Topics for Discussion

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Topics for Discussion Trustees of the Acton Memorial Library Acton Memorial Library Minutes: 18 November 2014 Present: Dennis Ahern; Joe Glannon; Bob Surdel; Ann Chang, David Barrat; Miriam Lezak; Sampada Salunkhe; Suzanne Shanahan; Marcia Rich, Library Director; Katie Green, Selectman Absent: Tom Dunn Documents: Agenda for November Meeting, Director's Report for October 2014, Projected Computer Needs through May 2015; Letter from AML Foundation, Draft Meeting Minutes for October Suzanne called the meeting to order at 7:32. Ann moved to accept the minutes with minor changes. Sampada seconded. Minutes, with changes, were accepted unanimously. Topics for Discussion Directors Report and Update Ann is worried that the Finance Committee will request that we lower our budget because we get state aid. Marcia felt that if it came to that, she would make it clear that state aid is only for the library and cannot be spent on other items. The Budget Book committee is composed only of town staff. Marcia and Marianne Fleckner are meeting with Steve Ledoux to discuss the Assistant Director salary. Joe would like to see a copy of the job description for the Assistant Director. Programs and Traffic: Traffic is up 8% from last year. We had 65 people for the Stealing Rembrandt program. There are 10 groups for the mini-fair. An upcoming program is for Book Club Resources – this is in response to feedback from the community focus group activity of the Long Range Plan. Facilities: There is a leak in the basement, which means the library can’t run water upstairs (no bathroom, no water in the staff room sink). At one point, Marcia thought that they might need to turn off water in the entire building (including all of the bathrooms). This is the third time in a couple of years, Marcia thinks that they have a solution. Ann was wondering if our Constant Contact percentage was higher than other towns. Marcia doesn’t know, but the numbers seems to be growing nicely. AML Board of Trustees Minutes Page 1 18 November 2014 Long range plan Staffing Goals It's important to start the search and hiring process for a new Assistant Direction. Marcia is a little bit worried; there are a lot of Library Directorships opening up right now, which means a number of Assistants will be moving into those slots. Dave wanted to know if we could appoint an interim assistant director. Marcia would rather not, but she'll think about it. For certain kinds of things, Sue Callahan is in charge if both Marcia and Ellen are out of the building. Facilities goal We had a facilities meeting last night. According to the lawyers, the contract with Johnson-Roberts is almost ready. Marcia told them she’d like to have the work done by May 1. We agreed on a list of things that we thought should be addressed. We need to communicate that list to them. The microfilm room is used less than once a month. We will plan to retire it soon. Dennis asked about what we would do with the collection. We would make sure that we digitize local materials that are not available elsewhere; most of the important sources are online. Dennis wants to make sure that the local papers are digitized. There are some Acton papers that we may not have in any other format. Ann wanted to know if the ads are also digitized –the answer is that it depends on the source. Library Director's Evaluation Marcia has read it. Increasing State Aid Emergency Fund Several years ago, the board voted to set aside a $30,000 emergency fund. For example, if a senior employee were out for several months, we would need to pay the employee (from sick time), as well as pay a temporary employee. It’s a purely internal distinction. We currently have about $108K in State Aid. We have never actually used the emergency fund. When Gloria was out, we were able to figure out her pay without using the emergency fund. It depends on the employee as many are part time and not benefitted. The new paid sick leave law may change things. We have so many part-time employees, that it may have some financial implications. Suzanne wanted to know if it could be used for other things. Marcia thought we could use it for something like the front door, if the door finally dies. Ann moves that we raise the emergency fund to $40,000. David seconds. Ann thinks that it should be reserved for sick time or other unusual opportunity (such as a matching grant). AML Board of Trustees Minutes Page 2 18 November 2014 This $40,000 will not be used by the facilities committee. If for some very bizarre reason the town were in dire financial straits, we might use it to create a cushion for the library. Dennis Ahern, Joe Glannon, Ann Chang, David Barrat Miriam Lezak, Sampada Salunkhe, and Suzanne Shanahan voted aye. Bob Surdel abstained. Motion carried. Funding for Computer-Related Needs for the next 6 Months Additional items will be paid for by IT (a couple of printers for specific tasks, etc.). At the moment, users can only print by transferring materials to the printer via a USB drive. The wireless printer would simplify things by allowing patrons to print directly to the printer. The additional chargers are for when electrical power is out. The external hard drive would be the back-up for the digitized versions of the Concord and Acton papers. Joe wanted to know if these would come out of state aid. Yes, they would. If they were paid for out of the regular budget, they would go into the IS and Equipment category. When AML joined Minuteman, we started a tradition to not put computer hardware in our budget (but software does go into the budget). Some of the hardware comes from AML and the Foundation budgets. Sampada wanted to know about the cell phone scanner. For some cellphones, you can put your library card into your phone as a bar code. Not all of the scanners can read these. The self-checkout scanner can’t read the barcodes, so we want to update it. Ann moved, David seconded that we take $2900 out of state aid. Motion passed unanimously. Holiday Cards for the Staff The package of 50 cards arrived on Bob’s doorstep yesterday. Mary will make up address labels and then we will sign them at the December meeting. Sampada will be in India, but will drop by the library beforehand to sign her cards. Mass. Library Trustees Association Annual Meeting David went to the meeting. Mass. Board of Library Commissioners’ Executive Director Diane Carty gave a nice address. David talked to some people about how to make a café work – The general response was to buy a Keurig machine and let the Friends of the Library run it. It was a nice gathering and the food was excellent. He suggests that someone go next year. It was not boring, the speakers and the subject matter was interesting. Maybe 40 people were there. Panic button Follow-Up Ann spoke to Frank Widmayer, who thought that if the library had a panic button, it should go into the ADT (alarm company). Ann has not heard back from Dean (who wanted to speak to the Police and Fire Chiefs). Marcia is worried about a situation in which the staff or patrons feel threatened. AML Board of Trustees Minutes Page 3 18 November 2014 If someone falls, the staff calls 911, though it can sometimes take a while for help to get there; even though a fire station is close by, fire fighters can be at a training, a fire or accident, etc. Marcia will try to follow up with Dean tomorrow. Recruiting People to Run for David Barrat's Board Seat Pam Lynn may be interested; Dave will contact her. Miriam also knows someone who may be interested (Carol), and will contact her. Request from the AML Foundation to Print Notecards from Davis Artwork Bob moves that we grant permission, to the extent to which we are able, for the AMLF to print notecards using the Arthur Davis artwork ‘Boys Playing Football’ for a fundraiser. Dennis seconded. Motion passed unanimously. Updates and Sub-Committee Reports Acton Leadership Group – Ann The ALG is meeting on Thursday. They are moving slowly along. Katie thinks that the next meeting will be more productive. Piano Committee – Miriam Lezak Miriam is thinking of talking to some of her folk music contacts about an afternoon of Irish (and/or folk) music. Dennis mentioned the harpist at Donelan’s. Civil War Exhibit – Marcia Nothing to report. Civil War Commemoration Committee – Dennis Ahern Nothing to report. West Acton Citizens Library (WACL) – David Barrat They have expanded their YA facilities. Moving Jennifer’s office upstairs has given them more room. There will be a book sale on Dec 7. Other issues Ann would like to add the Town Report to next month’s agenda. Motion to adjourn David moves that we adjourn, Bob seconded. Motion passed unanimously. Meeting adjourned at 8:43pm AML Board of Trustees Minutes Page 4 18 November 2014 Next board meeting – Tuesday December 16, 7:30 pm. Respectfully submitted, Miriam Lezak Secretary AML Board of Trustees Minutes Page 5 18 November 2014 .
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