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Friendly Endeavor, August 1931

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V o l u m e 1 0 , N u m b e r 8 . PORTLAND, OREGON August, 1931. <@Hmp£!e£J of ^apctte Sbaljo, Conference

D. Outstanding Beliefs. 1. Peace. They were consistent in peace princi ples, both in times of war and in times of peace. Over 13,000 Quakers were in prison during the reign of King Charles II. The children held meetings during the imprisonment of the parents. 2. Refusal to take public oaths. Early Quakers, many of distinction, lost opportunities in public office be cause of refusal to take oaths. 3. Friendly to Indians. 4. Opposed to Slavery. Formed underground railroads. 5. Prison reforms. E. Doctrines of Friends in common \vith other churches. (Doctrines are always most import a n t . ) . 1. The infalliability of the Scriptures. 2. The deity of Jesus Christ. 3. The blood atonement for sm. 4. The bodily resurrection. P A Y E T T E L A K E S C O N F E R E N C E H O M E 5 . C T i r i s t ' s b o d i l y r e t u r n . . 6. Personality of the Holy Spirit. QUAKER HILL times during the day smaller groups F. Distinction of "Friends" from gathered for classes and much larger o t h e r c h u r c h e s . „ Dawn. And as I watched, the deep ones for the Inspirational and Evangel 1. A worship of .simplicity and Hee- indigo of the lake slowly changed to i s t i c s e r v i c e s . cobalt and the light of day had soon A year ago who would have dreamed ''°2!" Women given equal opportunity replaced the shadows. Suddenly I was that such a successful Conference, with brought back to reality by the disturb sucli conveniences, could have been held '''^^"Cptism and the Lord's Supper ing sounds of awakening life, such as so soon in our own state, on our own are spiritual. ruSSELL. shivering, shouting and dogs barking, grounds at Payette Lakes! And this and then from near the shore of the was by far the largest Conference ever no\v glassy lake I heard the sound of held by Boise Valley Quarterly Meeting. petitions ascending to the Creator of There were 142 registered, including the book of revelation as all this majesty and beauty. eight from Woodland, whom we were revealed in the light of With my attention now attracted to indeed glad to welcome. The total at the activity about me, I noticed the cen- tendance reached 162. We were also OLD TESTAMENT PROPHECY » ^ it seemed to be a long building. glad for the interest manifested by the As I reached the front of it, I turned people from McCall and surrounding By Mrs. Marie Hurst and looked almost straight down on a country, who attended the evening serv This most interesting class met ^ach paved road, across from which was a ices and the Sacred Concert and Dedi narrow strip of timberland, through catory service Sunday afternoon. winch I again could see glimpses of the L O I S J O N E S . lake, now brighter than before. Enter ing the building, I saw tables and bench es, indicating it to be a dining room. WHAT EVERY YOUNG FRIEND . ( t h , , e f . r - At the further end of the room I isaw a SHOULD KNOW Inces and their subjects kitchen, the scene of so much bustle and 1. A Vision of Christ. 7.0.19 stir I dared go no closer. Seeing a Taught by Ida Lee stairway and hearing girls' voices above, f Book of I ascended to find even greater confus I. Beginnings of the Friends Work: ion, as more tlian forty girls straggled A. Why? 3 T i S s r to get ready for the breakfast being pre A church was wanted wluch was tree from political rule and forms. pared below. I stepped out the door B. Who? , , , f 4 ^MturrRap'ture of Church. . and wandered to the other end of the 1. George Fox was the leader ot ■Revelation 4 and I. Thessalonians building, where I found another stair this new movement. He was different 4-13-14: I. Corinthians 15:51. way and again I climbed. But upon 5. "a Book of Righteous Judgments. from most young men and very serums Revelation 5 and Matthew 24. reaching the landing I stopped, arrested minded, desiring things of God. He fi Judgment Visions (Seven weeks of by the unmistakable sound of boys also started Ms work by traveling and tell "tribulation, seven seals, seven striving to get to breakfast. Turning to ing others the way to find peace ot descend, I again stopped to see from heart. There were more ' Friends in trumpets and the seven vials.) here the best view yet of the lake. 7 The Seven Seals. Revelation 6. England then than there ever have been pirst Seal—False Christ. I. Thessa sinc6 As I returned to the dining room, I lonians 5:1-3. noticed numerous tents to the west, 2. ■ They were called "Friends", be- Second Seal—Political war. about which were signs of other break cause they were so sincere and straigixt- Third Seal—Famine. fast in preparation. At the signal I, forward. , ■ 4.1.^ Fourth Seal—Death and Hades. Eze- with the crowd, entered the dining room 3. The first "Friends" colony in the kiel 14:21. where nearly ninety people were seived USA. was established by Win. Penn. Fifth Seal—Martyr Period. Matthew a supreme breakfast by efficient wait C. When? 24:9. resses. In this same roopi at various First organization in 1647. Page 2. T a B FRIENDLY ENDEAVOR August, 1931. August, 1931. THE FRIENDLY ENDEAVOR Page 3.

