Fifty Years of Surrey Championship Cricket History, Memories, Facts and Figures • How it all started • How the League has grown • A League Chairman’s season • How it might look in 2043? • Top performances across fifty years HAVE YOUR EVENT AT THE KIA OVAL 0207 820 5670 SE11 5SS
[email protected] Surrey Championship History 1968 - 2018 1968 2018 Fifty Years of Surrey 1968 2018 Championship Cricket ANNIVERSA ANNIVERSA 50TH RY 50TH RY April 2018 PRESIDENT Roland Walton Surrey Championship 50th Anniversary 1968 - 2018 Contents Diary of anniversary activities anD special events . 4 foreworD by peter Murphy (chairMan) . 5 the surrey chaMpionship – Micky stewart . 6 Message froM richarD thoMpson . 7 the beginning - MeMories . 9. presiDent of surrey chaMpionship . 10 reflections anD observations on the 1968 season . 16 sccca - final 1968 tables . 19 the first Match - saturDay May 4th 1968 . 20 ten years of league cricket (1968 - 1977) . 21 the first twenty years - soMe personal MeMories . 24 Message froM Martin bicknell . 27 the history of the surrey chaMpionship 1968 to 1989 . 28 the uMpires panel . 31 the seconD 25 years . 32 restructuring anD the preMier league 1994 - 2005 . 36 the evolution of the surrey chaMpionship . 38 toDay’s ecb perspective of league cricket . 39 norManDy - froM grass roots to the top . 40 Diary of a league chairMan’s season . 43 surrey chaMpionship coMpetition . 46 expansion anD where are they now? . 47 olD grounDs …..….. anD new! . 51 sponsors of the surrey chaMpionship . 55 what Might the league be like in 25 years? . 56 surrey chaMpionship cappeD surrey players . 58 history .