Guide to Sport Fishing Opportunities in the Sitka, Alaska Area
8 Remote , fly-in throat trout and Dolly Varden. As in most land- lakes locked lakes with this species combination, the everal lakes on Baranof and Chichagof islands cutthroat are dominant and provide an excellent have been stocked with or have naturally sport fishery. Suloia Lake is also landlocked, with occurringS populations of rainbow or cutthroat trout. Dolly Varden and rainbow trout. Sitkoh Lake The U.S. Forest Service maintains public recreation open to the oceanhas salmon runs (except kings) cabins at some of these remote sites (see chart and and sea-run Dolly Varden, cutthroat, and steelhead map, p. 6 and 7), where you can spend a few days in populations. Sitkoh Lake and Creek also has resi- the wilderness, yet enjoy the comforts of a snug dent cutthroat/rainbow trout and Dolly Varden. cabin with an oil or wood stove. Cabin rental fees Baranof Island has several landlocked lakes are minimal, but reservations are required (see the stocked with rainbow trout, including Avoss and Visitor Information inset on page 3 for the USFS Davidof lakes, where there are USFS cabins. address in Sitka). Because the cabins are popular Other lakes (Eva, Salmon, Plotnikof, and Redoubt) both with fishers and hunters, reservations must be are open to salt water and have runs of salmon, as made well ahead of time. well as trout and char. Baranof Lake is a landlocked On Chichagof Island, Goulding Lake, Suloia Lake, system with good cutthroat trout fishing. These and Sitkoh Lake have USFS cabins. The Goulding lakes are each unique, and a lake profile is avail- Lake chain comprises four lakes that contain cut- able from the ADF&G Sitka office.
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