PRESENT Cllrs P Allen, R Aston, S Browning, J Coyle, M Haywood, P Jackson, M Paterson, B Woodward(Chairman), Clerk Alison Winskell and 1 member of the public.

IN ATTENDANCE Ward Cllrs P Duckett and M Smith

210. APOLOGIES Cllrs Lawrence, Richardson and Ward Cllr Blair



213. TO RECEIVE A REPORT FROM CENTRAL COUNCIL REPRESENTATIVES Cllr Paul Duckett said that the Covid 19 virus infection rate was currently at .9 but is rising. There had been a problem in caused partly by people returning from holidays abroad and partly from cases at the Cheshire Home. CBC is solvent and financially sound, well ahead of the game. Their housing corporation will be building houses on land owned by them and they are also forming their own company to better support the care sector. Hillsons are putting in an application for a holiday chalet park on their land soon.

Cllr Mark Smith spoke about the Cllrs £2k grants which are still available as well as the additional £1k Covid grants. The Assets grants closed on 1st September and were oversubscribed. He also reported that the Greensand Trust has applied for a grant to develop the land beside the A6

Cllr Woodward asked the Ward Cllrs if they could get the CBC bins removed from the Dog and Badger car park and also ask the refuse collectors to put the bins away so they’re not blocking the footpaths on bin day.

It was reported that footpath 14 is very dangerous as there is barbed wire hidden in the long grass. Children could be hurt by it as they might not see it. Cllr Duckett said he would speak to CBC footpaths team about it and Cllr Woodward will speak to the landowner.

Cllr Browning asked the Ward Cllrs if they could speak to waste services about the overflowing dog waste bins.


05/07/2020 Road 40/36083/20 Theft if not classified elsewhere 07/07/2020 Moor Lane 40/36366/20 Theft if not classified elsewhere 12/07/2020 Wingfield Close 40/37539/20 Affray Snow Hill 40/37537/20 Other criminal damage to a vehicle (Under £5,000) 13/07/2020 Wingfield Avenue 40/37690/20 Assault occasioning actual bodily harm (ABH) 20/07/2020 Undisclosed 40/39030/20

Signed ______Page | 1844

Harassment - Putting people in fear of violence 24/07/2020 Flitwick Road 40/39721/20 Sec 4 POA Fear or provocation of violence Becketts Close 40/39736/20 Sec 5 POA Harassment, alarm or distress 28/07/2020 The Brache 40/40583/20 Sec 4a POA Causing intentional harassment, alarm or distress 01/08/2020 Kings Road 40/41320/20 Burglary - Residential - Non-Dwelling 02/08/2020 Kings Road 40/41544/20 Assault without Injury - Common assault and battery 08/08/2020 Kings Road 40/42778/20 Burglary - Residential - Non-Dwelling 08/08/2020 Undisclosed 40/42813/20 Sexual 11/08/2020 Undisclosed 40/43353/20 Harassment - Pursue course of conduct in breach of Sec 1 (1) which amounts to stalking 15/08/2020 Ampthill Road 40/44154/20 Affray 30/08/2020 Undisclosed 40/46969/20 Sending letters etc with intent to cause distress or anxiety 31/08/2020 Kings Road 40/47181/20 Assault without Injury - Common assault and battery

Ampthill Community Safety Group

There have been no meetings of the Ampthill Community Safety Group. There is one scheduled for 10th September via Zoom. Correspondence via ACSG identifies ongoing issues with inappropriate parking on The Brache by football players/parents on Saturday mornings. Street Watch have been asked to have a presence to monitor the situation.

