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The BG News August 28, 2006

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Recommended Citation Bowling Green State University, "The BG News August 28, 2006" (2006). BG News (Student Newspaper). 7625.

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By Josh Comer Senior Reporter out of money." Kunion said. According to Dining Services Director Gail Lilian. Kunion Long lines at Keepers food and her cashier weren't the only Court wouldn't stop Karen people confused at the register Run ion from finding out if she during the first week of class- Plane crash had enough meal plan money es, but problems will soon be in Kentucky to buy her favorite comforting worked out. candy bar: a caramel Twix. Human error and techni- Fourty nine people The University senior sought cal issues have slowed or died when a commut- out a cashier to find her account stopped lines of hungry stu- er jet crashed on take balance after a message on her dents and created rumors that off yesterday leaving MyBC-SU account told her "Meal meal plan money roll-over has only one person alive plan balances cannot be dis- been eliminated. | Page 10 played during Summer 2006." A lack of communication "I wish it was still summer, between new touch-screen reg- Hurricane but il's not," Kunion said. "I isters and the Blackboard sys- need to know how much money tem that operates the MyBGSU delays launch I have." site is behind many of the prob- The space shuttle While the commuter student lems people are experiencing. didn't buy a meal plan this year, Lilian said. Atlantis' launch was she thought she had a few dol- The campus spent $250,000 delayed due to possi- lars left over from Spring. on training and equipment for ble lightning damage When she reached the check- the new registers to better track and coming hurricane oui counter, the dinner-rush the $22 million in on-campus Ernesto | Page 11 FOUNTAINS PROVIDE LATE-NIGHT FUN cashier surprised her by saying food transactions that take SPLISH 'N' SPLASH: Sophomore Alama Cantet enjoys running through the Administration Building's fountains not only could she not afford her place each year, Lilian said. Saturday night She and some friends were eventually asked by police not to play in the fountains for insurance purposes, How do you feel chewy chocolate treat, but she The rumor of roll-over coin- even though playing in the fountains is technically not banned. Poke were concerned about the students' safely, but had a negative balance. about "The Daily regardless, many students participated HI the late-ntght activity and got soaked before returning to their rooms, "Somehow I was more than See DINING | Page 2 I Show" host Jon Stewart?

City officials force students to remove signs, citing code violation 'l SASSY SIGNS GREET INCOMING FRESHMEN KATHERINE By Johnny Payne the signs — came and passed thing else." KOPLOWSKI Junior. Reporter without major incident. But These are some of the various slogans sludenis displayed on signs during move-in day Junior Megan Wojciak, a resi- Journalism this past weekend, residents of along Wooster Street. The signs have betome a local tradition, but this yea*, poke asked dent of 926 L. Wooster St., had "I love him. He's intel- When senior Rick Susor moved Wooster Street between South residents to take them down. similar feelings when she and ligent, funny and he into a house on East Wooster College Road and Mercer Street her housemates were asked to Street earlier this month, he were asked to take down the ■ 'The Walk of Shame Starts Here' tear down their monolithic mes- uses well-reseatched thought he'd earned the right to signs or incur a fine for violating ■ -After the Natty. Shel Call Us Daddy!' sage that declared "Mom, We'll info" | Page 4 participate in a Bowling Green a city ordinance. ■ 'Moms We'll Turn Your Boys Into Men* Turn Your Boys Into Men," a tradition: making and display- "We just assumed It would be sign they were very enthusiastic ing large signs to the hoards of ()K, since every other year this about displaying. incoming freshmen and their has been going on," Susor said. DADS "I was kind of pissed, but I parents driving along the traf- According to Susor, a city police wasn't surprised," Wojciak said. fic-choked street. officer in a leep bearing the leg- "I feel like what we did is like TODAY The signs — humorous in end "code enforcement" pulled voicingyouropinion on campus. T-Showers intent and abrasively sexual in up to the house around I p.m. There's always people preaching High: 77, Low: 62 nature — have been a fixture on "He just said to us, 'This about God, talkingabout organi- move-in day for years. sign has to come down.' I don't nttHk zations, about everything. Why "When I moved my sister remember the exact dialogue, noon, some residents began speech being violated? can't we voice our opinion?" in. there were signs, and when but basically he just gave us a wondering just why they had "Nobody hated the sign," The messages change from 1 moved in, there were signs," verbal warning." been ordered to remove their Susor said. "I can assure you it year to year, but the signs TOMORROW Susor recalled. As the signs began disap- traditional banners. Were their wasn't anything too offensive. A.M. T-Showers And for years, the day — and pearing in the early after- first Amendment rights lo free It was more funny than any- See SIGNS | Page 12 High: 78, Low 58


The group performs for classes tunity the group Hives him to and campus organizations upon make a difference. ZONE request, ami given enough time, "The I lumanitiesTroupe is a From Page 1 can lailm their programs for dif- group that is doing shows for all ferent groups. the right reasons, Washington We deal with heavy mate- I he nciu|R' also writes many said. "I encourage everyone to rial, so [hum H is "in waj cii their own sui|iis. and they audition and join us in making ,ii showing thai jusi because hope in continue this trend. a change." something is hard in deal with "Our goal lor iliis fall is Ini all Auditions for die Humanities ii doesn'l have to be boring,* of our shows to be written In the Iroupe v\ill hi' held in 4O0 said Sullivan, who directed group in order lo rake them to University Hall on Sept 6, 3-5 "The Falcon Zone." more places," Sullivan said. li.iii and Sept 8, 10 a.m.-12:30 Humor helps grab hold of Besides the scripts,ak>tofwork p.m. Vnyonecan audition. the audiences' attention and goes into every performance, Thegroup will also he holding makes them more comfortable " I lie .ii mis put in a Inl ol auditions in October fot a new In talk about the issues at hand, lime." Sullivan said. I lumanities [Youpe class, where Sullivan added. New member. Gar) students can gel credit for being While the troupe has fun both Washington spends much ol a part of the troupe. mi and offstage, the) work hard his free time Kim|R over his I he troupe Can he readied In in perpetuate change through lines and working on his acting e-mail ( or lheir sketches skills, inn he enjoys the oppor- phone (419 I

"There is nothing about Bowling Green NEWMAN that is pushing me out, it is the pull from From Page 1 Michigan I'm getting as to why I'm leaving," Newman said she was no) looking lor a new job, but saw an opportunit) and was drawn lo ii. she saiil she is attracted Tm excited, It's different opportunity to work with good In die new, expanded areas ol challenges dial I have nol had people and continue ihe lead- responsibility she will be receiv- before and It's a professional ership I inda Started and move ing al Michigan. and great staff that's doing II forward " Consolvo said. "There is nothing about diverse things," Consolvo said. Vwmansaidshcisgninglnniiss Bowling Green thai is push- Despite hernew position, how iH'ing al Howling Green milieu ing me oui. ii is the pull from ever. Consolvo will siill oversee douay, Inn thai in order io grow. Michigan I'm gellinj; as lo win commencement ceremonies you sometimes have to move, I'm leaving," Newman said. Consolvo has been with ihe I learned a lot. had 'he lime CamllfeConsolvo. currently the Universit) for five years. She ol my life and most ol ii was \ssistarKVkx President fbrStudenl said it's going lo be a challenge Ini ause of ihe students and Ml.iiis will he laking Newman's In mini'up. hill she's n ,ul\. stall members I worked with," job over when she Is gone "I'm excited aboui ihe Newman said.

over, currenl students would he coordinator at the Falcon's Nesi DINING grandtathered in." I inan said. in ihe Union, said she appreci- From Page 1 Beyond problems with mis- ated ihe more detailed sales Information, system instabil- data she (an access through I he iiinioi of roll-over com- ity also worked ag.iinsl dining the system. ing io an end sianed when services employees. The s\s "It'll make Hacking inventor) cashiers saw negative bal- lem slopped winking twice much easier," Fleglesaid. ances due in Blackboard, the lasi week: Dnce dining dinner Oneoi I legle's cashiers, Carol registers noi sharing informa- Monday and again Wednesday. Whitaker, said even though JOHDAN (LOWED -CrBGNEWS tion properlj ind then telling " I hat was nol Inn." I inan said. there ma) he humps along the siuilenls thej had no inonev In case die system goes dow n way, in die long run ihe s\sietn REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEACH! remaining from the previous again, one register in each din- is an improvement RUNNING AGAINST PHYSICS: Marketing Senior and Kreischer RA Jenny Brewer reaches (or the farthest point on a bungee run at year, I inan said. While there ing center has been equipped Once they gel ihe kinks lenience life annual sponsotd event. Chaos in the Quads has been discussion of get- lo work disconnected from the worked out, it'll he a gnat sys ting rid oi ihe roll oui system, network, I inan said. tem," Whitaker said Finan said current students In spite of the problems, din- I inan said any kinks employees have no need lo worry about ing services employees on the or customers haw encountered losing their left-ovei money. front line spoke highly ol ihe should be taken care of soon while nexi year's incoming new equipment, "I'll ui nil iclent wcie going lo gel freshmen might nol have mil Mind) llegle. lood service i»n thesepnUems," Flnansaid. Bomb kills in Turkish resort town

By Salcan Hacaoglu Anatolia news agency report- Police chief Brain Korpe The Associated Piess ed. The area is lined with bars, of \1ugla province, where clubs, cafes and restaurants. Marmaris is located, said 21 ANKARA, flukey — A bomb There were no reports of inju- people were injured in the blasl blew apafl a minibus ill ries in those blasts. blasl, including 10 British tour- Parent/Guardian a Turkish louris! resort late There was no ini mediate ists and 11 lurks, the private yesterda) injuring 21 people claim of responsibility for the Dogan news agency reported. h including III British tourists, blasl. Kurdish guerrillas have Korpe said one of the injured ?f? ?.Year Award the local police chief said. in the past carried out such was in serious condition, but • Ihe explosion was in Ihe attacks against tourist resorts. gave no further details. popular Mediterranean resort Britain's Foreign and None of the injured had life- town ol Marmaris. There Commonwealth Office said threatening injuries. Anatolia Nominate your were two oilier homh blasts that 10 Britons were injured in reported. Gov. Temel Kocaklar .11 Ihe same lime in garbage the explosions, according to a of Mugla said nine of the injured Mom, Dad or Guardian cms on the main boulevard report from the British news for the in Marmaris, the state-owned agency Press Association. See BOMBING I Page 6 ' "Parent/Guardian of the Year Award" < and say thanks for all of his or her love and support! • * Just go to: * .html • Dell Battery • • All nominations are DUE by • • MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 4, 2006 • at 7PM RECALL • • Doll lias identified a potential issue • assDciali-il with certain batteries sold with I )ell Latitude, Inspiron. XPS, and Dell Precision Mobile Workstation •Up to5 free vouchers to attend the • notebook computers. Dell is recalling • Falcon Family Weekend Brunch • certain Dell-branded batteries and • offering replacements for these • batteries. University-owned systems •A Falcon Spirit Basket with BGSU • are being identified and when a gear and BG gift certificates • shipment of batteries arrive, will be • replaced by ITS staff. (worth over $200) • • • Personally owned machines should •Being President Ribeau's guest • be checked by students, faculty, and at the Falcon Family Weekend • staff to see if they are a part of the • recall program. Football Game • • lo well your battery is a part of this recall, • "There are two lasting bequests we can give our children. please visit • and follow Ihe instructions for checking your One is roots. The other is wings." -Hodding Carter, Jr. ■ battery to see if it is part of Ihe recall program and st • io follow Hit is Identified as a part of the program. • • It you would like assistance in determining if your Questions or Concerns? ••••••• • • battery Isa pan m the program or help in completing E-mail: [email protected] ihe steps involved in ihe recall, please contact: 01 icerj H Visit us in 401 Bowen-Thompson Ca rnnyc Student Union or call NmrfUVPmPtlt the Office of Campus BGSU IIIVUIVGIIIGIII Involvement at: Technology Support Center (TSQ In ■NfttftMMiMnn* 419.372.2343 110 Hayes Hall, 2-0999. WWWBGNEWS.COM CAMPUS Monday. August 28.2006 3

GET A LIFE Program uses humor to AR OF EVENTS promote sexual awareness TODAY

By Heidi Grieser Somshngflje* Ail Expo 2006 While here, Sex Signals will Union Art Gallery also be holding a training ses- sion lor Hi peer educators of 630 pm rhrough .1 comkal sexual Bacchus Gamma. They will Audtions for "A Chnslmas Carol" • Adds awareness program, students learn how to perform plays like UnrvmHyrU can leam new pick-up lines, Sex Signals on campus. what lodo when those lail and loldenaucr attributed the 630-8pm tips for positive and health) event's sw i ess to the perform- IWsdWefense class relationships on campus. ers' ability to engage the audi- St. Thomas More University Parish Sex signals, a two-person eni ewhh humor. interactive play, is aimed to Marb Hoffman, coordinator ONGOING both teach and entertain. The ol the University's health pro- Through Sept. 24 play is scheduled for tonight motions, agreed, saj ing. 'Sex Ansel Adams Vsons ol rhe West in room 2112 \ ol the Bowen is a tough subject to present His precise imsqes of the American West Thompson Student Union on, and it works when you landscape have become iconic for both from 9 lo 10:30pm. can use humor to engage the* subject matter as wel as their technical I he Wellness Connection the audience." per lection and I iist Yeai Programs have Ashley Fair, president of Toledo Museum of Art Invited Sex Signals as pan ol Bacchus Gamma, a peer-edu- the I all Welcome Activities cating campus organization Through Sept. 3 seiies. and theevenl is open to thai addresses wellness issues 88th Annual T«tb Area Artists Enhbtion all students, for students, also says Sex Artists from norttwst Oho and southeast land I oldenaucr. Assistant signals presents Information Michigan enter works of art h mecb ranging Deanol Students, has watched in a unique way. from ceramic to wood and from watercolor the success ol the group over sex Signals is a hilarious to glass. the years. look at human nature and Toledo Museum of Art "They have always been the Interpretations men and well-received and attended." women have about each other she said. when it cnines to dating, rela- The Wellness Connection tionships, and sex. Ibey poke CAMPUS sent peer educators to a confer- fun al the battle ol the sexes ence a few years ago, where Sex and throw in an -opening BRIEFS signals performed, The edu- twist al the end." Fair said. cators came back lining and Bacchus Gamma also orga- have been bringing Sex signals nizes events like late Night 111 to campus ever since, I he RecandtheBiG Playground. The Wellness Connection Ibey will be al Campus Fest Id at is paying for the extra training giving away part) favors with Indiana U.T through the NCAA grant for their ,i iwisi.likesparkly March (Iras BD HlMINGTON Ind - A new policy award-winning sexual assault necklace with a linjan sticker, allowing the over-the-counter sale of Plan prevention programming. Hoffman said. B at Indiana University's Health Center will not signficantfy shorten the time it takes students to get the pill, school officials JORDAN FlOWfB announced Thursday The new poky will, however, make the CHAOS IN THE QUADS LETS STUDENTS KICK BACK Campus involvement helps students drug more readily available for student use According to a CVS pharmarjst. Plan B will PERFECT SHOT: Dallas Pbwell throws a football through a toss game at the annual Chaos in the Quads, sponsored by Resident also be sold at local pharmacies to men and Life Chaos m the Quads toot place this past weekend in the grassy area between Kreisher and Harshman dom le out to develop friendships, connections women age I8« older participate in games, eat free food and enpy the weather. By Alexandria Clark a minority background. I he ' program aims to increase the number of second-year minor- i ni man) students, going to it) students. class is onh pint of die college In encourage Student experience-. Also on the agenda participation in programs is gelling involved in one of like S.M.A.H.I".. the Office Free food attracts students to Campus Fest, other Univ. events 100 organizations that the ol Involvement is hosting By Kyle Reynolds According to Gail linan, "We are looking to "The cost is deducted from University has to offer. Campus I esl on Sept. 8. Reporter Director ol Dining Services, the meal plans of ail freshmen "One ol the reasons I chose Getting involved on campus costs ol Campus Fesl are feed about 8,000- living on campus," Finan BGSU is that it has a variety ol allows students to build lead- As ihc freshmen learned in covered by the President's Last year, the i osi deducted student organizationsthatlcan ership skills, meet people and their BGeXperience classes, Initiative, and soli drinks are 9,000 people." was$i join." said freshman lacquella have run. people mi campus haw a wide provided by Pepsi through the Campus Fesl will be held Gray. "When I arrived lo i am- Freshman Chanice Jones array of opinions and values. beverage contract. i lirector Sept. H from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. pus I quick!) became Involved says joining the gospel cboii Mm then is one thing neartj all "We are looking to feed about Mm dogs, hamburgers, Sno- with the s.M.A.H.i. Students lias the best thing she could students appreciate: a free meal 8,000 to 9,000 people." Hnan to see what the numbers are," cones, Pepsi products and nl Color Mentoring, Aiding. have done because it makes And there has been a lot of said. "We charge the President's linan said. water will be available. Retaining and Teaching! pro- her feel al home. tree food given out to students office about $18,000 and it ends "It's hard because you don't An Hiding to Clinton gram because it was a pro- "Ithinkcampus involvement al events like the New Student up costing about $2 per person." want to have leftovers, but you Stephens, coordinator ol gram thai I knew was going to is very important because It's 1 Convocation picnic, Chaos al In preparation for these events, need to have enough, so It's Student Organizations and help me adjust to college life," a way to meet new friends, the Quad and the upcoming Dining Services laces a dilemma kind of a balancing act." Communit] Sen ice Programs, she said. understand different cultures, Campus Pest about how much and what kinds However, the expenses Campus I esl will also include S.M \.H.I is a program be exposed to diversiu and al With all this food offered to of food should be prepared. for food at the New Student a live DJ, obstacle course, dunk that provides social, cultural, the same time get involved on students al no cost, someone \\e look to see what stu- Convocation Picnic is u m ilk tank and caricature artists. leadership and academic sup- campus, a place that is now must he picking up the bill. dents like to eat, and we look i overed by the students. I le encourages all students to port to incoming students of your home," she said.

TeanT^^cTjemtcTQuiz Team . Academic Quiz Team - - - AcadenitcTiuT^eani^^Academic Quiz Team • Academic Quiz Team • Academic Quiz Team - - - Academic Quiz MEET A all are invited to an informational meeting THE Tuesday, 7:30 pm, Olscamp 213 • :>

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PEOPLE ON" " What do you think of "The Daily Show" host John Stewart?

