15 October 2018 Judgments ...... 2 Key Decisions...... 2 New South Wales (NSW) ...... 2 ...... 3 South Australia...... 3 Legislation ...... 3 Commonwealth ...... 3 Reports ...... 3 Australia. Department of Health ...... 3 Australia. Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA) and the boards ...... 4 Australia. National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) ...... 4 Australia. National Mental Health Commission ...... 4 Australia. Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) ...... 4 Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care ...... 5 Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (AIHW) ...... 5 Australian Capital Territory (ACT). Health Directorate ...... 5 Northern Territory ...... 6 Queensland. Department of Health ...... 7 South Australia (SA). Department for Health and Wellbeing ...... 7 Tasmania. Department of Health & Human Services ...... 7 Victoria. Department of Health ...... 8 Western Australia (WA). Department of Health ...... 9 Australian Medical Association (AuMA) ...... 9 About us ...... 10 More information ...... 10

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JUDGMENTS Key Decisions 10 October 2018 - Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia v Kramarz (Review and Regulation) [2018] VCAT 1566 - Health Practitioner Regulation National Law (Victoria) Act 2009, Nurse Division 2, finding of professional misconduct, trafficking a drug of dependence, obtaining property by deception, appropriate disposition. On 20 June 2018, the Tribunal published findings that the respondent engaged in professional misconduct in that she behaved in a way that constitutes professional misconduct as defined in section 5 of the National Law. In summary, Ms Kramarz admitted to one count of trafficking a drug of dependence and one count of obtaining property by deception. It should be noted that Ms Kramarz’ registration was suspended by the Board on 20 May 2016 by way of immediate action pursuant to section 156 of the National Law. In April 2017 Ms Kramarz surrendered her registration pursuant to section 137 of the National Law. The Tribunal noted that the reputation of the profession is in need of protection by way of the disposition being one which indicates to the public that behaviour such as that of Ms Kramarz falls well short of the standards required by the profession. The Tribunal ordered that the respondent be reprimanded and disqualified from applying for registration as a nurse for a period of three years. 12 October 2018 - Health Care Complaints Commission v Nguyen [2018] NSWCATOD 168 - PROFESSIONAL DISCIPLINE – Health Practitioner Regulation National Law – Medical Practitioner – Unsatisfactory Professional Conduct – Professional Misconduct – Appropriate protective orders. The Health Care Complaints Commission brought two complaints of unsatisfactory professional conduct, and one complaint of professional misconduct, against a registered medical practitioner, Dr Howard Nguyen, in respect of his treatment of one patient. Dr Nguyen admitted all but one aspect of the particulars of the complaints and there was little factual dispute as to what occurred. The parties were content for the Tribunal to deal with both the question of liability and the question of the appropriate protective orders together, without the need to conduct the proceedings in two stages with a further oral hearing. The Tribunal decided that Dr Nguyen is guilty of unsatisfactory professional conduct and professional misconduct and that he should be reprimanded and other protective orders should be made. Dr Howard Van Nguyen is to pay the costs of the applicant, the Health Care Complaints Commission, agreed in the sum of $30,000.00. New South Wales (NSW) 12 October 2018 - Quach v NSW Health Care Complaints Commission (No 5) [2018] NSWSC 1519 - ADMINISTRATIVE LAW – prohibition order sought against Crown Solicitor appearing for NSW Health Care Complaints Commission in the ACT Supreme Court – previous proceedings seeking substantially the same order dismissed as an abuse of process – these proceedings an abuse of process – no constitutional issues arising – summons dismissed with costs. 12 October 2018 - Health Care Complaints Commission v Bainbridge [2018] NSWCATOD 169 - TRADES AND PROFESSIONS ─ nursing ─ impairment ─ opiate dependence ─ repeated breach of conditions. 10 October 2018 - Inquest into the death of Craig Daniel James Catley 2015/6538 - CORONIAL LAW – mandatory inquest - death of a person in custody –– what was cause of death – was care and treatment provided by Justice Health and Corrective Services NSW adequate. 10 October 2018 - Inquest into the death of Ian Turnbull 2017/95138 - CORONIAL LAW – death in custody, natural causes. 5 October 2018 - Inquest into the death of Andrew Amos 2015/23577 - CORONIAL LAW – Death in Custody. Cause and manner of death. 10 October 2018 - Zepinic v Health Care Complaints Commission (No 2) [2018] NSWCATOD 166 - TRADES AND PROFESSIONS — Health practitioner — Psychologist — Reinstatement order.

