International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Volume 117 No. 16 2017, 57-63 ISSN: 1311-8080 (printed version); ISSN: 1314-3395 (on-line version) url: Special Issue


R.Nisha Jenipher Assistant professor, Karpagam College of Engineering, Coimbatore

Abstract: In recent trends, the innovations in Energy (AMI), allows electric utilities to gather utility usage measurement are widely increasing in order to make data from its customers, both residential and efficient, reliable operation and management of utility commercial, without manually reading meters . system. The growing demand for power in this era of Technology development in networking, energy crisis has forced the installation of more EB measurement, and database has contributed and meters, and to find new ways for measurement of meter continues to contribute in every aspects of meter data reading and also to monitor the efficient usage of reading. A smart meter is an electrical meter which energy. One such recent innovation in energy records and energy in few seconds and measurement is Automatic Meter Reading system sends the data to utility for monitoring and billing (AMR) using analog energy meters or digital meters processes [1-4]. The incorporation of concept of with the help of smart meters. At present energy demand response into smart metering focuses on the measurement is done manually, which is very difficult technology improvement. The concept of demand with the day to day increasing connections in a densely response and energy marketing helps the user in populated country and it involves more man power too. conservative consumption of energy and provides more The concept of Automatic Meter Reading system helps transparency in choosing their energy connection [5 - in overcoming this inconvenience in the widely 9]. In smart metering the transfer of data between the growing field of energy measurement. Though AMR is users and the server needs a communication protocol. a very efficient method it involves the replacement of The communication protocol may be Zigbee, GPRS, existing energy meters by the smart energy meters, LAN, HAN, Wifi, WEI etc. The selection of the which is not economical. Thus this project focus on the communication protocol depends upon the application energy measurement and tariff calculation using WIFI and the distance of communication [10-13].Each technology without replacing the existing meters, communication protocol is compared with each other which is very much economical to implement, by and the best one is chosen according to one’s adding a controller circuit and transceiver circuit with application. Though smart metering is useful and the existing meters . In addition to tariff display to the proves for the advancement of technology, the consumers, the demand response and power installation of these smart meters costs high. Thus this consumption for every day will be displayed to the project puts forth the implementation of smart metering consumers as well as to the utility, which ensures the idea in the existing energy meters. The WIFI reliability of power consumption. The simulated output technology, which is proved to be beneficial than other of this system is presented to validate the proposed communication protocols is used [14-17]. system. The simulation is performed by programming In the following way the sections details about the in MIKRO C software and simulating using PROTEUS work. Section I focuses towards introduction; section II software. explains the introduction to smart meter ,energy market and demand response; Section III presents the Key words: Smart meter, Automatic Meter Reading simulation model of smart meter; Section IV describes (AMR), Wireless fidelity (Wifi), Demand Response, the hardware implementation and Section V concludes tariff calculation, penalty calculation. the work.

1. Introduction 2. Introduction to smart meter, Energy market and demand response In today’s world of connectedness, people are becoming accustomed to easy access to information. Automatic Meter Reading (AMR) and Advanced Whether it’s through the Internet or television, people Metering Infrastructure (AMI), allows electric utilities want to be informed and up-to-date with the latest to gather utility usage data from its customers, both events happening around the world. Automatic Meter residential and commercial, without manual operations Reading (AMR) and Advanced Metering Infrastructure involved. The smart meter is usually an electrical meter