"One of the funniest "A Conan 0 Brien "I'm a Republican so "He's okay." VISIT US AT men on TV" wannabe, but defi- I disagree with some i* BGNEWS.COM of his political views." r l Have your own take on nitely not as funny." todays People On The Street7 Or a suggestion for a Sierra Rush. Freshman. Travis Neumeyer. Greg F»rt, Senior, Mark Abel. Freshman, question? Give us your feed- Junioi. Integrated Architecture llndedded Telecommunications back at Language Arts :J

DANLIPIAN OPINION EDITOR m. John Stewart Big business contributing to adding too voter apathy many options lohn Stewart host of the popular Recently; I beard of a new res- Corned) Central program "the taurant opening on liast Wooster I i.iilv sin iw," mack' an announce- Street this fall. I was intrigued, ment last week thai is sure to get and this week. I finally visited this college students excited new place. I le lias decided he will travel Outside sat two caffJ-style to Ohio tliis fall on a pre-elec tables, with styled seats and tion road trip which will seek umbrellas, like you'd expect to in answei the question: What's find in Paris. Inside, there were a buckeye? two wide-screen plasma TVs, "Battlefield Ohio: The DaH) modern light fixtures and seat- Show's Midwest Midterm ing, designed for the custom- Spectacular," wiD air a week er's comfort before the crudal Now 7 national A fireplace Stood in the middle election, and will lake place at of the restaurant, straddled by t iliiti State I inn ersit) s Hi >\ Boweri shiny black leather chairs. Such Theatre. in a statement this week, a fireplace is perfect for the hit- (bmedy Central claims the pro- ler cold Ohio winters that will be gram wiD "give viewers a unique coming soon, perspective that only a true out- As I looked at the restau- sider can provide." rant. I wondered what famous Unfortunatery, this purported designer could have created "unique perspective" wBI prob- this place. Was it some legend abrj end up making college MCT of European design? Or a young students more apathetic than American prodigy? enthusiastic about the upcom- I eelinga slight nimbleiii mj ing midterm elections and will stomach, I approached one of the undoubtedly prove to be nothing STAFF EDITORIAL I CITY ORDINANCE waiters wot king there. They must more than awhtclenl degrada- have top-notch food to go with tion, emasculating students \ lews sue ha lavish decor. of the political process. "Please, sir. may I have your fin- Accordingtol as) (aroHna est cuts of chicken, top|icd with Untversity professors lody City officials should lighten up on a special sauce I would also like Baumgannerand fonathan potatoes on the side and your Morris, viewers of "The DaDj In-st drink." I kindly requested. Show," composed mostly of col- The man nodded, smiled, lege students, tend to IH' cynical and replied. "One McNugget about Individual candidates, Wooster Street signs meal with a Coke... that'll be the electoral process and the five dollars." media [Tie) also found that For years, the newest on Incoming students, espe- an attempt to make the city If any- Yes, folks, the "fancy" new while watching the program [fowlingGreen state clall) the females, we have to imik more appealing; but thing restaurant that opened on list enhanced students'confidence University students ask: aren't we all adults? for who? lliei IIV ^ DECIDE VYijostcr wasn't some five-star about their political knowledge, have been greeted with lewd Granted, there is a fine line While it's surely a factor in should be Should the Wooster Italian place, or even the new It also increased their cynicism yard signs and front yard between humor and sexual anyone's decision to move to caleing Straci Bgnsbea m I (hiporJe It was the renovated toward politics and news media parties on Easi Wooster harassment, but we maintain a new city or attend college toward it's to stay next ye*' McDonald's across the street from in general. Street as they moved their the signs are put up onlv as in a certain area, we doubt seasonal Send an e-mail to the I larshnian Quad. . And now that Stewan is com- belongings into the resi- a matter of tradition so all there are an) college stu- population ■■ w Mignewuoni Now I admit, its the fanciest ing to Ohio to offer up more of dence halls. students can lake pan in the dents thinking where can I boom of and tel us what you McDonald's I've ever seen — but these "unique perspectives," we I his year, however, signs light-hearted ale Of yet anoth- go to college and find sign 20,000-lsh think or post feedback I question if all of the additions on our Web site will probably see an adverse effect were taken down midway er academic year taking oil. lice, ho-tlowered.quaint students were necessary. No place widi a in overall turnout among col- through the lesliv ities by city In all honesty, who is really tctw n with green grass and I lii nk: Ann Arbor, drive-thni window can really be lege-age individuals here in out c ode enforcement officers. being hurt bea sign in sonic- no porch couches?" YtMhatsrighuln'l Jnivcrsity considered a place of fine dining, beloved State, It's really a shame. According to an article one's front law nV Mine likely students will of Michigan can boast one of can it? because the veradty of an election in today's lid News, a City Sonic are taking this mat- be looking at the college, the most student-friendly cam I he renovated McDonalds isn't suffers when young constituents ordinance prohibits signs ter too far. forgetting some ol the clubs, and the food puses In the Midwest alone, though. Increasingly, other do not pailicipale over ten square feet to be dis- the most famous comedians choices. They have a plethora of late places 1 have frequently visited After all, tlie same thing hap- played on residential prop- of this generation are known Same goes lor potential night clubs, coffee houses are piling on die additions maybe pened during the 2004 presiden- erties and no more than If) for their raunchy sense nl residents. We are betting and utility poles boasting more than is necessary. tial election campaign when. aggregate feel per yard humor (i.e. DaveChapellel. most people migrating to the more up and coming band liir example, take Meijer or any atxordingtoBaumgartnerand Hie ordinance is smith College students are all Bowling Green area are here more fliers than a BGSU of (he other su|ieniiarkel chains Morris, college-age participants referring to the size of the adults and should he treated for a reason more substan- kiosk can collect during a They're a prime example of per- were more likely to have negative signs and, according to dtj as such by the adults running tial than their impeccable whole year. haps too much of a good thing. perceptionsahnut holh parties' officials, has nothing to do out city. flowet pots and photogenic So why not lake a hint from In die ancient world of the candidates after being exposed with I he se\ual nature of the What's more pressing than Main Street. our northern campus breth- 1990s, supermarkets were a place- to Stewart's unique blend of sat- signs'content the city officials flimsy insis- We're thinking it's more ren and let the Wooster Street to shop for groceries, medicine, 1 in , resulting in a low turnout at The BG News feels city tence that the strong move in along the lines of close family students have their fun. and household items. Today, Uiey the polls. officials have every right to da) enforcement bad noth- connections or a job transfer. Stop trying to make a include banks, cell phone dealer- [tils is disappointing in light of enforce [hecode, but may ing to do with the signs' con- That's not to say the town campus town into a pic- ships, coffee bars, photography the iact that the upcoming elec- he being too strict ill limit- tent is the excuse behind the isn't more appealing because turesque post-card village. studios and even optometrists, tion Is extremely important for ing the off-campus Students' ordinance itself. it looks nice. With a student population dentists, and doctor's offices. (Ihioans. Several 1 louse seats, a humorous traditions. Holh Universit) and city It just isn't the main rea- of this magnitude how can Even bigger warehouse stores c mdal Senate position and a new While many have argued spokespeopletiled "city son most people are coming the city officials ignore are expanding into new areas like Governor aD hang in the balance I he signs sexual nature (with beautification" as the main lo a town, nor do we think our presence? auto financing and travel services. in fact must orpeflsare predict- one stating "after the Naddy, reason behind the ordinance. it will be the deciding factor Students just want to have Sam's Club offers healdi-insur- ing the outcome of the 2O06pnsi she'll call us daddy') is inap- Apparently Bowling in most resident's choices scniie fun, and you can't ance plans to its customers, while dentfal election could come down propriate and I lies to prey tireen is in the middle of to leave. blame us. rival Costco sells caskets on top of to what happens in this years their own health insurance plan. Ohio midterm. These stores have become College students could makea so various in their services that huge contribution to this process you could practically live in dieir it they honestly cared, but sadh FIND OUT WHAT BGNEWS.COM HAS TO OFFER YOU! stores. In fact, several people have very few do, tried to, only to get kicked out of Is it all because of lobn Stew an? TOP NEWS STORIES COMMENTARY EMAIL EDITION HOUSING GUIDE MULTIMEDIA the store after a few days. The site is updated daily Make your voice heard. Too busy to visit the Check out off campus Have you* opinions with stories from the Post your comments newsstand? Get The BG housing options at known on the weekly See APATHY | Page 5 paper and online extras. about articles online. News in your email. online poll See FAST FOOD | Page 5

LAREN WEBER, EXECUTIVE EDITOR ANDREA SlIVKA. MANAGING EDITOR The BG News Submission Policy CANDICE JONES, I AMPUS NEWS EDITOR THE BG NEWS LETTERS TO THE EDITOR POLICIES: Letters to the Editor E-MAIL SUBMISSIONS as an LISA HALVERSTADT, CITY NEWS EDITOR to be fewer than 500 words. These and Guest Columns are printed attachment to thenews(»>bgnews. HOLLY ABRAMS, EDITOR-IN-CHIEF ALISON KEMP. FEATURES EDITOR are usually in response to a current as space on the Opinion Page com with the subject line madced DAVE HERRERA, IN FOCUS EDITOR issue on the University s campus or permits Additional Letters to the "Letter to the Editor" or "Guest tlie Bowling Green area. 210 West Hall AMANDA HOOVER, OPINION EDITOR Editor or Guest Columns may be Column * Only e-mailed letters Bowling Green State University published online Name, year and and columns will be considered for RYAN AUTULLO. COPY CHIEF GUEST COLUMNS are longer phone number should be included printing All letters are subject to Bowling Green. Ohio 434031 Phone: (419) 372-6966 JOHN TURNER, SPORTS EDITOR pieces between 400 and 500 words. for verification purposes. Personal review for length and clarity before E-mail: [email protected] EMILY RIPPE, PULSE EDITOR These are usually also in response attacks, unverified information or printing. BRANDON HEISS, PHOTO EDITOR to a current issue on the University's anonymous submissions will not be Web site: campus or the Bowling Green area printed. Opinion columns do not necessarily RACHEL GREENFIELD. DESIGN EDITOR Advertising: 204 West Hall | Phone: (419) 372-2606 The maximum number ol submes- reflect the view ol The BG News BRANDON NOBLE. 0NUNE EDITOR srons lor columns is two per month WWW.BGNEWS.COM OPINION ■'.uqust ?8.2006

citizen. There is much more ture in theeveni ofa "ticking ol con I ■i 11HInter-terror- APATHY IO the hush administration's lime bomb scenario" In which Let's noi foi counter-terrorism efforts ai aptured terrorist knows, ment's ubkji in look al the From Page 4 than premature declarations foi example, the location ot a whii ii has ■ 11 tincoveringof JOrlBOSMHER oi \ Ictory, in ii tear bomb set to explode in moretongrcssuii n than tp airliners bj I doubt ii. bin there is no ques- OPINION COIUMNIST I isteningto the phone i the neai term. terrorists ipunby tion that he is a contributing be conversations ol Vmericans is while this served asa great Kennei ilnist ration. tDrtothbdespondency Many also a crucial part of the inge- plot device In season two John Lewis' sing it as an students undoubtedly are indoc- nious st rate ol Kiefei Sutherland's "24," venicm ed i now ledge trinated Into negativity b) thewrj War on Terror Even though the current Condi llice needs to remind musician! I progress in opining of The Dairy Show" laws allow for a wiretap to ■■■ Hush oi the different e While the pop ;i u ism comes Of course, noneol this seems be set up and maintained lor between T.V. and realit) before left n nvesUgatorj torrrattertolohnStevvartwhose is clouded by days before a court ordet is be tries to give lack Bauer the desired, ii woul l; program proudly boasts one ol secured, the Hush adminis- Medal ol freedom. stretch to i i Id a press ilie most deluded, apathetic audt confusion tration found it necessary to Anolhei crucial part of the I In-'i loa uncethat enecs in till of television. operate outside these mini administration's strategy foi gram is intto NOW I want (0 be clear: "The i luce years after George Hush tnal constraints. winning the War on lerrot is In tin i .i a ar on terror." Dailj Show" Is without question historically declared victory To be sure. Hush and com- to ensure that voters focus on -. 11. II the war in an extremely unabashed, per- in Iraq in a speech delivered pany will appeal the recent the real enemy: Democrats, In gel ud ol blui i intless other ceptive program rhe dry, sar- on an aircraft carrier in front decision by federal judge ,i re cni .ippr.ii.mi eal a 55,000 haven ■ left them castic nonchalant satin'Stewart of a banner reading "Mission Anna DiggS lav lor declaring a plate GOP fundraising din anger, employs even, night offers up Accomplished," he has again its warrant-less wiretapping nerai Inverness! lountryClub iblish- a refreshing alternative to me displayed his trademark program unconstitutional. If in Ii iliilii. kail Rove claimed doing so. ii led io what mundane and depressing events bravado In announcing that they win, you can be sure thai that the policies ol Democrats Dm king exhibited on most news chan- Hezbollah is the loser in the when mom calls to remind would make us mure, not lion to thl nels. Without question, Stewart latest Mid-last conflict. you of the terrorist plot you less, vulnerable." be on i anssavi Is one of the most humorous Of course, ban. Syria anil had scheduled for the week Hit k Cheney even sug I know and I and the and entertaining personalities hi I lezbollah have all done the end, the government will : ih,ii |oe I ieberman's I recognized all of television. same, perhaps with a bH more be on top oflt. primary election defeat at suppose ,. ge. i in-poh Km thekej word here is to back ii up since Israel's inva Meanwhile, Vice President the hands of the ami war mean I he eption can "entertaining." Stewart, tliounh sion resulted in little more than Dick Cheney skulks in his Ned I amont might prov ide IIS." Ill es for a savvy and astute political a collapsed Infrastructure in subterranean lair, monitoring comfort to "al Qaeda types, satirist, is not exactly the best I ebanon (o IH' rebuilt by none films and television shows lor t II i ourse, w ah id pen nit oi source to turn 10 when you want other than the supposedlj an) possible terrorist threats, Vmericans now opposed to War on Ii a fair and balanced viewpoint defeated I lezbollah. Recently, he brazenl) the war, ii looks as though al on the days news. Hill never tear, concerned defended the legality ol tor- Qaeda will be getting plent) withp When I want tohearagood Bui joke, he's my guy- but if 1 am look- ing; lot unbiased, lactual report- ing, Iris show is not exactly ihe best source of Information, Next generation faces severe lack of motivation, tf future lohn Stewart is ultimately noth- ing more than a gifted entertainer When students start their col Hut apparently our country's PAMELA PALMER lew es people but do college students, who lege careers, some know what youth don't understand that ■ i onlj were represent a plurality of his viewer they waul loiloanil how to go i oncept; it's being forgotten and has been ODenlj confront llirol ■ ponsible, but ship, really understand this simple about making it happen.There and ignored, 'lounger genera- ed. In \pril. lime in.. ..aided truth when they formulate their are abo those who are on the tions are hulling themselves published a cover story titled . . did some- political views? opposite side of the spectrum ,i great deal bri ause ol a lack Dropout Nation' discussing not bi tpposed to According 10 Kaumgannci and and base no idea. oi responsibility, self-reliant e the high number of dropouts Morris' study, they do not I ligh school students con- and sell motivation, Ibis is and lack ol motivation in withii : coming less fellow students, Its time to stantly talk about being iinsine severely depressing but not aid.p. s youth. nnder- wake up. Ifyou really want to ol what they want in life, which nearly as important as the The story was conceived devek il of the make a difference in these crucial iscMicmch worrisome Even bigger picture. when fimes writers received the lion do ii ihe hands ol upcoming elections, you need to worse, they make it known how Political!) and sodalrj slalistii son the soaring number ming watch programs like "The Dairy they themselves aren't to blame involved people often say the ol high school and college drop- rum Itself show" bragoodtaughand nut .is foi their "failure." intelligence and abilit) of OUT outs 33 percent ..c will a source lor news. Most of us have been taught sin letys youth is shrinking In all schools and communi- out Ih ,pim ingoutol Instead, go to a leal news not everything in life will lie while expectations ol them are ties, students often drop out as a ikes. We program for dinner and make handed IO us on a silver platter, being lowered result ol a lack ol sell moth . i ill ot Stewart's show your dessert, and and we have to work for what In recent decades this prob- The way in which i il -ill pity we in tills way you will get a tnie per- we want. lem hasdramaliealh worsened people approach the situation I his II spective on politics, ifyou ahead] do tins, pal yoursell on the back. If not, hs never too late to start »

Sendconments ro Dan Upwat Jpiaidxpuedu NOW SHOWING


So what does adding on mean to customers? In the case of McDonalds, the renovations are great for those eating in, but for drive-thru and lake nut custom- ers, it does nothing, Same with the big box stores and their increasing services. People might use an in-storc bank or coffee shop, but they'd be less likely to stop in at the doctor who keeps bis office in Wal-Mart And yes, I'm serious about their being doctors al Will- Mart, at least in the South. Target has also been testing this idea in the (iteat lakes region as well. Something just doesn't seem right about going lo Wal-Mart to get emergency can1 rather than a hospital. I don't think I'd enjoy get - ting treated al a hospital that sold tires, el

Send comments to Brian Szabetiiat baabek'fopuedi Hunan ' "ar! 'ate There Palace Buffet *eek are over Preferred ends' LOCATION Properties Co. 1616 E.Wooster Street m Houses That Feel Like Homes Greenwood Center wwv% prelemdpropertiesco com Bowling Green, OH 43402 419.352.9153 MAKE YOUR HOME AT: • Fox Run Apis • Mini Mall Apts. Eat in or carry out Chinese buffet • Piedmont "Under Renovation" • Triplex PRICES million • Updated Birchwood • Houses - small pels allowed vvorlwide... Lunch: S5.75 See our website or Dinner: (Mon Thurs);S7.95 coll (or more details OFF DINNER & Where do Dinner: iFri-Sun):S8.95 Carryout: (same price per box) 20% LUNCH BUFFET For All Students with a Student ID belong? GREAT iHltutntin (HERRYWOOD HOURS HUNAN PALACE BUFFET AffORDABLC HEALTH SPA Only for eating in Sign up for sorority recruitment at RATES, • Indoo' HtOltd Fool Mon-Thurs: 1 lam-10pm 1 * SPACIOUS MEMBERSHIP ItXSS Friday: l lam-11pm Rocruitmnnt opportunities begin privilege!! •Sowio Saturday: 11:30anvl lpm Great food, BEDROOMS Sundays & Holidays: 1210pm August 28. OFFICE HOURS Mon-Fril SI2 & M 30 San 10-2 at a great price! 530 S Maple St 41V-3S2-V37S www "You guys in New York can't get a hole in the ground fixed, and it's five years later. So lets be fair. - New Orleans Mayor Ray Nagin when asked about OPINION rebuilding delays during a "60 Minutes" interview, from Monday. August 28,2006 4 PEOPLE ON THE STREET What do youthink of The Daily Show" host John Stewart?

