PUXTON PARISH COUNCIL Puxton & Hewish Clerk: Donald Hill 18 Mitford Slade Court, Mendip Road, , BS49 4JG Tel: 01934 835578 Mobile: 07774 125578 e-mail: [email protected]

You are summoned to attend a Meeting of Puxton Parish Council on Thursday 2nd June 2016 at 7.30 p.m. at Hewish Village Hall,

Members of the public are entitled to be at the meeting unless precluded by the Parish Council by resolution during the whole or part of the proceedings. You will not be entitled to speak at the meeting except within the Public Session as under.

DON HILL - Clerk A G E N A & agenda notes

1. Apologies for Absence Received to date: Cllr Leimdorfer

2. Resignation from the Council Cllr Andy Butterfield resigned during the month. A notice of vacancy has been published.

3. Election of Chair and Vice Chair

4. Declarations of Interest

5. Public Session A resident of the Parish may raise a question about a matter for which the Council has a responsibility or which affects the parish. The public session will run for 15 minutes.

6. Reports to the Council Ward Cllrs Report - There will be not report this month. Community Resilience Report - Jim Sulley Mendip Vale Medical Practice Report - Tom Dalley

7. Minutes of the Last Meeting To approve the Minutes of the Parish Council Annual Meeting and of the Puxton Annual Parish Meeting, both of which were held on 12th May 2016.

8. Policing & Traffic A370 speed issues: Clerk meeting Marie Broomfield on June 8th. Crime Figures: Two during March - burglary opposite the Wick Lane junction; anti-social behaviour in the area of the Caffle Nursery Lay-by. SpeedWatch: one volunteer so far.

9. Council Matters River Flood Relief Scheme has re-started. Due for completion mid June. A reparations update will be included as a meeting paper. Rail Bridge Traffic Light Sensors: timing issue re cyclists reported. Problems with cyclists supported by Wick St Lawrence PC. NSC’s David Bailey handing. Speed Signage in Wick Lane: anomaly re large 40mph signs reported. The Old Bridge - Puxton: timetable of work due from NSC. PUXTON PARISH COUNCIL Puxton and Hewish 10. Other issues Broadband Speeds - Cllr Wilson Co-opting Councillors The Village Hall Planters - the plants have arrived and await collection. North Somerset Flood Risk Action Group (NSFRAG): Cllrs were circulated with an update about the group - Andy MacKenzie used to represent PPC. Is anyone able to take on the role? PPC Newsletter

11. Finance 2015-16 Accounts - out for external Audit; public notices published. 2016-17 Accounts to date - formal minute need re non-registration for VAT. Wick Solar Community Fund - Information: per the 2016 Annual Parish Meeting minute APM 09/16 the Clerk passed the material he had started to assemble to Tom Dalley and Cllr Wilson, who have been leading on this since the start. He has also copied it to Lisa Dadds to see what input might be generated via St Anne’s School. Wick Solar Community Fund - Management: APM 09/16 proposed that Tom Dalley* create and run a management structure to control and grow the fund and to dispense grants from it. This meeting needs to ratify APM 09/16, which suggested a management team of five, it needs to to vote on the appointment of Tom Dally* as proposed and to elect a Parish Councillor as founder members of the management group. The management group and the Parish Council will have to work together to ensure the legalities of the management and financial arrangements as they emerge. * Tom Dalley has decided not to be involved. In wishing the project well, he says it needs to be moved forward with cohesion and purpose and with the support of the community. It needs to be run by people who will be pro-active, objective, community involved and team players and has suggested possible contacts to approach: Linda Redding at the Grange - very pro-active and recently retired from teaching at Sidcot; Andy McKenzie, a Priory School Governor; Kelvin ???; St Anne’sSchool might put names parents’ names forward; WI; Play Group. Cheques for Signature: none to date.

12. Planning New Applications: Pre-application 16/P/1062/PRE Proposed new Medical Centre for Mendip Vale Medical Practice on land located on the west side of Small Way, opposite Greenholm Nurseries, BS49 5AA. 16/P/1050/NMA Orchard Lea Bristol Rd - Demolition of chimney to front. Minor amendment to dormer and roof light location to front elevation. Rear elevation dormer windows- Change from flat roof to pitched roofs and amendment to dormer size. Proposed material finish to dormer windows. Dormer cheek materials amended. To be withdrawn: 16/P/0893/PDA Heathgate Farm field barn. PPC report not showing on NSC web at date. Application not indicated as withdrawn. Decisions Due: 16/P/0812/F Moorland Park: variation to allow extended completion time. Granted: 15/P/2174/F - Use of the land for the stationing of caravans for residential purposes for 5 gypsy caravan pitches plus the formation of additional hard standing and ancillary day rooms. Temporary grant to April 2019. This application has not appeared in previous minutes. Enforcement Cases: Report as at 25th May 2016 available.