Sixth Seal—"Last Prayer Meeting." her day of opportunity. Young people Day of the wrath of God. Isaiah have an open door of opportimity in Cbe Triendly endeavor 34:2-4; Joel 2:30-31; Zepheniah Idaho. Sinner, backslider. Christian, Editor-in-Chief Helen Cammack 1:14-18; Hebrews 12:26-28. this is thy day! Route 4, Box 88, Salem, Oregon 8. Revelation 8; Exodus 9:23-28; Nearly thirty were definitely saved or Micah 7:15; Jeremiah 4:23, 28; Associate Editor J. Emel Swanson sanctified, and every Christian was 327 East 52nd Street, Portland, Oregon. Ezeldel 23:7-8; II. Thessalonians deepened in his experience. Qjr CHESTEB A. HADLEY 2:4-11. C o n t r i b u t i n g E d i t o r M a r y M i l l s Newberg, Oregon 9. Revelation 16; Exodus 9:8-12; 7: RECREATION See ihe Yearly neeling mrough itie Churcli Winflov S o c i e t y N e w s E d i t o r F l o r e n c e R i t t e r 17-25; Deuteronomy 34:24; Zech- State Normal School, Wonmouth, Oregon ariah 14:14; 1:8-9. Did we have fun? I'll say we did! (None having the mark of the beast Where? At the Idaho Young Friends' Tithing Dep't Mile Ross 1335 North Fourth Street, Salem, Ore. of our besetments in order to_ lay in us e v e r r e p e n t . ) Conference on the shore of Payette a foundation of holy Christian living. 10. The Empire. Revelations 13:1-10 Lakes, from July 7 to 13. Wihat did Missionary Dep't Rosa Allen Route 2, Boise, Idaho. "Let us go forth therefore to him with The Beast Who Rules. Revelation we do? Went swimming, boating, ex out the camp, bearing his reproach." 13:4-10. plored our o%vn woods, and the sport B u s i n e s s M a n a g e r W a l t e r P. L e e Star, Idaho God is saying to us personally, "Get thee Daniel 7:4—compare Revelation 17. which all youngsters enjoy and in which out and I will make of thee." God could Woman here represents spiritual Chester Hadley and Walter Lee took a Circulation Manager.. .Wilfred Pearson 195 E. 39th Street, Portland, Oregon make nothing of Abraham while he condition. very active part, namely, jumping rope. remained in the Ur of Chaldea, neither Revelation 19:11-21; Daniel 7:4-14; The first afternoon, Wednesday, was can he make of us what we should be Isaiah 63:1-4; Matthew 24:27-31; devoted mostly to swinuning, as nearly Published Monthly at 195 East 39th Street, as long as we remain in our lives of sin. Zechariah 14:5. everyone seemed to feel the need of a Portland, Oregon, by The Christian Endeavor Union of Oregon Yearly Meeting of Friends. We must recognize tliat sin and disobe C E C I L E M c K I B B E N . bath after the hot, dusty ride the day dience to the will of God brings separi^ before. That evening at supper it Subscription Price, per year 75c tion and disfavor. Abraham though was announced that the Conference had accounted a righteous man, realized C H I L D R E N ' S M E E T I N G purchased a launch which was to arrive Entered as Second Glass Matter, February 8, 1928, that there was a gulf between man and the next afternoon, and would be ready at the Post Office at Portland, Oregon, under Seventeen children were enrolled, to take any who had fifty cents a trip tho Act of March 3, 1879. (lod and no man able to bridge it. ^vith Rosa Allen as the teacher. The of about thirty miles around the lake. Moses, in the writing of the Book of lessons were as follows: Disobedience The next afternoon found practically H O M E M I S S I O N S Genesis, would never have given the and the Results, Perseverence, Faith, the whole conference crowd gathered at narrative of "the burning lamp and First Friends Church, Vancouver, Washington smoking furnace," neither would the Jealousy. Pictures and stories were the lake expectantly awaiting the arrival Taught by Clayton Brown used to make the children see the lesson of the boat. About three o^clock the trial of Abraham's faith in the offermg A vision of the opportunities and HISTORY Disobedience brought the race into dis of Isaac been given a place in the clearly. The following Bible Charac good ship "Friendship" was sighted and Sacred Records had there not been the ters were used as illustrations: soon was at the pier. And who should agencies of Home Mission work was f a v o r w d t h G o d . T h u s G o d ' s p u r p o s e recognized necessity for a Daysman in Lesson 1—^The story of Lucifer's Diso we find in command but Captain Smith clearly brought to the minds of the The First Friends Church Vancouver, through Jesus Christ was to bring all and Commodore Brown, both able men young people. the plan of Redemption. bedience and that of Adam and Eve. Washington, came into being first things into subjection to himself. Indeed, God's gracious invitation D i s o b e d i e n c e a l w a y s s e p a r a t e s u s f r o m of no mean reputation. The boat made The