Red Cliffs Secondary College Resilient, Compassionate, Successful Citizens


Tel: 03 5024 1522 Email: [email protected] Fitzroy Avenue, Red Cliffs, Vic, 3496. Website:




Browne David Mr.

sincerely, Yours

provide. to committed

what I am am I what is s thi College, Secondary Cliffs Red of Principal As be. may that wherever community, their

someone who is able to realise their hopes and aspirations and someone who will be a positive member of of member positive a be will who someone and aspirations and hopes their realise to able is who someone

uite to plan, someone who is caring and considerate of others, others, of considerate and caring is who someone plan, to uite q go don’t things when back bounce to able

a person who is is who person a – child your in develop and shape help to committed are staff a as we what is This Citizens.

There are four words that appear on all of our school’s paperwork; Resilient, Compassionate, Successful Successful Compassionate, Resilient, paperwork; school’s our of all on appear that words four are There

experience. life school secondary positive a has child your t tha ensuring to committed 100% are

Working together with families and students, our teachers, education support staff and Assistant Principals Principals Assistant and staff support education teachers, our students, and families with together Working

the Home Group teacher, Sub School Leader and Year Level Coordinator. Coordinator. Level Year and Leader School Sub teacher, Group Home the

commitment to support all students and provide guidance and supp and guidance provide and students all support to commitment ort through numerous key staff including including staff key numerous through ort

throughout the year to ensure students are emotionally and physically healthy. We have a strong strong a have We healthy. physically and emotionally are students ensure to year the throughout

r health support, or simply need someone to talk to. The wellbeing team runs various programs programs various runs team wellbeing The to. talk to someone need simply or support, health r o emotional

child, both academically and socially. Our wellbeing team is there for students who are having social, social, having are who students for there is team wellbeing Our socially. and academically both child,

Student wellbeing is equally important to us as academic achievement. We are keen to develop the whole whole the develop to keen are We achievement. academic as us to important equally is wellbeing Student

hich is led by our leadership team. leadership our by led is hich w learning personal and

for their future aspirations as lifelong learners. We have a strong focus on quality teaching and authentic authentic and teaching quality on focus strong a have We learners. lifelong as aspirations future their for

- 7 year rich and broad A child. your for opportunities 12 curriculum that ensures students are well prepared prepared well are students ensures that curriculum 12

We have an experienced and dedicated staff of teachers and support staff who will prov will who staff support and teachers of staff dedicated and experienced an have We ide wonderful wonderful ide

opportunities. of most the make

they do, to strive to be the best they can, to respect themselves, their peers, teachers and property, and to to and property, and teachers peers, their themselves, respect to can, they best the be to strive to do, they

r to maintain. I have four expectations of all students all of expectations four have I maintain. to r u endeavo ximum effort in all that that all in effort ximum ma in put always to ’,

We are very proud of our school, the achievements of our students and the high standards that we we that standards high the and students our of achievements the school, our of proud very are We

them and with you to provide the best possible educational outcomes. educational possible best the provide to you with and them

child’s secondary education. I am looking forward to getting to know your children and to working wi working to and children your know to getting to forward looking am I education. secondary child’s th th

Welcome to the Red Cliffs Secondary College community, and thank you for considering our school for your your for school our considering for you thank and community, College Secondary Cliffs Red the to Welcome

Dear Parents/Guardians of prospective students, students, prospective of Parents/Guardians Dear





28 otes N

The Next Steps Next The 27

26 estimonials T

us Information us B 25


anteen Menu anteen C 23

22 Uniform ollege C

21 cholarships S

port S 20

19 Arts erforming P

18 Music al nstrument I


ommunications C Parent 16

pportunities O eadership L 15

Activities and Events 14

acilities F 13

urriculum C 12 / 11 Year 12

Curriculum 10 Year 11

urriculum C 9 Year 10

urriculum C 8 / 7 Year 9

Curriculum 9

rogram P BRAVE 8

Guide Reference Quick 7 - 4

Values School 3

Contents of Table 2

Principal the from Welcome 1




uniform. or equipment required the have not do

We want students to feel as though they belong to our community so support students who who students support so community our to belong they though as feel to students want We •

ages. all for offered programs development leadership many have We •

juniors. for seniors by modelling role promote and level year each of concerns and

We actively encourage all students to have an awareness and understanding of the demands demands the of understanding and awareness an have to students all encourage actively We •


subject. any and level year any student,

This is open to any any to open is This Library. the in day every school before tutoring personal provide We •

training. and employment

secondary school education, education, school secondary - post in engaging students of portion high very a have We •

success. for achieve to need they what exactly know

addressing so that they they that so addressing are students that outcome / lesson every for criteria success have We •

choices. all in outcomes great achieve and strengths

We offer a variety of choice in the curriculum that allows every child to develop their their develop to child every allows that curriculum the in choice of variety a offer We •


We model compassion through our relationships with a with relationships our through compassion model We students. to response nd •

have near new clean uniform items for students to borrow when needed. when borrow to students for items uniform clean new near have

We understand that sometimes students cannot come to school in the correct uniform so we we so uniform correct the in school to come cannot students sometimes that understand We •

day. every students with

and identity through the BRAVE program, Respectful Relationships and in and Relationships Respectful program, BRAVE the through identity and our communication communication our

We develop the understanding of diversity in students’ needs, situations, motivations, culture culture motivations, situations, needs, students’ in diversity of understanding the develop We •


on resilience including whole class development through the BRAVE Program. BRAVE the through development class whole including resilience on strategies

We have an experienced and dedicated wellbeing team and wellbeing centre that provides provides that centre wellbeing and team wellbeing dedicated and experienced an have We •

away. shy not and outcomes

We support students to work through any social or emotional concern to look for positive positive for look to concern emotional or social any through work to students support We •

them. support to conversations based ngth stre encouraging use

We encourage all students to complete all projects, subjects, activities that they begin and and begin they that activities subjects, projects, all complete to students all encourage We •

again or try a different way. different a try or again

activities. These high expectations foster the development of capacity to get back up and try try and up back get to capacity of development the foster expectations high These activities.

We encourage all students to stretch out of their comfort zone and and zone comfort their of out stretch to students all encourage We try new skills and and skills new try •


built into the timetable that specifically addresses development of these school values. school these of development addresses specifically that timetable the into built

support processes are based around our values and include a structured program BRAVE BRAVE program structured a include and values our around based are processes support Behaviour

Values Recognition Program Recognition Values a through rewarded are values, from Bronze to Silver to Gold Awards. Awards. Gold to Silver to Bronze from

within all aspects of our school community. Students displaying our values and growth in our our in growth and values our displaying Students community. school our of aspects all within

and acknowledged acknowledged and promoted both are Citizenship and Success , Compassion , Resilience of alues v Our

Citizenship and Success , Compassion , Resilience




need a is there feel you time any at appointment an make to Phone •

3) – 1 (terms s Interview Teacher Parent •

reports semester of End •

page Facebook College •

semester) per (four reports Interim and reports semester Mid •

fortnightly posted or emailed – Newsletters •

portal Parent – Compass •

Parents with Communication

. Compass via so do can you or change, details any if possible as

It is very important that these are accurate in case of emergencies etc. Parents need to let us know as soon soon as know us let to need Parents etc. emergencies of case in accurate are these that important very is It

Details Contact

. 4 2 page to refer Please

Program BYOD

. 25 page see or Buslink contact please service, bus public the regarding s question

. For For . Reception Student contact should do to what of unsure are and bus by travel to need who school the to

Students with older siblings will have the advantage of knowing which bus to catch and where. Students new new Students where. and catch to bus which knowing of advantage the have will siblings older with Students