"One of the funniest "A Conan O'Brien "I'm a Republican so "He's okay." VISIT US AT BGNEWS.COM men on TV." wannabe, but defi- I disagree with some k Have your own take on nitely not as funny." of his political views." today's People On The Street? Or a suggestion for a Travis Neunwytr. Greg Fast. Senior, Mark AM, Freshman, Sl«rra Rush, Freshman. question? Gve us your feed- Undecided Telecommunications Junior. Integrated Architecture back at bgnewsxom. Language Am

John Stewart Big business contributing to adding too voter apathy many options Mm Stewart, host of the popular RecenUy, I heard of a new res- Comedy Central program "flic taurant opening on East Wooster i >aik Show," made an announce- Street this fall. 1 was intrigued, men) last week that is sure to get and this week, 1 finally visited this college students rxntrd. new place. I le lias decided he will travel Outside sat two cafe-style to Ohio this fall on a pre-elec- tables, with styled seats and tion road trip which will seek umbrellas, like you'd expect to to answer the question: What's find in Paris. Inside, there were ,i Inickeye? two wide-screen plasma TVs, ■Ttailleficld Ohio: The Daily modern light fixtures and seat- show's MidWBSl Midterm ing, designed for the custom- Spectacular," will air a week er's comfort, before the crucial Now 7 national A fireplace stood in the middle c-lec lion, and will take place at of the restaurant, straddled by ()hio State University's Roy Bom.ii shiny black leather chairs. Such Theatre. In a statement this week, a fireplace is perfect for the bit- ( i iincdy t I'titral claims the pro- ter cold Ohio winters that will be gram will "give viewers a unique coming soon. perspective that only a trueoul As I looked at the restau- skier can provide." rant, I wondered what famous Unfortunately, this purported designer could have created "unique perspective" will prob- this place. Was it some legend ably end up making college MO- of European design? Or a young students more apathetic man American prodigy? enthusiastic about the tipcom- Heeling a slight rumble in my ing midterm elcetions and will stomach, I approached one of the undoubtedly prove to lie nothing STAFF EDITORIAL! CITY ORDINANCE waiters working there. They must more than a vehicle of degrada- have top-notch food to go with tion, emasculating students views such a lavish decor. of the political process. "Please, sir, may I have your fin- According to Bast (feroHna est cuts of chicken, topped with University professors |od) City officials should lighten up on a special sauce. I would also like Baumgartner and Jonathan potatoes on the side and your Morris, viewers ol' I he I laih best drink." I kindly requested. Show," composed mostly of col- The man nodded, smiled, lege students, tend to lie cynical and replied. "One McNugget about individual candidates, Wooster Street signs meal with a Coke... that'll be the electoral process and the five dollars." media. Iney also found that For years, the newest on incoming students, espe- an attempt to make the city Ifany- Yes, folks, the "fancy" new while watching the program Bowling Green State cially the females, we have to look more appealing: but tliing restaurant that opened on East enhanced students' confidence University students ask: aren't we all adults? for who? the city ^ DECIDE Wooster wasn't some five-star about their political knowledge. have been greeted with lewd Granted, there is a fine line While it's surely a factor in should be Should the Wooster Italian place, or even the new it also increased thnrcvnicisni yard signs and front yard between humor and sexual anyone's decision to move to caleing Street signs be allowed Chiporie It was the renovated toward politics and news media pal lies on East Wooster harassment, but we maintain .mew city or attend college toward it's to stay next year' Mel )onald's across die street from in general. St rcet as t hey moved Iheil the signs arc put up only as in a certain area, we doubt seasonal Send an e-mal to the I larshman Quad. . And now that Stewart is com- belongings into the resi- a matter ol tradition soall there are any college stu- population thenewst?bgnews com Now I admit, it's die fanciest ing to Ohio to offer up more of dence halls. students can take part in the dents thinking where can I boom of and tell us what you McDonald's I've ever seen — but these unique (M'lspertivrs." we This year, however, signs light-hearted air ol yet anoth- go to college and find sign- 20,000-ish think, or post feedback I question if all of the additions will probably see an adverse efled were taken down midwa) er academic year taking off. free, be-flowered. quaint students on our Web site. were necessary. No place with a in overall turnout among col- through the festivities by city hi all honesty, who is really town with green grass and Think: Ann Arbor. drive-thru window can really be lege-age individuals here in our code enforcement officers. being hurt be a sign in some- no porch couches?" Yes, tliat slight, the University considered a place of fine dining beloved state. It's really a shame, According to an article one's front law n? More likely students will of Michigan can boast one of can it? because the veracity of an election in today's BG News, a city Some are taking this mat- he looking at the college, the most student-friendly cam- The renovated McDonald's isn't suffers when young constituents ordinance prohibits signs ter too far, forgetting some of the clubs, and the food puses in the Midwest. alone though. Increasingly, other do not participate. over ten square feet to be dis- the most famous comedians choices. They have a plethora of late places 1 have frequently visited After all, the same thing hap- played on residential prop- of this generation are known Same goes for potential night clubs, coffee houses are piling on the additions, maybe |H'ned during the 2004 presiden- erties and no more than 15 for their raunchy sense of residents. We are betting and utility poles boasting more than is necessary. tial election campaign when, aggregate feet per yard. humor (i.e. Dave Chapelle). most people migrating to the more up and coming band Hor example, take Meijer or any according to Baumgartner and The ordinance is strictly College students are all Bowling Green area are here more fliers than a BGSU of the other supermarket chains. Morris, college-age participants referring to the size of the adults and should he treated for a reason more substan- kiosk can collect duringa They're a prime example of per- were mote likely to have negative signs and, according to city as such by the adults running tial than their impeccable whole year. haps too much of a good thing perceptions about both parties' officials, has nothing to do HIM dry. flower pots and photogenic So why not take a hint from In the ancient worid of the candidates after being exposed with the sexual nature of the What's more pressing than Main Street. our northern campus breth- 1990s, supermarkets were a place- to Stewart's Unique blend ofSBt- signs' content. the city officials flimsy insis- We're thinking it's more ren and let the Wooster Street to shop lor groceries, medicine, ire. resulting in a low turnout at The ltd News feels city tence that the strong move in along the lines of close family students have their fun. and household items Today, they the polls. officials have every right to day enforcement had noth- connections or a job transfer. Stop trying to make a include banks, cell phone dealer- This is dbappomring in light of enforce the code, but may ing to do with the signs' con- That's not to say the town campus town into a pic- ships, coffee bars, photography the fact that die upcoming elec- be being too strict in limit- tent is the excuse behind the isn't more appealing because turesque post-card village. studios, and even optometrists, tion is extremely important for ing the off-campus students' ordinance itself. it looks nice. With a student population dentists, and doctor's offices. (Moans, Several I louse seats, a humorous traditions. Both University and city It just isn't the main rea- of this magnitude how can liven bigger warehouse stores crucial Senate position and a new While many have argued spokespeople cited "city son most people are coming the city officials ignore are expanding into new areas, like Covcmor all hang in die balance. the signs sexual nature (with beautification" as the main to a town, nor do we think our presence? auto financing and travel services. In fact, most experts art' predict- one stating "after the Naddy, reason behind the ordinance. it will be the deciding factor Students just want to have Sam's Club offers health-insur- ing the outcome ol the 2008 presi- she'll call us daddy') is inap- Apparently Bowling in most resident's choices some fun, and you can't ance plans to its customers, while dential election could comedown propriate and tries to prey Green is in the middle of to leave. blame us. .• rival Costco sells caskets on top of to what happens in this year's their own health insurance plan. Ohiomidteim. These stores have become College students could make a so various in their services that huge contribution to tiiis process you could practically live in their if they honestly aired, but sadly FIND OUT WHAT BGNEWS.COM HAS TO OFFER YOU! stores. In fact, several people have very tew do. tried to, only to get kicked out of Is it all because of John Stewart? TOP NEWS STORIES COMMENTARY EMAIL EDITION HOUSING GUIDE MULTIMEDIA the store after a few days. The site is updated dairy Make your voice heard. Too busy to visit the Check out off campus Have your opinions with stories trqm the Post your comments newsstand? Get The BG housing options at known on the weekly See APATHY | Page 5 paper and online extras about articles online. News in your email. online poll. See FAST FOOD | Page 5

LAREN WEBER. EXECUTIVE EDITOR ANDREA SLIVKA, MANAGING EDITOR The BG News Submission Policy THE BG NEWS CANDICE JONES, CAMPUS NEWS EDITOR LETTERS TO THE EDITOR are POLICIES: Letters to the Editor EMAIL SUBMISSIONS as an LISA HALVERSTADT. CITY NEWS EDITOR to be fewer than 500 words. These and Guest Columns are printed attachment to thenews@bgnews. HOLLY ABRAMS, EDITOR-IN-CHIEF ALISON KEMP. FEATURES EDITOR are usually in response to a current as space on the Opinion Page com with the subject line marked issue on the University's campus or DAVE HERRERA, IN FOCUS EDITOR permits. Additional Letters to the letter to the Editor" or "Guest the Bowling Green area. Editor or Guest Columns may be Column." Only e-mailed letters 210 West Hall AMANDA HOOVER. OPINION EDITOR published online Name, year and and columns will be considered for Bowling Green State University RYAN AUTULL0, COPY CHIEF GUEST COLUMNS are longer phone number should be included printing. All letters are subject to Bowling Green. Ohio 434031 Phone: (419) 372-6966 JOHN TURNER, SPORTS EDITOR pieces between 400 and 500 words. for verification purposes Personal review for length and clarity before These are usually also in response attacks, unverified information or E-mail: [email protected] EMILY RIPPE, PULSE EDITOR printing to a current issue on the Universitys anonymous submissions will not be BRANDON HEISS. PHOTO EDITOR Web site: campus or the Bowling Green area printed. Opinion columns do not necessarily RACHEL GREENFIELD. DESIGN EDITOR Advertising: 204 West Hall | Phone: (419) 372-2606 The maximum number ol submis- reflect the view of IT* BG News BRANDON NOBLE, 0NUNE EDITOR sions lor columns is two per month WWW.BGNEWS.COM OPINION Monday. August 28.2006

citizen, i here Is much more ture in the event ol a licking ol c omfort with any real counter terror- APATHY to the Bush administration's time-bomb scenario" In which I ei's not fcrgi i thegovi ism efforts. From Page 4 counter-terrorism efforts a captured terrorist knows. ment's ubiquitous "no-flj One needs only look at the than premature declarations Pot example, the locationofa which hatappi e tlyn ; i ent uncovering of JON BOSSCHER ol victory, inn leal bomb set to explode in ongressmcu than a plot to blow up airliners by 1 doubt it. hut there is no ques- OfflflONCOWMNISl i Istening to the phone the near term. terrorists British agents was spun by tion that he is a contributing fac- conversations ol Americans is While this served as a great Kennedy and Repn I the administration. tor to this despondency Main also a crucial pan ol the Inge plot device In season two lohn Lewis have been Ini Rather than using it as an snidcnts undoubtedly are itieloc- nious strategy. Hi Kiefer Sutherland need bj it, in addition to n knowledge u ii uiied into negativity by the wry War on Terror Even though the current Condi Rice needs to remind mush Ian Cat Stevens thai the only teal ptogressui opining of" Hie Daily Show" laws allow for a wiretap to c.eoi ge Hush of the difference While the pop stai cc filtering terrorism comes Of course, none of thb seems be set up and maintained for between T.V and reality before album leftsoiiuTliin: through diligent investigatory to matter in John Stewart whose is clouded by days before a court order is he tries to give lack Bauer the desired, it would p unik.W program proudly boasts one of secured, the Hush adminis- Medal til I leeiloiii. stretch to call it terrorism. lorry Snow held a press the most deluded, apathetic aiuli confusion tration found it necessary to ofthe I he uselessni ol thit pro i onferent e to announce that ences in all of television. operate outside these mini- administration's strategy (CM gram is perhaps i "ii in raise "a Now I want to be clear: "Hie Three years after George Hush mal constraints, winning the War on Terra is by the color-coded terrot alen white flag in thewai on terror." Daily Show" is without question historically declared victory To be sure. Husband com- In ensure thai votersfoCUSOn system, I hi" |ust Knowing that the war in an extremely unabashed, per- in Iraq in a speech delivered pany will appeal the recent the real enemy: Democrats. In getridofbhi we . iuntless other ceptive program. The dry, sar- on an aircraft carrier in front decision by federal judge a recent appearance al a tSJXK) have m llow failed policies have left them castic, nonchalant satire Stewart of a banner reading "Mission Anna Diggs Taylor declaring a plalcCOI'lundiaisiiigcliii since its Inception, not di i ulnerable to voters' anger, employs every night offers up Accomplished," he has again iis warrant-less wiretapping nerat Inverness Country club anyone seem It tet the Republican establish- a refreshing alternative to the displayed his trademark program unconstitutional. If in Toledo, kail lime claimed doing so. is resorted to what mundane and depressing events bravado by announcing that they win, you can be sure thai that the policies ol I lemiH tats I loesanyone e\ in they do best: attacking exhibited on most news chan- Hezbollah is the loser in the when mom calls to remind "would make us more, not lion to this, ild opposition. nels. Without question, Stewart latest Mid-East conflict you of the terrorist plot you less, vulnerable be on Chart ri i all It is lime Americans saw is one of the most humorous Ofcourse, Iran. Syria and had scheduled for the week- iiu k Chene) even sug- I know and I siill wouldn't be through the rhetoric and the and entertaining personalities in 1 lezhollah have all done the end, the government will gested thai |oe Ueberman's sure how ten i; i : i and recognized all of television. same, perhaps with a bit more be on iop of it. primary election defeat at supposed in in- I in,- the need foi change. Ihe poll But the key word hen is to back it up since Israels Inva- Meanwhile, Vice President the hands of the ami war mean "i he Rapture is upon tnd deception can "entertaining." Stewart, though sion resulted in little more than Dick Cheney skulks in his Ned Lamont might provide us," or just policies for a savvy and astute political a collapsed infrastructure in subterranean lair, monitoring comfort to "al Qaeda t\ pes hiding under the I satirist, is not exactly the best Lebanon to be rebuilt by none films and television shows lor (II course, with Id percent ol At the end ol thedi source to turn to when you want other than the se-iposedly any possible terrorist threats Vmericans now opposed to Wat on lerroi a fair and balanced viewpoint defeated Hezbollah, Recently, he brazenly the war, It looks as though al invocation Ismoti Boeder* on the da\ si lews. But never fear, concerned defended the legality of tor- Qaeda will be getting plenty with politli a When I want to hear a good fan joke, he's my guy. but if I am look- ing for unbiased, factual report- ing, his show is not exactly the best source of information. ext generation faces severe lack of motivation, threatens nations future John Stewart is ultimately noth- ing more than a gifted entertainer, When students start their col- But apparently our country's PAMELA PALMER | U OF HOUSTON rewarding oi i Foi unices people but do college students, who lege careers, some know what youth don't understand that isexpei ted todo isn't helping. 01 only were represent a plurality of his viewer- they want to do and how to go concept; it's being forgotten and has been openly confront- Througthis methi ponsible, but ship, really understand this simple about making it happen. There and ignored. Younger genera- ed. In April, Time magazine reiterate the points we tniti tlh, awarded truth when they fonnulate their arc also those who are on the tions are hurting themselves published a cover story titled weie Dying 10 'in jusi 11. . didsome- political views? opposite side of the spectnim a great deal because ol alack "I)ropout Nation" discussing not be handed thin. ■ ... i" supposed to According to Baumgartner and and have no idea. of responsibility, self-reliant e the high number of dropouts and motivation comes from do in the Hrsi place. Morris' study, they do not. High school students con- and self-motivation.This is and kick of motivation in within yoursi Oui -ni icty is becoming less Fellow students, it's time to stantly talk about being unsure severely, depressing but not todays youth. \ person intelligent, which is under- wake up. If you really want to of what they want in life, which nearly as Important as the i he story was conceived develop hisoi hei own mi lie thought ofthe make a difference in these en ii lal is extremely worrisome liven bigger picture. when rimes writers received the lion does not usuall ire In the hands ol upcoming elections you need to worse, they make it known how Politically and socially statistics on the soaring number mlk initials is alarming. watch programs like" Ihe l>aily they themselves aren't to blame Involved people often say the of high school and college drop- questions. In i hcoi Society needs to turn itself Show" for a good laugh and not as for their "failure." intelligence and ability ol our outs 33 percent around. Otherwise, we will a source for news. Most of us have been taught society's youth is shrinking In all schools and communi- out because i . ns, find ourselves spinning out of Instead, go to a real news not everything in life will be while expectations of them are ties, students often drop out as., hopes, desires and, control without any brakes. Mb program for dinner and make handed to us on a silver platter, being lowered result 0| a lack ol sell -motivation. tantly. the km. ibh crash Into a wall or Stewart's show your dessen, and and we bine to wink for what In recent decades this prob- The way in which main make H hapi in the sea of sell pity we in tills way you will get a tnie per- we want. lem has dramatically worsened people approach the situation Ihis.i will h spective on politics. If you already do this, pat yourself on the lack. If not. it's never too late to start. ...«

SendcarmenB to ftn tpanat Jpiar&jgsjidi NOW SHOWIN6 FAST FOOD From Page 4 SNAKES ON A PLANE

So what does adding on mean to customers? In the case of McDonalds, the renovations are great for those eating in, but for drive-thru and take-out custom- ers, it does nothing. Same with the big lx>x stores and their increasing services. Iteople might use an in-storc bank or coffee shop but they'd be less likely to stop in at the doctor who keeps his office in Wal-Mart. And yes, I'm serious about their being doctors at Wal-Mart, at least in the South, larget has also been testing this idea in the Great lakes region as well. Something just doesn't seem right about going toMftl-Mart to get emergency care rather than a hospital. I don't think I'd enjoy get- ting treated at a hospital that sold tires, electronics, and furniture. Businesses need to keep in mind that adding more doesn't necessarily mean that you're making things better or easier Sometimes, they're just adding more than they need.