13. Councillors Reports

14. Date of the Next Meeting Thursday July 7th in the Village Hall Don Hill, Clerk - 26th May 2014

2 of 2 PUXTON PARISH COUNCIL Puxton & Hewish Clerk: Donald Hill 18 Mitford Slade Court, Mendip Road, Yatton, Somerset BS49 4JG Tel: 01934 835578 Mobile: 07774 125578 e-mail: [email protected]


Minutes of the Annual Meeting of the Parish Council held on 12th May 2016 at 7pm in the Village Hall

Present Clllrs A Butterfield (Acting Chair) S. Popperwell (V Chair), A Edwards, K Wilson, P Penfold The meeting started at 7.10pm. Cllr Edwards arrived at 7.12pm. & Cllr Penfold at 7.25pm

In Attendance Cllr Tom Leimdorfer (NSC), Don Hill (Clerk)

Public Attendance 3

46/16 Apologies for Absence Cllr Popperwell opened the meeting and called for apologies - there were none.

47/16 Election of Chair and Vice Chair The Clerk called for nominations for the post of Chair. Cllr Popperwell proposed Cllr Butterfield, Cllr Edwards seconded the proposal, Cllr Wilson abstained. Cllr Butterfield was duly elected. As the Declaration of Acceptance of Office form was not to hand for signature, Cllr Butterfield took the meeting as Acting Chair. Cllr Butterfield called for nominations for the post of Vice-Chair and proposed Cllr Popperwell. Cllr Wilson seconded the proposal and Cllr Popperwell was unanimously elected to the post.

48/16 Appointment of Representative to Outside Bodies The Council is entitled to appoint two members to represent them at meetings of Local Councils Association (ALCA). Cllr Butterfield offered himself as a representative and his offer was accepted. Clerk to so inform ALCA and to indicate the responsibility on the website.

49/16 Chairman’s Report To be delivered at the immediately following Annual Parish meeting.

50/16 Declarations of Interest None - but Cllr Penfold’s connection with planning application P/0893/PDA, below was noted pending his arrival - see note at minute 58/16 below.

51/16 Public Session No matters were raised in the public session.

52/16 Reports to the Council Ward Cllr’s Report - Cllr Tom Leimdorfer: to be delivered at the Annual Parish Meeting PUXTON PARISH COUNCIL Puxton and Hewish

53/16 Minutes of the Last Meeting - Matters Arising The Minutes of the meeting held on 7th April 2016 were approved and signed by the Acting Chair. There were no matters arising that did not form part of the current agenda.

54/16 Policing & Traffic A370 speed issues: meeting still due with Clerk, Marie Broomfield and Antony Ashford. Crime Figures: an anti-social behaviour incident in the lay-by just past Kara Farmhouse. SpeedWatch: to be discussed at Annual Parish Meeting, immediately following this meeting.

55/16 North Somerset Council Matters VAR Lights - possibility of overgrowth reported to Nick Raymond; it was agreed that we would keep an eye on it and he will respond as needed. Banwell River Flood Relief Scheme has re-started. Due for completion mid July. An e-mail outlining the reparations to follow around mid July indicated that they would be completed before the end of July if the project completion date holds. Rail Bridge Traffic Light Sensors: timing issue re cyclists reported. Speed Signage in Wick Lane: anomaly re lack of large 40mph signs reported Village Green Waste Bin: Emptied. The Old Bridge - Puxton Lane: Cllr Butterfield has had meeting with NSC. Heavy lorries appear to be using sat-nav which directs them down Puxton Lane. Clearer signage is needed to deter this. If the approach road width could be narrowed and the bollards moved further back from the bridge, both could act as deterrents to wide vehicles actually reaching and damaging the bridge. A timetable of work is understood to be being worked on, with the project being prioritised as a “safety’ case. It was agreed that the continuing increase in traffic on Puxton Lane gave added emphasis to the need for the bridge to be safe. NSC Waste Minimisation Competition: Puxton is not part of this, but NSC are happy to assist with any future Parish initiative. Cllr Wilson mentioned possible future bulk waste bins at key locations such as the Village Hall. This was noted, but not for immediate follow-up. Puxton Lane 2 day closure from May 23rd: This is for the carrying out of drainage work and, while the road is closed, a considerable amount of surface patching and edge work to the highway between the A370 and Puxton Road.

