






RocKCLiFFE Park, Ottawa, Canada

The Board of Governors

Orta^a E. K. Davidson, Esq - Ottav\a Dr. S. C. Evans . Pembroke Ck)loncl J. D. Eraser, V.D -

W. A. Grant, Esq Montreal

L. F. C. Hart, Esq. - - .Montreal Ottawa J. S. Irvin, Esq - .Buckingham, A. R. MacLaren, Esq _ - -- — P.Q.

D. K. MacTavish, Esq., O.B.E., Q.C. - ..Rockcliffe Park

R. H. Perry, Esq., M.A., Headmaster..... -. Rockcliffe Park

...Otta\\a E. N. Rhodes, Esq - - -

V. W. Scully, Esq., C.M.G., F.C.A. - Hamilton

G. T. Southam, Esq Vancouver

E. P. Taylor, Esq., B.A - ...Toronto

Captain G. A. Woollcombe, CD., R.C.N .-. Montreal

Executive Committee

C. G. Gale, Esq., B.Com., C.A., Chairman. ...Rockcliffe Park

E. W. T. Gill, Esq., B.Sc. - Otta^^ a

M. E. Grant, Esq., A.F.C. ...Rockcliffe Park

W. V. Hadlcy, Esq., B.C.L., Secretary Rockcliffe Park

G. D. Hughson, Esq., B.Sc.E., P.Eng Ottawa

R. M. Johnson, Esq., B.Eng., P.Eng., M.E.I.C. Ottaw a

A. B. R. Lawrence, Esq., M.C., B.C.L., Q.C. Ottawa

Donald jMaclaren, Esq., B.Sc., P.Eng Buckingham, P.Q.

Bellevue J. C. Merrctr, Esq., B.Arch., M.R.A.I.C, M.T.P.I.C Ste. Anne de

L. C. D. Palmer, Esq _ ...Rockcliffe Park

Peter Kciiparli, Esq - Washington

H. J. Ronalds, Esq Montreal

Commodore W. G. Ross, CD., R.C.N __ _ Ottawa

Brigadier R. Rowley, D.S.O., E.D Kingston

R. W. Southam, Esq., B.A., M.S _ Rockcliffe Park THE ASHB U Rl AN


Late President of Booth Lumber Ltd. and Vice-Chairman of the Board of Governors,

to whose memory this magazine is dedicated ,v*%"?^ mm . jS^ ^ M f

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Back Roiv: K. S. Donaldson, M. H. E. Sherwood, H. S. Dalton. R. J. Anderson, L. I. H. Spencer, B. K. HiUary, B. R. Beetensen, P. G. K. Carver, M. J. Galvin, I. C. B.

Pemberton, J. C. Hughes, W. E. Slattery.

Front Row. Mrs. H. S. Dalton, Mrs. E. B. Hunter, J. F. Povey, Rev. K. B. Monks, D. L. Polk, Jr. Housemaster, A. D. Brain, Asst. Headmaster, R. H. Perry, Headmaster,

L. H. Sibley, Sr. Alaster, A. H. N. Snelgrove, J. J. Marland, Miss I. Woodburn, Dr. K. Spencer.

Absent: A. B. Belcher, Sr. Housemaster.


Back Row: S. G. R. Pottinger, D. B. Mussells, R. C. Monks, J. D. MacLaurin, C. A. Flood, R. R. Mclnnes.

Front Rou-: J. A. Cooper, M. A. Farrugia, Capt. of the Boarders, M. C. Spencer, Co-Capt. of the School, R. H. Perry, Esq., P. C. Noel-Bentley, Co-Capt. of the

School, A. F. Gill, Capt. of the Day Boys, M. A. J. Butcher.

Uta^ "H'iS "i THE ASH R U Rl A\



Board of Governors 2 Hockey 55

Ashburian Staff 6 Skiing 63

The Staff 7 Basketball 64

School Officers 8 Cross Countr\- 66

Editorial 9 Tennis 67

School Notes 10 Cricket 68

Chapel Notes 17 Montreal Track Meet .... 72

In Memoriam 21 Flouse Competitions .... 83

Science Tours: Gym 74

I. Science Tour to Montreal . 22 Old Boys' Section 75

II. Science Tour to National Prefects 83 Research Council .... 24 Form Pictures 86 Commonwealth Youth Movement 27 Among the Graduates .... 88 Debating 28 Readover 92 Public Speaking 30 Prize List 92 Poetr)^ Reading 30

Colours 97 Conferences 31

Closing Day Exercises . . . . 101 Mothers' Guild 34

School Dance 35 X'aledictory 102

Cadet Inspection 37 Presentation Speech to the Headmaster 104 Sports

Literarv Section 105 First Football 44

Junior Ashburian 119 Second Football 49

Football Dinner 50 School Roll 164


Editor in Chief A. B. Belcher, Esq.


P. Nofi.-Bextley AI. C. Spencer

Sports Editor Photographic Editor Art Editor Literary Editor

G. P. Haslam D. a. Steven A. G. Bechard H. R. Campbell

Business Manager Irvin, J. S. Esq. THE ASH B U Rl AN


Headmaster R. H. Perry, B.A., Toronto, .M.A., Columbia

Assistant Headmaster and Director of Studies A. D. Brain, B.A., Toronto Exeter College, Oxford

Senior Master L. H. SiBLF.Y, B.Sc., McGill M.C.TC, F.C.S.

House Masters Senior School Junior School A. B. Belcher, R.M.C. D. L. Polk, B.A. Kingston Dartmouth Masters

A. H. X. Snelgrove, E. S. DoNAuisoN. B.A.. A.TL., Alt. Allison University, , Newfoundland Teaching Certificate Trinity College, Dublin, Rev. K. B. Monks, B.Sc, Agr., S.Th.. College of Education .McGill, University of Toronto (Toronto) (School Chaplain) T C. Pemberton, B.A., Bishops University, J. J. AL\rland, A.C.P., Dip.Ed., London, English Teaching Certificate, University of Toronto AT Galvin, B.A., F. PovEV, B.A., AI.A., J. J. University of Ottawa, University of South Africa University of Toronto W. E. Slatterv J. C. Hughes, B.A., (Assistant Junior Housemaster) Western, Ontario

L. \. H. Spencer, B.A., Teacher's Certificate Sydney, Australia, AT Sherwood, B.A., State Teacher's Certificate (Hon.), Carleton University \'ictoria Peter Car\'er, B.A., (Toronto) B.J. (Carleton) H. S. Dalton, B. K. Hillary University of King's College Springfield College R. Anderson, J. A Irs. E. B. Hlnter, Army P.T. College Ottawa Normal School B. R. Beetensen, A Irs. H. S. Dalton, Bishop's University University of Toronto

.Music Nurse-Matrons Irene \\'oodbvrn Miss Br.\y, Reg.N.

AIus.Bac, Bishop's, A.R.C.T., R.AI.T. AIiss J. Lewington

Physicians K. Rowan-Legg. ATD., AIcGill, D.C.H., England, F.A.A.P. C. B. Petrie, ATD.

Remedial Reading AIrs. K. R. Spencer, D.Sc.O. (Curry College, Alass.)

Executive Assistant

J. S. Irvin

Bursar Assistant Secretary

A Irs. W. Pryde AIrs. \'. Gensev AIiss P. Caldwell THE ASHBURIAN SCHOOL OFFICERS

Co-Captains of the School P. C. Noel-Bentley M. C. Spencer

Captain of the Boarders Captain of the Day Boys M. A. Farrugia A. F. Gill


M. A. Butcher J. A. Cooper R. C. Monks R. R. McInnes S. G. PoniNGER J. D. MacLaurin D. B. jMussells C. A. Flood

House Captains Woollcombe Connaught Alexander

A. F. Gill J. D. jMacLaurin M. C. Spencer


R. R. AIcInnes J. A. Cooper M. A. Farrugia

Games Captains Football Skiing Basketball

G. R. HowiTH J. M. Kirkbride J. D. iMacLaurin

Hockey Cricket Soccer

C. A. Flood M. A. Farrugia J. D. MacLaurin

Vice-Captains Football Skiing Basketball R. V. Berry T. N. CORISTINE D. B. Mussells Al. C. Spencer

Hockey Cricket Soccer

M. C. Spencer S. G. PoiTINGER J. A. Cooper


Officer Commanding C/Major M. C. Spencer

Second in Command C/Capt. K. Cook Guard Commander C/LlEUT. R. C. AlONKS

Adjutant C/Capt. p. C. Noel-Bentley

Platoon Covmianders C/LiEUTs. F. G. Oxley, M. A. Butcher, A. F. Gill

Company Sergeant Major Quartermaster Sergeant

W.O. II P. AI. GiLLEAN W.O. II N. M. Lynn

Drum Major O.C. Flag Party

W X). II I. VV'otmerspoon C/LiEUT. C. F. Bray TH E ASHB U Rl AN 9 EDITORIAL A\'c suppose that the interest of the present generation oi Ashburians who open this magazine focuses chiefly on the record of their own doings, and those of their felkms during the current year. W'c suspect that much of the interest of older Ashburians hcs in the memories vvhicli the magazine may eyoke. This editorial is aimed, primarily, at the interest of the Old Boys. To those who attended the School as long ago as 1914, or even 1952, many images will be blurred and yellow as an old photograph; others will be as clear and vivid as the contacts of today. .Many personalities fade altogether from our recollections; others remain sharp and distinct. No one who was here in Oliver's time will fail to remember him vividly. He stood as a symbol of the foundations of the School. As a tribute to his long years of faithful senice to Ashbury, we feel that we may well quote, in part, an article written in "The Ashburian" of 1951-52 by Mr. Brain. "Just before the first Great A\'ar, not long after Ashbury was settled on its present site, there came a young man called Oliver. His manifold abihties \\'ere soon revealed, and he himself no less firmly established in the Ashbury community than the School upon its foundations. His functions were innumerable and his title wasrnever fixed, for none could cover all his incarnations, but he needed none: to all he was just Oliver, a name of great honour. "OHver's outstanding quality was strength — of body and of char- acter. There are two abiding monuments to his amazing vitalirv: the magnificent stone wall which circles the northern side of Ashbury, built with his own hands of boulders taken from the property; and the Inter- mediate Field, at one time as much as twelve feet deep with water in the thaw, which he filled and levelled to the fine piece of turf it is today. Indeed, there is no corner of buildino- or orounds which does not bear witness to his strength and skill. "Complementary to his strength were his kindness, his gentleness, his humour, and his wisdom. No demand seemed heavy, no rwist of circumstance harsh, no problem insoluble, when it had been submitted to his unique combination of vigour and shrewd benevolence. .Many hundreds of Old Boys remember with affection his tolerance, his help- fulness, and his sense of fun." From the time of his leaving in 1952 to his sudden death in Strcets- ville, Ontario, in April of this year, Oliver kept in touch with the School — by occasional cards and letters to some members of the Staff, by regular monthly letters to the Headmaster, and by annual visits. \\q have many reminiscences of the early days which he wrote since his retirement, and these we hope some day to publish in these columns.

Oliver lived and died standing, and where lie worked something grew. IQ THE ASIIBURIAN SCHOOL NOTES OPENING DAY

On September 7, Argyle's 3-months empty walls again smiled on a capacity enrolment of faces, all smiling in various degrees, all showing eagerness and expectation at the prospect of a new year.

In his opening remarks, Mr. Perry stressed above all the importance of academics. He read us some frightening facts and figures to illustrate the horror that university entrance has become. On a lighter note, he also read us a letter from the Department of Education of Ontario congratulating an Ashbury Old Boy on achieving over 80% in his Senior Matriculation exams. Looking pointedly at this year's small but select Senior Matriculation group, he expressed his desire of receiving six of these letters, not just one, next August. The Headmaster then announced, to the consternation of all, that any boy desirous of an M.L.T.S. this year would have to obtain at least 75% in his general average. The once smiling faces were now glum. To cheer us up, Mr. Perry, at the request of Mr. C. W. G. Gale, Chairman of the Board of Governors, granted us the traditional Chairman's half-holiday. The school year had indeed begun.


At the end of the school year we shall be losmg the services of the following staff members: Messrs. B. Beetensen, E. S. Donaldson, M. J.

Galvin, B. K. Hillary, J. Povey, M. Sherwood, E. S. Slattery. Expected to join the staff next year: Messrs. G. E. Adam (French,

Latin, Spanish); J. L. Black (English and History); M. Gerrie (Physical Education and Science); A. de K. Varent (French, Latin, Greek); R. Lancaster (Mathematics and Science); M. Beique (Junior School French, History, Geography); S. M. Daratha (Junior School English, History, Mathematics). ENTERTAINMENT

Mr. Sibley went all out this year to achieve the utmost in movie entertainment. He managed to obtain movies ranging from such comedies as "Carry f)n Teacher" and "Carry on Nurse", which had Juniors and Seniors alike convulsed with laughter, to such horror movies as "4-D Man". The many thanks of the boarder population go to Mr. Sibley and to his able assistants, Blackburn, \\'hipps, and Wilson.

As well as movies there were tlie annual parties. At tlie end of

October the Hallowe'en party was run off. Ashbury 's hallowed walls THE ASH R U R I A N n were silent witnesses to weirdly dressed Juniors, who were not so silent. On Air. Belcher's shoulders fell the honoured, much sought-after post of costume judge. While the party was going on, the older boys, armed with doorknobs and a various assortment of cudgels, patrolled the grounds in a successful attempt to thwart the evil machinations of out- side, and inside, vandals.

On November II, the Old Boys' butfet and dance were held. Reports have it to be one of the best in /\shbury's history, as noted else- where.

On December 13, Ashbury put on the annual Christmas party. The Seniors were attending an end of term dance, thus leaving the Juniors to celebrate Christmas in their own way. On hand for the party was Santa Claus, and a magician whose clever sleight-of-hand tricks left the assembled mass agape. On the same night, under the able direction of Mr. Beetensen, the Juniors performed "Cinderella" at the Ottaw-a Little Theatre. The Juniors had worked long and hard at their pageant, and were rewarded with an outstanding success. A great many Ottawa theatre-goers were present, and responded enthusiasticalK^ to the performance.

The House Dances this year were, as ever, efficiently run by the Prefects. Special thanks go to "Yank" iVLacLaurin, who took on the dual roles of Al.C. and chief organizer.


The Ashburian wishes to acknowledge with deep appreciation the following gifts to the school:

A Chapel hymn board, presented by Air. and Airs. Alassy Baker in memory of their son H. AI. Baker, R.C.E.

A brass candelabra for the Chapel, a gift from Air. E. N. Rhodes, a fomier Chairman of the Board of Governors. Complete carpeting for the chancel presented by Air. and Airs.

J. H. Love, present parents. A set of books on the life of Simon Bolivar for the library, a gift from Paul Heyden, a present student. A 16 volume set of Children's Encyclopedias, donated by Ricky Rittenberg, an Old Boy. A S500.00 Bursary grant presented by the Alothers' Guild. Libra- ry books to the value of $50.00 also presented by the Alothers' Guild. A Charles Rowley Booth Alemorial Trophy, for General Efficiency in Grade 12, a gift of Airs. C. Rowley Booth.

The J. Burke Ewing trophy for Track and Field, presented by

Professor J. Burke Ewing, a parent. j2 THE ASH BU Rl AN

The E. R. Fisher Trophy for Track and Field, presented by E. R. Fisher Co. Ltd. A set of valuable school photographs and Ashburiana, the gift of Frederick David Anderson, an Old Boy.

Received last year but not officially acknow^ledged, a painting by Tom Roberts, a gift of the Graduating Class of 1960.

A gift of Laboratory Equipment donated by Air. J. K. Souch, a parent. A set of boy's books, a gift from Richard Hutcheon, an Old Boy. In addition, many parents and friends of the School have made donations to the new Bursary and Scholarship Fund—a printed acknow- ledgement of which will be made sometime in the future.


In the School Chapel, on December 3rd, 1960, the marriage was solemnized between Renee Roell, step-daughter of the former Chief of Protocol, Mr. H. F. Feaver, and Thurlow Bradbrooke Smith. A special guest at the wedding of her friend. Miss Roell, was Crown Princess Beatrix of The Netherlands.

On December 17, the marriage was solemnized between Victoria Wilmot Brain, younger daughter of the Assistant Headmaster, and

John Clyde Garland, the Reverend W. J. Belford officiating.


Two years ago, the only epidemic to hit the school was the Asiatic flu'; last year it was the milder stomach flu'; and this year it was the mere 24 hour variety. At this rate. Miss Bray will soon have achieved the impossible—the cure of the common cold. The one big outbreak seemed to be that of broken limbs; there was an unusually large number of broken legs, wrists, etc., and even two concussions. Aside from this, the general health has been excellent. To Miss Bray and her staff go much credit and the school's thanks.


This year the School has been blessed with visitors of far-flung origin and ideas.

Our first visit was on September 1 5 from a pair of voung solicitors, John Waite and Desmond Farrell, recent graduates of Cambridge, I'.ngland. They expressed the desire to hold a seminar with a small group of senior boys. The prefects, numbering ten at the time, assem- bled in Room F after Chapel for what proved to be a lively and quick THE ASHBU RI AN 13 give-and-take on the subjects of English law, universities, and drinking restrictions. On behalf of the prefects, it is my pleasure to thank Mr. A\'aitc and Mr. Farrell for their extremely interesting and informative discussion.

On October 20, Sir Graham Savage, B.A. Cambridge, came to talk to us. Sir Graham has had a distinguished career in the "education business" in England. It has ranged from a post in the Egyptian Service to teaching at Eton (you know—Ashburv's English counterpart) to the post of Chief Inspector of the Ministry of Education to the position of Superintendent of Schools in London. Sir Graham also expressed a wish to hold a seminar-type gathering. The entire Senior and Inter- mediate Schools gathered in Rhodes Hall to hear the answers to the questions, both inane and intelligent, of their schoolfellows. The School joins me in thanking Sir Graham for his forebearance with us.

Six days later, w^e were paid a visit of a different sort. On a good- will tour of Ottawa schools, the R.C.A.F. Band gave us a concert "par excellence". The score contained a wide varierv of tunes—from light and airy Cole Porter to thundering, \\'agnerian Wagner. At the end of the concert the school showed its appreciation in its applause. It onlv remains for me to restate our thanks to this truly topnotch band. On the following day, from the West Indies came the Minister of Education of Barbados, the Honourable L. St. A. Thorne. Mr. Thome served the teaching profession for 43 years before being appointed Minister of Education in September, 1958. He was making a tour of Canadian and British schools, and stopped in at Ashbury for a brief stay. At lunch he said a few words on his interest in schools like ours. On February 27, students of the Senior and Intermediate Schools were invited to attend a short Piano Recital in Argvle Auditorium at 1:30 to 2:00 p.m. by Miss \^irginia Dent, a pupil of Miss Woodburn.

Ottawa talent is often overlooked in the continual search for bright young faces. xAfter hearing her play, we look to Miss Dent to remedy the situation. The editor apologizes for any inadvertent omissions in this all too brief write-up.


Again this vear, the practice of inviting men outstanding in their field to give short, but detailed, talks on the qualifications and rewards of their respective fields was continued. These talks have sometimes been a deciding factor in some of the Senior Boys' plans for the future. Thev have always been very informative, and a great help in broadening the boys' views on Canadian life. This year we heard from: 14 THE ASH BURIAN

General Motors Company Ltd Research

S. F. M. W'otherspoon, Q.C. Law E. \V. T. Gill, Esq. External Affairs Dr. Nicholson, PL.D. Geography Lt. York Brace, R.CN. The Navy


Dr. Hudson again this year acted as chauffeur to those wishing to partake in the rough outdoor sport of riding. This year was doubly exciting, since there was not only autumn and spring riding, but also winter sleighing. Dr. Hudson himself supervised the training of inex- perienced riders, and soon had them out there with the best of Ashbury's equestrians. Those who indulged this year extend their sincere thanks to Dr. Hudson and to all his crew at the ranch, and hope that next year and every vear his services will be available to the boys.


New grandsons, Ronnie and Jay, of Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Perry. They arc the sons of iMr. and Mrs. Eugene Lillic (ncc Jean Ann Perrv) and .Mr. and Mrs. Walter Zcltner (nee Nancy Pcrrv). THE ASHBVRIAN 15 PARENTS' RECEPTION

The three Parents' Receptions this year were held on the Fridays, November 18th, February 17th, and May 5th, one per term as usual."

Weaving their way through "D" deck, tlie parents entered Argyle where they were welcomed by Mr. and Mrs. Pcrrv, Mr. and Mrs. Gale, and by the senior members of the stall.

Following brief resumes of the school's progress in the respective terms, given by the Headmaster, the parents took the opportunity to consult the masters. The evening drew to a close over refreshments in Svmington Hall.

These gatherings, the attendance of which has risen tremendously this past year, have proved fruitful to both parents and staff.


The Ashburian wishes to extend its special thanks to Mr. Peter Carver, who, as well as taking over the Upper School English classes during Mr. Belcher's illness, has found time to render much valuable assistance in the compilation of this magazine. —



This has been a colourful and eventful year for the Ashbury Chapel. Besides the Christmas and Easter Carol services, the C(;nfirmation and Palm Sunday services, we were again this vear honoured with a host of visiting clergy:

Oct. 16 Rev. F. Lawlor St. Margarets, Ottawa

Oct. 23 Rev. W. J. Belford Rural Dean of Carlcton

Oct. 30 Rev. J. A. Baycroft St. Matthews, Ottawa Nov. 6 Servers' Service Servers

Nov. 20 Canon M. Swan St. John's, Kingston Nov. 27 Rev. R. Bodger Christ Church, Beaurepaire, P.Q. Dec. 4 Rev. H. Ploughman Royal Canadian Navy Dec. 11 Candlelight Carol Service The Chaplain Dec. 25 Christmas Day Service The Chaplain Jan. 15 Rev. W. Hughes St. Matthias, Ottawa

Jan. 22 Rev. M. Pears St. Thomas, Ottawa Jan. 29 Rev. K. Clarke Diocese Director of Religious Education Feb. 12 Cathedral Service Christ Church Cathedral, Ottawa Feb. 26 Servers' Service Servers Mar. 19 \'en. C. G. Hepburn Archdeacon of Ottawa Mar. 26 Palm Sunday The (!!haplain Apr. 16 Easter Carol Service The Chaplain

Apr. 23 Easter Carol Service St. Bartholomews, Ottawa May 7 Rev. R. Bodger Christ Church, Beaurepaire, P.Q.

May 9 Rt. Rev. E. Reed (Confirmation) Bishop of Ottaw a

May 28 \'en. J. C. Anderson Archdeacon of Ottawa

The Choir: .Mackenzie, Read II. Love, Fuller, Xelms, A\'clland,

Speedie, Loftus, Wright, Cook II, .MacCarthv, Davies, Stone, Polk II, 18 THE ASH B U RIAN

Millar, Chown, Thurston, Nelnis, Cosh, Alulaner, Reed III, Souch,

Hearne I, Ilearne II.

Corporate communions were held for the students and staff on Ash Wednesday, All Saints' Day, and Ascension Day.

This year there were two Servers' Services. On these occasions the servers conduct the entire service with the exception of the absolution and the benediction, which, of course, is given by the chaplain. At the November 6 service, Peter Gillean preached on "Spiritual Discipline", and on February 26, Chris Bodger preached on "Why I Am an Anglican".

One of the most colourful and, as the chaplain remarks, "history making" services in the chapel this year was the Confirmation Service on

.Ma\' 9t!i. In addition to the twenty-six boys from Ashbury and two boys from St. Bartholomews, three girls from Elmwood were also con- firmed. The rite of Confirmation was administered by the Rt. Rev. Ernest Reed, Al.A., D.D., to the following Ashbury students:

John Anderson, Dorval, P.Q.; Reginald Atkins, Ottawa; Edmund

Burritt, Ottawa; Christopher CoUyer, Rosemere, P.Q.; Barry Cooper, Ottawa; Peter Davidson, Ottawa; \^ictor Davies, Ottawa; John Earn- shaw, Halifax, N.S.; John Evans, Ottawa; Timothy Flynn, Ottawa; Thomas Foran, Ottawa; Geoffrey Gillean, Clinton, Ont.; David Hamp- shire, Ottawa; Donald Hanna, Beaconsfield, P.Q.; Peter Hunt, Vientiane, Laos; Richard Logie, Ottawa; Evan Lynn, RockcHlfe Park; John Mackenzie, Ottawa; James McAulay, Ottawa; David Mulaner, Caracas, Venezuela; 'George Nelms, Ottawa; Henry Reed, Ottawa; Graeme Samples, Rhyl, Wales; John Schofield, Baie d'Urfe, P.Q.; Wilson Southam, Ottawa; Christopher Stone, Ottawa.

The servers have been a loyal and devoted trroup this year with almost every form in the senior school represented, as well as three in the junior school.

Head Servers: C. J. S. Cantlie, P. M. Gillean.

Servers: I. R. Andrew, A. Anderson, C. J. Bodger, G. P. Brooks, R. T. Dickson, D. A. P. Gamble, D. Love, B. Merrett, R. Rowley, R. T. Snelgrove.

I loiiorary Servers: R. C. Monks, P. C. Noel-BentleN', M. C. Spencer. f*^, t f f ? f-f • N" f


B.Tf/t Ko-ci-; T. F. W. Foran, P. R. Davidson. R. S. ,\tkins, D. J. Mulaner, Rev. K. B.

Monks, D. S. Hanna, B. J. Cooper, T. R. Flynn, P. C. Hunt.

Middle Row: J. E. Earnshaw, J. E. P. Anderson, D. A. J. Hampshire, J. R. McAulay,

E. L. Lynn, J. C. Schofield, W. M. Southam, V. S. Davies.

Front Roil': J. S. Evans, G. L. Nelms, C. B. H. Stone, E. F. Burritt, G. I. Gillean, C. L. Collver, G. .M. Samples, H. K. Reed.


Back Roiv: M. C. Spencer, J. H. KeflFer, J. M. Letch, R. C. G. Rowlev, D. G. Love, S. G. Gamble, S. G. R. Pottinger, R. C. Monks, Rev. K. B. Monks.' Giilean, Frofit Row: G. J. Brooks, B. J. Merrett, C. J. Bodger, C. J. S. Cantlie, P. M. R. T. Dickson, T. R. Snelgrove, I. R. Andrew. 20 THE ASHBURIAN

On the night of the Confirmation, Chris Bodger, Colin Canthe, and Robert Dickson were presented with servers' medallions by Bishop Reed for outstanding service.

The Choir has prospered these last tu'o years under the leadership of Mr. Godfrey Hewitt, F.R.C.O., and of Mrs. H. S. Dalton, chapel organist. The Choir has continued, more than ever, to add dignity and beauty to tlie weekly services. The choir boys have visited St. Bartholomew's church in New Edinburgh, and Christ Church Cathedral here in Ottawa. They should be noted for the rare excellence of their performance at these and at the Christmas and Easter Carol services. The boys have done a really splendid job, and deserve a great deal of credit.

Special thanks are due to Messrs. Sibley and Snelgrove, organists, in the daily services, and to Mr. Beetensen, Lay Reader, as well as to Mr. Hewitt and Mrs. Dalton.

Choir mothers Mrs. Reed and Mrs. Thurston also deserve our thanks for tlieir work with the choir, and we mustn't forget the chapel clerks, Letch, Kelfer, and Pottinger, loyal and efficient "doorkeepers in the House of the Lord".


in iWemoriam


Those w ho attended the school within the period of 1940-52 will remember Nursing Sister, Qiptain Helene .MacLauirlilin, A.R.R.C, R.N., know n affectionately as "Glockie". During her time here she was not only a nurse, but a mother to many of the boarders, and from then until the time of her death, on October 21st, 1960, took a tender and absorbing interest in the fortunes of the bovs from the School.

All those who knew her here—her essentiallv warm, thouijh sometimes caustic eccentricities, her sprightly huniour, her human- kindness—^\ill mourn her for long, and remember her for ever.


The School w as profoundly shocked to learn of the sudden death of Airs. Hope .Mulhall, junior .Matron. Airs. Alulhall, a favourite w ith all her charges in the Wing, was carrying out her duties until only a few minutes before her untimely "death in the afternoon of October 13th, 1960. We e.xtend our profoundest sympathy to her family.


On Alay 2nd, 1961, Christopher Coristine, son of Air. and Airs. Robert Coristine of Alontreal, died in the disaster of the ship ".Albatros" which foundered in the Gulf of Alexico. Chris, who had been at the School so recently, was popular with all who knew him and the School was stunned and almost incredulous at the news. His brother, Tim, who is still at Ashbury, and the other members of his family, have our deepest sympathy.


On Alarch 13th, 1961, Alichael Jan Dennis, aged 8 years, died in the Ottawa Civic Hospital. The whole School was moved and saddened by the tragedy of the event, and our deepest sympathy goes out to the child's parents. The funeral w as attended by the School Choir and the Junior School. B 22 TH E ASH U RIAN SCIENCE TOURS

/. Science Tour to Montreal

As usual, the highlight of the year's science tours was the annual expedition to Montre^il. "Those concerned, left the school on Wednes- day, March 1st, and travelled by bus to .Montreal. x\fter arriving at about ten p.m., we checked into the Y.M.C.A., and after a chicken dinner, retired for the night.

Briijht and early Thursday morning, we began with a tour of the Northern Electric plant. This trip was arranged and conducted, as it has been in other years by Col. Short, the father of an Ashbury Old Boy. Here we witnessed the assembly of telephone switchboards. The num- ber of component parts and their various sizes, shapes and degrees of mechanical importance was fascinating. Equally interesting was the technical and mechanical skill required to assemble a machine of this complexity. After the tour was finished and all questions had been answered, we were treated to lunch in the Company Cafeteria. The afternoon was spent at the firm of Ayerst, McKenna and Harrison. Here our guide was Air. H. Debreuil. \\t were first shown the Company's new laboratories, which Mr. Debreuil told us, with justifiable pride, were second only to those of the National Research Council. In these laboratories, research in such fields as cancer and heart disease was being conducted. From the laboratories we were taken to the production section of the plant. Here we followed the manufac- ture of vitamin pills from the chemical formation and mixing of their ingredients to the final bottling and boxing of the pills themselves. Wt were also shown the making of ampoules for hypodermic needles. Here, as elsewhere in the plant, we were impressed by the scrupulous antiseptic precautions taken by both researchers and workers. \\\t\\ the trip completed, we retired to the cafeteria where refreshments were served and questions answered. Before leaving, samples of the Company's products were distributed, which, due to the prevalence of colds in the group, were very popular.

After supper, we made a tour of Sir George Williams University, whicli is located next door to the Y.M.C.A. \\'e were shown through the building by Prof. D. Pects, the Assistant Dean. As we were taken through the laboratories and lecture rooms, we found it hard to believe that 6500 students could be handled in such a limited space. After the tour, the rest of the evening was given over to movies.

The first tour on Friday was to the Continental Can Company. After reaching the plant bv bus, we were greeted by Mr. Brick, and then split up into smaller groups in order to examine the manufacturing processes more closely. \\t were first shown how the cans are labelled; THE ASH li U R I A N 23

;i process which involves two methods. The coiiinioncr one is that of placing printed paper labels on the can. A good deal of time was spent watching a variety of cans being formed from the sheets of tin. Later we were shown the loading and transportation facilities as well as the administration of the (^ompanw An indication of the Company's business was graphically indicated by looking at the sample room where there were approximately 8()()() different types of cans. At the end of the tour we had a fine lunch in tlie Cafeteria. After lunch, we travelled by car to the Dominion Rubber Company, Here we saw the chemical processing of crude rubber into a number of different articles of various shapes and sizes. Among the products being turned out at the time were conveyer belts and garden hoses.

Following a short rest and a swim, we were taken to T.C.A.'s beautiful new .Maintenance Plant at Dorval. This trip was arranged by Air. L. Palmer, and proved to be one of the highlights of the tour. In the immense building which covers thirteen acres, we were first sjiven dinner and then shown almost every conceivable type of maintenance equipment as well as the wonderful facilities available for crew trainint^. Among the fascinating pieces of equipment that we saw were the flight simulators— exact models of aircraft cockpits used for training pilots and co-pilots. \\t were much impressed bv^ riie wonderful care taken in the work-shops to ensure the mechanical perfection of every part of the airplane. Probably the most impressive spectacle was the company's new hangars which were so big that six modern planes can be serviced at once. Here we saw a new DC-8 which was undergoing a complete overhaul; even the seats had been removed. Refreshments were served at the end of the tour, and a tired group made its way back to the "Y" for a good night's sleep.

On Saturday, the last day of the tour, a visit was made to McGill University. This year we had a tour of the Faculty of Medicine. Here 24 THE ASH B U RIAN

the Dean, Dr. Stephenson, gave us a fine talk on Medicine as a career, and then took us on a tour of the Medical Building, including the Osier Library and the Anatomical Museum. This interested us a great deal. Leaving the Medical Building we travelled down to the Chemistry Building'. Here \vc had a short tour conducted by Dr. R. V. V. Nichols. We were very fortunate to see an experiment being carried out on Atomic Nitrogen by graduate students. The tour here concluded with a short chat by Dr. Winkler. From McGill, we went to the LaSalle Hotel where, as usual, Mr. Fascio outdid himself providing us with a delicious steak dinner. This was a wonderful finale to our tour.

Those who made the trip this year included Butcher, Farnigia I,

Monks, Noel-Bentley I, Wilson I, Pottinger, Oxley, Mussells I, Mclnnes, and Gill. AVe would like to offer our thanks to all the people whose wonderful cooperation made the trip a success and particularly to Mr. Sibley, without whose tireless work the tour would not have been possible.


//. ScieiiceTow — The National Research Coimcil

On .Monday, March 6th, at 9.00 a.m., we left for our annual tour of the National Research Council in Ottawa. In the morning we were to tour the Montreal Road labs; in the afternoon the Sussex Drive building, with a complimentary lunch in between.

Shortly after 9.00, we arrived at the main gate of the Montreal Road labs, where we were met by Mr. Mel Ward, our guide for the THE ASHBU Rl AN 2S morning tour. A\'c ininicdi;Ucl\' set off for the Division of Building

Research, ;i little advertised branch of research, hut an extrenielv im- portant one, especially considering the fact that construction now accounts for more than one-fifth of the total national gross product. Air. C. R. Crocker was kind enough to answer our questions and to show us some of the ten ton "test-tubes" this lab uses.

Next was the fascinating Radio and Electrical Engineering Division.

While waiting for Mr. J. AW F. Chisolm to take over the chores of teacher-guide, we went on a short inspection of the X.R.C. museum, where we saw one of the first radios ever made, as well as one (jf the first home-power supply units.