Sendcormrls BftuniaieHia (saMSxjsuerjL! Hunan

ByChri.toph.rWill. Senator visits Nairobi, tries to expose fight for basic health, medical services Michelle, underwent public HIV The stum stands In sharp con- tests at a hospital in Kenyan eitv trast to the elegant homes, luxu- pie, are t rammed into i single i he Illinois Democrat arrived of North Carolina and ho met ot Kisumu In an effort to reduce rious hotels and impressive office NAIROBI Kenya Sea Barack square mileintheslumol Kibera, in Kenya rhursdaj foi his lirst with students who are part of the public stigma associated with buildings found elsewhere in the Obama visited one ol the world's withlittle access torunningwatet visit to his Father's homeland local abstinence campaigns. III\ testing, dt) kibera residents are mostly worsi slums yesterday where he andothei bask since talcing office The group, called Carolina I \erybody in Kibera needs squatters, with no legal claim on told residents he wants everyone in I line .ill ol you mj brothers Yesterday, he visited a pro- for Kibera, estimates one in the same opportunities to no to the land. America to know about their plight all "I you, im sisters" Obama to start small busi- five nl tin'slum's population is school, to start businesses, to nave Kenyans have claimed Obama and promised ti)|)ushthi'i told a crowd in Kibera "1 want nesses, and also stopped by HIV positive, enough to eat, to have decent as one ol their own. even though Kenyan government to help. in make sure everybodj In an AIDS prevention program AIDS prevention has been clothes." (Ibania said i iver a mega- he was mostly raised in Hawaii . an knows Kibera, that's in Kibera, rhe program is e theme ol Obama's visit. On phone as hundreds ot cheering and did not know his Kenyan About a third ui Nairobi's total ; population, at least 700,000 peo- . ! affiliated with the Universit) Saturday, he anil his wife, people surrounded him. father well.

Cleveland-area juvenile crime problems now reaching unignorable levels

CLEVELAND [AP] - Parents, whethei mam morei u i aren'l to counseling, was young when her parents preteen by smoking and slaying against the law im kids to hit their judges and educators are con being reported. whatever the explanation, divorced, and her mother out past curfew, parents but it S not against the cerned about the number ol More kids sit in detention most experts sav adolcsccnt- remarried nine years ago. Aftet lick struck hci mother law foi patents to nil their kids, juveniles charged with domestic for abusing .i household mem- to parent abuse remains Shelly Court cleans bouses a ml last fall, a juvenile court mag Amata said. violence in Cuyahoga ' ounty, ber than for robbery, assault or iindei reported. is a student at l.orain County Istrate placed heron probation \ doesn't think soci- which has nearly doubled In the dru;; dealing liese.nchcispl.nethe instanc- Community College. ,wu\ ordered Elek to observe a ety should be saddled with the [last decade. p irents es of children abusing parents "I just look at her sometimes strict curfew, submit to random blame. I he patents he meets on The county, which includes have become more willing physically, mentally ot emo- and get annoyed." l-lek, 14, said drug testing and attend school the job often aren'l ideal. Cleveland, the number ol teens to report their children .is tionally— as high as ill percent of her mother. "We've had so every day. "They are often overworked, charged with domestic violence abusers. Others sa\ authori- in two-parent homes and III many fights." 'isee the same things over and overwhelmed and don't spend went from 504 in 1996 and to ties an to prosecute percent in Single-parent homes. (lourt said her daughter start- ova again," Cuyahoga Count] much lime with their kids," or 977 last year, and some wonder teens. I send them Lisa l-lek, an only child. ed slipping from her control as a luvenlle Court Magistrate Peter have themselves been abused in Murray said." rhese kids simply battered in front of their children. don't want to follow the rules sei "So when thej parents n\ by iiicii parents." and exert themselves, the) gel Icrome Price, of the Michigan this reaction." Amata said. Family Therapy institute, attri- luvenlle prosecutoi Carmen butes the problem to a powe shift Naso agrees that the reasons between parents and children behind the violence ma) be more "II started in the 1960s When personal man societal people began to view children as In the past, main ol these kids people with rights," Price said. wric labeled uiiiiilv and scnl lo "They should have rights, but counseling Hut these days il a we went too far and gave them kid bits a parent, he won I gel a equal rights." break, Naso said. Complicating the issue, he \losi police departments have said, is that corporal punish Stringent rules about making an mem fell out of favor but nothing arrest II there are signs of violence replaced il as a tool lor parents to in the home control their children. [Went) 'ii 25 .cars ago the Along With the imbalance ol preferred course was keeping the power came an acceptance of not making an arrest," bad" teenage behavior, said Lakewood Police Chicl I im Bethel University researchei Mallevsaid. Nancy Eckstein. Parents often Court officials and coun- view these cases "as a tempei selors SB) there must be beltei tantrum gone awry" and hope approaches to the problem their teens will giow outol it." Amata proposes a sale place rhese parents frequently where children Could go to cool start With rules and guidelines, down and be linked with conn I cksii-in said, "but they net tired selors instead ol sent lo court. and worn down" and eventual!] I he conn is also developing give up a program to work with fami- Juvenile public defendet lies before and after a juvenile Salvatore Amata, whose office appeals in court, said Juvenile every year represents hundreds Court Vlininistiaio] ken I usnia. ol juveniles charged with domes "Its vet) important lor us lo tic violence, said experts might intervene c|uii kl\ with domes- be overthinking the problem. tic Violence," be said. "Put unlike kids are often arrcsieil. he said, offenses where the conn trad! because it's the simplest solu- lionalK Ionises on ihe juvenile, tion for police, even though most with this we reallv need lo locus fights are "mutual combat" It's on ihe whole lamily."

a seal In the bus. "We will capture the culprits BOMBING and bring them before the From Page 6 public as soon as possible. Kocaklar said. were released from hospital fol- I he Mediterranean coasi is lowing treatment, the state-run extremely popular with mil- Anatolia news agency reported. lions of 1 uropean tourists Dogan quoted local Govemoi who Bock to Turkey during the Cemalettin Ozdemir as saying summer months. that the Iximb was placed under Police Immediately boosted security in ihe area and set up roadblocks outside ol the dry. Earlier yesterday, a bomb blast ^EE'' in a low-income neighborhood oi Istanbul Injured si\ people. police said. The explosion in the liagcilar Greek Affairs district Occurred near the has an local governor's office and police said the) suspected that anonymous Kurdish militants were behind the explosion. One of the hotline to report injured was reported lo be in hazing- critical condition In 211(15, Kurdish gtienil las bombed a minibus ill the Aegean resoit town ol knsadasi killing five people and injur- ing 13 others, the dead includ- ed a Hritisb woman and an Irish teenager, Monday, August 28 Sex Signals 9pm • Bowen Thompson Student Union, Lenhart Grand Ballroom Blending a unique combination of improvisational comedy, education, and audience participation, "SEX SIGNALS" provides a provocative look at the issues of dating, sex, and ultimately, acquaintance rape on college campuses. The two-person show explores how mixed messages, gender role stereotypes, and unrealistic fantasies contribute to misunderstandings between the sexes. welcome

BGSU l»nn.or.d by Orientation and Fbat V**r Mid th« WalbMaa Connection SPORT 7 SIDELINES Netters fall short in opener to Notre Dame

By Adam Mi.iin Reporter "...this is one match you could consider a The Bowling Green State University's women's volleyball good loss." team got off on the wrong foot Saturday night as they fell to the no. 21 ranked team In the Denise Van De Walle | Coach nation, Notre Dame. The team WOMEN'S dropped all three sets, 30-24, all I was please with her offense. SOCCER 30-28 and 30-26. She's been so used to using her "I thought wedid somethings power in high school that now Falcons get shut- very well," said coach Denise that she's here at BG, she's going out by Wisconsin- Van De Walk'. "Our serving and to need to learn a few more shots passing was farbetter than what to have more success." Milwaukee I expected in the first match of Domek was happy with the The host Panthers defeated the year. Our hitting and block- team's performance as well, BG 3-0 yesterday, dropping ing was disappointing, hut this saying that everyone did a the teams' record to 0-2. is one match you could consider nice job and the team played a good loss." well together. Full coverage o( the game in Van De Walle cited the "It took some time for us to tomorrow's BG News. fact that Notre Dame may be get used to each other on the called a young team, but they floor, figuring out where every- have a different type of athlete one is going to be," said Domek. than BGSU. Unfortunately, we lost, but PGA GOLF "They were bigger than us we still played well. We have at every position," said Van De good team chemistry. I thought Tiger Woods takes Walle. "We were not able to (i>rrie Mills was great coming adjust to their block with our olTthc bench tonight, as well.'' title at Bridgestone si/e. We have decent size but The team will not have to Invitational compared to their team, we wait long for another chance at The victory is Woods 52nd of are smaller.'' its first win. The Falcons host One key moment in this Cleveland Stale tomorrow night his career, tying him with Byron match was a controversial call i n at 7 p.m. at Anderson Arena. Nelson for fifth most wins all- the second set that went to Notre Van IX' Walle din-, not em i time. Story on page 8. Dame, giving them momentum sion many changes being made that would help them capture In the two days between the thesct. BG control ledthc lead in games and sees the same start- the set until each team reached ers playing tomorrow. COUNT DOWN 20 points, then the teams t tailed "We lost to a very good team off points until the Irish were but we will be ready for CSU," able In defeat the Falcons. said Van De Walle. "We need to CLASH IN "We were a step slow on fill Anderson Arena up with the CLEVELAND the blocking throughout the students so we can have some night," said Van De Walle. "A home court advantage. In South The BG football team couple of different shots would Bend, they had 1.500 people at opens up its season in... have helped us out as well. They the match. We need the support were a really good team and of the students." we got beaten by them. The Van De Walle believes the 5 DAYS JASON RENTNfR effort was good throughout the excitement of the sport and match and we hung with them the chance for this team to be HEADS UP: Junior Alec Petea ducks and attempts to gain control as a defender tails over him during yesterday's match against Eastern in each set. We ended using all really good should excite peo- OUR CALL Illinois The Falcons lost the game 21 three of our middles through- ple around Bowling Green. For out the match loo." the team to hang with one of Van IX'Walk'pointed out the the nation's best and lose three On the way up performances by Chelsey Meek, close sets is reason to think Vincent Papale: Not only did sophomore and Corey Domek, maybe this will be a year to he live out every ^ freshman. Both young player- remember. To realize that all of were "outstanding," with Meek this was done in the first match man's dream of Taking flight doing a great job on defense, of the season makes things look playing in the serving and passing. even better. NFL as a walk-on. "Domek did very well In her "We have a leant here that first collegiate match," said Van has a chance to do some special but the movie "Invincible" Falcons split opening weekend series in BGSU Invitational De Walk. "She was very physi- things this season," said Van De based on his football career. cal, which we needed against Wal le. "We've got to be prepared is No. 1 after its box office By Bill Bordcwick "They had a tough Smith was fouled on a breakaway a physical Notre Dame team. for CSU and we will be ready debut. Reportpr to set up die goal. She hit it really hard and all in come Tuesday." result yesterday, but The Panthers came out and On the way down lii the lirst game of the season, tied the game in the opening minutes of the second when for- Snakes on planes every- the Falcons did something they they came back out have not done since 1999, when ward Brad Peters beat BG goal- where: The Tigers 71 Indians 1 they started the season 1-0. today and fought keeper Paul Shoemaker. "cult-movie" has I lie Falcons defeated Western They had a tough result yester- dropped from Illinois 2-1 in overtime on a day, but they came back out today game-winning goal by forward really hard." and fought really hard. In the first No. 1 in the box office to No Ahmad Smith. Fred Thompson | Coach half, I thought we were on lop of 6. proving to people every- "It was a good opening game," them pretty gixxl — even with where that football is. and said coach Fred Thompson. that in mind they just kept light- ing They deserved that victory" will always be. more interest- That was really the first experi- ence of something like this for 11 ii imps, in said. ing than snakes. half our team because hall our The Panthers dominated pos- team is freshmen and we also session in the second half and have many key players who are eventually took the lead on mid- The List freshmen and sophomores." fielder Mick Galeski's goal in the Love em or hate em. desig- lit; gained a man advantage 86th minute. in the 18th minute when for- They came right down the nated hitters are a giant part ward Ahmad Smith collided with heart of our defense and that's of Major League Baseball. Western Illinois goalkeeper ZarJl something we've been working Our experts run-down the Mazjag and Mazjag was given a on," Thompson said. "That should never happen, so let's just say there top DHs in the league: red card on the play. Mazjag had to be caned off the field with a left were some mental and physical 1. David Ortiz: Batting leg injury. breakdowns that we will be talking about after I look at the video" .286 with 46 home runs and With the one-man advantage, lit; took control by dominat- Wtdi such a young team (21 l20RBIs in the 2006 season ing much of die play in the lirst freshmen/sophomores), games Will it be enough an MVP half. The Falcons tun-shot the like tiiis will happen but'I hompson after a 2005 snub? Leathernecks eight to one In the hopes that the team will learn first hall and had many oppor- from these types of games and 2. Travis Hafner: Flat tunities to score including one JASON REHTHER I MtBGNEWS move on. out one of the best hitters from midfielder Justin Kim that "We are a young team and caromed off the crossbar. FOCUS: freshman Jacob Lawrence tries changing their mindsets, chang- in baseball today, hitting for "As soon as I hit it, I basically felt to control the ball yesterday afternoon in a ing their habits is very difficult," both average (.309) and like it was going in," Kim said."The game against Eastern Illinois. The Falcons Thompson said. "They're going to finished the Invitational with a record of 1-1. MAK DUNCAN ■■••'•"WOTO power (39 home runs. 112 ball was moving, it was rattling have start to change. If this is what and it looked like the keeper didn't takes, then this what it takes." CLOSE CALL: The Tigers avoided the sweep after Cleveland took the first two games. RBIs). know what to da" Western Illinois was the over- 3. Jim Thome: Has While BG had many scoring Thompson said. all tournament winner and had five players on the all-tournament been the key component of opportunities in the first half, BG regrouped to take theiropen- Slipping Tigers earn win they were not able to put it in ing game of the Falcon Classic, team. FIG placed forward Ahmad the ChiSox power assault the back of the net until a goal winning in overtime on Smith's Smith, midfielder Tyler Deal and with his 36 home runs and by Kim off of a header by lacob goal to beat backup goalkeeper defenseman lacob lawrence on with home runs, pitching 96 RBIs. lawrence in the opening min- Stephen Patterson. the team. utes of the second half. "The second keeper should The Falcons travel to Myrtle 4. Frank Thomas: "lacob was there backside and have seen that this kid is pretty Beach, SC to take on Coastal CLEVELAND (AP) — Kenny Curtis Granderson led off the game with a homer and Marcus Washed up? Mot quite. The got the header on net and it just quick and maybe I can't come out Carolina on Friday, Sept. I at 7 Rogers knew the situation and deflected off the keeper and I was and get that," Thompson said. pm. and I'urman on Sunday, Sept stepped up. Thames, Carios Guillen and Big Hurt is still just men to put it in" Kim said To conclude the Falcon 3 at 12:30 p.m. Rogers put on a pitching Ivan Rodriguez later connected dangerous While BG seemed to dominate Classic, the Falcons lost 2-1 to The Falcons will next be in performance that Detroit des- as the Tigers averted a four- with 27 play lor must of the game, they the Eastern Illinois Panthers in front of the home fans Sunday, perately needed and the Tigers game sweep. They won for only gave up a goal to Preston Brenardi front of the home fans at Mickey Sept. 17 to take on Wright State backed him with four home the sixth time in 19 games since home runs (it the I eathernecks late in the sec- Cochran Field. at 2 pm. Before Wright State, the runs, beating the Cleveland Aug. 7 — when they held a 10- and 76 ond half to tie the game. BG took the lead in the 31st I. ill i it is are taking on Saint Mary's Indians 7-1 yesterday and end- game lead in the ALCentral "All of sudden they realized we're minute, when SmiUi connected and Sacramento State in Moraga, ing a four-game losing streak. Manager lim Leyland said up a goal, we're up a man and yi HI on penalty kick goal past Eastern California, and then the Buckeyes "I wanted to be the guy to that's no reason to alter his know what, let me relax a little bit," Illinois goalkeeper Mark llansen. in Columbus. stop it," Rogers said. "That's c— Tieeocm o I 6 Monday. August 28. «K)6 WWW.BGNEWS.COM Obama: 1 love all of you, my brothers - all of you, my sisters'

ByChriltopharWilU Senator visits Nairobi, tries to expose fight for basic health, medical services Michelle, underwent public HIV I he slum stands in sharp con- The tests at a hospital in Kenyan city trast to the elegant homes, lura- pic an- crammed into a single The Illinois Democrat arrived of North Carolina and he met of Kisumu in an effort to redui e i ions hotels and impressive office NAIROBI. Kenya — Sen. Bam* square mile in the slum nt Kibera, in Kenya lluirsday for his first with students who are part of the public st igma associated with buildings found elsewhere in the Obama visited one ol the world's with little access to runningwater visit to his lather's homeland local abstinence campaigns. HIV testing. dty. KiiM'ia residents are tnosttj worst shims yesterday, where he and other basic services. since taking office. The group, called Carolina "Everybody in Kibera needs squatters, with no legal claim on tokl residents lieu ants cvcr\ one in "i love all of vnu. im brothers Yesterday, he visited a pro- for Kibera, estimates one in the same opportunities to go to the land. America to know about iheirplight — all of you, m\ sisters" obama gram to start small hnsi- five of the slum's population is school, to start businesses, to have Kenyans have claimed Obama and promised to push the I IS. and told a crowd in Kibera. "I want •.. and also stopped by HIV positive. enough to eat, to have decent as one of their own, even though Kenyan government to help. to make sure everybod) in an AIDS prevention program AIDS prevention has been clothes." Oba ma sakl over a n icga he was mostly raised in Hawaii About a third of Nairobi's total American knows Kibera. that's ill Kibera. The program is a theme of Obama's visit. On phone as hundreds of cheering and did not know his Kenyan population, at leas) 700.000 peo- why we have all thenewsi affiliated with the University Saturday, he and his wile. people surrounded him. father wett.

