The story begins months before Black Friday when a domestic terrorist gets his hands on a vial of misplaced smallpox virus found at an abandoned FDA facility. The terrorist modifies the virus and prepares for its optimal release window: the Tha^giving weekend and Black Friday sales madness.

The government, aware of the transaction having taiken place, is imable to find the terrorist and stop h i m i n t i m e . - ' , , 0

The virus is released in the center of Manhattan. In the days before it is confirmed as smallpox, it spreads across the nation and outside of the borderiS/'In New York alone millions are infected. Hundreds of thousands die. In an attempt to slow the spread to neighboring cities and the surrounding countryside the city is quarantined.

The virus spreads like a ynldfire on Manhattan. Local martial law is declared. The U.S. National Guard is activated. The virus takes its toll on government forces, the chaotic violence that ensues makes it worse. The remnants of U.S. Department of Defense, CERA and local public personnel (the police^ firefighters, etc) form the Joint Task Force QTF) in order to organize relief and recovery. Despite their efforts, civil unrest increases.

Now, the city is on the verge of collapse. Enemy factions that surfaced in the chaos are attempting to claim New York City for their own. In a last ditch effort to save New York, the President has invoked Directive 51. Hidden in the top secret annexes of this directive is an organization called the Division.

The player is a Division agent, a self-supporting tactical agent embedded in society, prepared for the worst possible scenario and bestowed with executive powers by the President himself upon activation. When all else has failed, it is up to the Division to save what remains and take back New York.

Trailer: Bitter survivor. Paranoid, angry and desperate. Wants everyone t IVIale 20--35 White NYC death finally comes for him. Male 30--45 Asian Neutral US Ethnicity should not show through in accent Female 30--45 Asian Neutral US Ethnicity should not show through in accent per Male 30--45 Black Neutral US Ethnicity should not show through in accent Jt Male 30--45 Black Neutral US Ethnicity should not show through in accent Female 30--45 Latino Neutral US Ethnicity should not show through in accent Male 30--40 White Va r i o u s U S ider Female 30--40 Latino Va r i o u s U S - Male 30--40 Black Va r i o u s U S nner Male 30--40 Latino Va r i o u s U S per Female 30--40 White Va r i o u s U S >cout Male 30--40 White V a r i o u s U S /ledic Male 30--40 Black V a r i o u s U S Female 30--40 White V a r i o u s U S

Passionate brother. Totally wrapped up in the idea of destroying Male 25--40 Latino NYC, lower class what's been done to him and his boys, and he wants revenge.

Class A criminal. Ambitious, smart, and observant. Using the ou Male 25--40 White NYC, lower class ranks. More than willing to kill JTF and others if it gets him to th Career-thug. Thickheaded and unambitious. Just going along wi Male 25--40 White NYC, lower class his last days drowning in hard liquor, pot and women. Leader. Smart, calculating, merciless. He won't suffer idiots. He Male 25--40 Black NYC, lower class crushed beneath his boot, and he'll do it any way he can. Devoted sister. Feels jaded, betrayed. Committed to the cause. F n Female 25--40 Black NYC, lower class waiting for that perfect shot. Not so conversational.

Immigrant. American Dream has been shattered. She's more tha Female 25--40 Latino NYC, lower class gratitude toward the "home of the free" with her newly gifted RP Up-and-coming gangster. Crew up in and out of juvie. The systi him. With the Riker's gang, he finally feels like he belongs to soi lusher Male 25--40 Black NYC, lower class off as he feels like he has something to prove. He's cracked more than most of the other guys. There aren't toe world who would use chemical weapons in close combat. He doe Grenadier Male 35--50 Strong NYC, Blue collar just test subjects and the city has become his lab. Disgruntled, grim. Knows what it takes to win a dirty fight. Stub! Male 35--50 Strong NYC, Blue collar the job done. Worn, overworked. He sees only death: his own or someone else FACTION; CLEANERS

Cleaners are a group of blue collar workers who have taken it upon themselves to rid New York City of the virus. As part of the relief effort, these guys were on the front lines when the virus struck, helping to construct barricades and quarantine areas. By the second week, they were digging mass graves. By the end, they were burning bodies.

When the relief effort began to collapse, these workers realized how fruitless their endeavors had been. Their families were back home dying or dead, and they were out there working, for what? New York was only getting worse. If the army and everyone else called it quits, then everything they did, everything they sacrificed would be in vain. Even worse, they would be stuck in quarantined Manhattan with a disease that wouldn't die. No one would live. Not unless they stepped up and took

m a t t e r s i n t o t h e i r o w n h a n d s .

Thus the Cleaners were born. By the time we meet them, the Cleaners have become infamous. No one knows who they are. They only know them as merciless, masked men, stalking the streets and burning any and all evidence of the disease. Any place &at could be hoarding victims - clinics, camps, outposts - needs to be burned. Any person showing symptoms must be burned. The Cleaners see the disease as an infestation that must be purged.

They haven't had time to truly reflect on their atrocities. If they did, they'd be horrified.

The Cleaners walk in groups in a trance-like state. They don't talk much. If they do, it's normally the average work complaints about their knees aching or,the winter wind biting. Mostly, they just do their time and go back to base when the day is done. There, they distract themselves with booze or prayer - whatever works to keep the nightmares away.