Finally Mr. Chisolm arrived, and he proceeded to lead us thr(jugh a gigantic room containing millions of dollars of equipment. It was our misfortime that the D.C. generator was not in operation, so we had to be content with just admiring the colossus. A\'hcn we could take our eyes oflF it, we learned the fundamentals of its operation, and were shown a few recent additions. Then we went upstairs to see the mag- netometer, an extremely sensitive magnetic field sensor.

From there we went to the infra-red research rooms where we saw the latest improvements in buoys and light-houses. The battery's circuit w^as attached to a photoelectric cell. AVhen there is sunlight, the battery remains oif. As it grows dark, the battery automatically takes over.

In this way, warning is always given, but at a much loA\er cost. The battery itself is extremely powerful, and lasts for years. Another battery under experimentation that we saw is one used in detection devices, especially in underwater projects. The battery, a small pocket-book size unit, nevertheless has enough po^'er to send out a signal for some time.

N.R.C. had thought of everything, even of transportation from Montreal Road to the Sussex Drive building, where the cafeteria is. Dr. John Kohr met us there, and took us to a secluded niche for lunch.

Following lunch, and a gaze at X.R.C.'s beautifully stocked library, we were taken by Dr. Kohr to watch Photogrammetric Research in

action. Briefly photogrammetry is the art or technique of making surveys or maps by means of photographs. \\'hcn we were introduced of making such a map. 1 he to Mr. T. J. Blachut, he was in the middle equipment used was made in Germany and Switzerland. One machine

was so precise in its etchings that it was kept in an air-conditioned room.

From photogrammetry we went to spectroscopy, which is the technique of finding a substance's composition by means of its spectrum. The projects head, Dr. D. A. Ramsey, ushered us into a long dark room where wx saw^ the technique in operation. It is through this very method that scientists have found out so much about the heavenly bodies. 26 THE ASHBURIAN

Dr. Kohr next took us to meet Dr. A. H. Reddoch, head of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Research. This terrifying title is the name given to the method used to find the percentage composition of large alcohol molecules, and also to find out the spin and place of individual atoms.

This knowledge is essential if man is to synthesize organic materials now only available in natural form.

From Dr. Reddoch, we went downstairs to meet Dr. J. R. Colvin, who taught us something about the interior of plant cells. Wc were shown pictures taken of these cells by hundred-thousand-power, and million-power electron microscopes. Dr. Colvin gave a lucid demon- stration of one of these microscopes, a treat equalled by an all too short visit to the million-power microscope.

And so the tour concluded. Those who went extend a sincere thank-you to our many hosts at N.R.C., and to Mr. Sibley, who was the inspiration and the hard worker at our end. Those who went on the tour were. Butcher, Farrugia I, Spencer, Wilson I, Lynn, Ewing,

Woolley, Parker I, Mussells I, Snelgrove, and Noel-Bentley I. TH E ASH li U Rl AN 21 COMMONWEALTH YOUTH MOVEMENT THE QUEST

I was introduced to the Coiiiiiionw ealth \'outh Alovemcnt in the final term last year by our headmaster, Mr. Ferry. At first my impres- sion of the "Quest" was not very good, but I began to think of the organization quite seriously. As I began thinking of the movement

I was very impressed. My name was submitted to the organi/er, .Major

1 realize I to be selected to go on F. J. Ney. Little did that was going the 1960 Quest for Europe. There were odds and ends which had to be cleared here; eventually they were and I was then home free.

Sailing time was at 11 o'clock from Pier 8 in Montreal on July 4,

1960, on board the Canadian Pacific's Empress of France. As I boarded the ship, I saw my companions wearing their Commonwealth blazers and ties and white shirts with grey flannels. On the blazer was the name of the country M'hich one represented. Before sailing we heard speeches by very distinguished men, who wished us a "Bon V^oyage" and a happy and speedy return. AMien all the ceremonies were completed the ship sailed for Liverpool. For the next seven days on the high seas we all became acquainted wdth each other. Upon our arrival in Liverpool, we were met by Major Ney and two coaches (buses). Immediately we w^nr up to Carlisle in northern England. \\t were given a very warm welcome by every- body from the city. Later that night we, the questers, were billeted in private homes. The people who took us in looked after us and made sure that we were always on time for our social functions, ^^'e were the guests of the city; therefore there were many civil functions which we had to attend. We stayed in the lovely city of Carlisle for three days, and then we pushed on to Edinburgh, where we were the guests of the Victorian organization of Scotland. Our stay in Edinburgh was for four days, during which we visited places of interest. Free time was given to us so that we could go shopping and do what we desired. Questers were billeted again in private homes, where we were treated as if we were part of the family, and had always lived there. \\t did not disturb things too much. Unfortunatly all good things must come to an end. The next stop was Almwick. The questers stayed in the castle for two days. Next on the agenda was Southwell, where we were guests of the Bishop; then came Lincoln. The Lyon's club was our host, and the members saw to our needs. Many parties were thrown in our honour. After Lincoln came a week at Ashridge College, which was about thirty miles out of London. Mere we were debating and listening to 28 THEASHBURIAN

prominent men ^^•ho spoke to us. Old and new questers were all assembled here, and the week was a great success. As soon as the con- ference was dissolved, we headed for London. In London we stav^ed in the University of London's residence. During the day we visited outstanding places, and at night we went to plays, operas and the symphony. As an added treat some of the questers were invited to go to

Madrid for a couple of days, then on to Gibraltar. Altogether it would be about a nine-da v trip. In Madrid, questers were billeted in private

homes of Commonwealth families. In Gibraltar it was different, as the girls were put in homes while the boys were the guests of the British

arm\\ (That is where we had our most fun.) Finally the Commonwealth Youth .Movement trip came to an end; and we all took our separate ways home. The Quest was an excellent

adventure, and I will miss it this summer. Cantlie — VIB ^^i:^


This year's debating team was active, to say the least. Of twelve debates entered we won six, lost five and tied one.

The first contest of the year came against St. Mary's in Brockville on November 25th. Haslam and Ewing made the trip and came home \\ith the victory by the score of 208-190. The topic was: Resolved, that Canada should recognize Red China now. One week later at Ashbury, the same topic was again debated with the sides rev^ersed,

Ashbury taking the negative this time. In a very close contest it was then decided that our visitors had won, but a later addition of figures made the contest a tie.

On March 19th, Howith and MacLaurin journeyed to Perth w^here they debated the topic. Resolved, that there is no place for Neutralist Nations in the Modern World. Perth High School won a close contest.

As a preliminary to the International Speech Festival in Toronto Ilaslam, Steven, Howith, and MacLaurin debated against St. Mary's on the Friday before leaving for Toronto. The affirmative side of Howith and MacLaurin were defeated by our hosts, while Haslam and Steven held up the side with a victory.

At the International Speech Festival in Toronto, Ashbury arrived home with four wins and tMo losses. Gerry Haslam and Doii Steven, THE ASHBURIAN 29

upholding the ncg;irivc side of 'Neutralist Nations', won ;ill three debates, and the team of Renn)' Houith and Dune AlacLaurin won one debate and lost tAvo.

The final debate of the year was against Lower Canada College in .Montreal. Gerry Haslam and Iain F.wing teamed for Ashburv and were beaten by LCC in an extremely close contest.


Haslam, Gerald (Capr.) —The tireless talker lost only one debate out of six this year, and will be the mainstay of next year's team. He hopes to have many more debates and debators in 61-62, so that Ashbury can again live up to the name made by Chamard-Brodhead- Gale etc.

EwixG, Iain — The boy with the big vocabulary was a great asset to the team, and we are sure that his mighty words will do him a world of good in the future.

Steven, Donald — Being shoved into a debate with only several days notice isn't the easiest thing in the world to cope with, but Don

did it, and well.

MacLaurin, Duncan — \\'hat these Americans can't do! A necessary and helpful member.

How^iTH, Renny — The old wit proved to be a great arguer and a fine debator.

It may be added that Haslam won the district 28 Optimist oratorical contest at Plattsburg, N.Y., representing the Optimist Club of Carleton, in competition with 14 students from oher centres in Ontario, Quebec, and New York State. From there he \\ent on to compete in the regional finals in Milwaukee, \A'is. Although he failed to carry off top honours in this event, we are proud to say that he acquitted himself with dis- tinction, and we feel that he brought great credit, not only to himself, but to the School, in progressing so far against such formidable com- petition.


It is to be regretted that this year's Public Speaking Contest did not create more interest. Wih Gerry Haslam winning everything within reach around the district, perhaps the Seniors feared the compe- tition would be too severe. However, Haslam was not participating, being content to rest on his previous successes, and the field was more open, which made the adjudicators, Mr. Carver and Mr. Spencer, hope for many more than the two contestants. Iain Ewing, giving an impressive rendering of a previously used speech on "Optimism, an Inirrcdient for True Leadership", was well applauded by the audience. Duncan MacLaurin, speaking extemporaneously on "Women and Destruction", found a ready response to his views. It is not an easy task to compare these two types of forensics, and after considerable dis-

cussion, it was decided to share the award between the two contestants. The Intermediate section gave Doug Chalke an opportunity to amuse his audience with an account of his family's trip through Europe the previous summer. His subject, "Touring with a One-year-old", was insufficiently prepared, and this detracted from the effectiveness of his speech. Hugh Campbell, speaking on "Hypnotism", on the other hand, had prepared his speech, and he delivered it with an air of real authority. Colin Browne, choosing the topical subject, "America's Man Into Space", was handicapped by his own nervousness. The experience should help him on future occasions, and he, as well as the other two contestants, deserve commendation for their efforts. An account of the Junior section appears in the "Junior Ashburian". The awards were: Senior: Iain Ewing and Duncan MacLaurin (Equal). hitermediate: Hugh Campbell. Junior: Tom Fuller. POETRY READING CONTEST

The school was most fortunate this year in having Professor George B. Johnston, acting head of the English Department of Carleton Uni- versity, as adjudicator of the annual Poetry Reading which was held on Sunday, May 14th in the Chapel. Prof. Johnston very generously agreed to judge the readings despite a crowded weekend schedule.

The passages read were:

'Set' pieces — Juniors: "The Singer (irows Old" — Brown Intermediates: "The Destruction of Sennacherib" — Byron THE ASHliURIAN Si

Seniors: "Ulysses" (lines 1-17 ) — TcniiN'son 'Sight' Juniors: "The Cloths of Heaven" — Yeats liiterfnediates: "Tewkesbury Road" — Masefield Seniors: 'i Think Continually of Those" — Spender

Of special interest was the extremely high e|uality of the voluntary selections read by contestants in each division.

The winners in each category were:

Juniors: Burritt

Intermediates: Campbell I

Seniors: Farrugia I

In a good-humoured and valuable summation. Prof. Johnston remarked on the great interest with which he had listened to the readings. It almost seemed unfair, he said, that one should dictate a right and a wrong way of reading poetry; that a boy should show suffi- cient interest in reading a poem made it his own personal poem, and no judge should really be called upon to criticize the particular rendition. However, he went on, there were certain standards which one could set, and after a short discussion erf these standards he named the winners. Participation in the contest was of a high calibre, and one can only hope that this event will always find a place in the school calendar. CONFERENCES THE HEADMASTERS' CONFERENCE

A most successful annual Conference of the Headmasters was held on January 3rd, 4th and 5th at Hillfield School in Hamilton, with Lt. Col. John Page, President and Host. Representatives attended from nearly all Canadian Independent Boys' Schools.

As Hillfield is a Day School delegates were accommodated at the Tamahaac Club in Ancaster and at the Town .Manor Motel.

Attending the Conference as Special Guests were:

Rev. Canon Charles Martin, Headmaster, St. Albans School, \\'ash- ington, D.C. President Fulmer of the American Headmasters' Association. Dr. Wayne McFarland, Principal of Jefferson and Wilson Schools, New Jersey. Dr. C. A. Brown, Registrar of the Department of Education of Ontario. 52 THE ASH BURIAN

Included in the routine business was the Annual Meeting of the Canadian Foundation for Independent Boys' Schools with Mr. Duncan Gordon and Mr. Peter Kaye bringing the Headmasters up-to-date on the progress of the foundation.

The highlight of the Conference was the iinal dinner at the Hamil- ton Club with Dr. Leslie Severinghaus, Headmaster of the Haverford School at Philadelphia giving the address of the evening.

All speakers were of high order and the Headmasters departed for their respective sciiools feeling that once again the inspiration offered by the speakers and the informal discussions were of great value.

Mr. John Harker of St. George's School in Vancouver has been elected President for the forthcoming year and it is expected that the Conference will be held in B.C. on March the 28th.


The Rev. D. T. Faught, Head of the Mathematics Department of Assumption University, Windsor, Ontario, was introduced to the several representatives of the Independent Schools of Canada by ^Mr. Shipley, President of the iMathematics and Science Committee, under the Head- masters' Association, on the occasion of the Annual Meeting held at Ridley College on April 22nd, 1961. Ashbury College was represented by Messrs. H. Dalton and J. J. Marland. The Rev. Mr. Faught's address was entitled "The New Mathematics, with especial emphasis on the Grade 9 Curriculum".

The New Mathematics is not, in his opinion, the case of assuming a new method in the teaching of mathematics, but rather a shifting of emphasis and a change of approach towards old knowledge. It is the Committee's intention to delete from the curriculum old fashioned tech- niques, to drop obsolete material, and to have a complete revision of the geometry syllabus in Grade 9, as the course is repeated in Grade 10. The Committee also proposed to introduce solid geometry, taught by the inductive method, to Grade 10 pupils, as a knowledge of planes, lines, formulae, spheres, etc., where special concepts could be met with, was considered to be of great importance in this modern age. In this way students would appreciate the close relationship between the sciences of logic and mathematics.

With regards to the present Grade 9 curriculum tlic Rev. Mr. Faught felt that the pupils were insufficiently challenged, and that, for that reason, there should be a change in emphasis and viewpoint. Presently there is a mixture of rules which is not only devoid of sense, but is disjointed. THEASHBURIAN 33

The speaker then mentioned the higher gr;ides in order, emphasizing his recommendations for improvements in the present curricula. Grade 10 had already been mentioned and Grade II was only touched on briefly; there should be much practice in the use of real numbers. For Grade 12, complex numbers should be understood; Algebra was to be on a deductive system which would lead to a better knowledge and understanding of the subject.

The Ontario Mathematics Commission feels that any recommenda- tions for Grade 13 mathematics are a temporary stop gap, until a complete revision of the syllabus has been completed. The subject of mathematics has changed considerably during the past fifty years, and today there is emphasis on the inductive approach. In Algebra, in particular, there is a great variance between High School Algebra, Grade 13, and the Algebra studied in First Year University. Many students, good mathematicians, feel tricked when they first meet with the new type of Algebra, and become discouraged.

Although the present curricula are essentially sound, there is much work to be done on schemes, and the rigid barriers between Algebra, Trigonometry and Geometry have to be broken down. So far there has been an experimental approach to this idea, beginning essentially with Grade 9.

The speaker answered several questions, and, at the close of the meeting, many of the delegates considered the new ideas to be sound. It was felt, however, that teachers should be given the opportunity to study the teaching methods for themselves before being asked to trans- late the new requirements to their pupils.

The after dinner speech by Doctor Hall, President of the University of A\'estern Ontario, was well received, and he discussed the difficulties confronting would-be University students, and the efforts of the Selec- tion Committee to counteract these difficulties, and to accept students of all levels in order that Universiy places should not be completely taken up by the brighter pupils, who were not always the leaders or the employers in later life.

J. J. MarlAND




Mrs. R. H. Perrv, Honorary President; .Mrs. W. F. Hadley, President; .Mrs. D.

Partridge, First Vice-President; Mrs. A. Brady, Second Vice-President; Mrs. J. W. Roche, Secretary; Mrs. W. W'hitmarsh, Treasurer; .Mrs. M. Addlenian, Notice Cotivener; .Mrs. Gamble, Telephone Convener; .Mrs. Flood, Social Convener.

The Guild continued its fine work in the interests of the School. Among the activities conducted were:

September 13 th — Clothing sale, convened by Mrs. Copeland. The experiment of taking annual subscriptions at the sale proved to be a great success.

November 12 th — Old Boys' Luncheon, convened by Mrs. Bethune and Mrs. Gamble. This occasion turned out to be its usual enjoyable affair and was well attended and much appreciated. December 13th — Junior School Pantomime, a new venture, pro- duced by Mr. Beetensen and reported elsewhere in these pages, was sponsored by the Guild.

May 5th — Spring Tea and Sale, convened by Mrs. Thorne. Here the raffle of a handbag kindly donated by Mrs. R. Moore and several cheques from out of town mothers in addition to other proceeds resulted in a highly satisfactory revenue.

During the year certain sums of money, the proceeds of these enterprises, were invested for the Guild's endowment fund.

In February, the resignation of the President, Mrs. Hadley, was regretfully accepted; Mrs. Partridge stepped into her place to continue the good work.

As usual, Miss Patsy Caldwell typed and duplicated all general letters, for which contribution the Secretary is most grateful.

The School wishes to thank the ladies of the Guild most cordially for their effective efforts on the School's behalf.



This year's formal was held at the Bruce MacDonald Motor Hotel on the evening of April 14. The small attendance at the affair in no way detracted from the success of the dance. Both food and music were maintained at the high standard of previous years, and added greatly to the evening's enjoyment. Receiving the guests were the Headmaster and Airs. R. H. Perry, Alike Spencer and Aliss Anne Wennberg, Alitve Butcher and Aliss Susan Devlin. As the evening drew to a close, the couples, bound for the tradi- tional breakfast parties, wandered out to the strains of "Now is the Hour". REST RECROiT um.^^-*'^^*^

It i< «i' » *> . )K» .^^iMfcv ^


Guard CoDiitrander: C/Lt. R. C. Monks.

The Giund: A. G. Bechard, N. R. Blackburn, C. J. S. Cantlie, R. Conway, R. T. Dickson,

J. D. Fisher, D. K. Flam, C. A. Flood, D. L. Hunt, .M. J. Kirkbride, J. M. Lcrch,

P. W. J. Martin, D. B. McGaughey, E. Menemencioglu, S. M. O. Parker, H. K. Stewart, Pickens, J. C. Pontbriand, S. G. R. Pottinejer, P. H. Rowntree, H. E. P. M. Wilson.


No. 137 Ashbiirv College Cadet Corps was again rewarded for a hard year's effort by a bright and sunny day on May 11 th for the formal inspection. The reviewing officer, Lt.-Gen. Clarke, was greeted by the Headmaster at the front gate, and proceeded to inspect the Honour Guard dra^n up on the front lawn of the school under C Lt. Monks. Then the reviewing party passed down to the main Held where the corps, commanded bv C .Major Spencer, was drawn up at the open order, ready for inspection by platoons. OFFICERS AND N.C.O's.

Back Row: G. C. Greenstone, P. D. McLaren, D. E. Chaplin, C/Lt. C. F. Bray,

J. G. A. Tyler, D. A. F. Spry, W. J. Booth.

Middle Row: H. P. Flam, P. A. Rex, C/S. Sgt. R. J. Conwav, M. J. Kirkbride, R. T. S. Cantlie, Dickson, J. M. Letch, A. G. Bechard, C/Lt. R. C. iMonk's, C/Sgt. C. J. P. M. Wilson, C/Sgt. D. K. Flam, S. G. R. Pottinger, C. A. Flood, M. R. Devlin, C/Sgt. D. B. Mussells.

Fro?Tt Row: C/Sgt. J. I. Bethune, C/Sgt. J. R. Booth, C/S^t. R. B. Logic, C/S.Sgt. I. F.

VVotherspoon, C/W02 P. M. Gillean, C/Lt. M. A. J. Butcher, C/Capt. P. C. Noel-

Bentlcy, C/Alajor M. C. Spencer, Lt. J. C. Hughes, C/Capt. K. G. Cook, C/Lt. A. F. Gill, C/Lt. F. G. Oxlev, C/S.Sgt. N. M. Lynn, C. H. Alussells, C/Sgt. J. W. Wood, C/Sgt. A. G. S. Podhradskv, C/Sgt. G. P. G. Haslam.

At the conclusion of this inspection, the corps marched past the reviewing stand in column of platoons and in column of route to the music of the Royal Canadian Service Corp Band led by Lt. X^illeneuve.

After the Advance in Review Order and the General Salute, the Flag

Party marched oif, and the corps moved to the lower field to prepare for their squad demonstrations. THE AStlB U R I ./ N 39


Back Ron-: B. M. Chadderton, G. B. KefiFer, H. .M. Schwartzman, T. X. Coristine,

R. P. Wennberg, G. D. Heggtveit, G. J. Brooks, T. L. MacDonald.

Front Roiv: B. J. Merrett, P. A. Rex, C/Sa;t. J. R. Booth, C/S.Sgt. I. F. W'otherspoon, H. P. Flam, J. D. H. Partridge, A. D. hey.

The Band, under Band Major Wotherspoon, made an impressive showing, especially considering the relatively short time that they had received for practice. The Junior Gym Squad ably demonstrated the excellent training they had received from their instructor Mr. Hillary, and they received well-earned applause from the large crowd of visitors. Unfortunately the Signals demonstration had to be cancelled due to technical trouble, but the Rifle and First Aid squads made up for this loss by presenting some of the many skills that they had acquired during their year's training. These squads were followed by a Changing of the Guard ceremony similar to that presented on Parliament Hill. The Honour Guard, augmented by most of the ofiicers and X.C.O.'s of the Regular corps, made a colourful panorama in their scarlet tunics and black bearskins. The Senior Gym Squad, instructed by Mr. Anderson, proved to be a fitting cHmax to the squad demonstrations, and presented the form that has won for them the coveted Findlas' Trophy for physical fitness for the last several years.

The corps was then marched onto the field, where they formed a Hollow Square. Gen. Clarke presented several awards to outstanding cadets, and gave a brief address congratulating the corps for their fine 40 THE ASHBURIAN

JUNIOR GYM TEAM APPARATUS WORK showing and granting them a half-holiday for their efforts. The after- noon's parade was brought to a close by the playing of "God Save the Queen", and the corps was marched off for a formal dismissal.

Awards Commanding Officer — C/Major M. C. Spencer Most Valuable Officer - C/Lt. Gill and C/Lt. iMonks Most Valuable N.C.O. - C/C.S.M. Gillean Most Promising Recruit — Cadet Menemencioglu Strathcona Trust Best Shot Crest — C/Cpl. Smallian Special Award for Band Work — W.O. II VVotherspoon, C/Sgt. Booth



The Corps rakes pride in reproducing the following letter from the

Inspecting Officer, Lt.-General S. F. Clark, Chief of the General Staff, and pleasure in expressing respectful thanks for his words of high praise.

Dear Mr. Perrv:

Airs. Clark and I thoroughly enjoyed our afternoon at Ashbury

College. You haye an excellent Cadet Corps, and I am sure that you and the members of your staff are yery proud of it.

I should like to thank you and the members of the Cadet Corps for

your kindness in presenting me with the "mug' . It will always be a reminder of a very happy eyent.



The following letter from Lt.-Colonel C. D. Arthur, Lt.-Colonel Commanding the Goyernor General's Foot Guards, should dispel any doubt anybody had on how we compared with last year's Cadet Corps!

Dear Mr. Perry:

I wish to compliment the cadets on a yery splendid inspection. I noticed a marked improyement oyer the preyious year; in fact. I though: it vyould be difficult to improye on their performance. ^mg^ ..MM^^ J g ijIH^hH^^^^



r\ A *.; (^ T o 9 fl-^c^^f


Back Row: R. R. Mclnnes, E. H. Stewart, J. L Bethune, P. M. Gillean, P. E. Barakett, L F. Wotherspoon, P. H. Rowntree.

Third Row: G. P. G. Haslam, R. B. Logic, L M. Ewing, K. G. Cook, J. H. Keffer,

H. C. Mussells, C. J. Bodger, D. L. Hunt, S. A. Genser, R. H. Perry, Esq. Second Row: A. F. Gill, F. G. Oxley, C. A. Flood, R. V. Berry, Co-Vice Capt., G. R.

Howith, Capt., M. C. Spencer, Co-V^ice Capt., R. T. Dickson, iM. J. Kirkbride, C. F. Bray. Front Row: K. G. WooUey, S. M. O. Parker, H. K. Pickens, R. C. iMonks, D. B. xMussells, M. R. Devlin.


This year, 1960, marked the beginning of a new era at Ashbury. No longer were there huge, heavy linemen, or barrelling six-foot back- ficlders. The years of Gambles, Wilsons and Sugdens were over. They arc replaced by a smaller, faster football team, which cannot succeed unless everyone plays hard. Such was this year's team. The average weight of the first-string line was only 170 pounds. The first- •string backficld weighed a meagre 161, and if this team proved nothing else, it proved beyond a shadow of doubt that it takes a whole team to win a game. This was exemplified in the season's first five games. The team was at full strength, the line charged, the backfield outran, out- THEASHBURIAN 45

passed, and generally outplayed, the opposition. The result was five

victories: we scored 1 16 points; only 21 were scored against us.

Then came Northwood. This was certainlv^ a game to remember,

and to those who saw the Xorrhwood game in 1958, I sa\' — this was a game to beat even that one; not because the team played better, because

it didn't; and not because the score was close, because it wasn't, but for the simple fact that Ashbury never stopped fiwhtinij, althouirh the manager helped twelve players olf the field. The team knew they couldn't win, at least not playing American rules, but they fought to the whistle. \\q returned to Ashbury with seventeen men who could walk without some form of pain, and this in itself shows the true merit of the school "feeling". The team played its best, and accepted defeat \\ith honour.

The following week the "walking wounded" tackled Smiths Falls, Lanark Count\^ Champions. We weren't up for that one, and had little left of the original team. Nevertheless, we still played hard with what we could.

Because of injuries, the annual Old Boy's game was called off, and the season finished; five wins, two losses: highly respectable in anyone's language. The team thanks Tiny Hermann for his'time and patience, and Joe Irvin for his assistance to Tiny and the team.

Gauies Played

1. Ashbury vs. Lakefield, September 30 Won 22-14

After a stumbling start, the team caught hold of itself to come from behind and win. Berrv, Ewing and Pickens all scored touchdowns.

2. Ashbur)" vs. Bishop's, October 8 Won 19-0 Bob Berry duplicated our feat of a year ago by running 80 yards

at the kickoff for a T.D. Then it was all Ashbury. Iain Ewing and Key Pickens each scored their second T.D. of the season.

3. Ashbury vs. Stanstead, October 15 Won 32-0

In this game, the team "felt its oats" and ran wild. Berry scored twice, and Pickens, Ewing and Oxley added single majors.

4. Ashbury vs. Bishop's, October 22 Won 21-7 A determined effort by the boys in purple couldn't keep us from the eighth straight Bishop's Troph\\ Bob Berry scored two touch- downs, and running mate Kev Pickens added the other. 5 2


5. Ashburv vs. Albert, October 25 Won 22-0

This was the lull before the storm. A hard played, rough game, in which Ewing scored two T.D.'s and Berry added the other.

6. Ashbury vs. Northwood, October 29 Lost 0-38

The first quarter was fairly even, but then unlimited blocking took its toll, and a fine Northwood team pulled ahead. Despite injuries to Pickens, Genser, Spencer, Rowntree, Oxley, Ewing, Barakett and others, we kept on and fought to the end.

7. Ashbury vs. Smiths Falls, November 5 Lost 0-26

The injuries had taken their toll, but the game was still hard fought. The last game of a fine season.

SCORING STATISTICS Ground Air Name T.D.'s Singles Tries Yds. Tries Yds. Points 9^ Berry 7 72 449 22 325 51* Ewing 5 38 186 5 133 30

Pickens 4 1 34 273 25

Oxley 1 47 217 3 45 6

Alussells [ 6 29 Kirkbride 10 39 2 27 Bethune 10 37 Logie 21 69

.Mclnnes 1 27

Flood 1 1 •Bob Berry — Ashbury scoring record (51 pts.)

Punting (Pickens) (Log e) Kick-offs (Berrv) (Kirkbride) 2 i/1030 yds. 15/599 yds. 31/1085 vds.' 2/67 yds.

A.V. 36.9 yds. Av . 39.9 yds. Av. 35 yds. Av. 33.5 \ ds. Kickoff Returns Punt Returns Berrv 12/209 (17 .4) Berry 10/82 (8.2) Oxley 10/137 (13.7) Ewing 5/39 (7.8) Ewing 8/90 (11.4) Pickens 6/40 (6.6) Logie 4/41 (10 .3) Oxley 9/55 (6.1)

Passing — Pickens— 33 out of 49 for 510 yards Logie—5 out of 9 for 47 yards WON— LOST— Points For— 116* Points Against—85 * record for points scored

PASSES— 33 for 49 tries for 510 yards Record for passing and pvassing yardage (Pickens)

SCORING—Berry—5 1 points—record Average weight— 165.9 lbs. First string line 170 First string backfield 164 THE ASHB U Rl AN ^


16 R. HowiTH, (Capt.)-QB-Age 19, height 5-10, weight 170 Absent minded "Chester" was second QB and Captain; saw mainly defensive action.

10 R. Berry, (\^-Capt.)-FB-Age 17, height 6-0, weight 185 Proved to be "Berry-good", as he won scoring title; should learn to step over rather than through opposition.

62 M. Spencer, (V-Capt.)—T—Age 17, height 5-11, weight 185 \\'anted front teeth of opposing hne—almost got them.

18 R. PiCKENS-QB-Age 18, height 5-lOi, weight 175 Addition of this AIUD was no slim pickins; not only A-1 QB but kept bench in suspense about what to do next.

20 S. Parker—E—Age 17, height 5-7, weight 155

"Dee-Gaul" ran like there was an Algerian on his tail.

24 G. Oxley—FB—Age 17, height 5-11, weight 175 Looked as if the opposition held Nancy captive the way he charged through their line.

28 A. Gill—E—Age 17, height 6-0, weight 155 Nothing fishy about this "Coloured" Gill. Hit hard enough to dis- locate a shoulder.

41 S. Gexser—G—Age 17, height 5-6, weight 180 The "Gopher" stirred up a lot of mud. After football season he went lame to hibernate for the winter. Good luck, Steve.

43 K. Cook—C—Age 18, height 5-9, weight 150 "Cookey, Cookey, lend me your comb"—quote Tiny. "Sorry, coach, playing football", x-^nd he Mas.

45 J. Bethuxe—HB—Age 16, height 5-9, weight 155 Up from the seconds—made good with the firsts.

47 R. LoGiE—QB—Age 15, height 5-7, weight 160 He blocked, he weaved, but, best of all, he learned to run backwards at Northwood. 48 THE ASHBURIAN

50 C BRAY-E-Age 18, height 5-10, weight 158 To quote a predecessor—"Played a strong and steady end". 51 K. \\'ooLLEY-E-Age 18, height 6-1, weight 155 Played a slim brand of football, but is well remembered. 52 C BoDGER-E-Age 18, height 5-6^, weight 155 Tiny's "understanding" boy. 55 Ai. DEVLiN-W'B-Age 16, height 5-8, weight 150 Hardly ever dropped the ball. 56 C. AlussELLS—E—Age 16, height 5-10, weight 150 Came up with cheer in the clutch. 58 P. GiLLEAX-G-Age 18, height 6-2, weight 225 Although he didn't like to get his hands dirty, he lined up well. 59 P. BARAKETT-G-Age 15, height 5-10, weight 222 Played a whale of a submarine game.

60 I. WoTHERSPooN-C-Age 18, height 5-9, weight 205

With a little wiggle here. . . . The center of our third down gambles. 61 R. AIcInnes—E-Age 16, height 5-9, weight 145 "Wick" slid in the end slot with the greatest of ease.

18, height 5-11, weight 160 63 J. Keffer—T—Age - - Comes from Soo . . . Lookout, anyway. 65 D. HuNT-E-Age 17, height 5-8, weight 140 One of Tiny's speed boys. Ran with ball also.

67 R. MoNKS-T-Age 17, height 6-3, weight 210 Added weight where it was needed in team effort.

69 C. FLOOD-GT-Age 17, height 5-10, weight 180 "Underwater" played low enough and hard enough to be "Under- ground".

70 I. EwiNG-WB-Age 16, height 5-7, weight 150 A "ham" around a Ref. x\ speed boy anywhere else.

72 i\l. KiRKBRiDE-HB/QB/FB-Age 17, Height 5-9, weight 170 All round Kirk was a credit to his past.

76 H. Stewart—T—Age 1 7, height 5-10, weight 156 Harvey's no 'Ron' (because he plays defence).

77 P. RowNTREE—G—Age 17, height 5-9, weight 195

The pyramid of the Line (Nile? ) Had a grunt for every occasion.

74 R. Dickson—C—Age 16, height 5-S, weight 158 A strong head and stronger spirit.

79. D. AIussELLS-HB-Age 17, height 5-9, weight 162 The big brother in the backfield. Ran hard and well. 99 G. Haslam, Manager Number refers to the number of times he forgot the tape in his effortless though spirited management. '2S • SF 84 89. 77 60 i? "~

si COND FOOTBALL TEAM ^ack Ron-: W. A. Emmons, T. B. Johnston, L R. Andrew, G. B. Keffer, R. P. Wennberg,

G. G. Tvlee, H. AI. Schwartzman, X. Archipov, D. J. Goodwin. Middle Roii-: B. K. Hillary, Esq., .\L J. Copeland, £, R. Davidson, .M. W. Moshcr,

G. S. T. Millard, D. AL Bovd, D. A. J. Bovd, H. P. Flam, M. A. J. Butcher,

R. J. Addleman.

Frojit Ro-.i-: J. R. Booth, K. H. Rawley, D. J. Flam, R. AL L. Smallian, Capt., S. J. Levirz.

\'icc Capt., J. D. Fisher, P. C. Hunt. W'oolcs. Absent: J. B. Wedd, Esq., D. A. Hayley, G. D. Heggtveit, S. E.