Travel Bus

3.20 Day of End

Six Period Start 2.33

Five Period Start 1.46

1.30 DEAR Start

1.24 Bell Locker / Lunch of End

12.39 Lunch Start

Four Period Start 11.52

Three Period Start 11.05

10.59 Bell Locker / Recess of End

0.39 1 Recess Start

Two Period Start 9.52

9.05 One Period Start

9.00 Assembly Form Start

.53 8 Bell Locker

Times Bell

to provide intervention strategies including parent involvement if more support is required. required. is support more if involvement parent including strategies intervention provide to

equired for a student both in the classroom and in the playground, their Year Level Coordinator will step in in step will Coordinator Level Year their playground, the in and classroom the in both student a for equired r

struggling to show our core values, may be asked to sit in another class for a while. When more support is is support more When while. a for class another in sit to asked be may values, core our show to struggling

r support is given within the classroom. We have a buddy system whereby a student student a whereby system buddy a have We classroom. the within given is support r u behavio Initially, time.

towards others and their property. All teachers work closely with t with closely work teachers All property. their and others towards heir classes to ensure maximum learning learning maximum ensure to classes heir

It is an expectation that all students behave in a safe and friendly manner, showing all of our core values values core our of all showing manner, friendly and safe a in behave students all that expectation an is It

Support Behaviour

school. from student

uld be appreciated before collecting the the collecting before appreciated be uld wo advance in notice possible where however, arise, circumstances

hours. If necessary, procedures for Early Leavers must be followed. We appreciate that unexpected unexpected that appreciate We followed. be must Leavers Early for procedures necessary, If hours.

requested, where possible, to arrange student appointments and commitments outside college college outside commitments and appointments student arrange to possible, where requested, are Parents





. 18 page on information the see please instrument, an learning in interested

The Music staff and visiting instrumental specialists provide a comprehensive music program. If you are are you If program. music comprehensive a provide specialists instrumental visiting and staff Music The

Music rumental Inst

guidelines. suggested about

tion tion informa further for Policy Homework our see Please areas. subject all across from homework complete

providing opportunity for students to be responsible for their own learning. Students can be asked to to asked be can Students learning. own their for responsible be to students for opportunity providing

study habits and and habits study good fostering learning, classroom complementing by students benefits Homework


. required information valuable any obtain and day the for

to ensure they are ready to learn, equipped equipped learn, to ready are they ensure to s teacher Group Home with in ing check by day the start students

. It is important important is It . day each room same the in , 12) - 7 (Yrs meeting Group Home Vertical a with starts day Each

Vertical Home Group Meetings Group Home Vertical and Teacher Group Home

store. retail Lowes from uniform, the of

Smart program they followed in primary school. No hats are are hats No school. primary in followed they program Smart part part as purchased, be can Hats inside. worn be to

s best interest to support the Sun Sun the support to interest best s student the in is It building. school the outside when hat brimmed broad a

endorsed the Sun Smart Policy with regard to hats. All students are encouraged to wear wear to encouraged are students All hats. to regard with Policy Smart Sun the endorsed has Council School The


contact the school to arrange an appointment with the Sub School Leader. Leader. School Sub the with appointment an arrange to school the contact

Students who wish to enrol at other year levels or during the year can can year the during or levels year other at enrol to wish who Students Leader. School Junior the by completed

For year 7 students who transfer directly to our school at the at school our to directly transfer who students 7 year For end of grade six the enrolment process is is process enrolment the six grade of end


is not to be used by parents as a drop off/pick up point. up off/pick drop a as parents by used be to not is

unless a parent/guardian is picking up a child who is ill or injured. The school bus shelter is for buses only and and only buses for is shelter bus school The injured. or ill is who child a up picking is parent/guardian a unless

All students are to be dropped off and picked up at the front of the school. There is no entry past the c the past entry no is There school. the of front the at up picked and off dropped be to are students All ar park park ar

Up Pick & Off Drop

time. any at planner study

ol related information. Parents and teachers should be able to pick up, read or write in any student’s student’s any in write or read up, pick to able be should teachers and Parents information. related ol scho for

information about the school including our policies and contact phone numbers. The study planner / diary is is diary / planner study The numbers. phone contact and policies our including school the about information

encouraged to use the diary to record work due and plan for class work. Inside, the diary has a wealth of of wealth a has diary the Inside, work. class for plan and due work record to diary the use to encouraged

A school study planner / diary is included in the booklist for all studen all for booklist the in included is diary / planner study school A ts at years 7, 8 and 9. They are are They 9. and 8 7, years at ts

Planners Study or Diaries

material at school for this purpose. this for school at material

one strategy being used to help improve literacy. Students should ensure they have a book or other reading reading other or book a have they ensure should Students literacy. improve help to used being strategy one

their class to read. This program has been running successfully in our school for a number of years n years of number a for school our in successfully running been has program This read. to class their ow. It is is It ow.

Drop Everything And Read. For the first twenty minutes after lunch students are required to take a novel into into novel a take to required are students lunch after minutes twenty first the For Read. And Everything Drop


private car allowance an allowance car private d may be obtained from the school. the from obtained be may d

school and they are attending their closest school. Claim forms are available for free bus travel or for the the for or travel bus free for available are forms Claim school. closest their attending are they and school

Families may be eligible to claim assistance with travel expenses if the student lives at least 4.8 km from the the from km 4.8 least at lives student the if expenses travel with assistance claim to eligible be may Families

formation In Allowance Conveyance



storage. of point second the be should USB A recommended.

. Students have access to cloud storage and it is strongly strongly is it and storage cloud to access have Students . Fee Service College the in covered is internet

any morning before school starts. The use of the the of use The starts. school before morning any Cafeteria the at paying by amounts $5 in credit printing

Students can buy buy can Students school. the in computers and netbooks use to password a with provided be will Students

Printing Credit Printing

families. to home mailed be ill w passwords / names user Parent

. 17 page on found be can information More excursions. for permission give and for pay staff,

s education, communicate with with communicate education, s ’ child their about information vital access to parent allows Portal arent P The

home. from this access can they how shown be will Students Portal. Student

bulletin. Work can be sent to teachers via the the via teachers to sent be can Work bulletin. student the via school at happening is what about information

ortal give students access to worksheets from each of their classes, their timetable and other other and timetable their classes, their of each from worksheets to access students give ortal P Student The

Compass – Portal Student & arent P

post. the via delivered

Newsletters are compiled fortnightly. These are emailed to parents with an email address email an with parents to emailed are These fortnightly. compiled are Newsletters , otherwise they are are they otherwise ,


. 4 2 page see please – available is program (BYOD)

Bring Your Own Device Own Your Bring A office. IT the through these borrowing by netbooks to access have will Students


time. school within

but students need a break from the influence of social media and protection from the possible use of cameras cameras of use possible the from protection and media social of influence the from break a need students but

em to school. Mobile phones are not only a distraction from learning learning from distraction a only not are phones Mobile school. to em it the bring to able longer no is student the

the end of the day. A second offence requires a parent to collect the phone and a third offence means that that means offence third a and phone the collect to parent a requires offence second A day. the of end the

ed if damaged or lost. If a phone is confiscated by a staff member then the student may collect it at at it collect may student the then member staff a by confiscated is phone a If lost. or damaged if ed insur not

in a locked locker, not in school bags. They are not to be used once students enter the school grounds and are are and grounds school the enter students once used be to not are They bags. school in not locker, locked a in

Personal mobile phones must not be used at school. If they need to be brought to school then they must kept kept must they then school to brought be to need they If school. at used be not must phones mobile Personal

Phones Mobile

cupboard. on medicati the in

when at school, please send a note and a named box of paracetamol for this purpose to the office to be stored stored be to office the to purpose this for paracetamol of box named a and note a send please school, at when

includes paracetamol. If you would like your child to be able to take paracetamol in the event they require it it require they event the in paracetamol take to able be to child your like would you If paracetamol. includes