They treat their opponents like pesky rats. Some Cleaners just want to get the killing over with. Others taunt their prey before snuffing them out. It's just part of the job. Nothing personal. Unless someone injures or kills one of their companions. Then you bet it's personal.

Accents/dialects: NYC accents, more blue collar. Heavily filtered through gas masks.

• Serious, gruff. Edging on bitter. • Don't fully pronounce all of their words. "Gotta" and "outta" instead of "got to" and "out of" • Not too graphic or vulgar, although they toss out the occasional swear. • Not too emotional. No use getting worked up over something if they're all going to die anyhow. Saying that, they have a bond and will express immense anger when one of their companions is injured, killed or needs to be put down.


^1W 1^1 Archetypes:

The following descriptions are traits that should be particularly emphasized depending on the archetype. While each archetype must still adhere to the faction description, these details offer each archetype a bit of individuality.

Chemical He's cracked more than most of the other guys. There aren't too many people in this Grenadier world who would use chemical weapons in close combat. He does. His opponents are just test subjects and the city has become his lab. , s. Flamer Disgruntled, grim. Knows what it takes to win a dirty fight. Stubbe^n. Just wants to get the job done.

Heavy Worn, overworked. He sees only death: his own or^meonselse'^^'s*^^ from Flamer years ofback-breaking labor. Groans and compels ^%t. " /

Engineer Hasn't completely justified his actions to hi^el%^t. He c(M|par%ientalizes to keep sane. Boss says this is the best way to saV^the city!'^he doe^$ tliink about it, it'll just go away. \ - v - V - . Radio Jaded but perseverant. Coldly praqticWCet you don't ruin it for the Handler rest of us. Loyal and protectivf to his cr^. He d^^>|hat he needs to do to keep the team alive and the job done. ■■

Shield Overtaxed, embittered,.fis^^e bofer of aggrHsion. Someone has to pay for Rusher turning the city to shi^oesn't^l lil^he-^ts the respect he deserves.




The enemy has been looking for the player but can't find him. They essentially give up the hunt but still remain on just in case the player returns.

CLEANER ( D a z e d - h e ' s n o t m a d e f o r this kind of pressure) S t a y a l e r t , s t a y a l e r t . . .

CLEANER Don't. Relax.

CLEANER D o n ' t t h i n k i t ' s o v e r y e t .


The enemy was relaxing, guarding, smoking or something of the sort when they hear or see something suspicious. They decide to take a look around. ^ ^^"^ANE^ Know I heard somethin'.

CLEANER Come out ^n make it quick!

CLEANER (Grimly) We've got some rats.


The enemy is fighting multiple players. These are shouts in the midst of combat.

CLEANER (to teammates) B r e a t h e r s o n , g u y s !

CLEANER Burn, assholes, burn!

^TOM CL/1NCY-S CLEANER I h a v e t o d o t h i s !

CLEANER (Pained groan) Hngh...

CLEANER You leave me no choice!

CLEANER I ' m g o n n a c l e a n t h i s fi l t h !


New players appeared in the middle of a fight. The enemy is surprised by the reinforcements and is beginning to panic.

CLEANER I t a i n ' t o v e r I

CLEANER (Grimly, almost^ defeatistically) More. CLEANE^ Look out, they're still coming!


T h e e n e m y i s w o u n d e d .

CLEANER Shit... shit, I'm... [Wheezing]

CLEANER I... I never... wanted...

CLEANER I... can't... stop now!


21:hideout leader cleaners intro


V 1 ^ 1 v m INTRO

CLE_FLAiyiER01 is torching a body while CLE_FLAMER02 is looking around the area.

CLE_FLAMER01 (monotone, talking to the o t h e r c l e a n e r w h i l e burning the body) T h i s o n e i s a l m o s t fi n i s h e d .

CLE_FLAMER02 turns to face CLE_FLAiyiER01.

CLE_FLAMER02 (dispassionate, asse the situation Make sure to finish-a last burn left too m biological matei^^L. iflWct.

CLE_FLAMER01^ (breathing heavily through gas mask, still monotone, but apologetic)^ ^ " I'll take care of it. Check i t w h e n I ' m d o n e .

CLE FLAMER02 goes^^ck to^ ig the area.

CL^LAMER02 .ieving, but unemotional ^ p o i n t s o f f a b i t ) : s l i k e t h e r e ' s a n o t h e r le over there when you're ▶e. Don't get too far away i f r o m t h e c h i e f . CLE^FLAMERO^^I^fftinues with his work burning the body in front of hl^as a^ocket of gas ruptures inside the corpse.

CLE_FLAMER01 (lighter breathing through t h e g a s m a s k ) I w o n ' t .

CLE_FLAiyiER01 goes into a burning bodies cap.

CLE_FLAMER02 goes into a guarding cap.

;^TaM CL-flNCY'S




A masked and heavily armed cleaner, brandishing a lit flamethrower, is standing in front of a civilian.