56/16 Other issues Solar Farm Security Hut - rubbish cleared Broadband Speeds: Cllr Wilson is meeting senior figures form BT and Open Reach, as well as contacting James Heappey MP Vice Chairman of the All Party Parliamentary Group for Rural Business. Wi-fi broadband, as the preferred alternative to fibre broadband, is available via two Connecting Devon and Somerset voucher scheme companies; one requires a minimum of 40 clients, and the other of 60 clients, before they are prepared to supply a specific area. Putting that number of people together within a parish where signal availability is so variable will not be an easy task. Co-opting Councillors: No one has yet answered the call in the recent flyer. The Village Hall: The May meeting was cancelled and apparently the Chairman and the Treasurer have given notice that they are standing down in November 2016. The Council is sensitive to the possibility that it may prove to be the carer of last resort if not enough trustees come forward to run the Hall. Planters: The plants are due any day now. There will be a need for minor additional expenditure on compost etc. Clerk to look at the budget to see where this might be available.


57/16 Finance 2015-16 Internal Audit A successful audit was achieved. The Annual Return and Bank Reconciliation were signed by the Acting Chair and the Clerk; Clerk to send these to the External Auditor. Cllr Popperwell undertook to put up the public notices supplied by the Clerk. Clerk to post same to the website. 2015-26 Accounts to date: circulated before the meeting and noted. Wick Solar Community Fund: a launch discussion on this is to follow in the Annual Parish meeting. Cheques for Signature: 100094 to Philip Smith re Internal Audit.

58/16 Planning New Applications: 16/P/0812/F Land adjacent Moorland Caravan Park: Application for the removal or variation of condition No.15 on application 11/P/1937/F ( Change of use of land and engineering works, to include alterations to the level of the land, to provide an equestrian centre, to include menage, jumping/training areas, trap racing track, paddocks and lake.). The variation sought a the maximum period for completion of the work to be increased from 2 to 4 years. Cllr Wilson noted that 4 years was a long time for neighbours to have to endure the heavy vehicular intrusion, albeit spasmodic in nature. After discussion it was agreed that the council response should be ‘no comment’. 16/P/0893/PDA Heathgate Farm, Bristol Road, Hewish - Prior notification of the erection of an agricultural barn. Cllr Penfold was to leave the room while this application was considered, but he advised that it was to be withdrawn. The meeting noted this. Clerk to post the reason for the lack of comment to the planning website. Decisions Due: 16/P/0369/CUPA - Pilhay Farm. This application has been refused as the original 2005 permission, 05/P/1124/F, limits the use of this building to the repair and maintenance of agricultural vehicles and machinery. Granted: 16/P/0231/ADV/16/P/0253/F – The Round Pond – garage Enforcement Cases: Report as at 25th April 2016 available.

59/16 Councillors Reports None

60/16 Date of the Next Meeting Thursday June 2nd in the Village Hall. Cllr Leimdorfer offered his apologies as he will not be able to attend.

DRAFT UNTIL APPROVED 3 of 3 PUXTON PARISH COUNCIL Puxton & Hewish Clerk: Donald Hill 18 Mitford Slade Court, Mendip Road, Yatton, Somerset BS49 4JG Tel: 01934 835578 Mobile: 07774 125578 e-mail: [email protected]

Minutes of the Puxton Annual Parish Meeting held in Hewish and Puxton Village Hall on Thursday 12th May 2016 at 8pm

Present: Cllrs Andy Butterfield (Chair) Sue Popperwell, Amanda Edwards, Katy Wilson and Peter Penfold. Don Hill (Minute Taker). Cllr Tom Leimdorfer (NSC), Nick Raymond (NSC Area Officer), Carol Pike (NSC Community Response Officer), Lisa Dadds (Head of St Anne’s School), Mr & Mrs Thomas Thomas, Tom Dally

APM 01/16: Welcome The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting and thanked them for coming.

APM 02/16 Apologies Jackie and Tony Petherbridge

APM 03/16 Approval of Minutes, & Matters arising from the last Annual Parish meeting on June 5th 2014 (there was no meeting during 2015): The Chairman asked those present if any of them had attended the meeting. Cllrs Edwards and Popperwell had. The minutes were signed as a true record. There were no matters arising.

