Rota Raises Millions for Education Projects at Gala Dinner Auction

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Rota Raises Millions for Education Projects at Gala Dinner Auction QATAR | Page 27 SPORT | Page 1 Biggest win of career for INDEX Qatar’s Adel DOW JONES QE NYMEX QATAR 2-9, 27 COMMENT 26 Dhow festival off ers REGION 10 BUSINESS 1–6, 17-20 ‘loads of action in Jeddah 18,853.00 9,774.98 45.69 ARAB WORLD 10–12 CLASSIFIED 7-16 -16.00 +33.27 +0.27 INTERNATIONAL 13–25 SPORTS 1 – 12 and excitement’ -0.08% +0.34% +0.59% Latest Figures published in QATAR since 1978 SUNDAY Vol. XXXVII No. 10278 November 20, 2016 Safar 20, 1438 AH GULF TIMES www. 2 Riyals Rota raises millions for education In brief projects at Gala Dinner auction During the event, HE Sheikha QATAR | Talks Al Mayassa presented Rota’s Meeting discusses “Lifetime Achievement in 2016” award to Palestinian teacher bilateral relations Ahmed Sawafiri in recognition of HE the Minister of Foreign Aff airs his achievements and his work in Sheikh Mohamed bin Abdulrahman the educational field al-Thani yesterday met with French Foreign Minister Jean-Marc Ayrault, By Joseph Varghese who is visiting Qatar. During the Staff Reporter meeting, the two sides discussed relations between the two countries and ways of developing each Out To Asia (Rota) raised and enhancing co-operation, in over $15.22mn for its education addition to a number of regional Rprojects in Asia and the Middle and international issues of common East at an auction held during its sixth interest. HE Sheikh Mohamed bin Gala Dinner, organised under the pa- Abdulrahman expressed Qatar’s tronage of HH the Emir Sheikh Tamim desire to strengthen and develop bin Hamad al-Thani yesterday. relations with France in various Details of the fi nal proceeds from the fields. event were still awaited at the time of going to press. YEMEN | War Held at the Al Shaqab Indoor Arena of Qatar Foundation for Education, Pro-govt forces accuse Science and Community Development rebels of violating truce (QF), the event was attended by HH the Forces aligned to Yemen’s Father Emir Sheikh Hamad bin Khalifa government yesterday accused al-Thani; HH Sheikha Moza bint Nass- Houthi rebels of violating a er, chairperson, QF; HE Sheikha Al Ma- temporary truce hours after it yassa bint Hamad bin Khalifa al-Thani, went into eff ect in the country. chairperson, Rota; Prince Alwaleed bin Pro-government troops in northern Talal bin Abdulaziz al-Saud, in addi- Yemen accused the rebels of 17 tion to a number of their excellencies breaches of the ceasefire, while an sheikhs and several other dignitaries anti-Houthi commander in central from Qatar and the wider Arab region. Yemen said that the rebels shelled The event was held under the theme residential areas in the flashpoint city “Team up today, Shape up tomorrow”. of Taiz. Meanwhile, a Saudi soldier Rota is marking its 10th anniversary. has been killed by a missile fired by Speaking at the event, HE Sheikha Al Yemeni rebels across the border Mayassa said: “Today we live in a period HH the Father Emir Sheikh Hamad bin Khalifa al-Thani, HH Sheikha Moza bint Nasser, HE Sheikha Al Mayassa bint Hamad bin Khalifa al-Thani, Prince Alwaleed bin Talal bin into the kingdom’s southern Asir of time when many countries are expe- Abdulaziz al-Saud and other dignitaries during yesterday’s sixth Rota Gala Dinner at the Al Shaqab Indoor Arena. PICTURES: AR al-Baker/HHOPL province. Page 10 riencing disputes and confl icts, which have deprived children and young peo- ARAB WORLD | Assault ple of one of the most important rights to life, namely education. UN ‘appalled’ “So, it was our goal in Rota to get ed- by Syria violence ucation to these children in their coun- Top UN off icials said yesterday tries torn by confl icts, and we were able they were “appalled” by escalating - by the grace of God and the support of violence in Syria, and urged donors - to launch several educational immediate access to Aleppo, where projects in order to serve the children government forces are waging a and youth of those areas. ferocious assault to retake rebel- “We defend the right of children to held districts. “The United Nations get education, and also believe in the is extremely saddened and appalled right of young people to participate in by the recent escalation in fighting the decisions that shape the future of in several parts of Syria,” the UN’s their communities. That is why Rota humanitarian co-ordinator for has launched several initiatives to em- Syria Ali al-Za’atari and regional power young people at the local, re- humanitarian coordinator Kevin gional and international levels.” Kennedy said. Page 11 She also said Rota’s eff orts were a way to express Qatar’s gratitude to ex- patriates of diff erent countries working in Qatar. “A large number of expatriate workers have been involved in con- structing stadiums and other infra- structure for the development of Qatar. HH Sheikh Hamad and HH Sheikha