Sandspur, Vol 98 No 26, May 6, 1992

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Sandspur, Vol 98 No 26, May 6, 1992 University of Central Florida STARS The Rollins Sandspur Newspapers and Weeklies of Central Florida 5-6-1992 Sandspur, Vol 98 No 26, May 6, 1992 Rollins College Find similar works at: University of Central Florida Libraries This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Newspapers and Weeklies of Central Florida at STARS. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Rollins Sandspur by an authorized administrator of STARS. For more information, please contact STARS Citation Rollins College, "Sandspur, Vol 98 No 26, May 6, 1992" (1992). The Rollins Sandspur. 1734. Volume 98 Issue #26 Rollins College-Winter Park, Florida May 6, 1992 FREDERICK CALLS FOR NEW GOVERNMENT IDEAL Orlando mayor The topic of Mayor Frederick's talk needs. Mayor Frederick also talked was "Reinventing Government" in about orienting government towards Bill Frederick which he focused on a report put out values using a prevention, versus cure, by the Governor's Commission for approach to regulation. One of the addressed Government by the People, of which most forceful points he made was that he is a part. He began by pointing out government should be result-oriented, student interns at that our government was structured talking and funding in terms of real around a bureaucracy of the Industrial performance and effectiveness of pro­ the Hamilton Age and had to be restructured to face grams in relation to the amount of resources put in. The final point was Holt school on that a market orientation was needed "...if we did to augment a narrow tax base with Fox Day morning have true market resources and volunteer re­ sources in an approach that Mayor BY BROOK LOOPE priorities, I think Frederick called, "Doing more with Sandspur the tuition less." All this, and talks of balancing the Although it was Fox Day at Rollins, voucher would budget too. When asked how this an exciting event was taking place at stand on stronger would affect programs like the Florida the Hamilton Holt School. While most Tuition Voucher (FTV), Mayor were on their way to the beach or back ground." Frederick said that the 10% across- to sleep after the sounds of the chapel the-board cuts would affect the pro­ bells signified freedom from toil, gram which, in fact, has already been Mayor Bill Frederick of Orlando spoke Mayor Frederick affected by the budget crunch. "But if at the Presidential Internship Breakfast we did have true priorities," he added, held in honor of exceptional students "I think the tuition voucher would photo I College Relations the challenges of the Information Age Mayor Frederick addressing intership students on "reinventing government.wh o have been placed in internships and increasingly limited resources. stand on stronger ground." To further for the 92-93 school year. The report outlines six points that are enhance his more positive point, he to serve as a model in this reinvention added that there is a possibility of of government. eliminating other programs to have Dormitory renovations to begin The first was that the government enough money to put back into the should be play a catalytic role in so­ FTV so that it would remain untouched BY KALEE KREIDER that the facilities are safe. are worn-out. Third is a proposal to ciety, steering rather than rowing. Sandspur There are five priorities for use of modify the fire alarm system to reduce Relatedly, government should be the bond money. First, of course, is the number of alarms which go out to community-oriented and customer- please see Frederick page 4 Misconceptions about the four mil- ensuring the safety and security of the the Winter Park Fire Department. driven in response to what society ion dollar bond for dormitory reno- residential facilities. Structural Updating and modifying the bath­ ationhave not stopped the Residen- changes like work on the roofs, win­ rooms, student rooms, and lounge fa­ lal Life office from moving forward dows, balconies, and replacing rotting cilities are the other two priorities. n the extensive plans for dorm im- wood top the list as well as increased Classrooms and faculty offices will be irovement. The allocation of these lighting in the hallways and the gradual added to McKean, modular furniture ids is not only a "very unique" op- phase-in of card key access. Heating, wrtunity for the College to improve ventilating and air conditioning are next on the list as some of the systems please see Dorms page 6 Structural changes top the list as well as Senior giving project increased lighting and the gradual begins anew phase-in of card- twist. The duo are hoping for 100% key access Moran and participation from graduating seniors, no matter how much or