APM 04/16 Reports from Interest Groups Reports were delivered from the interest groups below and are appended to form a part of these minutes. Although this was a report reading session, concerns were raised about various housing issues within the NSC core strategy element of Cllr Leimdorfer;s report - relating to sites in the villages and to residential development in Weston-s-Mare town centre. Although the Weston project is designed to bring life back to the centre of town (the least populated town centre, for its size, in the UK), it was feared that it may simply become “homes for the wealthy’. Parish Council - Cllr Sue Popperwell, Vice Chair North Somerset Council - Cllr Tom Leimdorfer, Ward Cllr Hewish & Puxton Village Hall - Colin Barker (read by Don Hill, Minute Taker) St Anne’s School - Lisa Dadds, Headteacher

APM 05/16 North Somerset Council Community Response Officer Carol Pike Carol is one of three Community Response Officers in North Somerset. These officers work closely with the police, being first responders in many areas of low-level disturbance such as anti-social behaviour, cycling misdemeanours, e,g, cycling on a footpath, nuisances such as noise and pollution, litter, graffiti, vandalism and mail watch scams. dog control, kerbside car sales (where they can sticker vehicles with warnings that, although unenforceable, do result in vehicles being moved). The public PUXTON PARISH COUNCIL Puxton and Hewish can report concerns across this huge remit via www.n-somerset.gov.uk/connect. Carol also does community familiarisation work in such places as schools and village halls - e.g. this evening.

APM 06/16 North Somerset Council Area Officer Nick Raymond Nick has street scene responsibilities in the area, such as vegetation, potholes, minor patching (for example the work in hand in Wick Lane is being done on a temporary basis because more major work will require a road closure which will come later). Considerably more than the usual amount of surface, road edge, and vegetation work around bridge signage is being done in Puxton Lane later in May to take advantage of the road closure. Nick is not directly involved in the Puxton Lane bridge work, but it should be done fairly soon (he could not be specific on timing). Fly-tipping is a real problem in the parish. Dolemoor Lane at the Puxton Lane end is a particular problem. The lane, although unmade at Puxton, is virtually all NSC highways territory. Tippers go a long way down the lane to ‘hide’ their tipping. It can be a real mess down what should be a delightful rural walk. Cllr Penfold pleaded passionately for a solution and emphasised the costly expense to landowners of fly-tipping on private property - which the landowner is responsible for removing. Enforcement is a problem, because specific identity needs to attach to the tip before a prosecution will hold. Cameras were suggested, but Nick said persistent fly-tippers dump in an area a few time and then move on - difficult to keep up with. Regarding litter, the waste collection contractors, (in rushing around their work on ‘job-and-finish’?) tend to drop waste they are handling onto the highway and leave it there. It happens across the district. Nick will report this concern to NSC’s John Carson. Amanda Edwards is having problems getting replacement green boxes; Carol will try to sort this - contacting NSC’s Colin Russell if needed. Katy Wilson felt that easier access to authorised disposal - for things like tyres for instance - would surely ease the problem of fly- tipping; a problem which is seemingly insoluble. Tom Dally bemoaned the fact that NSC has stopped operatives from selling items brought in to re-cycling depots for disposal. South Somerset District Council has a policy where the operatives receive a commission based on the re-cycling that is sold on, hence those operatives are keen to help everyone out and to separate items themselves, as by this they receive a larger commission. The operatives do not sell-on re-cycling items, the Council does, and shares the profit with the operatives.

APM 07/16 Mendip Vale Medical Practice Tom Dally did not submit a report, but Don Hill said that, as Clerk, he now receives the practice’s periodic e-mail Newsletter. Visit http://www.mendipvale.nhs.uk/ to read the latest edition. Tom Leimdorfer reported that a planning application for a new practice at Smallway, Congresbury, is due to be submitted.

APM 08/16 Specific Discussion Topics The topics in minutes 09/16 - 11/16 resonate as the uppermost matters of current concern, other than the A370, and were specifically so identified on the agenda.

APM 09/16 Solar Farm Community Fund Katey Wilson explained the efforts and the uncertainties that surrounded the securing of this fund - £27,000 banked and £13000 to come. In the very early days, Tom Dally sowed the possibility, but it has taken diligent resolve by Katy to eventually ensure the money in the bank. During this process ideas for the shape, objectives and management of the fund have been emerging. Rather than simply dispersing the funds

2 of 3 PUXTON PARISH COUNCIL Puxton and Hewish against worthy applications, the suggestion has gained ground that a charitable trust be formed, with a remit to make grants, but also to grow the fund by grant-aid, events, etc. From smaller projects - new noticeboards, seating, defibrillators (with grants available from the British Heart Foundation), etc, to large scale ones like the parish- wide provision of wi-fi broadband are the most immediate ideas. But carefully thought through, visionary project that will benefit the whole community are the ones that will kick-start a successful Community Fund. Tom Dally, who would need the support of perhaps five very focused trustees (including two representatives from the Parish Council?), was considered by the meeting to an ideal Chairman of the venture. The key motivator of progress will be expressions of interest from the Community - Tom Dally is seriously concerned that an underlying apathy - witness the lack of attendance at this event - was likely to be a serious problem to be overcome. Lisa Dadds was enthusiastic to involve the school and parents in a public relations effort to get positive support for the project. PC Clerk to send briefing to Lisa Dadds and share his skeleton background work with Tom Dally.

