SB-912-065 SB-914-046 SERVICE BULLETIN

Periodic inspection of the float buoyancy for ® Engine Type 912 and 914 (Series) ATA System: 73-00-00 Fuel system


Symbols used: Please, pay attention to the following symbols throughout this document emphasizing particular information. General note Identifies an instruction which, if not followed, may cause seri- m WARNUNGWARNING ous injury or even fatal injury.

Identifies an instruction which, if not followed, may cause mi- mCAUTIONWARNUNG nor or moderate injury.

Denotes an instruction which if not followed, may severely m NOTICEWARNUNG damage the engine or could lead to suspension of warranty.


Environmental notes give you tips on environmentally conscious behaviour. NOTE: Information useful for better handling. A revision bar outside of the page margin indicates a change to text or graphic. To obtain satisfactory results, procedures specified in this publication must be accom- plished with accepted methods and prevailing government regulations. BRP-Powertrain GmbH & Co KG. cannot be responsible for the quality of work performed in accomplishing the requirements of this publication. 06 October 2014 Current valid documentation see: 73-00-00 Initial Issue Page 1 of 12

Copyright - BRP-Powertrain GmbH & CO KG. All rights reserved. )Planninginformation 1) Copyright -BRP-Powertrain GmbH Initial Issue 2014 October 06 SB-914-046 SB-912-065 .)Applicability 1.1) .)Reason 1.3) Concurrentand SL ASB/SB/SI 1.2) at lowspeeds,engine stoppage and/or fuel leakage in the area ofthe the fuel inthe float chamber. Possible effe and sohavemore weight. Thisleads to alo Due toadeviation inthe manufacturing processsomefloaterscould absorb more fuel Service Instruction-SI-912-021/SI-914-023, „Inspection of “, current Issue. - observed and complied with: Further to thisServiceBulletin the followingaddition ServiceInstruction must be during enginerepair/general overhaul since1.July2012. Also affected areall floaters part no.861184 which have beeninstalled asspare partor All versionsof theengine type: OE Theaffected floaters were delivered with the engines listed above. NOTE: 1 rmSN441136 421 4 S/N from 408 924 4 S/N from 008 413 4 S/N from 957 410 4 S/N from F 914 S 912 F 912 A 912 nietp Serialnumber Engine type & CO KG. Allrights reserved. & CO For relevant information, see the maintenance recordsand/or the logbook. number. as carburetorthe engine serial isalsoimportant engineandlivery usedon another one. Therefore number the of serial the The carburetor and/or the float may have been removed from the first de- no.2/4 part 892525 -fromS/N 120228; no.1/4 part 892520 -fromS/N 116207; F: Carburetors 914 no.2/4 part 892535 -fromS/N 120980; no.1/3 part 892530 -fromS/N 121087; S: Carburetors 912 no.2/4 part 892505 -fromS/N 115846; no.1/3 part 892500 -fromS/N 116434; A/F: Carburetors 912 number numbers andserial ofthe carburetors:The part cts may be a rough enginea rough running, especially may be cts ss offloatbuoyancy and wrong regulation of SERVICE BULLETIN Page 2of12 Page . 73-00-00 SB-914-046 SB-912-065 Copyright - BRP-Powertrain Copyright -BRP-Powertrain GmbH Initial Issue 06 October 2014 .0 Software accomplishment summary 1.10) Electrical load data 1.9) Mass data 1.8) Labor time 1.7) Approval 1.6) Compliance 1.5) Subject 1.4) moment ofinertia- - unaffected. change of weight -none. engineinstalled in the airc - Estimated labortime: EASA.21J.048. The technical content of thisdocumentisapproved under theauthority ofDOAref. At rough enginerunning, especially atlow engine speeds (crankshaft speedto 4000 - Carry out thisinspection offloatbuoyancy of theengines listed in section 1.1.,accor- - Carry out thisinspection offloatbuoyancy of theengines listed in section 1.1.,accor- - Before the firstinstallation in theaircraft and/or theinitial start-up. - Periodic inspection of thefloatbuoyancy of no change no change NOTE: The inspection The must continued be even afterareplacementofthe NOTE: m m estimate isavailable from the enginemanufacturer cause (mayalso beindependent of thefloater) has to befixed before thenext flight. rpm), fuel odor or fuel leakage carryout thisinspection before thenext flight. The latest after 60days. ding tothe instructions insection 3 periodically after each25hours of operation, but this Service Bulletin). next 25hours of operation, but latest after 60days (fromthedate of theinitialissueof ding tothe instructions insection 3 atthe next BRPmaintenance eventor within the WARNUNG WARNING & CO KG. All rights reserved. CO KG.All & damages, personal injuries or even fatal injury. fatal oreven injuries personal damages, Non-compliance withthese instru tion onthis willbe announced. inspectionpoint the periodic canbe omitted. Corresponding informa- untilfloat, new andimprovedavailable.floater are from Only this raft: labortime will depend onin