CLE_FLAMER01 Listen up. This ain't a goddamn pep speech. You're d e a d . Y o u r f r i e n d s a r e d e a d . Y o u r f a m i l i e s a r e d e a d . T h i s s i c k n e s s i s g o i n g t o w i p e y o u all out, unless we wipe it^ out first. So you can either p i c k u p a fl a m e t h r o w e r a n d join me to try and put an end^ to this. Or you can sit around and wait for the plague to get to you. But I'll be back too. And if I h e a r s o m u c h a s o n e s i n g l e cough, I will burn this whole b l o c k t o a s h .

T h e c l e a n e r r a i wer, pointing it to the sky, a n d u n l e a s h e s a me.


CLE_FLAMER01 ( G r i m l y , l i g h t s h i s fl a m e r ) fWay ahead of ya. The ^^aner^then begins to slowly pace around the injured civil^fc^ dBriodically kicking them.


i^iw roiwin FACTION: JTF

The Joint Task Force New York is a joint operation between the United States Department of Defense, FEMA [dubbed "CERA" in our game) and other government departments (NYPD, fire department, etc). It was formed in the early stages of the outbreak in order to better organize relief efforts. However, weeks into the outbreak, a schism formed when the JTF commander defected with thousands of his most veteran troops.

What remains of the fractured operation are the surviving remnants of New York State's National Guard and the NYPD. Together, they now struggle to care for the city's survivors and fight the hostile forces attempting to claim New York for their own. It is an unwinnable situation. However the player's presence has given them hope that the city may not be lost.

The National Guard are, at its core, volunteers - men and women from all wMks of life who dedicate some of their free time to training to protect the country in time of emergency. They have basic military training but don't have the experience of career soldiers. As sudh, they're rather green when it comes to combat and panic easier, but they're also strongly motivated. Every one of them has family at home they need to protect, and feel a deep sense of social obligation to the people of New York. They are the very definition of courage; aqUng not because they feel no fear but because of it.

The police officers of New York have been trained to keep the peace, and have the benefit of a long career of experience dealing with some of the worst dregs humanity has to offer. To some, it's just a job; to others, a moral responsibility, Despite having been through the shit before, nothing could have prepared them for this. They're in way over their heads, but with , they stay in it with the dogged determinatibil of the damned. \ \ \ ' ■ " ■ \''v. /■ ^ • A g e : 2 0 - 6 0 ^

Accents/diaIecls;.Mix c|f|feWkyork accent. Latino dialects, urban and otherwise, depending on character archetype. / . h.


• Mostly low^ to middle class origins. The police officers tend to be older than the Guard. • With regards to vernacular, they're just t3T3ical New Yorkers. The sort of jive you could hear in line for the coffee shop or the subway; regular people trying as best they can to cope with an extreme situation. They may use a few terms left over from their training. • Altruistic and caring. They will go to almost any lengths to protect civilians and each other and get highly agitated to the point of enraged when someone dies under their watch. • Frustrated. They're here to protect people, but there are always complications. Either tactical decisions out of their scope force them to retreat, or the depredations of villains stop them from doing their jobs.


ii#i w 1^1 vm Archetypes:

The following descriptions are traits that should be particularly emphasized depending on the archetype. While each archetype must still adhere to the faction description, these details offer each archetype a bit of individuality.

jTF Police Officer, Pistol 40-60 White jTF Police Officer, Shotgun 40-60 Black jjp National Guard, Pistol 20-35 Latino JTF National Guard, Shotgun 20-35 White jjF National Guard, Assault Rifle 20-35 Black


V 1 ^ 1 SCRIPT


The enemy has been looking for the player but can't find him. They essentially give up the hunt but still remain on edge just in case the player returns.

JTF (Nervously, to teammates) T h i n k t h e y ' r e g o n e ?

JTF Don't relax, and we'll all get home alive.

JTF We just got to holdvS^ this thi position.


The enemy was fighting the player when the player disappeared. They're about to start searching for the player.

Find out where they went!

^^(To his companions) jDon't let them ambush you!

JTF Hell, we gotta find them!


The enemy was relaxing, guarding, smoking or something of the sort when they hear or see something suspicious. They decide to take a look around.

JTF W h o ' s t h e r e ?

JTF Come out and identify yourself!


W 1 ^ 1 JTF Shit, I think someone's there...


The enemy is fighting multiple players. These are shouts in the midst of combat.

JTF (to teammates) K e e p y o u r h e a d d o w n !

JTF Shit, they're not joking!'

JTF Brain buckets on, boy

JTF Keep it together!

JTF S h i t , t h i s i s c r:azv! a z y ! ^

T h i s i s f o r N e w Y o r k !


New players appeared in the middle of a fight. The enemy is surprised by the reinforcements and is beginning to panic.

JTF Shit, they just keep coming!

JTF (Agitated, to teammates) They got more backup than we do!

JTF H o w m a n y o f t h e m a r e t h e r e ? !


T h e e n e m y i s w o u n d e d .

JTF Medic!


W 1 ^ 1 JTF O f fi c e r d o w n !

JTF Agh, I'm... hit! Help!




The scout drone intercepts a JTF transmiss the JTF is losing control of their field Square Garden.

JTF_SCENECHAR T h i s i s C h i e f M i l l e r , o b s e r v e r controller at field hospital^ 1 9 ! T h i s i s a n e m e r g e n c y . W e are under attack. We wereH^ evacuating personnel, and these guys, they came outta nowhere, [gunshots] Do you copy? We are under attack!


