Progress In Electromagnetics Research, PIER 55, 175–188, 2005


T.-C. Tu, C.-M. Li, and C.-C. Chiu Electrical Engineering Department Tamkang University Tamsui, Taipei, R.O.C.

Abstract—The application of polarization diversity reception at the mobile terminal in micro cells at 2 GHz is presentedin this paper. Ray- tracing tool is usedto studyeffects of electric fieldpolarization on the received power in outdoor environments. The performance of diversity schemes with vertical/ horizontal polarization and+45 ◦/−45◦ slanted polarization are comparedin different line-of-sight (LOS) andnonline- of-sight (NLOS) environments. Basedon the evaluation of cross polarization discrimination (XPD) parameters, it is clarifiedthat different environments will affect XPD values in micro cells. Then, the vertical/horizontal polarization diversity and +45◦/ − 45◦ slantedpolarization diversity are chosen to compare with space diversity. Several different combining techniques of polarization and space diversity schemes are also compared in different environments. It is foundthat dual-polarizedantennas for mobile terminal are a promising alternative for two spacedantennas.

1 Introduction 2 Simulation Description 3 Simulation Results and Discussions 3.1 Cross Polarization Discriminations (XPD) 3.2 Diversity Gain 3.3 4 Conclusions References 176 Tu, Li, and Chiu


Multipath propagation resultedin Rayleigh fadingin nonline-of-sight (NLOS) and Rician in line-of-sight (LOS) paths in a propagation channel [1]. Space diversity is traditionally used to reduce fading problems at the base-station (BS) end in mobile networks. However, two separate receiving antennas are requiredwhen this scheme is appliedandantenna implementation is spatially large. Unfortunately, large antenna spacing increases both size andcost of BS and renders the use of multiple antennas in handsets very difficult. The use of dual-polarized antennas for the mobile terminal is promising cost andspace-effective alternative, where two spatially separated uni-polarizedantennas are replacedby a single antenna structure employing two orthogonal polarizations [2]. Polarization diversity is one of the most promising techniques to reduce fading with a compact antenna configuration requiring only one antenna location for the mobile terminal. The applicability of polarization diversity can partly be evaluated to analyze signal cross correlation andcross polarization discrimination(XPD) values. Further, the effectiveness of a diversity system is measured by a quantity known as diversity gain. The first aim of this paper is to clarify the influence of an environment on polarization diversity scheme in micro cells. This is basedon the evaluation of XPD parameter. The secondtarget is to study the system performance of the polarization diversity scheme and compare it with horizontal space diversity schemes for different environments.


The characteristics of the micro-cellular channel in outdoor environ- ments are at 2 GHz. Multiple reflections, transmissions, diffractions are taken into account. We simulate two different environments as shown in Figure 1 (urban) andFigure 2 (semi-urban). Figure 1 shows a propagation environment consisting of 12 buildings with different heights between 20 m∼50 m. The main street is 30 m wide. The testing routes are labeledas R1 (LOS) andR2 (NLOS), respectively. Figure 2 shows a propagation environment consisting of 6 buildings with different heights between 20 m∼45 m. The main street is 30 m wide. Above the two routes in different environments, the transmitting antenna is locatedat Tx on the main street near the crossroad. Progress In Electromagnetics Research, PIER 55, 2005 177


100 H=45m H=35m

50 H=50m H=30m R1 H=25m

0 Tx

Y position(m) H=30m H=20m H=29m H=20m R2 -50 H=40m H=30m H=35m -100

-150 -100 -80 -60 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 80 100 X position(m)

Figure 1. Layout of urban.


100 H=45m H=35m

50 R1

0 Tx

Y position(m) H=20m H=30m H=20m -50 R2 H=30m


-150 -100 -80 -60 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 80 100 X position(m)

Figure 2. Layout of semi-urban. 178 Tu, Li, and Chiu

Transmitting andreceiving antennas are both half- wavelength dipole. The heights of the transmitting andreceiving antennas are 20 m and 2 m, respectively. Transmitting power is 3.6 W, andthe operating frequency is 2 GHz. In Figures 3 and4, we show the comparisons of propagation loss in the different routes in the urban area. Figures 5 and6, show the comparison of propagation loss in the different routes in the semi-urban area. Each of T x/Rx antennas uses four different polarization types: 1) Tx: vertical polarization/Rx: vertical polarization. 2) Tx: vertical polarization/Rx: horizontal polarization. 3) Tx: +45◦ slantedpolarization/ Rx: +45◦ slantedpolarization. 4) Tx: +45◦ slantedpolarization/ Rx: −45◦ slantedpolarization.