Moza with HE Sheikha Al Mayassa. This is our way of thanking them by providing education to the children and to more than “100,000ft within the Bangladesh (Opportunities for Life empowering the youth in the countries layers of the planet’s atmosphere”. programme), Indonesia (1 in 11 cam- of those workers,” she added. The auction also featured a Patek paign, in partnership with Unicef and During the event, HE Sheikha Al Philippe dome table clock and a Qatari FC Barcelona Foundation) and Yemen Mayassa presented Rota’s “Lifetime Natural Jeewan pearl necklace off ered (Bringing Back Hope), and for Syr- Achievement in 2016” award to Pales- by Al Majed Jewellery; a Hermès men’s ian refugees in Jordan (I Had a Dream), tinian teacher Ahmed Sawafi ri in rec- trunk donated by Wissam al-Mana; Lebanon (Longing to Learn) and Turkey ognition of his achievements and his as well as a 2017 BMW M3 30 Jahre (Project Tomorrow). work in the educational fi eld. Limited Edition donated by Alfardan Proceeds from the fi fth Rota Gala At the Gala Dinner, international Automobiles, in addition to a Louis Dinner held in 2014 were used to sup- auction house Sotheby’s opened bid- Moinet Mecanograph limited-edition port Syrian refugees in Lebanon, youth ding for a number of rare items as well watch. in Nepal and the West Bank, and to re- as a special trip for two to the edge of The proceeds will fund existing and habilitate schools in Tunisia, the offi - HH Sheikh Hamad and HH Sheikha Moza with Palestinian teacher Ahmed Sawafiri, space on an aircraft that will take them future Rota education initiatives in cial Qatar News Agency reported. who was honoured with Rota’s “Lifetime Achievement in 2016” award. Tailgating remains a growing concern among motorists hile tailgating remains a swerving and distracted driving. ing behaviour that are often linked to the roads (74%). The trend for abrupt try (Ministry of Interior) for improving culture of road safety in Qatar. “This growing concern among mo- The highlights of the survey over the the cause of accidents in Qatar. The changing of lanes too seems to have road safety in the State of Qatar. We are means working collaboratively across Wtorists, the overall driving last six months were presented yester- fi ndings of the survey are based on the dropped to 70% as stated by the re- proud to be associated with this unique, all elements of the road transport sys- perception has improved in Qatar, a re- day by QIC Insured, which commis- views of a representative sample of the spondents of the survey. However, the long-term perception study, as it dem- tem and recognising that everybody has cent study has found. sioned the bi-annual study. residents of Qatar. perception trend for tailgating appears onstrates the eff orts of QIC Insured to a role to play in improving road safety. According to the fi ndings of Qatar Though there are several fi elds which A large majority of the respondents unchanged over the last six months actively support the creation of safer It would also lay the foundations for Road Safety Monitor, a unique per- require amelioration, the overall posi- (68%) said road infrastructure has im- (76%). roads, in line with Qatar’s National a safe road transport system that will ception study of driving behaviour tive perception trends of driving in Qa- proved over the last six months, lead- Commenting on the fi ndings of the Road Safety Strategy and Qatar Na- benefi t future generations.” in Qatar, positive observation trends tar outweigh the negative ones in the ing to shorter commute time (67%) and survey, deputy group president & CEO- tional Vision 2030.” The details of Qatar Road Safety include improved road infrastruc- most recent study conducted by Qatar more driving enjoyment (38%). QIC Mena, Salem al-Mannai, said: “It According to him, while the observed Monitor can be found in the “featured” ture, lesser commute time and more Road Safety Monitor. Dangerous driving has reduced over is indeed encouraging to observe that trends are mainly positive, further ef- section on: http://www.roadsafetyqa- driving enjoyment. Participants who The survey sets out to quantify per- the last six months from 62% to 57%, most of the dimensions included in the forts in education, enforcement and The study will be responded to the study felt there has ception trends of Qatar’s motorists they said. There has been a marginal survey have developed in the right di- infrastructure improvement are needed repeated every six months with the been some improvement in areas like about infrastructure, overall driving improvement in the trend for dis- rection, which can be attributed to the by all stakeholders, public and private next scheduled release slated for mid dangerous driving, speeding, lane enjoyment, commute time and driv- tracted driving (85%) and speeding on various initiatives taken by the minis- entities and media to inculcate the Q1/2017.
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