Although this year's team had only four survivors from last year's squad to help them along, a combination of hard work, sound coaching and good quarter-backing saw them finish the season with a com- mendable 3-3 record. The t^vo victories over East\'iew Lligh School were resounding as we ran up an aggregate of 38 points against 6. Unfortunately, against B.C.S. and Stanstead we were not so good, losing all three games. It was especially disappointing to lose to B.C.S. twice in the same season, as this was the first time in four years that we have been beaten by them. W'e look forward to 1962 to redeem our tarnished reputation. Perhaps the promised addition to the school staff of Ron Lancaster of and Grey Cup winner fame will help. Our last game against A\V)odroffe High School was probably the best of the season and certainly the most exciting, ending in a 13-12 victory for Ashbury. The second team would like to take this opportunit\' of recording his able assistant, their thanks to Mr. B. K. Hillary and to Mr. J. G. A\'edd, for their enthusiastic coaching and encouragement, and most important — an enjoyable season's sport. so TH E ASH B U Rl AN FOOTBALL DINNER

The annual sports dinner was held in Symington Hall on Noxember 22nd. There was the usual array of famous personalities, including members of the Board of (ioverncjrs, Coach C. B. "Tin)" Hermann and Irvin, Sr. J. S. and Jr. The evening began with a short address by the headmaster followed by Grace by the Chaplain. After a delicious meal the chairman pro- posed the toast to the Queen. Air. A. D. Brain then gave an enlightening account of Ashbury's history in giving a toast to the school. The toast to the school teams was proposed by Air. A. B. Belcher, who regaled the (gathering with several humorous anecdotes. Air. Leo Palmer, in the absence of the Chairman of the Board of Governors, gave the toast to the coaches which was replied to by "Tiny" Hermann who manafjed somehow to keep his speech under the required time limit.

The emphasis was then shifted to the presentation of awards. In football, Kevin Pickens won the "A lost \ aluable Player" trophy, while Captain Rennie Howith was named as "A lost Improved Player". Soccer awards were presented to Alichael Farrugia for the "Alost \"aluable Player" and to Danny AIcGaughey for the "Alost Improved Player" The presentation of other awards and colours brought the eveningr's activities to a close. SOCCER


In September, with o\er half last \ear's team returnino-, even the most partisan of football players had to concede Soccer the prospect of an extremely fine season. The vigorous interest aroused by last year's unexpected success filled the soccer fields with 70% of the school's population. It is interesting to note that all 16 pla\ers used this year played soccer at Ashbury last year, a credit indeed to the careful training of our coach, Air. Anderson.

No matter how much one can talk or write about a team, only the record can speak in the cold, clear voice of truth. So it is with some pride that the team can boast a 7-1-2 record — the best in Ashbury's history for a First Soccer Team. Both losses were against R.AI.C, and, as for these two losses, the team likes to think that it was beaten only once, outscored twice.

A word should be said about the team's spirit this year. Spirit is, in nine cases out of 10, the deciding factor in a close game. The team's spirit failed only once to produce a victory in a tight game, and on two separate occasions brought it from behind b\- ruo groals to a victory. mf^'


P. A. E. Rex, B.ick Ron-: A. G. Bechard, J. W. Wood, J. M. Letch. D. B. McGaughey, Davidson, R. Anderson, Esq. J. C. Pontbriand, J. G. A. Tvler, C. R. J. Front Ron-: P. C. Xoel-Bendey.' X. R. Blackburn, S. G. R. Pottinger, J. D. .MacLaurin. P. Wilson. Cape. J. A. Cooper, \'ice Capt.. M. A. Farrugia, M.

There is no doubt that most of the credit should go to the inspiring and inspired coach. At the annual Sports Dinner in November, the \arious trophies and colours were awarded. Mike Farrugia captured the Most X'aluable Player award, Dannv McGaughev the Alost Improved Player award, and colours went to Captain MacLaurin, \'ice-captain Cooper, Farrugia,

McGaughev, and Davidson I.


1. The season opened with a win of 3-1 over Lachute High School. Although Lachute had already played a few games, our team quickly proved its supremacy. A blend of skill, spirit, two goals by Farrugia, and one by Blackburn won us the game.

2. Our first away game of the season was at Sedbergh. How we managed to keep this fast-moving, spirited team to a shutout is a mystery. Pottinger blasted in tw o skoals, and Da\idson one to \\'in the game 3-0. .


3. Two short weeks after our win over Lachute, they had their chance for reveno^e, and thev ahnost took it, for Ashburv^ was down two goals at the half. The second half was a different story. Lachute's home supporters saw their team completely bottled up while we scored three times to clinch the game 3-2. Davidson, Tyler, and Blackburn were the scorers.

4. \\ as our nemesis here so soon? 0\er-conlidence on our part again saw us two goals behind at the half, this time to Sedbergh. Again, like the week before, Ashburv rallied. With tremendous spirit, we returned to win the game, again by a score of 3-2. In the entire second half, Sedbergh could only manage to get the ball in our half three times — thanks to tlie fine efforts of the defensive system. Pottinger scored twice, and Farrugia put the ball between the posts for the winning goal.

5. The next two games were a double-header against Xorthwood School in Lake Placid, N.Y. As far as we were concerned, they were the best, most enjoyable games of the season. The first game, played on a Saturday afternoon, attracted a large crowd of Xorthwood supporters. Even so, at half-time we were ahead 2-0 on goals from Farrugia and Blackburn. But, with a superb rally, Xorthwood had tied the score by three-quarter time. During the next r^venty minutes, both teams killed themselves to get that elusive winning goal. Outstanding play by both goalies resulted in the whistle blowing on a 2-2 score.

6. The next day, a battered, almost dejected Ashbury team went to face what it thought was sure doom. But those last twenrv^ minutes of the day before were repeated for the full eighty minutes on this day. When Pottinger scored early in the second half, all mayhem broke loose. A grim, determined Xorthwood team put terrific pressure on the hard- fighting Ashbury team. These last few minutes were the best Ashburv played all season, and Me were rewarded with a narrow 1-0 victory.

7. This, the third and last meeting with Sedbergh was the triumph we had long waited for. Blackburn scored two, an.d Davidson, Farrusria, and Pottinger one each to win the game 5-1.

H. Our only game against Kemptville this season was a defensive master- piece. W'liile the forwards dilly-dallied and pussyfooted a mere three goals against this our weakest adversary of the season, the defence kept Kemptville to one shot! The goals were scored by Davidson (2) and

Farrugia (1 )

9. Our first game vs. R.M.C. was played in Kingston on a huge, wind- swept field, which had all the attributes of a freshly waxed floor. The only goal of the day rolled in our net with the force of the wind at its back, and no more. The tying goal could not come. On r\vo separate occasions open nets were missed. Lady Luck frowned on us that day. THE A S H li U Rl AN !3

10. In the return march Ashbury's supporters had the singular ex- perience of watching a team crumble before their very^ eyes. The mighty Ashbury machine appeared to need an oil change. Althouijh Davidson scored once, the right fullback scored an injudicious goal on his own net, which, coupled with two of R.M.C.'s own, lost us the CTame 3-1. THE TEAM

Player Age Home Pos. Go

D. .MacLaurin (Capt.) 19 Sturbridgc Goal

J. Cooper (\'icc-Capt.) 17 Ottawa L.D.

P. Noel-Bentley 18 Toronto R.D.

J. Wood 16 Ottawa L.H. D. McGaughey 15 Ottawa C.H.

P. U'ilson 17 Ottawa R.H.

G. Porringer 17 Renfrew L.W. 6

J. Tyler 16 Ottawa L.I. 1

R. Davidson 15 Ottawa C. 6

M. Farrugia 16 \'enezuela R.I. 6

R. Blackburn 17 Rosemere R.VV. 5 " A. Bechard 16 Ottawa Goal

P. Rex 17 Montreal L.H.

J. Lerch 17 Three Rivers R.H.

C. Ponrbriand 17 St. Eustache R.W.

D. Blaine 14 Ottawa L.I.

Scorers: Name Goals Games Average

G. Pottinger 6 9 .667 R. Davidson 6 10 .600 M. Farrugia 6 10 .600

R. Blackburn 5 10 .500

J. Tyler 1 10 .100

Goals For: — 24 Goals Against — 11

^G^^lD 54 THE ASH B U RI A X


B.ick Ro^i-: H. K. Rccd, I. H. Parker, D. R. Chalke, E. .Mcncmcncioglu, M. S. Polk,

R. L. Hyndman, R. J. Anderson, Esq.

Middle Rozi-: P. A. J. Hampshire, G. C. Greenstone, Capr., J. R. Sincthursr, A. G. S.

Podhradsky, Vice Capr., B. J. Cooper. Roiv: P. From W. J. Martin, J. D. H. Partrxigc, J. T. Brady. ,>* *««, ^^^M

4'< i ^


Back Ro%i-: G. B. Keffer, B. J. Berry, D. K. Flam, J. S. Levitz, R. B. Lo^ie. Middle Roiv: N. .M. Lvnn, B. K. Hillary, Esq., R. M. L. Smallian, G.^G. Tylee, P. R.

Dayidson, J. I. Berhune, S. M. O. Parker, R. H. Perry, Esq. Front Rov:: I. F. Wotherspoon, H. K. Pickens, M. C. Spencer, Vice Capt., C. A. Flood,

Capt., R. \\ Berry, I. M. Euing. HOCKEY FIRST TEAM

A new coach, new players, and a new season. Such was the situation at the beginning of the hockey year. The newness, however, did not adversely aifect the team, as the results proved; Mr. Hillary did a magnificent job in his position as coach, and the new players such as Kev Pickins and George Keffer more than filled the vacant spaces. The season opened with a pre-Christmas trvout game against our old rivals, Currie Electric, with the visitors emerging the winners by the tune of 9-8. This was followed bv out first victory of the season, a convincing win over KAS. Then the bad news started. A loss to St. Pats seemed to forebode the future. Two heartbreaking losses to LCC S6 THE ASH BURIAN and Lakefield hit the team hard, but as soon as we were down, a little spirit bounced us right back up again, and we defeated Currie Electric and Lachute. Next was the big question — could we beat Bishops? The answer was an enthusiastic YES, and the boys in purple went home the losers for the second time in three years.

Northwood School were the next players in our drama of hockey. We split our double header with this hard fighting school, and travelled to .Montreal the following week for a 2-0 win over Stanstead. Only one game remained, the Old Boys — quite a spirited bunch to say the least. Gone were the days when it was an easy victory, and the game ended in a S-S tie, due larq-ely to the outstanding goaltendins^ of Air.

J. Wedd. Thanks to Mr. Perry's generosity, a dinner was held at the Eastview Hotel, where the team presented Mr, Hillary with a handsome golf cart.

In conclusion, the team would like to thank Mr. Hillary for his fine coaching, Chris Flood and Mike Spencer for their fine 'Captaining', and Neil Lynn for his fine managing.


1. Vs. Currie Electric-LOST 9-8 December 3, 1960

Goals Scored by: Assists by: Pickens 4 Smallian 4

Berry 1 2 Berry I 2 Logic 2 Levitz 2

Bethune 1

Berry II 1

Goals Against: Penalties (in niimites):

Haslam— 1 Period 1 Berry 2

Stewart— 1 Period 4

Wotherspoon— 1 Period 4

2, Vs. Kemptville Agricultural School—WON 13-2 January 21, 1961

Goals Scored by: Assists by:

Berry 7 Berry I 4 Pickens 4 Flood 3

Smallian 1 Smallian _ „ 3

Logie 1 Spencer 2

Logie 1

Pickens 1

Tvlec 1

Goals Against: Penalties {in uiinutes):

Worherpsoon—2 Periods 1 Berry I 4 Lwing -1 Period 1 Flood _ _. 2 Tvlee _ 2 THE ASH li U Rl AN n

Vs. St. Pat's-LOSr 11-6 January 28, 1961 Goals Scored by: Assists by:

Smallian _ 2 Bcrrv I _ 3

Berry I 1 BcrrV II 1

Bcthunc 1 Bcthiiiie 1

Davidson II 1 Snialiian 1

Keffer II 1 Davidson II 1

Logic — 1 Goals Against: Penalties Cm viiniites):

Wotherspoon— > Periods 11 Berr\ I 4 Flood „ 2

4. \"S. Lower Canada College—LOST 7-4 Februarv 4, 1961 Goals Scored by: Assists by:

" Berry I -- .- . 3 Smallian 2

Pickens 1 Berry I 1

Pickens _ 1 il Logic _ 1 Goals Against: Penalties (in niimites): Ewing—I Period 4 Pickens 4

Wotherspoon—2 Periods 3 Berrv I - 2 Flood 2

Vs. Lakefield-LOST 7-2 February 6, 1961 Goals Scored by: Assists by:

Berry I ! Pickens

Pickens ...- Bethune_

Flood _- 1 Smallian _. ._ 1

Goals Against: Peiialties (hi minutes).

Wotherspoon—^3 Periods - 7 Berry I _.. ... 6 Flood _ ._ 2

Logic _ ... 2 i

Vs. Currie Electric- A\'ON 6-4 February 11, 1961 Goals Scored by: Assists by:

Berry I 2 Berrv I 3

Pickens 2 Pickens ...__ 2

Levitz 1 Smallian 2

Smallian 1 Spencer _.. 1 Logic 1

Bethunc 1

Goals Against: Penalties {in minutes): Wotherspoon— 3 Periods 4 Spencer 2 Flood 2 Levitz 2

7. V s. Lachute—\\'OX 15 February 18, 1961 Goals Scored by: Assists by: ". Berrv I 4 Pickens 6

Smallian .__ Berry I 5 Logic _... 3 Logic 3 Pickens 2 Smallian 2

Bethunc _ -_... 2 Keffer II 2

Keffer II 1 Bethune 1

Flood 1 Spencer 1 Goals Against: Penalties (in minutes):

Wotherspoon— Periods Berrv I --- 4 : - : - -

58 THE ASH B U Rl A \

8. \\s. Bishop's-WON 6-3 Februar\' 25, 1961 Goals Scored by: Assists by: 2 Berry I 3 Pickens Smallian 1 Smallian — 1 Bethune 1 Logic — 1 Flood 1 Goals Against: Penalties {in minutes): _ A\'()therspoon— 3 Periods 3 Berry I - 6 Flood .- _ - 4

Spencer - 2

Vs. Northvvood-WON 11-4 March 3, 1961 Goals Scored by: Assists by: 2 Berry I Berry I Pickens — 2 Pickens — 2 Spencer — 1 Keffer II - -.- 2 1 2 Logic - Smallian Logic _ — 1

Goals Against: P enalties ( in minut es ) I 2 VVotherspoon— 3 Periods - — 4 Berry — Flood _ - 2 Logic -. — 2

10. Vs. Northwood-LOST 8-4 March 4, 1961 Goals Scored by Assists by:

1 Berry I - 2 Berry I _.. -

Flood -- 1 Smallian — - 1 Smallian — 1 Pickens 1

Goals Against: Penalties {in ininutes): Wotherspoon— 3 Periods 8 Berry I 6

Flood _ - 4

Logic _ - 2

Pickens - - — 2

11. Vs. Stanstead-AA'ON 2-0 March 11, 1961 Goals Scored by: Assists by:

Keffer II 1 Spencer 2

Logic 1 Logic - I

Goals Against: Penalties {in jninutes):

Wotherspoon— 3 Periods Berrv I - 9 Flood _ 4 KeflFer II 4

Logic - 2 Pickens 2

\\s. Old Boys-TIED 5-5 March 17, 1961

Goals Scored by: Assists by:

Berry I Smallian 2

Logic Logic 1 Spencer _ 1 Bethune - 1

Goals Against: Penalties {in minutes): W'otherspoon- Periods Logic 4

Berry I 2 T HE ASH H U R I A \ 59


Games Plaved 12 Won 6 Lost 5 Tied I Pc nalties Name N umbe r Played (joals Assists Points (ii mins.;

1. R. Berry 7 12 36 21 57 43 t K. Pickens 13 10 16 16 32 8 3. R. Smallian 11 11 9 21 30 4. R. Logie 5 12 9 11 20 12 1 5. J. Berhune 11 4 6 10 ~ 6. M. Spencer 6 12 1 8 4 ) ~_ C. Flood 14 12 5 7 24 8. G. Keffer 17 11 3 4 7 4

9 J. Lexitz 9 4 1 2 3 2 ) 10 B. Berry 8 12 2 - 1 11 P. Davidson 10 1 1

12 G. Tylee 3 12 1 1 2

Goals For: 8 > Goals Against: 59

Periods Played Go als Against A verage

I. Wothersp jon 32 54 5.06

I. Ewing 2 5 7.50 GAME RECORD

1. vs. Curric Electric Lost 9-8 7_ vs. Lachute W on 15-4

-> vs. K.A.S. Won 13-2 8. vs. Bishop's Won 6-3 3. vs. St. Pat's Lost 11-6 9. \s. Norrhwood Won 11-4 4. vs. L.C.C. Lost 7-4 10. vs. ^orthwood Lost 8-4 -_t 5. vs. Lakefield Lost 11. \s. Stanstcad Won 2-0 6. vs. Currie Electric Wor 6-4 12. vs. Old Bovs Tied 5-S


Flood, Chris (Capt.) — Little was said but much was accomplished by the worthy successor to the Gamble brothers. Spencer, Mikf. (\'ice Capt.) — Playing a sixty minute game with or without bandages, .Mike Mas a pool of resourcefulness and good humour.

Berry, Bob — His record speaks for itself: most goals, most points, most

yaluable player and . . . most penalties . . . Pickens, Kevax — The .Most Improved Player proved to be R\ B"s excellent partner. Smallian, Robert — On the line with Kev and Bob, he lived up to our fullest expectations. W'otherspoox, Ian — Our Goalie. Large, merry and talented, he turned in a good performance in an exacting job. Logie, Richard — A model of endurance, courage and determination. Rich was our veritable '.Maurice'. Bethune, John - Speed, accuracy, and reliability; three qualities \\ hich John excelled in. Keffer, George — George moved himself willingly with the ability to take on the best. 60 THE ASH B URIAN

Levitz, Jamie — An early broken wrist cut short a season, which, from

the beginning, looked as if it might equal Berry's. Parker, Stuart — The backbone of the third line. Davidson, Pete — A darkhorse with skill and drive to match. Flam, Donald — As center for the third line, Don 'held up the middle'. Tylee, Gary — Our third and only other defenseman, Gary proved as stalwart as the rest. EwiNCJ, Iain — The strain of being sub-goalie did not bother our self-sure Iain. Berry, Bruck — As the team's small utility man, the younger R\^B proved his potential. Lynn, Neil — He handled the thankless job of manager 'like a pro'.


This year's second hockey team did not win a game, althoug^h no one would deny that the boys deserved this distinction on at least one occasion. In fact, there were several games in which the team showed its ability to play good hockey. Although the ingredients for winning games appeared to be present in this spirited squad, the scorebook did not show it. Nevertheless, the skill and sportsmanship shown by our boys should be an inspiration to any school team, whether a winner or a loser. Thanks are certainly due to the coach, once a great hockey player for Ashbury, Mr. Gil Molloy. The season's first game, against Lakefield, could be taken as an accurate preview of things to come. We \\'ere to plav^ faster and more powerful teams throughout the season. Our first game, fast and hard, was the first of our losses. Score was 5-3. There followed two contests wTth Gatineau High School, in ^hich we were again outclassed and beaten. Next came our three-game series with iVIr. William Ardell and his Sedberghian team-mates. The scores were 6-2, 7-3 and 5-5; the last of these three games, WE felt, was by far the best. In this game we played our best hockey of the season. There can never be enough words written al)out the trip to Hill- field. After a hard-fought game which we lost 4-0 \ve were treated to some of the more bewitching attractions of Hamilton social life, for which our repeated thanks arc due to John Mason, Bob Halls. "1 lomer", and their confederates. THE ASH B U Rl AN 61

sfassss mm

" II ii I III I I P Wl U IiiM H 'H i 'mi H Hip "'ffi p pi


Back RoTi-. H. P. Flam, P. H. Rowntree, D. M. Bovd, T. W. Marshall, S. M. O. Parker. Middle Rozv: S. E. Wooles, B. M. Chadderton, R. P/Wennbertr, C. B. Saxe, C. H. Mussells,

P. R. Davidson, J. D. H. Partridge, G. A. Molloy, Esq. Front Roiv: G. P. G. Haslam, C. R. Davidson, Co-\'ice Capt., P. E. Barakert, Capr.,

M. J. Copeland, Co-\'ice Capt., E. H. Stewart.

In closing this winless season the ream would once again like to thank our coach and the school for the support given.

Games Shots on Goal

)mc \'isitor Home \'isi

3 Lakefield 5 32 36 Gatineau 9 21 49

3 Gatineau 7 24 36 2 Sedbergh 6 20 31

3 Sedbergrh 7 24 33

5 Sedbergh 5 37 45 Hillfield 4 17 55 62 THE ASHBURIAN


Back Row: M. J. Galvin, Esq., T. L. MacDonald, R. L. Hyndnian, Capt., B. J. Cooper,

A. S. Leadman, I. H. Parker, H. K. Reed.

Fro7it Row. C. y. A. Browne, D. R. Nicholson, H. M. Schwartzman, D. A. J. Boyd, D. H. Saxe.

Absent: G. C. Cirecnstone. FlRSl Ski ILA.M

Back Roiv: D. F. Rhodes, Esq., K. H. Rawley, C. H. C. Grant, J. G. A. Tyler, G. D. Heggtveit.

Front Rozi-: M. R. Devlin, T. N. Coristine, Vice Capt., M. J. Kirkbride, Capt., J. D. Fisher. Absent: B. L. O'Brien, T. Anderson. SKIING

At the beginning of the winter term great things were not expected from the ski team. With only two of last year's team returning, the outlook was not at all bright. However, by dint of hard work coupled with plenty of enthusiasm, the team made a ver\' creditable showing every time they competed. The team, as a whole, competed in only two meets: the Dalton Wood, where we entered two teams, in which we made our usual top showing in the cross-country, and the Tri-School meet in which we finished third. However, almost every week-end would find various members of the team competing in Gatineau Ski Zone races, with varying degrees of success. As a result of these many competitions there were a number of injuries suffered this season. Kirkbride, the team captain,

suffered a concussion and Anderson I, a pronnsing newcomer, had the misfortune to break his leg. 64 THEASHBURIAN

The following awards were presented at the Easter Readover: The Evan Gill Trophy for the best individual skier went to Tim Coristine and the Ashbury College Cup for the most improved skier to Tony Anderson. Colours were awarded to Coristine and Devlin. At the closing the new Chris Coristine Memorial Trophy for the best cross- country skier in the school \\'ent, most fittingly, to Chris' brother Tim Coristine.

In closing, thanks should be given to Dave Rhodes, an Ashbury old boy, for his untiring efforts on behalf of the team. Also a word should be said for the younger members of the team who, if they improve as much as they did this year, will undoubtedly form the nucleus of future powerful teams.


This year was definitely not our year. Nine times a confident, spirited Ashbury team bounced onto the floor; nine times a crushed, dejected Ashbury team rolled into the dressing room. The one high- light of the season was the smashing defeat of the Ashbury ski team. Although the team was plagued with injuries, the main trouble was inexperience. This inexperience is evidenced by the fact that in no less than five games the team was ahead at quarter-time, but in only one game by half-time, and in none by full-time.

At the Easter Readover, the following awards were made: colours to Captain MacLaurin and Vice-Captain Mussells, the AIcA'Nulty Trophy for the most valuable player to MacLaurin, and the Snelgrove Trophy for the most co-operative and promising player to Gill.


Back Row: R. J. Anderson, Esq., R. J. Addleman, F. G. Oxlev, A. G. Bechard, A. F. Gill, P. C. Noel-Bcntley. Front Row: M. A. Farrugia, D. B. Mussells, Vice Cape, J. I). MacLaurin, Capt., R. G. Howith, R. R. Mclnnes.


Back Row. A. H. N. Snelgrove, Esq., D. L. Hunt, 1). R. Clialkc, M. E. Whipps, R. A. Lash, J. W. Wood, G. J. R. Moore. Frorit Row: A. D. Wood, P. W. Martin, \'icc Capt., J. J. M. Letch. Cant., \. G S • r Podhradsky, P. C. Hunt. Seated hi Front: P. M. Tinionin. R. J. Rcmsnvdcr. FIRST TEAM -



Front Ron-. Kclfer, Reed.

Back Roza: Coristine, Aiacmillan.


The annual cross-country races were held this year on Saturday morning, April 22, and once again we saw the enthusiastic participation of most of the healthy members of the school. There were no records broken this year, but the Seniors certainly provided a fair measure of excitement with Coristine (the winner of the Senior race), Fisher and

Devlin all coming over the finish line within a few seconds of each other.

Tabulated results:

Senior — 1. Coristine (Alexander) 27.47

2. Fisher (Connaught)

3. Devlin (Alexander)

Intermediate — 1. Keffer II (Alexander) 23.26 2. Rawley (Woollcombe)

3. Polk I (Connaught)

junior— 1. MacMillan (Connaught) 17.13

2. Mackenzie II (Alexander)

3. Welland (Connaug^ht)

Under 11 Reed III (Connaught) 9.08 Deutsch (Alexander) Cosh (Alexander) Total Points: Alexander — 54 Connaught — 461 Woollcombe— 29i TENNIS TEAM \'. R. J. Anderson, Esq., J. I. Bethune, A. F. Gill, R. Berry, Capt., H. K. Pickens,

J. D. MacLaurin, B. K. Hillary, Esq. Absent: R. M. L. Smallian. TENNIS

This spring tennis proved itself to be the most popular of the term's activities. Once again courts were provided through the kindness of the Rockcliffe and Rideau Lawn Tennis cUibs. The large field was divided into two squads, the A se]uad which plaved at Rockcliife under the supervision of Air. Anderson and .Mr. Hillary, and the B squad at Rideau under .Mr. Pemberton. The annual match against Xorthwood School, of Lake Placid, X.Y. was played at Lake Placid on .Monday, June 22nd. The team, taken from the xA squad, consisted of Berry, the team captain; Pickens, Gill, Bethune and Smallian. This year, a friendly golf match was arranged between those of the tennis team who played golf and representatives from Northwood. This match was plaved on the Lake Placid Club course and although the team, despite being strengthened by the presence of Hyndman, did not distinguish itself, the competition was thoroughly enjoyed by all who participated. The tennis was played the following day and here again, although there were some close, hard-fought battles, Pickens was the only member of the team who managed to come through with a victory. The school championship, open to members of both A and B squads with almost 30 players participating, was run otT during the last few weeks of the term. Berry and Pickens emerged as the finalists and after a very tough game Berry was crowned the victor for the third year in a row. In closing, mention must be made of the school's new asphalt court, N\'hich was laid down over the old clay court this spring. This has given a great boost to tennis at Ashbury, and we hope that it points the way to more improvements m the future. FIRST CRICKET TEAM

Noel-Bentley, I. F. Back Row: N. M. Lynn, J. R. Smethurst, A. G. Bechard, P. C.

Wotherspoon, P. W. J. Martin. Fro7n Row: C. R. Davidson, G. P. G. Haslam, S. G. R. Pottinger, Vive-Capt., M. A.

Farrugia, Capt., M. J. Kirkbride, J. G. A. Tyler. FIRST CRICKET

Could this be the year for the cricket team? Might we have a team that could beat Bishops twice? These were typical questions during winter nets when the blocking strength of Tyler and Smethurst; the all round hitting and bowling of All-Canadian Farrugia; the hitting power of Pottinger and Logic and Kirkbride; the possible improvement of Lynn and Haslam, and the promise of newcomers Parker and

Wotherspoon made the team look about as good as it had ever been. True, gone were Reiskind and Goodis; gone too was Tucker, but with Wotherspoon, Parker, Farrugia and Haslam, the bowling looked strong. But that was before the season. Early in the year, the myth about bowling ended quickly. Wotherspoon could be used only sparingly, and Parker bowled but nine overs throughout tlie year. Haslam pulled a back muscle after bowling Ottawa's best batter, and the bowling fell squarely on the shoulders of Mike Farrugia. Fortunately one Alan Bechard turned up, and for the rest of the season, Bechard and Graham Pottinger handled most of the bowling at the 'other' end.

Our batting, however, looked promising. In the first game, Farrugia having gone out cheaply, Kirkbride aiid Haslam made a stand, providing the stimulus for Logic's fifty, but from then on, the batting just wasn't. Somehow, \\ hcrher it was luck, or inexperience, the bats- men could never stay up long cnougii to get any runs, excluding, of course, several notable occasions when several runs were scored. THE ASHBURIAN 69

So, we didn't heat Bishops, hut w hat of next year? Pottinger, Logic, Sniethurst, Hashim, Lynn, Tyler, Bechard, Davidson and Parker will be back, and possihh' Bishops niav once again fall victim to an Ashbury cricket team.

1. vs Cathedral CC Ashburv-140 Cathedral—65 Won 2. vs Defense CC Ashbury— 25 Defense- 153 Lost

3. vs Bishops Ashhurv— 34 B.C.S.-63 Lost 4. vs Bishops Ashbury— 41 B.C.S.-129 Lost 5. vs International Ashbury-2-N\V International—67 Draw 6. vs R.AI.C Ashbury-117 R..M.C-93 Won 7. vs Old Boys Ashbury- 50 Old Boys-93 Lost


Won-2 Lost-4 Drawn— 1,



FIRST CRICKET XI Batting: Name Innirigs Runs Not Out High Score Average -) 1. Logic 8 116 53 19.35

2. Kirkbride 8 82 34 10.25

3. Farrugia 8 62 1 22 8.86 4. Lynn 6 24 2 18 6.00

5. Haslam 6 22 2 10 5.50

6. Pottinger 7 32 1 10 5.33

7. Davidson 7 22 1 10 3.66

8. Parker 5 15 7 3.00

9. Sniethurst 8 18 1 7 2.57 10. Tyler 8 16 5 2.00

1 1 . Noel-Bentley 5 7 1 2 1.75 12. Bechard 5 6 5 1.20

13. Copeland 2 2 1 0.50

14. A\'otherspoon 4 1 1 0.25 Bowling: Name Overs Maidens Runs Against Wi ckets Average

1. Farrugia 115 28 213 36 5.92 1 2. Logie 3 12 6.00

3. Bechard 41 11 115 11 10.45

4. Parker 9 1 38 3 12.60

5. Pottinger 19 4 47 3 15.66 6. Davidson 30 2 88 5 17.60 7. Haslam 16 73 4 18.25

8. AVotherspoon 4 31 1 31.00

-> 7 9. Lynn / Catches: Name Number 1. Farrugia 2. Bechard

3. Kirkbride 4. Parker 5. Logie 6. Noel-Bentley 7. Haslam 8. Pottinger 9. Tyler Wicket-Keeping Name Innings Catches Stumpin gs Bves

Logie 6 1 1 13 Pottinger -) 4 Game Results Won Tied Lost 2 1 4 UNDER 16 CRICKET TEAAT

Back Rozi-: C. P. Roberts, P. A. J. Hampshire, D. A. R* G. Browning, S. E. W'ooles,

R. J. Addleman, \'ice-Capt. From Rotv: W. P. M. Samples, G. .M. Samples, J. T. Brady, J. D. H. Partridge, Capt., L R. Andrew, C. A. G. Lodge. hi Front: H. R. Campbell.


This has been a rather disappointing season. Many players eligible for our team were called upon to play for the First Eleven. Their success in that team was a great credit to them but it left us with a very young inexperienced group. We opened the season with a win against the Ottawa Colts but a strong Bishop's Team was too much for us both at home and away although the bowling of Addleman and Samples II was determined and effective. At Ashbury Sedbergh defeated us handsomely after our batting had collapsed wretchedly but in the return match we had a closer game. W'e managed to get 46 runs (Addleman 15, Samples II 11). We were in a strong position with Sedbergh 6 wickets doMn for 30 runs, when some fine hitting gave them victory and their innings closed at 54. The most promising members of the team were Partridge (Capt.)

Addleman. and Samples I and II. They are all young and have the beginnings of an attractive batting st\'Ie. They all have a sound defen-

sive stroke which is rare enough in this level of cricket. Next year they will be with us and with greater size and experience they should realize their promise and perhaps help to avenge this season's defeats. 12 THE ASHBURl AN


Back Row. B. K. Hillary, Esq., M. R. Devlin, J. A. Walker, H. E. Stewart, P. C. Hunt,

AI. S. Polk, R. J. Anderson, Esq. Front Row. W. G. Strickland, I. Ai. Ewins;, Vice-Capt., R. R. .Mclnnes, Capt., D. L. Hunt, G. B. Keffer.


This year the GMIAA track meet was for the seven-man Ashburv squad, characterized by an all-round team effort, every member making his contribution. Ashbury boys were entered in four of the five age classes, and the competition was fiercer than e\er, approximately 700 athletes taking part in the meet.

The team captain. Rod Mclnnes, placed an excellent 5th in a field of 17 in the Class 3 880 yard with a time of 2 mm. 1 1.2 sec. This was especially fine running when it is understood that Rod had suffered a serious knee injury playing basketball this winter. His doctor had said he wouldn't be able to run at all this spring. THE ASH B U Rl AN 13

Iain Ewing made the best showing oi the day tor the Ashbury team. Last off the starting blocks, Iain broke the tape a stride ahead of the pack in the 100 yard dash, with a winning time of 10.6 sec. In the broad- jump, his first leap measured 18'6" and this earned him a 3rd place ribbon. A pulled thigh muscle forced him to scratch the 220 yard and the hop-step-and-jump.

In Class 1, Michael Polk also had a fine day. He placed fourth in the 220 yard final (he had a time of 25.1 sec. in the semi-final), and broadjumped 15'6" for a 6th place.

Dave Hunt's lot was not so happy, and despite his fine running, he was 3rd in both the Class 4 100 yard and 220 yard semi-finals. Unfortunately, only the first two went into the final. However, his brother Peter came 3rd in the Class 2 100 yard final with a time of 11.1 sec. after winning his semi-final. Keffer II also ran an excellent 880, in crossing the finish line 8th in a field of 23, clocked at a fast 2 min. 18.4 sec. Finlay, brought up from the Junior School, showed well with a 3rd in the Class 2 semi-final (only one into the final) and in being a 220 yard semi-finahst.

This year the team made a balanced effort, and each member con- tributed to the overall success of the w^hole. A fine showing by all I


This was Connaught's year— as may be seen from the tabulation below. Although the year around competition was won by a \\'ide over-all margin, many of the games in their respective sports were closely contested and aroused the usual excitement and partisan enthusiasm.

Sport Winner Senior Soccer Connaught Intermediate Soccer Woollcombe Junior Soccer Connaught Senior Hockey Connaught Intermediate Hockey Connaught Junior Hockey Connaught Senior Cricket \\ oollcombe Junior Cricket Connaught Cross Country Alexander

Sports Day (Senior) Alexander (Junior) Connauijht 14 THE ASH B U RIAN


Back Row: I. R. Andrew, K. H. Rawley, P. R. Davidson.

