'■I'T *’•

■ ii -J i\, ; MONDAY, AUGUST *7, 1968 piifikjixTEEir Tha Wi 'T; iianrtiPBtPt lEti^ning U m lb ' . I • Aversfff Daily Net PrisM Run Fateeast af OtiB. “r . *• “ V - For tlw Week’' ShKlhd JnM IS, IS5S Fair, allghUy a a ^ SMiahl PT Dr. A. Rimer Diakan and Mrs. [ by Eugene Nimkoff In connection Diakan are spending the week a t ' Planners Air with a motel h,e Is building north Low aaiur aa. Wadaeoday partly A b o u t T o w n Madison, Conn.' . Vernier-Fogg Wedding of the Wilbur (5ross Highway on 12,065 «lo«aly, Uttia chaago la Imapmar the east w e of McNall St. Me U DUBALDO MUSIC CENTER SUmiMr at tha Aadlt tara. High Sa-SS. The executive board of the asking thi^.a 466-foot-square area Jaha 3 . AlUaon Jr., 40 Weat- Bids Tonight be changed from. Residence ’a A to , BmaM af Oinatotlaa Manche$ter>-^A City of Villoge Charm nUnaUr RA, a atudant'at Wa*- WCTU \\iil hold a special meeting REOPENING SEPT; 4 tomorrow afternoon at o'clock at 'Business Zone II. Land on the i layaa tJWva^^ty, la a dalegate to 2 The Town Planning Commission west side of McNall St. north of the South Melh''-’’'t Church REGISTRATION A U THIS WEEK ' ■tha STth blannial convenUon of will hear arguments for three the highway Is already in Busi­ (FOURTEEN PAGES) MANCHESTER, CONN„ TUESDAY, AUGUST 28, 1958 (CSaartflad Advartislag oa Faga It) Bictiia Nu National Social Fra- ness Zone li. VOL. LXXV, NO. 280 ta m tr at tha Hotel Roanoke, Miss Barbara ...town, daughter proposed zone changes a t a public 1 1:00 P.M.-5:00 P.M. Roanoke, Va., which opened today of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph C. Brown. hearing in'the Municipal Building 341 Oakland St., is spending her and confute to Auf. 30, with a starting at 8 o'clock tonight. Lm s o b s in Accordion— Piann— Guitar— Dnimt cleainc'banquet Thursday e>’ening. vacation with her parenU in Tm'o Dates Noted Miami. Miss Brown made the trip One of th||nroposals. aubmitted Ike Flying by Eastern Airlines. Her pJarenU In behalf of Green Manor Estates. 184 Middle Tumpiko Wos't — Toi. Ml T-4205 Egypt Airs Dulles Raps Soviet Mambars o t St. Marfcaret’i left for the Peninsular State at an Inc., seeks to provide for the con- At Party Here Circle, DaufhUrs of Isabella, are earlier date. < : struction of sn access road to the remlndsd that the poUuck supper i firm's recently completed Man- Mrs. Beverly A. Kamiensky, 388 To Confer tomArrow evenini: at the home of Accord on Nurse HeW ! Chester Shopping Parkade on W. W. center St„ was hostess Satur­ Mrs. Agnes Breen. 25 Fpxcroft : Middle Tpke. day evening at a combined wed­ Road Block on Suez Dr., will be served at 6:80 p.m. Demkos Observe The road would > be located di- ding anniversary' apd birthday ------: rectly south of Tower Rd. The party, honoring her 'parents, Mr. Suez Talk WithAides Mrs. Richard Gerard of Conlmi- 40th Anniversary application seeks to have a 50-by- and Mrs. Myron Robbins. 10 Flor­ cut. R. I., Is xislting relatives and 100-foot strip on W. Middle Tpke. ence St., and her brother-in-law, HERE'S GOOD NEWS! ■ London, Aug. 28 (fl*)— Secretary of State Dulles said soviet Foreign Minta- By MARVIN L. ARBOWaMlTH friisnds In toem. She was the for­ Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Demko, 43 changed Jrom Rural Residence Russell Ferguson of Columbia, for­ Egypt agreed today to meet today Russia has been waging ter Dmitri shepiiov in London 80- Pebble Beach, Calif., Aug. mer Miss RUsabeth Wilson of Man- Locust St., were guests of their Zone to Business Zone II. . merly of town. ' propaganda campaign to vlet propaganda waa carrying on choker. In another application. Austin ! Mrs. Kamiensky. who was as- , Final Week with a committee charged a ____ 28 (/P)—President Eiaenhow- children at a dinner held at the make it extremely difficult a vicious campaign among the er, reported in good condition Three Babies A. Chambers is seeking to provide i sisted by her sistera ir making ar- > with presenting a pro|k>saI for Arabs against a> settlement be­ Red Coach Grill.. Wethersfield, for the expansion of the Manches­ 1 rangements, used two beautifully i Inf re.spon.4<*’ to many re- international contwl of the for Egyptian President Nas­ tween Nasser and the West. by his doctor, ended a West Sunday in observance of their 40th ter Knitting Mills, which is locat­ ' decorated cakes a» centerpieces, i Suez. Canal but made no com­ ser to negotiate a satisfactory The Soviets argued that the Coast vacation today and flew wedding anniversary. Mrs. Demko ed in the Chambers Building at One for her parents was inscribed ' quest.4 from friejida who settlement of the Suez Canal plan advocated by Dulles—and back to Washington to map 519 E. Middle Tpke. j with the words. "Happy 32nd Al(i- mitment to accept the plan. BUSINESS wore Si lovely corsage, a gift from were on vacation ih July finally accepted as the majority I Chambers is asking that a tri­ niversary. Mom and Dad;" a ^ Preaident Naaaer made known crisis. kt the conference—waa slm- second term campaign strate­ her grandchildren. angular portion of land located the other, ’^fptppy Birthday, Riiy- and thei-efore mi.^.sed our Ma wUlingneu to aea the 5-nation Dulles told a news conference a device for relmposlng colon­ gy and resume government Parents of Infants A S U S U A L that Nasser’s sgreement today to ‘ In »e afternoon, many friends behind the warehouse be changed Second Birthday Sale—we committee in a terae JetterJ' to its . ialism on Egypt. business conferences NNE raARMAGY and relatives dropped in at their from Residence Zone A to' Indus­ Tile honor guests Were remem­ chairman. Prime MiiUaterMinii Robert! receive a committee from the re- Dulles returned from the con­ The Preaident and Mrs. Eisen­ home to congratulate them and trial Zone. The area meaaures bered with many useful gifts, cur- ; are pleased to announce s-- G. Menxiea of Australia. He men- ] cent London conference to talk ference list Saturday and expect­ hower left the Monterey Naval Air ' «S4 CEMTEB 6T. / tioned neither time nor place for : about the Sues problem constl- aJso shared in the beautifully deco­ about 68 135 feet. rency and. cards, and relatives and ! repe.'it of the ed to report to President Eisen- Station about 9 a.m., PDT, on a 9‘ At Coroner’s Probe rated wedding cake and other rer The third reque.«t is being made friends Joined in wishing them the ipeetlng. j tutes a contribution toward a ' hower here tomorrow. He pre-i hour non-stop flight to the capital, Text of Nasser’s Letter peaceful solution. freshmenta provided by the chil­ ' I vioualy talked by telephone with | They will travel aboard the I ^ s i dren. Sarny About Tetouh, Egyptian This Soviet I Union, Dulles said, the Preaident, who has been vaca- ; dent’s .jprivate plane. Columbine New Haven, Aug. 28 (/P)—Stunned parents of three infants, • The couple was remembered by SPECIAL OFFER BELOW ambasaador to London, called on ■tood out alone among the 22 na­ tionlng in California. | n i. many congratulatory cards and MenMea to deliver Nasser's letter. tions which attended the Ls>ndon DuUes said he reminded Japan- j Relaying word from Eiaen- whom a weeping 220-pound pediatric nurse has admitted beautiful gifts, and also received The text, as made public in Cairo, Suez conference earlier this month ese Foreign Minister Shigemitsu | bower’s'physican, Maj. Gen. How- shaking to death, filed into County Courthouse today for R Notice several lovely floral bouquets, in­ ACE ELECTRIC MOTOR REPAIR read: as a country which was not try­ In London of a provision in Japan’s i ard M. Snyder, White House press coroner’s inquest. cluding red roses, gladioli, asters "I wisii to acknowledge receipt ing to find a way to reach a peace­ peace treaty which states that i f , secretary Jam es, C. Hagerty told And while they were preparing statements, counsel for the IC M I Air Fotral Co- 221 NOR-TH MAIN .STREKT of your excellency's letter dated ful solution. , another government obtains more ] newsmen the president's stay at and dahlias. Aug. 24 in which you informed me nurse, Virginia B. Jaspers, 33, said; “We definitely intend Mr. and Mrs. 'Demko. who are Eighteen of the 22 nations which favorable terms of peace settle­ Cj’presa Point dub in this resort wM pick up p«K of the request of the committee attended the London meeting pro­ ment from Japan than the first sera has done him a gi^at deal of to have this girl examined by a psychiatrist. In all probability,’* members of the Concordia Luth­ FREE! under your excellency's chairman­ {p«r» tofr oaHid*' wasi eran Church, were married by the posed that an International board treaty afforded the United States good. Atty. Edward L. Reybolds add^, “there will be more than one WILL BE CLOSED tfl WORTH OF MERCHANDISE ship. , . to meet with m^ to place run the 103-mile canal. A minority and other nations which Joined the "The doctor saya the President psychiatrist. *' ’ _____— —— wT«tC# ffiviN-----■— m y Rev, R. O. Leopold, in Egypt, Pa., before me and to explain to me the plan, I aubmitted by India at the first treaty may claim the aame is feeling fine and is in good con­ With Every Purchase of 15.00 or More. Meanwhile details of the trage- s a 1 T \ * * * on Aug., 16, 1916. They have, two xiewa of the governments men­ cofif^nce and supported by the righU. dition,” Hagerty said. Tw idoy, Aiif. l i children, William' and Neleh D, AUG. 27 to SEPT. 3 tioned in your message concerning j ^ ‘vterUnlon™and“ (feyf^^^^ and in- i Johnson; and three grandchildren. PLUS—a free gift to everyone visiting our shop Puts Japan Notice CoBvaleooe^e Os’er gan bu8>' - tnl*r . " morning.morotoc 4?ord D iv is io n during the remaining days of August. the Suez Canal. I agree to the pro- . .^^.^uid leave the canal In-'doing this, Dulles made clear. Eisenhower airlved here last 2 9 . Mr. Demko was a weaver at posed ineeting as requested by the ^ y p tia n control and pro- he waa putting Japan on notice, that 1 Thiiraday evening a few hours af- it wasn’t until yesterday, when * • |» '■ 'h*! a. Cheney Bros, for many years, be­ WILL RE-OPEN SEPT. 4 committec police said tall, husky Miss Jas- /h For the duration of this special offer:- - vide an international board with if it signs li- • with ^ s s ia j ter accepting nomination for a sec­ ^ r . had admitted fatally injuring , fore retiring in June of this year. All .sales final —^ no exchanges or refunds. The' letter did not bear out an advisory powers only. ond term at the closing of the Re­ earlier report from Egyptian offi­ one child, and that she probably Dulles said that on the very (Continued on Page Nine) publican national l onv'; i if n was responsible for the deaths of -V- cials that Nasser had apccified' San Francisco. Since then there Reported Lost Cairo aa the aite for the meeting. two others, that the parents of Al§-CONDITIONED have been these developments re­ the victims learned their babies Bai'hrarh Photo. On the atrength of this report, a garding the President's health: spokesman for the committee had died of other than natural causes. Camp Drum. N. Y., Aug. 33 - MRS. RONALD WILLIAM''VER^IER 1. Hagerty has stated the doc­ Inflicted He«d Injury indicated the members were ready tors now feel Eisenhower’s conva­ (jq—A Connecticut National to fly to-CaIro almost immediately. Stevenson Stresses Shortly after the police an­ Guard plane was miaaing today PAGANl • Miss . Ja n i^ Gilmore Fog», f’Green taffeta plateaux held elr- YOUR YARN SHOP lescence from major sbdominsi nouncement. Corrigan made public On getting Nasser’s reply, Men- surgery which he underwent June daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon , cular veila. They carried i al 50 COTTAGE ST.-tTELEPHONE MI 9-5238, ; xiee went to 10 Downing St., resi­ the names of all three victims______and ■"’I * widespread aijr search waa . bouquets of white lo.srs a”'! 9 is at an end. added that she inflicted a head in- ■ 1**1* ***?, G. Fogg. 92 Adelaide Rd., was '’.ar- n».n)KIIALCcoiut 'i dence of Prime Minister Eden 2. His weight, which fell off to CATERERS David L. Hansen, of Waranokq ALWAYS PLENTY OF FREE PARKING Where the cabinet was in aeuion. Jury oh an 8-week-oid baby, and ^ ^h* Pj*^**® ^oniiaU on (Me# Hed Saturday afternoon at 3 Rd., a corporal in the U.S. Ma­ MANCHISTm COHH* Work in Precii^cts about 157 pounds while ’ he was broke- ' the leg of a 3-month - old - - here identified the pilot as 1st Lt. The cabinet, was Informed of Nas­ hospitalized in June, climbed back Charles W. Allifon Jr., 33, o< SO FOR ALL OCCASIONS | o'clock to Ronald William Vernier, rine Corps, was(be.st man. Uahers ser’s reply and the meeting broke girl. Police disclosed that the son of Mr. and Mrs. Waltef J. Ver- were Walter *' Tolson of Fort CORNER MAIN and OAK STREETS to the pre-surgery level for the "suspicious death” of the 11 -day- Stuart Ave., Ndrwalk, Conn, and up soon after. Santa Fe. N Jt., Aug. 28 (JT) —fw in in the November election and first time last week. Aa of four said he was believed to have bad I nler of Fort Pierce. Fla., formerly Pierce. FJa., Thomas Johnson of Named by 18 Natioaa that party workers were going to old daughter of 51r. and Mrs. Al­ WiDMNGS • IAN9UITS • OUTINGS Of Manchester. The double' ring Detroit, Mich., and H. Crane Mil­ Adlai E. Stevenson, hitting hard I days ago he tipped the scales at len H. Kapsinow of this city had an unidentified passenger when h* . F eed Expensive—It Just Tastes That Way” ler. 103 Adelaide Rd. The Menzies committee was at the InqMEtance of organising at have to roll up their sleeves and 1168>2. a half pound more than he took off from tbe Albany airport Ifm’i ceremony was performed bv the named by 18 a t the 22 nations at­ labor in the precincts. triggered a 4-day investigation. ■einriee for 5J00! Big er Small We Cater to AU! Can for Free Rev. Alfred L. Williams in St. The ceremony was followed by the precinct level, headed today , I weighed when he entered the hos- Corrigan identified the other late last night. a reception in the Avon Country SHOE REPAIR SHOP tending the recent Suez conference for the Northwest on the second •This election is going to be won ' pital. . The single-engine iL-19 ^ana Estlinatoas Mitchell 9-S108 or MltcheU 9-1359. Mary's'. Episcopal Church. Freder­ In London. It waa assigned the leg of a whirlwind ' pre-campslgn or lost dependin., on what is done Sen. Price Daniel and Mrs. Daniel smiled in Uberty, Tex., victims as Bruce Malkan, 3-month- ic Werner was organist. Club. Avon. The bride chose as a 3. He has resumed playing full old ion of Mr. and Mrs. Willard was assigned to the 192nd Field " n r OCR FAMOUS FICRLED BtUSHROOMS” traveling costume a dark blue flg- task of presenting the majority tour. in the precincts,” he said. “And I rounds of golf, a favorite i;ecrea- after Price claimed a victory in that aUte’a closest gubernatriai Artillery battalion, 43rd Infantry . SPECIAL RATES FOR CLUBS The bride was given in marriage Special For Tuesday Only! proposals to NssMr for an interna­ when I aay won o lost, I mean primary in history. Malkan, now of New Canaan, and by her father. She wore a Duploni ured dress, large black hat, patent The next atop for the Democrat­ tion which always it a good yard­ formerly of New Haven, and Cyn­ Divtaion from the New England - PBaCMBN OmNER—FamUy Styto ...... «2J>0 leather accessories and wore or­ tional board to run the canal. The ic preaidential nominee and his won.” I stick of how’ the President ia feel­ states. Tbe division is undergoing ..«2A9 Bilk gown styled \^ith a self shirred U F M ’C 1 A n iB C plan would make Egypt a member running mate. Sen. Bstea Kafau- The present series _ of regional thia Hubbard, 11-week-oId teugh- band accentuating a bateiu -neck­ chid corsage.. The couple will ing. He has played 18 holes at the ter of Mr. and Mrs. Allen 1 Hub­ two weeks of summer training at attend Florida State University, of the board and link the agency ver, was Portland, Ore. Then, meetings Is de.signe-'’ to lay the tough C\'press Point course each j this northern New York military line and reverse scalloped edge of to the United Nations. groundwork at the grass roots for bard of Guilford, and formerly of a long torso bodice, tapered sleeves, Tallahassee, Fla. after a motor trip to Bonneville day for the last four^The range I New Haven. _ reservation. Mrs. Vernier is a graduate.- of The T>ondon conference was dam, they are to confer with part­ the speech making campaign that ■ ^sis four to 16 holes on any one Allison, aviation officer, of tb* and a vast shirred skirt terminat­ Manchester High School and at­ INVISIBLE •pa-69 railed after Naascr announced ly lea'dera from Washington, Ore­ Stevenson- and Kefa: ver will ‘ day before he came to picturesque Daniel Holds 3,547 Police said Misa Jaspers, vho ing in a court train. Her fingertip July 26 that ilgypt had - national­ ia six feet tali, also admitted: battalion, ia married and tho veil of Imported illusion was held tended Elmira College, Elmira, gon, Montana. Idaho and Utah. launch next .'lonth. Pebble Beach. father of two sons and tww daugb^ V / N. Y.. for two years. She will en- REG. ized the internatiohally owned Suez By nightfall they are to be on Stevenson said that while he in advance of Eisenhower'a da­ Inflicting a head injury on the tres. He was' a pilot wrlth tha by a plateau of Dupioni trimmed : ter Flprida State Universdy as a Canal Co. Egypt refused to attend 3-week-old son of Mr. and Mm . with pearls. She carried a crescent HALF SOLES______$ 2 .5 0 the London parley and challenged the way again, taking off in their does not Intend to attack Eisen- • parture. Hagerty still was atead- Army Air Ckirpa in Worid War XL junio>.; Her husband is r gradu- chartered plane for Sioux City, how'er peraonally, he is going to ; fastly refusing to discuss politics n Harry Saidet of New Haven. He is employed by the Bumby shaped bouquet of phalaenopsis or­ I ate of the Loomis School, Wind- Breaking the leg of the 3-monUi- chids and stephanotis. Zippers Replaced. Shoes Made Longer or Shorter, (OaaWnwad a« Fag* Htoa) Iowa. make an issue of the way in which, and the .coming campaign. And Jhf Engineering Co. of Norwralk-. i sor, and attended Middlebury Col- The first of their regional pow­ the Presideht haa condiicted his of- \ insisted' that the Prosident. fiad old daughter of Mr. and klrs. Mar­ In Albany, a ep«4usinas far tha Mias Gayle L. Taylor of North ■ legtl, Middlebury. Vt.„ for three Shoes Dyed To Match Sample, Hats Cleaned and X, wow’s with (Democratic leaders w-ss flee and what he called the present ' put politics, out © this mind dur- vin Schaeffer of Woodbridge in Tarrytovm, N. Y., was maid of Dallas, Tex., Aug. 38 (/P)—Texas. Johnson said last night only 1966. Civil Aeronautics Admlnistratioa years. He will enter the Universl- Blocked, Toes Opened, Cut Down Vamps, Replace All hrid here yesterday, and after­ "fallure of leadership." Ing his vacation. \ county Demoerr tic chairmen to- , 700 new votes from 18 counties I said reporta bad been received that honor. Miss Carolyn M. Norris, 62 ! ty as a senior. Broken Heels. Umbrellas Repaired. Shoes Shined. ward Stevenson pronounced it In answer to a question, he said : ‘There will ba plenty of time In a Jail cell, Mias Jaspers kept Adelaide Rd.; Mis8 Marion E. Nitzl day canvaased the vote trom were reported since morning. The a plane was heard flying low ever Rumpus Room "even more satisfactory than I that in the closed meeting of party for that after w« gOt back to Saturday’s tight gubernalorisl other changes were in corrections repeating: tbe Lake George area of -eastern of Haworth, N. J.; and Miss Ange­ thought waa possible.” laaders, the staterjcnt was made i Washington,” Hfigerty said, there had "How' will I ever face people New York last nl^t. lina DiNaUle of Buffalo, N. Y., runoff primary with supporters of , from counties when’’ again?” ‘"nie enthusiasm and the spirit that President Biaenhower ' should 1 Eis«nhow*r undoubtedly will both U.S. Sen. Price Daniel and •-been errora of addltlon.'XThey did Camp Drum sent 31 search were bridesmaids. Fungus Found of the party iq the Southwest has not be spared" in the coming c'am- i gft together with party leaders in hot materially affect the picture. .\ll ttnoontrollable planes over the 140 air miles be­ The attendants wore balierina- Ralph Yarborough looking over Miss Jaspers, w'hom State Health PORTABLES exhilaratad me''.’^ the former II' paign. ihr next few days to talk ovar their shoulders in key counties. Many C/oatoats Seen tween here and Albany. The Civil lerlgth gowns of tm))orted Swirs Unoia Governor tbid,^ newsmen. ' But Stevei.8on said that "for the i ------^ A, rash of election contests Dept, authorities'stressed waa not Air Patrol and Air-Sea Rescue organdy, "■ embroidered in green, By Scientists Complete,' unofficial figiires to a registered or practica. licensed RCA, Zenith. Molorolx The conference, largely given life of me" he couldn't remember I (Oonllnued Page Seven) , the Texas election bureau last considered a distinct possibility. Squads from West over Air Force fashioned with scoop , necklines, over to campaign Ucubfi. at the wlHJ made the statement. I ------^------nurse, reiterated today that "it waa fitted bodices aiid 'oou(fgnt'skirts. night gave Daniel 698,135 votes The official state canvass will Base, Maas., also Joined tbe seueh. By FRANK C.AREY ^ unglamoroua working v e i. Rayburn at Meettng I ^ m be by the Texas Democratic Exec­ all uncontrollable, I don't knovy The Plane flew from C asp (.4P Science Reporter) and Yarborough 694,576—a lead w'hy I did it. Children sometime HALE’S MEAT DEPT. brought -together reprcsentktLves Speaker of the House Sam Rsr>'- : V|U g p t n i l ' t l ^ / N l l O r i l 'l ' of 3,547 for Daniel. utive Committee in Fort Worth Drum to Albany last night and Storra, Aug. 28 (API-Science of these seven elates New Mhx^ burn, sirho came fro ri Texas for , ” A flU d lll Sept. 10. t(ie eve of the state party get on my nerves. I ought to be put took off from Albany at 10:15 p.m. J 2 4 - 9 5 “ Daniel’s percentage was 50.12. in the electric chair.” has discovered a "rumpus room i Ico. Colorado. Wyoming, Texas, conference. Jumped up and Robert Johnson, head of the convention. TbcM are frcshljr cut selected eplkeg. Oklahoma and Arisona. "I made it." , Normally, the committee mere­ After spending the night in the ; PRESCRIPTIONS Largest Display in'Manchester fungus." Most of these statet, with 57 ila is the EisenhowA' admin­ bureau, said no further report women’s cell blo<^ at Station 2, A boaquet or two would be welcome A University of Minnnesota re­ As Suspect in would be made until Saturday un­ ly totals the' vote certified by the electoral votes, are normally istration,” Rfiybifrn said, adding county committees, but a contest the nurse w'as brought to Qty New , Bombing in the home, at church, in |hc hospital kcABEFULLT COMPOUNDED^ searcher reported this to the Democratic, but in 1953 President less corrections in county figures Court where her case was contin­ American Institute of Biological that the administration has to be should change the lead.' He said on the'state level la possible. or for that chronic ahut in. Eisenhower carried all of ’them viewed as a 'wthole "am) Mr. Elsen­ Riesel Assault Yarborough replied to a move to ued until Sept. 16. She is being held Potterton's Sciences convention today. He said except Arkansas. that waa extremely unlikely. under 350,000 bond on a, technical ^Arthur Dru{ Storer SPECIALS he he'd found that discoloration on hower is tha hbad of it." Workers of both candidates 'draft him for the Senate wito: Marks End of 130 Center St__MI 9-4837 , Maa-Sised Job Ahead Stevenson said he didn't know Ne»' York, Arjf. 38 (>Pi—Dozens called Bupporters in key counties: have no plans to run for the charge of idleness. Sm Ua f«r Uw FcUowtog: FertUlsera, faMcctlcidw, painted Insulation board in basa- Stevenson bluntly told the con­ ''1 Police reported that the dMths menta -a problem plaguing homes what kind of campaign Eisenhow- of FBI agents and city dctectivea and asked them to be present, to y-®' | , I'm confident I've Lsrg* sad'Small Balaa af Fast Moaa ' ferees that the Democrats have "a have ecoured part of the lower dated back to 1948. Cyprus Truce in eastern states—is caused by a man-sised Job" on- their hands to watch the canvass of the vote. The ' beyn'elected governor The coroner's inquest, closed to microscopic fungus mold belonging (Oauttenad on Page TMctoea) east side in a hunt for a mystery election bureau, an unofficial 'The Temple Telegram and the TUES. and WED. ONLY RES. 79c WASH AND WEAR woman “ddaely associated” 'qUh Sherman Democr^qt started a cam­ the public, W'as scheduled for 2 to a fungi family known as "ssper- agency organized by news media, paign to draft Yarborough for thg 1 p.m Nicosia, Cyprus, Aug. 26 ift—Tbs CREASE-RESISTANT FAMOUS gillus restrlctuli." a suspect in the acid-bltnding''ef end of a 11 -day truce proclaimed WOODLAND GARDENS SAN BENITO PURE CALIFORNIA cohimnist Victor' Riesel. ■' -houW... Daniel bi certified Mias Jaspers, daughter of Wil­ FOR Manufactures have been at a the coimty-by-count> canvass. , gubernatorial nominee. liam Jaslfiers, a former State Sena­ by the Greek Cypriot imderground JOHN J. ZAPADKA loss to explain tha frequent dis­ Sen. Butler Under Fire The aearchere. caAying walkie- was punctuated today by a bomb­ IM WOODLAND 8T. a OPEN EVENINGS TILL 9 a MI S-S414 congressman talkie radios and other spedal Yarboroogh aaim s Win | Daniel has aaid he will resign from tor and New Haven Count} treas­ GOLDEN BOOK .PRINTS coloration. said plant pathologiat Yarborough said yesterday in a Senate, if he is nominated for urer currently serving as assistant ing at'the East Co^/$l town'of Lan- — . «-’V D. W. French. Now they may be equipment, tramped block-by-block area. TOMATO through (heir aasigned territory statement that ”our indeijendent; d,, governOrahlp. in time for vot-' able to develop a built-in fungicide check . . . found many sizable er- select his successor at a (Ceattaned oa' I Nine) AutboriUes aaid the bomb dam­ to' prevent the mold, he aaid. , Nomineie Set to Avenge yesterday afternoon and las’, night. aged. a house occupied by a Greek * y a r d 5 9 c Authorities declined to say rors. And we believe many more | special election, faihily but there wei;e no casual- . Unlike most molds, he said, the will be found when the vote is cin- | jf ,uch an election ia held, the fungus brows In areas of low rel­ whethsr the searchers had any' ties. » e bombing waa blamed on You will love these beautiful children’s prints taken di­ luck finding the womqn or picking vstssed by the various county exec- ' Republicans plan a attkmg battle, EOKA, the extremist underground ’ PASTE 12 ative humidity. ’50 utive committees ' on 'Tuesday ; The man with the most votes will rectly from the famous Golden Book St'prie.a. "The Little OUwv OomHobs .Anawered ‘Fraud’ on Tydings up her trail. that called the truce. morning . . .” Yarborough said he win without, a runoff, so a lone Meanwhile, the BriUah placed Fat PolicemaYi,” “Lively Little Rabbit,” “Mother Goose," Among other reports to the ■ _ Reek Underworld Power was still "ctmfident I’ve . been Republican running against a Bulletins “Circus A-mmals," etc. Little or no ironing, crease re­ meeting: , Police are trying to track down Dr. The'mlstocles Dervis, Greek OCEAN SPRAY 1. How “old" Is life on earth? BalUmore, Aug. 38 iff')—Freshly • ident Franklin D. Rooaevelt and the shadowy underworld power elected governor." ' . number-of Democrats would have from the AP Wire* mayor of Nicosia, under house ar­ sistant, pre.'hrunk, guaranteed wa.shable. Dr. Elso S. Barghorn.of Har­ nominated George P. Mahoney Sen. Joaeph R. McCarthy (R-Wls>. a-ho ordered the attack on Riesel. Daniel said in a statement yes- i an advantage.- rest and searched his home and of­ vard reported evidence that , re- ofiened his democratic campaign Because Tydings refused to sup- U.S. ’Atty. Peul W. Williams terday -that "from reports receiyed ! The Republicans, meeting at fice. They said they were investi­ maina of primitive plant .life, dls* for the U.S. senate today by de- port administration meaaures, said the attack and the gangland f r ^ the Texas Election Bureau Corpus Christi, ware expected (o gating tha mayor "aa a result of- CRANBERRY ' REG. S I.19 yd. BEAUTIFUL FINE QUALITY daring he would seek to avenge ! Rooaevelt urged Kia defeat In the and from our supporters through- j endorse today ■ "Thad Hutcheson, GAS B1J48T RILLS FlVfc I information received” but did not. cans covered in ancient rock forma­ execution of the. hoodlum who al­ Montreal, Aug, -26 —An 3biL GREASE-RESISTANT i tions near Lake Superior in On­ the "fraud perpetrated” on . Mil- 1938 primaiy. A decade later. Mc- legedly flung thC'Acid were ordered out the' state 1 feel certain the i Houston attorney, ah a candidate I elaborate. Tbe mayor is an out-' lanl E...’l’ydlngs in|-I950 by aup- Carthy accused ’lirdinga- of engi- unofficial returns wijl be corf-! for the Senate race, Should Yar-1 explosion apparently' caused by I spoKlen advocate of union with -. SAUCE V tario. "mav approach two billion poyt - - ... - - ...... - - by the same person. tiorough win the gubernatorial ' eecapln|^ gas wrecked a l6-fam- I GreecF. yeara" in age. He said the ma-i era of Republican Sem John nering a “whitewash” of .the Wis­ ”We expect to crack this case firmed at the official‘ .’canvassing j RpPLIN Marshall Butler.' consin Senator's charges thiit gov- by the county Democratic execu- i lly apartment house In a Mon­ Authorities also announced aix . teriala. discovered by a Univer­ this week.” he added. i (Coattoued on Page Thirteen) treal suburb today. A spoKce- ' conricted EX>KA members . tvera .' sity of Wisconsin researcher, are Mahoney was named last nigi)t ernmtsnt ser>'lce ranks were in­ Moanwhlle, Mra. Riaee D 'A r-: live committees tbmorrow.” . t substitute for the ailing Tyding.s fested with Commiriilsts. Mc- man for the Quebec Proylnce- : taken trom Nicoeia’a central prison BEECHNUT INSTANT COFFEE the oldest structurally preserved genio, 43, coivvicted of contempt of i owned uUUty cointeuiy' said the I and flown to Britain to serve out organlsims yet found. aa his party’s candidate. A few court for refusing to talk to a ' yard 5 9 c (Coutlaoed on -Page Seron) blast appeared to have been ' th4 rest of thetr scntencea. LARGE SIZE - i. How come cocker spaniel dogs hours latsr, he said he would re- federal -grand Jury probing tbe | raused by gaa which escaped af­ Convicted Rebel Escapes have the trait of attUng quietly? ,vivc the bitter 1950 campaign as Riesel case, reversed herself and' In black, brown, navy, charcoal and medium gray. You an issue. ^ ter a construetton ■ crew acci­ They said the six bad terrorised will love the fine quality of this poplin for drcs.ses, skirts, Dr. J. Paul Scott of the Jackson answered the Jury's questions. . | No Plane Survivors, dentally rut a gaa main In su­ both their wardens and other pris- 15c Off Regular Jar Memorial Laboratory, Bar Har­ ‘Tm going to take out after Authorities refused to discloee | burban Vllle La Salle. I oners. One convicted EOKA under . .^louses and sportswear. . > ' bor. Maine, said they get that way Butler throughout this state and what she had to say. But she waa | jiife sentence escaped from tb* at a result of two genetic traits maRje sure the people know about News Tidbits released from serx-lng a 6-month i NIXON’S F.VTHER HOLDS OWN ' prison last night. You Pay Only . REG. 59e 36" separately inherited from: lA) the fraud perpetrated on Tvdinga Jail sentence for contempt. China Reds Tell U.S. Whittier. Calif.. .\ug. 28 (/Pi— The authorities concentratad Doga used for hunting birds for six yeara ago.” he said. Culled from AP Wires In another angle to the-case, po­ i . ______Frank Nixon, 77, father of the I their search at Mayor Dcnria' of- the falconeers of the middle ages, The State Democratic Commit­ lice sought to identify the body of of Vice President, had “a very good ' flee in the town hail after a room- BONELESS and trained to crouch quietly after tee. in selecting the 54-year-oId a man found alaih .in gangster Washington. Aug. 28 (F) —Com-# quiry about the whereahouU night” and his condition remains . by-room inspection of bis luxur-. - PRINTED FLANNELETTE B.'Jtimore contractor, rejected r r s A5IAZING WHEN YOU REMEMBER I HAD flushing the birds from the ground, Former Mayor Martin Cun­ munlst ( ^ n a haa informed the I •**>Dull'es survivors. said he read a memoran­ about the same, bis doctor said ' lous villa failed to turn up any* NO POLITICAL FUTURlii UNTIL I STARTED Mrs. Eleanor Tjdings, wife of the ningham of Dnabury dies at Ua (Ceattaued oa Pago Sevoa) United States Red Chinese planes ' today. The elder Nlxou had been 'thing incriminating. HAVING MV CLOTHES^OBY CLEANED BV . . . (Oeutianed en Page NIae) former Senator and daughter of dum of the Chinese reply a few j There was no indication wheth* - lb home at 77 after illnees of aeveral shot down an aircraft off the hours before the news conference. la critioal ctmdltion from bleed­ CORNED BEEF yard - 4 9 ^ former U.S. Ambassador tb Rue- months.. Republican Houie leader ing of tbe nanin abdeminnl ar­ i ar the search was Unksd vritb tha, We Never Fail Ydu ■fa Joseph E. Dades. rsrina coast last Thm-sday and He said he did not recall precisely axpiraUon of tha EOKA truca. Lmiu chuck or briaket cuU at an unuaually low price. Joseph W. Martin denounces as­ whether the Reds stuck tp a story : tery. He was. atrlckea last Florals, rosebuds, stripes and children's patterns In soft CBS Denies ‘Flop’ Mahoney, who ran a dose sec- ...... sertions that...... Democrats in 84th Constitution Party that _ apparently there 'are no sur- I But it was bellaved it atommad N E W SYSTEM they previously broadcast by radio Wedaesday. ' from information contalnad in Thtre’U aoon be cold in them thar sills. Biit'bad weather ' fine quality flannelette. with Preslr I vivors. that a Chinese Nationalist plane , At ’56 Conventions! mary. received 97 coihmittM votes, ^s^Eisenhower!