Cleveland-area juvenile crime problems now reaching unignorable levels

CLEVELAND (AP) — Parents, whether many more cases aren't to counseling. was young when her parents preteen by smoking and staying against the law for kids to hit their judges and educators are con being reported. Whatever the explanation, divorced, and her mother out past curfew. parents hut it's not against the cerned about the number ol More kids sit in detention most experts say adolescent- remarried nine years ago. After Hick struck her mother law Im patents to hit their kids, juveniles charged with domestic for abusing a household mem- to-parent abuse remains Shelly Court cleans houses and last fail, a juvenile court mag- Amata said. violence in Cuyahoga County, ber than im robbery, assault or underreported. is a student at Lorain County istrate placed her on probation unata doesn't chink soci- which has nearly doubled In the driii; dealing. Ftesearchers place the instanc- Community College. and ordered Elek to observe a ety should IK.' saddled with the past decade. Some experts saj parents es of children abusing parents T just look at her sometimes strict curfew, submit to random blame The parents he meets cm The county, which includes have become more willing — physically, mentally or emo- and get annoyed," Elek, 14, said drug testing and attend school the job often aren't ideal Cleveland, the numlici ol teens in report their children as tionally—as high as 18 percent of her mother. "We've had so everyday. ihe\ are often overworked, charged with domestic v lolence ahusers. Others say authori- in two-parent homes and 30 many fights." H see the same things over and overwhelmed and don't spend went from 504 in ISHfi and to ties are mine apl to prosecute percent in single-pareni homes. Court said her daughter start- over again." Cuyahoga Count] much time with their kids. Ol 977 last year, and some wonder teens, rathei than send them Lisa lick, an only child, ed slipping from her control as a luvcnilc Court Magistrate Peta have themselves hi'en abused en Murray said..These kids siniph battered in front of their children. don't want to follow the rules set "So when they — parents — try by their parents." and exert themselves, they gel leroine Price, of tlic Michigan ihis reaction," Amata said Family Therapy Institute, attri- luvenile prosecutor Carmen butes the problem to a power shift Naso agrees thai the reasons between parents and children. behind the violence may be more "It started in the 1960s when personal than societal. people began to view children as In the past, many of these kids people with rights," Price said. were labeled unruly and sent to Simplifying Life "They should have rights, but counseling. But these days if a we went too far and gave them kid hits a parent, he won't get a equal rights." break. Naso said. Complicating the issue, lie Most police departments have said, is that corporal punish- stringent rules about making an Maximizing Potentia ment fell out of favor but nothing arrest ii there aresignsofviolence replaced it as a tool for parents to in the home. control their children. ' [Went) 01 25 .ears ago the Along with die imbalance of preferred eciuise was keeping the power came an acceptance of peace — not making an arrest," "had" teenage behavior, said Lakewood Police Chief Tim Private Baths Bethd University researcher Malleysaid. Nancy Eckstein Parents often i our) officials and coun- view these cases "as a temper selors say there must be betta tantrum gone awry" and hope approaches to the problem. Free Internet their teens will "grow out of it." Amata proposes a safe place These parents frequently M here children could go to cool start with rules and guidelines. down and be linked with c mm Eckstein said, "but they get tired selors instead of sent to court. Free Cable and worn down"' and eventually I be court is also developing give up a program to work with fami- luvenile public defendei lies before and after a juvenile Washer & Dryer Salvatore Amata, whose office appeals in court, said juvenile every year represents hundreds Coun Administrator Ken Lusnia of juveniles charged with don ie. "it's very Important for us to in each Town Home tic violence, said experts might intervene quickly with domes- be overthinking the problem. tic violence, he said. "Hut unlike Kids are often arrested, he said, offenses where the court tradi- Spacious Living Areas because It's the simplest solu- tionally focuses on the luvenile, tion for police, even though most with this we really need to focus fights are "mutual combat." It's on the whole family."

a seat in the bus. "We will capture the culprits BOMBING and bring them before the From Page 6 public as soon as possible,'' Kocaklar said. We really do have it all. were released from hospital fol- The Mediterranean coast is lowing treatment, the stale-run extremely popular with mil- Come over today and see Anatolia news agency reported. lions of European tourists Dogan quoted local Governor who Hock to Turkey during the Cemalenin Ozdemir as saying summer months. just how much we that the bomb was placed under Police immediately boosted security in the area and set up can improve your roadblocks outside of the city. Earlier yesterday, a bomb blast ^EE'' in a low-income neighborilood college experience. of Istanbul injured six people, police said. The explosion in the Hagcilar Greek Affairs district occurred near the has an local governor's office and police said they suspected that anonymous Kurdish militants were behind the explosion. One of the hotline to report injured was reported to be in hazing. critical condition In 20t);», Kurdish guerril- las bombed a minibus in the Aegean resort town of Kusadasi killing five people and intur ing 13 others. The dead includ- ed a British woman and an (opper^eech WWW.Grrt'kBGSU.COfrt Irish teenager. Monday, August 28 Sex Signals 9pm • Bowen-Thompson Student Union, Lenhart Grand Ballroom Blending a unique combination of improvisational comedy, education, and audience participation, "SEX SIGNALS" provides a provocative look at the issues of dating, sex, and ultimately, acquaintance rape on college campuses. The two-person show explores how mixed messages, gender role stereotypes, and unrealistic fantasies contribute to misunderstandings between the sexes. welcome .TTBGSUl .rVTTr. UiMQfd hf OrUfMMIon •*•> n and DM W*lln*aa C

ByAd.mMi.iin Reporter "...this is one match you could consider a The Bowling Green State University's women's volleyball team got off on the wrong foot good loss." Saturday night as they fell to the no. 21 ranked team in the Dentse Van De Walle | Coach WOMEN'S nation, Notre Dame. The team dropped all three sets, 30-24, all I was please with her offense. SOCCER 30-28 and 30-26. She's been so used to using her "I thought we did some things power in high school that now Falcons get shut- very well," said coach Denise that she's here at BG, she's going out by Wisconsin- Van De Walle. "Our serving and to need to learn a few more shots Milwaukee passing was far better than what to have more success." 1 expected in the first match of Domek was happy with the The host Panthers defeated the year. Our hitting and block- team's performance as well, BG 5-0 yesterday, dropping ing was disappointing, but this saying that everyone did a the teams' record to 0-2. is one match you could consider nice job and the team played a good loss." Full coverage of the game in well together. Van De Walle cited the "It took some time for us to tomorrow's BG News. fact that Notre Dame may be get used to each other on the called a young team, but they floor, figuring out where every- have a different type of athlete one is going to be," said Domek. than BGSU. "Unfortunately, we lost, but PGA GOLF "They were bigger than us we still played well. We have at every position," said Van De good team chemistry. I thought Tiger Woods takes Walle. "We were not able to Corrie Mills was great coming title at Bridgestone adjust to their block with our off the bench tonight, as well." size. We have decent size but The team will not have to Invitational compared to their team, we wait long for another chance at The victory is Woods' 52nd of are smaller." its first win. The Falcons host his career, tying him with Byron One key moment in this Cleveland State tomorrow night match wasa controversial call in at 7 p.m. at Anderson Arena. Nelson for fifth most wins all- the second set that went to Notre Van De Walle does not envi- time Story on page 8 Dame, giving them momentum sion many changes being made that would help them capture in the two days between the the set. BG controlled the lead in games and sees the same start- the set until each team reached ers playing tomorrow. COUNT DOWN 20 points, then the teams traded "We lost to a very good team off points until the Irish were but we will be ready for CSU," able to defeat the Falcons. said Van De Walle. "We need to CLASH IN "We were a step slow on fill Anderson Arena up with the CLEVELAND the blocking throughout the students so we can have some The BG football team night," said Van De Walle. "A home court advantage. In South couple of different shots would Bend, they had 1,500 people at opens up its season in... have helped us out as well. They the match. We need the support were a really good team and of the students." we got beaten by them. The Van De Walle believes the 5 DAYS JASON RENTN6R I IHEBGNfWS effort was good throughout the excitement of the sport and HEADS UP: Junior Alec Perea duels and attempts to gain control as a defender falb ove< hem during yesterday's match against Eastern match and we hung with them the chance for this team to be in each set. We ended using all really good should excite peo- OUR CALL Illinois The Falcons lost the game 21 three of our middles through- ple around Bowling Green. For out the match too." the team to hang with one of Van De Walle pointed out the the nation's best and lose three On the way up performa nces by Chelsey Meek, close sets is reason to think Vincent Papale: Not only did sophomore and Corey Domek, maybe this will be a year to he live out every freshman. Both young players remember. To realize that all of man's dream of were "outstanding," with Meek this was done in the first match Taking flight doing a great job on defense, of the season makes things look playing in the serving and passing even better. NFL as a walk-on. "Domek did very well in her "We have a team here that but the movie Invincible." Falcons split opening weekend series in BGSU Invitational first collegiate match," said Van has a chance to do some special De Walle. "She was very physi- things this season," said Van De based on his football career. cal, which we needed against Walle. "We've got to be prepared By Bill Bordewick is No. 1 after its box office "They had a tough Smith was fouled on a breakaway a physical Notre Dame team. for CSU and we will be ready debut. Reporter to set up the goal. She hit it really hard and all in come Tuesday." The Panthers came out and On the way down In the first game of the season, result yesterday, but tied the game in the opening Snakes on planes every- the Falcons did something they minutes of the second when for- have not done since 1999, when they came back out ward Brad Peters beat BG goal- where: The thc>' started the season 1 -0. keeper Paul Shoemaker. Tigers 71 Indians 1 "cult-movie" has The Falcons defeated Western today and fought "They had a tough result yester- dropped from Illinois 2-1 in overtime on a really hard." day, but they came back out today No. 1 in the box office to No game-winning goal by forward and fought really hard. In the first Ahmad Smith Fred Tliompson | Coach half, I thought we were on top of 6. proving to people every- "It was a good opening game," them pretty good — even with where that football is. and said coach Fred Thompson. that in mind they just kept fight- will always be, more interest- That was really the first experi- ing. They deserved that victory," ence of something like this for Thompson said. ing than snakes. half our team because half our The Panthers dominated pos- team is freshmen and we also session in the second half and haw many key players who are eventually took the lead on mid- The List irishmen and sophomores." fielder Mick Galeski's goal in the Love 'em or hate 'em, desig- BG gained a man advantage 86th minute in the 18th minute when for- "They came right down the nated hitters are a giant part ward Ahmad Smith collided with heart of our defense and that's of Major League Baseball. Western Illinois goalkeeper Zach something we've been working Our experts run-down the Mazjag and Mazjag was given a on," Thompson said. "That should top DHs in the league: red card on the play. Mazjag had never happen, so let's just say there to be carted off the field with a left were some mental and physical 1. David Ortiz: Batting leg injury. breakdowns that we will be talking .286 with 46 home runs and With the one-man advantage, about after 1 look at the video." lit! look control by dominat- With such a young team (21 !20RBIs in the 2006 season. ing much of the play in the first freshmen/sophomores), games Will it be enough an MVP half. Ihc Falcons out-shot the like this will happen but Thompson after a 2005 snub? leathernecks eight to one in the hopes that the team will learn lirsi half and had many oppor- from these types of games and 2. Travis Hafner: Flat tunities to score including one JASON RENTNER I THE BG NEWS move on. out one of the best hitters from midfielder Justin Kim that "We are a young team and caromed off the crossbar. FOCUS: Freshman Jacob Lawrence tnes changing their mindsets, chang- in baseball today, hitting for "As soon as I hit it, I basically felt to control the ball yesterday afternoon in a ing their habits is very difficult," both average (.309) and like it was going in," Kim said. "The game against Eastern Illinois. The Fakons Thompson said. "They're going to power (39 home runs. 112 ball was moving, it was rattling finished the Invitational with a record of 1-1. have start to change. If this is what MARKDUNCAN I APPH0TO CLOSE GUI: The Tigers avoided the sweep aftet Cleveland took the first two games RBIs). and it looked like the keeper didn't takes, then this what it takes." know what to da" Vifestem Illinois was the over- 3. Jim Thome: Has While BG had many scoring Thompson said. all tournament winner and had been the key component of opportunities in the first half, BG regrouped to take their open- five players on the all-tournament they were not able to put it in ing game of the Falcon Classic, team. BG placed forwanl Ahmad Slipping Tigers earn win the ChiSox power assault the back of the net until a goal winning in overtime on Smith's Smith, midfielder Tyler Deal and with his 36 home runs and by Kim off of a header by lacob goal to beat backup goalkeeper defenseman lacob lawrence on with home runs, pitching 96 RBIs. Iawrence in the opening min- Stephen Patterson. the team. utes of the second half. "The second keeper should The Falcons travel to Myrtle 4. Frank Thomas: "lacob was there backside and have seen that this kid is pretty Beach, SC to take on Coastal CLEVELAND (AP) — Kenny Curtis Granderson led off the Washed up? Not quite. The (■in the header on net and it just quick and maybe 1 can't come out Carolina on Friday, Sept I at 7 Rogers knew the situation and game with a homer and Marcus ilrllti ted off the keeper and 1 was and get that." Thompson said. pm and Furman on Sunday, Sept stepped up. Thames, Carlos Guillen and Big Hurt is still jusi there to put it in" Kim said. To conclude the Falcon 3 at 1230 p.m. Rogers put on a pitching Ivan Rodriguez later connected dangerous While BG seemed to dominate Classic, the Falcons lost 2-1 to The Falcons will next be in performance that Detroit des- as the Tigers averted a four- with 27 play tor most of the game, they the Eastern Illinois Panthers in front of the home fans Sunday, perately needed and the Tigers game sweep. They won for only home runs gave up a goal to Preston Brenardi front of the home fans at Mickey Sept. 17 to take on Wright State backed him with four home the sixth time in 19 games since of the Leathernecks late in the sec- Cochran Field. at 2 p.m Before Wright State the runs, beating the Cleveland Aug. 7 — when they held a 10- and 76 ond half to tic the game. BG took the lead in the 31st Falcons are taking on Saint Mary's Indians 7-1 yesterday and end- game lead in the AL CentraL RBIs. "All c if sudden they realized we're minute, when Smith connected and Sacramento State in Moraga, ing a four-game losing streak. Manager )im Leyland said up a goal, we're up a man and you on penalty lock goal past I astern California, and then the Buckeyes "I wanted to be the guy to that's no reason to alter his know what, let me relax a little bit," Illinois goalkeeper Mark Hansen. in Columbus. stop it," Rogers said. "That's c—necacin—o 8 Monday. August 28.7006 SPORTS WWWBGNEWSCOM

THEBGNEWSSUDOKU 1 2 8 7 3 6 2 1 5 2 4 6 9 2 3 8 7 2 8 1 6 2 8 6 9 5 7 8 4

SUDOKO £ > 8 I L S 6 9 I To play: Complete the grid 5 6 I ► £ 9 L 8 I so that every row, column L 9 I I 8 6 £ S ► and every 3x3 box contains v I £ 5 I L 9 6 8 ONTHEPROWL ., ■■• 'it- 18lh green during the (inal round of the Bndqestone Invitational World GoHChampn- the digits 1 to 9.There is no 8 L 9 6 I t S I E guessing or math involved. z's's £98 til Just use logic to solve 9 8 V I 6 1 I £ S Woods earns fourth consecutive tour 1 Z S 9 > £ 8 L 6 6 E L 8 S Z I t 9