ROTAX SERVICE BULLETIN ® engine type 912and 914 (Series). ctions couldresultinengine stallation and therefore no Page 3of 12 73-00-00 2) Material Information Material 2) Copyright -BRP-Powertrain GmbH Initial Issue 2014 October 06 SB-914-046 SB-912-065 .1 References 1.11) .)Companyinformation support 2.2) Material- cost andavailability 2.1) Interchangeability of parts 1.13) Other Publications affected 1.12) Authorized Distributors or theirServiceCenter. Replace partsmustbereturned F.O.Bto ROTAX - - Price, availability and anypossiblesuppor affected Allparts and cannot F.O.Bto bereturnedROTAX have furtherbeused toa - All partsareinterchangeable. - none Maint enance Manual(MM)Line - Maintenance Manual (MM)Heavy - In additonto thistechnicalinformation referto current issue of Shipping costs, downtime costs,lossof income, telephone costsetc. or costsof con- - OE The status byof Manuals canbe determined checking the table of NOTE: Authorized Distributors or their Service Center. float are provided free of charge The partsfor the inspection of floatbuoyan ROTAX engine overhaulssc arenotcovered inthis version toother engine versionsora Service Center. ® . & CO KG. Allrights reserved. & CO amendments oftheManual. The 1 downloaded for free. Site: sion status. Compare this number to that listed on the ROTAX . dditional work, as forinstance simultaneous t willbe provided onrequest byROTAX cy and for the replacement ofany defective ope and will not benotope borneorreimbursedby andwill . Updates. andcurrentrevisions canbe SERVICE BULLETIN ® Authorized Distributors ortheir st column of this table is the revi- Page 4of12 Page 73-00-00 ® ® Web-

® SB-914-046 SB-912-065 Copyright - BRP-Powertrain Copyright -BRP-Powertrain GmbH Initial Issue 06 October 2014 .)Special tooling/lubricant- 2.6) Rework of parts 2.5) Material requirement persparepart 2.4) Material requirement perengine 2.3) none none none Parts requirement forchecking ofthe float Parts requirement forreplacement ofthe floats: ration: NOTE: Use only parts indicatedinthefollowing Use onlyparts table. NOTE: 5002Dctn Choke Engine912/914 type Series Diffuser tube Dichtung mm Oil line150 1 Syringe 2 224045 1 950030 1 960043 581385 3782Gse Float chamber 912/914 Series Attachment screwSeries 914 O-ring 15.6x1.78 Gasket 2 2 631771 830728 as 861184 Part no. & CO KG. All rights reserved. CO KG.All & required /engine /engine Qty Qty /adhesives-/sealing compound la pi)Engine type 912/914Series Float (pair) ecito Application Description ecito Application Description