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9 October 2018 - Dr B v Health Secretary obh of a Local Health District [2018] NSWIRComm 1060 - APPEAL — Application for leave to appeal — Whether exercise of discretion disclosed error — Proportionality — Grounds in support of leave to appeal not made out — Leave to appeal refused. Northern Territory 10 October 2018 - Inquest into the death of Matthew Leonard Rosewarne [2018] NTLC 024 - Police investigation, gunshot death, shot in back of neck, safety catch on, investigated as suicide, role of investigative bias. South Australia 10 October 2018 - Inquest into the death of Stephen Robert Atkins 02/2018 (0486/2015) - CORONIAL LAW.

LEGISLATION As a general rule, this bulletin tracks subsidiary legislation at Commonwealth, but not at state level Commonwealth 12 October 2018 - National Health (Privacy) Rules 2018 F2018L01427 - as made. 12 October 2018 - Biosecurity (Human Health) Amendment (Disinsection Exemption) Regulations 2018 F2018L01416 - as made. 11 October 2018 - Private Health Insurance (Reforms) Amendment Rules 2018 F2018L01414 - as made. 10 October 2018 - Health Insurance (Section 3C General Medical Services – Optical Coherence Tomography) Determination 2018 F2018L01411 - as made. 9 October 2018 - Therapeutic Goods (Medical Devices—Information that Must Accompany Application for Inclusion) Determination 2018 F2018L01410 - as made.

REPORTS Australia. Department of Health Media releases 11 October 2018 - Getting on the Front Foot to Tackle ‘Fake’ Food - Australia’s high-quality, world- recognised food producers need to be protected from the increasing threat of ‘fake’ foods being marketed as real food. 11 October 2018 - Minister Congratulates Sport Australia Hall of Fame Winners - The Minister for Sport, Senator Bridget McKenzie, has warmly congratulated new inductees and award winners announced at the Sport Australia Hall of Fame’s annual dinner. 11 October 2018 - Private health insurance simpler and cheaper for everyday Australians - New rules have been announced that will make private health insurance easier to understand and help Australians choose the cover that best suits them and their families from 1 April, 2019. 10 October 2018 - Children’s Hospital Foundation Queensland supports Brain Cancer Mission with 10 million - The Children’s Hospital Foundation Queensland has boosted Government’s Australian Brain Cancer Mission with a $10 million commitment that will give Queensland its own children’s brain cancer research centre. 10 October 2018 - Million Minds to focus on eating disorders, Indigenous and youth mental health - The Australian Government’s $125 million mental health research mission has made child and youth mental health, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander mental health, and eating disorders the priorities for its first round of funding.

