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BURSE DONATION BALANCES AS of 6/30/15 ACQUARD BURSE, Barbara 435.00 ADAMS BURSE, John M BURSE DONATION BALANCES AS OF 6/30/15 ACQUARD BURSE, Barbara 435.00 ADAMS BURSE, John M. and Anna 25,050.00 ADAMS, JR. BURSE, John Michael & Mary 25,000.00 ADAMS BURSE, Vivian & Thomas 600.00 AGULIAR BURSE, Ubaldo 5,000.00 AIR FORCE CHAPLAIN BURSE 2,580.00 ALMENDAREZ BURSE, Norma Recio 300.00 ANDERSON BURSE, Pepper 100.00 AUBRY BURSE, Rev. Charles 10.00 BARRERA BURSE, Rita G. 155.00 BARTOSCH BURSE, Rev. Msgr. Englebert G. 137.00 BAUMGARTNER BURSE, Msgr. George 50.00 BEAMS BURSE, John M. 1,000.00 BERGER, S.T.L. BURSE, Rev. Joseph 37.00 BEVERLEY BURSE, Charles C. & Mary Ethel 5,000.00 BISHOP ADOLPH MARX BURSE 100.00 BISHOP DOMINIC MANUCY BURSE 15,000.00 BISHOP EDMOND CARMODY BURSE 48,129.52 BISHOP EMMANUEL B. LEDVINA… 19,020.89 BISHOP MARIANO S. GARRIGA 69,240.89 BISHOP WM. MICHAEL MULVEY 1,692.62 BISHOP PAUL JOSEPH NUSSBAUM 19,020.89 BISHOP PETER VERDAGUER BURSE 15,000.00 BISHOP RENE H. GRACIDA BURSE 38,004.15 BISHOP ROBERTO O. GONZALEZ 360.00 BISHOP THOMAS JOSEPH DRURY 29,652.00 BLESSED SACRAMENT CHAPEL 2,874.00 BLESSED VIRGIN MARY BURSE 9,000.00 BOENSCH BURSE, Rev. Gregory 100.00 BOERNER FAMILY BURSE, Agatha & Frederick 13,752.95 BRACAMONTES BURSE, Conception S. 1,905.00 BRANDESKY BURSE, Mrs. Julia 5,000.00 BRANDESKY BURSE, Edith 12.00 BROCKHOLT BURSE, Frank G. & Thelma 2,620.00 BROOKS BURSE, Karen Baen 2,500.00 BROWN BURSE, W.T. St. John 200.00 BUERGLER, OSB BURSE, Rev. Boniface 700.00 BURKHART BURSE, Fred S. and Katie 10,150.00 BURNSEN BURSE, Anna Marie 50.00 BYERLY BURSE, Maurice 520.00 BYNUM BURSE, Rocky 10,000.00 CANALES BURSE, Albino T. & Rafaela G. 20,000.00 CARLISLE BURSE, Cecile 34,117.00 CARMODY BURSE, Mary 34,204.68 CARMODY BURSE, Michael 28,904.69 CASTELLI BURSE, Louis & Rosemarie 200.00 CATHOLIC FAMILY FRATERNAL OF TEXAS 3,150.08 CATHOLIC DAUGHTERS OF AMERICA-TEXAS 5,720.00 CATHOLIC DAUGHTERS OF AMERICA 16,069.59 CATHOLIC WORKMAN BURSE 1,380.00 CATHOLIC YOUTH ORGANIZATION 4,800.00 CHANCERY MASS ACCOUNT BURSE 30.00 CHARBA MEMORIAL BURSE, Joe & Agnes 7,100.00 CHILEN BURSE, Rev. Michael 2,375.00 CHRIST THE KING CHURCH BURSE 1,050.00 CLARK BURSE, Rev. Msgr. Robert 5,920.00 COCO, SR. BURSE, John A. 1,900.00 COLUMBIAN LADIES OF ROCKPORT 25.00 CORCORAN BURSE, Dorothy 10.00 CORPUS CHRISTI CATHEDRAL 45,712.11 CORPUS CHRISTI NAVAL AIR 500.00 CUEVA BURSE, Jose 2,309.00 DE ROCHE, O.M.I. BURSE, Rev. F. J. 8,050.00 DECEASED BISHOPS, PRIESTS OF CORPUS CHRISTI 4,800.00 DECEASED MEMBERS OF THE 4TH DEGREE KOC 46,288.21 DECEASED OF ST. ELIZABETH PARISH 2,670.00 DECEASED OF ST. JOSEPH PARISH 2,573.00 DECEASED SISTERS OF CORPUS DIOCESE 4,800.00 DINEEN BURSE, Timothy 2,040.00 DINEEN BURSE, Timothy & Olive 10,360.69 DIOCESAN COUNCIL OF CATHOLIC MEN 1,551.27 DIOCESE OF CORPUS CHRISTI D.C.C.W. 