APM 10/16 Community SpeedWatch The Parish Council has the kit for SpeedWatch. At least six volunteers are needed to operate it. There has been no response to the recent flyer. Lisa Dadds offered to seek volunteers via the St Anne’s weekly newsletter. PSCO Gary Lewis will need one volunteer to be the scheme co-ordinator, will organise volunteer training and will establish ‘safe’ sites from which to operate. Volunteer names - including one willing to act as co-ordinator should be passed to the Parish Clerk. Once a co-ordinator and enough volunteers are to hand: they will be put in touch with Gary Lewis and the co- ordinator will take control of the scheme.

APM 11/16 Broadband This is another area where Katy Wilson has done a huge amount of work and is deploying all her networking skills to consult with influential industry and political figures who might be able to influence the parish broadband cause. There is a cabinet (no 19) near the end of Puxton Lane which gives some parts of the parish a passable broadband speed; with exchanges at Banwell, Yatton and Worle all offering fringe services to the parish it is unclear who is and who is not getting a reasonable signal. Much of the A370 corridor is in what is called a ‘not spot’ - i.e. it is not envisaged that it will be supplied with fast broadband by this first, or the second phase broadband roll outs. Many local businesses have invested heavily in private schemes. But for domestic and small business users, the two suppliers of the of the favoured wi-fi broadband system need 40 -60 subscribers before they will supply to the area. Subscribers will be entitled to vouchers via ‘Connecting Devon and Somerset’ that will contribute towards their setup costs. The next move is to devise a way of finding out who needs the service and is willing to subscribe to it.

APM 12/16 Open Discussion Given the range of discussion above, there were no further topics raised under this heading.

APM 13/16 Thanks The Chair again thanked everyone for attending and, despite the low numbers, felt the discussion to have been both positive and constructive.

The meeting closed at 9.40pm

3 of 3 Good Evening.


After the May elections last year, the Parish Council had 6 Members out of the 7 it is entitled to.

To the loss of the Council, Gerald Jones and Bruce Cameron have not been able to continue their contributions, but we have recently been joined by Peter Penfold:,,, so now our number is 5 Cllrs. There are, therefore, 2 vacancies.

Whilst … has just been elected as Chair for the year 2016-17, I have been Acting Chair since mid- December, so undertook to report to you today.

Tony Jay continued as Locum Clerk until mid 2015, when Lois Stock joined us on a part-time per- manent basis. Lois had an opportunity that meant her leaving the area - and therefore us - at the end of December. In mid-January Don Hill joined as Locum Clerk and this was confirmed as a part- time permanent post as of April 1st 2016. Don is also Clerk to Walton-in-Gordano PC.

In terms of Activities….

The A370 continues to be a key concern, being short of adequate pavements and crossing places. Increasing traffic and traffic speed dominate the worries of residents.

The long awaited VAR warning lights are now in place at St Anne’s School and we are awaiting feedback on how effective they are proving to be. We are also working with the Police towards more regular speeding spot checks by them. The re-introduction of Community SpeedWatch is on the list of items up for discussion later this evening.

At last, the bridge in Puxton Lane is about to be repaired. We are hoping that some modifications to the bridge approaches might mean the repairs lasting longer than some of the earlier ones that have been undertaken.

With the Wick Lane Solar Farm, and NSC and Environment Agency flood prevention works off Wick Road, on the other side of the motorway bridge, Wick Lane has recently been under serious pressure from heavy vehicle movements. Although the works are due for completion during text two months, repairs to the highway and signage will mean continuing disruption for residents and road users for a further xxx weeks beyond that.

However, every cloud has a silver lining, they say. The Wick Lane Solar Farm is being completed in two phases, and as each phase gets connected to the National Grid, the developers are making a contribution to a Community Fund. The first payment of some £27,000 has already been paid into the care of the Parish Council and the 2nd payment of some £13000 is expected in …… How the Community decides to manage this fund for the future is, again, a topic for discussion later this evening.


Quite separately, the precept-based funding of the PCs day-to-day activities remains under control and within budget. Reserves are deemed adequate to cope with reasonable contingencies and the PC is looking forward towards 2017 with energy and determination.

PUXTON ANNUAL PARISH MEETING – 12th May 2016 Ward councillor’s report

This is the start of my 14th year as ward councillor for Congresbury, but I have just completed my first year as your ward councillor in Puxton. I made an effort to get to know my new patch during the run up to the election last year and the following months, but much of my time this year was taken up by major planning applications in Congresbury. I hope you have still found me accessible and I attended the majority of parish council meetings.