Front Row: F. G. Oxley, C. F. Bray, Capt., R. J. Anderson, Esq., I. M. Ewing, M. R. Devlin. GYM

Once again the gymnavsium, which Mr. Anderson "rules as his demesne" has made its valuable contribution to the general health and muscular development of the School. As the Duke of Wellington was alleged to have said that the battle of Waterloo was won upon the playing fields of Eton, so we may say that many a victory on field or ice has been won upon the floor of the gymnasium. There are, of course, gym periods included in the regular routine of the whole school, but during the latter part of the winter term Mr. Anderson conducted extra classes on Monday and Friday evenings for those who were ambitious to make the team. The season culminated in the display of P.T. and apparatus work (box and parallel bars) on Cadet Inspection Day. The performance was highlighted by "single" demonstrations bv Mr. Anderson (Instruc- tor), Bray (Captain), and Ewing, but the entire show was notable for the excellence in achievement, form and control of all participants. THE ASH B U Rl AN 15 THE OLD BOYS^ SECTION


It seems appropriate that some mention, admittecil\- belated, should be made here of last year's Old liovs' Dinner. Journalistic deadlines being what they are — unpredictable — the 1960 Ashburian had gone to press before the dinner was held. This was a particularly festive occasion. .More than 75 members of the Old Boys' Association, Board of Governors and staff, gave a standing ovation to A. D. Brain on the completion of 25 years of teach- ing at Ashbury. The Old Boys also presented Mr. Brain with a silver cigar box and a substantial cheque. Mr. Charles Gale, on behalf of the Board of Governors, made the presentation ot a beautiful clock. Tributes were voiced by those present to Mr. iirain's devotion to the school, and letters and telegrams were received from all across Canada. In his address to the dinner, Mr. Brain described his 25 years on the staff of the school as a rewarding experience, and said that it w as a "good thing" for him when he applied for a job there. lie said when he had come to x\shbury he had found a school "full of tradition, yet yearning for growth". He said that steady growth had^made Ashbury the sixth private school in Canada in terms of budget and enrolment, and he praised the four headmasters under whom he had served for their dedication to the school. Principal address was made by A. B. R. Lawrence. The annual reunion was arranged by ^^'. E. Slattery, chairman of the Old Boys' Committee.

Old Boys' Reunion -Ottawa, June 20, 1960 Those who signed were: Charles Gale J. L. Fleck R. G. R. Lawrence H. B. Moffatt D. L. Polk A. C. Evans W. E. Slattery E. T. Mulkins R. G. Rose ' L. H. Sibley Bruce Hillary W. G. Ross

Reg Gisborne Richard Kemp J. M. Grant John Hopkins R. H. Sauvier k. H. Perry David Scott L. Lozano Peter Smellie Ian Scott Keith Davidson Campbell Merrett John Gill D. MacLaren L. Ward Dal Brodhead L. F. G. Hart L. C Hart John Chamard Robert Thomas John Rowan-Legg

.VI. David Matthews J. L. Nesbitt Grant David Hooper Chris Nowakowski W. J. Hadley Jim Wedd G. A. WooUcombe \^ic Rivers Angus \\'ilson Jeff Dodge J. S. Irvin 16 THE ASHBURIAN THE REUNION

Ottawa. Held on Saturday, November 12th, the pattern was perforce varied by the omission of the annual football game of School 1st Team vs. Old Boys. The cancellation was made necessary by the many injuries sustained bv the School during the season's play. However, the usual Noon Refreshments and the excellent Lunch- eon, convened bv the Aiothers' Guild, were provided as usual. At 8.00 p.m. the Buffet Supper Dance was held in Argyle Assembly Hall, was well attended, not only by Old Boys, but by many parents and friends of the School. This cheery event was enjoyed by most of those present to the top of their bent, and by some even farther.

Montreal. The Annual Old Boys' Montreal Reunion was held on December the 3rd, 1960 at the LaSalle Hotel. A larger gathering of Old Boys than usual enjoyed the refresh- ments. The cuisine, directed by our Old Boy parent Victor Fascio, surpassed previous superb efforts. One of the highlights of the food was a huge cake bearing the Ashbury crest and motto.

Short speeches w^ere given by the Montreal Committee and the Headmaster.

This annual event in Montreal is rapidly becoming an outstanding Old Boys' feature of the year.

Old Boys' Reunion — Montreal

Those who signed the book this year were: W. A. Grant H. N. Blakeney George Woollcombe W. D. Benson Chris West Victor Fascio E. L. Clarke Rev. E. G, Kettleborough Bob Moore Paul Riddell K. Jobling J. Jim Oppe F. W. Baer Michael Birchwood Mike Curry John Rockingham Bill Draper G. K. Cushing Jim Wedd Campbell Merrett R. H. Perry J. M. Grant J. B. Reynolds Phillip W oollcombe jMike Bishop John Gill C. R. Burrows John Yates Harold Stanficld ]?ill Weeks David Flam Jay Ronalds Bill Foulkes Craig Kamcke Henry Eschauzier D. C. Southam Ray Boutin Laurie C. Hart Laurie Hart George MacLaren Rodney Howland

Toronto. Old Boys living in the Toronto area gathered at the Park Pla/a Hotel on February 3rd, 1961 for their annual get together. THEASHBURIAN 77

Once again this Mas an interesting event with a wide range of Old Boy vintages in attendance. The most august member present was Sir Charles Tupper of the entrance class of 1891 which was the first year of Ashbury's operation. Laurie Hart, Sr., from Montreal, representing the Governors, gave a short talk, with the Headmaster summarizing the current school activities.

Though the members attending the Toronto Reunion are never large, those \\ho turned up feel that this is one of the better Old Boy events of the year.

Old Boys' Reunion — Toron lo

Those who signed the book were: R. G. Bidwell G. Unwin iMike Gorman Charles Tupper L. F. C. Hart j^ j^ Perrv Stephen \\'oollcombe C.G.Hart Mike W'iddrington Terry Devine '^''^^^ '^^^^^^X S. Hore David Gamble Bob Pennington


We are very grateful to the Old Boys for having sent us such a large number of letters and cards bringing us up to date on their various activities. This information makes up the main body of the Old Boys' section.

C. Tupper, 1897 —On June 18th, a very interesting note was received from Mr. Charles Tupper who attended Ashbury in the days when it was known as Ashbury House School. He was a student at A.H.S. from 1891 to 1897 and had the honour of being the first Ashburv bov to graduate from McGill University. He graduated from McGill in 1901 with a Bachelor of Science Degree.

D. McInnes, 1920 -The Bank of Nova Scotia has announced the elec- tion of Donald McInnes, Q.C., to its Board of Directors. Mr.

McInnes is president of the Canadian Bar Association and is a senior partner in the firm of McInnes, Cooper and Robertson of Halifax. He is also President of the Eastern Trust Co. and a former member of Ashbury's Board of Governors.

Company has announced the J. B. Morgan, 1929- The Hudson's Bay Montreal as a director of the com- election of J. Bartlett Morgan of pany and member of the Canadian Committee of the Board. Mr. Morgan has been President of Henry Morgan & Co. Limited since 1956 and will continue to serve that company as Chairman of its Board. IS THE ASHBURIAN

P. B. Smellie, 1931 —Air. Peter B. Sniellie has been appointed to the position of Assistant General Manager, Ottawa, in the firm of R. L. Grain Limited. Mr. Smellie joined the company in 1946 and has had wide experience in both sales and purchasing divisions.

H. \\. Price, 1945 — Harold W. Price has been appointed to the Board of Directors of Toilet Laundries Limited. He is also associated with Price Brothers Sales Gorp. of New York Gity.

R. B. Kemp, 1955 — The Travelers Insurance Gompanies of Hartford Gonn,, have recently announced the appointment of Richard B. Kemp as their representative in the sale of Life, Accident and Health insurance in the Ottawa area.

G. P. Robertson, 1934 — The name of George Perley-Robertson was included in the annual New Year's list of Queen's Gounsels. Mr. Perley-Robertson resides in Ottawa and is a member of the firm of Gowling, MacTavish, Osborne & Henderson.

L. S. Magor, 1934 — During the Winter Term, Mr. L. S. Magor was guest speaker at a regular Monday luncheon meeting of the Rotary Glub of Ottawa. Mr. Magor is President of Retor Developments Ltd. and Magor Aviation Ltd. and is the inventor of the MIMIK TRAGER, an ingenious device which has gone a long way toward the automation of machine shops.

J. T. Wilson, 1925 —During the AVinter Term, Dr. J. Tuzo AA'ilson, Professor of Geo-Physics at the L^niversitv of Toronto, was guest speaker at a regular luncheon meeting of the Ottawa A\'omen's Canadian Glub. The theme of Dr. AVilson's address was "How International is Science?"

Murrey Hogben, 1954—Once a prolific artist for the Ashburian, is now employing his considerable creative talents as a scriptwriter and research interviewer for the well-known GBG television program, "701". Prior to his appointment to this position this spring, Murray had been working w^ith GBG in the Audience Relations division for several years. We arc sure iMurrav must receive more than ordinary inspiration from his beautiful wife, the former Alia Rauf.


Rockingham, 1956 — John Rockingham, who graduates from McGill University this year with tlic degree of B. Eng., received a scholar-

ship from the Military Engineers' Association of Canada. It is a THE ASH B L' RI AN 19

memorial scholarship, in mcmorv of the W ar dead, and is given to Engineering students in their graduating year for proficiency in academics and leadership in student activities.

G. MacLaren,1956 — G. MacLaren graduates from McGill University this year with a Bachelor of Arts degree.

G. Gran r, 1956 — Gregor Grant graduates from McCiill University this year with a B.Sc. degree.

twins, are Gamble S. and J., 1960— The Gamble Sammy and John, reported to be getting along extremely well at University. The

former is in first year Engineering at U.N.B. and the latter in first year Commerce at Mount Allison.

E. Clark, 1953 — Eric Clark graduates from .McGill University this year with a B.C.L. degree.

D. Hanson, 195 3 — David Hanson obtained his Masters' Degree in Business Administration from Columbia University in June 1960.

G. P. Jackson — AA'ord has just been received that Graham P. Jackson, B.A., a former Head Boy and member of our teaching staff, was presented with the Charles McBurney Pri^e for Practice Teaching at the Graduation Exercises held recently at Bishop's University, Lennoxville, P.Q.

\'. Fascio — \\t are pleased to report that Mctor Fascio has been awarded a scholarship by McGill University based on his 1960 entrance examination. Congratulations Victor!

T. H. Merrett, 1960 — Timothy H. Merrett, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. C Merrett of Senneville, Quebec has been awarded an Ontario Scholar- ship for having obtained an average of at least 80 per cent on eight Grade 13 papers written in June of this year. Timothy has also been awarded the Eric Horsey May Scholarship for distinguished work at School by Queen's University where he plans to continue his studies.

M. B. Bishop — Michael Brendon Bishop has been awarded a Britannia Service Scholarship by the Royal Air Force to cover his continuing academic career at University. This Scholarship is a competitive

one which is awarded to sons of deceased R.A.F. personnel for academic proficiency achieved during pre-university schooling.

has P. MARLAND-Paul Marland. son of Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Marland, won a Naval Cadetship. This award is made on a selection basis and permits pre-university students to attend a university or military- college under the terms of the Regular Officer Training Plan or the \ enture Plan. 80 THE ASH BURIAN VITAL STATISTICS


Brouse-Jamiesox — On October 15th, I960, in Chalmers United Church, Ottawa, Dianne Jamieson to Robert Finley Brouse. Charbonneau-McNeill — On October 15 th, 1960, in Westboro United Church, Gayle McNeill to David Allan Charbonneau. Guy-Croal — On February 27th, 1961, in St. Thomas the Apostle Church, Ottawa, Barbara Croal to Peter David Guy. Gill-Grant — On iMay 27th, 1960, in St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church, Ottawa, Caroline Evelyn Grant to Christopher Laurie Gill. Abbot-Korre — On June 25th, in Trinity Memorial Church, Montreal, Urve Korre to Lewis William Abbot '53. Alexandor-Singer — On July 3rd, in Park Avenue Synagogue, New York, Madeleine Singer to David Freiman Alexandor '51. FRASER-DA\"i^ — On July 9th, in Magdalen College Chapel, Oxford, England, Penelope Amanda Davy to John MacLeod Eraser '52. Heeney-Horton — On August 22nd, in All Saints AngHcan Church, Ottawa, Barbara Ann Horton to Frederick Sheesley Heeney '50. McCulloche-Choquette — On September 24th, in Sacred Heart Church, Ottawa, iMartha Choquette to Allan McCuUoch '52.

Mulkins-Charboneau — On May 28th, in Ottawa, Jill Charboneau to Edward Tormey iVIulkins '56. Kerr-Shultz — On October 8th, in Trinity Lutheran Church, Edmon- ton, Jean Anne Shultz to David Ross Kerr '51.


Jackson — At Toronto, on March 13th, Mr. Lawrence W. Jackson '16. Our deepest sympathy is extended to Mr. Jackson's family. Rees — At Ottawa, on September 30th, John Mansel Rees who was a master at Ashbury from September 1954 to September 1958. Our deepest sympathy goes out to his wife, Mrs. Peggy Rees, who survives. Tremain — At iMinneapolis, Minnesota, on iMay 24th, Kenneth PL Tremain, O.B.E., '23. During his years at Ashbury Ken was an outstanding athlete and later went on to R.M.C. and McGill Uni-

vcrsit)^ to excel even further in both Football and Hockey. Ken is survived by his wife, a daughter, two sons and a brother, A. E. D. Tremain, to whom we extend our deepest s\'mpathy. Coristine — On May 2nd, 1961, Christopher Coristinc '60, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Coristine of Montreal, as the result of a disaster at

sea. Our deepest sympathy is extended to Christopher's family who survive. THE ASH R U Rl AN W

Dennis — On March 1 3rh, 1961, Michael Jan Dennis, in the Ottawa Civic Hospital. Our deepest s\iiipath\' goes out to his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dennis who survive.

MuLHALi. — On October 1st, 1960, Mrs. Hope Mulhall, Junior Matron

at the School at the time of her death. Our deepest s\ inpathv is extended to the members of her immediate familv.

Oliver — On April 2()th, 1961, Mr. Frederick OHver, Maintenance Superintendent at Ashburv for 40 vears, at Streetsville, Ont. Our deepest sympathy goes out to the members of his family. Taschereau — On or about March 25th, 1961, Maurice Taschereau '22, in Majorca. Mr. Taschereau's father was a former Chief Justice of

the Supreme Court of C>anada. Me is survived by his widow, tiie former Mrs. Julia Strauss Combier of New York City. Wilson — On August 19th, 1960, Mr. John H. \\'ilson '26, in \\'est- mount, P.Q. He is survived by his widow, Mrs. John H. Wilson to whom we extend our deepest sympathy. GENERAL INTEREST D. M. \\'ooDS, 1930 — We were very pleased to receive a visit from David M. \\'oods, President of Gordon MacKay & Co. Limited of Toronto.

R. S. Morris, 1915— A\'e wish to congratulate Mr. R. S. Morris of .Marani & Morris, Toronto, Ont., on being awarded the Royal Gold Medal for Architecture. This is only the second time in 42 years that the award has been received by a Canadian. Mr. Morris is a former member of our Board of Governors.

J. S. Irvin graduated from McGill University J. S. Irvin, 1956— Jr., who in June 1960 with a B.A. Degree, has signed a try-out contract with the Ottawa Rough Riders Football Club for the 1961 season. He

is presently employed M'ith the Canadian Bank Note Co. Ltd. in Ottawa. T. E. FiNLAY, 1956 — Terence Edward Finlay was ordained Deacon in the Church of God, St. Paul's Cathedral, London, Ont., on May 23rd, 1961. D. Flam, 1958 — David Flam played Senior Intercollegiate Hockey this year with the McGill Redmen. He also served as a member of the Students Athletic Council. \\ Fascio and Bob Moore, 1959 — Mctor Fascio and Bob Moore have done extremely well in the theatrical world this year. They are both attending McGill University and appeared in "Experimentals '61", the McGill Players Club production of "Under Milkwood", and the Inter-Varsity Dramatic League production "The People Are Not ^^'ith Us". The latter production won three awards in competition at London, Ont., including the "best Canadian play" 82 THE ASH B U RIAN

ride. In addition, Bob Moore was one of the male leads in the 1961 Red and White Revue. C. TupPER, 1947 — In reply to a letter of inquiry addressed to iMr. Charles Tupper of the class of 1897 we are advised that he inherited a family baronetcy from his cousin, Charles Stewart Tupper, who died in July 1960. Congratulations Sir Charles!

191 1 — October 3rd of this year we were delighted J. F. E. Gendron, On lives in retire- to have a visit from Col. J. F. E. Gendron who now ment in Alarshfield. Vermont, U.S.A. Col. Gendron who attended Ashbury during its period of relocation, Argyle Avenue to Rock- cliffe Park, was an outstanding athlete during his years at Ashbury and had the honour of being the first student to have his name inscribed on the Fleming Cup, emblematic of the Senior Track and Field Championship. The Fleming Cup was presented to the School in 1910 by Mrs. S. H. Fleming.

E. P. Taylor Esq., 191 1 — E. P. Taylor Esq. was recently elected to the Board of Governors of McGill University. As a prominent McGill Alumni, he will represent the McGill Graduates Society on the Board.

G. A. WooLLCOMBE, 1920 — Capt. G. A. Woollcombe, R.C.N, is pre- sently on retirement leave from the Royal Canadian Navy. A son of Ashbury's Founder, Canon G. P. Woollcombe, Capt. Wooll- combe has been a prominent and active member of our Board of Governors. He has promised to let us know when he has decided upon his place of retirement. E. H. L. Burpee, 1927 — Mr. E. H. L. Burpee, partner in the accounting firm of Milne, Honeywell and Burpee, was recently named Acting- Treasurer of the Town of Eastview.

J. E. Fauquier, 1927 — John E. Fauquier was recently appointed Direc- tor of the Aviation Department of Edgar T. Alberts Limited. As Air Commodore Fauquier during World War II, he had the honour of commanding the Dam Buster Squadron and was awarded the D.S.O. and two Bars, D.F.C. and two Bars, the Croix de Guerre and Palm and made a Chevalier of the Legion of Honour.

J. L. Lawson, 1952 — On July 18th we received a note from Mr. John Lawson who, at that time, was stationed in Germany with the 1st Glosters. He sent his best wishes to the School and asked to be remembered to his many Ashbury friends. S. Woollcombe, 1957 — Steven W^ooUcombc, grandson of Ashbury's Founder, Canon G. P. Woollcombe, has returned to the University of Toronto after a year's absence. After completing his first year at Toronto, he obtained special permission to take his second year at Laval L^nivcrsity in Quebec. This he completed entirely in the French lanijuatje. THE ASH B U Rl AN S3 PREFECTS

NOKL-BENTLEV, PETER: ''Gods are not born; they are made by universal hallucination^ Pete has been here too long. He has risen from an obnoxious Junior to an egotistical head-boy, a ijosition in which he revels. However, it is to his glory that his subjects "do love, honour, and most obey him". Though tops in academics, about his sports record he is justifiably modest. He played on the First Soccer, First Basketball, and First Cricket Teams, on which, respectively, he scored a goal on his own side, warmed the bench, and watched. He was an "active" member of the Cadet Corps, but as far as participating in "active" work, he was a superior officer with many persons at his disposal.— Need I say more? During his soare time, he could be found either serving in the chapel or reading Andre Gide in the common room. But may I state that in neither case does he practice what he preaches (I think). This summer Peter plans to spend in Europe, and on his return he will enter the Uni\ersity of Toronto. We are sure that if he uses as much energy studying in the fall as he does holidaying in the summer, he will never have any trouble. We look forward to great things from you, Peter. Good luck!

SPENCER, MICHAEL: 'Wlarry her, and at the end of a laeek you'll find no more inspiration in her than in a plate of cold muffins.''' In only three years, Mike has advanced from an inferior product of an inferior school to one of The School's co-head boys, and to its Com- manding Officer of the Cadet Corps. In both capacities, he proved himself worthy of the name, "The Voice". And as Cadet Major, his never-failintr guidance led the Corps to a well-above-average rating. In sports, Mike showed himself to be a two-letter man as he vice-captained the school's First Football and Hockey Teams. Even in social life, after a min*r set- back, "brother" Mike forged ahead to greater fields of conquest. In the common room, Michael was seldom out-shouted, and his genial roars endeared him to all. Next year Carleton has the deafening prospect of containing him. There he will take an Aits course, and we wish him well.

FARRUGIA, MICHAEL: ''They never taste ivho alu-ays drink; They alti-ays talk ivho never think." Deported for the ninth consecutive year from the republic with the sunn>- clime, Mike returned to Ashbury's ivy walls for his final year. He served as a stalwart sixth of the Upper Sixth, and joined the hierarchy of the Common Room as Captain of the Boarders. Mike earned no laurels in the social circles, but did car%e his name in Ashbury's Athletic Hall of Fame: in the autunvn, he captured the "Most Valuable Player" Award on the First Soccer Team; in winter, he was an outstanding member of the perfectly defeated First Basketball Team; and in spring, when he could spare time from his studies, he captained the First Cricket XI for the second year. Mike's cricket ability has earned him a place on the Canadian Colts' Cricket Team, which is touring England this summer,— a great honour indeed, and we all wish him the best of luck in this venture. Our loss will be either McGill's or Toronto's gain. Our loss is not to be despaired, however, for another Farrugia has been sighted in the depths of Arg\'le, and this one is reported to have teeth, .•^t any rate, Mike, we wish you success in all your undertakings.

BUTCHER, .MICHAEL: "Whenever I feel like ii-orking,

I lie dozivi until the shock zi-ears off.''

Mike, "the littlest bearskin of them all", returned to school this year heralded by the dubious honour of being a prefect and the form monitor of Upper VI. Although not the best sportsman, he did play on the Second Football Team, and coached the Second Ski Field to a winter of fvm. Come the spring, however, he forfeited sports for study, study for a "fairer" pastime. Mike was one of the social leaders of the school, an organizer of the school dances, and the Common Room jokester. .Mike, as lieutenant of the No. 2 Platoon, did a surprisingly good job. Next year Mike planned to go to R.M.C., Carleton, and McGill, and now plans to attend C.M.R. Wherever he ends up, we wfsh him the best of luck! 84 THE ASHBU RIAN

COOPER, JOHN: ''The \vedlock of 7?iinds ivill be greater tha?i that of bodies."

Coop has been cooped up in Ashbury now for four years, and in that time he has grown from a gangUng hirsute kid to a gangling hirsuter youth. But underneath this l)usliy outward mien is a walking emotion. Indeed, this profile might be aptly titled "Portrait of a Poor Passion- jjacked Prefect". He insists that his jiassion is pvuely of the mind, but, as if to disprove it, he quotes from the outre works of even outre-er authors, such as Dylan Thomas and Dafydd ap Gwilym, whose works one must have misty eyes to begin with in order to appreciate. In the autumn term, he burned these passions by playing on the stalwart defense of the First Soccer Team, which he vice-captained. Winter saw him restless, and by spring he was forced to study. In the way of cadets, his official position was co-adjutor to the adjutant, but in reality he marked time for the entire year. This summer John is working for Computing Devices of Canada, Ltd. Whether he computes or devises, we wish C.D.C. luck. Next year, with a wee bit of luck and a few marks, John will attend Trinity College, U. of T., where he will pick up a B.A. in preparation for a medical degree. Physician, heal thyself!

FLOOD, CHRIS: ''His thoughts have a high aim, though they dzvell in a hutiible heart"

Chris, christened Flash by the boys, is completing his fourth and final— but—one year at Ashbury. In the past year he has gathered the rich harvest of glory in Ashbury's siJorts' fields. In the autumn, he was the First Football Team's outstanding lineman, and was awarded colours for his fine job; and in the winter. Captain Flood led his First Hockey Team to a very fine season, including the smear of one Bishop's College. But although the name Flood is usually associated with sport, Chris is going to end up with no sick Matric, and has assured himself a berth in next year's Upper VI. When not sporting or studying. Flash enjoys his leisure hours apartying. Though pretty seedy at formal school, who'd ever think that, while apartying. he'd turn the School Formal "seedy"? We forgive Flash for his bird-like instincts, but hope that ne.\t year hard work will ground him for awhile. At any rate, we wish him luck—lots of it— for next year's grind, and for that of the years to come too.

GILL, ALAN: "When the cat's away, the mice will play."

Everybody's pal Al is completing his fifth and second-last year at Ashbury. During the year, he covered himself with glory, beginning with being made Captain of the Day Boys among the elite prefect group, and ending with receiving an M.L.T.S.— a feat indeed in Grade XII. Not to be con- fined to mere academics and responsibilities, he gave sport his all, and ended up with First Football colours and the Snelgrove Trophy for the most cooperative and promising basketball player, and was also a member of the First Tennis squad. Although his weekends were cer- tainly not spent in army-style discipline, Monday invariably found him building up his No. 3 Platoon to its eventual capture of the Best Platoon award, and himself, doing it, to his eventual stealing of the Best Officer award. A few weeks ago, Al became the last surviving male Gill as his cousin Chris got married. But we have every faith in Al, and are sure that a little thing like his return to Ashbury next year won't keep him from fulfilling his destiny. We wish him luck in this and in all his future endeavours.

MacLAURIN, DUNCAN: "Wickedness is a myth in- vented by good people to account for the curious attractiveness of others."

Yanky has completed his fifth year at Ashbiiry with flying colours. As Captain of the First Soccer Team, he kept the ball out of the net; as Captain of the First Basketball Team, he kept the ball in tlie net. Since he had won colours in both these sports previously, tlie least we could do was to award him the trophy for the Most Valuable Player (in Basket- ball). C;ome to think of it, he's won tliis before too. During the spring term, he made the First Tennis Squad, but a jirevious engagement kept him in Ottawa on the Northwodd trii>. In October, Yanky reached that golden age in which one can be legally excused from cadets. This time was spent to good use, and his final results Call first and second class honours) prove that it was indeed imt to good use. Next year will prob- ably find Dime at Washington and Lee University. Good luck! THE ASHBU Rl AN S5

McINNES, RODERICK: ''Cowc live in my heart and pay no rent."

Rod, after spending his earlier days in some remote fishing village, fol- lowed family tradition and came to Ashbury seeking higher education. Now in his third year, "Wickers" has excelled both in academics and in sports. In grade 10, he won the Merit Prize, and ever since has maintained a high academic standing. His illustrious sports career has been hampered this year by a recurring knee injury suffered last fall during football season, an injury which unfortimately limited hrs playing time. As a member of the victory-less First Basketball Team, Wickers was one of the glowing sparks in a dying fire. Cadet Inspection found Rod plagued by a recurrence of his injury. Shortly after the inspection, he made a startling recovery, and last year's colour winner and this year's Captain of track could be seen out on the field training. This summer will find Rod taking it easy in Chester, and caring for the American female acquaintances who so faithfully kept the Prefects* Common Room sweetly scented throughout the year. Next tall, he will depart for Dalhousie where he will be taking medicine. Tough luck, Dal. Our gain is your loss.

AIONKS, RICHARD: "When the military man approaches, the ivorLi locks up its spoons and packs off its 'womankind.'''' Rich ambled on to the Ashbury scene only three short years ago, but in this brief time he has advanced to become one of the school's senior boys. As its towering lieutenant, he brought the Honour Guard to a high standard of efficiency in both appearance and drill, a job which earned for him the Most Valuable Officer award. As a member of the First Football Team, he proved to be a pillar of strength along the line. Social events, too, were not forgotten, and each dance heralded another smashing triumph for him. Fortimately for his fellow prefects, he was not blessed with the inexhaustible supply of exhausting Duns that identifies another member of his family. Next year, "Mount" is taking a science course at Carleton, which will mark yet another step in his "mount" for fame and fortune.

MUSSELLS, DAVID: "/ slept and dreamed that life ivas beauty; I ivoke and found that life zi-as duty."

David has attended Ashbury for three years, and in this short time, has "musselled" his way into the upper echelon of Ashbury's society. He was a keen sportsman, as can be seen by his keen "sleeper" play in the Common Room. .Actually Dave was on three First Teams this year— Foot- ball, Basketball, in which he won his colours, and Cricket. As sergeant of the Flag Party "platoon", he proved himself adept at commanding his brethren. But his most important feat this year was his academic triumph. fll One by one, under his yoke humbly marched his Junior Matriculation papers. The result, we hope, is an acceptance to C.NI.R. in the fall. This summer Dave is playing it cool by working up north on one of America's defence systems. Ashbury's defensive end has become Canada's defensive end. Good luck.

POTTIXGER, GRAHAM: "Cow/e forth into the ligiot of things, Let Nature be your teacher."

Graham holds the dubious distinction of being the first Ashbur>' prefect to hail from a certain, well-known metropoHs to the nortli. Aware of tliis great responsibility, he was most conscientious in the carrying out of his duties. Not one to limit his activities. Pot managed to occupy himself athletically during the year. Autumn saw him capture the First Soccer Team scoring honours, and spring found him (ful)filling duties as vice- captain (and do we mean vice) of the First Cricket XI. During the winter term, old Fungus-foot channeled his athletic energies into a coach- ing vein. Here Graham led his Linden Loafers to the Third Hockey Field championship, and, as a result, has received many lucrative offers for his services. However, as none included a Jag XK-E, all have been refused. Probably Ashbury's most weekly boarder, he can invariably be seen heading north at 4 o'clock every Fridav. Graham will once again be felling trees this summer, and, as he says, realizing his ambition to grow a beard. Ashbury will be haunted by his presence again next year, so, until then, Syd, don't get any chips on your shoulder.

V A m




Name: —Robert Berry. Quote:—The emptiest vessel makes the greatest sound. Nickname: —Cha-cha. Favourite Expression: —When I was chatting with Gordie

Howe. . . . Favourite Pastimfe : —Taking every advantage to sleep. Pet Peeve: —People who wake him up in class. Ambition: —Playing pro hockey. Probable Destination: —Cleaning the rinks in the Town. Teams: —First Football (vice-captain) (colours), First Hockey (Most Valuable Player Award) (colours), First Tennis. Theme Song: —There is a Tavern in the "Town".

Name: —Chris Bodger. Quote: —No country is much better than its individual citizens, no matter how rich are its other resources. Nickname: —Kool Bodge. Favourite Expression: —But, I don't want to go to Sioux Look- out. Favourite Pastime: —Women, Wine, and S'long. Ambition: —A top hotel executive. Probable Destination: —Night Porter,

Name: —Charles Bray. Quote: —His soul was like a star that dwelt apart. (Shawville). Nickname:—Chuck. Favourite Expression: —How do? Favourite Pastime: —Burning rubber (of the tire type). Pet Peeve: —Those 15 MPH women drivers. Ambition: —To build a skyscraper one storey higher than the Empire State Building. Probable Destination:—Selling post-cards of the Empire State Building.

Name: —Colin Cantlie. Quote: —It takes great ability to hide one's ability. Nickname: —Canon. Favourite Expression: —You call? Favourite Pastime: —Dartmouth. Pet Peeve: —French. Ambition:—C.A4.R. Probable Destination: —Boy Scouts. Activities—Soccer, toboggan club. Sergeant of the Honour Guard, Vice-president of the Common Room, Co-head Server. Theme Song: —What did 1 Say? Prototype:—James Stewart.

Name: —Robin Conway. Nickname: —Robin Hood. Quote: —9 man Austin? —Impossible! I'avouritc Expression: —What prep? Favourite Pastime:— Doing weekend prep at 11.30 Sunday night. Per Pccvc: —Work. Ambition: — To retire. Probable Destination: —Ski bum. Activities: —Running the 236 yard dash to I'lmwood (he holds the record). Ihcmc Song: —Mother-in-law. Prototype: —Tommy Manvillc. .

Name: —Kent Cook. Quote: —All good things must come to an end. Nickname: —Cookie. Favourite l-.xpression: —Where is the Corps? Favourite Pastime: —Excuses. Pet Peeve: —Clutch. Ambition: —Criminal (lawvcr). Probable Destination: —Kingston pen. Activities: —Second-in-command of the Corps, toboggan club. Day Bov Monitor, car. Teams: —First Football.

Theme Song: — I gotta have a home. Prototype:-—Kookic.

Name: —Donald Flam. Quote: —A little learning is a dangerous thing. Nickname: —Gar. Favourite Expression: — (Censored) Favourite Pastime: —Reading "Sir" books. Pet Peeve: —Rev. Monks' jokes. Ambition: —Executive of "Le Magasin Flam". Probable Destination : —Playboy. Activities:—Honour Guard, Room Captain, three-pack-a-day smoker. Teams: —Second Football, First Hockey. Theme Song: —A Summer Place. Prototype: —Harry Belafonte.

Name: —James Keffer. Quote: —Great people are dying every day; I don't feel so good

myself. .. Nickname: —Big Jim. Favourite Expression:—So why should I shave??? Favourite Pastime: —Deciding his future. Ambition: —To lead an exciting life. Probable Destination: —Leading an exciting life. Activities:—Tennis, singing (his definition). Teams: —First Football, First Hockey.

Name: —John Michael Kirkbride. Quote: —Work fascinates me. I could sit and watch it all day.

Nickname : —Kirkers. Favourite Expression: —Y'all choked up? Favourite Pastime: —Choking people up. Pet Peeve: —People who try to choke him up. Ambition: —To be a top advertising executive. Probable Destination: —Pasting signs on billboards. Activities: —President of Common Room; Room Capt.; member of the Guard. Teams: —First Football (colours); First Ski Team (Capt.), First Cricket. Theme Song:—Wonderland by Night. Prototype: —Stein Erickson.

Name: —Stephen Mirskv. Quote: —He conquers who endures. Nickname: —Mirsk. Favourite Expression: —Ah, come on you guys! Favourite Pastime: —Talking about his wife. Pet Peeve: —His wife. Ambition: —To become an astrophysicist. Probable Destination: —Washing test-tubes in Pure Spring labs. Activities: —Studies (huh?)! Theme Song: —Fresh-up with 7-up. Prototype: —Ham, the space monkey. Name: —jMaximiliano Aliiller. Quote: —You never win at the race-track, they just lend you the money- Favourite Expression: —Cha, cha, cha! Favourite Pastime: —Sleeping. Pet Peeve: —The real truth about South America. Ambition: —Geologist. Probable Destination: -Collecting sea shells. Activities: —Soccer, Skiing, Track and Field.

Name: —Kevin Pickens. Quote: —^They say all football players die out. So how come I feel so great? Favourite Expression:—Serious up, guys. Favourite Pastime: —Trying to look innocent. Pet Peeve: —Elmwood girls. Ambition: —To be a great publisher. Probable Destination: —Running a small vending business. Activities:—Member of Honour Guard. Teams:—First Football (Alost Valuable Player Award) (colours). First Hockey (Joe Irvin Trophy for Outstanding Performance) (colours). First Tennis (actually won a match at Northwood!). Theme Song: —Fm Just a Lonely Boy. Prototype: —Chief White Face.