IEM:IN EAR MONITOR l:lowl pe03 iem worldmap


cepts a conversation between JTF members di ^us s in'gXt he ick of power in the Base of Operations.

JTF_SCENECHAR_00 Hey, we got a problem. We're j u s t a c o u p l e d a y s f r o m g o i n g completely dark. We can't keep running this base on friggin' seven-gallon tanks.

JTF_SCENECHAR_01 What happened to the generators we had in the subway? y^TDM CL/1NCY*S

If 1^1 JTF_SCENECHAR_00 Shit, those went offline about the time we left Madison. Want m e t o c h e c k i t o u t ?

JTF_SCENECHAR_01 Yeah, take a crew. And be careful, okay?


The thugs are typical New Yorkers caught up in a mob mentality. During the mounting unrest in the first couple weeks of the outbreak, these were the guys at the front of the crowd, looting, rioting, setting cars on fire, throwing stones at the police. Some were already criminals. Others were swept along, the power trip too intoxicating to resist.

So long as they remain in a group, they have no moral identity, feeling no empathy or guilt. Therefore they most often travel in packs, preying on the weak or the "deserving" (the rich, authority figures, and so on), not just to survive but to feel in control. In this world, normal rules no l o n g e r a p p l y . .

The packs tend to have ringleaders, more criminally-minded individuals vvho work up the fervor of the mob and turn it toward more focused endeavors. They have an actual goal ih mind. To get back at the rich. To steal. To express rage against the change sweeping New York. .

These men and women are NOT gang members. They don't have secret handshakes. They don't have a particular gait or dialect. They don't have matehihg apparel or colors. They just are. And at the end of the day, when the pack breaks up, they just qren't.

Age: 20-35 ^ Accents/dialects: Mix of New Yorjk acc'^ei^,. Latino\ (^alects/tirban \ . " " " / and otherwise, depending on character archetype. For the Asian archetypes, while the accent would be interesting, it isn't crucial and should not be overplayed/

Traits: ^ z' \y

• Mostly young guys from low tCKi^ddle class. • With regards to vernacular, they're just typical New Yorkers. They don't use "hood" dialect or nicknames: Some of them might say "ain't", but it's not particular to this faction. • Opportunists after instant gratification. They have no agenda other than survival, loot and a good beat-down. Their victims are normally just people who were in the wrong place at the wrong time. Armed enemies, however, are fair game. Especially the JTF. • Teasing, taunting, almost playful. They like to feel in control. They get increasingly agitated when the lose it and will kill if they don't get their way.


^1W 1^1 WI1 Archetypes:

The following descriptions are traits that should be particularly emphasized depending on the archetype. While each archetype must still adhere to the faction description, these details offer each archetype a bit of individuality.

Brawler Male Black Bully. Highly aggressive. Brutal.

Looter Male White Opportunist delinquent. More taunting,,playful.

Rioter Male Latino Violent protester. First of many to start riSfing. Festering hatred for society. /tr. Rusher Male White Cracked hooligan. Just wants to feel the^ush.of combat.

Scout Male Asian Initiate. More cautiouis than the otherSi Gets panicky when the situation gets^Kad. ' Sneak Male Black Practiced criminal Violent, cocky and lneaky.

Survivor Male White Bitter survivotSParanoid, angry and desperate. Wants everyone to feel )iis paiii before death finally comes for him.



The enemy has been taken by surprise by the player. They stop guarding, relaxing, smoking, whatever they were doing, and jump into combat.

THUG (to teammates) Off your ass! We got company!

THUG Dammit, get behind somethin'!

THUG You wanna fight?!


The enemy was relaxing, guarding, smoking or something of the sort when they hear or see something suspicious. They decide to take a look around, %^^HUG Yo u h e a r s o m e t h i n g ?

^Shit, wh


The enemy is fighting multiple players. These are shouts in the midst of combat.

THUG (to teammates) C ' m o n , g e t y o u r a s s i n g e a r !

THUG Just end this already!

THUG I w a n n a s e e s o m e b l o o d !


^1W 1^1 THUG Shit, where is everyone?!

THUG How many of you I gotta kill?

THUG T h i s i s n ' t o v e r !


T h e e n e m y i s w o u n d e d .

THUG Shiiiit! [Wheezing] ^

THUG I'll... agh... kill you..

THUG T h i n k I ' m b l e e d i n g . . .




A thug and a crin^toal ^rg%g^utT^pfg a deal together with their posse. The two^^a^opFrs ^^nd over a crate that the criminals b^uanlkwi^^ them. The thug looks over the goods in the crate.

THUG_SCENECHAR_0 0 I s t h i s e v e r y t h i n g ?

CRIMINAL_SCENECHAR_0 0 T h a t ' s i t . O k a y c o n d i t i o n a s well.

THUG_SCENECHAR_0 0 (looking at the goods with annoyance) I t ' s l e s s t h a n I t h o u g h t .

CRIiyiINAL_SCENECHAR_0 0 (irritated) More than you have now.


Ai#i w 1^1 vm THUG_SCENECHAR_0 0 (hesitating) I dunno. Doesn't look like i t ' s w o r t h w h a t I ' m p a y i n g .

