, with Our Lady of Mark (lion), St. Luke (ox), and St. John the Basilica 1920. Cardinal Achille Rati (the future Częstochowa in the center. Thecoat of (eagle). The statues between the images, 9 12 Pope Pius XI) prays to Our Lady of The Inner Dome arms to the right of the rose window is St. Thérèse of Lisieux, Our Lady of 11 Częstochowa for victory. The eight angel paintings surrounding that of Pope John Paul II and on the left Guadalupe, St. Jude, and St. Francis of Window: Window: side is this basilica’s coat of arms (see Assisi — were added recently to replace Death of St. Stanislaus, 13 TheAnnunciation Altar holds the Eastern European crystal window in Bishop and Martyr Sanctuary Sacred Heart inset below.) original statues removed in the 1960s. 8 13 a painted image of Our Lady of the center of the dome, represent eight Częstochowa. The mural above is of the nine divisions of the angels. The 2 All of the popes painted in the 8 TheSacred Heart Altar shows St. Dominic and St. Catherine with the ninth, the archangels are painted on the pavilion were Franciscans. The scene St. Margaret Mary Alacoque at Paray- Window: 10 Blessed Virgin. To the left of the altar ceiling above the Sanctuary. The eight Apparition Please do not enter roundels depict Prophets from the painted on the south wall is the Basilica le-Monial, France. The painting above is 6 the Sanctuary 15 is a statue of St. Anthony of Padua. The of Mary to Window: Old Testament who foretold the coming of St. Francis in Assisi, Italy and on the St. Thérèse of Lisieux. ThePapal Chair St. Stanislaus Annunciation ombrellino (umbrella), evocative of north wall is the neighborhood around is a symbol reminding us of our union Kostka 7 14 those carried over imperial and papal of the Messiah. The eight lunettes the Basilica and city of Milwaukee with the Holy See. A statue of the Infant authorities, is one of the privileged contain paintings of Evangelists, transitioning from the turn of the of Prague is behind the glass. The large marks of a basilica. Apostles and Doctors of the Church. century to present day. statue to the right of the altar is The eight rectangular paintings in St. Francis of Assisi. Thetintinnabulum 14 Thebaptismal font, cradles a the drum of the dome depict the seven Sacraments and the Adoration of the (processional bell) is reminiscent of Window: 5 16 Window: hammered copper bowl with a marble The Basilica those that signalled the approach of a Blessed Mother The Nativity rim refashioned from a piece of the Magi. Between these paintings are the 3 Presenting the Madonna windows depicting Eastern Above the doors in the gathering area papal procession. This bell is one of the Rosary original communion rail. are reliefs of (L to R) Archbishop Katzer, privileged marks of a basilica. European shrines dedicated to the Pope Leo XIII, and Cardinal Martinelli 15 TheSt. Joseph Altar survived the Blessed Virgin. Theinscription at the (Apostolic Delegate to the US who 9 The painting above the east sacristy fire of the first church. The statue of base of the dome in Old Polish, is from 1 Kings 9:3 - “I consecrate this house dedicated the church in 1901). Statues door portrays St. Hedwig, Patroness of Window: St. Joseph is flanked by St. Peter (right) Window: of St. Peter and St. John Vianney are Poland, with St. Cunegunda, Blessed St. Stanislaus and St. Paul. The death of St. Joseph is you have built, I place my name here Bishop of 4 17 Agony in the forever; my eyes and my heart will be opposite the doors. On the ceiling above James of Strepar, St. Stanislaus, Bishop Garden depicted in the mural above the altar. Krakow here for all time.” this area in Latin: “Pater Noster, Qui Es and Martyr, St. Hyacinth, and Blessed Bronislava. In the background is the city In Caelis, Sanctificetur Nomen Tuum” is The St. Francis Paintings in the four the beginning of the . of Warsaw. Lord’s Prayer Window: Pope John Paul II corners just below the dome, are eight The Inner Dome Window: Woman Washing Pavilion lunette paintings portraying the 4 The painting above the east exit 10 Four onyx columns, originally in front the Feet of Jesus The Resurrection mystical life of St. Francis of Assisi. depicts one of the great figures of of the Last Supper relief on the High Polish history, Rev. Peter Skarga, a Altar, support the mensa (table) of The The