Medications are not to be stored in school bags school in stored be to not are Medications This This lockers. or stating frequency and amount to be taken. taken. be to amount and frequency stating

Student Reception Student the to it bring to need they medication any take to need students If with a signed note note signed a with

Medications - cliffs - p:// htt school website. website. school

2019 for menu canteen The lunchtime. of start also are forms order Lunch . 23 page on is available on the the on available

at the canteen. Lunch orders can be collected from canteen at the the at canteen from collected be can orders Lunch canteen. the at school before out filled be to need These

Orders Lunch


for you until the end of the day. An engraving service for calculators, memory sticks and other items is is items other and sticks memory calculators, for service engraving An day. the of end the until you for

them Lock bag. your in valuables or money leave Don’t in your locker or ask t ask or locker your in them after look to staff office he

Year Level Coordinators will have a master key in case of an emergency. emergency. an of case in key master a have will Coordinators Level Year times. all at it use to expected be will

will be provided with a lock at the beginning of the year and you you and year the of beginning the at lock a with provided be will You . allocated are Students in our locker bay locker our in




school. and home between needed

evelopment. The Year Level Coordinator is usually the first point of contact if communication is is communication if contact of point first the usually is Coordinator Level Year The evelopment. d emotional

Each year level has a coordinator who is there to support each student with their academic, social and and social academic, their with student each support to there is who coordinator a has level year Each

Coordinator Level Year

met. are needs these ensure to breaks lunch and recess use should students and disruptive

rink and toilet breaks are are breaks toilet and rink d for class to Interruptions labs). computer in stored be can they where on

Students are encouraged to drink water and water bottles are permitted in class (with some restrictions restrictions some (with class in permitted are bottles water and water drink to encouraged are Students

bottles Water

supplier our of details and uniform the of description

for a a for 2 2 page to Refer . Office School Sub their to home from note a present to are uniform of out school

Uniform at Red Cliffs Secondary College is compulsory from Years 7 to 12. Students who must come to to come must who Students 12. to 7 Years from compulsory is College Secondary Cliffs Red at Uniform


Thursday. – Tuesday school after available also

A before school tutoring program is available to all students every morning before school in the Library. It is is It Library. the in school before morning every students all to available is program tutoring school before A


. details more for 1 2 e pag See information. more for handout additional

each year at both the Junior School and Senior School levels: 4 at year 7 and 4 at year 11. Please see see Please 11. year at 4 and 7 year at 4 levels: School Senior and School Junior the both at year each

o the school and perform at their optimum. A maximum of 4 Scholarships are awarded awarded are Scholarships 4 of maximum A optimum. their at perform and school the o int settle to school

cholarships will be offered at the end of Semester 1 to allow all students new to the the to new students all allow to 1 Semester of end the at offered be will cholarships S best. personal their to

Red Cliffs Secondary College seeks to promote a culture of high academic achievement and students working working students and achievement academic high of culture a promote to seeks College Secondary Cliffs Red

Awards and ships Scholar

SRC. the of

Students have an active voice in school improvement, student events and fundraising activities as members members as activities fundraising and events student improvement, school in voice active an have Students

believe this is an important opportunity for those students interested in leadership and college participation. participation. college and leadership in interested students those for opportunity important an is this believe

nominate. There is no limit on how many students can be on the Student Representat Student the on be can students many how on limit no is There nominate. - self ive Council as we we as Council ive

All students are provided with the opportunity to be a member of the Student Representative Council and and Council Representative Student the of member a be to opportunity the with provided are students All

(SRC) Council Representative Student

1522. 5024 on Leader chool S Sub relevant the

policy, please refer to the College website at at website College the to refer please policy, - cliffs - or contact contact or

within the Student and College Represent College and Student the within ation Policy. For more information or to receive a copy of this this of copy a receive to or information more For Policy. ation

excluded from participation in an activity or event if they have not met the eligibility criteria as outlined outlined as criteria eligibility the met not have they if event or activity an in participation from excluded

All students are supported to participate in college representative activities, however, a student may be be may student a however, activities, representative college in participate to supported are students All

Policy Representation

transition visits with your child’s primary school. primary child’s your with visits transition

ible for additional support under this program this will be discussed at enrolment and during during and enrolment at discussed be will this program this under support additional for ible elig is child

government sector or interstate will need to be reassessed to ensure they meet DET criteria. If your your If criteria. DET meet they ensure to reassessed be to need will interstate or sector government - non the

this school to access all parts of the school curriculum and wider school program. Students transferring from from transferring Students program. school wider and curriculum school the of parts all access to school this

Students who receive funding through the DET program for disabilities and impair and disabilities for program DET the through funding receive who Students ments are supported at at supported are ments

Impairments and Disabilities with Students for Program



adulthood. to through them support

dynamic in their teenage lives that can can that lives teenage their in dynamic

be able to handle the changing changing the handle to able be

students with knowledge and skills to to skills and knowledge with students

equip equip to time given be to excited

7 and 8. The wellbeing team are are team wellbeing The 8. and 7 s year

to have contact with every student in in student every with contact have to

able able ing be and growth their in student

proactive about supporting the whole whole the supporting about proactive

College wanted to be a lot more more lot a be to wanted College

because staff at Red Cliffs Secondary Secondary Cliffs Red at staff because

about about came BRAVE for idea The

going). is schooling their how n i voice a students (giving circles Talking •

organisation and skills Study •

by) on flow issue

ater program (knowing when to stand strong like a rock and when to let the the let to when and rock a like strong stand to when (knowing program ater W and Rock •

relationships Respectful •

Mindfulness •

emotionally) and (physically ge chan Managing •

Friendship (recognising good friendships and being a supportive friend) supportive a being and friendships good (recognising Friendship

citizenship Cyber •

resolution Conflict •

image Body •

health Adolescent •

including: workshops are program the in ded Inclu

Principal. Assistant an and Leader School Sub

Worker, School Nurse, College Chaplain) College Nurse, School Worker, , Junior Junior , s Teacher .

external to the school including the wellbeing team (Social (Social team wellbeing the including school the to external

by a team of people internal and and internal people of team a by delivered is B.R.A.V.E

s socially and emotionally. and socially s student developing

regulation and working as a class. It is specifically targeting targeting specifically is It class. a as working and regulation

- self intelligence, emotional increasing on is awareness and and awareness

resilience, compassion, success and citizenship. The focus focus The citizenship. and success compassion, resilience,

program, structured to enhance the students’ values of of values students’ the enhance to structured program,

The B.R.A.V.E program is a dedicated one session per week week per session one dedicated a is program B.R.A.V.E The

Education Values nd a Resilience Building




6 1 Arts The Health/PE Humanities

5 English Science Mathematics 1 Arts The English


unch L

4 Mathematics PE / Health Humanities

3 BRAVE 1 Technology Language PE / Health Science

ecess R

2 Humanities Health/PE

1 1 Arts The English English Mathematics English

Group Home Vertical

Tuesday Monday Lesson Friday Thursday Wednesday

day) per lessons minute 47 x (6

Timetable Student a of Example


Woodwork •

1 (Chinese) Language

Design & Communication Visual •

3 Arts

Textiles •

3 Technology

Music •

3 Humanities

Multimedia •

4 Science

Technology Food •

5 Sport / PE / Health

Drama •

5 English

Art •

5 Maths each (eight over the two years): two the over (eight each

WEEK These subjects are studied for one semester semester one for studied are subjects These


ollowing subjects are studied in studied are subjects ollowing f The 8: and 7 year