CRIMINAL_SCENECHAR_0 0 (threatening) Look, we busted our asses getting this shit. Just pay- u p o r w e ' l l k n o c k y o u d e a d .

THUG_SCENECHAR_0 0 Alright, alright. Chill. We'll take it.

The criminals leave. The thugs conti crate (looping).




A c o m m o n s t r e e t t h u g t h e i r k n e e s , h a n d s b e h i n d t h e i r h e a d , ^

■v.-- ^ CHAR_00 't "'l^re to do this, sr^et me^o and no one has

THUG_SCENECHAR_0 0 hat, so you can just go round up your posse and come kill us later? You think we're stupid?

JTF_SCENECHAR_00 We're on the same side here! We're trying to help!

THUG_SCENECHAR_0 0 (laughing) Trying to help? There's a lot of bodies 'round here-- b o d i e s w i t h b u l l e t s i n ' e m .

y^TOM CL^qNCY'S THUG_SCENECHAR_0 0 (continued) T h e y d i d n ' t d i e f r o m t h e c o l d holmes. I seen what you do, I seen how you help people.

JTF_SCENECHAR_00 (pleading) It wasn't us, I swear, please!

THUG_SCENECHAR_0 0 You all look the same to me.

JTF_SCENECHAR (whimpering) Oh god, don't do th4 please...

The thug executes the JTF age looting his corpse.


Criminals are a destructive organization that surfaced during the Riker's Island prison break. In the chaos following Black Friday, thousands of New Yorkers were haphazardly thrown into Riker's jail. But the increasingly understaffed jail couldn't handle the rising population. For weeks, the inmates knew nothing but abuse and neglect. Finally they rioted and together took control of the island, one correctional facility at a time. Now they've turned their sights on Manhattan, intent on destroying any semblance of order and controlling the city as kings.

They are violent, ruthless, angry and bitter. Every word that comes out offfieir mouths is fueled by hatred. Whereas the thugs see the city as a playground, the Criminals see itfas enemy terr^to^y to be won. They are not simply rampaging. Under the rule of their leader, they are' strategizmg, executing police, destroying key infrastructure, extorting civilians, conquering ground bit by bit. By the end, they want to see the city in rubble, with them sitting on a throne at the top of it. ,,

They are more homogenous than the thugs, having CQme together under similar conditions. Most of them belonged to gangs before the outbreak, but theirMregiances were broken the moment they stepped on the barge from Riker's Island. Now,^'^ wea^he same colors and carry the same banner, united in their hatred. That doesn't mea^hey.gll get along. It is only by a set of rules created by the higher-ups that keep the^t-guy^roitf^learing each other apart. Accents/dialects: NYC accent thougl^^ so thari^leaheB§?!4ix of Latino dialects, urban and otherwise, depending on chara^r^^het^g- A g e : 2 5 - 4 0 ^ " ' ^■ ■0'

Traits: • Older than the'thugs/More lov\^class. • Use '.'li66&''-'dialect,-nickn^ and so on. Probably have a looser gait, a bit of a swagger to their step. ' • They don't bother vvith grammar. They'd probably say "we good" instead of "we're good" or "you deadlinstead ,of "you're dead." Double negatives are likely an issue with them. • - "Angry, bittef/ftiMed by hatred. They want to see the city suffer for what it did to them. They v i r - * , • « , Want the |TF to admit their wrongdoings and beg for forgiveness. The words they use are geni^SlljCoriented toward that goal. They want to see tears and blood. • They swear more than the thugs [careful with the "f word though - it gets repetitive very fast]. They don't toy around. They get to the point quick. • There's very heated emotion when they speak to one another. They can be on very familiar terms, calling each other "brother." However they can also be very cold and hostile if their partner in crime used to belong to another gang.


^1W 1^1 Win Archetypes:

The following descriptions are traits that should be particularly emphasized depending on the archetype. While each archetype must still adhere to the faction description, these details offer each archetype a bit of individuality.

Enforcer Male Latino Passionate brother. Totally wrapped up in the idea of destroying New York City. He hates what's been done to him and his boys, and he wants revenge. - Gunner Male White Class A criminal. Ambitious, smart, and observant. Using the outbreak to climb the ranks. Mgre than vp® ng to kill JTF and others if it gets him to the top. : Grenadier Male White Career-thug. Thickheaded and unambitimis. Just goTng along with the flow so he can tive his last days drowing in hard liquor, pot and women. Leader Male Black Leader. Smart, caletriating, merciless. He won't suffer idiots. He wants to see tke world crushed beneath his boot, and he'll do it any way he cafe Marksman Female Black Devoted sister. Feels jaded, betrayed. Committed to the cause. Focused, discipiirled, waiting for that perfect shot. Not so coiiyersation^.> RPG Female Latino Immigpi^.>AHierican-Dream has been shattered. She's more ; than happy^o show her gratitude toward the "home of the free" \A;ith nS nev^r^gifted RPG. Shotgun Male Black Up-and-CQtning^'ngster. Grew up in and out of juvie. The Rusher system has done shit for him. With the Riker's gang, he finally feete like he belongs to something. Tends to show off ae he feels like he has something to prove.