**'*^ Picking Top Slate COOLEY BROTHERS BLA.MED icaiRured EOKA documanU mada puts ns on our mettle to save our customers from chills, A smart app4aranc« always helps ynu get ahead. ,1 Mrs. Tydings 55. ~ * Secretary of SUte Dulles re­ was "damaged ” arid then disap­ : public by British autboritisa ysa* That's why it pays to send yp«ir clothes to us tor I-" . Japan's most powerful labor . ported today the Peiping regime peared toward the see. Middletown, Aug. 38 W—Cor­ 'or heavy winter fuel bills. lb R.EG. 79c 36" SANFORIZED HEAVY WEIGHT Committee pnembere were urged federation loosens its tight stand - Fort Worth. Tex., Aug. 28 (iPi— oner A. Hnrold Campbell todny ' terday. ____ , expert cleaning. W'e’ll return .them promptl.v, fresh LAMB FATTIES Now York. Aug. 28 (F) — The No Doubt on identity EOKA ia tha undsrground and spotless for that ^ccessful look of good Columbia Brdadcasting System by Mrs. Tydings' supporters to against Japanese Communist par-! The ConetltuUonT. party Coleman waa An- ex- downed was ff CSilneseJfaUonslist isaued n finding in which he held Our fuel oil is filtered clean 4<>r - economicsl, steady Juat lamb ground, no aeaaoning. Makra an eaay meal with name her so she might carry' on ty and decides to shake hands with ; pccted to name Dulles said he aasumes that by - fighting wing of the movement t o ' grooming. eonten^ the 1958 political con- I plane. now, since the body of a crewman two brothers. Everett Cooley, 24, make Cyprus a political part of hsoL Automatic delivery meaha just that . . . we keep » different lavor. PLAID FLANNEL venttoia had twice as large a tele- her husband’s vengeance Campaign Reds "when it is needed.". . . . drews, former U.S. commissioner i and Milton, 29, erimlnnlly reepoa- against Butler.' France's flrat soldier. Marshal Al­ of Interns! Revenue, as its preai- A U.S. Navy Mercator patrol haa been discovered amid wreck­ sible for tte death of John Dn%'la. Greece. The British said Uia * tnude of yuur 'fuel consumption and* deliver when your OUR DRV CLEANING PROCESS ASSURES A risidn audience as those in 1952. age, everyone know's the American seized documents astahUabad th at ’n»e network statement followed Tydingi. who aetved 24 straight phonse Jutn, comes out for local - dential candidate today. plane, with a 16 im u crew, has 22, of Durham. Davis waa killed •tank ia gettinr low. You never need phone os for oil DEGREE OF MOTH-PROOF PROTECTION’ — years in the Senate, was ousted self-govenunent la Algeria within ' The party, which is fighting for been missing since Thursdsy iTo- plane was shot down in any evgnt. by a bullet as he sad Care! the EOKA leader, whom tbay hav* yard 5 9 ' a report by Slndlinger A Co., a kyo time) after reporting it was, Apparently there were no surri- : identified aa former Graak A m y Pbiladetphie Research Organisa­ by Butler in a bitter campaign for French federation. ■the repeal of federal Income tax Brookes, 19, of Baddam. eat in Call MI 9^595 or Tit 6-3271 and ask for details on PLUS ^ PORK ROLL 59° which' Butler’s side was repri- Mayor Robert F. Wagner says | laws, waa expected to name under attswk off Red China’s ' vdrs. he added. Oavla* ear on'Vk lonely Durham >CqI. George Grivas, was actlaff' 'A - Make up smart sport shirts of these colorful plaid flan­ tion, that the political show's were Dulles did not indicate what under the personal dtraetlaa aC o v automatic delivery sehice. A popular rooked meat for a taaty aandwirh. mandad.by a Senate Elections sub­ there wilt'be no announcement! Thomas H. Wardell of California eoast. U.S. searchers have found road , tbe aigbt of July 29. Tbe nels. something of a flop. wreckage and the body of one step the U.S. mighY next take. ' exiled ArchUahop Mskartea. FREE MOTH.FROOF RAG WITH CBS said the percentage -of committee. It said ‘‘back-street "for a while” on whether he will j as its rice presidential, nominee. rorener aaid Everett Cooley, of type" tactics W'ere used. - s«ek Democratic aominatlon for Party officials said yeaterdayi crewman, with buUet wounds, He said the Defense or State De­ New Haven, aetunlly tired tbe Britain sent tbe Greek Ortho*« ALL WINTER CLOTHES CLEANED viewers waa about the same as in partments w'ould make some sort ; dox prelteto to tbe Seycballa . Is* ”Onr BepataUsa Groan Stamps Givon W ith Cosh Solos 1952 but that the number of tele­ Singled out for criticism waa a ‘ U;8. Senate... Probe la underway both Andrews and Wardel havt | AdmK Dowwlag Flame shot. DB.C041EAT a r!3 C Groan Stamps Givan W ith Cash Solos indicated thfy will accept nomina­ At a news conferance, Dulles of announcement as soon aa all I lands last March. Greek Cyfirtat U TMr^Assamace” vision families has doubled since fake photograph ~ a composite — into colUalon and crash of two leaders have demanded his ratnrfi. purporting to show Tydings in T33 Jets that killed four airmen at tion. said that in answer to an Amer,-1 the facts are available, BRINK JURY FILLED then. lean inquiry through the British' There have been some demands I Boatob, Ang. 28 (JV-The lUh saying ba ia the onyr bi3m w h * ' It aaid the actual' audience amiable conversation with Bari Moody Air Force Base in Georgia. Andrews^ w'ho now' lives in Rich­ can nagotiato with mtolfi aa R' watching the’l966 conventions "ia Broa'der, Communist, party chief. Masaabhueetto state heMth of­ mond. Va., resigned his federal embassy in Peiping. Red China has/' that this country make a strong i and 12th seati ia the Jury box NEW SYSTEM LAUNDERERS and DRY CLEANERS ficial cautions' state residents post in 1955 after two years asleonced^eonced^ only that Chinese AAir' ir; protest to-Red Cfilna against the] at tbe Brtok’a robbery trial were Cyprus aatUamant. estimated at tprlce a s' much" as Since Ills ^—>11 9-1153 Thf H A M CORR for 1952. publicly charged Butler with lack­ against becoming “panicky” about i head of the nation’s Ini e tax I Force fighters did shoot ,dow'n a filled today after more tbaa action. , of tbe MUy JwpiTifie'vealro- (Graak NaUonalist jA M a n c h i s t i r C o n n * tkJURlULicou CBS basad t|i statement on a ing "the manhood to denounce” outbreak of horse sleeping sick- | system. plane In that-general araa qbout mro qaeatloaed. The llth [a Mren^ iupfortar oC tto>Afi*s lAIM .STREET MANCHESTER. CO^M d. Pick op and delivery—or money-saving cnah and carry. M A N C H i S T M C o n n * neaa. . SUte Aeronautlca Depart- j Neither man la attending tbe the time mentioned, ‘The departmant haa taken tbe Trendex rirvey reporting that the uae of the picture. And he let it be posltien that it first wkntod to | Baked hroaght to Uiree the Mshof. . CORNER MAIN and OAK STREHS •udienea dtMng the average min- known his new campaign, against ment will aak 1957 Legislature for party's national convtnfioa, wbieb Dullea raptetad that tba note, MI M 69S«.Rockville—Phone TR 5-3271 PLENTY OF FREE PARKING ALWAYS / I CO RNIR MAIN 4Md OAK STREETS Butler would recall the elaaiiea.of more money to enlarge Murply | _ _-----^ __ _ Jo he put it, waa antlrely ^nega- get all the facts eti tbe case iMtore I r r t haa(i Mapleyae ea Um | ------r — 1 ------. ,(Om 4I*w 4 oa Faga mas) former-yMM witb tbe late Pree> Ttnnlnal at Bradley field. .« ■). tlva rtgardlag aa Ajaarican ia- tnlfiiic any aetioti. ” f ■» - 1 I 6/ I »’ • A ■ \ • 'M ' . . ■ /■

- '■ V P A O ity ro UAKCHE8TER E Y E IN G HERALD, MANCHESTER. 0 0 N1I« TUESDAY. AUGUST 28,1956 MANCHESTER EVENINGiijHERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN, TUESDAy, AUGUST 28, 1956 PAG E t m i l l o f corwt, Nancy Wilcox won aeoond merchandise and hid the bulk of Andover lAST HARUORD B o ltu n proposed Improvements by Sheriff I''. \ 4-H Daily Club plikca. I Hebron• Paul Sweeney. This meeting will Two Boys Caught their loot in a coal shed nejU'by HOSPITAt NDS W ard Chehfiy Says Decision Fred Krlstoff was awaided Uie also seek the establishment of a the store, intending to go back SMFD Voters May Decide Grand. Champion Jersey prize and F a m il y Peddler Ban Disturbs Mission Clerics Captures Prices " Golf Tournament Tolland club. Ransacking Stoi*0 later and pick It up. and WHEa CHAiM To Resign Post Was His Own Tom Sheijdan won the reserve Theater Head School Registration They also admitted breaking FOR SALE or BEMT Grand Chaiqpion Jersey award. for Children entering the Elementary into the Town Hall where they Consolidation IssUe Soon To Tell of Work At County Pair Carloaia ^ Set for Sept, 4 Ellington, Aug. 28 (Special) IfC IT Il FUElfRlnUi «>- TomValso won first place for a gOMlOHT Kansas Businessmen School for the firtt time next week took 13 worth of merchandise. A E lIn cmoPANir junior,yearling Jersey and his sis­ Twoiboys, aged 12 and 14, made Ward Cheney has told The Her- j Reports Break may ^ registered at the school of­ Both will be turned over to PHONE MI 8-41M With Migrants . Manchester residents and the ter, Patricia, took second.place for OammlMk>n«rs of the SoujA; reimbursement from the town in aid that his resignation as presi- | Students May Register Hebron, Aug. 28 (Speoial) — fice on Thursday from 1 to 4 p.m. too much noise while ransacking 'Juvenile authorities in Hartford. 4-H Dairy Club of Manchester won a Junior yearjlng Jersey. Sajlna, Kan., Aug. 28 until It received extensive local or on Friday'‘morning between the the future for any fire protection dent of Cheney B.ros. was volun- ■ At Cheney Tech Now The proposed golf tournament Bolton, Aug. 28 (Special)—-The a combination store —• post ottife Investigating were State Police­ Manchaator Flra District will prob> Andover, August 27 (Special)— several . awards in the • Hartford The H olst«in, class awardb go­ Changing times and stiffening. publicity recently. . . - . hours ot 10 and noon. given areas outside the district. which is backed by the Rev. Manchester Drive-In Theater at and ’the Town Hall shortly after men John Yaskulka, William Ste­ ably cUl a sptdal meatiUK befoi The town now has a fire de­ tary and has been prompted by ing to the ManC(ktster Club mem­ Sallna salesman knocked at Birth and vaccination certificatei TKe Rev. Mr. George B. Thomas Registration for courses In County 4-H Fair held last weekend competition have caused a o m e j ^ happened Bolton Notch was entered again midnight today—a mistake which venson, William EUer and Tomlin. FOLKS PAST 401 the regular November meeting at partment,^ he emphasised, "and the fact thqt die size o f the com-1 In Windsor Locks. bers were: . to Michael Longo, Douglas F. Pimm and Gardner Q. illegally early yesterday morning must be presented. It would be ap­ and the Rev. Mr. Jose Negron, carpentry, drafting, electric fourth In Junior calfj to Martin Sallna businessmen to take a sec- | ^ competitor’s wife And preciated If a record of other im­ resulted in their being caught by which the District voters will be has assumed responsibility for pro- pany had been drastically reduced. | Saturday, Ralph Von Ecker, 509 •horey, an enthusiast, will take for the second time within a missionaries to Spanish and Eng­ and machine are now being re­ Kristoff, for second Junior calf; ond look at the toivn’^ "do n o t' knew her legal P’s and Q's. munization could be furnished for State Police. Maintain your good benHli RRd asked to decide on Joining the town tectlifg" the territory not in the " Thus, he agreed with views ex­ Keeney St., won second place in place Sept. 4 at the Lebanon week. Edward Charter, Ellington post-, vigor with “Forty-Pluo.” lt’8 lish-speaking farm workers in the ceived at the -Howell Cheiicy and to Lotils Longo, for sacond The upshot was a visit to the po­ the school’s health record*. lira department. > diStricU. pressed yesterday by Fl-ancts P. the tractor driving contest. Country Cliii) link*. disturb" ordinance. Bernard Menschell, co-ow'ner of master and • owner of Charter:* a augar-free mlxturo of Impor* Ray Warren, former president of Technical School office. Stu­ senior yearling. lice station. Cranor said it "humili­ In response to many .Inquirieii, > George W. C. Hunt, treasurer state, are visiting Andover this Garli, president of LaFrance In­ Sunday, the livestock Judging The law waa enacted some nine the' theater, confirmed the break General Stor*^ heard the shatter­ tant vitamins and mlaernln. In­ the Bighth School and Utilities dents may register through In the Jersey breed contest, Fred Shorey should be notified with­ ated and /embarrassed” the Sales­ today and limited the loss to cash' the school administration has an­ ( ahd apokesman for the Commis- afternoon at 2 p.m. as special dustries, Inc., new owner of was held. The highlights of the years ago and prohibits peddlers ing Qf glass' from his home nearby cluding iron and vitnmiii B18> Pistric* made a similar nolnl at Friday this week and on Tues­ Krlstoff won the'flrst in the senior out delay by those who wish to man. and cigarettes from vending ma­ nounced that school hours have aionera, revealed this today. He Cheney Broe. Oerll had said that Judging, the Special (Hass in and salesmen from pounding been changed from previous sched­ the store and called State Police in n detleloua liquid- form. Ank the public hearing Aug. 20 when guests of the vacation church day of next week. Classes begin eaif division; Nancy Wilcox^pecond parlcipate in the sport.' SnllnffS* had been oblivious to chines. State Policeman Arthur said It was not yet certain whether Cheney quit probably because of Showmanahip, in which the grand residents’ doors without ules. (Jlasaes will begin at 8:30 at the Stafford Springs barracks. Tor n bottle nt Weldon's, oRljr orainances creating a town fire de­ school, according to the Rev. Mr, Wednesday, Sept. 5, at 8:07 champions of previous years par­ sehidr calf; Mary Ann ffleridan Ili'Texae .... )w„„ ’ the ordinance until then. Cranor Harvey of the Colchester bar- the question would ’ ave to be- put Stephen R. Chamberlain, school the feeling that the diminished a.m. h. of Bolton, fourth senior calf; and . Mr. and Mrs. Walter W. Donald sldn. (It doean t .(^y how tp ^ ^ perked them a.m. next year with diamisaal at Four troopers arrived and $1.89, or phone MI 8-8881 fM on .the voting machines or could be partment were passed by .the ticipated, was won by three mem­ permission without knocking^p standing rackg is investigating. caught the 12-year-old with part immolate delivery. dtrecor. of the local textile mill no longer- Kenneth Peck, first Junior yearUng. lot Hebron-Andover Rd.,. 4nd their The break brings the total to 2:20 p.m. Bus schedules will be decided at an open meeting. Board of Directors. bers of the Manchester Dairy Club. ready for publication within a few of 3188 worth of merchandise on A t that time he said he felt the The missionaries will show warranted his services, Gerll at­ BUI Keish won first place Ih the three children, Glenn, Margie and “ *’"t'- ., on their rigjils.” five in the last month for local Oppose Mo\-e tributed the same motivation to Nancy Wilcox of Andover took Pasaage of the ordinance caused f Restricts Business days. With five buses in use during his person. After questioning, the town had not had legal responsi­ movies depicting their work among said, "and with a certain number first place. Bill Kelsh, 307 Gardner Ayrshire Junior yearling class. Ray­ Re4ce, are spending a month's va­ business hous41i. The Rainbow waa In the opinion of the Commis- Horace Learned, who resigned as little controversy. John Oanor, "n haa a restrictive effect on th'e coming term. It is expected youngster admitted he had a part­ bility for providing fire protMtion nearly 3,000 seasonal farm labor­ of our people, they can do all SL, was awarded second place, and mond Adamson won a third place cation in Texal; entered on July 22 and two breaks sionars, Hunt added,, the I>iatrlct vice president of the local textile right.” manager of the Salina Chamber' jocal business in these highly com- that transportation time wilt be ner and State Policeman William for the a r ^ not in the districts. ers in 40 camps throughout Patricia Sheridan of Bolton won in the CABA contest for Ayenihlre Vlalting Relativea have occurred at the 3-J's Res­ ASK Y O U C firm. of Commerce, said It was aimed shortened to bring children to Tomlin apprehended the 14-year- should remain independent for a He thought creating the town fire St&ts. Cheney's resignation v.-as the third place. cows. Misa Nancy Freid, daughter of petitive days,” O anor said. "Thafa taurant, the Hiteat one a week number of reasons:-^l^erhaps the first In a series to hit the plant In primarily at a postwar epidemic school no earlier* than 8 a.m, old boy at hia home. department would make the towm A special feature wrlll be the Saying he could speak only for The Senior Showmanship con­ Louis Longo won first and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Freid of why. the Chamber wo'uld like to see ago. DOC TO .' A of "gimmick” salesmen ana ihady It repealed--or at least have the The youngsters told police they most important is that the Com­ liable in future for losses in those equipment In, the "Harvester” sta­ himself, Cheney, in a telephone In­ a week and cause (he morale at test was won by Patricia Sheridan. tin Krlstoff second in the CABA Amaton Lake has been a visitor Troopers Vincent Brescia and Cheney Bros, to nosedive. door-to-door types. Manch^ter Evening H e^ld broke a ground floor ^^indow, ran­ m iE SMHMUBEMT missioners feel a consolidated flre“ sections of the town. tion wagon, which carries the min­ terview from his Locust IVslley, Her brother, Tom, won second contest for Holstelns. ITie Jersey at the home of her uncle and aunt, ordinance modified to allow solid' - Frank Pisch are conducting inves­ A B O U : But as buaineaa got back to norJ Bolton correspondent, Mrs. Joseph sacked the store of cigarettes, department would be more coatly; isters and their "portable church” L. I., home late' yesterday after­ Oieney said he had submitted place; Martin Krist(rff of Glaston­ CABA awards were won by Fred Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Hall in Ing by local buslnesamep ” tigations on these. wummiuumiimsm There is talk, he said in a reference Hunt said the Commissioners into camps and fields where they his resignation on Aug. 20, but had Kristoff, who placed first; Nancy Sharon, Mass. She is now spending mai, Cranor said today, aome local But Mayor Albert Hawks said D’ltalla, telephone Mitchell 8-8545. candy, pencils, pens and other rn m m u i^ H U will discuss the procedure of bring­ noon, said: “ I came to the conclu­ bury, seventh place; and Louis File Intentions to a May report by the Fire Pro­ conduct their dual-language min­ not announced it publicly because Wilcox, second; and Kenn«U» P«ck, some time with her grandparents. firms found themselves ham­ the City Commission haa studied ing the whole question before sion that things had reached a Longo of Glastonbury, 11th place. Lawrence Fiano and Laura tection and Utintios Study Oom- istry under the auspices of the he felt that any announcement third. Mr. and Mrs. Knute Freid' in strung. i the matter extensively and ha.m.'t SMFD voters at a meeting sched­ point where the company could be Kenneth Peck of East Windsor Toomey have filed intentions to CMS I mittae, o f adding more paid men Connecticut Council of Churches. should be made by LaFrance in ­ Brookton, Mass. Annoys Reputable Firms found an adequate alternative. The uled for Sept. 11. It, run by a smaller management. A took first place In the Jbntor seek renomination aa justices of the to a projected town fire deparL. Among the bampa visited each dustries. i4> -- New Arrival In particular;', the anti-knock no-knock law is likely to stay put. ------Way U se Voting Macldnew— good many things had been told Showmanship contest. Fred Kris- Peace with the local Republican menC These would be in the MFD. week are a iprla camp located in The first grandson of Mr. and • The ordinance was patterned af­ The Bank that gives you PLANNED SECURITY If it is felt many of the voters or discontinued. There was no He said the resignation of toff of Glastonbury was third; decree has annoyed reputable ap­ Town Committee. Other candidates The committee thought nine paid Manchester, and the Buckner camp Learned, who has indicated that Mrs. Floyd A. Fogil of Gilead, was pliance and automobile •salesmen. ter a law pioneered in Green River, f*r isfemwiiMi ab*«t paad tw n M * will turn out to register an opinion, need for the size of the manage­ Michael Longo of Glastonlwry, who have filed for th* five avail for boys in Wapplng, both organ­ born Aug. 18 to Mr. and Mrs. Orin The latter, especially, have felt (.he sMdiml Ml*, #h*e* lOr. wriMi nlen should be added there, to probably the voting machines will ment they did have." his dep. rture was not a un.lktM-al fifth; John Longo o f Glastonbury, Wyo., in 193L.,Grmi. BiXfif.Jit- * able nominations are incumbents ized by the Hartman Tobacco Oo. Thompson, now of'North Haven. need to go flitting house to house railroad town, and the .cglslation Jofin~Swanson 'and Walter F. El­ CONNICTICUT MI9 ICA1 SIRVICI bring the ratio o f paid and unpaid be used. If it is decided the prob­ Shrinkage Obvious decision on hla part, followed by seventh; and Raymond Adamson, and served' by the summertime "a few days.” The baby, whose name la OrIn was intended|,|Ot protect the sleep liott. Francis Fiano haa also filed. men in line with that of the SMFD. lem can be resolved at an open 250 Spring St„ eighth. "WHILR THR I "THR PROUD sieeking prospects. P.O. 9 0 X 101 • NIW NAVW I ministry of the Rev. Mr. Thomas. He also said that the decision Clarence, la also the great-grand­ of railroaders working at night. Only one candidate has filed to The OonKmlssloners tend to feel meeting, this kind of gathering will had been his own, and that no pres­ But by the time the resignations The Manchester Dairy Club won CITY SLRRPB” I OF*" ’ Flitting doesn't help much when Cdmp Connors, in Somers, o f these two top executives had Wad., "VAGABOND KING” son of Mr*. C. J. Fogil and the late you can't knock. Green River Is still happy with dilte for nomination as State Rep­ a townwida fire department would, be held. sure had been put on him to leave. first place in the Club Herd con­ "THl'NbRR OVRH ARIIONA” ' -A a S c e ' by nature, become more com- which houses the third largest leaked out, on Saturday, another test with a herd of Jersey cows. In Mr. Fogil. TTie ordinance, which provides the law, Town Clerk J. M. Miller resentative. Eugene Gagliardone Why not a The Commissioners feel they The "necessity' for considerable will seek his third term in .that plan operation to administer. It Spanish-speaking group of labor­ name had been added to the list - the Production Class for all breeds Return Home penalties up to JlOO waa dormtint says. have to'know befoie the usual fail shrinkage” of the company was Mr. and Mrs. Harold Wheeler of post. would require the services of more ers in the state, is served by the That was John r . Cheney Jr., a\ip- meeting of the District voters-— "obvious,” he said, adding that he Amaton Lake, who have returned The deadline for filing intentions trained people than are now en­ Rev. Mr. Negron. erintendent of the textile labora­ Kitchens; Wright. Plant Propaga­ held normally on the third Thurs­ decided to make himself a part of from a visit at Cape Charles, Vr,, is tomorrow. Forms may be ob- gaged tn the running of the two Referring to his summer work, tory. day in November—if "we are go­ •that “ ahrinkage.” PLAN 10 ATTEND with their aon-in-law and daugh­ tion and Garden Practice. t^ ed from and filed with either districts, many of whom sepe the Rev. Mr. Thomas said, "Dur­ Claime Others Leaving West Side Branch. Fiction: SAVE-AS-YOU-GO m A r ii ing to be in business another year.” The company has been con­ MIDNITE SBOWi^SUNDAT ter, Mr. and Mrs.Oarl Byers, have Mrs. Donald Tedford or Mrs. Rob­ ndthq^t pay, Hunt continued. ing an average week, 800 to 1,000 Yesterday, another casualty of Brucker, Visiting Nurse; Coles. Much work on the budget and re­ tracting drastically since March aa guests Mrs. Byers and her ert Miller. students come under my chaige the "shrinkage” (Jheney said had —A NEW TOP FEATURE— Library Far Tiaveler: Covert. Wings • of m the Commissioners’ opinion. lated items needs to., be done be- 1855, when control of the Arm The party caucus to name candi­ for recreation, education and reli­ set (n, became known. He ■was Earl MANSFIELD daughter, Sandra Lee. Morning; Daniels. Colt Law; Hunt a < ^ , the SMFD has little fore the fall meeting, and it would pasaed from the Cheney family Jiaraaaw Mr. aaq aassw* Starts Suaday dates for election on Nov. 8 will be gious services. Wright. Industrial relations man­ The Wheeler* entertained a large Frank, Forbidden Area: Giles. to o ? o«i*aste*M O to gain by Joining the town fire de­ be pointless to plan on a District The Rev. Mr. Thelmas was to the J. P. Stevens and Co. The party at their lake] home recently. held Tuesday at the Community partment.- ager., who had been with, the firm TaalsM’a "BUCK NIGHT” Sewebedy Up There Likes Me Lines Hannah Fowler; Gipson, Old Tel­ Hall at 8 p.m. basis if the SMFD voters wanted educated at Lincoln University number of employes has dropped 37 years. In addition, Wright said . A Dollar a Carlalll Guest* were Mr. and Mrs. Morgan Itf4rt...0vrin|...«r Ijftn VncntiMl Me said the outlying areas not to Join the town department, he from about 1.500 to 400, and sev­ ler: Goudge. Rosemary Tree; Nor­ Young OOP Plans and Boston University. He is a he knew- of other persons who were Wllliama.and daughters. Beverly F Get cash for your vacation in now in the. districts have the most explained. eral product lines have been dis­ way. Biyond the Black Stump: Francis Fiano was named tem­ professor of theology and ethics at to leave the company, but he de­ "WHILR THK "THR PHODD and Jean, of Bristol; Paul Wheeler The following books have been just'on* trip by phoning first. to lose, from a financial stand- continued. In addition. Pioneer CITV SLR KPS” Buck. Wish a Day, Walden, Brad­ porary chairman of the group When' you “ .saye-as-you-go,” you’ll be (Relighted to Hood Theological Seminary, train­ clined to identify them. ONR8” YOUTH end aoiia, Samuel and Buddy, ,alao Employed men and women—•mar­ peint, by extending the limits of Parachute, a wholly owned mib- added to your libraries: ford Story; Kauffmann, Six Weeks seeking to establish a local Young ing school for ministers of the A f­ As a result of these resignations, Wrd.. Vasaboad Klas" THE Kathy Sheerer,. Gloria Parker, ried or tingle —• get a prompt fire protection to ~ include the aldtary, was sold at the same time Mary Cheney Library, Fiction: in March. . ' Republican Club at a meeting held find how quickly your savings account grows. rican Methodist Episcopal Zion according to officials at Cheney "Thaadrr Oror Ariaaaa” Norma Scara, Mr. and Mra. W il­ "yes" to their loan request hor*. ] whole town. Seek Secretary that Stevens disposed of the Che­ LOOSEI • ,------^ ------at the Community Hall last night. Church. He previously served in liam Tucker and daughters. Denise Brucker,' Visiting Nurse; Covert, Phone first and get your loan on' ney Bros, operating assets earlier Bros., morale at the plimt is st a niaae areas have been afforded home missions work in Now York and Sharon, all of Bast Hartford. Wfaigs of Morning; Cox, Five Were Mrs. James G. Ha.saett waa elected your first visit to our offic*. writ# At North Church thia sumnjer. low ebb. A wry quesUon being temporary secretary. Make every pay day SAVINGS protection without cost by the dis­ state under the Nationalf Ooundl It|Waa a large party and a.merry Chosen; Crisp. Java Wreckmari; Elevator Mishap or com* in today! Cheney said he "came to the asked when one employe meets an- Under the guidance of President jects, but they would be taxed to of Churches. _ j one. ‘ Two Soldiers; Finney, Is This My DAY! conclusion" -that he should leave -«ther. in the plant these days is, Norman Kittle of the Tolland U«ns $2S to $$00 mipport a towm fire department. Mrs. Raymond B. Bogue, secre­ The Rev. Mr. Negron is a native Testa Glv^n Love; Galser, Last Squadron; Kay. earn Gividend the company-a week ago, and "What, you still here?” Fatal to Boy, 11 County Chapter, the group did Hunt said these areas would notice tary of the North Methodist of Puerto Rico. He was educated Twenty-seven children were Burning Jewel; Le(lilr, Tortured % no change in insurance costs, how­ Church has resigned. Applications at the University of Puerto Rlcd submitted his resignation the ’ taken care of at the hearing and preliminary work on drafting a One dollar starts an ac­ same day. He alao said that, like Earth: Mowery, Seminole Trail; Bridgeport, Aug. - 28 (A^—Police constitution and by-laws Another ever, because there is qo water for the position are being accepted and trained for the ministry of the vision testa conducted Friday at O’Flaherty, Stories of Liam count at the Savings Bank of beneficial. ^ syat^ in the areas with which to by the Rev. John E. Post. Disciples o f Christ Church at the Learned, he haa no plana for the the- Elementary School. Mia* said an 11-year-old boy who was meeting has been scheduled for future. O'Flaherty: Sagan, Certain Smile; Sept. 10 at which all interested Manchester. Current Annual Rate supply a fire department. " A paper Members and friends of the Evangelical Seminary. .He was Eunice Sllvo was in'-charge of the Scholz. Fighting Chance; Stern, riding on top of an elevator last fire d^ihrtmsnt” ho said would not church are meeting at the church an associate pastor for' two years On Friendly Terns ' i H ^ •viaion tests and George Clinton, night feU.fift and was ci-u.shed be­ persona will be welcome. t^BURNSIDlf For All We Know; Tiiiymor; Wid­ Due to conflicting, regularly automatically mean better Tire tomorrow evening at 7 o'clock to to churches in J4ew York City Cheney, whose forebears found­ of the hearing testa. ow's Pique; Whitney, Jlex Avenue; tween till car an.d the wall. M6 MAIN STREET protection outside the districts. assist the Rev. Mr. Post prepare under the C ity Missionary ed the firm In 1838 and who had W«lt A ll but three o f the children Bruce 'Feher was dead when po­ scheduled events at the Commu­ Younger, Sm'all Venom. nity H ill, it will not be possible 2nd Floar, Over W eeheniW i May Start BiUiiv Towm two general church mailings. Any­ Society. been its president since 1931, ex­ 'GrM t Lecomotivt were those to enter kindergarten. Mary C!heney Library, _ Non-fic­ lice and firemen finally. reached Mitchell I-41IC • MnnchnUtr 1!n another development, he dis- one who is interested in helping is pressed “ his best wishes for its to meet lhere.(The group will hold C h o M " The others were first graders who tion: Barghoorn, Soviet Russian him, after working for more than Ask fnc the YKS MANaaw elolmd that the SMFD might seek invited to attend. ' Man cheater Evening Herald success. He said he is still "very had not attended kiijdergarten. an hour. the Sept. 10 meeting at the Rain­ la CUrisam-as* S:SS.»:IS Nationalism; Blackman. World's bow Club instead. OriN THURSDAY tVCNINCS UNTtl $ .\ndover eorreaposirteat, Mrs. Paul friendly" with the members of Police said he and two com­ Alaa Ladd In "SANTIAGO” Warships; Butler, Lives of the Several are planning to attend Item 0*4* Is ihMshIi ef sit Mnise4l»| Mw Pfaastiehl, . teltqthene. P ilg rim both LaFrance and Cheney Bros., la Taclialcolar l:M Manchniter Evening Herald He­ Saints; Cobb, Field Guide to the panions got on the elevator, either "especially with the people in the County meeting at Tolland jail A IM* •• Si04 cwta SJO.SO «*«* Martia aad Lawit la "Pardarra" bron eorreapondent, Mias Susan Ferns; Comandini, Doctor Kate; through the roof of the 8-slory noel* I" 1* maMli^InMlMeiA Manchester, of course,” he add­ Taay CarUa ■■Rawhlda Ycara” Peadleton, telephone AC 8-3454. building or through the c a r's tomorrow night which will feature •( S10.0S i r P A T W A R D ent der the Sea: Hall, History of administrative set-up. “ La- Weddings knowing the boys were on top and Friznee Southeast Asia; Harris, Skid Row, i t Joiw LaM I* i t Jim Egon ‘Sea. P at Ward* has top management” he Q) U.S.A.; Harrison, Judo,., op the went to the third floor. He heard i t H«Im Joverski i t Pot TMta To the Editor, |,- Ground; Hatch, Remington Arms a cry just before the car stopped, Now that Sen. Pat Ward’s name Pcoples-McGraw In American Hl.story: Bering. 25 and investigation revealed the V trapped youth. Neither he nor the Prescription for TELEVISION Mrs.’ Georgie McGraw, 58 Chest­ Years of American Dance; Larson, has been dragged through the WKNB-TY-7:3ePsM. Xii4r T«da}’ IWPHATTII! nut' St., announces the marriage, Republican Looks at His Party; other two boys could extricate mire, I will attempt to cleanse It WillUm C H A N N E L M ■•Mm on Aug. 13, ot her daughter. Mar­ Lsrihe, Stalin’s Great Secret: him. however, and they c a 11 e (I / rard, by bringing some facts, I repeat "THE PROUD garet Ann. to Paul Francis Peo- Miller, Raven and the . Whale; police, j- Ward for Coagreoa Committee, Democratie WALT DISNEY’S PHOGRAHS pies Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Paul j Mooney, Lyndon Johnson Story; The boy lived with his family In Candidate for facts, before the Democratic Btepkea ElUott, Treasurer. voters of Manchester. G r t B f Friinci* Peoples o f 14 Thomas Dr. 1 Nicolson, Good Behaviour; Peyser, the building. Hla mother hap­ Congress. A reception was held for the i How Opera Grew; Scott, Kabuki pened on the scene without Sen. Pat Ward got hia campaign •w off to a late start because he did Lecomothr* CtiOM'' Video Everyday — couple on Aug. 23 at 72 Linnmore Theatre of Japan: Alexandra, For warning while police were work­ not wrish to dishonor the Gover­ (ClBemaScope and Color) All Rights Rsservad — Dr. They w ill reside at 58 Chest­ Love of a King; Wheeler. How to ing. She became hysArical and Even More Miles Per nor’s ofllce while he was Acting A L A N LADD H. T. DicklBson A Co., lac. nut St.. ChoosCf. Plan, Equip and Decorate was given medical treatment. Governor. He has conducted a in "SANTIAGO" clean'campaign.. WED.: "PARDNER8" RED PRYSOCK FOB MAXDfUM HEAT aad TKODBLE FBEE OPERATION ^ I • L m T.rr. a m i ji J Sen. Pat Ward baa met with his BOfWNIt KS • opponent and debated the iaauea in his opponent’s home city of New Britain. He left that city with a Use SHELL Furnace Oil 1great many more frienda than STARTS ENDS TO D AY OH Rvnwra aad Stolwn SoM ^ when he went there. TOMORROW ■ V |J OBd S«rvlc«d Promptly cmd Efficlontly A Sen. Pat^Ward has been aecused “ TH E KINO and 1” plus li'l ofi being over-friendly with the 7 818 DAYS "THE UVtNO SWAMP” workingman. This is true. Sen. Pat ELECTRONICS Ward has always had a great af­ tl •• 8s L WILLIS I SON, lie. 1 fection- for the workingman, no LABORATORIES S M AdL BT. — PHONE M l 8-SUS ^ doubt, because he has worked in factories'and reallxea the work­ ingman’s problems. I have seen 277 BROAD Sen. Pat Ward oh the streets of Five decanrt«r whiskies Hartford talking with men in RADIO T 1 1 1 V I S I 0 N overalls, listening to their prob­ lems. syni|)athising * wrlth their troubles, but best of all, fighting. .ChaMiei.. s' Mew Haves, Ceas, BiM ( S> WYATT KARP HUNTING only he can fight, to make the Ckatieiel IS HarWsHL Gm s . —"Wirklla In ClvIlUnd" -all Tyosrs old- GbaaBei St SprissflMd, Mu*. US-HI NAVY LOO road a little smoother for them. Cbaaul se ebtrlMlaia. Cvaa. I ^ —"Tbn PImt Skal” (RnauU There is no hiding - In sWanky I^asul U Wsterbery. Cnes. ‘ (ttAS) THIS IS SROW BUSINESS Ckaaul U Hnlynke' Mae*. , (Ul DRAMA H O N A country clubs for this high state • :M < LK-U) SUMMER ORIGINALS offlcial. —"RMuard Bund" Pnrrenl Sen. Pat Ward has a family- of f:ft I ■> MICKEY MO08R CI.IIH Tavkrr 'weddedlnto one superb blend (tSI PLIPPy THE CLOWN (tS4*l JOE A MABEL 11 children. Who is better able to (tSI ROD BABILEV SHOW (M) JANE WYMAN SHOW U S K D C B N understand the family man’s prob­ IMI COMEDY nMF. —"Tnn P»r CvnI” (rctara) n U I THRATEH lem than a mar, with a family this ADVENTOHB TREATBB PUTUNKT ■W’enf on to explain that he was. not , GreeAetry - «St> WEATHER only interested in finer education (Ml BAHLY IHOW for our children, he was also great­ —"WIm KIlIrd D u Rnkkia" lIANCilCSTER PBT CENTER DRIVg A ly concerned with the aerioua (St) PHANTOM o r THK WEST 995 BIstai 8L—M l F-48T1 N W W G R A D M (Ml TWtLIQHT THEATER ahor^ge of aci^ntists and engi­ .4:M ( » ) ADVENTURE TIME R K «t«T tR g D neers in our country today. S:M IS) 8POBT9UOPB t:M ( t) CAVALCADE THEATER . \ PHONE YOUR ANSWER —"Dnelnr na Whrell” ROCKCT... Sen. Pat Ward has been 15 years • :Zt (Xtt SPORTS DIOR8T (III SrOTLIGRT PLAVHOU9B in public offica. His record shows S:es I S> WMTRRR POBECAST (M)‘ T V HOUR______:F i he is a fair man. We certainly do • s« « a> WORLD NEW* TODAY — “ A PrsaHe AWalt; 1 j A ONB-QWNBR, in t NKWB , (St) TBA not want to discard, and I repeat', Ji . (W) IKDCSTRV ON PARADE (Ul d r a m a ____ LOW-MILSAaS discard, this true Democrat with (Ul THR STAR AND THE STORY ____ I his many years of valuable' ex­ U:M ( Sdfl MMM QUESTION ROCKET perience. • (11) NEWAOVEHTrI'RNTUBES o r When ife go to tiia polls MANCHESTER CHINA SMITN (ID VICTORY AT SKA OLDSMORIt-g I Wednesday, let’s give hliji the (U) REPOBTEBS ROUNDUP - greatest vote of confidence that LUMBER, INC. ISdS ( SI PEOPLE’S CHOICE (U) KABLT SHOW ______we can possibly muster so that he luaiHNe MAneiAU (UkM) DO YOU TRUST TOUR will be even stronger when he W irK ? _ faces his opponent In the main AND » » • > BIO tOWtl UlM ( aRAS) NEWS bout in November. MASON SUPPUES (ttl^ N A L KDrWON Pull the top lever. Democratic (U) NIOHTUP EDITION AT REGULAR PRICE! voters of Manchester, and feel Wa FlaaHoa Your ioba ut«4 (ttl siniI t r r o o n d d p (H) n B T im s L.' proud that you have cast your RM CE»[TER 8T— Ml 8-8144 lin e ( s-is-tsAei w e a t h e r vote with one of the finest and the U;U ( SI LBS PAUL A MART PORR (• moat true Democrats in the coun (Ul BIO SHOW 4-.U (IS) SPOBT8 REVIEW —"Wnmaa Ratar” Hearty mellowne«...incomparsble smoothness try today. - • |j IsM < tl SUPERMAN (Ml QUARTET Higher-than-ever octane and m Ca make New Mobilgas ]El Thonfas H. Elliott (U> N E »^ (Ml UEB WITH BUZABKTR ...light, fine taste-these await you in the orig­ 1 (ttl WBATHER—MUSIC laV JACK DERRS SPORTS inal Golden Wedding! Because Golden Wedding so good—it will provide smooth^ top performmice for SHOW is a blend.,.6ve freat whiskies-all 7 years old 4 t:U (IS) MUSICAL WEATHEBtlAR Rpeeialty •-"wedded” into one superb blend. Each makes (M) NEWS OP TME HOUR Of The HeBsel millions of cars that have been using premium fuel! (U) WRATHBRCAST its own hippy contribution. Chiracter. Rich- Grange Notes 1:U (tS-U) DOUGLAS EDWARDS AND THE NEWS •e ft ResL Tsng Aroma. Flavor. One taste and (tt) YESTERDAY'S NEWS­ Dtaaer Reis you’ll know, this is the original pre-war Golden Now—unlck your gaa needle move mare d ouiyl REEL You'll find New Mobilgat K just what the New Mobilgat R alao contains new, |n »> The general theme o f the Wap (U) JOHN DALY AND THE lleD eB . Wedding. Try it today! ping Grange, No. 30. program to­ NEWS doctor ordered for rren more miles per saving M C j—most effective oombination night will be "Thla Yo'mger Gener­ 1:M (Ml SPORTS of additives ever put in gaaoline. MCasavea O /eaC E D I f^ingins I^Stswing T:U (M) WRATBBRVANE The original pre-war goUon from your car! ation." f NITRCAP TREATER is now equal to the premium fuels of just a l i ■ Id a (1S44) PEIL SILVERS SROW —"Wkn Kilind Dm RnkMa* of weather. discussed -by Mary Muir, Boy (reual) UlM (tt-M) TONIORT A OUAlirr USB) c a r pr o m a n OLOIMOUlf QUAUTY DiALIR few yean ago. I t (a so pood— it will provide Scouts "and Cub Scouts by Bill moouenoM or (1 I DRAB PHOEBE 1:M ( tl NEWS ^ i r i t ir Leonard, 4-H Club work will be ex­ I— iMIl MtLVIum . full-powered performance for millions of plained by Gene Tomlinson and YOUSAVi care thgt have been using premium-prieed Fill upifith NewMoibitgatRutymuttimiiy HUNCHESTER MOtOR SALES Little League and YMGA sctivitlM fuel-^cah give new pep to many cart using M obil dealer’s. *rhoB nee h c^ tie trtf yemr will also be discussed. Members PLUS MONIY Mobilgas It- gas neodle movaa bom “ F*’ to ” E**I ^ ‘ THBfaf sn^ScnrifiBC OldsnobUM For Over 22 Years*’ will be divideiLinto groupe for dis­ . t u i MM MO raes^ ro e te veAMt "regular” gaadlmi cussion. J HIRI i "Moby Dick,” 9:99, «:99, 9 M CENTER ET«iiiiws-.MI t-S427 Fpllowing &e meeting, refresh- M8 ■RiMard Ed |uii tl tmiui iiisiKs •) ni *ti tiiir • iiuri t. ruti nt|iuiii tioMii. luiiii. ruituiuu tho famous Koonomyl Oasolins I sm bU will ba served, witk Plereaea Ce-HK at 8i«H, RiM XW.MIS-4MV Lose la rhai^ . / ------