Humanities 6 Mathematics Elective Arts Health/PE

Elective Elective

5 Science PE / Health English Technology Technology Extension




4 Technology Technology Humanities


Mathematics PE / Health Science 3 Extension Extension Science


Health/PE 2

English Mathematics 1 Humanities English Elective Arts

Vertical Home Group Home Vertical

Lesson Tuesday Monday Friday Thursday Wednesday

day) per lessons minute 47 x (6

Excellence Sports for Training • Timetable Student a of Example

Controversies and Cheats History, Sports •

Investigation and Design Science

Challenge Cliffs Red •

Promotion and Health Nursing, •

Legends and Myths •

Training Sports Interschool •

Film Through History •

Photography Digital

Extension Electives: Extension

Woodwork •

(VCD) Design and Communication Visual •

Block) Writer’s (The Publishing Screen Small •

It Screen • 3 Elective Extension

Music • 3 Elective Technology

Media/Advertising •

3 Elective Arts

Maker Game •

4 Humanities

Food •

4 Science

Party Pyjama – Design and Fashion

5 Sport / PE / Health

Drama •

4 English

Dance •

4 Maths

House Art •


Electives: Technology and Arts LESSON PER PER LESSON SUBJECT

The following subjects are are subjects following The year 9 year in studied :





Advanced Advanced 6

Studies Coaching

5 Science Legal VCE Mathematics Art and Training




VCE Legal Legal VCE 4

Coaching English

Training and and Training Advanced Science 3 Mathematics Art


Art 2

Coaching English Studies

VCE Legal Legal VCE Mathematics 1 Training and and Training Advanced Science

Vertical Home Group Home Vertical

Tuesday Monday Lesson Friday Thursday Wednesday

Example of a Student Timetable for one semester one for Timetable Student a of Example

Wood •


Media •

Visual Communication & & Communication Visual •

Technology Information •

Textiles •

Food •

12 Total

Psychology •

Design by Engineering


Music •

Drama •

Arts / / Arts 1 Min / Technology

Dance •

Society & Government

Art •

Enterprise Social • 1 Min Humanities

Rejects and Rebels •

Lives Matter Matter Lives

elective) unit (1 Biology • • 1 Min Science

unit) (1 Science Work •

OR units) (2 Science Core

Training & Coaching & Training • 1 Min Sport / PE / Health

OR Lifesaving

Biomechanics Biomechanics

English (2 units) (2 English • 2 English

units) (2 English Advanced •

Foundation Maths (2 units) (2 Maths Foundation

2 Mathematics

units) (2 Maths


units) (2 Maths Advanced

The following subjects are studied in year 10 and are one unit (unless specified): (unless unit one are and 10 year in studied are subjects following The


undertaking the Foundation VCAL program, aimed at students wishing to focus on a voc a on focus to wishing students at aimed program, VCAL Foundation the undertaking ational education education ational

choosing one VCE or VET subject, which counts as 2 units across the year. Students also have the option of of option the have also Students year. the across units 2 as counts which subject, VET or VCE one choosing

of excelling in their VCE and VCAL studies as studies VCAL and VCE their in excelling of Year 10 students have the option to accelerate their studies by by studies their accelerate to option the have students 10 Year

along side the year 10 Curriculum as we do at Red Cliffs Secondary College allows our students every chance chance every students our allows College Secondary Cliffs Red at do we as Curriculum 10 year the side along

Over 50% of students across begin their VCE / VCAL in year 10. Having the VCE and VCAL taught taught VCAL and VCE the Having 10. year in VCAL / VCE their begin Victoria across students of 50% Over




Studies* Legal

• Psychology* •

3/4) Units (Revolutions History • Wood* OR Textiles*

1/2) Units Century History (20 History Technology: and Design Product • •


Development Human and Health Physics

• •

Work Relate Work •

* Studies Food Education* Physical

• •

Development Personal •

Drama* Performance* Music

• •

Numeracy •

Dance Media*

• •

Literacy •

Unit in Informatics onto continues - (Specialist) Mathematics • offer on Subjects VCAL

only)* 1&2 (units Computing (Methods) Mathematics • •

Chemistry only) 1&2 unit •

Management* Business Mathematics (Foundation (Foundation Mathematics Design* and Communication Visual • • •

Biology* * (Further) Mathematics Arts* Studio • • •

English Literature Sociology* • • •

ommonly chosen ommonly C ( Subjects VCE ) to ited lim not but

year 12 becomes the study period study the becomes 12 year in subjects these of One NOTE:

6 English 1 Unit

Psychology Education Studies Mathematics

Unit 1 1 Unit Physical 1 Unit 5 Biology 1 Unit Legal 3 Unit Further 1 Unit



4 Studies Legal 3 Unit

Mathematics Psychology Education

3 Unit 1 Further Further 1 Unit 1 Unit Physical 1 Unit English 1 Unit Biology 1 Unit


2 Unit 1 Psychology 1 Unit

Education Studies Mathematics

Unit 1 Physical Physical 1 Unit English 1 Unit Biology 1 Unit Legal 3 Unit Further 1 Unit 1

Vertical Home Group Home Vertical

Thursday Wednesday Tuesday Monday Friday

Example of a VCE student timetable student VCE a of Example

and Senior VCAL at year 12. year at VCAL Senior and

If a Student has begun Foundation VCAL at year ten they may continue with Intermediate VCAL at year 11 11 year at VCAL Intermediate with continue may they ten year at VCAL Foundation begun has Student a If

level (units 3 & 4) during year 11. 11. year during 4) & 3 (units level

10 level, they can complete the year 12 12 year the complete can they level, 10 year at 2) & 1 Unit (VCE course accelerated an begun has student a If

Students must complete either English or Literature. or English either complete must Students VCE VCAL Students have a more structured program. structured more a have Students VCAL

Completing 5 5 Completing subjects during year 12 allows students to have 5 periods a week of private study. private of week a periods 5 have to students allows 12 year during subjects

Students complete 6 subjects at year 11 level (unit 1&2) and 5 subjects at year 12 level (unit 3&4). 3&4). (unit level 12 year at subjects 5 and 1&2) (unit level 11 year at subjects 6 complete Students





ground Play •

building s ’ Doctor •

areas rest Shady •

Garden Agricultural •

Gardens •

ovals Large •

Centre Arts Performing •

Centre Wellbeing •

Library •


Gymnasiums (including gym gym (including Gymnasiums •

Centre Science •

classrooms Comfortable •

including: facilities student existing already our complement will This

Cafeteria •

building Administration •

facility extiles T refurbished A •

A new year 12 study room and common room common and room study 12 year new A

Activity Centre (brand new (brand Centre Activity furbished Re reverse cycle air conditioners) air cycle reverse

A lecture theatre lecture A

ood technology rooms technology ood f grade commercial Two

Some new classrooms new Some

are very excited to be on target to have all of our new buildings buildings new our of all have to target on be to excited very are We : includes This 2019. during




Graduation •

otation r Arts and Technology

Dinner 12 Year •

ns) Grampia or Sea and (Surf Camp level Year

Skills Study Elevate •

Day Medieval

Management Stress •

Forum Awareness Drug

Retreat 12 Year •

Program BRAVE The

() Ball 12 Year •

8 Year

12 Year

Program Swimming

Skills Study Elevate •

otation r Arts and Technology •

rograms. p Development Leadership •

Immunisations •

isit v University Federation •

Adelaide) or (Summit Camp level Year •

Trip Tertiary VCE •

Program BRAVE The Ball Deb • •

11 Year 7 Year


• (FLO) Options Learning Flexible •

visit University Federation

• Trip Tertiary VCE •

rogram p Exchange China

• Programs Development Leadership •

rogram p Science Monash John

• Days Health Mental •

Experience Work

• Activities Led SRC and SRC •

Trip Tertiary VCE

• Clubs / Activities Lunchtime •

program VCE/VCAL begin to Opportunity

• Quest Talent •

rogram p Elective

• Awards Values •

Skills Study Elevate

• () Trip Arts •

10 Year Humanities) Science, ICT, Mathematics,

Competitions (English, (English, Competitions Curriculum •

Snow Camp Snow (December) Start Flying

• •

raining t Leadership Peer • Sports

rogram p Elective Interschool / District / Regional and State State and Regional / District / Interschool • •