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10 October 2018 - More Aged Care Places for First Australians - More than 900 additional First Nations people in remote Australia will have access to residential and home aged care services close to family, home or country, thanks to Australian Government funding. 10 October 2018 - Strong Government support for mesh implant recommendations - The Australian Government will take sweeping steps to deal with the adverse effects of transvaginal mesh implants in its response to the Senate Inquiry. 8 October 2018 - Local Action Funded to Eliminate Rheumatic Heart Disease - Five Aboriginal Medical Services and the Telethon Kids Institute will receive more than $4.6 million to target Rheumatic Heart Disease (RHD) hot spots across the nation. 7 October 2018 - New Productivity Commission Inquiry to shine a light on mental health - The Australian Government will establish a Productivity Commission Inquiry into the role of mental health in the Australian economy and the best ways to support and improve national mental wellbeing. 6 October 2018 - $1 million to support the rehabilitation of stroke survivors - The Australian Government will invest $1 million to improve recovery and rehabilitation and help stroke survivors back to work. Private Health Insurance Circulars 11 October 2018 - PHI 60/18 Private Health Insurance (Reforms) Amendment Rules 2018. 5 October 2018 - PHI 59/18 Hospital Declaration. Australia. Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA) and the boards 5 October 2018 - Communiqué - The Dental Board of Australia releases its latest communiqué. 9 October 2018 - Communiqué from the Board - The Occupational Therapy Board of Australia releases its latest communiqué. 8 October 2018 - Communiqué from the Board - The Osteopathy Board releases its latest communiqué. Australia. National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) 8 October 2018 - NHMRC Tracker. Australia. National Mental Health Commission 8 October 2018 - Historic day for mental health reform - The National Mental Health Commission commends the Australian Government for today’s announcement of an inquiry into the role of mental health in the Australian economy. The inquiry, to be undertaken by the Productivity Commission, will look at the best ways to support and improve national mental wellbeing. Australia. Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) 12 October 2018 - Cost recovery implementation statement - An update of Cost Recovery Implementation Statement for the financial year 2018-19 is now available. 11 October 2018 - Updates on GMP clearance application eforms - We are implementing fixes, including deactivation of the 'New Draft Copy' button, from 19 October 2018. 10 October 2018 - Australian Government response to the Senate Community Affairs References Committee report - The Australian Government response to the Mesh Senate inquiry has been published. 9 October 2018 - TGA business plan 2018-19 - The TGA Business Plan for 2018-19 is now available. 9 October 2018 - Database of section 19A approvals to import and supply medicines to address medicine shortages - The Section 19A database has been updated to include new approvals. 8 October 2018 - Research: Software as a Medical Device and Cyber Security for Medical Devices - The recording of the joint TGA/CSIRO cybersecurity webinar is now available on demand. 8 October 2018 - Submissions received: Advertising code 2018 and guidelines - Submissions received in response to a consultation on the draft therapeutic goods advertising code 2018.

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8 October 2018 - Changes made to the Therapeutic Goods Advertising Code 2018 following public consultation during April 2018 - This document sets out the differences between the 2018 Code, as made, and the draft version of the Code that was published on the TGA website for public consultation. 8 October 2018 - Clomifene / clomiphene - Update 3 - continuing medicine shortage. 8 October 2018 - Glyceryl trinitrate tablets (Anginine and Lycinate) - Update 3 - continuing medicine shortage. 5 October 2018 - Therapeutic goods advertising changes: Update 5 October 2018 - Important update on the therapeutic goods advertising reforms, including the 2018 Advertising Code and pre-approval applications. Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care 11 October 2018 - Blood clot prevention care to save lives and reduce $1.7b burden on health system - A new nationally agreed standard of care released today aims to reduce the tens of thousands of Australian lives put at risk each year by largely preventable blood clots, which kill four times more people than road accidents. 8 October 2018 - On the Radar – Issue 390 (Word 156KB) (PDF 270KB). Publications 11 October 2018 - Colonoscopy Clinical Care Standard. 11 October 2018 - Venous Thromboembolism Prevention Clinical Care Standard. 5 October 2018 - NSMC national audit 2018 FAQs. Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (AIHW) 12 October 2018 - First national report shows impact of digestive-tract cancers - A first-of-its-kind report from the AIHW provides a new understanding of all digestive-tract cancers and their impact in Australia. The report, Colorectal and other digestive-tract cancers, presents comprehensive data on cancers including colorectal (bowel), pancreatic, stomach, liver and oesophageal. The report shows that digestive-tract cancers are a major cause of illness and death in Australia, accounting for about 2 in 10 (21%) of all cancers diagnosed and nearly 3 in 10 (28%) cancer deaths. Males are 1.5 times as likely to be diagnosed with a digestive-tract cancer and 1.6 times as likely to die from digestive-tract cancers as females. Australian Capital Territory (ACT). Health Directorate 10 October 2018 - Focus on diabetes key to healthy Canberra - Reducing the impact of diabetes and encouraging healthier lifestyles to prevent chronic diseases like diabetes is paying off in the ACT, with the latest AIHW report released today showing the ACT had the lowest incidence of Type 2 diabetes when compared to the rest of the nation in 2016. Minister for Health and Wellbeing Meegan Fitzharris said that ACT Health will shortly open a new funding round of Healthy Canberra Grants that will have a particular focus on funding community-based activities to encourage healthy lifestyles and prevent the onset of diabetes. 9 October 2018 - Canberra’s future is more healthy and active - Local Canberra organisations have been invited to take part in the development of the ACT’s innovative approach to preventive health, with an aim to tackle some of the biggest health challenges facing our community. With whole-of-community collaboration at the forefront, and a $4 million investment by the ACT Government, the Healthy and Active Living Strategy will help create the right environment to nurture the future health and wellbeing of all Canberrans. New South Wales (NSW). Ministry of Health Media Releases 11 October 2018 - Munch and Move turns 10 - More than two million children across NSW have benefited from a healthy eating and physical activity program which today celebrates its 10th anniversary on World Obesity Day.