need is great and a call to such through the efforts of Edmund T. In the natural world we find every work is as important as to a foreign "come ye" has a personal significance God. two trips a day for three days, and in Campbell, a minister with a vision for thing responding to God and obeying which must be responded to in order to Lesson 2—Noah was the example of that time nearly everyone enjoyed one field. The agencies are: American a Friends meeting in Vancouvei-. On him. God said, "Let there be light and Perseverance. When the people made or more rides. Also a shower bath if Sunday School Union; Sunday Schools; March 9th, 1927, Brother Campbell took there was light." He said, "Let the please God. "Ho every one that wn'st" the wind blew. waters bring forth" and they brought eth, come ye to the waters, and he that fun of him and tried to discourage him, Week-day Bible Schools. Besides all out a building permit to erect a taber hath no money; come ye buy and eat; Noah worked on as God had told him. On Saturday, for the benefit of those of these, Oregon Yearly Meeting is an nacle on a vacant lot corner of 17th forth abundantly. We read in the blew who wanted a change of amusement and Testament where the Son of God spoke yea come, buy wine and milk without L e s s o n 3 — A b r a h a m w a s s h o w n a s t h e agency for such work. Street and Broadway. Revival seivices money and without price." man of Faith. When God told him to scenery, an auto caravan took the sight- Chester A. Hadley took two periods were held in this tabernacle by Edmund to the angry sea and said, "Peace be and especially talked about the field A sinner was once being entreated to use his only son for a sacrifice, he did seeis around on the other side of the T. Campbell, F. J. Cope, Chester A. still," and there was a great calm. come to the Lord, and said, "I can't so because he had faith in God that he lake, where they visited the Congrega- which Oregon Yearly Meeting faces as Hadley and 1. G. Lee as Evangelists. God speaks to the heart of man, hut come. I am too great a sinner. I am would do all things well. tionahsts Camp. b'-ct" an opportunity. These meetings were blessed and owned man does not obey. chained with a chain and can't come. Lesson 4—Jacob and Esau were used So night came and the end of the rec- The class was very interesting and of the Lord. Upon this a Friends Yet God desires obedience in man A Scotchman who stood by listening to full of inspiration and challenge. above everything else. The eyes of God to illustrate the lesson of jealousy. somewhat meeting was started under the direction the conversation .said, "Wa'l mon, ye B E A T R I C E S T E P H E N S . tired and sunburned, after four days of of Piedmont Monthly Meeting. Ida J. ran to and fro through the earth in had better come, chain and all. Goa strenuous exercise and exposure, but CHRISTIAN ENDEAVOR ANNUAL Lee was called to serve as the first search of a man who would obey him; wants us to obey him a,t any cost. happy and glad we had come, and look- FINANCIAL REPORT Pastor, from June, 1927, until November He found a man in the personage of Come ye weary, come ye heavy laden, EVANGELISTIC SERVICES June 1, 1930-Jiine 1 ,1931 of the same year, when B. Hed- Abram, who desired to obey God. He come ye poor, come ye rich, hearken said to Abram, "Get thee out of thy nlt yZv ' ' Conference Receipts rick was called as Pastor. diligently unto me, and eat that tyhich The evangelistic services led by Mer La VERNE SMITH. A lot was purchased under the leader- country." By the mouth of the prophet is good, let your soul delight itself in rill Coffin, were a great blessing to all. Cash on Hand June 1, Isaiah he said to the seed of Abraham, 1930 $ 92.54 srip of Brother Hedrick for the purpose f a t n e s s , " . . , Wednesday night—We limit God by THE WHY AND HOW OF CHRISTIAN of erecting a Church building. The tab "Come ye." Through the voice of the our indifference and by sin in our hearts Received of Twin Rocks "Bring ye," yes bring everytlung into ENDEAVOR Improvement Fund . 124.50 ernacle was wrecked in order to use the prophet Malachi he said to the seed of subjection to the will of God. We say and lives. The attitude of repentance lumber for the church building. The of Abraham, "Bring ye." And through we love God, but how much do we love must be sustained to keep the victory Appropriation 1930-31 300.00 his Son Jesus Christ he said to them, ™ Taught by Walter P. Lee C . A . H a d l e y ' s S u p congregation transferred their place of God? We show our love to hiiii only and avoid hindering God. "Let only The class of Christian Endeavor Meth "Go ye." In every case of these com as we prove God in the path or obedi- our inability to do and dare more limit ods jras led very interestingly by the port 57.50 YYf m"- ^all on the corner of 19tli mands, we find God's object was obedi ence. We often hear men and women God in our consecration and our service." Bolivian Mission Fund 296.23 T S t r e e t s , ence And through obedience he was President, Walter P. Lee. The mater^l Conference Returns . . 