Asia‐Pacific Network for Global Change Research DDIIVVEERRSSIITTAASS FFiirrsstt OOppeenn SScciieennccee CCoonnffeerreennccee 22000055:: TTrraaveell FFuunndd ffoorr SScciieennttiissttss ffrroomm DDeevveellooppiinngg CCoouunnttrriieess iinn tthhee AAssiiaa PPaacciiffiicc RReeggiioonn Final report for APN project 2005-11-NSY-Bawa The following collaborators worked on this project: Kamaljit S. Bawa, Ashoka Trust for Research in Ecology and the Environment, India,
[email protected] Keping Ma, Institute of Botany Beijing, China,
[email protected] Tohru Nakashizuka, Research Institute for Humanity and Nature Kyoto, Japan,
[email protected] Other logos may be placed here 1 DIVERSITAS Open Science Conference 2005: Travel Fund for Scientists from Developing Countries in the Asia Pacific Region 2005-11-NSY-Bawa Final Report submitted to APN ©Asia-Pacific Network for Global Change Research 2 Overview of project work and outcomes Non-technical summary DIVERSITAS, the international programme dedicated to biodiversity science, placed under the auspices of ICSU, IUMS, IUBS, SCOPE and UNESCO, received a grant from APN to provide travel assistance to scientists from developing countries of the Asia Pacific region to attend the DIVERSITAS First Open Science Conference entitled: “Integrating biodiversity science for human well being”, which took place in Oaxaca, Mexico, 9-12 November 2005. Only scientists who actively participated in the conference, with a selected abstract were funded. Part of the funds was used to invite key speakers known to the DIVERSITAS community, and part was used to support scientists new to DIVERSITAS, selected on the quality of their abstract, with the intent to get them interested in the objectives of DIVERSITAS. Eleven participants from the following countries were funded thanks to this grant: China, India, Philippines, Thailand, and Bangladesh.