Street Watch

4 patrols were carried out in July, totalling 10.5 hours. Issues 7th July - allotment holders reported 13 new small laurel bushes had been dug up and stolen

9 patrols were carried out in August totalling 17.5 hours. Issues 11th Aug – Virgin Communications box by the White Hart was open again 17th Aug – Discovered a water leak to the rear of 2A Church Road. Reported it to the Householders who notified Anglian Water. Road sign opposite Maulden Lower School was facing the wrong way. Reported to CBC and it has been corrected. 20 mph when lights are flashing’ sign in Road is covered by trees. Reported to CBC. Small gas cannisters found in Gardeners Close, picked up and disposed of. 18th Aug – Lamp post on corner of The Brache & Ampthill Road reported to SW as not working. Reported to Cllr Paterson who happened to be passing. Took note & measurements of 8 potholes in Flitwick Road. Reported to CBC 21st Aug Water End residents complained of fly tipping. It was reported to SW that 74 Clophill Road which has been empty for 2 years had been broken into twice. The owners had not reported it as they felt the police were not interested. 28th Aug – Large branch had partially broken off a tree and was blocking one lane of Green End at the Clophill Road End. Reported to CBC.

Signed ______Page | 1845

Three road signs on the A507 approaching the Clophill roundabout from Ampthill have been reported to CBC as being obstructed by trees.

Notes for Patrols

1 Monitor parking opposite Budgens on the corner of George St and around the school 2 Lookout for signs of drug dealing anywhere 3 Look out for youngsters on motorbikes 4 Late afternoon and evening, patrols to watch for anti-social youngsters on the Rec, Moor Lane, Duck End nature reserve, the allotments and the play are in Gardeners Close. 5 Check the defibrillators are OK.

Future Events – Subject to restrictions being lifted 1. SW team to meet with Juliet Wright 2. SW lunch 3. Remembrance Sunday Parade 8th Nov at the war memorial.

Speed Watch

Speed Watch group carried out 6 hours of roadside monitoring in August, during which:

 Sessions were conducted on 6 occasions across 6 different sites within Maulden  A total of 41 vehicles were logged exceeding the ‘reportable’ speed limit.  15 were commercial vehicles (36%)  5 vehicles had been logged on 1 previous occasion  15 vehicles were travelling at 40mph or more in 30mph zones  Highest individual speed recorded was 44mph on Snow Hill during a Monday morning session

This month, are supporting a Get Safe Online campaign with Action Fraud, as part of the # MulletOver campaign. Fake emails from TV Licensing, HMRC and GOV.UK are the most common. Anyone who receives an email they think may be suspicious should forward it to Suspicious Email Reporting Service (SERS) at [email protected] More information can be found at actionfraud.police.uk/mulletover


CB/20/02495/FULL - The Barns adjacent Water End Farm, 15 Water End Rd, Maulden, MK45 2BD Conversion of barns to form residential dwelling including partial demolition and single storey and two storey extensions.

RESOLVED – no objection to this application. However we have concerns related to the incorrect position of the red line on the site plan which includes the shared roadway with access to adjacent properties. This applies to both the “Site Location Plan” and the “Block Plan As Proposed”. This issue should be resolved prior to any decision on the application.

CB/20/00624/RM - Land East of No13 Clophill Road Maulden MK45 2AA Reserved Matters: following Outline Application CB/18/04183/OUT Erection of 14 dwellings including access. Reserved matters sought on appearance, landscape, layout and scale

RESOLVED – Whilst this development is already approved this area was (and still is) identified as an Important Countryside Gap in the CBC Local Plan and therefore the appearance, layout, landscaping is particularly important. Maulden Parish Council has concerns regarding the late change to the ecology/landscape survey and any adverse impact this has on the original application and subsequent appeal. In particular the following comments already raised by Landscape, Ecology, Greensand Trust need to be addressed before approving the reserved matters in regard to landscaping and layout:  Issues raised by the Landscape Officer and the strong objections to the original layout in memorandum dated 9th April 2020.

Signed ______Page | 1846

 Greensand Trust objection to the application and the points raised in email of 5th May 2020  Concern raised by Ecology Officer that the proposed layout appears to have a greater land take than the indicative layout at outline application. Maulden Parish Council relies on CBC Officers to manage and resolve these issues.

CB/20/02721/FULL - Land East of Moor Lane, Maulden, , MK45 2DJ Resubmission: Erection of three self-build dwellings for each of the Applicant's with private accesses off Moor Lane associated landscaping and ancillary works.