246.10 felt n 01.1928, Everett E. Scotten pray, "Open the windows of heaven and Thursday night—Man is a living im- presented was not so much theory for a T w i n R o c k s S u n d a y leading his people to gi-eater achieve pour us out a blessing," but God replies, moi-tal soul, which is priceless as shown the fielH ^^ork and was sent to successful (Ihristian Endeavor Lcfetv School 44.61 ments Through obedience Abraham "Bring ye," and upon tlus condition by the facts: Man has only one soul, as facts and examples that have been eelirtfo direction of the Evan- wL to lay the foundation of a great blessing will be out-pom-ed. the price paid for that soul, and the T w i n R o c k s P r o p e r t y fo erect tho Oregon Yearly Meeting collected from successful societies. 'The Rent 50.00 nation. Isaiah's gracious invitation We conclude with the words of Jesus, pains God took to show us the way of the buildini wasthe time "Go ye." In some real sense every salvation. Christ bridged the gap be Prayer^pics discussed Meetings, were: Planning Successful Originai C E M i s c e l l a n e o u s 8 . 2 5 were held holH W, ycmg- J ® erected erect meetings tiTie disciple of Jesus must go. Those 2Tst! 1929 home. On April a'^disSrent^'peoIfle hick Into ''favor tween the unsaved and the. saved soul. Total Receipts $1,219.73 and commodious words are taken from the Divine Com We will spend eternity some place. tees. Plans for gaming and keeninfr Church huildin, mission. The words of Jesus were Disbursements dedicated. And Friday night—The soul needs a ref new and old members were given foi^th? never understood by hearts that were uge as a hiding place in the day of judg Lookout Committee. Some social plans Payette Lakes Confer ing w^s'^estaWished '™othly meet- rebelling against him. The Pharisees ment, and from an accusing conscience. were discussed and the Mi.ssionary Pro ence $ 54.00 ly^meetinS'Sfl and Sadducees were offended in him. Conscience may sleep but it never dies. Twin Rocks Conference 497.00 5 associate memberf ® Sf^^^ers and It was because of their rebellion. Bolivian Missions .... 275.00 School has grown from to. SlZ-Cmnins KM-" W h e n a w a k e n e d , i t fi l l s i t s o w n e r w i t h -am and challenge was presented brief- almost 60. The Chm^it, o^^ lo tlie Prince of Peace sa d, Neither will we find the words, "Go remorse. Sin is not a thing to trifle Deputation and Travel harvest is great— put ing 148.56 has increased to ahon^jf Jer^^'^hip ye," of any great moment to us, until with, for "Sin is too mighty." home ty ll/^Vlhe'soSrC^ C . A . H a d l e y ' s S u p the Holy Ghost has come into our hearts. Saturday night—The three steps we port 52.50 In the fifth chapter of Matthew, Jesus must follow to get into the kingdom, of SERMON Uonal Igniflcnce in the »l>f» admonished those who heard that won wliich Jesus is king, are: First, repent Printing 41.95 there is to he found .0"® ^ Pnj M i s c e l l a n e o u s 2 5 . 4 0 derful sermon tliat day to "Be ye per for sin; second, have faith; and third, "Many a man has taken pride in his application of greater importance. God the+1 "-^nd author being of eternal made perfectSalvation he becameunto all seeks in us a personal I'esptmse fect, even as your Father which is in c o n f e s s C h r i s t . got o"ff who hal, Total Disbursements $1,104.40 dience to his will. When God said to heaven is perfect." "Wherefore Jesus Sunday night—The text was, "Thy D i<= L ^ard and compomised later. th^n that obey him. Hebrews 5-9 Abraham, "Get thee out,' Abraham also, that he might sanctify the people day," from the words of Christ when he Balance $ 115.32 sionrioY to fe this ?hject world was of Christ'sits redemption. mis obeyed. The foundation stone was laid with his owm blood, suffered without the wept over Jerusalem, for not improving MILO ROSS, Treasurer. for a great nation. God calls us out gate." August, 1931. T H E F R I E N D L Y E N D E A V O R Page 5 Page 4. T B E F R I E N D L Y E N D E A V O R August, 1931. to. I like to go to church but I sort of "Let us go forth therefore unto him as of the remarkable faith and patience they refused, saying: 'They would not without the camp, bearing his reproach." A u n t C o r a ' s C o l u m n felt if I was there I had done my part." with which they were favored, under dishonour the Virgin Mary by killing a "I always try to find something just E. W. HONSTEIN H e