Name: —Claude Pontbriand. Quote: —If you can't lick them, don't join them. Nickname: —Doggers. Favourite Expression: —Look Pottinger, it wasn't me. Favourite Pastime: —Turning his Hi-Fi up. Pet Peeve: —People who tell iiim to turn his Hi-Fi down. Ambition : —Chartered Accountant. Probable Destination: —Working an adding machine at l.G.A. Activities: —Honour (luard, 2nd tobogganing team. Teams: —^First Soccer. 'Fheme Song: —Rebel Rouser.

Name: —Lomiy Wliitmarsh. Quote: —Lost is our freedom when we submit to woman—but it's an enjoyable way of losing it. Nickname: —Smudge. Favourite Expression:—Lend you a smoke? Are you kidding?! Favourite Pastime:—Making trips to Carleton Place for w h:it

we are told is a pretty "fail"" reason. Pet Peeve: —Cigarette moochers. Ambition: —Lawyer. Probable Destination: —Working for a complaint agency. Activities:— Soccer, skiing, having run-ins with brick walls. 1 lieme Song: —I'm going back.

Name: —Peter Wilson. Quote: —He who laughs last, lias had the joke explained. Nickname: —Willv.

Favourite Expression: —Just ask me. . . . Favourite Pastime: —Chelsea on Saturday nights. Ambition: —Oceanographer. Probable Destination: —Beachcomber. Activities: — Ski ng, swimming. Teams: —First Soccer. Theme Song: —Big Bov Pete. T HE ASH li U Rl AN 91

Name:— lain I. wing. Quote:—Such men as lie be never at heart's ease whiles tlu\ behoUl greater than themselves.

FavDurite Expression: —But thir, I wasn't doing anything. Pet Peeve:—Having to go to those three cadet parades. Ambition: —To write 1 he Significant Novel of Our Time. Probable Destination; —Setting type for Playboy. (Who reads the articles?) Teams: —First Football (colours), Ciym Team, Track Feam (\'ice-captain), Fir>-t Hockey. Theme Song: —Mr. Wonderful.

Name: —Renncssalar I lowith. Quote: — Life's too short to hurry. Nickname: —Rcnnie.

F'avouritc F'xpression: — Sorry, sir, but I had an appointment. F'avourite Pastime: —Having appointments. Pet Peeve: —People who ask him where he was yesterday. Ambition: —To be a second Sterling .Moss. Probable Destination: — Selling accessories for sports cars. Activities: —Chess plus various unauthorized extra-curricular hobbies. Teams: —First F"ootball (Capt.) (colours). First Basketball. Theme Song: —How 1 hate to get up in the morning. Prototype: —Brendan Behan at his best (or is it h's worst?). 'G^.O SOME MEMBERS OF THE STAFF ^2 T li E ASH BU RIAN READOVER

In looking back over the year, iMr. Perry expressed his thanks to the staff and students for all the loyal support he had received. It had been a sad year in many ways, for we had lost several people who had meant so much to the school. Mr. Perry went on to commend the boys for the composure they had displayed, and he knew that Ashbury would always hold in fondest memories those whom she had lost. Although the year was not outstanding as far as athletics were concerned, considerable progress had been made in achieving a high academic rating for Ashbury, and this, the headmaster continued, was of prime importance in the life of a school. He also mentioned in particular the choir for their success over the year and the cadet corps for their fine showing on inspection day. Mr. Perry announced the departure of seven members of the staff and thanked them for all the help they had given. He was sure that he was speaking for all the boys in wishing them success in their future endeavours. The athletic awards and house colours were presented to deserving boys for their efforts in sports. The headmaster concluded the readover by saying farewell to the graduating class and by cautioning those who would be returning in the autumn not to study too hard during the summer months of leisure that lay ahead. PRIZE LIST MORNING PRIZES


1. HIGH JUMP: JUNIOR—C. M. C. GRANT-^^'IOJ" iVlidget—W. Samples. 4 1" 2. THE MILE—THE GORDON FISCHEL TROPHY First—R. R. Mclnnes—5.17.7 sees. Second—T. N. Coristine 3. THE JUNIOR MILE—G. B. KEFFER—5.24.7 sees, (record) 4. THROWING THE CRICKET BALL Senior—R. V. Berry- 107 yds. 2'9" Intermediate—R. D. Monks—94 yds. 2'4" Junior—W. G. Strickland—72 yds. 10" Midget—W. Samples—55 yds. 2' Bantam—A. A. Deutsch—39 yds. 6" (record) 5. BROAD JUMP—SENIOR—H. K. PICKENS, 16'8" Intermediate—I. M. Ewing— 17'5i" Junior—M. S. Polk— 16'3" 1" Midget—D. C. Polk— 12' 6. 120 YARD HURDLES (THE E. R. FISHER TROPHY) Senior—J. D. Fisher—20'6" 17'9" Intermediate—I. M. Ewing— THE ASHBURIAN 93


8. DISCUS—SENIOR—R. V. BERRY, 118'6" (record) Intermediate—G. S. T. Millard—84'6J"

9. JA\ELIN—SENIOR—R. V. BERRY, 127'5" Inrcrmedi;uc-.M. R. Devlin— 127'5" 10. HOP-STEP-JU.MF—SI NIOR—E. H. SI EVVART, 31'8" Junior—M. S. Polk—337^"

11. SHOT PUT—SENIOR—R. V. BERRY, 32'6" Intermediate—G. S. T. Millard— 36' Junior—D. Boyd— 53'3" 12. THE HUNDRED YARDS (MRS. M. FAUQUIER TROPHY) Senior—D. L. Hunt— 10.8 sees. Intermediate—I. M. Ewing— 10.9 sees. Junior—D. L. Finlay— 11.9 sees.

13. THE 75 YARDS-MIDGET—W. SAMPLES, 10.2 sees.

14. THE 60 YARDS—BANTAM—A. M. K. REED, 9.3 sees.

15. THE 220 YARDS-DR. C. K. ROWAN-LEGG TROPHY Senior—J. A. Walker—25.5 sees. Intermediate—I. M. Ewing—24.7 sees, (record) Junior—G. B. Keffer—26.5 sees.

' Pi . _, W^F J "1 ,^ THEASHBURIAN

16. THE 440 YARDS-THE OLD BOYS' CUP Senior—J. A. Walker—57.1 sees. Intermediate-R. R. .Mclnnes—57.4 sees. Junior—G. B. Keffer—59.3 sees. 17. THE 880 YARDS-INTERMEDIATE-R. R. iMcINNES, 2:11.9 sees. 18. THE SACK RACE Midget—P. M. Anketell-Jones Bantam—M. R. Mirsky 19. THE INTER-HOUSE RELAY RACES Senior—Alexander House—49.1 sees. Junior—Connaught House—54 sees. B. THE CROSS COUNTRY RACES SENIOR—THE ROBERTS ALLAN CUP First—T. N. Coristine Second—J. D. Fisher Third—AL R. DevUn INTERMEDIATE—THE IRMNE CUP First—G. B. Keffer Second—K. H. Rawley JUNIOR—D. R. McMillan UNDER 11—A. M. K. Reed C. THE ROBERT G. DEVINE TROPHY FOR THE TENNIS CHAMPION OF THE SCHOOL R. V. Berry
















MC—SNELC;R0\'E prize J. i. 31 THUNE




















COLOURS 1961 FOOTBALL 1st Tecnn Colours

Flood, Gill, Howith, Kirkbride, Oxley, Pickens, Rowntrce, Spencer, Berry I. Lee Snelling Trophy—Pickens. "Tiny" Hermann Trophy—Howith.

2nd Tecrin Colours Davidson II, Hunt II, Lcvitz, Raulcy, Smallian, Tylee. Barrv O'Brien Trophy—Lcvitz. Boswell Trophy—Raw ley. SOCCER 1st Tein/i Colours

Farrugia I, Davidson I. McCiaiighey, Cooper I, MacLaur'n.

R. J. Anderson Trophy—Farrugia I. R. H. Perry Trophy—J. Tyler. 2nd Teiou Colours Noel-Bentlev I, Blackburn, Tyler, \\'ilson I, Wood I, Porringer. HOCKEY 1st Tecnn Colours Flood, Spencer, Logic, Pickens, Berry I. Eraser Trophy—Berry I. Irvin Trophy—Pickens. 2nd Tecnn Colours Barakett, Flam II, Haslam, Mussells II, Wennberg, Copeland, Davidson I.

SKIING 1st Tecnn Colours Coristine, Devlin. Evan Gill Trophy—Coristine. .Most Improved Skiier—Anderson I. BASKETBALL 1st Tecnn Colours

Mussells I, .MacLaurin. .McA'Xultv Trophy—MacLaurin. Snelgrove Trophy—Gill. CRICKET 1st Tecnn Colours Logic, Kirkbride, Farrugia I. Batting Trophy—Logic. Bowling Trophy—Farrugia I. A'l.C.C.Trophy—Most Improved Batsman—Kirkbride. 2nd Tecnn Colours Partridge, Samples I, Samples II, Addleman. TENNIS 1st Tecnn Colours

Pickens, Berry I. TRACK AND FIELD 1st Tecnn Colours Mclnnes, Ewing. Special Colours Hunt I, Hunt II, Keffer II, Polk I. : —

Noel-Bentley I —Governor-Generals Medal—from His Excellency D. O. Hay, Australian High Commissioner to Canada.

Parker—Booth Trophy—from Mrs. C. R. Booth.


Campbell 1 —Multiple Prize Winner from Group Captain D.C.H. Mussells.

F.;.^i3*^. ^^--'™^'W^ « ^?*« i^'^'W ^«.i W' i 1 ^ w ^3"VpP1^ Pryde—Merit in Form IC—from J. '^T Alex Edmison, Esq. ^^B^^HMIr I- .-»%^/ # > - i>^. • ^mX. ^^^^ 111.if

1 Headmaster— Painriiig presented bv the Graduatintj Class.

Coristine—Coristine I rophv—from A. B. R. Laurence, Esq.

Mr. and Mrs. Xoonan—presentation for 35 vears" loval service to the school —from the Chairman.

Group of Pri/.e Winners. Farrugia (Southam Cup): Noel-Bent-

ley I (Governor-General's Medal).


Mirsky I Burritt Boyd I



It was unfortunate that, after so many years of beautiful weather for the closing, our winning streak was finally broken, and the presence of intemiittent rain showers forced us to hold this final ceremony in Argyle on June 8th. Despite the inclement weather, several hundred parents and friends were in attendance, necessitating the seatinj^ of the boys in the gym where they heard speeches by loudspeaker. The Chairman of the Board of Governors, C. G. Gale, Esq., opened the ceremony with a few words of welcome. He then introduced the headmaster who gave a brief account of the year's activities. Air. Perry felt that the standard of academics had made a definite advance, and though this had not been an outstanding year for athletics, we were still encouraged by football and hockey victories over our greatest rival. Bishops College, and by the increased participation in school sports, notably in soccer and in hockey. Mr. Perr>' went on to sa\^ that the school had been deeply saddened by the deaths of several people who had been closely associated with the school. He thanked Air. Peter

Car\'er for stepping in to fill the gap left bv^ the unfortunate illness of Air. Belcher. In announcing the departure of seven members of the staff, the headmaster referred to the many contributions they have made to the school during their stay here. After the Valedictory given by Peter Noel-Bentley and Alichael Spencer, a presentation of roses was made by John Bond, one of the school's youngest members, to Airs. Hay, wife of the guest speaker. The guest speaker, His Excellency David O. Hay, D.S.O., AI.B.E., Australian High Commissioner to Canada, gave an informative address stressing the need for closer co-operation between commonwealth countries. He described the valuable contributions that the youth tours of Britain and the Commonwealth had made in promoting a wider understanding of our neighbours in the world. He concluded by thank- ing the school for giving him the opportunity to speak to the boys at this closing ceremony. A special presentation was made to Air. Harry Noonan. the care- taker of the school, for his thirty-five years of service. The graduating class then presented a painting of the school to A4r. Perry. This beautiful picture had ver\^ kindly been painted by Airs. Pontbriand and was gratefully received by the headmaster. Academic and athletic prizes were then awarded to numerous boys for their efforts over the past year. These prizes were presented by His Excellency John Knox, Esq., B.A.Q.C., Alember of Ambassador of Denmark; J. Alex Edmison, the National Parole Board of Canada; Group Captain D. C H. Alussells, D.S.O., O.B.E., D.F.C., CD., Commanding Officer of R.C.A.F. Station Uplands; Robert S. Hyndman, Canadian artist; and A. B. R. Lawrence, Esq, Al.C, Q.C His Excellency David O. Hay then presented the ASHB URIAN JQ2 THE

Headmaster's Cups, the Charles Rowley Booth Memorial Trophy and the Governor General's Medal. Following the distribution of prizes the weather had cleared sufficiently to permit serving tea on the front lawn. Music was pro- vided by the Band of the Governor General's Foot Guards. The playing of the national anthem brought to a close another successful year in the school's history. VALEDICTORY

Delivered by F. Noel-Bejitley and M. Spencer, Head Boys

Spencer: As many of you will have no doubt observed, we have run up against the same problem that faced Wilson and Sarkis in their Valedic- tory last year. So we have decided that the best idea would be to steal,- and adapt, — their style of presentation to our own needs, and to alternate our speeches. Just before Pete takes over, may I say how pleased and honoured we both are to be able to speak on behalf of the graduating class of 1961.

Noel-Bentley: To-day, we of the graduating class have reached a plateau in our lives. To-day represents that decision which will send each of us towards his own brand of success. To-day, the hearts of Ashbury's young men are filled with the hopes and aspirations of their high-flown ambitions. We are filled with that fabulous feeling of escaping the hmitations imposed on earth-bound mortals. However, along with these soaring emotions comes an acute nostalgia. I have spent eight years of my life here at Ashbury. As Tennyson says in his "Ulysses", "I am a part of

all that I have met". I cannot help but be a part of my stay here. Nor can any of my contemporaries, no matter how vociferously they

deny it. Of course, being a part of everything one has met is not always desirable. True, we have sunward climbed on "study-silvered" wings, but we have also joined the tumbling mirth of sun-split clouds, doing a hundred things Mr. Perry has not dreamed of. But even "study- silvered" wings by itself is not enough. The world's great men have not commonly been great scholars, nor its scholars great men. Some- thing more is needed, — something called character, which really only means "moral force". By using study as its means, this school's aim is to bring out in its boys the moral force to give everything all they've got, to teach them that in the lexicon of youth, there is no such word as "fail". It is hoped that the graduates of this school, to-day's "leaders of tomorrow", will go out into the world with the attitude that life's like

a good pipe. What you get out of it depends on what you put into it. THEASHBURIAN WJ

I suppose that if study were the oulv means, any school could

achieve what Ashbury actually does. Ashbury's advantage lies within its four walls. .Mother Duck teaches her youngsters to swim bv heaving^ them into the water. Mother Ashbury similarly teaches her students to get along with each other by thrusting all two hundred and eighty-five of them together, and to accept responsibility by placing on the students'

own shoulders the mantle of responsibility. I lence, the system of Room-Captains, Monitors, and Prefects.

I think that every graduate here to-day should be thankful this afternoon for having been prepared so well for the life of the years to come.

Perhaps incidentally, I would like to add that I am also thanking

the school for the friendships I have made here. I will never forg^et them. That's one thing the future can't take from me.

I will close now (and let Mike have his say) with a message to the graduating class of 1961 — good luck — and a message from this group — thank you, Ashbury.


Only three years ago, I first arrived at Ashbury after having received a grounding in the life of a private sch(Tol by attending "a lesser institution of learning", as Mr. Perry calls our rivals. In this short time

I have been associated with a group of boys that any school would be proud to call its members. Now many of these same boys are, like myself, leaving Ashbury, and are setting out in a search for wider horizons.

At this time, we, the members of the graduating class, are filled with mixed emotions. W'e are impatient to advance and to enter society to

take our place as men, but still we feel a deep sense of sadness that this chapter of our lives is drawing to a close, and that we must leave the security that Ashbury represents. Now we are faced with the prospect of sliding down the razor-blade of life, but, due to the encouragement that we have received in our school life, we feel ready to meet this challenge. A Day Boy attending Ashbury spends approximately three-quarters of his waking day here, while a boarder will pass three-quarters of the entire year in residence. Consequently it is the lessons they leani here and the examples they follow that will decide to a great extent by what standards their future life will be moulded. In the lower grades, it becomes usually a battle of wits between the pupil and his teacher. Still, our instructors manage to endure our contrariness, and we progress upward and gradualh' come to realize that we owe a great debt of gratitude to our teachers and coaches for all the time and effort they have given in developing our o\\'n special talents, however hidden they jQ^ THEASHBURIAN may be. As we become more mature in our outlook we understand that the world does not owe us a living, as we once believed, but rather merits without asking it is up to us, and us alone, to succeed on our own for favours from others. After all, it is only our own effort and interest that will lead us to any measure of success in academics, and later, in everyday hfe itself. Ashbury has never attempted to become a factory, producing boys that meet the required standards, but adding little more. More impor- tant than any set of results is the development of character that the staff of this school work so hard to bring about. You cannot break character down and examine it under a microscope or analyze its component parts. We arc taught, whether in the classrooms, on the playing fields, or in the Chapel, the fundamental principles and high standards which many boys before us have learned, followed and used to advantage in making their way in the world.

In conclusion, I would like to say what a great honour I consider it to be chosen with Peter to give the Valedictory on behalf of the graduating class of 1961. I assure you that we will all do our best to uphold the Ashbury motto of "Probitas, Virms, Comitas" — Honour, Courage, and Grace.


Delivered by the Co-captains of the School on Closing Day

As valedictorian for the graduating class of 1961, I have one more chore to attend to — a very delightful one indeed, that of presenting to our Headmaster, Mr. R. H. Perry, a small token of our appreciation and gratitude for all that he has done for us over the past years.

Were it not for Mr. Perry, that three-sided square in which we would be sitting, except for the rain, would be but a two-sided triangle. In short, there would be no Argyle. For another example, just look outside. All those young trees, over fifteen hundred of them, were planted during the last eleven years— the length of Air. Perry's tenure. For numerous other examples, wander around to the back of the school, and look at the new lab, the new locker room, the garages, and the workshop. But these are only the material benefits that Mr. Perrv has brought with him. The really important things are a new student-teacher rela- tionship, the father image he projects, and the pride in our school he

has instilled in all of us.

And so, Mr. Perry, we ask you to accept a portrait of your school, our school, painted so very kindly for us by iMrs. Pontbriand. TH E ASH B U Rl AN jqs LITERARY SECTION

Boys arc sometimes hesitant about lettinir their creative instincts take free rein, and in order to add material encouragement to those with a latent interest in writing for the Ashburian, tlie editors launched a contest with prizes to be awarded for the best piece of prose submitted and for the outstanding verse selection. While the response was some- what discouraging, it appears hkely that the experiment will be repeated in years to come.

For his concise and accomplished narrative style, Adam Podhradsky of VIC was awarded the prize for the best prose contribution. Regret- tably, it was not felt that any of the verse submissions came up to a standard worthy of recognition. For this reason the prize for the best verse has been withheld. Podhradsky's prize-winning story, "Rcvenfje

is Seldom Sweet" appears below,


As I gazed upwards, I noted \\ith great satisfaction that there was

no moon tonight. I felt the keen edge of my butcher knife and smiled grimly. Every day for fifteen years 1 had voweti vengeance, and now at last my wildest dreams were about to be realized.

I recalled vividly that fateful day many years ago, when I had been only a young man in the prime of life; that day when "he" sentenced me to fifteen years of imprisonment. I had been shocked. Imagine, fifteen years on a false charge! Every one had scorned me then. My friends forsook me, and the papers turned me into some dreaded "Frankenstein". Even other prisoners had refused to associate with me. My Life had been a nightmare. One person alone believed in my innocence. He came often to visit me and to try to comfort me. His name was Carl, and as far as I knew he had no last name. AA'e had gone to school together, al- though we hadn't been in the same class. I had done him a good turn once, and he certainly never forgot it. I could not have lived through all those terrifying years if it had not been for Carl's encouragement. "Some-a-day," he'd say in his broken English, "some-a-day you'll-a be a free-a man."

I was suddenly brought back to reality by the sound of distant footsteps. He was coming at last, the judge who was the cause of all my sufferings. I had gone over my plan again and again, until every detail was perfect; the time, the place, the weapon, all were perfect.

Nearer and nearer he came, until he was beside me and I leaped out, clutching his mouth tightly. I then dragged him into the dark alley, plunging my knife into his hateful body. Again and again I stabbed, 106 THE ASH B URIAN releasing fifteen years of fury and hatred. This was my moment of glory, at last. the day I had planned and waited for. My revenge had come

He fell to the ground clutching his wounds and gasping. Hysteri- cally I laughed with joy. Then slowly I wiped the great stains of blood from" my knife and replaced the weapon in my pocket. I was in no hurry, for few people came this way, and I wanted my moment of ?lory to linger. A morbid curiosity and desire to see his wretched face all twisted and bent in the pain of death came over me. I lit a match and gleefully bent over to look. What I saw made me let out a shriek of terror. For, horror of horrors, the face that glared up at me with glassy, bloodshot eyes was not the face of Judge Norton, but that of my best friend, Carl. PODHRADSKY—VIC


Old R.R. No. 1 hes, in part, along the Queen Elizabeth way. Having taken up my abode in this district, I got a little curious a while back and began inquiring why I wasn't getting my mail. I was in- formed that this was because I didn't have any rural mail box to put it in. This came as a bit of a shock because, as a city dweller for some years, I'd got used to receiving mail as a matter of course, like turning on a tap or switching on a light. You just looked in your mail box every day and there it was — or it wasn't.

Putting up a mail box is not as easy as it sounds. First you'd have to go to a post office department and get a form. The form is fairly easy until you get to the part when the Post Office Department wants to know just where you are going to erect the object in question. Then it starts to get really complicated. What township, for instance, is easy. Any citizen who doesn't know what township he's in doesn't deserve any mail. What concession line is a little tougher if you're not up in the geography of the district; but then comes the ace of spades. It just says this: "meridian". Sure enough, they accepted my money order for $4 and it wasn't long after that a brand new shiny silver mail box arrived with my name stencilled on it. It arrived by mail too. I could take time out here to explain how you can get a mail box by mail when you can't get any mail until you can get your mail box, but that would only confuse the issue further.

Having received my mailbox, I had to get it set up beside the highway. You can't just leave a mailbox sitting in your garage or down in the cellar and expect to get any mail. Not even if you know what meridian you arc living on. First I had to scurry around to get a post. This I accomplished fairly easily by the black of night. Then

I had to hire a post hole digger. A post hole digger is quite an in- genious tool. It's like an oversized auger. Shouldcrintj my mailbox, THEASHHURIAN 107

my post, and iny posthole digger, 1 w cnt up rlic liigliway and started operations. This was probably the most trying piece of the whole project. There's a traffic Hght a short way down the highway, and every now and then the cars would come to a halt directly beside my excavation. Not having anything else to do while they were waiting, the motorists kept giving me advice. At one stage of the business a whole bus load stopped beside my diggings. All the passengers on my side leaned out of the window and started directing operations.

"It looks like you're going down on a bit of a slant," said one elderly lady. "You have to go a bit deeper than that," said a gent in a grey fedora. "Be sure to get down below the frost line," said another.

Acknowledging all this advice with as much grace as possible, I tried the post in the hole and, sure enough, she was on a slant to the east.

"I told you there was a slant," said the elderly lady. I didn't get a chance to reply to this because the light changed and the bus started away. I don't know just what I would have said if the bus had stayed a moment longer.

Anyway, my slanting box is now sitting there waiting to receive the mail. I hope I got her in time to catch the winter catalogues. I still don't know what meridian she's sitting" on. So if any of my creditors are listening, I can tell them that there's no use sending me a bill until they find this out. All letters not bearing the right meridian marked plainly on the envelopes will probably be returned stamped "Address Unknown". Smethurst—\^IC


As yawl, full rigged, glides swift cross the bay With nature's force her sails abillowing strong. Mast bends and feels the strength of mighty play.

What force is that which carries her along? White dove, in silver flight, descends from high W^ith life and spirit of a God above, And gives to man a faith by which to ply As wind gives aid in travel to a dove. Man toils and sweats to earn his daily bread And troubled days has often to survive. But powers take hold and homeward he is led To brighter times, when's good to be alive. Does man need faith to keep him to this life.

Or is it just a strength in time of strife? Stewart—VIC .


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N p«o«>i. ^vk AiVs WKoiV^a V.^i^ r^?£? THE ASHIiUKlAN 109


The more carefully we read history, the clearer it becomes that the year 1763, rather than 1867, marks the real birth of our Canadian nation. For it was in that year that France ceded all Canada to Britain, and in 1774, the Quebec Act became the .Magna Carta of our countrv^ By this Act the language and culture "de la province de Quebec" were retained.

For several years I had the unusual experience of attending a summer camp in Quebec. What made it unique was the fact that the camp was operated and administered in the French language. Most of the boys came from the province of Quebec and were fluent in French. Others, hke myself, came from another province or the United States to learn French while enjoying a summer vacation.

I found living among boys of a different culture a distinct change. Their language, methods of thinking and many customs were relatively alien to our own.

The main difference, of course, was the language. The French Canadians speak their native tongue in a musical sort of way. The inflections are up and down, with hands keeping time. Swear words are seldom used, but all the boys I knew spol

The native songs of the French are delightful. The boys sing them with a gaiety, a greater feeling of affection and ownership than we do. The Canadians in Quebec possess many folk songs which pass from one generation to another. They are often based on activities such as: logging, sleighing, hunting and hiking. Some of the favourites are such songs as "Vive la Canadienne" and "Bonhommel Bonhomme!"

The food is also different. The French evening meal is a "soupe" or supper; the equivalent of the Enghsh "dinner", is served at noon. Even on hot days, hot soups are ah\'ays serv^ed instead of cool salads. Legs from huge frogs or "grenouilles" caught in nearby swamps make a fried delicacy and taste like chicken.

Sometimes at Camp Ecole Trois-Saumans, I used to think what an experience it was to be able to live in Old Quebec and to see at first hand how French Canadians differ from English Canadians. By learning each other's lano-uasre and way of life, we shall in time become a greater Canadian nation. Fisher—VID no THE ASH B URIAN SOCIAL SKIING

The skv is blue, the day is clear, When skiers stop to have a beer. They dig it up from 'neath the snow, And from the top, the froth they blow.

They take a gulp of the mellow brew, A taste so cool, a taste so true. Refreshed, they stretch out 'neath the sun. They call it sport; they're having fun.

And as the day begins to wane The skiers find they feel no pain When skiing into trees and stumps \\'hile gelundersprunging off large bumps.

At night they crawl home tired and beat. Before the hearth they stretch their feet. And now they can recall the day And plan the morrow the same way. CORISTINE—VIA


The sun will shine upon the quad, (We hope), on closing day, While Air. Perry and his guests Some farewell words will say.

The scholars will get prizes, Of an academic sort, The athletes, some trophies — The monuments of sport.

Relatives will regard their boys

With a grand parental air, Girl friends gaze with sighs aloud, "They are so debonair".

Graduates, with excited eyes. Think of an ivied wall, A\'hile 'round their pensive forms are heard "See you again next fall." Martin-VIC (


It was one of those typical Turkisli summer days. I knew the sun would shine, the sky would be cloudless, the noisy army trucks W(juld rumble up and down the hill, and another day would pass eventless.

But what I didn't foresee was what would happen later on in the day.

When I had finished making mv bed and eating a delicious break- fast, I calmly lay down on our balcony and soaked in the mornintr sun. But in the middle of m\' sun bath, along came some of my American friends. After we had talked for half an hour, we decided to go for a \\alk. This was the beginning of the catastrophe.

Before long we had walked quite a distance — more than two miles from mv house — and we began to get hungr\'. One of the boys, the fattest, knew where a nearby orchard was and led us to it. People say that teenagers eat more than normal people; well, it may be true, for in no time at all we had eaten nearly all the ripe apples. This was my mistake, but I didn't know it at the time. After all, I was one of the boys, and where the boys went I went.

Then, out of nowhere, a dozen Turkish teenagers attacked us.

One yelled, "Yank, go home!" Before I had time to think, I felt some- thing hit mv back. I was terrified. Then it happened. There was a terrific explosion. Mv shirt was blown oif mv'^back, and that's all I can remember of what happened.

The next thing I can remember is lying on mv^ stomach in bed. A nurse was bandaging my back, and friends were sitting in one corner of the room. I could hear the odd comment from the bovs — "Do you think he'll liver" or "Is he E^'^ER in a bad way!" At first I thought they were crazy; then I moved a little and felt a sharp pain surge through me, and I realized they weren't crazy.

Well, after a few weeks, I could walk and sit down quite normally and without too much pain. I found out from the boys that the Turks had run after they had thrown the bomb, and were never seen again in that section of town.

I hope I never have another day like that one ag^ain. Brooks — \ ID


To me, a big city is at the peak of its beauty after the sun has set. For manv^ people, night means an escape from the hurly-burly of hurrying, sweating crowds. The store-keeper breathes a sigh of relief after the trials of the day are over. Chances are he will go home, have supper and relax. However, for a good percentage of the population (including tourists and visitors) the night means a time of revelry and activity. 112 THE ASHBURIAN

For the most part, establishments which have been shuttered during the daylight hours open their doors to the throngs of people out on the town. If one strolls slowly down a busy thoroughfare, he will see hordes of happy people walking, arms linked, through a cataract of brilliant lights. As far as the eye can see, a great line of neon brilliance shakes its way between towering buildings. Music and laughter fill the air as people from all walks of life savour the night-life of the big city. Night-clubs, casinos, restaurants, bars, dance-halls, theatres, and countless other places of amusement swallow up the merry-makers as they throng forth. Others, of a different breed, their minds full of love, beauty, sorrow, dejection and the many other thoughts which assail the human brain, stroll quietly along, marvelling at the works of man mingled with those of nature. Some walk by the river, watching great liners and small craft idling along the silvery surface of the water. The reflections of the sky- scrapers, the millions of lights and the illuminated stataes dance upon the surface and create an impression of beauty which seems to have been wrested from the artist's canvas and touched up by Nature's hand. Following the course of the river is the throughway, a monument to man's genius, on which thousands of assorted vehicles rush back and forth, weaving a multi-coloured pattern with their lights which ring the city and the river like a distorted halo of blended colours. People, like machines, cannot go on forever. As the coming day draws near, the multitudes cease their movements and lie inanimate, caught in the soothing oblivion of undisturbed sleep. The man who is alone walks the streets, streets which sparkle under morning's moisture, and are bathed in an orange glow from the first exploring fingers of the rising sun.

It is now, one would say, that the world is still, as empty roads and streets look bare, lined with rows of garbage cans or, in the better districts, drooping trees and flowers. But, upon careful observation, the lonely watcher perceives slight movements along the main lines of travel as the early-rising commuters infiltrate the city. Stores gradually are opened and the day begins anew. AMiat of the night folk? They are still asleep, gathering energy for the next eventful round of life in the city bv night. Martin - VIC


Very few of us see what is around us. \\q see only what is evident. We sec only things which announce themselves. A\'e recognize a bus by its roar, a child by his laugh, a friend by his greeting. \\t are lost without our newspapers, radio nnd television. If one \\'as to live a week without these conversation replacements, one would feel lost; one would be dismissed from the company of others as being uninformed. The THEASHBURIAN 113 truth is that \\c sHdc by the things that arc worth seeing as a ship in a fog bypasses an island. It is aware of the island only if the lighthouse is flashing and the foghorn blasting.

If one walks along a quiet, suburban a\enue, what does one see and absorb? He reads the signpost ten feet away, but fails to notice the variety of flowers in the bed at his feet. He hears the whine of a plane, and looks up — it's a jet, CF-100; but what about the flock of birds resting in the spreading branches above him. From across the street comes the teasing smell of frittering chicken legs. He licks his lips and misses the fragrance of the tulips from over his slioulder. But here!

I am stating that one sees Alan but misses Nature. This is not always so. A middle aged businessman, briefcase in hand, mounts a bus; he does it every morning. He deposits his fare, notices the new driver, but fails to see the colour difference of his transfer. He walks to his seat, sits beside the woman who is always there, sees her white gloves, but misses her white bag and shoes. True, these are frivolous things. And yet, he may be driven all through the town without noticing that all flags are at half mast. At lunch he hears that the King has died; going home a night — oh yes, look, the flags ARE at half mast.

To be observant, one need not see everything. One can see a single tree and know it is time for red foliage to bedeek our autumn highways. One can see a single little bird and know that the rime when nests hold their precious load of eggs has come and gone.

I have stated that few persons are truly observant in the full sense of the word. There are two classes of observers — scientific and artistic. A scientist sees the world from a haughty throne of formulae and equations. He knows why plants are green, how things grow, why things happen as they do. He observes with his mind. But a man who sees with his heart and does not really know wh\' things happen, just as they miraculously do, is definitely not a scientist. Wonder causes curiosit\^ The wonder of an artistic mind causes that mind to glorify Nature. In contrast, the knowledge of a scientific mind causes that mind to disdain Nature. The one looks about him like a child in a palace, the other like a King in a log cabin.

Most of us really see very little, but we are satisfied that we see enough. We don't much care for things strange to us, things that may need investigation. This is the result of our ^-arped desire for material and not spiritual gains. How different we are from men of other ages is shown in our misguided desires. Wg look at those old foolish days of noble longings and noble strivings, and we realize that these are wise, wise, days when we know that money is the only thing worth struggling for, when we willingly miss everything which is of no material benefit to us, and work our way blindly through a barren life. Cooper — Upper VI 114 THEASHBURIAN EXAM FERVOUR

As exams begin to threaten, Tension mounts in every heart, Ev^ery boy his studies strengthens In the hope of better marks.

Boys arise in early morn To learn again what thev^ have lost, To cram their best before the storm, The storm that spells the feared last post.

But soon that dreadful time is o'er,

The boys relax, their work is done, They've done their best, can do no more, Can settle down to summer's fun. Steven—VIA


Form IVA was bumping and thumping and jumping. But then as bv^ magic the door it was opening. And there on the threshold a master was standing. The room became silent, the pupils were trembhng; The classroom emptied much faster than light. But one poor pupil stayed for his plight, The classroom door closed, and a howling ensued, And when it was opened the master was pooed. But nary a sign where the pupil had stood, But a wide pool of blood — and we all understood. Lash-IVA


When the sun and the moon Vie for rights to the sky,

And the darkness is broke As the world comes awake To the sound of the birds.

