Broken Toys is a personalzine by Taral Wayne, and in no way implies that my other zine, New Toy , is a dead letter – in fact, I feel the urge building to work on the next issue. The letter column this issue abounds with equal parts of news, good cheer, egoboo and bile. As has been the case for a third of my life, I live in partly self-imposed exile at 245 Dunn Ave., Apt. 2111, Toronto Ontario M6K 1S6. However, contact or loc me at
[email protected] . The date is December 2012 , not long before Christmas, and doubtless this is the last Broken Toys for the year. It is also ExtraTaraltoriality (or Kiddelidivee Books & Art) 260 . Copyrighted past, present, future, and in all parallel Dimensions, even that one over there in the corner trying hard not to be seen. Now we are ten th Welcome to the 10 issue. Who knew I’d persevere this long? I didn’t. But here we are, not only come to the end of a year, but actually contemplating another 10 or 12 issues in the coming year. To see out 2012, I’ve put together an unusual issue. It’s longer than any issue of Broken Toys so far, and – as you see – has a different sort of banner at the top of the page. I found the photo somewhere or other online and fell instantly in love. It’s the blue hair and long neck. Of course, I couldn’t just use the unknown girl as I found her – I’ve meddled ju st a little with her jaw line and the bridge of her nose.