118,727.57 DISNEY BURSE, Rev. William 3,050.00 DORSEY BURSE, Joseph & Dorothea B. 3,295.00 DOUGHERTY BURSE, James R. 8,000.00 DOUGHERTY BURSE, Mary 16,000.00 DRURY EVERS BURSE, Mrs. Nora 8,000.00 DUNN BURSE, Alice 10,000.00 DUNN BURSE, John, KSG & Mary Tom 92,000.00 DUNN BURSE, Rev. Robert 610.00 DUNN BURSE, Rev. Msgr. Kevin 18,389.60 DWORACZYK BURSE, Edmund 50.00 EAST KENEDY BURSE, Sarita 7,600.00 EICHER BURSE, Joe F. 200.00 EICHER BURSE, Joseph J. & Justina Agnes 16,200.00 ERDELT BURSE, Rev. Msgr. Eugene 4,000.00 FADDEN BURSE, Patrick Florence 10,000.00 FADDEN BURSE, Rose 10,000.00 FAGAN MEMORIAL BURSE, William P. 7,500.00 FERRARA BURSE, Jesus & Rebeca C. 1,000.00 FISCHER BURSE, Frank 40.00 FLORES BURSE, Jesus G. 75.00 FLORES BURSE, Rev. Daniel 1,775.00 FOYT BURSE, Charles 20.00 FREEMAN MEMORIAL BURSE, Msgr. Robert 5,310.76 GALLAGHER BURSE, Margaret O'Brien 8,000.00 GALLAGHER, McDONOUGH, ALLEN, CODY & O'BR 8,000.00 GALLAGHER-McDONOUGH BURSE, Pat & Vera 1,300.00 GARCIA BURSE, Noe & Minerva 1,200.00 GARCIA BURSE, Porfirio & Nellie V. 2,500.00 GARCIA BURSE, Rev. Camilo 27,000.00 GIANNOUKOS BURSE, Rev. Ambrose 1,000.00 GOLDAPP BURSE, Alvin A. 10,000.00 GONZALEZ BURSE, Antonio T. & Rebecca R. 15,000.00 GRACIDA BURSE, Mathilde Derbes 13,528.00 GRAHAM BURSE, Robert Wayne 10,000.00 GREGORY BURSE, Delmas C. & Margaret M. 35,920.00 GUICCIARDINI BURSE, Pia Luisa Mueller 9,025.00 HALBROOK BURSE, J. W. "Bill" 115.00 HANFORD BURSE, Dudley D. & Mary A. 95.00 HANFORD BURSE, Foster & Mary Ellen 20.00 HANLON BURSE, E.I. 249,826.09 HARRIS BURSE, Augustine 1,445.00 HARRIS BURSE, Gus 200.00 HATCH BURSE, Frances Bernsen 520.00 HAYES BURSE, Michael 10.00 HENCK BURSE, Sadie L. 58,674.96 HERAS, JR. BURSE, Diego 525.00 HERNANDEZ BURSE, Alma Ccie 319,172.73 HERRERA BURSE, Carmen 25.00 HESSE BURSE, Rev. Paul 975.00 HIGGINS BURSE, Rev. Msgr. Patrick 2,847.76 HILL BURSE, Clifford Wayne 3,015.00 HOELSCHER BURSE, Herbert & Regina 2,650.00 HOLTON BURSE, Joseph T. 1,000.00 HOLY CROSS CHURCH BURSE 500.00 HOLY FAMILY CHURCH-Corpus Christi 12,280.00 HUBERT BURSE, Laverne 3,865.00 HUMPLINK BURSE, Mary 25,000.00 IMMACULATE CONCEPTION 10.50 IMMACULATE HEART OF MARY 20.00 JESUIT FATHERS BURSE 11,445.00 JURANEK BURSE, Bill 150.00 K. C.& R. BURSE 300.00 K. J. T. BURSE 360.00 KASPER, K.J.Z.T., BURSE, Msgr. F. J. 5,848.08 KELLY BURSE, Cecilia 1,800.00 KENEDY BURSE, Elena Suess 8,732.68 KENEDY BURSE, John G. 150.00 KERSCHER, CSsR BURSE, Rev. Matthew Joseph 20.00 KIHNEMAN BURSE, Rev. Msgr. Louis 565.00 KINAST BURSE, Rev. Tim 250.00 KIRCHER MEMORIAL BURSE, Rev. Edward 1,339.00 KNAPE BURSE, Christine 3,557.28 KNEZEK BURSE, Darlene 538.00 KOLBE BURSE, Maximillian 750.00 KOSAL BURSE, Johanna Balaum 5,884.00 KRENEK FAMILY BURSE, Robert Lee 42,836.25 KRESTA BURSE, Annie M.