little a dona­ tion is possible. Every senior from Us facilities, but also "shows a com­ Borsoi take up May 1st to May 11th should be con­ mitment from the President on down tacted by a person in your residential provide a comfortable living envi­ donation group about a donation. All of the ronment for students" according to kn Posner. initiative proceeds will go toward a fund for a new Student Center. In addition to Posner, the Director of Residential building an early tradition of alumni &. students, staff, and outside con­ WINTER PARK, FL - In the past, the donations, according to Moran the stants have all made their recom­ College has sponsored a Beginnings seniors already know how important a mendations as to how the funds should program for seniors to help seniors student center is to campus life If * allocated. Posner is pleased with invest in the College's future. This anyone has any questions or needs Mans. He is confident that spread- year, the initiative to sponser senior more information, Moran encourages photo I John Dukes H the wealth all over campus will donations comes from two students, Carla Borsoi and Skipper Moran, who students to call either Carla Borsoi or Well worth the wait! Fox Day came to the rescue last "wain"the biggest impact for the buck himself. Wednesday to the dismay of none and the cheers of all. 10 make students happy" and ensure have picked up the project with a new NEWS STYLE CAMPUS INDEX For two years he More than a ftlrn In the midst of the Hollins College LA riots following has been a dedi­ Productions Chair review!.•••'Jen St cated student MEWS 1-8 John otters Her the Bodney King STYLE 9-12 Bob Morris com­ verdict, there have leaden Skipper ments on his view musings on issues Moran shares his FOBOM 13-14 both within and keen many CLASSIFffiDS 15 instances of gross views on the past needs and desires withoutthecinema and future of CAUEH0AR 16 world/What a way Irresponsibility in for >92-'93. themedia. Rollins. to end the year. page 3 • iyVniy •••-•••-•••••• mm page 2 The Sandspur Volume 98 Issue #26 Crime Watch College to choose new COMPILED BY JESSE FORTNER Sandspur Crime Watchdog Student Actvities Director ROLLINS COLLEGE, FL - Last week, the two Several senior administrators, however while finding both candidates qualified were INCIDENT # DATES finalists to replace Lucy Hamilton as Director of Student Activities and Leadership programs not convinced that either Schafer or Davis visited and interviewed on campus. Students, would be the type of Director that students or Forgery 5 4/22, 23, 26(2), 27 faculty, and staff, however seem not to have the College have become accustomed to. Lucy reached a consensus as to the candidate they Alarm of: feel would best suit the position. It is possible that an Fire 5 4/22, 27, 30, 5/1, 2 Penny Schafer, currently the Associate Di­ rector for Student Activities at Ohio Univer­ employment offer Burglary 1 5/3 sity, interviewed on Thursday. Her backgroud included not only experience as an Area Coor­ may be tendered this Property Destruction 2 4/26, 5/1 dinator, but extensive leadership training, pro­ week, however, gramming and advising. She also has worked Criminal Mischief 2 4/25, 5/1 with a variety of different ethnic and cultural insiders believe other student groups and with alcohol and drug pro­ candidates may be Poss. of Controlled Substance 1 4/31 grams. Described as "more earthy," many were impressed by her background in leadership brought in. Phone Misuse 2 4/23, 27 development. Charlotte Davis, who received her Ph.D. at Vandalism 1 4/22 Ohio University, is currently the Director of Hamilton and Bernard Franklin both sought University Unions and Student Activities at out student contact, often inviting groups to Petty Theft 1 4/22 Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State Uni­ their homes. Others involved in the process versity. Her background includes work with a seem not to have gained a consensus as stu­ Burglary/Grand Theft 1 4/23 group similar to the Publications and Broadcast dents, faculty, and staff seem undecided. Union here at Rollins, work with a Black Stu­ The Search Committee, responsible for rec­ Armed Robbery 1 4/26 dent Alliance, leadership supervision, and ommending a candidate, met Friday afternoon campus entertainment. Those who met with in the Student Government Office. There is no Medical Assistance 1 4/25, 27, 30 Davis were pleased with her many years of official word on whether or not an offer will be experience in Student Activities. tendered as the process has not yet been com­ Excessive Noise 1 4/28 College Dean Steve Neilson was pleased pleted. Committee members are remaining with the quality of many of those who applied silent about the proceedings.

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