C orentry Rockvillm Andover On^ Man Cleared Air National Guardsmen Eat Well at Camp Purpie Heart Unit ^Coventry WKNB—840 WHAV— Synagogue Elects Democrats Name • Fall Registration WCCO—KM) Daily Radio In Girl’s Assault Holds Convention 41 Voters Added to Lists; WPOP— 1418 AMENTA VOTi 1400 Entries Highlight Fair; WUKO—1860 Libby New HeUd Slate for Election '■ Eastern Daylight tim e WTIO—lUM Tolland, Auz. 28 (Special) — Lakeland, Fla., Aug. 28- 0P)^The GERTRUDE G. TYLER An Bait HlrUord man waa military order of the Purple Heart Rockville. Aug. 28 (Special! Tally Believed All-Time High Coventry, Aug. 28 (Special)— The Coilowing program sched­ cleared of aasault charges In today held the first business ses­ 4-H Ribbon Winners Listed WUAY—Supper Serenade Harry Libby has been elected Mrs. Mildred C. Hiltgen, former ules are suppbed by the radio! Justice Court Idat night in a case sion of Its national convention. FEEL FREE TO CALL UPON SCHOOL OF DANCE W C ^-diood kiveninz Good Huite growing out of the alleged rape president of. Congregation B'nal Andover, Aug. 28 (Special)— ; Town Clerk and treasurer, and in­ numagemonU and aro a'ibject t o ' WKNB;—Serenade . Scheduled to speak at a memo- { » Oovmtry, Aug, JS (Special) Mrs. William Kowalski. Demo­ WTIC—Three Blar Extra of a 15 year-old Rockville girl B etrothed cumbent Stephen LoyMm' were .340 MAIN STREET chango without nottco. | WDRC—I.eiwell Tltomaa Hal service were Gen. James A. ' 7 O nr 400 entrlea were exhibited by Engaged larael, ItVas announced today. Jo­ cratic r^istrar, said the 41 voters WPOP—Meet the Arllsl Thuraday night. Two other men US TOMORROW FOR RIDES seph BoCnick la the new vice presi­ nominated as Democra^c candi­ 4i9e I were charged with the offense and Van Fleet, who commanded the j 7 aboHtrM 4-H dub membera during made Saturday in a 3-hour session ' W U AY-U uilc Merchant ! was the largest number she could . dates for the (General Vasembly at WCCC—Rnuord Review i WHAY—Kneore Theater had their cases continued. eighth army in Korea, and Dr. E. tth c aoth annual toivn fair Saliir- dent: Atty. E. George Go, sky, sec­ WCCC—Good Uvenlna Good Uoale retary: Abner L. Brooks, treas­ recall being registered in such a a' caucus held last night in the WKNB— Matinee .Donald E. Faulkner Jr., 29; won C. Nance, chaplain of the organi­ * day al the Church Copimunlty REGISTER AT STUDIO WTIC—Woman In My Hnuee I WKNB— Evening Serenade zation and president of the Univer­ ir M l 9-4013 urer; itnd Atty. Edwin M. Lavdtt, short period. WURU—Cal Knlbv i WTic—Star 'Tonight a dismissal of the charge on evid­ ’ Houae. A bicycle parade featured j Coventry Grainmar School. WDRC—Amos and Andy financial secretary. She reported that registrations THURSDAY EVENINGS 7-9 O 'C L O C K WPOP—Wax Work! ' ence given the prosecutor during sity of Tampa. Mrs. Hiltgen la a former State i 6ll4— I WPOP-Fullon Lewis 'the afUraoon program with blue ; Other officers include: Benjamin were made as follows: Republi­ I li a - j,' the court session. A hot debate loomed on selec­ cans. 19; Independents, 13; and Central Coramitteewoman and has | WIIAZ—Muatc Merchant The comjianlon pases of William tion of a site for a proposed na­ " ribbons awarded John Gallnat, j Kanter, religious rice president; REGISTER BY PHONE W'l.'OC- Record Review I WHAY—Encore Ineaier ^ Mi 3-5544 , , • Paul Kenyon, Carol Murdock, Martin Sayet and Harris Shimko- Democrats, 9. served tax> terms on the town > WKNB—Baseball MaUnea . WCCC—Good Eveninii Good'Musle C. (Jiimmln'gs. 23. of 28 Hollister tional home for retired members. | ' Dorothy Oalinat, Connie Hillman.; Unofficial estimates by party Board of Education. ! MI3eS259 WTIC—1080-Radio Lana WKNB—Allen Brown- St.. Manchester, and Walter A J. Healy of Washington, na­ wltz, entertainment vice presi­ WURO—Cai Kolbr WTIC—Star Tonight William J. Olenrtey and Randy; dents; Seymour E. Lavitt, house workers place the number of real- ; Loyzim will be seeking his third I (ALL -n PES OF DANCING TAUGHT WPOP—Wax Worka WDRC—Amos and Andy Marico, 23. Providence. R. L, were tional commander,. favort buying Glenney. ■'■M. : dents still eligible to be made new term for the General A'-serobly. 'n { BALLROO.M CLASSES FOR TEENAGERS •i 4iH - WPOP—E. P. Morgan continue until Sept. 24.- the 120-room Riviera hotel at Day­ ir M l 3-5736 and grounds; trustees, five years, W RAV-Betty Kimball |hM- Red ribbons went to Kristie ^ voters at 50. Mrs. Hiltgen, the committee j AND ADULTS) WHAY—Save a Lite Atty. Robert Pigeon of Rock­ tona Beach for that purpose. Lake­ Atty.• Bernard J. Ackerman; four WCCC—Record Review , ' land wo^ld like it, and has offered ■ Glenny. Mark French. Michael years. Dr. i,Harold Stone, three Their next opportunlt.v will be . backed nominee a^'on the no'mina- I WKNB—Baaebcll Matinee ' WCCC—Gdod Evening Good Uusle ville, counsel for Cummings, asked on Sept. 29, from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m., tion from Thomas G. Wells by a I WTIC—1U80 Radio Lana WKNB—Evening Serenade twq sites, Wisconsin and Califor­ * 7 Merriam, Brian L^wls, Gary years. Seyiiiour E. Lavitt ;• two WTIC—Newa for the continuance to further pre­ W E W ILL RE M ORE THAN and Oct. 13, from 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. i close margin—41 to 36. WDRU—Cal Kolby nia also l^ve been mentioned, but ■ LewU. Gary Lewis. Rliaaell years. Jacob Cohert; one year.j Har­ j WPOP—Wax.Worka WDRC—Bing Croahy pare his case. Justice B. Alden A special session will held A Fro-Cuban Class N,, WPOP^abrlel HeaUer no deflnit^ sites In those states '■ Leonard. Unda Gronback, Daniel ry Liebman. Welles name was placed in nom i-! t;«4- * Beaton, who presided, granted HAPPY TO ASSIST YOU . . . for a few hours o'n the day pre- ! WHAV—Batty Kimball l:*»- have been turned. Storrs, Donald Btorrs, John Hlll- The congregation tvill celebrate pation from the floor. Mother’s Class WHAY—Save a Lite continuances for both men. Manco • man and Dexter Cheney. White ceding the nafional election for | Ebtdorsed as candidates for Jus- { SPECIAL WCCC—Record Review , A::'-- Rosh Hashonah, the Jewish New WKNB—Baaeball Matinee WCCC—Good Evening Good Muale did not have counsel. ribbons went to Arthur Oalinat. those whose rights have Just ma-| tice of the peace Wisre: Alanson E. | WTIC—lOSO Radio Lane WKNB—Evening Serenade Year, with services starting Sept. CLASSES START SEPTEMBER 8 WTIC—One Man'a Family Bond was set at $S.OOO each and WhaFs in a Name? AMENTA HEADQIfARTERS. 1 WALNUT ST. Wayne McKinney. David Storrs. i tured. Stewart Jr., Raymond H. Bradley, WDk U—Cal Koibv the men were taken ..to Tolland 5, Rabbi Aaron Twersky .will be County Fire Meeting Set WPOP—Wax Worka WDRC—Ed. R Murrow . _\___ Clifford Kenyon, Anne Wheelock. | Mathllde C. Nyack. Kenneth M. $:4t- WPOP—Say It With Muilr. County Jail to await ball. Detroit, Aug. 28 P»—Testifying Richard Young and Thonjias ^ j in charge, assisted by Cantor Louis Chief George Nelson and Lt. > e-aa- ^ 0 Krumbein of Hartford, Spencer, Bessie Strack, and Chris­ WHAV—Record Rodeo WHAV—Polka.Parly her first name ^barrassed her French. ' 1 Maxwell B. Hutchinson.'assistant tian A. Welgold. , WCCC—Record Review ------WKNB-Baseball Matinee ' - WCCC—Good lEvenlng Good MutM because people confuse it with a Exhibit winners follow: VegiU- i The event trill mark the fir.st Are co-ordinator for Tolland- or WKNB—Evening Serenade celebration of any holiday in the About 100 yersons were present. WTIC-Newe . tatoea, Fred Deming, Hazel Ut- its way into a tie for the league The girls are going to Camp WPOP—Newa WDRC—Johnny Dollar project is composed of Misa Hazel self and your laundry. B o J ^ •’’**'**^ Congregational Church of Ust Your HBad.s.Not Your Hat 6 :I»- WPOP—Nile Music Lutz. Mra. Allan Taylor, Mrs. Car- community. The exhibits, arranged, Ch'omwell, Aug, 28 (>P)—Robert e; Susanne Mamet; corn. John veat Club. Baa and Kackle. Merry Vernon will meet at the home of lead Sunday at the achool field by Exchange Plan Kineewatha, Wilton, Maine. The WHAV—.Sports »;S«- to coincide with classroom work, WCCC—Good Uveninz Good Muale WHAY- Nlle Walch. roll Barrett, Mra. John ..vady. Mra. Alcorn, 18, qf Arlington, Mass., uinpi's and Gordon Fardal. Norman Ore- Weeders; homemaking, Mix M as-, Mrs. James Vandervoort at 8 coming from behind to beat Co- group Is expected to return Satur You just can’t pick out of a hat the right WKNB—Serenade WTIC—Ted Heath George Walker, Mrs. William Ener, may be borrowed upon ■ request by hotaky, Fred Deming; swiss chard. tera. ; o'clock. lubia 5-4 in an extra inning. day. WTr.’ -Stnctlv SiK.rla drowned yestirday in a pond.at a Ten nienib€|ra of foreign families WDRC—Campaign 'SR Mrs. Thomas Baseler, Mrs. Ted any teacher for two weeks. James Kalber, Hazel Uttle, Fred Dei^natraUona garicultural. a apecial Town Meeting will be The highlight of thf- bail .game, Membera ofi Hie Sunday School insurance compan.v to protect you and your WDRC—Weather and Zalman WPOP—Nile Music church school.'^Police said he had Demind; red cablmge; Elsie An­ Clifford Anderaon. Judith Fardal. ;t,eld at 8 o'clodk in the Town Hall will be brought to^MahcEmTer to WPOP—Lawrence Welk Hurl, and Misa Esther ■ ranslrom. Everyone vlsi1*tng the Lutz **haniiacy MODEL with 2 on in the last' of the sev­ who are goin|; are: Billy Craft, family against .serious fire or casualty losses. #:!•-' ■— ._. The Museui.i function-. actively Junior Muset;! i v/ill find many of been warned by the camp director derson; savoy callage, Elsie An­ Robert Gehring; .homemaking, \ to act on authorizing the Board enth. when Skip Sprenkle stole live for a month and two Manches­ Robert Carlson. Robert Merrifleld, WHAY—Dinner Oats WlifAY- Nile Watch You,have too much at .stake to make such an WTIC—Ted Heath .tn 1^1 of Manchester's grade kchool the exhibits which the school chil­ not -to go swimming- The camp u E m t DRY CLEANIN6 derson, Gordon Anderson; cab­ Cathy Labrie, , Betty Leonard. : of Selectmen and Town Treasurer home to tie the game, sending it Charlea Lowery, Richard Fish. WCCC—Good Lvenlna Good Music ter residents will be sent abroad important decision by chance. WKNB—Serenade WDRC—U.N. Reports through the Audio - Visual Aids dren see and use in their class­ waa run by the eastern conference bage, other variety, Robert Papa- Penny Barth. , to borrow $100,000 for. current into an extra inning. Billy Adamson, Bobby Beckwith. WPOP—Nile Mu.slc » for the same period next summer WTIC—Let George Do It Department. Ovtr a thoi’samf ob- es this year. 4 of the Covenant Church. noa, Robert (Sehrlng, Russell Visit Postponed ■ expenaea and (b appropriate » Gunare Vlnkels was Ih • batting under an exchange progra-n being Scott Batterson. Leo Mitterholzer. I WDRC—Guv Lombardo Hayes; watermelon. James Kalb- The visit of the Red Cross : »54B.3o ^or the Town Counsel Ac- The right way ik to consult a competent WPOP— WHAY-Nlte Watch - f - star with 3 clean aingles in 4 aet up by the local Junior C3iamber David Chappell. FVeddie Adamson. WTIC—Election Funds ar; Eileen Storrs; summer squash, bloOdmoblle unit scheduled for count and $908.88 for tax antlci- trips to the plate. ^ Commerce. Writ Craft, Donald Fish. Brian independent insurance agent. He is a profes­ WDRC—Moods for Romance of Television Programs Arnold SteUon; Robert Papanoa, Sept. 19 haa been poatponed In- patibn note Interest., Action will Sprenkle was coach Al Fal- The program, approved at a busi- Swarm. - - sional, he is unbiased and he knows vital facts WPOP—Night Music Jamas Kalber; winter Kuasb, Gor­ definitely, Walter S. Keller, pro-I alao be taken oh acceptance of cetta'a surprise ehoice to start on ( On Page Two curement chairman aald. The unit j Scott Dr. at Box Mountain Es- nes^meeting i>f the JCX7 last night Roger Westcott, Paul Tongren. about'many dffferent companies, such as: WHAY—Nile Walch don Anderson, Fred Deming, Elsie the mound. He gave way to Jack at the'Manchester Country Club, WTIC—World of Music Anderson; sunflower. Norman la plannihg an experimental mid- 1 tatea and Overbrodk Dr., in Over­ Denhia Seibert, Joseph Maturo. Fisher, the winning pitcher, Bill will be tihdfr the direction of Lee Blllv Belekwics, Richard Westcott. ★ Their financial strength and stability. WDRC—.Moods for Romance Orehotsky, Robert Gehring. night shift donation at Pratt and ’ brook Heights. WPOP—Night Music Convert tour Cool, Wood or Oil Stove! Dunnack caught. Whitney Division, United Aircraft., Tt^e Junior Silversteln. lY is part of a rational Marlon Janea, Patdicia Carlson, i f Their record for prompt, fair payment lt:M — Other vegetables, Gordon An­ Legion baseball Burt Starkey started for Co­ JGC effort to promote lietter un­ derson, Jantes Kalber. Hazel Lit­ on that date. team meets at Henry Park at 6 Sharon Kilpatrick, Carolyn Beck­ of claims. I GENERAL WHAY-Nlte Watch New Voters lumbia and was relieved by Jay derstanding between the citizens with. Kathy Kaichl. Susan Locaa- WTIC—Fred Waring tle, Rjchard Young, Elsie Ander­ o'clock. An invitation to attend Wheaton In the 7th inning. La- ★ Their service facilities in the area. WDRC—Moods for Romance Thera were 113 voters made is extended all boya who will no of the United States and those of cio, Sally Ann Cole, Karen Kilpat­ T V SERVICE WPOP—Night Music son. Janies Calber, Hazel Little, Chappells caught. the other nations of the world. Un­ Gordon Anderson, Robert PapanoS. Saturday in the session in the longer be eligible to pla.v in the rick, Diane Platt. Carol Harvey. We’re proud to say that our agency meets South Coventry Firehouse. Diggers Beat FlrabaUs der the program, the travelers live Susan (Taraon. Sally Asolnwall, Days ( 4 AC A Call WHAY-Nlte Watch Flowers. Judith Fardal, Mary League next seaaon.- In the Little League's final with families in the countries to al! of the above requirements. Ma.V we help Nlfhta WAawel Pius Parte WTIC -Fred Waring The breakdown follows; First Plena will be made at this meet­ .Tune Andrecotta and Christine WDRC—Moods for Romance Jane Toothaker, Betty Leonard, sch^uled game of the season at which they are sen*. TEL. Ml 2-5184 Judith Fardal, Norma Lawton, District, Republicans, - 38; Dem­ ing for the 1957 season. Kilpatrick. •you, therefore, today or at any time, with WPOP—Night Mu.sir ocrats, 22; no preference. 32. Wright's Field last night, Carlson's Details on how the two Jisn- your insurance problems? Full information Russell Leonard; flower arrange­ Mrs. Mary M. Farr Diggers came from behind to beat chester residents to be sent abroad! WHAY Nile Watch..... ments. Betty Leonard. Russel Second District, Republicsns, 9f JOE S51ITH GE'irS VOTES freely given and without obligation. '.WTIC—News, Music. Mrs. Mai-y McCann Farr, 81. 13 t)ie Fire Department, 5-4. will be pleked will be announced INSTAU Leonard. Priscilla Karker Penny! Democrats, 6; no preference, 6. Tliompson St., widow of William Austin. Tex.. Aug. 28 (/P—Joe 'WDRC—News , The next sessions will be held Bob Horne hit a triple in the last later. But Silversteln ii dlca'ed that Smith, the myth who was sug­ WPOP—Night Music For Home Comfort Yecrr Round Borth. Hazel Little, Judith Fardal, J. Farr, died Monday at her home inning to drive in tl.e tying and candidates for the trips would ha ' Jean Bradfleld, Norma Lawton, Sept. 29 from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. in following a long lllneaa. She was gested as a Republican vice pr«'Si- ... I. the North (Coventry Firehouse; winning runs for Carlson’s team. to com 'ete for them. dential nominee at the national WHAY -Nile Walch George Eberle, Betty- Leonard. born In Whiteinach. Scotland. April Tom Bonneau was the winning In another matter at the JCX7 WTIC -.News, Music Joan McKinney. Oct. 13. 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. In the 15, 1875. daughter of the late contention last week, got one John H. ' WDRC—Night Owl South Coventry Fifchouse; Nov. 5,' pitcher and Peter„Guy Thompson meeting last night, p.ana for a l)ig write In vote for governor, three WPOP—Night Music Poultry, pullets, Virginia Couch, Jamea and Alice Hodgin McCann caught. Paul Carter atarted for the ipembership drive in the fall were first; Russell Lawton, James 3-5 p.m. South Coventry iFlre- for lieutenant governor and one and had lived in Rockville jfor the iFl'rebaJla and. waa relieved In-the formulated. Robert Murdock waa Incorptifmted "i^JIAY -Night S.vmphonv Calb^; Hens, Russell Lawton; house. past five, years. She-was a mem­ for stZte representative In Texas’ i d p p C l l If You Wont Expsrt WTIC—Starlight Serenade .Johnson Named 'second inning bjr'Bllly Coveil. Jim­ named' to head the mempership Democratic runoff prlmarj' Elec­ WDRI^—Night Owl cockerd, Russel Lawton; Dozen ber of St. John's Episcopal Church. my Pringle caught. drive committee? which hopes to L WPOP—Night Music tion Saturday. TV Service . . . eggs. James Kalber. ^tewari Johnson of Manchester She leaves five sons, Edward, gain 50 new members through ^ IMSURANCi l l : « - . ^ Sheep, showmanship, Pamela wsjt elected preeldent « f the Point Bristol; George, lioiTington; insist on a TELSA mon WHA Y-Night Symphonv Manchester Ei'Sntng Herald -An­ ,ne'X’spaper advertisements and per- WTIC -Starlight Serenade KITCHEN0 HEHING Glenney, William Reynolds, LJnda ! Hemlock Improvement Aesn. at Henry, William and Lawrence WDRC—Night Owl dover correspondent, M,rs. Paul aonal contacts. You’ll find the mem­ ______I Martin; ewe, Pamela Glenney, j the annual meeting Sunday after- Farr, all of Rockville; four daugh­ PfansUekl, telephone. Pilgrim Clifford Anderaon, Noim Lawton; | noon. ters, Mrs. Frederick Mill, Mrs. 2 -6 8 ^ FOR RENT f 164 East Center Street—MI 0-6261 bers listed in the yellow The most popular container oflj fat lamb. WilUiIiam Reynolds. Lin- Other officers elected follow: Raymond Lehi-milt and Mrs. John Cai'diiial Buried 8 and 18 nun. Uovle Pro)*etora pages of your telephone honey—the 16-ounce bottle— holds |‘ - | t| 4a Martin, Pam1.- cookies, Nancy Sheldon, Betty ing the construction stage, will be . . . Designed to blend with your house color scheme . . . Leonard, Maridell Leonard, Ju­ Butler climbed the rea,r fire es­ named after Platt, who served in QUINN'S with easy “magicpanel” finger tip ventilation control! dith Buckley; table setting lylEh. a cape of the house,' which belonged the Senate front 1879 to 1905. and OWNERS AND planned menu, Norman Orehotaky, to Mr. and Mrs. George'Perry. He was . the author of the .Platt 1:; “Costs olitri* mere . . . worth If! N O W Amendment to the Monroe Doc­ MJkidell Leonard. Betty Leonard. smadhed in a window screen and PHARMACY i ond 10 yoors from NOW!" HandicraO^ article oP metal. crawled along the floor of the trine. * THE SPECIAL TAX Joan McKinney, Catherine Wana- amoke-filled house,' choking and 'The proposed -* East Side high Pheii* M l 3*4136 gel, Jean Hradfleld; article of pot­ blinded by the smoke. school, for which land is being n tery, Cathy Lazbric, Joan McKin­ He followed the sound Ibf the acquired on Gravel St., will honor If you ere e property owhe)-, you can expect a SPECIAL T A X PORCH ENCLOSURES (aluminum ^ ney, Lillian Loyzim; other articlee, baby's cries, snatched her from the memory -of Maloney, a Con- Cathy Labrie. Penny Barth, Cathy her crib in her parenU' room, and I gressman and, at the 'time of his early next year on the neW pay-as-you-go plan. What better Ont-ont shows Installa- LAbrle. carried her to safety. I death in 1945, in his second term tie« of GZs Conversion and steal) SEVEN (7) UNIQUE Hobbies, John ’ Fardal, Ellen Police said the children were ** senator, r f-' ^ h • ■. way tp anticipate this payment than through our SPECIAL Burner. - Adams, Penny Barth, Betty Loon playing with matches, and one Prepare now for kitchen comfort next W inter! PURPOSE SAVINGS CLUB, the only club in the area flexible .V ard. Judith Buckley, George 7-yea.r-old boy had tossed a lighted SO SAFE! SO CLEAN! A Conversion Gas Range Burner can be easily STYLES TO CHOOSE FROM Eberle. i < match on the bed. When it flamed ^1 Booths, agricultural. Good Har-1 up they fled, leaving the baby, — enough to accommodate any special purpose savings, any time installed in stores now burning coal„ wood or you care to' start it. Start your club now, and a check will be in oil. The cost is only 95c a month oh the Gas Com­ Including Jalousies, Awning Type Windows, and COMPLETELY AUTOMATIC! pany’s Rental PlAn, and includes both the burner the spectacular new “RUSCO FULVUE CALIFOR­ * your hands when you need it. School (or thoM iblert meoni Ploy. and installation. N IA N " window. And tkero't ipeeiol attention from teoehor to th#lr bright rod or navy calico NO FUEL TO STORE! If you wish to buy rather than rient, you car. own ‘lO O K TO RUSCO, ALWAYS, FOR THE GAUDET jliaBeW print jumper with Mporote white blovto. a Conversion Gas Range Burner for as little as 785 MAIN ST. — OPPOSITE WOOLWORTH'S 1. 2, 3—$2.95 up 61.91a month. Either way . . . rental or purchase NEWEST AND MOST ADVANCED IDEAS . . . you’re miles ahead with CjAS Kitchen Heating. CLOSED MONDAY DURING JULY and AUGUST 3 to 6.x— $3.95 up NO FUEL TO LUG! ' 7 -to 14—$4.95 up Avoid the Fall^ rush . . . have the work done now. IN WINDOWS, DOORS AND HONE- MANCHESTER TRUST Next time vou're down town, slop in end *ee Mari-Meds NO ODOR! NO DIRT! r "d i a m o n d s “ I wonderful collection of fall dresMS end accessories. See Your Dealer or . COMFORTIZim PRODUOTS.” I CHECK OUB PRICES’^ ’raBN SHOP AROUND | Ctiip, cniachy-9eod chocolate wofets Buy on: - . . . with noolfa Dtiry .Qeeen between. ALE CONDITIONED FOE TOCE COMFOET I WE BELIEVE YOU WILL COME BACK I For domonstrations and ostimotos or I E A S Y t e r m s OR PAY CASH AND SAVE ^ Vs a big hcDsdnl of Tumarr eotia* iial Warrbedj^ the fconilr Hh^ Sloch op ' MAIN OFtK^ UY.AWAY CHARGE “RUSCO" eoB see Mats, Opposite SL Jamee’ Church e i*s*.-h a iio h -a i 'oAfkT o c i i w e * ’f**-0'**t**^ ACCOUNT No Dopfn PaymMt — HARTFORD UP TO m FOR*youT 6ld"waT gh MOETB BEANCH FLAN ___ Open Thnndny Eveningz 8 te • IS No. Mala, Comer Oakland St. |le Paym Mfs TIE Octeb«r AGBNT CAlmAS ^ SHAVfRS — CLOCKS Noxt to TMCA , . ^ mtESSES BY: A. 0. ARONSON, - m nN G CARDS — GIFTS -r RINGS DHIRV qUfEN ONE STOP BANKING • FREE PARKING AT BOTH OFFICES • KATE GREENAWAYI For Gas Conversion Burners In Manchester See M l 9-4BI6, • SUZY-BROOKS » ^ e YOUNI^LAND see h a e t p o Ed e o a d ear m id d l e t p k e . w est MEMBKE ITEDEEAL DEPOSIT IN8UEANCE OOEPOEATION THC BASTUBTr-BRAOaBD OO,. W M Ow»r4 ae4 Operhted OwMd aM Operated • t w i n k l e -f r o c k s • LITTLE STAR Chadwick and Co. — 564 Renter Street — Tel. Ml 9-0669 r ______S/hop At Oaudet"$>-lt Pays . Ey ALLAN E. COE JE. r my AL BUUN sMISS QUALITY • HANDCRAFT

IV ■ It ' ' ■' n 1,1 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANOTESTEB. CONNw TUESDAY^ ^UGUST 28, 1956 P A o a MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, li^ANCHESTEB. CONN^ TUESDAY, AUGUST 28,195S ----- PAGiBBIX what EtMnhewar haa accompllahed ing of you, Mr. LsBclle, and your cause he doesn’t like Ward, but thara has baan a apontanaoui lit' Sen* Butler Under Fire Woman Gives Up Plan to Visit P^tive SMeden^ litnu toward peace haa been accom- Droodlea town comniittae. because he thinks it takes an ex-' tareat in tha Amants candidacy on Woman Sought Ike Flying Why don't you follow the ex­ ceptlonal Democfatle nominee to tha part of some Rapublicani or --»?■ -pi pliahed by^ialuff and bJuiter, In-^ By RUOEB PRICE Connecticut r*ry »>'' ACE ELECTRre MOTOR {oiraUtS Ifrralii ample which Adlal Stevenson pre­ make sure of victory in the Firs! Indapandqnts, who' have helped hla atcad of by Kaaonableneaa ^and sented at the national convention As Suspect in ^ 221 NORTH MAIN STREET . District. activities in more than ons com­ Set to Avenge moderation. and permit the Democratic voters To Yankee And when Amenta decided to munity, svsn though thsy ars un­ Still, as the two parties look for­ to have an open primary this com­ ing Wedneaday and in the coming By A. H. O. make a primkry conteat, Bailey able to vote for him. This aaams Riesel Assault ward, both recognize a atill widen­ town primary? declared himself, aa state chair­ partly a reaction to an image of W IU BE CLOSED s i T O p w men, offlcially neutral, which cer­ w ard aa some wild an(l woolly ‘Fraiid’ on Tydings With Aides ing responsibility for Amer^a in I f you bad your way. Mr. La- ’50 Hartford County’s primary con­ (Continned from Page One) founded Octobtr 1. IW Belle, it aeema aa If you would tainly brought no Joy to the Ward union leader, partly a reaction to the world, and the urgent necessity test tomorrow for the iDemocratic camp. Neverthelesa, the Amenta AUG. 27 to SEPT. 3 be another Republican Joe Martin the fact that Am'enta has taken (Paqilinned troa^.^age One) (OoNtinaed from Page One) rubumed ■*try *K®SK for a peace which ia for more nomination for Congresa haa some campaign, offering frisky Demo­ his "high level" aland "In favor of style nekr- Westbury, Long Island. and tell "Joe Smith” he wasn't '"j' t i. He had a bullet hole In nls head than our time. The long tug and remote poeslbillty of developing crats a chance to smack Bailey, education.” UAC Will Offer campaign plana. The leaders will needed in the Democratic party. earthy was a atrtmg Butler [aup: and his hands were sawed off. into a real horse race, despite the may have some effectiveness en­ Amenta ia still tha outsider. But WILL RE-OPEN SEPT. 4 haul over whether America is of The. Democratic party needs every porter in 1950. Police were trying to determine include Vice Prealdent Nixon, who PafabU In Adennc*, early expectation that it would be tirely unrelated to Its accuracy or he might do batter than originally also was nominated for a second 'Joe Smith” it can get. Tydings denied the charge, and Preference Slock if it was the body of Louis Miisto, rnd in the world or out of It ai>- no contest. expact^tuJ. -He might even score a term at San Franciaco, and Leon­ Now getting back to the situa­ justice. ‘‘"d on,in the 24. a hijacker wh8 was reportedly Tu p •••••••••••••••••••*••* pears to be finished. Finally, Amenta seeme to have long-shot victory, If there ia ard W. Hall, chairman of the Re­ tion , set forth In "e ” hereinabove. The reasons for such a possibility yesra between hie defeat qnd' hia ' ■Raat Hartford, Aug. 28--The a pal of Abraham Telvi..;the dead Honths ••••••■•••#•••••«•• rather surprising financial re­ apathy everywhere except in New publican National Committee. Sd( In a very real sense, which How do you explain Mr. Jay Rubi- are several. State Senator Paul return to tbe pollticnl warg', - | thug said to have brown the acid _ ''iCoiiUi sources. The Ward people would board of directors of United A ir­ Hall said several weeks ago the ia not merely wishful day-dream­ now and other "loyal” Democrats Amenta, the N e w Britain chal­ Britain. After Tydinge withdrew Aug. 19 ^•Ulv .••bj.**••••••• ••••••••••• like to have It believed thet reac- craft Corp. voted today to offer, that blinded Riesel. GOP campaign will get started ~ Kt* Oopy ...... on your towm committee, including lenger who sought the primary Mahoney immediately claimed a , Musto had tattoos on both hands, ing, an era ia ended, and the task tiqmary Republican big business A new “ autlbritn plan” on Brit­ about Sept. 15 and that the Presi­ UBteb my friends, and you siwll hear, Mr. George Lessner. urging the contest against the convention ‘moral right" to the nomination. stockholders the right to subscribe police said. On the left was a HKMB1£R o r at hand, recognized on both sides will do anything to keep^ Ward, ish railwaya enables passengers dent will make five or six nation­ Ot a real fine olatmeat, tbat’e baea teeted for years, endoraem'ent of the Republican victory of State Senator Pat Ward Anti-Mahoney forces, led by to shares of new convertible pref­ leopard, snake, cross and the ‘ Bug .\bout to Be Tolled Oir the great champion of labor, out of to. transport their automobiles on wide television and radio address­ "to bring you the beet that moaey caa buy. The of the political fence, is that of Town Clerk. Mr. LaBelle. where of Hartford, haa become some­ Mayor Thomae D'Aleeandro of' erence stock. The corporation's legend “ memory of dad. April 11/ iautltd _ __ The Bell is an Instiument that's Congresa. What Is-fact, as distin­ the same train on which they are es, some outside of Washington, For' healing your Ills, In the wtak of aa eye. building a new era. been around for quite a while, and was' your outcry of "violation” of thing of a whirling dervish of a Baltimore, lung their aiipport t o ' 1953.’’ Low on the right forearm all newt diepatcbee ere In inle^ taper guished from such rumor, is that traveling. HARTFORD sharehoidera will be offered the with barnstorming and "whistle ' otberwlsn crMttcd has been used since ancient times primary or election lawa when Mr. candidate, developing so much national 'committeeman Michael J. i u-ere two hearts and a tree and the " h<* activity and so many angles that right to subscribe in the ratio of stop” talks ruled out. to provide both music and alarms. Rubinow and other Democrats Birmingham. 1 share ot new preference stock words "love mother 1940." Just last week, at a San Fran­ 4 4 Nnsser Will Meet close to you formed an in­ some of them may conceivably Musto was convicted in absentia BELAROPEOL OINTMENT ««pjtn- I Sags Alien aad Co. Is An Era Dead? fact, together with the additional To the Editor, Pine Renll'Plutrmney ' selves already this year. But they haa been a perennial candidate. er'B right to suWribe. This mail­ don last Saturday and already haa Mr. 1-abellc. just what is wrong ing will take place at the earliest Hospital Notes Green Phnrmacy Borne high-flown commentjalors, fact ,that the London conference I are supposedly united now, for the _ He failed in Uda for the Demo­ given Elsenhower a preliminary with Independents and Republi­ practicable date after life regis­ Westown Phamutey fit committee's invitation to Nas.ser A Thought for Today I glory of New Britain, in support cratic gubernatorial nomlnaUon in report by telephone. for whom the wish may be fiU itr- cans supporting a fine Democratic tration becomes effective. I f the . VlNlting Hours: Private nrams, to. confer was a reasonable, non­ I of Amenta. The city has^a large 1950 and 1954. In both year.a, Gcv. Ing the thought, are' tenUtively^^ candidate, like Senator Amenta? registration certificate becomes 10 la.m. to 8 p.m.; inalerally and Sometimes Ir. the great wheat and healthy Democratic primary Theodore R. McKeldin won the threatening invitation, haa now Don’t you remember that It was effective on Sept. 17, the subscrip­ announcing the end of a political fields when the grain is ready for list. A heavy vote from this list general election ir a state where semi-private wards, 2 to 8 p.m.; produced a Nasser acceptance. He only a short while ago that you could conceivably offset the Ward Before you start out on that weekend trip, make sure your car is mechanically tion offer will expire on Oct. 2, chlkiren's ward, 2 to 7 p.m. era for this nation—the end of an the harvest, s storm will sweep aafe — t ^ t brakes and lights.are In good shape. And above all, that .vou will they are oiitmimberecl be'ttcr than and your cohorts were proclaiming vote in the much larger city of 19.56. a-a of fighting w a r the past. will meet with the London five- over the land and the wheat will be ridin^on safe tires. An automotive service company says that 25 ?o of break­ 2-to-I by Democrats. r TOYS i Hartford If the vote there should a d m i t t e d YESTEStDAY: nation committee to discuss the downs last year involved tire trouble. 