RESOLVED – object to this application on the following basis:

 Site outside Maulden Settlement Envelope and so for planning purposes is located in open countryside. Therefore it conflicts with Policy DM4 of the CSDMP.  Loss of green space and character of the area by filling of gap between existing dwellings and this new proposal.  Overdevelopment of the area as nine (9) dwellings already approved under CB/20/00306/FULL on a site next door. MPC had no objection as this is on a brown field site and the style/size of the houses contributed to the need of the village.  Houses are not in character with the existing build in this area.  Road is only single width. Development would increase traffic along this single width stretch of road with no passing areas.

CB/20/02450/FULL - Warren View, Limbersey Lane, Maulden, Bedford, MK45 2EA Erection of 3m high fence to surround the sports court in garden (Retrospective)

RESOLVED – no objection

CB/20/02965/OUT - 109 Clophill Road, Maulden, Bedford, MK45 2AD Demolition of existing former public house, change of use and erection of five dwellings including associated works and access with some matters reserved

RESOLVED – strongly object to all three aspects of this application on the following basis:

Initial Comment

The Applicant’s planning statement 5.3 states that the loss of the existing public house does not conflict with adopted policy DM8 loss of village facilities as this policy is only relevant to local facilities located within villages – the site is located outside of a village and 4.7 states the Dog and Badger PH doesn’t serve a village as such because of its location.

This is clearly not correct as the Dog and Badger is surrounded by dwellings, is very much inside Maulden village and serves this part of the village because of its location. Therefore DM8 is applicable as in fact this part of Maulden village is expanding considerably compared to other parts of Maulden. The following Planning Applications are already approved or awaiting approval clearly demonstrates this expansion.

 CB/18/00435/OUT approved– Old Farm, Clophill Road, Maulden – 49 dwellings 0.4M from Dog & Badger  CB/17/00981/OUT approved– Land North of Clophill Road, Maulden – 21 dwellings 0.3M from Dog & Badger  CB/17/045683/OUT approved – Land adj 129A & 131 Clophill Road, Maulden – 25 dwellings 03.M from Dog & Badger  CB/20/00917/FULL awaiting approval - Land adj to 144 Clophill Road, Maulden – 23 dwellings 0.2M from Dog & Badger  CB/17/04032/FULL approved – Land off Green End, Maulden – 5 dwellings 0.3M from Dog and Badger

Total of 123 dwellings, all in this part of Maulden and within walking distance of the Dog and Badger.

Signed ______Page | 1847

Change of Use.

 Loss of community amenity that currently serves around 250 properties in the village plus the potential expansion of 123 dwellings in this part of Maulden as stated above. The nearest pub is “The George” in Maulden which is approx 1 mile away and “The Flying Horse” in Clophill, which is approx same distance over the busy A6 so there is no other facility within easy walking distance of this part of the village community so the application conflicts with adopted policy DM8 of the CSDMP and policy R2 of the CBC Local Plan.  A petition raised by a local resident to save the Dog and Badger has reached 812 signatures as at this date. This is being forwarded to CBC Planning by the resident.  The Applicants planning statement advise “The Dog and Badger PH doesn’t really serve a village as such because of its location. The exact opposite is in fact the case. The Dog and Badger serves this part of Maulden because of its location. This part is already poorly served by local infrastructure so removal of this amenity would only exasperate this.  Precipitative nature of the sale inspite of potential interest of a local businessman, who would have retained it as a freehold public house. MPC approached Charles Wells to ask why they did not consider the community aspect of the sale and they advised “The pub has been sold in the ordinary course of an estate review as the site was no longer sustainable as a tenanted business. The future use of the pub is a matter for the new owner”. The potential purchaser, with new investment, could possibly transform the pub into a viable going concern as a freehouse business, but was not offered the opportunity. Since potentially there is the prospect of the current use continuing this also conflicts with adopted policy DM8 of the CSDMP and policy R2 of the CBC Local Plan.  In the Maulden Neighbourhood Plan in answer to the question “How important is it to keep the Dog and Badger as a village facility” 54.21% answered Very and 35.35% answered fairly so a total of 89.56% responded positively.

