American Academy of Arts and Sciences

Norton’s Woods, 136 Irving Street, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02138 , U.S.A. Telephone 617 492-8800 Cable AMCAD

August 29 , 1983 RECElVfc.o AUG Mr , Russell L Schweickart 30 1983 Commissioner California Energy Commission R LS 1516 9th Street Sacramento , California 95814 Dear Rusty: Let me say , first, that Herman Feshbach and I thought that our meeting on Sunday was particularly constructive--and we are grateful to you for taking the time and trouble to talk to us in Boston. As you know , we are supportive--indeed enthusiastic--about your con- cept of an international "Society of Astronauts and Cosmonauts." And we were particularly impressed with the fact that you and your colleagues had thought through the problems associated with organizing a venture dealing with highly visible problems that cut across the intellectual and political boundaries that divide East and West . In any event , such initiatives in this area can be enormously constructive and useful --consider , for example , the International Institute of Applied Systems Analysis and the Pugwash Conferences. Having said all that , the question for us is: how can we contribute to the organization of the society in its planning stages and its operation? As we agreed , our most appropriate role is as an advisor and a legitimizing base in the West to balance--at least symbolically--the role of the Soviet Academy. At this stage in the planning process , our best guess is that we should bring together an advisory committee which could assist in the organization of conferences and workshops--that is , the substantive work of the society. But we would not , of course , be responsible for the ul - timate product; that would be up to the society. Put another way , the Academy is interested in the promotion and dissemination of knowledge , and the Society of Astronauts and Cosmonauts provides a substantial opportunity to increase public awareness of a variety of global problems from the sus- tainable development of the biosphere to the military and peaceful uses of space. Fortunately, the Academy does not have to underwrite conclusions or specific ideas--we are primarily interested in scientific and scholarly quality of the discussions.

Vehicle entrance: Beacon Street, Somerville — between Scott and Museum Streets, Cambridge Mr. Russell L. Schweickart August 29, 1983 Page Two

How do we start ? First, we would like to attend your planning meeting as observers. Second, we will appoint an interim advisory committee-- interim in the sense that a permanent committee could be formed when your plans are fully developed. Third, we agreed that you and one or two of your colleagues would attend the meeting of the Council of the Academy on November 9th, at which time there might be a preliminary meeting of the advisory committee.

This leaves two questions. One is money. At this stage we think that the Research and Planning Committee of the Academy could provide the funds for the interim advisory committee. Our best guess is that outside sources of funds can be found to support the work of the advisory committee itself. The second problem is one that has occurred to Herman Feshbach and me: what is the role of politically visible astronauts like John Glenn ? Our conclusion is that, if it is a problem, it ' s yours and not ours. Attached is a first cut at a list of potential members of the advisory committee.

I hope I have covered most of the bases; if not, please call, I' m back from vacation and have put this high on our priority list. With best regards,

John Voss Executive Officer

JV/n Enclosure American Academy of Arts and Sciences Norton’s Woods, 136 Irving Street, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02138 Telephone 617 492-8800

Suggested Names for the Advisory Committee

Hans Bethe - Cornell - Murray Gell -Mann - California Institute of Technology - Physics Philip Morrison - MIT - Physics Steve Weinberg - Texas and Harvard - Physics - MIT - Physics Paul Doty - Harvard - Arms Control E . 0. Wilson - Harvard - Biology Daniel Bell - Harvard - Sociology Alex Inkeles - Stanford - Sociology S. M . Lipset - Stanford - Political Science Kenneth Boulding - Colorado - Economics Kenneth Galbraith - Harvard - Economics William McNeill - Chicago - History Jaroslav Pelikan - Yale - History Charles Townes - Berkeley - Physics Herbert York - San Diego - Arms Control - Stanford - Physics Roger Revelle - San Diego - Environment