1 ' •■As' our partv'a nominee," Ma­ In announcing, its deci.'fion, the A FOR THE KIDDIES ^ lEFORE YO^ CONVERT They hope we are' through cam-' happen to be light. board of directors emphasized Uiat John McCarthy. 99 Vernon St.; Suez question, without any com­ Mr. Labelle, when you have a over it. The wheat, bent to the honey said of T>’dinga last night, ^ Large Aesortnent g paigning against Herbert Hoover ground by the weight of In other towns and cities, which its action did not constitute an of­ Mrs. Edna Olcott. 84 Grove St., wonderful vote-getter in Senator One more precaution: Make sure’'.vou have automobile insui-ance. In case of an "he deserved the support of every INVESTIGATE — i and Harry Truman. They hope we mitment on his part to accept the water. Is standing too. low cannot be expected to be parti­ fering of the stock, which will bo Rockville: CTharles Barow, 64 Per­ Amenta who is able to draw more accident It'a the moet valuable thing you can have. man who believea- in justice and that full international control for the hsireater to harvest It. Its cularly ^nthiMiastic about glory made only-by means of a prospect­ kins St.; Mrs. Bernice Thrall, 277 have finally grown out of the than just the Democratic vole, you fair play— and that Includes the ) 1^ Arthur loss would be a tragedy to the for good old New Britain. Amenta us, but is rather a preliminary no­ E. Middle Tpke.; John Sherwpod cheap effort to persuade voters in which la atill the avowed object start crying in public about the great majority of Marylanders farmer. Then a miracle takes is playing another tune. For them, tice to stockholders-of a conteml Brown, 17 Orchard St.; Mrs. Selma of Britain and France. tremendous support Senator who resent the way they were 19!Mt on the basis of a depression in pUce. The sun shines and its warm he is ’ thp symbol of a revolt plated offering. It was pointed out Crandall, 23 Hartford Tpke., Ropk- A lenta is receiving in Manches- deceived an.d defrauded in 19.50.” so considered • Herald Photo by Oflara FLUIDHEftT 1932, and out o f the equally cheap ^ I s is all that any one dared rays begin tb soak up the water. against arbitrary bossdom in the that no offering will be made until \111e; Frederick Brown, .>33 Wo'od- Seldom has fate ter. toLO thwartvnw aiL theuie besturai. laid laiu plansi^iasso ofwa. : , and false effort to pretend that hope. Nasser is being moderate in A soft, drying wind stirs over the Democratic party. It so happens, the registration statement haa be- land St.; Mra. Bette Johnson. 23 thought It • Boilent After the [vote-making session of course, that Democratic State cj>mc effective and unless market Seaman Circle; Mrs. Marion Whit­ man to the degree it has in the ! the Kocaan war was a tragic whim behavior. The nations supporting land and the wheat stalks begin to Hebron case I of a 70-year-old. mild man- go down loo. this past Sajturday, Mr. Labelle, it lift up their heavy heads. Literal­ Chairm:^ John Bailey has been on :r t >MITH condittons are then favorable. man. RFD 2, Wlnsted .Irs. Anna his cause are counseling him to should be | evident to you as Asked if she still plans to make ; • Wall Flame on tha part o f Harry Truman, ly millions of pounds are lifted up top for some time now, which in It­ Wind Hauber. 102 High St., Rock­ nerel(^ Manchester woman. the trip to Sweden, Mrs. Chellberg EMERGENCY the new Town Chairman that the On' Julv 25, Mr.s. Anna Chell- i rather than a sound and inescap­ moderation. And the committee by the soft influence of sun and self is enough to make some Demo­ I N CORPORATE D‘ Hours Announced ville; Douglas Hall. Elaat Hartford; indicated that she has just about | local Democratic party will need berg. 140‘ School St., was on the O IL RU RNER o Warm Air Units w’hlch came out of the London con­ wind. By the third day the wheat'a crats feel like being frisky in the REAL ESTATE — INSURANCE Mrs. Sadonia Mlsovlch. 9 Church given up any hope of returning to ; able fulfilment of American policy plenty of Independents and Re- liner Stockholm bound for safety of the voting booth. For Voter-Making St.; Mrs. Elsie Sweeney, 90 Bald­ her native land. SERVICE In tho world. ference la pursuing its owm func­ MS M AIN At ., g r o u n d FLOOR — TEL. Ml 8-8241 Sweden and a 3-month vacation j o Pressure Burners There is some curioiu injustice win Rd.; Mrs. L.illa Erickson, 563 Her original purpose for plan­ tions in moderation. ocratic party to carr.v Democratic "INSURANSMITHS SINGE 1814” when her ship collided with the They hope wo can look to the 80 the miracle of God's Spirit lift­ In the use of this issue by the j Picking Top Slule Woodbridge St.; Mrs. Ruth Ritchie, ning the voyage w’as to visit a sis­ Underneath all this surface show candidates to victory in Man­ Hebron Aug. 28 (Special) The ill-fated Andrea Doria 30 miles ALSO THE LATEST 2-ION future. ing broken lives ia daily taking Amenta camp. Bailey, as it hap next session for making votera kill 15 Liberty St.; Mrs. Edith Mr-ks, ter who w; . se' -oualy ill. She said CALL of moderation, one can see, at the chester. The local Democratic par­ place. pened, spent most of the winter (Continued from P4ge One) 183 High St., Mrs. Albens Rose. off Nantucket Island. A n d .tb ^ bass this hop# on the ty has already reached a low ebb be held at the Town (jlerk’s office Undaunted by this first close she had been apprehensive about WILLIAMS AIR CONDITIONER (NEEDS NO W ATIR) moment, oiily one veiled threat Sponsored By The Manchestei* and spring trying to find some Sept. 29, from 9 a.m. to noon. RFD 3, Stafford Springs; Mrs. the trip for some time before m- fact that both major party candi- under' your leadership when we candidate other than Ward, not be- call, the pliicky widow immedi­ which seems partictilarly da'nger- Council of Churches. Requirements for being made an opened yesterday with about 100 Betty Jo Tremmel. 63 Coburn Rd.; barking and several times she had' OIL SERVICE dataa for the presidency this year see the results of Saturday's ses­ Julius Nagy, 33 South St.. Rock­ ately booked passage on the liner ous. elector are, that a person be 21 registered. ,. seriously considered larceling it. seem to have selected the future, sion — Republican voters made Mrs. Mary D. Cain of S'jmrait, ville; Linda Pecknagel. 249 High Kungsholiii scheduled to leave 285, Democratic voters made 169, years old or over, a citizen of the' New York a few days after the "Deep in my heart I really didn't rather than tha past, for their There is some indication that United SUtea, resident of Con-; Mias., and Fred T. Spengier of San St.; John G. Tobias. Bolton; HdUy want to go,.and on the last day I Ml 9-4548 FOGARTY BROTHERS Independent voters made a start­ Davis, 63 (Jonatance Dry marine disaster. topic. the Suez company, naturally un­ nectlcut for one year and of He-1 Antonip, Tex., were the keynote had a feeling I ahoiUdn't go, but ling 165. And we must not forget, ADMITTED TODAIT: William It was then that fate struck its friendly to its owii nationalization bron for not less thah six months, i ja*t night. Both blasted the ^runks were already paclwd FUELOIL Well, this wistful picture of our Mr. Labelle, the loss o f 230 Dem­ Villa. Bristol. ' second blow. She fell on the aide- by Naasir'a degree, is undertaking ocratic voters from the caucus and have the ability to read and .T — .■ j o walk in New’ York awl suffered and 'it waa too late to change my political future la certain to be ^ I the Democratic and Republican BIRTHS YESTERDAY: A mind.” JEDDO HIGHLAND COAL—CONNECTICUT COKE to sabotage Egypt's operation of list sfhce May 1 of this year, when daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Rio a fractured hip.' marred, many times, during the A naturalized citizen must bring f parties for allegedly straying from Interviewed at the home of an you and .vour machine took over. Schlavettl, Bolton; a son to .iir. NOW IS THE TIME campaign that lias ahead. Xo mat­ the Canal, by encouraging pilots ritizenship papers with him, to be the principles set forth in the Con­ old friend,, Mrs. Robert Radaz. 319IROADST. MI9-4S39 Democratic voters of Manches­ and Mr»K Roger Gagne,. 151 Eld- ter what the two leading candl- and other trained personnel to ter don't let your candidates be admitted aa a voter. stitution. 141 Florence St., where she is now to hovo thorn pxtra ridge St. aUylng after returning here Sun­ datas may do, there w ill be under­ quit thair Jobs. If this should go fed to you by a political machine; "W e ■ have not the money wlUi BIRTHS TODAY; A daughter to Wrought IroR/RoHIngs ao far as to cripple the actual oper­ exercise your own intelligence and which to produce the great fan fare day, Mrs. CWsllberg still evi­ lings who 'Will tell us again o f the Wilsons to Note Mr. and Mrs. .Francis McGann. i t dences signs o f I shock effected by Porch Columns rooms, fiabhod In ation of the Uanal, then, we sup- compare the qualifications of both ot the robber parlies.” Mrs. Cain f"o «tjii't St.; r son to Mr. and Mrs. horrora o f Hoover depreaaitm and kandidate.s .for the Democratic said. "But we have something that the two accidents. P®3*> Britain and France might Atfmrica^s Ralph Runde, 81 Walnut St.; a son VALI^ WELDING CO. your homo. o f tha shame of Truman'a war In nominee for Congress from the 50lh Anniversary neither party can now bo. at -we Speaking in a soft voice, she re­ and Mrs. Emile St. Pierre, calls how she was just going to For Free Estimate Call Korea. Thera will alao be under­ claim that Nasser's failure to oper­ firat District. It you do this, I’m have Integrity. And we have' the RFD, South Windsor. sure you will cast your vote for bed when the two oyean liners Glastonbury HE S-911S ate the Canal properly and keep Mr. and Mrs. Jame.s B. Wilson. -will to restore to the people of DISCHARGED YESTERDAY: lings 'Who 'wiU assail tha socialiam Paul Ajitenta this coming Wed­ collided. It open justified their ow-n .seizure 80 Alton St., will celebrate their America their lost freedoms Kenneth Tippy, RFD 3, Coventry; Gall M.R.IUTRAS of this New peal and the big busin nesday. , through restoration of the full "The ship was shaking so much of the Cana], In sudt a strategy, . ,50th wadding anniversary with Mrs. Ruth Furay, Glastonbury; and ever5’body w’as screaming. I Gonoroi Contractor ness lallegiance' of tho Republican X Sincerely yours, orrmnee at "open house" Sunday, Sept. 2'. fron glorv of the Constitution and the greatest Linda Stewart, 148 as a more than 13 yeara In the Navy. In both partioB, leadership has, o f secrecy about the tests, and the "violation". I disagree with you top performance They have eight grandchildren, A N T SIZE . 100'',/, Our candidates need all the to varying extents, turned away further tests we made were noted help they can get. Pamela William Randy and Kris­ from its preoccupation with the and deacrib^ for us by Japanese "^even in the extra low-priced tie Glei.ney of North Coventry; and | To quote'you. "a violation of at Stephen. James, Dianna and Linda ' Picture Tube , STUDENTS least the spirit or the arlmary law " pnat, Stevenson has abandoned the scientists \yh'o detected them and - Wilson of'Pearl City. has been committed/by you- and revolutionary fervor of the l^ew anal>’zed them. Sometimes, after Wilson' retired from the postal ; your town committee whe’n you “ONE-FIFTY” SERIES'! service on July 1, 1954, and at the i YOUR, HOME LOAN Beal as surely as Eisenhower haa the Japanese had announced that handpiek candidatea for local of­ a ' BRIEF CASES abandoned what used to be the re­ wa had bet off another explosion, preaent time ia clerk in charge at fices in smoke-filled 'looms without the Poatal Contract station-located encouraging an open primary in­ actionary fervor of Republicans we admitted that we had done so. St Norman's, Inc., 443 Hartford Rd. ! MOST COMPLETE SlUCTIO N IN TOVifN wha demanded that it be repealed, Aa the JapkneZe monitor and viting any Interested Democrat to IS AS IMPORTANT run for office and to receive the Max Miller Says. • all It, Stevenson has progressed aiuiounce our l^esta, so we monitor blessings of the entire Democratic a - » « ; from the left toward a position of and announce, Ruasian tests. And .electorate and not just the bless- Public Records* Guaranteed for 1 year. ’ hi centhr. Elsenhower has progressed we are particularly interested in DEWEY-RICHMAN AS THE HOME .YOU BUY CALL'"PETE" WILSON from the right toward a poeltion o f announcing Ruasian tests because Warrantee Deeds 747 MAIN ST. center. Russia has, for some time, been Ralph E. Cowell and Olga N. V < M I9 -S G 5 0 What thia means, apart from taking the propaganda lead - In- Cow’ell to Town of Manchester, personalities and particular par­ urging the abahdonment or con­ NOTICE property on Bucklng)iani St., for a Service Calls turnaround- ’ . Day or Night $2.95 ties, Is that , a normal pattern of trol o f bomb tests. If Ru.ssia is Russdl'si Barb«r Shop Arnold J. Pagan! to Walter F. Thot's why so mony poopio profor Savings Advertise in The Herald—^It Pays human hiatory has been followed, sincere abikut this, we say In our HiUnahi and Florence M. Hillnski, n ' ’and our good fortune is that It p^turn propaganda, why doe^. Rus­ Spruce St. at Comor property on Lake St! " o m I Loan for homo iinancing— whom you has been followed rather smoothly sia keep on teating herself? - Stanley Bray to Claude E. O f O ak St. Rauschenbach and Norma M, Rau- h irkititi^iiiithh'kh k dnd ' faithfully. You have unrest, That is a point, perhaps," but aohenbach, propgrty on Thompson rocoiVo REAL CONSIDERATION for your which creates a revolution, which not a very strong point. Russia lias will be open every day CONNECnCUflABOR LEI8ERS creates a hectic mixt^e of re­ at, least pretended to offer to this week due to Lo^r Edward. J. Holl- to Daniel Bur- n o o d s .- ' form and nonsense, which gener­ abandon tests. We have not made sack and Sophie Bursatk. property PRAISE SENATOR RAUL AiENTA l>aiy and school oponinq. Ml Dale Rd.' ’ " 7 - ates a desire..Jor equally violent any such offer, and we have showm Quitclaim Deed counter-revolution, which is fol­ absolutely no sign of calling Rua- . Manchester Trust Co. to Arnold *1 W e sell and service all lowed, If the country is lucky, by a s!a's bluff, if we think her pro­ J. Pagani, property on I..ake St. • Libord Vduotions Here Is What They Say:* ■ moderate adjustment, In which the posal to stop testing is a bluff. makes of electric razors. OertUleate of Reglstratioa Trade Name The ^S^M O VE REAL SUPPOKTEE OF LABOR PROGRAMS! good things created by the revolu­ The truth is, we think, that so Harrj’ Simons, West Hartford, tion are preserved and the foolish­ ■far no power wrhich haa harnessed Plenty of FREE Porhing V on gr< more ear tehen tfou buy U . . . more dollart when you tell Hf doing buaineas ka Manchester; * P r^ p f Docittons — SENATOR PATRICK J. WARD ness discarded. So, at last, the long the atom for military purposes Chety hat the higheit retal* ralue of the leading Unc-pri^ modtU, Sales and Appliahcea at 400 W. : Presldeat Pro-Teaz. State 8eaa2b — q iO lat. Rep. # Y6u arc making the battle over the New Deal is over, has actually developed the eanac- No Motor Worry! Middle Tpke. I wish to state that during Paul Ameata'a tenure in the Oertifleate of Inrorporailon State Senate, h* has been a real supporter of labor pro­ with parts of it accepted, parts of ily to stop testing it and thrcatca- 153 Main St. Corp. to purchase ■ right move when you en­ it rejected, parts of it modified, grams and I have the 'utmost confidence that ha will ooa- ing to use it. Russia does not or acquire reel estate or construct | trust your Doctor's pre- tinue to do so." and neither aide quarreling vio­ atop testing, and neither do we. StaiMlard any type of building or lease or ) tcriptiont to this lently with the way it stands now. even though there is some scien­ rent such property. Capital stock, RtlimUt HOLLYWOOD You’re looking at the performance buy of confidence—that midcee driving so much 250.000, divided into 500 shares a t ; VERY EXCELLENT LABOR RECORD! The two parties are obviously tific alarm over the possibility pharmacy. Here, you are 2100 par value each, with' 300 j , — JOSEPH M. ROURKE ^m ew hat leaa willing to give up that even these tests may be do­ the year! Quite a statement? S ^ e, but safer and more pleasant Horsepower, you shares common, and 200 shares | precise * luilNln Economy assured prompt, ikeretary-Treasarer. Ooaa. Federatlea of Labor. AFL the last touches of their long ing civilization some damage., then this is quite a car. know, ranges clear up to 225. non-voting preferred. Amoimt of i W H IU CHAIK compounding, courteous " I think I can aay that, generally speaking. Senator wrrangle over foreign policy. Eiaen- Furthermore, even Britain, certified stock. 217.500. Incorpora- ! tbra, Don Allen Guinan. H. John ; Paul Amenta has a very excellent labor record. He 18 '’’^hmver took a proposition foe which haa had the cUllized distinc­ It’s a Chevrolet “ One-Fifty” —most This budget-minded “ One-Fifty” ia a service—and prices that capable, alert and la on our aide on almoat every leeoe." Cstil* coo­ Malone, Robert J. Walsh, George ^ peaco in Koroa the Democrats had tion of lagging behind Russia and vertea from ,modestly priced of all the sassy new beautiful thing to handle. Come in and see T. LaBonne Jr. arc always fair. ' Marriage^ Lirensrs BuslncM 'Hpura: . fomiulated. but did not dare take. the United States in its absorption rear-wheel to COMPLETE COOPEBA’nOX: BACK OF HIM TO A MAN! Chevies. And it brings you super quick how far your dollars go—and how fine you Richard Edward MorneauU, 99 The Democrats, unable to admit with the military atom, and which front-wheel responsiveness—a secure feeling of easy go—in Chevrolet’s lowest priced series. Burnside Ave.. East Hartfoid, and Monday. Tuenday^ Friday— — MARGARET CONNORS — MERUN D. MSHQP that he did the right thing they ia, perhaps, not quite the slave propelling, or 9 A.M. to 5 P.M. A ,to ell 5-iacli Ruth Ann' Hutson, East Hampton. DRISCOLL Intemattaanl RaaneanteWre, tftd'not dare to do. are under a to the atom we two nations are, Sept. 1, South Methodist C|)urcb. j Wednesday—9 A.M. to 12 Xooa casters. , \ Amvrtoi't larg*** MUIng car— M anebuttrs Oldest Finamial Institntim Legieletlve Agent, Connecticut UAW-AFL-CiO cheap tempta'doti to accuse Elisen- has now been bitten by the riirse. AIR CONOITIQNING-TEMPfRATUliS MADE TO ORDER-AT NEW lOW COST. lET US DEMONSTRATH 2 mHlion mora eamara than any athar m a k | | . David Hall Taylor. 10 Cross. St.. State CIO Connell " I f the laboring people . . . would Uhe ^ $72.00 Vyrllng Nancy Griswold. 151 WSl- Thursday— 8 A.M. to 8 P.M. hower of boing aoft on Comniu- It is ready to discuss banning nu­ " I never had anything but complete co­ the time to examine Paul Amenta • vopm . nut. St., Sept. 8, Emanuhl Lutheran r dosed Saturdays. operation from Paul Amenta in anything Btsin, as the Republican right wing clear tests, but only after Britain record in the State Senate, they would N Church. MILLER PHARMACY 1 requeated." back of him to a man." used to accuse the Democrats Itself has tested its bw-n first hy­ WsHywsea Over TsilsI Csaiais4 Fia o\cr avetstt toilet ^CHEVROLET/ Only franchised Chevrolet dealers display this famous trademark *Statementa appearing In Um N ^ Brltehi Herald far Mareh 8, lUii. p, 1 tfcems«l\-es of being soft. Steven- drogen bomb next year. bowL Sturdily con­ STOP TOOTH DECAY!! ’ •ui.'lin, V - - aoa has not yet brought himself It was an epic human scientific structed. Easily cleaned. (pavings & £oan to saying that the things Blsoa- atniggle which brought the atonrit Fluorine and Calcium, lo'aatnral A raOVEH FRIEHD OF RLL THE If O n i hower i|as done in foreign policy bomb into human hands.. But .it ^51.00 hone nieal state, bow available in f*rompt 4*r«e Call and tablet form for chlldmi ml all ages. i ho himself would have been glad ^asems likely to /prove a much IfaBcIwittf Saviags I lMallttaciilioB-liO?lln$L Delivery Service VOTE FOR SEHATOR FAUL AMEHTA FOR la do, and tha lUplihUcanB, fo r mors dlffloUt atruggle for thW Weldon druo oo. CARTER CHEVROLET CO. Inc. Ask yaur doctor nr deatlat about DENTO-FLITOR. $535 per Uwor Ita ir pdrt a rt ttiU unablo to 00- human hands to relinquish tha Authorlaed Dealer aaa« uk W ELDON’U. 299 Green Rd.— TsL M l 8-41S4 M l M AIM OTa- ^ O S M IU h i|A IN S T . — M A N C M i n t / / . ' ' ■■ B|HflH«[g^ff-.■ *' A- * • •■ 'I ' )*^ • !|[.' ,’ V ■.. ilf


Poet—Burglar’s broke into my j Live within your Income and BUGS Bu’n NY house last night. | you’ll live without worry—and a Answer to Previous Punlo New Bombing Candidates in Democratic Primary irs Weir Retiring ¥ YAK! Y THAT'S STRICTLY Friend—Yes ? What happened 7 ) lot of other things. y Young Actress of Infants ,I SEE ^ PER TH' BIRDS ! IT Sense and Nonsense Poet—^They searched through j -----:— EUA«R PUT UP ‘ DOK'TSTOP/Mr . every room, then left a |5 bill on.' A man is always as young as Marks End of Will AUo QiiU my bureau. I he feels but seldom as important. I ASCAIJECBOW/ PROM BORRERIN' Pat; “ Roy, here are my new back the plate; "I don’t take my AC1I01M S» Wife of Aegir Acebrd on A PEW CRUNCMIES.. mail order dance lessoni,” wine in pills!” 1 Young aetrsss,*^ DUpetched At Coroner’s Probe . Tbomas Weir, Roy; “This Just looks like a • Peftesu DOWN m Cyprus Truce the South Mkhi blank piece of paper to me." Dora — I don’t think that story CARNIVAL BY DICK TURNER 6 ------stars jlriiet for 13 yeariL'announ’ced todey 1 Catch breath (OentiaMd ftnm Page One) Suez Talk Pat: "It’s the elevator dance.” we h^ard about Barbara is so bad. in Alms convulsively {out suspicion and the deaths were (Ooatiiined.troia Page Oiw) he would not .seek reelp^on '.'to Roy: "What do you mean by . . .• ! never linked to Miss Jaapera untU Cora Give it time, my dear, t She was s 2 Notion (OentlBded from Page One) that post in N ovem ber.;.^ ' •levator dance 7 ”■ give it time. • chUd------2 Cog wheel II personhel manager of the N ew , yesterday. The earlier deaths iTie Mayor and his Hungarian- Pat: "No steps!” UU12) Havea’Railroad, took an lA-monthi were' reported as due to .natural born wife were' aaleep as police At the same time.,.lAe i&rrigan. The .Ben. Patrick J. Ward Ben. Paul Amenta with advisory powers only. Practical Jokes are funny for a i r r r r r r the nurse’s actlvltiea might have EOKA aa a show of strength. Nasser has said that. Blgypt will posts, said Weir. '"is. to take an Some Women know their hus­ 32 Soak flax coroner, in turn, called police into EOKA's truce . declAration extended vacation.” time, but the trick is to call a halt been, stopped more thari a year the case. keep the canal opM tO.i0t ampping. bands’ stories upside down and 33 Split pee r“ r N ago, averUng the death of the brought a call from British In his letter, Weir pertonally backward, and tell them Just that before somebody gets sore or 34 Legal point MlSa Jaspers was out of the area Re^YtS;from (Jairo sild he would bored, and a friendship is broken. Kapsinow child. authorities for members of the offer treaty guarantees to back up Thomaa Weir thanked Town Tax conector Paul way. — Caroline Clark in Sateve- 35 Compass point for the weekend/ preventing police "ote Tomorrow Cervlnl, Assessor Henry..'’: Mutrie, IT Ona woman, who had hired Mias from picking her up for question­ underground organisation to sur­ hisApromise. post. 36 Chemical Jaapera to care for the child, sur­ render. The British said they could In the background remained the I tlent at the Windham'.Community Mayor Harold A. Turkington, Flra Policemen at Orlando, Fla., car­ sufllx W~ L ing. Her East Haven home waa Commissioneni Georg* W. C. Hunt, i prised the private nurae while aha tdoaely witimed, in cooperation go to Greece or remain here and key question of what the . West Memorial Hospital, A great drinker being at table, ry nickels to make change for mo­ 37 Regards i was roughly handling the young­ face proaecutlon if involved For^ongressional Nominee Ajjdrew AnSaldi and Prank Schel- torists who need nickels and dimes with town police, on the possibility would do next If Nasser, after meet- Eugene. Bergeron Jr., son of they offered him grapes at dessert. highly a ster. The mother, whose name In murter or the wounding of ing with the committee, still re-1 Mr. and Mrs, Eugene Bergeron, bepfiug, SMFD Fire Chief W. Clif- “Thank you!” said he, pushing for parking meters. 40 Grew pallid that she might return, but she did la being withheld, flred Misa Jas­ not appear Saturday or Sunday. someone. Manchester Democrats gc to'theGbeen able- to whip__ i:p much excite- fused to yield the waterway to [ Hop River, ia a patient at Ithe f«M Mason, and many others h* 42 Assam P vrrrsr came in contact with dtirlng hi* » I ■ ■ ' ...... pers on tha spot, ordering her to Her father, with whom she lives, EOKA leaflets rejected the sur­ polls tomorrow in a primery con' ment in the primary for all their international control. ' [Newington Home for Crlfpled :SM silkworm sr ft "take a walk.” waa informed that police, here render offer and warned that zeal and enthusiasm. BriUin and France are epntinu-[c^ldren where he underwent term of office, including .bsnlL Rra 43 Unit of work % test in which the local De./ioqratic department, post office and Isiff OUT 01 BT J, R. WILLIAMS OUR BOARDING HOUSE MAJOR HOOPLE mt m Mias Jaspers packed her bags wanted to talk with hia daughter. "plenty of English Wood” would be Town Committee, as well as the Democratic Registrar of Votera Ing to reinforce their . miUta^ J zUrgery Wednesday. * 44 Seed plant PT ft and left the home, but, as far aV it He mought her to headquarters at shed. forces in the eastern Mediterran- Baseb*ll Playoff Scheduled nrm officials. two candidates, have a lot at qtake. Edward Moriarty doesn’t expect a Weir, who resides *it'..lttJ3um- mierospores i i known, no complaint about this mid-moming yeaferday and ques­ The Contest, to' determine the turnout of more than 2,000 voters eaii. They have deacribed these [ The Columbia Recreation Coun o 7 Snare ft. R ID cratic Town Committee is op the than real. two British snbjecta on chsrgea of 8" Injujry to his right wrist and X liOMBLEDiwe/ IBB Hurl and robbed Moriarty Bros, service espionage. At least one Egyptian will be unable to p l y in the game, EARDEX? y Both Parties Face Contents station of 3128.35 early Sunday spot in this primary, put there by Endorsed Ward the committee’s chairman, Atty. Although the committee voted also waa arrested and accused of '*oun|t*p«e‘®»"an Fungus F o ^ d BRITISH morning. being a member o f an ^legwl spy 'Miss 'Gloria Strinman, laughter EMPIRE , John D. LaBelle, unanimously to endorse Ward, PRISCILLA’S POP Man Overboard! BY AL VERMEER . Two former Directors making | Manchester police and author­ ring of Mr. and Mrs. George Stelnman ch a m ps/^ ities in several states are on the He has gone down the line for there are some committee mem­ By Scientists bids for political comebacks who i State Sen. "’atrlck J. Ward, the ber* who are actively woricing for The Britons Sre James , Swin- ol Route 8. and John A. Young, son IF YOU GET CAUGHT IN OM, WALDO! TH A T’S A ...W HEN -lookout for the two young ban­ burn, 51, business managed of the of Mr. »n the North End. LaBelle led his committee into said he was awaiting a full re- was organist a n f Kent bird* and then lie flat W)iile'>k net f o i both parties, as it was thought The bar police think was used a "100 per cent” endorsement of not demand blind loyalty from his • - - ...... ■ - . I o.ii.k— of Mllew Tfork was he might. port before deciding'whether to ®8****'**’*'y waa thrown over them’ ' ai^j, th* Joseph A. AesJardtas in the robbery was found parked Ward’s candidacyi has served' js committee, but he likes to know A total of 15 Republicans filed where the mcirbers stand on posi­ file a formal protest. But a Brit- I solo**!- ____ _ Joaeph Arthur DesJardins.'81, of on Cooper St., about a half mile WatYl’s spokesman in Manchester ish spokSVman in Cairo' flatly Given in matrisge by her father, f. What’s hew in 'boUnicai^plant papers signifying they are candi- and haa sharply criticised Amenta tions. ' ^ates fqr nomination for the Board . Wethersfield,, father of Philip T. west smd south from the slugging denied the embassy there was in the bride had as her attendants hunting: - * ' > tKene. for his campaign t-.ctics. Tliese committee members are Miss Kathy Mosedale of New Answer: The’ helicopter. T , of Directors, ss lace bodice and scoop 5TUDC here taken to Manchester M e m o r i a.1 met. Mahoney, Phillip Harrison and DesJardins of Simsbury, John S. Hospital where he received emer­ He has proclaimed himself a ents expelled from Egyp. Sunday, neckline, embroidered -with pearls, Blinrdsat School ALL ' For LaBelle and hia ^m m ittee, William Stevenson of the Toronto, Pascal Poe. ^ DesJardina of. Canton, and Joseph gency treatment and was released. the primary will bp their first n e u t r a l^ has stuok to that posi- and the skirt ba* opert pleats. Her ME! Detnocrato Endorsed (Ont.). Star pijblished the dispatch ^ yjij of French UIu A. and Leo DesJardins of Hart­ The attendant, who waa able to test of Strength since they' cap­ tidn, althoSigh he has had chances J i contract for, InstAiitfion o t The glate of candidates being ford; a daughter, Mys. Mgry A. cat(;h a glimpse of the car. «ald h* to throw In his lot with either can­ his PaP« »ald had caused his oust- f r o m a haif-hat scalloped tured control of the party organi­ er. in Itjhe reported that German vehetiisn blinds mt Man­ run by the Democratic Town Com­ Webster Of Wethersfield; a sister remembered the letters “ HI” of zation from the faction headed by didate—onoe When Amenta paid in front and edged with pearls mittee was filed late yesterday fhlm a Ootirtaey call during a rislt N a(^ are "everywhere and every' Her bouqoek was a cascade of pink chester-Hlgh.SdhbbliiWl^flUt 8:iven and brother out of atate; eight the Connecticut ^registration plate, Judge Wesle^C. Ggyk in May. thing In-CgypfJdday.” '«* afternoon. lt*?includes Eugene Tr grandchildren and a great%rand-' and a rough dcMription of -the ve­ LaBelle's people ! exhibited con­ to Manohedter and once when he roses bnd’liiy of the valley. to the FtodeU Idanuftteltuing C o ., Kelly, 128 Lencqc St.; Theodore R. hicle. He said tMy headed west Shared'S platform with Ward at a "Their'names—famous names— The attendants were gowned in 485 E. M id d le'T p k e... -:i; ehlld. siderable skill and strength in win­ float above barmom convaraationa Cummings. 87-.Lawton Rd.; Mrs. Funeral services will be held Later in the day, police re­ ning that, fight, taking 39 out of union outing here.* similar balterina length gowns, of The deadline 'Inc. InStalleUon of Alice M. Lamenzo. 19 Jean Rd.; covered a car belonging to Mrs. Voting Places but never appear on office doors," soft" blue taffeta with V-neckllne, th* blinds la about tfttr.oiliddle of tomorrow at 9:19 at the Sheelian the 40 seats^ on the committee. Stevenson wrote. "The shadow I fun hack, forming and FTan'cla J. Mahoney. 19 Ham­ Funeral Home. 1()84 New Biitian Ernest C. Irish of 247 N. Main St. But ipome of the factors that If LaBeile’a committee fails to October, with payment due 60 days lin St., all Director candidates. Poe Ave., West Hartford, followed by She had notified police, at 6:45a.m.i proved'^ decisive In that victory do what a political organization is Egyptian general ataff.is oompoaed pouff. Their matching after installation. and Harrison are also being sup­ a requiem high .Slass In Corpus that the car waa missing. She .three months ago are now missing, supposed to do—turn out the vote of Germans whose Nazi JsekBoote headbands were attached vcRh a The niaority «of bjlmls will be ported by the tdwn committee. for its candidate—Gryk can start crunched across, Eur/Hitr on Christie' Church,. Wethersfield at said she had left it behlnd...xher latereet lawklng Other candidates backed by the home ' about 8 o’clock Saturday hammering the first plank in the The correspondent said Egyptian bouquets with Mias MOse'dale’s all (“he oiltaid'' ' .nd a beige cokw.pn ir tfS ti 10 a.m. 