Demolition of existing former public

 Although the building is not listed it is however a unique historic building dating back to pre-1800 that suits this area. The Landscape Officer agrees with this point and also recommends the building is retained as it is important in terms of sense of place. Therefore in any proposal for development of the site the building should be retained in his current form.  In the proposal for the development of “The George” in Maulden it was agreed that the George Inn be retained as a public house and a new house was built on the site so reaching a satisfactory solution for all parties. With the size of site and potential access at the rear this could also be a solution for the Dog and Badger.

Erection of five dwellings

 Out of character with adjacent properties which on one side are bungalows and on the other linear developments.  Replacing the current building with five dwellings would detract from the character of the area.  Over-development of the site. Further development in this part of Maulden that already has major developments approved  The current building is a chalet type properties so the two storey dwellings would “dominate” the bungalows at the back of the site

CB/20/03103/FULL - 79 Water End Road, Maulden, Bedford, MK45 2BB Single storey rear extension

RESOLVED – no objection

Other Planning Matters

CB/19/03900/FULL – 56 Ampthill Road, Maulden. MK45 2DH Erection of new end terraced house.

Signed ______Page | 1848

Full application was granted on 11/08/2020.

CB/20/02207/FULL - 15 The Knoll, Maulden, Bedford, MK45 2DB Proposed rear single storey extension Full application was granted on 12/08/2020. Whilst MPC and neighbours’ concerns about working hours, the potential for builder’s vehicles and materials to block The Knoll and the footpath were acknowledged it was considered by the Planning Officer unnecessary/unreasonable to attach any conditions. If there is a problem this is a matter for the CBC Pollution Team, Police or CBC Highways under their powers.

CB/20/01478/FULL – Old Orchard, Water End Road, Water End, Maulden. MK45 2BD Erection of two new dwelling houses & associated cart lodge garages. No decision on the this application

Dog and Badger See Planning Application CB/20/02965/OUT. There has been no action reported on the petition raised by Tristan Wickins.

S106 Monies Cllr Jackson has finalised details of current status of monies available to Maulden now and in the future so as reported at the last meeting MPC need to consider the following:  Developments completed and monies available now.  Developments either just started or not started such as Old Farm where S106 monies have been allocated but will not be available until 2021/2.  Future Developments not yet submitted – where and for what should MPC request S106 monies when we receive Planning Applications. Also the Neighbourhood Plan Draft contains a prioritised list of projects for S106 monies. Cllr Aston has listed them in his report and these should be considered and taken into account by MPC as they are based on the feedback from the village.

Changes to the current planning system The Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government have issued consultations on reform of the planning system and this was circulated to all members on 10th August with a proposal that the Planning Group respond. Since planning is of such importance to local communities we are encouraged to respond and so any input from members to the Planning Group would be welcome.

216. TO RECEIVE A RECREATION GROUND / REPLACEMENT SLIDE REPORT – CLLR SUMMERFIELD/RICHARDSON Cllr Summerfield was not at the meeting and had not sent in his report Cllr Richardson has still not had a response from the companies he contacted to get the remedial repairs carried out which were recommended by the play area inspection. He will chase them up.


The following lamps were found to be defective M1 The Brache M4 Wingfield Avenue M7 Ampthill Road M4 Ampthill Road sometimes on in daytime

Lamp 4F not working at the bottom of the steps leading from the side of Rec up to Beckets Close (reported this to CBC as it is very dark and you cannot see the steps, a real hazard)

There is still no progress on the lamps in Snowhill even they were promised and scheduled for 24 August-3 September after much acclaim on Social Media, I am not aware of the reasons for this situation, perhaps someone from CBC could explain. Cllr Blair has contacted Ian Dalgarno and asked for an explanation

218. TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF MAULDEN PARISH COUNCIL MEETING HELD ON 27TH JULY 2020. Cllr Aston asked for the wording on item 205 regarding a Charities representative be changed from ‘impossible’ to ‘difficult’ Apart from this the minutes were approved and will be taken to the Chairman for signing tomorrow.

Signed ______Page | 1849

219. TO RECEIVE THE CLERK’S REPORT The second precept payment has been received from CBC and the Allotment Rent letters have gone out.