3.1. Cross Polarization Discriminations (XPD) Two methods are considered in the following. In the first method, the primary polarization is set to be vertical. Therefore, co-polarization for this case means Vertical/Vertical, andcross polarization means Vertical/Horizontal [4]. We assume vertical andhorizontal components of the receiving fieldto have uncorrelatedsmall-scale fadingbecause of different propagation paths. The value of XPD in this method can be determined as: | | | | Pvv 1/Pvv(loss) Pvh(loss) XPDv/h = = | | = | | (1) Pvh 1/Pvh(loss) Pvv(loss) The primary polarization is set to be 45◦ in the secondmethodwhere primary polarization is +45◦. Therefore, co-polarization for this case means +45◦/ +45◦, andcross polarization means +45 ◦/ − 45◦.We assume +45◦ and −45◦ component of the receiving filedto have uncorrelated small-scale fading because of different propagation paths. The value of XPD in this methodcan be determinedas:

| ◦ ◦ | | ◦ ◦ | P+45◦+45◦ 1/P+45 +45 (loss) P+45 −45 (loss) XPD+45◦/−45◦ = = = ◦ ◦ | ◦ ◦ | | ◦ ◦ | P+45 −45 1/P+45 −45 (loss) P+45 +45 (loss) (2) We used two methods to compare XPD in different environments (urban & semi-urban areas). In Figures 7 and8, we illustrate the comparison of XPD in the different routes. It is shown that the simulatedXPD value of the vertical/ horizontal polarization diversity scheme was larger than +45◦/ − 45◦ Progress In Electromagnetics Research, PIER 55, 2005 179

150 Tx(V)-Rx(V)---urban Tx(V)-Rx(H)---urban 140 Tx(+45)-Rx(+45)---urban Tx(+45)-Rx(-45)---urban 130

) 120 B d ( s s o

l 11 0

n o i t

a 100 g a p o r 90 P



60 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 receiver position(m)

Figure 3. Propagation losses in route R1 (urban).




) 120 B d ( s s o

l 11 0

n o i t

a 100 g a p o r 90 P

80 Tx(V)-Rx(V)---urban Tx(V)-Rx(H)---urban Tx(+45)-Rx(+45)---urban 70 Tx(+45)-Rx(-45)---urban

60 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 receiver position(m)

Figure 4. Propagation losses in route R2 (urban). 180 Tu, Li, and Chiu

150 Tx(V)-Rx(V)---semi-urban Tx(V)-Rx(H)---semi-urban 140 Tx(+45)-Rx(+45)---semi-urban Tx(+45)-Rx(-45)---semi-urban 130

) 120 B d ( s s o

l 11 0

n o i t

a 100 g a p o r 90 P



60 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 receiver position(m)

Figure 5. Propagation losses in route R1 (semi-urban).

150 Tx(V)-Rx(V)---semi-urban Tx(V)-Rx(H)---semi-urban 140 Tx(+45)-Rx(+45)---semi-urban Tx(+45)-Rx(-45)---semi-urban 130

) 120 B d ( s s o

l 11 0

n o i t

a 100 g a p o r 90 P



60 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 receiver position(m)

Figure 6. Propagation losses in route R2 (semi-urban). Progress In Electromagnetics Research, PIER 55, 2005 181

70 Tx(V)-Rx(V/H)---urban Tx(+45)-Rx(+45/-45)---urban 60 Tx(V)-Rx(V/H)---semi-urban Tx(+45)-Rx(+45/-45)---semi-urban 50

40 ) B d ( 30 D P X 20



-10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 receiver position(m)

Figure 7. XPD in route R1.