'Burial 'will be In Mt. St. For' one thing, Manchester platform on which Ite can attempt officials "hit the ceiling” after pink carnations and buds, and the the inside. The others will b O '^ Democratic Town Committee and Benedict's Cemetery. night, j. - HOOTS AND HER BUDDIES Won’t Look BY EDGAR MARTIN Lhe offices for which they are MrsT Irish’ brother-in-law, Wal­ Democrats don’t, seem to have the' to recapture control of the Man­ his story was cabled. brideemaids' pink carnations and colors not yet decided,’ sdcording BUZ SAW YER BY ROY CRANE Friends msv call at the funeral same zeatful Interest in this chester Democratic Town Oommit- delphlnluma. to Findell. . TH)6 Ife EWE. OH ROD.' COWE DODV) PUEP>SE.' running: Roger ii. Negro, 205 Oak home today from 2 to 5 and 7 to lace Irish of 10. ^ p o t Sq., spotted the missing car aa he. passed it cont^t that/they did • ih the tee. Mrs. Stelnman received her TOOi! SW, I HAVE AH SL and Frederick G. Na.'wiff, 33 VOGSLES..WR5. - H WOO S>t.E. ’ I'VE GOT TO REPORT FOR OUTV ’ 9 p.m. ’ Sunday. rResidents in the Coo­ one between % the two town Manchester Democrats will do Columbia guests at the reception held at Uie , W Z. VOU HOP Norman St., aelecimen; Francis C. «D (SF) RUG6 E ES, HOO •tUE r FURNACE NAVAL AIR STATON. Shea, 101 Glenwood St>, and per SL ares were sure the vehicle committee, statea. LaBelle their voting tomorrow between the Shell Chateau in WlllimanUc THE. TOED CREEPS! U H i m i \% TDD SIDES, PHS LUXURY WOUID OVER TO FURNACE Imd been there as early aa 8 a.mi and Gryk .wprt old time antago- hours oj 2 and .8 p.m, District 1 wearing an Elizabeth Blue lace Locomotive StoUs . SPOIL ME FOR HAW LIFE. AHO CHECK ei. LET Irving-L. Aronson, 4 L«\’el Rd., School Leaders OUM YUKM mmi? TH)K)(»S State representatives; N. CharlesJ . Sunday, according to police. nista who, over the years, had'at­ polls, with three voting'machines, sheath cocktail lengtl* dress with CHRISTY STAY W EETULh'WTVrt THW Boggini, 71 Spencer St., Lee M. I F u n erals Plates on the car bore the Con­ tracted friends who were inter­ will be Iqcated st the East Side square neckline and tiny sleeves 15,000 Commuters VC EOOTS US TILL YOU FINI Silversteln, 34E Garden Dr„ and necticut registration HI-105. Po­ ested in their political fortunes. Recreation building: District 2, Schedule Talks' with. blue shoes and hat, white VHOIOES IIVINO QUARTEI But to nidny Democrats, if they o \ o ' William DeHkn, 34’» Center St., lice said itst color and appearance ndth two machines, in the West glovea and bag. She wore a cor­ New York. Aug. 28 (P)—'Flftosn TVlEOWPTV- Mm. MrglBia Clark Waite think about them a t all. Ward and Side Recreation building: District sage of pink carnations. Mrs. TA)H)7n9 BUH Justices o f the peace; Edward J. tallied viosely with vietaila sup­ Columbia, Au^ 28 (Special)— thousand commuter*-, and other Funeral services for Mrs. Vir­ plied Burke. Amenta are k couple of candidates 3. with two machines, in the Wkd- Principals at- the elementary Young, mother o the bridegroom, passengers aboard 20 trains of the OMOUViES.. THE Tomklel, 91 Creatwood Dr., town ginia Clark Waite of Glastonbury, clerk; Norman C- Comollo, 71 Although Burke could only aay who ! want the nomination simply dell School; dnd District 4, with schools of Columbia, BoUon, Tol^ chose for the occasion a pure sUk New York Central and New Haven 4KUCTNOV) formerly of Manchester,- were held that one of hia assailants, appeared because they think any Democrat three machines, In the Whiton Me­ land and Union will meet with- taupe colored dress wiUi shoes and Constance Dr., row-ir treasurer. yesterday afternqon at the Bridge Railroads were delayed last night WRWOE.'. to be about 20-yeara-OHi. he de­ ran nin an election in Hartford morial Library auditorium. George E. Graff, superintendent hat to match with gloves and bag wlien a New York Centrpi loco­ Frank W. Kopcht, 41 Baldwin St. Cemetery, Northampton, scribed the other aa about 21, 5 County. of beige. She wore a corsage of yel­ Rd., Joseph J. Macione, 76 Bolton of schools, and 'Viola M. Larson, motive .stalled at the 125th street Mass. The Rev. Benjamin An­ feet 8, of slim build with dark It ia doubtful, too, that Amenta’s elementary supervisor, tomorrow low pom-poms. St., and James W. MeKeough, 17 drews of the First Congregational station^ ' hair and wearing a dreas shirt and supporters here, headed by the CBS Denies at the Union school. Both the, bride and' bridegroom T h e stalled l6-car-(AUfli. bound Armory St., constables; John J. Church of Northampton officiat­ dark pants. youthful Henry Agostinelli, have In . the morning session, Mrs. ■are fourth year students at Uie Olekslw, 14 Fulton Rd.. Mrs. Helen for Brewster, N.Y\, was stopped for ed, Katherine Newman, school nurse! Pratt Institute Art School in New 37 minutes efter'the locoihotive’s Solomon, 19 Robert Rd., and Har­ Burial waa in the family plot in At ’56 Conventions for Ashford and Union, will con­ York. The bride is a graduate of old W. Oarrity, 141 ifitkln St.. the Bridge St. .Cemetery. Ar­ air pump/failed at 9:40 p.ni. BY PETER HOFFMAN duct a discussion on children’s Windham High School. Tl^ bride­ About 1,000 paaaengers oh the JBFPCOBB Board of Education. rangements were in charge of the (OdnUaned from Page One) MICKEY FINN Too Late! BY LANK LEONARD (Watkins-West Funeral Home. healQi. Other topics to be discuss­ groom' is a member of the Marine stalled train waited until another Henry E. AgosUnelll, 118 McKee ed are providing for the gifted Corps’ .Officers’ Chmdidate school. GOOD WORK/ CAUCANORA? L (n»TAMLV.'..VOU NEVER AND IN CAPE St., a DemocraUr caheiidate for locomotive was-put-ort.’” ■ Dulles Raps Soviet ute of the 1962 Democratic j:on- child, evaluation of activities in .Tha yoUng couple will n ^ e The tleup was ahHig -a stretch of ALBRIGHT.. AFTER PONG LEFT THIG OFFICE.L.VOU COBB IG WBL,IRERI6Eip HFSMITAMHanE! selectman,-'' la running without or­ NOW CALL DEAD vention, between 9:30 and U p.m., speech correction and planning their home in Brooklyn-, N. Y ' af­ track used by both railroads be­ WHAT I Dip f OONTKNOWANYIHMG , FlAY MTHFMNf) npyOUSAYlNE ganization support. for the'health of children, TDURWIfEAND ABOUT WHAT HAPPENED/ was equivalent to 29.7 per cent of ter their return from a honeymoon tween noth St. and the Mott GOMCXANPTEU OTHER MAirs NAME ReptibUesns who filed after The • After itincK at ' Marlon’s Res­ trip'to;;6«‘a Island, Ga. Haven yards. ‘ ■ ' A6K HER HOW VM YOUR ALIBI / THECOMMITJU Herald'YiK^t to press yesterdayr Police Arrests television homes. The sur\-ey said eVESYTHING IG SORAMITTflSIT . Road Block on Suez taurant in Union, Dr. La Verne Delays ranged from- 10 to 37 THAT I CaESORYG.dRAGMn? Jolm A. Lnvler. 81 Alton St., Bow­ AT HOME/ id. the cbmparsble 1958 figiire was Strong, consultant on curriculum, Maachrster Evening Herald (*'q- ers, WiUWm Forbes. 138 McKee minutes on seven, other "New York Hacold R. Usk, 22. of 82 Wash­ 30.6 of television homes. services of the State Department tluinbia rorrtopondent,' Mrs. Frank Central trains and 12 New Haven St., Otto'JL, Herrmann, 612 Cen­ (Ooatiniied from Page One)" ] of Eklucxtion, wilt, giv* a talk re­ ington St., was arrested by Patrol­ Other networks did not Join Im- btiSeli!klqa, ' telephone A C a d e m y trains.. Moat were ,'qktnmuter ter St,,' and' Henry Rockwell, 317 Emergenejr Doctors ' lating to interpreting .the reading 8-9060.' tralna but two of the New Haven S'. Main-St.) all candidates for D|- man 'Ihomas Graham yesterday •' — i mediately'in rating the television prograrok .* . recognising Soviet control of the' drawing power of the conventions. trains were bound, 'for Boaton and. rectorahi]^. • ; , and turned over to Rockville Po­ Kurile Islands the United States ^^embers of the Manchester Democrats to Caucus Sindlinger held that the conven­ Plane Crash K ills Foiu* Sprini^eld. GBP Candfdates. ' lice, The arrest was >made on a may assert sovereignty .over the Medical Assn, who will m - tion telecasts this year did not Toum Democrats will hold a During the evening ■ commuter The lOmther Republican Director Ryukyus including the military sponid to emergency calls to- part.v caucus tomorrow at 8 p.m., niah, three o f the tracks at the warrant iasued b yj the Rockville equal the. popularity of some regu­ Sanford, Fla., Aug. 28 (P)“ Four candidates include the four in­ le jslamf Of Okinawa, morrow afternoon anU evening lar entertainment shows, , in Yeomans Mail to choose can? affected point are used for trains cumbents and W. David. Keith, prosecutor charging Lisk with be Japanese have been attempt­ didates for the General Assembly persons including a 3-year-pld driving without a license. will be Dr. William Stroud, tel. The Sindlinger report said an leaving ttie city, and one (for in­ David S. McComb, Joseph L Hand- ing to ne{;7>tlate a peace treaty average of 33 million viewers and Justices 'of .the peace. child, died 'when a 2-engine Navy bound trains. ^uHng the tleiip only ley, Joseph J. Sylvester., John A breach of the peace charge' 9-4708, and Dr. Jacob Se-‘ attack bomber, plowed into two with Russia in Moscow. Russia did gal (adults only), tel. 3-6125. watched the conventions, com­ Houae Rented . two tracks wSre'available for th* 'B ^ e n and Roy 'C. Johnson. was made against Edward not participate in the San Francisco Dr. and Mrs. Joseph Gauthier hou.ses three blemca ftom a landing Haberem, 18, of 135 Biasell St., pared with a 54 million 'audience I. , ^ outbound traffic and trains were Additional Republicans who haveI peace conference with Japan. dipwn recently by two commercial house on Rt. 6A at field yesterday. « filed, nbtlce'''wltii the tdWn clerk last night after he alleg^ly In discussing the Suez problem, Sue Lowe, the child, w u forced to alow down or'etop for shows. Columbia “ ■ Center from Mr. and I bpmed the bottleneck. ’ " ' . they intend to run and the offices caused a disturbance at 55 (Tlinton Dulles implred that the United have the operbtion-of >he canal *1- to death on the porcii'"'“’bf the CAPTAIN EASY BY LESLIE 'TURNER FRECKLES AND HIS FRIENDS M CoDector BY MERRILL BLOSSEB vorced from the political influence The Sindlinger firm said it polled Mrs. Simon Fruchtman. of Mill- Motive? they seek,'^Thomas Rogers and St. Patrolmen Graham and Rowe States was ready to negotiate on 14,000 set owners from ■ coast to bum, N. J. Dr. GaiKhier la the wrecked home where she lived Ray Warren, Incumbent State rep­ Wheeler were the arresting of­ of any government, rie said that *' BABY DIES o r BU|INS HIT WHV; lEAlPES, t yw ru. I CAN PROVE MV part M THIG any kind of an arrangement for coast at a rate 'of about.1,000 a day. new assistant to Dr. Sawyer Med- 'with her parente, Mr. and Mrs. GO ACR^G ^AID* I DOU X 90RRV...irG TOO fAR- I MMS o u r WITH Him O n e FoelHE 2ao> Mev; I DiDHt k n o w He'S n o ATHtenr resentatives; Samuel J. Turking- if the British and'French have had Danbury, Aug', 28 UL-A fir* acaeA 8arh.y kso - KNOn H>51tOTIVf'..BUr X \ KTCHEOl ASTER MY affair, EAGYl I WON'T LEAVE TOWN-WAIT! ficers. the canal'a-future which would be Trendex arrived at its figures by bury, _ anaetheUst iit the Windham Lloyd Lowe. The Lowes and their LAST NIGHT AND HP Y ^ DASH— TWO YOU )MD AN UNCte WHO HE OWNS A . tnn Jr., town clerk: Mildred M. Haberern was released under broadly acceptable to other coun- Influence there 'n the past, the sit­ week* old baby died ear^ today TIME TO CATCH HIG DO kUOri HR GENT MG \ nCEMT CtPEIClGNCG MAVBS MR. ACRGG WANTED A WITMfSG THAT TbLO Me A80OT MS > CUPS FOR POie WAS A GREAT ATHLETE, . telephone spot checks of homes in ' Conuuunily Memorial Hospital, son, Darid. 4. were hospitalized from bums she received wrbea rtAIC ivedr WHEN « FOR JOf 'G ClOnCG HOHRGiwiTH A a.«-T0Nd(»P ROHATCH WAG 5TILL ALIVE AFTER HE TOOK PAVYNSMOP/ Schaller, selectman: C. LeRoy Nor­ $50 bond and is scheduled to ap-1 tries. uation cannot be cor 'J*d simply who waa also a former local resi- with severe burns. UNCte WHO HAS A GOLD GAZOO/ < Ly sn'itching the Influence over to 10 cities. " ------the couch on which she wee sleep- SEUTXEtOOLOSMl BEFORE HG aASAG HEP / FEMALE, TM NOT lU MECAL FOR ItUNNfAG ris, town treasurer: Donald ■Hem­ pear in Town Court Sept. 10. Dulles said the problem of the Sindlinger said an average of dent. The . Gauthiers are from The three-man crew of the ingway, register of voters: Edward Frank C. Kebret Jr., 42. of 829 Egypt. ,ing caught fire. Def. U . Arnold SCADS OP RiSeOMS precise arrangements which might 'about 27 per cent of the nation's Burlington. Vt, bomber-also died in the crash and Schultsa said the fire wras caused PORlkNNIS. Glenney, George Cheney, Sherwood Tolland Tpke., was arrested last be made was not primarily a prob­ Asked whether Egypt’s nation­ Fair Prise Hlnaers fire that followed. SWIMA«H_ Robb and Mrs. Jane Stuek, Board alization of the waterway a month television sets w ere'in operation by a cigarette, presumably left night ahd charged with intoxica­ lem for the United States. He said (during the conventions, compared In Sunday’s horse-pulling con- The Navj’ identified them as the by the mother, when she fed the GOSH, of EducationL^loward E. Stafford, tion. Patrolman William Cooke ar­ other countries whose well being ago resulted entirely from the wlth 48.3 per cent for the same test at the Fire Department fair. pilot. L t Cmdr. Ozni Donald Hall, selectman; Arthur Ledaire Jr., U.S. decision to withdraw an offer child. The victim .was Karen rested him after the owner of a depends on shipping through the time periods the previous week. tho . following awards were made 34., Sanford; Lt. (J.g.) Oerald Sebrack, daughter •) -Mr. and 1bu>ANy and Vincent S. Genovesi, Justices Depot gqusre building complained canal are pritnafU" concerned with of'aid in building the Aawaa. High Peter Reed of Ra}*nham, Mass., Michael O’Hara, 28, son of Mr. and. of the 'peace. Iffrs. Oscar . Brhrack. Police Of u s , that Kebert was sleeping in a hall­ Baying what arrangapients would Dam -in Egypt, Dulles said 'he be­ took top prize in the under 3.200 Mrs, M. A. O'Hara, Somerville, .rubbed, her to Danbuiy hj^plUI, FELUS/ Frederick E. Peck. Raymond E. way. restore confidence among the ca't lieves' the problem had arisen quite poundiclass. Derwin Vail of Tor- Mass, and William Valentine Robinson and James Duffy, con­ but she -was pronuuacetf .. Kebert is being held at, police nal's users. apart from the Aswan issue. D-iXea About Town rington took second prize; Adolph Swigonski, 35, aviation electronics arrival She suffered hune, stables; and Frank O. Steele, Jua- headquarters and is scheduled to In (kaponse to several ques­ said Naaser himacif disclosed he Scott of Hanson, Mass., thlHl and tica of the peace. 'technician, first class, Sanford. face, cheat and right ara|, appear in court tomorrow morn­ tions Dulles made a plea for avoid­ had been thinking of natlenalizing Mr. and Mrs. Eklward H. C v - Eugene Ralnville of , Norwich, Democrats who filed by TThe ing. . ing settlement by slogan, as he the canal for more, than two years. fourth. Reed was lU'so Judged Herald's press time yesterday and called it, and for concentrating on Furthermore, Dulles said. Nasser 1 W Concord Rd., have re­ { the offices for which they are can­ best teamster and having the beat ptactical matter* ITius, he argued justified the seisure of the canal I celved new* of Uie birth of a show team, in this weight class. J*' •J2*2L2IL!lI2£iSLl£Jlfc!iLI&j didates; Mrs. EUa Quiah, selsct' on grdbnds that it was a step in his ' daughter, on Aug. -21, to Lt. and man; Edward‘F.Edwi Firemen Put Out against sa.ring that he did or did In the over 3,200 pound class, not want the canal "Intemationalr program for. building the grandeur Mrs. John H. Vice otj- Hilliard, the Sharon Box Co. team of MOSTY MEEKLE ______HeUo, Therel BY DICK CAVALLI THE STORY OF MARTHAj The Bonds? BY WILSON SCRUGGS Quiah, Skywatch Schedule Justice of the peace: William E. • Blaze in Auto ized”. He bald the word interna­ of Egypt. .*■ Ohio. The baby was born at Sharon, Mass., driven by Pete Air varfRousiAiNriiumA, GOL-L£r,\CirirAGBAO o a .r m c B l M o Buckley, Board of Education; Ron­ tionalized is the kind of grandiose In response to another question, Lockbourne Air* Base Hospital and Reed, placed first: Jim Black, ABOUT NOT LfTTMS MTGO Otn- ABMYFWBNTWAU.T)CY fiktcAMfitwr ald Llngard and Leo D. Blanchette, slogan which makes agreement on Dulles appeared to challenge for­ has been' named Betta Ann. Mrs. North- LeveretL Maaa., second; Wednesday,, Aug. 29 O B im it POlE«lOny->TDVDTHM( TH0»rSAVIN6S constables, , Firemen from the South Man­ solutions to practical problems mer Presiden) Harry TYuman’s Vice was tbe fomier Elizabeth Pete Reed, third and Derwin Vail, Midnight—2 a.m ...... Vdaptecf* Ifecdrd"';, f* i)niAO(hFLr BONOGlABkBO Any potential nominee may with­ chester Fire Department extin­ more difficult. ’ recent recollection of what hap­ Carrigan and Lt. Vice is an ROTU fourth. In this class. Black waa 2 a.m,—4 a.rq...... Vohmteere Needed ' • GUPCSOKTENCCNT! lllA5 ETUNaOMPB8G/, guished a car fire shortly befpre 9 pened at the 1945 Potsdam Con­ Judged aa having best show team ' o p HOWE /-^JIL.IPVOII VOVTDNOLDIOr draw his candidacy until Sept. 7 The practical problems', Dulles teacher at Ohio State University. 4 a.m.---9 x.m ...... Vehniteers Needed 0 i at S p.m, ' o’clock last night at the British said, come down to auch matters ference with respect to the Pan-, They have two other daughters, and Vail, beet teamster, 6 a.m.—8 a.m...... I. Volualeers Needed - u r r ? A t o t m a n n o n ■mTnkeom JO American Club parking' 'lot on as who makes the rules of the ca- ama Canal. Truman said recently Lydn Ann and Jackie Ann. Judging 'the contest were Clair J\ilCntDJ)€ C4PMT)C¥N/ 8 a.m.—Ifli a.m ...... Gloria McCauley. Domui TMATbTHC CAr 'T oOLER' a r r e s t e d Maple St. Elye-witnesses said U^e nal'a M igiUsk, who picks the pi­ that he had offered pt P ot(^ m to L . Robinson, First Selectman; 10 a.m.—12 Noon...... Daniel Firestone, PEWTUMr Taliahewwe, Fla., .4ng. 38 car austained considerable dam­ lots, wh* maintains the watsrway. intemationalise the Panama canal PINZA DUE IN U.S. John Dayton ■ of Montville and Noon—2 p.m...... ------Leto Wsldnm . f , i ONE OF (A P )—The leader of Tallaha*- age to area around the engine. Bees Pragreea la TsUks ' \ aa part of a program tor estabitsh- Oervla, Italy, .%ng. 28 (AP)— George ;(7hapman of Groton. Mrs. 2 p.m.—4 p.m...... Carol Johnnm, JU rtW Ing international aasurancea over Bslo n e ia . star bass singer of Marion . Sweet as superintendent ;THINfl5 •re’a Negro boycott against city Companies 3 and 4 answered thg Dulles aald he thought negotia­ e p.mi...... Cblumbto DsCbrllIWtoell - [CVKIDOKEC? buses -was-arrested today for the call, which came in at 8:33. The tions oil 104 canal have moved for­ many key waterways but that the opera, etSige and screen, will be of this affair with hei* sister, Mrs. woman owner of the car, who was Soviet government was not then well enough to leave for the Evelyn Chapman of Groton. as 8 p.m.—8 p.m...... George cfturtVit*. BACK AT second day |n a tow for driving ward steamyk Wlille the difficul­ 8 p.m.— 10 p.m ... . , ...... May Hawk**!,' n, car pool nntonoMIe wlUKHit unidentified, catted in thC alarm. ties Pre by no^meaiu overcome, he interested. United States Sunday, his phy- ann^nCer. Winch operator was She' said !she got in the car and said, he believes the ^tepa which Ai^ed, about thi* .Dulles said sleian aald toda,r. - i, CaKin Dayton i^d the equipment 10 p.m.—Mldaight. Jd a i“ fer hire” ta g ., • - SkyrmtCh Pm I loi-ated on top The Rev. C. K. Steele Gas started the eneine. and It sudden­ have been taken indicate a desire that as far *s the records dis­ Ptoaa last FVktojr suffered ■for the pull waa. loaned by C. C. ly hurst Into flama, to reafh a peacefitl aolotion. close, and he had ingde a search whot',the doctor deo^ b ed as a Lounsbury of WtUlmantic. Volunteers may register at fSrtl 9ake« to th« police station ai^ , BuUdirff Manchester on Monday, wna released on flM beirt, pfnd- ■ Much of the Car’s wiring was ' 'What-the United States wants himself, there waa no sttok offer mlM heart attack at a vtUa ha Heepital Pattento , p.m. or TMesday eventof |NffiTi tmg n henring. lYilned by the flra, wt^ezses mU for thfaittB qi a llies aald, I s ^ BUdd. „ I aad hie wife have reatod. Mrs.^Harvey Collina Is a pa- s t e \ i :i 4 iSSSmll *'l ■ UANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER, CONN* TUESDAY, Xu GIJIt 28, 1956 PAGE ilANCHESTER E^^ENING HERALD, BtANCHESTER, CONM„ TUESDAY, AUGUST 28, 1956 FA 6C TEII THE ;ers Are Sure They’ll Retain National League Wilt Herald Angle Auto Parts Topple PFs to Create Playoff Campy’s Blow EARL W. YOST Mac McCurry Moior Leoguel j Heavily Powered Boat8| Rainbow Club Baseball Sporta Editor =s=Leadarss=i Hitching Up Team Beats Braves GOOD COLLEGE SLATE Final Tuesda.v jalopy race car Limits Losers Natioaal Leagm. Upends Rival Notes Living room footbatf faiu can event of the season at Riverside Batting (based on 300 at bats)— Threaten Speed Mark® Park is acheduied tonight. . . Beat Moon, St. Louis, S33; Aaron, Mil­ In Top Contest rest assured that they will be able To Four Hits waukee, .330; Schoendienst) New Outflel--5fore speedboat records w m Ofi-i hurtling Jimmy Monarty collected New York, Aug. 28 (flb—Fig­ college, attractions this aeimon ac­ ing in the nation is curreiitiy found York, .320; Kluezewikl, Otnclnnati, » toUI of six hits Mast night m uring the major league pennant New York, Aug. 28 (/P)— ^ cording to a releaae received from within Maine’a-33,000 square mile Scoring three tirties in each .314; Virdon, PitUburgh, i l l . pected to fall today as two-heavily powered boete repreeebte leading the much improved Rain­ races: Roy CampanelU, Brooklyn’a-. Channel 30. area . . . Len Duncan, who trains the first two innings Qie Man­ Runs—lloblnson, Cincinnati, 105; ing the United States and Canadia battle it out for the H arm ^ bow CaulJ to a convincin;^ 17-4 Rec Tlie pitching slump of Brooks The New Britain station 'will I In "Dn Tin IV of the Rln An Tin Snider. Briioklyn, 92; Aaron, Mil­ worth International Trophy. The historic world’s chaippioii*. Bottball League triumph over Lawrence is one of the treasons the bii catcher tL’ho wins the most offer' a steady diet of Saturday radio and teevee aeries says this chester Auto Parts went on waukee, 87; Kluasewaki, Cincinnati ...... ■ . ■■~^zhip race waa foroed -iiSo a tU ^ ark. The valuable-player award, every 8S. Cnae Bros, at R»>bertsnn Par Cincinnati Rcdlegs have dropped afternoon gamea atartlng with the about training dogs: "Probably to top Police k Fire last night and Mathewa, Milwaukee, heiit when one of the iniasy mhK anefory gave the Rainbows sole off the pennant race. The big other season and then slumps Kentucky-Oeorgia/TechlVVIlL)UVf\/-Njrwa *a ^18 (WtviVbattle VIIon i ------more---- Importantr — than------anything...... v else - Runa batted in Kluaaewakl; baps that attend speedhoattm* posaesaioh of fourth place and they righthander has won only three in between, is following the Sept 22 from Lexington, Ky. The' In the training of a dog is mutukl by a 6-2 count at Buckley Cincinnati, 98; Musial, St. Louis, Jerry Luedee eliminated the U.S. defander. will now meet third-place Tolso .n games anti lo.st eight since reach­ same bid script again. But with finale will bring together Miamiolovfc and affection. When a dog Field in the Littie League 91; Adcock, Milwaukee, 85; Lopa- Shanty 1, of Saattle, aherOy after-, ing A 13-0. mark on July 17. He'a learns you're his Diend, your prob­ the openin" playoff game tomor­ one ad lib from his bat. ths and at Miami on Dec round robin playoff champion­ ta, Philadelphia, 84; Snider, Brook­ the firet lap of yeaterdagr*a aeoooS-' row night at S;30 at Robertson. been defeated in hU last four out- Dodgera are sure* than ever they’ll 8. In between there are. some lem Is practically solved .. ■ Should lyn, 80. Stops Provizzi h eat ' ■ Wednesday's ^ictor will engage ings. ^ retain the National Leagu*' pen­ ~top^raWer contests. Hank Aaroii of the Braves win the ship. A large crowd viewed the Hita—Aaron, Milwaukee, ,156; , Without oppdeitloa Mtaa SuseiD Great Elastern in a single game National League batting title he’ll action. The victory was In the nant'. '■ This year’s schedule, on paper, Ashbum, Philadelphia. 151; Miiaial, N*w York. Aug. 28 (A’)—Because test of London, O nt, flidahed yea* ‘ ; Fridav night and the winner will Bill .Skowron of the New York appears to be the most attractive miss being the youngest champ In form of sweet revenge for the APs St. Louis, 147; Moon, S t Louis, terday’a heat to even the hsafc then 'challenge the Manchester Campy, at 35 the Klghest paid aver lined up by NBC. loop history , by only t month and who suffered a drubbing ‘ at the he athfiped thinking and did what Yankees has managed only six Dodger* ever, won thb N l/s MVP 145; Temple, Cincinnati, 144. came naturally, midAt the end of four the course yesterd^ said: “My Sheekey, 3b ...... 5 2 14 10 And Players Do Burn and of the Braves Dave Howes’ single find a sacr'fice Milwaukee, 16-8, .667. power Just suddenly faded aiway. Warren, ct ...... 4 4 2 10 0 112 lrip.s, a .304 gait. In the NL. leaving the Brooks two year. The Soonera are loaded this season. Both are center- — American League rounds, Luedee waa behind. Bellinimirl. If. cf... 4 4 3 10 0 full gamea ahead of third place and fresh from their impressive by Mike Churilla. They added three Scavone swrltched rtgnalz and told the engine stalled and I couldn’t lb ...... 411620 fielders. Moon is a alight point more in the s cond on a single by Batting (baaed on 300 at bats)— Skinner, c ...... ; 2 0 0 3 10 Brooklyn's Roy C'ampanella, who Milwaukee, Aug. 28 — The-color remarks. The veterart right- Cincinnati. 20-6 Orange Bowi win over Mary­ Jerry to go out and fight in the trouble appeared to be in a gear 5 0 ,1 110 Stars Rally, in Third Period torrid National League pennant, hander admitted he gave Jackie a land. leader at this writing. Cote, a double 'oy Simmons, a Mantle, New York. .364; Wllllains. box, which ■was replaced laat idght Hosxer. ss ...... _ *' ^ ^ A € y *^*'”’*® "P yesterday’s game against ' In the only American League In the 56 years since the turn Boston, .342: Kuenn,, Detroit, and fifth. Hadsen, n ...... 4 1 'l 0 3 0 race, alreadyl a t fever pljch here, -good going oVer but he .4ald he was j game acheduied. Cleveland bopped Navy meets Notre, Dame on single by Smith, a walk to H0:wea Provizzi Staggered There was no sxplostaa and no Paganl. ?b. If ...... 1*0 0 0,1 o reached a bblling point yesterday'only needling, him about his i^ov. 3 at Baltimore and the Mid- of the Century, the batting crown and a double by . Churilla. Nleman, Baltiinore, .327; Vernon, Gustafson, r t ...... 0 1 0 I) 0 To Trounce Rainbotvs oo-4o bases loaded single, is hitting only I Waahlngtnn 5-2 aa Boh Lemon was won by an outfielder on 26 Boston, .324. Luedee thereupon staggered the fire, he said. lloske. lb ...... 1 0 10 1 fi ______^ Ul.64 Against the lesgue-lcading when Jackie Robin.son of Brooklyn weight. National Tx-ague hung up his l98th lifetime vic­ "'dleB and Army annurt struggle at Police 8 Fire scored once In the pudgy 160-pound Provizzi with a Six Seesads AbeaA Chappell, r f ...... 0 0 0 0 0 0 Philadelphia on Dec. 1 is also occasions. Second basemen and third on two walks. Thjy tallied Runs—Mantle. New York, 108; Is.sued a “meet-me-outside” chal- Ixioked Fat In Photos GB tory. {) shortstops have won ine times, Fox, C?hlcago. 90; Yost, Washing­ right to the face that opened a Btu'Bradsn. oC Haaallton. Ont, Total*. , ...... 39 17 1.T.21 11 11 A 20-point scoring rally In the -take the fighting Rainl^ws. reason w1U. nine hlU lenge to Milwankee'a Lew “i saw a picture ...... -3 0-0 I 1 Braves' .star pitcher which, in­ goes on all the time. Tiieaday’s Hchedule with victories on their last visit inning hit when he tagged one jf "Provizzi had me puzzled with behind the stortlz.,; gun. 3. .Corb. 2b ...... 1 0 0p 0 IP 1 IP:0 : ships.smpa. Them e clubsciuoa tanglerangie again to-in- Jim Glenney fouled out earty i York*iTmnnV' cidentally, , rnissed Burdette by Oct. 13. UCLA and Southern Cali­ (3), Lefty chick Hafey, Chuck McCurry’s pitches over the right- Fox, Chicago. 160; Kaline Detroit 1 s 1, ,n night at the West Side mitdoor the la,^ quarter to hurt the plenty but came near beaning ”I had no idea Robinson would Pittsburgh at Milwaukee, 10 p.m. of the season. fornia from Los Angeles on Nov. Klein, Joe Mcdwick. Pete Reiser. 157; Kuenn, Detroit, 151: Jensen his leaping left jabs and bobbing Each time. bor.vrrer, Schleeh Totals ...... get so red necked. If t)»st's the - Hall 10-61 Vs Spahn fl5-9i. Overcome Deficll' field fence but this blast was bare­ style," explained Luedee, a tree Ttain^w ...... 450 221 2 -17 i court, scene of last night s con- bow even more.1 Meanwhile, Dead ^ Frank Torre, his teammate. 24 and a Big Ten game on Nov. 10, Dixie Walker. Hari-y Walker, Carl ly foul. Boston and Runnels, 'Washington, overtook Braden in the first mlla oon (102 test,______■ ""‘i big A1 Surowlep went on ~ ““ vt’sy he feels about It, I just won’t Brooklyn at (Chicago i2i, 2:30 p. -phia one carried no such guar- 142. May Be Ironed Out surgeon when not fighting. ‘,*When of ths race. Shanty's spaed is ra- “I wa.s’ tossing the ball to Gil the rivals to be named at a later Furillo. Willie Mays. Richie Ash- Jerry Smith had tiree hits for *ffl.*HorlarVy 3, A. Whipple; 3B Bel- The All-Stars, trailing through- scoring binge, opening the quarter who set a maior Hodges at the start of an inning,” agitate him any more.”- . m. Maglic (7-41 and Drysdale ant,.e. But after .coming back date. burn and Stan Musjal (5). Musial, Doubles—F’iersall. Borton, 32 ( ' I kept' back I couldn’t figure blm flacted in tha timing for tba first Ilaglllrt; HR. Wsrreii, Herzog, D. Coro. Robin.aon. still arnoldering over (3-3) va-Drabowski (1-1) and Broa-;f,.o,„ » 3.0 deficit, the Brooks ara the victors. No one collected more Vernon, Boston and Kaline and out. If he was a standup fighter it lap of yesterday's race. Ha was Beuinghirt: BB. Msdren 4. Coro S. SO. out the first half and part of the, with 13 straight points between ; said Robinson. “and heard Thanksgiving Day the Penn- a slx-tlme champion, won the 1946 than one hit for the losers.' Madsen 3; HBP. Ysles: W, Madsen. second, caught fire m idw ay them. The latter two ended the ; Burdette say fomething about the incident today, disclosed he ^ nan- (3-7). sure the.v've got-the flag in the ' Cornell meeting at Philadelphia title as a first baseman. Kuenn, Detroit. 26; Berra, New Chicago, Aug. 28 (A>)—Officials of the International Boxing wrould have been easier. So when I Umsd n>r thiL first five mUes in . Thorpe,. O.'Xell; Scorer. Boland: had sent word to Burdette that' New York at Cta(innati » p.m xhV Braves are still the Next game is Wednesday night Yorjt, 25. got the go-ahead to fight my own 8:07.70, while Braden needed ¥ime. 1:40. through the third period to over-intght as high scorers, each netting.^ "f-biwv ‘watermMons'. I picked up the ball he would be waiting cutaide the V" Nu-xhalJ 19-8). b„t „ow just one will be telecast. The six first sackers who were Club expected to iron out details today for a middleweigh'; wray, I was happy. I got him with " ’ ,18 points. Wilson also hit double time, piobably wont ex- and threw It to (3il and listened to All In all it looks like a great tops with the bat were Jake Dau- when Manchester Auto Parts play Triples—Simpson. Kansas Clt.v, 8:41.06. ______:------figures with 14. I lend, the mark this year. He's al- park, available, after the game if Philadelphia at St. Louis. 9 p.m. back in the ’’lost” column the Lawyers at.Verplanck School title fight betwen Champion Ray Robinson and Challenger that right in the fifth and afjier hear him more clearly. He kept ...... > . - Simmons MO-8) va Schmidt (6-81. ■ - season for the arm chair quarter­ bert (2). Hal Chase, Bill Terry. 10; Jensen. Boston. 9; Tox. Chi Because the trophy that baa Eight poinu in the first sUnza I Burdette chase to meet him. the Brooklyns feel they can do it at 6 o’clock. The! Au o Parts need cago.J and Lemon and Runnels G en e^llm er. Truman Gibson, secretary of the IBC, sale that it was easy." saying thinga that were uncalled Monday’s Resiilla helped along by an "st home” backs. Johnny Mize, Phil Cavaretta and A 9-5 favorite, Luedee racked up rested in Detroit stnra Oar Wood by Steve Bellinghiri led Rainbow ,1* t . ■vernge. for—not Just ordinary riding. “He didn't accept the challenge," i Musial. the win to stay in contention for Washington, 8. Robinson would be contacted brought it ' hers' in IMO dspends into a 22-10 lead. The losers kept *t** Luck.v Ball Missed Jackie said. "He has no guts." j Brooklyn 6. Milwaukee 3, schedule to end the season. They the Town CSiampionship. If the Home' runs—Mantle. New York New York today after learning his 12th knockout end 25th 'vio- that pace in the second q „ , r t e r '*'//**, ?"‘y ? “ timM in W (Only Game Scheduled) figured they needed "only six or SHOTS HERE AND THERE Only second baseman ever to per cent of the net pnis 60 per cent tory. He has lost four times. upon the result of today’s heat “Just to make sure.” Robby Burdette morel.v shrugged when ; win the N.L, crown, in,; addition to Lawyer* could knoelt off the Auto 44; Stevers. Washington. 26 that Sugar Ray had capitulated to of all money received from theater apaadboat followers expect bbUi leading at the half 31-25. At the National Leagues continued, “I asked Oil yhether Robjrt.9on'ar words were conveyed ] Wedneaday’s Schedule seven” victories on their current Ninety Yale football candidates Per^Wedne.sday and Police & Fire Wertz. Cleveland, 25' Kaline, De­ IBC President Jim Norris. Pnnrlzzi suffered his fourth kayo lend of three,periods it was 45.41, ■•“‘lef’^vithi-ith .993. Plttaburgh at Milwaukee, 10 p.m. 11-game finale in the West this will .travel a cumulative total of seven-time champ RogVirs Horns­ of homa television with a guar an and his eighth defeat He has won Scblcah and Braden to push tbair Burdette meant me and Gil replied to him. ' i by, was Larry Doyle. HonuSiWag- Friday it would create a three-way troit, BeiTa, New York aud Lemon Robinson two weeks ago said he tee of $60,000. boats to tba utm oat ' All-Stars, as' they captured the "It doe.sn't take guts to get Brooklyn-at Chicago, 2:30 p.m. season and now they've won five more than 60.000 miles—a distance /tic and another round would be waa through with Norris and the 19. ’you're No. 42, aren’t you?’ I ner wim efight titles as a shortstop^ Washington, 23. Joe Gluser, Roblnson’a buslneaa Both craft have dona batter than USED CARS lead with six minutes left In the Frank Sullivan of the Red Sox. picked up .the next roller and fired yourself suspended.” lie seld. “An.v New York at Cincinnati, 9 p.m of the_ first seven, with only four equal to that of two and une-half necessary. If the Auto Parts win Stolen bases—Rivera, Chicago, IBC because he couldn’t get The prize for the victor was the qu.'.rter, winner of eight gamea before the Philadelphia at St. I^mts, 9 p.m. games left at Chicago against the times around the world—to report and the only other man at the and Police -4 Fire lose the- Auto enough rtioney) from, then but yes­ adviser, said yesterday he had Sept 17th fight with McAteer. The 160 mllss an hour in trial runs. Tha the ball past ModgA. into the dug- moron can do that. We've got a same position (o pace th^pack 16; Aparicio. Chicago, 14; Avila long and cordial talk wrlth Norris Drtender ia powered with a 2,400 Glenney (13), Dave Boland (11) All-Star "break”, haa picked up out. I aimed it right at Burdette’s pennant to be won. I’m more ii - .American I^-agiie __■ ’*•'* place Cubs. to pre-season practice at Yale next Parts would win but if they both Cleveland, 12: Francona, Bait! terday announced "I’m ready, will­ Briton ia making his U.S. dehut and Bellinghiri (10)' hit double only two victories since the mid- W L Pet. GB Joe Adcock's 33rd home run, ' Monday . More than 50,000 rac­ was Arky 'Vaughan. Jackjr'Kobin- win. a playoff between the two ing and able to defend my title on before he left for Chicago and "I and then heading back for Eng­ horsepower AUiaon engtos; tha # Low Prices July classic. In 10 starts since head. Lucky for hiqi It missed." , terested in that than' in what Rob­ son and Helnie Zimmerman were more, 10; Kuenn, Detroit and think we can say .definitely that land for a title defense.' Challenger with a 8,000 horsepower figures for the loser.s. Burdette denied making any off- inson has to say." j New York ...... RO 46 ..6.V) — and his 11th against Brooklyn, ing fans are expected at Rocking­ would b* necessary. Mantle, New York, 9. Sept 25 or a later date at Yankee This win gave Wlrhp>''s a ‘2-1 then, the towering righthander (Cleveland ...... 