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NSW Chief Health Officer Dr Kerry Chant said 'Munch and Move' now operates at more than 3000 – or close to 90 per cent – of all centre based early childhood education centres throughout NSW. 10 October 2018 - JIRT partnership a 'highly sophisticated model' 20 years on - We are pleased to jointly acknowledge the release of the report ‘NSW Ombudsman inquiry into the operation of the JIRT Program:The JIRT Partnership – 20 years on’ which the NSW Ombudsman tabled in Parliament on 5th October 2018. We acknowledge the collaborative and considered approach taken by the Ombudsman in examining the evidence and preparing the report. The review highlights that our collaborative response to serious child abuse is one of the most significant interagency service delivery models in NSW. 8 October 2018 - Schoolies urged to get ready for celebrations - NSW Health is urging teenagers to plan ahead and make sure they are vaccinated against infectious diseases before starting the celebration for Schoolies Week. Students are being advised to visit their GP for a health check at least two weeks before travel to ensure they are up to date with meningococcal ACWY and measles vaccinations. Policy documents by publication date 11 October 2018 - Supporting Young People During Transition to Adult Mental Health Services - Document number: GL2018_022. 10 October 2018 - Staff Specialists' Training, Education and Study Leave (TESL) - New Funding Entitlement 2018/2019 - Document number: IB2018_045. 9 October 2018 - Provision of Public Health Organisation Services to Eligible Veterans 2014/15 - 2020/21 - Document number: PD2018_039. Publications 12 October 2018 - Communicable Diseases Weekly Report (CDWR). 12 October 2018 - Mental Health Safety and Quality in NSW: Implementation Update July 2018. 12 October 2018 - Maternity care in NSW - What is important to you?. 11 October 2018 - Surveillance and monitoring annual reports. 5 October 2018 - Influenza Surveillance Report. Northern Territory 9 October 2018 - Stress Less in - In its fifth year Stress Less in the Park has attracted more than 30 organisations to celebrate Mental Health Week and promote mental wellbeing across Central Australia. Stress Less in the Park began in October 2014 with only a handful of supporters and less than 100 attendees, but in 2018 the organisers of this great community event are expecting more than 500 people to come together and unite in creating a mentally healthy community. Stress Less events strive to challenge perceptions and remove the stigma around mental illness to pave the way for more people to seek assistance and get the support they deserve. 9 October 2018 - Alice Springs celebrates World Hospice and Palliative Care Day - It’s World Hospice and Palliative Care Day this week and the Central Australia Health Service is inviting the community to a celebration of life at the Palliative Care Facility at Alice Springs Hospital. 'We‘re inviting people to come along and learn more about palliative care and we are having a short interfaith remembrance service so that people can remember their own loved ones,' said Social Worker Robyn Linsdell from Territory Palliative Care. 12 October 2018 - Higgins adopts Adam Giles’ alcohol policy - Territorians have had a gutful of crime and anti-social behaviour on our streets. Our alcohol reforms are about cutting crime, that’s why the Territory Labor Government is tackling alcohol abuse to make our communities safer. After 16 months of passionate support, has adopted Adam Giles’ alcohol policy.

