Mosquito Proboscis: Mechanics of a Bite

VOCABULARY ALERT Proboscis (pronounced pro-bah-sis or pro-bahs-kis): In , the proboscis is the elongated tube-shaped mouthpart used to gather food. The female also uses the proboscis to gather blood from and other mammals, as well as birds, reptiles, and amphibians. Breaking down the word: “pro” means “forward” (from the head of an ); “boscis” means “to feed.”

LEARN MORE Watch “How Mosquitoes Use Six Needles to Suck Your Blood,” a video about the structure and function of the proboscis and gain a scientific appreciation for just how amazing it is: What was the most interesting thing that you learned from this video?

Mission Mosquito Science Notebook • Page ______Mission Mosquito Science Notebook • Page ______ Based on the graphic video and the video:

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ODE TO THE PROBOSCIS Mosquitoes have a mouth So, needle five sucks up your blood, A could be the receiver since after all, they need to eat. to her abdomen it goes. of the virus for yellow fever. But the mouth of every female You will hardly know it’s happening thers, meanwhile, poses risks to all she meets. ‘cause mosquitoes are such pros. O could get West Nile. In her mouth are found six needles. The sixth one spits saliva dd to the hysteria Wait…SIX NEEDLES?? You may scream! that contains a lot of stuff. A the chance of getting malaria. Why does she need six needles? Some contents numb the area, Six needles seems extreme! others make blood clotting tough. The diseases are a problem that YOU can help reduce. First, two will hold your skin apart, The tiny loss of blood Find the places where she lays her eggs two sharper ones will saw, is not at all the greatest threat. And turn that water loose. they’re headed for a blood vein- It’s the many bad diseases it’s your blood she wants to draw. That a human just might get. But how cool is a proboscis? Pretty cool, you must admit. She is such a caring mother. Along with her saliva- Mosquitoes are the only ones She’s not trying to be mean. every now and every then- who simultaneously suck and spit. But her eggs cannot develop she may also leave behind without using blood protein. a dangerous pathogen.

NOW IT’S YOUR TURN What is your mosquito poem, story, song, or cartoon? Include any or all of the characteristics that you’ve learned about mosquitoes: • four life cycle stages: (egg, larva, pupa, adult) • anatomy of adult: two wings, six legs, • habitat for egg/larva/pupa: standing water head, thorax, abdomen, proboscis • anatomy of larva: siphon • feeding: eating plant • biting: obtaining a blood meal

Mission Mosquito Science Notebook • Page ______