- IMA 180,885.93 KUCERA BURSE, Agnes 50.00 LADIES ANCIENT ORDER OF HIBERNIANS 300.00 LANNON BURSE, Msgr. John J. 16,869.00 LAMBERT BURSE, Mary Frances 25,000.00 LEDDY BURSE, Rev. Aidan 1,000.00 LEONARD BURSE, Peter Gerald & Anna 20.00 LITTLE, Jr. BURSE, Charles & Cita Ann H. 50.00 LITTLE, Sr. BURSE, Charles & Margaret 95.00 LYTTON BURSE, Mary Elizabeth 600.00 LYTTON, JR., BURSE, Lee H. 2,270.00 MARESCH BURSE, Sterling & Ernestina Reye 100.00 MARIE BURSE, Isaac 50.00 MARTINEZ BURSE, Norberto & Martina 200.00 MARTINEZ BURSE, Rev. Frank 100.00 MARY, MOTHER OF GOD BURSE 127.00 McCOWAN, Sr. BURSE, Joseph Hugh 100.00 McCRAVY BURSE, William "Al" 600.00 McDONOUGH SR. BURSE, Patrick 10,000.00 McGLOIN BURSE, Margaret & Odem 5,362.00 MEANEY BURSE, James Joseph 825.00 MEANY-HAIDLER BURSE, Rev. Msgr. Thomas 3,572.60 MENN BURSE, Elizabeth Matilda 8,876.00 MICHAN BURSE, Dorothy 20,055.00 MILLER BURSE, Msgr. Edward J. 79,381.91 MIREUR BURSE, S. Paul 57,894.04 MIREUR BURSE, Joe & Adeliade Shirley 10,062.50 MITCHELL BURSE, Josephine 8,000.00 MOLINA BURSE, Dorothy & Oscar 18,500.00 MOST PRECIOUS BLOOD CHURCH 94,301.65 MULLEN BURSE, Msgr. C. R. 8,000.00 NATIONAL CATHOLIC GROUP PURCHASING 1,200.00 NAVY CHAPLAIN BURSE 650.00 NEMEC-KENNEDY FAMILY BURSE 3,800.00 NICOLAS BURSE, Alfred 12,800.00 OBERSTE BURSE, Rev. Msgr. William H. 660.00 O'CONNOR BURSE, Thomas 8,000.00 O'DOHERTY BURSE, Msgr. Gerald 15,010.00 OKROS BURSE, Rev. Paul 50.00 ONDRUSEK BURSE, Anton & Isabella 700.00 ORDER OF ALHAMBRA BAZA… 170.00 ORDNER BURSE, Rev. Charles 20,005.00 ORDNER BURSE, Herman & Mary 20,000.00 ORDNER BURSE, Rev. Msgr. Aloyius &… 21,022.34 OSTERHAUS-RUSSEK BURSE 1,100.00 OUR LADY OF CONSOLATION CHURCH 6,461.00 OUR LADY OF GOOD COUNSEL-Kingsville 2,000.00 OUR LADY OF GUADALUPE CHURCH-Odem 72.00 OUR LADY OF GUADALUPE CHURCH-Alice 62.00 OUR LADY OF GUADALUPE CHURCH-Naval 600.00 OUR LADY OF GUADALUPE CHURCH-Corpus Christi 100.00 OUR LADY OF GUADALUPE-Sinton 7,235.00 OUR LADY OF MT. CARMEL-Portland 6,330.50 OUR LADY OF MT. CARMEL-Clarkwood 127.00 OUR LADY OF PERPETUAL HELP 7,300.00 OUR LADY OF REFUGE CHURCH 36,159.00 OUR LADY OF SNOWS BURSE 2,454.00 OUR LADY OF THE ASSUMPTION 22.00 OUR LADY OF THE PILAR CHURCH 380.00 OUR LADY OF THE SACRED HEART 26,566.00 OUR LADY OF VICTORY-Beeville 650.00 PARKER MEMORIAL BURSE, William 2,000.00 PARKER BURSE, William M. 2,500.00 PERMANENT DIACONATE BURSE 225.00 PETRU BURSE, Kenny 100.00 PICONE BURSE, Cathy 50.00 POPE BENEDICT XV BURSE 15,000.00 POPE JOHN PAUL I BURSE 15,000.00 POPE JOHN PAUL II BURSE 15,000.00 POPE JOHN XXII BURSE 3,146.40 POPE JOHN XXIII BURSE 15,000.00 POPE PAUL VI BURSE 15,000.00 POPE PIUS XI BURSE 15,000.00 POPE PIUS XII BURSE 15,000.00 POPE ST. PIUS X BURSE 15,000.00 POPE BURSE, Virginia Dunne 150.00 POWELL BURSE, Rev. Thomas 5,000.00 PRIEST MEMORIAL BURSE 124,232.59 PRIOUR BURSE, Kathryn Bates 3,860.18 PROCHASKA BURSE, Mary 195.00 QUINTANILLA BURSE, Maria S.
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