Winter 2008 Volume 27, No. 4 $500,000 Challenge Gift A Conversation With SOHO’s Bruce Coons Merchants & Memories Exhibit 7846 Eads Avenue La Jolla, CA 92037 858•459•5335 858•459•0226 (fax) Executive Director’s Column
[email protected] Leadership and Vision Mailing Address: n spite of a difficult Challenging All La Jollans PO Box 2085 La Jolla, CA 92038 Ieconomy, we welcome The Society was thrilled recently to receive a signif- 2009 with great hopes icant challenge gift towards our capital campaign Open to the public: that momentum achieved (page 3). While the name of the donor of this Monday - Friday 10am - 4pm in 2008 will continue. generous gift must remain anonymous for now, the MISSION STATEMENT As we look ahead, how- intent of this gesture is clear: challenge La Jollans The La Jolla Historical Society is dedicated to ever, it’s important to to participate at a higher level. If La Jolla the discovery, collection and preservation of La Jolla’s heritage. recognize the leadership accepts this challenge, that helped the Society meeting our goal Through our collections and programs, we We want to strengthen get to where it is now: our Board. will truly be a work with the community to discover and the Society’s role as the record La Jolla’s history; to preserve its historical The Society’s Board of Directors is made up community-wide objects, sites and structures; and to increase of some of La Jolla’s most respected community accomplishment. focal point of our appreciation of the value of preserving the leaders.