Organ utilizes a compilation of 17th century Jesuit, preaching before Altar of Sacrifice. The relief of the Window: pipes from the original Basilica organ Window: St. Peter Elevator the Polish royal court. Eucharist in the center is from a section The Descent of the Holy 3 2 Donor Jesus and and numerous others. It has 46 ranks of Spririt at Pentecost Chapel the Children pipes ranging from the size of a pencil of the original communion rail removed Gathering Area 5 On the east confessionals are bronze to enlarge the sanctuary. to over 16 feet long. bas-reliefs of The Need for Forgiveness The Rose Window above the Organ (Septuagies septies; Seventy-seven 11 TheHigh Altar, carved of marble, Vestibule St. Paul St. Peter Gallery, surrounding the “ever-watchful times) and The Lost Sheep (Salvare quod holds the Tabernacle. Built over Statue: eye of God” are images of the four Evan- perierat; Saving what had been lost.) the altar is the baldachino (canopy), St. Francis of Assisi 1 gelists: (clockwise from top) St. John Above the confessionals are the first covered with 23k gold leaf. Inscribed Restrooms located (eagle), St. Matthew (man), St. Mark in the lowest level of seven Stations of the Cross, carved in Latin is “Behold God’s dwelling (lion), and St. Luke (ox). from marble. The stations are inscribed the pavilion. place among men!” In the base of the Portico in Polish. The window in this transept altar is a high-relief marble image of Visit the Undercroft (Lower Level) shows the Blessed Mother with the the Last Supper, based on the painting The six granite columns of the via stairs and elevator in the Pavilion. The Undercroft (Lower Level) Infant Jesus, presenting the rosary by Leonardo da Vinci. The painting portico were salvaged from the • History Exhibit County Courthouse in Chicago. to St. Dominic, while St. Catherine of behind the altar is the Martyrdom of N • Social Area Siena looks on. The scene is flanked by St. Josaphat. To the left is a painting of 16 The bronze bas-reliefs on the west • Restrooms St. Thomas Aquinas on the left and St. St. Andrew of Bobola and to the right, confessionals are The Merciful Father • Lower Church (used for daily Hyacinth on the right. St. Vincent de Paul. In the apse (semi- (Pater peccavi in coelum et coram te; Mass, Eucharistic Adoration, other domed ceiling) above the baldachino Father, I have sinned against heaven gatherings) 6 Coat of Arms of the Basilica TheOur Lady of the Rosary Altar is The Glorification of St. Josaphat, and against you) and Peter‘s Denial • Reliquary Chapel survived the fire of the first church. At the top is the ombrellino (umbrella) in red and gold. The motto, “Ut omnes (Conversus Dominus respexit Petrum; containing over twenty-five figures. unum sint” (That all might be one.) The division of the shield signifies the • Lourdes Chapel, mural by P. Bianchi The statue of Mary is flanked by St. bishop’s stole. In the top center is the papal insignia of the tiara and crossed The Lord turned and look straight at • Main Sanctuary, features trompe Apollonia (left) and St. Ignatius of keys of St. Peter to signify our affiliation as a minor basilica with the See of Peter). Above are the last seven Stations l’oeil by Andy DeWeerdt; refurbished Loyola, founder of the Jesuits. The Peter. The cornucopia represents the prosperity of the New World (taken from of the Cross. The large window is the original furnishings; decorating painting above is a Guardian Angel the coat of arms of the state of Wisconsin.) On the right is the wounded heart Nativity of Our Lord flanked by scheme inspired by the Basilica of protecting a child. of young Josaphat. The crossed arms on the bottom are derived from the coat St. Peter (right) and St. Paul. of arms of the Franciscan Order. St. Francis in Assisi, Italy. A Landmark is Born What is a basilica? The Conventual Franciscans In ancient Rome, basilica was an The Basilica of St. Josaphat has been owned and administered by the Conventual elcome to the Basilica of St. Josaphat. W architectural description of the public Franciscans since 1910. The Basilica is home to numerous Franciscan Ministries including This church and parish are named for hall that formed a gathering point in a parish and school, a weekly food pantry, and other ministries of outreach.
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