b r e w s 1 3 : 1 2 - 1 3 . circumstances of a very peculiar and woman.' On the same day, the bam T W O K I N D S O F H E A R E R S for me every Sunday and I am never EVERETT SCOTTEN. distressing character. was set on fire and all the other prison "It was about the middle of the Fifth ers (said to be 184) were consumed. disappointed," Aunt Cora said. "Try it The Plumber "Did you notice Miss Wilson's dress f o r a f e w w e e k s . " The TWENTY-FIFTH ANNIVERSARY month, 1798, that the County of Wex Some of the poor women put their t h i s m o r n i n g ? " B e t t y a s k e d a s s h e " I N v i l l , " B e t t y p r o m i s e d . For your Repairs or New Installations ford in Ireland, became the scene of infants out through the windows, hoping "It isn't always easy, but it pays," open rebellion, headed by a Protestant to save them; but the ruffians took strolled home from church with Aunt call May 23rd and 24th, the Friends of Cora. "I think I can make my tan Aunt Cora smiled. Boise Valley met at Star to conduct the gentleman and two Roman Catholic t h e m u p o n t h e i r p i k e s a n d t h r e w t h e m HONSTEIN'S Priests. back into the flames. I saw the smoke crepe over that way by buying ai little business of the church and to celebrate cream colored lace for an overdrape, and "The Goffe home was located in a of the barn and cannot now forget the DAILY VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL Eqiaipped Auto Service the 25th anniversary of the founding of it will look like new." central position between the two camps, strong and dreadful effluvium wliich was AT YEARLY MEETING the Quarterly Meeting. With Sylvanus "I didn't notice what she had on HONESTY MY POLICY Haworth as chairman, a committee had and there was a constant demand on w a f t e d f r o m i t t o o u r l a w n . t h e m f o r p r o v i s i o n s ; i t w a s f o r t h i s "Many were the heart-rending suffer although I do remember she looked The average attendance for the four T A b o r 4 8 0 9 been preparing for the 100th session for especially nicej" Aunt Cora confessed. some months, and the celebration was pui-pose that the lives of the family were ings that some families endured, being days was 34. The enrollment was 47. 1081 East Caruthers St., Portland, Ore. turned out of their comfortable homes "But wasn't that a beautiful song she A score was kept on Attendance, Con not in the least disappointing. spared. and spending many nights in ditches and sang? The words keep rin^ng in my duct, Bringing Others and Memory Saturday morning, some 25 people "Many hundreds were daily on our ears even yet, 'I found Him in my heart.' were on the speakers' platform, who fields. Others who still remained in Work. A prize was given for the high lawn, and our business was to hand There was a message iii' that song donlt est score in both the Willing Workers were members of the churches in the t h e m f o o d a s t h e y d e m a n d e d i t . T h e i r their homes were wonderfully favored with faith and patience under these pri y o u t h i n k ? " and the Diggers class. The names of valley 25 years ago. The early history fatigue and the heat of the summer CLAUDE A. LEWIS, M. D. vations, conscientiously adhering to the "What? Oh, excuse me. Aunt Cora," those \vinning the prize and of those on of hriends in Idaho was reviewed by being exhausting, large tubs of milk and the Honor Roll follow: Anson Cox, of Greenleaf, the Dean of water were placed at the hall and back law of their God, and thus experiencing, Betty laughed. "I was still planning to their humbling admiration, the Name my dress. The song was pretty enough Willing Workers—4-9 years. Doris Friends ministers in Idaho. Rev. Cox doors, with great quantities of bread and has been a Quaker preacher for over 50 of the Lord to be a 'strong tower' in I guess, but she got off the tune once, Thorne, Elizabeth Bro\vn. (Tie for prize) 915-916 WEATHERLY BUILDING cheese. The servants were frequently which the righteous find safety." H o n o r R o l l . D o r i s M a r t i n , T y e years, having spent the larger part of obliged to stay up all night to bake and I thought I would collapse laughing at the look on Mr. Peters' face." Hutchens, Mary Eveljm Pierce (Honors PORTLAND, OREGON this time in Idaho, having served as b r e a d f o r t h e m , a n d m y m o t h e r a n d s i s in Memory Work), Thelma Green, Inez Quarterly and Yearly Meeting Superin t e r s o f t e n m a d e t h e i r h a n d s b l e e d i n CHRISTIAN WORKERS' LEAGUE "I think her voice only broke because tendent at different times. cutting the bread and cheese—if not cut Woodland Tent Meeting she felt the words she was singing," Butler, Margaret Bowman, Mary Fran EAst 9194 Res. TAbor 9543 William