
Half- Physical Trait Tables o you want to play a Half-Orc? Well with a shared How to Use parentage there are a lot of possibilities of traits Find your Half- other shared heritage on the table below. your character may have inherited from their Roll a d10 on each orc trait. Rolling the number shown or parents or grandparents. Some of the prominent higher means the orcish trait was more dominant and you traits of Orcs have a chance of being lost, and should roll on the corresponding table below. If you roll less others, like their strong tusks, die a lot harder. than the number listed, the non-orc parentage provided the SHalf-Orc appearances can be beautifully diverse more dominant trait, choose a common trait from that race. If with the potential shared heritage of other races of Faerun. no number is presented, that trait is present automatically.

Orc Trait Dragonborn Half-Elf Human Tusks — — 3 2 — 2 — — Facial Features 5 5 8 4 3 5 2 7 Hair Color 7 5 2 4 3 5 3 5 Eyes 5 4 3 6 3 4 4 3 Skin Color 9 6 7 5 4 5 2 7 Pointed 7 6 — — — 8 4 5

d8 Tusks d8 Eyes 1 Large curling tusks 1 Bright yellow 2 Small pointed tusks 2 Bright green 3 Large Primary and small secondary tusks 3 Bright grey 4 Medium tusks, one broken 4 Dark grey 5 Opposite, curling out and downward 5 Dark green 6 Sharp, aggressively curling hooks 6 Dark brown 7 Straight, pointing out 7 Missing one eye (roll d6 again) 8 Absurdly large and jagged 8 Heterochromia (roll two d6, take both)

d8 Facial Features d6 Skin Color 1 Rough pock-marked skin 1 Green-ish 2 Wide short nose 2 Grey-ish 3 Pronounced underbite 3 Black-ish 4 Bone protrusions on eyebrows 4 Blue-ish 5 All pointed teeth 5 Light-speckled (roll d4 again) 6 Heavy forehead 6 Marbled (roll one d4, choose another from parentage) 7 Wide heavy jaw d4 Pointed Ears 8 Small deep set eyes 1 Missing portion of d4 Hair Color 2 Missing one entire ear 1 Black hair 3 Big earlobes 2 Dark red hair 4 Small ears 3 Dark green hair Find more resources like this or episodes of our D&D 4 Dark grey hair podcast at HookandChance.com or search Hook and Chance wherever you listen to podcasts. We love your support.

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