71 .51 .582- 7 and Bobby Thomson's 18lh built ham Park this weekend for the third base champions and Frnlr Alto Part* <(> Stadium." Sugar Ray wlU fight for the IBC." RoUa-itoyce. has given up 82 hits and 32 earned Lombardi and ^ n ie Pinky Har­ »b r I) po s e rbl ' Pitching (based on 12 de'-lsloiis) record against the Rainbow. The 1 Chicago ...... 67 54 .554 10'J the. 3-0 Milwaukee lead against horse racing shol\'s publlcis Dave —Pierce. Chicago, 18-6, .750; Ford, Gibson and -Norris returned to Norris and Gibson arrived in BABE ‘BBIGHTER’ runs in 66 innings. Egan ceportal A doubleheader La- graves the calwiers who payed \Vhil'*i#‘ll. SS-, ... 3 2 (i 0 0 High Trades latter club won the firat game JL ' Boston ...... 87 !)6 .545 U 'z 20-game winner. Newk, who has Simmone. 3b lino New York. 14-6. .737; Kucks. New Chicago last night after giving j Chicago not knowing of Roblnson’a Galveston, Tex., Aug. 28 (JPl— during the regular season 59-56 ----- — .j;. Detroit ...... 60 64 .484 16 'finished only one of his last four bor Day wdll highlight the'slate . .. the hit parade in aeperate seasohs. Smith, cf . 3 2 3 1 0 0 1York, 17-7, .708; Brewer, Boston, Robinson a deadline td meet "our decision Milwaukee's Big Four has won 23'- Howoff, 2b ...... 2114501 George Zaharias said last night Yesterday's Stars but the All - Stars came back to Sport Chatter Baltimore ...... V) 68 .447 23'j starts, left for s pinch-^tter be­ ("Purina, c ...... 20 1 2 0 0 116-7, .696; Sturdivant, New York offer." < •News to US* the condition of his famed athlete # Tailored Terms ' win the next 74-48. They b o t h i ‘ban Cleveland'a big i Washington :... 51 71 .418 211 cause of a tummy ache* in the McCurry. p ...... ,2011000 13-6, .684. Robinson had demanded 47H "Robinson’s decision is news to wife. Babe, was "much brighter ended with 7-1- won-lost records.__k.1. four. The iBrave.s quartet has Leading at Kan.ias p ty .... 41 82 .333 37 *2 sixth when Duke Snider hit his Huntinirton. lb .. ,.2016,000 ■us," said Gibson upon arrival in Pitobing—Don Beasent Dodgers picked up 57 victories—Bob Buhl Hansen. If ...... 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 and we are both hiqieful and look An All-Btsr win tonight will end I Tiicadav’s Schedule , homer, a two-run [.shot. pfT Cote, rf ...... 3 1.1 0 0 0 0 Chicago. "Jim and I had talked Ing for a better tomorrow." Mrs, —Shut off the Bravea on one hit and Lew Burdette, 16 each, Warren HIGH SCHOOL soccer candi- Kansas a ty 'at New York. 8:15;Gane Conley to start the Brook lessee to Gree^Yrin Players 1154 CHEVROLET 2-DOOR $1295 ‘ the series s'nd give them both dates will practice-tonight atrt 6:30 Salem, N. sH.-r-Apprentice Carl about it on our wa^ to Chicago Zaharias has been fighting cancer over the laat four Innings in re­ , crowns for the Mcond year run­ Spahn 15 and Ray Crone, 10. The Dltmar ) 10-17) or Kellner Total! ...... 23 *6 ”5 18 *g "o 3 and noiy we'll make It a point to Radio, heater. Indians' pitching foursome has 56 at Mt. Nebo. Coach Dick Daniel­ Landers still is the leading rider, P^”'- Police Fire (t) Hohenthal Paces All Scorers in John Sealy Hospital here. She lief of Don Newcomba while ning. son reports that the boolei-s ■will .ff.t. ,.-^..1.1 „r >(.„ D 11 u )(7-4) Vs. Turley )7-’3l. Robinson's double and a single At First Pryi^tice on SepL 4 ah r h po a r rb! negotiate with Glaser tomorrow was reported losing ground, but All-Slar. )fiS) triumphs—Bob Lemon- 17, Barly after five \i eeks of the Rockingham I Cleveland at Baltimore, 8 p.rii.— 1 bv Sandy Anioros tied it in the K. Burnett, cf . . 2 0 1 2 0 0 0 (Tuesday)." yesterday Zaharias said "We are Brooklyn battlad back for M vio- R Wynn 15. Herb Score 14 and Mike woyk out every night this week May. 2b ...... 2 0 1 0 0 0 0 1954 PLYMOUTH CONVERTIBLE K P I . meeting, with 28 trips to the prom-j Gai-ciif (10-11) vs Moore (10-6). : seventh.' Then came the eighth Connollv. te ...... 1 1 0 I 2 0 .0 Gibson said Glaser had con­ very encouraged on her condition toiy that trimmed MUwaukae’s , Bar)iard, t . . 1 0-2 2 Garcia, 10. , ■ ' and that the players will select iaed land, but veterans 'L arry' Chicago at Washington (2), 6 prjand Conley's fifth straight losing Hartford, Aug. 28-yfrinlty Col-I Nlness used hts right end posi- ,, 2 1 1 2 0 0 1 In Rec Outdoor Cag£ League lead to two games. Radio, heater. Like neu! l>.('onraii, t ,. , D !-2 M the- preferred time at tonight’s M Potter lb ,,, tacted Norris after Norris had today.'* I Burlc, ) ... . 4 OOx—6 1954 CHEVROLET 4-DOOR ■ (ilonnry. f . .1 7-11 ja League playoffs at Robertson Cleveland 5, Washington 2 (night) It was Conle.v'a hesitancy on ....n'l. tu> nn d.nt 4 Jessee has Adopted his usual p A T ...... 001 010—2 ■ ((•rznit, f ■.... 1 0-0 »> during the Babe Ruth era, safd: Park. Ralph Tyler and Don Cowles four weeks ot the meeting. . .River Mason . ‘ not-overly optimistic attitude for 2B. Simmone. Pmiih. Churilla: FIR. above the rest of the ranking clr- Store, which dropped Us first aisp ' Bolllnshlri. f . 5 ' 10 1 Only game .scheduled *. Carl Furillo's chopper In the M Polt#*r DP Howrii .*» M 11 while John O’Neil emd Tyler will Kansas City at New York, 2 p.m. sponsible for his' eighth defeat in Scnilon 3. Mrt'urrv 10;,SO. Scruton 8. l-owd. g ...... S 0-0 6 Nobody ever hit q ball like the handle Friday’s tilt.' Next week's among the ow-ners, with River Di­ elude 11 letterinen. will have onI> , center Ray Aramlni. it does Mccnirry 1; PB. T. Potti'r 2. Churilla All-Stars poured In 157 points In one-night high scoring mark, ram- illS^ MERCURY 4-DOOR Motlarty, g ., ...2 (VI 4 Babe, aftd nobody ever will. Now Cleveland at BaUi'more.sU p.m. 15 decisions. With runners on 25 days in which to prepare for „ though he has a case. 1: U. Vacantl. l^Roeat 8c«rer, C. WU- seven, games to sport the oiily 20 33 points. The Urgest slate: MondayCowies and Thorpe; vide having saddled eighf winners Chicago at Washington, 2 p.m. third and first. Conley seemed, to If liama. Radio, healer. Nice 2-tone, ■ Total* ...... TT t ‘i i Wednesday-Thorpe .and O’Neil; and Dario seven. . .Bil| Rodgers the opener with WUliams. set for sophomores don’t co m e point-plus mark- team output in one conteat was 95 Detroib at Boston, 2 p.m, be considering a doubleplay after 2 p.m. on the home field on Sept and Friday-Tyler and Cowles. still leads the t-rqiners 'vvith eleven fielding Furillo’s bouncer, ,but in, through," says the dean df New Hohenthal's winning perform­ points racked up by the Wert 1953 CHEVROLET 4-DOOR $1095 victories, with Rmlie Shepp trail­ stead retired Junior Gilliam lit a 29. Ehigland coaches, "then Trinity is Scliack Paces Win ance netted him the league scor­ Sides against th'e High School. The I I ri|— ing three liehind Him. ! rundown )>etween -third and home. Lead Returning Vet* , going^to be out in leftfleld."'. ing crown for the seconiTconsecu­ same team also had the dubious Brothers RaiUo, heater, power glide. >. p " HAMILTON HTANUAKI) and Josie’s .Soda Shop meet in an ex­ Peter Fuller,,son of former (5ov. Pre.s*idenl’s Cup I Then came the pass to.-Robbie I*esdlng the parade of returning . May Play Sophomore* tive year. honor of the lowest score In one —w-ho looked like the Jackitf of veterans, who In. the opener will j Til* possibility exists, sa y 'le s­ Over Sp. Marv’s Best-of-Three Merles game, netting only 21 against the 1 hibition koftball game Thur.sday Alyan T. Fuller of Massachusetts Won seek to esUblish a new all-time 'The regular schedule ended 1952 CHEVROLET, CLI|B COUPE night ‘ at 8 ojcloek at Robertson I 2V A 1lll*phy I bid scoringSCO from first on Campy's see, that the Bantams may field as Rainbow. waoodftm I land summer reyjdent of Rye Beach, Trinity winning record, are the co- Thursday with the All-Stars and Park. Either fireballer Ted Kach- i N. H.. has been* splitting his string single - when the outfield throw many as six sophomores in their Standings Coach Wimpy WUson’a All- Radio, heater. captains,. halfback George Kel- W L Pet. Rainbow Club tied for first place. Stars averaged 74.4 points per lANCHESTER . nowski or Charlie Hayes will 'pitch I of thoroughbreds with representa- President's Cup chnmplori at went to second, starting lineup. If this does prove A best twro-of-three‘ series be­ for the visitors) while Lenhy Ru* the Mancliesler Country Club for Ch'cn Carraaquel drove in three leher from Springfield, Maas., and to be the case, then it appears North Methodist ---- 11 1 .917 game to'rank an easy first in that ' lives at^ Sarato'ga. Atlantic CU.v. end Sam Nlness from Bryn Mawr, Emanuel Lutheran- 11 2 .846 tween the ' two clubs started last 1953 WILLYS 4-DOOR bacha or John O’Coin will be on and the old Rock. . .Headed by Ihc 1956 season is the Rev! Everett , runs with to homera for the Tribe , that ilessee is truly warranted’ In department. The lowest average Pa< ' , Temple Beth ...... 7 6 .583 night at ijhe Wfat Side outdoor offensive output was a -39.3 mark Radio,- heater. -ij the mound for Jhe host Soda,Shop I ocU'rock they Will all be here f6r Murphv. The latter defeated Cliff another after doubling. calling this ■"a year of rebuilding’’ cdurt to determine both- the regu­ LABOR DAT nine. Josie’s have also entered the Brvant in the 36-hole finals by a Colavito .aHw hfimer«|d his Last year, playing in a back-, O nter Congos ..... 6 5 .545 recorded by- the Reff and 'White. the four final weeks of the meet­ field which Included Trinity’s two for Trinity. i 5 8 .385 lar season and playoff champion. DovaleUe' Toumamem which 3 and 2 score second place Indiana. He summed it up this v^ay: "Our Community Baptist The same team also registered the 1952 PLYM OUTH 4-DOOR ing. . .Another of the popular „ ^ ' . -g , 1 U ' more within seven gamea of departed greats, Charlie Sticka St; Mary's ...... 5 9 .367 Three teams—the All-Stiua. worst defensive mark, allowing starts Sunday, Sept. 9 in East marathon handicaps, this one at a big. loss this year is experience; Hartford. Bryant held a tvyo-sti oke lead ^ thfe New York Yanjjees Lemon, and liobby Alexander, Kelleher Allied Printing .... 3 10 .231 Rainbow and. West Slders—-placed 73.4 markers a game. The stand­ Radio, heater. inlle anrl a half, 'will he run on at. the end of 18 holes but the winning his 17lh- of the season, more than held his own when he oui big asMt. depth. Only time cqn '•'2 10 jl87 thriee men each among the top 11 SPECIALS! Finast ...... out defensive (:lub waa. BAinboliF Wednesday aa one of the features neiy champion came shack xtrong g«ve eight hllq. and walked horns ground out S85 yards In 76 carries tell which will be the determining scorers. Arthur Drug Store had with a fine 39.7 average. 'S3 OLDSMOMLE '55 Chevrolet '54CHEVROLn 1552 C H EV R O LET 2-DOOR OTAKTINO TL8IES - for ail of the mid-week card, while still lo win the first four holes m the uneamod nin in the eighth, (5.6). scored six times and booted fatcor In our final won-Io*t rec­ , Paced , by Ron Scheck’s hasea- two players in the rankings while 3- Door Drtiay. Vinyl to- Alumni LUague contests have been ord. “88" Hardtop. Radio, heat­ 219 t-Door. Radio, heater, Radio, heater. another at the same distance is afternoon round and went on to The big righthander now la even 19 extra polnU In 24 attempU. loaded home run in the firet in­ Manchester High School failed to powder bine. Low mile- terlor, ex cel lent rubber,. changed to 5:30 while the Church victory. 1 with Milwaukee's Warren Spahn have a perfdrmer listed. er. hydramatlc, wUto wall Softball' League will begin all carded for Saturday. ning Allied Printing .upiended St. tlrea. S-toae pabit. Eni-oute to the title. Mr. Mur-■ In the race to see who’ll be'the' 1 1 ■ The scoring averages were Qualifying Starts SSS?' $1195 1551 C H EVR O LET 4-DOOR . $555 games promptly at 6:15 for the PRO-AM WINNERS pUy defeated Andy "F'errelra, Bud ! first to join the 200-victory circle. W ry’a 14-8 last night in a church Immaculate r r $1595 balance of the summer. based on playera competing in at 1- . ^ . . - J 1 4 9 5 RsmBo, heater, power glide. WUley, Leon Terry and Leonard - But the Bravek' southpaw is Softball League,) contest at Rob­ least five circuit games, while foul In Amateur Golf ■S3UNCOU4 •'Cromwell. Aug. 27 (/P) ProMOd Giglio. Brvant reached the payoff j*cheduled to go again tonight, ertson , Park. The winners scored shooting marks were based on at r t FORD CkM>rl Ceavcftlbla. A«to- The. firat major league team to Kowalski and amateur Ben Lewon riteid after eliminating Bill Phe- [ shooting for his 199th opposing in every inning except the -second least 15 free throa-s. Elach club New York. Aug. 28 (AP)—More 4-Door. Excellent black 1555 CHEVROLET 2-DOOR $455 train milside 'the United States . of Edgewood won the Connecticut la^-Ted Plodsik, Paul Jesartls and • PitUburgh. played eight contests. '50 PONTIAC and fifth in rolling to win No. 3 than 1.SS0 golfers, hope high in all finish, completely power, radio, hsater. Bean- l2adlo. beater. waa the New York Yahkees who ;iState (Golf Assn. Pi-o-Amateur ,Sher Ferguson. Tall and rangy Buzz Keeney, 3-Door Sedanette. Radio, equipped. $495 tifni gna ssatal gioy fto- performed their chores in Bermu- 1 Tournament yesterday with a best te x p a rt of the summer. The Saints fought who started the season off slow their hearts, swarmed down oh heater, hydramatlc. An tsh, ex Be Heat Sap. te sthsr 1555 ELYM OUTH 2-DOOR $445 da in 1911. ball score of 65. six under par. Name Sehioputie back with seven tallies in the last but ended with a burst, copped courses around the country today exceptional ^ four Innings but were unable to second place average-wise with, a for the qualifying rounds of the. value At '55 FORD SS'Siter $1495 Radio, beater. 17 point mark. The West Sides' Sport Schedule T4> Coaching Job W a tc h overtake the PrinUra. center was trailed by Dave Bo­ National Amateur Tournament Cuetpm S-Doer Economy 'SO MERCURY Two gamea are on tap tonight. land (16.9) and his Rainbow Club When ii ia all over the record '50 CHEVROLET “8",' Fordoaantic, radle,,, 1551 FORD VS FORDOR $445 Emanuel Lutheran clashes with heater. One 4- Doar Sedan. Ovatdrlva, Read how FLEISCHM AHfd Meriden, Aug. 28 (AP)—The teammate, Kenney Lowd, who entry of 1,612 will be cut down to 2- Deor Special De Luxe. radio, heater, Tonight First National Stores at Robert­ sported a 15.4 mark. Radio, beater, power glide, Radio,' heater. I appointments of Joseph Schlopucle 200 who will Compete in the all­ lubhar. H m A. A I vs P A f T 5:30-Chsrter I as head coach of |baseball and baa- son Park and Center Congoi en­ Vlnny Kohen’a 16.7* average match play toumameni. at the excellent rubber. mileage. $1695 higher Proof gives you ' R a p a i r s ... gage Temple Beth at Charter Oak tpeelal af 1555 NASH RAMBLER STA. WAQON $1655 WE WILL BE CLOSED Oak'Park. ketball at Wilcox Tech, and Floyd and West Sides teammate Bruce KnoUwood Club at Lake Foreat, $ 3 9 5 $395 Lutherans vs Finast, 6;15,Rob- E. Brapkley as faculty manager of Park. Both conteats will- start Smith’s 12-point mark were S4uud- HI.. Sept. 10-.15. '4f CHEVROLET the day. Radio, heater: Like new! enjoyment at less cost! ertson Park. athletics at Meriden High School promptly at 6:15. wirhed around Norm Burke (All- Only nine of the 200 spots go at Riodarat* costi AIIM rriaUaz <141 Stars) a-bo netted 98 points in ConrertlMe. New top. Ra­ '4f FORD Cong os vs Temple Beth, 6:15- were, announced here last nlghL i AB R II ro A B to exempt players. Those who ■S3 OLDSKIOMLE dio, heatef, 3-Daar. Radio. Charter Oak Park. R. Roy. r( ...... » J 3 1 0 1 seven games for an average of don't have to go against the 1554 PLYM OUTH 4-DOOR $1155 You’re sure to get extra enjoyment w hen you Schlopucle, 29, currently serv­ Stock.. » h ...... 5 1 3 2 1 0 14 per game. Super “88" 4-Dour Sedan. Hero’s a lot sf SATURDAY, SEPT. 1 \Vedne«dtt,v. Aug. 39 ing as athletic director of the If your watch la aluggish ft prob­ Peultn. 2b ...... S 4 4 3 2 0 crowd are defending champion Tw o-tone paint white waU £2” " “ $295 Radio, keater. buy extrs-Proof Mliiskey, For -P roor’ tells Softball Playoffs, 8;30-Robert- ■ Four other players—Jim Glen­ Harvie Ward; former amateur '|i ' Meriden Boys’ Club. wU named ably can stand a summer check­ Knox, ...... I 1 3 1 3 I ney, Ron Custer. Ed Lynn and Jim tireo, hydramatlc. radle $ i w ' you a whiskey’s "strength.” Todsy,.^most son Park. after word was received from up. You will find our workman­ Kulilmenn If...... 4 3 2 .4 0 0 championa Charlie 0>e, Dick and heater. ■S4 MERCURY hlends -are no more than 86 Proof. But Baptists vs Meth()diBts, 6:16- 1 ship excellent and our prices rea- Scliack. lb ...... 3 1 3 6 0 0 Barnard—were the only other per­ Oiapman, Willie Tumesa a n d 1552 FORD VICTORIA $SiB5 To Give Our Employes Ralph T. Conlon Jr. of New York, Krafjack, c ...... 4 0 1 0 0 0 formers to have a 10-point-or- Aetealat Hardtop. Leather Interior, ■4S HUDSON Fleischmann’s is a foil 90 Proof! lliis means Robertson Park. appointed earlier this month, that sonable. 'Bring your watch in for B Roy. cf 4 -1 1 2 0 0 CSiick Evans; former British Ama­ lUdlot heater. Thursda.v, Aug. SO an eatimate—without charge.- of Pierce p ...... :...... 4 0 0 I 1 0 more average. They had marks of teur champions Bob- Sweeny and two-tone paint white wall <.Dm , a — — •*•. that you gel more flavor—more enjoy inejit he no longer was interested, 11.9, 11.9, 11.1 and ll, respective- '45 FORD tires. In top coadUlon In- E m u —I I— r. Long Holiday Weekend A A I vs Naasiffs, 6:30-Chsrler Brackley succeeds the late Bern­ course. ' Tolel* ...... M 14 U 2l *6 ~2 Joe Conrad; pubUc llnka champion in every drink. Oak Park. , St. Mary'i (t) ly- Junie Buxbaum and junior ama­ V-8 3-Door. ard N. Sprafke, - who died last AB R H PO A K AI Surowlec, a consistently good teur champion Harlan Stevenson. $ 75 o n t $ 179 5 s r j r * $145 Proof determines the amount 'qj' taxes col­ Friday, Aug. SI . week. O'Dell, p ...... 3 1 I 0 4 0 foul shooter, kept up his phenom­ lected by the r . S. Government on’ wi)iskies. Softball PUyoffs, 8:30-Robert, Kilby. 21) ...... 2 0 1 0 0 1 Thirty-two, spots already have son Park. Me.r.h-ll, If .... .'...... 4 0 1 1 0 0 enal . shooting from th e free And although Fleischmanii pays $1.0.’l more LONGEST STREAK Tyler, 3h ...... throw line, netting 13 .but of ]15 been filled In the three qualifying Roblnaon. lb ... rounds already played. Last weeu per case'lhan 86 Proof hlends, Fleischmann's Washihgton tNEAi'— JUhmy Corty. c ...... tries to win that crown. Two mem­ Soo, Philadelphia lightweight, lislu lAiwrence as ... bers of the '‘‘best foul shooting In San Francisco, five players CARTER itM/i vou /e.M than many brands of lower the longest current ixfinning atreak Brown, cf ...... team, Boland and Glenney made it Including Ken Venturi and Proof. Try Fleischmann's—you’ll agree (hat Last Night's Fights in boxing when he tackles Baby 9S8 Main 81., Maacheater Wlckwlre. rf ... Rainbow, were -aecond and third former Walker Cupper Johnny MORIARTY BROTHERS BUILDINC MATERIALS Scbeller. 3b .... it's llie best blended uhisiry value in America! 'Vasques In Washington, Aug. 31. Auden cf ...... 'With respective marks of 70.4 and Xlawson. ■ ■*..«.*■** aavBMisMW '. '' DeMerchenI, rfj Yesterday, the Chicago area UNCOLN-MiRCURY Buy a bottle—todsyl v . - LUMBER FUEL LAST NIGHTS UGHTS Klnzebury. rf ., 70.2. Surowiec’s average was an CKVROLET CO., INC. New York Jen y L^Wee, 16514, , ' ,\LL;BREO SHOW T# excellent 86.7. qualified 24, headed by Bemie Purchase. N. Y.(NEIA) -BSght ToUla-...... 34 3 13 31 n 3 Beet Wtaalag Streak Kats’ 72-71—148, and the three 301-315 CENTER STw—TEL Ml 3-5135 PPHII jj4aw Haven, Conn., stopped Bob Allied ...... 402 602 1—14 Northwest berths were filled at Ui|m I Cor Display ond Soks ' M.07 I ^2.56 ■ 3.36 NORTH MAIN STREET TEL. MI 9-5253 1 Provizzl, Brooklyn, six. previous champions Will be b ro u ^ t The Known Nam*. The Known Quality Since 1900 St Mary'a 100)311 3— I The longest - winning etreak-r-: ’ , I r,. , ^ 7 90 PNOOf ■ I Tyler, Tex - Roy Harris, 182. into the ring at the Weatebener 3B. Poulin. KUliImann. Tyler. Corey: five gamea—was racked up by tvto I^irtland. Ore. two of them went I St. TEL Ml 3-1200 4/0 Q u a rt | P in t , (GRAIN NEUTRAL SPIRITS Open Dailjf 7 A. M. to 5 P. M., Including Dog Show here, S-pt. 9. It ia the HR. Srtiack. Kuhimenn: LOB, Allied teams, the AU-Stara and Rain- to sx-WsIksr Cuppers B nics Cudd ; Cut 'n Shoot, Tex., outpointed 4. fit. Mary a I; BB. Pierce 3. O'Dell MANCHESTER Wednesday Afternoon! and Saturday Until Noon Owar Pharo. 195, Birmingham, targfwt one-day, all-breed dog rtMw bows. The U ttsr club won its firstand Dick Tost. THE FLEISCHMANN DISTIkUNC CORFORATIOHi NEW YORK CITY lAla..aO. , In the world.

r M

MANC3HESTER EVENINO HEBALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, AUGUST 28,1956 PAGE MANCHESTER EVENING flERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY,, AUGUST 28, 1956 PAGE TWELVE Baildlag Hitcrlsls 47 Houaehold Goods SI Apartnmto—Plato— i Ho'nto: For Salt 72 Sobniliaii For Sal* 75 SobartaB For Salt 7 i Help Wanted— Male 36 Article* For Sal*”' 45 THERE OUGHTA BE A LAW]; BY FAGALY and SHORTEN Help Wanted— Male 36 Auto Driving School 7-A Tanenenta •$ BOLTON— Attractive three year BOLTON LAKE—SJxcellent nsw sU HOT MIX ametiU, cruWied atona, EASY TERMS, REASDI'^ABLE NEAR MAIN ST. There’s a lot of Daniel Holds good living in this aix room older old three bedroom ranch with yssr ranch home. 88x26. 6 rooms, LARSON’S DRIVmO School, DUMP TRUCK driver wanted. Call atabilized atone, warted %xl0 Gadar Oaplloarda par M $170 3 YEARS TO PAY FIVE ROOM FLAT, 3nd floor, cen. full cellar, hot water heat. Alum­ Ciaisifkd YOUNG MAN . MORE TIME IF WANTED trolly located, newly decorated, home. Four rooms down and tw6 breeseway and garage. Full baae- Manchester' I only trained and Maurice French, PI. 2-7161. gravel, loam delivered. Nuaadorf. ment. Lot iQOxSOO. Immediate oc­ inum storm sash and doors. Shade a2ACious,iui&iNaf. 'IIAh; last Time HE 1 / •niEKSEHVl '^HE Mahogany Paa.Ung, ...p «r M $190 middle-aged couple, no children. up. Price $9,600, Madeline Smith, certiUed instructor. For yoiy9Ur safe- MI. 9-7408. ____ A WHOLE HOUSE cupancy. Price $13,900. Mbdeline trees. Large lot. Beach prtvUeges. he So GUESS WHERE rtnaltTANOMtr OPPORTUNITIES MI. 9-0665. Realtor. Ml. 9-1643. ty w'eif't are traltrained to teacH proper* THAT'S THITHiKO TOOH ME OUT AU ' MEN FOR tomato picking. Full or jnaulaUd Sheathing OF FURNITURE Smith, Realtor. ML 9-1943. Owner moving west. A real good Margin in Texd§. iMvertisement HE TOOK HER MEALS IN TOWN here.' FOR ADVANCEMENT SALE WALLPAPER, room Iota ly. MI.Ml. »-«075.K078.______/ HtLPlS&.'OONTVOU^ SOUGHT ME WAS A part time. Furnish own transpor­ Board 4xB, ...... per M $U0 FOR ONLY $488 MANCHESTER—Just listed. New buy St $16,000..'Howard R. Hast- . CLASSIFIED ADVT. HAVE A RATE HOrOOGriNfARU/ TONIGHT.'VOJ 'SMATTA.ANGTTVOO TO MANAGER tation. MI. 9-7626. $2.49 first bundle, each additional ON THE EASIEST TERMS inip, Realtor. Ml. 6-1107 any time. MANCHESTElt’S '~'bJdeit,t most High School area. Cuatom built ROCKVILLE With gastric fTARVIOffM NOr„ n u t o ! DON'T bOOK SO bundle U. Sherwin Williams, 981 Canadian Framing and Sheath­ IN THE WORLD Boaineaa Locatioiia (CJaaMaaod a)' DEPT. HOURS recommended auto school, always 1953. Six room garrison colossi IDHlOHTT ’ TAKING ANV GOOD.' -GOOD SALARY EXPERIENCED Main St. ing (Uuck load) ...... per M $98 Por Rent 64 with reception hall, fireplace, Eight room single. Four bed­ FOUR ROOM Cape Cod, breeze- School Bond Issue ready to serve you. Will gladly 3 COMPLETE way, garage, fiteplace, near BOl- 8:15 A. M. to 4:30 P. M. ■ CHANCES.' VACATION FOUR ONLY MobUealre 4020 R(X)MS OF BRAND NEW bath, lavatory, matter bedroom, rooms; Dan, sunporch. All City Accept^ by District 8 nomination. HutekaMB V H M tr meet you personally to talk over GRILL MAN WANTED 94" InmUation per M $18 ten Laka. 110,500. m . $-4551. would be named to oppeae Taa*, FREE INSURANCE deluxe fans. 4,000 cu. ft. per mta- FURNITURE OFFICE SUITE. Suitable for attor­ good closets, garage, recreation cenvenisnees. DlrscUy on bus your driving problem. Manchester ney, doctor, architect, realty and borough in the ganornl eleeUMi to --. COPY CLOSING TIME bnving Academy. Dial PI. 2-724B. Hours 10:30 - 7:30 ute. Reg. 379.95. Close out 359.96. Mo. 1—16" Rod Oedar Prime Baautiful Weatinghouae Electric room, shingled exterior, plastered line. <3(Md condition. Immedi- Andover, Aug, 38 (Bpeclall Barstow’s. MI. 9-7234. Inourance or photography. Excel­ Interior, redecorated and repalht- St# occupancy, $13,500. —The way was cleared today November. > ' ' FOR CLASSIFIED ADVT. Apply . Shakes, ...... per M $13.96 Refrigarator '' lent location. Rental $75 monthly. Wanted— Real Bitate 77 Win or lose, Yarbarouffh a to fto . Good working conditions L Blond Bedroom Suite ed. $17^00. Excluotvs with this for the Regional District Board LYNN, POULTRY FARMS NEW WEBCORE tape recorder, - Slain Grade Doors .. from $6.90 Cali MI. 6-1680 or MI. 6-8549. agency. Not listed or subltsted LISTINGS WANTED-Slngle, two- an amaxing comeback, la tItotoMtr’ MON. THRU FRI. Motorcycles— Bicycles 11 K Handsome Living Room Suita GEORGE J. COLEMAN of Education to complete con­ primary Jujy 28, with ^ 6*a^' Excellent pay model 2010. Will sacrifice for. quick Heat-Proof Dinette Set -with other brokers. Escott Agen­ family three-family, businesa tract negotiations with the J. F. 10:30 A. M. sale. Cash or terms. Ml. 9-0980. Wood-Gutter 4x6 atid 4x6— cy. MI. 9-768$. property. Have many caah buyers. dates, he trailed Daniel by 1C0.4W' . MANCHEISTER Cycle Company on 505/MAlN STREET Beautiful "De Luxe" Range BUSINESS OR offics locaUcm, 474 TR. 6-4045 Nason Co., WUlimantic, for CONTACT as la - ...... lln. It. 46c Main St., ground floor. Three Mortgages arranged. Please call lL.- : SATURDAY 9 A. M. 168 V.'est Middle “I^kc., repairs a GAS RANGE heater, combination, Instead of Weatinghouse Electric MANCHESTER — Eight room construction of a sqf^ondary Incumbent Gov. Allaa IMvMP, all makes, specializing in English. JACK Wa ara abla handlara of davslop- Refrigerator If You Prefer Rugs rooms. ML 9-5239. ML 3-7444. George L. Grasladio, Realtor, ML school In Hebron to serve the 345. Servel refrigerator, 345. Dutch colonial plus 3-car gariwe. T R . 5-4710 9-5878, 109 Henry 8L did not seek reelectlon. ro cit COOPERATION WILL Buys used bicvcies, all sizes. WANTED — Men for rugged mill Swedish maple breakfast set, 3M. menta. Our quantity prlcaa ara our Lamps, Tables, Linoleum And Nice (XHidiUon, Excellent location. S-t(nvn district whi(di also in­ Hours 8-6,p.m. MI. 9-2096. work and truck helpers. Steady AT A Few Other Articles. Yarborough worken havp toa> BE APPRECIATED Wine rug and pad, 335. Four, paira proof. FOR RENT—Smell offics. Ststc Price reduced for fait oale. For VERNON—Ranch. 6M1 rooms with ARE YOU OONSIDBRING cludes Andover and Marl­ cated they plan to ehaUsng* a & employment and benefits. Start­ EVERYTHINO ‘ full Information call the Ellsworth attached garage. Full cellar. Oil SELLING YOUR PROPERTY? borough. ing rate $1-40, rapid advancement. JACK’S COFFEE SHOP drapes, 318. Call MI. 3-5668. Theater Building. See manager. queatlonable ballota. ▲ chanM NATIONAL l u m b e r . INC, ONLY $488 Mitten Agency, Realtors. MI. hot water heaL Lot 90x300. Resi­ Wo Will appraise your property Chairman John Yeomana .and" (me per cant of the 1*1- BOY'S 22" Columbia bicycle. In Contact R. Kristoff, 10 Apel PI., PICKET FENCING, approximately 8-69M or Mrs. Meyer; Ml. 9-6634. dential aecUon. Gaston Realty, Dial Ml 3-5121 good condition;! MI. 9-4840. MI. 3-526*2 or MI. 9-8075 Free storage until wanted. Free free and without any obligation. Stephen Dej^am, treasurer, loU in thc^uetin a ttor^ e toveff Manchester. Central Conn. Co-op. 80 feet, 3',i feet high. In sections. $61 STATE STREET delivery. For Rent 65 166 School St. MI 6-8731; eve­ We also buy property for cash. 80x36 SIX ROOM ranch, six years acting for the board accepted a would defeat Daniel eewUy. Complete with gates. 4x4 posts. ' NORTH HAVEN, CONN. Free get-up by our own reliable nings, MI ■•7466. Selling or buying contact L.. SIX RO016 fumlahqd home In Bol­ old, 36’ living ttxkm, 38* master low bid ot 3.40 per cent interest Likea ts Bids TRUCK DRIVER, dump trUck. age Also 30' wire fencing, four feet men.' STANLEY BRAY,^ Realtor on the $1,950,000 school con­ Business Services Offered Kl 25-35. Experienced only. 11.75 Salesmen Wanted 36-A high cedar posts. Call MI. 3-4982. Tal. CHastnut 6-3147 ton. Available from Sept. 15 bedroom, $10,500; also large five VERNON, Box Mountain Drive BRAE-BURN RfcALTY Daniel’s calmneai under fir* la Lost and Foond 1 Phone For Appointment through June 15. Phone MI. 3-7133, room ranch $9,000. Both on lot struction bond Issue with a almost legendary. He likes iwfWnff hourly. Apply at Tlthmas Colls See It Day Or Night 1955 custom buUt three bedroom XG. $-6373. CLEAN AND paint those gutters Co., 251 Broad St. 350x270, to be soIdJtogeUier. Both ranch. fuU basement Ftreplgce, premium of $4,300 from' a better tben to hide rntny efi Ma LOST—Wira Haired Terrier, white now. Avoid costly repairs later ^ SALESMAN Hartford CH. 7-0358 SEVEN R(X)M house. Hot water syndicate headed by the Harris with brown and black spots, long PEAT HUMUS, shredded. Excel­ are in excellent condition. Carlton dining area in Uving room ' and THIS AGENCY needs Cape Cod, 3,1100-aere ranch near Uhertyae Ml. 3-1883. lent soil conditioner. MI. 8-6515, After 7 P.M .-CH . 6-4690 oil heat. Near bus, $lia monthly, W. Hutchins. MI. 9-5133, 9-4694. Trust Savings Bank of New Tex., and hunt and todu^And a hair. MI, 9-5727, By one of the world's leading Garden—-Fanil— 'Dairy kitchen. Tile baUi wiUi vanity. 4-5-6 and 7 room alngles and 3- A—L - B —E—R—T— 'S MI. 8-4369. ^''BaaaboaYd hot water-oil heat. She- famUy houses. Buyers waiting. York. Sunday aftarnoon drive 01# ACE DOALL SERVICE. Will do ’ TUmMl Io '" life inafhrance companies. KELVINATOR refrigerator. Elec­ PrOducta ' 50 MANCHESTER —Buckland Area. Theubid was put in by Hart­ LOST—PASS BOOK No. S.S.2719. any general cleanup and handy Teaching, aalea or executive 43-45 ALLYN ST.. HARTFORD haust fan with hood. Breeseway, Howard R. Hastings, Realtor. family U a favorite r Notice is hereby given that Pass W' SUSAfJ DRILL PRESS tromaster stove and Chlckering Six room older colonial. Possi­ Garage. Elscott, excluoive agent. Cau XQ. 9-llOT any Ume. ford representative H< - This isn't- exactly — work. Rubbish removal, cellar training helpful. Ages 25-45. piano. MI.' 3-8771. PEACHES AND pears are now MOVING OUT OF sUte. Will sell Wajited To,R^nt 68 bility of five bedrooms. AttracUvs ^ k No. S.S 2719, issued by The cleaning, lawn mowiM etc. Very MX 9-7683. man. firmly fixed in the mtnto «AN OPERATOR First year salary, commission - ready at Botti Farm, 360 Bush electric stove, washing machine, modernised kitchen. IH baths. WANTED—A single or two-family Savings Bank of Manchester has reasonable, 'Phone MI. 9-9817 or and bonus 5 ■ 10 thousand dol­ TWO PAIRS double hung garage, Bida'^Were opened In the of­ pushers, gamblers, 'peepISg Hill Rd. sofa, chairs, lamps, etc. Good ADULT BUSINESS couple with nO Fenced In yard. Two-car garage. STAFFORD HOLLOW hous^ clooe to bus line. Write waste natural gaa, or affwoMe* eC been loot and application has been i j.'si'gi'' Experienced operator re­ lars. doors, 8x8. Reasonable, MI. Near school and on bus line. fice of Day, Berry A Howard, made to said bank for payment of buys. MI. 9-5663. children desire three or four room Box D, Herald. strong faderel goeemaint wlia quired to set up and o|$- For Interview Phone 3-4727. FARMERS MARKET, Sit East unfurnished apartment. Very re­ $14,400. Clifford Hanson snd Co. bonding attorneys. the Amount of deposit. AN'HQUEIS Refinlshed. Repairing erate r any part of the real e^ te ELECTRICAL SERVICE—Wiring St., Mrs. Glidden. FIX)OR FURNACE. Saw rig table. your freezer. Pick your own. POWER tO Olji! ReasooaUe. Call quested. Call MI. 9-9349 after 6 ancient reconU to back up Texas* pentry, alterations and additions, Experienced In w irii« and solder­ Young man needed to wire, Olsen, Coventry. PI, 2-7563. 3-6561. as per a^iriKAtion on file more fully repairs, insulations, oil burners ceilings. Workmanship guaran­ c 6 m p a n y 1953 Nash. PI. 2-7211. MI. 9-3449 after 8 p.m. p.m. TR. 5-5042 TPC Hearing elaimi to the tidelaoda. AnBoanccmcnU ing of resistors, condensors snd solder, and asaemble elec, , **^tDERED: That said applicaUon he electrics motors. Kenneth Lacoss teed. A. A. Dion, Inc., 299 Autumn components, simUsr to radio WANTED—Saleslady. 10 s.m.-8 p. Daniel, who la 46, once eeld he’4 Electrician. PI. 2-6388 after 6. m. Apply Holland Candy Kitchen tronic components, inter­ In the growing carbide cutting LOVELY OLD OX YOKE for your ONE 8" ATLAS table saw with ex- WANTED — Two or three room MANCHESTER heard and determined at tbs Probate 'rather be governor of Texas thojl HEMSTITCHING —Rug weaving St. MI. 3-4860. chassis assembUea. Excellent work­ esting and diversified Household Goods SI tenaions. One 10” swing saw. One apartment; first floor. Call XQ. ANDOVER — Six rOom Cape Cod Office. In Coventry. In said district, mi Two of tkree proposed sane and embroidery. Mrs. Elliott, 75 ing conditions. after 6 p.m. tool industry we need experienced bam, garage or recreation room. GREEN MANOR the Sth day of September. A.D. ItM. President He will resign Wa ten* POWER AND band mowers sharp­ work. Day shift. machine operators and other types Excellent concUtion. Reasonable, 6’.’ Jointer. One floor model Delta 9-4754. with dormers, bath, lavatory, at­ at ten o'clock In the forenoon, and that changes ran into opposition last ate seat if he wins the IM n oen tl* Hepry St. MI. 3-7632. Six room ranch with attached public notice be given of the pendency ened. Air-cooled engines repaired. Roofing and Chimneys 16-A SALESGIRL—full or part time. of industrial personnel. Male and MI. 9-4536. ANTIQUB f u r n it u r e , silver, shaper. One Homecraft Delta tached garage, ameaite driveway. night at a Town PlAnnlng Ooi i- nomination and tho general olec« Pick up snd delivery. All work Interviews Being Held Chain store experience preferred. glass, elilna. and used furniture shaper with cutters. One 3” Por- garage. Two minutes from bus. Many extras. Large Lot. Main of said applicaUon and the time and female. If you want a good Job ap­ Immediate occupancy. Priced for place of hearing thereon, by pubiishlng mlaaion public hearing In the Mu­ Uon Nov. • At any rate, he he* guaranteed. Ideal Grinding Shop, ROOFING — Specializing m repair, See Mr. Keith at Keith's Variety, DRIVER - MESSENGER ply at office. bought and sold. Furniture Repair ter-caple belt' sender. One wood Rouaea For Sale 72 Highway. September 1 occupancy. a copy ot this order-one time in some Personals Monday - Wednesday - Friday quick sale, newspaper having a circulaUon In said nicipal Building. said, he dose not pUn to be a can* 2 n Adams. Phone MI, 9-3120 ing roofs of all kinds. A so new Depot ^uare. PIANO AND T V. for sale. CaU Ser^ce. Ml. 3-7449. lathe. Phone PI. 2-6695. Excellent condition. Escott Agen­ dldate to succeed himaelf la the 3-3979. To deliver and pick up mail MI. 9-3794. EAST CENTER ST. —Suitable for cy, ML 9-7683. DIstriciT and by posting a copy thereof WANTED—Ride to Pra|lt * Whit­ roofs. Gutter work. Chimneys y p . M.