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6 October 2018 - Safer Communities: Boosting Youth Programs - The Territory Labor Government is investing in our youth and creating safer communities by providing grants through the 2019 Alcohol and Other Drugs Youth Grants Program. Queensland. Department of Health 10 October 2018 - What is it like to live with obsessive compulsive disorder? - Mark shares his story about what it's like to live with OCD. Obsessive compulsive disorder or OCD is a mental health condition that close to 3% of Australians, or 500,000 people, will experience in their lifetime. Approximately 2% of Australians will experience OCD each year. We spoke to Dr Michelle Blanchard, Deputy CEO at SANE Australia, about what OCD is, and Mark Highet, a Queenslander living with OCD, about his experience of living with OCD. 4 October 2018 - One Queenslander's experience of cerebral palsy - with Jamie Booth - Queenslander teenager and aspiring Paralympian Jamie Booth was diagnosed with cerebral palsy (CP) as a baby, but it has not stopped her from following her dreams. Jamie’s CP mainly affects her daily movement and fine motor skills. This doesn’t prevent her from pursuing her passions, which include volunteering, travelling and chasing her goal to qualify for the Paralympics in swimming. 7 October 2018 - New campaign to curb Ice - Premier has announced a two- pronged assault in the war on Ice. There are two targets: cutting supply and treating those who need help. The Premier said police efforts will be matched with a new Ice Help campaign to treat those addicted to the drug. South Australia (SA). Department for Health and Wellbeing 9 October 2018 - City hub announced for BPD consumers - South Australians living with severe and complex borderline personality disorders will be able to access treatment and support from a dedicated specialist service that will have its central base located close to the city. Minister for Health and Wellbeing Stephen Wade said Mental Health Week was a fitting time to announce that the new Statewide Borderline Personality Disorders Centre of Excellence will be located on Greenhill Road in Unley. 8 October 2018 - Mental Health Week - South Australians are being reminded to look after their mental health during Mental Health Week, an annual national event that aims to improve community awareness and interest in mental health and wellbeing. 11 October 2018 - Media release: Listeria detected in silverside - South Australians, particularly pregnant women, the elderly and those with weakened immune systems, are advised not to consume pre- packed sliced silverside purchased from Drakes Supermarkets following the detection of Listeria in the product. SA Health’s Acting Executive Director of Public Health Services, Dr Chris Lease, said as yet there have been no cases of Listeria infection reported to SA Health linked to the product. 'Following detection of Listeria during routine testing, Drakes Supermarkets are working to remove any potentially affected product from supply today,' Dr Lease said. 5 October 2018 - Media release: Winners announced in seniors’ photo competition - A photo depicting the strong hypnotic stare of Ellie the owl has won the 2018 Seniors Card Through The Lens photographic competition. Office for the Ageing’s manager of the Seniors Card program, Evlynn Hayes, said entrant David Munro was awarded this year’s top prize for his photo taken at the Raptor Domain on Kangaroo Island. 'Selected from close to 1,100 entries, his photo will feature on the cover of the 2019 Seniors Card Discount Directory, available to members from December,' Ms Hayes said. Tasmania. Department of Health & Human Services 10 October 2018 - Free Burnie meningococcal ACWY vaccination clinic - Free meningococcal ACWY vaccination is available on Saturday, 20 October at the Burnie Arts and Function Centre. Available to Tasmanians aged between 6 weeks and under 21 years (born after 1 August 1997). 10 October 2018 - Facts on health - The Government has never shied away from the fact that demand pressure is growing, as it is in hospitals across Australia.

