THE CITY OF NEW YORK MANHATTAN COMMUNITY BOARD NO. 3 59 East 4th Street - New York, NY 10003 Phone: (212) 533-5300 - Fax: (212) 533-3659 -
[email protected] Dominic Pisciotta, Board Chair Susan Stetzer, District Manager December 2008 Full Board Minutes Meeting of Community Board #3 held on Tuesday, December 16, 2008 at 6:30pm at PS20, 166 Essex Street. Public Session: Virginia Kee: The Founding member of Chinese‐American Planning Council is opposed to the reconstruction of Chatham Square. It will keep Park Row closed for even longer which has already drastically hurt those small businesses. DOT has not kept the community informed and has not asked for the community's input. The plan is dangerous for pedestrians and limits access for emergency vehicles. Jan Lee: DOT Believes DOT needs community input on traffic and design before signing off on Chatham Square redesign. This project will cost 50 million dollars project. A project of this scope needs more time for planning. Danny Chen from CT Cooperative. One major issue with the plan is that it eliminates a pedestrian crosswalk. It is dangerous for children and seniors. The proposed East Broadway and Bowery intersection has diagonal crosswalk not safe or efficient. There are too many questions and flaws to vote yes on it. John Zamot: is bombarded with film crews. He sees crews 4 times a month. They are taking over parking. He is also frustrated that there is not enough time to cross Essex and Delancey. Theresa Drescher: from City Santa. She is thanking Tower Brokerage and Magnum Real Estate for donating their space.