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capable to record electric power and energy in intervals could be achieved by relying on conventional of hour or less and send this recorded information at generation alone. least daily back to utility for monitoring and billing 2. Relieving the voltage constrained power transfer processes. The design of Smart Energy Meter involves problem. the measuring of load current and voltage using sensors 3. Relieving congestion in the distribution substations. and then feeding them to energy metering IC which 4. Simplifying outage management and improving the converts it into the real power consumed by the load. quality of supply. The voltage and current sensors measure the RMS 5. During incidents of congestion or peak periods DR values of voltage and current and feed them to relieves the components of the network from the microcontroller, where calculations for active and undesirable stress. reactive power are performed. In Smart Energy Meter the sensors are used to measure voltage and current instead of current and voltage which are to be installed in the fields. Two-way communication is done by smart energy meter between the meter and utility administration as well as between meter and customer so that customer is able to check the status of his consumed energy units and can manage his load accordingly to reduce his bill. In its simplest terms, “energy trading and marketing” is the buying, selling and moving of bulk energy ( and ) from where it is produced to where it is needed. Energy markets are commodity markets that deal specifically with the trade and supply of energy. Energy market may refer to an Figure 1. Demand Response Characteristics electricity market, but can also refer to other sources of energy. Energy markets have been liberalized in some 3. Simulation of the Proposed Model countries; they are regulated by national and international authorities (including liberalized markets) A digital energy meter (DEMs) is considered. It is to protect consumer rights. In many cases, electricity is connected to an AC load and this meter is interfaced to generated by a power company that ultimately will not a controller. A LCD and One WIFI is connected to the deliver it to the end-use customer. A single megawatt controller. A PC with WIFI is connected in the utility. (MW - the most common unit of electricity used in The reading of the DEB meter is sent to the controller. discussions - is generally enough power to light 750 to The controller processes the data and calculates the cost 1,000 homes), like any other commodity, is frequently and penalty (if any) and displays the value on the LCD bought and re-sold a number of times before finally and at the same time sends the value to the utility. The being consumed. These transactions are considered WIFI connected to the utility receives the information "sales for re-sale," and make-up the energy market. and displays it in the server. From the PC of the utility, The energy market is open to anyone who, after the demand response data (time period and cost of one securing the necessary approvals, can generate power, unit at that period) is sent to the consumers through connect to the grid and find counterparty willing to buy WIFI and is displayed on the LCD(Fig 2).The tariff their output. These include competitive suppliers and calculation, penalty calculation and demand response marketers that are affiliated with utilities, independent data for commercial and industrial connections are power producers (IPPs) not affiliated with a utility, as done differently based on TNEB tariff data and IEX’s well as some excess generation sold by traditional demand response data. The cost and units are sent vertically integrated utilities. All these market based on daily report. WIFI module range is 20 t0 80 participants compete with each other on the wholesale meters, 802.11n. The interfacing circuit consists of RS market. 232, max 232, and Schmitt trigger circuit. The IC used According to the Federal Energy Regulatory is PIC- 40 pin, with memory EEPROM-256 bytes. Commission, (FERC) Demand Response is defined as Thus this set up replaces the need for the installation of changes in the electricity usage by the end consumers new module of the smart meters. This set up needs a from their normal consumption pattern with respect to LCD display, a controller and a WIFI module in changes in the rates of electricity over a time(fig 1). addition to the existing meters which costs low The benefits of DR are, compared to smart meter module Simulation of circuit 1. The flexibility provided by demand response can was done through software called ‘ PROTEUS ’. The be used to meet the fluctuations of renewable PROTEUS is used to design the circuit assembly generation and facilitate a higher penetration than through software. The code was compiled & the HEX file was loaded onto the IC. Proteus has extensive

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single step and debugging facilities. PROTEUS has a comprehensive and powerful environment for building models and analyzing effects on system. It has high level of built in flexibility.

Figure 2. Block diagram of implementation of smart meter in existing meters.

It is a high speed visualization and analysis tool which indicate the reference switch which passes the signal to is useful for error checking. The software used for the controller that the inputs are given. programming of controller is MIKRO C. MIKRO C for PIC is a full-featured ANSI C compiler for PIC Table 1 . The Data Considered For Tariff and Penalty devices. It is the best solution for developing code for Calculation (For Simulation Purpose) PIC devices. It is designed to provide the programmer the easiest possible solution for developing applications DATA COMMERCIAL INDUSTRIAL for embedded systems. It supports every level of USER USER developer for a number of applications right from the Cost per unit Rs 3/unit Rs 6/unit basic level to a more complex level. We can built, Penalty calculated If unit consumed If units compile, debug and test all types of codes in this is > 10 units consumed is > software. 10 units In PROTEUS the model block is designed for Penalty cost per Rs Rs finding the simulation results. Two PIC controllers are unit 100+cost/unit 100+cost/unit used in the block. One controller is programmed to calculate tariff, cost, number of units and penalty. Another controller is used to indicate the process of WIFI by transmitting the data from the first controller to the next and to a LCD display. A transmission or reception module is connected between the two controllers to indicate the transmission or reception of data by means of pulse. The received data from the second controller is passed to the LCD for display. Three switches are connected to the first PIC 16f877. Two switches connected to pin number 8 and 9 indicate the EB meters. Among those switches one switch indicates commercial user and another indicates the industrial user. The switch connected to pin number 10