S. Brown, founder of the Aunt Cora said. "It only made the ces Nordyke. up they would carry off whole loaves Diggers—10-15 years. Mary Esther Greenleaf community, gave a review of and cheese at the end of their pikes. Three well-attended services (110 song more beautiful to me." "I wish we could have a new minister, Pemberton, Prize. progress and development subsequent to "A severe conflict took place at Ennis- present) on Sunday, July 5, closed the Honor Roll. Dorothy Crozer, Mai-y the organization of the Quarterly Meet camp meeting held at Woodland. too," Betty went on. "I heard motJier corthy, the garrison being forced to The four workers, Denver B. Head- Margaret Woodward, Josephine Haldy, ing. Earliest records show that in 1898 surrender, and many hundreds, as we say the other Sunday she thought Dr. Erma Perisho, Lenore Butler, Alfreda Nash read too much of his sermons F r i e n d s w o r k w a s b e g u n a t W o o d l a n d were told, left dead in the streets. Two rick, Ruth Headrick, Helen Cammack -INTERMOUNTAIN- and at Boise, these meetings being under Agnes Duffy, after a feast upon lately. I'm getting awfully tired of Martin, Ruth Rinard, Elvett Brown, d a y s a f t e r i t , o u r Q u a r t e r l y M e e t i n g the beauties of God's handiwork as they Thorena Rinard, Robert Nordyke. the care of Kansas Yearly Meeting. was in usual course, held there, and was him." Charles Scott came to Boise in 1898 and journeyed, found at the end of the jour- "Now Betty„ you are going too far," ALFALFA HONEY attended by David Sands from America, CHRISTIAN ENDEAVOR TOPICS FOR in 1900 Rev. Cox and family moved to a valued minister, who was then travel "ew experiences and much reason Aunt Cora reproved. "Perhaps you to thank God for His protecting care SEPTEMBER Star. The care of Idaho work was then ing through Ireland with Abraham don't know, but Dr. Nash received a call transferred to meetings in Oregon, from J a c k s o n a s h i s c o m p a n i o n . A s t h e y journeying graces. from another church at twice the salary 10 lb. pail $1.85 which permission came 25 years ago for passed through Enniscorthy, the latter Mrs. Paul Mills, he is getting here but he refused because September 6—What Our Society Plans 5 l b . p a i l 1 . 0 0 the establishment of what is known as spent the first Friday and Saturday in he felt his work wasn't finished here. to Do This Year; Eccles. 9:10; had to alight and assist in removing 11:6. Postage Paid Boise Valley Quarterly Meeting. the dead bodies which still lay in the ^siting the homes, leaving an invitation Did you hear him this morning telling The membership of Friends has groivn to attend the meeting and a gospel of about the Berean Band in England." September 13—Prayer: Jesus' Teach streets, from before the wheels of the John. The Lord blessed thesi calls, ing and Example. Luke 11:1-13. from 156 to 800 during the last 25 carriage. The meeting, though small, "I don't seem to remember that," Wm. McKibben & Sons years. Twenty-three ministers have was said to be remarkably solemn, as (Consecration Meeting). n m i d a y o f D a i l y V a c a t i o n Betty said. "What was it?" Producers been recorded, 8 have gone to foreign it well might be. Many other Friends September 20—What Should our Meet rliua found a goodly number of "He said that all who belong to this ings Accomplish? H. Peter 1:5-11. fields, 30 ministers have served in the with ourselves were deprived of the present, whose interest was band pledge themselves to learn at least September 27—Our Share in Making STAR, IDAHO various places as pastors, and the names means of attending by the want of secured to impel them to one Bible verse every day; then he told of 100 ministers were noted as having Christ Known to the World. Rom. horses, which the rebels had taken." of some of the benefits that come from been present within tlie Quarterly Meet 1:14-16. "A barn, about a mile and a half from ° school eachthe morning, picture of you the learning the Scriptures." ing at different times. us, was used as a prison, in which about "How do you remember so much?" Sunday morning the community hall at horses, walking, trot- 250 persons, chiefs Protestants, were Betty complained. "I'm sure I listen S t a r w a s c o m f o r t a b l y fi l l e d a s F ' r i e n d s confined—men, women and children, galloping from each direction, Dr. Geo. B. Pratt gathered for the closing sessions of but I never hear all that you do." S o c i e t y N o t e s their meeting. Rev. Ezra Pearson, of some being infants in their mothers' arms. There they remained from Sixth p^pijgtiorse carried from one to three "Perhaps," Aunt Cora said slyly, "You Tacoma, Washington, brought a message until Third-day, without receiving any blessed these