win after outlasting Cink in playoff Create and solve your Sudoku puzzles for FREE. By Doug Ferguson — a 20-foot chip that grazed The A "You don't know how many chances you're the lip at No. IH, an IK loot C« Super Sudoku and win prizes at- going to have to beat Tiger in a playoff in pun that missed on the high VKRON, Ohio Foi three side at No. 17. and an M loot PRIZESUDOKUCOM straight holes in .1 playoff, p.o putt on the llllh again I Iger Woods could only stand your career." that missed 10 the right to the side ol the green and Woods was in trouble most watch someone else con- oi the lime, (in the first extra trol his fate yesterday at the hole, he pulled his approaeli Bridgestone Invitational. lead over the final three holes World Golf Championship. long and left into the rough, A.L CENTRAL Given .1 chance to win, he to slip intoa playoff. "I didn't convert, and tie did," hm pitched beautifully to ."> TIGERS wasn't about to waste it, "I was vei j luckj to even be (ink said " I hat's why he lias feet and escaped with par. The From Page 7 STANDINGS Woods nil an8-iron through in the playoff," Woods said. the trophy'' second lime playing the IStil Team WL GB ,1 driving rain into eight feel I lie result was t nntli H\ espe- \\u\ to think it was 10 years ill the playoff, Woods found a patient approach. Detroit 82-49 on thr fourth extra hole, then cially at this event. Woods mm ago Sunday Vug. 27, 1996 greensidc hunker 40 leet from "I told the team what they saw Minnesota 76-55 5 made the birdie putt to out- has won five times al Firestone, that he introduced himsell the flag, blasted out to 8 feet today is why I haven't been rant- Chicago 76-54 55 last Stewart Cink at I irestone the most of any golf course 011 to the PGA lour by saying, anil left it inches short. ing and raving." Leyland said. Cleveland 6069 21 South foi his fourth consecu- tile PGA font. I le has won four "Hello, world." Victor) seemed inevitable "We're not going to panic. What's Kansas City 47-85 555 tive victor)'. ti: .seaehal Augusta National I liese days, lie is saying I01 Woods, as it often does at been happenlngto us is what hap- li came on the inih anniver- and lonev Pines, "goodbye" to the competition. Firestone, when he turned a pens to every team in baseball. sary nt his turning pro. and it His latest winning streak \ week ago, lie c aptllled (he two-shot deficit at the turn intoa It's noticed more because we 1 e 111 "We're not going to gave Woods his 52nd career required more than a litile PGA Championship for his three-shot lead with his 20-foot a pennant race. We're not going to \ 11 iot\ to match Byron Nelson lurk. Woods has won his last 1.'ih 1 areei major, trailing only birdie on the 13th. No one else have meetings or all this urgency. panic. What's been foi fifth all time. four starts, his longest win the 18 won In lack \'i( klaus, was making birdies, ami Woods It doesn't work that way." "Insi end iliis thing now," nine sneak since he won siv He now has .">:> victories, and wasn't making mistakes Cleveland had won four in a happening to us is Woods said he told himsell on in a rowal the end of the 1999 inii\ Vrnold Palmei 62 . Ben I hat changed on the 652- row overall and eight straight the birdie pun at No. 17. "II I season and the beginning 1 logan i'; . Nil klaus 1 ■'• and vaul Midi hole, when Woods at home. what happens to make mine, It's over." ol 20(1(1. sain Snead 182] have more. iiit into the trees down the Detroit, with the best record \nd it was, bul noi before rhai was Woods al his peak I ven so. Woods -aid he Is t ighl side and had to pitch out in the majors, has a five-game every team in base- ii roller-coaster round that and lie might he heading there only worried about himself. to the fairway, leaving himself division lead over Minnesota. capped off a strange week. again. He doesn't always "in I is always\ outsell, he said. some 230 yards to the Hag. lie After an off-day, the Tigers ball." UUIHK ended his numd e.isiK. hut lie finds a way. "You're always trying to better went over the green, chipped start a three-game series Pridaj bj hitting a 9 Iron over "You don't know how main what you've done in the past to 4 feet and missed the against New York at Yankee the green, onto the clubhouse chances you're going to have to always. Ilopelullv. that's pat putt. Stadium. That doesn't seem to Jim Leyland | Manger rool and dou n the other side. heat llger in a playoff in your good enough to beat the rest of Cink, who started the final faze Leyland, either. He followed that by making career,"' ink said the guys." round with .1 one-shot lead. "Hither we're good enough or the next 62-3 innings. lour straight bogeys Saturday, Cink, ulio missed an 8-fool Cink was looking lor a pecu- holed a 15 loot birdie on the we're not," he said. "You have "1 got into a groove after the his longest such streak in par putt thai would have won liar repeat. 16th hole, then made a 20-foot to keep playing. If it's good first.'' Rogers said "I dori't think 1 nearly 10 years, on the third playoff hole, hit Iwo veals ago. he validat- hirdie pull on the 17th hole to He enough, well still he playing in made any adjustments. I just got Under darkening clouds in into tiie bunker and Masted ed Hal Simon's decision to Woods atop the Icadcrboard. October. If not, we'll go home. into my pitching." the final round, he went from out toli feet on the 17th. Bel make him a captain's pick for Woods (68) and Cinl We'll find out." Granderson doubled 10 open .1 two shot deficit to a three he could sa\ e par, he wound up the Rydei ( up by winning at each had to make a testy ;<- Rogers (14-6) won his third the third and one out later, shot lead In a span of four shakinghandsM IthWoodsand Firestone, loin Lehman picked fOOtei lor par on the Will hole straight start, allowing one run Thames — hitting only .171 holes, then lost a three-shot watching him collect another him on Monday, and ( ink 111 legulalion — Woods after and four hits in seven innings. |12-for-70) over his previous 24 nearly delivered his ihst vie leaving his 20-foot pun from "Bmy pitcher knows how games — hit a 418-foot shot to tory in two vears the fringe short, Cink after lag- much the games mean when you center for his 23rd homer and I here were a lot ol highs ging from 90 feel at the front of go out there," he said. 'This took 3-1 lead. and lows today," (auk said. the green. on added importance with the "I have to figure a way to keep "Unfortunately, I finished on hm 1 uryk closed with a 68 to way we've been playing I know- the ball in the ballpark." said I.ce, alow finish one shot behind, making it's important, but it doesn't make who has yielded a team-high 25 (ink had a shot to win on a 10-fooi parsaveonthe isthto me pitch good." homers in 162 innings. the first three playoff holes give himsell a chance. Rogers struck out three and Brandon Inge doubled to start walked three. The lefty has the fifth and later scored on a yielded only three runs over 19 sacrifice fly by Craig Monroe. innings during his win streak. Guillen hit his 15th homer The 41-year-old All-Star had been in the sixth for a 5-1 lead. The Monday, August 28 0-3 with a 6.37 BRA in six second- infielder is hilling ,358 |34-for-95l half starts before topping Texas with eight homers and 34 RBIs in Sex Signals on Aug 17 and pitching seven 26 games this month. 9pm • Bowen fhompson Student Union. scoreless innings in a win over Ilodrigue/.hita two-run bonier, lenhan Grand Ballroom the White Sox five days later. his 10th, off Edward Mttjica to This two-person show explores how mixed The Tigers are 20-7 overall make it 7-1 in the eighth. messages, gender role stereotypes, and in games started by Rogers lee fell to 0-4 this season and this season. unrealislic fantasies contribute to 3-5 in his career against Detroit Granderson hit the third pitch misunderstandings between the sexes. The left-hander allowed five runs of the game from (10-10) and 10 hits over 5 2-3 innings, Tuesday, August 29 over the wall in right-center for striking otil three without a walk. his 13th homer. The rookie came He is 1-4 with 9.00 ERA out his Think Fast Trivia in hitting only .132 (19-for-76) in last eight starts, allowing 60 hits 9:30pm • Bnwen Thompson Student Union, 23 games in August. over 46 2-3 innings. Lenhart Grand Ballroom Consecutive one-out singles by "We had a chance to sweep the lason M ichaels, Travis Hafner and Come wtlh a team or on your own! Answer popular Tigers and the reason we didn't Victor Martinez in the bottom trivia questions and win a cash prize ot $200. is me," lee said. "It's hard to win half tied it at 1. Rogers allowed when you're giving up a run onlv one hit and three walks over Wednesday, August 30 almost every inning." Dale K. Comedic Hypnotist 9:30pm • Bowen Thompson Student Union, Lenhart Grand Ballroom Experience explosive humor, frenzied hypnotic tendencies, and unpredictable physical comedy." Dale K's performance will leave you laughing. Thursday, August 31 lee Camp, Comedian 9pm • Bowen-Thompson Student welcome Unjon lenharl Grand B8||rnnm Rf^QII Come see why Jimmy Fallon ■***"** ' calls him "freakin1 incredible!"

'. WWW.BGNEWS.COM WORLD Monday August 28.2006 9 Fox journalists describe horrors of Bombs shake Iraq Gaza City captivity

Security operation fails to reduce violence By Ibrahim Barzak The Associated Press By Elena EUcatoros criminately at throngs of Numaniyali. a town near Kul, The Associated Press people at the main market of 1(H) miles southeast ol the cap! Kbalis.a mostly Shiite town 50 lakandanotherthree—believed (,A/A CITY, Gaza Strip — Two 1 BAGHDAD—A wave of bomb miles nor 111 ol Baghdad. Diyala to be the bodyguards of a mem- ID\ News jcnirnalisis freed by attacks and shootings swept provincial police said. bet ol parliament — inUtijail.'ill militants yesterday described a Iraq yesterday, killing dozens Earlier in the day, anothet m i les north of the capital, police harrowing two weeks of caprivi- ni people despite a massive six people were killed and II in both dries said. tv duringwhichtheywereblind- security operation In the cap- wounded when a bomb explod- In Mahmnudiya. about 20 folded, tied in painful positions ital and appeals from Prime ed on the outskirts of the town. miles south of Baghdad, police and forced at gunpoint to say Minister Nourial-Maliki for an The U.S. military command found the bodies ol eight pen on a video that they converted end to sectarian fighting. saiil two U.S. soldiers were pie In various parts of the city, to Islam. Al-Maliki insisted that liis killed — one by small aims t apt. Rasheed Al-Samerayl Alter their release, the men government was making prog- fire in eastern Baghdad yester- ol Mahmoudiyah police said. met with Palestinian Prime ress In combatting attacks by day afternoon, and the other All had been handcuffed and Minister Ismail llaniyeh and insurgents and sectarian clash- on Saturday night when liis blindfolded, he said. left Gaza, but first appealed es between Shiites and Sunnis. vehicle was hit by a roadside The U.S. military command al a brief news conference for "We're not in a civil war. Iraq bomb southeast of the capital. sakl Iraqi and coalition forces foreign journalists not to be will never be in a civil war," he A U.S. official also said a U.S. were expanding a security opcr- deterred from covering the said through an interpreter on armored vehicle was attacked atiiui in the capital that aims to plight of the Palestinians in the i NN's Late Edition. on Sundaj outside Tarmiyah, crack down on violence neigh volatile-coastal strip. "Ihe violence is in decrease .'10 miles north of Baghdad, borhood by neighborhood. "I hope that this never scares and our security ability is "resulting in casualties. Security forces were to cordon a single journalist away from increasing." The official, who spoke- till and search till the buildings coming to Gaza tocoverthestory Asked about U.S. allegations on condition of anonymity in I he Sunni district of Aftimiyah because the Palestinian people thai Iran is supporting Iraqi because the U.s. military com in north Baghdad, the command arc very beautiful and kind- groups involved i n sectarian vio- mand had not yet issued a state- said in a statement hearted,' said Steve ('entanni, lence, al-Maliki said the reports ment On the incident, could not Since Aug. 7, about 12,000 a 60 year-old American reporter were being investigated. give details on the number of additional U.S. and Iraqi Hoops who was released along with lie said Iraqi authorities casualties or their condition. have been brought into the cap- cameraman (Hal Wlig, 'i(i, of were in contact with Iran in In downtown Baghdad, a ital as part of the security effort, New Zealand." Die world needs order to determine the verac- bomb in a minibus exploded dubbed "Operation Together to know more about them." ity of the information "and to outside Ihe Palestine I lotel, kill- Forward," and have covered In a phone call with lux prevent this interference.' ing nine people and wounding four of the most problematic News, Centannl said they The Shiile prime minis- K>, while a car bomb outside capital neighborhoods. were abducted Aug. 14 by four ter dodged a series of ques- the offices ol a government-run I lie security sweep has masked gunmen on a side street tions about Iraqi support for newspaper left three dead and already "resulted in a :t(> per- in Gaza City. I lesaid the assail- cent reduction of murders Hezbollah and whether his at least29 wounded, police and ALUAIMABMNI ants c overed his head with a government had an) intention witnesses said. across the city of Baghdad," black hood, and c rammed him of recognizing Israel. Two back-m-hack suicide car said Maj. Gen. lames 11 DEVASTATION: . nq a bonibpiplosion in Baghdad. Iraq.A and VV'iig into a small car. This issue is not on the table bombings in the northern city Thurman, commander of U.S. ■:,.!! i heir possessions were taken, at this point." al-Maliki said of of Kirkuk killed nine people forces in Baghdad. killing at least sx people and miunng 16. | about and their wrists were bound diplomatic relations with the and wounded 22, hours anoth- British Ambassador to Iraq 12.000 additional U S and Iraqi troops have been brought into the capital as part of a behind their backs. "I still have lewish state, adding that the er suicide car bomb killed one Dominic Asquith said that, security effort dubbed TJp<' sonic sore wrists," he said. "It issue of Israel should be han- person and wounded Hi. while sectarian violence per- was digging Into my wrists real- dled by "international laws." In Basra, Iraq's second larg- sisted, it had not leached (he vnu know well that there are large port his national reconciliation ly badly." Across Iraq, yesterday's attacks est city, 340 miles southeast of level of civil war. areas of Iraq that are not affected plan to end the bloodshed. In captivity. ( entanni said, he left more than 50 people dead. Baghdad, a motorcycle bomb Ihere is noqucstioinhcrcis sec- by that sectarian violence'' But the persistent killings was laid lace down in a dark A group of assailants in three at a night market killed four tarian violcucegoingon, inspired bv "I've spent some of m\ time showed that is still a distant goal, garage and tied up in painful cars raked an open-air night people and wounded 15, the people who are determined to fan in Lebanon in earlier years and though ii was endorsed bj positions. market with gunfire, killing at governor's office said. the Barnes ol sectarian violence," this does not look to me like hundreds ol tribal chiefs at a "II we tried to gel up and sit least 12 people and wounding Drive In shootings also killed Asquith told reporters civil war," he said. conference on Saturday who up. which I did do a few times, 25Others, police said. two people in Mosul, 225 miles " I bat sectarian violence is On Saturday, the prime min- signed a "pact nl honor" to sup they would eventually just force The gunmen fired indis- northwest of Baghdad; one in very Incused on Baghdad. And Istet appealed to Iraqis to sup port the prime ministers effort us back down with something stuck to my head,'' he said.


RELIEF: A Lebanese man thanks an Indian officer from UNIFIl after he filled a water tank for villagers in the southern Lebanese town of El Khiam. The lust batch ol some M0 French soldiers arrived at Beirut airport yesterday to help the Lebanese army in rebuilding bridges detroyed or damaged by Israeli airsrnkes during the 34-day fighting between Israeli forces and Hezbollah guerrillas. injuring 30

By Nirnula G«org« down, Ycnkaicshwaran said. remote area in Rajasthan stale. The Assoicared Press The independent New Delhi No other details were immedi- television channel said (he ately available. NEW DELHI — A water tank injured had been taken lo hos- Thousands of peopk* from sur- collapsed yesterday during a pitals in Bharatpur (own. rounding dislricts attend such village fair in western India, kill- l( was not immediate!) pus events, where mud wrestling, ing 45 people who had climbed sible to independently verily the cockfights and theater pcrfor- on top of it lo wa(ch a wrestling collapse, which took place in a mancesare the main attractions. match, a news agency reported, citing a local official. About 200 people were atop the tank when (he decades- old structure gave way in the Bharatpur district, top local official K. Venkateshwaian was quoted as saying by Press Trust of India. Car At least 30 other people, Over 200 Student Qrgs standing under and near the water-filled concrete tank, wen Volunteer Agencies Caricature Artists injured as it came crashing (Next to KROGER) 419-354-5060 Local Merchants FREE Food LiveO.J. FREE Give-fluiaqs find Much More The 2005 Homecoming I • No Enrollment Fees! King/Queen Large Free Weight & were Greek. I Cardio Areas I Must present ad tp I receive free month M®*t I Exp. 10/1/06 www GrookBGSU com k 10 Monday. August 28.2006 NATION WWWBGNEWS.COM Jet crashes, kills 49 Former minor league baseball player was among those killed on flight 5191

ByWillGnvM The Associated ftess

LEXINGTON, KV — A former Kentuck) baseball player who played in the minor leagues \\a~ among the 49 people killed when a commuter jet crashed during take oil'yesterday at Blue c irass Airport in 1-eSington. Ky. Jon Hooker and Scarlett Parsley were on the Atlanta- bound flight, heading to their honeymoon in California after they were married Saturday night ui Headley-Whidej Museum, former Kentucky baseball coach Keith Madison said. "It's so tragic . because he was so happj last night;' said Madison, who was at the wed ding attended by about 300 friends and family. "It's jnst an incredible turn ol events. Il'srealh painful.'' The 27-year-old Hooker played at Kentucky with future major leaguers Brandon Webb and And\ (,reen of die Arizona Diamondbacks and foe Blanton oi the Oakland Athletics. Webb declined to comment yesterday on i looker's death. TIMOTHY o EASirv AP PHOTO I here was a moment of JET CRASHES: Family membeis ol the victims ol Comair flight 5191 that crashed on Silence for those who died in takeoH at Lexington's Bluegiass Airport early Sunday morning console each other as they the crash before the Dodgcrs- arrive at the Campbell House Hotel yesterday in Lexington. Ky A commuter |et taking off I )iamondhaeks game in Phoenix. for Atlanta craslied just past the mnway and burst into (lames, killing 49 people before dawn Hooker pitched for the Sunday and leaving the lone survivor in critical condition. Wildcats from 1998-01, posting a . icareet record with a3.23 ERA during his senior year in 2001. Hedhawks win the Independent of a local swimming team. lie signed it tree-agent con League championship in 2003. larod Martin, a longtime trad with the Chicago White Sox "I le touched a lot of people's friend of Parsley's, started the in 21X11 and played professionally lives,'' Buchholzsaid. laurel County Barracudas with lot Independent league teams in Hooker, of Ixmdon. Ky., was her in 2001. largo. N.D.,and foliet, ill., before working as a parole counselor "The swim team was a big returning to his hometown, and social worker while Parsley par) of her life." Martin said. I argo Moorhead Hod I lawks was In graduate school at "We were getting ready to get an general manager losh Buchholz Kentucky, Madison said. She was aquatic center. We're going to see said yesterday was a sad da) ii former cheerleader at Centre il we can have the pool named loi FargO." Hooker helped the College In Danville and a coach after her.''