220. TO RECEIVE THE CHAIRMAN’S REPORT Cllr Woodward said it is planned to have the Remembrance Service in Maulden at the memorial in the morning.

221. CORRESPONDENCE 29/07/20 - Virtual Community Safety drop ins 29/07/20 - Workshop invitation - aligning the Greensand Country Plan with Parish Council priorities 30/07/20 - A message from the Lord-Lieutenant 01/08/20 - CPRE August 2020 Newsletter 04/08/20 - CPRE Bedfordshire AGM - 16th September 2020 05/08/20 - COVID-19 Bulletin 06/08/20 – CPRE Countryside Voices and Fieldwork magazines Summer 2020 edition 10/08/20 - CPRE A planning system shake-up 10/08/20 - Zero waste van proposal 10/08/20 - MHCLG Planning Consultations 10/08/20 - Supplementary COVID-19 Bulletin 16/08/20 - Your August newsletter from Bedfordshire Rural Communities Charity 16/08/20 - Lord-Lieutenant's Virtual Service for VJ Day 17/08/20 - CPRE Bedfordshire's response to CBC’s Local Plan 2035 Examination 20/08/20 - LGA Code of Conduct consultation 20/08/20 - Bedfordshire Bugle - September 2020 & MHCLG's Planning consultations 20/08/20 - Community Assets Grant Scheme 21/08/20 – Great British September Clean 24/08/20 - Maulden Churchyard wall 27/08/20 - CPRE September 2020 Newsletter 02/09/20 - Maulden Recreation Ground - Maulden Magpies Football Club 02/09/20 - Webinar for Clerks and Council Officers 07/09/20 – New water pipeline 07/09/20 - Great British September Clean

Cllr Allen reported that he had received a complaint from an Ampthill Town Councillor about a landowner blocking a footpath across his land. Cllr Allen has set up a meeting with the landowner to try and resolve the issue.

222. TO CONSIDER A) COUNCILLOR’S EXPENSES Cllr Woodward wondered if councillors felt they needed expenses. After a short discussion it was

RESOLVED – that if councillors feel they need recompense for expenditure they will ask

B) UPDATES FROM ALLOTMENTS, COMMUNITY SAFETY/LIAISON, FINANCE, HIGHWAYS, NEIGHBOURHOOD PLAN, AND TREE WARDEN Allotments – Cllr Woodward There are some allotments which need work doing on them. Cllr Paterson reported that his new puppy had fallen in the ditch water in the allotments and was very poorly. He asked if there is any control over chemicals used on the allotments and should there be a sign saying not to go into the water. What if it had been a child. Cllr Duckett said he’d seen the ditches full of white residue in the past.

RESOLVED – Cllr Haywood will look into the issue with a view to getting Environmental Health to test the water before the allotments to see if the chemical is entering the watercourse before the allotments.

Highways – Cllr Coyle Cllr Coyle has spoken to Tim Oxley at CBC Highways regarding the SiDS which we want to purchase and said how disappointed we are with the lack of response to our proposed project. Apparently it has been sitting on the leaders desk for a while. Cllr Coyle emailed James Jamieson who said officers have been redirected to other areas resulting in delays, it will get done in time. The only other option is to buy them ourselves but permission would still be needed from CBC

Signed ______Page | 1850

NHP Update – Cllr Aston Since the last MPC meeting we’ve met three times, each meeting has taken the draft plan forward and it now contains an executive summary to make it easier to read. Next step is share it with Tom Price, Neighbourhood Involvement Officer, at CBC. Coincidentally,Tom has contacted us asking for an update and I have gone back to him enclosing the executive summary, advising the draft plan will follow and asking for his advice and guidance. The draft has now been sent to him and a Zoom meeting with him will take place soon. He felt that achieving Reg 14 by Christmas is doable but a referendem by May is unlikely.

At the last meeting I mentioned we may need to obtain professional planning advice and mentioned a sum of £500. Upon reporting back to the group I realise I underestimated this and it could be £2000.

We have been contacted by BRCC, on behalf of CBC with a view to undertaking a housing needs survey. I’ve contacted BRCC and they will use the existing HNS.