It's then that I think Of the joys of this world; Forget prospect of war,

And the troubles of life. And tr\' to remember Such things as sunrise, And birds on the wing.


On June 5th, 1975, the City of Ottawa suffered a nuclear attack which completely denioHshed this once beautiful city and beg^an the One A\'eek War. As previously expected the only building to remain standing was Ashbury College, a former boys' school which, due to an architectural quirk, was built along the lines of an atomic shelter. To this last bastion of freedom the government of Canada retired to rule the country. The loyal members of the Ashbur\' College Cadet Corps threw up defensive positions around the school grounds and, with their World A\'ar II 303 rifles, staunchly prepared to defend their country's leaders. .Meanwhile, inside the building. Civil Defense authorities with the help of the corps' efficient signal squad set up a radio station with the optimistic call letters HELP, It was over this station that various members of the government broadcast messages of hope to the nation. First the Prime Minister, speaking from the Prefect's commonroom in both French and English announced that he was safe and that he would govern the country to the best of his ability. Then the Finance Minister, broadcasting from the Bursar's Office, said that he was glad to say that unemployment had taken a sharp decline. The main reason for this decline he stated was that the bomb had scored a direct hit on the Unemployment Bureau but he felt certain that this indicated a definite trend. He closed his remarks by saying that he was sorry to have to announce that, due to the current world situation, Canada's budget, during the next fiscal year, would once again remain unbalanced. From the kitchen came word from the Minister of Agriculture that everything possible was being done about the wheat surplus which he fervently hoped was still a surplus. Next from the former Head Master's office word was received that the Minister of External Affairs felt that, viewed in the light of recent developments, Canada's policy of neutrality sliould be definitely realigned. Howe\'er, the most encouraging item came from the Laboratory. There the Minister of Defence announced that work was being started on a secret \\eapon which he felt sure would turn the tide of war. It was learned that the secret weapon was a new form of gas which had been discovered at x\shbury itself. Parhament, meanwhile, continued in session discussing such weighty problems as whether or not the divorce laws should be altered and also a private member's bill put forward by a certain outspoken Torontonian, Mr. Pashing, that the officials responsible for the planting of poison ivy around the statute of Sir Robert Borden be investifrated. Durin? these troublesome days the Lower House met m Rhodes Hall and the L'pper House in the Chapel. On June 8th, however, an air of excitement prevailed when the Speaker called both chambers together in the Argyle Assembly Hall. In a hushed House he demanded to know who was 116 THE ASH BURIAN responsible for plugging the toilets and at the same time gave a severe warning that, should the fire-alarm bell be mysteriously rung once again, the proroguing of parliament would be delayed one week.

After this affairs ran more smoothly until, a week after the initial bombing, the Republic of Lower Smog, realizing that it was from her territory that the fatal bomb had been launched, sent a note of regret to the Canadian Government. When a runner arrived with the news, parliament was hastily called and after a heated debate decided that, since the roof had started to leak, and since the loyal cadets, after being out of doors for a week were not quite so loyal, the apology should be accepted along with a substantial cash indemnity.

So ended the One Week War. To-day, if you should pass Ashbury College, the institution which so nobly served its country, you can see many plaques commemorating the great event, the most prominent being "Danger — Building Condemned". GiLL-VIA


To Chapel on Sunday come the boys, Yelling and yawning, bundles of noise. Stampede to the Library to get clad In cassock and surplice; it's quite mad. The "Mothers" are there to help in the fray, To button and tidy, to hurry the stray, Standing duty, comb in hand, Catching each unruly strand.

What a bun fight, 'til the call, Then 25 cherubs line up in the hall, Proceed to the service, faces grim. With voices clear they sing each hymn. In cassocks red and surplice white, Like little candles burning bright.

The service over, they pound down the hall. "The tuck shop's open", comes the call. Cassocks are hung, surplices too,

Slightly tipsy and all askew, Once more it's a bun fight, hectic with noise The cherubs transformed into normal boys. Choir Mother THE ASHBU RI AN 111 NIGHT ON THE TIMBERLINE

Dusk falls slowly and night's dark veil shrouds the dreary, snow covered land. The stars come out and the full moon shines brightly and the trees in its light look like ghostlv^ statues. As night draws on, the Aurora Borealis drifts like a flowing curtain across the sky. The haunting^ cry of the timber wolf pack rends the peace of the wilderness. A moose jerks up its splendid head, knowing that it is the hunted. It starts to run and again the wolf cry haunts the night. Soon it is all over. The moose's body is dripping in still warm blood after a long drawn out fight. A few dead \\-olves lie about on the battleground. After the feast the \\'olves settle down to sleep and the small furry animals creep out of their holes to see if it is safe to gather food once more. The night is once again peaceful. Lynn II - IVA


"Capital Punishment must be banned, and capital punishment will be banned!" A thunderous cheer swept through the j^reat hall at these final words of Senator \\'illiams' fier)^ speech. It had been a wonderful speech. \Mlliams had illustrated clearly and concisely why capital punishment must be dispensed with. He had argued down every point in favour of capital punishment and had reinforced those points against it. As he walked off the stage I noticed on his mouth a faint smile of triumph which said clearly that he knew the people of the state of Washington would vote against capital punishment when they went to the polls in a week's time. I wondered what drove this man to go from state to state making his ruthless attack on capital punishment.

I didn't know, but I was very soon to find out.

Two weeks later I was taking a business trip to Los Angeles and whom did I find myself sitting beside in the airliner but Senator his Williams. We fell to talking and I mentioned that I had heard speech in Washington state. He was extremely pleased to hear that I agreed with him 100 per cent. He was in such excellent spirits and let out great guffaws of laughter so frequently that I dared to ask him what was on my mind — namely, what it \\'as that drove him. As soon face as the words had left my mouth I regretted them, for the Senator's became hard and expressionless. Then finally he agreed with a sigh to tell me his story. "I used to be married," he began, "but my marriage had been an extremely unhappy one. I quarrelled continually with my wife, and threatened one day, when I had been in an extremely bad mood, I had to kill her. \\^ell, when I came home from work the next day, to my horror and disbelief, I found her lying^ on the floor dead. She had been 118 THEASHBURIAN

Stabbed with a pair of scissors. I phoned the pohce immediately, and they began to investigate. It turned out that a neighbour had heard me threaten my wife, and in no time at all I was accused of the murder of my wife. At my trial it was speedily established that I had hated my M^fe and would have liked nothing better than to see her dead.

1 didn't have a leg to stand on, and in a few days I was convicted of murder in the first degree and sentenced to death in the electric chair."

Even as he spoke, I recalled the incident of two years before. It had been in every paper and on the radio. Only that man had been called Jones; so Jones had changed his name to Williams, I mused to myself as the Senator continued with his story.

"Well, 1 spent two months in my death cell, two months waiting to die, through no fault of my own. Every second was precious to

me. As I would wake up in the mornings and suddenly recall where

I was, I would on occasion be seized with hysterical fits, during which

I would cry and scream like a baby. Every day I vowed a hundred

times that, if ever I got out of this mess, I would do my best to abolish

capital punishment. I told myself that even if a man were a killer he

didn't deserve to go through that waiting. Once I had been shaved and prepared to die when my execution was miraculously delayed for a week. A sharp detective had turned up a new clue. He had found some I.O.U.'s in my wife's drawer, and in no time at all he had managed

to prove that she was killed for gambling debts. I was released. I changed my name, and here I am doing what I vowed I would do." We sat in silence the rest of the trip. At the airport we parted and two hours later I was in my comfortable hotel room. I switched on my radio just in time to catch the closing words of Senator Williams' speech. "Capital punishment must be banned, and capital punishment will be banned!"

And I knew in my heart that it would be banned if he kept at it.

Let us hope it is. PODHRADSKY—6C


The moors, habitually grey and ghostly, \\'cre unusually eerie on this particular evening. Clouds of mist floated past the moon, creating ghostly shapes. The occasional gust of wind shook the reeds, and a whispering rustle filled the air. The grass rippled and shimmered in the moonlight, and the occasional field mouse scurried to his grassy home. The shrill note of a cricket cut into the evening stillness, echoing across the barren wastes. Now and again a cloud drifted across the moon, leaving the moors in eerie darkness. Hampshire II—VA JUNIOR ASHBURIAN


VOLUME VI 1961 1



Faculty Advisor — Mr. L. I. H. Spencer

Editor — Tom Fuller

Photographs — Sandy Wright

Form Notes — Transitus — David Johnson and Chris. Gilmour IIIA — Chris. Stone

1 1 IB — Bruce Deacon IIIC — Hugh Johnson

Jwiior School Officers Day Boy Mo?titors Boarder Wing Mojiitors Peter Smith Donald Love Phil Dau^son David Gamble John Evans Tom Hurdman Doug MacMillan Brian Murray Larry O'Brien Roger Rowley Michael Taschereau Jim Thurlow

Chapel Monitor — Ned Burritt

Form Monitors

Transitus A Transitus B IIIA Larry O'Brien Victor Davies David Polk Peter Smith, Asst. Donald Love, Asst. Bryn Davies, Asst.


Tim BeU Brian Scott Bill Shenkman Duncan MacLaren, Asst. David Berger, Asst. Bruce Firestone, Asst.

1 Jimmy Laidler AVally Ducharme

Librarian — Tom Foran

Games Captains Soccer Hockey Peter Smith David Shepherd

Cricket Track and Field Brian Murray Doug Finlay THE ASHBU Rl AN ni FOREWORD

With "Ashburian Week" — the week following the Easter V'aca- tion — as an accepted part of the third term, the magazine work is not the last minute rush it was for the earlier volumes. This year's Editor has maintained the high standard set by his predecessors, and each year it would appear that this happy state of things cannot continue. The 1962 Editor will certainly be a busy boy to just keep up with the others.

It is indeed encouramnfj to have so many boys makinp- an eifort to see their names in print. In later v^ears it is often very satisfy^ing to look back on school days, and to be able to have events easily recalled to mind by seeing your name in the school magazine can make the most skeptical fellow less complacent. So to those who do see their name in print, the Faculty" offer congratulations. To the others, we offer encouraging words.

It has been difficult to decide just where some mention should be made about Larry O'Brien's accomplishment in making the 1st Ski

Team. In recent memory, it is the first time that any Junior has made a

First Team, and Larry is to be congratulated. One word of advice, however. Sporting ability is no substitute for academic work. It is the boy who can successfullv" mix both who will eventually make the real leader.


About this time each year the Junior School starts to write articles and take pictures for the Ashburian.

Generally about three or four boys from each form contribute some useful information, essays and pictures which are most helpful because without their assistance a magazine like this wouldn't go very far.

Most of you probably have read last year's foreword and former editorials of past years all of which, in some way or another, state how much the Junior section has improved since it started five years ago.

Without the hard work and determination of former Ashburian staffs this magazine would not reach its present state.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone concerned in this phase of activity for their excellent work. Thank you. Tom Fuller — Editor J22 THE ASHBURIAN JUNIOR HOUSEMASTER'S NOTES arrive for the It is always good to see the end of the school year boys need a change and the staff needs a rest. When Labour Day is over, however, boys (although many would not admit it) and staff will be anxious to start another full year. The year just past has been a good one. Most of the boys have a healthy desire to do well in the classroom, and one hour of sports five days a week produced some good teams as well as releasing pent up energies. Two important changes were introduced this year which resulted in an improved Junior School. Grades Seven and Eight had been getting altogether too large for private school forms and so these grades were split, producing four fonns. Cadets, which had included all boys throughout the school, were dropped from the Junior programme. In actual practice in the past "Cadets" had meant skating or soccer for most of the juniors; and therefore Monday afternoons were devoted to a period termed CULTURE. This turned out to be a pretty elastic term for the boys were treated to a barrage of information ranging from Hypnotism (Dr. Davis) and Sportsmanship (Rough Rider Ron Lancaster) to Space Travel (N.R.C.) and the American Civil War (Mr. Pemberton). Our Memorial W'mg suffered two losses in the tragic death of young Michael Dennis and of Mrs. Mulhall who had been a House Mother to the boys in the fullest sense of the word for several years.

The Wing had its largest complement ever this year, indeed we even flowed over into the "Big House" — and here I wish to congratu- late Rowley for his cooperation during the year; he was a great help to me. Miss Lewington, who took over after Mrs. Mulhall, suddenly found herself confronted with forty-four children, and she did a noble job in coping with the many little problems.

My thanks also to the resident staff, Mr. Slattery and Mr. Beetensen (whose fine effort in producing our Junior Pantomine is mentioned elsewhere in these pages), and to the Monitors, particularly to the \\'ing Commander, Love.


As far as I can see there have been no difficult problems in the Memorial Wing this year. Everyone has led a very happy life witli only minor difficulties, such as having to move some of the smaller boys over to what we called "The Island of The Big House". Every year new boys arrive, so we had to move some of the boys over to a large room in the Senior School so the rooms in the wing would not be too crt)wded. THEASHBURIAN 223

Every year it sccnis to be harder for the masters to pick the top room for the room prize, but with the help of our new matron, Miss

Lewington, and the masters, the best room each term received its prize of night to the movies and a meal out. The monitors this year have helped to keep law and order through-

out the school terms, although it took some time for the new boys to get used to this system. When Mr. Slatterv put out the monitors' book, everything ran smoothly. Unfortunately the two boarding masters, Mr. Slattery and Mr. Beetensen, will not be back next year. We all wish them good luck in the coming years.

I would like to express m\' thanks to Miss Lewington for keeping a sharp eye on us and also Mr. Polk, our Housemaster. Donald Lo\e, Wing Cojfmiander.


Two Junior School staff members have decided to tackle the business world next year and their departure is a great loss to us.

Bill Slattery has been associated with Ashbury since 1949 when he arrived as a student. He joined the staff in 1953 and was responsible for many of the practical ideas which have been put into effect in order to consolidate the Junior School. He has been the guide and right hand man of the Junior Housemaster for the past seven years and Me shall miss him. We will also miss Mike Sherwood whose enthusiasm both in the classroom and on the playing fields has stimulated young Ashburians for the past three years. Good luck to you both.


The Junior School Chapel Service each morning has become part of the Ashbury boy's daily life with its beautiful hymns, prayers, and reading of the lesson — a part that we will always remember. The choir has done an excellent job this year under the guidance of Mr. Godfrey Hewitt, the choirmaster, and with Mrs. Dalton at the organ. Two important services — the Candle Light service and the Easter Carol service were well attended and very inspiring. At the Candle Light service, the chapel was beautifully decorated with candles on the sides of the pews and on the altar. Besides the magnificent singing of the choir, boys of the Junior School up to the Headmaster read the lesson in turn. Since the beginning of the year several boys of the Junior School have been devoting^ some of their time each Wednesday in going to J24 THEASHBURIAN the chapel to be prepared by .Mr. .Monks (our chaplain) for confirmarion which will be held on May 9th. A report of this service appears else- where in the Ashburian.

So in all the chapel has played an important part in the Junior School throughout the year. ^^^ ^^^^^^^^ _ ^j^^^^j ^^^^^


With "The Singer Grows Old", by Audrey Alexandra Brown, as the set piece, this year's poetry reading contest appeared to be difficult. However, the difficulty of the poem to be read did not discourage the boys who had made up their mind to enter, so it was necessary to con- duct an elimination. Mr. Polk and Mr. Spencer acted as judges, and the large entry was limited to four during a iMonday afternoon Culture Period. Frequently one hears of "very close decisions" from judges, but this year's preliminary was so closely contested that the two judges were discussing the merits of the readers long after the rest of the school had gone home. Ultimately it was decided to send Ned Burritt, David Johnson, Tom Fuller and Jamie McAulay to final round. A word of encouragement should be given to the two entrants from Form II, Michael Howse and Ian Cosh. To try their ability against boys in Transitus is a feat in itself, and to do well against the older boys would make it appear that the Junior School will have readers for years to come. Professor Johnston, from Carleton University, was the judge at the finals. He spoke well of the standard of reading, particularly the obvious feeling for poetry displayed by those taking part. The Junior School winner was Ned Burritt, and his narrow margin of victory was gained for his reading of "Guiseppe the Barber" as his free choice.


Those two stalwarts, Tom Fuller and Jamie McAulay, were once more in contest against each other for the Junior Award for Public Speaking. Tom, in an assured manner, used the same speech he had used for an outside contest the week previously — he was told that this was quite legitimate — and convinced the audience that optimism must be an ingredient for true leadership. Jamie, on the other hand, prepared a very learned speech on "Time Keeping Throughout the Ages". Al-

though well prepared, it was not as well delivered, giving Fuller that slight edge which enabled him to win the a^'ard. McLaughlin and Hearne, both new comers to the public speaking field, also entered. The former spoke authoritatively on "Prisoners of War", but ignored the judge's time signals. Had he kept within the THE ASHBU RI AN 125 prescribed time limit, his speech would have been nuich better. Reiter- ation can only be used successfully by accomplished public speakers!

John ITearnc, speaking on "London — the World's Greatest Citv^", is to be congratulated for his first attempt. He will still be a Junior ne.xt year, and will no doubt acquit himself creditably.


For years now our English teacher, Mr. Spencer, has been urging us to put more effort into our annual essays for the Rockcliffe Auxiliary's awards, with the winning of the Cruickshank Trophy as the ultimate aim. This year wt were able to give him what he wanted, for more by good luck than clever management, I was awarded this most prized trophy, and as well as the large silver horse coming to Ashbury for the year, I have a smaller model to remind me of my success. Tom Fuller, my arch rival in many things, was awarded third prize, so this year Ashbury won two of the three awarded. At an assembly of the Junior School, our Headmaster, Mr. Perr\^ spoke to us about the work of the Humane Society, and then presented the prizes. Other awards were:

Form II Forms IIIA and IIIB Form IIIC Transitus A Michael Dollin Phihp Mirsky Chris Chown Brian Speedie Michael Petersen John Read Brian Scott Bruce Firestone Bruce Deacon David Berger


The Essay Competition, conducted by the Royal Commonwealth Society, Ottawa Branch, was an opportunity for Mr. Spencer, who is a Fellow of the Society, to plug the Commonwealth, with the result that all Forms, from IIIB to Transitus A had to write an essay on one of the three Commonwealth subjects given. The best were re-written, and then written again — in fact I think I wrote mine four times — and were sent off to the Branch Chairman of the Socierv, to be judged with those from other schools. \\t were very fortunate in that I won first prize and Ned Burritt won second prize. The subject I chose was "Australia" (as a sop to Mr. Spencer, of course— Editor) and for his creditable performance, Ned chose one Commonwealth city from each of the six continents, and wrote about it, thereby giving himself plenty of research work. The essa\'s were sent to London, to be judged with other essays from Commonwealth boys and girls of the same age group. The prizes were awarded at the Royal Commonwealth Society's dinner for Miss Elizabeth Owen, of the parent Branch in London, and were presented to us by His Excellency, the I ligh Commissioner for India to Canada. Brian Speedie — Transitus A 126 THE ASH B U Rl AN CARLETON COUNTY OPTIMISTS' CLUB

The Optimists' Club Public Speaking Contest this year was the Junior School's first major venture into the outside world, as far as

Public Speaking is concerned. The contest is really for Seniors, but

Mr, George Mitchell of CBC, w4io is the Convener, wants to have some experienced boys for next year's contest, and he encouraged two of the promising juniors to enter. Competing against such experienced seniors as Haslam and Ewing was hard work, but the harder the compe- tition the sweeter the victory. Tom Fuller received an oscar for his efforts, and Jamie McAulay a special award for being the youngest contestant, and for showing promise as a future public speaker.

The Junior School is grateful to Mr. Mitchell for inviting us to take part, and to Mr. Spencer, the Public Speaking and Debating Coach, through whom our participation was organized. We look forward to next year's contest, when w^e hope to carry on the success of Gerry Haslam. (For report, see senior section. — Editor)


Once again the chess fever hit the Juniors during the Winter Term, and each Form had its tournament, followed by a playoff of the Form winners. Bryn Davies emerged the Champ. Here are the results:

Transitus A

Speedie Foran Foran Thorne Foran Cook Foran Fuller Cook Shepherd Thurlow Taschereau Shepherd Murray Thurlow Thurlow Thurlow

Transitus B

Sigvaldason Dawson Dawson Dawson Rawlinson Mulaner Earnshaw Mulaner Mulaner Mulaner .MacLauchlan Barber Barber Gilmour Gilmour Davies Gilmour THE ASHBURIAN 127

IIIA Davics Gumming Davies 1 Roche Roche J > Davies Cook I Robertson J Read Hcarne 1 Read f Davies Thurston \ Stone J Wilson Thurston McAulev } Thurston Polk \ Patton i


Anderson 1 Berends ^^"'^^'"^"'^ Schofield / Schofield j Anderson Neatby MacLaren iMacLaren l „ ^ Savers Sayers J

IIIC Mulaner Alulaner Millar Chown .Mulaner Chown Johnson Souch Souch Souch Berger Souch Rossy Machado Aiachado

II Deutsch Hearne Hcarne Hearne Farrugia > Farrugia J Nelms Nettleton Chevalier Chevalier Tyas Nettleton Nettleton y Hadlev

Hadley Hadlev Shenkman Hadlev Reed Reed Sharp

The Playoffs

Thurlow Mulaner Mulaner Mulaner Gilmour Davies Souch Hadley Hadley Davies Anderson Davies Davies 128 THE ASHBURIAN THE JUNIOR SCHOOL LIBRARY

With the addition of many new books this year, the Library has done "good business", especially amongst the boarders during the winter months, when reading was very popular. The extensive use made of the reference books for essay purposes has justified the addi- tional expense of bringing this section up to date. Another popular section is the magazine section, receiving regular books covering a wide variety of interests. The most regular customer has been Ewart, from IIIA. He must either read very quickly, or skip thrugh the pages without digesting what he reads. This has frequently been a cause of arguments around the Library during morning break. I suppose any discussion on books or those who read them will help to encourage boys to read more. I certainly hope so. Tom Foran — Librarian


For our autumn class trip, Mr. Spencer took IIIA to the Ottawa Citizen and the Art Gallery. First we went to the Citizen building. We were shown the editor's table, and the desks where the reporters write their stories. Nearby, we saw the complicated machines where news and pictures come into the office from overseas. We also saw the machine which gets photographs ready for print. Then we went upstairs to the teletype machines, where the print is made, the molds where the pages are set up in print, and the machines where the notice prints are made. After seeing these machines work, we saw the ink tanks, and printing presses. We saw the room where the tremendous rolls of paper are stored, and the miniature rail- way tracks and cars which take the paper to the presses. Then we went upstairs and saw the distributing room, where the newspapers are counted, tied with wire, and sent out to be delivered. W^e went down- stairs again, where we were each given a pen and a booklet about making newspapers. Our next stop was the Art Gallery. We went to the fifth floor which was devoted to pictures by a French-Canadian artist. There were abstract pictures, self portraits, and realistic paintings. AVe were divided into two groups, and went around separately. My group, after wandering around for a bit, went down to the second floor, where we saw "The Death of W^olfe", and a picture which had been found on the face of a "mummy". The "mummy" was buried over 2000 years ago! After this, we walked out to a bus-stop, and caught a bus back to school.

It was a very interesting class trip, and one which I would like to repeat. J. Read - IIIA THE ASHBURIAN 129 MRS. HOPE iVIULHALL-AN APPRECIATION

As the "oldest inhabitant" of the Memorial \\'ing, it is my privilege to write a brief note about our late Junior Matron, Mrs. Mulhall. "The Mul", as she was affectionately called, was verv kind, especially to us younger boys, and it was a great shock to us when she so suddenly passed away. Some older people think we young folk are thoughtless, but Mrs. Alulhall knew we appreciated her many favours. It was always a treat to have her enthusiastically receive some small tribute, purchased with our pocket money, and every Wednesday, when she came back after her "day off" there would be a line up to see what "the Mul" had brought back for us. It was usually something to eat, of course, not that we are starved, but it IS nice to get something extra, especially just before bedtime. We miss Jimmy, her grandson, of whom she was so proud. He has no brothers or sisters, and enjoyed his Saturday mornings spent in the Memorial ^^'ing. To Mr. and Mrs. \^aughan (Mrs. Mulhall's daughter) we send our kindest regards, and assure them that we fre- quently spare an affectionate thought for our late Junior Matron. Bob Sough — Form llIC


On Friday, October the 28th the Ottawa Humane Socierv^ held its annual bazaar. \\'hen they have this they occupy the Junior School, so for this reason our class went on a tour. W c went to several places which included the Parliament Buildinors, the Royal Canadian Mint, the Public Archives and the War Museum. First we went to the Royal Mint where we were led through all the processes of making coins. Next we went to the War Museum where many relics of wars that Canada had participated in are stored. There were for example, old guns, torpedoes, models of famous vessels, and aircrafts. I found in- teresting a carriage which was once owned by Lord Dorchester. Following the W^ar Museum we went to see the Canadian Archives. "\\'e saw many pictures of great men who had much to do with the making of Canadian History. There was an old Indian canoe and a large model of what the cit\^ of Quebec looked like in the latter part of the 1800's. Finally we visited the Parliament Buildings, First we were taken up to the Peace Tower. We saw the carillon bells which are very big. The biggest bell is supposed to weigh more than five tons. A\'e A\ere then taken to the Memorial Chamber where the names of Canada's War Dead are written. The books in which they are written are called The Books of Remembrance. The other things we saw included the House of Commons where Parliament meets, the Red Chamber where the Senate sits, and the Parliamentary Librar)\ This ended a ver)^ exciting tour which I wish would have lasted longer. David Berger — IIIC 130 THE ASH BURI AN



Early last Fall plans were made for CINDERELLA, a pantomime in "good old English tradition". The A4others' Guild undertook to sponsor the show, and work was begun immediately on costumes and sets. A4r. Beetensen, the director, auditioned and cast about fifty boys for the performance and the Ottawa Little Theatre was rented for the night of December 13th.

After six weeks of rehearsals, the Panto began to take shape; the horses, mice, pumpkin, ugly sisters and courtiers had gone through their routines and the only chore left to the producer was that of dealing with stage fright.

The dress-rehearsal went without a hitch: the pianos had not arrived; Miss Woodburn was having hysterics; Mr. Beetensen was tear- ing his hair out; the boys had forgotten their lines; the mice had dis- appeared; Cinderella had lost her (his) voice, and the box office had sold out.

It is a truth universally acknowledged, that boys can be depended upon to get you out of (or into ... I have forgotten which) a jam. THE ASH B U Rl A\ ni

Despite the handicaps it was decided "the sliow must go on". At 8.15 p.m. the curtain went up on a lonely and rather frigjhtened Cinderella (Mackenzie 1).

With the entrance of the ugly sisters (Fuller and Earnshaw), the whole cast were put at ease; tlie audience were splirrinq' their sides, and a few lines not intended by the author added to the hilarity. The authentic mice marched on stage to the tune of 'Quarter- master's Stores' and whispers were heard, "Is he man or mouse?". Not to be outdone, the sisters arriye in the next scene en route to the ball riding a tandem to the tune of Daisy, Daisy (Princey, Princey) and the audience join in the chorus. Rather saddle-sore, one sister exclaims: "When I marr\^ Prince Charming, Fm having cushions on my bicycle". The other retorts: "W hen 1 marry Prince Charming I am going to purchase Mr. Perry's automobile!".

The Ballroom scene is carried off with all the pomp, ceremony and polish of the occasion, all the boys having become proficient at dancing the minuet. Some parents are still in doubt as to whether Ashburv imported girls for the occasion, or perhaps some of their boys are attending Elmwood. The evening proved to be an outstanding success and both cast and audience ae^reed that it had been well worth while. CAST CINDERELLA: Mackenzie 1st UGLY SISTER: Fuller :nd UGLY SISTER: Earnshaw FAIRY GODMOTHER: Cosh 132 THE ASHBURIAN

THREE MICE: Evans, Hearne II, Mulaner II OTHER xMICE: Hadley, Reed, Lofrus, Anketell-Jones, Davis, Farrugia, Chevalier, Firestone, Shenkman. CAT: Rowley HORSES-Frojit: Nelms I, MacCarthy, Roche, Nelms II, Burritt. Rear: Gillean, Foran, Robertson, Barber, Cummings. PRINCE: Alulaner MESSENGER: Hearne PAGE: Souch COURTIERS—.1/^/^': Rossy, Ewart, Read, Berends, Wright, A4ackenzie III, Moquette, McAuley. Female: MacLauchlan, Schofield, Copeland, Millar,

Deacon, MacLaren, Mackenzie II. BACK STAGE: O'Brien, Smith, Thurlow, Murray, Patton. DIRECTOR and NARRATOR: B. R. Bettensen, E^q.

PIANO: Miss I. Woodburn, E. Donaldson, Esq. MAKE-UP: Dr. K. Spencer

COSTUMES: Mrs. J. W. Roche and Mothers' Guild SET: Mr. Bill Adkins, iMiss MalenkaRhuby, Messrs. MacLaurin, Bodger, Kirkbride, Blackburn, xMenemencioglu, Smethurst. PROPERTIES: Wooles PROGRAMiME: (Cover) iMrs. Ross Gray (Advertising) W. E. Slattery, Esq. THE ASHBU RI AN m

':-' "'


^^r- r^ M


1. Shakespearian Tragedy. 1. Friend of chief character in 1 across. 4. The ghost was seen at the of 2. Prospero was proficient in the .irt the castle. of it.

7. Bassanio was a nobleman. 3. Shvlock might have been thought 8. Goneril's sister. m bv some people. 10. Shvlock's favourite word. 4. First and fifth words of 12 across. 11. Preposition. 5. Petruchio: "That is not the sun it is 12. Third word of a famous soliloquy. the m vou see." 13. Shakespearian lice. 6. Miranda's father. 14. Hamlet put on the play to 7. Nerrissa's mistress. Claudius. 9. If vou do not get this one the others 16. Add to these the first two letters of will not be correct. 17 down and you can't pull it over 15. AVhat Polonius might have ex- anvbodv's eyes. claimed. 18. Pronoun. 17. King Lear felt that he was getting 19. Laertes" sister. this. is a 20. In Scotland he called Thane. 20. Shakespeare wrote more than one. 23. I is the villain in OTHELLO. 21. Grass is covered with it after an 25. First letters of the names of: Elizabethan frost. Prospero's servant 23. 2nd singular, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, plural of Merchant of Venice the verb FO BE. King of Camelot 24. American slang. 26. Shvlock was not satisfied with it. 25. Abbreviation for Alan. 28. Roman instrument. for Montreal. 29. Macbeth saw them from Dunsinane 26. .Abbreviation castle. 27. Same as 12 across. 134 THE ASH BURIAN


Back Row: D. C. Polk, A. S. F. Wright, S. G. Gamble, G. L. Nelms, H. J. Pyefinch.

Middle Roil-: C. J. Rawlinson, J. C. Schofield, P. K. Smith, \'ice-Capt., J. D. Shepherd, L. I. H. Spencer, Esq.

Fro7}t Row: C. J. Welland, M. A. Taschereau, R. D. McMillan, Capt., D. J. Mulaner, V. S. Davies. THE JUNIOR SOCCER TEAM

This was the Soccer Team's best season, as there were three wins and one tie. As the snow was a long time in coming, we were able to play right up until the Christmas Vacation. The Junior Soccer League games were concluded, and a report of this activity (which enables every boy from IIIC to Transitus A to take part) appears elsewhere. The annual trips to Selwyn House and Sedbergh were great events of the season. There is always lots of keen competition for places on these trips. Might I remind those boys who did not make it that we can't all make the teams. Coach for the team was Mr. Spencer. Every year he says he is getting too old for the job, but I guess next Fall he will be back there as usual, shouting, bullying and encouraging the team to victory. In THE ASH B U Rl AN /5f a it way, might be a good idea if he DID retire. 1 le only gave two colours this year, to Peter Smith and a new boy, Vic Davies. the latter had never played soccer before yet he saved the team on more than one occasion and cerrainlv earned the honour awarded him. \I AcMir.I.AN


This year we had quite a good season. The first game we played in Sedbergh the score was zero to zero. It was a very ckjse ^ame. the second game was at Ashbury. Wc won 1 to 0. the third game was not so well played. We lost 3 to 1. We had a good coach and I think that he helped a lot. Next year we hope to have a victorious season. (^F^o^\ x — Vice-Captain

""Wririlriiiii TfC

UNDER 11 SOCCER TEAM Back Roil-: L. L H. Spencer, Esq.. P. M. Ankctell-Jones. D. R. Moulds, L. H. Moquette,

J. B. Scott, R. J. Millar. Middle Roiv: A. Farrugia, W. Shenkman, A. C. A. Machado, Capr., C. T. Chown,

\'ice-Capt., J. \\ P. Heame.

In Front: J. H. Nelms, J. .M. Mulaner. 136 THE ASH BURIAN

UNDER 14 HOCKEY TEAM Back Row: M. H. E. Sherwood, Esq., R. C. G. Rowley, B. L. O'Brien, D. L. Finlay,

J. P. E. Anderson, G. R. V. Benskin. McMillan, Capt., D. A. P. Front Row: D. J. Mulaner, P. K. Smith, D. J. Shepherd, R. P. Gamble, Vice-Capt., M. B. Murray, J. C. Schofield. In Front: W. M. Southam,


This was one of the best seasons that the Junior Team has had for several years. Every year the team's main goal is to beat Rockcliife School and under the able coaching of Air. Sherwood the team accom- plished this goal. Colours were awarded to Doug McMillan, Peter Smith and David Gamble. Scores below will show the record of the team. Out of the nine games played there were 7 wins, 4 losses and 1 tie.

Ashbury at Scdbergh wm Rockcliffe at Ashbury win Selwyn at Ashbury win Ashburv at R.C.A.F. loss Ashbury at L.C.C. loss Ashbury at R.C.A.F. loss Ashburv at L.C.C. loss Ashburv at Fairfield win Ashbury at Rockcliffe win Ashbury at Fairfield win McMillan — Captain THE ASHBURIAN 131


Rear Row: C. L. Collyer, E. F. Burritt, \\. A. Taschereau, L. J. M. Savers, H. H. Johnson, M. H. E. Sherwood, Esq. Shepherd, Vice-Capt., D. A. P. Front Row: W. J. Shenkman, G. R. V. Benskin, D. J. Gamble, Capt., M. B. Murray, J. P. E. Anderson, H. J. Pyetinch. Absent: T. H. P. Davis.