Friends Supportive Country Cross House • •

Western Bulldogs Leadership Program Leadership Bulldogs Western

Carnival Athletics House • •

Alpine School of Student Leadership Student of School Alpine

Carnival Swimming House • •

9 Year Before and After School Tutoring School After and Before

Variety Night / Variety Week Variety / Night Variety

Levels Year All

excursions. and camps events, activities,

successful citizens. This is achieved by providing opportunities for your child to participate in a broad range of of range broad a in participate to child your for opportunities providing by achieved is This citizens. successful

broad curriculum that offers additional opportunities for your children to become resilient, com resilient, become to children your for opportunities additional offers that curriculum broad passionate, passionate,

on the development of your child’s academic, social and emotional skills. We recognize the importance of a a of importance the recognize We skills. emotional and social academic, child’s your of development the on

student as an individual. an as student whole the educate to seeks College Secondary Cliffs Red We place equal importance importance equal place We





so building their capacity to support in a healthy way is is way healthy a in support to capacity their building so , first friend a to speak to likely more are people

within the school community so everyone FEELS CONNECTED AND CARED FOR. We also know that young young that know also We FOR. CARED AND CONNECTED FEELS everyone so community school the within

The purpose of the program is to strengthen and empower students to work proactively and and proactively work to students empower and strengthen to is program the of purpose The positively positively

Understand their own limitations and to know when to pass concerns on to a trusted adult. trusted a to on concerns pass to when know to and limitations own their Understand

heir awareness of young people’s issues and when someone might need support. need might someone when and issues people’s young of awareness heir t Enhance

Explore ways of handling their own stressful situations. stressful own their handling of ways Explore

friends. and peers their support and

Develop practical life skills that will help students to connect with, actively listen to, empathise with, with, empathise to, listen actively with, connect to students help will that skills life practical Develop •

to: aims that program educative but fun a is It


carnivals and promote healthy sporting culture in all house sports. house all in culture sporting healthy promote and carnivals s sport of running the with

throughout the year and promote our school to the great the to school our promote and year the throughout ssist ssist a aptains C House Sporting The community. er

many different functions functions different many at community school our represent Captains College The Captains. House Sporting

Our Red Cliffs Secondary College Leadership Team consists of two College Captains, two Vice Captains and 8 8 and Captains Vice two Captains, College two of consists Team Leadership College Secondary Cliffs Red Our


menu. canteen the to uniform from anything in school the to changes

citizenship by organizing events, fundraisers and promotion but also meet also but promotion and fundraisers events, organizing by citizenship with the Principal to discuss discuss to Principal the with s

The SRC is open to any student of any year level to apply. The SRC meet SRC The apply. to level year any of student any to open is SRC The regularly to not only promote promote only not to regularly s


located at Dinner Plain in the and is where our successful appl successful our where is and Alps Victorian the in Plain Dinner at located icants attend for a whole term. whole a for attend icants

Alpine School Campus School Alpine is is development and team learning projects sourced from students' home regions. The regions. home students' from sourced projects learning team and development

nique residential education experience for year nine students. The curriculum focuses on personal personal on focuses curriculum The students. nine year for experience education residential nique u

is a Victorian Department of Education and Training (DET) initiative offering a a offering initiative (DET) Training and Education of Department Victorian a is Leadership Student for School


develop and display Leadership. Some of the formal Leadership Programs we have on offer are: offer on have we Programs Leadership formal the of Some Leadership. display and develop

– 7 a being College Secondary Cliffs Red With informal and formal opportunities to to opportunities formal and informal both have we school, 12




. advice or support , behaviours based values , learning about feedback including reasons,

ghout the year for many many for year the ghout throu you contact may oordinator C Level Year their and eachers T ’s child Your NOTE:

. item school any or excursion an for plan payment a up set To •

. nts payme or accounts about query any have you If •


. learning child’s your on impact may

If there is an event or situation that that situation or event an is there If •

. absence

teachers of an extended upcoming upcoming extended an of teachers

If you need to inform classroom classroom inform to need you If •

. ompass C of ortal P

email through the Parent Parent the through email an teachers

their of all send can you classes

child is going in one or all of their their of all or one in going is child

If you would like to find out how you you how out find to like would you If •


. schooling child’s your about information more For •

child, their learning, their health (physical or mental) or (physical health their learning, their child, your about concern a have you If . •


to guide a is following The who you should contact for various concerns. various for contact should you who

be given the information on the key people in your child’s education early term 1. term early education child’s your in people key the on information the given be

should always feel welcome to contact the school for any concern or concern any for school the contact to welcome feel always should information about your child. You will will You child. your about information

It is so important to maintain a high level of communication between the Parent / Carer and the school. You You school. the and Carer / Parent the between communication of level high a maintain to important so is It

[The Department of Education and Training] and Education of Department [The

involvement is strongly related to improved student improved to related strongly is involvement learning, attendance and behaviour. and attendance learning,

wellbeing. Effective schools have high levels of parent and carer engagement and involvement. This This involvement. and engagement carer and parent of levels high have schools Effective wellbeing.

Parent and carer involvement in their child's school contributes to improved student learning, health and and health learning, student improved to contributes school child's their in involvement carer and Parent




. attendance their Check •

. reports semester and interim Access •

. tasks learning Access •

. information daily for items news their Check •

. rooms or rs teache of changes daily any and timetable their Access •

to: students allows ortal P Student The

Pay and provide consent for events, excursions and school fees. school and excursions events, for consent provide and Pay

meetings. teacher - parent Book •

s timetable and the school calendar. school the and timetable s ’ student their View

updates. and alerts announcements, school of feed news a News’, ‘My View

Download and view their child’s progress and semester reports. semester and progress child’s their view and Download

Monitor homework, assessment tasks and view outstanding learning tasks. learning outstanding view and tasks assessment homework, Monitor

their child’s teachers and update their family details. family their update and teachers child’s their with Communicate

Monitor their child’s attendance, and enter in explanations for late arrivals or absences. or arrivals late for explanations in enter and attendance, child’s their Monitor

allows parents to: parents allows ortal P Parent The

ine communication tool between staff, students and p and students staff, between tool communication ine onl our is Compass arents.




Tuba •

Horn French •

Trombone •

Trumpet •

Saxophone Tenor •

Saxophone Alto •

Clarinet •

Flute •

Drums/Percussion* •

Guitar* ss Ba •

Guitar* •

Voice •

Students can choose from one of the following instruments to learn: to instruments following the of one from choose can Students

advice on what to buy and the quality of the options available. options the of quality the and buy to what on advice

If parents are interested in purchasing an instrument, we encourage you to speak to us first to get expert expert get to first us to speak to you encourage we instrument, an purchasing in interested are parents If

college. the from hire for available not are (*) asterisk an with Instruments

$175 for the year. This includes insurance and general maintenance/accidental damage. maintenance/accidental general and insurance includes This year. the for $175

o hire an instrument from the college (usual unless they own their own) it is an additional additional an is it own) their own they unless (usual college the from instrument an hire o t wish students If

Lessons are only $75 for the year. the for $75 only are Lessons

showcase their talents and participate in stage performances including Variety Night. Variety including performances stage in participate and talents their showcase

Students who are part of the instrumental music program are provided with additional opportunities to to opportunities additional with provided are program music instrumental the of part are who Students

groups. orming perf as and individually

Instrumental lessons are provided on a weekly basis where students are supported in small groups, groups, small in supported are students where basis weekly a on provided are lessons Instrumental

through instrumental music tutoring lessons. tutoring music instrumental through

ent in secondary education. This includes the opportunity to learn a musical instrument instrument musical a learn to opportunity the includes This education. secondary in ent stud a as day

to be a part of the Performing Arts community at the c the at community Arts Performing the of part a be to ollege from their first day of high s high of day first their from ollege chool until their last last their until chool