^1W 1^1 SCRIPT


The enemy has been looking for the player but can't find him. They essentially give up the hunt but still remain on edge just in case the player returns.

CRIMINAL K e e p y o u r e y e s o p e n .

CRIMINAL Yeah, you run...

CRIMINAL P u n k - a s s b i t c h e s . . . ^


The enemy was fighting the player when the player disappeared. They're about to start searching for the player. ^CRIMl'^'l^ Aight, where he at? CRIMINALl^INA^ ' (warning)!w J Do. Not. Fuck with me!

CRIMINAL ,Goddam- I will hunt you down!


The enemy has been taken by surprise by the player. They stop guarding, relaxing, smoking, whatever they were doing, and jump into combat.

CRIMINAL (to teammates) We got a live one!

CRIMINAL G e t i n c o v e r I

CRIMINAL You in for a world of pain!


^1 w 1^1 vm DURING COMBAT

The enemy is fighting multiple players. These are shouts in the midst of combat.

CRIMINAL (to teammates) Ruin those fuckers!

CRIMINAL Just die already!

CRIMINAL You be lined in chalk!

CRIMINAL Shit, hell kinda cops arej you? !

CRIMINAL^ K i l l e d b i g g e r g u y s t h a n y o u !

CRIMINAL^ You done messed up!


T h e e n e m y i s w o u n d e d .

vV^God... fuckin'... damn it... [Wheezing]

CRIMINAL I've... had... worse...

CRIMINAL I a i n ' t d o w n y e t . . .


5:arms_deal_criminals_lmb A Criminal and an LMB soldier are cutting a deal together with their posse. The two characters stand over a crate that the C r i m i n a l s b r o u g h t w i t h t h e m . T h e L M B l o o k s o v e r t h e g o o d s i n the crate.


^1 w LMB_SCENECHAR_01 (suspicious) H o w d i d y o u g e t y o u r h a n d s o n this?

CRIMINAL_SCENECHAR_0 0 D o n ' t t h i n k t h a t ' s n o n e o f y o u r b u s i n e s s .

LMB_SCENECHAR_01 (menacingly) If I find out this belonged t' someone I know, I'll trac down and kill you mysel

CRIMINAL_SCENECHAR_0 0 Fuck you. If you gave a damn about these people, you wouldn't be talkin' with us.

LMB Hmph.


CHAR_01 now where to Get in 11 yo^P have something tc^sell.

The cri L M B s o l d i e r s c o n t i n u e t o l o o k a t t h e goods )opin^^ STREE:STREET_EXECUTION

85:street execution criminal intro


A Rikers Gang member can be seen violently assaulting a civilian, who has been knocked to the ground, and is feebly attempting to protect themselves from the assault.


i^l V CRIMINAL_SCENECHAR_0 0 You think you can just get away with not paying the tax!? Y o u g o t t a p a y y o u r d u e s ! J u s t like the rest of us! You think t h i s i s s o m e k i n d o f s o c i a l i s t experiment!? We run this town! We're the law! Judge, jury, and executioner! And if you wanna live, you gotta pay the king! Failure to abide by these rules will lead to immediate and very painful^ consequences! Consequences you are experiencing right- f u c k i n g — n o w !

The criminal stops his violent asi use the civilian has stopped strugglin^^ai

CRIMINAL_SCENECHAR 0 0 W e l l n o w t h a t ' s j u s t disappointing.

The criminal kneels d< oting the civilians corpse.

y^TDM CLflNCY'S THF^r*'!s;cN SCRIPT - Civilians

02:cure civilian nocombat assist


A female civilian has just called for the player to follow her. She runs to her husband's side who is lying down on the ground.

CIVILIAN_SCENECHAR_00 is halfway lying down, p ainst a wall. CIVILIAN_SCENECHAfr 00 (coughing and smilijj'g weakly) Hey baby. Did you f^^d s6!^^ne to help us?

CIVILIAN SCENECHAR 01 (hopeful) I hope so. I'^g^a^^y Hl||e they can hel

[CIVILIAN _SCENECHAR_01 e r l i u s b a n d ' s g t h e p l a y e r

v e r y o u c a n d o .

CIVILIAN_SC s h i s s i d e w h e r e a b u l l e t h a s gone thr

CIVILIAN_SCENECHAR_01 sad, lovingly tending to h e r h u s b a n d ) It's okay. It'll be okay.

) U N G 0 1 t e n d s t o h e r h u s b a n d ' s w o u n d s a s b e s t s h e

04:cure civilian nocombat outro


A female civilian has just called over the player to help her injured husband. The player has just finished giving using a medpack on CIVILIAN_SCENECHAR_00.


^1 w 1^1 vm CIVILIAN_SCENECHAR_00 is halfway lying down, propped against a wall.

CIVILIAN_SCENECHAR_00 ( h e a d r o l l s b a c k a l i t t l e , relaxing as the pain eases from the gunshot wound in h i s s i d e ) Oh, that stings. Gotta mean something good, right?

CIVILIAN_SCENECHAR 00 (to the player) We can't thank you enough. Here, take this. It's the least we can do. CIVILIAN_F_YOUNG01 goes back to tend^^ d ( c a p ) .




A thug and a civilian a a b a g t h a t t h e civilian was carrying?

iCIVILIAN_SCENECHAR_00 (frantically calling out) ! S o m e o n e h e l p !