-4:30 P. M. SIX ROOM COLONIAL on the public slgnMiost In the Tojns ot The TPC did not Uke action on Senate. CAPABLE WOMAN to care for and small parcels, assist In USED HOTPOINT electric range, otflcb and home. Ten rooms, Coventry In said District, at leoir ten any of the aone-change requeats ney’s. 3rd shift, from Sb. Main St. cleaned, rraaired, 26 years’ ex­ packing and stock room. NELCO TOOL CO., INC. He was elccbed three ttmee t o ’ COMPLETE REPAIRS by Stuart perience. Free estimates. CaU semi-invalid. Stay nights. Man­ Black^pne dryer, sewing ma­ Mostcal Instrainjpnta 58 steam heat,, oil, fireplace two Nice residential area. With ga­ VERNON—Excellent new 5 4 ‘ room days before said diyr of hearing. nor on' cither of two proposed lin. 9-9425. R. Wolcott on wringer and auto­ chester. PI. 2-6803, Must have driver's license. 266 Center St., Pine St. entrance Boats and Acesaaories 46 chine, wringer washers, vacuum bathrooms two-car garage, large rage. Nicely landscaped. three bedroom ranch. Easily fi­ ELMORE TURKINGTON, Judge. the Texas legislature— 1922 Howley. Manchester Ml. S-536L GRAY MANUFACTURING .1 « , GULBRANSEN direct blow ma­ building line alterations in sn ex- through 1942. And in 1942, at the matic washing machines, electric Day ahift. cleaners. ABC Appliance, ’ 21 lot. Ample parking. Mortgages ar­ nanced, G.I, or F.H.A. Completely AT A COURT or PROBATE held at WANTED—Riders to Aircraft. VI- ranges, vacuum cleaners, motors ------^— ------WOMAN TO take care of child, AVAILABLE NOW for immediata hogany roinet piano, $495. ecuUve soBaion thst followed tho age of S3, he beceme mMakar ot einity of'Parker St. 8-4:45 p.m. Maple St. ranged. A real bargain. For ap­ THREE BEDROOM OVER- modern features include, full plas­ ‘Andover, within and for the District of l.«h.jihg. small appliances, welding. 174 COMPANY dava, while mother works. MI. deliveiv,. Sebago outboard boats. Kemp^a, Inc.. Ml. 3-5680. pointment (mil George L. Grasia- Andover, on the J8th day of August, the House aa tha favorite o t the sUft. BU. 9-1139 evenings. Heating— Plumbing . 17 Dish w a s h e r w a n t e d , fuu ! SIZED RANCH ter house, baseboard hot water At the hearing, Alexander Jar- Mam Street. Ml. 9-6678. 9-3837 or MI. 9-2424. JANITOR Call Mi. 3-4426. CHAMBERS - dio. Realtor. MX. 9-8878. heat, fireplace, ceramic tile bath, 1S66 liberal bloc. HILLIARO ST., MANCHESTER time. .Apply at Cavey’s Restau­ SALE!! SAVE hundreds of dollars Nice neighborh(N>d. CentraUy lo­ Present Hon. (Charles H. Nicholson, Vis objected to a proptmed addi­ Time apparently has modiaaff WAilTED—Ride. 123 Main St. to WANTED—Dental Hygienist. Part Must be willing to wash rant, 45 East Center. cated. Immediate occupancy, kitchen has formica counters, #x Judge, DOORS OPENED, keys fitted FURNITURE SALES on the world's finest pianos, used XCANCHESTER Vicinity, 8-bed haust fan and disposal. Laundry Estate of Louis Grosel, late ot Bolton, tional access road Green Manor his outlook and today he genanlly Mkwood'Ave.-and Park Rd., West copied, vacuum cleaners, irons PLUMBING and heating—Repairs "A GOOD PLACE TO WORK’* or full time in private dental of­ and wax floors, desks, and Diamonds— Watches*— only 6 weeks at the Berkshire room ranches now being buUt, In said District, deceased. , EsUtes, Inc., ' anU to construct Hartford. Hours 8:30-4:30 p.m. snd contract wors. CsU Ml. 9-8541 windows. Go<^ Job for SIX ROOM CAPE tubs, combination aluminum doors The Executrix havmg made written U considered the caniBdate e f the guns, etc., repaired. Shears, fice. Pleasant working conditions. Jewelry 48 503 East Wddle Turnpike Mukic Festival. Acrosonlc .spinets ceramic tile bath, hot Water heat. for its now. Parkade on W. Middle Oonservativae. He emphatically MI. 9-7350, evenings. Write Box A, Herald Office. semi-retired man. Night Doxs— -Birds— Pets 41 Two unfinished. Breeseway and and windows, Venetian blinds. Full application to said (S«rt, in accord­ kniyes, mowers, etc., put Into con. and Baldwin grands in nearly all Full ceUar. Nicely aeculoied on pries $14,900. Immediate occu­ ance with the statute, tar an ordsr af Tpke., and Lxwton Rd. residenU points ouL however, that many diUon for coming needs. Braith- WAITRESS— Qusliflcstiona, nest ahift. LEONARD W. YOST Jeweler, re­ AT THE GREEN designs and finishes. New-piano garage. Priced for quick sale, sole of the. whole or part of the real Moving— Trucking CLERK FOR warehouse bffice, Np PORTERFlELD’k PETT SUPPLY, H acre with trees. $12,400. Carl­ pancy. Phone XG, 3-637$. Brae- Objected to a proposed Industri-U Liberals supported him in the gov* walte. 52 Pearl Street. snd good appearance. Excellent pairs, adjusts watches expertly. factory guarantee. Sale on while ton W. Hutchins, Realtor, MX $13,900. estate described therein, it is ordered ■one Austin CXiambers is seeking AntomobQes for Sale. 4 Storage 20 working conditions, Good salary. office experience required, but, now located at Route 6 and Chapel Burn Realty. that said applicaUon be beard at the emor's race. Reasonable prices. Open daily. limited supply lasts. Clip this ad 6-6132, 9-4694. Probate Office in Andover, on the Slst for land behind his warehouse at He was in the A m y said le^ REFRIGERATION aalea and aerv. We will train. See Violet Chap­ person must be neat and willing GRAY RESEARCH Rd., South Wmdsor, next to Eaat Thursday evenings. 126 Sprues Special selerUon of lamps, some and mall with name and address BEAUTIFUL DUPLEX day of August. 1M4. at 10 o'clrck In BEVDRE YOU BUY a used car ice. Commercial,, houaehold. air MANCHESTER . Movmg and to learn. 7 s.m. to 4 p.m., five day Hartford Drive-In Theater. Operf pairs, some singles, half price. ASHFORD the forenoon; and that notice thereof 501-519 E. -fiddle Olpke. turned for a whirtarind, •0-day man between 10 s.m. and 2 p.m. Street. Ml. 9-4387. for brochure and prices. Goss MANCHESTER, Near Bowers 3’-i years 6Id. Aluminum,storm Although the third requertv in­ see Gorman Motor Sales. Bulck conditionera, freezers. A. and W. trucking Co. Ml. 3-6563. Owned or 8 p.m. and 1 s.m. at Walnut week. Complete benefit program. AND DEVEIJIPMENT daily 9-5, Tuesday, Thursday anil Piano Company, 317 Asylum St., School and new High School, Six- be given, by publiebing a copy of this campaign for Texas attorney gea« SMes and Service, 285 Main Complete ^election of furniture windows and doors. Seven room hom e,' artesian order in the Manchester Evening volving a change to Business Zone oral and won. Refrigeration Co. Ml. 9-1237, BU, and operated by Waiter B. Per Restaurant, Manchester. MI. Apply Firal National Stores. Park Friday nlghte. 7 i 9 p.m. Man­ Legal Notice Hartford. JA. 5-6696. Open Monday room single colonial.' Three bed­ Herald, a newspaper having a circula­ Street ML 9-6571. Open evenings. 9-3196, Ml. 9-0055. ett Jr., and WiUiam J. Pickering. and Oakland Ave., East Hartford. COMPANY chester customers can call, JA. for the home. Reasonable prices. tion In said District, and by posting a n for Rkeidbnce Zone AA land on ThU straight-laced BepU6t than 9-8070. «• through Saturday and Thursday rooms, heated garage, ameaite COVENTRY LAKE well, approximately seven 8-3391 and we wilt bring order THIS IS TO CKRTIFY thAt Wf. thd copy thereof on the public stpi-prat in the Wilbur Cross Highway at Nc- stopped the booklas, except for 1953 MERCURY hardtop, exceUent MANCHESTER Package Delivery. nights. Free parking betide store. driveway. Henry. St area. Fire­ the Town of Bolton, m said DIsmet at ASHES AND rubbish removed. LORD AND TAYLOR home with us at 5 p.m. to 68 undprnlCDPd. hnv«» formrKl a ltmU«'4 place,. first floor lavatory, tile Year 'round on choict side of scree land, 2 4 tillable, excel­ Nall SL, was not opposed, John fly-by-night operatione, b y ' condition, low mileage. Reason­ Light trucking and packag#. dellv CLERK TYPIST HILLIARD ST.. MANCHESTER INRrtnt'rnhip known an <*HARIs^ R. Open Daily: 10 A.M. - 5 P.M. Coventry Lake. Seven room ranch. least five dsys before said day of hear­ Lawn mowing, light trucking, Spruce St. bath. Dishwasher, large attic. fuU ing. and that return be made to this Barnlni, president of the C. L. Bale off their triephone and talo able. ML 9-1406. ery. Refrigerators, washers snd BISHOP'S CORNER THKNKBK A ASSOCIATES lor IhA Also three room summer house. lent trout stream, school bus. trees cut, ceUsrs cleaned, papers ’•A GOOD PLACE TO WORK” ptirpoAF of trAiDfAcUriK iHinlnFRo ah a PIANO—Studio upright or Aplnet. cellar. Triple storm windows and Churl. Construction Co., raised an issue source of news. He made - stove moving specialty. Folding Wanted for branch office of na­ 7:30 P.M.-9 P.M. 100 foot lake frontage, prWatc,__In and rags taken sway free. Ml. tionally known insurance company, CUTE COCKER pups. Must ■ be RpTifTAl ntock bfukr'rARf* and commio- (Jail TR. 5-9831 evenings. screens. Air ebndiUoned, oil. BuUt $5,WO. :____' when he requested that a set-back atop wasting natural gas. B e w M 9-0142. Gall evenings. chairs for rent. Ml. 9-0752. No Night Openings seen to be appreciated. Black and ntoii buFln«‘nn Inchiding stfMrkn, bondf, excellent (^diUdh." " Priesd for C ^ R L IE S H. NICHOLSON. Judge. 1947 CHEVROLET. Excellent con- High School graduate under 30 pre­ mutuAl'funds and othfr 8ELUNG REASONABLE. House­ in 1951. Large lot. Occupancy Au­ line be imposc(L tremendoualy succeaitful in aan* buff. 8 weeks,' AKC registered. H. The feiieral t»artner« are: quick sale. Owner leaving otate AT A (XiURT o r PROBATE holden 17m additional road Green Manor trust suit prosecution. ditlon. CaU ML 3-4410. BUYING PAPER. magazines, ferred. Opportunity for advance­ Permanent positions. No exper­ hold furniture. Many wonderful gust ISth. Price $17,900. George L. TOM MINOR. Broker at Andover, within and foe the District ment. Five day week. Excellent C.. CTase, Harmony Hill. Hebron Charlen K. Thenebe. 304 Bloomfield Roonu Without Board 59 Grasladio, Realtor.. Tel.~Maqches- wants would be located (iirectly op­ His election to tbs Senate cease rags. Junkman’s Junk. Will' pick Moving— ^Trucking ience needed. All store privileges. Rd., Bolton. Tel. MI. 3-5427. Ave . Went Hartford. Conn.. bargains. Call MI. 9-4061. EAST HARTFORD of Andover, on the Itth day of August, 1949 FORD club coupe, radio, heat­ benefits. Pleasant working condi­ Salary commensurate with ability. PLUMBER -WANTED, 40 hour (tuernie H. Moore. S83 Bloomfield Ava., ter xn. 9-5878. A D 19S€ posite Tower Rd. bn W. Xfiddle in 1052. Political storiee cireutot* im after 3 p.m. AU day Saturday. Storage ROOM FOR rent. ConvenlenUy lo­ Four room ranch plus. 15x18 TR. 5-5042 Present’. Hon. Charles H. Nicholson, er, good tires. Harold Gill, Beelze­ 20 tions. week. MI. 3-7861. A.K.C. REGISTERED Collie pup­ Bloomfield. Conn. DINETTE SET. gray chrome, four 'Tpke., Ih accordance with a recom that the veteran, a n d . venerated bub Rd., between Avery St. and CaU Rockville TR. 5-7621. Full time—9:15-5:45 Both of the Beneral |>artoer8 are au­ cated, one minute from Main St. MODIFIED ENGUSH colonial, six foot beautiful patio. Jalduaie en­ pies. Beautiful litter, sable and thorised to' transart.^ the. partnerahip chairs and table. Excellent condi- Light bouaekeeping. Women only. ELLINGTON **(?n motRin of Edith 8. -Archibald, mendation of a traffic engineer Tom Connally, than ih Ms 70k Ellington Rd., So. Windsor, alter AUSTIN A. CHAMBERS CO. local «on. MI. 3:4322. largs rooms and attached garage. closed with flagstone floor. Also Executrix on the estate of Mian E. made a flying trip to Texaa fkam GONDER’S T.V. Service, available Part time- 10 ;00~ 4 :00 white. Reasonable. Mi. 9-3635. 136 buninenn aaid' nipi the flrTn name. Xa. 9-7989. retsdned in connection with the * P-">- I ______any time. Antenna conversions. and tong distance moving pack' Call MRS. PATERSON LABORER WANTED. Apply The special |>artner8 are: Nice shaded lot In center of Man­ [arage. On beautiful landscaped , Six room Cape Cod, excel- Archibald, late of Andover, within said Parkade. The new road would aug­ Waahingten to see what eert ed Ing, storage. CaU Ml. 3-5157. Hut' or Faulknor Drive. Carl L. Thenebe. 4 Walbridfe Road. chester. Living room 22’6” xl4’ district deceased. . , Pl^co factory supervised service. Thom'Sa Coils Co.. 251 Broad St. WANTBUJ—A woman to share my lot. 30 day occupancy. Can be lent condition, 1 4 bathe, This Court doth decree that six ment an exiating entrance-exit that upstart opposition he had,' talkiiig ford CH. ,1-1423. 11:00-5:00 Weal Hartford. Conn.. MAPLE DINING table and six with fireplace. Dining room, large Tel. Ml. 9-1486. m . 3-1161; MANCHESTER PET Center for all (Tlarenre 1. Cowen. 90 Bainbridi:* furnished home on bus line. Write aeen by app<>intment. Youngitown kitchen, fireplace, months bo oilowed and Umltrt for the connecta the turnpike with the to the men who know about aura 1956 BUICK four door hardtop chairs. Call MI. 3-7284 after 5. kitchen and separate laundry creditors of said estate to exhthll their YOUNG MEN needed for ware­ your pets and pet supplies. S. Sc Road, Went Hartford, Cofth,, Box X. Herald. combination aluminum win­ western end of the Parkade. The things, and decided right there t* sedan. Fully equipped. MI. 3-4551. SHIRT PRESS operator. Good Accessories, Ready-To-Wear,^ Chll- Wyncia T. Hibbard, Rireraville Road. room. Also lavatory. Second floor, VERNON cUims against the some to the Kx k ^ RUBBISH AND ashes removed. house work or truck driving. Ap­ H. Green Stamps.' Open 9 to 6 dows and acreene, screened trig thereof and direcu that .puhifc change asked is for a Business retire from politics. General cleaning. ceUsrs, atUcs Painting— Papering 21 working conditions and wages. Ehc- Greenwich, t'onn. FOR RENT—Room, with private three large ■ bedrooms and bath. 1968 KAISER two tone. Radio, and dren'a Wear, Women’s Shoes, ply Eastern -States Farmers Ex­ Monday through Saturday. Thurs- The amount of capital furniahed and range. Excel- Four room ranch. Lot 100x300. porch, lightning rode, large lot, notice be given of this order by ad­ Zone m of a 90-by-lOO-foot strip Fought far ItoelaadB <>U and yards. Reasonable .*ates. M. perience preferred but not neces­ actually paid in by each apectal part­ MAGIC CHEF bath. Garage. Vicinity ;iof new Mu6t be seen to be appreciated. vertising In a newspaper having a cir­ heater. In good condition, $230. sary. Apply in person..-Fisher Dry change, Buckland. - diky night til] 9. Free parking. Ml. lent conditio 8-5745. Full cellar. ImmedUte occupancy. excellent view. Immediate oc­ culaUon In saM district and b.v posUng now In Rural Rasidence Zone. Daniel fought for Ttaaa' tide- k. M. Rubbish Removal. Ml. HOUSE PAINTING. Quality work Cosmetician, Furniture 9-4273. We reprir aquariums, ner la? High and Bowere Schools. Gentle­ Gaston Realty, 165 School SL XU. $10,300. cupancy. ~$T4,S(X). MI. 9-4016. by experienced painters. Free Cleaners, inc. 325 Broad St. tfnrl L. Thenebe ______llg.«7B.na — 9-57'l. Evenings, XU. 9-7466. a copy thereof on the public sign p«^ While not objecting to a second lands on an fronts. He fought in 9-9757. i heaters, pumps and reflectors. 995 Clarence L. Oowen ...... 3.368:0(1 * man preferred. XII. 9-0941 after 2 In said Town of Andover, nearest the eatimatea. Call 'Thomas Bently. Non-^lllng Fitter., Gown Hand ROUTE MAN for established laun­ dIacb w hfre th^ dwelt. road for the Parkade. Jarvis, the Supreme Court, and lost therK FORD—One owner 1949 four door SALESLADY WANTED, 4 .9 Tues. Main St. Wyncia C. Hihhard ...... 3.067.50 lATION OIL and gat atova. p.m. TOM MINOR. Broker ^ CHUCK’S RADIO and T.V. Service. MI. 9-2192. dry and dry- cleaning route. Five" The partnernhip commenced. Febru­ COl OVERSIZED CAPB-4H rooms. Call J. D. Realty Certified from Record. through hia. attorney, Raymond then turned to Oongreaa, and get custom. Radio, heater. Mechani­ 151 North Main St. Sm^l appli­ through Sun. Cornell Bakery. Ap­ Apply day week, and other benefits. Ap ary 3. 1953 and la to continue Indefinite , 6-2824 between 8-8 p.m. Attached two-car garage. AA resi- TR. 5-5042 CHARLES H. NICHOLSON. Judge Johnson, opposed the Tower Hd. pert of them bock. Hie meet na^ cally good. Tires snd battery MI. 3-5262. ; MI. 9-9788 ances repaired; Ml. 3-6517, rest' ply in. the afternoon. ply in person. New Model Laun l.iveatoch— Vehicles 42 ’ y« ROOM POR RENT. Quiet home- denUal secUon. Also two older location. The local realtor and de­ tionally newsworthy Coogreeeieael practicaUy new, |145. Call MI. LORD AND TAYLOR dry; 73 Summit St. ('HARI.E8 K. THCNEBB homes with six large rooms each, dence Ml. 3-6960. Courses and Classes 27 WOMEN—Neat, efficient, interest Robert F. Felch JMBINA’nON GAS and oil stove. like atmosphere, xn. 9-7064. veloper feels that the request, as work, howover. waa for hia prehw 9-4061 after 6 p.m. WE BUY COWS, calves and beef Jacqueline J. Stronawnki center ot town, one with garage. ML 9-3640 presented. Is "similar" to one the of the narcotics traffic. J P R PAVING CO. We are proud ing work. Carvel Store, 500 Center Comer Route 44 and N. Main St. Reasonable. Call MI. 3-8867. VERY PLEASANT room for gentle, 1946 FORD pickjup, 4,000 on new RADIO-ELECTRONICS- Television cattle. Also horses. Piela Bros. Priced right. Many other listings. (Jommisaion would not grant him Hie opponent for gaeentor, of our work. Our aim is to please Servicing. "Learn by Doing" at St. MI. 9-8753. West -Hartford GUKRNIE H. MOORP; man, Parking-at 272 Main St. Tel. Gaston Realty, 165 School St. XO. 2 FAMILY Stevenson Stresses Tei. Ml. 3-7405. 1 Robert F. Felch i** LARGE DIVAN, can be used as a for a road in his Hilliard Estates Ralph - Yarborough, aought dnriafr motor. Three s ^ r e tires. Inquire all home owners. We specialize in t 8-40fl. 9-57S1, evenings XU. 9-7466. ^ after 4 p.m. 127 Prospect St. "Connecticut's Oldest Electronics Jacqueline J. Stroaaa'pki bed. Reasonable. ML 6-2291 after - Fiv# - fiva. In oxcallont -con­ development. the campaign to show that D anl« 4^2tmesite sidewalks, terraces and School. "New term starting Sep­ ASSISTANT BOOKKEEPER. Call Help Wanted— Male 36 ■ p.m. Seas Traffic Probiem driveways,' also patch work. Call j Articles For Sale 45 CAR1« L. THEaNB^BE FURNISHED ROOM for rent. MODERN 6-Room Colonijsl. Fire­ dition, Four car garagd. - was lax whUe attorney genarel hp 3951 CHEVROLET carryall with tember 24, 1956. Enroll riow for MI. 3-1131. , e l e c t r o n ic Richaid C. Welden Johnson also held that a shop- failing to etop a oeu^ of state JA. 4-5385, any time for free esti­ Practical day or evening class. RED AND GRAY chrome dining Near Main St.- XG. 9-3170. 9 Hazel place, ..tile bath, excellent condi­ Ameaite drive. Storm gaih. Re­ ladder rack and seats. May be FULL OR part time die makers. Muriel G. Thenebe duced, $18AOO. Work in Precincts >liig center road opposite Tower governmental ecnndale In advance mate. For free descriptive circular phone STENOGRAPHER and general of­ Experience required. Apply in per. TECHNICIANS ROYAL AND Smith-Corona - port­ table an'd four chairs. E^ccellsni sS t. I, i tion. Garage. 110’ frontage, large Been at Manchester Awning Co., able and standard typewriters: CLARENCE L. GOWEM trees. Bowers School. Only Yd. would create traffic conges­ of their (xxurrence. Daniel replied 196 West Center St. JA. S-3406, or Write New England fice worker. Watkins Bros., 935 son. Gunver Manufacturing, 334 Elsie W. Gowen , condition. 640. Call Ml. 9:7406. ED'S FLOOR SERVICE. All types Technical Institute of Conn., Inc., All makes of adding machines ApartaieBli^Flata— 615,300. Carlton W. Hutchins, WARREN E. HOWLAND, tion. Tower Rd. leads into 'Jarvis’ (1) that he fotlowed the law aa of floors washed and waxed. No Main St. Hartford Rd. Experienced men required (CoMtlaued from Fago, One) 100-house Hilliard Estates devel- far aa hia authority went and (2) 1963 DE SOTO V-8 convertible. 193 Trumbull St.. Hartford, Conn. sold or rented. Repairs on all Helen W. Shlelda TOLLAND —»% room brand Tcneaienta •3 Realtor, XG 9-6132. 9-4694. tlealtar RC Seeks Votunteers FuUy equipped, including conti­ Job too large or too small. TR. RELIABLE WOMAN to take care AUTOMOBILE mechanic wanted to assemble wire and test makes, Marlow's. WYNCIA C. HIBBARD (^tem porary home. Lot 100x300. >ment and hia 125-house Woodhlll the acta which brpught im some o t 5-2071. Kmelia Weaver Plenty of shade. Owner PI. 3-6383. SDC ROOM RANCH, attached ga­ ML 8-1108 er and Vice President NUOn were eights project, now under devel­ the Bcandala otxnirred after he loft nental wheel. Very clean. Private of two children, five and three in G.M. progressive dealership. electronic devices. Will Aufuata I. Bock FOUR ROOMS unfurnished rent rage, many extras High eleva­ . The Red Cross is looking for owner, MI. 3-5083. -L Bonds— Stocks years, in my home while I work. Vacation with pay. insurance and for middle-aged couple or couple going to conduct, but be said that opment. the attorney general's ofBce. RANGE BURNERS and pot burn­ consider recently dis­ LOAM STATE OF ry over Bajwnhower in' the msde v"a mockery o t the political and tom clothing, hosiery runs, Cinder block building, approxl' for this wonderful opportunity in THENEBE. aifner and aealer of tha Qutom built. Beautiful grounds. NEW—Thla brajid new top dollar process'' '^at their San Francisco The zone-change ^ u e s t with of Manchester . . . M 1949 Willys Jeepster Sport mately 40'x50' '’attached office Shop, one wh'o can work after unlimited earnings. Car necessary. Wanted forerolnic inatrument, and. acknowK election four years ago. which Bamini was cmicemed in­ handbags repaired, ripper re- edfed the aame to be hla free act and Owners have requested that we value in a 6 room tall complete) . The 14 sUUS listed: Delaware, convention, while the Democratic Hartford National . apace, large hard surfaced park school; \lnquire mornings, 658 Commission basis. Personal inter­ volves a 495-by-466-foot parcel on Bank and Trust Co. 39 4 ' Phaeton plKcemem, umbrellaa repaired, Center St. deed, before me ' . ’ do nSt" disclose the location over colonial le only available becauaa Florida. lUirtoU, Xfaryland, Massa- convention was "wide open in the They come no nicer anywhere. ing area. Also six rodm modern views between 9 a.m. and 4 p.m. STENOnRAniER THOMAS W. (X)L14N8. phone. Appointment is necessdry. of a buyer'e tranafer before occu­ the north side of the Wilbur (Jnus Conn. Bank and men’s shirt coUars reversed and GRAY MANUFACTURING Commiaatoner of Superior Court. chusetU, XGnneeota. Miasourl. best American poUticsl tradition." Equipped. replaced. Maklow't LitUe Mend­ house, artesian well. Lot 200x300, Price in low thirties, pancy. It featurea $ bedroomg with Goi^ John F. Simms of N s w Highway, east of McNeil St'The Trust Co...... 22 26 well traveled main road. Immedi­ WOMAil WANTED to care fw New Mexico, Oklahoma, Penneyl- change U being sought by Eugene Manchester Trust ' Only $195 down ing Shop. child whUe mother works. Cali RYAN CONSTRUCTION CO. COMP-^NY For Hoitferd a maater bedroom 13'x34'. Living vania, RJioae Island, Tenneesee, Mexicm ‘said (ff Kefauver, in -intr(>- ate ocihipancy, 318,500. 15 SUaa Dean Highway V STATE OF NEW HAMPaHlRE. T. J. CROCKETT,-Realtor room haa fireplece (not an .extra). Nimeoff in connection with s mo­ Fire FORMICA counters, ceramic wall after 6. MI. 9-4602. HILUARD ST.. MANCHESTER Monufopturor COUNTY OF STRAFFORD ^ai, AUfUft Texas and Washington. ducing him. to the crowd In I 1950 Ford Club Coupe Custom Rocky Hill, Conn. 15th. A.D. 1956. .. . « . Office: ML 3-5416 Full beaement with outaide hatch- city square, that "N o'boss | tel he is building there under sn Aetna Fire ., , rand floor tile. Let ua modernize way. HWO heat. Large landacaped However, Stevenson said he exception from the Zoning Board Hartford Fire VB , TOM MINOR, Broker "A GOOD PLACE TO WORK” Good ot Dofoil peraonally appearfd ClaARKNCE T«. Mrs. Wells, MI. 3-4788 the fln ^ r on him or cleared I your bathroom and kitchen. For PRESS OPERATOR Gowen. alRTier and aealer of the forf- lot. Ameaite driveway. Sidewalka wasn't going to concentrate his of Appeals. j National Fire Radio, heater. As good a 1960 free esUmatea caU MI. 9-2855, The Good Pay ond Koinff inatrument. and arJihowledfed campaign on Just those 14 states way" for his nomination. THERE’S A GOOD JOB Experience not required. We will the aame to be hia free act and deed, and -curbe aU .included in Imv low Barninl said be would welcome PhoenLx ...... as we've driven. TR.. 5-5042 AA ZONE — Seven-room custom but would seek to triumph in the Instead,; said Simms, Kefsuver Tile Shop. BucUand. teach you. Working Conditieni t^fore me. ___ built Colonial, enclosed breeseway aelling price of 8M.900. the zone change, but asked that Ufe and Oply $95 down CLARENCE L. OALEF» won the No. 2 spot on the Dorn- IN YOUR FUTURE 5 6 8 6 and garags. Large rooms, many popular vote aa well aa Uu; elec­ the Planners Impose s 25-foot set­ Aetna Life ...... FURNITURE repairing and refln- MATERIAL HANDLERS Commlvaloner of Superior Court. USED—It ien’t fair to call bia toral college vote. ' ° ' ocimtlc ticket because, 'in the tahing; antiques restored. Fuml- Help Wanted— Female The above new Jobs have been Apply: Notar>* Public. fine features. High elevation, back line beyond which Nimkoff Aetna (Jasualty ...... 1952. Ramblel* Station Wagoli AT THE Mv ocummlaaion expire# . May I, beautiful 3 bednx>m rancher ueed Pledgoa ‘Opea* Caaspalga Democratic tradition, bt fought would net be permitted to build. Conn. General ...... ture Repair Service, TalcottvlUe. created because of recent expan­ view. Carlton W. Hutchins, XG because it la only 7 months young. Radio, weather-eye, heater. 4 DEINTAL Assistant.. Experienced 1969 9-5133, 9-4694. Before the closed conference. for It” and convincod a majority He said construction any closer Hartford Steam Boll. taiw w.w. tires. A perfect little Ml. 3f7449. ; TELEPHONE COMPANY sion. Plenty of overtime, insurance, CONN. STATE The owner was transferred before Stevenson spoke to a crowd in the of. the delegates that he was the preferred but will-train. Write holiday and vacation benefits. 8tAti; (Jr NKW YORK. (X)UNTY than that to the highway would Travelers car. Box M „ Herald. EMPLOYMENT ' or HBRKIMER Aunwl 30. tM. XCANCHESTER—Custom four room unpacking. Thla featur.es Swedish oity plasa and promised the Dem- best man. block from the view of motorists Pabtte IMUMae Work in Manchester MALE peraonally appeared WYNOtA C. Only $195 down Cape, fireplace, hot water heat fireplace, full beaement, carport, owata would wage an "open" Kalfauver cal)ed the SanU Fc any buildings to the west of Nim- Conn. light;ht PowerPdwsr ...... 19194 Building— Contracting 14 STENOGRAPHER, typist desired A Job as s teieirfione oper­ SERVICE HIBBARD. alRner and aealer of Jho -tiled bath with colored fixtures. campaign in which anyone's ideas ator has much to offer to s p e n c e r RUBBER foreRoinic inatrument. and ackaowt- wiui oil, nice shaded yard, quick meeting "a great start for our koff's property. TPC (Jhairman Conn. Power ...... 41 1950 Oldsmobile 2-Dr. Sedan in pleasant downtown Hartford 806 Main S t edired the aame to be her fred act And occupancy, S A. Beechler' Real­ Modem knotty i^Ute cabinet kitch for building a better America Hartford Elec. XJL . . . *0 BIDWELL Home. Improvement Co. office. Excellent opportunity for women who want interest­ PRODUCTS HELP an. York HWO heating system. All campaign." He. said that If he Martin Alvord said he doubted Model 88 deed, before ______tor, Phone XG. S4969. would be welcomed. and SUvenson were received with whether the (Jommieeion had any Hartford Gaa. Co...... 2T4 Alterations, additions, garages. the right girl. 5-day week, hospi­ ing work with good pay. Chapel St., Maifchester, Conn. Monchostor M ARGUERITE M. r A R M U . of thla on a lot of over one-helf' an And 'while stressing the im­ Radio, heater, hydramatic. A Re-siding specialists. Easy budg­ tal and sickness benefits. Call JA. Full pay while you train, Commlaahwr or Superior Court. EIGHT R(X>M duplex, 4-4, Income acre for only $16,300. SEE AND the same enthusiasm everywhere, authority to Impose the restriction So. New England A a ip fins running car. frequent raises, excellent YOUNG MAN for shipping depart- Notary public. . « portance of proclnct work and or­ there can be no question” about suggested by Bamini. 7*el...... 40 42 et terms. MJ- 9-6405 or TR 2-6256 for interview. WANTED New G.E.'oit burner. All electric (COMPARE for room aizee and ganisation. he told the regional Only $145 down 5-0109. working conditions friend­ ment. Apply KaKlar Toy Co., 60 the outcome of the November The two building'line alteration APPLY fully - equipped. Newly decorated. quality of construction. party leaders that he and Ke- WOMAN- TO help mother of two ly cd-workers, paid vaca­ Hilliard St. 8 3 4 4 Easily financed. Aeking $14,800. election. proposals were submitted by the J Am. Hardware GARAGES, breezeways and patios tions snd holidays. fauver were going to "U lk eenee” snd S Realty 0>, snd R. W. Tinker Arrow.'Hart, Hag. ... *1 04 For Immediate Delivery with light-housework, laundry and EXPERIENCED men for.jisphaU IIW-14A Cali owner. XG. t-$S32. JARVIS REAL’TY CO. in the campaign and make clear custom built. Many plans avail­ baby sitting two or three days of Boulder Rd. The realty' com­ Aeeo. ffpring ...... -to4 2714 1-4 Rew? Rambler Cart and Station able. Inquiries invited. CaU MI. Ages 17 to 35, high school and cnLshing plant, age over 25 LYDALL & FOULDS SWEEPING VIEWS, large three 884 (JENTER ST.. MANCHESTER that the Eiseatiower cruaade of pany asked that a 29-foot building Bristol Braae *.•...■• .314 324 weekly. References requested. years. Rate, ti.70 . $3.20, plus Ifi A shirtwaist charmer ^ r the This lovely sunSower apron will 1952 "has become a circua.” WogoOB and WUlyt Jeeps 9-7375. Write Box P, Herald. graduates preferred. No •IS PARKER ST. bednxiBi ranch, ImmacuIaU con­ line on the south side of Park SL CoUina ...... 110 130 experience necessary. over 40 hours, average 60 hours SEE Help Wanted Bot-so-tall agure that can be made perk-up your-at-home-dreoa! Make XG. 8-4113 XG. 94200 XG. 8-7647 "W e will talk about the Issues,” About Town Bm-Hart' 32 and Trucks monotone with set-in sleeve; or dition, many extrae, 138’ lot, tmly V- be reduced to 15 feet from Cheat- FOR ALL . TYPES construction weekly. Nussdorf Sand and Stone MR. TOM FLAHERTY it with a brown center and yellow he said, "but we will UaUn as well Fafnir. B earin g...... 494 SALESLADIES, full time, 40 hour Don't miss this chance to Co. ,MI. 9-7408, uoe (H>ntraet for cap sleeve and peUIs and pocket; or use gay $14,800. Carltoh W. Hutchine, XG. nut St. westerly for a distance of work, c»ll Jutras, general con­ 9dilS2. 6-4664. as Ulk. and we are starting here A daughter was bom Sunday in 622 feeL J and S intendii to build Landere-Frary CHl . . . 2S4 tractor. No Job too small. MI. week, or ■ part time. ' ExceUent get ahead. Visit our em­ ooUitr. pieces of fabria from other sewing Lota Per Sate I DE CORMIER MOTOR starting salary to those with ex­ MALE and FEMALE anJ now to listen In these pre- St. Francia HoepUal to Mr. and an apartment building on the site. N. B. Machine Co. ... 26 SALES, INC. 9-0279. ployment office at 608 Main No. 8344 is in sites 124. l*'i. proJecU tor a 'grariny effect’. IXOIEDIATE OCCUPANCY. Cus­ campaign meetings around the Mrs. Paul Messier, 205 Union SL N. Basteni S te e l...... § 4 perience. Ages 21 to 40. Apply in St., Manchester. Open on 16H, 1S4, 2 0 4 , 324. 244. Size Building Lots 'nnksr asked that a 35-foot line Pattern No. 8688 contains pat­ tom built ilx room home and Aa* country to the poople who really on the south side of Boulder Rd. North and Judd ..... 40 P4 MAPLE 8T., MANCHESTER person. Tots 'N Teens, 956 Main TTiursdsy from 6 a.m. to M ALE: Tool and Die Makers, O.D. and I.D. Grind­ 144, monotone, 4 4 yards of 55- St., Manchester. tern pieces; material requirements; rage: Located on exceptionally nui this (muntry—the Joe SmiUia, be reduced to 15 feet from Robert Rua^l Mfg. 1 1 4 Aluminum Windows 4 p.m. ers. DSy and night ahift. !>0 hour week. ^ ittcii. sewing and Snishing directi()na. large, well landscaped lot.'Within In Town and Suburban Rayburn, In Ulklng with news­ T7»e Mencheeter Wats# will hold an auction tonight at 2 o'clock at Rd. westerly for ISO feeL Stanley Works ...... 49 and Doors 14^A For this pattsm. sand 35c In Send 26c In coins, your name, a minute's walk to new .Keeney men. said. "We are going U carry Tarty Steam ...... 140 ' A l t o A c -T ir e s 6 H ILL PRICE Tube Mill Material Handlers, Inspectors for Air­ Coins, your name, address. slM de­ MANCHESTER the Italian American Club on DAY WAITRESS, 10:30-4:30. Apply The Southern New England address and the pattern number St. school. Beautiful living room Texas, period.” ' HAND IN HAND Toiin^on ...... M 4 GUiffiANTSaXTagainst aU haz- lU Y S craft Machine Pai;to- sired. and the Pattern to ANNE CABOT. THE XtAN- with flreplace. Plenty of closet ASSOCIATES REALTORS An optimistic noU also was Eldridge St. Mrs. Irene Bennett TIRE SALE , Cavey's Restaurant. 4,000 will be auctioneer. Jbitertaininent Kennewick, Wash. (P)—Ruasea UJI. Env1p com ..... 32 ante. Aluminum screens and Telephone Company * SUE BURNETT. T H E ^N - CMBSTEE EVENING HERALD, n a ce in all the.larfe bedroooma. struck by Gov. Raymond Gary of , , . S.eo X 16 rtf. fl7.86-611.N and refreahmente wlU fellow the BrOwn 'has bis left hand back U.S. Bnv7p. pfd. storm windows aa weU as com- FEM ALE: Accounts Payable Bookkeeper and Ac­ OHKSTBE EVRNINO HERALD, 118* AVE. AXCEEICAa. NEW Braas plumbing and etainleaa eteel P H L BALUN Oklahoma, who placod New York i ‘' « S.TC X 11 reg. S19.66-6U.8S TOYS! TOYS! TOYS! The House auction. ■ . J. again- Vtedar-Boot bioatian oersen and storm-doors. of Plastic,- Inc., Avon, ComsgeU- Soda Shop and Luncheonette counting Secretary. Experience neebasary. lisa AVB. AXOSBICAB, NBW YORK S*. N. Y. eountera. Also dlahwaaber unit. V xa. M221 Gov.