Pr Munity Is Result, Candidates Declare
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,. and Fatiwood Independent VOL. f SCOTCH PLAINS-PANWOOD, NJ, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 12, 1963 10 A COPY Pr munity Is Result, Candidates Declare SEE STORY PAGE I BOOKS FOR LIBRARY — Showing some of the books In a set of newly revised Girl Scout Handbooks recently given to th« Seotoh Plains Library by Girt SK-ut Troop 256 are Laura Symonds (left) and Kristin BarnsU, both of Scotch Plains. The girls are holders of the "Reader" Girl Scout proficiency badge. (Staff Photo) PAGE 2, SCOTCH PLAINS TIMES, THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 12. 1963 —Candidates Praise Planning— CO-PUBLISHER - EDITOR ,..,,... .JERRY PISCHTROM Draws Many Homeowners To Scotch Plains, CO-FUBLI5HER - ADVERTISING ..,,,,. .CARL ANDERSON ART DIRECTOR .,,..,,,,,...,,.. .SANFORD ROBINS Johnston and Lacombe Declare SALES REPRESENTATIVE ,.,,,,,.....,. GARY PALKIN SOCIAL EDITOR ,,,,.,,,....,,.. ELAINE STORNELLI FEATURE EDITOR .,,.,, ED FISCHTROM The development of Scotch as their home for very definite municipal officials had the far- SPORTS EDITOR ..................... JERRY JAFFE Plains into a prime residential and substantial reasons," they sight to adopt a Master Plan, community has been achieved said. Choosing a location in which one of the first In the state. FA 2-5266 through careful planning, farsight to live and raise and educate This accounts for our orderly ESTABLISHED JULY 23, 1959 and management. Mayor Norman children is done only after weigh- development. Published every Thursday Lacombe and Township Commit - ing the opportunities various "Scotch Plains has an excep- a! E. 2nd & Park Avenue, Scotch Plains, N.J. teeman George Johnston declared municipalities offer. Why do so ionaily sound tax structure, with BY in a joint statement this week. many families pick Scotch axes lower than many surround- Plains?" ng towns. At the same time, we SCOTCH PLAINS PUBLISHING COMPANY The two Republican incumbents are seeking reelection to the "We have found that our new- offer the best in services and Subscriptions by moil postpaid. One year $3.QQ payable in advance, acilities. Single copies at ten cents, "Second clasB pomtaqg paid at Scotch governing body in the November comers chose the township be- Plain*, N.J," election. cause It is overwhelmingly re- "Our schools are excellent "New residents moving Into sidential. There is no hodge- and our recreation program pro- our community have selected this podge zoning because years ago vides year-round activity for all age groups. We boast the lowest delinquency rate In the county, an accomplishment of which we should all be proud, Democrats Announce Four Point Platform "We enjoy fine public safety performances from our police Reduced Speeds, Trash Collection Among Issues and fire departments and the ad and sewer maintenance Children, speed limits, re- and other members of the com- grading the condition of "auto- face of Scotch Plains. crews carry on their duties ef- creation, streets and water- munity a place to go. The pool jarring" northside streets. "But more than all this, our ficiently. Other official groups termed "gut issues"—make up would be financed by a bond is- The two candidates urged the prop-am will enable every tax and departments, manned by ex- the platform of Scotch Plains sue to be repaid by income from voters to support the public li- payer in town to vote for us as perienced and interested mem- Democratic candidates for Town- membership fees and conces- brary in a referendum in Nov- an act of good conscience. And bers, operate the local ship Committee, Ray Waterkotte sions. Excess funds would be ember, from this will come the greatest :overnment smoothly and effec- and Ed deOrandmont. applied toward eventual develop- "Our program is vigorous, good of all—the birth of two- tively. In unveiling their program be- ment of a community center. party government in Scotch imaginative and sound," Water- "All this did not just happen. fore an executive committee 3. Payment of trash collection kotte and deGrandmont said, "It Plains, and all the benefits local The planning and work of the meeting of the Democratic Club via the township instead of dir- will result in an immediate im- democracy can provide to the present Township Committee, at the home of Thomas DeLuca, ectly to the scavenger to make provement in services without taxpayer as a human being," and the committees before us, 415 Willow Avenue, the candidates trash collection tax deductible. affecting the present taxes or they said. are paying off handsomely. And said that their program would This would yield every home- we shall continue to do all in mean "at least $20 in the pockets owner, filing the long form, a our power to keep Scotch plains of every homeowner in town each net return of $8 to $10 per year. Plains Resident Named one of the finest residential