HUG_SCENECHAR_0 0 , a n g r y t h a t t h e l i a n i s r e s i s t i n g ) ,e it up man! Your shit ain't worth dying over.

CIVILIAN_SCENECHAR_00 (getting a firmer grip on the bag) It's mine! You can't have it!

THUG_SCENECHAR_0 0 (getting more impatient) I swear to God... Just gimme the goddamn bag!

CIVILIAN_SCENECHAR_00 (desperate) N o ! I t ' s a l l I h a v e !


The men and women who joined the Last Man Battalion began as light infantry and National Guard who were deployed as part of a Joint Task Force QTF] to help organize relief efforts in New York City after the outbreak. However, as civil unrest increased in the city, their job description changed. Martial law was declared. They were now tasked with controlling an uncontrollable situation.

As the weeks passed, their actions became more and more extreme. Abuse, ^nd executions became commonplace - actions that were encouraged by their commander, a dect>r|ted general. Amidst public outrage, the U.S. President had no choice but to ask the general to step'down. In response, he accused the government of cowardice and defected, along with his most loyal^' followers, to create the Last Man Battalion, a group dedicated to restoring order no-matter the cost.

Those under the LMB banner see themselves as true patriots^.ahd the only ones who can actually bring order to New York City. They plan to retake the city-using fascist control:^3^an extreme interpretation of martial law. Specifically, local resid^^ have limited freedom and must abide by curfew and other such rules. Looters, dissenters ^d^®^^ph malcontents are locked away and beaten, if not straight out executed. Evervone eteg is an ^^ly combatant. While the soldiers of the LMB take pride injt^ir¥e^ce. they i|| the worst sort of soldiers imaginable. They are hostile, aggressive, c'c^^lnd seMrrightjaous. In the battlefield, they are competent but ruthless fighters. T^ey tally their^fc, tatt^^eir opponents and leave the dead to rot. On their off-hours, they chug from stolen liquoraottles and "play" with whichever one of their prisoners is still alive. It can,^paid thatthey flfht liard and play hard, but they can't discern one from the other.

Accents/dialects: Accents Ironi arog^d the country [Midwestern and Southern] mixed in with the occasional New York4i&lect. ■

Age: 30 - 40

• i;Militaristic:*Take their roles seriously and respect military ranks ("Sir, yes, sir!"] • Hostile tov\Aard anyone who is not them. Playfully hostile those of equivalent rank. • Oftenji^gaf and obscene, whether they're agitated, calm, angry or otherwise. They love to taunt their opponents and each other and have no use for subtlety. • Much better grammar than the thugs or criminals. Relatively good diction.


1^1 W Rifleman IViale White

Squad Leader Female Latino Grenadier Male Black

Heavy Gunner Male Latino Heavy Sniper Female White Shotgun Scout Male White Combat Medic Male Black

Engineer Female White


Ai#l W LMB_RIFLEMAN01 (continued) I ' m c a l l i n g t h i s i n , a n d t h e n we're going to get to know each other. The only thing I like more than getting to a put a bullet in you little shit-stains, is making you beg f o r i t fi r s t .

T h e L M B s o l d i e r t h e n r a i s e s h i s h a n d t o h i s r a

LMB_RIFLEMAN01 ( a f t e r a p a u s e ) Yeah, I'll stand-by.

T h e s o l d i e r g o e s b a c k t o s l o w l y p a c e < civilian, periodically kicking them.


1 ^ 1 V 1 ^ 1 v m LMB_RIFLEMAN01 You know we caught you with enough illegal contraband to throw you in the stockade for the rest of your miserable little life?

CIVILIAN_SCENECHAR_00 Gimme a break, man! I'm just trying to survive out here...

LMB_RIFLEMAN01 Can it. If you don't want to see the bottom of a deep, dar hole, I suggest you start cooperating. Where's the rest of your gang hiding out?

CIVILIA Gang? What t not in any

LMB_RIFLEMAN01 T h i s p l a c e i s c r a w l i n g w i t h criminal activity, and you wouldn't survive a day on your own. Where's the rest of your crew? Under executive orders, I am authorized to the fullest extent of the martial law |directive to carry out and exercise interrogation techniques that will make you talk. You will answer my question, or you will suffer the consequences.

CIVILIAN_SCENECHAR_00 (panicking) Jesus Christ, dude! Whose side are you on!?

LMB_RIFLEMAN01 The United States government.

The soldier kicks the civilian, hard.


^1 w 1^1 SCRIPT


The enemy has been looking for the player but can't find him. They essentially give up the hunt but still remain on edge just in case the player returns.

LMB (Muttering to himself) Kill for a smoke right about


LMB S t a y f r o s t y .

LMB Whole city's gone to shit.


The enemy was relaxing, guarding, smoking or something of the sort when they hear or see something suspicious. They decide to take a look around.

P e r i m e t e r s w e e p

LMB^ Sweep the area!

XMB (Gleefully) c\H i d i n g ' s y o u r b e s t p l a n ? DURING COMBAT

The enemy is fighting multiple players. These are shouts in the midst of combat.

LMB (to teammates) Go, go, go!

LMB Goddamn cluster-fuck.