^AvoreU Harrtman la nomlna- X U n g . CsU Ooughlin. Ml. 3-7707. j Other extra# not-usually found In CaARLES LATHROP Brown told police ihs hanil, a The above V n is — UraUme Ousuantce . cut, largest Toy Party Plan iiT the PSYCHIATRIC MUDE$ are wanud YORK as, N. T. Now atvallable—the colorful 19B6 tion for the Preeldency at the 1150 artificial model, wae stolen be for Mansfielfl State tValning . Good Location — Good Opportunity. APPLY AT Bend an axtra 25 cents now for avei-ago home. Priced right for XG. 9-0384 Democratic convenUfm In Ciilcago. Marsha SaiilL daughter of Mr. and Wkitas St Low, Low country, wants women to show Needlework Album containing dos- EARL ROHAN from the glove compartment of his oiir toys through home demon­ School. SUrtlpg salary $2,940 psr your copy of the Fair A immediat* aalc. E. 8. VooEcker, "W# feel we can carry Okla- and Mrs. aifford SsulL 20 Phelps Reofliig—Siding 16 Loor Iooso to rospoosiblo porty. Ms of lovqly dooigna from which Agent, 10# Keeney St. XG. 2-7412 'pickup truck. ) W* strations.' Car necessary. Writ* or annum, leSa $316 per annum for ’S« issue of our (;«snale|« to choose more patterns in cro­ koina." Gary aald. "We're opU- Rd.', wae fl(rwer girl at the wedding ie the eialjr ‘ book Basic Fashiono eomplKo Police found the hand in the RAT'S ROOFINO OO.,. shlngls and call CoUect-—The Bouse of Plas­ room, board and laundry. LIBaral r^RICED RIGHT FOR QUICK SALE chet, embroidery and knit—plus $ BEAUTIFUL Boac Mountain DiriM mUtle but we aye net'overeonfl' Saturday afternoon in *L Mary's with the I LoPONTC ELECTRONICS, Inc. 111 lug guide for every woman .Church ef XGse Jaatee Fagg hande ef a Juvenfle, who was et> hufR up rooCs, guttsr and con- tics. Inc., Avon, CoimecUcuL TsL fringe bensfits. Apply .Dr. Dayton, |dft akttenw. dtooMleiM prlated la C T ^ B OOM r a y k. V om oa, acre loL trqfM. Oazltea Farmington, ORchard 7-1694 from Superintendent Manafield Depot or C oR of 13i Spnieo Slroot. i f ifflpg a loaat ttn eW . dBBlog week. root, chlinnay ro- IS i WIST MAIN n . — ROCKVIUJ, CONN. iM k CMt 316 a apill ------M L A d u t u m A patrs. Bay^aconow. MX. i m L 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. and gvsnings Office ef State Personnel Director, Kiiy JaetoaeTML M9RL T p.m. to 10 p.in. ORchhrd 7-0143. . BtsU Office BuUdlng.jHartford. \ v; VAOIIDURTEEN TUESDAY, AUGUST 28, 19M 'illattrtr(Bti?r lEttrning Average Daily Net Press Run T is B Weather For tha Week Ended Feraeast of U. 8, Weather i June le, 1886 The Zipser Club wiU hold its an­ thought this was an especially ap­ 1 .^ About Town nual outing Sunday at the Garden Polijie Emphasize » propriate- time to atreaa pedestrian GIVE HER Beettered showers later toniglit. Grove. Members are . urged to Furano-Frankland Wedding sa'fety since children wlU. be re­ 12,065 L^w In mM eea. Thnreday, anaC. make reservations with the club Pedestrian Safely turning to school shortly. CHANEL NO. 5 tefed afternoon and evening Mina- steward by Friday.- Mesaber of the Audit Mr. utd M n. Peter C. Selmon- available at Bureau of Ctreulatloa dershowers. High In mid BCa. ■en, 17 rt»ter St., ere leeving: Miss Lealrice Joyce Frenkland; Manchester's Auxiliary Police Manchester—^ City of Village Charm ■hortly tor e vielt >>1Ui their eon- , Speaker at the Kiwanis meet­ daughter of Mr: and .Mrs. Stanley WELDON’S lii'Iew and daughter. Dr. and Mrs. ing Thursday' at 12:15 at the Frankland of Long Hill Rd., An­ join with the regular patrolmen W, ■. Melberg of Allenton, Wis. dover, ws.s married Saturday Thursday night and all da.y'.Satur­ 901 MAIN STREET Country Club will be William Har­ VOL. LXXV, NO. 281 (TWENTY-FOUR PAGES—TWO SECTIONS) MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 29, 1956 (Classined Advertising on Page If) iiiay plan to spend a month there, ris, official traviel lecturer for the morning at 11 o'clock to Richard day' in strea.sing pedestrian safety PRICE n V E CENTS and aa that ia dairy country and American Express Travel Service. TTiomas Fiirano, son of Mr. and on Main St., according to Chief Salnonaen has been local mana­ He will speak on "Highlights of Mrs. Thomas N. Furano of Stam­ Herman O. Schendel. THE OFFICE OF ger for &^ant and Chapman for Europe” and show a colored film to ford. THie Auxiliaries will patrol the many years, it is possible that if illustrate hia talk. The double ring ceremony and main, thoroughfare, and pedes­ May I Prov* British Restrict they nice it out there they may nuptial Mass were celebrated by trians will be asked to u.sc cross­ 1)R. J. J. ALLISON Democrats Weigh dadde to move to Wisconsin. Dr. the Rev, John Honan in .St. Cof- walks and lo obey traffic signals. Medberg la a veterinary surgeon. Registration for Communion' at DYNAMIC the Zion Lutheran Church on uniba'a Church. Columbia. The regular police will, as uirmife,, Cyprus Bishop Sept. 2 and 9 will take place Fri­ Gi\»en in marriage by her fath­ direct traffic at busy intersections. AVILL BE CLOSED Members of the ways and means day from 3 to 4 and 7 to 8 p.m. ' er the bride wore a gown of Auxiliary policemen will be sta­ INSURANCE eommlttee of the Second Congre­ pure silk taffeta with fitted bodice, tioned at intervals between inter-! Ward or Ametita As Rebel Aide Ike Says U.S. Stands Firm gational Wom«4'a League met last UNTIL SEPT. 6 iMns l*tMr eroMctioii Speaker at the Rotary meeting scoop neckline, tapered sleevet sections along the street. | eivenlng with the co-chairman, and a long torso. The skirt of un-' Pedestrian safety campaigns are tonight at 6:30 at the Country '- i f LEE M. SILVERSTEIN Nico.iia, Cj’prus, A ur. 29 Mrs. John Hutchings. 124 Broad Club will be Prof. Austin S. John­ pressed pleats terminated in a carried on .several times a .year by : BL, to discuss plans for the "Vil- son of the University of Connecti­ full court train. Her veil o f French I the local police. Chief- Schendel I As District Choice (PP)—The British cracked Uga Charm Fair," Saturdi^’, Sept. cut,. who will conduct vhis "New silk jllusion'‘was held by a pearl . down today on the leader of 39, at the church. All groups England Photo Quiz.’’ and sequin crown and she t arried ' 4.'1. of the Women’s League and sev­ a cascade of white roses, stream -; the Greek Orthodox Church in Manchester Democrats were voting today in~ithe first Cyprus. eral other organisatiohs will take ers, and ivy. rimary above the municipal level in the State’s History to p « t In this event. “ Dllworth-Comell-Quey Post. No. The bride chose as her matron : Ignoring yows of new violence On West’s Plans for Suez 102, American Legion, will meet I of honor Mrs. Joe Watson Trent, j Ecip pick a nominee for Congress-from the First District. The from EOKA, the Greek Cypriot tonight at 8:15 at the Legion' sister of the groom, of New York ,contest is between State Se,ns. Patrick Ward of Hartford, the iiderground, the British Ordered Home. I City, The Misses Jean WiUiama of I party-endorsed candidate and Paul -'^MM— the Bi.shop of Kitium restricted to r Gales Ferry; Ruth McClellan o f . Amenta of New Britain, his chal- ^ . r n * his official residence at Larnaca Mr. end Mrs. Clinton Hendnck- Brattleboro, Vt.; Nan Curtis of CLEARANCE SALE lenger for the nomination. I x CSUIIK OI X fin iary on the east coast, Bon, 72 S. Hawthorne St., have Forestville: and Nancy Fargo* o f : The winner will oppose-Rdwin , .... w •. He Is head of the Greek Ortho­ Nasser Picks Cairo ^p/nc/uini received news of the birth of a son, j Salisbury were bridesmaids. i May Jr., of WethcfsTield, in The the i Available at Herald dox qhun-h i on Cyprus in the on Friday Aug. 24, to their son-in- The attendants wore cocktail I Wednesday and Thursday Only November elecflon for the Con- absence of the exiled Archbishop C/nH'c/\ law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. length gowns of white chryatal- gi'essional seat being vacated by After 8:30 Tonight Mskarios. , Gene Franklin Sorenson of lefte, designed with elongated It. S. Representative 'ITiomas Dodd, Documents which the British For Menzies Parley Wichita Falls, Tex. ’The infant, bodices, portrait necklines and ON a West Hartford Democrat. Dodd said were captured from EOKA al­ ^//{( who has been named Dana Elliott bouffant skirts, They wore match­ has been nominated to run for the Results of the voting in to­ legedly contained congratulations Sorenson, was born at the Shep- ing picture hats with pink stream­ Senate against Republican incum­ day's Democratic primary will from the Bishop to Dighenis, the Try StaltBst's ^ pard Air Base Hospital. Mrs. ers. TTie matron of honor carried bent Prescott Bush o» Greenwich. be'available at The Heral** af­ underground EOKA leader. By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS ! Sorenson ia the former Sara Ellen a cascade of pink arid white rosea The weather . this morning— ter 8:30 tonight. . The British have charged that I Hendrickson. — the documents — including diaries Prc.sident Eisenhower today declared firm U.&. support of GAY NINETIES with ivy. The bridesmaids carried warm and With clear skies-ap­ Call MI 3-5121 for news Of the we.stern plan for settlement of the Suez Canal crisis and cascades of pink roses and ivy. peared conducive to a good turnout how Democrats in Manchester kept by Dighinls — contain’ evi­ Flavor of tho Month ’The Vernon Methodist Church and dence- that Makarios hinvself di­ V urged its backing by every country which believes in “ inter­ Anthony Furarto of Stamford, Bendix Washers Dryers of voters. However, lack of inter­ - and throughout Hartford I wilt hold a peach festival on the cousin of. the groom was the beat est, as we . as the number of per­ Count.v voted in the First Dis­ rected EOKA violence, pighenis ia national justice and conciliation.” church grounds Sept.- .8 from 4 to man. Ushers were Dr. Joe Wat­ sons away on vacations, is expect­ trict Congressiona' primary identifled by the British as Col. TOFFY FUDGE |7p.m. ____ George Grivas, a former colonel in The President expressed pleasure at Eg>’ptian President son Trent of New York City, ed to hold dov/n the sizt of the between State Senator Patrick Nasser’s decision to meet with a 5-nation committee and to brother-in-law of the groom; FLOOR MODELS vote. ' Ward of Hartford and Senator the Greek Aiiny. Gal. W e—-Pint 39e Anderson-Shea Auxiliary, No. Evidence in Ulariea hear the proposal for international control of the Suea Don'ald Yance of Stamford, cousin JGxpert 24,000 to A’ote Paul Amenta of Nr^v Britain. ! 2046, will omit ita meeting to­ of the groom; Ronald Abbott of Sir John Harding. British mili­ night, due to the joint social held REG. 5d« Prie* In Manchester where there are " The polls will CIOs'? at ^ p.m. waterway. Stock Raduetion Sala! Greenwich; and Gifford Reed of tary governor, issued ■« statement Nasser will meet in Cairo with the Suej^Uanal Committee with the Post and Club last week. Stamford. Ef.i- some 6,300 registered Pen ocral.s, saying action was taken against Twin pack Instant Fire Registrar of Voters Rd\\;|ird Mori- and William Freeman, In District the Bi.shop "in view of the clear headed by Australian Prime Minister RobeVtiG. Menzies, an The Mani^heater Fire Depart­ The ceremony was followed bv a arty expects a turnout of,less than Tabs (Charcoal Briquets) reception in the Manchester evidence contained in the Grivas official B'gyptian source disclosed there today. with hickory chips. Reg. ment will hold a department drill DENDIX POWER SURQE 269.95 2.000. Throughout the Firrt Dis­ Predictions of the outcome of . to­ diaries" that the Bishop aisp atded tonight f t 6:30 at the fire house. Country Club. Wliien' leaving for 1 8 9 “ But the informant said he could not reveal the time for the a wedding trip through ^Ihe South, trict. which comprises the 29 towns day’s primary are hard to come EOKA by providing funds for pur­ 76c. Main and Hilliard Sts. of Hartford County, observers ex­ by, with most politicos holding meeting, which Menzies has asked be held this week. the bride was wearing a gray ailk chase of arms. There were signs of British and ...... SPECIAL at 59c pect only 24,00< of the 120,000 reg­ tlieir tongues on the ground that EOKA vows of new violence shantung sheath dress with gun there is no precedent on which to French impatience over delays in metal accessories. The couple will Bacht'irh Photo. BENDIX EGONOMAT 229.95 istered Democrats to vote. were underscored by bomb blasts Dash Dog Food 2 cans 23c Polling places in Manch^ter, rest their crystal ball. getting down to the actual talks I live at 151 Seaton Rd.. Stamford. MRS. RICHARD T. FURANO 1 5 9 “ following s jtnice period pro­ with Nasser on the western-spon-. which opened at 2 p.rri.; 'wiir re­ J^’arly Leadera for Ward claimed by EOKA. Nixon’s Father Shurfine Tm Bags Mrs. Furano is a graduate of Ward, however, has the auppori sored plan for international con­ Windham High School and the main open until a o'clock tonight , "h-. o bombs exploded harmlessly 48 for 47c Stamford High School and the ! Mi.ss Donn^iy ia employed )n the Voting^ if going on at the East ' of many Democratic leaders in the trol of the Suez waterway. University of Connecticut. She is BENDIX MODEL WEA 179.95 county, including Hartford Chair­ last night and early this morning, British Suspicious Once More Put ^ University of Connecticut. He ha.s j office of Marlow's. Her fiance Side Recreation building, in Dis­ outside the homes of a British a member of Delta Zeta Sorority SEMI-AUTOMATIC. 1 3 5 “ man John P. Kelly, MisA Katherine The British were suspicious that We are expecting a shipment PhrBeta Kappr Mortor Vt c ^ 7 ” as | graditated from schooU in. trict 1; in the West Side Recreation Army sergeant and a British - - - “ ‘ u d lieutenant in the U.S. A r m y. j Brunswick, Canada, served four bunding, in Diatrict 2: in the Wad­ Quinn of West Hartford, secretary Nasser had cooked up a spy plot of poaches and apples from and has been named in the "Who’s of the State Central Committee; major in. Larnaca and Nicosia. at this time to head off criticism On Critical List Pero early Wedneeday. We will stationed in Oakland. Calif., and | years in the Armed Forces, two dell School, in District 3; and in The explosions shattered the ia- Who in American Colleges and the Whiton Memorial Library, in and Atty. Charles E. Mahoney of at home that he was backing down have another shipment of Cap Unlveraities." Seattle. Washington. He is a mem­ I year.s in Aia.skf, and is employed BENDIX SUPER FAST DRYER 229,95 land's uneasy calm -which had ber of Tau Kappa Epsilon and tl{e hy the Holmes 'Trsnsportatlon 1 4 9 “ *District 4. Windsor. ’ by agreeing'to listen to the’w est-' Whittier, Calif., Aug. 29 (>P| — LaBroad’a famous Connecticut Her husband is a graduate of Amenta, too, ha.s hi.s profes.sionai prevailed during a ‘suspension of ern-sponsored plan for the Suez fresh native hen turkeys College ^Club of Seattle. He is em­ firm In Hartford. Atty, Eugene Kelly is chief mod­ Vice President Nixon’s father is in erator for today’s primary, with support. It include.- Mayor James operations" proclaimed by EOKA. Canal. Thaae turtceys will make a ployed 'as a supervisor in Furano An October wedding is planned. the underground fighting arm of critical condition from a stomach Bros., Inc., of Stamford. headquarters at Dialrict ,il The P. Casey of Bristol;, Town Chair­ This plan drew the support of ulcer, hia physician said today. wrpnderful roasting cut of meat man Frank Monchun of Windsor, the Greek C.vpriot. movement de­ for the Labor Day weekend, BENDIX DRYER, MODEL DFE 149.95 moderators in them her districts 18 nations at the London Suez I Frank A. Nixon, 77, had a "poor 1 1 9 “ are Frank Quish^-ln District 2; manding union with Greece. Conference last week. The 18 na- { n o n e now fOr reservations. The bombing followed an EOKA night," but is resting comfortably Atty. Francis RKea, in District 3; (Continued oh Paie' Sixteen) tions asked the Nasser govern­ now. said Dr. I. N. Kraushoar. LECLERC Pnnouheement, In leaflets strewn ment last Friday night if he Ham ia also popular for long Elizabeth Arden \ across QyprUs, that the trucewas "He is back on the critical liet,’’ . FUNERAL HOME Engagement e.E. WATER HEATER 169J5 would agree to listen to the com­ the doctor said. weekends. We will have ex­ . % 9 9 “ ended because the British govern­ - — (irim Monument to Vernon Fire mittee's explanation of the west­ 83 GALIAINS. ment had failed to bring the Greek "There was a recurrence of hia tra lean, shankless hams ^Cosmetics j A brick chimney and amoldering ruins are all that remain of thia Vernon (jenter house which ern plan.' ^ ■ stomach ulcer trouble and a pos­ JestlanaiiM! A Siwii quality 4-trin- FUNERAL i Cypriot leader. Archbishop Maka­ was gutted. by fire, yesterday afternoon. Firemen from Vernon Co. 1 were joined in fighting Nasser's reply did not come un­ from both Morrell and Rath. Donnelly-Banks T. Magical Agent in Blood rios. from exile to resume negotia­ sibility of hemorrhaging.” These hams are ready to sitler Zeniih backed by an ironclad I Mr. and Mrs. Horace Donnelly the blaze by George Cheaaey who occupied the house with his wife and three children. No one was til yesterday, another communica> Dr. Kraushaar said Vice Presi­ lO-day money-back guaranttc of SERVICE tions for the island's freedom hurt in the blaze of undetermined origin. Owner of the house, Benjamin Kanter, Vernon Center, tion is now awaited by Menzies eat. Order shank,or butt salHrsclien, yai lalling for one- of Fort Fairfield, Maine, announce Free Delirery attd 7 Year Serf ice from British rule. dent Nixon had been advised of fourth lbs price of many comparable Walter N. . the engagen^nt and coming mar­ estimated the loss at I.I.OOO. Story on Page 13. (Herald Photo by Ofiara). agreeing formally to a place and the change in his father’s condi­ half. Signed by "Dighenis." the EOKA time. • , aids. So tmill, lo li|ht it can be i l l Leclerc riage of t h ^ daughter, Joyce Curing Atom Diseases leader who spiirnedi a British aur-, tion. bidden behind e man'e necktie... Marie, to Donald Banks, .son of render demand during the truce, Sir George Young, a British For­ The elder Nixon suffered bleed­ worn in s woman’s hair! Operates Director Mr. and Mrs. Roy Banks of 79 PINEHURST IS OPEN for only shout I0< a week. the leaflets said: eign Office spokesman, said that ing in the walls of the main ab­ 23 Main Street, Manchester Lenox St. GENERAL By ALTON L. BI,AKEHLKR „>attll contains the active Ingrcdiant "Debaji-’la useless. We have al- , Adlai Assails while no precise deadline had been dominal artery last Wednesda.v THURSDAY and FRIDAY A f3*aduate of Fort Fairfield ’ (A. P. Sdenre Rc|>orter) that Clin atop bleeding. Dr. Klein ready forced by the Britiifli to re -1 Panama Hits Dulles’ fixed for a final reply from Nas­ and was near death for o-time.'His i W96T HOan-MCK 61181 Call Ml 9.5869 NIGHT UNTIL 9 j High School with the class of 1954, TV SERVICE The JMIIUU CORR Boalon. Aug. 29 potent new 'atid. . , sort to arms. We will never r e -1 Ike’s R ecord ser, Britain will not stand for "an condition improved temporarily M a n c h i s t i r C o n n * life-aaving blood banks for the (tan' Slop Bleeding spond to direct or Indirect ap- i endless chain of conferences.” after his son's renomination at Exposure to atomic rays Tjnm Maurice Faure. state secretary the Republican convention in Ban Nights w Xa93 Flue Parte atomic age were announced today. pmaches from them. These are i Open All Day CORNER MAIN ond OAK STREETS Theae banka atorkpile a magical accidents ma.v. happen in the ejitX snothing but soap bubbles. On Resources Canals Comparison at the French Foreign Ministry, Francisco. QUINN’S . TEL, 80 8-5194 element in human blood that works pending atomic a g e 'c a n kill by "There ia but one aoliition. Theyj took a similar stand. He told a This morning’s setback Is not Wednesday almost instantly to atop bleeding making you a set-up for infections must ait down with' Archbishop] trade fair audience at Gourdon in directly relate* to last Wednes­ caused by exposure lo atomic rays, or hemorrhag.es. Antibiotics can B.v THE ASSOCIATED PKF>SS southwestern France ’ that his day’s trouble. Dr. Kraushaar rs^ Clesed All Day PHARM.4CY by leukemia, and in other diseases .stop infections. Tl.e .shots .of .plate­ (Continued on Page Mixteen) President Eisenhower's record Panama, Aujf. 29 {IP)—Secretary ot State l)ulle.«i’ late.st country woiijd not tolerate the called that Nixon was t'ranafuaU Labor Day Phone MI 3-4136 and conditions. lets can stop bleeding by repairing on public resources -and putting comparison of the Panama and Suez Canals today heightened j prospect of taUrecioua plblelets P/chaps Imlefi-, indefinitely. The scientists Forest Park. . Pa.. A m 29 i>Ti— said "could. scarcely be worse." His staterien.t landed squarely in appreciation to Dulles for "the WBTX EBECT TOUB GARAGE WITHIN THE NEXT 8 «TT#THE.s e SPECIALS nitely were reported lo tnc Sixth | lire IrytnR to learn wHSt AFI^-CIO leade-«. having decided the middle oi one of the touchie.st Okinawa Grab And. Stevenson added, "I only fine and wonderful joh" Dulles WEEKS, SO THAT YOU’LL HAVE YOUR CAR PROTECTED Congress the Internationa ,, chemical ingredient in the powder to Cast their lot with the Demo- hope my opponent has time to face points in relations between Pana­ THIS FALL AND WINTER WITHOUT PAYING did .at the' 22-nation London con­ Hrmalology .Sonet}. . actually halts the bleeding. In L ,* , . .i.,.H«n V„,.n.a some of the realities of our de­ ma and the United Stales. Withirl Tokyo, Aug. 29 (AP) — Some ference. A CENT, THEN MAKE TOUR Tlie rub has been tbit plrtclets time perhaps they can make it | in the coming election, turned clining influence abroad and our hours Foreign Minister- Alberto Japanese officials and newspapers Combination Spneid! .. die too fast. Tlie plnlelels in s ; artificially. ■ , . > today to planning how they can The. Presidential statement as- BOTH FOR lost opportunities at home—and I accused'secretary of State Bulletins pint op blood die within a day af- i -phe second banking method pre- help defeat President Elsenhoiver. don’t mean on the puttihg green." issue, with Dulles arid outlining „ „ . . , . (C'ontinued on Page Twenty-three) ter blood is donated to a bank. serves platelets intact in a.gelatin The powerful A’’’L-010 Execu­ Eisenhower returned to Wash­ Panama’s po.sition. Diilless of threatening to lake oyer from the AP Wires First Pajmient Bui the plateletk now can be . material, which is kept refrigerat- tive Council wound iq a long, ington yesterday after a four da.v.i _ 1. a J, .. , - . Okinawa if Japan eiveR Russia the 1 lb. Beef Liver Panama has steadfasUy claimed -o.ithern Kurile Island.s of Kun- ftahed out of whole blood and pre- i ed. It was described by Dr. J. L. closed door argument by voting to golfing vacation at Pebble Beacli.' sivereignty over the Canal ^ n r Elorofii, Others said served separately. I Ttillis of Boston. recommend formal support for the Calif. The presidential •. party -^.SECOND BODY FOUND 6 9 ^ One method is. to quick-freeze o he was trying to help the Japa- Soviets Seize^ Whole platelets may be pre- Democratic ticket of Adlai Sleven- moved there after he accepted the rights granted to ^ e United States i peace treaty negotia- Wsahlngton. ' Aug. 29 i/P)—- APRIL 1957 1 lb. Bacon REG. 85e and dr.v tliem Into a white powder, served Indefinitel.v thia wa.v i son and Sen. Estes Kefaiiver of Republican presidential nomina­ Navy toda,v! announced recovery kept in a .sealed glass'* tube and Another important use for Tennessee against Eisenhower and tion. In San Francisco. •* of the aeruhd body of d rreiv- then ntlxed with salt solution when that the rights given the United Dfllles told hia pre.ss conference Free Swedish 3 LBS. platelets ia in ' drastic' sii^gery Vice Preaiden^ Nixon. Ike to Seo Hall, Dulles States were only for the purposes ■ Washington j-eslerday he had man of the patrol plane ivhlrh . NO DOWN PAYMENT SKINLESS a life-saving injection is'needed. when nearly all the- patient’a own Seen Sticking Neck Out ^ There , was no immediate''an­ of construction, opeiation, uiaint- Japanese govern- was ahot dnuli off the China This method Was reported by nouncement of hiti achedule. but j blood is lost and is replaced b.v ■’TTle decision was reached late enance and defense of the waier--| „,ent and 9'oreign Minister Mariorii CiatMt last ThiirsdH.v.-The first IJrs. Edmund Klein, .‘UUney Far- j banked blond. The' banked blood yesterday with some misgivings. Republican National Chairman Sailing Vessel ' biHl.v was found IsMt ^'riday in ' j Shigemitsu that nations which w TO 5 YEARS TO my YOUR BEST CHOICE her. 1. Djeraa.si and P. Arnold of : lacks platelets, but the separate Some Council, members felt their I an area about 90 mile* aoiithedst the Children'a Hospital. .Boston. : injections of preserved p l^ lft s (Continued on Page Three) Dulles got into, the Panama qiies ■ have signed the San Francisco Stockholm, Aug. 29 i/P)— A.Rus- of Shanghai and near the east­ 15 million member labor organiza­ lion with ataten.ent declaring Peace' Treaty could make new; Thia freeze method .destroya the ■ ran be given to stop confflued tion would be slicking its neck out a )»iart patrol boat seized a Sweffish ern fringe of the islands which Whole platelets. But the,.powder ^ bleeding. ' '9 8 0 8 8 8 the. situation pertaining to the claims on .lapan . shjjiihl Russia sailing ship nine miles off the so­ flank the Hmith Ctilna Coast. FRANKS ’1 -0 0 and cutting itself off from an.' i Suez (Tanal and the Panama Canal " ^ REG- 45c LB. gain more than the San FVancisco ■ ' < _____ chance for favors from the Re- \ viet Baltic coast today but releas­ 12 YEAR GUARANTEE are "totally diasimila- in two vital signers did. ed it less than five hours later. RED UN AIDE LEAVING publican party. respects." He said the Suez was in­ But the Council, reportedly •Merely \ Reminder. i- The three-masted, schooner Fly­ ^ ^ ^ ^ D I R E C T TO YOU • FROM THE LARGEST News Tidbits ternationalized by''the Treaty of Such addition ■ claims are pro- Ignited Nations, N. Y „ )i[ag: Had No Life of Her Own against the adWee . of AFL-CIO ing Clipper radioed high winds in 39 (-T)—A ^ viet delegation sec­ 1888. while the United States has ; vided for in a clause of the San the B *alt'ic had blown her off GARAGE MANUFACTURERS, "U.S. GARAGES, I ^ ." > PRODUCE DEPTe ^ CONGRESS president George Meany, . voted CuNcd from AP Wires rights of sovsrelgnty over the ' Francisco trcajy. Duljes said he retary under fire from the Sen- -- _ *. .V ' • j course and to a point within the 14-8 to make ah endorsement and Panama. Canal. I'"merely .teminded the Japanese of j ate Internal Security . subcom­ And you savs money. You get larger ojrerhead-type garage V , . then cast that endorsement by s .12-inile limit Russia fixes as her mittee has made reservations ta doors, better concrete foundations, skilled'masons and carpen­ DONT WORRY The second dissimilar aspect, he i the existence of that clause. I did | territorial boundary. ' soil for home Sept. 12, it was EXPERIENCE: 15 years in pi^blic life> 5 years as Hartford Aider- Nurse in Baby Killings 17-5 count to the Democrats. President * of National Asyicia- went on.involves the dependence : not attempt to indicate what its ters erect your garage with the finest materials, famous brands The decisiorf was steered by a The Foreign Office earlier had reported toda.v. The Soviet na- known to you. * tion of Attorneys General calm for of a large number of countries on j operation would be or that in fact announced^ the Flj’iqg Clipper had IF TOMATOES solid bloc of leadfra of former strong efforts to insure new law­ tignul Is Rostislav E. Shapova­ man, TO yeOiB as State Senator. the Suez and their fear that this | it would b f invoked.’’ been seized off the Swedish island lov, 'Who was charged by the AS UTTLE AS CIO unions sparked by former CIO yers are of high moral character lifeline may be cut. .j —r'' , i j The United Stales currently oc- DONT LIKE YOU! ■ ■ Seemed Lonely Woman CJhief Walter Reiither. He had been of Gotaka Sandoen. This would siibconimlttee with attempting ..Louisiana legislature opens 12- have placed it from 80 to 100 : instrumental at ' the DeAiocratic day special session wjth sports to pressure a refugee ex-raplain WE DO! We have just the thing i (Continued on,Page Four) (Continued on Page' Fifteen) miles off the Soviet coast. of the Red .\rmy, Michael Sha- for those of you who like to­ ABILITY: Now President pro tempore of State Senate after years coiivention in getting Stevenson bias proposal ..heading list of By 8.AUL PETT nominated. Reiither's" clique per­ The Flvlng Clipper, used to train tov, to return to Moscow. matoes, but feel they’re too acid three major issues that could ex­ Swedish merchant seamen, radioed New Haven, Aug. 29 (A*! She suaded a sprinkling of former plode into angry words and bitter­ for your system. You won’t find of service on important state commissions and legislative com­ laughed a lot. She talked a great at 7:55 a.m. "We are being cap­ CNG PIMIT, rL.\.NE FOUND them evei-ywhere but as al­ AFL union locals to go along, ness. • I PER WEEK deaj. She ate "conatantly," and dis- while eight leaders of former AFL tured.” Norwalk, Aug. 39 i/Pi — The ways—YOU'LI. FIND THEM Soviet government makes public | "We are being boarded b.v Rus­ mittees. pla.ved. a child’s passion for Ice unions opposed en.v endorsement. . demand that West German gov-1 FBI Nabs Masterminds Connecticut National Guard lo- HERE! cream and soda pop. sian officera.” the clipper said. DO-IT-YOURSELF Meady and Secretarj'-lreasurer ernment remove ail physical and , da.v Informed Mm. Charlea W. Ripe, Native, Acid-Fra« But beneath the pretense of William Schnltzler abstained from moral hindrances to return of So­ Then radio contact was broken. Allison Jr., of Norwalk, she sold, PLAN ALSO chatty cheerfulness, there were voting. Four other members of viet displaced persons. .Britain In Riesel Blinding Case At 11:40 a.m., the Flying Clip­ that her husband and the plan# telltale signs o/ a- woman acutely prepares to hand over to Egypt per came bock on the air and said he was piloting haa been fonod the Council were absent. she waa proceeding toward the is -: AVAILABLE ambarrassed* by her inordinate The AFL-CIO leaders, holding a fooner British destroyer even in woods near Rochester, N. Y. YELLOW 1 Qc land of (Jotland, her qriginal des­ Hr waa Injured. .\IUson, a flmt In Newington, on the Hnrtford-New giee, a lonely woman who seemed WARD WORKS though it is disputing E ^ ’pt’s na­ New York. Aug. 29 (A P )—FBIs inal elements in labor unions,' hjia Haven Turnpike, near the Chinese to have no life of her owr. and tried tination' when she set out from lieutenant, was reported to. hava Neniest Office (Continued on Page Three) tionalization of Suez Canal; agents have seized notorious rack­ also said the acid attack was Hitching Post and Opp. Variety to enjoy vicariously the lives of her West Germany is negotiating the port of N.vnaeshamn. suffered a broken leg and waa •ad Oniege Display Home*. Telephone MOhawk 6-8888. TOMATOES 1 temporary erriployers. eteer. Johnny Dio and'three other j planned to scare him out of testi­ •"rhis .means she has been re­ taken to a hospital near Roches­ VOTING AT REGULAR POLLING PLACES for hundi-eds of millions of dollars' men aa the underworld master­ This was the picture slowly em­ worth of heavy .American defense - fying. leased," a Swedish official said. ter, she told the Norwalk Hear. erging today of Virginia Jaspers, Alabamans Thwart minds behind the acid blinding of The dapper, 42-year-old Dio— The Flying Clipper was under weapons to equip. Ha new* armed labor c'olnmniat Victor Riesel. whose actual name is John Dio- CNp ORd Mail Coupon Today For Froo Catalog FOR RIDES OR INFORMATION CALL THESE NUMBERS the 6-foot, 220-pound baby nurse, forces. . . Jame.s A. Farley is re­ tKe command,, of Capt. T. Hag- BRINK'S JURY COMPLETED who told police she shook three in­ Integration Order The four were charged with con- giiardi was nabbed at his home stroem and had 36 men aboard. ."jloston, Aug. 29 t/P'— .\n all­ WATERMELONS ported recovering satisfactorily apiracy in allagedly aetting up a on Point Lookout, Long Island, There waa no immediate state­ MIBNT&EMEN: WTTHOUT OBLIGATION fants to death and injured two \ after major eye operation to re­ male jury was flnall.v seated to­ VIRGINIA JASPER.S aneak attack on Rieael shortly N.'' Y, ment on the action the Swedish day in the 18th day of the ^ A RIPE. SWEET, JUICY FIRST DIST. SECOND DIST. THIRD DIST. FOURTH DIST. others in fits of "uncontrollable" Birraingha*., Ala., Aug. 29 lA’i - pair injury .suffered at Dcntocnitic after he atrolled out of a Broadway Picked up elsewhere ■ were authorities would take, but in­ I □ Please msll your Free Gsrage* Booklet. temper. Alabama voters have i.'pproved, a Ovnvention in Chicago. Blink’s 8l.2l8.tt06 robbery trUL EAST SIDE REC WEST SIDE REC WADDELL SCHOOL YMCA reataurant in the dark early morn-- Thomas Dingiiardi, 40. his brother formed sources said the SOvieJ after 1,631 veniremen had beea (Ico Box Sizo) While the big, blonde woman, they hacL no reason to suspect her constitutional amendment lo keep Typhoon (Thifriotte sweep* into ing hours April 5. and sn executive in a cotton goods embassy had been asked to mak{ herielf still bsby-faced at 33, re­ ablli(,v or motives at thejtime. One Negroes and whites in separate South China Sea after venting its examined sipce Aug. 7. Aa lelee- M l 3-6256 M l 3-4047 M l 3-4984 Ml 3-4538 . Hired for firm: Domenico Bando, 47. a an Immediate inquiry. I tion of the jury neared comple­ mained In county Jail in lieu of was Mrs. Allen HubbaVd. whose schools even at the cost of abolish­ declining' fury on northern Philip­ After the seizure report. Navy The FBI said a young hoodlum, Brooklyn baker; and Charles Tuso, tion, one previously-selected Ja- THESE ARE ONE-DAY SPECIALS ONLY M l 3-6290 - M l 3-4546 M l 3-5676 Ml 3-4512 150,000 Wnd. authorifiea continued I3-day-old daughter died in 1948 ing the public educational system. pines. . . Hartford County prose­ Abraham Telvi, was hired for $1,-' 44, a garment worker. All have men speculated that the Russians to investigate the strange case. n-hile under Miss Jsspers’ care. The measure allows the state cutor begins interviewing person­ ror was excused on his pic* that 000 to fling the acid. Telvi was long criminal records. were escorting the ship to a port he had become "emotionally mp- ...... Phone ...... 4^7.'. There was much to investigate. Until Monday, Mrs. Hubbard legislature to end public education­ ally officials and others in hia ef­ later found shot to death. A 'fifth mans Charles (Charlie on the Soviet Baltic coast. 1 H'UI Study Death Heports knew only what her doctor had al facilities and give public funds fort to determine. If crimos have After the arrests yesterday, U.S. Woppiel Carlino, 43. also was Sweden claims only a 4-miIe lim­ •et." MAIN OFFICE FREE OoronCr Jamea J. Corrigan aoid told her then '— that the child died to private schools. beea committed within walls of it in the Baltic and the Rusaions Atty. Paul W. Williams said; charged yesterday with ' con­ SEE 489 HOLIDAY DEAnU 24-HOI’R be would etudy the death certifi- of a cerebral hemorrhage apparent­ It, and a similar amendment Connecticut state prison. “johnny Dio. among others, spiracy. He was arrested Aug. 18 a 12-mile offehore limit, but dis­ CALL COLLECT C H ESTNLT 8 -6316 SERVICE PARKING - u tea of every chil