meetings. were thinking more about the messenger SPRINGBROOK Optometrist suitable to the occasion. Rev. Pearson food, except some sheaves of wheat oc- enrollment of fifty-three than the message itself." h a s s e r v e d f o u r o f t h e fi v e c h u r c h e s i n Betty flushed. "Don't you think MOVED TO Boise Valley. A brief history of each ca.sionally thrown in, that the rebels tVii'rfir average attendance of about what people have on and how they Springbrook has been crippled so long might have the amusement of seeing the^/; Thirty-one children made by the absence of many of her young meeting was given and the former days them scramble for the grains. On the the altar, out of which look? What is tlie use of putting on people, that ishe welcomes their return 201 ALDERWAY BUILDING were made to live again as the pioneers your best clothesi if no one is going to for the summer. Sanford and Paul Cor. Broadway and Alder read early records and gave from mem day of the battle of New Ross, sixty or Much • testified to salvation. notice them?" more of them were brought out on the i m r t h o y " p l a c e d u p o n t e a c h - Brown and their families have returned Glasses Right — Prices Right ory the account of early beginnings. lawn and offered, one by one, life and "I used to feel the same way," Aunt from teaching in Montana anl Wyoming. The generation which is rising to take reactrefd the thf Word w®'!.and pray. to testify, liberty if they would change their reli Cora said frankly. "But once when I Lena Kearns, whose home is in Stockton, Make "The Optical Shop" your their places were made to feel keenly the was about your age, an old lady in our need of the same pioneering spirit which gious profession, but they all refused. wtnuntu mightythe evening conviction services and inGod the visited hearts California, is visiting at her home for Some, after being half tortured to death, church fell and broke her hip and I the summer. Glenn and Harriet Rin- "Optical Shop" led their fathers into these new lands answered: 'No; give me more powder ^'l^lts who met God at the was delegated to tell her about the serv and prompted such sacrifice as they and ball first.' rvlri r' yicce was a manifestation of real i c e s e v e r y S u n d a y m o r n i n g . I f e l t made. It was felt that should this °hy;tashioned repentance. proud to be chosen and I was eager to spirit prevail the next quarter century "Two of the prisoners attended our ®°hcit your prayers that the re- make her see how everyone was dressed would be .similarly fruitful. meeting, and their case was a particu and who was at the service. By the The churches comprising Boise Valley larly dreadful one. One was kindly sup ice.s continue in the regplar iserv- time I had noticed about that the ser Quarterly Meeting are at Star, Green ported by his wife whilst he 'was unmer tJod for the encouragement mon was about over. I always remem Portland Bible Institute leaf, Melba, Valley Mound and Boise. cifully tortured one limb after another to Christian believers, for the bered the text but that was about all." being broken, and each time the question laithfulness of the Holy Spirit in con "This went on for about three Sundays repeated: 'Will you have the priest?' viction, and for those who accepted then. Aunt Hannah, as we called her, Formerly N. P. E. L which he steadily refused, looking calmly Jesus Christ as their Saviour. A CLOUD OF WITNESSES at his faithful wife and saying: 'My gave me a little note book and asked T H E W O R K E R S . me to write the main points of the ser dear, I am not hurt; I feel no pain.' mon in it. Soon, I found myself enjoy 1186 Borthwick Street Portland, Oregon divine protection The other also bore his martyrdom with Do you know the commonest command ing the sermon and getting real help firmness and was put to death hy slow in Lcripture is, "Fear not?" Times from it. It is so easy to slip into a Dinah W. Goffe writes; "It has often degrees in a similar way. The wife, ■wuthout number in the Word of God critical or non-listening attitude and lose occurred to me that I ought to leave with admirable fortitude, stood between rings out upon us, "Thou 'shalt not be a great blessing every week." «ome memorial of the preservation ex- them when they were shot, and held a afraid." For courage is at the root of "That is true," Betty agreed thought fpnded by our Heavenly Father to my hand of each. She then implored the life. It is the soil in which every vir fully. "I know many Sundays I couldn't beloved parents and their faimly, as well murderers to take her life also; but tue flourishes.—George H. Morrison. tell what the sermon was about if I had Character Development PutFirst Page 6. THE FRIENDLY ENDEAVOR August, 1931.


