Table of Contents

Contacts p. 2

Schedules p. 3

Calendar p. 4-5

Meal / Childcare p. 6

School support p. 7

Extracurricular activities and workshops p. 8

Religious Instruction / Uniforms p. 9

School Transport p. 10-11

Class List / Pedibus p. 12

Games and Sport p. 13


Contacts -

School Director:

Mrs Anne Gudin-Recoing [email protected]

Admission and Marketing :

Mrs Christine Fluhr [email protected]

Reception desk/ Books, School supplies and Uniforms :

Mrs Véronique Vincenot [email protected]

Bookkeeping :

Mrs Nicole Gigon [email protected]

General Management - Pully

Managing Director :

Mr. Philippe de Korodi [email protected]

Primary director :

M. Thierry Germanier [email protected]

Secondary director :

M. Roland Lomenech [email protected]



Pre-Kindergarten : 9.00 am - 12.10 pm Afternoons optional : 2.00 pm - 3.30 pm

From Year 1 to Year 3 : 9.00 am -12.10 pm 2.00 pm - 3.30 pm (In Year 1 afternoon classes are optional until the Christmas holidays)

Year 4 and Year 5 : 8.00 am - 12.10 pm 2.00 pm - 3.30 pm

Year 6 : 8.00 am - 12.10 pm Monday, Tuesday and Friday after-noon 1.35 pm - 3.30 pm Thursday after-noon 1.35 pm - 4.40 pm

School closed on Wednesday afternoon




Start of the school year Wednesday 24 August 2016

Jeûne Fédéral Monday 19 September (school closed)

Autumn Half-term Holiday from Thursday 13 October (end of classes) to Monday 31 October (morning)

Christmas Holiday from Wednesday 12:00 21 December



Start of school Monday 9 January 2017 (morning)

Spring Half-term Holiday from Friday 17 February (end of classes) to Monday 27 February (morning)

Easter Holiday from Friday 7 April (end of classes) to Monday 24 April (morning)

Pedagogical day Wednesday 24 May (school closed)

Ascension Day Thursday 25 and Friday 26 May (school closed)

Pentecost Monday Monday 5 June (school closed)

End-of-Year show rehearsal Wednesday 21 June (morning)

End-of-Year show rehearsal Thursday 22 June (morning)

Classes Council Thursday 22 June (after-noon, school closed)

Last morning in class Friday 23 June

End-of-Year show Friday 23 June (after-noon) Prize-giving and start of summer holiday

Wednesday, 30 August 2017 : Start of new school year 5

Meals / Childcare


The students have the option of eating their lunch at school 1, 2, 3 or 4 times a week (enclosed pink form) (see General and Financial terms, p.5 C)

Pre - and after-class care

Morning: from 7.30 am to 8.55 am (free, without registration)

Afternoon: from 3.30 pm to 5.30 pm (enclosed pink form)

Extra hour: from 5.30 pm to 6.30 pm

The students may stay on for after-school care from 3.30 p.m. 1, 2, 3 or 4 times a week (enclosed pink form).

Once they are in Year 2, the students participate in supervised homework from 4 pm to 5 pm (group of 10 students).

(see General and Financial terms, p. 5 & 6)

Any one-off or permanent change concerning meals and after-class care should be submitted by email to : [email protected].


School support

These 40-minute lessons are organised at the parents 'request or on a teacher’s recommendation, with the purpose of enabling a student to consolidate and supplement their knowledge in any particular subject. The above mentioned lessons are supervised by the same instructor who teaches that subject in class (see General and Financial terms p. 6).

Private lessons 1 student CHF 85.-

Semi-private lessons 2 or 3 students CHF 50.-

Group lessons from 4 students CHF 30.-


Extracurricular activities and workshops

We offer our students various activities and extracurricular workshops, which take place at school during the lunch break or at the end of clas- ses.

The list of these activities, conditions and enrolment forms will be sent to parents by email at the end of the Summer holiday.