North Somerset Council issues in general

The Core Strategy and planning issues dominated much of the year. The ruling by the Secretary of State of the required housing numbers to be built by 2016 put pressure on the Council to approve large applications on greenfield sites outside the settlement boundaries of service villages such as Yatton, Congresbury and Churchill despite strong local opposition. It was encouraging that the Barratt application off Brinsea Road in Congresbury was refused and the appeal dismissed. Two large applications were approved at North End, Yatton and a further two at Churchill. A smaller application was approved at Venus Street, Congresbury and a significantly reduced scheme was approved on a field off Cobthorn Way in Congresbury after a larger application was refused. While Puxton is not directly affected, the extra commuter traffic will put pressure on the A370 and B3133, particularly at the two junctions in Congresbury. It is hoped that the Core Strategy can be back on track by the end of the year and further speculative development can be resisted.

On the positive side, Weston Town Centre development is making progress. The Dolphin Square development has started, Weston College has achieved the University Centre status with the expected increase in undergraduate numbers and there plans new town centre high quality housing on Walliscote Road and on the Locking Road car park sites.

There is a new Waste contract on the horizon from next year with some controversial changes to green waste collection, which have not yet been finalised. The new Highways contract has been awarded to Skanska UK. New Community Care contracts seek to reduce the number of care agencies providing home care packages. The first of these was awarded for the Worle Area to the Human Support Group. Adult Social Services & Housing Scrutiny panel looked at the effects of outsourcing the START re-enablement service and at the problems of the Community Meals service, following the outsourcing of its support staff to Agilisys. Health Overview & Scrutiny Panel has looked at hospital discharge problems, some of which have been highlighted by Healthwatch. The shape of future provision at Weston Hospital and the response to the CQC inspection have also been subjects for scrutiny.

The government’s proposed Devolution Deal would involve a West of Authority headed by a directly elected ‘metro-mayor’ for the sub-region covering the four unitary authorities. The offer is for £30m a year for 30 years and the devolution of extra powers mainly relating to control of transport system (franchises), adult education and skills training (apprenticeships), help for long-term unemployed, support for business and enterprise zones. North Somerset Council will vote on whether or not to accept at a Special Council Meeting on Tuesday 7th June, but the other three unitary authorities have agreed to hold the vote on the 29th June, after the EU Referendum.

My specific roles on North Somerset Council: Independent/Green Group Leader (largest of the minority groups); Planning & Regulatory Committee; Adult Social Services & Housing Policy & Scrutiny Panel; Health Overview & Scrutiny Panel; Joint Health Overview Committee I have also served on several Working Groups and on the Employment Panel for the appointment of the new Director of Development & Environment.

Puxton parish matters

My first question in Council following last year’s election was about the installation of vehicle activated lights on the A370 by St. Anne’s School. It took nine months, several emails and phone calls not just by me but also by parish councillor Katy Wilson and minutes by the Parish Council, but we got there in the end. Speeding and along the whole stretch of the A370 remains an issue and has been raised with the police by Tom Daley, Katy Wilson and others.

The Strategic Flood Defence works have cause a great deal of disturbance and disruption to residents along Wick Lane. The scale and length of the project, the number of HGV movements and the timing of deliveries varied greatly from what was expected at the time when the project was given planning permission. The initial deliveries were carried out by a sub-contractor who ignored the time restrictions and whose drivers showed little consideration. Following complaints by residents and myself, a new local subcontractor was appointed. There was an improvement, but the continued disruption to local residents was still not acceptable. I have referred this to matter to the Chairman of the Strategic Planning & Economic Development Scrutiny Panel and a work group will look at the wider issue of how conditions attached to major works can be enforced.

The Heathfield gypsy/Roma traveller site has been given extended temporary permission for five pitches till April 2019. The Environment Agency maintains an objection on the basis of flood risk, but the same level of risk applies to all properties in the area. Puxton Park proposals for 120 holiday chalets was given planning permission after appeal.

Cllr Tom Leimdorfer [email protected] , 01934 830435


The Village Hall has existed to serve the parishioners of Hewish & Puxton since 1965. It is controlled principally by a committee, but day to day running of the hall are done by the Chairman and the Treasurer.

The Hall committee meets twice yearly, culminating in an AGM in November. The committee meetings discuss principally what rates to charge hirers and what maintenance issues need to be addressed.

Currently the hall is hired out on a regular basis to the Village Playgroup, the Village WI, 2 dog groups, a dance company and a Brass Band. These groups provide a hire coverage level to availability of around 25%. The hall is used also for one off parties.