S106 money The draft NHP contains a prioritised list of projects or uses for S106 monies based on the evidence used to create the plan. The list is below

Priority "Project" or Use of s106 Funds 1 Assist the creation of "full" Post Office facilities in the village 2 Assist the creation of a GP surgery in the village 3 Improvements to the Village Hall 4 Funding of Speed Indicator Devices 5 Improvements to Pavilion / Recreation Ground 6 Improvements to pavements /walkways 7 Expansion of the School 8 Pavement and street cleaning contract 9 Creation of a "Buffer Zone" to Duck End Reserve 10 Creation of cycleways to Flitwick and Ampthill 11 Funding for PV (solar panels) to Village Hall and Pavilion 12 Improvements to PRoW (Public Rights of Way) 13 Improvements to paths within Maulden Woods 14 Creation of a Pedestrian Crossing on the A507 15 Use of allotments and/or Parish Council Land for the creation of an orchard, seating area or gym

Next Steps  Draft to CBC and get their comments.  Consider obtaining ‘expert’ help via a review by a professional planning consultant.  Back to CBC.  Review by MPC.  Regulation 14 consultation when it goes out to the community so that we have the opportunity of considering a full range of views and opinions.. Minimum 6 weeks to be allowed. We’re hoping this will be by the year end.  NHP Group to consider/respond to all the comments made and tweak/refine the draft plan.  Referendum - When the village vote on it. Needs min 50% of those voting to agree for it to pass.

Tree Warden – Cllr Woodward A tree in the Rec has been cut down as it was dead. Another in the allotments fell down, a bough was removed and the tree made safe


Signed ______Page | 1851

Only one application had been received from Henry Wadsworth. A show of hands vote took place and he was co-opted onto the Council

D) CHOOSING A REPLACEMENT TRUSTEE FOR MAULDEN CHARITIES After discussion about who is a suitable person to represent the Council and none of the attending cllrs wanting the role it was decided that it should be more widely advertised and the item revisited at the next meeting in October.

RESOLVED – Cllr Browning to advertise the vacancy in the Church magazine

E) SLIDE BASE OPTIONS, PREVIOUSLY £25,189.14. OPTION 1 - £26,382.32, 2 - £43,261.40 After a short discussion about the two options of bases for the new slide it was

RESOLVED – to go for option 1 with the possibility of adding to the slide when more S106 money becomes available


Balances: as at 31 August 2020: Current A/C £8,000 Business Reserve A/C £96,760.46 Chq Date Payee Reason Amount no 07.08.20 Alison Winskell Clerk's salary £ 785.48 BACS 07.08.20 HMRC Employer & employee NI £ 11.72 BACS 07.08.20 Beds Pension Fund Employer & employee pension conts £ 244.00 BACS 13.08.20 Ampower Streetlight energy supply £ 454.43 DD 15.08.20 Zoom Monthly Fee £ 14.39 DC 26.08.20 Herts Fullstop Bin for recreation ground £ 199.02 BACS 28.08.20 Cowans Direct Stationery, diary, ink, paper £ 75.17 BACS 07.09.20 Ben Palmer Fitting 3 bins in the Rec £ 120.00 760 07.09.20 D J Granger Grasscutting Invoice 020748 £ 465.94 BACS 07.09.20 D J Granger Grasscutting Invoice 020803 £ 465.94 BACS 07.09.20 J Darlow Mole Clearance annual fee £ 468.00 761 07.09.20 Dycol Felling Silver birch tree opp memorial £ 360.00 762 07.09.20 D J Granger Grasscutting Invoice 020847 £ 465.94 BACS Total £ 4,130.03

This, having been circulated previously, was approved by all and the cheques will be taken to the Chairman tomorrow for signing.

B) BANK RECONCILIATION This, having been circulated previously, was approved by all and will be taken to the Chairman tomorrow for signing

224. ITEMS FOR NEXT AGENDA – 12TH OCTOBER S106 Remembrance Sunday Arrangements Choosing a rep for the Charities The Christmas tree event


Meeting closed 9.18pm

Signed ______Page | 1852