The London Gazette, 10 June, 1938 3731 Without Competition
THE LONDON GAZETTE, 10 JUNE, 1938 3731 WITHOUT COMPETITION. Ministry of Health: Audit Clerk, David Meurig Post Office: Male Sorting Clerk and Tele- Jones. graphist, Ripon, Neville Stephenson. Home Office: Clerks to Inspectors of Factories, Female Sorting Clerks and Telegraphists, Molly Kathleen Mauley, Kathleen Mary Margaret Booth (Feltham, Hounslow), Mary Morris. Cunie Johnstone (Selkirk, Galashiels), Joyce Inland Revenue Department: Assistant Marion Joan Wedge (Croydon). Collectors, John Anthony Marshall, William Night Telephonist and Call Office Attend- Rawlinson, Dorothy Eleanor Trudgett, Alan ant, London, John Arthur Looker. Barlow Wright. Tax Officers, Bettina Bosworth, Sidney Telephonists, London, Dorothy Florence Clayton, Norman Ernest Cox, Charles Broughton, Monica Warrender Calnan, Betty Bertram Minifie, Joan Mary Nottingham, , Davine Playford, Mary Eileen Roberts, William Phillips, Thomas James Williams. Miriam Olive Stubbs. Ministry of Labour: Departmental Clerical Telephonists, Marjorie Edith Day Class, John Alfred Bennington, William (Chesham and Amersham), Kathleen McKay McKenzie, Olive Christine Ward. Florence Gunn (Sevenoaks), Jean Irene Heap (Ascot), Elizabeth Ena Humble (Newcastle- War Office: Departmental Clerical Class of the on-Tyne), Joan Keane (Altrincham), Sylvia War Department, Sheila McDearmid, Mary King (Newcastle-on-Tyne), Rosemary Thomas Austen Rutherford. Maud Norton (Weston-super-Mare), Patricia Post Office: Female Sorting Assistants, London, Louisa Lillias Ramsay (Avonmouth, Bristol), Doreen Peggie Gallagher, Irene Annie Grace Marie Sharrett (Dunstable, Luton), Everitt. Kathlyn Mary Treffry (Eastergate, Chichester). Female Telegraphist, Ivy Irene Munt. Male Sorting Clerk and Telegraphist Postmen or Mail Porters, London, Henry (Postal), Birmingham, Eric Hickson Charles Benfield, Walter Henry Deller. Tranter. Postmen, Alan George Allinson (Birming- Female Sorting Clerks and Telegraphists, ham), Horace Stanley Chaplin (Birming- Veronica Patricia Blake (Edinburgh), Clara ham), Walter Hainsworth (Todmorden, Irene Isden (Hastings).
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