Religious Instruction

From Year 1, students follow a weekly course on Religious culture. From Year 4 they have the option of attending either catechism lessons ( Catechism Centre programme), or a course on Religions culture (enclosed pink form).

Students who take part in catechism lessons have the choice of prepar- ing for the sacraments. Supplementary sessions are organised at school for these sacramental preparations.


From Pre-Kindergarten (PS) to Year 3, the students are given :  4 short-sleeved polo shirts navy blue  1 long-sleeved polo shirt navy blue  1 Sweat-shirt  1 navy blue pullover with the possibility to order additional items.

From Year 4, the new students are given a set of clothes consisting of:

 4 short-sleeved polo shirts (2 white and 2 navy blue)  1 long-sleeved polo shirt (choice of colour)  1 Sweat-shirt  1 Sportswear (2 T-shirts and 1 short, trousers and jacket)

Parents can order additional items later.

Parents of students who already attended our establishment in 2015-2016 can order a complete kit or individual items, throughout the school year.


School Transport

Our school offers a transportation service for our students, which covers the region of Nyon and the surrounding area. Your children are picked up in front of their home and dropped off at school. Bus service starts on Thursday, 27th of August 2015. We reserve the right to:

 refuse to include a student in a route depending on where s/he lives  change our service depending on the number of registered stu- dents  cancel a route in case of an insufficient number of registered stu- dents


Please reserve a place for your child as soon as possible (enclosed pink form). Registering once the school year has started is possible, provided that seats are available. Any one-off or permanent change should be sub- mitted by email to : [email protected].


Registrations will be confirmed in writing with timetables (as precise as possible) and the charges.


The transportation service is calculated on an annual basis and billed monthly on 10 months at the end of each month; no deduction shall be permitted in case of absence.


Cancellations should be submitted in writing, to take effect at the end of a month. No reimbursement can be made for that month. In case of bad weather (snow) we may cancel a transportation for security reasons.


Rules to comply with

 Wearing a seatbelt is compulsory.  All absences must be notified as soon as possible and in that case by calling the driver directly but at the latest one hour before de- parture.  In the morning, the children should stay in front of their house, or at the place agreed with the driver, 3 minutes in advance. Out of respect for all users, the bus cannot wait for late-comers.


The cost of this service varies depending on the place where the student lives: :

Annual cost for 10 trips per week :

Zone 1 : CHF 4’800.- Town of Nyon

Zone 2 : CHF 5’600.- Crans-près-Céligny, , , Signy, Grens, , Tranchepied, , Chéserex, , , Trélex, , , , Vich, , Gland.

Zone 3 : CHF 6’400.- All the localities beyond zone 2.

 A 25% discount is applied for the 2nd child, 35% for the 3rd child and 50% for the 4th child using the transport.  Partial use of transport will be calculated and billed in proportion to the total amount.  Occasional transport will be billed at CHF 16.00 per student.


Class List

We are often asked by parents to publish class lists with the details of the students mothers (mobile number and email address). In the interest of privacy, we request for your permission to include your children on one of these lists (enclosed pink form).

Pedibus (walking bus)

On Wednesdays at 12 noon - to minimize parking problems - a pedibus leaves the school to the parking area of the Migros centre (a 5-minute walk from school). Registered children (enclosed pink form) arrive at 12.20. The Pedibus is a free service.


Games and Sport

Wednesday Afternoons Sports / Study

On Wednesday afternoons, SB Sport in Gland in association with Collège Champittet Nyon, organizes child care for our students from Year 1(4 years old) onwards, combining : transport by coach to Gland, lunch at the SB sport café, supervised homework study from Year 2 and sports activi- ties such as football, handball, uni-hockey, “Tchoukball”, orienteering, tennis, wall climbing, etc.

The conditions, cost and enrollment forms will be sent to you at a later date .

The program :

12:05 The SB Sport bus takes the pupils to their site in Gland 12:30 Meal at the Sport Café 13:30 Start of homework (games for the pupils of Year 1) 14:30 First activity 15:30 Snack 16:00 Second activity

From 17:00 to 18:00, parents can collect their children from the SB Sport site in Gland.