UNDER 13 HOCKEY Ashbirry at L.C.C. We starred on our journey at about seven o'clock and by about 8:30 we were on the train heading for Montreal. It was a very scenic and pleasant train trip and we arrived in Montreal at about 10:30. From the station we went to the school where we immediately donned our equipment for the big game. Then we went into the enormous indoor rink and started play. After that game we thought we had played well even though we lost it. After lunch we played basketball iji their gym and at 4:00 we left for home having had a very enjoyable time.

L.C.C. at Asbbiiry L.C.C arrived ar about 11.30 by bus. Then we all had lunch in the dining hall and afterwards we showed them around the school. At about 1:00 we got ready for the game and at 1:30 the game com- menced with both teams being very eager to play. From the very l^S THE ASH B U RIA N beginning of the game until the end both teams fought extremely hard, so as to produce a 4-all tie,

Ashhury at Selwyn We left Saturday morning by bus at about 9:30. The day wasn't a particularly good one but it was a fine trip down. We arrived at Selwyn at approximately 12 o'clock where we were shown around the school and later had lunch. After lunch we went directly to the AIcGill University Arena. AVe felt pretty happy about that game as the final score was 11-4 for us. We were to return by bus but because of the weather we were forced to return home by train.

Sehtcyn at Ashbiiry The Selwyn House hockey team arrived at Ashbury at 10: 30 where thev started to get ready for the game. The game started at 11:30 and all through the game everybody played their positions well. We finally won the game after a well fought game by both teams. Then we showed them around the school and had lunch at 12.00.

Ashbury at Sedbergh W t arrived at Sedbergh at about 2 p.m., and then we started the task of putting on our equipment. Because they seldom played hockey, instead of our under 1 3 team we put on our under 1 2 team. The final score was a 5-1 victory for us. Then we were shown around the school and later we had refreshments in their dining hall.

Sedbergh at Ashbury Sedbergh arrived at 1:30 and the game began at 2 p.m. After playing for a short time we learned that their team had only been playing hockey once a week so to make the game more evenly matched we used our under 1 2 team. Both teams played well and the final score was 5-1 for Ashbury. After the game both teams were served refresh- ments in the diningr hall. Burritt JUNIOR CRICKET Tl.AM

Back Rozi- C. L. Cullvcr, B. L. O'Brien, P. K. Smitli, IX J. Mulaner, V. J. Dawson. A. G. Patron. \'. Front Roil': D. L. Finlav, G. R. Benskin, D. J. Shepherd, \'ice-Capt., M. B. Murrav, Cape, A. P. D. Gamble, T. G. Bell, B. D. G. Speedie.

JUNIOR CRICKET XI V The poor spring weather has been a severe handicap to the Junior Cricket XL All the boys who were on the Bishop's Trip this year will remember it as "Air. Spencer's wxekend excursion", as we had two days away and not one ball was bo\\'led. However, the five hours in Mon- treal and the \\-eekend at The New Sherbrooke Hotel were certainly enjoyable, for the team, if not for the Coach. The first grame against Bishops was highlighted by the excellent fielding. There was a true "cricket spirit" about that game, and we were sorry that wq could not continue the battle down at Lennoxville. When Sedbergh came to visit Ashbur)^ we played so well, taking the field first, that we thought it was all over when we \\ent in to bat. However, the Sedbergh boys played havoc with our batsmen, and we lost the game. On the return visit—the Saturday between the examina- tions—the whole team was so happy to have a fine day on which to relax, there was a picnic atmosphere about the game. Sedbergh entertamed us to a fine lunch, (no doubt trying to "fatten us up" so that we could not run) and at the end of the game, which we narrowly won, all agreed that our visit to that school was a highhght of the short season. The bowling and batting of a new player, Chris Collyer, made it a foregone conclusion as to who would \\in the award for the Most Improved Player. His "hat trick" at Sedbergh was the first in inter- school play for many years. John Read's bowling and batting made it appear that he, too, would be in hne for recognition, and he was awarded his colours at the final Readover. Shepherd - Captain JUNIOR TRACK AND FIELD

Back Row: D. J. Shepherd, P. M. Berends, I. D. MacKenzie, W. M. Southam, D. L. Finlav,

D. J. iMulaner, R. D. McMillan, P. K. Smith, B. L. O'Brien, J. C. Schofield, C. J. Welland, M. H. E. Sherwood, Esq.

Middle Row: A. G. Patron, C. L. CoUver, P. M. Anketell-Jones, H. J. Pvefinch C. J.

Roche, D. C. Polk, A. F. Wright, J. V. Hearne. R. J. Millar. FroJit Row: D. C. MacKenzie, I. S. Cosh, A. M. K. Reed, P. R. Thurston, M. L. I. Peterson, H. H. Johnson, T. H. P. Davis, S. E. Copeland, D. W. P. Hav.


It is very hard to write about this activity as the Editor wants it

before the exams start, yet all the results come after Closing. However, one important event was the /Montreal Track Meet. Doug Finlay was chosen from the Junior School to go with the team to that event, and he did reasonably well there. Busy preparing for the School Sports are all the enthusiasts on the field. Under the coach, Mr. Sherwood, they will certainly be doing their best to break records on Sports' Day. On the day after Closing is the Interschool Track iMeet. There are several contenders for honours, and thev will certainly be doing their best on that day. Polk — II HOUSE AND LEAGUE GAMES All Juniors except about twenty-five of the smallest were placed on one of six soccer league teams. The smallest ones are on "The Farm" and look forward to the day when they can break into the big league. We had a fine season and in the playoffs ^^^olverhampton defeated Arsenal, Manchester defeated Preston. In the Cup Final, Manchester (Captain—Finlay) edged Preston (Captain—Dawson) 1-0. The Hockey League was an exciting race right to the final game when Detroit, Boston, New York and Chicago won phnoff spots. Detroit beat New York 5-1, and Boston won over Chicago 4-3. For the Saxe Cup Boston (Bell and Shepherd—captains) defeated Detroit (Cjamble—captain) by a score of 3-2. In the House Games it was Connaught all the way as thev \\'on the Soccer, Hockey and Cricket matches to gain 30 points toward the Wilson Shield.



BuRRiiT — Ned, the smartest boy in the class won the Cruikshank Trophy and placed second in the Commonwealth Kssay Competi- tion in Ottawa which was sent to England. Good work Ned! Keep it up.

Campbell — Tim tried out for the Junior Soccer but didn't quite make

it. He had an average year and hopes to return next fall.

Clarke — Jeff was lost and found Monitor. This was his last year here as next term he is going to school in Winnipeg. Good Luck!

Cook II — Greg made the Junior Football team and played well. He might return next year but his chances are slim.

Evans — Air. Spencer's enemy? John had a good year and was con- firmed by Bishop Reed in the school chapel. The summer will be spent at his farm in Quebec.

FoRAN — Tom is very frustrated because the library isn't used very I much. He has improved in English, his worst subject but Air. Spencer says he can do better.

FuLLLR — Tom was editor of the Ashburian in the Junior school and a member of the choir. Summer will be spent at the Britannia Yacht Club.

Gamble — David made the two Junior hockey teams and received his colours for the second time. I le played on the third cricket team

and went to Bishops. A laths is his favorite subject.

Johnson — David skipped IIIA and went in Transitus. From the start of the year he has been improving his work. THE ASHBURIAN 143

Murray — Brian is one of our best bow Icrs on the third cricket team, Mr. Spencer says he talks too much. At present he has a cut thumb, but all the class wish him a speedy recovery.

Nelms — Larry is leaving for Europe on May 30th so he will miss his final exams. He made the under twelve hockey team and plavcd well.

O'Brien — Larry entered almost every sports event this vear, including skiing in which he received his colours. Summer will be spent at Meach Lake.

Robertson — John is interested in snakes and reptiles. He started in Transitus B and was moved into our form. His year was enjoyed very much.

Rowley — Unfortunately Roger had his leg in a cast so his athletic activities were restricted for the last half of the year. Summer will be spent at "31" Miles Lake.

Shepherd — \\'ith David's busy athletic activity he manages to find time for school work. Maths is his best subject.

Smith — Peter, the Lieutenant of the day boys has had an excellent

last year. Isn't it a pity English is depriving you of an M.L.T.S.?

Speedie — Brian, a member of the choir, Junior Ashburian and scorer of the Junior cricket is well liked by all the boys.

Taschereau — Mike became a boarder half way through the year. Maths is his favorite subject. His summer will be spent in England.

Thorne- (Down with French up with Thorne). Duncan was the deput\' chapel clerk. A rather quiet boy whom we hope to see next year.

Thurlow - Everyone says James has an M.L.T.S. His favorite sub- jects are Maths and Latin. He was a boarder monitor and will return next year.

the Welland - Chris is a new^ boy who sings in the choir. He made track team. Mr. Spencer says he is an inteUigent boy.

on, h(jw- Wright - Anything I say about Sandy would not be agreed ever he has done well all year.

as the boys. Just Mr. Polk - A form master, I think is just as important remember the party we gave you because Transitus will always look back on the class trips you took us on. you, sir, for putting up with us for the past year. 144 THE ASHBURIAN


Barber — This is Jeff's first year with us and despite his rather unfortunate in- jury during the hockey

season he has enjoyed it very much. CoLLYER — Chris has been doing wonderfully well in sports, by making the junior soccer, football, hockey, cricket and track teams.

Davies — Victor has been a good form monitor for last term and is well

liked. His marks are excellent and he is well behaved. Dawson — Phil's second year has been a good one considering that he made both hockev and cricket teams. He is a fine class secretary and a real comedian.

Earnshaw — John made the junior soccer team and is a promising hockey star. He is well liked and says he hopes to be a man some day! FiNDLAY — Doug's second year has been fabulous sportswise since he made every team in the junior school. He is crazy about records, but not about school M'ork. GiLMouR — Chris has enjoyed his second year and was very pleased to make the cricket team.

Love — Don is wing commander and really enjoys it. He has done \\'ell in class and has been a good assistant monitor.

Mackenzie — David has sung well in the choir and is well liked by everyone.

MacLauchlan — Malcolm has enjoyed his first year and likes the sports very much. Mactavish — Duncan has enjoyed his third year and has achieved a mark of 98 in his Latin. McMiLLAN — Doug's second year has been very good since he has made all the teams that could be made. He also came first in the cross- country.

Mulaner I — Dave has done well in class and sports He speaks Spanish

fluently and he and Findlay can really yak it up \\hen they get excited.

Rawlinson — Chris has been a real whiz in class and has done well in sports, by making the cricket and soccer teams. SiGVALDASON — Georgc has done well in class and likes the sports. This

is his first year and he has enjoyed it. He likes the food. THE ASHBURIAN 145


Benskin — Gerry likes sports very much and hopes to be on the cricket team. Mr. Spencer always screams at him but in the long

run he is quite a good guv. Mr. Spencer is ver\^ good in running he says but that was thirt>^ years ago.

Cook — Ken is twelve vears old, this is his second year at Ashbury. He is in the choir. His favorite subjects are Algebra and French.

Gumming — Ian likes all sports, but running. He is a boarder. His parents live in England. He likes riding and all his teachers.

Davies — Bryn's favorite indoor game is chess. His ambition is to be a Grand Master. He comes from Wales and his favorite sport is soccer. He hopes to be an archeologist. EwART — Allan hopes to be an engineer when he grows up. His favorite sports are swimming and hockey. He likes IIIA but hopes to pass into Transitus.

Gamble - This is Gill's first year at Ashbur\-. He likes to play foot- ball, baseball and chess. He would like to be an architect.

a He.\rne - John is in the Ashbury choir. He would hke to become doctor. His favorite subjects are History and Music. MacCarthy - Martin was on the winning hockey team for two years. in trees He likes music and is in the choir. He is very interested and their growth and hopes to become a scientist and cure many tree diseases. speak- McAuLAY - James is in his fourth year. He has won the public ing prize twice and the Form prize in Grade Four. universitA' MiRSKY - Phihp is thinking about being a book publisher or a teacher specializing in English Literature. His favorite subject is Music.

PATTON-Sandv tries verv hard. Mr. Polk calls him Pit a Pat. He likes to play all games and enjoys being a boarder. . !


Polk — David is our Class Monitor. He is also our class artist. He enjoys soccer and softball. David is also in the school choir. Pyefinch — Harry would like to be a Veterinarian. His favorite sports are soccer and cricket.

Read — John made the first field this year, and now hopes to make the cricket team. His favorite subjects are Arithmetic and Algebra and he likes cricket and hockey. He wants to get into the Navy. Robertson — Sandy can be very annoying but he doesn't think so (maybe he is right). It is astounding the way he gets away with everything, usually because there is a loop hole and he takes advan-

tage of it, although he is not as clever as he thinks he is!

Roche — Christopher hopes to be a doctor. This is his third year here. His favorite sports are cricket and soccer. Stone — Christopher hopes to be a medical doctor. His favorite sport is cricket. He is in the choir and likes Latin.

Thurston — Peter specializes in talking, and wants to be a brain sur- geon, but, iMr. Spencer says "He's driving me crazy" (Maybe he's right)

Wilson — Andrew likes Arithmetic and Algebra and Latin. He also likes hockey and cricket as sports. He wants to be a mathematician when he grows up.

Hay — David arrived from Australia in May and is already a form favorite of the whole Form. He did well in his exams, and made the junior cricket team.

mm^SaLiS'Tti^VmH . 'li ^^ 1 *^.* lS PpHp ^ 1 P"^i8l.''^ > , * pfw. Krl^*51^^^"^' J^w 1 Wm pi1 L4-r""^^kW^^t BCT! Ify^ -,'. 1


Anderson — John is enjoying his first year at Ashburv. He was a member of the junior hockey team. Algebra is one of John's favourite and best subjects. John also won the form chess contest. Bell — Tim is our monitor. He was also a member of the junior hockey,

soccer and cricket teams. I lis two favourite subjects are History and Geography. THE ASH B U RI AN 7^7

Berends — Patrick's first year at Ashhiirv has l)een a very {rood one.

Next year he will be attending school in luirope. He is a very ^ood

cricket player , one of the best on our field.

CuRRiE — Arthur is a new boy at Ashbury. He was one of the boys in charge of the construction of our geography project.

Deacon — My first year at Ashbury has been a pleasant and good \'ear for me. xAll my teachers have helped me. My favourite subjects

are Maths and Latin. I hope some day to get my Ph.D.

GiLLEAN — Geoffrey has been going to Ashbury nearly all his scliool years. He is a great reader and plays the piano.

HuRDMAN — Tommy is one of our old boys. He is very athletic and an average student.

Mackenzie — Douglas is our form gossip monitor. He was a member of the Junior Track and Field Team. He also came second in the cross-country run. v

AIacLaren — Duncan is a new boy at Ashbury. He is a piano student. On our cricket field he is a captain. Also he is one of the best

players on our field. He is also our assistant form monitor and a good student.

Neatby — Andrew is the youngest in our form. He is the most im- proved person in IIIB this year. He is a piano student and hopes to continue his schooling at Ashbury.

Savers — Leonard is one of our chess enthusiastis. He was one of the members of the junior hockey team. He also likes baseball and football.

ScHOFiELD — John is our form secretary. He is very athletic. He was a member on nearly all the sport teams. He is also a very good chess player.

in Southam — AMlson is enjoying his first year at Ashbury. He is good cricket and other sports. Wilson is an average student.

a few Tewsley — Peter is a late arrival in our form as he only came months ago. And he is also enjoying his stay at Ashbury. 3



Anketell-Jones — Patrick's favourite sports are swimming and football He was transferred from Form II in the middle of the winter term.

Pat was on the gym team and is 1 1 years old. His hobby is hunting and he is going to be a naval officer.

Berger — David is 1 1 years old and his favourite sports are football and hockey. His hobbies are making models and collecting baseball,

hockey and football cards. His ambition is to be a lawyer.

Chown — Chris is 1 2 years old, his favourite sports are hockey and soccer. He was vice-captain of the under 11 soccer team. His hobby is stamp collecting and he is a boarder who lives in Toronto. He is planning to be an aircraft designer.

Johnson II — Hugh is 1 years old and has a cottage at Grand Lake. His favourite sports are hockey, football and baseball. He was on

the under 1 1 soccer team, under 1 1 hockey team and the under 1 hockey team. Hugh's hobby is stamp collecting. He intends to be a Canada Cement salesman.

Machado — Tony is 12 years old and his favourite sports are swimming and soccer. He was captain of the under 11 soccer team. His hobby is sleeping. We were all sorry when he had to return to Brazil.

Mackenzie — Ian likes swimming and Softball a great deal. He is a

boarder from Montreal and is twelve. His hobby is collecting

coins. Ian was also on the gym team. He is planning to be a pilot.

Millar — Bobby is 1 1 years old, his favourite sports arc cricket and

soccer. He has been here two years and his hobby is collecting

stamps. He was on the under 1 1 soccer team. Flis ambition is to be a surgical doctor. / // /. ,1 S II I', U l< I .1 A 149

Aloni ri IK — Law rciicc is \2 \ cars oKI ami Ins taxDuritc sports arc skiiiiLf

ami cricket, lie was on rhe umler II soccer ami the l!:\ in team.

I lis hobbies are collectinL;- stamjis ami coins. I lis ambition is to be a scientist.

Moi I i)S — Don is the bnourite [>al ot e\er\l)oil\, bo\ s ,iml teacher.'.

both. 1 lis work is impro\ inn- rapidU . lie played on the soccer

and hockey teams. I le w ants to follow his father ami be a doctor.

Ml I ANKK II — John is a long \\a\- from home, but he has a biir brother to protect his interests. He is in the choir, he pla\ ed on the under

1 I soccer team. I le collects stamps.

Rossv — Richard, commonU' know n as "W Oi i\ \\ Oit " has a favourite hol)b\- — anno\ ing teachers b\- talking too much. In his spare time

he also pla\s soccei. I lis ambition — to be an auctioneer, of course!

Sc.ori— Brian, another [)()pular bo\- of the l'\)rni, is a defence man on

the soccer team. I le also pla\s hockew I le expects to tjo into his father's law Hrm after he graduates.

Skkad— Brian is not the "sporty" t\pe. but prefers readinu. I le has to

take part, of course, and lie does (|uite w ell. It is too soon tor him to decitie on his future.

Soucn — Bob is the ardent stamp collector, and has a \er\- valuable

collection, which is the en\ \ of most boys. I le is onl\- a little guv

but he plays soccer, cricket and hocke\' and is also on the Track and

Meld team. .Added to all this, he is a choir member, too.


CoPF.i.ANi), SiKPHF-.N — I am ten \ears old ami have been at Ashbury tor

two years. .My favourite subject is spelling. The games I like best holi- are soccer and hocke\-. I have no plans \et for my summer

I up. da\s, but I intend to be a news reporter detective w hen grow

Cosii, iw, aged ten - In 1959 I came to Ashbury and like it very much.

:\\m.\ was on My favourite game is cricket, bur 1 also enjoy racing

the Junior (i\ni (Jorps on (^adet Inspection dAV. I belong to the

school choir. I plan to be an actor. IJO THEASHBURIAN

Davis, Tom, age eight — This is niv third year at Ashbury. I am in

Grade IV. I played on the soccer and hockey teams. On the

track team I won three races for mv house. Aly favourite subjects

are reading and memory. I shall spend the summer at .Muskoka. To be a private detective is my ambition. Deutschk, An', age ten — This is my first year at Ashbury. In the

Cross Country I came in second. I like English and arithmetic

and I also like playing soccer. VV'e are going to the Rocky

/Mountains this summer and then to our cottage. I would like to be the captain of a plane.

DoLLiN, David, age ten — This is my first year at the College. Last

year I was at .Manor Park. I like cricket best. Arithmetic is my

favourite subject. I am spending my summer at Air. Perry's camp.

Ellis, Mark, age ten — This is my third year at Ashbury. I enjoy

reading and geography and also playing soccer. I shall be at our

cottage on Bell Lake this summer. I want to be a lawyer when older.

Farrugia, Anthony, age ten — I have been a student at Ashbury for

two years. I am a bowler on the cricket team. I am also on the Track and Field Team. History, geography, reading and spelling

are favourite subjects. This summer I am going home to Venezuela.

Firestone, Bruce, age nine — This is my first year at the College. Last

year I went to Rockcliffe Pubhc School. .My favourite game is

soft ball. In winter I like to skate. I was in the Gym display and

tried for Track and Field. I like spelling and French. I am

assistant monitor. I plan to be a scientist or a person who makes cars. Gow, Duncan, age ten — Have been at Ashbury for two years. Soccer,

hockey, and Softball are favourite games. In class, I enjoy French

and geography. This summer I'll be at camp. Shall be a doctor

some day, I hope. Hadley, Michael, age ten — Ashbury has been my school for four years.

Next year Til be at Ridley. I am the class librarian. Favourite

game is baseball, favourite subject is grammar. I want to be an astronomer.

Hearne, VicroR, age nine — For four years I have been attendintr the

College. I am in the choir and have fun learning new songs. In

games, I enjoy soccer and Softball most; in class it is French and

grammar. We arc going camping at Black Lake this summer. I am

going to be a .Mounted Policeman when I grow up. Howes, Michael, aged nine — Have been at Ashbur\- for four \ears.

At school we pla\' cricket in summer and hockey in winter. I like to read and work arithmetic. We spend the summer at our cottage.

Aly aim is to be a lawyer when I am old enough. THE ASH num. IN 1^1

;igc — l"\)r Knox, John, ten three yens l\e hecii in Ashhiiry I like

baseball in the siiiiinicr and skiing in the u inter. Arithmetic is niv best subject, in the holidays \\c are going to Denmark and I'rance.

1 w ant to be an engineer and build bridges.

LoKius, Pun. IP, age nine — 1 la\ e had three years in the (^olletie where 1

am in the School Choir. In cricket, mv position is wicket-keeper.

History is a subject 1 enjoy. For the summer we may i^o to

l-.ngland. Some da\' I want to fly a helicopter.

iMiRSkv, MiCHAKi., age ten — This is m\ second year at the School. 1

am the window, lights and door monitor. 1 like to play soccer and

do well in spelling. A salesman is w hat I w ant to be., John, age ten — This is my third year at Ashburs'. .\1\' favourite

games are cricket and soccer. This year 1 am in the choir. Arith-

metic, French and grammar are the subjects enjoyed most. I lalf

of my holidays w ill be spent in England. \\ hen I grow up Fll be an eye doctor.

Nettletox, DAyiD — I have been at Ashbury for two years. Softball

is the game I like best. In class I like to read. My holidays will

be spent at our cottage. 1 plan to be a jeweller and help my father.

Pexxock, Tyler, age nine — I have been atv the College for two years

and have played cricket and soccer. I like almost all subjects but am not a very good writer. We spend our summers at Constance Bay. To be a private detective is my aim.

Petersox, Michael, age ten — I guess Fm an Ashbury old boy, having

been here for five years. All sports are favourites of mine. I also hke reading, geograpln', history and spelling. At Lake Deschenes,

near Aylmer, we'll spend the summer. I plan to be a test pilot or an astronaut.

Reed, Alax, age nine — For four years Fve been at the School. One

term I was assistant monitor. I belong to the choir. I w on the cross-country race. Subjects liked best are arithmetic, spelling and

reading and I enjoy cricket. This summer we are going to Ger-

many. Some day I hope to be a scientist.

Sharp, Chrlsiopher — This is my third year at Ashbur\'. At present, foot- I am assistant librarian. I like to play hockey in the winter and

ball in the summer. The subjects I like best are spelling and

French. I plan to be a lawyer.

Shexkmax, \\'illl\m - I am ten years old and have been at the College for two years. For two terms Fve been Form Monitor. I his year an«. I was on Junior hockey, soccer and track-and-field teams will enjoyed them all. 1 like spelling and reading. Fhe holidays be spent at camp. Fm going to be a lawyer. 1S2 r II E A Sll p. LRI A N

- Siiii'MAN, John I l:ue l)ccn :ir rhc (College for three \ears ;>nd I phm

to come hack next fall, i-'or rhe Hisr term I was the I'onii Monitor.

I like playing- soccer, i'rench and geograph\' are my best subjects.

When I grow up I wouUI like to he in the Real ('.state business.

TvAs, J.wiKs — 1 am ten years old and am in (irade \'. 1 his is m\' third

year at Ashbiir\ . Both softhall and skiing are favourite activities.

The subject I like best is w riting because I don't have to study for it.

Shall be at .Mr. i'erry's camp this summer. 1 want U) be a lawy^er some dav'.

I'ORAl 1

Aran rAc.'K — Our Grade I unrier of shoe laces - wants to be a con- tractor. Faijoys school.

Bond — (irade Fs man to figme things out, therefore he wants to be a policeman. Dl'ciiai^mi, — The sportsman and coming hockc\ plaver.

Dickson 11 — Our banker. CossF. — Wants to he a doctor.

1 lAtCH — The prize winner of Grade I. IlAvi.r.Y II — ()ur football player. KkM'.s — The private dctectixe of our class. La Fkumk — Our Aloimted Policeman.

Laii)m:k — Near perfect for lM)rm 1.

FawkI'-nci'. — Oui- cominn aitisr. iMacDonaij) II — Our law\'er — otherwise a salvage skin diver.

AIcAi'i.i.v II - Wants to he a doctor. Prydk — Our athlete

Will n: — Loves being part of all the things that happen every ilay. Wilson \^ — l-aijows being on "Sinbad" wwd a I'Orm monitor.

I'-Dd'AK — Our (|uiei (Irade I l)o\ w ho lo\cs (ire ennines.

I)AUNi.s - New this year hut has become a real asset to lM)rm I.

Hasinski I — New to us wwd has bc-come a gooil ( Jraile II boy.

Basinski II — a real h(t\' who enjo\s life at A'ihburv.


Less than a half hour remained before the start of the Echo Lake Racing Club's Annual Dinghy Race — "Boys, 16 and under." This year there was a record number of entries, and a record number of spectators had assembled. Thirtv-two boats, each with its crew of two, were out to capture the trophy from last year's winners.

At the moment, it looked as though one of them might be success- ful in the attempt, for the two bovs in cjuestion seemed to be in quite a flap and looked as though rhev would never make the race. As usual, they had left everything to the last minute and now they were frantically trying to make the preparations that should have been made hours ago. To save the embarrassment of being watched by ridiculing eyes they had snubbed their little craft on the side of the dock that gave them the greatest protection from view. L'nfortunately, this was not the side that gave them the greatest protection from wind and wave. As a result precious minutes were being wasted in desperately tr\ ing to stave off the sides of the dock, against which the boat was pounding, and to bale out the water which the WcWqs were lashing over the gun- wales.

However, they were miraculously under sail and more or less ready for the starting gun. Of the thirty-three dinghies contesting, four made a false start, fifteen made a hopelessly bad start, and three soon dropped far back in the race. Among the other eleven, our two heroes, last year's winners, lay in fifth place, where they remained until the last buoy was rounded. Here six boats were clumsily handled and dropped back. Five were left. Slowly our two champs edged into fourth po- sition. During the next twenty minutes they moved up from fourth to third, from third to second; finally they were in first place.

But \\ hat is this? They are seen to be in trouble as their craft comes up into the wind, sails flapping wildly, and frantic activity aboard, while their competitors pass them—one after the other. Their

rudder has jumped from its brackets, but fortunately the tiller is still in

the skipper's hands. At last it is back in place and the race resumed.

But surely for them it is a lost cause!

However, no race is really lost until it is over, and w ho knows w hat cliance may bring. Only a few yards from the finish, with our heroes gaining fast upon them, the leaders suddenly were seen to have

lost way. They had sailed into one of those sudden unexplainable lulls,

while the tail-enders were still driving with the wind's full benefit. One by one the leaders gathered way again as the wind freshened, but for them it was too late; last year's champions drove across the finish line, ahead by a bare half length. Champions again! Thorne — Transitus A THE ASHUURIAN /j;

"A COIN coiJ.i.cnoN •

W'licn \()ii start Coin Collecting, you h;n c to he sure of w hat kunl of iiioncv^ you want to collect.

If you are not sure, then you will end up with a lot of coins that you don't want and vou will waste nionev. To solve this prohlem I suggest vou read a hook on it, and actually find out what kind of money or currency nou want to huv.

When \()U start this fascinating h<)l)l)\', \'ou hetter he preparcti to spend (juite a lot of nionev if vou want valuahle coins.

If a friend wants to trade a coin, first find out its value, and then tell him yes or no.

When vou l)u\' vour hook on coins, I suggest that vou also huv a hook that tells nou the values; also a magnifving glass so vou can see the small and intricate designs and features.

The higgest coin in the world is a stone on the island of ^ ap which is in the Pacific Ocean.

Another kind of currency is a stamp in Russia just after the Revolution. Speedie — Trans. A


Bermuda is an island, or rather a collection of islands in the North

Atlantic ahout 600 miles east of the coast of Carolina. It is ahout the same size as Ottawa (Ont. ) with a population of about 45,000. Bermuda is made up of about 350 small islands, the biggest of which is Cireat Bermuda. The Bermudas are made up of coral which has been covered bv about two feet of earth and sand. Coming into Bermuda bv air, it looked at first like a jagged half moon, and, as we neared the end of the runway it seemed as if we were going to go through the fence at the end of the runway into the sea. \\'hen we reached our cottage the first thing we wanted to do was to go for a swim. Our friends had supplied us with two motor driven bikes and a two geared motor bike. Our friends had also shown us a place called Clarence Bay, so we decided to go there as it was the closest place. On the way there the Cyprus or two geared bike had engine trouble and some of us had to go back to the hotel. When we were settled in the cottage and were ready to start sight- seeing, we went to Devil's Hole which is a hole where you can icc<\ the fish and turtles by dangling a piece of bread on the end of a string, bur there is no hook on the end of the string, so of course no one has ever landed a fish. There are many more interesting features in Bermuda \\n^\ we saw most of them durinij our tour of the island. Anyone for Bermuda? Thlrsion-IHA .


AN OLD !)()(, rilJ.S IIS STORY

Aly life h;is been ii vcr\' inrcrcsrini;- one. \\'hcn I w ;is ;i little puppy I stayed in a nest in a barn with ni\' brothers and sisters. Every morn- ing wc used to play together and at night my mother licked me until

I was clean. In a few days my eyes opened and 1 could see where I was going. It seemed 1 was getting stronger and stronger, and before

I knew it 1 was a big dog.

A\'hen I was full-grown m\' master started to train me. I le trained me to be a watch dog and I watched the house for him when he went out. One night, when my master was out, somebody tried to get into the house. I was very mad so I ripped his pants. He went out of the house very fast because he was afraid.

Since I am getting okler m\' muscles arc quite stiff. I can't run as fast as i used to and 1 can't see so well either. After doino- all this work for my master, he treats me very well. I expect to spend the rest of m\^ da\\s in comfort. Farrl(.i.\ — II


Did you see the fairies? I saw^ them dancint^ in the rain.

They came last night, I know. Flinging their skirts on high. They did not stop at my w indow pane. L'ntil the dawn came flooding in,

liut I know the\- came, I know And then they waved good-bye. Loi rus — II A


Ships go sailing on the water blue Blue ships; red ships; black ships. Up and down on the waves they go. Coloured ships go by.

To countries far and back they go. I)ig ships, little ships,

Bringing peo[)le to and from as the\' go. Ships of all sizes go by.

Ships of man\- lands. Bxkms I


To-da\'s the da\! Insjiection Day!

The Band is pla\ ing w ell they sa\'.

Air. (^lark. Air. Perrw all are near

I o w atch the bows, \\\u\ [)raise, and cheer.

I he\"re all hned up \\\\i\ read\- to <4'o

But some of them nc^d a bit of a tow

1 he\' all shout out, a nois\' shout

I'Or .\shl)ur\ w ill win w ithout a doubt.

Sni \K \i w II THE ASHBURIAN j^l


I reineniber when I was just a handful of clay. Then one day I

was dug out of the ground and carried to a factory. I was moulded into a flower pot and then put into a scorching hot oven which was

pretty unbearable. Finally 1 was taken out and found I was a beautiful reddish-brown pot. Later I w as taken to a store and sold. Some earth w^as placed in me and a beautiful flower w^as placed in this earth.

The flower grew a little and then was placed in a church for a wedding. Many weddings took place and many cliildren were

christened. Finally I w^as taken to a monastery. Here, I shall lead a happy life as a flower pot for the rest of my days.



Into a classroom Flew a bee, From a nest Upon a tree.

He was going ^ To sting me,

But I made a swing you see And then he flew away from me.

When we tried to get him out We all started to move and shout, But finally we cornered him And hit him wdth a rolling pin. Reed - II


When I went to Spain three years ago we had to cross a desert.

There were no gas stations at all, so we had to take along some extra gas. We also took soft drinks. Tlie trip took us six hours. After another two hours driving we came to the capital cit\' which was Madrid. There we saw a bullfight. In the fight six bulls were killed, but we only saw three killed because we left early. Some of the

people fainted because it was so cruel. I would certainly not like to see a bullfight again. On the way back w^e saw some caves in which people lived. The people were very poor indeed. Some of them were so poor that they could not afl^ord to buy a door. It was a very interestinsf trip indeed. Gow-II 1S8 THE ASHBURIAN SAILBOAT RACING IN BERMUDA

The most important thing in sailboat racing is the preparing of the boat before the race. You should never insult your boat by having a dirty old coffee can. You should buy a plastic bailer, even if this entails some sacrifice in the pocket-money department. Would you luaiit the bottom of your boat scratched by a coffee can, rusty or otherwise? You need, as an essential, a spinnicker pole in case of a home route running before the wind. Before launching your boat you make sure that you have all the pins in the right place, and the shackles are all tightly done up. After launching your boat you run around and mark out a start, and work your timing so that you will be the first one on the starboard tack, not on the port tack course. Never! On the starboard, your boat has the right of way, thus giving yourself every help to be the first one across the line. The excitement of the voices over the loudspeaker, getting you lined up should not make you forget that Hamilton Sound can be very treacherous, and you must be prepared for all sudden emergencies. From the start, the race is up to the crew and particularly the skipper. So if you are the skipper, you have added responsibility.

How do I know about Bermuda? I live there. Patton — IIIA


The boys who don't belong to the Stamp Club are always poking fun at the stamp collectors, but little do they realize what they are missing, as stamp collecting can be great fun. It is not dull, and it is far from hard if you use your initiative. Have you ever seen a miserable col- lector? This cheerful hobby promotes friendship, and certainly helps with those dull, dreary geography lessons. You "trade" with your friends,

and if you work on it, you can find school boys in different countries who are willing to discuss stamps with you by correspondence. You know those old letters you see about? They often have good "traders" on them, so you should watch for this the next time you see a dirty envelope in the waste paper basket. Of course, if you are one of the very lazy ones, you can buy your collection, providing vou have lots of

pocket money, and you are willing to spend it on stamps. Then again you can get friendly with rich teachers who are always taking off for various parts of the world, and ask them to send back cards and/or letters from the interesting places they visit.

