MOSHEVET ARTZEINU Menachem Av 1, 5781 - July 10, 2021 -Masei Parshat Matot-Masei with Jacob Silverman

In the rst of this week’s two parashiyot, Matot, we are told, "A man who makes a vow to God or makes an oath to prohibit something to Candle lighting himself cannot desecrate his word, he must do as he declared”. (in our passuk. 8:40PM (Camp Time 7:40PM יחל explains the interesting use of the word to render profane. And Shabbos ends ,לחלל He writes that it is derived from the verb thus, the passuk reads, “He cannot make his words profane/mun- 9:53PM (Camp Time 8:53PM) dane”. Thinking logically, if by desecrating one’s word, their words become profane, it must mean that they were not profane to begin with – one’s words are holy. Moshe Lieber brings the Avnei Nezer, Rabbi Avraham Bornstein, PARSHA who sheds light onto this idea based on the teachings of Rabbeinu Yonah. He explains that an individual who takes great care to abstain STATS from saying things which are forbidden transforms their mouth into a Matot Masei Stats of 54 sedras holy utensil like those used in the beit hamikdash. And just as those 42nd 43rd – of 10 in Bamidbar utensils sancti ed the korbanot, so too one’s mouth can sanctify an 9th 10th – lines in a 190 ordinary object. 189 379 rank 29th Consequently, a person is prohibited from going against their word 30th 1st Parshiyot 9 8 17 just like it was forbidden for someone to misappropriate sancti ed P’tuchot 4 6 10 S’tumot 5 2 7 items in the beit hamikdash. He ends with a very powerful statement: P’sukim 112 132 244 rank “The word of a Jew is holy because Israel was created to sing praises (Torah/Bam.) 24/7 12/5 1/1 of God”. Words 1484 1461 2945 rank As we enter a new month, let us use this new beginning to try to make 29/6 32/7 1/1 Leers 5652 good use of our words and ful ll our promises, something here at 5773 11425 rank 30/7 28/6 Moshva that we try hard to do! 1/1 Mitzvot 2 6 8 positive Shabbat Shaom! 1 2 3 prohibitions 1 4 5 Coming back home! By Raphaella Krief

The one word that I am sure the majority of us can relate to is isolation. This past year I was isolated as I spent hours in my room, in front of a screen. I was isolated as I played the piano to an empty household and then spent my lunch period with no human beside me. No one to keep me happy. Comedy movies and funny Tik Tok videos could only work for a limited time, because the second I would turn o my phone, the smile on my face faded. And so, it was up to me to create the laughter I longed for. It was up to me to inspire myself, to nd passion that could motivate me through the hybrid system, but I knew that if Camp happened that joy would be created for me, a place that oozed with natural fun. Happiness in present all around camp, at almost every second of the day. It is present as I smile to the singing at mifkad, or when MHG starts to dance at the sports eld. Happiness is around when I am walking to peulot, and even when I am itching my 47 dierent mosquito bites. At camp moshava, I've come to learn that happiness is in nite. That happiness is ultimately earned by ruach and torah. It is obtained by my incredible counselors, who take care of each and every one of us. Who ll our cups with water during every meal, before they even have the chance to sit down. Happiness is felt as my bunk and I sit down in a circle, gossiping about Harry Styles, and as we blast throwback songs on the speakers, while we walk with con - dence. And happiness is present here at Camp Moshava Ennismore, which is indeed more than a camp. It is a family. This summer, my happiness is assured in every shape and form. I have the camp, the sta, my counselors and friends to thank for that. I now have the pride stating that I do not need to break rules or burry myself into work to be happy. I now have the con dence saying, that the smile on my face, it belongs to me, and this time it will not fade away, Shabbat Shalom!

OUR NEW PEULOT Nurf Turf Sling Shot Range

Tubing for 3 ONE FOR THE BOOKS Aviva Eizicovics and Ayelet Brodt (MH)

Months and months spent at home. Hundreds of campers yearning to return to Camp Moshava. After an incredible amount of hard work, we can con dently say we are back home! Thank you to Vicky, Tova, Ey and all of the amazing tzevet for puing in so much work and for preparing for the best summer yet! It’s only been a few days, yet the activities we have done so far have brought smiles to our faces. From engraving necklaces, to running to lunch in the rain, to exhilarating boat rides, we are certain that summer 2021 will be one for the books. Shabbat Shalom!


Parents arrived in shifts through the day and Go Habs Go! Even though the Montreal we welcomed 206 campers in to our gates. Canadians are out, we enjoyed a camp-wide outdoor hockey viewing!

Our theme for summer (tochnit) is Moshevet Artzeinu – Today was Yom Ivrit we learend about Eliezer Ben Yehudah, the driving force behind the revival of the in the modern era. Campers took pride In their Hebrew names by engraving them in medal which created stunning necklaces and key chains.

Our sta as campers... Can you get who they are? If yes, go up to them and get a treat…