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ard attended the anniversary celebration MY TALENT A L I T T L E S A V I N G S in Star, Idaho. k-^L^rL account IN A TWENTY The 2 B2 Class went to San Salvador God has given me a talent— Beach for a picnic the 27th of June. Surely one, from His great store—■ PAYMENT OR AN ENDOWMENT They enjoyed themselves s\vinuning, And He bids me go and use it. POLICY IN THE rowing and playing games. Those In a way to gain still more. present were Dorothy Shives, Viola Though it be but things most humble Aetna Life Insurance Co. Peterson, Gwendolyn Wilder, Maud In my ability to do, Wind, Lila Newby, Ruth Gulley, Wilmer I'm sure He smiles with such approval. For further information, inquire of Brown, Merle Green, Delbert Newby, If my heart be good and true. F. F. ANDERSON, District Mgr., Donald Mills, Eldred Wilder and the teacher, Glenn Rinard, and his wife. I think my talent. Lord, is love 439 S. Baker St., McMinnville, Oregon Paul Brown and Stella Hubbard For Tkee, and all mankind. are attending the summer session of the Oh, help me to expression give Oregon Extension University in Port In ways that love can find. land. We were glad to have Mary Mills, Since Jesus my example is, Ethel Cowgill, Irene Brown, Ruth, Flor I will look in His word and see Heacock Sash & Door Co. ence and Virema Rinard, and Margorie Just what kind of follower and Wendell Votaw with us during That He would have me be. Yearly Meeting Week. He says He came to minister. Irene Brown returned to Tacoma ^vith Not be ministered unto. h e r . s i s t e r t o v i s i t f o r a w h i l e . So that means I must others iserve As this life I go through. "He came to seek and .save the lost— LENTS 215 SECOND STREET N o n o b l e r t a s k c o u l d b e — C o r n e r S a l m o n On June 27th our Sunday School had Oh, may I use my talent. Lord, T o l a b o r t h u s f o r T h e e . PORTLAND, OREGON its annual picnic. By the time all had We give the best prices and service on gathered at Mt. Tabor Park it started I can not preach with eloquence. to rain; therefore they went back to And sway vast multitudes. Doors, Windows, Mill Work, Builders' the Church basement for the picnic. But I can tell the "story old," Hardware, Paint, Roofing, etc. We be But by the time they reached the 'Long the byways and solitudes. lieve in Quaker honesty and fair dealing. Church, the sun was shining so lovely that they loaded up again and went to Or, maybe, I might sing of Him Mt. Scott Park, a little nearer the "To some poor, drooping heart That's needing just the melody Office Hours Phone EAst 4468 Church. Then it rained again, making 9:00 to 5:00 it so unpleasant that they returned I might, perchance, impart. again to the Church, and, rain or shine, And I can pray for others, too. there they stayed and enjoyed a fine With a yeaming, tense and deep; picnic. "Rejoice with them that do rejoice. DR. A. E. GEORGE The Aeronauts Sunday School Class And weep with them that weep." enjoyed a delightful Fourth at the beach DENTIST at Newport, Oregon. About fifteen Oh, help me use my talent. Lord, went down on Friday night with their That much increased it be. X-RAY teacher, Emel Swanson. On Sunday So, "Well done, faithful servant," they went in a body to the Presbyterian I may, some day, hear from Thee. Sunday School, and attended the High Anna Elston Rosencrans. 1050'/2 Hawthorne Ave., Portland, Ore. School Class, taught by Dr. Anderson. On Tuesday, July 21, the Aeronauts went to Carver Park, on the Clackamas BHANCH OFFICE: 1117 MAIN ST River, for their business meeting and BRANCH OFFICE: 812 MAIN ST." Builders' Supplies Electric Supplies social. The social hour Iwas spent in Parcel Post Orders given Special Atten Paints, Glass, Roofing swimming. tion. Return Postage Paid The Church has not had its i-egular prayer meeting, Sunday preaching, or Christian Endeavor for the past two Hawthorne weeks, on account of the Multnomah Capital Cleaners County Holiness Camp-meeting. This CLEANERS, DYERS AND TAILORS camp-meeting was reported to have been the best camp yet. Rev. Paul Rees, a G. A. WEILER, Mgr. Hardware very spiritual man, was the evangelist. HATS CLEANED AND BLOCKED The Spirit of God wa.s there irt saving K. L. MENDENHALL and sanctifying power, and there were WORKS: 1509 - 13 No. 13TH STREET many seekers at the altar in evei-y T A b o r 0 4 3 5 morning and evening service. It was Phone 4242 a great blessing to us. B O I S E - . I D A H O 1078 Hawthorne Ave., Portland, Ore.