The hall is also used to host, on an ad-hoc basis, elections at a parliamentary and a local level plus those for the police commissioner.

Financially as you see overleaf, the Hall for the year ended September 30th 2015 produced a surplus for the year of nearly £3,500. This means it has total reserves at the end of this year of some £14,300. There are substantial areas for immediate structural and maintenance improvements which will greatly erode this balance.

It must be pointed out that the Hall is only used by the playgroup, the WI and the Parish Council who have any connection to the Parish. Previous users like the Harvest Home, the School and a Youth Club have now folded or use other facilities. The Hall is now principally used by outside groups. This is an area of concern for myself.

Going forward the current Chairman and Treasurer have given notice that they are standing down at the AGM in November 2016 and therefore new local parishioners need to be found to run the hall on an ongoing basis.

C M Barker Chairman & Secretary


Report on St. Anne’s CEVA Primary School

I joined the school in April 2014 and have thoroughly enjoyed the last two years. In this time we have built a new campus in West Wick, employed about 18 new members of staff, significantly improved the learning environment @ Hewish and adopted a new pedagogy throughout the school.

Our attainment data continues to improve and our consistent focus upon improving quality of teaching and learning for all children is making a difference. We are a ‘Learning without Limits’ school whereby every child is expected to achieve and no labels are put on children that may affect their potential. There is a lovely film on our website where our children explain more about Learning without Limits.

We have just been inspected through the ‘Statutory Inspection of Anglican and Methodist Schools’ (SIAMS) process which is undertaken every 5 years. In 2011 we were judged to be good and in March 2016 we have been judged as outstanding. This is a result of significant work by many different people over the last 5 years and it is fabulous to see that officially recognised.

Our new campus @West Wick is becoming established and we have 30 Reception and 30 Year One children with another 30 set to join us in September 2016. Our Little Learner’s Nursery opened in September 2015 and is growing quickly. It is open between 7.30-6pm every day, for 50 weeks a year and spaces are filling fast. We are very proud of the feedback we receive from both parents and in a recent report from the local authority. Our hall is also available to hire and we have regular bookings for yoga, dance and music groups as well as hosting the Toy Library and a stay and play session every Wednesday run by North Somerset Children’s Centre.

Our Hewish campus is also growing. In September 2015 we moved to single age classes across the school and have 181 children on roll. We have spent a lot of time and money on our Hewish campus to improve the building fabric. All classrooms were painted over the summer- both inside and out, the hall has received a much needed lick of paint, the pigeons were rehouse, the children’s kitchen improved and we finally had improvements made to our car park to eradicate the pot holes and flooding thereby making it more accessible for all. We are very pleased that electronic signage has now been erected on the A370 so that passers-by realise that there is a school although the speed of the traffic is still a concern. We are currently in the process of updating our sewage arrangements @Hewish. The current cess pit is not fit for purpose and we are looking to install a pump before September.

Overall, St Anne’s is in a very healthy place in a time of great educational change! I am blessed to be the Head Teacher of such a fabulous school and I look forward with optimism to whatever the future may bring.

Lisa Dadds

Head Teacher

21.4.16 PUXTON PARISH COUNCIL INCOME & EXPENDITURE: 1st April 2016 - 31st March 2017 (Precept £6360 : CT Supplement £449.00)

DATE BANK (run via deposit account) GENERAL FUND EXPENSE ANALYSIS Voucher 2016 ITEM CH IN OUT BALANCE Stmnt NOTES Clerk’s Clk/Cllr Hall Misc Ins/Subs Puxton Web TOTALS VAT -2017 Pay Exp Hire Audit Flyer site Mar 31 Cleared Bal on Statement 9,027.45 31-32 Uncleared Item - Insurance 100090 239.26 8,788.19 Uncleared Item - Hall Hire 100091 50.00 8,738.19 Apr 1 Funds Bought Forward 8,738.19 - V01 Apr 5 NSC CT Supp BACS 449.00 9,187.19 31-32 0.00 V02 Apr 7 Wick Road Solar BACS 27976.00 37,163.19 31-32 0.00 V03 Fastrak Consultancy - PRIOR YEAR COST DD 36.00 37,127.19 31-32 AGREES ST 31-32 36.00 36.00 6.00 V04 ALCA Annual Sub 100092 54.68 37,072.51 33 54.68 54.68 V05 D Hill printing of flyer 100093 15.60 37,056.91 33 15.60 15.60 V06 Apr 18 NSC 1st Half Precept BACS 3180.00 40,236.91 33 0.00 ***V07 Apr 20 D Hill - net pay & expense SO 210.30 40,026.61 33 AGREES ST 33 176.00 34.30 210.30 V08 May 12 Philip J Smith - internal audit 100094 68.00 39,958.61 68.00 68.00 *** V09 D Hill - net pay & expense SO 210.30 39,748.31 176.00 34.30 210.30 39,748.31 0.00 39,748.31 0.00 39,748.31 0.00 39,748.31 0.00 39,748.31 0.00 39,748.31 0.00 39,748.31 0.00 39,748.31 0.00 39,748.31 0.00 39,748.31 0.00 39,748.31 0.00 39,748.31 0.00 39,748.31 0.00 39,748.31 0.00 39,748.31 0.00 39,748.31 0.00 39,748.31 0.00 39,748.31 0.00 39,748.31 0.00 39,748.31 0.00 39,748.31 0.00 39,748.31 0.00 39,748.31 0.00 39,748.31 0.00 39,748.31 0.00 39,748.31 0.00 39,748.31 0.00 39,748.31 0.00 39,748.31 0.00 39,748.31 0.00 39,748.31 0.00 39,748.31 0.00 39,748.31 0.00

