TEXT © PAUL MASON know? didn’t you report. the words from three are facts three • What Find facts. useful? contains report report • A this find might think you do written? • Who was report this think you do • Why underground in rocks. or cracks makeThey their homes in burrows ground rocky swamps, or grasslands. live They Caribbean. in forests, of Europe and in the parts Asia, be found can in , grey. or mostly brown is Theirfur thick coats. avoiding danger. Mongooses have prey areThey and good finding at and eyes. good have They ears ears. with long and snouts roundweasels, look They abit like claws. have and legs, longTheirfeet short tails. Mongooses long have bodies, with snakes. and fight can fighters andsizes are colours. They fierce . come They in different areThere around of 30types of amongoose. atype is Mongoose A are . small The mongoose cobra venom. There is a famous cobra venom. afamous is There Mongooses are not by also harmed kill snakes by biting them. quick are They able on their to feet. Mongooses snakes. are fighting Mongooses are well known for hunter. mongoose The acleverand is nuts. and things like eggs worms, seeds, birds, frogs and lizards, such rats, as animals small eat things. can They Mongooses are ableof lots to eat destroyed. their homes are being because threat mongooseshumans, are under many countries and will not harm Though mongooses are found in cobra. a afamily of humans who from saves ‘Rikki-Tikki-Tavi’ called mongoose in story

The Jungle Book Jungle The about a about a TEXT © PAUL MASON text. the from facts main words? three topic of Find facts. examples useful? some it contains are find report • What might Who for? information written? • An was written it report was this • Who think you do • Why underground in rocks. or cracks makeThey their homes in burrows ground rocky or grasslands. swamps, such forests, as habitats different befound Mongooses can in Caribbean. of the broughtalsp to some parts and Europe. Southern were They Asia befoundMongooses can over Africa, EgyptianMongoose. 60cm 16cm Mongoose to the Long Dwarf species in range sizefromThe the are mostly brownthat or grey in colour. danger. Mongooses thick have coats preywhich and avoid helps them find stronghave of sight senses and hearing They round andsnouts small, ears. are pointed, faces Their withlong and long feet, tails. clawed legs, short Mongooses are long with in shape, snakes. venomous and attack can fighters fierce and are sizes They colours. different of amongoose. Mongooses come in atype is Ameerkat species. different are There around 30 . Mongoose are -like small The mongoose with abite Mongooses are to the neck. are They the able cobra. to kill snakes making them well-suited to fighting quick on their and move feet can fast, ability to kill Mongooses snakes. are Mongooses are well known for their hunter. clever mongoose The a is andeggs nuts. mongoose worms, seeds, will eat also some frogs and species of lizards, birds, such , animals small as of things. While their dietother main is Mongooses are able awide range to eat are currently being as listed vulnerable. Mongoose Striped Narrow Malagasay loss, and some species like the dropping in numbersdue to habitat to mongooses humans, harmful are Though found in many and places non- humans by killing an evil cobra. mongoose afamily of who saves Tavi’ from Rudyard Kipling’s ‘Rikki-Tikki- story by harmed cobra venom.rarely

The Jungle Book Book Jungle The is about a about a is TEXT © PAUL MASON topic? the to specific follow? is to that text. easy the and from vocabulary clear of facts main for? examples information four the some Find written it are make facts. was • What writer Who the contains does audience? report written? • How it was intended Why the information is An • report? think this you of do • Who purpose the is • What underground burrows or crevices in rocks. make They their homes in grasslands. ground rocky or swamps, such forests, as liveMongooses can in varied habitats ofthe Caribbean. in some parts and Europe Southern and were introduced Asia befoundMongooses can in Africa, Mongoose. Egyptian Mongoose to the 60cm Long Dwarf in range species sizefrom theThe 16cm predominantly brown or grey in colour. or mottled and flecked are are often danger. that coats dense Mongooses have prey and avoidenable them to find strong ofsight senses and which hearing have They round and small, snouts ears. pointed elongated with have heads and They long tails. feet, clawed legs, Mongooses are long short with in shape, willing venomous to attack snakes. fighters, reputation for being fierce colour, a have including They the meerkat. in sizeand ofmongoose,species varying are There around different 30 mammals. weasel-likeMongooses are small, The mongoose tolerance level to the venom produced by high avery have Mongoosesalso neck. are able to kill snakes abite with to the well-suited the cobraand to they fighting lightningwith them making reactions, nimble,to kill Mongoosesare snakes. very Mongooses are well known for their ability hunters. Mongooses are clever, resourceful and eggs nuts. worms,seeds, will eat some ofmongooseand species lizards, birds, frogs suchrodents, animals as small ofpreyingdiet on other mainly consists Mongooses are omnivorous. While their currently being as listed vulnerable. Mongoose Striped Narrow are Malagasay and some like species encroachment, the loss duenumbers toand habitat human to Mongoosesare humans, dropping in and non-aggressiveThough widespread, killing an evil cobra. adoptedmongoose his familyby saving Tikki-Tavi’ from Rudyarda cobra. Kipling’s ‘Rikki- story The Jungle Book Book Jungle The

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