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10 October 2018 - Delivering a Mental Health Peer Workforce Strategy - The Hodgman Liberal Government is partnering with the Mental Health Council of Tasmania to deliver the state’s first ever comprehensive Peer Workforce Strategy. The funding agreement for this important work has now been finalised and will provide $120,000 over two years to the Mental Health Council of Tasmania, which will work closely with Government. 9 October 2018 - More Labor misinformation on mental health beds - Sarah Lovell has made an art form of spreading misinformation on mental health, even after her claims are corrected. 8 October 2018 - Mental Health Week: Stronger Together - Mental Health Week is an important time to think about how we can look after our own mental health and that of those around us by being stronger together. The Tasmanian Government has doubled its support of the Mental Health Council’s Mental Health Week Grants program, with more than 60 events being held right around the state. 6 October 2018 - Mersey hospital helipad tender awarded - Tasmanian firm AJR Constructions has been awarded the $2 million contract to build the Mersey Community Hospital helipad. 5 October 2018 - Suicide should never, ever, be politicised - It is disappointing to see Andrew Wilkie politicising such a serious issue and attempting to put political pressure on the Chief Coroner who is an independent judicial officer. This is a new low for Mr Wilkie. The facts are the ABS statistics he refers to show deaths by suicide in Tasmania have actually reduced in 2017, when compared to the year prior, bucking the national trend. Even if the number of suicides had increased, Mr Wilkie has no right to try to score political points on this issue. Victoria. Department of Health 12 October 2018 - Building A Bigger And Better Latrobe Regional Hospital - Gippslanders will be able to get the healthcare they need faster and close to home with a re-elected Andrews Labor Government to deliver a massive expansion of the Latrobe Regional Hospital at Traralgon. The Andrews Labor Government has already delivered a bigger emergency department, cardiac surgery facilities and more than 70 new hospital beds for Gippsland families, with an upgrade of the hospital opened this year. There’s more to do and only Labor will invest $217 million to build the next stage of Latrobe Regional Hospital’s expansion, delivering an additional 44 new beds and slashing elective surgery waiting times. 12 October 2018 - Calls For A National Silicosis Register To Keep Workers Safe - Victoria will push for the urgent establishment of a national registry and review of the current standards to reduce the risk of stonemasons contracting silicosis. Minister for Health Jill Hennessy will use the COAG Health Council meeting in Adelaide today to call on her state and federal counterparts to make moves to set up a national registry to protect workers from the deadly disease. 12 October 2018 - Honouring Our World-Leading Healthcare Workers - Victoria’s dedicated healthcare workers have been recognised for their passion for helping Victorians at the annual Victorian Public Healthcare Awards. Minister for Health Jill Hennessy congratulated the 19 winners – and all hard-working public healthcare professionals who care for sick and injured Victorians. 11 October 2018 - Giving Mildura Patients A Say Over Their Hospital - The Andrews Labor Government is asking the Mildura community to have its say on the future of Mildura Base Hospital. The Liberal Nationals privatised the Mildura Base Hospital in 1998, as they embarked on a savage round of cuts to healthcare that saw beds close, waiting lists spiral out of control, hospitals shut down or privatised, and hard-working health staff out of jobs. 10 October 2018 - Giving Paramedics New Skills And Rural Communities Better Care - The Andrews Labor Government is expanding the role of paramedics working in rural communities to improve patient care when an emergency strikes. Minister for Ambulance Services Jill Hennessy today unveiled the Advanced Paramedic Roles Implementation Pilot, which will trial new roles for paramedics in rural communities. The advanced paramedic roles will be trialled in new settings such as urgent care and primary care, complementing the work of GPs, nurse practitioners and other health workers.