40 )

B Tx(V)-Rx(V/H)---urban d ( 30 Tx(+45)-Rx(+45/-45)---urban D

P Tx(V)-Rx(V/H)---semi-urban

X Tx(+45)-Rx(+45/-45)---semi-urban 20



-10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 receiver position(m)

Figure 8. XPD in route R2. 182 Tu, Li, and Chiu slantedpolarization diversity scheme in each route andenvironment. It was foundthe simulatedXPD value is usually greater in LOS than NLOS paths, because the direct ray is a great influence for the reception, dominating over the other multipath contributions. It was also foundthat XPD value were higher in the semi-urban than urban environment, this may be due to the fact that semi-urban is a more open scenario andthere is fewer obstacles near the antennas andthus the signal receivedwith horizontal ( −45◦) polarization is not sufficiently depolarized to be an important coupling of energy in the vertical (+45◦) polarization.

3.2. Diversity Gain Diversity gain is defined as the ratio of output SNR after combining (γout) to the input SNR on the strongest branch (γin), andis calculated basedon cumulative probabilities. For given cumulative of X, the diversity gain is [5]: γout(X) Gdiv(X)= (3) γin(X) For a cumulative probability X, the SNR after combining is: S2 (X) γ (X)= out (4) out 2σ2 Nout

2 where σNout is the noise power in the combinedsignal and Sout(X)is the envelope in the combinedsignal. The input SNR is: S2 (X) γ (X)= in (5) in 2σ2 Nin where σ2 is the noise power of the branch that has the highest average Nin signal and Sin(X) is the envelope of the branch that has the highest average signal. For selection diversity, the output SNR is given by S2 (X) γ (X)=γ (X)= sel (6) out sel 2σ2 Nout If S2 (X)  2σ2 and S2 (X)  2σ2 , the approximate selection out Nout in Nin diversity gain is:

2 γout(X) ≈ Sout(X) Gsel(X)= 2 (7) γin(X) Sin(X) Progress In Electromagnetics Research, PIER 55, 2005 183

The largest diversity gain is achieved when the mean levels of the signals from the two branches are equal and fading is independent in the two branches [6]. The vertical/horizontal diversity signals are always unequal, so we choice +45◦/ − 45◦ slantedpolarization to compete space diversity. We use formula (7) for selective combining techniques to calculate diversity gain of horizontal space diversity and +45◦/−45◦ slanted polarization diversity in two different environments (urban & semi-urban). In Figures 9 and10, we illustrate the comparison of cumulative diversity gain in the different routes. It is seem that the diversity gain with polarization diversity in NLOS routes is sometimes superior to space diversity. So we can use +45◦/ − 45◦ slantedpolarization for mobile terminal to obtain good diversity gain in NLOS routes. It was also found the diversity gain is greater in urban than semi-urban area, andthis might be caused by more multiple reflections, transmissions, anddiffractionsin urban environments.

3.3. Diversity Combining Diversity combining techniques include selection, equal-gain combin- ing, andmaximum-ratio combining. More detailedbackgroundinfor- mation will be described as follows: contains more detailed background information will be listedon diversity combining. 1) Selection diversity: In selection diversity, two or more receivers are used, with each connected to a different antenna. For selection diversity, the output SNR is give by S2 (t) 1 S2 (t) γ (t) = max m = max S2 (t) = sel (8) sel 2σ2 2σ2 m 2σ2 Nm N N

2 where σNm is the noise power on the mth diversity branch and Sm(t) is the envelope of the signal on the mth branch. The approximate diversity gain is found by substituting (7) and (8). 2 ≈ Ssel(X) Gsel(X) 2 (9) Smmax (X) where 2 ··· 2 mmax = max S1 , SM (10) 2) Equal gain combining: Equal gain combining is achievedby co- phasing andsumming signals from two or more receiver branches. For equal gain combining, the instantaneous SNR of the combinedsignal 184 Tu, Li, and Chiu




0.85 a s s i c s 0.8 b Space diversity---urban A

< Polarization diversity---urban 0.75 y

t Space diversity---semi-urban i l i Polarization diversity---semi-urban b

a 0.7 b o r

P 0.65



0.5 0 5 10 15 Diversity Gain(dB)

Figure 9. Cumulative diversity gain in route R1.