1 DATE BANK (run via deposit account) GENERAL FUND EXPENSE ANALYSIS Voucher 2016 ITEM CH IN OUT BALANCE Stmnt NOTES Clerk’s Clk/Cllr Hall Misc Ins/Subs Puxton Web TOTALS VAT -2017 Pay Exp Hire Audit Flyer site 39,748.31 0.00 39,748.31 0.00 39,748.31 0.00 39,748.31 0.00 39,748.31 0.00 39,748.31 0.00 39,748.31 0.00 39,748.31 0.00 39,748.31 0.00 39,748.31 0.00 39,748.31 0.00 39,748.31 0.00 39,748.31 0.00 39,748.31 0.00 39,748.31 0.00 39,748.31 0.00 39,748.31 0.00 39,748.31 0.00 39,748.31 0.00 39,748.31 0.00 39,748.31 0.00 39,748.31 0.00 39,748.31 0.00 39,748.31 0.00 39,748.31 0.00 39,748.31 0.00 OPERATING FUNDS 39,748.31 0.00

INCOME & EXPENDITURE TOTALS 31605.00 594.88 0.00

TOTAL FUNDS TO C/F 39,748.31 Total Expenses 352.00 68.60 0.00 36.00 122.68 15.60 0.00 594.88 6.00

Clerk Clrk/Cllr Hall Misc Ins/Subs Puxton Web 594.88 VAT

☸ New Clerk’s Estimate Original Revised Exp Hire Audit Flyer Site Payroll (prior year cost) ✝ 180 50 Budget 2016-17

Training ✝ 350 0 Original 4,270.00 500.00 300.00 1,980.00 690.00 200.00 600.00 8,540.00 Misc ✝ 250 250 ☸ New Clerk’s Est 2640.00 450.00 300.00 1500.00 415.00 200.00 250.00 5755.00

Donations (plants) ✝ 200 200 ✝ ✝✝

Community Project (2nd noticeb’d) ✝ 1000 1000 Insurance ✝✝ 400 260 Est at Dec 2016 0.00

Subscriptions ✝✝ 190 55 Actual 2015-16 4,963.16 383.46 250.00 1,287.16 319.26 0.00 755.40 7,958.44 No Subs Audit ✝✝ 100 100


Daily Applications Registered by Parish

Start Date: 02-May-2016 End Date: 08-May-2016

App No. Location Proposal Case Applicant Agent Target Officer Date

Puxton 16/P/1050/NMA Orchard Lea, Bristol Road, Non Material Amendment to application Dominic Battrick Mr & Mrs Andrew Parsons, GSH Architects ltd, 3 26/05/2016 Hewish, Weston-super-Mare, 15/P/1894/F ( Erection of a single storey Orchard Lea, Bristol Road, Hollow Road, BS24 6RS ground floor extension to the rear Hewish, Weston-super- Almondsbury, BS32 4DP elevation following the demolition of the Mare, BS24 6RS existing conservatory. Increase height of roof ridge to create a first floor level with 2no. dormer windows and 4no. rooflights to the front elevation and 2no. dormer windows and 2no. rooflights to the rear elevation ) Demolition of existing chimney to front elevation. Minor amendment to dormer window and roof light location to front elevation. Rear elevation dormer windows- Change from flat roof to pitched roofs and amendment to dormer size. Proposed material finish to dormer windows. Dormer cheek materials amended.

09/05/2016 Reply Due Date: 6 June 2016 Daily Applications Registered by Parish 15