com- year." 4. Appointment of a bi-partisan munities in New jersey. Waterkotte and deGrandmont study group to Investigate intro- "Ours is not an idle campaipi pledged to work for: duction of municipal water auth- County Campaign Head promise—our accomplishments 1. Immediate reduction of speed ority in tosvn, to be supplied and record are the proof." they limits in town until a sidewalk through such outlets as Round program is completed. Speeds Valley )with pipelines carrying in Scotch Plains now range up soft water to Newark goon to be to 50 miles an hour, strung through Scotch Plains) "Since all these streets are or in drilling wells, Helen Reidy heavily used by our children en The candidates said that if route to and from school, it's such a plan proved feasible cit- inevitable that some youngster izens would be supplied "at no is going to be mowed down by a extra cost" softer water they hot rod unless we view speeds now pay $12 to $15 per year for. as a human problem," they siad, 5. Annual publication of a sche- 2. Organization of a municipal dule of road resurfacing projects Publication swimming pool to give teenagers and an immediate accent on up- The publishers of "Who's Who" announced this week that Helen M. Reidy, Scotch Plains Township Clerk, has been listed for the Magistrate Jackson first time in the new third edi- tion of "Who's Who of American Women", Fines 12 Offenders The volume contains 20,500 names of womin chosen by the Scotch Plains Magistrate was heard by Fanwood Magistrate editors from business, science, George Jackson disqualified him- Charles N. Thorne, jr. education, the arts, government self from hearing a case in Muni- Kelly Caracino of Newark was and other meritorious fields, In- cipal Court last week for the charged with simple assault for cluding civic activity. ''first time in many years" be- striking a woman in the court- Only four Union County woman cause he had witnessed the room after a court session were newly listed in the currant incident Involved and therefore several weeks ago. issue. had pre-judged the matter. The Caracino was found guilty and Illustrating the variety of sel- case, involving a Newark man, fined $55 by the Fanwood Magis- ection, the new names range from trate. Dr. Frances O, Kelsey, winner New Committee In other court actions, eleven, of Presidential Gold Medal for drivers were fined for motor her exposure of the drug thalid- Screens Board vehicle violations. h omlde, to comedienne Carol Bur- , William S. Stephens of Herron nett, Nominees Rd., Metuchen, was fined §20 for i." *> careless driving, and Robert (••- The executive committee of the Smith jr. of Riverdale and Jo- Picnic Plans Set Scotch Plains - Fanwood Joint seph J." Meka of 1317 Columbia Tom Pinttlzlo, Scotch Plains Civic Committee, headed by Mrs, Ave,, Plainfield, were fined $20 Annual Family Picnic chairman, John LaRocque Pres,, announced and $15 respectively, for speed- announced that all preparations the appointment of the screening ing, are complete for the affair this committee. This committee re- Joseph R, Zelenka of Morris Saturday, September 14, at ceived suggestions for Board of Plains and Helen M. Kaditus of .i<l iM 'I Brookside Park on Hetfield Education candidates from the Summit were fined $20 each for Avenue, The picnic, sponsored member bodies of the Joint Civic delinquent inspection, MichaelC. by the Scotch Plains Republican group as well as f rum the citizens Mirk of Round Top Rd.,Bernards- Club, will begin at 1-30 p.m. at largo. vi'le, was fined $20 for driving Frank H. Berz of 38 Fieldcrest mittee, according to Betz, will be A large turnout is anticipated. Thtise members nri?: Mr. Fred and unregistered vehicle, and Drive, Scotch Plains, former to assure that the individual ef- Dinltlzio said that activities for Baser, Chairman; Mr. David Anthony Marrimc A of 228 W.Hegel chairman of the Westfield Area forts of all Young Republicans the day will be geared to the Beitior, Mr. Alan Anderson, Mrs. Ave,, lldlson, was fined $15 for Young Republicans, has been will be used to their best advan- youngsters, with pony rides, D.L, Htird.Mr. Hubert HemlrAcks, not having a driver's license named 1963 campaign chairman of tage in their own towns in a man- games, lollipops, soda, and hot Mr. John Watsun, Mr.s, Frank or registration in his possession. the county-wide organization of ner designed to avoid wasteful dogs and hamburgers, Clam !v.."i;oi"t, NirK, Ki.iieri I louver, and Others fined were; FrnnkCos- Young Republican Croups, duplication of activities already chowder and corn-on-the-cob M-3, T. I i. 1 lla.leH. by of BlrjoTTifieUl, S2l"i for no In this post I3etz will be re- being properly handled by the will also be served. horn; Mary A. Mackev of Wijst- senior organization. Republican Township Com mit- field, $25 fur an improper turn; sponsible for planning and co- an'- • !i iliu- ^f r.du- "Our role is to provide the tee candidates Norman Lacombe Sara P.