Government 7 Government 12 College in the area, students have a unique opportunity to attend the college and continue continue and college the attend to opportunity unique a have students area, the in College 12 -

At program. music comprehensive a provide specialists instrumental visiting and staff Music The the only only the




Showcasing opportunities include Variety Night, the Beat, the Eisteddfod, and school functions. school and Eisteddfod, the Beat, the Night, Variety include opportunities Showcasing

meet Friday lunchtimes, to develop music skills further. further. skills music develop to lunchtimes, Friday meet which band, school the join to ome welc are Students


vocal. and keyboards drums, guitars,

music and its influences. They will develop practical skills on various instruments includ instruments various on skills practical develop will They influences. its and music ing ukuleles, guitars, bass bass guitars, ukuleles, ing

pop, students develop a good understanding of of understanding good a develop students pop, contemporary, electronic, to jazz from re’s gen of range a Crossing

8 MUSIC 8 and 7 EARS Y

work. This is later showcased after a further five days with artists, at the annual the at artists, with days five further a after showcased later is This work. Hill. Swan in Festival Fairfax

Students work with a professional performance artist for a four day four a for artist performance professional a with work Students workshop, in order to develop a creative creative a develop to order in workshop, intensive


audience. an

showcase their work to to work their showcase to opportunity an provided are students term, Each skills. performance develop to 12) - (years7

Run on Tuesday lunchtimes in the drama room, Drama Club provides further opportunities for like for opportunities further provides Club Drama room, drama the in lunchtimes Tuesday on Run minded students students minded -


theatre. naturalistic - non of les sty informed

and collaborative skills while developing the knowledge of popular theatre styles. In later years, students explore Eastern Eastern explore students years, later In styles. theatre popular of knowledge the developing while skills collaborative and

Dell’arte, Melodrama, and Improvisation. By often working in small groups, students are able to build their confidence confidence their build to able are students groups, small in working often By Improvisation. and Melodrama, Dell’arte,

During the junior years, students have the opportunity to explore Greek Theatre, Pantomime, Slapstick, Commedia Slapstick, Pantomime, Theatre, Greek explore to opportunity the have students years, junior the During


gs and experiences it allows our allows it experiences and gs learnin . students

alendar and we are very proud of the sense of community it brings, and the the and brings, it community of sense the of proud very are we and alendar c college our of highlight a is production

matinee and evening performances to primary schools, local nursing homes, the general public, family and friends. T friends. and family public, general the homes, nursing local schools, primary to performances evening and matinee his his

a week at the Mildura Arts Centre rehearsing and then performing performing then and rehearsing Centre Arts Mildura the at week a s spend then 100) (of cast The team. a as ether tog

confidence and personal growth. personal and confidence - self collaboration, Students attend a camp to refine their skills, rehearse and come come and rehearse skills, their refine to camp a attend Students

theatre with specialist production including; lighting, staging, make staging, lighting, including; production specialist with theatre live up and back stage knowledge, working in teams, teams, in working knowledge, stage back and up -

students in the college from year 7 year from college the in students 12 and develops not only performance skills, but also allows students to experience experience to students allows also but skills, performance only not develops and 12 -

to provide a 3 hour show in term 3 each year. each 3 term in show hour 3 a provide to ight program highlights the talents of our performing arts arts performing our of talents the highlights program ight N iety Var The

departments departments drama and dance music, the from college the in works art performing the of culmination the is Night Variety





” Life for Active Be “

school promoting health a is College Secondary Cliffs Red

finals. (State)

Students who win locally are offered the opportunity to attend Loddon Region and VSSSA VSSSA and Region Mallee Loddon attend to opportunity the offered are locally win who Students

students. our of expected standards high the reflect must sportsmanship and behaviour

order to participate. College representation is considered an honour, and and honour, an considered is representation College participate. to order in work home and class

Students are selected after attendance at trials/training and are required to be up to date with all all with date to up be to required are and trials/training at attendance after selected are Students

There are numerous opportunities for students to represent the College in a wide range of sports. sports. of range wide a in College the represent to students for opportunities numerous are There

year. the of students

utstanding utstanding o most the to presented are awards sports girl and boy senior and Junior participation.

students who represent the College are also awarded certificates with a record of their their of record a with certificates awarded also are College the represent who students

e awarded to students who have achieved excellence in their chosen sports. All All sports. chosen their in excellence achieved have who students to awarded e ar certificates Blues

aptains. Sporting Sporting aptains. C House to awarded shield the nd a announced is year the for House champion

The results of all three carnivals are added and at Speech Night at the end of the year, the the year, the of end the at Night Speech at and added are carnivals three all of results The


chool carnivals held in in held carnivals chool s inter the for selected be to s team enable carnivals these at Performances

6. week during

Athletics to dedicated is 3 Term . Trials are held during PE classes and the carnival is held held is carnival the and classes PE during held are Trials . •

in PE classes and students are encouraged to continue this training at home. at training this continue to encouraged are students and classes PE in

event is held in Term 2 and all students participate. Training ta Training participate. students all and 2 Term in held is event Country Cross The kes place place kes •

s House their represent will who determine to trials in participate .

is held at the Red Cliffs Swimming Pool early in Term 1. Students Students 1. Term in early Pool Swimming Cliffs Red the at held is Carnival Swimming The •

athletics. d an country

opportunity to compete in swimming, cross cross swimming, in compete to opportunity

As a member of a House you have the the have you House a of member a As

College. the leave you until

assigned to a House you remain in that House House that in remain you House a to assigned

that numbers are equal in each House. Once Once House. each in equal are numbers that

connection, then you are randomly placed so so placed randomly are you then connection,

amily amily f previous no have you If school.

brothers or sisters who have attended this this attended have who sisters or brothers

You will be assigned to the same House as older older as House same the to assigned be will You

(red) Warragai

(green) Terragong

(blue) Bindaree

(yellow) Allungah


College, Secondary Cliffs Red at student new a As you will be assigned to one of the four sports sports four the of one to assigned be will you




clarifications. any for Principal the contact Please

required. is application separate No eligible. be will 11 Year and 7 Year in students All

erformance. p

The receipt of the second year of scholarships will be dependent on out on dependent be will scholarships of year second the of receipt The standing Semester 2 academic academic 2 Semester standing

considered. also contributions cultural

Scholarships will be awarded on academic performance in Semester 1, with student leadersh student with 1, Semester in performance academic on awarded be will Scholarships ip, sporting and and sporting ip,


Up to 2 x $500 per annum scholarships for a total of two years (Year 11 and Year 12) Year and 11 (Year years two of total a for scholarships annum per $500 x 2 to Up


completed Year 10 at Red Cliffs Secondary College) Secondary Cliffs Red at 10 Year completed who students (For

Up to two x $500 per annum scholarships for a total of two years (Year 11 and Year 12) Year and 11 (Year years two of total a for scholarships annum per $500 x two to Up


and Year 8) Year and 7 (Year years two of total a for scholarships annum per $300 x four to Up


Up to four at year 7 and up to four at year 11. year at four to up and 7 year at four to Up

A maximum of four Scholarships are awarded each year at both the Junior School and Senior School levels: levels: School Senior and School Junior the both at year each awarded are Scholarships four of maximum A

school to settle into the school and perform at their optimum. optimum. their at perform and school the into settle to school

to their personal best. S best. personal their to cholarships will be offered at the end of Semester 1 to allow all students new to the the to new students all allow to 1 Semester of end the at offered be will cholarships

Red Cliffs Secondary College seeks to promote a culture of high academic achievement and students workin students and achievement academic high of culture a promote to seeks College Secondary Cliffs Red g g




Students are encouraged to wear hats wear to encouraged are Students . only outside worn e b to are they although ,