^1W 1^1 LMB Get some cover fire down, now!

LMB L e t ' s t a k e ^ e m d o w n h a r d !

LMB F u c k ^ e m u p !


New players appeared in the middle of a fight. The enemy is surprised by the reinforcements and is beginning to panic.

LMB W a t c h y o u r s i x !

LMB (Grimly) Shit, just keep coming

LMB They called for backup^


T h e e n e m y i s w o u n d e d . 4r God... Goddamn... [Wheezing]

LMB edic! Get me a damned medic!

^ L M B

I ' m h i t ! ! I ' m h i t ! "W RECRU: RECRUITMENT_CAMPAIGN

7:recruitment campaign Imb intro


Once in range to trigger the intro event, the LMB Soldier will hit the civilian, knocking them to the ground. He then slowly paces around the civilian, who is lying on their side, trying to protect themselves.



The SOG contrasts from the mihtaristic LMB, the chaotic Thugs and the vicious Criminals in that they are a much smaller and much more highly specialized organization pursuing a long-term goal. Not much is known of their history though some speculate they are Division agents gone rogue, the antithesis of the player.

Every member of the SOG is trained to a level equal to or surpassing the top-tier Special Forces of the world, and they master their experimental and highly advanced weaponry anSjgear with lethal efficiency. Intimidation and the ignorance of their enemies are their best defpiise, and-^eir eerie black armor and face masks means their opponents never know as much abouttheSOG as the SOG knows about them. The SOG does not try to occupy land or strike at random targets fdr,fun of prgfittoyt are rather playing a long game. Mirroring the player characters, they-^tt^ack a ntuch large^oe (the US Government] with pinpoint precision and lightning stri|ce tac!t|e^, dealing damage and disappearing into the night with their enemies none the wiser.

Age: 30-45 ■ :, X\ Accents/dialects: Neutral American. Any trace of tfjiational or regional dialect is polished off to increase their air of anonymity. While ethnicity is specifled fpr the various characters in the faction, it should not be heard in the characters' accent. These characters' American accent should sound as neutral as possible.


Highly educated and well tra le^d men and women from all walks of life, ethnicities and classes. They speak in soft voices, remaining calm even in the middle of combat - unnerving their enemies with cool murmurs where lesser foes would have screamed. Dedicated to a cause. In a sense, the SOG fighters are fanatics - they are committed to a project that they will see completed, even at the cost of their own lives. Well spoken, they rarely use abbreviations and enunciate well. Impersonal toward one another, not overly verbose. They're professional and business- minded. They don't waste words.

y^TDM CLflNCY-S Archetypes:

The following descriptions are traits that should be particularly emphasized depending on the archetype. While each archetype must still adhere to the faction description, these details offer each archetype a bit of individuality.

Spec Ops Male Asian Spectre Female Asian

Ghost Sniper Male Black

Juggernaut Male Black Medic Female Latino



The enemy has been looking for the player and just found him. Now they're going to attack.

SOG Target confirmed.

SOG Engaging.

SOG E n e m y l o c a t e d .


The enemy has been looking for the player but can't find him. They essentially give up the hunt but still remain on edge just in case the player returns.

(Calmly) Fingers on the triggers.


The enemy was fighting the player when the player disappeared. They're about to start searching for the player.

SOG Search the area.

SOG ( To h i s c o m p a n i o n s ) Commence search routine.

SOG Re-establish visual.


The enemy has been taken by surprise by the player. They stop guarding, relaxing, smoking, whatever they were doing, and jump into combat.

SOG (to teammates) Shoot to kill.

SOG Sloppy.

SOG F l a n k a n d d e s t r o y .


The enemy was relaxing, guarding, smoking or something of the sort when they hear or see something suspicious. They decide to take a look around.

SOG Find them.l^^^^ ^

Search pattern delta.

Don't let them get away.


The enemy is fighting multiple players. These are shouts in the midst of combat.

SOG (to teammates) One shot, one kill.

SOG CP Leave no witnesses. SOG F o c u s fi r e .

SOG No one escapes.

XTOM CUflNC Y*! THE/Sllfli ^IW SOG Laying down suppressing fire.

SOG Acquiring target.


New players appeared in the middle of a fight. The enemy is surprised by the reinforcements and is beginning to panic.

SOG More targets.

SOG (Coolly, to teammatesites) P i c k y o u r t a rcgets. g e t ^

SOG Wrap it up quickly.aickly


T h e e n e m y i s w o u n d e d .

POG This... changes... nothing. [Wheezing]'




Two^^G a:^ standing guard, speaking in hushed tones

SOG_SPECOPS01 (looking around alertly) Keep an eye on our left flank. I've got a bad feeling about this.

SOG_SPECOPS02 (flips a switch on his visor, then off again) Same. Keep your guard up.


i^l W 1^1 VII Both SOG soldiers walk a bit apart and survey the area.

SOG_SPECOPS01 (checking her smartwatch, then looking up from it and ahead) I h a v e s o m e m o v e m e n t i n t h e distance, but I don't see anything in that direction.

SOG_SPECOPS02 (cautiously) I'll call it in. Watch my back.

SOG_SPECOPS01 (going back to position You got it.


^1W 1^1 win