Get Connected Investigators to look into flight 5191 jet crash

The best way for your friends By Lcilie Miller lage apparent!) was intact in a Ixirne, siiid lohii Goglia. former The Associated Press grassy area beyond the runway MTSB board member, and professors to get a hold ,111 exington's Blue (Irass airport, Die shorter runway is 3,500 WASHINGTON - Investigators portions of the wing and the tail feet, according to the IAA, the of you is to be listed in the will he taking ii meticulous look were In another area. longer runway 7,003 feet iit why a regional jet apparently The airplane was engulfed Pilots should have noticed the BGSU Telephone Directory. tookorfon the wrong runway and in ii devastating fire, and the difference between the two run- whether passengers could have only survivor, the first officer, ways, the blue taxi lights and the been evacuated before it erupted was taken from the scene in lit runway markers, he said. In flames, killing 49 people. critical condition. Controllers in the tower should Use the Off-Campus Local Address Change Authorities determined early The other passengers and crew have also noticed what runway on from flight data yesterday that appeared to still he on the plane the pilots were on when they Form below to provide your off-campus the pilots rolled out on Runway and their deaths were caused asked permission to take off, 2ti, which is too short for the either In the Impact or the fire Czyszsaid. residence and cell or local telephone number regional jet the) were (lying — a on hoard, said layette County Goglia said there could be an CHI 100—to take off Coroner Gary Ginn. explanation for how the crash for the BGSU Telephone Directory. "Our investigations are Peter Goelz, former manag- happened. ver) thorough.'' National ing director ol the MSB. said a "They're taxiing out from the Transportation Safety Board survival factors group will try to terminal, no one's in front of Both your local off-campus address and member Debbie I lersman said at determine how the passengers them, so they're going quickly," a news conference in Lexington. perished: hy hlunl force trauma, Goglia said. "One pilot's got his permanent address will be printed in the BGSU Ky "We have ground scars at smoke Inhalation or hum. head down."he said, enteringdata Telephone Directory unless the Office of Registration the end of Runway 26 as well as They'll try and figure out into the flight data computer. some preliminary information from the position of the victims Goglia said he understood & Records receives a completed Request to Withhold from the flight data recorder thai whether an evacuation was pos- the shorter runway was lit in Directory Information form by shows the aircraft was lined up sible," Cioei/ said, "From the some way. though the FAA's on a heading of 26 on takeoff" location of the bodies, they may formal notice to pilots said August 30, 2006 To assure She said investigators also have he able to tell whether an evacu- there were supposed to he no proper inclusion in the BGSU Telephone Directory, found that although the fuse- ation was attempted." lights on the runway. please submit completed forms by: The emergency response "I le's looking for runway lights, also will be examined, Goelz he sees them, he's given clear- said. "I low quickly did they get ance." Goglia said. There's one Wednesday, August 30, 2006 there? Did they have the appro- guy in the tower and he's moved 5:00pm priate lirelighting materials? on to other duties." Did they put the right stuff on Terry McVenes. executive air in a timely manner." safety chairman for the Air Line Investigators will try to recon- I'ilotsAssociation, International, Please mail or deliver the completed Off-Campus Local struct what led the pilots to said the effects of recent con- Address Change Form to attempt to take off on a short, struction on the runway will be narrow, runwa) made of old an important factor in the inves- The Office of Registration and Records, concrete that was supposed to t igat ion. Construction lights, for 110 Administration Building be unlit, rather than a long, wide example, may have confused runway that was recently resur- the pilots. or drop off the form at faced and had border markers, Trie airport's main runway had one of the sites listed below: said Paul CzySZ, professor emeri- also been resurfaced just a week tus of aerospace engineering at before the crash. Saint Louis University. "The role of the construction Drop Locations: The airplane needs to roll at and the lighting — that's one of least MKX) feel before it gains the factors that's going to be Union Information Desk enough speed to become air- important," McVenes said. Library, Circulation Desk Administration Building, 1" Floor Hall Office of Registration and Records 5*. TIRE SALE <*V Off-Campus Local Address Change Form 1200 s 0F TIRES IN STOCK AND SALE PRICED! i When is t t time to buy new tires from Tireman? BRAKES i OIL CHANG Use this form only if Off-Campus Local Address Change or Before you get a flat.' Correction is required. Contact the Office of Residence Life 188 to change residence hall or Greek unit address. $

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Find more coupons and details about NttroMax, visit WWWBGNEWS.COM NATION l-bmfay.Aiqusl.20W 11

HURRICANE ERNESTO A note of caution Hurricane hits 's south coast Rumsfeld doubts current effectiveness of rockets By Robert Bom. Donald H.

By Stevenson Jacobs Rumsfeld

The Associated Press IOIII 1 ■ first lool insid leaves loi Ft. LES CAYES, Haiti Ernesto, nt the Alaska the first hurricane oi the Atlantic lem. I season,lashed Haitftsoutfa coast II. Run with heavj rain yesterday threat- noteol ise on slum notice ening to set off deadly mudslides that mi I'ts. In the hemispheieB poorest coun- ground silos hen e in stress this poinc try as it swirled toward (uba and the I-' pre) rninar; 115, plans a crossing into theiiulf of Mexico North k plans taise toward norida. Rumsfi Ivanov said Forecasters said it was too earl) i onference to predict any along the that house lodge mi the U.S. coast, hut siiiii there were missile It Irver, [here no current indications ii might II OP IS i nt solutions" to the become a threat to the New ■ is using cruise mis- Orleans region, which was devas- nickels would bias! inti added tated by I lurricanc katrina a year .Indian Patrick O'Reilly, ago tomorrow. to Ii foi the ground Ernesto was barely at hurricane n. 11'Id strength, with winds of 75 mph. through llnasdav an hut the U.S. National Hurricane \n second Center predicted it could Inten- he Ill- . lenberg \ii sify into a hurricane as strong as M heduled to Katrina and warned people to missile keep alert in from "Right now we're adjusting the RAMON [SMNOM shield . md. forecast and it looks like it's going STORM ERNESTO: People watch the sliong waves ptoduced bv Tr i first full-up to be more of a Honda problem Saturday. Auq 26.2006. Gathering strength over the central Caribbean. Tropical Storm Einesio steal test firci i i-iiin of the right now." said Martin Nelson, threatened to enter the Gull of Meiico within day e ol the 2006 Atlantic se I Rumsfe kill vehicle,'' a forecaster at the National full) pi 10 the nose ol Hurricane (inter in Miami. "The just wail and keep our lingers plans for further evacuations, but starting yestetdaj night, Cattle billion cm rent track keeps ii well east of crossed," said FrantzGtegoire,42, "it ihere's mote tain later we ma) were moved to highei ground, undetgi ^ from the inter- New Orleans." owner of the seaside Bay dub, have to.' \a/anesaid. ,ui<\ workers cleaned gutters ige booster, the Emergency officials in the a thatch-roofed wooden restau- lamaica was also in the storm's and picked rubble off the streets I le alluded i lesigned to us.- ns ordered tourists to rant He said he would close eaifj path, and forecasts said there ahead ol die storm. nature ■.■Inn .un\ npli- leave as a precaution. and send his workers home il the could Iv i to it inches ol rain bj louiisis we I lituti «■ onto us target Ernesto was moving northwest storm worsened. yesterday afternoon, with some hotels in the southeastern pra\ onstral into it al high at!) mph on a Hack that would Officials went on the radio to areas getting a foot I Ishermen ince of Gianma and baseball i ail and take it near the lipol'Haiti's south warn people living in flimsy shan- were urged to return to pun. games si heclulcd fol ye leiday highh, i western peninsula late yesterday. ty-towns on the coast to seek shei- Prime Minister Portia Simpson night in wen ii ■ i also will lie the Forecasters said as much as 20 la in schooband churches, Miller had the islands security Met in the day ming radar inches of rain could fall in some "These people o mid be in great fort is on alert and her govern- Heavj rain and winds were alii.. Ill mountain areas, raising tears of danger." said Add \a/airc. a CO ir- ment issued advisories on radio expected in southern I lorida by " rhal d 10 put Hash llixxls in the hcavilv defbr dinaloi wilh I lail is civil protection and lelev ision wanting lamaicans earij tomorrow propel path ested country agency "Flooding is die biggest living in low lying areas to be pre I he hurricane was predicted the mk Skies darkened as wind gusts concern because a Imoi residents pared to evacuate, to lose strength while i tocomei ..II be con- swayed palm trees in l.esl ayes, live along the riven and the sea," In , the government west-central Cuba late tot . the radai mmand cen- a town 95 miles wesi of the Haitian authorities also evacu issued a hurricane warning I'm si\ but emerge in the Gull ol' to track Springs, capital. Port-au-Prince. People ated some people from low-lying eastern provinces with winds up to 110 mph. It then I le ili ,■ has a similar put their goals and cows into areas in the northwestern eilv of I he Communist Youth news- probably would strengthen oil •-hellers, and fishermen pulled (ionaives. which was devastated papet luveniiid Rebelde warned Honda's wesi coast VVcdl the main objective nets ashore. b) a Hood during Tropical Storm Ofheav) bin the location of any U.S. land full re i si will !»■ to see "Ihe only thing we can do is leanne in 2004, Iheiv were no flooding on the southeast coast foil was unclear, forecasters said. his ail irs on the kill terceptor

him I tualij intercepts ii dary he said Space shuttle launching delayed due to approaching hurricane al miss a duled for i iran intercept

ByMik«Schn«kUr Building to the launch pad, and ence, Rumsfeld The Associated FVess. thensevento lOdaysare required dune." Rut leaders after that to prepare for launch. est laurx h of CAPE CANAVERAL Ha —The I he launch window for this ■ lul) 4,adeter- chances ol the space shuttle mission only goes through Sept. countcrp le lo improve Atlantis launching this week 13 because NASA wants to launch lhe\ nd tn threaten diminished by the hour yesterday the shuttle to the space station ackmail other as NASA prepaicd for Hurricane during daylight so il can photo- as well i •■, also are a Eniesioanilthi'iKissibility of mov- graph the shuttles external fuel let hnol- ing the spacecraft into shelter. tank, wheir insulating loam lias Workers yesterda) rolled lo the fallen off during previous launch- ikrj as an launch pad a gigantic (lane thai es, I he shuttle Columbia was to South could Ix1 used to move the shuttle doomed after foam hit a wing, them.. back to the protection of the enor- causing a breach that allowed mousVehk le Ysscmhly Building hot gases to penetrate dining its By early afternoon no deci- return to Earth. sion had been made on wheth- NASA ho|ied to launch Atlantis la home er in use the crane or continue before Sept. 7 to prevent a traffic with a Tuesday launch attempt. jam at the space station since a By Adn liami- Engineers must make that deci- Russian Soyuz vehicle is set to lokeswoman 1 sion two days before the area is blast off in mid-September cart) .1 -aid. hit by wind of 45 mph. ing two new station craw mem- I ii hills had Earlier yesterday. NASA bers and a space tourist. MIAN' niily in delayed the launch from today If NASA launches latet ii will ing Iwi d policewhen to tomorrow in order to give cngi- have to persuade the Russians I it the door, neers more time to figure out il a to change theii launch date home lightning strike Friday damaged and land at night something >aid neighbor the spacecrafts solid fuel rocket the Russians do not want to do police ■ i liildren 1 boosters and other systems. I.ill because they have a new private I he he) had a off originally had been set for yes- firm handling capsule recovery found in a s| i mid say terday afternoon. There were no immediate niniii: i all the time." A National Hurricane I enter Indications that any damage was said. Oil «idi poison forecast put the eye ol Ernesto caused by Fridays lightning boll ol two child ' ninon type ol on Florida's west coast, due west one ol the ninsi powerful record inside the fou iiwide. of the , on cd at a Kennedy Space Center southwest M I, rgency Thursday morning, launch pad. Rather than hitting Polk - in the United NASA tuns into a seven' time the shuttle dirivlly ii struck a IYNMESUOKY er the deaths the odorless crunch for a September launch wire attached to a lower used lo LAUNCH DELAYED: Alexandra Gu/y 13, ol Miami Com part of a murdet out il«> if die shuttle is moved inside \ protect the spacecraft from such at the locket garden at the Kennedy Space Center Visitor G I he identit ithsand is used In day is needed to return the shut- strikes — but it created a strong 2006. Gu,ry is a second cousin of Atlantis Mission Specialist Daniel Burbanf NASA victims weir irdingto tle from the Vehicle Assembly electrical field around the vehicle, has delayed the launch of the space shuttle Atlantis by 241, released, pen

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ByWHIGnvai The Associated Press

I I HNGTON, KY — A former Kentucky baseball player who played in the minor leagues was among the 49 people killed when a commuter jet crashed during take oft yesterday at Blue (irass Airport in I exingti>n. Ky. Ion Hooker and Scarlett Parsley were on the Atlanta- bound flight, heading to their honeymoon in California after they were married Saturdaynight at I leadley-Whitley Museum, former Kentucky baseball coach Keith Madison said. "It's so tragic , because he was so happy last night," said Madison, who was at the wed ding attended by about 300 friends and family "It's just an incredible turn of events It's really painful." The 27-year-old Hooker played at Kentucky with future major leaguers Brandon Webb and Andy Green of the Arizona Diamondbacks and Joe Blanton of the Oakland Athletics. Webb declined to comment yesterday on Honker's death. IIM0THY 0 EASIEY ■■■ •!« There was a moment of JET CRASHES: Family members of the victims of Comair flight 5191 that crashed on silence for those who died in takeoff at Lexington's Bluegtass Airport early Sunday morning console each other as they lilt- crash before the Dodgers- arrive at the Campbell House Hotel yesterday in Lexington. Ky. A commuter jet taking off Diamondbacks game in Phoenix. for Atlanta crashed just past the runway and burst into flames, killing 49 people before dawn Hooker pitched for the Sunday and leaving the lone survivor in critical condition. Wildcats from 19984)1, postinga 5-5 career record with a 3.23 ERA during his senior year in 2001. Redhawks win the Independent of a local swimming team. I le signed a free-agent con- I (.'ague championship in 2003. larod Martin, a longtime tract With the Chicago White Sox "lie touched a lot of people's friend of Parsley's, started the in 2001 and played professionally lives," Buchholz said. I .tuirl County Barracudas with for Independent league teams in Hooker, of 11melon. Ky„ was her in 2001. largo, N.D.. and Icilicl. 111., before winking as a parole counselor "The swim team was a big returning to his hometown, and social worker while Parsley part of her life," Martin said. Fargo-Moorhead RedHawks was in graduate school at "We were getting ready to get an general manager Josh Huchholz Kentucky, Madison said. She was aquatic center. We're going to see said yesterday was "a sad day a former cheerleader at Centre if we can have die pool named for largo." Hooker helped the College in Danville and a coach alter her."

Get Connected Investigators to look into flight 5191 jet crash

The best way for your friends By L..II. Miller lage apparently was intact in a borne, said John Goglia, former The Associated Press grassy area beyond the runwaj N'l>iB board member. and professors to get a hold at Iixington's Blue Grass airport. The shorter runway is 3,500 WASHINGTON — Investigators portions of the wing and the tail feet, according to the FAA. the of you is to be listed in the will be taking a meticulous look were in another area. longer runway 7,003 feet. at why a regional jet apparently The airplane was engulfed Pilots should have noticed the BGSU Telephone Directory. took off on the wrong runway and in a devastating fire, and the difference between the two run- whether passengers could have only survivor, the first officer, ways, the blue taxi lights and the been evacuated before it erupted was taken from the scene in lit runway markers, he said. in flames, killing49 people. critical condition. Controllers in the tower should Use the Off-Campus Local Address Change Authorities determined early The other passengers and crew have also noticed what runway on from flight data yesterday that appeared to still be on the plane the pilots were on when they Form below to provide your off-campus the pilots rolled out on Runway and their deaths were caused asked permission to take off, 26, which is too short for the either by the impact or the fire Czysz said. residence and cell or local telephone number regional jet may were living — a on board, said l-'ayette County Goglia said there could be an CRjioo—to take off Coroner Gary Ginn. explanation for how the crash for the BGSU Telephone Directory. "Our investigations are Peter Goelz, former manag- happened. very thorough," National ing director of the MSB. said a They're taxiing out from the Transportation Safety Board survival factors group will try to terminal, no one's in front of Both your local off-campus address and member Debbie Hersman said at determine how the passengers them, so they're going quickly," a news conference in Lexington, perished: by blunt force trauma, Goglia said. "One pilot's got his permanent address will be printed in the BGSU Ky. "We have ground scars at smoke inhalation or burn. head down," hesaid, enteringdata Telephone Directory unless the Office of Registration the end of Runway 26 as well as "They'll try and figure out into the flight data computer. some preliminary information from the position of the victims Goglia said he understood & Records receives a completed Request to Withhold from the flight data recorder that whether an evacuation was pos- the shorter runway was lit in Directory Information form by shows the aircraft was lined up sible," Goelz said. "From the some way, though the FAA's r August 30, 2006. To assure on a heading of 26 cm takeoff." location of the bodies, they may ormal notice to pilots said She said investigators also have be able to tell whether an evacu- there were supposed to be no proper inclusion in the BGSU Telephone Directory, found that although the fuse- ation was attempted." lights on the runway. please submit compfeted forms by: The emergency response "He's looking for runway lights, also will be examined, Goelz he sees them, he's given clear- said. "How quickly did they get ance," Goglia said. "There's one Wednesday, August 30, 2006 there? Did they have the appro- guy in the tower and he's moved 5:00pm priate fircfighting materials? on to other duties." Did they put the right stuff on Terry McVenes, executive air in a timely manner." safety chairman for the Air Line Investigators will try to recon- PilotsAssociation.lnternational, Please mail or deliver the completed Off-Campus Local struct what led the pilots to said the effects of recent con- Address Change Form to attempt to take off on a short, struction on the runway will be narrow, runway made of old an important factor in theinves- The Office of Registration and Records, concrete that was supposed to tigation. Construction lights, for 110 Administration Building be unlit, rather than a long, wide example, may have confused runway that was recently resur- the pilots. or drop off the form at faced and had border markers, The airport's main runway had one of the sites listed below: said Paul Czysz, professor emeri- also been resurfaced just a week tus of aerospace engineering at before the crash. Saint I.ouis University. The role of the construction Drop Locations: The airplane needs to roll at and the lighting — that's one of least 3.000 feet before it gains the factors that's going to be Union Information Desk enough speed to become air- important," McVenes said. Library, Circulation Desk Administration Building, V Floor Hall Office of Registration and Records TIRE SALE Off-Campus Local Address Change Form ... - S??'S OFTIRCS IN STOCK AND SALE PRICED! i When Is the best time to buy new tires from Tireman? BRAKES } CHANGE Use this form only if Off-Campus Local Address Change or Before you get a flat? 0(L Correction is required. Contact the Office of Residence Life to change residence hall or Greek unit address. $ Soi*. #■ ^m ^M ^m On ANY(2}NewTires ' ON ANY j with Tire Rotation*i Name Student ID POO on ANrt^j new Tires , «SM-2f8"»--- M^am-a**** Brake Service ■ IncltMta* FRD lw»»otta« | | Street Address wam*omu»Mntmjmw*3 otm/ot JMom*oaaxmi^>t*waM/w&MirimtMxvmimijaTmiobit/Wf

| WE WtLCOME COMftMW CARS ft NAnONAL ACCOUNTS City State Zip. FREE SHUTTLE INCLVPB Local or Cell Phone # TO & FROM I Chaul* Luba AM BGSU CAMPUS FRfE Signature Date InaM' Ml «Mth Matta Ibsat • Acr—m fnten ALW *•**• Find more coupons and details about NltroMax, visit WWWBGNEWS.COM NATION Monday. August. 200611

HURRICANE ERNESTO A note of caution Hurricane hits Haiti's south coast Rumsfeld doubts current effectiveness of rockets By Rotxft Burnt Donald H.