Science, Technology, Art, Textiles, Cookery, Physical Education and Sport. and Education Physical Cookery, Textiles, Art, Technology, Science,

acceptable as they do not meet safety requirements in practical classes such as as such classes practical in requirements safety meet not do they as acceptable not are sandals Open

uniform supplier. uniform preferred the is who Central, Mildura Lowes, from available is Uniform

white or maroon (junior) or navy (senior) navy or (junior) maroon or white – Headband

maroon (junior) or Navy (senior). Not to be worn inside inside worn be to Not (senior). Navy or (junior) maroon – Scarf Options

socks & shoes/runners Sports

skirt pants/netball shorts/track Black

shirt polo sport House or School Red Sport/PE

socks grey or black White

black. be to are Laces shoes. school leather

Completely black shoes. Sneakers (not above the ankle) which have laces or Velcro, or or Velcro, or laces have which ankle) the above (not Sneakers shoes. black Completely Shoes

skirt winter (senior) Navy or (junior) Maroon

Maroon (junior) or Navy (senior), skin tone or grey tights grey or tone skin (senior), Navy or (junior) Maroon

skirt gore 4 Grey

Approved grey pants (no cargo style) style) cargo (no pants grey Approved

style) cargo (no shorts grey Approved Bottoms

sleeved) (short dress School

Maroon (junior) or Navy Navy or (junior) Maroon (senior) knitted jumper with school logo school with jumper knitted (senior)

Maroon (junior) or Navy (senior) polar fleece jumper with school logo school with jumper fleece polar (senior) Navy or (junior) Maroon

logo school with shirt polo (senior) Navy or (junior) Maroon Tops




change to subject – 2019 Feb of as correct Prices

$2.50 375ml Nippy’s

Breaka Life Long $2.00 subs/jaffles Toasted $2.00

600ml milk Plain $2.00 sandwiches/muffins Toasted $3.00

600ml milk Flavoured $2.00 Cereal $4.00

Box) (Fruit juices Other $2.00 Muffins $2.00

juices Assorted $3.00

Water Milk, fruit juice, water (as above) (as water juice, fruit Milk, $1.50

DRINKS Breakfast Menu: Menu: Breakfast

8.45am to 8am

meat) or bread (no

plate a on Salad $5.00

wrap Half $1.20 (varieties) Chips $3.00

tuna or meat with Salad $1.00 Yoghurt Frozen $5.00

tuna or meat Ham/Chicken $2 - $1 creams - Ice $3.00

Salad $5.00 Salad Fruit $4.00

(White, wholemeal, multigrain) wholemeal, (White,


fruit & Jelly $1.00

Mousse $0.50 Pineapple $1.00

Fruit $5.00 Cheese $1.00 from

(2) Biscuits $8.00 Salad $2.00

buns Finger $4.00 Plain $2.00

SNACKS BURGERS: Beef or Chicken

$0.20 Sauce

(recess only) (recess Sims Dim ea. $1.00

$4.00 Pasty Vegetable

Subs Toasted $4.00 Pasty Plain $2.00

dogs Hot $4.00 Pie Savoury $3.00

Pizza $4.00 Pie Plain $3.00

FOOD HOT ) only Friday and (Monday PASTIES / PIES


purchase at lunchtime will be determined by demand on the day. For this reason, ordering your lunch is is lunch your ordering reason, this For day. the on demand by determined be will lunchtime at purchase

service. All items, if ordered in the morning, will be available to be collected at lunchtime. The The lunchtime. at collected be to available be will morning, the in ordered if items, All service. options for for options

Red Cliffs Secondary College aims to provide a nutritious, affordable range of food through our canteen canteen our through food of range affordable nutritious, a provide to aims College Secondary Cliffs Red




. above as connection for Manno

our IT Administrator Peter Peter Administrator IT our to school the into this Bring e that is suitable. is that e devic a have already may You C: Option

virus program. virus - anti an and Office Microsoft of installation and network school the to

ill need to take it to our IT Administrator for connection connection for Administrator IT our to it take to need ill w They specifications. minimum s ’ school the meets it

Students can source their own device elsewhere, so long as as long so elsewhere, device own their source can Students Option B: Buy a device from another vendor of choice. of vendor another from device a Buy B: Option

Option A: Buy a device from the ‘Learning with Technologies’ or ‘JB Education’ websites. websites. Education’ ‘JB or Technologies’ with ‘Learning the from device a Buy A: Option

device? a purchase I do How

annually. evaluated - re and change to subject are specifications These •

s (e.g. MacBooks and iPads) can be connected to our school network but not our printers. our not but network school our to connected be can iPads) and MacBooks (e.g. s product Apple

Windows/PC preferred due to our network requirements. network our to due preferred Windows/PC

times. all at used be to pack) - back a (not bag carry a require devices All •

Tablet devices must have an attachable keyboard and a mouse. a and keyboard attachable an have must devices Tablet

larger. or monitor inch 10 •

abytes of storage memory. storage of abytes Gig 120 of Minimum

Minimum of 4 Gigabytes of RAM. of Gigabytes 4 of Minimum

Minimum of 1.5 GHz processing speed. processing GHz 1.5 of Minimum

below: listed are that

Our policy is that devices can be connected to the school network if they meet the necessary specifications specifications necessary the meet they if network school the to connected be can devices that is policy Our

allowed? are devices What

evice D wn O our Y Bring





order. reverse in run morning the Does ⇒

Afternoon, departs Red Cliffs SC 3.25 pm 3.25 SC Cliffs Red departs Afternoon,

Avenue Fitzroy Highway, Calder Way, Kulkyne Winery, Lindeman’s Lake, Iraak to out Way, Kulkyne ⇒

0 am 0 8.3 about SC Cliffs Red arrives am, 7.45 Shop Nangiloc departs Morning,

Blair Hahnell Blair – Run Nanglioc

order. reverse in run morning then Avenue, Woomera Road, Pumps Avenue, Cocklin Avenue, Fitzroy ⇒

pm 4.15 SC Cliffs Red departs Afternoon •

Ave. Fitzroy Ave, Cocklin Rd, Pumps Road, Woomera Way, Kulkyne Road, Sculthorpe

Browns Road, Kulkyne Way, Boonoonar Road, Lewis Road, Kulkyne Way, Castles Crossing Road, Road, Crossing Castles Way, Kulkyne Road, Lewis Road, Boonoonar Way, Kulkyne Road, Browns ⇒

8.10am approx SC Cliffs Red arrives 7.10am, Colignan Lane, Sandy Departs •

Colignan Run Run Colignan Service Charter raysia Sun –

order. reverse in run morning the Does ⇒

pm 3.55 SC Cliffs Red Departs •


Murray Avenue, Laurel Street, Loddon Avenue, Kauri Street. Drops off at Red Cliffs PS and St. Joseph’s Joseph’s St. and PS Cliffs Red at off Drops Street. Kauri Avenue, Loddon Street, Laurel Avenue, Murray

rt Road, Cocklin Avenue, Kiewa Avenue, , Highway, Calder Avenue, Kiewa Avenue, Cocklin Road, rt Stewa Avenue, Woomera Avenue, Merrijig

Southwest side of railway line, Calder Highway, Nangiloc Road, Barndeet Avenue, Dumosa Street, Street, Dumosa Avenue, Barndeet Road, Nangiloc Highway, Calder line, railway of side Southwest ⇒

am 8.12 about SC Cliffs Red arrives am, 7.00 approx at Ginquam Road, Angle West North Departs •

Buslink Sunraysia (716) Sunraysia Buslink – un R Carwarp


Avenue, Euston Avenue, 20 Avenue, Euston Avenue, Street. Moonah Avenue, Coorong Street,


Street, Dairtnunk Avenue, Pawson Pawson Avenue, Dairtnunk Street, Avenue, Ropers Road, Myall Street, Boomerang Avenue, 19 Avenue, Boomerang Street, Myall Road, Ropers Avenue,


nue, Jacaranda Street, Murray Avenue, Laurel Street, Westcliffs Westcliffs Street, Laurel Avenue, Murray Street, Jacaranda nue, Ave Indi Street, Guava Avenue, Fitzroy ⇒

pm 4.08 SC Cliffs Red Departs Service. Cardross 728 •

Jackie’s Corner (8 Corner Jackie’s Street).


