Ruth 3

Intro: As believers, God often calls us to act on others’ behalf. He calls us to demonstrate initiating love, faith-filled action, and godly integrity. In chapter 3, we see each of these things played out as both Ruth and ’ characters shine through in a tricky situation.

Context: In chapter 2, we see an emphasis of God’s favor and provision for Ruth and also . Ruth is noticed for her character and Boaz provides for her safety along with Naomi and her needs. As Naomi’s heart starts to change, she instructs Ruth to visit Boaz at the beginning of chapter 3.

Discussion Questions:

1. How does Ruth respond to her mother-in-law’s instructions at the beginning of chapter 3? What does that reveal about her trust in God?

2. Ruth 3:4-13 reads a little odd to us considering our own cultural norms. This is evident from Ruth’s character and Boaz’s response that Ruth was not doing anything inappropriate, but rather boldly making a marriage proposal. She steps out in faith though there is some risk involved. Is there any step of faith that you sense God is wanting you to take right now?

3. How does Ruth identify herself in verse 9? How does this differ to how she was identified in the previous two chapters?

4. What do you notice about how Boaz responds to Ruth’s kindness (vs 10-11)?

5. Because Ruth is a childless widow, she is in need of a redeemer of her family line. Note how Boaz responds in reassuring Ruth that she will be taken care of either way. How have you seen people take initiative to take care of you and your needs recently?

6. In what specific ways and to whom can you demonstrate initiating love right now?

7. What does Boaz do to ensure that Ruth’s character remains in tact as she returns from the threshing floor back to Naomi? Why?

8. How can their integrity demonstrate their faith in God? In what specific ways can your integrity demonstrate your faith in God?

9. In the Hebrew , the comes immediately after Proverbs. Read over Proverbs 31. How are Ruth and Boaz examples of the characteristics of a godly woman and man in Proverbs 31?