By Stwvncon Jacob* Rumsfeld The Associated Press FORT GREED I Defense Secretary first look Inside the nerve leaves (or Ft LES OufES, Haiti — EmestO, of the U.S. missile def Wamwiight in Alaska the first hurricane of the Adandc tern, Defense S i retai season, lashed I laiti's south coast II. Rumsfeld yesterdaj sounded a with heavy rain yesterday threat- note of caution abouti lin potential use on slum notice ening to set off deadly mudslides that Interceptors poised it terrorist targets. in the hemisphere's poorest coun- ground silos here would i would like to stress this point try as it swirled toward (iilia and the event ol e mi ire preliminary Hi.s.) plans a crossing into the (lull'ol Mexico North K and fol plans raise toward Florida. Rumsfeld climbed dot concern.'' Ivanov said Forecasters said it was too early steel laddei into one ol < during a joint news conference to predict any landfall along the that house single with Rumsfeld at a lodge on the U.S. coast, hut said there were missile Interceptors. hanks nt the I heiia River, " I here no current indications it might If ordered bj President can be different solutions" to the become a threat to the New or a successor, on oi 11 i problem, such as using cruise mis- Orleans region, which MM devas- mi kets would blast Into the sky ;.it role, he added. tated by I liirricane Katrina a year and race at more than ituioumph Patrick O'Reilly, ago tomorrow. In launch a small "kill \< i n director for the ground- Ernesto was barely at hurricane an cm interceptor system, told Strength, with winds of 75 tnph, through Rumsfeld that on Thursday an but the U.S. National Hurricane \n iiih Interceptoi is to ptor based al a second Center predicted it could inten- she, al Vanclciibcrg Air sify into a hurricane as strong as oitic ials said. liil . is scheduled to Katrina and warned people to Isked insl a target missile keep alert. whethet he be) eved launched Into the l\u |i"u from "Right now we're adjusting the RAMON [SPINOSA shield ■■ i's Kodiak Island. forecast and it looks like it's going STORM ERNESTO; People watch the strong waves produced by Tropical Storm Ernesto in . , North Korean missile like the one' will be the first full-up to be more of a Moriria problem Saturday. Aug 26.2006. Gathering stiength over the central Caribbean. Tropical Storm Ernesto steamed toward Saturday and test Bred tin .. tin atesl version of the right now," said Martin Nelson. threatened to enter the Gull ol Mexico within days as the first hurricane of the 2006 Atlantic season. Rumsfeld said he would not Iv ,ni and its kill vehicle," a forecaster at the National fully persuaded until the mufti. i .mac lied to the nose of I hmicane (tenter in Miami. The just wait and keep our fingers plans for further evacuations, but starling yeslenlav night. Cattle billion dollai defense eptor. current track keeps it well east of crossed," said F'rantz Gregoire, 42, 'il there's more rain later we ma) weie moved to higher ground, undergone i » panties from the inter- New Orleans." owner of the seaside Bay (Juh, hair to,' Nazairesaid and workers cleaned gutters icalisiic testing. three-stage booster, the Emergency officials in the a thatch-roofed wooden restau- lamaica was also in the stom is and picked nibble off the Streets Me alluded to his own skeptical 'kill vehicle" is designed to use its Florida Keys ordered tourists to rant I le said he would close early path, and forecasts said there ahead of the storm nature, "I warn to si own propulsion system and opti- leave as a precaution. and send his workers home if the could he I to li indie's of rain liv Icniiisls weie evacuated lioni he said. "A lull end ■ lock onto us target Ernesto was moving northwest storm worsened. yesterday afternoon, with some hotels |n the southeastern prov onstratiori is needed "wl and, by ramming into it at high at 9 mph on a track that would Officials went on the radio to areas getting a foot. Fishermen bice of Granma and baseball actually put all the p speed,obliterate the warhead and take it near the lip of I laiti's south- warn people living in flimsy shan- were urged to return to port games scheduled lin yesterday highly complex anil br-Oui load it might i western peninsula late yesterday. tytowns on the coast to seek sliel - Prime Minisiei Portia Simpson night in Havana were played eat silc defense system togi ther and da) s test also will lie the Forecasters said as much as 20 ter in schools and churches. Miller had the island's security her In the day sir whether it would ■ ii an early-warning radar inches of rain could fall in some These people could be in great forces on alert, and her govern- Heavy rain and winds were destroyi ora Base, (iilii.. to mountain areas, raising fears of danger," said Ariel Nazaire, a coor- ment issued advisories on radio expected In southern Florida Iry " iliai iusi hasni happen! the data lecuiitvd to put Basil floods in the heavily defor- dinator with (laiti's civil protection and television warning laniaicans early tomorrow said, adding th the interceptor on a proper path ested country. agency. "Hooding is the biggest living in low-lying areas to lie pre- i he hurricane was predicted the missile defense system Skies darkened as wind gusts concern because a lot of residents pared to evacuate. to lose sticngih while crossing tocomeonlini onieol litoi will be con swayed palm trees InLesCayes, live along the rivers and the sea" In (Aiba, the government west central (uba late tomorrow, the rail., i command cen- a town 95 miles west of the Haitian authorities also evai u issued a hurricane wanting lot six inn emerge in the Gull of Mexico to Back the target missile. ter near Colorado Springs. capital, Port-au-Prince. People ated some people from low-lying eastern provinces. with winds up to 110 mph. It then I le declined to i olo ion t ireeh has a similar put their goats and cows into areas in the northwestern city of The Communist Youth news probably would strengthen off thought the n command renter. shelters, and fishermen pulled Gonabes, which was devastated papa luwimicl Rebdde warned Florida's west coast Wectuesdav. tem would reai h the point ol I the main objective nets ashore. by a flood during Tropical Storm of heavy rain, winds and potential but the location of art) U\& land- full reliability, but stressed that ol fhursday's test will l>c to see "The only thing we can do is Jeanne in 2004. There wen' no flooding on the southeast coast fall was unclear, forecasters said his advisers, ini ludini . a sensors on the "kill Henrj Obering, thi I id the interceptor missile defense i hii I ■■■ied. him the believe it will v Whether it actually intercepts designed in thi i w m i the target is secondary, he said. Space shuttle launching delayed due to approaching hurricane al missile attack. A fnrthe: test, now scheduled for "I have a lot "I confidi I Ifloy for an intercept, these folks, and I have a lot ol Oberini ByMlmSdmcfcUr Building to the launch pad, and confide! . ne. Rumsfeld The Associated Press then seven to 10 days are required done.' Rumsfeld said. Ml North Koreas leaders after that to prepare for launch. Later, in nearbv, Fairbanks, I, I iv their test launch of CAPE CANAVERAL Ha. — The The launch window for this Rumsfeld mi i multiple luJy I, a deter- chances of the space shuttle mission only goes through Sept. counterp to continue to Improve Atlantis launching this week 13 because NASA wants to launch rhej di I tnd in threaten diminished by the hour yesterday the shuttle to the space station the Middle I astand ernpl to blackmail other as NASA prepared for Hurricane during daylight so il can photo- as well as Russian coi i ic said the) also are a Ernesto and die possibility of n ic iv - graph the shuttles external fuel an announced 11 - lead missile tcchnol- ing the spacecraft into shelter. tank, when? insulating loam lias remove i m i from Workers yesterday rolled to the fallen off during previous launch- some trident ■ c iin m frankly as an launch pad a gigantic crane that es. The shuttle Columbia was aboard submarine! immediate mjjjtarj threat to South could be used to move the shuttle doomed after foam hit a wing, them with coi said. back to the protection of the enor- causing a breach that allowed mous \fchicle Assembly Building hot gases to penetrate during its By eariy afternoon, no deci- return to Earth. sion had been made on wheth- NASA hoped to launch Atlantis Five found dead in Florida home er to use the crane or continue before Sept. 7 to prevent a traffic with a Tuesday launch attempt. jam at die space station since a By Adrian Sainz members, Miami- Engineers must make that deci- Russian Soyuz vehicle is set to iiade Police spokeswoman sion two days before the area is blast off in mid-September carry- ni.iiciella said. hit by wind of 45 mph. ing two new station crew mem- . ol the victims had Earlier yesterday, NASA bers and a space tourist. MIAMI Five people, not heard from the family in delayed the launch from today If NASA launches later, it will ing two children, were found il called police when to tomorrow in order to give engi- have to persuade the Russians dead inside a South I loud, no on al the door. neers more time to figure out if a to change their launch date home yesterday, likeh I onti lightning strike Friday damaged and land at night — something urn monoxki (lh mv God," said neighbor ; the spacecraft's solid fuel rocket the Russians do not want to do polk esaid. i i I.IV I heir children boosters and other systems, lift because they have a new private i he body ol a womai . ung. I hey had a off originally had been set for yes- firm handling capsule recovery. found In a spoil utilit) little white- dog. We would say terday afternoon. There were no immediate running in the garage police hello to each other all the lime." A National Hurricane Center indications that any damage was said. Officers found th i ;: 'Invade poison forecast put the eye of Ernesto caused by Fridays lightning bolt, of two children and two adults he most common type of on Florida's west coast, due west one of die most powerful record- inside the four-bedroom home in Ital poisoning nationwide. of the Kennedy Space (inter, on ed at a Kennedy Space Center southwest Miami Dadet ounty, contributing to 4Q000 emergency Thursday morning. launch pad. Rather Ulan hitting I'oliccwcTcinvcsiigalingwhctli roomv isitsannually in the United NASA runs into a seven- nine the shuttle direcdy it struck a IVNN£SIADKV ! APPHO'O er the deathi ental 01 odorless crunch for a September launch wire attached to a tower used to LAUNCH DELAYED: Alexandra Guzy. 15. of Tolland. Conn, cook oil in a fountain partofamurde responsible lor about 500 if the shuttle is moved inside A protect the spacecraft from such at the rocket garden at the Kennedy Space Center Visitor Complex Saturday Aug 26. I he identii ol the [al deaths ■ n'li is used in day is needed to return the shut- Strikes — but it created a slicing 20O6 Guzy is a second cousin of Atlantis Mission Specialist Daniel Bwbank tJASA victims were not imm i about 2/JOO suicides, according to tle from the Vehicle Assembly electrical fiekl around the vehicle has delayed Hie launch of the space shuttle Atlantis by 24 hours because of lightning released, pending notifii tent figures.

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\ I 12> "Making the signs is a fun thing SIGNS Susoi also remembered being lo do. hut ihe trick is having all Informed <>i the ordinance lie ih.ii lun while respecting the The Daily Crossword Fix DAfOR From Page 1 brouaht to vou bv L/H\V/I was unknowingly breaking. i in. 's ordinance." brought to you by The messages change from I he sign could he mi longer \oi removing a sign would

year 10 year, bul the than iwn feel In five feet,' lie in amnia\imumpenallyof$50u I 1 Thrust always serin In oiler the MMI said. "I he neighbors fell kind of for eva y day ihe sign remained 2 Interrupter's utterance A Stead al services of iheil creators to like »e did. We I.liked about it. in view. Hegei explained that 1 4 Thick head of hair passersby. "Dads Drink I nr inn I guess no one really had ihe compliant e Is always sought ' 5 Lodgings Admission: One Daughter,' inline'. In pa] the ' before a line is issued. 6 Bout division and "Cherry Poppers, Inc. I heordinancesonpublicsigns Bj all accounts, codeenfon 7 Poet Pound 8 Unpromising replies were among the myriad signs were revised two years ago, Iteger eis and students alike wen " 1 ■ I ■ ■ 9 Bat matenal on display this year. said, i" reduce ivhal he called polite and respectful, and no _ 10 In a saucy manner But while the content of the "sign pollution" throughout tin' lines were issued due In unani- '•' ' ■1 11 Group of eight signs might ruffle some feath city. An aesthetic .iIi\ pleasing mous compliance. ■ I 12 Push roughly 1 13 Gave an edge to 36 Lawrence's bailiwick Reger said he was particu- era, dty offk lals insist thai the cityscape became i high-prioi 18 Raise one's voice 37 Really dreadful messages of the signs had noth- which meant larly Impressed with the level of 19 Weather-map line 38 Give forth Ingto do with theii removal, cracking down on billboards and in,mum displayed In ihe stu- 1 • 23 All there 42 McGee of radio fame 1 ■ 24 Daytime TV shows 43 Eastern religious fig- othei large signs. dents involved. ■ "Those students have the 25 Rooster's crest ure I aim liellei. the I in ~ public _ Hrst Amendment righi to make it speaks volumes about these *# J ■ 26 Aardvark munchies 44 Suggestive grin those signs.'' said I It) information officer, explained students thai they were so com- ■ I 27 Dictionary writer 45 Havana homes ecutor Matt Reger. "We're not the rationale behind the pliani and respectful, thai they Webster 46 Author Walker ■ 28 Pop m the microwave 47 Supple regulating content. We're not "We I.ike .1 lot ol piide in Ihe worked so well wiih the commu- 29 Kennel club category 48 Trip the light fantastic infringing on their rights, and appearant e ol our city," she nity's standards," he said 31 Manage to ward off 50 Blacklists we have no intention to." -aid " i MIS ordinance reflects liui in Susor's mind, comply- 1 1 32 Twiddle one's thumbs 51 Word of woe According to Reger ii was a how i present our- ing with the ordinance might 33 Imprint clearly 52 Jabbers city ordinance concerning the particular exterminate the tradition he ACROSS 34 Friend's address 53 Way out 55 Audit expert size of the signs that got them serves -i- an entrance and is .mil Wojciik were so excited lo 56 D.I.Y buy 43 Cheery taken down. i lain In how participate in. He feared last 1 Oate tree 57 Sixth sense 5 Scene of action 45 Bore measure Section 150.66 il of the ■ Ity's since ihe Jimmies occurred weekend's events may have set 10 One of the Spice Girts 48 Everly Brothers performance zoning code states: Theaggre tmpus, ihe Universit) a precedent foi years to come. 14 State or river name 49 Excuse in court gate square footage foi any sign had no sa\ in ihe mallei. Hill \~ foi next year's move-In day? 15 Goof balls 50 Summoned, old-style in a residential disirki posted i Inm-rsii\ media relations i lopefully ii won'i detet any 16 Sound rebound 51 Nautical assent 17 Chill out! 54 Chill out! on propert) used foi residen- directi maintained one from doing it." said Susor, 20 Rhea's relative 58 Be sore ANSWERS tial purposes is 15 square feet, a neuti nhen miking who graduates in December. "I 21 Poet St. Vincent Millay 59 Recipe amount with no single sign exceeding aboul ihe signs. won'i have another chance, but 22 Barrel piece 60 Tokyo tipple . s s '■* 1 S 1 v|u J il

■- V N 1 A 3 ten square feet There was in efforl and I suspect ihe people on Wbnslei 23 Winter ride 61 Future expert | H '" <<|B '.' 24 Admonished 62 Bewildered • v i I 1 '1 •* V - ■. B I i B Unjciak recalled a eiHlecnh >u. ■! there continues to he an effoi i should al least attempt to put up V ■ V 26 Chronological record 63 Subtle alert 1 ' :i ■ H l i mentioning that the sign'Cniililni in beauiif) this city," sin- said. some signs." 29 Pnze for losers i J n 1. ■i i i ■■ V 30 Subject of a sentence ■ i 1 i H 31 Serious play , 0 i A s l i a 1 H 32 Drenched '• I V 3 ■i ""• ' H V 1 35 Chill out! 11 » ft 1 ■ ■ N .". c N 39 Cow or hen It o 0 1 '.' ■. ■. 40 Sacred ceremonies ■ l> i H i ' iOffe 41 Small rodents 1 A V 1 S '. i 1 r. CUtiified Ads • 419-J72-6977 H O U ■ ' ■ 0 3 i H IhrhCSiv- 42 Got along ! 0 '1 3 lM: 3 2 0 ! H 11 metiM (fan AoW Learn a skill tor lite. Take PEG 157 ■ ' MR BILL S CAMPUS TANNING 5 > d|v I. ■ '.! v|r, 1 v d Western Horsemanship. Check us VII....I. 1 month UNI IMITEO $29.50 null.-1. 3 months UNLIMITED $69.50 out at I 352-7889 HIGH SPEED DSL Wanted __.,. QQ95/MONTH Travel Pregnani? Conlidennal. Iree S pro- nTERHET SERVICE fessional lesling. BG Pregnancy ■ ilirrNi ■■!!■■ Roommate Needed. LJ Apis. Immed '."' COMPUTER REPAIRS Travel with STS to this year's lop 10 occupancy. $212mo. & ulil. $100 Spring Break destinations! Best Jack & Jill Childcare now open until sec dep. req. Call Laura 440-785- or call 419.352.3568 am IWSBI Mfaaaiar Bowling Sraaa deals guaranteed! Highest rep com midnight 2 I 2 yrs & potty tiained 4520. missions. Visit www or to 13 yrs old. 419-353-1001 call t-800-648-4849 Great group WANTED: FLUTE TEACHER discounts. lor adull beginning student. Help Wanted Help Wanted For Sale ah rklein@bgsu edu EVERY MONDAY Century Marketing is looking for part 6 piece Broyhiil oak bedroom set TOMATO SOUP & Cast audition musical 'She Loves Help Wanted Kidz Watch now hiring care givers GRILLED CHEESE Me- FUMC. 1506 E. Woosier. Aug lime temporary employees for their tor days, eves., weekends Fun at- $425, make offer 28 &29. 7-9PM Call Or Lockard- Call Center. Must work at least 3-4 mosphere, flex scheduling, exp with 419-560-3016 McDonald Dining Center 'BARTENDING' up lo $300'day No hrs. a day. M-F between I2pm-7pm children preferred. Send resume or •nan loi details 372-2004. exp. necessary Training provided w/ minimum of 2 days a week. Crite- apply in person to Kidz Watch. 580 Plot similar to the recent production Call 800-966-6520 ext. 174. BIG BREAKFAST You've Go; Mail ria needed, good communication Craig Dr #2 Perrysburg OH 43551. skills - both written & oral, good lis- MEAL DEAL Services Offered "Make $200-$300'wk-Part Time " NEED MONEY? Earn great cash INTRAMURA1 OFFICIALS AND "Only 18-21 hrs ( ''•.ii,-.ii-vAifl!Uhli'.!:wwU'.rarmiki\n>n]l ply in person M-Fnday 8 30-5:00 al apt Univ Village. 235 S Mercer»8A yfiaruitie /'J 4*3-74M 21211 W River Rd. Grand Rapids $630 mo. plus elec. « $500 flexible 906 INTERSTATE DRIVE OH 43522 security deposit Call 517-881-5746. I xit i.yj I tirnrr of I " itntl Hi -±-±.\

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