Street, all the way to Deakin Avenue, finishing at at finishing Avenue, Deakin to way the all Street, Fitzroy Avenue, Cocklin Avenue, Cureton Avenue, 11 Avenue, Cureton Avenue, Cocklin Avenue, Fitzroy ⇒


pm 3.30 departs Bus, 734 •

30pm. 3. S.C. Cliffs Red leave to last – bus Overload stops. all

Fitzroy Avenue, Health Street, Erskine Road, Calder Highway, Deakin Avenue to Jackies Corner, stopping stopping Corner, Jackies to Avenue Deakin Highway, Calder Road, Erskine Street, Health Avenue, Fitzroy ⇒

pm 3.30 departs Bus, 723 •

to Irymple SC, and then continues to Koorlong and . and Koorlong to continues then and SC, Irymple to

doc Avenue Avenue doc Kara to stops all stopping Avenue, Morpung to express St, Fitzroy Avenue, Calder Hwy/15 Calder Avenue, Fitzroy ⇒


pm. 3.27 SC Cliffs Red departs Bus, 725 •

Street. Sixteenth to Avenue Deakin

Avenue and Centro, Deakin Avenue, Mildura Senior College, Henderson Park, ”U” Turn express express Turn ”U” Park, Henderson College, Senior Mildura Avenue, Deakin Centro, and Avenue Karadoc

Street, running express to Irymple PS, going past Morpung Avenue, Avenue, Morpung past going PS, Irymple to express running Street, Fitzroy Avenue, Calder Hwy/15 Calder Avenue, Fitzroy ⇒


pm 3.27 SC Cliffs Red departs Bus, 720 •

school from – Sunraysia Buslink SERVICES: BUS PUBLIC

Nardoo Street, Fitzroy Avenue Fitzroy Street, Nardoo Street, Laurel Store, Avenue .

Cardross Shop at 8.22 am, Pawson Avenue, Boomerang Avenue, Myall Street, Ropers Road, Westcliff Westcliff Road, Ropers Street, Myall Avenue, Boomerang Avenue, Pawson am, 8.22 at Shop Cardross

Street, Dairtnunk Avenue to to Avenue Dairtnunk Street, Fitzroy Avenue, Avocat Avenue, Myall Street, Coorong Avenue, 20 Avenue, Coorong Street, Myall Avenue, Avocat Avenue, Fitzroy ⇒


(714) Cardross Service. Departs Red Cliffs SC 8.15 am 8.15 SC Cliffs Red Departs Service. Cardross (714) , arrives Red Cliffs SC about 8.40 am 8.40 about SC Cliffs Red arrives ,

St, Cureton Avenue, Cocklin Avenue, Fitzroy Avenue Fitzroy Avenue, Cocklin Avenue, Cureton St,

Left Bathurst Court, Left Cowra Avenue, Right 11 Right Avenue, Cowra Left Court, Bathurst Left ⇒


(732) Departs Mildura 7.40 am, arrives Red Cliffs SC about 8.00 am 8.00 about SC Cliffs Red arrives am, 7.40 Mildura Departs (732)

Street/highway, Fitzroy Avenue Fitzroy Street/highway,

Follows 15 Follows ⇒


(100) Departs Mildura 7.45 am, arrives Red Cliffs SC about 8.15 am 8.15 about SC Cliffs Red arrives am, 7.45 Mildura Departs (100)

school to – Sunraysia Buslink SERVICES: BUS PUBLIC

2019 March, 18 of as correct are uns r and imes T




7 Year McDonald Lily

system. education good a has it because is Cliffs Red chose I reason The

7 Year Knight Alana


many many so made have I and nice really are people the because good is College Secondary Cliffs Red

8 Year Beattie Thomas

activities. school - inter of

school gives me the opportunity to fully develop skills in all subjects and I have been able to do plenty plenty do to able been have I and subjects all in skills develop fully to opportunity the me gives school

his his T great. are kids the and outstanding is curriculum the because College Secondary Cliffs Red like I

10 Year Zappia Krista

work. school my with me help to lunch their of some up give to willing are who teachers

dge such as tutoring in the library and and library the in tutoring as such dge knowle my advance to opportunities many provided has

to further my education. So far I believe I made the right choice because Red Cliffs Secondary College College Secondary Cliffs Red because choice right the made I believe I far So education. my further to

The most important reason why I chose Red Cliffs Secondary College is because it was the best school school best the was it because is College Secondary Cliffs Red chose I why reason important most The

2017 Captain - Vice School Vartuli Bella

Red Cliffs has a very welcoming ‘family’ reputation, where we aim to achieve inclusiveness for all. all. for inclusiveness achieve to aim we where reputation, ‘family’ welcoming very a has Cliffs Red

understanding my improve and knowledge worldly gain to opportunities of content learnt in classes. classes. in learnt content of

improve my academic aptitude. This college has provided me with an overwhelming amount of of amount overwhelming an with me provided has college This aptitude. academic my improve

Red Cliffs Secondary College has allowed me to develop new personal and social skills, as well as as well as skills, social and personal new develop to me allowed has College Secondary Cliffs Red

2017 Captain - Vice School Stewart Jake

teaching. one on one

teachers. I also believe Red Cliffs offers smaller class sizes enabling a more a enabling sizes class smaller offers Cliffs Red believe also I teachers. caring environment and and environment caring

I chose to stay at Red Cliffs Secondary College because of the strong relationships I had formed with with formed had I relationships strong the of because College Secondary Cliffs Red at stay to chose I

2017 Captain School Foster Jay


d teachers whilst giving me me giving whilst teachers d an students with relationships positive form to me helped have

through to year 12. Since being at the school l have been provided with many opportunities which which opportunities many with provided been have l school the at being Since 12. year to through

I chose Red Cliffs Secondary College because it allowed me to study in the one place from year 7 7 year from place one the in study to me allowed it because College Secondary Cliffs Red chose I

School Captain 2017 Captain School Payne Julia

a community to help and support every student in the school. school. the in student every support and help to community a

leadership programs, as well as focusing o focusing as well as programs, leadership n developing my academic skills. Red Cliffs Secondary College offers offers College Secondary Cliffs Red skills. academic my developing n

I began high school as a shy and reserved person, but this school has given me chances to be involved in in involved be to chances me given has school this but person, reserved and shy a as school high began I

Red Cliffs Secondary College has given me the opportunity to grow and develop into a more confident student. student. confident more a into develop and grow to opportunity the me given has College Secondary Cliffs Red

College Secondary Cliffs Red se ho c I Why




Please contact the office to arrange an enrolment interview with either either with interview enrolment an arrange to office the contact Please . Principal Assistant the

8 year for enquiries Enrolment

transition process smooth, stress free and exciting for y for exciting and free stress smooth, process transition child. our

information as possible between the families and the school. We can also arrange a tour to make the the make to tour a arrange also can We school. the and families the between possible as information

ou with any questions or to arrange an enrolment interview. This will allow us to exchange as much much as exchange to us allow will This interview. enrolment an arrange to or questions any with ou y assist to

the area the outside from transferring are you If will be able able be will They Leader. School Sub Junior our contact se plea ,

enrolment process will be managed through through managed be will process enrolment the partnershi the local with have we that p school. primary

to take the next steps in in steps next the take to wishing student 6 year a of parent a are you If olling your child for 2020 for child your olling enr the ,

7 year for enquiries Enrolment