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The I/O lines were added for the graphic LCD display, wireless module. The LCD utilizes a standard I/O interface. And the wireless module utilizes a standard SPI interface. For the wireless module, Clear-To-Send and Request-To-Send signals have been connected to provide a more complete interface. This enables the 802.11 (Wi-Fi) communications to happen faster without interrupting a pre-existing operation. The PIC microcontroller has built in SPI protocol. When placed in host mode, the microcontroller can access flash memory to read information.

Table 3. The Data Considered For Tariff and Penalty Calculation (For Hardware Purpose)

Figure 3. Simulation results of PROTEUS

Table 2. Simulation Results Of Proteus

COMMERCIAL INDUSTRIAL USER USER (Rs 3/unit) (Rs 6/unit) INPUTS(no of 13 16 Two digital energy meter (DEMs) is considered. It times switch 1 is connected to an AC load and this meter is interfaced pressed) to a controller. A LCD is connected. The RS 232 Number of 13 16 connected to controller and has wired connection. One units WIFI is connected to the second controller. A PC with displayed in WIFI is connected in the utility. The AC load is a LCD single phase induction motor to indicate an industrial Cost Rs 39 Rs 48 consumer. The reading of the DEB meter is sent to the controller. The controller processes the data and calculates the cost and penalty (if any) and displays the Penalty Rs 100 as units Rs 100 as units value on the LCD at the same time sends the value to >10 >10 the utility. The WIFI connected to the utility receives Final cost Rs 139 Rs 148 the information and displays it in the server. From the displayed PC of the utility, the demand response data (time period and cost of one unit at that period) is sent to the 4. Hardware Implementation consumers through WIFI and is displayed on the LCD. The tariff calculation, penalty calculation and demand The circuits for the WI-FI BASED NOTIFICATION response data for commercial and industrial SYSTEM consist of four systems placed within one connections are done differently based on TNEB tariff primary units: power supply, controller, display and data and IEX’s demand response data. The value from Wi-Fi transceiver. Inside the power supply unit, AC the commercial user is sent through the WIFI of the power will be transformed, rectified, and then regulated industrial user to the utility. The cost and units are sent to 3V, 5 V within the system. This voltage is made based on daily report. WIFI module range is 20 t0 80 available on conductive posts by which each functional meters, 802.11n. The interfacing circuit consists of RS unit will be placed for working properly. The unit 232, max 232, and Schmitt trigger circuit. The IC used consists of the power supply management circuit and is PIC- 40 pin, with memory EEPROM-256 bytes the functional circuit. The power management circuit will give 5V output and use it to charge the portable modules. Additionally, power is regulated to 3V before being output to the functional circuit. This circuit contains all the operating components including the microcontroller, LCD, and peripheral connections. The functional circuit was developed using an iterative process by obtaining results from simulation circuit.

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Table 4. Demand Response Details From Iex The unit consumed by lamp load (commercial load) is 7 and unit consumed by the motor load (industrial load) is 1. The cost for units consumed by commercial and industrial load is Rs 21 and Rs 6.5 respectively. The cost for units consumed by commercial user obtained in hardware is Rs 19.9 with 0.1% of error and the same for industrial user obtained in hardware is Rs 6.5 with 0% error.

V. Conclusions

Thus AMR is implemented in the consumer side without replacing the existing meter with the help of additional components such as interfacing circuit, controller unit, LCD, WIFI, etc. Two types of loads (commercial and industrial) are considered and the tariff is calculated for the units consumed in the respective loads. The demand response data for the date 23.03.15 is considered to transmit from utility to the consumer. The WIFI technology 802.11 protocol is considered for the communication between utility and consumer using transceivers. The future scope of the project includes, wireless hub interface between the two controllers, extension of the proposed model for the calculation of and detection of illegal use of energy.


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