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8 October 2018 - New Health Research Centre To Boost Jobs In Ballarat - The Andrews Labor Government is backing a new collaborative health research centre in Ballarat – to support local jobs and bring the region’s best minds together to tackle some of medicine’s most difficult problems. Minister for Regional Development Jaala Pulford today announced a $300,300 grant at the St John of God Hospital to deliver the Ballarat Innovation and Research Collaboration in Health (BIRCH) project. 7 October 2018 - Building A Better Hospital For Melbourne’s Inner West - Families in Melbourne’s western suburbs will be able to access world class healthcare close to home with a re-elected Andrews Labor Government to build a massive new public hospital at Footscray. Premier and Minister for Health Jill Hennessy today announced the Andrews Labor Government’s preferred site for the new Footscray Hospital at Victoria University’s four-hectare Footscray Park campus, on the corner of Geelong and Ballarat Roads. 5 October 2018 - Non-Emergency Patient Transport Review To Keep People Safe - Non-emergency patient transport providers who flout the rules and put patients at risk will be targeted by snap audits and tough new penalties. Minister for Ambulance Services Jill Hennessy today announced a re-elected Andrews Labor Government will review the Non-Emergency Patient Transport Act to strengthen compliance and enforcement and ensure the highest quality of care for patients. Western Australia (WA). Department of Health 11 October 2018 - Minister for Mental Health: Campaign to improve mental health targets commuters - As part of Mental Health Week, commuters across Perth have been offered information and advice on how to improve mental health and wellbeing. 11 October 2018 - Minister for Mental Health: Pregnancy warning for all packaged alcoholic drinks The McGowan Government has led the way in delivering a national commitment to apply pregnancy warnings on all packaged alcoholic drinks. 8 October 2018 - Minister for Mental Health: Mental health is where we live, learn, work and play Western Australians are encouraged to take time out this week to check in on their mental health and wellbeing and those of others. Publications 10 October 2018 - Mothers and Babies, Western Australia. Australian Medical Association (AuMA) 11 October 2018 - AuMA Urges Health Ministers to do the Right Thing on Mandatory Reporting - The AuMA is urging all Australian Health Ministers to do the right thing by Australia’s doctors and their patients when the COAG Health Council meets tomorrow by agreeing on consistent national mandatory reporting laws that incorporate amendments proposed by the AuMA. AuMA President, Dr Tony Bartone, said today that the AuMA has long called for changes to the mandatory reporting laws that will protect the health of doctors, which in turn will benefit patients. 10 October 2018 - Government Must Heed Latest IPCC Report Warnings On Climate Change and Human Health - AuMA President, Dr Tony Bartone, said today that the Government cannot ignore the worrying predictions for human health detailed in the latest report from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). The report – Global Warming of 1.5°C, an IPCC special report on the impacts of global warming of 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels and related global greenhouse gas emission pathways, in the context of strengthening the global response to the threat of climate change, sustainable development, and efforts to eradicate poverty – highlights the scientifically-based threats to human health that could occur if governments do not act to tackle climate change. 5 October 2018 - NHS Lure For Australian GPs A Wake-Up Call For Commonwealth Government - Reports that Britain’s National Health Service (NHS) is targeting Australian-trained GPs should serve as a wake-up call for the Commonwealth Government, which has for many years neglected the need to better support general practice in caring for patients, AuMA Council of General Practice Chair, Dr Richard Kidd,

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said today. NHS England is reportedly offering incentives worth around $34,000 as part of a drive to recruit 2000 overseas-trained GPs by 2020/21. 'Australia has its own workforce shortages in general practice, particularly in rural and remote Australia,' Dr Kidd, a GP in Brisbane, said. 'We cannot afford to lose our GPs to other countries like the UK.'

ABOUT US Michael Regos Michael is the head of the DLA Piper health litigation group. He practises in the areas of health law, insurance law, medical negligence and coronial enquiries. He represents Victorian public hospitals and their insurers, the Victorian Managed Insurance Authority and is the solicitor of choice for Australia's second-largest private health operator. Michael regularly presents to medical groups and hospitals on medico- legal issues.

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