And the equipment? All you need is a stamp finder, magnifying glass, album and your first few stamps. Start collecting soon — it's lots of fun! SoucH — IIIC THEASHBURIAN is9 THE FAMOUS BULL

My life was a \ery interesting life indeed. I was born on a small farm fifty miles from Madrid, Spain. My mother kept me warm and played \\'ith me a lot. Wq played all sorts of games and one of these was tag. All the time I was becoming stronger and bigger.

Then one day a man came and took me from my mother. He put me in a truck and started to drive to another farm where they raised bulls for fighting. They put me into a stable where there were a lot more bulls and tied me up. This I hated. 1 was fed quite a lot. Then one day a man took me to iMadrid where I was to fight the most famous matador in Spain. There were hundreds of people watching the bull fight.

There were picadors, bandilleros and matadors. The picadors picked at me but I would not fight. The bandilleros struck me with sharp swords but I still would not fight. They all wore beautiful cos- tumes. The matadors had big purple cloaks which they waved at me but I still would not fight. They did this for about fifteen minutes,

but I would not fight so they took me back to the farm where I was born. There I am living happily to this day.

V Gow — 11


The sun gets up. The day begins. The men set out in search of food. The deer are drinking at the springs. The breakfast cooks in pots so crude.

The river current rushes fast, Past v^'hich the hunters swiftly ride In search of venison to eat And clothes made from the deer's rough hide.

While back at camp the women work x\t making clothes for men to wear. The Chief and friends in Council sit. While old men all just sit and stare.

The sun goes dow^n. The day is done. The men return with lots of food. The deer now sleep beside the springs. The supper cooks in those pots so crude. Davies - IHA J6d THE ASHBURIAN KEEPING SNAKES

. Keeping snakes can be a very interesting hobby. It is inexpensive and takes very little time. Snakes do not give off any odour and can be kept in a small space. In most cases snakes need only be fed once every three or four weeks. The cage should be about as long as the snake but if several different species of snakes are to be kept in one cage, or* if you do not know how long it is going to be, a good length is three feet by one and a quarter feet by one and a quarter feet. There should be a branch on which it can climb and rub itself when it is shedding its skin. There should be a pan of water (non-corroding) in which it can submerge its ivhole body at once; also there should be some railroad gravel or wood shavings and a place in or under which it can hide itself. If the cage is kept clean there will be no odour. All cages should have a lock. No metal screening should be used because the snake will rub his nose against it until it is bleeding; there is some material available that looks like screening but is made of tough string or fiberglas.


Live food should be used in all cases. If the snake wuU not eat within two weeks you should let it go. Garter snakes, Redbellied snakes and Water snakes will eat frogs or toads. Ringnecked snakes and smooth green snakes will eat insects or large caterpillars. Rat snakes, fox snakes and milk snakes will eat mice. If you do not live in the Ottawa area the Herpetologist (one who studies reptiles) at your local museum will be glad to help you. King snakes will eat other snakes and mice. A few rules that should be followed: Never scare anybody with a snake.

If it was captured in the area it should be released in late September unless you can supply it with food and keep it at 65° to 75°.

Keep the cage closed at nil times unless you are watching it or handling a snake

Handle as little as possible.

RoBERTSox I — Transitus A


This is spring, Birds will sing, Children will dance Ponies will prance. La Ferme THE ASH B U RI AN 161 EXAMINATION BLOOFLRS

There is nothing funnier than a stupid (but unintentional) mistake on an examination paper when a master is marking in the wee hours of the morning:


Charlemagne devoted his hfe to building libraries and public con- veniences. The American Civil War was fought between the British and the French. Nero became emperor after the French Revolution. Magna Carta was captured, but with the help of some friends she climbed over the wall and escaped. Mongolians are a race of idiots.

Sir Francis Drake sailed around the world because he kept stealintj gold from Spanish ships and was afraid to go back the wav he came. Wolsey divorced Henry because he did not get along with him. Gohath had a hard time fighting the Christians. The Blue Bonic Pig. was dreadful to catch. A perpendicular is something you drop when vou are ready. The Black Death was a terrible disease, people knew when they got it because they usually died.

Qz/ej".—Differentiate bet\veen ascent— assent. Ans.—h.s he ascented the stairs he remembered the letter he was supposed to assent.

Powers of Poetry a) Poetry gives you many choices of different kinds of poetry so the reader will have a choice of poetry even if he does

not prefer it. b) Poetry often uses words that you are not sure of which lets \'ou use your imagination.

Honour — Hotspur would rather have honour than die. Falstaff is just the opposite to Hotspur; he would rather die than have honoiu*.

Falstaff thinks it is better to be a chicken than a dead duck. AN ASTRONAUT AND THE MOON

When I grow up I will be An astronaut as you will see \\'hirling about the bright blue sky Maybe you'll see me flashing by.

I'll make an inspection of \>nus and Mars To see if they have Mugillaculty cars

I'll make a tour of the moon

Then I'll come back very soon. TVAS-II 162 THEASHBURIAN


It was the year of about 2,000 B.C. Camen was walking down the main street in Bagdad. He turned in a side road. After walking for about three minutes he came across an old beggar. When Camen saw him he took pity on him and dropped five golden coins into his cup. Then

Camen fell back in astonishment, for the beggar jumped up, threw off his old garments and was dressed in gold and diamonds. He was the wizard of the desert. Then he said, "You are a kind man and you must have a reward, so which do you want, a bag of diamonds or a pound of meat?"

Camen laughed and said, "I pick the diamonds." The wizard lifted up his hands and there appeared a large bag of diamonds. Then the wizard said, "You may well regret the choice", and vanished in a cloud of smoke.

Some six months later Camen brought a ship to set out to find new islands in the Indian Ocean. After being out for about two months, land was sighted in the west. Then a great storm blew up. It kept blowing the ship oif its course. Then it hit a large rock on a shallow part of the ocean and was smashed into pieces on the side of the rock.

Camen looked around his ship. He was the only one left alive. He knew that if he didn't get off quickly the ship would sink with him on it. He unloosened a small boat, dropped it in the ocean, and was about to go for food when the boat took a sudden shock, so he jumped into the life boat and started towards the island, without any food or fresh water.

About two hours of hard rowing later he reached the island. He was weak, tired and hungry. He looked all around the island. It was nothing but sand, a few rocks and a strange tree, with nothing to eat on it. It was about 18 ft. by 20 ft.

After the first night, when he woke up he was weaker than before. Next morning he was so weak he could hardly move. Then late that night he saw a ship coming, but he knew he could not live long enough for the ship to reach him on the island.

Then he remembered the wizard saying, "You may well regret the choice."

When they came to the island they saw him there, w ith a pound of meat beside him. Where had it come from?


A few years ago I got a chemistry and microscope lab. It just

contained very little things. I got tired of it and put it away. In about

a year I brought it out again and I am still using it. I find it much easier

to understand now I am older, and I am adding more things to the lab.

There are about thirty or more chemicals in the lab, and test tubes.

Also there is a ring stand, a boiling flask, distilling flask, Erlenmeyer flask and a Florence flask. There are beakers with all sizes, too.

In my microscope lab I make my own slides with plain glass and cover glass. You pur the object you want to look at between the

S^lass and cover 2[lass, and then glue the cover glass on glass slide. I am goincr to try and make gun powder some day. You need 75% of saltpetre, 15% of charcoal and 10% of sulphur. Saltpetre can be called potassium nitrate, and charcoal can be called carbon. Sulphur stays the same.

I think chemistry is a lot of fun. Try it some day! Passv - IIIC


Feline Domesticus Suddenly, stealthily. Sits on the step with us Crouching among the grass. Sniffing the Spring! He gives a leap! Quietly, cautiously. One foolish starling, Watching the birds above, Alighting unwarily, Hearing them sing. Is pussy's to keep!

Welland — Trans A


Addleman, Rk:hard Brooks, Guy Governor Heights, Kingston, Ont. 20 Marlborough Ave., Ottawa, Ont. Brown, John 135 Rideau Terrace, Ottawa, Ont. Anderson, Tony Browne, Colin Royal Military College, Kingston, Ont. 171 Minto Place, Rockcliffe Park, Ottawa, Ont. Anderson, John .73 St. Louis Ave., Dorval, Que. Browning, David Andrew, Ian 23 Inverness Ave., Ottawa, Ont. 179 Springfield Rd., Ottawa, Ont. Anketell-Jones, Patrick Burritt, Ned 190 Acacia Ave., Ottawa, Ont. "Ajays", Eardley Rd., Aylmer, Que. Butcher, Mich.^el Archipov, Niki Cerro De Pasco, Peru, S.A. 55 Birch Ave., Manor Park, Ottawa, Ont. Armitage, Mark. 159 Laval St., Eastview, Ont.

Campbell, Hugh 39 Central St., Aylmer, Que. Barakett, Peier Campbell, Timothy....39 Central St., Aylmer, Que. 2186 Sunset Blvd., Town of Mount Royal, Que. Cantlie, Colin 18 Clemow Ave., Ottawa, Ont. Barber, Geoffrey Chadderton, Brian 381 Main St., Ottawa, Ont. 4866 Cote Des Neiges No. 8, Montreal, Que. Chalke, Douglas 48 Powell Ave., Ottawa, Ont. Bechard, Allan -572 MacLaren St., Ottawa, Ont. Chaplin, David... Box 191, Manotick, Ont. Bell, Timothy Chevalier, Craig 10 Wick Crescent, Rothwell Heights, Ottawa, Ont. 6030 Cote Saint Luc, Montreal, Que. Benskin, Gerry Chown, Christopher 195 Poyntz Ave., 109 Regent Rd., Sr. Lambert, Que. Willowdale, Ont. Clarke, Jeffrey Berends, Patrick 563 Broadview Ave., Ottawa, Ont. 17 Belvedere Crescent, Ottawa, Ont. CoLLYER, Chris 328 Perrault St., Rosemere, Ont. Berger, David 524 Acacia Ave., RockcliflFe Park, Ottawa, Ont. Conway, Robin 720 Lonsdale Berry, Robert Rd., Manor Park, Ottawa, Ont. 170 32 Russell Ave., Town of Mount Royal, Que. Cook, Kent Sherwood Drive, Ottawa, Ont. Berry, Bruce Cook, Allan 27 Rideau Terrace, Ottawa, Ont. 32 Russell Ave., Town of Mount Royal, Que. Cook, Gregory 4 Dunvegan Rd., Ottawa, Ont. Bethune, John Cook, Kenneth 4 Dunvegan Rd., Ottawa, Ont. 360 Roxborough Rd., Rockcliffe Park, Ottawa, Cooper, John Ont. 20 Fairhill Crescent, Box 948, R.R. 3, Blackburn, Ross .193 Maplecrest, Rosemere, Que. iManordale, Ottawa, Ont. Blaine, David Cooper, Barry 3 Rigel Road, RCAF Station, Rockcliffe Park, 20 Fairhill Crescent, Box 948, R.R. 3, Ottawa, Ont. Manordale, Ottawa, Ont. Bodger, Chris Copeland, Michael 48 Fieldfare Ave., Beaconsfield, Que. 489 Acacia Ave., Rockcliffe Park, Ottawa, Ont.

Bond, John 335 Chapel St., Ottawa, Ont. Copel.'Vnd, Stephen Booth, John 489 Acacia Ave., Rockcliffe Park, Ottawa, Ont. 711 Manor Road, Rockcliffe Park, Ottawa, Coristine, 1 imoihv Ont. 4345 Montrose Ave., Westmount, Que. Boom, Billy Cosh, Ian 885 Hemlock Rd., Ottawa, Ont. 711 iManor Road, Rockcliffe Park, Ottawa, Courtney, Eric 174 Cameron Ave., Ottawa, Ont. Ont. CuMMiNG, Ian Bow, Paul 61 Green St., London W.l, England

161 Manor Ave., Rockcliffe Park, Ottawa, Ont. CuRRiE, Arthur 73 MacKav St., Ottawa, Ont. Boyd, Donald .....Box 158, R.R. 5, Ottawa, Ont. I Boyd, Dwaine Box 158, R.R. 5, Ottawa, Ont. Davidson, Rusty 34 Lambton Rd., Ottaw a, Onr. Brady, John Davidson, Peter 34 Lambton Rd., Ottawa, Ont. 10 Sandridgc Road, Manor Park, Ottawa, Ont. Davies, \'ictor

Bray, Charles 49 Rebecca Crescent, R.R. 1, Ottawa, Ont. c/o Ashburv Collcse, Rockcliffe Park, Ottawa, Davies, Brvn Ont. 30 Birch .\vc., Ri)ckcliffe Park, Ottawa, Ont THE ASH B U Rl AN 16S

Davis, Tom I•'INLA^, 1)()L(.I \S 316 Acacia Ave., RockclifFe Park, Ottawa, Out. Apartado Del Estc 4652, Caracas, V^cnczucla Dawson, Philip

27 Ilkley Crescent, .Manordalc, R.R. 3, Ottawa, CiAUiE, Christopher 22 Donna St., Ottawa, Ont. Ont. (]a.\ihle, David Dkac:on', Brlce 31 Russell Ave., Ottawa, Out. 97 First Street, Kirkland Lake, Ont. Defries, Robert 40 Craig St., Ottawa, Ont. CiAMiJLE, Gill 244 Irving St., Ottawa, Ont. Dennis, .Michael P.O. Bo.\ 336, Chesterville, Ont. Genser, Steven Deutsch, Andy 6509 Bailey Rd., .Montreal, Que. 167 Waverlcy Ave., Winnipeg, Man. Devlin, .Michael Gill, Alan

R.D. 1, Upper Demands Rd., Dallas, Penn. 170 Lansdowne Rd., Rockcliffe Park, Ottawa, Dickson, Rouert Ont. 751 Eastbourne Ave., Manor Park, Ottawa, Gillean, Peter R.C.A.F. Station, Clinton, Ont. Ont. GiLLEAN, Geoffrey R.C.A.F. Station, Clinton, Ont. Dickson, Thomas Gilmour, Christopher R.R. 4, Almonte, Ont. 751 Eastbourne Ave., .Manor Park, Ottawa, Goodwin, Duncan 32 .Xrundcl Ave., Ottawa, Ont. Ont. GossE, Bill 513 Codd's Rd., Box 34, Quarries, Que. DiRKSE-VAN-ScHALKWYK, WiLLEM Gow, John 5 Rideau Gate, Ottawa, Ont. The Rockcliffe Arms, Apt. 412, 124 Springfield DoLLiN, David ...391 Peach Tree Lane, Ottawa, Ont. Rd., Ottawa, Ont. Driedger, Thomas 129 Helena St., Ottawa, Ont. Gow, Duncan 82 Kenilworth St., Ottaw a, Ont. Dlcharme, Wallace Grant, Christopher 152 .Minto Place, Rockcliffe Park, Ottawa, Ont. 1880 Broadmoor Ave., Alta Vista, Ottawa, Ont. Gray, Geoffrey Earnshaw, John 546 Broadview Ave., Ottawa, Ont. H.AI.C.S. Stadacona, Halif.ix, N.S. Greenstone, Gerrard Ekes, Peter 33 .Merton Crescent, Hampstead, Que. 560 .Maple Lane, Rockcliffe Park, Ottawa, Ont. \ Ellis Mark. 38 Charles St., Ottawa, Ont. Hadley, Michael 531 Lakehurst Rd., Rockcliffe Park, Ottawa,, Wayne 638 Chapel St., Ottawa, Ont. Ont. Evans, John 20 Clemow Ave., Ottawa, Ont. Hampshire, Peter .141 Aylmer Ave., Ottawa, Ont. EwART, Allan Box 407, R.R. 5, Ottawa, Ont. Hampshire, Da\td 141 Aylmer Ave., Ottawa, Ont. EwiNG, Ian 368 Lisgar Rd., Rockcliffe Park, Ottawa, Ont. Hasl-\m, Gerald Bell Island, Newfoundland 165 Camelia Ave., Ottawa, Ont. EsQUivAL, Luis .1850 Lincoln St., Montreal, Que. Hatch, Donald Hayley', David 67 Geneva St., Ottaw a, Ont.

Farrlgia, Michael Hayley Gregory 67 Geneva St., Ottawa, Ont. Apartado 19, Maracaibo, Venezuela Hearne, John Farrlgia, Anthony 745 Hemlock Rd., Manor Park, Ottawa, Ont. Apartado 19, Maracaibo, Venezuela He-arne, \'ictor Feaver, Martin 745 Hemlock Rd., Manor Park, Ottawa, Onr. 90 Park Rd., Rockcliffe Park, Ottaw a, Ont. Heggtveit, Gilbert Firestone, Bruce 3061 Otterson Drive, R.R. 5, Ottawa, Ont. 375 Minto Place, Rockcliffe Park, Ottawa, Ont. Heyden, Paui Roxborough Apts., Ottaw a, Ont. Fisher, Jamie 808 Fisher Ave., Ottawa, Ont. Howes, Michael Fisher, Tony.... 545 Piccadilly Ave., Ottaw a, Ont. 1248 Evans Blvd., Alta \'ista, Ottawa, Ont. Fla.m, Donald Chandler, Que. HowiTH, Renny 335 Crichton St., Ottawa, Ont. Flam, Harold Chandler, Que. Hunt, David Flood, Chris Boite Postale 345, Rue Lang Xang, Vientiane, 451 Roxborough, Rockcliffe Park, Ottawa, Laos Ont. Hunt, Peter Flynn, Tim Boite Postale 345, Rue Lang Xang, X'icntianc, Apt. 103, Rockcliffe Arms, 124 Springfield Rd., Laos Ottawa, Ont. Hurd.m.\n, Thomas R.R. 5, Ottawa, Ont.

Foran, Tho.vias . - 167 Clemow Ave., Ottawa, Ont. Hyndman, Robert Fuller, Thomas 21 Linden Terrace, Ottawa. Ont. 313 Acacia Ave., Rockcliffe Park, Ottawa, Rd., Ottawa, Ont. Ide, Dick . .744 Snnth One 166 THE ASHBU RI AN

Irvine, Bob .M.\cLauchian, Malcol.m 375 Mercille Ave., St. Lambert, Que. Gille-Copain, Box 179, .Merrickville, Ont. IvEY, Anthony 716 Wellington St., Sarnia, Ont. MacLaurin, Duncan Sturbridge, .Mass., U.S.A. MacTavish, Duncan Johnson, David Box 390, R.R. 1, Ottawa, Ont. 280 Thorold Rd., Rockcliffe Park, Ont. Johnson, Hugh Box 390, R.R. 1, Ottawa, Ont. .Mc.\uLAY, Ja.vies 46 Fentiman Ave., Ottawa, Ont. Johnston, Brian McAuLAY, Keith ...46 Fentiman Ave., Ottawa, Ont. Rua Inglaterra 585, Jardim Europa, Sao Paulo, McGaughey, Daniel Brazil 1885 Haig Drive, Ottawa, Ont. McI.v.NES, Rod 108 Inglis Street, Halifax, N.S. Keffer, Ji.m 82 Ethel Street, Sioux Lookout, Ont. .McL.aren, Peter ...76 Kimbark Blvd., Toronto, Ont. Keffer, George McMillan, Douglas 82 Ethel Street, Sioux Lookout, Ont. 13 Rigel Road, R.C.A.F. Station, Rockcliffe. Keyes, Paul -645 Borthwick St., Ottawa, Ont. Ont. Kirkbride, Michael 1454 Lochlin Trail, Port Credit, Ont. Mach.\do, Antonio .400 Wilbrod St., Ottawa, Ont. Knox, John. 451 Daly Ave., Ottawa, Ont. .VIarshall, Thomas 65 Park St.. Corner Brook, Nfld.

LaFer.vie, Leo ...287 Senneville Rd., Senneville, Que. Martin, Peter 6 Carpasian Rd., St. John's, Nfld. Laidler, James Mene.mencioglu, Ekber 12 Belvedere Crescent, Ottawa, Ont. 199 Wurtemburg St., Ottawa, Ont. Lane, John Merrett, Brian Manor Park, Ottawa, Ont. 785 Hemlock Rd., 232 Senneville Rd., R.R. 1. Ste. .Anne de Lash, Robert Bellevue, Que. 6709 Conklin Rd., Cote St. Luc, Que. Millar, Robert . 82 Front St., Sioux Lookout, Ont. Lawrence, .Michael Box 96, R.R. 1, Cyrville, Ont. .Millard, Gregory Le-adman, Tony .. 66 Fentiman Ave., Ottawa, Ont. 3 Rigel Road, R.C.A.F. Station, Rockcliffe. Letch, Jack Ont. 1232 Des Chenaux Rd., Three Rivers, Que. .MiRSKY, Stephen Levitz, Ja.mie 31 Crescent Heights. Ottawa, Ont. Elswick Rd., Corner Brook, Newfoundland 20 MiRSKY, Peter Livingstone, Grant .Marchmont, Rockcliffe Park. Ottawa. Ont. Manitou-Barvue Mines Ltd., P.O. Box 1500, .\liRSKY, Phillip Val d'Or, Que. .Marchmont, Rockcliffe Park, Ottaw a, Ont. LoKTUS, Philip 630 Cummings Ave., Ottawa, Ont. MiRSKY, Michael 244 Irving Ave., Ottawa, Ont. LoGiE, Richard .Marchmont, Rockcliffe Park, Ottawa, Ont. Love, Donald,....360 St. Rose Blvd., St. Rose, Que. Monks, Rich.-vrd .16 Lambton Rd.. Ottawa, Ont. Neil Lynn, .Moodie, Greer ...Box 434, Bells Corners. Ont. 452 Roxborougli Rd., Rockcliffe Park, Ottawa. .Moore, Grant Ont. 120 Lakeway Drive, Rockcliffe Park. Ottawa, Lynn, Evan Ont. 452 Roxborough Rd., Rockcliffe Park, Ottawa, .MoQUETTE, Lawrence Ont. 6 Sunnyside Ave.. Westmount, Que. MacCarthy, .Martin .Morrow, Robert 15 Elnidale Ave., Ottawa, Ont. St. Basile le Grand, Chambly Co., Que. MacDonald, To.mmy Mosher, .Murray 4 Putman .\ve., Ottawa. Onr. 377 .Maple Lane, Rockcliffe Park, Ottawa, Ont. .Moulds, Don.\ld MacDonald, John 906 Glasgow Crescent 296 Sherwood Drive, Ottaw a, Ont. Mackenzie, David Mulaner, D.wid Guaparo, Valencia, Venezuela 60 Mackinnon Rd., Rockcliffe Park, Ottawa. .Mui.ANER, John Guaparo. Valencia. Venezuela Ont. MULLER. .MaXLMILL\NO M.\cKenzie, Douglas Clinica Chacaito, Chaicaito. Caracas. Venezuala 509 Brennan Ave., Ottawa, Ont. Roderick Mackenzie, L\n Mundy, 301 \'ista Rd.. Rockcliffe Park. Ottawa. 181 .Morrison .\vc.. Town of Mount Roval, Bucna Que. Ont. \L\cLaren, Duncan MuRRxv, Michael M P.O. Box 50, Buckingham, Que. 81 Stevenson Crescent. Renfrew. Onr. B L' THE ASH Rl AN 167

MvssELLS, David Remsnyder, Rk hard 115 Bowcsvillc Rd., R.C.A.F. Station, Uplands, 10S4 Aldea Ave, Ottawa Ont Ottawa, Ont. Rex, Peter 235 Alelville Ave, U^estmount, Que MissELLS, I. Ca.mpbei RoBERTS, KiT 934 48th Ave, Lachine, Que. 115 Bowesville Rd., R.C.A.F. Station, Uplands, Robertson, Jons- Ottawa, Ont. Brucklay Farm, R.R. ;, Ottawa. Onr. Robertson, Sandy Neatby, Andrew 609 Parkdalc Ave., Ottawa, Ont. Brucklay Farm, R.R. 3, Otawa, Ont. Nelms, Larry 280 Sherwood Drive, Ottawa, Ont. Roche, Christopher, John. 280 Sherwood Drive, Ottawa, Ont. 673 Ellen Ave., Urbandale Acres, Ottawa, Ont. Nettleton, Harold Ro\vij:y, Roger 29 Fairbairn Ave., Ottawa, Ont. Barricfield House, Barriefieid, Ont. Nicholson, Don.\ld .363 Fifth Ave., Ottawa, Ont. Rowntree, Patrick Noel-Bentixy, Peter 391 Plum Tree Lane, Manor Park Hill, Otrau i, 160 Balmoral Ave., Toronto, Ont. Ont. Noel-Bentiey, Robert Rossy, Richard 160 Balmoral Ave., Toronto, Ont. 2325 Fleming Rd., Town of .Mount Roval, Que.

O'Brien, Larry Sa.mples, 334 Acacia Ave., RockclifFe Park, Ottawa, Ont. 136 Acacia Ave., Rockcliffe Park, Ottawa, Ont. OxLEY, Gregg 332 Summit Ave., Ottawa, Ont. Sa.mples, Willia.m 136 Acacia Ave., Rockcliffe Park, Ottawa, Ont. Parker, Stuart Saxe, Charles 457 Island Park Drive, Ottawa. Ont. 120 Acacia Ave.. Rockcliffe Park, Ottawa, Ont. Saxe, Donald .457 Island Park Drive. Ottawa, Ont. Partridge, John Savers, Leonard .1003 Stormont St., Ottawa. Ont. 500 Roxborough Ave., Rockcliffe Park, Ottawa, Schofield, John O"'^- 113 Oak Ridge Drive. Baic DUrfe, Que. Patton, Sandy Schwartz.Nian, Harvey "CarberryhiU", A\'arwick, Bermuda 890 Dessane Ave., Quebec Cm; Que. Pennock, Dwight

. . Scorr, Brian , ^ p ^ 3 Charlevoix St., Eastv.ew, Ont. 1 .^-q ^^^^-^ j^ Rockcliffe Park. Ottawa, Ont. FENNOCK. l YLER t- /- • /~\ bHARP, Christopher >, /-L 1 CI- 31 Charlevoix St., Lastview, Ont. ti d n r^ » i i- tt ,, ^ Bellevue Crescent, Aylmer East, Hull, Peterson Michael Que. 801 Shenkm.^n, Billy..151 Mariposa Ave., Ottawa, Ont. " Eastbourne Ave., .Manor Park. Ottawa, Ont. Shepherd, David — ...Cumberland, Ont. Pickens, Kevan Ship.nlan, John 9 Southern Drive, Ottawa. Onr. 74 Thurlow Rd., Hampstead, Que. Sigvaldason, George Podhr.\dsky, Adam...-283 .Metcalfe St., Ottawa, Ont. 441 Echo Drive, Ottawa, Ont. Polk, .Michaei .34 Union St., Ottawa. Ont. Sinclair, Sandy

Polk, D.wid _34 Union St., Ottawa 206 Brock Ave., .Montreal West, Que.

PoNTBRiAND, Clavde Ske.\d, Brian ... 192 Rodncv Crescent. Ottawa, Ont.

1 Grand .Moulin Rd.. St. Eustache Sur Le Lac, S.mallian, Robert Que. 526 .Mariposa Ave., Rockcliffe Park. Ottawa, Pottinger, Graham Ont. 609 Raglan St. S., Renfrew. Ont. S.methvrst, Joh.n Pryde, Derek 503 Sandringhani Apts., 85 Range Rd., Ottawa, 237 Camelia Ave., .Manor Park, Ottawa, Ont. Ont.

PvEFiNCH, Harry... 61 Langevin Ave., Ottawa, Ont. S.mith, Gregory .. 31 .McGill St., Hawkesbury, Ont. S.NUTH, Peter. 182 Island Park Drive, Onawa, Ont.

R.\w'LEY, Ki.\i .265 Daly Ave., Ottaw a, Ont. Snelgrove, Ti.mothy . 23 Theresa St., Barrie, Ont.

Ravvlinson. Christopher Solch, Robert .690 Cardinal St.. St. Laurent, Que. P.O. Box 264, Collins Bay, Ont. Soltha.m, Wilson Reed, Henry 1227 Sherbrooke St. W.. Montreal, Que. 35 Acacia Ave., Rockcliffe Park, Ottawa, Ont. Spfj;die, Brian- Reed, Al.\n 1269 Grey Rock Crescent. Copcland Park, 35 Acacia Ave.. Rockcliffe Park, Ottawa, Ont. Ottawa, Ont. Read, John Spen^ie, Gordon 412 Lisgar Rd., Rockcliffe Park, Ottawa, Ont. 4 Riordon Ave. Haukcshurv. Onr. 16S THE ASH BURIAN

Spencer, Michael Walker, Sandy 98 Ruskin Ave., Ottawa, Ont. 27 Kilbarry Crescent, Manor Park, Ottawa, Welland, Christopher Ont. 100 Lisgar Rd., Rockcliffe Park, Ottawa, Ont. Spry, Toby Wennberg, Richard 54 Park Rd., Rockcliffe Park, Ottawa, Ont. 128 Howick St., Rockcliffe Park, Ottawa, Ont. Steven, Donald Whipps, Murray 549 Berwick Ave., Town of Mount Royal, 3475 Ridgewood Ave., Montreal, Que. Que. White Bruce Stewart, Harvey 141 Cooper St., Apt. 802, Ottawa, Ont. 497 Grosvenor, Westmount, Que. Whitmarsh, James 622 Lyon St., Ottawa, Ont. Stewart, Ricky Wilson, Peter 662 Denbury Ave., Ottawa, Ont. 10 George St., Carleton Place, Ont. Wilson, Christopher Stone, Christopher 431 Roxborough Ave., Ottawa, Ont. 971 Richmond Rd., Ottawa, Ont. Wilson, Brian 785 Colson Ave., Ottawa, Ont. Strickland, Ward Wilson, Andrew... 243 Daniel Ave., Ottawa, Ont. 136 Roxborough Drive, Toronto, Ont. Wilson, Robert 280 Park Rd., Rockcliffe Park, Ottawa, Ont. iMlCHAEL, Wood, John 69 Kilbarry Crescent, Manor Park, Ottawa Ont. 404 Laurier Ave. E., Apt. 314, Ottawa, Ont. Thorne, Duncan— . 690 Echo Drive, Ottawa, Ont. Wood, Dickson 335 Fifth Ave., Ottawa, Ont. Thurlow, James -1451 McRobie Ave., Ottawa, Ont. Thurston, Peter WooLES, Stewart 580 Mariposa Rd., Rockcliffe Park, Ottawa, 793 Hemlock Rd., Manor Park, Ottawa, Ont. Timonin, Peter La Lima, Honduras Ont. Troop, Gilbert WooLEY, Kenneth 211 Buena Vista Rd., Rockcliffe Park, Ottawa, 871 Weston Drive, Ottawa, Ont. Ont. Wotherspoon, Ian 114 Place, Rockcliffe Park, Ottawa, Ont. Tyas, James - 140 Slater St., Apt. 33, Ottawa, Ont. Minto Tylee, Gary 180 Grande Cote, Rosemere, Que. Wright, Alexander Tyler, Jeremy 728 Lonsdale Rd., Ottawa, Ont. 1 Belvedere Crescent, Ottawa, Ont.


The Editor acknowledges with thanks receipt of the followinfj and apologizes for any inadvertent (^missions.

Acta Ridleiana, Ridley College, St. Catharines, Ont. The Malbiirian, Marlborough College, Marlborough, Wilts, England. The Felstedian, Felstcd School, Felsted, Essex, England. The Meteor, Rugby School, Rugbv, England.

South African College School Magazine, Orange St., Capetown. Trinity University Review, Trinity University, Toronto, Ont. The Mitre, Bishop's Universit\% Lennoxville, P.Q. Lux Glehana, Glebe Collegiate, Ottawa. The Lower Caiiada College Magazine, .Montreal. The Grove Chronicle, Lakefield Preparatory School, Lakefield, Ont. The College Times, Upper Canada College, Toronto, Ont. Northwood School Magaziite, Xorthwood School, Lake Placid Club, X.Y., U.S.A. The Blue and White, Rothesay Collegiate, Rothesay, N.B. The Bishop's College School Magazine, B.C.S., Lenno.xville, P.Q. The Argus, Sault Ste. Marie Collegiate, Sault Ste. Marie, Ont.

The Beaver Log, Miss Edgar's and .Miss Cramp's School, Inc., .Montreal. The Bishop Strachan School Magazine, Bishop Strachan School, Lonsdale Road, Toronto, Ont. Fi-Pa-Hi, Fisher Park High School, Ottawa. Lainpada, Lachute High School, Lachute, P.Q. The School Magazine, Sedbergh School, Montebello. P.Q. The Boar, Hillfield School, Hamilton, Ont. The Spotlight, Trenton High School, Trenton, Ont. The School Magazine, Selwvn House School, Montreal. The Log, Royal Canadian Naval College, \"ictoria, B.C. The Cranbrookian, Cranbrook, Kent, England. Ter Aniios, King's Hall, Compton, P.Q. Appleby Calling, Appleby College, Oakville, Ont. The Voyageur, Pickering College, Newmarket, Ont. The Trinity Review, Trinity College, U. of Toronto, Toronto, Ont. The Trinity College Magazine, Trinity College, U. of T., Toronto, Ont. Trafalgar Echoes, Trafalgar School, .Montreal. The Yardley Courtier, Yardlev Court School, Tonbridge, Kent, Eng. The Tonbridgian, Tonbridge School, Tonbridge, Kent, England. St. Ajidrew's College Review, St. Andrew's College, Aurora, Ont. The Shawviigan Lake School Magazine, Shawnigan Lake, B.C. Saniara, Elmw ood School, Rockcliffe Park, Ottawa, Ont. The R.M.C. Review, R..\LC., Kingston, Ont. The Record, Trinity College School, Port Hope, Ont. The Queen's Review, Queen's University, Kingston, Ont. The Patrician Herald, St. Patrick's College, Ottawa. Northland Echoes, North Bay Collegiate, North Bay, Ont. The Eagle, St. Johns-Ravencourt School, Fort Garry, .Man. The Branksovie Slogan, Branksome Hall, Toronto, Ont. The Twig, University of Toronto Schools, Toronto, Ont. Hertnes, Humberside Collegiate Institute, Toronto, Ont. The Old Oceanian, Dear Close School, Cheltenham, England. The Grannnarian, Karachi Grammar School, Karachi, Pakistan. Time is Money ^m< mm,. both at...' dpi m

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