and forrestoring the initial configu- Page 5of 12 73-00-00 Safety notice ment Accomplish- Accomplishmen 3) Copyright -BRP-Powertrain GmbH Initial Issue 2014 October 06 SB-914-046 SB-912-065 .)General 3.1) Persons withapproved qualifications to t - Adhere the installation instructionsaccordingto the ROTAX -ROTAXorganization: sons or All measures must be implemented and confirmed byatleast one ofthe following per- ding the carburetor venting or purgingand thedrip tray. OE All work has to be performed in accordance with the relevant Main- NOTE: OE Before maintenance, review theentire documentation tomake sure NOTE: m m m m m m technicians (iRMT-Level: Line Maintenanc t/Instructions NOTICE NOTICE WARNUNG WARNUNG WARNUNG WARNUNG WARNING WARNING ® - Distributorsortheir Service Center & CO KG. Allrights reserved. & CO Do notmodifythefloaters! always replace witha newone. teners, etc.)be required whenundergoing disassembly/assembly, Should removalofalocking device appropriate safety gear whileperforming work. Risk ofscaldsand burns! Allowengine to cool sufficiently and use ation. Disconnect negative terminal of aircraftbattery. unintentional operation. Secureaircraft against unauthorized oper- sparks oropen flames. Switchoff ignition and secure engine against Proceed withthis work onlyina tenance Manual. ments. youhave a complete understandingoftheprocedure andrequire- he corresponding engine type. Only certified e) are qualified to work on these engines. SERVICE BULLETIN non-smoking area andnot close to (e.g. locktabs,self-locking fas- ® Installation Manualregar- Page 6of12 Page 73-00-00 SB-914-046 SB-912-065 Copyright - BRP-Powertrain Copyright -BRP-Powertrain GmbH Initial Issue 06 October 2014 3.1.1) Preparation 3.1.1) Fig. 1 Fig. See vides information on the fl required volume determined. The volumegiven indicates the resulting fuelleveland pro- In the following inspection the float chambe Letthe engine idle for approx. 1-2 minutes. Bring thefloat chamber to horizontal position (levelthe aircraft,necessary). if 2 1 Remove thevent airline (4). Installed steelmust line not be removed. (2). Remove headscrews Remove 4Philips Remove the returnspring (1). 5 4 3 NOTE: The The float chamber provides a different fuellevel, depending on the NOTE: Step Fig. 1 . NOTE: & CO KG. All rights reserved. CO KG.All & float buoyancy. 2 oat statusorbuoyancy. 1 3 wthOFteeeti ulpm a 1 Series). OFFSwitch fuel the pump electric (at 912 r willbefilled upto theventing andthe Procedure 4 Air line vent housing valve 3 Rotary 2 Philipshead spring 1 Return 4 SERVICE BULLETIN rotary valveh screw M4x14 screw ousing (3) thegasket. with Page 7of 12 73-00-00 Copyright -BRP-Powertrain GmbH Initial Issue 2014 October 06 SB-914-046 SB-912-065 .)Inspection offloat buoyancy 3.2) Fig. 2 Fig. See Insert the adapter (2) inthe lower bore (3)of the rotary valve. Ensure afirm fit. hose Fuel and adapterbe must free from air bubbles. hose fuel transparent a using (2) adapter the with syringe Connect 4 3 2 1 Fill the syringe (1) with (1)with thesyringe Fill 1 8 The results Theofthe measurement be must documented inthe maintenance records. Perform the same inspectionon the second carburetor. volume. the Determine thefloatuntil thefuel Fill chamber 8 7 6 5 NOTE: During the following the During inspectionof thevolume, carefully fillthefloat NOTE: m Step Step Fig. 2 NOTICE WARNUNG 1 & CO KG. Allrights reserved. & CO by ROTAX (Mogas or )!SeelatestSI-912-016/SI-914-019. For inspection ofthe float buoyancyonly use certificated the scale of the syringe. forefilling operation. the by The capacitydetermined canbe reading This(4). processshould take about 5seconds. Recordcapacity be- untilthe f chamber witha syringe 2 40-50 ml amountoffuel. ml 40-50 4 leaks from the venting nipple. the from leaks Procedure Procedure SERVICE BULLETIN 3 uel leaksfromtheventing nipple 4 Venting nipple 3 Bore 2 Adapter 1 Syringe Page 8of12 Page 73-00-00 SB-914-046 SB-912-065 Copyright - BRP-Powertrain Copyright -BRP-Powertrain GmbH Initial Issue 06 October 2014 .)Installation ofthe choke housing 3.3) 3.2.1) Determinationthe of filling volume Fig. 3 Fig. See Determine the fillingvolumeby 3 Secure first 2 threads of the Philips first 2 threadsof Secure gasket. new Installwith rotaryvalve Install the venting line. 3 2 1 4 Install the return spring (2). spring return the Install 4 oeta 0ml more than40 ml less than23 ml ml-40 23 Filling volume in volume Filling Step float chamber Fig. 3. & CO KG. All rights reserved. CO KG.All & measurements. Seesection Significant deviation of the float levels. Repeat inspection to avoid incorrect See section. A detailed inspectionthe of floaters or theirweight isnecessary. levels. float of the deviation Significant limit. the within areOK,thefloatlevelis Floaters Check float needleleakage valveforany and settingthefloat of bracket. Seesection. sary. A detailed inspection of the carburetor and floaters or their weight isneces- checking the scale of thesyringe. 