0.85 Space diversity---urban a

s Polarization diversity---urban s i

c Space diversity---semi-urban s 0.8 b Polarization diversity---semi-urban A

< .75 y 0 t i l i b

a 0.7 b o r

P 0.65



0.5 0 5 10 15 Diversity Gain(dB)

Figure 10. Cumulative diversity gain in route R2. Progress In Electromagnetics Research, PIER 55, 2005 185 is M 2 Sm S2 γ = m=1 = egc (11) egc M 2Mσ2 2 N 2 σNm m=1 The approximate diversity gain is

S2 (X) ≈ egc Gegc(X) 2 (12) MSmmax (X) where M Segc = Sm (13) m=1 3) Maximal-ratio combining: In maximal ratio combining, the signals from all receiver branches are co-phased, weighted, and summed. The amplitude weighting of each branch is proportional to the SNR on that branch. For maximal ratio combining, the instantaneous SNR of the combinedsignal is given by the sum of the SNR on the M branches. M S2 M m 2 m=1 Smrc γmrc = γm = 2 = 2 (14) m=1 2σN 2σN The approximate diversity gain is

2 ≈ Smrc(X) Gmrc 2 (15) Smmax (X) where M 2 Smrc = (Sm) (16) m=1 We use formula (9), (12) and (15) to calculate different diversity gain. Selection, equal gains andmaximum ratio combining of polarization diversity scheme and space diversity are compared in Figures 11 and 12, respectively. 186 Tu, Li, and Chiu

Figure 11. Comparison of combining methods of polarization diversity scheme.

Fig. 12

Figure 12. Comparison of combining methods of polarization and space diversity schemes. Progress In Electromagnetics Research, PIER 55, 2005 187


In this paper, the relationship between XPD anddiversity gain of a polarization scheme at the mobile terminal in micro cells at 2 GHz was studied. The XPD value were calculated to use different polarization scheme in different routes and environments, and the results showed that the XPD value of the vertical/horizontal polarization diversity scheme was larger than +45◦/ − 45◦ slantedpolarization diversity scheme in each routes andenvironments. It was foundthe simulated XPD value is usually greater in LOS paths than in NLOS paths, and greater in semi-urban than urban. The largest diversity gain is achieved when the mean levels of the signals from the two branches are equal andfadingis independent in the two branches. The horizontal space diversity was chosen to compare with +45◦/ − 45◦ slantedpolarization, since vertical/horizontal diversity signals were always unequal. We used selective combining techniques to calculate diversity gain of this two diversity schemes in different environments. In the LOS routes, it was found the diversity gain with space diversity is usually greater than that with polarization diversity. However, in NLOS routes, the diversity gain with polarization diversity is sometime emerged as superior to space diversity. It was also found the diversity gain is greater in urban than semi-urban environment. We have also seen the maximal ratio combining gives the best performance with multipath fading. The performance of selection and equal gain systems depends on the signal distribution. In conclusions, in the mobile terminal at 2 GHz, we can choose the +45◦/−45◦ slantedpolarization diversity scheme in most of the NOLS paths andcompact environments. The application of dual-polarized antennas for mobile terminal is a promising alternative for cost and space efficiency, where two spatially separateduni-polarizedantennas are replacedby a single antenna structure employing two orthogonal +45◦/ − 45◦ slantedpolarizations.


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Ting-Chieh Tu was born in Tainan, Taiwan, Republic of China, on April 12, 1976. He receivedM.S.E.E. degreefrom Tamkang University in 2002. He is currently working towardPh.D. degreeat the Department of Electrical Engineering, Tamkang University.

Chao-Min Li was born in Taipei, Taiwan, Republic of China, on November 20, 1972. He receivedM.S.E.E. degreefrom Tamkang University in 2004. He is currently an Engineer in Chunghwa Telecom Co., Ltd. His current research interests include mobile computing and networks.

Chien-Ching Chiu was born in Taoyuan, Taiwan, Republic of China, on January 23, 1963. He receivedthe B.S.C.E. degreefrom National Chiao Tung University, Hsinchu, Taiwan, in 1985 andM.S.E.E. and Ph.D. degrees from National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan, in 1987 and1991 respectively. From 1987 to 1989, he servedin the ROC Army Force as a communication officer. In 1992 he joinedthe faculty of the Department of Electrical Engineering, Tamkang University, where he is now an Professor. He was a visiting scholar at MIT andUniversity of Illinois, Urbana from 1998 to 1999. His current research interests include imaging, numerical techniques in electromagnetics andindoor wireless communications.