International Online Symposium on Soil C and N Dynamics by Land Use, Management and Climate Changes (Local attendance and excursion will be held and live broadcasting in Yamagata, Japan) Main Topics: Carbon sequestration? Greenhouse gases emission? Plants production? Soil fertility? Effect of Climate Changes? Soil mineral and organic components? Date : September 28 - October 01, 2020 Venue: Zoom Cloud meeting for most participants, and Yamagata University for participants who can attend in Tsuruoka, Japan Organizer & Contact: Prof. Weiguo CHENG (Yamagata University, Japan) Phone: +81-235-28-2824 E-mail:
[email protected] Sponsor: Yamagata University UGAS, Iwate University Provisional Program: Sep. 28, Morning: Registration, opening, oral communication Lunch: Suzune for local attendees Afternoon: Oral communication Evening: Short oral speech for poster presenter, Gathering party for local attendees Sep. 29, Morning: Oral communication Lunch: Organic food for local attendees Afternoon: Visiting Sakata and LUMC sites with relay live for cloud attendees Evening: Cultural exchange party in Yonohama HS for local attendees Sep. 30, Morning: Visiting Kamo Aquarium and Hagurosan Lunch: Hagurosan vegetarian cuisine Afternoon: Visiting Long-term experiment in Yamagata Evening: Cultural exchange party in Zao HS (Live broadcasting for cloud attendees all day) Oct. 01, Morning: Visiting LUMC near Okama and Yamatera Lunch: on Soba street in Oishida Town Afternoon: Back to Tsuruoka passing Mogami River descent, one route of Oshin movie Evening: Farewell party in Italian restaurant Farinamore (Live broadcasting for cloud attendees all day).