3.5) . 1 3.5) . head screw 4x14 (1 4x14 head screw Procedure 3.1.1) Evaluation SERVICE BULLETIN . 2 Return spring 4x14 Philips headscrew 1 2 3 2 ) with LOCTITE 243. with LOCTITE ) Page 9of 12 73-00-00 Copyright -BRP-Powertrain GmbH Initial Issue 2014 October 06 SB-914-046 SB-912-065 .)Removal of float chamber 3.4) .)Checkweight of ofthe floater 3.5) meaningful ifthe floaters alread The weight inspection showsifthe affected the aircraftmanufacturer. Preparation fordismantling the floatchamber ac See Removefloat chamber (3),(4) gasket the and twofloaters (2) spring Remove clip (5) and914 forSeriesROTAX loosen cap screw (6) and remove actuation. mechanical its and carburetor the of inspection Visual 4 (1). tray drip Remove 3 2 1 3 The results Theofthe measurement be must documented inthe maintenance records. the Check weight of all affected floaters using a calibrated balance (1). Measuring tol- Let the floatersdry for 1-2 minutes.balanceOnly dry floaters. 3 2 1 OE This check is not relevant for new that were spare parts, not incontact NOTE: m m Step Step Fig. 4. NOTICE NOTICE WARNUNG WARNUNG with O-ring (7). O-ring with The max.The allowable weight (of both floaters) is7grams. erance of the balance: max. 0.1 grams. & CO KG. Allrights reserved. & CO Renew allfloaters which exceedthe max. weight. pose, asdescribed below,thefloat weight control according to section If the inspection of float buoyancy section with fuel. y have had contactwithfuel. floaters have absorbed fuel.Thisisonly Procedure Procedure cording to the installation instructions of SERVICE BULLETIN chamber has to be dismantled. 3.2) is necessary.For this pur- 3.5) shows adeviation, a Page 10 of 12 73-00-00 SB-914-046 SB-912-065 Copyright - BRP-Powertrain Copyright -BRP-Powertrain GmbH Initial Issue 06 October 2014 .)Installation offloatchamber 3.6) Fig. 4 Fig. See 3 Close spring clip (5)orforROTAX914Se Closespring Install float chamber(3)with gasket (4) and the both floaters (2). Remove the gasket (4) fromthe floatchamber and forROTAX 914 Seriesremove the 3 2 1 Install drip tray (1). 4 Step 1 Fig. 4. Fig. 5 O-ring (7). O-ring Tightening torque of attachment screw 5.5 Nm (48.7 (48.7 Nm 5.5 screw attachment of torque Tightening (7). O-Ring ding & CO KG. All rights reserved. CO KG.All & 3 4 2 6 7 Procedure 7 O-ring screw Attachment 6 5 Spring clip 4 Gasket 3 Floatchamber 2 Floaters tray 1 Drip ries install the attach SERVICE BULLETIN ment screw (6) inclu- Page 11of 12 73-00-00 10212 Copyright -BRP-Powertrain GmbH Initial Issue 2014 October 06 SB-914-046 SB-912-065 .)Test run 3.8) Finishingwork 3.7) .0 Enquiries 3.10) Summary 3.9) Enquiries regarding thisService Bulletin shouldbesentto theROTAX German language and the metricunits (SI-system) are authoritative. Approval oftranslation tobestknowledge and judgement-in any case the original textin the logbook. from section1.5. The execution ofthe mandatory Service Bulletin mustbe confirmed in These instructions(section 3)haveto be the engine type912/914 Series. Conduct test run. Seealso chapter 12-20-00 current issueMaintenance ManualLine of Connect negative terminal of aircraftbattery. - Restore aircraft tooriginal operating configuration - tributor ofyour area. Alistofall distributors isprovided on OE The illustrations in this document show They atypical construction. NOTE: & CO KG. Allrights reserved. & CO tive engine type. only.For refer specificdetail, documents oftherespec-current tothe Exploded views are but have thesameorsimilarfunction. may notrepresent fulldetailexact orthe parts shape oftheactual conducted inaccordance withthe deadlines no technical drawings SERVICE BULLETIN and arefor reference ® authorized dis- Page 12 of 12 73-00-00 .